Chicago Exam Questions

Chicago. Graduate prelim exams in economic theory. Metzler, Friedman and Knight, 1951


The previous post provided the names of the examination committee members for the economics preliminary exams for the Ph.D./A.M. by field at the University of Chicago for the summer quarter of 1951. The names of the students registered for the respective examinations were transcribed as well. The economic theory examining committee for that round consisted of Lloyd Metzler (chair), Milton Friedman, and Frank Knight. This post provides a transcription of both economic theory exams along with Friedman’s hand-written answer to Question 5 of Part I.


Part I
Summer Quarter, 1951

(Do not write your name on your paper. Use only the number in the top right-hand corner of this examination.)

Ph.D. candidates. Write 3½ hours. Answer all questions.

A.M. candidates. Write 2½ hours on questions #1 and #2 and one other.

  1. Discuss the probable shape of the long-run cost curve for an industry operating under approximately perfect competition. How would it differ in the short run, i.e., in response to an unanticipated shift in the demand-curve for the product, assumed not to be permanent?
  2. Briefly discuss the Ricardian conception of capital, specifically in relation to his theory of wages. Argue the question whether wages are paid out of (pre-existing) capital or out of (current) product.
    Can you find any relation between the Böhm-Bawerk production-period theory of interest and the Ricardian theory of capital and profit? What is the crucial assumption about the nature and source of capital which underlies the production-period theory, and is it sound? How does diminishing returns to investment enter into Ricardo’s and Böhm-Bawerk’s theories?
  3. Consider a trade union that is strong enough to prevent nonmembers from working at the trade in question and whose membership, for simplicity, will be supposed unaffected by the level of returns to members within broad limits (e.g., future membership consists of present membership minus members who die plus male children of present members). Analyze what its position would be toward the immigration of unskilled labor if it took account solely of the effect of such immigration on the incomes of its members. What considerations, if any, should lead it to favor more extensive immigration? What considerations, if any, to favor restriction on immigration? Is there a clear balance in favor of the one position or the other?
  4. “The orthodox tools of supply and demand assume that sellers and buyers are free to buy or sell any quantities they wish at the price determined by the market. This assumption cannot validly be made when price controls or rations are imposed by government. It follows that these tools are useless in analyzing the effects of such governmental actions. Economists should free themselves from slavish adherence to outmoded concepts and fashion new tools for the new problems raised by the modern Leviathan.” Discuss.
  5. The following figures represent the prices and quantities of two commodities, A and B, consumed by three individuals having the incomes stated in two different periods of time.

First Period

Second Period
Pa Qa Pb Qb Income Pa Qa Pb Qb




20 $2 10 $40 $2 10 $1 20




20 $1 10 $50 $1 10 $2 20




20 $1 10 $50 $2.50 10 $1.25 20


Assuming that each individual spends his whole income on the two commodities, and assuming also that there is no change in tastes between the two periods, indicate for each individual what the above information reveals as to whether the bundle of goods consumed in Period I represents a lower or a higher level of satisfaction that the bundle consumed in Period II. Explain your conclusions fully. (It is recommended that a diagram be used in answering this question.)


[Answers to Question 5 in pencil: Arthur “Can’t tell”; John “Inconsistent”; Paul: “First period better”]

From sketch in Milton Friedman’s copy of the exam.



Summer Quarter, 1951

Time: 2½ hours.

  1. (a) Describe and discuss briefly the circumstances that gave rise to the establishment of the Federal Reserve System and the major events (including its actions) in its history.
    (b) In light of this survey of the record, comment on the following conclusion of one student: “The Federal Reserve System should be abolished. It served as an engine of inflation in two World Wars and post-war periods, hindered the re-establishment of satisfactory monetary standards throughout the world in the 1920’s, and failed to prevent the Great Depression, if indeed it was not itself largely responsible for the severity of that depression. The United States would have had a happier history if the pre-1913 monetary arrangements had been continued thereafter.”
  2. “From the preceding considerations it would be seen, even if it were not otherwise evident, how great an error it is to imagine that the rate of interest bears any necessary relation to the quantity or value of the money in circulation. An increase in the currency has in itself no effect, and is incapable of having any effect, on the rate of interest.” (J.S. Mill)
    “We can sum up the above in the proposition that in any given state of expectation there is in the minds of the public a certain potentiality towards holding cash beyond what is required by the transactions-motive or the precautionary-motive, which will realize itself in actual cash holding in a degree which depends on the terms on which the monetary authority is willing to create cash…Corresponding to the quantity of money created by the monetary authority, there will, therefore be set.  par. a determinate rate of interest.” (J. M. Keynes)
    “The saving schedule tells us what part of income the community desires to save. The technical conditions…expressed by the marginal-efficiency-of-investment function, determine the marginal efficiency of the amount of investment that the giving up of consumption permits undertaking. (The intersection of the two schedules determines) the equilibrium rate of interest.” (F. Modigliani).
    Can you reconcile these opinions concerning the determinants of the interest rate? Explain fully, making and stating any assumption you like as to the conditions of production, the time period under consideration, and the flexibility of prices and costs.
  3. What measures would you advocate—and give your reasons for inclusion and omission—for controlling the inflationary tendency in the U.S. under present conditions?


Source: Hoover Institution Archives. Papers of Milton Friedman, Box 76, Folder “76.2 University of Chicago, ‘Economic Theory’”.

Image Source: Social Science Research Building. University of Chicago Photographic Archive, apf2-07490, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library.

Chicago Economics Programs Economists Fields

Chicago. Schedule of the preliminary economics exams for the Ph.D. and A.M., Summer 1951


The following schedule for preliminary examinations in economics at the University of Chicago from the summer quarter of 1951 comes from Milton Friedman’s papers at the Hoover Institution Archives. We see that he was on the two economic theory examination committees along with Lloyd Metzler and Frank Knight. Besides providing the names of the faculty members serving on the nine committees, the schedule also provides the names of the sixty students registered for the examinations during that quarter.




Summer Quarter, 1951

The schedule below shows the examinations requested for the current quarter. Will the chairman of each committee please be responsible for turning in the complete examination at least one week before the date on which it is to be given?



Examination Committee

Students Registered

Thurs., Aug. 2
Law Court

Agricultural Economics

D.G. Johnson, chr.
C. Hildreth
T.W. Schultz
Dunsing, Marilyn (A.M.)
Fox, Kirk (Ph.D)
Hughes, Rufus (Ph.D.)
Taylor, Maurice (Ph.D.)

Tues., July 31
Law Court

Economic Theory I

L. Metzler, chr.
M. Friedman
F. Knight
Baskind, Irwin (Ph.D.) in abs.
Bassett, Marjorie (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Blumberg, Lionel (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Chen, Ho-Mei (Ph.D.)
Chen, Sze-te (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Chien, Chih Chien (Ph.D.)
Cleaver, George (Ph.D.)
Dunsing, Marilyn (A.M.)
Emmer, Robert (Ph.D.)
Fox, Kirk (Ph.D.)
Frank, Andrew (Ph.D.-A.M.) in abs
Gustus, Warren (Ph.D.)
Heizer, Raymond (Ph.D.)
Herlihy, Murray (Ph.D.)
Hoch, Irving (Ph.D.)
Hughes, Rufus (Ph.D.)
Krawczyk, Richard (Ph.D.-A.M.) in abs
Lerner, Eugene (Ph.D.)
Liang, Wei K. Liang (Ph.D.)
Lininger, Charles (Ph.D.)
Lurie, Melvin (Ph.D.)
McGuire, Charles (Ph.D.)
Malhotra, Man Mohan (Ph.D.)
Malone, John (Ph.D.)
Mitcham, Clinton (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Morrison, George (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Sonley, Lorne (Ph.D.)
Taylor, Maurice (Ph.D.)
Terrell, James (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Toscano, Peter (Ph.D.)
Traeger, Gordon (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Viscasillas, Felipe (Ph.D.)
Waldorf, William (Ph.D.)
Weir, Thomas (Ph.D.)
Weiss, Roger (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Zelder, Raymond (Ph.D.)

Tues., Aug. 7
Law Court

Economic Theory II

L. Metzler, chr.
M. Friedman
F. Knight
Chen, Ho-Mei (Ph.D.)
Herlihy, Murray (Ph.D.)
Hoch, Irving (Ph.D.)
Toscano, Peter (Ph.D.)
Weir, Thomas (Ph.D.)

Thurs., Aug. 9
Law Court

Government Finance

P. Thomson, chr.
J. Marschak
D.G. Johnson
Frank, Andrew (Ph.D.-A.M.) in abs
Haskell, Max (Ph.D.) in abs
Henry, Edward L. (Ph.D.)
Horwitz, Bertrand (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Lininger, Charles (Ph.D.)
Selden, Richard (Ph.D.)

Thurs., Aug. 9
Law Court

Industrial Relations

F. Harbison, chr.
E. Hamilton
H.G. Lewis
Barghout, Saad (Ph.D.)
Bechtolt, Richard (Ph.D.)
Hoch, Irving (Ph.D.)
Liang, Wei K. (Ph.D.)
Mullady, Philomena (Ph.D.)
Ness, David (Ph.D.)

Thurs., Aug. 2
Law Court

International Economics

L. Metzler, chr.
B. Hoselitz
A. Rees
Alberts, William (Ph.D.)
Anderson, Edwin (Ph.D.) in abs
Chen, Sze-te (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Chien, Chih Chien (Ph.D.)
Cleaver, George (Ph.D.)
Frank, Andrew (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Glick, Milton (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Gustus, Warren (Ph.D.)
Lukomski, Jesse (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Mitcham, Clinton (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Morey, Donald J. (Ph.D.-A.M.)

Tues., Aug. 7
Law Court

Money, Banking, and Monetary Policy

L. Mints, chr.
E. Hamilton
J. Marschak
Alberts, William (Ph.D.)
Bauer, Milton (Ph.D.)
Blumberg, Lionel (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Chen, Sze-te (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Chien, Chih Chien (Ph.D.)
Cleaver, George (Ph.D.)
Conomikes, George (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Davis, George (Ph.D.) in abs
Emmer, Robert (Ph.D.)
Heizer, Raymond (Ph.D.)
Horwitz, Bertrand (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Hughes, Rufus (Ph.D.)
Krawczyk, Richard (Ph.D.-A.M.) in abs
Lerner, Eugene (Ph.D.)
Liang, Wei K. (Ph.D.)
Lukomski, Jesse (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Meckling, William (Ph.D.)
Mitcham, Clinton (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Morey, Donald (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Ogawa, George (Ph.D.)
Smulekoff, Suzanne (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Sonley, Lorne (Ph.D.)
Taylor, Maurice (Ph.D.)
Terrell, James (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Traeger, Gordon (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Zelder, Raymond (Ph.D.)
Zingarelli, Carla (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Rayack, Elton  (Ph.D.) in abs

Thurs., Aug. 2
Law Court


T. Koopmans, chr.
C. Hildreth
H.G. Lewis
Cagan, Phillip (Ph.D.)
Hogan, Lloyd (Ph.D.)
Katzman, Irwin (Ph.D.)
Malhotra, Man Hohan (Ph.D.)
Waldorf, William (Ph.D.)

Thurs., Aug. 2
Law Court

Economic History

E. Hamilton Mullady, Philomena (Ph.D.)
Toscano, Peter (Ph.D.)

Source: Hoover Institution Archives. Papers of Milton Friedman. Box 76, Folder “University of Chicago ‘Economic Theory’”.

Princeton Suggested Reading Syllabus

Princeton. Syllabus and bibliography for public finance. Daniels, 1895



An original copy of the following twenty page, printed syllabus in public finance for Professor Winthrop More Daniels’ lectures on public finance at Princeton for 1895-96 can apparently be found in the Columbia University Library. According to a handwritten note on the back of the title page, this syllabus was a gift of Professor E.R.A. Seligman.

This post includes some biographical information together with a transcription of the full twenty page syllabus. At the very end of the post you will find links to all the collateral readings as well as the items included in Daniels’ bibliography of “authorities”.


DANIELS, Winthrop More, 1867-

WINTHROP MORE DANIELS, A.M., Professor of Political Economy at Princeton, was born in Dayton, Ohio, September 30, 1867, son of Edwin Arthur and Mary Billings (Kilburn) Daniels, natives of Massachusetts, but of English ancestry. On the maternal side he is descended from Thomas Kilborne (the common ancestor of all the Kilburns in this country) who was born in the parish of Wood Ditton, County of Cambridge, in 1578, whence he migrated to New England in 1635. The Daniels family came to this country and settled in Massachusetts sometime in the seventeenth century. His early education was obtained at home in the Dayton Public Schools, and at Deaver Collegiate Institute. He was graduated at Princeton in the Class of 1888, and spent part of that year and of the years 1890 and 1891 in foreign travel. He was a teacher of classics in the Princeton Preparatory School in 1888, which position he filled for two years, when he went abroad, and spent two semesters at the University of Leipsic, Germany, studying economics and history. Returning to this country in 1891, he was appointed Instructor in Economics and Social Science at Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, remaining there for a year, when, in 1892, he was chosen Professor of Political Economy at Princeton, which position he now holds. Professor Daniels is a member of the Reform Club of New York City, the Nassau and Colonial Clubs of Princeton, and a member of the American Economic Association. He is independent in politics, and has made addresses favoring a revenue tariff and opposing free silver. He was married in 1898 to Joan Robertson of Montville, Connecticut. He has recently published a treatise entitled Elements of Public Finance.

Source: Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, ed., Universities and their Sons: History, Influence and Characteristics of American Universities, with biographical sketches and Portraits of Alumni and Recipients of Honorary Degrees, Vol. 2 (Boston, 1899) p. 71.


Obituary for Winthrop More Daniels, 1944

M. Daniels Dies; Former Head of ICC

Saybrook Man Succeeded Woodrow Wilson as Professor at Wesleyan and Princeton

Saybrook, Jan. 3.—(AP)—Winthrop More Daniels, 77, transportation expert who succeeded President Woodrow Wilson in professorship at Wesleyan and Princeton and later served under him in New Jersey as a public utility commissioner and in Washington as chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission, died yesterday after a brief illness.

Daniels, who retired as professor of transportation at Yale several years ago, was a native of Dayton, O., and was an author of numerous books, including a history of American Railroads. He leaves his wife, Joan Robertson, and a son, Robertson Balfour. Funeral services will be held at the Saybrook Congregational Church Wednesday with burial in the local cemetery.

Daniels was on the Board of Public Utility Commissioners, New Jersey, while Wilson was governor of that state, and for a number of years was chairman of the ICC, during Wilson’s term as president. He was also a trustee of the New Haven Railroad from 1935 to 1937.

Served as ‘New Haven’ Trustee.

After taking degrees at Princeton and studying a year at the University of Leipzig, Daniels succeeded Wilson at Wesleyan, and later become professor of political economy at Princeton when Wilson left to become governor of New Jersey.

After three years as a member of the New Jersey Board of Public Utility Commissioners, Daniels accepted President Wilson’s call to become a member of the ICC, a post he held until 1923 when he resigned to come to Yale. He was chairman of the ICC from 1918 to 1919.

During the early stages of the “New Haven” Railroad reorganization proceedings, he agreed to serve as a trustee, finally retiring in 1937 to settle down at the house he built here.

In addition to writing numerous books, he also revised a continuation of Alexander Johnson’s History of the United States, and did a continuation of Johnson’s History of American Politics.

Source: Hartford Courant, January 4, 1944, p. 2.


Syllabus of lectures upon public finance
by Professor Winthrop More Daniels
Princeton, N.J.  1895-96




  1. Definition. Public Finance treats of the collection and expenditure of funds legally devoted to public ends, together with such effects, social, political and economic, which result from this exercise of governmental activity.
    1. Distinction between Public Finance and private finance.
    2. Importance of enforced collection.
    3. The French conception of Finance.
    4. The German conception of Finance.
    5. Derivation and meaning of the term—Finance.
  2. Practical Bearings of Finance.
    1. Allegation that Finance is exclusively an Art.
    2. Bearing of Finance on the individual citizen’s income. Luce’s statement: Leroy Beaulieu’s statement.
    3. Special Importance of Finance in the United States.
  3. Historical Bearings of Finance.
    1. Taxation as a dynamic historical agency: examples.
  4. Political Bearings of Finance.
    1. History and Politics in general; their relation.
    2. Finance, the battlefield of Politics.
    3. Finance, the source of constitutional changes.
  5. Economic Bearings of Finance.
    1. Effect of taxation upon social classes.
    2. Socialist proposals.
  6. Relation of Finance to Cognate Disciplines.
    1. Classification of the Sciences.
    2. Relation of Finance to Law, Politics, Economics.



  1. The Modern Financial Constitution.
    1. The Modem Industrial (Factory) System: its characteristics.
    2. The Modern Financial System.
      1. Normal and calculable field of governmental activity.
      2. Periodic contributions in money.
      3. Popular control over governmental income and expenditure.
      4. Public Credit.
  2. The Economic and Financial Constitution of Athens.
    1. Economic Structure:—Slavery: Family-Industry: Sea Commerce.
    2. Financial Constitution: Revenue: The Liturgies.
  3. The Economic and Financial Constitution of Rome.
    1. Economic Structure:—Slavery: Absence of Manufactures,
    2. Financial Constitution: Revenue: its sources and nature.
  4. Summary, and Comparison of Classical and Modern Systems.
    1. Normal vs. abnormal governmental functions.
    2. Taxation in the modern sense, unknown.
    3. Absence of Public Credit.
  5. The Mediaeval Economic and Financial Structure.
    1. Economic Structure.
      1. Production synonymous with Agriculture.
      2. Serf labor.
      3. Embryonic state of Exchange: a “natural” economy.
    2. Financial Constitution.
      1. The Feudal view of Finance.
      2. The importance of personal services.
      3. Rise of Regalian Rights.



  1. Municipal Finance.
    1. The Rise of Cities: the Guild System.
    2. Increased cost of city government.
    3. Self-voted taxes arise; become permanent instead of occasional.
    4. Rise of Municipal Credit.
  2. The Development of Financial Constitutionalism in England.
    1. The Feudal System in England (1066).
    2. The Exchequer system.
    3. Origin of the representative theory. Scutage, 1156; Personal property taxes, 1181; Provisions of Magna Carta,
    4. Complete establishment of the representative financial constitution. The Civil War: The Revolution of 1688.
    5. The Extension of commercial constitutionalism. In the U. S.; in France; on the continent generally.




  1. Theories of the proper domain of State Expenditure.
    1. Their dependence on the prior theory the State’s nature.
    2. Spencer’s “Specialized Administration.”
      Expenditure warranted from this standpoint
    3. Adam Smith’s “Natural Liberty”.
      Expenditure warranted; Justice and Education.
    4. Mill’s modified laissez faire.
      Warranted expenditure, the “open door” for Socialism.
    5. Roscher’s Culturstaat
      Justifiable expenditure, a historic variable.
    6. Wagner’s State Socialism.
      Enlarged scope of expenditure.
    7. The Collectivist view.
      Public expenditure synonymous with Distribution.
  2. Practical Solution of the Question.
    1. Assumption of the Status quo.
    2. Criteria of proposed concrete extensions of expenditure.
      Sir James Fitzjames Stephen’s three tests.
  3. The Categories of Expenditure.
    1. Historical development.
    2. The Expenditure of modern States.
      1. Defence; 2. Justice; 3. Trade and Industry; 4. Social well-being.
  4. The Growth of Expenditure.
    1. The universal increase.
    2. Causes—Nationality; Socialism.



  1. Expenditure in the U. S. General Survey.
    1. Distribution of expenditure, federal, state, local.
    2. Comparison of expenditure in U. S. with expenditure elsewhere.
  2. Expenditure upon Administrative Bureaux.
    Distribution; Comparison; Tendency.
  3. Defence.
    Distribution, Comparison, Tendency,— increase of naval expenditure.
  4. Justice and Security.
    Distribution; Comparison; Tendency.
  5. Industry, Commerce, Public Works.
    Distribution; Comparison; Tendency.
  6. Education and Religion.
    Distribution; Comparison; Tendency,— industrial education, denominational schools.
  7. Charity and Correction.
    Distribution; Comparison; Tendency.
  8. Interest on Public Indebtedness.
    Distribution; Comparison; Tendency.




  1. The Classification of Revenues.
    1. Quasi-economic revenues and tax revenues.
      The case of Fees.
    2. Varying proportion of the two kinds of revenue.
      Growing prominence of quasi-economic revenue.
    3. Relegation (1) of the domanial revenue in the U. S.; (2) of the proposed State monopoly of land.
  2. The Economic and Financial Aspect of Quasi-Economic Revenues.
    1. Priority of the economic question.
  3. Definition and Classification of Monopolies.
    1. Definition
    2. Classification: legal, natural, and industrial monopolies.
      Their occasional coalescence.
    3. Extent of monopolies.
  4. The Rise of Modern Monopolies.
    1. Early monopolies, mostly legal.
    2. Status of monopoly in 1800.
    3. Development of modern monopolies.
      1. Caused by city growth.
      2. Caused by industrial growth.
    4. Modification of the doctrine of laissez faire.
    5. Residual Competition.
  5. The Regulation of Natural (urban) Monopolies.
    1. Classes of urban monopolies.
    2. Water supply, its character.
    3. Light supply, its character.
    4. Local transportation, its character.
    5. Miscellaneous urban monopolies.



  1. Origin and Development of Railroad Systems.
    1. The inception of the systems in various States.
    2. Tendency toward amalgamation.
      1. Linear consolidation.
      2. Parallel consolidation.
    3. Development of the Rate System.
      Tolls; charging “what the traffic will bear.”
    4. Development of Railroad legislation in U. S.
      1. Before 1870 and after.
      2. The Inter State Commerce Act; its provisions.
    5. Inference as to railroad legislation in the U. S.
  2. Possible Relations of the State to Railroads.
    1. State ownership and operation of all roads.
    2. State ownership and operation of some
    3. State operation (as by lease) without ownership.
    4. State ownership not involving State operation.
    5. Regulation (as by Commissions).
  3. State Ownership and Management.
    1. Feasibility viewed from standpoint of construction.
      1. 2. Economy.
        Adverse conclusions to State initiative.
    2. Transportation Rates.
      Prof Hadley’s evidence.
    3. Unjust Discrimination, local and personal.
      1. Natural origin of discrimination against certain localities.
      2. Discrimination against individuals.
    4. Cost of Operation.
      von Scheel’s argument. Leroy Beaulieu’s evidence.
    5. Necessity and advantage of pools.
    6. Alleged Analogy of State management of the Post Office.
      Differences in administration.
    7. Argument from Prussian Railroad management.
  4. The Compromise Systems.
    1. Part ownership and operation.
      Experience of Belgium.
    2. State operation by lease.
    3. State ownership, and corporate operation.
  5. State Regulation.
    1. Limitation of rates. Its inadequacy.
    2. Limitation of dividends. Its inadequacy and disadvantages.
    3. Special taxation, supervision and publicity.
  6. State Control of the Telegraph System.
    1. Monopoly characteristics.
    2. State ownership and operation; in England; on the continent
    3. The transitional period in telegraphic apparatus.
  7. Financial Conclusions.
    1. Governmental assumption of simple monopolies.
    2. Distinction between simple and complex monopolies.
    3. Revenue rule for State-owned monopolies.
    4. Revenue from other monopolies.



  1. Previous Banking Systems of the U. S.
    1. The First U. S. Bank: 1791-1811.
    2. The Second U. S. Bank: 1816-1836.
    3. The State Bank System.
    4. Outcome of the State Bank System in New York and Mass.
  2. Origin of the National Bank System.
    1. Financial conditions in 1863.
    2. Legislative Acts creating the National Banks.
  3. Method of Organization.
    1. The Office of Comptroller of the Currency.
    2. Bond deposit and. note issue.
  4. The Bank Note Circulation.
    1. Homogenous in form and security.
    2. Expansion and contraction provisions.
  5. Reserve and Security Funds.
    1. Redemption fund.
    2. Reserve fund held against deposit liabilities.
    3. Priority of obligations in case of failure.
  6. Miscellaneous Banking Regulations.
    1. Prohibited loans.
    2. Examinations and reports.
  7. Earnings — Sources and Limits.
    1. Sources.
    2. Regulations governing profits.
  8. Advantages and Defects of the System.
    1. Character of the currency furnished.
      1. Uniformity and security.
      2. Redemption
      3. Sensitiveness, in normal and abnormal conditions.
    2. Alleged unfair Discrimination.
      1. In favor of bond holders.
      2. Double interest.
  9. The Future Bank Currency of the U. S.
    1. Approaching termination of the present system.
    2. Possible Substitutes.
      1. State Bank Currency.
      2. Exclusive federal issues of paper currency.
      3. The Baltimore Plan for continuing the present system, with a different basis for the note circulation.



  1. The Founding of the Bank.
    1. Mixed motives of the Whigs in 1688.
    2. Previous banking; the goldsmiths.
    3. Low credit of the Government in 1694.
    4. Early political character of the Bank.
  2. Original Constitution of the Bank.
    1. Government.
    2. Prohibitions.
    3. Privileges.
  3. Present Constitution of the Bank (since 1844)
      1. Government.
      2. Capital.
      3. Separation of the Banking and Issue Departments.
      4. Suspension of the Act of 1844.
  1. The Position of the Bank in the Money Market.
    1. Sole depository of the reserve.
    2. Regulator of the reserve.
    3. Allayer of panics.




  1. Taxation.
    1. Definition of a tax.
    2. “Subject” and “Object” of Taxation.
      “Source” of taxation.
    3. Economic Nature of Taxation.
      1. Non-productive, a cost.
      2. Fallacies on the subject
    4. Divisions of the Theory of Taxation.
      1. Incidence, Problems of.
      2. Equity, Problems of.
      3. Administration, Problems



  1. Incidence.
    1. Definitions.
      Illustrations of the shifting of taxes.
  2. Early Theories of Incidence.
    1. The Physiocratic theory.
      Its inadequacy.
    2. The Diffusion theory.
      Statements of Lord Mansfield, Thiers, Canard, Mr. D. A. Wells.
  3. Incidence, as regards taxed products.
    1. Production under competitive conditions.
      Case I. — Inelastic Demand.
      Case II. — Elastic Demand. Collateral effects.
    2. Production under monopoly conditions.
    3. Actual conditions.
  4. Incidence as regards classes of Income.
    1. Analogy of IV to III sup. cit.
    2. Income by usance.
    3. Income by process of exchange.
      1. Incidence in case of Rent.
      2. Incidence in case of Interest.
      3. Incidence in case of Profits and Salaries.
      4. Incidence in case of Wages.
    4. Qualifications necessary for the application of IV.



  1. Definition of Distribution.
  2. The Fiscal Theory. McCulloch’s statement.
  3. The Politico-Social Theory.
  4. The Benefit Theory.
    1. Outline of the benefit theory.
    2. Sphere of its application.
    3. Measure of benefits received.
      1. Importance of service rendered.
      2. Cost of service rendered,
    4. Inadequacy of the Benefit-theory.
  5. The Ability Theory.
    1. Outline of the ability theory.
    2. The measure of ability: proportion or progression.
    3. Arguments for and against these tests.
      1. Degree of sacrifice involved.
      2. Socialistic tendency of progression.
      3. Unproductiveness of progression.
      4. Democratic nature of progression.
    4. Conclusions: General Superiority of the proportional system.
      1. In favor of the benefit-theory.
      2. In favor of the progressive rate for specific taxes.



  1. Single vs. Multiple Taxation.
    1. Illustrations of the difference.
    2. Early proposal of a single tax.
      Vauban: the Physiocrats and l’împot unique.
    3. Difficulties of the single system.
      1. Disproportionality.
      2. Necessity of disguising taxation.
      3. Structure of central and local government.
    4. Difficulties of a Single Tax on monopoly gains.
      1. Disclosure difficult.
      2. Revenue inadequate and inelastic.



Introduction: History of “Progress and Poverty.”

  1. George’s Argument against private property in Land.
    1. The Moral Argument.
      The rightful basis of all property, — the labor basis.
      Criticism of this view. Case cited by Mr. George.
  2. The Economic Argument.
    1. George’s theoretical catena; Criticism thereof.
    2. George’s historical argument.
      Criticism, economic and statistical.
      The increase of poverty, its implications.
  3. Proposed Methods of Land Nationalization.
    1. Classification of Methods.
    2. Criticism of Confiscatory Methods.
    3. Criticism of Compensatory Methods.
      1. Difficulty in discounting rises in value.
      2. Recompense of undeserved losses.
      3. Effect on improvements.
      4. Increase of governmental functions.



  1. Classification.
    1. Basis of Classification; legal, economic and miscellaneous.
    2. Direct and Indirect Taxes.
  2. Comparison of Direct and Indirect Taxes.
    1. Merits and Defects of Direct Taxes.
      Defects; — do not reach the masses; slow automatic growth.
      Merits;— theoretical fairness where universal; political advantages.
    2. Merits and Defects of Indirect Taxes.
      Merits; — Productivity and relative popularity.
      Defects;— Inequality, hampered production, costliness of collection, and variableness.
  3. Direct and Indirect Taxes in the U. S.
    1. Apportionment of revenue sources.
      Federal and State revenue.
    2. Causes of this Apportionment.
      1. Customs. 2. Internal Revenue. 3. Direct Taxes.

General Property [&] Corporation and Succession Taxes [->] Direct Taxes:  State Taxes.
Internal Revenue [&] Customs [->] Indirect Taxes:  Federal Taxes.
Income Taxes (direct) States and (formerly) Federal taxes.



  1. Description of the Tax.
    1. Definition.
    2. Distinction between real and personal property.
  2. Operation of the General Property Tax.
    1. Preliminary valuation of property.
      Law of situs: appeals.
    2. Final valuation of property.
    3. Collection of taxes.
  3. Historical Origin of the General Property Tax.
    1. Colonial taxes.
    2. Wolcott’s Report in 1796. Summary.
    3. The Transition Period (1796-1861).
      Growth of wealth: increased amount evidenced by credits; increased import of personal services.
  4. The Defects of the General Property Tax.
    1. False assumption of ability.
    2. Failure to reach personal estate.
    3. Administrative defects.
    4. Regressivity.
  5. The Transformation of the General Property Tax.
    1. Preliminary conditions.
    2. Abolition of the State tax on realty.
    3. Abolition or reduction of Taxes on personal property by local governments.
    4. State taxes on corporations.
    5. Inheritance taxes.



  1. Origin of the Federal System of Internal Revenue.
    1. Earliest Excises.
      The Whiskey Tax; its repeal.
      Excises during the war of 1812.
    2. From 1862.
  2. Taxes on Distilled Spirits.
    1. Previous Condition of Production and Consumption.
    2. Effects of the tax.
      The yield of various rates of taxation.
      Effect on production; on consumption.
      Frauds on the Revenue.
    3. Abatement and Reform of the Tax.
  3. The Tax on Tobacco.
    1. General Features.
    2. Specific Features; steadiness; tendency to increase.
  4. Canons of Excise Taxation.
    1. Taxation as a regulative moral agency.
    2. Productivity, how attained.
    3. Number and nature of articles taxed; raw materials.
    4. Distribution of the burden of excises.



  1. Origin of Customs.
    1. Historical origin.
    2. “Objects” of customs taxation.
      Transport dues; Export duties; Import duties.
  2. Principles of Revenue and Protective Tariffs.
    1. Definition of protective and revenue Tariffs.
    2. Rates of duty.
    3. Kind and number of articles taxed.
    4. Offsets by excise and drawbacks.
    5. Bases of assessment.
      Ad valorem, specific and minimum duties.
    6. Indirect cost of a protective tariff.
  3. The History of the Customs Policy of the U. S.
    1. Pre-Constitutional Customs Duties.
    2. Early Patristic Legislation, 1789-1808.
    3. Effect of the curtailment of foreign commerce
    4. Rise and Growth of Protection.
      1. Stimulation of domestic manufactures, 1808-1815.
      2. Geographical strength of the policy.
      3. Culmination of the movement in 1828.
    5. The Revenue Period, 1833-1860 [1842-6].
    6. The War Period. 1860-1865.
    7. Post Bellum Legislation.
      1. Repeal of internal revenue taxes.
      2. Repeal of duties on revenue articles.
      3. Protection as a permanent policy, 1890.
        The McKinley Bill: Reciprocity.
      4. The Wilson Bill, 1894.
        The House Bill; the Senate Bill.
    8. Revenue Yield of the Principal Schedules.
      1. Valuation of (total) dutiable imports.
      2. Most important Schedules, their yield.
      3. Other schedules.



  1. Income Taxes; their history.
    1. Definition.
    2. History of the English Income Tax.
    3. History of the War Income Tax in U. S.
    4. History of the Income Tax of 1894.
  2. Provisions of the Law of 1894.
    1. The two per cent. tax on net income.
    2. Corporation incomes and other incomes.
    3. Exemptions.
    4. Administrative machinery.
  3. Advantages and Defects of Income Taxes in General.
    1. Equalization of Taxation.
      1. Its utility as a fiscal instrument.
    2. Defects.
      1. Failure to discriminate between different kinds of income.
      2. Failure to tax certain kinds of income.
  4. Criticism of the Law of 1894.
    1. Popular (political) criticism.
    2. Effect of the tax on the distribution of taxation.
      1. Incidence of taxation in England.
        Jevons’s estimate. Evidence of Mr. Lowe.
      2. Incidence of Taxation in the United States.
      3. Conclusions as to the probable effect of the law.
    3. Defects of the Law.
      1. High exemption limit.
      2. Minor defects.
  5. The Income Tax Decision.
    1. Explanation of the status of the case.
    2. Contentions of the appellant.
    3. Argument upon the contentions.
    4. Explanation of the Decision.
    5. Probable outcome of the Decision.


The Relation of Receipts and Expenditures.


  1. Time Relation of Receipts and Expenditures.
    1. Normal Equilibrium.
    2. Casual Inequality.
  2. Surplus Financiering.
    1. Its Dangers under representative government.
  3. The War Chest Policy.
    1. History.
      In antiquity: Example of Prussia in modern times.
    2. Criticism of the Policy.
      1. Financial inefficiency.
      2. Effect on industry.
      3. Effect on self-government.



  1. Historical Development of Public Credit.
    1. Definition of Public Credit.
    2. Its geographical extension.
    3. Nature of the security given.
    4. Time of the loans; rate of interest.
  2. Characteristics of Modern Public Debts.
    1. Preconditions of public Indebtedness.
    2. Extent of public Indebtedness.
    3. Causes of the growth of public debts.
      1. Nationality. 2. Socialism.
  3. The Effect of Public Debts.
    1. Primâ facie economic effects.
    2. Political Effects.
      In municipal politics.
    3. Social and industrial Effects.
    4. Summary of Evils of public Indebtedness.
  4. Public Debts, when justifiable.
    1. General Principles.
      1. Fiscal Deficit. 2. War. 3. Public Works.



  1. Colonial Period, 1607-1775.
    1. Variety in tax systems.
    2. Various media of exchange.
    3. Forced loans by issues of paper currency.
  2. The Revolutionary Period, 1775-1789.
    1. Determinants of the financial policy of the war,
    2. Excessive issue of paper currency.
      Influence of this period upon the Constitution.
  3. The Formative Period, 1789-1861.
    1. Federal Assumption of the Revolutionary Debt.
      Hamilton’s Report; its final adoption.
    2. Funding the Debt.
      The Sinking Fund Policy, its error.
    3. Payment of the Debt under Gallatin,
    4. Financial Policy of the War of 1812.
  4. The Modern Period, 1861-1896.
    1. Financial Policy of the Civil War.
    2. Rapid Growth of the Debt of the United States.
    3. Analysis of the Debt in 1865.
    4. Process of reduction.



  1. Decline of the financial activity of the States.
    1. Statistical proof of the decline.
    2. Early financial prominence of the States.
    3. Failure of the States’ financial undertakings.
    4. Registry of the failure.
  2. Local Indebtedness; its Causes.
    1. Subsidizing industrial enterprises.
    2. Increase in the expenses of city government.
    3. Municipal misgovernment.
      1. Defective municipal government.
      2. Legislative interference.
      3. Political complications with State and Federal politics.
      4. Underpayment of officials.
  3. Regulation of Local Debts.
    1. Restrictions of floating debts.
    2. Time limit of debts.
    3. Sinking Funds and Repayment.



  1. The Budget.
    1. Definition
    2. Historical Origin.
      In England: in France: in the U. S.
  2. The English Budget.
    1. The Estimates, their preparation.
    2. The Parliamentary Presentation.
    3. Execution and Verification.
    4. Merits and Defects.
  3. The French Budget.
    1. Preparation
    2. Legislative Presentation.
    3. Execution and Verification.
    4. Defects of the French System.
  4. The Federal Budget in the U. S.
    1. The Estimates.
    2. The Congressional Presentation.
      In the House of Representatives: in the Senate: Final Outcome.
    3. Execution and Verification.
    4. Defects of the System.


Collateral Reading.


Dunbar [Charles F.]; Theory and History of Banking.  [Chapters on the Theory and History of Banking, 1891]

Taussig [Frank William]; The Silver Situation in the United States [1893].


Adams [Henry Carter]; Public Debts [—An Essay in the Science of Finance (1890)].

Bastable [Charles Francis]; Public Finance [1892].



Alexander [E. Porter]: Railway Practice [1887].
Bagehot [Walter]: Lombard Street [1873].
Bastable: [Charles Francis]: Commerce of Nations. [1893].
Bryce [James]: American Commonwealth. [3rd ed., 1893] Volume I: The National Government—The State Governments

[2nd ed., 1889] Volume II: The Party System—Public Opinion—Illustrations and Reflections—Social institutions

Buxton [Sydney]: Finance and Politics. [1888] Volume I; Volume II
Cohn [Gustav]: Nationaloekonomie. [Grundlegung der Nationalökonomie. Ein Lesebuch für Studirende, 1885]
Cooley [Thomas M.]: Taxation. [A Treatise on the Law of Taxation, including the Law of Local Assessments, 2nd ed., 1886]
Dowell [Stephen]: History of Taxation and Taxes. [A History of Taxation and Taxes in England, 2nd edition, 1888.  Volume 1: Taxation, From the Earliest Times to the Civil War; Volume 2: Taxation, From the Civil War to the Present Day; Volume 3: Direct Taxes and Stamp Duties; Volume 4: Taxes on Articles of Consumption.]
Ely [Richard Theodore]: Taxation in American States and Cities [1888].
Enc. Brit.: Art. On Finance by [J. E.]Thorold Rogers.
Eng. Cit. Series: Farrer [Thomas Henry]: The State in its Relation to Trade [1883].
Walpole [Spencer]: The Electorate and the Legislature [1881].
Wilson, [Alexander Johnstone]: The National Budget [—The National Debt, Taxes and Rates (1882)].
George [Henry]: Progress and Poverty [4th edition, 1881].
Von Halle [Ernst]: Trusts or Industrial Combinations [in the United States (1895)].
Leroy Beaulieu [Paul]: [Traité de la] Science des Finances [5th ed. Tome Premier: Des Revenus Publics (1892); Tome Second: Le Budget et le Crédit Public (1891).
Macaulay [Thomas Babington]: History of England from the Accession of James the Second. [Volume I (1877); Volume II (1877)]
Mill [John Stuart]: Political Economy [5th edition. Volume I (1893); Volume II (1893)]; On Liberty [People’s Edition, 1880].
Rae [John]: Contemporary Socialism [2nd ed. (1891)].
Roscher [Wilhelm]: Finanzwissenschaft. [System der Finanzwissenschaft. Ein Hand- und Lesebuch für Geschäftsmänner und Studierende. 3rd edition (1889)]
Schönberg [Gustav von]: Handbuch der politischen Oekonomie. [Third edition.

Volume 1, Volkswirtschaftslehre (1890);

Volume 2, Volkswirtschaftslehre (1891);

Volume 3, Finanzwissenschaft und Verwaltungslehre (1891)]

Seligman [Edwin Robert A.]: Shifting and Incidence of Taxation [1892]: Progressive Taxation [1894]: Taxation of Corporations [Part I (1890); Part II (1890); Part III (1890)].
Shearman [Thomas Gaskell]: Natural Taxation [—An Inquiry into the Practicability, Justice and Effects of a Scientific and Natural Method of Taxation (1895)].
Sumner [William Graham]: The Financier and the Finances of the American Revolution. [Volume I, (1891); Volume II, (1891)]
Supreme Court Reports.
Taussig: The Tariff History of the United States [1888]
Wilson [Woodrow]: Congressional Government [—A Study in American Politics (1885)].
Wells [David Ames]: Recent Economic Changes [and their Effect on the Production and Distribution of Wealth and the Well-Being of Society (1889)].
Practical Economics [—A Collection of Essays Respecting Certain of the Recent Economic Experiences of the United States (1888)].


Source: Columbia University Libraries. 308/Z/Box 475. Prof. [Winthrop More] Daniels. Syllabus of Lectures upon Public Finance, 1895-6. Princeton, N.J.: C. S. Robinson & Co., University Printers. “Gift of Prof. E. R. A. Seligman 12.23.39[?]”.

Image Source: Portrait of Winthrop More Daniels in Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, ed., Universities and their Sons: History, Influence and Characteristics of American Universities, with biographical sketches and Portraits of Alumni and Recipients of Honorary Degrees, Vol. 2 (Boston, 1899) p. 71.


Economics Programs Princeton

Princeton. Economics course offerings 1910-11


Not only were the Princeton University graduate economic course offerings in 1910/11 relatively slim, it is also interesting to note that five of the ten courses listed covered history of economics and economic history. Undergraduate courses could also be taken by graduate students in the department of history, politics, and economics. Links to the textbooks used are included in the following transcription of the economics portion of the course announcements.



The following are the undergraduate [economics] courses in the Department of History, Politics, and Economics, and, though not listed or counted as graduate courses, they are open to graduate students of the Department:

45, 46. Elements of Economics. This course will comprise the essential elements of the abstract theory of economics and some of the more essential applications and exemplifications of the theory, such as money, banking, transportation, international trade, and monopoly problems. There will be one lecture a week, and two recitations in small groups to test the student’s apprehension of the subject matter covered in the reading. [Frank A.] Fetter: Principles of Economics; [Jeremiah Whipple] Jenks: The Trust Problem; and [Frank W.] Taussig: The Tariff History of the United States. Junior course, both terms, 3 hours a week. Prerequisite course: History 22 [Mediaeval History; 400 A.D.-1494 A.D. Sophomore elective, second term, 3 hours a week.]. Prerequisite to Public Finance and Money and Banking. Professor Daniels [Winthrop More Daniels, A.M.] and [Assistant] Professor Meeker [Royal Meeker, Ph.D.].

79. Economics. Public Finance. This course will cover the theory of public finance. Lectures with weekly conferences. [Winthrop More] Daniels: Public Finance; and [David MacGregor] Means: The Methods of Taxation. Senior course, first term, 3 hours a week. Prerequisite courses: History 22 and Economics 45, 46. Professor Daniels [Winthrop More Daniels, A.M.].

80. Economics. Money and Banking. This course is designed to outline briefly the problems touching money and banking. [Joseph French] Johnson: Money and Banking; [Edwin Walter] Kemmerer: Money and Prices [Money and Credit Instruments in their Relation to General Prices]; [Amos Kidder] Fiske: Modern Bank. Senior course, second term, 3 hours a week. Prerequisite courses: History 22 and Economics 45 and 46. [Assistant] Professor Meeker [Royal Meeker, Ph.D.].

THE PRO-SEMINARY. In the Department of History, Politics, and Economics there will be a pro-seminary both terms; the pro-seminary to be divided into sections, one for history, one for politics, and one for economics. Admission to the pro-Seminary will be conditioned upon a student’s obtaining in the Junior year courses in the Department the standing prescribed for entrance upon pro-seminary work….Professor Meeker will have charge of the economics section; and Industrial Organizations of Capital and of Labor will be the subjects of study, first and second term respectively.




133. History of Economic Theory. Early economic theory through Adam Smith. A study of Mercantilist and Physiocratic thought, and the work of Adam Smith, preceded by a brief resumé of ancient and mediaeval economic ideas. Three hours a week, first term. Given 1909-10. Professor [sic] Adriance [Walter Maxwell Adriance, A.M., Preceptor in History, Politics and Economics].

134. History of Economic Theory. The classical economists through J. S. Mill and Cairnes. Beginning with Malthus, the concrete problems in which the classical English political economy arose are taken up for study. The theory of Distribution in particular is traced in the Ricardian economics and down through the Wage-Fund theory. Three hours a week, second term. Given 1909-10. Professor Daniels [Winthrop More Daniels, A.M.].

135. History of Economic Theory. The modern movement in Economics, beginning with Jevons and the Austrian school, down through the modern critical analysis of the nature of capital, interest, and the process of Distribution. Three hours a week, first term. Given 1910-11. Professor Daniels [Winthrop More Daniels, A.M.].

136. Statistics. Modern methods of statistical investigation and their results; with problems in practical statistical work. Three hours a week, second term. Give 1910-11. Professor Adriance [Walter Maxwell Adriance, A.M., Preceptor in History, Politics and Economics].

137, 138. Economic History. This course is designed to give a general account of the economic development of the United States. Beginning with the explorations and settlements that led to the colonization of the continent, will be traced the growth of industry, agriculture, commerce, transportation, population, and labor, from the simple, isolated agricultural communities of the colonies to the complex industrial and commercial society of today. The principal topics discussed will be the land policy, the westward movement, internal improvements, the factory system, slavery, the tariff, immigration, the national finances, etc. A brief survey of the economic history of the industrially most developed European nations will also be given in so far as it is necessary to a complete understanding of the economic development of the United States. The lectures will be supplemented by assigned reading, and a thesis will be prepared by each student during the year on at least one subject. Three hours a week, both terms.

139. Modern Industrial Organization. Organization of Labor. A study of the development of labor organizations, the changes in the legal concepts of labor combinations, conspiracy, strikes, monopoly, boycott, etc., and the aims and methods of trades-unions today. Three hours a week, first term. Given 1909-10. Professor Meeker [Royal Meeker, Ph.D.].

140. Modern Industrial Organization. Organization of Capital. A study of modern industrial methods, the growth of large-scale industry, culminating in the recent Trust development and the effects of this movement industrial, political, and social. Three hours a week, second term. Given 1909-10. Professor Meeker [Royal Meeker, Ph.D.].

141, 142. History and Theory of Transportation. A survey of the improvements in methods and instruments of transportation and the consequent changes in the legal and economic theories relating thereto. A reading knowledge of French and German will be desirable. Three hours a week, both terms, alternating with Courses 139, 140. Given 1910-11. Professor Meeker [Royal Meeker, Ph.D.].


Source: Department of History, Politics and Economics. Announcements for 1910-11. Official Register of Princeton University, Vol. I, No. 8 (March 15, 1910).

Image Source:   Princeton University (ca. 1909 photo). Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C.





Exam Questions Harvard

Harvard. Exams on socio-economic conditions of working people. Edward Cummings, 1893


This post piggybacks on the previous one. I suppose it comes as no surprise that instructors for courses on socialism also typically taught courses in labor economics and/or sociology. Edward Cummings covered these courses in the Harvard economics department at the end of the nineteenth century. Below I have transcribed the examination questions for his course “The Social and Economic Condition of Workingmen in the United States and in other Countries” from 1892-93. As for the previous post, I have added links to the works that are directly cited in the examination questions. Until I come across notes for his course or a syllabus, these links provide a peek into the material taught to Cummings’ students.

The examinations for the academic year for 1893-94 have been transcribed for an earlier post.



[Economics] 9. Mr. Cummings.—The Social and Economic Condition of Workingmen in the United States and in other countries. 3 hours.

Total 24: 3 Graduates, 10 Seniors, 7 Juniors, 4 Others.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College 1892-1893, p. 68.


Mid-Year Examination (1893)

[Arrange your answers in the order in which the questions stand. So far as possible illustrate your discussions by a comparison of the experience of different countries. Omit two questions.]

  1. “In a society adjusted to manual labor, it is absolutely impossible that a labor problem, as a class problem, should take its origin; but in a society adjusted to machinery, provided the English law of property be maintained, the development of class lines will surely make its appearance in industries.”
    State fully your reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with these assertions.
    [Henry Carter Adams. An Interpretation of the Social Movements of our Time. International Journal of Ethics, Vol. 2 (October, 1891), pp. 39-40.]
  2. “First, government must regulate the plane of competition, for without legal regulation the struggle between men for commercial supremacy will surely force society to the level of the most immoral man who can maintain himself.”
    What evidence does the history of factory legislation furnish upon these points?
    [Henry Carter Adams. An Interpretation of the Social Movements of our Time. International Journal of Ethics, Vol. 2 (October, 1891), p. 43.]
  3. Comment upon the following passage: “The object held in view by workmen, when they organized themselves into unions, was to gain again that control over the conditions of labor which they lost when machinery took the place of tools.”
    [Henry Carter Adams. An Interpretation of the Social Movements of our Time. International Journal of Ethics, Vol. 2 (October, 1891), p. 48.]
  4. “The English public has had the courage and strength to leave workingmen’s associations full freedom of movement, at the risk even of temporary excesses and acts of violence, such as at one time stained the annals of trades-unions.” Explain.
    How far is this true of France? Of the United States?
    [Josef Maria Baernreither. English Associations of Working Men. (London, 1891), p. 143]
  5. Describe briefly the origin, growth, and present tendencies of the English Friendly Society movement.
    [Josef Maria Baernreither. English Associations of Working Men. Part II. Friendly Societies (London, 1891), pp. 155-337.]
  6. To what extent do trade organizations and friendly societies constitute an aristocracy of labor?
    [Josef Maria Baernreither. English Associations of Working Men. (London, 1891), pp. 20ff.]
  7. To what forms of remuneration can the evils of “sweating” be traced?
    [David Frederick Schloss, Methods of Industrial Remuneration. (New York, 1892), especially Chapter XIV. On the Objections Entertained to the “Method” of Sub-Contract; and Herein of “The Sweating System, 122-135.]
  8. “The aim of Coöperation is at the same time the aim of Trade Unionism.” In what sense?
  9. Sketch briefly the course of factory legislation during the present century either in England or in the United States.
    [This is a guess: though clearly would provide sufficient information to provide the English history. The English Factory Legislation from 1802 till the Present Time by Ernst von Plener (London, 1873).]
  10. Comment on the following passage: “the fact that the ignorant masses are enabled by the factory to engage in what it once took skilled labor to perform has given the widespread impression that factory labor has degraded the skilled, when in truth it has lifted the unskilled; and this is the inevitable result of the factory everywhere.”
    [United States Census Office. 10th Census, 1880. Report on the Factory System of the United States by Carroll D. Wright (Washington, D.C., 1884) p. 34.]

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University Mid-year examinations 1852-1943. Box 3, Vol. Examination Papers, Mid-Year 1892-93.


Final Examination (June, 1893)

[Arrange your answers in the order in which the questions stand. So far as possible illustrate your discussions by a comparison of the experience of different countries. Omit two questions.]

  1. How is the burden of contribution distributed in each of the three departments of the German system of compulsory insurance? What theoretical or practical objections have you to the system?
  2. “In England especially the State is not in a position to compete effectively with energetic Insurance Companies or with the Friendly Societies, pulsating with the vigour of social life; and still less can it so compete when hampered by restrictions which handicap its powers.” Discuss the evidence on this point furnished by English experience with government workingmen’s insurance. Are there any indications that German ideas are gaining ground in England?
    [Josef Maria Baernreither. English Associations of Working Men. (London, 1891), pp. 348-349.]
  3. “What, we will ask, is the relation of Profit-sharing to the ordinary wage system; and to what extent does Profit-sharing constitute an improvement upon the ordinary wage system?” Are there grounds for the assertion that Profit-sharing is “inferior in point of equity and expediency to the ordinary non-coöperative wage system”?
    [David Frederick Schloss. Methods of Industrial Remuneration. (New York, 1892), especially Chapter XXII, Critical Examination of the Method of Profit-Sharing, 195.]
  4. “Besides the militant trade unionist workmen, that very shrewd class of workingmen, the coöperators, regard Profit-sharing with marked disapprobation; so much so that, although Profit-sharing forms and essential part of the professed principles of Industrial Coöperation, yet by far the greater part of Industrial Coöperation is carried on upon the system of altogether excluding the employees from participation in profits.” What are the facts referred to, and how do you account for them?
    [David Frederick Schloss. Methods of Industrial Remuneration. (New York, 1892), especially Chapter XXII, Critical Examination of the Method of Profit-Sharing, 199.]
  5. “Here it is necessary to interpolate a protest against the assertion almost universally made by previous writers on this subject, that ‘Industrial Coöperation has succeeded in distribution, but has failed in production,’— an assertion generally coupled with the explanation that ‘production’ is too difficult to be, as yet, undertaken by workingmen.” What are the facts?
    [David Frederick Schloss. Methods of Industrial Remuneration. (New York, 1892), especially Chapter XXVII, Critical Examination of the Theory of Industrial Co-operation, p. 233.]
  6. “But the enthusiastic Coöperator will ask: why not develop the voluntary system of democratic Coöperation until it embraces the whole field of industry?” Why do you conceive to be the economic limits to such extension by consumers’ associations?
    [Beatrice Potter (Webb). The Co-operative Movement in Great Britain. Chapter VIII, Conclusion (1891) p. 225.]
  7. “Having considered the social and economic position of workers in the coal, iron and steel industries in several countries, let us now by proper combination ascertain the average conditions prevailing in the two continents.” What are the probably conclusions to be drawn from these comparative statistics of family budgets in the United States and other countries?
    [Elgin Ralston Lovell Gould. The Social Condition of Labor (Baltimore: January, 1893), p. 24.]
  8. “The Hungarians, Italians, Bohemians and Poles, who throng our gates give most concern…Up to the present time there seems no ground to fear that such new comers have wielded a depressing influence. There seems rather reason for congratulation in the fact that instead of their having lowered the American standard of living, the American standard of life has been raising them.” Discuss the evidence. What light do recent change in the character and volume of immigration from different countries throw on this problem?
    [Elgin Ralston Lovell Gould. The Social Condition of Labor (Baltimore: January, 1893), p. 38.]
  9. Indicate briefly the course of short-hour legislation in Massachusetts. How does it compare with the legislation in other states and other countries?
  10. Indicate carefully how far there has been any approximation to compulsory arbitration in Massachusetts; in New York; in other countries. What are the objections to compulsory arbitration?
  11. What do you conceive to be the significance of the Farmers’ Alliance and the Single Tax movements in the United States? And how are they related to each other?
  12. Precisely what evidence is there for and against the contention that the employment of “private armed forces” has been largely responsible for violence and bloodshed during strikes? Give concrete examples.

Source:Harvard University Archives. Harvard University Examination papers, 1873-1915. Box 4, Vol. Examination Papers, 1893-95. Papers set for Final Examinations in Philosophy, History, Government and Law, Economics, Fine Arts, and Music in Harvard College (June, 1893), pp. 40-42.

Image Source: University and their Sons. History, Influence and Characteristics of American Universities with Biographical Sketches and Portraits of Alumni and Recipients of Honorary Degrees. Editor-in-chief, General Joshua L. Chamberlain, LL.D. Vol II (1899), pp. 155-156.