Bibliography Chicago Socialism

Chicago. Skelton bibliography from “Socialism: A Critical Analysis”, 1911

The following bibliography comes from the revised version of the University of Chicago Ph.D. dissertation of the Canadian, Oscar D. Skelton (1878-1941), that was awarded the Hart, Schaffner and Marx prize in 1908. The prize committee was composed of  J. Laurence Laughlin of the University of Chicago (chair), J.B. Clark of Columbia University, Henry C. Adams of the University of Michigan, Horace White of New York City and Carroll D. Wright of Clark College. Skelton attended courses taught by Thorstein Veblen whose work on Marxian economics is (unsurprisingly) cited in this bibliography. 

Following  his graduate studies in economics at Chicago, Oscar D. Skelton was a professor of political science and economics at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario from 1909-25. He then moved on to have a distinguished career as a public servant, serving as undersecretary of state for external affairs.

Image Source: Library and Archives Canada C-002089, copy at Wikimedia Commons.


Source:  Oscar D. Skelton. Socialism: A Critical Analysis, Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1911, pp. 313-322.



Of the making of books on socialism there is no end. The list of references given below is suggested as including the most important and most easily accessible works on the various phases of the movement. The pamphlets and periodicals issued by the party organizations in the different countries are indispensable for an intimate acquaintance with contemporary developments.

In Germany special reference may be made to the weekly organ of the orthodox wing, Die Neue Zeit (Stuttgart), the fortnightly reformist publication, Socialistische Monatshefte (Berlin), and among the seventy-odd socialist dailies of Germany, Vorwärts (Berlin); consult also the extensive catalogue of books and pamphlets issued by Buchhandlung Vorwarts, Berlin, S. W. 68, Lindenstr. 69. The Reichsverband gegen die Sozialdemokratie and the political parties opposed to socialism, publish many campaign documents.

For France, attention should be given the reformist monthly, La revue socialiste, and the syndicalist monthly, Le mouvement socialiste; the weekly organ of Guesdism, Le Socialisme, and the party official publication, Le Socialiste; the anarcho-syndicalist La guerre sociale, and the daily, L’Humanité, edited by Jaurès; pamphlets may be procured from the Librairie du Parti Socialiste, 16 rue de la Corderie, 16, Paris.

In Great Britain the most important publications are the Socialist Review, the monthly, and the Labor Leader, the weekly, organs of the I. L. P.; the S. D. P. weekly, Justice, and Blatchford’s Clarion; the Christian Socialist weekly, The Commonwealth, and the Fabian News; both the I. L. P.and the S. D. P., maintain publishing departments, in Manchester and London respectively. The Anti-socialist Union of Great Britain, 38, Victoria St., London, S. W., publishes a monthly, Liberty, and numerous pamphlets.

For the United States, use may be made of the International Socialist Review, monthly, Chicago; the weekly Appeal to Reason, Girard, Kansas, and Social-Democratic Herald, Milwaukee; the Chicago Daily Socialist and the New York Call (daily). Charles Kerr and Company, Chicago, the Wilshire Book Company, New York, and the Socialist Party Headquarters, Chicago, are the chief American publishers of socialist books and pamphlets.

For references to the literature on the countless social topics bearing indirectly on socialism, the general reader will find most help in Bliss, New Encyclopedia of Social Reform, New York, 1908, and in the carefully annotated bibliography, Guide to Reading in Social Ethics and Allied Subjects, Harvard University, Cambridge, 1910.



Chapter I. General Works


1. Non-partisan expositions; Kirkup and Sombart are especially sympathetic and comprehensive in their treatment:

Ely, Socialism and Social Reform. New York, 1894.

Kirkup, A History of Socialism, 4th edition. London, 1908.

Rae, Contemporary Socialism, 3d edition. London, 1901.

Schäffle, The Quintessence of Socialism. London, 1889.

Sombart, Socialism and the Social Movement. New York, 1909.

Stoddart, The New Socialism. London, 1909.


2. Exposition and argument from socialist point of view:

Blatchford, Merrie England. London, 1895.

________, Britain for the British. London, 1902.

Cohen, Socialism for Students. New York, 1910.

Fabian Essays. London, 1890.

Fabian Tracts, 1-136. London, 1907.

Ferri, Socialism and Positive Science. London, 1905.

Hillquit, Socialism in Theory and Practice. New York, 1909.

Kelly, Twentieth Century Socialism. New York, 1910.

Macdonald, Socialism. London, 1907.

________, Socialism and Society. London, 1907.

Morris and Bax, Socialism: its growth and outcome. London, 1897.

Spargo. Socialism. New York, 1906.

________, The Socialists: who they are and what they stand for. Chicago, 1906.

Tugan-Baranowsky, Modern Socialism in its historical development. London, 1910.

Wells, New Worlds for Old. New York, 1908.


3. Exposition and criticism from anti-socialist point of view:

Cathrein-Gettlemann, Socialism. New York, 1904.

Elgee and Raine, The Case against Socialism. London, 1908.

Flint, Socialism. London, 1894.

Graham, Socialism New and Old. London, 1907.

Guyot, Socialistic Fallacies. New York, 1910.

Leroy-Beaulieu, Collectivism. New York, 1908.

Le Rossignol, Orthodox Socialism: a Criticism. New York, 1907.

Mackay, Plea for Liberty. London, 1892.

Mallock, A Critical Examination of Socialism. London, 1908.



Chapter II. The Socialist Indictment

Brooks, The Social Unrest. New York, 1905.

Call, The Concentration of Wealth. Boston, 1907.

Chiozza-Money, Riches and Poverty, 7th edition. London, 1908.

Engels, Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844. London, 1892.

Ghent, Mass and Class. New York, 1904.

Göhre, Three Months in a Workshop. London.

Hobson, The Social Problem. London, 1901.

Hunter, Poverty. New York, 1907.

Ladoff, American Pauperism. Chicago.

Meyer, Great American Fortunes. Chicago, 1910.

Rauschenbusch, Christianity and the Social Crisis. New York, 1908.

Reeve, The Cost of Competition. New York, 1906.

Veblen, Theory of Business Enterprise. New York, 1904.


Chapter III. The Socialist Indictment Considered

Bosanquet, Aspects of the Social Problem. London, 1898.

________, Civilization of Christendom. London, 1893.

Gilman, Socialism and the American Spirit. London, 1893.

Ireson, The People’s Progress. London, 1909.

Laughlin, Socialism a Philosophy of Failure. Scribner’s Magazine, xlv.

________, Large Fortunes. Atlantic Monthly, xcvi.

Leroy-Beaulieu, The Modern State. London, 1891.

La Répartition de la Richesse. Paris, 1888.

Mallock, Labour and the Popular Welfare. London, 1893.

________, Classes and Masses. London, 1896.

________, Aristocracy and Evolution. London, 1901.

Strachey, Problems and Perils of Socialism. London, 1908.

Sumner, What Social Classes owe to each other. New York, 1884.



Chapter IV. Utopian Socialism

Utopian sources:

More, Utopia. Ed. Arber, London, 1869.

Morley, ed., Ideal Commonwealths. London, 1885

Campanella, City of the Sun;
Bacon, The New Atlantis;
Harrington, Oceana.

Mably, De la Législation. Paris. 1776.

Morelly, Code de la Nature. Paris, 1755.

Godwin, Enquiry concerning Political Justice. London, 1793.

________, On Property. (Book VIII of preceding work.) London, 1890.

Babeuf, La Doctrine des Égaux. Edited by Thomas. Paris, 1906.

Owen, New View of Society. London, 1816.

________, New Moral World. London, 1834-41.

Fourier, Théorie de Unité universelle. 2d edition. Paris, 1838.

________, Le Nouveau Monde industriel et societaire. 3d edition. Paris, 1848.

________, Selections from Fourier. Edited by Gide. London, 1901.

Considérant, Destinée sociale. Paris, 1836-38.

Saint-Simon, OEuvres de Saint-Simon et d’Enfantin. Paris, 1865-78.

Bazard, Exposition de la doctrine de Saint-Simon. Paris, 1830-31.

Pecqueur, Des améliorations materielles dans leurs rapports avec la liberté. Paris, 1839.

Vidal, De la répartition des richesses et de la justice distributive. Paris, 1846.

Weitling, Garantien der Harmonie und Freiheit. Jubilee edition. Berlin, 1908.

Blanc, L’Organisation du travail. Paris, 1839.

Proudhon, What is Property? Boston, 1876.


Barker, Political Thought of Plato and Aristotle. London, 1906.

Bax, Rise and Fall of the Anabaptists. London, 1903.

Booth, Saint-Simon and Saint-Simonism. London, 1871.

Bourgin, Proudhon. Paris, 1901.

Buonarotti, History of Babeuf’s Conspiracy for Equality. London, 1836.

Diehl, Proudhon: seine Lehre und sein Leben. 1888-90.

Ely, French and German Socialism. New York, 1893.

Fournière, Les théories socialistes au xixe siecle: de Babeuf à Proudhon. Paris, 1904.

Guthrie, Socialism before the French Revolution. New York, 1907.

Janet, Les Origines du socialisme contemporain. Paris, 1883.

________, Saint-Simon, et le Saint-Simonisme. Paris, 1878.

Kautsky, Die Vorlaufer des neueren Sozialismus. 2d edition. Stuttgart, 1909.

________, Thomas More und seine Utopie. Stuttgart, 1907.

Lichtenberger, Le Socialisme au xviiie siècle. Paris, 1895.

________, Le socialisme utopique. Paris, 1898.

Menger, The Right to the Whole Produce of Labour. London, 1899.

Michel, L’Idee de l’État. Paris, 1896.

Peixotto, The French Revolution and Modern French Socialism. New York, 1901.

Podmore, Robert Owen. London, 1906.

Pöhlmann, Geschichte des antiken Kommunismus und Sozialismus. Munich, 1893.

Stein, Der Sozialismus und Kommunismus des heutigen Frankreichs, Leipzig, 1848.

Sudre, Histoire du Communisme. Paris, 1850.

Tchernoff, Louis Blanc. Paris, 1904.

Warschauer, Die Entwickelungsgeschichte des Sozialismus. Berlin, 1909.

Reybaud, Études sur les Réformateurs contemporains ou socialistes modernes. 7th edition. Paris, 1864.


Utopian experiments:

Hillquit, History of Socialism in the United States. 4th edition. New York, 1906. Hinds, American Communities. Chicago, 1908.

Nordhoff, Communistic Societies in the United States. New York, 1875.

Noyes, American Socialisms. Philadelphia, 1870.

Shaw, Icaria: a Chapter in the history of Communism. New York, 1881.

Chapters V, VI, VII. The Marxian Analysis


Marx, Capital, vols. 1-3. Chicago, 1906-09.

________, Capital, vol. 1. Humboldt edition (cited in text). New York.

________, Contribution to a Critique of Political Economy. New York, 1904.

________, Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte. Chicago, 1907.

________, Poverty of Philosophy. London, 1900.

________, Revolution and Counter-Revolution. Chicago, 1907.

________, Theorien über die Mehrwert. Stuttgart, 1904.

________, Wage-Labour and Capital. London, 1907.

Marx and Engels, Communist Manifesto. London, 1906.

Engels, Feuerbach: Origins of the Socialist Philosophy. London, 1906.

________, Landmarks of Scientific Socialism (Anti-Duhring). London, 1907.

________, Origin of the Family. London, 1907.

________, Socialism, Utopian and Scientific. London, 1892.

Lassalle, Reden und Schriften, ed. Bernstein. Berlin, 1893.

________, Open Letter. New York, 1901.

________, Workingman’s Programme. New York, 1899.

Mehring, Aus dem literarischen Nachlass von Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels und Ferdinand Lassalle. Stuttgart, 1902.


Socialist Commentaries:

Adler, Marx als Denker. Berlin, 1909.

Adler and Hilferding, Marx-Studien. Vienna, 1904.

Andler, Le Manifeste Communiste, introduction et commentaire, Paris, 1901.

Aveling, The Student’s Marx. 4th edition. London, 1902.

Boudin, Theoretical System of Karl Marx. Chicago, 1907.

Deville, Principes socialistes. Paris, 1896.

Hyndman, Economics of Socialism. London, 1909.

Kautsky, Das Erfurter Programm. 8th edition. Stuttgart, 1907.

________, Karl Marx’ Oekonomische Lehren. 12th edition. Stuttgart, 1908.

________, Die historische Leistung von Karl Marx. Berlin, 1908.

Spargo, Karl Marx: His Life and Work. New York, 1909.

Untermann, Marxian Economics. Chicago, 1907.


Criticism by non-socialists:

Adler, Die Grundlagen der Karl Marxschen Kritik der bestehenden Volkswirtschaft. Tübingen, 1897.

Biermann, Die Weltanschauung des Marxismus. Leipzig, 1908.

Hammacher, Das philosophisch-ökonomische System des Marxismus. Leipzig, 1909.

Masaryk, Die philosophischen und sociologischen Grundlagen des Marxismus. Vienna, 1899.

Simkhovitch, Marxism versus Socialism. Political Science Quarterly, vol. 23-25, 1908-10.

Slonimski, Versuch einer Kritik der Karl Marxschen ökonomischen Theorieen. Berlin, 1899.

Veblen, The Socialist Economics of Karl Marx and his Followers. Quarterly Journal of Economics, xx, 575, and xxi, 299.


Criticism by revisionist socialists:

Bernstein, Evolutionary Socialism. London, 1909.

________, Zur Geschichte und Theorie des Socialismus. Berlin, 1901.

________, Der Revisionismus in der Sozialdemokratie. Amsterdam.

Oppenheimer, Das Grundgesetz der Marxschen Gesellschaftslehre. Berlin, 1903.

Tuqan-Baranowskt, Theoretische Grundlagen des Marxismus. Leipzig, 1905.

Weisengrün, Der Marxismus und das Wesen der sozialen Frage. Leipzig, 1900.

Cf. especially the files of Socialistische Monatshefte.


In addition to the above general discussions of Marxism, the following special references are helpful:

On the materialistic conception of history:

Barth, Die Philosophie der Geschichte als Sociologie. Leipzig, 1897.

Bax, Essays in Socialism, New and Old. London, 1907.

Commons, Class Conflict in America. American Journal of Sociology, vol. 13.

Kautsky, Ethics and the Materialistic Conception of History. Chicago, 1907.

Labriola, Essays on the Materialistic Conception of History. Chicago, 1904.

Lafargue, Le déterminisme économique de Karl Marx. Paris, 1909.

Loria, Economic Foundations of Society. London, 1907.

Stammler, Wirtschaft und Recht nach der materialistischen Geschichtsauffassung. Leipzig, 1896.

Woltman, Der historische Materialismus. Düsseldorf, 1900.

Flint, Philosophy of History in Europe. Edinburgh, 1874.

Of these Kautsky, Labriola, Lafargue, and Loria defend the Marxian position.


On value and surplus value:

Böhm-Bawerk, Karl Marx and the Close of his System. London, 1898.

Fischer, Die Marxsche Werttheorie. Berlin, 1889.

Lexis, The Concluding Volume of Marx’s Capital, in Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 10, 1895.

Schmidt, Der dritte Band des Kapital. Sozialpol. Zentralblatt, iv, no. 22.

Sombart, Zur Kritik des ökonomischen Systems von Karl Marx. Archiv für Soziale Gesetzgebung, u. s. w., vii, 1894.

von Bortkiewicz, Wertrechnung und Preisrechnung im Marxschen System. Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik, xxiii-xxv.

Cf. especially the files of Die Neue Zeit, and bibliography by Sombart in Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft, etc., xx, 413.


On the law of capitalist development:

Beveridge, Unemployment: a Problem of Industry. London, 1909.

Bourguin, Les systèmes socialistes et l’évolution économique. Paris, 1907.

David, Sozialismus und Landwirtschaft: 1. Die Betriebsfrage. Berlin, 1903.

Kautsky, Die Agrarfrage. Stuttgart, 1899.

________, Bernstein und das sozialdemokratische Programm. Stuttgart, 1899.

Kampffmeyer, Zur Kritik der Marxschen Entwickelungslehre. Sozialistische Monatshefte, 1898.

Simons, The American Farmer. 2d edition. Chicago, 1906.

von Struve, Die Theorie der sozialen Entwickelung bei Karl Marx. Archiv für soziale Gesetzgebung, etc., xiv, 1899.

Wolf, Sozialismus und kapitalistische Wirtschaftsordnung. Stuttgart, 1892.



Chapter VIII. The Modern Socialist Ideal

Atlanticus, Ein Blick in den Zukunftsstaat. 1898.

Bebel, Woman under Socialism. New York, 1904.

Bellamy, Looking Backward. Boston, 1888.

Gronlund, The Coöperative Commonwealth. London, 1896.

Jaurès, Organisation socialiste. Revue socialiste, 1895-96.

Kautsky, The Social Revolution. Chicago, 1908.

Macdonald, Socialism and Government. London, 1909.

Menger, Neue Staatslehre. 3d edition. Jena, 1906.

Morris, News from Nowhere. London, 1896.

Renard, Régime socialiste. Revue socialiste. 1897-98.

________, Le Socialisme à l’oeuvre. Paris, 1907.

Vandervelde, Collectivism and Industrial Revolution. Chicago, 1901.

________, Essais socialistes. Paris, 1906.

Wells, A Modern Utopia. London, 1905.

________, Socialism and the Family. London, 1907.

Wilde, The Soul of Man under Socialism. Boston, 1910.


Criticisms of socialist proposals:

Gonner, The Socialist State: its nature, aims and conditions. London, 1895.

Guyot, The Tyranny of Socialism. London, 1895.

Hirsch, Democracy versus Socialism. London, 1901.

Mackay, editor, A Plea for Liberty. London, 1892.

Naquet, Collectivism and Socialism. London, 1891.

Richter, Pictures of the Socialist Future. London, 1894.

Schäffle, The Impossibility of Social Democracy. London, 1892.



Chapter IX. The Modern Socialist Movement


Ensor, Modern Socialism. 3d edition. New York, 1910.

Bardoux, etc. Le Socialisme à l’étranger. Paris, 1909.

Hunter, Socialists at Work. New York, 1908.

Plechanoff, Anarchism and Socialism. London, 1906.


Socialism and Christianity:

Bliss, New Encyclopedia of Social Reform. New York, 1908.

Campbell, Christianity and the Social Order. London, 1907.

Clifford, Socialism and the Teaching of Christ, Fabian tract no. 78, with bibliography. London, 1906.

Forsyth, Socialism, the Church and the Poor. London, 1908.

Goldstein, Socialism; the nation of fatherless children. Boston, 1903.

Hartman, Socialism versus Christianity. New York, 1909.

Kaufmann, Christian Socialism. London, 1888.

Mathews, The Social Teachings of Jesus. New York, 1905.

Ming, The Characteristics and the Religion of Modern Socialism. New York, 1908.

Nitti, Catholic Socialism. New York, 1908.

Peabody, Jesus Christ and the Social Question. New York, 1904.

Rauschenbusch, Christianity and the Social Crisis. New York, 1908.

Stang, Socialism and Christianity. New York, 1905.

Westcott, Social Aspects of Christianity. London, 1887.

Woodworth, Christian Socialism in England. New York, 1908.


The International:

Guillaume, L’Internationale: documents et souvenirs. Paris, 1905.

Jaeckh, The International. London, 1905.

Lissagaray, History of the Commune of 1871. London, 1886.



Bebel, Die Sozialdemokratie im Deutschen Reichstag, 1871-1893. Berlin, 1909.

Bernstein, Ferdinand Lassalle. London, 1893.

Brunhuber, Die heutige Sozialdemokratie. Jena, 1906.

Dawson, Bismarck and State Socialism. London, 1890.

________, German Socialism and Ferdinand Lassalle. London, 1891.

Kamppfmeyer, Changes in the Theory and Tactics of the German Social Democracy. Chicago, 1908.

________, Die Sozialdemokratie im Lichte der Kulturentwickelung. Berlin, 1907.

Kautsky, The Road to Power. Chicago, 1908.

Mehring, Geschichte der deutschen Sozialdemokratie, 4th ed. Stuttgart, 1909. Milhaud, La démocratie socialiste allemande. Paris, 1903.

Parvus, Der Klassenkampf des Proletariats. Berlin, 1908-10.

Rosa Luxembourg, Sozialreform oder Sozialrevolution, 2d. ed. Leipzig, 1908.

Schippel, Sozialdemokratisches Reichstags-handbuch. Berlin, 1902.

Sisyphusarbeit oder positive Erfolge; Generalkommission der Gewerkschaften Deutschlands. Berlin, 1910.

Handbuch fiir nicht sozialdemokratische Wähler. Reichsverband gegen die Sozialdemokratie. Berlin, 1907.



Bourdeau, L’évolution du socialisme. Paris, 1901.

Bibliothèque du Mouvement Socialiste:

Lagardelle, etc., Syndicalisme et Socialisme;
Pouget, La Confédération Generale du Travail;
Sorel, La Décomposition du Marxisme;
Griffuelhes, L’Action Syndicaliste;
Berth, Les Nouveaux Aspects du Socialisme, etc. Paris, 1908.

Goulut, Le Socialisme au Pouvoir. Paris, 1910.

Jaurès, Studies in Socialism. New York, 1906.

Kritsky, L’évolution du syndicalisme en France. Paris, 1908.

Mermeix, Le Syndicalisme contre le socialisme. Paris, 1907.

Milhaud, La Tactique socialiste. Paris, 1905.

Millerand, Le socialisme réformiste français. Paris, 1903.

Zévaès, Le socialisme en France depuis 1871. Paris, 1908.


United Kingdom:

Arnold-Forster, English Socialism of To-day. London, 1908.

Barker, British Socialism. London, 1908.

Noel, The Labor Party. London, 1906.

Villiers, The Socialist Movement in England. London, 1908,

Webb, Socialism in England. 2d edition. London, 1893.


United States:

Hillquit, History of Socialism in the United States. 4th edition. New York, 1906.

Simons, Class Struggles in America. Chicago, 1909.

Sombart, Warum gibt es im den Vereinigten Staaten keinen Sozialismus? Tübingen, 1906.

Thompson, Constructive Programme of Socialism. Milwaukee, 1908.


For each country the reports of the annual or biennial congresses, which may be procured from the party publishers mentioned above, are essential; the international movement is surveyed in the reports made to the International Congresses by the national party secretaries, and in the Congress debates, both published by the Secrétariat socialiste international, rue Heyvaert, 63, Brussels.