Funny Business

Now for something completely different…

In honor of the inauguration of the 45th President of the United States on January 20, 2017, I have written new lyrics to a famous production number from the musical The Producers. My version has the title “Springtime for Twittler“. 

Chicago Curriculum

Chicago. Foreign Language Requirements for Ph.D. 1931-68


This post is a fairly straightforward pair of memos from 1968 that provide a chronology of the foreign language requirement for the Ph.D. in the Division of Social Sciences from 1931 to 1968 as well as a particular substitution of additional foreign language training for matrix algebra in 1968.

Language requirements at Columbia in 1950.


January 12, 1968

TO: Faculty, Division of the Social Sciences

FROM: D. Gale Johnson, Dean Division of the Social Sciences

In re: Foreign Language requirements for the Ph.D.

At a meeting of the faculty of the Division of the Social Sciences held November 18, 1931, the following statement was adopted as one of the requirements for admission to candidacy for the Ph.D.:

“The ability, demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Board of Examiners, to read two foreign modern languages approved by the department or interdepartmental committee, one of which must be French or German. It is advised that this requirement be met as early as possible in the student’s program of study.”

On January 15, 1943, the faculty of the Division modified the language requirement and made it read as follows:

“Demonstration of the ability to use one or more foreign languages effectively toward the objective of the student’s academic program. This ability in the case of at least one language will be tested by: (I) the passing of an examination administered and evaluated by the Board of Examinations; and (II) in addition to the examination, the writing of the paper or series of papers, or oral work, judge satisfactory by the Department in connection with the student’s program of study, in which extensive use is made of works in the foreign language. Departments may at their discretion specify the particular foreign language or languages required of their candidates for the doctorate. Exceptions in individual cases may be made by the Dean of Students on the recommendation of aDepartment.”

At its meeting on December 4, 1967, the faculty of the Division approved the following motion:

“That each Department or Committee in the Division should have the right to substitute for the divisional language requirement for the Ph.D. degree a requirement that the student demonstrate proficiency in a substantive field other than that of the department in question. The degree of proficiency to be required in such a field should be comparable or superior to that represented by the present divisional language requirement. The department at its option, may require that proficiency be demonstrated in a particular substantive field or may leave to the student, in some or all cases, the option of deciding whether to demonstrate proficiency in a language or a substantive field.”

If a department or committee wishes to act under the motion approved by the faculty of the Division Mr. Zimring and I urge that it do so with reasonable promptness to permit students to make their plans with full information concerning the requirements. Until a department or committee has taken action and so informs the Office of the Dean, it will be assumed that the language requirement as it existed on December 1, 1967, shall continue in force.

At the time a department or committee takes action, if any, to modify its language requirement, it should indicate the date on which any changes become effective and that date could be within a few days after action has been taken. I feel that before a departmental or committee action is made effective that Mr. Zimring should be given time to study it and to determine if his interpretation is the one that has been intended.

Mr. Zimring and I strongly urge that departments and committees accept a self-denying ordinance, namely the changes in the requirements will not be made more than once a year and the changes affecting 1968-69 be made by March 15, 1968.

The action taken with respect to the divisional language requirement does not change current procedures with respect to examination if the department retains a language requirement. It is my interpretation that while departments can require a supplementary or additional examination to be administered by the department, it cannot dispense with the examinations given by the Office of the University Examiner.




Department of Economics                             University of Chicago

May, 1968


To: Graduate Students, Department of Economics

From: Arnold C. Harberger, Chairman

Re: Revision in Foreign Language/Mathematics Requirement

Foreign Language and Mathematics Requirement

Each Ph.D. candidate, before admission to candidacy for the Ph.D., must demonstrate effective command of relevant mathematical tools, including calculus and matrix algebra. The Department of Economics will accept three courses in calculus (mathematics 151, 152, and 154, or equivalent), and one course in linear algebra (mathematics 250, 252, Business 372, or equivalent) as meeting, respectively, the calculus and matrix algebra requirements.

In place of demonstration of competence in matrix algebra, students may opt to demonstrate proficiency at a high level in a foreign language by means of an examination administered by the Office of the University Examiner and must demand to the satisfaction of the Department ability to translate at site with reasonable ease material in economics in the foreign language. Any foreign language other than Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, or Swedish must be approved by the Department.


Source: Hoover Institution Archives. Papers of Milton Friedman, Box 194, Folder “194.9 Economics Dept. A-G”.

Image: Lecture Hall 1, Social Science Research Building. University of Chicago Photographic Archive, apf2-07482, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library.


Chicago. Soliciting Contributions of Alumni/ae to Fund for Graduate Fellowships, 1931

Scarcely a week goes by for anyone with a Ph.D. these days that does not bring some sort of request for a financial contribution from the one or other alma mater. I can easily imagine that the sort of letter transcribed below from the head of the department of economics at the University of Chicago was still something of a novelty in 1931.

Looking at the list of the former Chicago economics fellows from whom contributions had been requested, I noticed that the first four names are alphabetically arranged, the next four names are likewise alphabetically arranged, the next four names (with one exception) are also so arranged as are the next two and the final three. The facts, that (i) the sample letter (December 16, 1931 to Trevor Arnett) was addressed to the 13th person on the list and (ii) dated only two days before the cover letter to University of Chicago Trustee James Stifler was sent, lead me to conclude that Chairman Millis had a response rate of two for the dozen letters he first sent out. I am somewhat surprised he even sent off his letter to James Stifler before receiving at least one positive response. Maybe Millis was told something like “Why don’t you folks write to some of your earlier fellows and ask for money” and he just wanted to show for the record that he had tried.



The University of Chicago
Department of Economics

December 18, 1931

Dr. James M. Stifler
The President’s Office
Faculty Exchange

Dear Mr. Stifler:

I enclose a carbon copy of a letter written to Mr. Arnett, one of the former fellows in Economics, and a list of the seventeen persons to whom such letters were sent. For your information, I may say that to date I have had only two replies, both of them in terms of “I regret.”

Sincerely yours
H. A. Millis





December 16, 1931



Mr. Trevor Arnett
General Education Board
61 Broadway
New York City

Dear Mr. Arnett:

I have talked over an idea I have had for some time with a few men who have held fellowships in Economics at the University of Chicago, and, finding a favorable reaction to it, now write you. The idea is this: that those of us who feel so inclined should contribute at our convenience some part of all of the stipend received when fellows to a fund to finance fellowships in Economics at the University. The underlying thought is that there is a good case for those of us who were fortunate enough to have assistance at a crucial time in our training to lend help to others in the generation following us. The need for well trained men is great; many very promising young men and women cannot get the necessary training without some financial aid. Last year, for example, our Department had 175 applications for fellowships and scholarships. Twenty of the applicants for fellowships, and twenty-seven altogether, we graded as A-1, but, with some funds secured from the outside, we were able to grant fellowships to only six of the twenty. From the information I have, it would appear that more than one-half of the remaining fourteen have had to forego entirely or postpone their program of work leading to the doctorate in Economics here or elsewhere. Next year we shall have less fellowship money from the sources available this year.

Do you feel inclined to join some of us in this plan? If you do, will you not write me and state to what extent you wish to contribute and when? In making your decision, you will, of course, keep in mind that there is no desire to exert pressure upon any one, and that there is no thought that a fellowship granted has not been fully earned.

Sincerely yours,
H. A. Millis



List of those written:

1. Professor Henry Rand Hatfield Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley, California
2. Dr. Simon J. McLean Board of Railway Commissioners, Ottawa, Canada
3. George G. Tunell The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway, Railway Exchange Building, Chicago, Ill.
4. Professor Henry P. Willis Columbia University, New York City
5. Professor C. A. Arbuthnot Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio
6. Dr. Earl Dean Howard Hart, Schaffner & Marx, 36 South Franklin Street, Chicago, Illinois
7. Professor W. W. Swanson Department of Economics, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada
8. Miss Anna Pritchitt Youngman 97 Columbia Heights Post Office, Brooklyn, New York
9. Professor H. G. Moulton The Brookings Institution, 744 Jackson Place, Washington, D.C.
10. Professor W. C. Mitchell c/o D. H. MacGregor, Oxford University, Oxford, England
11. Professor Duncan A. MacGibbon Board of Grain Commissioners, Winnipeg, Canada
12. Professor James A. Moffat University of Indiana, Bloomington, Indiana
13. Mr. Trevor Arnett General Education Board, 61 Broadway, New York City
14. Professor Stephen B. Leacock McGill University, Montreal, Canada
15. Professor Spurgeon Bell Department of Economics, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
16. Miss Hazel Kyrk University of Chicago, Faculty Exchange
17. Professor Sumner Slichter School of Business Administration, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts



[Carbon copy]

December 21, 1931


Dear Mr. Millis:

I have received and read with great interest the letter which you sent to Mr. Trevor Arnett. It seems to me to be an excellent letter and I do not see how anybody could object to it.

I fancy that you may receive some further regrets but I hope that there may be a considerable number who will feel that they can fall in with the plan.

Faithfully yours,

James M. Stifler

Mr. H. A. Millis
Department of Economics
Faculty Exchange




Source: University of Chicago Archives. Office of the President. Hutchins Administration. Records. Box 72, Folder “Economics Dept, 1929-1931”.

Image: Social Science Building, University of Chicago.


Chicago Courses Economists Gender Home Economics

Chicago. Remedial Economics Course for Entering Graduate Students, Hazel Kyrk. 1926


Today’s artifact documents a working link between the educational programs of the Chicago Department of Political Economy and the Department of Home Economics and Household Administration in the person of Hazel Kyrk, a pioneer in the fields of consumer and family economics. From the brief memo written by the chair of the department of political economy, L. C. Marshall, we see that Kyrk was tasked with teaching a course that would be open to seniors in the College and to entering graduate students for either home economics or economics “who have not had work in this field”. By “advanced” one presumes an accelerated introductory course perhaps covering the material of a couple of freshman level courses. Still it is interesting to see that a graduate student in 1926, completely innocent of all formal economic training, could start the graduate program of economics with (or after) only a quarter of remedial education.

I have added to this post the course listings for the year before the creation of the new course Economics 202 (The Economic Order, Advanced Course) and the following year.

For more about Hazel Kyrk: Andrea H. Beller and D. Elizabeth Kiss. “On the Contribution of Hazel Kyrk to Family Economics” (June 2008). 

A chronology of her career is included on my page of Chicago economics Ph.D.’s 1894-1926



Carbon Copy of Memo from L.C. Marshall

May 22, [19]26

[To:] J. M. Clark, P. H. Douglas, J. A. Field, Hazel Kyrk, L. W. Mints, H. A. Millis, W. H. Spencer, C. W. Wright, Jacob Viner

[From:] L. C. Marshall

I have arranged with Miss Blunt to have Home Economics 141 dropped and to substitute for this course Economics 202, The Economic Order, Advanced Course, prerequisite 18 majors, given by Miss Hazel Kyrk.

As will be apparent from this statement Miss Kyrk’s work will serve as a one major survey of the economic order for senior college and graduate students who have had no previous work in economics. There is a considerable constituency of such persons who need this work as a preliminary to their work in Home Economics. Then, too, as time goes on we shall probably be under the necessity of offering this course once each quarter for our own senior college and first year graduate students who have not had work in this field. This latter matter, however, is one for later adjustment.


Source: University of Chicago Archives. Department of Economics. Records. Box 22, Folder 7.



General and (Some) Intermediate Course Listings



A. General Survey Course

101*. Industrial Society.—Mj. Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring, Professor Marshall and Others.

[*Limited-credit course: After a student has credit for 18 majors but less than 27, this course will be credited at one-half major; after he has credit for 27 majors, it will not be credited at all.]

See also Home Economics 141. The Household in Modern Industrial Society.


B. Intermediate Courses

201. Principles of Economics.—Mj. Spring, —


Source: University of Chicago. Annual Register covering the Academic Year Ending June 30, 1925, with Announcements for the Year 1925-1926. P. 146.



A. General Survey Course

101. Industrial Society.—Mj. Summer, 8:00, Dr. Montgomery.

102*, 103, 104. The Economic Order I, II, III.—Mj. Autumn, Winter, and Spring, Professor Marshall and Others.

[*Limited-credit course: After a student has credit for 18 majors but less than 27, this course will be credited at one-half major; after he has credit for 27 majors, it will not be credited at all.]


B. Intermediate Courses

201. Principles of Economics.—Mj. Winter, 10:00, Mr. Palyi; Spring, —

202. Economic Order, Advanced Course.—Mj. Autumn, 1:30, Associate Professor Kyrk and Assistant Professor Mints.



Source: University of Chicago. Annual Register covering the Academic Year Ending June 30, 1926, with Announcements for the Year 1926-1927. P. 138.





A. General Survey Course

102*, 103, 104. The Economic Order I, II, III.—Mj. Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring, 8:00, 11:00 and 1:30, Professor Marshall and Others.

[*Limited-credit course: After a student has credit for 18 majors but less than 27, this course will be credited at one-half major; after he has credit for 27 majors, it will not be credited at all.]

See also Home Economics 141. The Household in Modern Industrial Society.


B. Intermediate Courses

201. Intermediate Economic Theory.—Mj. Autumn, Winter, Spring, 8:00, Professor Douglas, Associate Professor Sorrell, and Assistant Professor Cox

202. Economic Order.—Mj. Autumn, Winter, and Spring, 9:00, Associate Professor Kyrk and Assistant Professor Mints.


Source: University of Chicago. Annual Register covering the Academic Year Ending June 30, 1927, with Announcements for the Year 1927-1928. P. 162.



Image Source: Photo of Hazel Kyrk from her 1918 U. S. Passport Application. National Archives. Roll 0504, 20 April 1918.




Chicago Courses Exam Questions Suggested Reading Syllabus

Chicago. International Trade and Finance. Jacob Viner, 1933.


The first four pages of written notes taken by Milton Friedman for Jacob Viner’s course, International Trade and Finance, provide something of a course syllabus and list of suggested reading assignments. The notes are undated but in his civil service job applications, Friedman provided a list of courses by university, semester or quarter and course instructor. Milton Friedman took Jacob Viner’s course during the Winter quarter (January to mid-March) of 1933. Generally Friedman’s handwriting is easy to read, knowing the context, though some checking of authors’ names was required. I provide one sample from a particulary difficult five or six lines and welcome any alternative readings. Otherwise I am extremely confident in my transcription.

Elsewhere in his files, Milton Friedman had what appears to be a later photocopy of an exam for this course. The folder is labelled “Biographical: Class Exams circa 1932-1938”. “University of Chicago” and “Milton Friedman” are handwritten on the photocopy of the original typed copy of the exam.

Don Patinkin took the same course that was still taught by Viner in 1944: the course outline, readings and some exam questions are available in an earlier post.


International Economic Relations: Course Description

[Economics] 370. International Trade and Finance.—This course deals with the theory of international values, the mechanism of adjustment of international balances, foreign-exchange theory, the international aspects of monetary and banking theory, and tariff theory. Prerequisite: Economics 301 or its equivalent. Winter, Viner.


Source: University of Chicago. Announcements. Arts, Literature and Science, vol. XXXII, no. 12 (for the sessions of 1932-33), p. 361.


From Milton Friedman’s Course Notes

✓Mun England’s Treasure Ch. 2, 3, 4, 5, 20, 21

✓Hume Essays Moral & Political. Vol I—Essays (of Commerce/of the Balance of Trade)

✓Viner   Early English Theories. J.P.E. June & Aug, 1930. All of June article. pp. 418-431, 442-448 in Aug. article.


Bullionist Controversy

✓Silbering, Fin[ancial] & Mon[etary] Policy [of Great Britain During the Napoleonic Wars] Qu. Jour of Ec 1924

✓Angell ch III & Appendix A

✓Ricardo High Price of Bullion in works also in Gonner. Ricardo’s Essays

✓Viner Canada’s Balance, pp. 191-20[last digit smeared, might be “4”]

J.P.E. Oct 1926 pp. 600-608

✓J.S. Mill Principles Bk III Ch XXIV

✓Walker Money. Ch XIX & XX

Mill Principles Book III, Ch XIX, XX, XXI, XXII

Taussig, International Trade. Ch XVII, XVIII


1) Canada’s Balance pp. 202-212, 145-190

Angell pp. 170-174, 505-510

2) Ohlin. Is the Young Plan Feasible? Index Feb 1930

3) Angell-Q.J.E. May 1928

Rogers in Recent Ec. Changes Vol. II, Ch. II
Taussig, Int. Trade 325-332

4) Moulton on War Debts in Schanz Festgabe [Festgabe für Georg von Schanz zum 75 Geburtstag. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr. 1928. 2 vols. Papers by Beckerath, Lotz, Jèze, Einaudi, Stamp, Moulton, and others.]


with respect to 1) find answer:

  1. to what factor does Viner assign & to what factor does Angell says Viner assigns the immediate responsibility for the rise in prices. Also to what fact[or] he assigns it.
  2. What role does Viner assign & what role does Angell say Viner assigns & what role does Angell assign to the expansion of Canadian Bank loans.
  3. What is order of priority acc[ording] to Viner & acc[ording] to Ang[ell] of fluctuation in Canada bank demand liabilites & outside reserves.
  4. (cf. th[eory] by Mill or Tau[ssig]) If outside reserves was held as gold in Canada what role in the mechanism would the classical theory assign to them


Comparative Costs

Ricardo-Principles ch 7

Viner Welt-Archiv Oct, 1932


Manoïslesco Theory of Protection [Reviewed by Viner in JPE, Feb. 1932, pp. 121-125]

Grunzel Joseph. Handbuch der internationalen Handelspolitik (probably)]

Cherbuliez [, Antoine] Précis de la Science E., pp. 375-391

Walras “Théorie du Libre Échange. Revue d’Économique Politique XI (1897) pp. 651-664

or ‘Études d’Éc. Pol. Applique, pp. 286-304 [1898 reprint of previous article].



Taussig. Int. Trade

Weber, Alfred. “Die Standortslehre und die Handelspolitik Archiv für Sozial. XXXII (1911) 667-688
Choose one & in about 10 days give appraisal thereof.

J.S. Mill Principles Bk III Ch XVII XVIII

Marshall. Money Credit & Commerce Bk III Ch VI, VII, VIII Appendix J[?] pp. 330-342

Terms of Trade

Taussig: Int. Trade see Index under Barter Terms of Trade.

Yntema Ch. 5.

Wilson Capital Imports, Ch 4.

Depreciated Paper

Taussig, Int. Trade 336-408

Graham Exchange Prices & Prod. in Germany. 97-99; 117-149

Cassel Money & Foreign Exchange after 1914, pp. 137-186

Cassel The Treatment of Price Problems. Ec J. Dec 1928

Ohlin International Trade Relations. Index Aug 1930

Bastable. Theory of Int’l Trade Ch 6.

League of Nations. [Financial Committee] Report of Gold Delegation, 1932 [Official no.: C.502.M.243.1932.II.A]


Read letter in last issue of Economica of a letter on the true something or other.


Source: Hoover Institution. Milton Friedman Papers, Box 120, Bound notes (Economics 370/J. Viner/10 a.m. S.S.B. 107).


Final Exam Questions Winter Quarter 1932-33

Economics 370

  1. Write notes on the following:
    1. “Increasing Returns” and the Comparative Cost Doctrine
    2. The “Law of Reciprocal Demand” and the “Equation of International Exchange.”
    3. The possibilities of partial specialization under free trade.
  1.       a.  Discuss the part played by international shifts in money incomes in adjusting balances of payments to international capital movements.
    b.  Explain briefly the part played in the lending country in connection with the same process by bank deposits and by bank loans.
  2. “The principles governing the rate of exchange may be illustrated by the following mechanical example. Represent two countries by two cisterns, and their stock of legal tender money by water, so that the depth of the water in either cistern may be taken to be the general level of prices in the corresponding country. If water cannot pass from either cistern to the other any divergence of depth may be produced at will by adjusting the respective quantities of water in them. This corresponds to the case of countries with independent currencies. If, however, the water can flow through a pipe leading from the base of one cistern to the base of the other, the depths in the two cisterns will always be identical.”
    Hawtrey, Good and Bad Trade, 1913, pp. 109-110.
    Comment briefly.


Source: Hoover Institution. Milton Friedman Papers, Box 115, Folder 13. “Biographical: Class Exams circa 1932-1938”.

Columbia Exam Questions Suggested Reading Syllabus

Columbia. Foundations of Social Economics. J.M. Clark 1937


Working with the papers of John Maurice Clark is not for historians who abhor dirt and disorder. Simply imagine going into an attic and finding the papers of your grandparents dumped shelf by shelf, pile by pile, with or without the social contrivance of filing, and now image the dust of decades has penetrated the recesses of box and folder. And yet there is much interesting stuff for the hardy to be found in the rummage of Clark’s career.

Three items are posted today from J. M. Clark’s course on the foundations of social economics: (i) five pages describing a course project for students to think about an economic constitution for a newly discovered, virgin continent that is 1/10 the scale of the United States which would be colonized by 1/10 of the U.S. population but run as an experiment in economics; (ii) an undated handwritten course bibliography; (iii) an undated typed final examination for the course.

Examination questions for one of the two courses taught back-to-back from a few years earlier can be found in Milton Friedman’s papers.



Economics 109—Foundations of social economics. 3 points Winter Session. Professor J. M. Clark.
M. and W. at 2:10. 401 Fayerweather.

The course pays attention to the nature of man, and of joint organizations which act as economic men; the economic ideal, viewed dynamically; the social meaning of wealth; the institution of exchange; the principles of choice, value, and cost; a functional analysis of production; the basic institutions of control; economic guidance; negotiation and bargaining; the factors of production and the laws of return; the problem of waste.

Economics 110—Dynamics of value and distribution. 3 points Spring Session. Professor J. M. Clark.
M. and W. at 2:10. 401 Fayerweather.

The functions of value and price; the dynamics of supply and demand for commodities and factors of production; the institution of competition; social vs. competitive schemes of distribution; value and expenses of production; expenses and ultimate costs of production; cumulative vs. self-limiting changes; the level of prices; economic rhythms.


Source: Columbia University Bulletin of Information, Thirty-seventh series, No. 28 (June 26, 1937). History, Economics, Public Law, and Social Science. Courses offered by the Faculty of Political Science for Winter and Spring Sessions 1937-1938, p. 27.


Typed copy of Course Project, Econ 109
Winter Semester 1937

[handwritten note at top of page
“P.P. [per person?] 2-3 Objectives. 4-5 Strategic decisions.”]

Tentative project for Econ. 109.
(May be used as a carry-over in early meetings of 110 this year—Jan.-Feb., 1938)

Specifications for a new economic system.

A new continent, unoccupied and reproducing the area and resources of the U.S. on a one-tenth scale, has been discovered in the Pacific, and recognized as belonging to the U.S. Recognising that our present economic system is unsatisfactory, the Government has decided to use this area as a laboratory experiment in the setting-up of an altered system, starting from scratch with the advantage of hindsight as to the evils of our present system and trying to improve on them. More than one-tenth of our population, including quotas from all walks of life, have signified their willingness to try the experiment and to cooperate loyally in whatever system is selected. We needn’t take Al Capone [Chicago gangster kingpin] if we don’t want him, but we can have Owen Young [founder of RCA, the Young Plan regarding the reduction of German reparations was his namesake], Henry Dennison [important figure in scientific management movements] and others of like complexion if we want them.

This class has been designated as one of a number of groups to draw up and submit proposals, from which a plan for developing the area will ultimately be selected or otherwise made up. There are other groups concerned with religion, education and political government, and there will be interchange between all the groups before their various proposals are knit together. The political-government group is marking time until it finds what kind of a system it will have to devise a government for. There may be other groups set up on health, penology, family and social relations, art and possibly other matters as developments seem to require them.

[Handwritten title insert] First Strategic decision.

            We shall use modern scientific and technical methods of production. In departing from the pattern of the existing system, we are free to go all the way to the most complete communism, or to move in the other direction and try to set up a system more genuinely individualistic (and presumably more competitive) than the present one, if we think the chief trouble is that it is not individualistic enough.

Desirable ends, formulated as standards, so far as possible.

            “Maximum individual welfare”, including physical and mental health, personalities adjusted to social living, well-rounded exercise of faculties and adequate stimulus thereto, liberty of choice, within limits, barring things demonstrably harmful to individual or society but including choice of occupation, particular forms of recreation and consumption, adequate guidance in the exercise of liberty, possible special stimulation to activities regarded by proper and competent bodies as especially valuable.

More goods, for those who need them most, implying much greater equality of distribution that at present, but not neglecting importance of increasing total. Flat equality, or distribution (of all goods) according to need, debatable. What kinds of goods? Not much more food, not very much more clothing, much more adequate housing, more adequate education, much more adequate health service (but our religious board includes a couple of Christian Scientists!) “More goods” calls for stimuli to efficiency of production in all grades, and liberty to try new processes and new goods. Whole question of bureaucratic morale, of differentiated material rewards varying with performance (or in proportion to commercial worth of superior performance?) of comparative, quasi-competitive or completely competitive tests of performance.

Right to opportunity to work.

Relative stability of rate of production.

Adequate supply of capital to ensure progressive efficiency of production, with future product rationally weighted against present privation.

Rational distribution of family income over time, with balanced provision for old age and emergencies. (This may or may not be tied up with the provision of capital funds, as at present).

National defense, to the extent deemed necessary (We shall assume that it does not call for a totalitarian system.) [Handwritten note: “Can we safely assume that in 1947?]

Strategic decisions.

            Scope of consumers’ preference in deciding what goods and services shall be produced. We shall surely let them decide what color wall-paper and furnishings to have, and beyond certain minimum requirements what books to read and what recreations to follow. We may ration some things—if so, what?—but there will be some realm within which we let them have purchasing power which they are free to use as they choose. This will be our money, and goods will have a price, within this realm.

Shall we also let them choose whether to spend or not to spend? The dangers here are two: fluctuations of total spending (including that on capital formation) and excess saving not spent on capital formation. Unless incomes and the feeling of insecurity fluctuate heavily, the first danger is not great. With large concentrated incomes eliminated, the second danger would be practically removed. Fluctuating credit for busing durable consumers’ goods would create more danger; and for industrial investments, more still. Control of credit can be made effective downward, but not very well upward, even if credit is a public monopoly.

As to public services, I shall assume that we keep the present list, with reservations as to poor-relief if the need is changed or other agencies substituted; and that the question is as to additions. The big question is whether we make the main body of production a public service. If we do, it will be for two main reasons: to control inequality of distribution, and to control the relation between the current volume of production and the spendings (consumer and capital) it depends on to take the goods off the market, to the end that utilized production may be limited only by power and willingness to produce, no fall short of that limit as at present.

If we do that, problems arise of means to secure efficiency from workers and managers, source and allotment of capital and possible place and reward for private savings, determination of production programs and of kinds of goods and services to be produced, including new ones, organization of invention and incentives, determination of wages, of prices, of income devoted to free public series, pensions, etc. procedure concerning workers’ choice of occupation and shifting from one to another, selection of workers and treatment of those nobody wants—that’s enough to start with and to give some idea of the sort of thing that would be encountered. How combat the stagnation of bureaucracy, the multiplication of supervisors, the business of passing the buck and finding scapegoats for poor performance (I assume we shouldn’t want the scapegoats shot)? What sort of “social accounting” shall we use?

If we permit private saving, what shall we do about inheritance, and how prevent evasions of our policy.

We can embody the essentials of our plan in a constitution; how shall we provide for amendment? Shall the whole be in the hands of elected officials? If so, will anyone dare to support an opposition ticket? Will dissatisfied elements believe that a reelection was genuine and fair? Will such factors as these lead the system into a dictatorship of force, even if it did not start that way?


Bibliography for Economics 109
[no date]

Economics 109

Veblen:         “The Place of Science in Modern Civilization”

The Theory of Business Enterprise
The Theory of the Leisure Class
The Instinct of Workmanship.

Davenport, H. J. “Economics of Enterprise”

Anderson, B. M. “Social Value”

Cooley, C. H. : “Social Process”

Hobson, J. A. : “Work & Wealth”.

Pigou, A. C.: “Economics of Welfare” or “Wealth & Welfare”

Tugwell, (ed):  “The Trend of Economics”.

Boucke, O. F.: Critique of Economics”.

Mill, J. S.:      “Principles of Economics”

Essays on “Liberty” and “Utilitarianism”.

Clark, J. B.    “The Philosophy of Wealth”.

“Essentials of Economic Theory”.

Dickinson: Motives in Economic Life

Parker, Carleton: The Casual Laborer.

Wicksteed: “The Common Sense of Pol. Econ.”

Watkins: G. P. “Welfare as an Economic Quantity”.

Hoover Committee “Waste in Industry”

Chase, Stuart: The Tragedy of Waste”.

Clark, J.M.: “Social Control of Business”

“Economics of Overhead Costs”.

Ely: “Property & Contract”.

Commons: “Legal Foundations of Capitalism”.

Sidgwick: Principles of Political Economy.”

Tawney: The Acquisitive Society”

Edie: Principles of the New Economics.”

[Day, Clarence] “This Simian World.”


Economics 109
Final Examination


Answer two questions, but not more than one of questions 3-8, inclusive.

  1. Discuss effects of recent military techniques on problems of the economic organization of a country.
  2. With respect to equality as a social-economic objective, what does the prevailing American social judgment favor? Note questions of degree of equality or inequality, and questions of different matters in respect of which people may be equal or unequal.
  3. “Individuals allocate expenditures so as to secure equal marginal utilities from money spent for different things, or to put themselves on a basis of indifference as between different expenditures”. Discuss. If true, why and by what psychological process; if not true, suggest amendments in the light of more realistic psychology.
  4. If you were founding a new society, what would you do about consumers’ freedom of choice, and why? If you allow such freedom in important degree, consider how far this commits you to other features of the present economic system.
  5. Discuss the economic importance of the “instinct of workmanship”.
  6. Compare the theory of “balked dispositions” with the tradition utilitarian treatment of the subjective sacrifices of production.
  7. Discuss economic significance of intelligence tests, in the light of the question what kind of a population is suitable or unsuitable to a system of private enterprise, either complete or modified.
  8. Discuss the social productivity of advertising and salesmanship, and compare this problem with the traditional concept of production, as bearing on the social productivity of private enterprise.
  9. Do the same for the social productivity of “bargaining” activities.
  10. Discuss the range of possible kinds of agencies available to perform economic functions.
  11. Would you assume that the attempt to maximize profits (with or without competition) standardizes economic behavior sufficiently to warrant using this assumption as a sufficient basis for deductive theorizing: that is, as furnishing all the basis such theorizing needs to take account of?
  12. Discuss the meaning of supply schedules or demand schedules, taking account of complexities or difficulties involved.


Source: Columbia University Libraries. Manuscript Collections. Papers of John M. Clark. Box 24, Unlabeled Folder.

Image Source: Detail from Columbia University group photo of economics department from the early 1930s. Columbia University Libraries. Manuscript Collections. Columbiana, Department of Economics Collection, Box 9, Folder “Photos”.


Chicago Economists

Chicago. Visiting Professorship Offered Schumpeter for 1926


Joseph Schumpeter did not teach at the University of Chicago in 1926 but he was sent a cable offering him $4000 to teach  during the  five months April through August 1926. No reply was filed with the exchange of letters between the President’s Office and the Department of Political Economy and the copy of the cable sent to Schumpeter’s address in Vienna. I would guess that the Chicago colleagues were unaware that Schumpeter had just been appointed to a professorship in Bonn in 1925. In November 1925 Schumpeter was married in a Lutheran church in Vienna, so perhaps he actually saw the informal offer.

I have added “[sic]” after the street address given for Schumpeter in Vienna. An umlaut was added, presumably by someone who thought Schumpeter’s street could use a diacritical mark. The street got its name to honor the Royal Counselor (and unumlauted) Johann Peter Strudel von Strudenhof (1648-1714).

Salaries for the 1926-27 year (found in the budget recommendations for 1927-1928) ranged from $8000 for the head of the department, L. C. Marshall (Professor) through $6000 for Jacob Viner (Professor) to $3250 for L.W. Mints (Assistant Professor) so that $4000 for two quarters of teaching was a pretty generous offer.


Letter from Vice President Tufts to Professor Field


8 October 1925

Professor James A. Field
Faculty Exchange

Dear Professor Field:

Confirming our conversation, it was the judgment of the President in consultation with Mr. Arnett and myself that in view of our present financial situation we could not go beyond the provision of the budget as would be required if Professor Schumpeter were to be invited for three quarters. The suggestion was made for the consideration of the Department that it might consider an offer, preferable for one quarter or perhaps for two quarters, one of these to be the summer quarter, for which there would be funds in the present budget. If he were to be invited for two quarters the understanding is that he might be offered four thousand dollars. If for a single quarter a larger proportionate sum would doubtless be necessary, as for example twenty-five hundred dollars, although we have had several distinguished men from Europe for the summer quarter whom we have paid eighteen hundred or two thousand dollars.

The Department will of course consider whether this appointment would be its best use of the available funds.

Very truly yours,

James H. Tufts




Response by Prof. Field to Vice-President James H. Tufts

The University of Chicago
Department of Political Economy

October 8th, 1925.

Mr. James H. Tufts,
The University of Chicago

Dear Mr. Tufts:

At our departmental meeting this noon we discussed at some length the proposal to invite Professor Schumpeter to give instruction here in the Spring and Summer quarters of the coming year. We were unanimously of the opinion that both our Summer schedule and our general departmental situation would be very much strengthened if Professor Schumpeter could be induced to come on the terms suggested in your memorandum, namely four thousand dollars ($4,000) for the two quarters.

We shall be glad, therefore, if the president’s office will extend an invitation to Professor Schumpeter. In order that we may lose no time, either in reaching him or in obtaining his tentative answer, we suggest that a cablegram be sent him asking if he would consider an appointment on the proposed terms, requesting an answer by return cable, and indicating that if his provisional answer is favorable we will write him a letter explaining fully the sort of arrangement we are proposing and the character of the work which would be assigned to him. The cablegram should presumably specify the actual dates at which his term of service would begin and end. Professor Schumpeter’s address is Strüdlhofgasse [sic] 17, Vienna IX.

If you feel that you need any additional information before you cable Professor Schumpeter will you be good enough to let me know at once? Our hope of getting him probably depends on quick action.

Sincerely yours,

[signed| James A. Field





October 12, 1925

Professor Schumpeter
Strüdlhofgasse [sic] 17
Vienna IX

Would you consider teaching this university April first to September first next Cable and if yes letter will explain details Honorarium four thousand dollars

President University Chicago

Prepay and charge
The University of Chicago (President’s Office)


Source: University of Chicago, Department of Special Collections. Office of the President. Mason Administration. Records. Box 24, Folder “24/1 Economics Department appointments and budgets 1925-1927”.

Columbia Computing Economists

Columbia. Chaddock’s Request for Funding for his Statistical Laboratory, 1911.

From time to time I like to add a little budgetary detail.  For the year 1911-12 assistant professor Robert E. Chaddock’s salary was $2500 (the top professor salary in economics, $6000, went to Henry R. Seager). Today’s post is a request for $500 of additional funds for the 1911-12 budget for the statistical laboratory run by Chaddock.  I add some biographical material for Chaddock (the photograph from the 1919 Barnard College yearbook is the only picture of him I have been able to find in my online search), including the Columbia Spectator’s report of his suicide in 1940.

Earlier posts at Economics in the Rear-View Mirror concerning the purchase of calculating equipment for economic research were:  1928 (Henry Schultz at Chicago) and  1948 (George Stigler at Columbia).


Source: Barnard College, Mortarboard, 1919.

Memorial:  Frederick E. Croxton, “Robert Emmet Chaddock, 1879-1940,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 36, No. 213 (March, 1941), pp. 116-119.




Copy of letter by Seligman to Butler

December 18, 1911

Nicholas Murray Butler, LL.D.,

President, Columbia University

New York.

Dear President Butler:-

I have asked Professor Chaddock, our new assistant professor of statistics, to give me a report of the work that has been done in the statistical laboratory this year. I take pleasure in sending a copy of his report herewith and with your permission I should like to amend the budget letter of the Department, if that is still practicable, to the extent of asking for a special appropriation of $500 for the statistical laboratory, the amount to be expended for the statistical machine and for such supplies, charts, atlases, etc. which would not properly come under the head of the library appropriation.

You will remember that two or three years ago you were kind enough to secure a special appropriation of $500 for some comptometers for the laboratory. That amount was not included in our budget letter. Perhaps this also could be taken care of in a similar way.


[unsigned copy, E.R.A. Seligman]



Copy of letter by Chaddock to Seligman


December 18, 1911

Professor E. R. A. Seligman,

Columbia University.

Dear Professor Seligman:

As suggested, I am sending you this letter to describe the work and needs of the statistical laboratory. On the theory that the laboratory is a place for practice and a place where sources of information may be found, it has been our aim this year to keep the laboratory open between the hours of 9 A.M. and 6 P.M. Much of the time some men have been found there at its opening and closing hours.

The class in elementary statistics numbers about 45, of whom 40 are engaged in doing actual laboratory work in addition to the two hours of lectures weekly. Our plan has been to divide the lecture group into five sections for their laboratory work, meeting Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at nine o’clock and Monday and Wednesday at eleven o’clock, in addition to lectures Monday and Wednesday at ten o’clock. By this plan the groups are reduced to eight or ten men and scientific work is possible. The lecture work is made concrete to each individual through his own work and his misconceptions are checked and corrected by personal supervision. The student is thus enabled also to know and to use the mechanical aids without which the work of the statistician would be largely impossible today.

Besides the class in elementary statistics, there are students who, having had the lecture work, are engaged in writing their dissertation which involves statistical work. The laboratory offers facilities for work of this character and should aim to make it possible to turn out better digested statistical material in our dissertations.

An effort is being made to provide in the laboratory sources of information contained in Federal, State, and City reports and in reports of special investigations. Periodical document lists of the State and Federal governments are kept convenient for reference.

The effort has also been made to get into touch by correspondence and personal conference, with the practical statistical work being done in the city both by public and private agencies, with the view of impressing the student with the concrete problems of statistical work and with the importance of a working knowledge of how to use and judge supposed facts.

It would seem also to be important that the statistical laboratory at Columbia, by its equipment, demonstrate to all who see it and use it what the ordinary working equipment of a statistician ought to be, what the sources of information are, and how they may be handled.

In view of these aims we venture to set forth certain needs, the satisfaction of which conditions the complete efficiency of the laboratory:

(1) One calculating machine of “Millionaire” or “Ensign” type—probably $250 or $300. The present equipment of machines is not adequate to keep a group busy without loss of time.

(2) A Statistician’s working library to be kept on the laboratory shelves. Some appropriation toward this library which is to contain the chief works on theory and method as well as special sources, i.e., Webb, Dictionary of Statistics.

(3) 10 copies of Barlow’s tables of squares, cubes, etc., up to 10,000 @ 6 s. each—60 s.

(4) 10 copies of Peter’s Multiplication and division tables at 15 s. each—150 s.

(5) Provision for a card file in the laboratory itself of all the statistical material available in the library so that the student in statistics may have a ready reference. Also for the purpose of recording all documents and sources received and kept in the laboratory itself.

(6) Provision for securing portraits of certain men most prominent in the development of statistical science, for the laboratory walls, i.e. Pearson, Quetelet, Engel, La Place, etc.

Attempts have been made by correspondence and conference, and will be made, to find out the best equipment for a laboratory such as ours and we ask your cooperation.


(signed) Robert E. Chaddock.


Source: Columbia University Libraries, Manuscript Collections. Papers of Edwin Robert Anderson Seligman, Box 98A, Folder “Columbia (A-Z) 1911-1913”.



Professor Chaddock Dies in Fall
Sociology Head, 61, Plunges from Roof; Believed a Suicide


Dr. Robert Emmet Chaddock. Professor of Statistics and head of the Columbia Department of Sociology, died yesterday morning at 11:20 after falling eleven stories from the roof of his apartment house at 39 Claremont Avenue. He was sixty-one years old.

It is believed that Dr. Chaddock’s death was a suicide.

Professor Chaddock left his apartment on the fifth floor at 10 A.M., the usual hour he left for his office, and walked to the roof of the building. He was dressed in an overcoat and hat, and carried a brief case and an umbrella.

Shortly after 11 A.M., a maid from an adjoining apartment, Ethel Anderson, discovered him sitting on the parapet on the west side of the building. She called the elevator boy, but before either could summon assistance, Dr. Chaddock jumped or fell to the courtyard below. He left his overcoat, hat, brief case and glasses along the edge of the roof.

Worried About Wife

Seemingly In good health and spirit prior to his death, it was learned on good authority yesterday that the 61-year old professor had been worried over the health of his wife, Mrs. Rose A. Chaddock, who survives him. Dr. Chaddock left no communication, but fatigue and overwork were some of the motives put forth as possible causes of his death.

A daughter, Mrs. Parker Soule of Roswell, New Mexico, is his only other survivor. She was in Roswell at the time of the accident.

Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, President of the University headed the list of bereaved faculty associates. In a statement to The Spectator yesterday, Dr. Butler stated:

“Our whole University family is stupefied and heartbroken at the tragic death of Professor Chaddock. Himself a scholar of outstanding importance and large influence in his chosen field, we all held him in affectionate friendship and looked forward to many years yet of continuing accomplishment. Our feeling at this sudden ending of his life is too deep to be put into words.”

Speaking for the entire Sociology Department of which he has been acting in the capacity of chairman for the past two weeks, Dr. Willard W. Waller, Associate Professor of Sociology, stated, “We have lost a sincere friend and a valued colleague. That is the sentiment of Fayerweather Hall.”

Dr. Chaddock was born in Minerva, Ohio on April 16, 1879. A member of the University faculty for thirty-one years, he was Professor of Sociology and Statistics since 1922.

Held Two Degrees

His degrees included A.B. Wooster College, Wooster, Ohio; LL.D. (Hon.) 1929. He was a member of Phi Beta Kappa; Fellow of the American Statistical Association, American Public Health Association and the Population Association of America and a member of the American Sociological Society.

He was one of the founders of the Cities Census Committee which developed the “census tract” unit for enumeration and tabulation of population and other types of data in New York City. This “census tract” idea has now been adopted by many cities, following the lead of New York.

Dr. Chaddock’s book, “Principle and Methods in Statistics,” published in 1925, has long been accepted as the standard text in the field.

Source: Columbia Daily Spectator, Volume LXIV, Number 20, 22 October 1940.





Comptometers were made by the Felt & Tarrant Manufacturing Company of Chicago, Illinois and the initial patent holder was Dorr E. Felt. This is a very unusual model in black paint and gold decorations. Almost all Comptometers are in copper patena or polished copper housings. While there are some very rare listing (printing) models, the ones most often found do not have printing capability as is the case with this particular one. The Comptometer was probably the most important adding machine or calculator ever made. The first one (model one) was made with an all wooden case (see the model one in our collection) and came out in 1887 and the last one was made with an cast aluminum case sometime in the early 1960s. The people who operated them (usually women) were also called comptometers and the modern term for the person in charge of an accounting department, Comptroller, is the evolution of the name comptometer (operators titles). The more modern term for the chief accountant, Controller, is also an evolution from Comptometer. The last listed patent date on this Comptometer is 1914 and that is most likely, or very close to, the year it was manufactured. This machine comes with its original tin case and the case is prlobably more rare than the machine. Both the machine and the case have an estimated condition rating of 2+, 2.

Source: Comptometer at Branford House Antiques Website.



Millionaire Calculator

This lever-set, manually operated non-printing calculating machine has a brass mechanism and a metal case with lid. The lid and the flat plates that cover the mechanism are painted black. The carriage is entirely contained within the case. The machine carries out direct multiplication.
Ten German silver levers are pulled forward to set up numbers. A crank left of these may be set anywhere between 0 and 9 for direct multiplication and division. A lever right of the digit levers may be set at addition, multiplication, division, or subtraction. Right of it is the operating crank. A row of ten windows in front of the levers shows the number set on the levers. It is labeled DIVISOR.
In front of this is the carriage, with two other rows of windows. The row closest to the levers (further from the front) indicates the multiplier or quotient. The other row shows the result or the dividend. The result windows are labeled DIVIDEND and may be set with a dividend using thumbscrews. The carriage has zeroing knobs for both these registers. Holes for decimal markers are between the digits of all three registers. Between the front two registers, at left, is a button used to shift the carriage. A bell rings if the number in the result window changes sign (as when subtraction produces a negative number).
A paper sheet inside the lid gives instructions for operating the machine and related tables, along with a cleaning brush and key. The stand is stored separately.
A mark on the middle of the front of the machine reads: THE MILLIONAIRE. A metal tag on the right reads: Hans W. Egli (/) Ingenieur (/) Fabrikation von Rechenmaschinen (/) Pat. O. Steiger (/) ZURICH II. A metal tag on the left reads: W.A. Morschhauser (/) SOLE AGENT (/) 1 Madison Avenue (/) NEW YORK CITY. Just under this tag is stamped the serial number: No 2609. A mark on the carriage next to the result register reads: PTD MAY 7TH 1895. SEPT. 17TH 1895. Scratched in the middle of the front of the machine is the mark: FOR PARTS ONLY.
For related documentation see MA*319929.03 through MA*319929.07.
Daniel Lewin has estimated that Millionaire calculating machines with serial number 1600 date from 1905, and those with serial number 2800, from 1910. Hence the rough date of 1909 is assigned to the object.
This calculating machine was used by the physicist William F. Meggars of the United States National Bureau of Standards.


Source: Smithsonian. The National Museum of American History.



Ensign Model 90 Calculating Machine

This full-keyboard direct multiplication non-printing electric calculating machine has an iron and steel case painted black, The nine columns of plastic black and white keys are colored according to the place values represented. Complementary digits are indicated on the keys. Keys for odd digits are concave, and those for even ones are flat. The keyboard is covered with green felt.

Right of the number keys is an addition bar. Considerably to the right of this is a key to be depressed in division and ten digit keys used to enter digits directly in multiplication. To the left of the keyboard is a key marked “C” that, when depressed, locks the keyboard. A row of seven number dials serves as a revolution counter. These dials are covered with glass.

On the left side is a handle for clearing the revolution counter and result register. Behind the keyboard and revolution counter, inside the machine, in a row of 16 number dials recording the result. These dials are also covered with glass. They are deep within the machine, and difficult to read. The result register may be divided to record two results simultaneously. The base of the case is open, with a cloth cover inside it. This example has no motor.

A mark on the front of the machine reads: The Ensign. A mark on the right side reads: ENSIGN (/) MANUFACTURING CO. (/) BOSTON, U.S.A. (/) PATENTED (/) NOV. 1, 1904. – JAN. 2, 1906. (/) JULY 9, 1907. – FEB. 18, 1908 (/) JUNE 2, 1908. (/) OTHER PATENTS PENDING.

The Ensign was an early example of an electrically operated calculating machine. The Ensign Manufacturing Company of Waltham, Massachusetts is listed in Thomas’ Register for 1909. The dates on the machine refer to dates of patents of Emory S. Ensign, who was president of the company. The Ensign Manufacturing Company of Boston, Massachusetts, is listed in Thomas’ Register for 1912, 1914, 1915, 1916, and 1917. It was not listed in 1918. By this time, Ensign seems to have moved to Queens, New York. The machine was manufactured until about 1925.


Source: Smithsonian. The National Museum of American History.


Image Source: Robert Emmet Chaddock from Barnard College, Mortarboard, 1919.



Curriculum Fields Harvard Undergraduate

Harvard. Taussig Reports to Alumni About the Special Needs of the Economics Department, 1915


A recent post provided Harvard President Lowell’s interpretation (1916) of the results of a recently completed study on economics instruction at Harvard (subsequently published in 1917). In this post we see how Professor Frank W. Taussig spins his reception of the ongoing study for a pitch to Harvard alumni to get over their edifice complexes (i.e. their revealed preference to fund new structures) and to create more endowments to fund graduate students and post-docs who are an important link between the research and instructional missions of the University in general and the department of economics in particular.




The most striking change that has taken place during the last fifty years in the content of the College curriculum has been the dominance acquired by the political and economic subjects. What Greek, Latin, Mathematics were a half-century ago, that Economics, Government, History are now, — the backbone of the ordinary undergraduate’s studies. I will not undertake to say whether on the whole the change is or is not to be welcomed. It has its good sides and its bad sides. In one respect it is undoubtedly good. The main cause behind it is a great awakening of public spirit, — a consciousness that the country is confronted with pressing political and economical problems, and that we must gird our loins to meet them. And an assured consequence will be that the new generation of College men, who are being graduated every year by the thousands and tens of thousands, all trained in these subjects, will constitute a leavening force which must in time affect profoundly and beneficially the conduct of public affairs. At all events, so far as university teachers and administrators are concerned, the plain fact must be faced: instruction in these subjects has to be provided on a large scale.

The responsibility thus devolving on the Harvard Department of Economics among others was impressed on its members by the outcome of the new system of concentration introduced in 1910. It appeared that in some years this department had the largest number of concentrations of any; and in every year the number was very large. Its only rival was the English Department. These figures — familiar enough to Harvard men — set the economists to thinking. Under the able leadership of the chairman, Prof. C. J. Bullock, a deliberate inspection of the Department’s work was decided on. Obviously, the surest way to get at the unvarnished facts was to enlist the services of outside critics. To this end the Department of Education was asked to come to our aid. Its members were invited to attend lectures and recitations, to read examination books and theses, to learn by questionnaires what the students themselves said and thought, to suggest improvements. In addition, some members of the Visiting Committee appointed by the Board of Overseers really visited, attending systematically the exercises in some courses and preparing valuable critical reports. The Educators responded to the appeal with gratifying heartiness, and the two Departments have cooperated cordially in a course of action which is unique in the history of the University.

Already this movement has borne fruit; and it will bear still more. The introductory course Economics A (which has successively borne the names Philosophy 6, Political Economy 1, Economics 1, and now Economics A) has been systematically visited. New methods of instruction have been suggested, old methods have been tested, promising devices are on trial. It should be added that the more expensive and effective methods of instruction tried in it, and started even before the educational survey, were made possible only by generous financial support from the Visiting Committee. This is the largest elective course in College, having over 500 students; here is the most important teaching task. In the next tier of courses, two are being conducted on new lines; in these cases on the department’s own initiative rather than in consequence of advice from outside. They are the undergraduate courses on accounting and statistics, in which something closely akin to a laboratory system is being applied. That is, the assigned tasks are done, not in the student’s room and at his own (procrastinated!) hour, but in special quarters equipped for the purpose, at times appointed in advance, and under the supervision and with the aid of well-trained assistants. Other courses, especially those having considerable numbers, are now under similar inspection, and we have every hope that in them also good advice will be secured and good results obtained.

The problems of instruction in this subject, as in so many others, are far from being solved. How far lecture, how far enlist discussion, how far recite? In what way bring it about that the students shall think for themselves? In what way communicate to them the best thinking of others? Almost every department of the University, not excepting the professional schools, is asking itself these questions and is experimenting with solutions. Undoubtedly, different methods will prove advantageous for different subjects. Within the Department of Economics itself there is occasion for variety in methods. Some courses, especially those dealing with matters of general principle and of theoretic reasoning, are best conducted by discussion. Others, dealing with concrete problems, with the history of industry and of legislation, with description and fact, call for a judicious admixture of required reading, lectures, written work. In all, the great thing to be aimed at is power and mastery: training in thinking for yourself, in reaching conclusions of your own, in expressing clearly and effectively what you have learned and thought out. The courses that deal with industrial history, with the labor problems, with railways and combinations, taxation and public finance, money and banking, need something in the nature of laboratory work, such as I have just referred to; an extension and improvement, supervision and systematization, of the familiar thesis work.

Now, throughout all such endeavor and experimentation, the indispensable thing is a staff of capable and well-trained instructors. We need able men, effective personalities. We need them throughout, from top to bottom, — professors, assistant professors, instructors, assistants. The ideal man is one having a good head, good judgment, good teaching power, good presence, good training, the spirit of scholarship and research. Men who possess all these qualities are rare birds; we are in luck when we get the perfect combination. Often we have to accept men not up to the ideal. But we know what we ought to have, and we should strive to get as nearly to its height as we can.

In no subject is there greater need of good teachers and of trained thinkers than in economics. The subject is difficult, and it abounds with unsolved problems. Some things in its domain are indeed settled, — more than would be inferred from current popular controversies or from the differences in the ranks of the economists themselves. But on sundry important topics it is useless to maintain that we have reached demonstrable conclusions. There are pros and cons; conflicting arguments must be weighed; only qualified propositions can be stated. Differences of temperament, of upbringing, of environment, will cause the opinions of able and conscientious men to vary. Hence there is need above all of teachers who can think, weigh, judge; who are aware of the inevitable divergencies of opinion and of the causes that underlie them. There is abundant room for conviction, for enthusiasm, for the emphatic statement of one’s own views. But also there is need, above all in the teacher, of patience, discrimination, charity for those whose views are different.

It is thus of the utmost importance that young men of the right stamp should be drawn into the profession. I say the profession, because it has come to be such. And it is a profession with large possibilities, one that may well tempt a capable, high-spirited, and ambitious young man. Twenty-five years ago, when I was in the early stage of my teaching career, it would have been rash to encourage such a youth to train himself to be an economist. Then academic positions were but ill-paid, and were not held in assured high esteem. The situation has changed. Though salaries are still meager, they are rising; and the public regard for scientific work is increasing for all subjects, and not least for this one. Quite as important is the circumstance that the services of trained economists are now in demand for the public service, and that in this direction there are large opportunities for usefulness and for distinction. The possible range of work has come to be much wider than the academic field. And no large pecuniary bait is necessary to enlist men of the needed quality. Those who are interested primarily in money-making cannot indeed be advised to enter the profession; but they are also not of the sort to be welcomed in it. I am convinced that nowadays there are more young men than ever, in Harvard and elsewhere, to whom something nobler appeals. The spirit of service is abroad in the land, and moves students not only in their choice of college courses, but in their choice of a career. Yet a career should be in sight. There should be a reasonable prospect of promotion, a decent income according to the standards of educated men.

To enlist men of the right stamp in the service of the University there must be still another sort of inducement. There must be a stimulating atmosphere, a pervasive spirit of initiative and research. To mould the thoughts of students and so the opinions of the coming generation is an attractive task; but no less attractive, often more so, — much will depend on temperament, — is the opportunity to influence the forward march of thought, the solution of new problems. As I have just said, economics offers unsolved problems in abundance. There are high questions of theory, concerned with the very foundations of the social order and tempting to the man of severe intellectual ambition. There are intricate questions of legislation and administration, calling for elaborate investigation and pressing for prompt action; these will tempt the man of practical bent. For either sort of work, there must be something more inspiring than the opportunity for routine teaching. The advanced student needs the clash of mind on mind, the companionship of eager inquiry. It is this way that the Graduate School most serves Harvard College, and indeed is indispensable to the College. Without the opportunity and the stimulus of independent scientific work by the graduate students as well as by the teaching staff, it would be hopeless to try to enlist in the University service promising men of the desired quality.

I dwell for a moment on this aspect of the situation, because it is not understood by those among the alumni who believe that too much of the University’s money and too much of the professors’ time are given to graduate instruction. The late Professor Child, one of the most distinguished scholars as well as one of the most delightful men in the annals of Harvard, is said to have remarked that Cambridge would be a most attractive place were it not for the students. The remark reflects the weariness which in time comes over the professor whose teaching is confined to the routine instruction of undergraduates. It is astonishing how much scholarly work of high quality was achieved by Child and others of the older generation, under the untoward conditions of their day; sometimes, there is ground for suspecting, — not, by the way, in Child’s case, — because they simply slighted their routine teaching. Under the new conditions and the new competition in the academic world, we may be sure that if this were the only sort of work expected of the staff, the staff would be made up in the main of men qualified for this work only. It is the opportunity of doing creative work that tempts the highest intellectual ability; and creative work needs a creative atmosphere.

It is to be noted, further, that the source from which Harvard College and all the colleges must draw their teaching staffs is in these graduate schools. The experience of the Department of Economics convinces its members that the only way to secure a good staff of junior teachers, — instructors and assistants, — is to train them in a graduate school. The staff of the Department has been very much improved during the last ten years, and the improvement has come almost exclusively by recruiting from its own advanced students. We are confident that the training we give them is thoroughly good; we even cherish the belief that nowhere else can so good a training be secured. At all events, we try to retain the best of our advanced students in our service; if not indefinitely, at least for considerable stretches of time. And among the inducements which lead them to stay with us are the opportunities not only for teaching, but for research of their own, made possible by a moderate stint of stated work and enriched by the wealth of material in our great library.

What the Department of Economics most needs, then, and indeed what the University most needs in every department, is men. The University must have buildings, laboratories, libraries; but most of all it must have ripe scholars, inspiring teachers, forward thinkers. As it happens, external and mechanical facilities count less in economics than in many other subjects. There is no need of expensive laboratories, such as are indispensable for physics, chemistry, biology, the medical sciences. Like the Law School, we use chiefly collections of books and documents, and convenient lecture and conference rooms. The one fundamental thing is the men, and the one way to get them is to have free money, — enough money to pay good salaries to those on the ground, and to draw to the University the rare genius whenever by good fortune he is to be found. The specific way in which the generous-minded graduate can serve the needs of such a department is by the endowment of instruction and research.

The endowment of instruction ordinarily takes the form of the establishment of a professorship; and this will doubtless remain the most effective way of achieving the end. But there are other ways also. Professor Bullock has recently called attention in these columns to the possibilities of the endowment of economic research. I venture to offer a suggestion for something analogous, — something which may combine the endowment of research with that of instruction, and which has the further merit of not requiring so formidable a sum as is necessary nowadays for the foundation of a professorship. The University has at its disposal a not inconsiderable number of fellowships for training young men of promise. I believe that it could use with high advantage similar posts, more dignified and more liberally endowed, for mature men who are more than promising, — whose powers are proved, whose achievements are assured. Research fellowships they might be called, or professorial fellowships, if you please. An endowment of a moderate amount would enable the incumbent of such a post, if a young unmarried man, to give his whole time to research; if an older man, to limit his teaching hours within moderate bounds and so to give a large share of his time and energy to research and publication. The appointments would be made, I should suppose, for a specified term of years; and they would go preferably to scholars in the full vigor of early manhood. They would be highly honorable, and they would be tempting to men of high ideals and of quality coming up to our own ideals of University service. Will not some of our friends, not of the multi-millionaire class, desirous of doing what they can for our benignant mother, and perhaps of perpetuating a cherished name, reflect on this possibility?


Source: The Harvard Graduates’ Magazine. Vol. 24, No. 94 (December, 1915), pp. 274-279.


Chicago Economists Harvard

Harvard. Jacob Viner Beats Paul Douglas for Ricardo Prize Scholarship, 1916


Jacob Viner and Paul Douglas were not only colleagues at the University of Chicago, they also overlapped briefly in graduate school at Harvard in 1915-16. The Ricardo prize scholarship  that they both competed for was worth $350 and considerably exceeded the regular annual tuition-fee, e.g., for a newly enrolled (1916-17) full-time, resident student in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences annual tuition was $200. Since both were already enrolled in 1915-16, they would have been charged the tuition fee published in the earlier catalogue for 1915-16 that I have not yet hunted down. One might  speculate that Douglas had hoped to complete his Ph.D. at Harvard but that he needed to win the scholarship…or perhaps “honorable mention” was not honorable enough for him. In any event, Douglas went on to receive his Ph.D. from Columbia University. In all fairness, Viner was in his second year at Harvard and could use the Ricardo prize scholarship exam in April as a dress rehearsal for his Ph.D. examinations that he took the next month.


Ricardo Prize Exam. Will be Held in Upper Dane Tomorrow

Harvard Crimson, April 4, 1916

The Ricardo Prize Scholarship examination will be held in Upper Dane Hall tomorrow at 2 o’clock. The scholarship is valued at $350, and is open to anyone who is this year a member of the University, and who will next year be either a member of the Senior class or of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Each candidate will write in the examination room an essay on a topic chosen by himself from a list not previously announced, in economics and political science. In addition, statements of previous studies, and any written work, must be submitted by every candidate to the Chairman of the Department of Economics not later than the time of the examination. The man who wins the scholarship must devote the majority of his time next year to economics and political studies.


Ricardo Prize Scholarship

The Ricardo Prize Scholarship for 1916-17 has been awarded to Jacob Viner, A.M., of Montreal, Quebec, a second-year student in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Honorable mention has been awarded to Paul Howard Douglas, A.M., of Cambridge, a first-year student in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

Source: Harvard University Gazette, Vol. XI, No. 34, May 13, 1916, p. 181 .

Image Source: Collage of details taken from photos apf1-08488 (Viner) and  apf1-05851 (Douglas) from University of Chicago Photographic Archive, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library.