Complete List of Artifacts
This is a chronological catalog of postings to Economics in the Rear-View Mirror. You can subscribe to the blog and receive fresh artifacts in the history of economics (with a focus on the teaching of undergraduate and graduate economics in the U.S. between 1870 and 1970) delivered to your e-mailbox following this list. Your feedback via comments is welcomed and encouraged.
- Harvard. Information regarding degrees, 1935-36
- Harvard. Enrollments, 1916/17-1936/37
- Harvard. Requirements for graduate degrees, 1934-35
- Harvard. Degree rulings, 1930
- Harvard. Rules for graduate study, 1955
- Harvard. Information regarding graduate degrees, 1947
- Harvard. Account of graduate department, July 1886
- Harvard. Two course reviews, 1881
- Harvard graduate alumnus, Arthur Morgan Day in 1896 and 1912
- Harvard graduate alumnus, George Ole Virtue in 1896 and 1912
- Harvard graduate alumnus, Carlos Carleton Closson in 1896 and 1912
- Harvard graduate alumnus, Charles Beardsley, Jr. in 1896 and 1912
- Harvard graduate alumnus, Hugo Richard Meyer in 1912
- Harvard. Courses, degree requirements, 1897-98
- Harvard. Courses, degree requirements, 1911-12
- Harvard. Economics 2. Carver, 1900-01
- E. B. Wilson lecture, USDA graduate school, 1930
- Harvard. Economics 101. Economic Theory. Chamberlin, 1938-9
- Harvard. Harry Rudolph Tosdal. Ph.D. 1915
- Harvard. Hansen and Williams, Fiscal seminar 1937-1944
- Columbia. School of Political Science. Information 1882-83
- Harvard. Readings for Taussig’s Economics 11, Theory. 1923-24
- Columbia. Economics Courses with Descriptions, 1905-07
- Chicago. Courses of instruction, 1900-01
- Chicago. General Regulations for Ph.D., 1903
- Comparison of Course Offerings. Chicago, Columbia, Harvard ca. 1893-94
- Graduate Courses. 23 US Universities. 1898-99
- Columbia Course. Historical and Practical Political Economy. Richmond Mayo-Smith. ca. 1891-2
- John Bates Clark Biography from Amherst Yearbook 1894
- Chicago. Economics 354. Types of Econ Organization. Douglas. 1938
- Harvard. Econ 7b. Single Tax, Socialism, Anarchism. Readings. Carver, 1919-20
- Chicago. Econ 332. Business Cycle Theory (Lange). Minsky Notes 1942
- Chicago. Ph.D. Exam Questions by Viner in Theory. 1928
- Chicago. Ph.D. Exam. Spring 1939
- Chicago. Math Econ (Econ 402). Henry Schultz References. 1932
- Milton Friedman’s Coursework in Economics, Statistics and Mathematics
- Chicago. Reading Assignments, Economic Theory (Econ 301). Viner, Fall 1932
- Portrait of Eight Economists. University Extension Summer Meeting, 1894
- Columbia. Mathematical Economics. Hotelling. Class Rolls 1931-1944
- Columbia. Course Descriptions. Hotelling. 1931-1945
- Columbia. Search Committee Report. 1950
- Chicago. Econ 332. Business Cycle Theory (Lange). Final Exam.1938
- Chicago. Course Notes. Theory of Income and Employment. Marschak. 1948
- Harvard. Wolfgang Stolper’s Coursework. 1934-37
- Harvard. Course. Economics of Socialism. Sweezy. 1940
- Harvard. Course. Graduate Economic Theory. Taussig. Fall 1934
- Harvard. Schumpeter. Harvard Crimson. March 1, 1934
- Harvard. Course. Graduate Economic Theory. Schumpeter. Spring 1935
- Harvard. Course. Graduate Theory. Schumpeter. 1935-36
- Harvard. Richard M. Goodwin, 1949
- Johns Hopkins. Ph.D. Regulations, Courses 1880
- Harvard. Edward Cummings Resignation, 1900
- Johns Hopkins. Education of Henry Carter Adams 1870’s
- Johns Hopkins. Annual Report. 1881-82
- Johns Hopkins. Courses. 1881-82
- Johns Hopkins. H.C. Adams Dissertation auf deutsch 1879
- Johns Hopkins. Veblen On Mill, 1881
- Columbia. Friedman Course. Structure Neoclassical Economics 1939-40
- Columbia. Syllabus for Trust Problem. Seager, 1907
- Columbia. Lecture Series. Seager on Economics. 1907-08.
- Harvard. Course. Money, Banking, Commercial Crises, 1937-38
- Columbia. Introductory Economics. First-term, 1912-13.
- Primer for Little Political Economists. 1896
- Chicago. Banking Theory and Monetary Policy. Mints, 1942
- Yale. Irving Fisher recording on 100% reserves, 1938
- Chicago. Money and Banking, Economics 330 Mints, 1932
- Chicago. Money and Banking Economics 331. Mints. 1932
- Chicago. Money and Banking. Economics 330 Exam. Autumn 1932
- Columbia. Readings International Economics. Angell, 1933
- Cornell. Laughlin’s Scheme to Expand Economics,1891
- Harvard. General Exam: Corporations. Readings, 1933-34
- Harvard. General/Special Exams: Public Finance. Readings, ca 1933
- Harvard. General Exam: Railroads. Readings, 1933-34
- Harvard. Readings Ph.D. Preparation. Banking, ca 1913
- Chicago. Modern Tendencies in Economics. Viner. 1933
- Columbia. Public Finance Syllabus. Seligman circa 1923
- Top Eleven Economics PhD Programs in US, 1934
- Harvard Courses in Political Economy, 1874-75
- Columbia Economics’ Market Share in 1900
- Columbia. Economics Curriculum 1898-99
- Harvard. Sociology Syllabus. Carver, 1917-18
- Harvard. Principles of Sociology Exam. First Semester, Carver 1922-23
- Laughlin’s List: Recommended Teacher’s Library of Economics, 1887
- Harvard. Advanced Economic Theory, Schumpeter, 1941-42
- Chicago Economics’ Subjective Self-Ranking in 1913
- Columbia. Ph.D. Memo On Oral Examinations. 1932-33
- Harvard. Intro to Mathematical Economics. Schumpeter, Leontief 1935-42
- Columbia. Money and Banking Reading List. Angell, 1933
- Sadler’s Syllabus and Course of Readings in Economics, 1891
- Harvard. Money. Economics 8. A. Piatt Andrew, 1901
- Chicago. Committee on Ph.D. Outlines & Requirements, 1949 Part I
- Chicago. Committee on Ph.D. Outlines & Requirements, 1949 Part II
- Chicago. Committee on Ph.D. Outlines & Requirements, 1949-50 Part III
- Chicago. Price Theory. Econ 300A, Friedman. 1946.
- Chicago. Price Theory. Economics 300 A&B. Friedman. 1948
- Chicago. Price Theory. Economics 300 A&B. Metzler. 1948-49
- Chicago. Price Theory. Econ 300 A&B. Friedman Readings ca 1947
- Chicago. Purchasing order for a calculator for Henry Schultz. 1928.
- John Hicks Arguing for More Economic History Research, 1947
- Burgess on Political Sciences at Columbia College. 1882
- Professors’ and Instructors’ Salaries, ca. 1907
- Chicago. Imperfect Competition (Econ 307) Reading List. Lange, 1941
- Chicago. Undergraduate Macro. Stanley Fischer, 1973
- Chicago. Economics From an Institutional Standpoint. Knight c.1934
- Interdisciplinary Moment. Max Sylvius Handman, Chicago Sociology Ph.D. 1917
- MIT, Business Cycles Reading List. Samuelson, 1943
- Harvard. Public Finance. Economics 5, Bullock. 1915
- From the 200th Anniversary of Wealth of Nations Roast of Adam Smith at MIT. 1976
- Philadelphia. Summer Meeting of Economists. University Extension, 1894
- Harvard. Economic Theory I. Chamberlin, 1947-48
- MIT. Graduate Macroeconomics 14.451. Blanchard. Spring 1997.
- Harvard. Economic Theory II, Econ 202. Leontief, 1948-49
- Harvard. Graduate Course Record. Thomas Schelling, 1946-49
- Harvard. Economics Dept. votes down course on Russian Revolution, 1919
- Chicago. J. Laurence Laughlin thoughts on “Problems of the Young Scholar”. 1916
- AEA Twenty-fifth Anniversary Celebration, NYC 1909
- Harvard. Econ113b. Schumpeter’s Grad Course on the History of Economics. 1940.
- Chicago Hotel Costs for the 1924 AEA Meeting
- Columbia. Exam Questions for Econ 110. J. M. Clark, 1934
- Columbia. 1931-50 graduate economics alumni survey 1950
- Columbia. Economic History Course taught by Simkhovitch. Attended by Friedman, 1933.
- Columbia. Fiscal policy. Depression deficits and war finance. Shoup, 1941
- Columbia. Henry L. Moore’s Memorial Minute, 1959. Salary issue, 1924.
- Columbia. Founding Father of Faculty of Political Science. Burgess, Bio 1893
- Chicago. International Trade and Finance. Viner, 1944
- Chicago. Course on International Economic Policies. Viner, 1944.
- Harvard. U.S. history for economics graduate students. F. J. Turner, 1912
- Harvard. Business Cycles Course. Hansen, 1950.
- Ely and Wicker’s List for an economics library, 1904.
- Kyiv School of Economics, 2015
- Columbia. History of Economics Exams. J.M. Clark, 1949-51
- Harvard. Syllabus for International Trade and Tariff Policies. Harris, 1933
- Harvard. From Self-Report on Behavioral Sciences to Ford Foundation. Economics, 1953.
- Harvard. Early Evolution of Behavioral and Social Science Departments. Mason Report.
- History of Social Sciences at the University of Chicago, from 1954 Report to Ford Foundation
- History of Behavioral Sciences at Stanford. From Report to Ford Foundation, 1954
- Michigan. Organization of Behavioral Sciences. Report to Ford Foundation, 1954
- Minnesota. Fiscal Policy Reading List. Walter Heller, 1950
- Portrait of Hermann Paasche of index number fame, 1907
- Harvard. The Corporation and its Regulation. Course Syllabus. Crum, Mason & Chamberlin, 1934
- Harvard. Stricter division between undergraduate and graduate courses. Ca. 1910-11
- Portrait of Prof. Ernst Louis Étienne Laspeyres of Price Index-Number Fame
- Harvard. Undergraduate Public Finance Reading List. H. H. Burbank, 1936
- Harvard. Recent Economic History. Readings, Edwin F. Gay, 1934-35
- AEA. The Study of Statistics in College by Carroll D. Wright, 1887
- Germany. The Seminary Method. Reported by Herbert B. Adams, 1884
- Chicago. Memo on survey of views of recent Ph.D.’s. 1930
- Harvard. Coursework of Frank W. Fetter for A.M., 1923-24
- Columbia. Curricular Suggestions and Comments. 1945
- Harvard. Ph.D. General Examination Fields. Charles Beardsley, 1904
- Harvard. Economics General Examination. Lauchlin Currie and Harry D. White, 1927
- Columbia. Regulations for Ph.D. candidacy and general examination, 1916
- Columbia. Report of the Dean of the School of Political Science, 1901
- Harvard. Final Examination Questions. Economics Courses, 1912-13
- Amherst. Honors Section of Introductory Economics. Paul H. Douglas, 1925
- Amherst. Charles W. Cobb and Paul H. Douglas, 1926
- Berkeley. Ira B. Cross memoir, Portrait of an Economics Professor, 1967
- Columbia. Core Economic Theory. Hart, 1946-47
- Mathematical Economics at Harvard according to E.B. Wilson, 1936
- MIT. Graduate Economics Program and Fellowships. 1950-51
- Harvard. Modern Economic History Seminar. Usher, 1937-41
- Harvard. Biographical memoir of Charles F. Dunbar, 1900
- Harvard. Charles F. Dunbar Obituary by Taussig, 1900
- Columbia. Exam Questions for Economics Ph.D. Candidates, 1949
- Columbia. Richmond Mayo-Smith. Life and Death, 1854-1901
- Harvard. A.B. Honors Degree Examination in Mathematical Economic Theory, 1939
- Chicago. Economics 300A. Core Theory. Gary Becker, 1956
- Yale. History of graduate education up to 1898
- MIT. Franco Modigliani as Santa Claus. 1975
- Yale. Arthur Twining Hadley. Biographical Sketch, 1899
- Yale. Suggested readings in social sciences from Arthur T. Hadley, 1901
- Chicago. Don Patinkin’s undergraduate and graduate coursework 1940s
- Columbia. Franklin H. Giddings, short biographical sketch. 1899
- Yale. Young Irving Fisher. 1899.
- Harvard. Seminary in Economics. Topics and Speakers , 1891/2-1907/8
- Chicago. Skelton bibliography from “Socialism: A Critical Analysis”, 1911
- Columbia. E.R.A. Seligman, biographical sketch. 1899
- Harvard. Undergraduate Economic Theory (Shorter Course). Monroe, 1937-8
- Harvard. Taxation Theory and Methods. Taussig, 1897-98
- Harvard. Economic historian William J. Ashley. Short biographical sketch, 1899
- Harvard. Mathematical Economics Rescheduled. Petitions, E. B. Wilson, 1935
- Chicago. Economic Theory Exams, A.M. and Ph.D. Summer 1949
- Harvard. Economics students petition for Karl Marx course. 1938
- Harvard. Economics Seminary Schedules. 1929-32.
- Chicago. J. Laurence Laughlin, brief biographical sketch, 1899
- Harvard. Edward Cummings, a brief biographical sketch. 1899
- Harvard and Wellesley. Race and Gender. Dubois and Balch.
- Marxism. Recommended sequence of readings. Dannenberg, 1918.
- Harvard. O.H. Taylor’s undergraduate course, Intellectual Background of Economic Thought, 1941
- Harvard. Graduates’ Magazine reports on Economics Dept. 1892-1904.
- Harvard. Reading List in Public Finance. Bullock and Burbank, 1934.
- Chicago. Theory and Measurement of Demand. Henry Schultz, 1934
- Harvard. Larry Summers on American Universities. 2016
- Harvard. Labor Economics, Social Policy. Willoughby, 1901
- Chicago. Intermediate International Monetary Economics. Lloyd A. Metzler, 1949
- Chicago. Advanced International Monetary Economics. Metzler, 1950
- Chicago. International Trade and Policy. Advanced Graduate. Metzler, 1948 and 1950
- Chicago. Theory of Income and Employment. Domar, 1948
- Harvard. Honors Economic Theory, Chamberlin/Leontief/Taylor, 1939-40
- Yale. Graduate Course Keynesian Economics, Tobin. 1951-52
- Chicago. History of Economic Thought. Frank Knight, 1946
- Chicago, Columbia, Michigan. Henry Simons Coursework, 1916-1926
- Columbia. Organization of Graduate Education, 1908-10.
- Citizen’s Library of Economics, Politics and Sociology. Richard T. Ely, ed. 1900+
- MIT. Business Cycles Reading List. Samuelson, 1952
- Harvard. Taussig’s use of own text in his Principles of Economics Course, 1911
- Harvard Economics Department Votes on Course Rules, 1912
- Columbia. Junior Year Political Economy. Mayo-Smith, 1880
- Political Economy Books. Top-Ten Sellers in the U.S., 1876
- Harvard. Labor Economics and Social Reform Divisional Exam, 1939
- Society for Political Education. Popular Economic Tracts. 1880-1891
- Carleton College. John Bates Clark on the Meanings of Socialism, 1879
- Cornell. Germany and Academic Socialism. Herbert Tuttle, 1883.
- Harvard. Money, Banking, and Cycles, Seymour Harris, 1933-34
- Harvard. Mathematical Economics. Leontief, 1948
- Harvard. Business Cycles. Goodwin and Haberler, 1949
- Harvard. Business Cycles and Economic Forecasting. Schumpeter, 1948
- Chicago. Money and Banking Ph.D. qualifying exam, 1933
- Chicago. Economic History, Ph.D. qualifying exam, 1933
- Chicago. Economic Theory Ph.D. Qualifying Exams, 1932-33
- Chicago. Ph.D. qualifying exam in statistics. 1932
- Harvard. Political Economy Courses, 1888-89
- MIT. Francis Amasa Walker Eulogized by Charles F. Dunbar in 1897
- Chicago. Faculty and Course Offerings in the beginning, 1893/94.
- Chicago. Minimum Wage Debate, Bibliography. 1914
- Stanford. Early Economics Courses and Faculty, 1890s
- Michigan. 1891 Econ Ph.D. Fred Converse Clark. Obit, 1903.
- Cornell. Economics Courses and Faculty, 1914-15
- MIT. Final Exam in Graduate Macro I. Stanley Fischer, 1975
- Harvard. International Trade, Finance & Policy. Haberler, 1949-51
- Chicago. Exam questions for Oskar Lange’s Imperfect Competition Course, 1941 & 1944
- Harvard. Economics of Socialism. Mason and Sweezy, 1938
- M.I.T. Intermediate Macroeconomics. Modigliani, 1961
- Chicago. Paul Samuelson and Jacob Mosak. A.B. Comprehensive Exam Grades. 1935
- Columbia. Kindleberger remembers Simkhovitch, mid-1930s
- Harvard. Schumpeter’s Socialism Course. Syllabus and Exam, 1946
- MIT. Course Outline of Economic Statistics. Robert Solow, 1960
- Chicago. Undergraduate grade distribution in economics, 1925-26 and 1926-27.
- Chicago. Monetary Dynamics Seminar. Milton Friedman, 1952
- Harvard. Economics Departmental (General) Exam for A.B., 1939
- Harvard. Methods of Social Reform. Frank A. Fetter, 1906.
- Columbia. Memo from the Dean on Registration-Books, 1909
- M.I.T. Advanced Economic Theory (Capital and growth). Solow and Phelps, 1962
- Chicago. Introduction to Money and Banking. A. G. Hart, 1933
- Harvard. 19th Century European Economic History. Gay and Klein, 1910
- Harvard. Economic History of the U.S., Gay and Klein, 1911.
- Johns Hopkins. Henry L. Moore on Thünen, 1893
- Bibliography on Utopias through Marxian Socialism, 1879
- Johns Hopkins University. Theory of Distribution, John Bates Clark, 1892
- MIT. Department of Economics Group Photo, 1976
- Harvard. Three Economics Courses. Texts and Exams, 1874-77.
- American Colleges and German Universities, Richard T. Ely, 1880
- Harvard. Economic and Political Ideas. O. H. Taylor, 1948
- Harvard. History of Economic Thought. Fellner, 1950
- Harvard. Business Organization and Control. Sydney Alexander 1948-49.
- Harvard. Undergraduate Econometrics. Orcutt, 1950
- Harvard. Empirical Economics. Orcutt, 1950
- Chicago. Economic Doctrine, Modern Tendencies. Lange, 1942
- Harvard. A.B. Division Examination, Economic Theory, 1939
- Harvard. Economic History since 1750. Division Examination,1939
- Harvard. Money and Government Finance. Division Exam, 1939
- Harvard. Market Organization and Control. Special Examination, 1939
- Rössig’s 18th century history of Political Economy. 1781-82
- Harvard. James Ackley Maxwell, Ph.D., 1926
- Chicago. 25th anniversary of Dept of Political Economy, 1916
- Harvard. Mathematical Economics, 1933-37
- Harvard. Economic Theory II. Leontief, 1947-48
- Harvard. Economics of Socialism. Overton Taylor et al., 1950
- Columbia Ph.D. and Berkeley Professor, Charles Adams Gulick
- Columbia. Wesley C. Mitchell’s Methodological Thoughts, 1928.
- Joseph Schumpeter on Methodological Individualism, 1908
- Chicago. James Buchanan’s Dissertation Outline, 1947
- Harvard. T.N. Carver’s link to US publicist of Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 1920
- Chicago. James Tobin Autobiographical Letter from Faculty Meeting, 1950
- Chicago. HMS Pinafore parody for Milton Friedman
- Harvard. First year Graduate Economic Theory. Haberler, 1950-51
- Harvard. Advanced Economic Theory. William Fellner, 1950-51
- Harvard. Graduate Mathematical Economics. Goodwin, 1948
- MIT. Samuelson at the Joint Economic Committee, 1973
- MIT. Suggestions for New Fields. Domar, Kuh, Solow, Adelman, 1967
- Harvard. A.B. Correlation Exam for W. European Economic History since 1750. 1939
- Harvard. A.B. Correlation Examination, American Economic History, 1939
- Roosevelt College. Abba Lerner with a Phillips Moniac, 1951
- Harvard. History of Political and Economic Thought, A.B. Correlation Exam, 1939
- Harvard. Marx/Engels/Lenin Readings. Emile Burns (ed.), 1935
- Harvard. Harvard Crimson Economics Course Guides, 1927-1938
- Chicago. Milton Friedman from Cambridge to T.W. Schultz. 29 Mar 1954
- Oxford. Travers Twiss, Lectures. 1847
- Harvard. Harvard invitations for guest lectures by Schumpeter and Rathgen, 1913
- Harvard. Thirteen Ph.D. Examinees, 1915-16
- Chicago. Sociology and Political Economy. Laughlin Letter, 1894
- Chicago. Economics Ph.D. program, switch to field exams. 1919.
- Chicago. Problem of Faculty Turnover, 1923
- Harvard. Public Administration and Finance, Correlation Exam, 1939
- Harvard. Government Regulation of Industry. A.B. Correlation Examination, 1939
- Harvard. Economics of Corporations. Dewing and Opie, 1929
- Industrial Organization, Myron Watkins’ Bibliographic Essay, 1927.
- Harvard Alumnus. A.W. Marget. Too Jewish for Chicago? 1927.
- Chicago. The Cowles Commission Song. Ca. 1950.
- Harvard. Undergraduate Economic Theory and Policy. Monroe, 1947-48
- Harvard. Economy of Russia. Leontief, 1947-48
- Columbia. Preparation for Graduate Economics, 1941
- MIT. Search for an Economic Historian. 1942
- Harvard. Course with a “snapper” problem, 1910
- Columbia. Mathematics Satisfies Second Foreign Language Reqt for Economics PhDs, 1950
- Columbia. History of Economics Department. Luncheon Talk by Arthur R. Burns, 1954
- Chicago. Skit Party’s “Ode to an Economist”, undated
- Harvard. 24 Ph.D. candidates examined 1926-27
- MIT. Final Examination in 2nd Core Microeconomics. Martin Weitzman, 1974
- Harvard Alumnus. Zenas Clark Dickinson, Ph.D.1920
- Michigan. History of the Department of Economics through 1940
- Chicago. Memo to M.A. candidates on deadline for theses, 1924
- Chicago. Memorandum on a Fiscal Stimulus, 1932
- Chicago. Paul Samuelson’s 50th Class Reunion Questionnaire, 1985
- MIT. Final Examinations for European Economic History. Kindleberger, 1970/74
- Harvard. Hansen and Williams’ course bibliographies. Fiscal and monetary policy, International Monetary Policy, 1950-56
- Harvard. Agricultural Economics, Carver 1917
- Harvard. On Latino immigration. Carver recalls 1929 invitation to White House.
- Harvard. Economic Problems of Latin America. Bradley, 1944
- Harvard. Doctoral Dissertations in Economics, 1875-1926
- Columbia. Ph.D. Alumnus Isaac Aaronovitch Hourwich, 1893
- Chicago. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus Henry Rand Hatfield, 1897
- Chicago. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus Simon James McLean, 1897
- Chicago. Ph.D. Exam for Money, Banking and Monetary Policy, 1946
- Harvard. Debate Briefs on Immigration. 1898-1908
- Chicago. Public Policy, Reform and Ethics. Frank Knight, 1940
- Harvard. Advanced Economic Theory. Franco Modigliani, 1957-8
- Chicago. Economics Job Offers, Salaries and Teaching Loads, 1971
- Columbia Economics Ph.D. alumnus. John M. Montias, 1958
- Columbia. Paul Douglas petitions to allow sociology courses for his second minor. 1916
- Harvard. Labor Organization and Collective Bargaining. Dunlop, 1947.
- Chicago. Gordon, Fischer and Friedman Memos on Money Core Courses. 1972
- Harvard. European Central Banking. Schumpeter, 1945
- Chicago. Economics Ph.D. (1903), Canadian Humorist Stephen Leacock.
- Columbia. Requirements for Ph.D., 1920
- Chicago. Economics Ph.D. Harold Glenn Moulton, 1914
- Columbia. Political Economy Courses Compared to Courses at the University of Berlin, 1897
- Harvard. Statistical Tables about Economics Ph.D.’s, 1931-35
- Harvard. Problems of Labor. William Z. Ripley, 1931
- MIT. Advanced Economic Theory Exam, 1962
- MIT. Robert Solow’s Advanced Economic Theory Course, 1962
- Cambridge. Alfred Marshall on Economics at American Universities, 1893
- Berlin. Mansplaining economics, 1895
- Germany. Articles on German Universities by Edmund J. James, 1880s
- Chicago. Labor Economics Professor Robert Franklin Hoxie. Suicide, 1916
- Toronto. Honors Exam. Money, Credit and Prices. 1933
- Toronto. Economics curriculum. 1932-33
- Harvard. Expansion of Economics Course Offerings. 1883.
- South Dakota. Economics Staff and Courses, 1883-1919
- M.I.T. Faculty Skit with Peter Diamond as Sir Lancelot, 1967
- Harvard. Evsey Domar’s Ph.D. Thesis story. 1947
- Harvard. Economics and Public Policy for Public Administration, Smithies. 1949-50
- Chicago. Visiting Economics Professors, 1896-1943.
- Taylor & Taylor. History of Agricultural Economics in the U.S., 1849-1932
- Chicago. Historical Enrollment Trends, Economics Faculty by Age and Educational Background. 1944-45.
- Chicago. Talent-Scouting for New Faculty, Joint Appointments and Visiting Faculty, 1945
- Chicago. Doctoral Examination Committees by Fields 1923-24
- Columbia. Statistical Lab Equipment for Economics Faculty Request, 1948
- Harvard(?). Professor’s standard of living, 1905
- Johns Hopkins. Economic Seminary 1903-04
- Harvard. Reading List for the Russian Economy. Gerschenkron, 1948.
- Harvard. History of Economics Reading List. Schumpeter, 1949
- Harvard. European Economic History, Usher. 1921
- Harvard. Discussion of “Road to Serfdom”. Sorokin, Leontief, Usher. 1945
- Chicago. Sixty Doctoral Dissertations in Economics, 1894-1926
- Bryn Mawr. Catholic economics instructor threatened with termination, 1921
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. William H. Nicholls, 1941
- Harvard. Socialism and Communism. Carver and Bushnee, 1901
- Harvard. Subjects Chosen by Economics Ph.D. Candidates for Examination.1904
- M.I.T. Industrial Economics Syllabus. Bishop. 1957
- Harvard. Syllabus for Money, Banking & Commercial Crises. Anderson, 1917-18.
- Harvard. Economic History of Europe Since 1800. Edmund E. Lincoln, 1920.
- Chicago. Price and Distribution Theory. Taught by Viner and attended by Samuelson, 1935.
- Swarthmore. Economic Theory Honors Exam Questions by Samuelson. 1943
- Chicago. Doctoral Field Exams Schedule for the Friedmans, Stigler, Wallis. 1935
- Harvard. Economics of Transportation. Chamberlin, 1931
- Columbia. J. M. Clark on Teaching “modern tools of economic thinking”, 1942
- Harvard. Readings list for Commercial Crises Course by Persons, 1923
- M.I.T. Capital Theory, Uncertainty, Welfare Economics. Half-semester Core Microeconomics. Samuelson, 1975
- M.I.T. Microeconomic Core Theory II. Bishop, 1974
- MIT. Core Microeconomic theory III. Hal Varian, 1975
- Harvard. Principles of Economics. Taussig, Andrew and Bullock. 1906-07
- Harvard. Major Expansion of Economics Course Offerings. 1883
- Columbia. Comments on Programs of Study in Economics and Business. Shoup, 1944
- Chicago. Proposal for interdisciplinary MA courses on Capitalism and Democracy. Hoselitz, 1947
- Chicago. Two Christmas Songs, “Economized” Lyrics. Undated.
- Chicago. Graduate Price Theory. Economics 300A. Harberger, 1955
- M.I.T. General Exams in Macroeconomics, 1959-71
- Harvard. Subjects Chosen by Economics Ph.D. Candidates for Examination, 1905
- Harvard Ph.D. Alumnus (1906) and Berkeley Professor Stuart Daggett
- Harvard. Seven Personal Reports to the Class of 1879, Frank Taussig. 1882-1914
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus. Robert Franz Foerster, 1909
- Harvard and Chicago. Harvard Class of 1873 reports from J. Laurence Laughlin 1879-1913
- Harvard College President Lowell on Instruction in Economics Department, 1917
- Harvard. Jacob Viner Beats Paul Douglas for Ricardo Prize Scholarship, 1916
- Harvard. Taussig Reports to Alumni About the Special Needs of the Economics Department, 1915
- Columbia. Chaddock’s Request for Funding for his Statistical Laboratory, 1911
- Chicago. Visiting Professorship Offered Schumpeter for 1926
- Columbia. Foundations of Social Economics. J.M. Clark 1937
- Chicago. International Trade and Finance. Jacob Viner, 1933.
- Chicago. Remedial Economics Course for Entering Graduate Students, Hazel Kirk. 1926
- Chicago. Soliciting Contributions of Alumni/ae to Fund for Graduate Fellowships, 1931
- Columbia. Budgeting John Bates Clark’s Salary After His Retirement, ca. 1911
- Columbia. Average Salaries by Rank 1913/14-1932/33.
- Harvard. Readings for Chinese Economic Problems, 1947
- Harvard. Programs of Social and Economic Reconstruction, Leontief and Tayor. 1942-43
- Harvard. General Exam Preparation for Statistics, 1947
- Chicago. Intermediate Economic Theory for Non-Majors, ca. 1933
- Harvard. Six Economics Ph.D. examinees, 1906-07
- Harvard. Suggested Readings for Tutorial, ca 1951
- Harvard. Memorial Minute for Professor Silas Marcus Macvane, 1914.
- Harvard. Haberler Argues Against Galbraith And On Behalf of Samuelson, 1948
- Columbia. School of Political Science. Faculty and Curriculum, 1890-91
- Harvard. A. Piatt Andrew appointed Director of Mint, Loses Manuscript(s), 1909
- Wing-nuts. Rose Wilder Lane on Stigler and Friedman, 1946
- Harvard. Undergraduate Economics and WWII, 1942
- The Collected Works of Milton Friedman Website
- Harvard. Sweezy and Stolper’s Outline for a “good Text”. 1940
- Wisconsin. Economic Theory Syllabus. James S. Earley, 1940
- Wisconsin. Milton Friedman’s Reading Assignments in Economic Theory, 1940-1
- Harvard. Edward Chamberlin Lobbies to Teach a Graduate Theory Course. 1935
- Harvard. Theories of Rent Readings Lists. Taussig, Schumpeter, Alan Sweezy. 1934
- Chicago. Exams for Introduction to Money and Banking, A. G. Hart, 1932-35
- Harvard. Junior Year Economic Theory, Chamberlin. 1940
- Harvard. Junior Year Theory of Production and Distribution of National Income. Haberler and Leontief, 1942.
- Harvard. Five Economics Ph.D. examinees, 1907-08
- Harvard and Columbia. The Role of University Presidents in the US. Economist, 1909.
- Columbia. Professor Henry L. Moore’s Undergraduate and Graduate Transcripts, 1890-96
- Yale. Undergraduate and Graduate Courses in Economics, 1899-1900
- Chicago. L. C. Marshall Memos Regarding Doctoral Field Committees and Advising, 1926-27
- Harvard. Undergraduate Introduction to Economic Statistics. Final Exam, 1939
- Harvard. Syllabus for Undergraduate Course, Economic Statistics. Frickey, 1940-41
- MIT. No Job Offer to Frank D. Graham, 1942
- Chicago. J.L. Laughlin Reminisces About Coming to Chicago, 1892
- Columbia Ph.D. alumnus. Two images of Kenneth Arrow.
- Harvard. Thirteen Economics Ph.D. Examinees, 1908-09.
- Harvard. Business Organization and Control. Mason and Kaysen, 1950-51
- Harvard. Francis Bowen’s Final Exam for Political Economy, 1869
- Williams College. Joan Robinson’s (last) course reading list, 1982
- Harvard. M.A. and Ph.D. requirements in Economics, 1958
- MIT. Applied Price Theory Readings. Robert Solow, 1971 or 1972
- Harvard. Exam Questions for Young’s Grad Course on Modern Economic Theories, 1921-27
- Harvard. Economics courses with enrollments and exam questions, 1871-1875
- Harvard. Final Examination for Paul Sweezy’s Economics of Socialism, 1940
- Harvard. Examination Questions for Chamberlin’s 2nd Semester Graduate Theory, 1939
- Harvard. Final Exam Questions for Carver’s Course on Socialism and Schemes of Reform, 1920
- Harvard. Final Examination Questions for Carver’s Sociology, 1918
- Harvard. Final Exam for Charles Bullock’s Public Finance, 1916
- Harvard. Final Examinations for Graduate Economic Theory. Chamberlin, 1948
- Harvard. Final Exam Questions for “The Corporation and its Regulation”, 1935
- Harvard. Undergraduate Public Finance Final Exam. H. H. Burbank, 1936
- Harvard. Recent Economic History, Final Exam. 1935
- Harvard. Final Exam Questions for Taxation Course. Taussig, 1898
- Harvard. O.H. Taylor’s Final Exam for Intellectual Background of Economic Thought, 1941
- Harvard. Final Exam Questions for Second Term of Honors Theory, 1940
- Harvard. Final exam in Monetary Theory and Policy. Harris, 1934
- Harvard. Half-year exam for O.H. Taylor’s Economics and Political Ideas, 1949
- Harvard. Monroe’s Final Exams for Intermediate Economic Theory, 1948
- Harvard. Intro to Mathematical Economics Final Exam, Schumpeter 1935
- Harvard. Carver’s Economics of Agriculture Final Examination, 1918
- Cornell. Economics in the Department of Political Science, 1900
- Cornell. Life of Walter F. Willcox, economic statistician
- Cornell. Final Examination for Economic Statistics. Willcox, 1921
- Abba Lerner’s Roadtrip to Meet Trotsky, 1938
- Harvard. Final Exam Questions for Usher’s European Economic History, 1922
- Harvard. Carver’s Principles of Sociology Final Examination, 1923
- Harvard. Appointment of Leontief as Economics Instructor in 1932
- Harvard. Final examination for B. M. Anderson’s Money and Banking, 1918
- Harvard. E. E. Lincoln’s final exam in European economic history, 1921
- Harvard. Final exam for E.E. Lincoln’s US Economic History, 1921
- Harvard. Taussig/Schumpeter/A.Sweezy’s final examination in value and distribution theory, 1935
- Harvard. Final exam for transportation economics. Chamberlin, 1932
- Harvard. Final exam from theory of production and distribution. Haberler and Leontief, 1942
- Harvard. Memorial Minute for Agricultural Economist, J. D. Black, 1960
- Keynes vs. Marx. Abba Lerner responds to Daniel Bell, 1944
- Professors’ salaries in U.S. economics departments (1), 1964/5-1965/66
- Associate Professors’ Salaries in U.S. Economics Departments (2), 1964/5-1965/66
- Assistant Professors’ Salaries in U.S. Economics Departments (3), 1964/5-1965/66
- New PhD Starting Salaries in U.S. Economics Departments (4), 1964/5-1965/66
- Expected New PhD Starting Salaries in U.S. Economics Departments (5), 1966/67
- Economics Professors’ Salaries by Rank (6), 1965-66
- Harvard. Labor and Public Policy Syllabus Dunlop, 1948
- Size distribution of graduate and undergraduate programs in economics. U.S., 1963-65
- Harvard. Final examination questions for Collective Bargaining, Labor, and Public Policy. Dunlop, 1947-48
- Chicago. Simons urges the recruitment of Milton Friedman, 1945
- Harvard. Gerschenkron moves to abolish language requirement, 1959
- North Carolina. Course outline and exam for mathematical economics, Hotelling. 1946 and 1950
- Harvard. Reading period and final exams. Theory and Money. Schumpeter 1927-28
- St. Petersburg. Daniel Bernoulli’s paper, Latin original. 1738
- Poland. Nicolaus Copernicus’ contribution to monetary economics. Ca. 1526
- Chicago. Mathematical Economics. Henry Schultz’s Reading List, 1935
- Columbia. Publications of Henry Ludwell Moore, 1895-1929
- Harvard. Five Ph.D. Examinees in Economics, 1909-10
- Harvard. Written vs. Oral Exams. Gerschenkron vs. Chamberlin, 1958
- Harvard. Final Exams in Economics. 1913-14.
- Johns Hopkins. Simon Newcomb defending formal economic analysis, 1884
- Chicago. Final Examinations for International Economics. Metzler, 1947-48
- Johns Hopkins. Ely on political economy’s past and present. 1883
- Harvard. Books on reserve in economics tutorial department, ca. 1927
- Harvard. Regulations regarding graduate degrees in economics, 1951
- Chicago. Henry Simons’ last course. Fiscal Policy, 1946
- Harvard. Final Exams 2nd semester of graduate money and banking course, John Henry Williams. 1939-41
- Harvard. Final Examinations for Taussig’s Course “Economic Theory. Both terms, 1922-23
- Harvard. Readings for Modern Economic History. Ashley, 1899-1900
- Columbia. Allowing math to substitute for second foreign language, 1950
- Chicago. Hayek’s Seminar “Equality and Justice”, 1950-51
- Harvard. Ph.D. candidates examined 1910-11
- Johns Hopkins. Fiscal Policy Readings. Domar, 1949-50
- Graduate Training in Economics. Report of Panel Discussions at Yale. 1956
- Ruggles-Friedman correspondence on Draft Report on Graduate Training in Economics, 1955
- Wisconsin. Business Cycles. Readings and Exam. Friedman 1940-41
- Wisconsin. Seminary in Statistical Research. Harry Jerome, 1937-38
- Chicago. Money, Banking, and Monetary Policy Exam for A.M. and Ph.D. Friedman, Mints, Marschak, 1952
- Harvard. Alumnus (A.B., Ph.D.) Professor Seymour Edwin Harris, 1945 and 1970
- Harvard. Corporation and its Regulation. Syllabus and readings. Mason and P. Sweezy, 1939-40
- Harvard. Syllabus and Final Exam for Industrial Organization and Control. Edward S. Mason, 1939-40
- Harvard. Regulation of Public Utilities and Transportation. Chamberlin, 1939-40
- Michigan. Economics within Political Sciences, 1843-1910
- Michigan. Prussian university as the model for higher education. Tappan, 1852-53
- Michigan. Philo Parsons’ gift of the Karl Heinrich Rau personal library, 1871
- NBER. Mitchell to Burns about Friedman. 1945
- Harvard. Memo on Master’s degree requirements in ten other departments, 1935
- Harvard 1909 PhD Alumnus, Edmund Ezra Day. Cornell Memorial Minute, 1951
- Harvard. Draft of Marxian Economics Course Outline. Leontief, ca 1935
- Harvard. Exam questions for Mason and Leontief’s Marxian economics course, 1937
- Cowles Commission. Evsey Domar’s Four Salient Episodes, 1947-48
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. (1929). Transcripts of Earl J. Hamilton
- Harvard. Laughlin’s 310 Examination Questions, 1884
- Harvard. Final Examination for Economics of Socialism, Mason and Sweezy, 1937 and 1939
- Harvard. Single Tax, Socialism, and Anarchism. Final Exam. Anderson, 1918
- Harvard. Seven Ph.D. Examinees in Economics, 1911-12
- New School for Social Research. Economics Courses, 1939-40
- New School for Social Research. Elementary Mathematical Economics. Marschak’s Readings, 1940
- Princeton. Money and Banking Syllabus. F.W. Fetter, 1933-34
- Harvard. Agricultural Economics Exam. Carver, 1915.
- Harvard. Graduate Economic Theory, Social Valuation. Anderson, 1914-15
- Harvard. Graduate Public Finance Final Exam. Bullock, 1914-15
- Harvard. Graduate Statistics in Economics. Final Exam, Day, 1914-15
- Harvard. Graduate Economic Theory, Scope and Methods. Carver, 1914-15
- Harvard. Graduate Economic Theory. Taussig, 1914-15
- Harvard. Agricultural economics, undergraduate/graduate. Carver, 1914-1915
- Harvard. Sociology, Final Examination. Anderson, 1914-15
- Harvard. Distribution Theories, Exam Questions. Carver, 1914-15
- Harvard. Trade Unionism and Allied Problems, Final Exam. Ripley, 1914-15
- Harvard. Undergraduate Public Finance, Final Exam. Bullock, 1914-15
- Harvard. Corporations, Final Examination, Ripley, 1914-15
- Harvard. Transportation Economics, Final Examination. Ripley, 1914-15
- Harvard. Money, Banking, Commercial Crises. Final examination, Anderson, 1914-1915
- Harvard. 19th Century European Economic History, Final Examination. Gay, 1914-15
- Harvard. U.S. Economic History, Final Exam. Gay, 1915
- Harvard. Accounting, Final Examination. J.S. Davis, 1914-15
- Harvard. Statistics Final Exam. Day, 1914-15
- Harvard. Introductory Economics, Final Exams. Taussig, 1914-1915
- Columbia Ph.D. Alumnus. Benjamin M. Anderson, 1886-1949
- Columbia. Arrow on the Subordination of Price Theory, 1940-42
- Cowles Commission’s List of Univ. of Chicago Courses, 1952
- Harvard. 13 Ph.D. Candidates, General or Special Examinations by Field, 1912-13
- M.I.T. Analysis in Wonderland. Graduate Student Skit, 1975
- Columbia. Seligman Recommends Three Harvard Colleagues for English Visiting Professorship, 1925
- Harvard. Mason, Domar and Samuelson at Metzler Memorial Service, 1980
- Chicago. Jacob Viner’s Price and Distribution Theory Course, 1941
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus, John Christopher Ise, 1914
- MIT. Three Kindleberger quips à la Solow, 1990
- Chicago. Graduate Price Theory Preliminary Examination, 1964
- USDA Graduate School. Frank Knight Lecture on Economics Methodology, 1930
- Columbia. Rules for Conduct of Graduate Oral and Final Exams, 1967
- Northwestern. Monetary Policy Readings and Exam. Modigliani, 1961
- Harvard. Earliest Multiple Choice Exam for Principles of Economics, 1948
- Harvard. Principles of Economics. Enrollment, Staffing, Readings, 1947-48
- Harvard. Ph.D. Examination Candidates in Economics, 1914
- Johns Hopkins University. Economics Ph.D. Examination Questions for Gertrude Schroeder, 1947
- Harvard. Money and Banking graduate course, readings and exam. Hansen, 1946-47
- Harvard. Graduate Money and Banking, Reading List, Final Exam. Williams and Goodwin, 1947
- Harvard. General Bibliography for Hansen and Williams’ Money and Banking, 1946-47
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus 1909. Arthur Norman Holcombe, 1956
- Harvard. Economics Education of Theodore Roosevelt, 1878-80
- Harvard. Galbraith’s Business Organization and Control. Syllabus and Exams. 1949-50
- Harvard. Nine Radcliffe graduate students petition to attend “Economics Seminary”, 1926
- Chicago. Monopoly course proposal by Abram Harris with George Stigler’s (Dis)approval, 1961
- Chicago. Graduate Schools and Regulations. April, 1892
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. candidates, fields, examiners, thesis committees, 1917-18
- Berkeley. Graduate Macroeconomics. Syllabus, 1959
- Columbia. Friedman’s lecture notes to first Hotelling lecture in Mathematical Economics, 1933
- Chicago Ph.D. alumnus and Columbia Professor of Banking, Henry Parker Willis
- Harvard. Undergraduate Honors Economic Theory Readings. Duesenberry and Kaysen, 1951-52
- Harvard. Undergrad economics program described in The Harvard Crimson, 1953
- Harvard. Ph.D. alumnus, Abram Bergson. SSRC, 1946-47
- Columbia. John Bates Clark, Faculty Memorial Minute, 1938
- Harvard. Local taxation. Suggested topics and readings. Durand, 1902
- Harvard. Money, Banking, and Crises. PhD General Exam, 1930s
- Columbia Economics Ph.D. Alumnus (1931) and Berkeley professor, Leo Rogin
- Harvard. American Industrial History. Readings and Paper Topics. John E. Sawyer, 1949-51
- Harvard. Use of written general examination for quantitative methods in economics, 1968
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Regulations, 1968
- M.I.T. Economic Growth and Fluctuations. Readings and Midterm Exam. Solow, 1966
- M.I.T. First term core macro. National income and employment. Readings and Exams. Domar, 1965
- Statistical Society. On the Relation of Statistics to Political Economy. Address by William A. Guy, 1865
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Candidates’ General/Special Examination Fields, Committees. 1918-19
- Harvard. Graduate Core Economic Theory, Readings and Exams. Schumpeter, 1936-37
- M.I.T. Final exam for business cycles course taught by Paul Samuelson, 1943
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus (1922), William Arthur Berridge in mid-career 1939
- Columbia. Memorial Minute for Wesley Clair Mitchell, 1949
- Tufts/Fletcher. International Economics, Readings and Final Exam. Samuelson, 1944
- Columbia. Watson Scientific Computing Laboratory, 1948
- Chicago. Harold Moulton (Ph.D. 1915) leaves for the Institute of Economics in Washington, D.C., 1922
- M.I.T. Complaint about ill-treatment of woman in job interview, 1982
- Harvard. Industrial organization. Reading List, Kaysen and Peck, 1955
- Columbia. Appointment of James Waterhouse Angell, 1924
- Columbia. James Waterhouse Angell’s 1943 report to his Harvard Class of 1918
- Columbia. John Maurice Clark. Autobiographical notes, 1949
- “Books that the perfect Marxian must know.” W.E.B. Dubois asks Abram Harris, 1933
- Chicago. Readings for Marschak’s course on statistical applications to economics, 1946
- Chicago. Ph.D. Field exam reports by Viner, Wright, and Millis. 1923
- Harvard. History of Economic Theory. Final exam questions, Taussig, 1887-90
- Harvard. History of Economic Theory. Final exam questions, Taussig, 1891-94
- Johns Hopkins University. Proposal for a course on linear economic systems. Newman, 1968
- Harvard. Pre-Radcliffe economics instruction for women, 1879-1893
- Berkeley (but maybe Roosevelt College). Notes for 9 lectures on income and employment. Lerner, 1947.
- Harvard. History of Economic Theory. Final exam questions, Taussig, 1897-1900
- Chicago. Gilbert and Sullivan Parody Songs. About Classical and Keynesian Economics.
- Princeton. Microeconomic Theory. Lutz, 1949-50
- Harvard. Core economic theory. Enrollments and final exams. Taussig, 1904-1909
- Harvard. Undergraduate microeconomics reading list. Marglin, 1969-70
- Chicago. Price and distribution theory. Metzler, 1952
- Swarthmore. External Examiner Richard Musgrave’s Economic Theory Exam, 1946
- Duke. Reflections the learning objectives of undergraduate economics majors. Bronfenbrenner, 1977
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus William Thomas Ham, 1926
- Harvard. Core Economic Theory. Enrollments and Exams. Taussig. 1911-14
- Harvard or MIT. Economics graduate student skit, ca. 1963.
- Harvard. Undergraduate International Trade. Enrollment, Readings, Exam. Harris, 1949
- MIT. Economics Ph.D. alumnus (1957) Jaroslav Vanek. Obituary, 2017
- Harvard. Taussig’s assessment of the French economist Charles Rist for a Harvard lectureship, 1919
- Harvard. Core Advanced Economic Theory. Taussig (and Day), 1915-1917
- Harvard. Alumnus Economics Ph.D. Canadian Prime Minister, W. L. Mackenzie King. 1909
- Radcliffe. Economics courses offered by Harvard professors with descriptions, 1893-94
- Harvard. Core Economic Theory. Bullock and Carver, 1917/18 and 1918/19
- Harvard. Introductory Economics. Exam questions, 1959-60
- Princeton. Graduate Banking and Money Course Outlines. F.W. Fetter, 1931-32
- Policy Debates. 109 book titles and links from the “Questions of the Day” series 1880-1910
- Harvard. Undergraduate Fields of Distribution. Economics Second, 1920
- Wisconsin. Richard Ely’s Series editor of Social Science Textbooks for Macmillan
- Harvard. Graduate Core Economic Theory Examinations. Mostly Taussig, some Young, 1920-22
- Harvard. Report on the Tutorial System in History, Government and Economics. Burbank, 1922
- Columbia. Pay raise for Barnard lecturer Clara Eliot supported, 1941
- Columbia. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, 1905. Enoch M. Banks, Academic Freedom Poster Child, 1911
- Chicago. Chester Wright recounts J. Laurence Laughlin to Alfred Bornmann in 1939
- Chicago. Marschak on potential hires for department, 1946
- Harvard. Theory of Monopolistic Competition, Final Examinations. Chamberlin, 1936-37
- M.I.T. Christmas skit “God and Keynes at M.I.T.”, 1951
- Harvard. International Trade and Commerical Policy. Haberler, Harris, Leontief 1940
- Harvard. International Economic Relations Seminar. Haberler and Harris, 1940-45
- Johns Hopkins. Reading list and exam for Economic Fluctuations and Growth. Domar, 1957
- Harvard. Graduate Core Economic Theory Exams and Enrollments. Taussig, 1923-1925
- Chicago. Price Theory (Econ 300A and B). Friedman, Winter Quarter, 1947
- Harvard. Ph.D. Economics Alumnus, Arthur Harrison Cole
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus Homer Bews Vanderblue, 1915
- M.I.T. Graduate Economics Program Brochure, 1961
- Harvard. Debate Briefs on International Trade Policy, ca. 1886-96
- Harvard. Three generations of Economics Ph.D.’s. The Ruggles Dynasty
- Chicago economics department on possible candidate for permanent employment 1950
- Radcliffe. Economics Course Offerings, 1894-1900
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus and Harvard Business School Professor, Copeland, 1910
- Oxford. Exams for Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE), 1931
- Harvard. Graduate core economic theory exams and enrollments. Taussig, 1926-30
- Harvard. Critical Spirit in Economics, Grad student symposium, 1968
- Harvard. Introductory Economics. Supplementary Readings, 1938-39
- Harvard. Introductory Economics. Mid-Year and Final Exams, 1938-39
- Harvard. Exams from Principles of Economics. Day, Davis, Burbank et al., 1917-18
- Harvard. Principles of Economics. James Tobin’s Student Reading Assignments, 1936-37
- Chicago. Econometrics sequence (2 quarters). Christ, 1957
- Johns Hopkins. Memories of Chicago Economics Ph.D. Alumnus and JHU professor Carl Christ, 2017
- Harvard. Junior political economy final examination. Bowen, 1870
- Chicago. Report of the Bailey-Christ-Griliches Committee, 1957
- Barnard B.A. and Columbia M.A. Labor economist Louise C. Odencrantz, 1907-1912
- Barnard. Exam for one-semester outlines of economics course. Moore and Johnson, 1903
- Cambridge. Guide to the Moral Sciences Tripos. James Ward, editor, 1891
- Harvard. Undergraduate reading list for Industrial Organization and Public Policy. Bishop, 1955-56
- Chicago. Price Theory Exams. Albert Rees (Chicago PhD Alum 1950), 1962
- M.I.T. General Exams in Economic Fluctuations: 1950, -52, -54, -56
- M.I.T. Course Descriptions for Economics and Statistics, 1930-31
- Yale. James Tobin on Freedom to Friedman in 1964
- Oxford. “Another Shot at Welfare Economics,” Two lectures by Hicks, ca. 1954
- M.I.T. Economics skit from about 1971
- Marxian economics. Letter exchange of Konüs and Bronfenbrenner, 1966
- Harvard. Graduate economic theory exams. Taussig, 1930-35
- Columbia. Excerpts from annual faculty meeting. GRE’s, Math, Salaries discussed, 1951
- Chicago. French/German/Italian Public Finance Bibliography. Bloch, ca. 1944
- Harvard. Galbraith’s Special Tuesday Evening Seminar, 1973
- Harvard. Report on Graduate Economics Instruction, 1945
- Columbia School of Business Opens. Seligman’s Thoughts, 1916
- Johns Hopkins. Economic Seminary, 1922-23
- Johns Hopkins. Income Distribution Theory, Readings and Exams. Machlup, 1950’s
- Harvard. Money And Banking. Readings and Exams. Williams and Hansen, 1947-48
- Cambridge. Economics Tripos Papers, 1931.
- Harvard. Ph.D. Alumna (1951). Michigan Professor Eva Mueller. 1920-2006
- Chicago. Memo to Dean from Chair of Economics. Strengths & Weaknesses, 1955
- Chicago. Policies on faculty paid leave, trips to conferences, 1917
- Harvard. Exams and reading period assignment for Programs of Social Reconstruction (Socialism). Mason, 1933.
- Pennsylvania. Memos from Ando and Dhrymes to the curriculum committee, 1965
- Yale. John Christopher Schwab. Taught Political Economy 1890-1905
- Harvard. Final exam for Economic Aspects of War, Harris et al., 1940
- Harvard. Martha P. Robinson, secretary of tutorial office, ca. 1935-?
- Harvard. Four graduate student budgets, early 20th century
- Harvard. Course readings for undergrad and graduate labor economics, mid-1920s
- Harvard. Trade-unionism and allied problems. Exams, 1913-32
- Harvard. Report on the Recitation Sections of Principles of Economics, 1913-14
- Chicago. Graduate money reading list. Friedman, 1970
- M.I.T. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus Michael R. Dohan, 1969
- M.I.T. General exam questions, fiscal economics, 1963
- Austrian economist mugshots. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
- Columbia. Appointment of Marcus Fleming as Visiting Professor, Spring 1951
- M.I.T. Casablank, graduate economics skit, 1978
- Harvard. Report of Economics Visiting Committee, 1915
- Harvard. The German language in higher education, 1894
- Columbia. Memo on Doctoral Exams in the Faculty of Political Science, 1946
- Columbia. Requirements for M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in economics, 1946-47
- Toronto. Five Annual Examinations in Economics. Ashley and McEvoy, 1891
- Pennsylvania. Short encyclopaedia article on Simon Patten, 1903
- Johns Hopkins. Political Economy Seminar. Presenters and Topics, 1923-24
- Chicago. Henry Simons’ classic problem set, 1933.
- Columbia. Statistician Robert Chaddock and his Statistical Laboratory, 1912
- Harvard, Boston University & Berlin. Career of alumnus Edward Everett Ayers
- Harvard. Final Examination for topics in statistical theory. E.B. Wilson, 1938
- Chicago. Zvi Griliches asking Frank Fisher for junior appointment leads, 1961
- Princeton. Syllabus for International Economic Policies. F.W. Fetter and C.R. Whittlesey, 1934
- Chicago. Friedman memo regarding Karl Bode and Moses Abramovitz, 1947
- Radcliffe. Economics Course Offerings, 1900-1905
- Chicago. Nominal duties of a Department Head (Chairperson), 1891-1910
- Harvard. Business cycle theory. Reading list and exam. Hansen and Haberler, 1938
- Pennsylvania. Ph.D. Alumnus, William H.S. Stevens, 1912
- M.I.T. Final exam for second term core economic theory, Samuelson 1956
- M.I.T. Imperfect competition and capital theory reading lists. Samuelson, 1948
- Harvard. Principles of Money and Banking. Reading lists and mid-year exam. Williams and Hansen, 1949-50
- Toronto. Political economy examinations on Smith, Whately, Senior and Mill. 1858
- Pennsylvania. Economics Course Offerings, 1897-98
- Pennsylvania. Rules for graduate degrees, 1897-98
- Chicago. Jacob Marschak seeks job application advice, his c.v. and list of publications, 1939
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus (1929), later Chicago professor, E.J. Hamilton.
- Harvard. Principles of Economics, Summer School. Syllabus and Exams, 1942.
- Harvard. International Trade and Finance. Final Exam. Leontief, 1933
- M.I.T. Advanced Economic Theory. Uncertainty and Capital Theory. Readings and Exam. Solow, 1965
- Johns Hopkins. Mid-year and End-year final exams for business cycles. Domar, 1948-49
- M.I.T. Student evaluations for core microeconomics course taught by Samuelson, 1970
- M.I.T. Student evaluations of first term core macroeconomics. Domar, 1967-69
- M.I.T. Student evaluations for first term core micro theory. Bishop, 1966-69
- M.I.T. Student evaluations of second term core macroeconomics. Solow, Foley. 1967-70
- Chicago. Undergraduate International Monetary Affairs. Metzler, 1962
- Chicago. Reading list for Price Theory (Econ 300 A&B). Friedman 1958
- Economics Faculty Salaries for 15 U.S. universities. Hart Memo, April 1961
- Columbia. Proposed plan to review economics curriculum, 1944
- Columbia. Economics graduate students’ memo of suggestions, 1939
- Chicago. Graduate prelim exam questions for price theory, 1969
- Chicago. Graduate economics prelim. Theory of income, employment and price level, 1969
- Chicago. Money and banking prelim exam questions, 1969
- Oxford. Five Economics Exams. Intro, Intermediate, History, International, Money & Banking, 1902
- Johns Hopkins. Economic Seminary, presenters and topics. 1924-25
- M.I.T. Core Micro Theory. Resource Allocation/Price System. Weitzman, 1974
- Harvard. Economic History to 1450. Readings and paper topics, Usher. 1934
- M.I.T. Core Micro Theory. Exam Questions for Resource Allocation/Price System. Weitzman, 1973
- Harvard. Year-end exams. Money, Banking, Commercial Crises. Young, 1921-27
- Chicago. Henry Simons argues for an undergraduate sequence of mathematics/statistics for economists, 1937
- Yale. American Economic History. Topics and final exam. Parker and Joskow, 1972
- Chicago. Ph.D. Alumna, 1927. Mabel Agnes Magee. Professor at Wells College.
- Harvard. Wolfgang Stolper describes his training in letter to Hobart College, 1941
- Harvard. Final exams for analytical sociology. Anderson, 1916-17
- Harvard. Final exams for historical sociology. Anderson, 1917-18
- Harvard. Exams on Adam Smith, J.S. Mill and Modern Writers. Taussig, 1915, 1916.
- Harvard. Exams for History and Literature of Economics. Schumpeter, 1942-48.
- Radcliffe. Economics Course Offerings, 1906-1910
- Columbia. Memorial minute for Professor Henry Seager, 1930
- Columbia. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus, David Durand. Obituary, 1996
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Alumna Alice Bourneuf, 1955
- Cornell. Home Economics. Radcliffe economic history A.M. (1913), Blanche Hazard
- Harvard. Methods of teaching political economy. J. L. Laughlin, 1885
- Harvard. Rich economics course descriptions, 1884-85
- Johns Hopkins. Richard T. Ely on Teaching Political Economy, 1885
- Harvard. Final exam questions for commercial crises. Persons, 1925
- Columbia. Exam questions for prospective PhD candidates, Jan 1949
- Chicago. Price Theory. Reading Assignments, Problems, Exam. Friedman, 1951-52
- Farewell lecture of Irwin Collier, FU-Berlin. July 4, 2018
- Harvard. Second year graduate economic theory. Leontief, 1956-57
- Johns Hopkins. H.B. Adams invites Walter Willcox to enroll as PhD student, 1890
- Harvard. Final Exams for International Economic Relations. Haberler and Harris, 1936-37
- MIT. The Wizard of E52-383C. Grad Student Skit, 1976
- Johns Hopkins. Exams for graduate course on business cycles. Domar, 1951-54
- Harvard-Radcliffe. Economics Ph.D. alumna Barbara Benton Reagan, 1952
- Harvard. Readings and Examination Questions for Economic History Since 1860. Cole, 1936-37
- Italy. Terror victim, economics professor Ezio Tarantelli (1941-1985)
- Columbia. Course outline, Railroad Problems. Seligman, 1898-1904
- Harvard. Career of A.M. in economics alumnus, Arthur Morgan Day (1867-1942)
- Columbia. Alvin S. Johnson recounts exams with Franklin Giddings, 1951
- Harvard-Radcliffe. Economics Ph.D. alumna, Eleanor Dulles, c.v. early 1960s
- No general foreign language requirement in MIT Economics PhD program, 1969
- Berkeley and Yale. Short c.v. of William Fellner. Haberler’s remembrance, 1983
- Harvard. Undergraduate course on Money, Banking, and Crises, 1940-41
- Harvard. History of Tariff Legislation. Taussig, 1888
- Harvard. Final Exams for History of Tariff Legislation. Taussig 1883/4-1889/90
- Michigan. National Income Syllabus. Gardner Ackley, 1958
- Harvard. Curriculum vitae submitted by Albert O. Hirschman, ca. 1942
- Cambridge. Examination Questions of the Economics Tripos. 1932
- Swarthmore. Honors Economic Theory Seminar. Stolper, ca. 1944
- Harvard. Contemporary U.S. Economic History Seminar. Galbraith, 1973
- Columbia. Economics department in WWII. Excerpt from letter to President Butler, Nov. 1942
- Harvard. Final Examination, U.S. Economic History. Callender, 1899-1900
- Chicago. Economics Professor William Hill. Events leading to his leave of absence, 1894
- Harvard. Undergraduate economics course outline and exam for business cycles. Hansen, 1948-49
- Columbia. Economics and social science curriculum as of Dec. 1898
- Harvard. Final exam for international trade and finance. Leontief, 1934
- Smith College. Henry L. Moore’s teaching, 1898-99
- Halle (Germany). 1897 economics PhD alumnus and later Illinois professor, Ernest L. Bogart
- Stanford. Economic Ph.D. alumni, brothers Arthur Bruce and Donald Elliot Anthony, 1927-28
- Harvard. History of Commerce to 1750. Usher, 1929-30
- Columbia. Microeconomic theory exam. Becker, 1965.
- Radcliffe. Economics course offerings, 1910-1915
- M.I.T. Economics Christmas skit with basketball theme, 1961
- Columbia. Economics PhD Alumnus, Meyer Jacobstein, 1907
- Chicago. First detailed announcement of Political Economy program, 1892
- Harvard. Three economics subject exams from divisional comprehensives, 1931
- Princeton. Two undergraduate comprehensive exams in economics, 1929 and 1932
- Swarthmore. Senior comprehensive economics exam, 1931
- Wesleyan. Comprehensive undergraduate economics exam, 1931
- Chicago. The Edward W. Bemis controversy, 1895
- Washington University. Undergraduate economics curriculum, 1897-98
- Economics Graduate Programs Ranked in 1925
- Harvard. Graduate economic analysis and public policy. Hansen and Slichter, 1946-47
- Harvard. Undergraduate general examination in economics, 1953
- M.I.T. General exams in money and banking, 1952 and 1956
- Chicago. Memo to President Hutchins from Economics Chair Millis, 1937
- Chicago. Mary Barnett Gilson upon retirement, 1941
- Chicago. Paul H. Douglas for Alderman campaign, 1939
- M.I.T. Request for funds so Samuelson can multiply, 1941
- Chicago. Readings and Exam Questions for Graduate Money. Friedman, 1963
- Harvard. Job placements of economics PhDs. Jewish candidates, 1928-29
- Harvard. Economics PhD alumnus, Mandell Morton Bober, 1925
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, Richard Vincent Gilbert, 1930
- Harvard. Economics of socialism. Outline, readings, final exam. Schumpeter, 1943-44
- Harvard. Economy of the U.S. Course outline, readings, exam. Leontief, 1945-46
- Chicago. Instructional Staff Salaries by Rank, 1919
- Wellesley. Outline of Economics by Emily Greene Balch, 1899
- Chicago. Graduate Prelim Exam for International Trade, 1970
- Bryn Mawr. Readings for Graduate Course in Sociology. Franklin H. Giddings, 1893
- Chicago. Bibliography on double-taxation. Bloch, 1940
- M.I.T. “The Greatest Faculty Skit Ever Written”, ca. 1974
- Columbia. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus, Clement Lowell Harriss, 1940.
- Graduate economics enrollments in the seven leading departments (U.S.), 1909
- Harvard. Course outlines and reading lists. Business Cycles and Economic Forecasting, Haberler & Hansen, 1955-56
- M.I.T. Midterm and Final exams. Income and Employment Theory. Domar, 1968-69
- Columbia. Latin and Ancient Greek are too much of a good thing. Munroe Smith, 1891
- Columbia. John W. Burgess charged with “anti-Negro thought” by W.E.B. Du Bois, 1935
- Johns Hopkins. Final exam for Fritz Machlup’s methodology course, 1956
- Harvard. Advanced Economic Theory. Outline and readings. Haberler, 1947
- Harvard. Advanced Economic Theory, Second Term. Schumpeter, 1948
- M.I.T. Announcement of new graduate program in economic development, 1955
- Columbia. Economist salaries below market. Examples of Modigliani and James W. Ford, 1956
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, James W. Ford, 1954.
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus. Vervon Orval Watts, 1932
- Chicago. Harry Johnson’s observations and reflections on teaching, 1969
- Harvard. Undergraduate mathematical economics. Schumpeter, Leontief, Goodwin. 1933-1950
- Chicago. Committee on Ph.D. Outlines & Requirements, 1949-50 (4)
- M.I.T. Principles of Microeconomics, course materials. 1994-2005
- Yale. Ruggles, Tobin, Parker, Peck, Levin, and Brainard muse about their economics department, 1999.
- Harvard-Radcliffe. Economics Ph.D. alumna, Mariam Kenosian Chamberlain, 1950
- M.I.T. Undergraduate intermediate macroeconomics. Blanchard, 1984
- Harvard. Memos on teaching assistants and grading in economics courses, 1911
- Cambridge. Economics Tripos Examinations, 1921
- M.I.T. Principles of Macroeconomics. Slides, problems sets, exams. Krugman, 1998
- Chicago. Milton Friedman nixes Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, 1965
- Johns Hopkins. Reading List for Macroeconomic Theory course. Carl Christ, 1963
- Johns Hopkins. Ten comprehensive economics PhD exams, 1965
- Johns Hopkins. Economics Faculty, ca. 1950-ca.2008
- Harvard. Marketing of agricultural commodities. John D. Black, 1947-48.
- Chicago. Undergraduate Money and Banking. Exams, readings. Friedman, 1946-49
- Chicago. Course Bibliography (books). Economics and Social Institutions. Knight, 1949
- Harvard. Final Exam for Scope and Method of Economics. Taussig, 1896.
- Michigan. Economics Faculty List from Centennial Symposium, 1980
- M.I.T. Open Economy Macroeconomics. Syllabus and bibliography. Dornbusch, 2000.
- Harvard/Radcliffe. Economics PhD alumna, Ruth Jackson Woodruff, 1931
- Columbia. Faculty of Political Science Not Yet Supporting Admission of Women, 1892
- Harvard. Principles of Economics. Course outline, readings, exam questions, 1949-50
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus, W. Glenn Campbell, 1948
- Harvard/Radcliffe Economics Alumna, Rita Ricardo Campbell, 1946.
- Harvard. Syllabus for Economic Development taught by Robert Baldwin (Econ PhD 1950), 1956
- M.I.T. Economics faculty M*A*S*H theme skit. Robert Solow, 1977
- Harvard. Economics teaching responsibilities according to David Landes, 1955
- Harvard. Exams and Reading Lists for Latin American Economies. Bradley, 1938/1948/1949
- Harvard. What do to do about economic history, 1973
- Columbia. Memo from economics chair to department members with three recommendations, 1945
- M.I.T. Macroeconometric models. Reading list and final exam. Modigliani, 1973
- Chicago. Problems and exam. Income and Employment Theory. Friedman, 1966-67
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. (1923) alumnus and Columbia Business School Dean, J. E. Orchard Memo on Galbraith, 1946.
- Johns Hopkins. Undergraduate economics course exams, 1923
- Johns Hopkins. Economic Seminary. Speakers and Topics, 1904-1905
- Harvard. Principles of Economics, Ec 10. Feldstein and Li, 2000
- Yale. Soviet Economic Development. Powell, 1974
- Wisconsin. Economics Courses and Faculty, 1893-94
- M.I.T. Theories of State and Economy. Piore and Berger, 1977
- Chicago. Intradepartmental discussion, graduate microtheory prerequisite. 1928.
- Chicago. Unions and wages problem set. Murphy, 2008
- Chicago. Industrial Organization Reading List. Stigler, 1973
- Harvard. Undergraduate concentration in economics, 1953
- Brown. Syllabus for History and Philosophical Context of Economic Thought. Putterman, 1995
- Princeton. Reading List for Money. Wallich, 1950
- M.I.T. Principles of Macroeconomics. 1995-2006
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus, Hermann F. Arens, 1918
- Columbia. Report of Woodbridge Committee on Graduate Education Reform, 1936-37
- Chicago. Comprehensive Exams in Economics for B.A., 1941
- Radcliffe. Economics course offerings, 1915-1920
- Harvard. Principles of Accounting. Davis, 1915
- Harvard. Economic Aspects of Western Civilization. Cunningham, 1899
- Harvard. Principles of Sociology, Syllabus. Carver and Ripley, 1902
- M.I.T. Faculty skit. Robert Solow as the 2000 year old economist.
- Cambridge MA. Women and Economics. Book presentation by Charlotte Perkins Stetson (Gilman), 1899
- Chicago. Reading list for second core price theory. D. Gale Johnson, 1955.
- LSE. Literature list for Economic Analysis. Hayek, 1942.
- M.I.T. International Economics examinations. Kindleberger, 1950-51
- Fisk. Senior Year text in Political Economy was F.A. Walker’s Advanced Course, 1892-93
- Atlanta University. W.E.B. Dubois’ choice of economics and sociology textbooks, 1897-98
- Columbia. Splitting the costs. Department of Economics v. Barnard College, 1906-9
- Harvard. Economics course descriptions, enrollments, final exams. 1915-16.
- Johns Hopkins. Economic Seminary, presenters and topics. 1925-26
- Johns Hopkins. Portrait of undergraduate Abram Bergson (Burk), ca. 1930
- Harvard. Undergraduate economics syllabus. Socialism, O.H. Taylor, 1955
- Harvard. Development of Industrial Society. Course outline, readings, exam. Usher, 1934
- Columbia. Economics Ph.D. alumnus. Moses Abramovitz, 1939
- Chicago. Chancellor Hutchins interrogated regarding Lange’s leave of absence, 1949
- Stanford. Economics instructor for Social Problems. 1915-1928
- Attention subscribers. Announcing Economists Wearing Bowties Collection
- Columbia. Economics Ph.D. alumnus Charles Emerick, 1897.
- Smith College. Economics and Sociology Course Offerings, 1919-20
- Harvard. Programs of Social Reconstruction. Readings and Exam. Mason, 1929
- Harvard. Salary of the economics department secretary, Miss A. Pauline Ham, 1911-12
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus. Not hired as a teaching assistant. W. H. Crook, 1928
- Columbia. Undergraduate History of Economics Syllabus, Assignments. Gregg, ca. 1951
- Columbia. Economics Ph.D. alumna. Dorothy Elizabeth Gregg, 1951
- New School for Social Research. Conference on Mathematics and Social Science, 1958
- Harvard. Graduate history of political economy course. Taylor, 1948-49
- Columbia. Seligman and Hillquit debate “Desirability of Socialism”. February, 1915
- Harvard. Undergraduate Departmental Examination and Essay Questions, 1942
- Harvard. Three Undergraduate Economic Field Exams, 1942
- Harvard. J.S. Mill’s Principles of Political Economy. Laughlin and Taussig, 1882-83
- Harvard. Syllabus and assigned readings for indisciplinary course, Social Sciences 2, 1970-71.
- Columbia. Due to exploding graduate economics enrollments, Stigler hired as visiting professor, 1946
- Harvard/Radcliffe. Economics PhD alumna and Wharton professor, Anne C. Bezanson, 1929
- Johns Hopkins. Comprehensive Exams on Reading List for Economics Majors, 1933-40
- Michigan. Henry Carter Adams and School of Applied Ethics, 1891. With Biography.
- Swarthmore. Honors Examinations. Economic Theory and Social Economics, 1934.
- Michigan. Major Expansion of Economics Department, 1892
- Columbia. Socialist speakers and undergraduate debates on socialism, 1910-11
- Harvard. Syllabus for “Consumption, Distribution and Prices” taught by PhD (1952) alumnus, Richard H. Holton, 1954-55
- Harvard. Reading list and final exam for course “Conflict, Coalition and Strategy”. Schelling, 1970
- M.I.T. Robert Solow’s Last Skit. “Dr Rudi Tells You How”, Late 1980s.
- Northwestern [?]. Partial reading list for labor problems. Hohman [?], 1924
- Harvard. Economics PhD alumnus, Elmo Paul Hohman, 1925
- Chicago. Economics Ph.D. Alumna, Helen Fisher Hohman, 1928
- Harvard. Labor Movement in Europe, Final Exams. Meriam, 1924 and 1925.
- Cambridge. Economics Tripos, 1933
- Cambridge. Intercollegiate and preliminary examinations in economics, 1931-33
- Pennsylvania. A protectionist professor forced to leave the Wharton School, Robert Ellis Thompson, ca 1894
- Duke. Career information about the first quarter century of economics Ph.D.’s, 1957
- Chicago. Draft memo of a program to rebuild the department of economics by T.W. Schultz, 1956
- Berkeley. Syllabus and exams. Regulation and Antitrust. Woroch, 1996
- Harvard. Consolidated undergraduate and graduate public finance syllabus. Butters and Soloway, 1954-55
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus. John Keith Butters, 1941
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus. Arnold M. Soloway, 1952
- Cambridge. Examination Papers in Political Economy, 1871-1872
- Economics Departments and University Rankings by Chairmen. Hughes (1925) and Keniston (1957)
- Pennsylvania. Share of doctoral dissertations by field that used (cited?) foreign language titles, 1954-55
- Chicago. Money, banking and monetary policy prelim examination, 1956
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus. Edgar M. Hoover, 1932
- Yale. Economics Ph.D. alumnus (1939) and later high-ranking CIA official (Bay of Pigs)
- Michigan, Johns Hopkins and Harvard. Three Generations of Economics PhDs. Orcutt-Nakamura(s)
- Harvard. Economics of Transportation and Public Utilities. Exams, Readings for Public Utilities. Crum, Cunningham, C.O. Ruggles, 1940-41
- Harvard. Location of Economic Activity. Readings. Usher, 1942
- Chicago. Introduction to money and banking. Final exam. A.G. Hart, Summer 1933
- M.I.T. Core Economic Growth and Dynamics. Readings and Final Exam. Solow, 1968
- Harvard. Readings for Methods of Social Reform. Carver, 1902-03
- Harvard. Thomas Nixon Carver’s German Summer of 1902.
- Johns Hopkins. Henry Carter Adams on Socialism in Economic Thought, 1879
- Harvard. Exams on European labor movement and history of socialism. Rappard, 1912-13.
- Chicago. Industrial Organization Prelim. 1977
- Johns Hopkins. Mid-year and end-year exams for undergraduate money and banking. Weyforth, 1930-31
- Harvard/Radcliffe. Economics Ph.D. alumna, Ethelwynn Rice Beckwith, 1925
- Chicago. Sources of private graduate fellowship funding, 1905-1923
- Yale. Undergraduate European Economic History through the Industrial Revolution. Miskimin, 1971
- Harvard. Placement suggestions Philip G. Wright or Anne C. Bezanson for Bryn Mawr, 1916
- Harvard. Final exam for course on national income accounting. Crum, 1938
- M.I.T. History of Economic Thought. Misc. Readings and exams. Samuelson, 1973-78
- M.I.T. Monetary economics, reading lists. Ando and Modigliani, 1960-61
- Swarthmore. B.A. Honors Examination in Economic Theory. External Examiner, Lloyd Metzler, 1943-45
- Columbia. Economics PhD alumnus, Joseph David Coppock. 1940
- Chicago. Price Theory, Part II. Friedman, Spring 1951
- Harvard. Core graduate economic theory exams. Schumpeter, 1938
- M.I.T. Rewrite of 1940s blues hit “Why don’t you do right, like some other men do”. Solow.
- Pennsylvania. Theories of business cycles. Reading assignements and exam. Weintraub, 1954-55.
- Harvard. Mid-year exam. Principles of Money and Banking. Hansen and Williams, 1948-49.
- Columbia. First semester graduate economic analysis. First weeks’ notes. Hart, 1955.
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, Richard Abel-Musgrave, 1937
- John Hopkins. Economics Ph.D. alumna Peggy Richman née Brewer, later Musgrave. 1962
- Harvard. Social Influences on Economic Actions, outline and readings. Musgrave and Spechler, 1973
- Columbia. Communistic and Socialistic Theories. Course Outline. J. B. Clark, 1908
- Harvard. Mathematical Economics Recognized as Subfield of Theory. E.B. Wilson, Crum, and Schumpeter, 1933
- Harvard. Completion rates for economics graduate students, 1947-57
- Yale. Undergraduate Economic History of Europe. Cohen, 1972
- Roosevelt College. Five lectures about Labor. Abba Lerner, 1949
- M.I.T. National Income and Employment Theory. Readings and Final Exam. Domar, 1960-61
- M.I.T. Student survey regarding Domar’s core macro theory course, 1960
- Indiana. Undergraduate coursework in economics and commerce, C.F. Zierer (A.B.), 1922
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, later collector of Soviet nonconformist art. Norton T. Dodge, 1960
- Harvard/Chicago. Gottfried Haberler and Milton Friedman on Samuel Bowles, 1970
- Radcliffe. Economics Course Offerings, 1920-1925
- Radcliffe. Fake economics professor in the college yearbook, 1963
- Harvard. General Examination in Microeconomic Theory. Spring, 1991
- Harvard. General Examination in Macroeconomic Theory. Spring, 1991
- Yale. Transportation economist and railroad expert. Prof. Kent T. Healy (1902-1985)
- Survey of Economics Education. Colleges and Universities (Seligman), Schools (Sullivan), 1911
- Columbia. On Research Seminaries, a.k.a., graduate workshops. Seligman, 1892
- Harvard. Outline and final exam. Economic and Political Ideas, Taylor. 2nd term, 1947-48
- Harvard. Examination questions for Political Economy I, 1884-1888.
- Harvard. Report on statistics and national income courses. Crum and Frickey, 1945
- Radcliffe/Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Alumna. Maxine Yaple Sweezy, 1940.
- Columbia. Types of Economic Theories, Exam questions. W. C. Mitchell, 1914, 1923-37
- Chicago. Recommended public finance textbooks. Viner’s list, 1924
- Chicago. Economics PhD alumnus. Jens Peter Jensen, 1926
- Columbia. Economic readings for the examination to receive the degree of Master of Arts, 1880
- Columbia. Specific regulations for the economics Ph.D., 1954-55
- Columbia. Encyclopedia article on teaching and university research in sociology. Tenney and Giddings, 1913
- Three Ballads on price theory, macroeconomics, and political economy by Bruce W. Knight, Kenneth Boulding, and David Felix
- Berkeley and Dartmouth. Frank Knight’s economist brothers Melvin M. Knight and Bruce Winton Knight
- Harvard. Modern Schools of Economic Thought, Midyear Exam. Schumpeter, 1927-1928.
- Harvard. Principles of Money and Banking, Midyear Exam. Schumpeter, 1927-1928
- Harvard. Political Economy Examinations. Bowen, Green, and Dunbar, 1868-1872
- Harvard. Course Outline and Readings for Economics and National Security. Schelling, 1960
- Harvard. First Undergraduate General and Specific Exams in History, Government and Economics Division, 1916.
- Harvard. Exams and enrollment for economics of socialism and communism. Edward Cummings, 1893-1900
- Harvard. Final Examinations for Junior and Senior Political Economy. Dunbar, 1876-77
- Columbia. Instructors for Economics in Columbia College. Considering Okun et al., 1951
- Chicago. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus, Theodore O. Yntema, 1929
- Michigan. Author of Progress of Labor Organization among Women, Belva Mary Herron, 1905
- Toronto. Examination papers in political economy, 1875
- Toronto. Examination papers in political economy, 1876
- Chicago. Money, Prelim Exam for Banking and Monetary Policy, 1959
- Harvard. Topics for the Ricardo Prize Examination, 1916
- Columbia Alumnus Arthur F. Burns applies to NBER for Research Associateship, 1930
- Berkeley. Graduate Macro, final exam. Akerlof, 1992 and 1993
- M.I.T. International Economics Syllabus for General Exam. Bhagwati and Dornbusch, 1977
- Johns Hopkins. Reading List for Economic Development. Irma Adelman, 1963
- Harvard. Welfare economics and policy. Readings and exam. Bergson, 1959
- Harvard. Mid-year exam for economic theory course. Haberler, 1931-32
- M.I.T. Capital theory. Course outline, suggested readings. Solow, 1975
- Johns Hopkins. Economic Seminary. Participants, Presenters and Topics, 1926-27
- Harvard. Sociology. Syllabus, reading assignments, final exam. Carver and Joslyn, 1927-28
- Harvard. Syllabus for Economic History Module in Principles Course. Ashley, 1896.
- Harvard. Examinations for introductory economics. Taussig, Ashley, both Cummings, 1895-96.
- M.I.T. Reading list on theory of central planning. Weitzman, 1977
- Chicago. Theory of Distribution. Readings and exam questions. Metzler, 1961-64
- M.I.T. Stats on women economics Ph.D.s, 1960-72
- Chicago. A Mikado parody number. Probably 1949.
- Cambridge. Economics Tripos Examinations, 1922.
- Cambridge. Exam question from a Ricardo quote translated into German, 1922
- Columbia. Syllabus and reading assignments from economic affairs course, 1931-36
- Berkeley. Money Course, Topics and References. W.C. Mitchell, 1906
- Harvard. Locational Economics. Readings and Exams. Isard, 1952-53
- Wisconsin. Business Cycles Syllabus. Theodore Morgan, 1951
- Columbia. National accounting. Course outline and readings. Barger, 1963-64
- Chicago. Laughlin’s observations on state of economics department, 1924
- Chicago. Empirical seminar on wages announcement. Douglas, 1926
- Columbia. PhD alumnus. William J. Shultz, 1924
- Princeton. Course readings for “Government and Business”. Frank Haigh Dixon, 1924-25
- Harvard. Report on the General Examination for an Economics PhD, 1970
- Harvard. Tobin’s notes to lecture by Alvin Hansen on Keynes’ General Theory, May 1938
- Columbia. Faculty of Political Science Minute in Memory of E.R.A. Seligman, 1939
- Columbia. Appointments of H. L. Moore, H. R. Seager, and A. S. Johnson, 1902
- M.I.T. First core graduate macroeconomics. Syllabus, readings, exams. Domar and Harris, 1967-68
- Berkeley. Topics and exam questions for advanced economics. Mitchell, 1906
- Harvard. History of Economics. First semester readings and exams. O. H. Taylor, 1955-56
- Harvard. Economic Aspects of War Course Organised by Harris, 1940
- Harvard. Economics of Mobilization and War. Syllabus, exam questions. Harris, 1952
- Columbia. Major increase in salaries for instructional staff announced, 1928
- Great-Granddad of Sam Bowles who encouraged Arthur L. Perry to write an economics textbook, 1860s.
- M.I.T. “Industrial Economics” Ph.D. name changed to “Economics”, Economics S.M. recognized as exit ramp, 1965
- Williams. Leading Author of Political Economy Textbooks, Arthur Lathan Perry (1830-1905)
- Minnesota. Parody letters of recommendation. Bronfenbrenner, ca. 1961
- Harvard. Final examination for graduate mathematical economics. Goodwin, 1950-51
- Harvard. European Economic History from the Industrial Revolution. Gay, 1934
- Chicago. Reading list for Development of Monetary and Financial Institutions. Hamilton, 1960
- Harvard. General Examinations in Micro- and Macroeconomic Theory, Fall 1992
- Columbia. Memo advocating the establishment of an Industrial Relations Section. Wolman, 1944
- Berkeley. References for contemporary theories of social reform. Peixotto, 1906
- Harvard. Problem set from agricultural economics. Carver, ca. 1904
- Harvard. Division Exams for the economics A.B., January 1917
- Johns Hopkins/Wharton. Linked Reading List for History and Theory of Money. Sherwood, 1891-92
- Harvard. Final exam for location of economic activity. Usher, 1943
- M.I.T. Wingnut inspiration for Du Pont’s crusade against Paul Samuelson’s textbook, 1947
- Columbia. New Seminar. Outline with readings, Economic Theory and Change. Mitchell and Ginzberg, 1937
- Harvard. ‘Twas a Night in the Sixties. Poem by Martin Feldstein, 1980
- Harvard. Syllabus and final exam for National Income and its Distribution. Conrad, 1958
- Columbia. Wesley Clair Mitchell’s remarks at Conference on Methods in Philosophy and the Sciences, 1937
- Women’s Suffrage. Schumpeter in the Washington Post, 1914
- Johns Hopkins. Graduate Studies and Exams of Yukimasa Hattori, Ph.D. 1903
- Carnegie Tech. Final Exam for Advanced Economic Analysis. Modigliani, 1959 & 1960
- Chicago. Bibliography for History of Economic Thought. Frank Knight, 1933
- Columbia. Bibliography on Government Debt for Fiscal Policy Course. Shoup, 1948
- Harvard. Final exams for international payments and specie flows. Dunbar and Meyer, 1894,1901
- M.I.T. General Examination in Advanced Economic Theory. Sept 1962 and May 1963
- Harvard. Commercial crises and trade cycles, final exams. Andrew, 1903-1908
- Chicago. Laughlin’s anti-bank-deposit-insurance talk, 1908
- Columbia. Economics Ph.D. alumna. Mildred B. Northrop, 1938
- M.I.T. Washington Post op-ed by Samuelson on Sound Debt Policy, 1963
- Johns Hopkins. Undergraduate Economics Exams, 1920
- Johns Hopkins. Life and career of economics Ph.D. (1901) alumnus, George Ernest Barnett
- Johns Hopkins. Links to Reprints of Economic Tracts. Hollander, ed.
- Harvard. Exam Questions. International Monetary Economics. Meyer and Sprague, 1901.
- Harvard. Readings and Final Exam for Normative Aspects of Economic Policy. Bergson, 1960
- Harvard. Final exams for European and U.S. Economic History. Gay and Klein, 1911
- Chicago. Reading Assignments for Development of Monetary and Financial Institutions. Hamilton, 1952
- M.I.T. Readings and exam questions for fiscal and monetary policy. Domar, 1957
- Northwestern. Robert J. Gordon selling Graduate Economics Program, 1977
- Chicago. Price Theory. Ph.D. Core Examination. Summer, 1975
- Chicago. History of Economic Thought Ph.D Field Exam. Summer, 1974
- Chicago. History of Economic Thought, Ph.D. preliminary exam. Summer, 1989
- Harvard. Readings, midterm and final exams for economic growth course. Kuznets, 1960-61
- Harvard. Exam questions for “The Labor Question in Europe and the U.S.” Edward Cummings, 1894
- Harvard. Life and works of political economy and philosophy professor Francis Bowen (1811-1890).
- Columbia. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, Brailsford Reese Brazeal, 1942
- Chicago. Economics, ABD alumna, later member of U.S. Congress. Chase G. Woodhouse, 1923
- Harvard. Final exams for “Modern Economic Theory and its Critics”. O.H. Taylor, 1938-39.
- Johns Hopkins. General exam questions for economics Ph.D., 1954
- Pennsylvania. Economics Ph.D. alumnus. Columbia professor Henry R. Seager, 1894
- Columbia. Faculty of political science’s discussion of Ph.D. requirements, 1905
- Harvard. Undergraduate General Examination in Economics, 1956
- University College London. Lecture on the future of political economy. Jevons, 1876
- M.I.T. General exams for international economics, 1959
- Berlin and Vienna. A comparative guide to the two economic faculties. Seager, 1893
- Harvard. Exams in money, banking and commercial crises. Guest professor, W. C. Mitchell, 1908-09
- Harvard. Exam questions for Mediaeval Economic History of Europe. Ashley, 1895-96
- Duke. A history of economics instruction in Durham, 1996.
- M.I.T. Dystopian Faculty Skit by Solow,1969
- Chicago. Selected salaries. Hayek visiting, Friedman as associate professor, 1946
- Harvard. Examination for Women. Political Economy (Optional Advanced Exam), 1874
- U.S. Bureau of Education. Contributions to American Educational History, Herbert B. Adams (ed.), 1887-1903
- Harvard. Exams for Undergraduate and Graduate Money and Banking. Williams, 1932-33.
- Harvard. Printed Graduate Economics Brochure. (First draft was by J. K. Galbraith), 1967
- Minnesota. Readings and Final Exam for National Income and Wealth. Friedman, 1946
- Harvard. Exams for Economic Theory and Monetary Economics. R.G. Hawtrey, 1928-29
- Chicago. Economic Theory Prelim Exam for PhD and AM, 1960
- Minnesota. Proposal for Seminar on Business Cycles. Friedman, 1945-46
- Harvard. Mid-year and Final Exams for all three courses in Political Economy. Laughlin and Dunbar, 1879-80
- Harvard. Grading system. Hard subjects: political economy and mathematics, 1886
- Harvard. Semester exams for Statistics. John Cummings, 1896-1900
- Princeton. Reading assignments. Graduate International Trade. F.D. Graham and C.R. Whittelsey, 1930-34
- Chicago. Readings and exam for “Wage-labor and capital”, 1970
- Chicago. Economics Ph.D. alumna. Helen Russell Wright, 1922
- Columbia. Reading List. Economic Thought Before Adam Smith. Dorfman, ca 1947
- Johns Hopkins. Reading List for Monetary Economics, William Poole, 1964
- M.I.T. Graduate Economics Association’s info-welcome letter to new cohort, April 1965
- Harvard. Undergraduate economics concentrators dropped over 50% in 1950s.
- Harvard. Junior tutorials in economics. Smithies and Chamberlin, 1960-61
- Harvard. Midyear Exam for Money, Banking and Cycles. Harris, 1934
- Harvard. Graduate course on money, banking and the business cycle. Schumpeter, 1933-34
- Chicago. Three things to learn when studying economics at Chicago. Harry Johnson, 1968
- Harvard. Readings and Final Exam for Business Cycles. Hansen and Haberler, 1942
- Harvard. Graduate Money and Banking. Williams and Hansen, 1941-42
- Harvard. Readings and Exams for undergraduate money, banking, and crises. Harris and Williams, 1941-42
- Cornell. Syllabus, Bibliography, Notes for Extension course “Practical Economic Questions”. Jenks, 1892
- Harvard. Final exam and possible reading list for mathematical business cycle theory. Goodwin, 1944.
- Harvard. Readings, exams for business cycles. Hansen and Haberler, 1942-44
- Columbia. Statistics PhD alumnus. Robert E. Chaddock, 1908
- Columbia. Promotions and Memorial Minute for Abraham Wald
- Harvard. Economics of Social Security. Reading list and exam. Harris, 1951
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, Michael Francis McPhelin, S.J., 1951
- Philadelphia. Money and Banking syllabus for six lectures. Thompson, 1894
- Radcliffe. Economics Ph.D. Alumna, Ada M. Harrison, 1952
- Chicago. Economic Theory Prelim Exam, Winter Quarter 1957
- American Economic Association. Monographs: 1886-1896
- Yale. Economics Ph.D. alumna Sarah Scovill Whittelsey, 1898
- Harvard. Core economic theory. Readings and Exams. Carver, 1900/01-1902/03
- American Economic Association. Economic Studies Series, 1896-1899
- Harvard. Applied Economic Analysis, Readings and Exams. Duesenberry, 1955-56.
- AEA Publications. Bibliography from article “Economics as a School Study”. Clow, 1899
- Johns Hopkins. Reading List and Exam for Aggregate Income Theory. Machlup, 1951
- M.I.T. Economics Chair’s Account of Early Efforts of Affirmative Action for Black Graduate Students. Cary Brown, 1974
- John Hopkins. Economics Ph.D. completion rate, years to completion. 1956-1970
- Harvard. Socialism exams. John Graham Brooks, 1890-1891
- Harvard. Exams for Political Sociology and Socialism, Cummings, 1893
- Harvard. Exams on socio-economic conditions of working people. Edward Cummings, 1893
- Princeton. Economics course offerings 1910-11
- Princeton. Syllabus and bibliography for public finance. Daniels, 1895
- Chicago. Schedule of the preliminary economics exams for the Ph.D. and A.M., Summer 1951
- Chicago. Graduate prelim exams in economic theory. Metzler, Friedman and Knight, 1951
- League for Industrial Democracy. Updated syllabus on recent history of socialism. Laidler, 1922.
- M.I.T. Economics Faculty Skit à la Rowan and Martin’s “Laugh-In”, December 1968
- Columbia. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus Max Ira West, 1893.
- Harvard. Syllabus and exams for Government Policy Toward Business. Kaysen, 1961
- Chicago. Economics Ph.D. alumna, Anna Prichitt Youngman, 1908
- Harvard. Final Exams for Railways and Other Public Works. Meyer, 1901
- Chicago to Princeton. Jacob Viner’s Resignation Letter, 1946
- Harvard. Principles of Economics. Reading assignments, Exams, 1928
- Harvard. Members of the Economics Seminary, 1897-1898
- Cowles and IMF seminars on social welfare functions. Abba Lerner, 1952
- Columbia. Hiring Albert Gailord Hart as visiting professor. Bureaucracy light, 1946
- Iowa State. Economics PhD alumna, Alison Comish Thorne, 1939
- Melbourne. History, Constitutional Law, Political Economy, Philosophy Examination Fields. Elkington, 1899
- Chicago (1907-08). Economist turned Epidemiologist, Edgar Sydenstricker
- Harvard. History/Government/Economics Division A.B. Examinations, 1917-18
- Harvard. Final Exam for International Trade and Tariff Policies. Taussig, 1921-22
- Columbia. Economics Seminar participants. J.B. Clark, ca. 1902
- Columbia. Economics Ph.D. alumnus. Social insurance pioneer Isaac M. Rubinow, 1914
- Columbia. Economics Ph.D. alumnus. BLS Commissioner, Royal Meeker, 1906
- Berkeley. Graduate Macroeconomics à la Akerlof, et al. 1992-2007
- Harvard. Course outlines and semester exams in money and banking. Smith and Dorfman, 1958-59
- Harvard. Summer School, Syllabus and Exams for Income Distribution. Bronfenbrenner, 1970
- Chicago. Economic Theory Prelim Exam, Friedman (chair), 1955
- Harvard. Mid-year exams for Money, Banking and Commercial Crises. Young, 1921-1927
- Harvard. Exams for History of Economics up through 18th Century. Ashley, 1900.
- Harvard. Final exam for Economic Trends and Fluctuations. Haberler, 1932.
- Chicago. Henry Simons’ Hayek project proposal, 1945
- Bryn Mawr. Undergraduate and graduate economic courses, Williamson and Parris, 1909
- Bryn Mawr. Economics Ph.D. Alumna, Marion Parris, 1908
- Columbia. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, later leading librarian Charles C. Williamson, 1907
- Harvard. Syllabus, reading assignments, final exam for “Economies of Tropical Africa”. Berg, 1961
- Chicago. Preliminary Exam for PhD, Theory of Income, Employment and Price Level, 1967
- Chicago. Graduate Preliminary Examination, Money and Banking, 1967
- Harvard. Economics of Socialism, Syllabus and Final Exam. O.H. Taylor, 1953
- Harvard. Syllabus and Final Exam for Economic Development of China. Paauw, 1955
- Johns Hopkins. Graduate economics exams, M.A. and Ph.D., 1933
- MIT. Faculty Christmas Party Skit. Seven Stages of a Student, 1964
- Chicago. Preliminary Examinations in Economic Theory. Friedman, chair. 1952
- Columbia. Economics PhD alumnus, later first Duke grad school dean, William Henry Glasson
- Harvard. Galbraith’s Proposal to Split the Economics Department, 1973
- M.I.T. General Examinations in International Economics. Feb/May 1966
- Chicago. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, later Cornell professor, Newman Arnold Tolles, 1932
- Bryn Mawr. Economics Ph.D. Alumna. Lorinda Jane Perry, 1913.
- Harvard. Exams for consolidated undergrad and graduate public finance. Butters and Soloway, 1955
- Chicago, Final exam for graduate international economics (Economics 370). Metzler, Fall 1953
- Harvard. General Exams in Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Theory. Spring, 1992
- United States. College and University Courses on War Economics, 1942
- Harvard. Exams for Elementary, Full, and Advanced Political Economy. 1880-81
- Cambridge. Examinations in political economy, 1872-1873.
- Cambridge. Local Examinations Syndicate’s Political Economy and Logic Exams, 1870-72
- Maryland. Undergraduate History of Economic Thought Syllabus. Milton Moss, 1986
- Columbia. Economics PhD alumnus. Milton Moss, 1962
- Johns Hopkins. Trade and Economic Development, Course Reading List. Balassa, 1968
- Columbia’s first African American Ph.D. Social Economics Ph.D. alumnus, George Edmund Haynes, 1912
- Fisk University. Economics, Sociology & Social Work Courses. Haynes, 1911-13
- Boston University. Mistaken racial identity. Economics Ph.D. alumnus Waight Gibbs Henry, 1918.
- Harvard. Syllabus and Examination for International Trade. Haberler, 1949
- M.I.T. Memo regarding potential hires to interview at AEA Dec meeting, 1965
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, later NLRB judge. Charles E. Persons, 1913
- Harvard. Labor economics courses taught by Charles E. Persons, 1928-1929
- Harvard. Circumstances surrounding William Z. Ripley’s nervous breakdowns, 1927 and 1932
- Chicago. Friedman recommends Becker and Weiss for Earhart Fellowships, 1953
- Chicago. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, “gay godfather” and mentor. Roger Weiss, 1955
- New Bibliographic Resource. Links to the Swan Sonnenschein Social Science Series, 1884-1912
- Johns Hopkins University. Economics Ph.D. Alumna, social economist/home economist, Helen Potter, 1942
- Johns Hopkins. Doctoral exams taken by Helen Potter, 1942
- Harvard. Examinations for both political economy courses. Dunbar and Laughlin, 1881-1882
- Harvard. Exams for the three courses in political economy. Laughlin and Taussig, 1882-1883
- CUNY, Queens College. Reviewing Minsky on Keynesian Economics, Abba Lerner, 1977
- Columbia. George Stigler reviews the department of economics, 1978
- M.I.T. Core Dynamic Macro Half-course. Readings and exam. Solow, 1973
- Harvard. Labor Problems. Course outline, cases for discussion, exams. Slichter, 1938-1939
- Cambridge. Political economy exam from the moral sciences tripos, 1856
- M.I.T. Reading List for Monetary Economics II. Dornbusch, 1976
- M.I.T. Reading list for graduate Monetary Economics I. Modigliani and Poole, 1977
- Harvard. Political Economy Examination for Women, 1878
- Chicago. Economic Price Theory Prelim Exam taken by Zvi Griliches. Winter quarter 1955.
- Johns Hopkins. International Economics Reading List. Balassa, 1968
- Harvard. Year-end exam on Henry George and H. C. Carey. Dunbar, 1884
- Harvard. Undergraduate Public Finance, reading list and semester exams. Burbank and Musgrave, 1938-1939
- Berkeley. Economics Ph.D. Alumna, Marjorie Ruth Clark, 1929.
- Harvard. Economics of Socialism. Outline, Readings, Final Exam. Schumpeter, 1949
- Harvard. Economy of Russia. Enrollment, Outline, Readings, Final Exam. Leontief, 1949
- Harvard. Final examination for Chinese Economic Problems. Lindsay, 1947
- M.I.T. Dean’s request for writing requirements for elective subjects in economics department, 1953
- Johns Hopkins. Career of economics Ph.D. alumnus (plus doctoral exams), George H. Evans, 1925
- Harvard. Leontief and Galbraith report on conflict within department, 1972
- Bibliography from Vaughan’s Influenza, An Epidemiologic Study, 1921
- Columbia. Definition of Sub-professorial Ranks, 1966
- Chicago. Paul Douglas pleads for a staff position for Arnold Tolles, 1928
- Harvard. Year-end exam on Practical Economic Questions. Laughlin, 1884
- Harvard. History, Government, and Economics Division Exams, 1919
- M.I.T. Undergraduate Finance Reading List. Kuh, 1962
- Chicago. Nutter ranks Soviet economy experts in reply to Friedman, 1962
- Carnegie-Mellon. Economics of the Firm reading list. Richard W. Roll, 1967
- American University. Economics Ph.D. Alumna, Edith Louise Allen, 1928
- Harvard. Fiscal Seminar Bibliography and Topics. Williams and Hansen, 1946-47
- Harvard. Final Exam for Theories and Problems of Economic Development. Baldwin, 1956
- Harvard. Exams for Economic Analysis and Public Policy. Smithies, 1949-1950
- Harvard. Economic Analysis and Public Policy, Readings and Exams. Baldwin, 1955-56
- Harvard. Socialism and Planning. Syllabus and final exam. Tinbergen and Tsuru, 1957
- Harvard. Testimony to U.S. Senate Subcommittee Investigating Internal Security. Tsuru Shigeto, 1957
- Harvard. Applied Economic Analysis, Readings and Exams. Smithies and Baldwin, 1956-57
- United States. Courses of Study of Political Economy. 1876 and 1892-93.
- Harvard. Economic History of Europe and America, final exam. Dunbar, 1884
- Harvard. Comparative Land Tenure Systems, Final Exam. Laughlin, 1884
- Harvard. Comparative Fiscal Systems. Final examination, Dunbar, 1884.
- M.I.T. Comprehensive Theory Exams in Microeconomics, 1961
- M.I.T. Comprehensive Theory Exams in Macroeconomics, 1961
- M.I.T. Economics and Political Science, excerpt from President’s Report, 1961
- Harvard. Economic Analysis and Public Policy, Readings and Exams. Smithies and Baldwin, 1956-57
- Chicago. Monetary International Economics, readings and exam. Metzler, 1967
- Radcliffe.Economics Ph.D. Alumna, Dorothy Carolin Bacon, 1928
- Columbia. Economics Ph.D. alumnus. Frederick C. Mills, 1917
- Johns Hopkins. Activities of department of political economy, 1935-1936
- Columbia. Economics Ph.D. alumnus who killed his Dean and self at Syracuse. Beckwith, 1913
- Chicago. Economics Ph.D. alumnus. Ernest H. Hahne, 1930
- Minnesota. What are economic historians made of? Heaton, 1949
- Harvard. Readings and Exams. Public Utilities and Transportation. 1935-37.
- Harvard. Economics PhD Alumnus. Donald Holmes Wallace, 1931
- Minnesota. Interview about banking/financial historians. Heaton, 1955
- Harvard. Political Economy course enrollments and final exams, 1884-1885
- Harvard. Discussed at Faculty Meeting. Computer Access and “Mathematical Economics and Econometrics” as Optional Field, 1959
- Chicago. Economics PhD alumna, Leona Margaret Powell, 1924
- Princeton. Oskar Morgenstern and John von Neumann as Beach Buddies
- Harvard. Graduate Mathematical Economics. Syllabus and Final Exam. Chipman, 1952
- Minnesota. Course outline and reading for graduate macroeconomics. Brownlee, probably 1959
- Chicago. Memos discussing guests to teach during summer quarter, 1927
- Wisconsin. Debate on role of federal government in the economy. Keyserling vs. Friedman, 1963
- Michigan. Henry Carter Adams’ Plea on Own Behalf, 1887
- Oberlin. Sociology bibliography by John R. Commons, 1891-1892
- Oberlin and Syracuse. Baseball and John R. Commons, 1886 and 1898
- Yale. Economics Ph.D. Alumna, Kate Holladay Claghorn, 1896
- Harvard. Year-end Examinations in Political Economy, 1885-1886
- Chautauqua University Extension. Three Lectures on Labor Movement. Ely, 1889
- Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle. Hektographing for Dummies, 1889
- Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle. Economics Readings, Topics for 1889-1890
- Harvard. Examinations for Political Economy courses, Dunbar, Laughlin, and Taussig, 1886-87
- M.I.T. Minutes of the Visiting Committee of Department of Economics and Social Science, 1958
- Harvard. Galbraith suggests Barbara Bergmann for Women’s Studies Professorship, 1983
- Johns Hopkins. Midyear and Final Exams for Five Economics Courses, 1932-1933
- Columbia. List of 26 strong candidates applying for fellowships or scholarships, 1954
- Boston College. Annual Economics Newsletters, 1978-2020
- Harvard. Readings and Exam for Business Cycles. Schumpeter 1949-50
- Harvard. Report of Economics Department Visiting Committee. Brimmer, 1974
- Berkeley. Harsanyi Seminar Reading List, ca. 1976-1977
- Harvard. Reading list for Mathematical Approaches to Economic Theory. Houthakker, 1960-1961
- Chicago. Reading list for Money. Meiselman, 1961
- MIT. Revising Economics Ph.D. General Examinations. E.C.Brown, 1975
- Harvard. Semester examinations in all political economy courses, 1887-1888
- Harvard. Reactions to Galbraith’s call for students to boycott professors doing classified government research, 1967
- Virginia Tech. Letter from James Buchanan to Earl Hamilton, 1983
- Chicago. Reading list for Economic History of Modern Europe to 1800. Hamilton, 1966
- Harvard. Final exams in political economy and ethics of social reform, 1888-1889
- Halle. Economics PhD Alumnus, John Henry Gray (Harvard AB, 1887), 1892
- Chicago. Oscar Lange appointment as assistant professor, 1938
- Paul Krugman, academic scribbles and glimpses of yore and not so yore.
- Harvard. Undergraduate General Examination in Economics, 1957
- Brookings. Economics PhD Alumna, Helen Everett, 1924
- Harvard. Graduate Econometrics. Chipman 1953
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus, Merton Kirk Cameron, 1921
- Chicago. Economics A.M. requirements amended to become “Consolation Prize”. Lewis and Schultz, 1950
- Columbia. Economics Ph.D. alumna, Sydnor Harbison Walker, 1926
- Harvard. Final exams in political economy and ethics of social reform, 1889-1890
- Columbia. Midterm Exam for International Trade Policy. Rodrik, 1992
- M.I.T. Faculty Skit, Playing Monopoly at Lunch, 1986
- Chicago. H. Gregg Lewis proposes a “labor laboratory”. Ca. early 1950s.
- Yale. Course Outline for Industrial Organization, Behavior, and Public Policy. Nelson, 1973
- Yale. Course summary and preview, Industrial Organization, Behavior, and Public Policy. Nelson, 1973
- Harvard. Political Economy à la Francis Bowen, 1870
- Harvard. Argument for more political economy in a liberal education. President Eliot, 1884
- Harvard. International Trade Theory and Policy. Haberler, 1952-1953
- Harvard. Paul Volcker’s A.M. Transcript for Graduate School of Public Administration, 1949-1951
- Columbia. Economics Ph.D. Alumna, Vera Shlakman, 1938
- M.I.T. Exams from International Economics, Kindleberger, 1954-1955
- Harvard. Exams for Political Economy Courses and Ethics of Social Questions, 1890-1891
- Harvard. Life of accounting professor William Morse Cole, A.M. 1896
- Harvard. Veritas investigating Keynesian economics, 1960
- Harvard. Leontief scores five Rothko murals for Harvard, 1963
- Chicago. Milton Friedman visits the Harvard Young Conservative Club, 1964
- University of Massachusetts. Hiring a flock of “radical economists”, 1973
- Harvard. Responses of Wassily Leontief to Questionnaire from Committee to Investigate Walsh-Sweezy Case, 1937
- Columbia. Reading list for Economic Analysis (less advanced level). Hart and Wonnacott, 1959
- Radcliffe. Economics Ph.D. alumna, Elizabeth Boody, 1934
- Schumpeter opines on Germany’s future under Hitler, 1933
- Harvard. Exams for first-year graduate economic theory. Haberler.
- Harvard. Semester exams for advanced economic theory. Fellner, 1950-1951
- Harvard. Exam for undergraduate history of economic thought. Fellner, 1950-1951.
- M.I.T. Course outline and readings for undergraduate applied microeconomics. McFadden, 1978
- George Mason. Course readings for Economic Philosophy. Buchanan and Vanberg, 1990
- Johns Hopkins. Exams for Undergraduate Political Economy Courses, 1923-1924
- Harvard. Final examinations in Political Economy courses, 1891-1892
- Harvard. Basic graduate microeconomic theory. Chamberlin and Samuelson, 1956-1957
- Chicago. Three casual letters from Cambridge, Mass. regarding young talent, 1957-59
- Chicago. Final exam from Economics 301 (Price Theory), Autumn Quarter 1960
- Columbia. Short biographical note on John Bates Clark at age 52
- Columbia. Economics Ph.D. alumnus Henry Crosby Emery, 1896
- Yale. Sheffield Scientific School, Ethics of Business Lectures for Seniors, endowed by Edward D. Page, 1908-1915
- Radcliffe. Economics Ph.D. alumna. Margaret Elliott, 1924
- Harvard. Short Bibliography of Economic Theory for “Serious-minded Students”, Taussig, 1910
- Harvard. Short Bibliography of Taxation for “Serious-minded Students”, Bullock, 1910
- Harvard. Short Bibliography of Trade Unionism for “Serious-minded Students”, Ripley, 1910
- Harvard. Short Bibliography of Social Insurance for “Serious-minded Students”, Foerster, 1910
- Harvard. Short Bibliography of the Economics of Socialism for “Serious-minded Students”, Carver, 1910
- Columbia. Personal Narrative of the Columbia Crisis. A.G. Hart, May 1968
- Harvard. Short Bibliography of Strikes and Boycotts for “Serious-minded Students”, Ripley, 1910
- Harvard. Short Bibliography on Socialism and Family/Christian Ethics for “Serious-minded Students”, McConnell, 1910
- Harvard. Graduate econometrics, first semester. Houthakker and Vanek, 1962
- Chicago. Harry Johnson opposes major appointment to be offered to Gary Becker, 1964
- Chicago. West Side Story Number from an economics skit, ca. 1962
- Harvard. Ludwig von Mises visits the economics department, 1940
- Harvard. Report of the Cocktail Committee. Paul Sweezy, 1941
- Columbia. Eveline M. Burns parts ways with the economics department. 1941-1942
- Columbia. Early Industrial Organization. Career of Arthur Robert Burns, husband of Eveline M. Burns
- Columbia. Topics and readings to prepare for oral exam in economic theory, 1961
- Harvard. Final Examinations in Economics courses, 1892-1893.
- Harvard. Application for Admission to Economics Ph.D. Program. Edward H. Chamberlin, 1922
- Harvard. Economics Transcript for Edward Hastings Chamberlin, 1922-1927
- Harvard. Economics Seminary and Public Lectures. Speakers and Topics, 1913-1914
- Chicago. Lyrics to “The Law (of Diminishing Disciples)”. By Anonymous, 1960’s?
- Chicago. Price Theory (B). Final Exam Questions. Friedman, December 1959
- Chicago. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, Edwin Ferdinand Dummeier, 1926
- Harvard. Economics Chair annual reports to Dean, 1932-1941
- Harvard. Economics Chairman’s Report to the Dean. Harris, 1956
- Radcliffe/Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumna Eleanor Martha Hadley, 1949
- Harvard. Short Bibliography on Social Statistics for “Serious-minded Students”, Ripley, 1910
- Chicago. Syllabus and Final Exam, International Monetary Economics. Metzler, 1971
- Chicago. Economics Christmas Skit Material, 1969
- Harvard. Semester exams for all economics and one social ethics course, 1893-1894
- Johns Hopkins. Graduate Theory of International Trade Exam. Machlup and Harberger, 1951
- Harvard. Graduate Exam Grade Distributions, 1971-72
- Harvard. Economics Department Reports to the Dean, 1941-1946
- Harvard. Meeting of the Visiting Committee with the Economics Department. January 1944
- Princeton. History of Economic Thought. Reading List, General Exam. Baumol, 1987-1988
- Harvard. General Examination in Economic Theory, Spring 1989
- Harvard. Memo to Provost supporting Galbraith appointment. Black, 1947
- Harvard. Economics Seminary. Speakers and Topics, 1914-1915
- Harvard. Senior year political economy. Levi Hedge, 1825-30.
- United Kingdom and other countries. Methods of Economic Training. Cunningham Committee Report, 1894
- Harvard. The Soviet Economy, course outline and final exam. Herbert Levine, 1963
- Harvard. Course Transcript of economics Ph.D. alumnus (1922), Jacob Viner
- Radcliffe. Economics Ph.D. alumna, Rosemary Coward Griffith, 1961
- Columbia. Language Requirements for PhD Report, 1951
- Harvard. Mid-year and Year-End Final Exams in Economics and Social Ethics, 1894-1895
- Harvard. Reading lists for Aggregate Economic Theory, Dorfman. 1962
- Chicago. The Education of Zvi Griliches. Through Ph.D. 1957
- Radcliffe/Oxford. An economics major who got away (to history of art). 1919
- UK. Chicago newspaper article, Fawcett and His Wife, 1872
- Chicago. First price theory course exams. Hanoch, 1964
- “Political Economy and the Civil War” by Laughlin that provoked an Economist-Bashing editorial, 1885
- Chicago. Exams for second graduate price theory course. Griliches, 1965
- Harvard. Division Exams for A.B., General and Economics, 1920
- M.I.T. Midterm and final exam questions for first half of international economics. Kindleberger, 1961-1967
- Harvard. Economics and Social Ethics Semester Examinations, 1895-96
- Harvard. Examinations for empirical economics, Guy Orcutt, 1950, 1951
- Harvard. Junior Honors Reading Lists. Conrad and Henderson, 1958-1959
- Johns Hopkins. Undergraduate economics examinations, 1921-1922
- Harvard. Graduate core economic theory, Syllabus and Exams. Chamberlin, 1941-42.
- Harvard. Haberler and Chamberlin fight over last-minute course changes, 1942-43
- Columbia. Plans for Graduate Classes and Creation of a School for Civil Service Preparation. Burgess, 1880
- Harvard. General Examination in Microeconomic Theory. Spring, 1993
- Harvard. The Data Resources Inc. connection. Galbraith asks Eckstein, Feldstein, Jorgensen. 1972
- Harvard. President of Harvard responding to Economics Dept Visiting Committee Report, 1952
- Harvard. Economics of population growth. Syllabus and examination. Kuznets, 1963
- Harvard. Mid-year and Year-End Final Exams in Economics and Social Ethics, 1896-1897
- Harvard. Visiting Committee Reports. 1895, 1901, 1903, 1906, 1908, 1914
- Harvard. Economics Department Committee Assignments, 1972-73
- Harvard. Promotion for Harold H. Burbank, Job Offer for Allyn Young 1919
- Yale. Evsey Domar’s Letter of Support for Promotion of Thomas Schelling to Full Professorship, 1957
- Radcliffe, A.B. cum laude. African-American teacher of education. 1905
- Chicago. The Journal of Progressive Hedonists Against Radical Thought (P.H.A.R.T.), Rodney Smith & Roger Vaughan, 1971
- Radcliffe. Paul Sweezy’s blue eyes and a summary of economics courses taken by the Class of 1942.
- Harvard. Economics Course Descriptions, Enrollments, and Exams. 1897-98
- Chicago. Course outline, readings, examination for introduction to econometrics. Marschak, 1949
- Chicago. Final exam for Economics 301, Price Theory. Telser, 1965
- Columbia. Major wave of economics appointments. Stigler, Polanyi, Hart, Nurkse, Bergson. 1947
- Harvard. Short Bibliography on Thrift Institutions for “Serious-minded Students”, Sprague, 1910
- Chicago. Reading List for Industrial Organization. Stigler, 1959
- Harvard. Twenty years of graduate economic history exams. Gay and Usher, 1930-1949
- Harvard. Economics Course Examinations, 1898-99
- Radcliffe. Economics Ph.D. alumna, later pioneer health economist Mary Lee Ingbar, 1953
- Harvard. Student Class Debate on Impact of Protection on Wages. Taussig, 1889
- Harvard. Economics Department Reports to the Dean, 1946-47 to 1949-50
- Harvard. Final exam questions for statistics and insurance/speculation. Allyn Young, 1911
- Columbia. Reform of the PhD dissertation printing requirement, 1936-1940
- Chicago. Governmental Price Fixing Reading List. Friedman, 1972
- John Hopkins. Proposals for First and Second Year Graduate Examinations. Musgrave, 1960
- Johns Hopkins. Comprehensive Exams for Economics Ph.D. 1961
- Harvard. Economics department professors plan review of junior staff. 1932
- Harvard. Mid-year and Final Exams for Economics courses, 1899-1900
- Chicago. Lyrics from “With a Little Bit of Luck”, ca. 1962
- Harvard. Introduction to Quantitative Methods. Joint Economics and Graduate School of Public Administration. Bolton, 1964
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus. Paul McCracken, 1948
- Harvard. Reading List and Final Exam for Games and Strategy. Schelling, 1963
- Harvard. Examinations for graduate public finance. Otto Eckstein, 1961-1962
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, Jack Hirshleifer, 1950
- M.I.T. Economics department committee (re-)organization. 1976-78
- Harvard. Draft memo on “Basic Mathematics for Economics”. Rothschild, ca. 1970
- Pennsylvania. Rejected proposal to the Committee on Research in Economic History. Kuznets, ca. 1941
- Columbia. Economics M.A. alumna, Guggenheim Fellow. Katharine Snodgrass, 1918
- Harvard. Economics semester final examinations, 1900-01.
- Harvard. Reading list for Economics of Socialism. Bergson, 1977
- M.I.T. Reading list for Problems in Russian Economic History. Domar, 1975
- Harvard. Economics Graduate Degree Requirements, 1934-1935
- Harvard. Economics degree requirements, A.B./A.M./Ph.D., 1921-1922
- Harvard. Observations on the organization of academic life at Harvard. Ashley, 1897
- Harvard. Graduate Public Finance. Syllabus and Exams. Berkeley professor George Break. 1964-1965
- Harvard. Course Outline, Reading Assignments, Semester Exams. Principles of economics. Smithies, 1951-52
- Harvard. President Lowell’s motivation for undergraduate divisional general exams. 1915
- Harvard. Tutorial System and Divisional General Final Examinations, 1920
- Chicago. The School of Chicago 1972 by Roger Vaughan (Ph.D. 1977). IDs by Gordon and McCloskey
- Harvard. Political Economy tutor, Henry Howland (Heidelberg PhD). 1873-1874
- Harvard. Principles of Economics. Description, Enrollment, Exam Questions. Andrew, Mixter, and Sprague. 1901-1902
- Harvard. Economic Theory. Enrollment, Readings Exams. Carver, 1901-1902.
- Harvard. Principles of Sociology. Enrollment, Readings, Exam Questions. Carver, 1901-1902
- Harvard. Statistics. Course description and semester exams. Ripley, 1901-1902
- Harvard. Economics Honors Exams, 2002-2016
- Harvard. Railroads and regulation. Exams and enrollment. Ripley and Meyer, 1901-1902
- Harvard. US Economic History. Readings and Exams. Sprague and Patten, 1901-1902
- Harvard. Public Finance Exams. Charles Jesse Bullock visiting from Williams College, 1901-02
- Harvard. Money, Banking, and International Payments. Exams. Andrew, Sprague, Meyer 1901-1902
- Harvard. Exams for labor economics and industrial organization. Durand, 1902
- Harvard. Fin de siècle look at the economics department. 1896
- Dartmouth. 19th century instruction in History, Law, Politics, & Political Economy. Colby, 1796-1896.
- Harvard. On Francis Bowen’s Professorial Settee. Eliot, 1898
- Harvard. Undergraduate courses taken by John F. Kennedy, Class of 1940
- Chicago. No French, no Economics Ph.D. Case of Robert Russ Kern, 1909
- Radcliffe. Schumpeter Letter Supporting Marion Crawford, 1937
- Harvard. Copy of Schumpeter’s letter to Crum regarding Samuelson’s course performance, 1936
- Harvard. List of Ph.D. recipients in History and Political Science, 1873-1901
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus (1969) Paul Gregory. He actually knew Lee Harvey Oswald. 1963.
- Chicago. Decennial Harvard Class Report of associate professor of political economy James A. Field, ABD, 1913.
- Harvard. Economics Graduate School Records of James Alfred Field, ABD. 1903-1911.
- Harvard. On the organization of the Division of History, Government, and Economics. Burbank, 1934
- Harvard. Final exam for graduate economics course on methods. Carver, 1902
- Harvard. Final exam questions for Socialism and Communism. Carver and Bushée, 1901-1902
- Vermont. Yearbook account of economics lecture by Harvard PhD Charles W. Mixter, 1904
- Harvard. Final exams for history of economics up through Ricardo. Mixter, 1901-1902
- Princeton. Life and writings of economic sociologist Walter A. Wyckoff, 1895-1908
- Harvard. Exam questions for European countries’ resources and economies. Ripley and Meyer, 1901-02
- Harvard. Principles of Accounting. Exam questions. W. M. Cole, 1901-1902
- Chicago. Ph.D. Thesis Committees in Monetary Economics. Patinkin’s Research, 1968
- Harvard. Law and Economics. Syllabus and Exams. Wyman, 1901-1902
- Johns Hopkins. Exams for the five sections of principles of economics, 1937-1938
- Johns Hopkins. Semester exams for statistics. Robert G. Deupree, 1937-1938
- Johns Hopkins. Final exams for undergraduate money and banking. Weyforth, 1937-1938
- Johns Hopkins. Final examinations for Corporation Finance and Investments. Evans, 1937-1938
- Johns Hopkins. Exam questions for undergraduate principles of accounting. Cooper, 1937-1938
- Johns Hopkins. Exam questions for undergraduate economic history. Broadus Mitchell, 1937-1938
- Johns Hopkins. Exam questions for mathematics of finance and applied statistics. Evans, 1937-1938
- Johns Hopkins. Examination questions for undergraduate marketing. Roy J. Bullock, 1937-1938.
- USA. Joseph Schumpeter’s Roadshow. 1st Quarter 1914
- Harvard. Principles of Economics. Description, Enrollment, Exam Questions. Andrew, Mixter, and Sprague. 1902-1903
- Harvard. Mediaeval economic history. Final exam. Gay, 1902-1903
- Harvard. Economic History of Europe since 1500. Final Exam. Gay, 1902-1903
- Harvard. Exams for Organisation and Resources European Economies. Ripley and Meyer, 1902-1903
- Harvard. U.S. Economic History. Enrollment and Exams. Sprague, 1902-1903
- Harvard. Short Bibliography of Economic History for “Serious-minded Students”, Gay, 1910
- Emily Dickinson explains the 2nd Theorem of Welfare Economics. ChatGPT, 2023
- Harvard. Problems of labor and industrial organization, Student Reports, Exams. Ripley, 1902-1903
- Harvard. Reading list and final exam for Survey of Currency Regulation. Andrew, 1902-1903
- Chicago. Economics Ph.D. requirement. Either linear algebra or foreign language reading comprehension, 1968
- Harvard. Banking and its history. Enrollment and final exam. Sprague, 1902-1903
- Chicago. Report of the Committee on Mathematical Statistics. Henry Schultz, 1938
- Harvard. Railways and public utility regulation. Exam questions. Meyer, 1902-1903.
- Chicago. Economics Ph.D. alumna. Linked publications list. Edith Abbott, 1905
- John Hopkins. Economic Fluctuations and Fiscal Policy. Course outline, reading list, exams. Domar, 1956
- Harvard. Enrollment and Exam for Statistics. Ripley, 1902-1903
- Harvard. Ethics of the Social Questions. Course description, enrollment, final exam. Peabody, 1902-1903
- Princeton. French Reading Proficiency Exam for Economics, 1949
- NBER. An Ode to Arthur F. Burns, sung to the tune of “Silver Dollar”, George Shultz, 1970
- Harvard. Exam for German Economic Thought. Gay, 1903
- Harvard. Enrollment and exams on Adam Smith, Ricardo and followers. Mixter, 1902-1903.
- Germany. University life seen through American eyes. Tupper, 1900-1901
- Harvard. Final examination and enrollment for international trade and payments. Sprague, 1902-1903
- Princeton. Money and Banking exams. Wallich, 1950
- Harvard. Exam and enrollment for History and Theory of Commercial Crises. Andrew, 1902-1903
- M.I.T. History of Public Finance Bibliography. Dewey, 1936
- Princeton. The Frank D. Graham Memorial Lecturers. 1950-2023
- France. Public finance exam question. Leroy-Beaulieu, 1878
- Harvard. Enrollment and Demand for Theory and Methods of Taxation. Durand, 1902-1903
- M.I.T. Writings and addresses of Francis A. Walker, 1857-1897
- Columbia. Economics instructor not rehired. Academic freedom vs. academic license. Henderson, 1933
- United States. Links to the 19 volumes of the Industrial Commission Reports, 1900-1902
- Harvard. Reading Lists for Second Semester Graduate Economic Theory. Arrow, Bewley, Oniki, 1972
- Berkeley. Expansion of economics course offerings announcement. Course offerings 1904-1905.
- Harvard. Principles of Accounting. Course description, enrollment, and final exam. W.M. Cole, 1902-1903
- Harvard. Principles of Law for Economics. Course description, enrollment, final exams. Wyman, 1902-1903
- Yale. Economics Ph.D. Alumna, 2nd wife of Richard T. Ely, Margaret Hahn Ely
- Harvard. Exam questions for Principles of Economics. Taussig and Andrew, 1903-1904
- Harvard. Examination Questions in Economic Theory. Taussig and Carver, 1903-1904
- Harvard. Examinations for Principles of Sociology. Carver, 1903-1904
- Harvard. Midyear examination in statistics. Ripley, 1903-1904
- Harvard. Report assignment and exams for economics of transportation. Ripley, 1903-1904
- Harvard. Class of 1894 reports of Oliver Mitchell Wentworth Sprague, 1895, 1897, 1902, 1904, 1909, 1914, 1919
- M.I.T. Robert Bishop memo on importance of Woodrow Wilson funding for grad students, 1961
- Harvard. Exam questions for theory and methods of taxation. Taussig, 1903-1904
- Chicago. Suggestions to make University of Chicago professorships more attractive. Leland, 1945
- M.I.T. Charles Kindleberger’s Ruminations on Professional Education, 1966
- Harvard. Semester exams for money and banking. Andrew and Sprague, 1903-1904
- Cornell. True Tale of the Dr. Vosberg Hoax, 3 Dec 1921
- Harvard. A. Piatt Andrew at his home “Red Roof”. Gloucester, MA. 1910
- Harvard. Semester Examinations in US Economic History. Sprague, 1903-1904
- Harvard. Statute establishing the award of the Ph.D. degree, 1872
- Harvard. Problems of Labor. Assignment of Reports and Final Exam. Ripley, 1903-1904
- Harvard. Economics of Corporations. Case assignment and final exam. Ripley, 1903-1904
- Harvard. Exams for the Modern Economic History of Europe. Gay, 1903-1904
- Columbia. Alvin S. Johnson’s impressions of Dean John W. Burgess, October 1898
- Columbia. Alvin S. Johnson’s impressions of Franklin H. Giddings, 1898-1902
- Columbia. Alvin S. Johnson’s impressions of Edwin R.A. Seligman, 1898-1902.
- Columbia. Munroe Smith’s history of the faculty of political science as told by A.S. Johnson, 1952.
- Harvard. Enrollment and final exam for international trade and payments. Sprague, 1903-1904
- Harvard. Final exam questions for economic methods course. Carver, 1903-04
- New York City Schools. Essay on Economics and the High School Teacher of Economics. Tildsley, 1919
- Harvard. Enrollment and final exam for history of 19th century economics. Bullock, 1903-1904
- Harvard. Enrollment and final exam for U.S. Financial History. Bullock, 1903-1904
- Chicago. Alvin Johnson remembers Robert Hoxie and his relationship to Veblen, 1906-16
- Harvard. Final exam for Principles of Accounting. Cole, 1903-1904
- Johns Hopkins. International Economics Exams. Balassa, 1968-69.
- Kansas. Birth of seminary of historical and political science. Blackmar, 1889
- Kansas. Seminary meeting on “Status of Woman”. Blackmar, 1892
- Harvard. Enrollment and semester exams in law and economics. Wyman, 1903-1904
- Harvard. Enrollment and final exam for economics of agriculture. Carver, 1903-1904
- Harvard. Enrollment and exam questions for agrarian history. Gay, 1903-04
- Harvard. Enrollment and exams for Outlines of Economics. Taussig et al., 1904-1905
- Chicago. Final exam for Price Theory (B). Friedman. Winter quarter 1964
- Harvard. Course readings, final exams, and enrollment for Principles of Sociology. Carver and Field, 1904-1905
- Germany. Harvard Man’s Impressions of Berlin University. Gannett, 1914
- Harvard. Recitation section work described. Day, 1914
- Michigan. Account of lecture on economic and sociological theory. Boulding, 1961
- Harvard. Enrollment, course description, final examinations. Statistics. Ripley, 1904-1905
- Harvard. Course enrollment, description, and final exam. Economics of Transportation. Ripley and Daggett, 1904-1905
- Harvard. Course enrollment, description and final exams. U.S. economic history. Sprague, 1904-1905
- Harvard. Course enrollment, description, final exam. Public finance. Bullock, 1904-05
- Harvard. Course enrollment, description, and final exam for theory and methods of taxation. Bullock, 1904-1905
- Williams College. Political Economy and Law 1794-1894. Bullock, 1904
- Harvard. Course enrollment, description, and final exam for currency legislation, experience, and theory. Andrew, 1904-1905
- Harvard. Historical and comparative look at banking systems. Enrollment, course description, final exam. Sprague, 1904-1905
- Columbia. Trustee behind the establishment of the School of Political Science. Ruggles, 1880
- Harvard. Enrollment, Course description, Final exam. Problems of Labor. Ripley and Custis, 1904-1905
- Harvard. Enrollment, Course description, Final exam. Economics of Corporations. Ripley and Custis, 1904-1905
- William and Mary. Claim to being the first U.S. college to have political economy in its curriculum. Textbook Tracy, 1817
- Harvard. Mediaeval and Modern Economic History of Europe. Enrollments, descriptions, exam. Gay, 1904-1905
- Harvard. Enrollment, course description, and final exam for international trade and payments. Sprague, 1904-1905
- Michigan. On the early years of the School of Political Science, 1881-1887
- Harvard. Second year economic theory. Readings and exams. Leontief, 1960-1961
- South Carolina and Columbia College. Political Economy Exams. Francis Lieber, 1855, 1863
- South Carolina and Columbia. Two inaugural lectures by Francis Lieber, 1835 and 1858
- Harvard. Course enrollment, description, final exam. Economic Research Methods. Carver, 1904-1905
- France. The Avignon-editions of L’ami des hommes. Mirabeau and Quesnay, 1761-64
- Columbia. On Rev. John McVickar’s political economy. Herbert B. Adams, 1887
- Harvard. Enrollment, description, final exam. Distribution of Wealth. Carver, 1904-1905
- Harvard. Methods of Social Reform. Enrollment, description, linked reading list, final exam. Carver, 1904-1905
- Chicago. First quarter of price theory. Midterm and final exams. Harberger, 1957
- Johns Hopkins. General Written Exam for Economics PhD. 1956
- Harvard. Syllabus, readings, exams for agricultural economics. Galbraith, 1938-39
- Chicago. First quarter price theory exams. Rees, 1960
- NBER. Oral History Interviews with 8 researchers. Goldin, 2001-2003
- Queens College, NYC. Memo on Responses of Graduates about Department. Lipsey, 1974
- Queens College. Reading assignments and exams for macroeconomics. Lerner 1973-1975
- Harvard. Junior Year Seminar/Tutorial Reading Assignments. Caves, 1964-1965
- Harvard. Course description and outline. Economic Theory. Daniere, 1963-1964.
- Harvard. Ph.D. candidates examination fields. King, Bushee, Seaman. 1901-1902.
- Harvard. Economics Graduate School Records of Jacob Viner. 1914-1922
- Freedom School. Summer Prospectus. Robert LeFevre, 1962
- Harvard. Exams for the history of economics through Adam Smith. Bullock, 1904-1905
- Harvard. Course description, enrollment, exam questions for history of public finance. Bullock, 1904-1905
- Columbia. Structure of the Soviet Economy, Reading assignments. Bergson, 1954-1955
- Chicago. Economics skit based on Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. Friedland, Niskanen, Oi. Ca. 1960-61
- Harvard. Accounting principles. Enrollment and final exam. Cole, 1904-1905
- Harvard. Principles of industrial relations and commercial law, Exams. Wyman, 1904-1905
- Harvard and Columbia. President of Harvard headhunting conversation regarding economists. Mitchell and Mills, 1936
- Harvard. Class of 1890 reports for W.E.B. Du Bois, 1897-1920
- Harvard. Application for Ph.D. candidacy. W.E.B. Du Bois, 1895
- Johns Hopkins. Exam for Welfare Economics. Lerner, 1958
- Johns Hopkins. Semester Exams for Monetary Economics. Musgrave, 1959-1960
- Harvard. Course description and exam for Ethics of the Social Questions. Peabody, 1904-05
- M.I.T. Economics in the Rear-view Mirror’s collection for Robert Solow at work and play, December 2023
- Before he was Frank Samuelson, father of Paul, he was Ephraim Chodorowski from Ratzki-Russia (now Poland)
- Queen’s University at Kingston. Comprehensive Economic Theory Exam in Economic Theory, 1974
- Harvard. Division Exams for A.B., General and Economics, 1921
- Government Statistics. Centenary History of the U.S. Survey of Current Business. Reamer, 2020
- Harvard. Account of his government service during WWI. Gay, 1920
- Germany. Wolfgang Stolper’s Seminarschein for a public finance seminar. Schumpeter, 1932
- Harvard. Undergraduate International Economics. Book list and final exam. Caves, 1963-1964
- Columbia. Fairy tale by economics PhD alumnus (1953), Thomas Mayer
- Harvard. Principles of Economics Exam. Taussig et al., 1905-1906
- Harvard. Graduate student teaching assistant, A.M. but no Ph.D. Frank Richardson Mason, 1906
- Harvard. Final exam questions for principles of sociology. Carver, 1905-1906
- Harvard. Final examination for transportation economics. Ripley, 1905-1906
- Harvard. Reading list and final exam for U.S. economic and financial history. Taussig and Gay, 1905-1906
- Harvard. Application for PhD candidacy. James Waterhouse Angell, 1921
- Chicago. Program of Political Economy. Thick course descriptions. 1904-1905
- Harvard. Exam for undergraduate public finance. Bullock, 1905-1906
- Harvard. Exams for Money and Banking. Andrew, 1905-1906
- Wisconsin. Programmes of Political Economy, Political Science, and History. 1904-1905.
- Harvard. Report assignments and final exam for Problems of Labor. Ripley et al., 1905-1906
- Harvard. Exam questions for Medieval and Modern Economic History of Europe. Gay, 1905-1906
- Harvard. Application for PhD candidacy. Arthur Eli Monroe, 1915
- Harvard. Final exam for distribution theory. Carver, 1905-1906
- Johns Hopkins. Ten-Year Projects and Outlook for Department. 1968-1978
- Harvard. Report guidelines and exam for commercial crises and trade cycles. Andrew, 1905-1906
- Harvard. Exam questions for Social Reform, Socialism, Communism. Carver, 1905-1906
- Harvard. Exams for Principles of Accounting. W.M. Cole, 1905-06
- Harvard. Exams for the advanced course in public finance. Bullock 1905-06
- Useful links. The Monographs on Education in the U.S. edited by Nicholas Murray Butler for the St. Louis World Fair. 1904
- Harvard. Commercial Law and Industrial Relations Law for Economists. Wyman, 1905-1906
- Chicago. Assigned Readings for Price and Income Instability. T. W. Schultz, 1956
- Harvard. Short Bibliography of Social Ethics for “Serious-minded Students”, Peabody, 1910
- Harvard. Application for PhD candidacy. Frank D. Graham, 1917
- Chicago. Notes on conversation with U Chicago president Colwell by T.W. Schultz, 1946
- Harvard. Exam questions for agricultural economics. Carver, 1905-1906
- Harvard. Some biographical backstory for Evsey Domar up through 1943
- Harvard. Syllabus and partial reading list for graduate time-series econometrics. Sims, 1968-1969
- Harvard. Reading list for economics of education and technology. Bowles, 1967-68
- Yale. Meet an assistant professor of economics. Montias, 1960
- Chicago. Meet PhD alumnus Charles E. Lindblom, 1945
- Harvard. Enrollments, staffing, exams for principles of economics. Taussig, Bullock, Andrew. 1906-1907
- Harvard. Enrollment and exam questions for principles of sociology. J.A. Field, 1906-1907
- John Hopkins. Final exam for graduate macroeconomic theory. Aschheim, Christ, Mills. 1962
- Harvard. Report assignment and final exam for transportation economics. Ripley, Daggett and McLaren, 1906-1907
- Harvard. Reading list and Exam for U.S. Economic History. Gay, 1906-1907
- Harvard. Exam for European economic history (19th century). Gay, 1906-1907
- Harvard. Exams for Money and Banking. Andrew, 1906-1907
- Harvard. Enrollment and Final Exam, Labor Problems. Ripley, 1906-1907
- Harvard. Economics of Corporations. Report assignments and final exam. Ripley, 1906-1907
- M.I.T. Department of Economics Annual Report by E. Cary Brown, 1975-1976
- Freedom School. First Newsletter, January 1964
- Harvard. Seminar Bibliography on Economic Development. Mason and Galbraith, 1960-61
- Chicago. Program of advanced instruction and research training in economics. 1956-57.
- Chicago. Economic Development as a special field. Harberger, D. Gale Johnson, Hoselitz. ca. mid-1950s
- Harvard. Modern European Economic History. Gay, 1906-1907
- NBC Meet the Press. Full transcript of inflation interview with Friedrich Hayek. June 22, 1975
- Harvard. Application for PhD candidacy. Edward S. Mason, 1923
- Harvard. Economic Development, Theory and Problems. Hainsworth, Bell and Papanek, 1960-1961
- Harvard. Theory of income distribution. Frank A. Fetter, 1906-1907
- Harvard. Final exam for Methods of Social Reform. Socialism etc. Fetter, 1906-1907
- Columbia. Course outline and readings for foreign banking systems. Beckhart, 1939-1940
- Harvard. Semester exams for history of economics. Bullock, 1906-07
- Columbia. 50th anniversary dinner of the Faculty of Political Science, 1930
- Columbia. Excerpt from Dean’s Report dealing with faculty of political science. 1930-1931
- Wisconsin. Economics PhD alumnus, John Giffin Thompson, 1907
- Harvard. Public finance and taxation. Enrollments and final exams. Bullock, 1906-1907
- Harvard. Enrollment and final exam for railroad practice. Daggett, 1906-1907
- Dartmouth A.M. John Gilbert Thompson. Long-lag for interest rate effect, 1929
- UCLA. First woman economics Ph.D. Gene Bunning Tipton, 1953
- Harvard. Principles of accounting, final examinations. Cole, 1906-07
- Berkeley. UC President, former economics professor, Clark Kerr dismissed in 1971.
- Columbia. Economics Ph.D. Alumna, Margaret Good Myers (Beckhart), 1931
- Harvard. Paper topics, exam questions for Industrial Relations and Commercial Law. Wyman, 1906-1907
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, Daniel Houston Buchanan. 1931
- Columbia and Barnard. Essay on Economics in the College Course. Henry R. Mussey, 1910
- Wellesley. Economics education of Virginia Foster Durr, ca. 1922
- Columbia. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus, Henry Raymond Mussey. 1905
- Columbia. Economics PhD alumnus, Leonard Stott Blakey, 1912
- Harvard. Exam for 19th century French and German Economics, Gay, 1906-07
- Leipzig, Germany. Professor Karl Bücher, 1847-1930.
- Berlin. Germania docet. Adolph Wagner, 1896
- Harvard. Readings and final exam for social ethics. Peabody, 1906-07
- Johns Hopkins. Final Exams for “Econometrics”. Christ and Harberger, 1951-1952
- Harvard. Exams for Introductory and Advanced Political Economy. Dunbar, 1877-1878
- Harvard. Exams for Introductory and Advanced Political Economy. Dunbar and Laughlin, 1878-1879
- Johns Hopkins. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus, later University of Chicago professor. Marc Nerlove, 1933-2024
- Harvard. Enrollment and semester examinations for principles of economics. Taussig, Bullock and Andrew. 1907-1908
- Minnesota. Economics Ph.D. Alumna. Mildred L. Hartsough, 1924
- Harvard. Exam questions for principles of sociology. Carver, 1907-1908
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, Melvin Gardner de Chazeau. 1930
- Roosevelt College. Abba Lerner’s draft letter to Karl Popper. 1951
- Chicago. Economics Ph.D. Alumna Emily Clark Brown, 1927
- Harvard. Linked References to 1st ed of Principles of Economics. Taussig, 1911
- Harvard. Final examination for Ethics of the Social Questions. Peabody, 1905-1906
- U.S. Economics Graduate Programs Ranked, 1957, 1964 and 1969
- Stanford. Kenneth Arrow’s mini-cv at age thirty. 1951
- Amherst. Economics course offerings. Crook, 1901-1902.
- Amherst. 100 years of economics, 1832-1932
- Chicago. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, George Rogers Taylor. 1929
- Harvard. Mid-year exam for Statistics. Ripley, 1907-1908
- Harvard. Department recommends promotion of James Duesenberry to associate professor with tenure, 1952
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus William Edmund Clark, 1974
- M.I.T. Graduate Program in Economics Brochure, 1974-1975
- Yale. The State of Economics at Yale. Reynolds, 1951
- M.I.T. Economics Department’s Chair exposition of his department’s philosophy and methods. Freeman, 1952
- Harvard. Enrollment and final exam for economics of transportation. Ripley and Daggett, 1907-1908
- Harvard. Exam for 19th century European Industry and Commerce. Gay, 1907-1908
- Antioch College. Syllabus for principles of economics. Watts, 1935-1936
- Yale. Graduate economics graduate degree requirements and curriculum brochure. 1950
- New York City. Centennial Celebration for Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations. 1876
- Harvard. American Economic and Financial History. Gay, 1907-08.
- Harvard. Enrollment and final exam for money and banking. Andrew, 1907-1908
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, Seymour Edwin Harris. 1926
- Cowles Commission. Arrow declines offer for joint appointment of research director and professor of economics. 1953
- Harvard. Seminar readings for the economics of technological change. Anne P. Carter, 1967
- Harvard. Suggested paper topics and references for money and banking. Williams and Harris, 1938-1939
- Harvard. Exams and assigned reading for money, banking, commercial crises. Williams and Harris, 1938-1939
- M.I.T. State of the Economics Department and Other Social Sciences. 1960-1961
- Harvard. Exam for Problems of Labor. Ripley with Lauren Carroll assisting, 1907-08
- Harvard. Final exam and enrollment. Economics of Corporations. Ripley and Daggett, 1907-1908
- Johns Hopkins. Final exam for monetary economics. Poole, 1968
- Harvard. Final exams for Modern Economic History of Europe. Gay, 1907-1908
- Harvard. Semester Exams for Methods of Economic Investigation. Carver, 1907-1908
- Columbia. Excerpt from Contemporary Civilization Syllabus. Economic History, 1921
- Columbia. Excerpt from Contemporary Civilization Syllabus. Industrial Problems, 1921
- Yale. On different approaches to teaching college economics. Ruggles, 1964
- Harvard. Exam for Distribution of Wealth. Carver, 1907-1908
- Minnesota. Address on Public Policy and the American Economy. Heller, 1986
- Harvard. A Plea for Research Support for the Economics Department. Bullock, 1915
- LSE. Courses in Banking and Currency. Descriptions and Readings. Gregory and Tappan, 1924-25
- Harvard. Economics PhD Alumnus Howard Sylvester Ellis, 1929
- Columbia. Wesley Clair Mitchell Reflects on his Personal Research Style. 1928
- How Black-Lives Mattered to Wesley Clair Mitchell’s Immediate Ancestors. Mid 19th Century
- Harvard. Exam questions for Social Reform, Socialism, Communism. Carver, 1907-1908
- Johns Hopkins. Essay on Political Economy in America. Ely, 1887
- Harvard. Public finance and taxation exams. Bullock, 1907-1908
- Harvard. Railroad economics. Daggett, 1907-1908
- Harvard. History of Economics through 1848. Bullock, 1905-1906
- Harvard (A.M. Alum). Extension course of six lectures on distribution. William M. Cole, 1896
- Yale. Appointment to Council of Economic Advisers. Merton J. Peck, 1968
- Harvard. Exams for history of economics to 1848. Bullock, 1907-1908
- Radcliffe/Harvard. Ph.D. economic history alumna Esther Clark Wright, 1931
- Harvard. Introduction to Econometrics, Syllabus and Final Exam. Sims, 1967-68
- Harvard. Renewal of Faculty Instructorship. Case of Paul Sweezy, 1940
- Cambridge. Economics Tripos Examination Questions, 1923
- UCLA. Monetary Economics, PhD qualifying exam. 1971
- Princeton. Mathematics for Economics Grad Students Exam. 1960
- Princeton. General PhD Exams in Industrial Organisation, 1975-1979
- Harvard. Course Outline and Reading List for Quantitative Research on the Behavior of the Firm. John R. Meyer, 1955-56
- Harvard. Exams for principles of accounting. W. M. Cole, 1907-1908
- Northwestern. Reading list for advanced price theory. Mortensen, 1966
- Harvard. Graduate Economic Theory Exam. April 1961
- Harvard. Graduate Economic Theory Exam. November 1962
- Harvard. Graduate Economic Theory Exam. April 1963
- UCLA. Price theory. Course outline and reading list. Hirshleifer, 1972
- UCLA. Macroeconomics PhD qualifying examination. Spring 1982
- Harvard. Academic record of Vervon Orval Watts, Ph.D. 1932
- Harvard. Exams for law of industrial relations and commerce. Wyman, 1907-1908
- Harvard. Department of Economics Newsletter. Dunlop, Sept 1964
- Harvard. University Overseer objects to hiring Alvin Hansen. 1937
- Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus Harry Edward Miller, 1923
- Princeton. History of Economic Thought General Exams for Ph.D. 1981, 1986
- Harvard. Economics PhD alumnus, Douglass Vincent Brown, 1932
- Harvard. Description, enrollment and exam for Social Ethics. Peabody, 1907-1908
- Princeton. General Exams on Theory for Economics PhD Theory. 1953 through 1972
- Harvard. Final exam for Adam Smith and Ricardo course. Bullock, 1907-1908
- Cornell. Frank Knight’s Cornell Coursework, 1913-1917
- Harvard. Graduate Records of Economics PhD Alumnus, Lauchlin Currie, 1931
- Harvard. Graduate records of Economics PhD, Gardiner Coit Means. 1933
- Germany. The experience of Business Schools in Munich, Berlin, Leipzig and Cologne. Moritz Bonn, 1915
- Harvard. Graduate records of economics PhD alumnus, Abraham George Silverman, 1930
- Harvard. Enrollment and semester examinations for principles of economics. Taussig, 1908-1909
- Harvard. Enrollment and exams for Principles of Sociology. Carver, 1908-1909
- Harvard. Enrollment and semester exams for Statistics. Ripley, 1908-1909
- Harvard. Application for PhD candidacy. John H. Williams, PhD 1919
- Harvard. Application for PhD candidacy. Arthur Smithies, PhD 1935
- Harvard. Enrollment and exam for Economics of Transportation. Ripley, 1908-1909
- Northwestern. Reading List and Exams for International Trade and Finance. Harwitz, 1962
- Harvard. European and U.S. Economic History. Reading Lists and Exams. Gay, 1908-09
- Harvard. Economics Graduate Record of Paul Samuelson. PhD 1941