The Catalogue of Artifacts

Complete List of Artifacts

This is a chronological catalog of postings to Economics in the Rear-View Mirror. You can subscribe to the blog and receive fresh artifacts in the history of economics (with a focus on the teaching of undergraduate and graduate economics in the U.S. between 1870 and 1970) delivered to your e-mailbox following this list. Your feedback via comments is welcomed and encouraged.

  1. Harvard. Information regarding degrees, 1935-36
  2. Harvard. Enrollments, 1916/17-1936/37
  3. Harvard. Requirements for graduate degrees, 1934-35
  4. Harvard. Degree rulings, 1930
  5. Harvard. Rules for graduate study, 1955
  6. Harvard. Information regarding graduate degrees, 1947
  7. Harvard. Account of graduate department, July 1886
  8. Harvard. Two course reviews, 1881
  9. Harvard graduate alumnus, Arthur Morgan Day in 1896 and 1912
  10. Harvard graduate alumnus, George Ole Virtue in 1896 and 1912
  11. Harvard graduate alumnus, Carlos Carleton Closson in 1896 and 1912
  12. Harvard graduate alumnus, Charles Beardsley, Jr. in 1896 and 1912
  13. Harvard graduate alumnus, Hugo Richard Meyer in 1912
  14. Harvard. Courses, degree requirements, 1897-98
  15. Harvard. Courses, degree requirements, 1911-12
  16. Harvard. Economics 2. Carver, 1900-01
  17. E. B. Wilson lecture, USDA graduate school, 1930
  18. Harvard. Economics 101. Economic Theory. Chamberlin, 1938-9
  19. Harvard. Harry Rudolph Tosdal. Ph.D. 1915
  20. Harvard. Hansen and Williams, Fiscal seminar 1937-1944
  21. Columbia. School of Political Science. Information 1882-83
  22. Harvard. Readings for Taussig’s Economics 11, Theory. 1923-24
  23. Columbia. Economics Courses with Descriptions, 1905-07
  24. Chicago. Courses of instruction, 1900-01
  25. Chicago. General Regulations for Ph.D., 1903
  26. Comparison of Course Offerings. Chicago, Columbia, Harvard ca. 1893-94
  27. Graduate Courses. 23 US Universities. 1898-99
  28. Columbia Course. Historical and Practical Political Economy. Richmond Mayo-Smith. ca. 1891-2
  29. John Bates Clark Biography from Amherst Yearbook 1894
  30. Chicago. Economics 354. Types of Econ Organization. Douglas. 1938
  31. Harvard. Econ 7b. Single Tax, Socialism, Anarchism. Readings. Carver, 1919-20
  32. Chicago. Econ 332. Business Cycle Theory (Lange). Minsky Notes 1942
  33. Chicago. Ph.D. Exam Questions by Viner in Theory. 1928
  34. Chicago. Ph.D. Exam. Spring 1939
  35. Chicago. Math Econ (Econ 402). Henry Schultz References. 1932
  36. Milton Friedman’s Coursework in Economics, Statistics and Mathematics
  37. Chicago. Reading Assignments, Economic Theory (Econ 301). Viner, Fall 1932
  38. Portrait of Eight Economists. University Extension Summer Meeting, 1894
  39. Columbia. Mathematical Economics. Hotelling. Class Rolls 1931-1944
  40. Columbia. Course Descriptions. Hotelling. 1931-1945
  41. Columbia. Search Committee Report. 1950
  42. Chicago. Econ 332. Business Cycle Theory (Lange). Final Exam.1938
  43. Chicago. Course Notes. Theory of Income and Employment. Marschak. 1948
  44. Harvard. Wolfgang Stolper’s Coursework. 1934-37
  45. Harvard. Course. Economics of Socialism. Sweezy. 1940
  46. Harvard. Course. Graduate Economic Theory. Taussig. Fall 1934
  47. Harvard. Schumpeter. Harvard Crimson. March 1, 1934
  48. Harvard. Course. Graduate Economic Theory. Schumpeter. Spring 1935
  49. Harvard. Course. Graduate Theory. Schumpeter. 1935-36
  50. Harvard. Richard M. Goodwin, 1949
  51. Johns Hopkins. Ph.D. Regulations, Courses 1880
  52. Harvard. Edward Cummings Resignation, 1900
  53. Johns Hopkins. Education of Henry Carter Adams 1870’s
  54. Johns Hopkins. Annual Report. 1881-82
  55. Johns Hopkins. Courses. 1881-82
  56. Johns Hopkins. H.C. Adams Dissertation auf deutsch 1879
  57. Johns Hopkins. Veblen On Mill, 1881
  58. Columbia. Friedman Course. Structure Neoclassical Economics 1939-40
  59. Columbia. Syllabus for Trust Problem. Seager, 1907
  60. Columbia. Lecture Series. Seager on Economics. 1907-08.
  61. Harvard. Course. Money, Banking, Commercial Crises, 1937-38
  62. Columbia. Introductory Economics. First-term, 1912-13.
  63. Primer for Little Political Economists. 1896
  64. Chicago. Banking Theory and Monetary Policy. Mints, 1942
  65. Yale. Irving Fisher recording on 100% reserves, 1938
  66. Chicago. Money and Banking, Economics 330 Mints, 1932
  67. Chicago. Money and Banking Economics 331. Mints. 1932
  68. Chicago. Money and Banking. Economics 330 Exam. Autumn 1932
  69. Columbia. Readings International Economics. Angell, 1933
  70. Cornell. Laughlin’s Scheme to Expand Economics,1891
  71. Harvard. General Exam: Corporations. Readings, 1933-34
  72. Harvard. General/Special Exams: Public Finance. Readings, ca 1933
  73. Harvard. General Exam: Railroads. Readings, 1933-34
  74. Harvard. Readings Ph.D. Preparation. Banking, ca 1913
  75. Chicago. Modern Tendencies in Economics. Viner. 1933
  76. Columbia. Public Finance Syllabus. Seligman circa 1923
  77. Top Eleven Economics PhD Programs in US, 1934
  78. Harvard Courses in Political Economy, 1874-75
  79. Columbia Economics’ Market Share in 1900
  80. Columbia. Economics Curriculum 1898-99
  81. Harvard. Sociology Syllabus. Carver, 1917-18
  82. Harvard. Principles of Sociology Exam. First Semester, Carver 1922-23
  83. Laughlin’s List: Recommended Teacher’s Library of Economics, 1887
  84. Harvard. Advanced Economic Theory, Schumpeter, 1941-42
  85. Chicago Economics’ Subjective Self-Ranking in 1913
  86. Columbia. Ph.D. Memo On Oral Examinations. 1932-33
  87. Harvard. Intro to Mathematical Economics. Schumpeter, Leontief 1935-42
  88. Columbia. Money and Banking Reading List. Angell, 1933
  89. Sadler’s Syllabus and Course of Readings in Economics, 1891
  90. Harvard. Money. Economics 8. A. Piatt Andrew, 1901
  91. Chicago. Committee on Ph.D. Outlines & Requirements, 1949 Part I
  92. Chicago. Committee on Ph.D. Outlines & Requirements, 1949 Part II
  93. Chicago. Committee on Ph.D. Outlines & Requirements, 1949-50 Part III
  94. Chicago. Price Theory. Econ 300A, Friedman. 1946.
  95. Chicago. Price Theory. Economics 300 A&B. Friedman. 1948
  96. Chicago. Price Theory. Economics 300 A&B. Metzler. 1948-49
  97. Chicago. Price Theory. Econ 300 A&B. Friedman Readings ca 1947
  98. Chicago. Purchasing order for a calculator for Henry Schultz. 1928.
  99. John Hicks Arguing for More Economic History Research, 1947
  100. Burgess on Political Sciences at Columbia College. 1882
  101. Professors’ and Instructors’ Salaries, ca. 1907
  102. Chicago. Imperfect Competition (Econ 307) Reading List. Lange, 1941
  103. Chicago. Undergraduate Macro. Stanley Fischer, 1973
  104. Chicago. Economics From an Institutional Standpoint. Knight c.1934
  105. Interdisciplinary Moment. Max Sylvius Handman, Chicago Sociology Ph.D. 1917
  106. MIT, Business Cycles Reading List. Samuelson, 1943
  107. Harvard. Public Finance. Economics 5, Bullock. 1915
  108. From the 200th Anniversary of Wealth of Nations Roast of Adam Smith at MIT. 1976
  109. Philadelphia. Summer Meeting of Economists. University Extension, 1894
  110. Harvard. Economic Theory I. Chamberlin, 1947-48
  111. MIT. Graduate Macroeconomics 14.451. Blanchard. Spring 1997.
  112. Harvard. Economic Theory II, Econ 202. Leontief, 1948-49
  113. Harvard. Graduate Course Record. Thomas Schelling, 1946-49
  114. Harvard. Economics Dept. votes down course on Russian Revolution, 1919
  115. Chicago. J. Laurence Laughlin thoughts on “Problems of the Young Scholar”. 1916
  116. AEA Twenty-fifth Anniversary Celebration, NYC 1909
  117. Harvard. Econ113b. Schumpeter’s Grad Course on the History of Economics. 1940.
  118. Chicago Hotel Costs for the 1924 AEA Meeting
  119. Columbia. Exam Questions for Econ 110. J. M. Clark, 1934
  120. Columbia. 1931-50 graduate economics alumni survey 1950
  121. Columbia. Economic History Course taught by Simkhovitch. Attended by Friedman, 1933.
  122. Columbia. Fiscal policy. Depression deficits and war finance. Shoup, 1941
  123. Columbia. Henry L. Moore’s Memorial Minute, 1959. Salary issue, 1924.
  124. Columbia. Founding Father of Faculty of Political Science. Burgess, Bio 1893
  125. Chicago. International Trade and Finance. Viner, 1944
  126. Chicago. Course on International Economic Policies. Viner, 1944.
  127. Harvard. U.S. history for economics graduate students. F. J. Turner, 1912
  128. Harvard. Business Cycles Course. Hansen, 1950.
  129. Ely and Wicker’s List for an economics library, 1904.
  130. Kyiv School of Economics, 2015
  131. Columbia. History of Economics Exams. J.M. Clark, 1949-51
  132. Harvard. Syllabus for International Trade and Tariff Policies. Harris, 1933
  133. Harvard. From Self-Report on Behavioral Sciences to Ford Foundation. Economics, 1953.
  134. Harvard. Early Evolution of Behavioral and Social Science Departments. Mason Report.
  135. History of Social Sciences at the University of Chicago, from 1954 Report to Ford Foundation
  136. History of Behavioral Sciences at Stanford. From Report to Ford Foundation, 1954
  137. Michigan. Organization of Behavioral Sciences. Report to Ford Foundation, 1954
  138. Minnesota. Fiscal Policy Reading List. Walter Heller, 1950
  139. Portrait of Hermann Paasche of index number fame, 1907
  140. Harvard. The Corporation and its Regulation. Course Syllabus. Crum, Mason & Chamberlin, 1934
  141. Harvard. Stricter division between undergraduate and graduate courses. Ca. 1910-11
  142. Portrait of Prof. Ernst Louis Étienne Laspeyres of Price Index-Number Fame
  143. Harvard. Undergraduate Public Finance Reading List. H. H. Burbank, 1936
  144. Harvard. Recent Economic History. Readings, Edwin F. Gay, 1934-35
  145. AEA. The Study of Statistics in College by Carroll D. Wright, 1887
  146. Germany. The Seminary Method. Reported by Herbert B. Adams, 1884
  147. Chicago. Memo on survey of views of recent Ph.D.’s. 1930
  148. Harvard. Coursework of Frank W. Fetter for A.M., 1923-24
  149. Columbia. Curricular Suggestions and Comments. 1945
  150. Harvard. Ph.D. General Examination Fields. Charles Beardsley, 1904
  151. Harvard. Economics General Examination. Lauchlin Currie and Harry D. White, 1927
  152. Columbia. Regulations for Ph.D. candidacy and general examination, 1916
  153. Columbia. Report of the Dean of the School of Political Science, 1901
  154. Harvard. Final Examination Questions. Economics Courses, 1912-13
  155. Amherst. Honors Section of Introductory Economics. Paul H. Douglas, 1925
  156. Amherst. Charles W. Cobb and Paul H. Douglas, 1926
  157. Berkeley. Ira B. Cross memoir, Portrait of an Economics Professor, 1967
  158. Columbia. Core Economic Theory. Hart, 1946-47
  159. Mathematical Economics at Harvard according to E.B. Wilson, 1936
  160. MIT. Graduate Economics Program and Fellowships. 1950-51
  161. Harvard. Modern Economic History Seminar. Usher, 1937-41
  162. Harvard. Biographical memoir of Charles F. Dunbar, 1900
  163. Harvard. Charles F. Dunbar Obituary by Taussig, 1900
  164. Columbia. Exam Questions for Economics Ph.D. Candidates, 1949
  165. Columbia. Richmond Mayo-Smith. Life and Death, 1854-1901
  166. Harvard. A.B. Honors Degree Examination in Mathematical Economic Theory, 1939
  167. Chicago. Economics 300A. Core Theory. Gary Becker, 1956
  168. Yale. History of graduate education up to 1898
  169. MIT. Franco Modigliani as Santa Claus. 1975
  170. Yale. Arthur Twining Hadley. Biographical Sketch, 1899
  171. Yale. Suggested readings in social sciences from Arthur T. Hadley, 1901
  172. Chicago. Don Patinkin’s undergraduate and graduate coursework 1940s
  173. Columbia. Franklin H. Giddings, short biographical sketch. 1899
  174. Yale. Young Irving Fisher. 1899.
  175. Harvard. Seminary in Economics. Topics and Speakers , 1891/2-1907/8
  176. Chicago. Skelton bibliography from “Socialism: A Critical Analysis”, 1911
  177. Columbia. E.R.A. Seligman, biographical sketch. 1899
  178. Harvard. Undergraduate Economic Theory (Shorter Course). Monroe, 1937-8
  179. Harvard. Taxation Theory and Methods. Taussig, 1897-98
  180. Harvard. Economic historian William J. Ashley. Short biographical sketch, 1899
  181. Harvard. Mathematical Economics Rescheduled. Petitions, E. B. Wilson, 1935
  182. Chicago. Economic Theory Exams, A.M. and Ph.D. Summer 1949
  183. Harvard. Economics students petition for Karl Marx course. 1938
  184. Harvard. Economics Seminary Schedules. 1929-32.
  185. Chicago. J. Laurence Laughlin, brief biographical sketch, 1899
  186. Harvard. Edward Cummings, a brief biographical sketch. 1899
  187. Harvard and Wellesley. Race and Gender. Dubois and Balch.
  188. Marxism. Recommended sequence of readings. Dannenberg, 1918.
  189. Harvard. O.H. Taylor’s undergraduate course, Intellectual Background of Economic Thought, 1941
  190. Harvard. Graduates’ Magazine reports on Economics Dept. 1892-1904.
  191. Harvard. Reading List in Public Finance. Bullock and Burbank, 1934.
  192. Chicago. Theory and Measurement of Demand. Henry Schultz, 1934
  193. Harvard. Larry Summers on American Universities. 2016
  194. Harvard. Labor Economics, Social Policy. Willoughby, 1901
  195. Chicago. Intermediate International Monetary Economics. Lloyd A. Metzler, 1949
  196. Chicago. Advanced International Monetary Economics. Metzler, 1950
  197. Chicago. International Trade and Policy. Advanced Graduate. Metzler, 1948 and 1950
  198. Chicago. Theory of Income and Employment. Domar, 1948
  199. Harvard. Honors Economic Theory, Chamberlin/Leontief/Taylor, 1939-40
  200. Yale. Graduate Course Keynesian Economics, Tobin. 1951-52
  201. Chicago. History of Economic Thought. Frank Knight, 1946
  202. Chicago, Columbia, Michigan. Henry Simons Coursework, 1916-1926
  203. Columbia. Organization of Graduate Education, 1908-10.
  204. Citizen’s Library of Economics, Politics and Sociology. Richard T. Ely, ed. 1900+
  205. MIT. Business Cycles Reading List. Samuelson, 1952
  206. Harvard. Taussig’s use of own text in his Principles of Economics Course, 1911
  207. Harvard Economics Department Votes on Course Rules, 1912
  208. Columbia. Junior Year Political Economy. Mayo-Smith, 1880
  209. Political Economy Books. Top-Ten Sellers in the U.S., 1876
  210. Harvard. Labor Economics and Social Reform Divisional Exam, 1939
  211. Society for Political Education. Popular Economic Tracts. 1880-1891
  212. Carleton College. John Bates Clark on the Meanings of Socialism, 1879
  213. Cornell. Germany and Academic Socialism. Herbert Tuttle, 1883.
  214. Harvard. Money, Banking, and Cycles, Seymour Harris, 1933-34
  215. Harvard. Mathematical Economics. Leontief, 1948
  216. Harvard. Business Cycles. Goodwin and Haberler, 1949
  217. Harvard. Business Cycles and Economic Forecasting. Schumpeter, 1948
  218. Chicago. Money and Banking Ph.D. qualifying exam, 1933
  219. Chicago. Economic History, Ph.D. qualifying exam, 1933
  220. Chicago. Economic Theory Ph.D. Qualifying Exams, 1932-33
  221. Chicago. Ph.D. qualifying exam in statistics. 1932
  222. Harvard. Political Economy Courses, 1888-89
  223. MIT. Francis Amasa Walker Eulogized by Charles F. Dunbar in 1897
  224. Chicago. Faculty and Course Offerings in the beginning, 1893/94.
  225. Chicago. Minimum Wage Debate, Bibliography. 1914
  226. Stanford. Early Economics Courses and Faculty, 1890s
  227. Michigan. 1891 Econ Ph.D. Fred Converse Clark. Obit, 1903.
  228. Cornell. Economics Courses and Faculty, 1914-15
  229. MIT. Final Exam in Graduate Macro I. Stanley Fischer, 1975
  230. Harvard. International Trade, Finance & Policy. Haberler, 1949-51
  231. Chicago. Exam questions for Oskar Lange’s Imperfect Competition Course, 1941 & 1944
  232. Harvard. Economics of Socialism. Mason and Sweezy, 1938
  233. M.I.T. Intermediate Macroeconomics. Modigliani, 1961
  234. Chicago. Paul Samuelson and Jacob Mosak. A.B. Comprehensive Exam Grades. 1935
  235. Columbia. Kindleberger remembers Simkhovitch, mid-1930s
  236. Harvard. Schumpeter’s Socialism Course. Syllabus and Exam, 1946
  237. MIT. Course Outline of Economic Statistics. Robert Solow, 1960
  238. Chicago. Undergraduate grade distribution in economics, 1925-26 and 1926-27.
  239. Chicago. Monetary Dynamics Seminar. Milton Friedman, 1952
  240. Harvard. Economics Departmental (General) Exam for A.B., 1939
  241. Harvard. Methods of Social Reform. Frank A. Fetter, 1906.
  242. Columbia. Memo from the Dean on Registration-Books, 1909
  243. M.I.T. Advanced Economic Theory (Capital and growth). Solow and Phelps, 1962
  244. Chicago. Introduction to Money and Banking. A. G. Hart, 1933
  245. Harvard. 19th Century European Economic History. Gay and Klein, 1910
  246. Harvard. Economic History of the U.S., Gay and Klein, 1911.
  247. Johns Hopkins. Henry L. Moore on Thünen, 1893
  248. Bibliography on Utopias through Marxian Socialism, 1879
  249. Johns Hopkins University. Theory of Distribution, John Bates Clark, 1892
  250. MIT. Department of Economics Group Photo, 1976
  251. Harvard. Three Economics Courses. Texts and Exams, 1874-77.
  252. American Colleges and German Universities, Richard T. Ely, 1880
  253. Harvard. Economic and Political Ideas. O. H. Taylor, 1948
  254. Harvard. History of Economic Thought. Fellner, 1950
  255. Harvard. Business Organization and Control. Sydney Alexander 1948-49.
  256. Harvard. Undergraduate Econometrics. Orcutt, 1950
  257. Harvard. Empirical Economics. Orcutt, 1950
  258. Chicago. Economic Doctrine, Modern Tendencies. Lange, 1942
  259. Harvard. A.B. Division Examination, Economic Theory, 1939
  260. Harvard.  Economic History since 1750. Division Examination,1939
  261. Harvard. Money and Government Finance. Division Exam, 1939
  262. Harvard. Market Organization and Control. Special Examination, 1939
  263. Rössig’s 18th century history of Political Economy. 1781-82
  264. Harvard. James Ackley Maxwell, Ph.D., 1926
  265. Chicago. 25th anniversary of Dept of Political Economy, 1916
  266. Harvard. Mathematical Economics, 1933-37
  267. Harvard. Economic Theory II. Leontief, 1947-48
  268. Harvard. Economics of Socialism. Overton Taylor et al., 1950
  269. Columbia Ph.D. and Berkeley Professor, Charles Adams Gulick
  270. Columbia. Wesley C. Mitchell’s Methodological Thoughts, 1928.
  271. Joseph Schumpeter on Methodological Individualism, 1908
  272. Chicago. James Buchanan’s Dissertation Outline, 1947
  273. Harvard. T.N. Carver’s link to US publicist of Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 1920
  274. Chicago. James Tobin Autobiographical Letter from Faculty Meeting, 1950
  275. Chicago. HMS Pinafore parody for Milton Friedman
  276. Harvard. First year Graduate Economic Theory. Haberler, 1950-51
  277. Harvard. Advanced Economic Theory. William Fellner, 1950-51
  278. Harvard. Graduate Mathematical Economics. Goodwin, 1948
  279. MIT. Samuelson at the Joint Economic Committee, 1973
  280. MIT. Suggestions for New Fields. Domar, Kuh, Solow, Adelman, 1967
  281. Harvard. A.B. Correlation Exam for W. European Economic History since 1750. 1939
  282. Harvard. A.B. Correlation Examination, American Economic History, 1939
  283. Roosevelt College. Abba Lerner with a Phillips Moniac, 1951
  284. Harvard. History of Political and Economic Thought, A.B. Correlation Exam, 1939
  285. Harvard. Marx/Engels/Lenin Readings. Emile Burns (ed.), 1935
  286. Harvard. Harvard Crimson Economics Course Guides, 1927-1938
  287. Chicago. Milton Friedman from Cambridge to T.W. Schultz. 29 Mar 1954
  288. Oxford. Travers Twiss, Lectures. 1847
  289. Harvard. Harvard invitations for guest lectures by Schumpeter and Rathgen, 1913
  290. Harvard. Thirteen Ph.D. Examinees, 1915-16
  291. Chicago. Sociology and Political Economy. Laughlin Letter, 1894
  292. Chicago. Economics Ph.D. program, switch to field exams. 1919.
  293. Chicago. Problem of Faculty Turnover, 1923
  294. Harvard. Public Administration and Finance, Correlation Exam, 1939
  295. Harvard. Government Regulation of Industry. A.B. Correlation Examination, 1939
  296. Harvard. Economics of Corporations. Dewing and Opie, 1929
  297. Industrial Organization, Myron Watkins’ Bibliographic Essay, 1927.
  298. Harvard Alumnus. A.W. Marget. Too Jewish for Chicago? 1927.
  299. Chicago. The Cowles Commission Song. Ca. 1950.
  300. Harvard. Undergraduate Economic Theory and Policy. Monroe, 1947-48
  301. Harvard. Economy of Russia. Leontief, 1947-48
  302. Columbia. Preparation for Graduate Economics, 1941
  303. MIT. Search for an Economic Historian. 1942
  304. Harvard. Course with a “snapper” problem, 1910
  305. Columbia. Mathematics Satisfies Second Foreign Language Reqt for Economics PhDs, 1950
  306. Columbia. History of Economics Department. Luncheon Talk by Arthur R. Burns, 1954
  307. Chicago. Skit Party’s “Ode to an Economist”, undated
  308. Harvard. 24 Ph.D. candidates examined 1926-27
  309. MIT. Final Examination in 2nd Core Microeconomics. Martin Weitzman, 1974
  310. Harvard Alumnus. Zenas Clark Dickinson, Ph.D.1920
  311. Michigan. History of the Department of Economics through 1940
  312. Chicago. Memo to M.A. candidates on deadline for theses, 1924
  313. Chicago. Memorandum on a Fiscal Stimulus, 1932
  314. Chicago. Paul Samuelson’s 50th Class Reunion Questionnaire, 1985
  315. MIT. Final Examinations for European Economic History. Kindleberger, 1970/74
  316. Harvard. Hansen and Williams’ course bibliographies. Fiscal and monetary policy, International Monetary Policy, 1950-56
  317. Harvard. Agricultural Economics, Carver 1917
  318. Harvard. On Latino immigration. Carver recalls 1929 invitation to White House.
  319. Harvard. Economic Problems of Latin America. Bradley, 1944
  320. Harvard. Doctoral Dissertations in Economics, 1875-1926
  321. Columbia. Ph.D. Alumnus Isaac Aaronovitch Hourwich, 1893
  322. Chicago. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus Henry Rand Hatfield, 1897
  323. Chicago. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus Simon James McLean, 1897
  324. Chicago. Ph.D. Exam for Money, Banking and Monetary Policy, 1946
  325. Harvard. Debate Briefs on Immigration. 1898-1908
  326. Chicago. Public Policy, Reform and Ethics. Frank Knight, 1940
  327. Harvard. Advanced Economic Theory. Franco Modigliani, 1957-8
  328. Chicago. Economics Job Offers, Salaries and Teaching Loads, 1971
  329. Columbia Economics Ph.D. alumnus. John M. Montias, 1958
  330. Columbia. Paul Douglas petitions to allow sociology courses for his second minor. 1916
  331. Harvard. Labor Organization and Collective Bargaining. Dunlop, 1947.
  332. Chicago. Gordon, Fischer and Friedman Memos on Money Core Courses. 1972
  333. Harvard. European Central Banking. Schumpeter, 1945
  334. Chicago. Economics Ph.D. (1903), Canadian Humorist Stephen Leacock.
  335. Columbia. Requirements for Ph.D., 1920
  336. Chicago. Economics Ph.D. Harold Glenn Moulton, 1914
  337. Columbia. Political Economy Courses Compared to Courses at the University of Berlin, 1897
  338. Harvard. Statistical Tables about Economics Ph.D.’s, 1931-35
  339. Harvard. Problems of Labor. William Z. Ripley, 1931
  340. MIT. Advanced Economic Theory Exam, 1962
  341. MIT. Robert Solow’s Advanced Economic Theory Course, 1962
  342. Cambridge. Alfred Marshall on Economics at American Universities, 1893
  343. Berlin. Mansplaining economics, 1895
  344. Germany. Articles on German Universities by Edmund J. James, 1880s
  345. Chicago. Labor Economics Professor Robert Franklin Hoxie. Suicide, 1916
  346. Toronto. Honors Exam. Money, Credit and Prices. 1933
  347. Toronto. Economics curriculum. 1932-33
  348. Harvard. Expansion of Economics Course Offerings. 1883.
  349. South Dakota. Economics Staff and Courses, 1883-1919
  350. M.I.T. Faculty Skit with Peter Diamond as Sir Lancelot, 1967
  351. Harvard. Evsey Domar’s Ph.D. Thesis story. 1947
  352. Harvard. Economics and Public Policy for Public Administration, Smithies. 1949-50
  353. Chicago. Visiting Economics Professors, 1896-1943.
  354. Taylor & Taylor. History of Agricultural Economics in the U.S., 1849-1932
  355. Chicago. Historical Enrollment Trends, Economics Faculty by Age and Educational Background. 1944-45.
  356. Chicago. Talent-Scouting for New Faculty, Joint Appointments and Visiting Faculty, 1945
  357. Chicago. Doctoral Examination Committees by Fields 1923-24
  358. Columbia. Statistical Lab Equipment for Economics Faculty Request, 1948
  359. Harvard(?). Professor’s standard of living, 1905
  360. Johns Hopkins. Economic Seminary 1903-04
  361. Harvard. Reading List for the Russian Economy. Gerschenkron, 1948.
  362. Harvard. History of Economics Reading List. Schumpeter, 1949
  363. Harvard. European Economic History, Usher. 1921
  364. Harvard. Discussion of “Road to Serfdom”. Sorokin, Leontief, Usher. 1945
  365. Chicago. Sixty Doctoral Dissertations in Economics, 1894-1926
  366. Bryn Mawr. Catholic economics instructor threatened with termination, 1921
  367. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. William H. Nicholls, 1941
  368. Harvard. Socialism and Communism. Carver and Bushnee, 1901
  369. Harvard. Subjects Chosen by Economics Ph.D. Candidates for Examination.1904
  370. M.I.T. Industrial Economics Syllabus. Bishop. 1957
  371. Harvard. Syllabus for Money, Banking & Commercial Crises. Anderson, 1917-18.
  372. Harvard. Economic History of Europe Since 1800. Edmund E. Lincoln, 1920.
  373. Chicago. Price and Distribution Theory. Taught by Viner and attended by Samuelson, 1935.
  374. Swarthmore. Economic Theory Honors Exam Questions by Samuelson. 1943
  375. Chicago. Doctoral Field Exams Schedule for the Friedmans, Stigler, Wallis. 1935
  376. Harvard. Economics of Transportation. Chamberlin, 1931
  377. Columbia. J. M. Clark on Teaching “modern tools of economic thinking”, 1942
  378. Harvard. Readings list for Commercial Crises Course by Persons, 1923
  379. M.I.T. Capital Theory, Uncertainty, Welfare Economics. Half-semester Core Microeconomics. Samuelson, 1975
  380. M.I.T. Microeconomic Core Theory II. Bishop, 1974
  381. MIT. Core Microeconomic theory III. Hal Varian, 1975
  382. Harvard. Principles of Economics. Taussig, Andrew and Bullock. 1906-07
  383. Harvard. Major Expansion of Economics Course Offerings. 1883
  384. Columbia. Comments on Programs of Study in Economics and Business. Shoup, 1944
  385. Chicago. Proposal for interdisciplinary MA courses on Capitalism and Democracy. Hoselitz, 1947
  386. Chicago. Two Christmas Songs, “Economized” Lyrics. Undated.
  387. Chicago. Graduate Price Theory. Economics 300A. Harberger, 1955
  388. M.I.T. General Exams in Macroeconomics, 1959-71
  389. Harvard. Subjects Chosen by Economics Ph.D. Candidates for Examination, 1905
  390. Harvard Ph.D. Alumnus (1906) and Berkeley Professor Stuart Daggett
  391. Harvard. Seven Personal Reports to the Class of 1879, Frank Taussig. 1882-1914
  392. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus. Robert Franz Foerster, 1909
  393. Harvard and Chicago. Harvard Class of 1873 reports from J. Laurence Laughlin 1879-1913
  394. Harvard College President Lowell on Instruction in Economics Department, 1917
  395. Harvard. Jacob Viner Beats Paul Douglas for Ricardo Prize Scholarship, 1916
  396. Harvard. Taussig Reports to Alumni About the Special Needs of the Economics Department, 1915
  397. Columbia. Chaddock’s Request for Funding for his Statistical Laboratory, 1911
  398. Chicago. Visiting Professorship Offered Schumpeter for 1926
  399. Columbia. Foundations of Social Economics. J.M. Clark 1937
  400. Chicago. International Trade and Finance. Jacob Viner, 1933.
  401. Chicago. Remedial Economics Course for Entering Graduate Students, Hazel Kirk. 1926
  402. Chicago. Soliciting Contributions of Alumni/ae to Fund for Graduate Fellowships, 1931
  403. Columbia. Budgeting John Bates Clark’s Salary After His Retirement, ca. 1911
  404. Columbia. Average Salaries by Rank 1913/14-1932/33.
  405. Harvard. Readings for Chinese Economic Problems, 1947
  406. Harvard. Programs of Social and Economic Reconstruction, Leontief and Tayor. 1942-43
  407. Harvard. General Exam Preparation for Statistics, 1947
  408. Chicago. Intermediate Economic Theory for Non-Majors, ca. 1933
  409. Harvard. Six Economics Ph.D. examinees, 1906-07
  410. Harvard. Suggested Readings for Tutorial, ca 1951
  411. Harvard. Memorial Minute for Professor Silas Marcus Macvane, 1914.
  412. Harvard. Haberler Argues Against Galbraith And On Behalf of Samuelson, 1948
  413. Columbia. School of Political Science. Faculty and Curriculum, 1890-91
  414. Harvard. A. Piatt Andrew appointed Director of Mint, Loses Manuscript(s), 1909
  415. Wing-nuts. Rose Wilder Lane on Stigler and Friedman, 1946
  416. Harvard. Undergraduate Economics and WWII, 1942
  417. The Collected Works of Milton Friedman Website
  418. Harvard. Sweezy and Stolper’s Outline for a “good Text”. 1940
  419. Wisconsin. Economic Theory Syllabus. James S. Earley, 1940
  420. Wisconsin. Milton Friedman’s Reading Assignments in Economic Theory, 1940-1
  421. Harvard. Edward Chamberlin Lobbies to Teach a Graduate Theory Course. 1935
  422. Harvard. Theories of Rent Readings Lists. Taussig, Schumpeter, Alan Sweezy. 1934
  423. Chicago. Exams for Introduction to Money and Banking, A. G. Hart, 1932-35
  424. Harvard. Junior Year Economic Theory, Chamberlin. 1940
  425. Harvard. Junior Year Theory of Production and Distribution of National Income. Haberler and Leontief, 1942.
  426. Harvard. Five Economics Ph.D. examinees, 1907-08
  427. Harvard and Columbia. The Role of University Presidents in the US. Economist, 1909.
  428. Columbia. Professor Henry L. Moore’s Undergraduate and Graduate Transcripts, 1890-96
  429. Yale. Undergraduate and Graduate Courses in Economics, 1899-1900
  430. Chicago. L. C. Marshall Memos Regarding Doctoral Field Committees and Advising, 1926-27
  431. Harvard. Undergraduate Introduction to Economic Statistics. Final Exam, 1939
  432. Harvard. Syllabus for Undergraduate Course, Economic Statistics. Frickey, 1940-41
  433. MIT. No Job Offer to Frank D. Graham, 1942
  434. Chicago. J.L. Laughlin Reminisces About Coming to Chicago, 1892
  435. Columbia Ph.D. alumnus. Two images of Kenneth Arrow.
  436. Harvard. Thirteen Economics Ph.D. Examinees, 1908-09.
  437. Harvard. Business Organization and Control. Mason and Kaysen, 1950-51
  438. Harvard. Francis Bowen’s Final Exam for Political Economy, 1869
  439. Williams College. Joan Robinson’s (last) course reading list, 1982
  440. Harvard. M.A. and Ph.D. requirements in Economics, 1958
  441. MIT. Applied Price Theory Readings. Robert Solow, 1971 or 1972
  442. Harvard. Exam Questions for Young’s Grad Course on Modern Economic Theories, 1921-27
  443. Harvard. Economics courses with enrollments and exam questions, 1871-1875
  444. Harvard. Final Examination for Paul Sweezy’s Economics of Socialism, 1940
  445. Harvard. Examination Questions for Chamberlin’s 2nd Semester Graduate Theory, 1939
  446. Harvard. Final Exam Questions for Carver’s Course on Socialism and Schemes of Reform, 1920
  447. Harvard. Final Examination Questions for Carver’s Sociology, 1918
  448. Harvard. Final Exam for Charles Bullock’s Public Finance, 1916
  449. Harvard. Final Examinations for Graduate Economic Theory. Chamberlin, 1948
  450. Harvard. Final Exam Questions for “The Corporation and its Regulation”, 1935
  451. Harvard. Undergraduate Public Finance Final Exam. H. H. Burbank, 1936
  452. Harvard. Recent Economic History, Final Exam. 1935
  453. Harvard. Final Exam Questions for Taxation Course. Taussig, 1898
  454. Harvard. O.H. Taylor’s Final Exam for Intellectual Background of Economic Thought, 1941
  455. Harvard. Final Exam Questions for Second Term of Honors Theory, 1940
  456. Harvard. Final exam in Monetary Theory and Policy. Harris, 1934
  457. Harvard. Half-year exam for O.H. Taylor’s Economics and Political Ideas, 1949
  458. Harvard. Monroe’s Final Exams for  Intermediate Economic Theory, 1948
  459. Harvard. Intro to Mathematical Economics Final Exam, Schumpeter 1935
  460. Harvard. Carver’s Economics of Agriculture Final Examination, 1918
  461. Cornell. Economics in the Department of Political Science, 1900
  462. Cornell. Life of Walter F. Willcox, economic statistician
  463. Cornell. Final Examination for Economic Statistics. Willcox, 1921
  464. Abba Lerner’s Roadtrip to Meet Trotsky, 1938
  465. Harvard. Final Exam Questions for Usher’s European Economic History, 1922
  466. Harvard. Carver’s Principles of Sociology Final Examination, 1923
  467. Harvard. Appointment of Leontief as Economics Instructor in 1932
  468. Harvard. Final examination for B. M. Anderson’s Money and Banking, 1918
  469. Harvard. E. E. Lincoln’s final exam in European economic history, 1921
  470. Harvard. Final exam for E.E. Lincoln’s US Economic History, 1921
  471. Harvard. Taussig/Schumpeter/A.Sweezy’s final examination in value and distribution theory, 1935
  472. Harvard. Final exam for transportation economics. Chamberlin, 1932
  473. Harvard. Final exam from theory of production and distribution. Haberler and Leontief, 1942
  474. Harvard. Memorial Minute for Agricultural Economist, J. D. Black, 1960
  475. Keynes vs. Marx. Abba Lerner responds to Daniel Bell, 1944
  476. Professors’ salaries in U.S. economics departments (1), 1964/5-1965/66
  477. Associate Professors’ Salaries in U.S. Economics Departments (2), 1964/5-1965/66
  478. Assistant Professors’ Salaries in U.S. Economics Departments (3), 1964/5-1965/66
  479. New PhD Starting Salaries in U.S. Economics Departments (4), 1964/5-1965/66
  480. Expected New PhD Starting Salaries in U.S. Economics Departments (5), 1966/67
  481. Economics Professors’ Salaries by Rank (6), 1965-66
  482. Harvard. Labor and Public Policy Syllabus Dunlop, 1948
  483. Size distribution of graduate and undergraduate programs in economics. U.S., 1963-65
  484. Harvard. Final examination questions for Collective Bargaining, Labor, and Public Policy. Dunlop, 1947-48
  485. Chicago. Simons urges the recruitment of Milton Friedman, 1945
  486. Harvard. Gerschenkron moves to abolish language requirement, 1959
  487. North Carolina. Course outline and exam for mathematical economics, Hotelling. 1946 and 1950
  488. Harvard. Reading period and final exams. Theory and Money. Schumpeter 1927-28
  489. St. Petersburg. Daniel Bernoulli’s paper, Latin original. 1738
  490. Poland. Nicolaus Copernicus’ contribution to monetary economics. Ca. 1526
  491. Chicago. Mathematical Economics. Henry Schultz’s Reading List, 1935
  492. Columbia. Publications of Henry Ludwell Moore, 1895-1929
  493. Harvard. Five Ph.D. Examinees in Economics, 1909-10
  494. Harvard. Written vs. Oral Exams. Gerschenkron vs. Chamberlin, 1958
  495. Harvard. Final Exams in Economics. 1913-14.
  496. Johns Hopkins. Simon Newcomb defending formal economic analysis, 1884
  497. Chicago. Final Examinations for International Economics. Metzler, 1947-48
  498. Johns Hopkins. Ely on political economy’s past and present. 1883
  499. Harvard. Books on reserve in economics tutorial department, ca. 1927
  500. Harvard. Regulations regarding graduate degrees in economics, 1951
  501. Chicago. Henry Simons’ last course. Fiscal Policy, 1946
  502. Harvard. Final Exams 2nd semester of graduate money and banking course, John Henry Williams. 1939-41
  503. Harvard. Final Examinations for Taussig’s Course “Economic Theory. Both terms, 1922-23
  504. Harvard. Readings for Modern Economic History. Ashley, 1899-1900
  505. Columbia. Allowing math to substitute for second foreign language, 1950
  506. Chicago. Hayek’s Seminar “Equality and Justice”, 1950-51
  507. Harvard. Ph.D. candidates examined 1910-11
  508. Johns Hopkins. Fiscal Policy Readings. Domar, 1949-50
  509. Graduate Training in Economics. Report of Panel Discussions at Yale. 1956
  510. Ruggles-Friedman correspondence on Draft Report on Graduate Training in Economics, 1955
  511. Wisconsin. Business Cycles. Readings and Exam. Friedman 1940-41
  512. Wisconsin. Seminary in Statistical Research. Harry Jerome, 1937-38
  513. Chicago. Money, Banking, and Monetary Policy Exam for A.M. and Ph.D. Friedman, Mints, Marschak, 1952
  514. Harvard. Alumnus (A.B., Ph.D.) Professor Seymour Edwin Harris, 1945 and 1970
  515. Harvard. Corporation and its Regulation. Syllabus and readings. Mason and P. Sweezy, 1939-40
  516. Harvard. Syllabus and Final Exam for Industrial Organization and Control. Edward S. Mason, 1939-40
  517. Harvard. Regulation of Public Utilities and Transportation. Chamberlin, 1939-40
  518. Michigan. Economics within Political Sciences, 1843-1910
  519. Michigan. Prussian university as the model for higher education. Tappan, 1852-53
  520. Michigan. Philo Parsons’ gift of the Karl Heinrich Rau personal library, 1871
  521. NBER. Mitchell to Burns about Friedman. 1945
  522. Harvard. Memo on Master’s degree requirements in ten other departments, 1935
  523. Harvard 1909 PhD Alumnus, Edmund Ezra Day. Cornell Memorial Minute, 1951
  524. Harvard. Draft of Marxian Economics Course Outline. Leontief, ca 1935
  525. Harvard. Exam questions for Mason and Leontief’s Marxian economics course, 1937
  526. Cowles Commission. Evsey Domar’s Four Salient Episodes, 1947-48
  527. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. (1929). Transcripts of Earl J. Hamilton
  528. Harvard. Laughlin’s 310 Examination Questions, 1884
  529. Harvard. Final Examination for Economics of Socialism, Mason and Sweezy, 1937 and 1939
  530. Harvard. Single Tax, Socialism, and Anarchism. Final Exam. Anderson, 1918
  531. Harvard. Seven Ph.D. Examinees in Economics, 1911-12
  532. New School for Social Research. Economics Courses, 1939-40
  533. New School for Social Research. Elementary Mathematical Economics. Marschak’s Readings, 1940
  534. Princeton. Money and Banking Syllabus. F.W. Fetter, 1933-34
  535. Harvard. Agricultural Economics Exam. Carver, 1915.
  536. Harvard. Graduate Economic Theory, Social Valuation. Anderson, 1914-15
  537. Harvard. Graduate Public Finance Final Exam. Bullock, 1914-15
  538. Harvard. Graduate Statistics in Economics. Final Exam, Day, 1914-15
  539. Harvard. Graduate Economic Theory, Scope and Methods. Carver, 1914-15
  540. Harvard. Graduate Economic Theory. Taussig, 1914-15
  541. Harvard. Agricultural economics, undergraduate/graduate. Carver, 1914-1915
  542. Harvard. Sociology, Final Examination. Anderson, 1914-15
  543. Harvard. Distribution Theories, Exam Questions. Carver, 1914-15
  544. Harvard. Trade Unionism and Allied Problems, Final Exam. Ripley, 1914-15
  545. Harvard. Undergraduate Public Finance, Final Exam. Bullock, 1914-15
  546. Harvard. Corporations, Final Examination, Ripley, 1914-15
  547. Harvard. Transportation Economics, Final Examination. Ripley, 1914-15
  548. Harvard. Money, Banking, Commercial Crises. Final examination, Anderson, 1914-1915
  549. Harvard. 19th Century European Economic History, Final Examination. Gay, 1914-15
  550. Harvard. U.S. Economic History, Final Exam. Gay, 1915
  551. Harvard. Accounting, Final Examination. J.S. Davis, 1914-15
  552. Harvard. Statistics Final Exam. Day, 1914-15
  553. Harvard. Introductory Economics, Final Exams. Taussig, 1914-1915
  554. Columbia Ph.D. Alumnus. Benjamin M. Anderson, 1886-1949
  555. Columbia. Arrow on the Subordination of Price Theory, 1940-42
  556. Cowles Commission’s List of Univ. of Chicago Courses, 1952
  557. Harvard. 13 Ph.D. Candidates, General or Special Examinations by Field, 1912-13
  558. M.I.T. Analysis in Wonderland. Graduate Student Skit, 1975
  559. Columbia. Seligman Recommends Three Harvard Colleagues for English Visiting Professorship, 1925
  560. Harvard. Mason, Domar and Samuelson at Metzler Memorial Service, 1980
  561. Chicago. Jacob Viner’s Price and Distribution Theory Course, 1941
  562. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus, John Christopher Ise, 1914
  563. MIT. Three Kindleberger quips à la Solow, 1990
  564. Chicago. Graduate Price Theory Preliminary Examination, 1964
  565. USDA Graduate School. Frank Knight Lecture on Economics Methodology, 1930
  566. Columbia. Rules for Conduct of Graduate Oral and Final Exams, 1967
  567. Northwestern. Monetary Policy Readings and Exam. Modigliani, 1961
  568. Harvard. Earliest Multiple Choice Exam for Principles of Economics, 1948
  569. Harvard. Principles of Economics. Enrollment, Staffing, Readings, 1947-48
  570. Harvard. Ph.D. Examination Candidates in Economics, 1914
  571. Johns Hopkins University. Economics Ph.D. Examination Questions for Gertrude Schroeder, 1947
  572. Harvard. Money and Banking graduate course, readings and exam. Hansen, 1946-47
  573. Harvard. Graduate Money and Banking, Reading List, Final Exam. Williams and Goodwin, 1947
  574. Harvard. General Bibliography for Hansen and Williams’ Money and Banking, 1946-47
  575. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus 1909. Arthur Norman Holcombe, 1956
  576. Harvard. Economics Education of Theodore Roosevelt, 1878-80
  577. Harvard. Galbraith’s Business Organization and Control. Syllabus and Exams. 1949-50
  578. Harvard. Nine Radcliffe graduate students petition to attend “Economics Seminary”, 1926
  579. Chicago. Monopoly course proposal by Abram Harris with George Stigler’s (Dis)approval, 1961
  580. Chicago. Graduate Schools and Regulations. April, 1892
  581. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. candidates, fields, examiners, thesis committees, 1917-18
  582. Berkeley. Graduate Macroeconomics. Syllabus, 1959
  583. Columbia. Friedman’s lecture notes to first Hotelling lecture in Mathematical Economics, 1933
  584. Chicago Ph.D. alumnus and Columbia Professor of Banking, Henry Parker Willis
  585. Harvard. Undergraduate Honors Economic Theory Readings. Duesenberry and Kaysen, 1951-52
  586. Harvard. Undergrad economics program described in The Harvard Crimson, 1953
  587. Harvard. Ph.D. alumnus, Abram Bergson. SSRC, 1946-47
  588. Columbia. John Bates Clark, Faculty Memorial Minute, 1938
  589. Harvard. Local taxation. Suggested topics and readings. Durand, 1902
  590. Harvard. Money, Banking, and Crises. PhD General Exam, 1930s
  591. Columbia Economics Ph.D. Alumnus (1931) and Berkeley professor, Leo Rogin
  592. Harvard. American Industrial History. Readings and Paper Topics. John E. Sawyer, 1949-51
  593. Harvard. Use of written general examination for quantitative methods in economics, 1968
  594. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Regulations, 1968
  595. M.I.T. Economic Growth and Fluctuations. Readings and Midterm Exam. Solow, 1966
  596. M.I.T. First term core macro. National income and employment. Readings and Exams. Domar, 1965
  597. Statistical Society. On the Relation of Statistics to Political Economy. Address by William A. Guy, 1865
  598. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Candidates’ General/Special Examination Fields, Committees. 1918-19
  599. Harvard. Graduate Core Economic Theory, Readings and Exams. Schumpeter, 1936-37
  600. M.I.T. Final exam for business cycles course taught by Paul Samuelson, 1943
  601. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus (1922), William Arthur Berridge in mid-career 1939
  602. Columbia. Memorial Minute for Wesley Clair Mitchell, 1949
  603. Tufts/Fletcher. International Economics, Readings and Final Exam. Samuelson, 1944
  604. Columbia. Watson Scientific Computing Laboratory, 1948
  605. Chicago. Harold Moulton (Ph.D. 1915) leaves for the Institute of Economics in Washington, D.C., 1922
  606. M.I.T. Complaint about ill-treatment of woman in job interview, 1982
  607. Harvard. Industrial organization. Reading List, Kaysen and Peck, 1955
  608. Columbia. Appointment of James Waterhouse Angell, 1924
  609. Columbia. James Waterhouse Angell’s 1943 report to his Harvard Class of 1918
  610. Columbia. John Maurice Clark. Autobiographical notes, 1949
  611. “Books that the perfect Marxian must know.” W.E.B. Dubois asks Abram Harris, 1933
  612. Chicago. Readings for Marschak’s course on statistical applications to economics, 1946
  613. Chicago. Ph.D. Field exam reports by Viner, Wright, and Millis. 1923
  614. Harvard. History of Economic Theory. Final exam questions, Taussig, 1887-90
  615. Harvard. History of Economic Theory. Final exam questions, Taussig, 1891-94
  616. Johns Hopkins University. Proposal for a course on linear economic systems. Newman, 1968
  617. Harvard. Pre-Radcliffe economics instruction for women, 1879-1893
  618. Berkeley (but maybe Roosevelt College). Notes for 9 lectures on income and employment. Lerner, 1947.
  619. Harvard. History of Economic Theory. Final exam questions, Taussig, 1897-1900
  620. Chicago. Gilbert and Sullivan Parody Songs. About Classical and Keynesian Economics.
  621. Princeton. Microeconomic Theory. Lutz, 1949-50
  622. Harvard. Core economic theory. Enrollments and final exams. Taussig, 1904-1909
  623. Harvard. Undergraduate microeconomics reading list. Marglin, 1969-70
  624. Chicago. Price and distribution theory. Metzler, 1952
  625. Swarthmore. External Examiner Richard Musgrave’s Economic Theory Exam, 1946
  626. Duke. Reflections the learning objectives of undergraduate economics majors. Bronfenbrenner, 1977
  627. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus William Thomas Ham, 1926
  628. Harvard. Core Economic Theory. Enrollments and Exams. Taussig. 1911-14
  629. Harvard or MIT. Economics graduate student skit, ca. 1963.
  630. Harvard. Undergraduate International Trade. Enrollment, Readings, Exam. Harris, 1949
  631. MIT. Economics Ph.D. alumnus (1957) Jaroslav Vanek. Obituary, 2017
  632. Harvard. Taussig’s assessment of the French economist Charles Rist for a Harvard lectureship, 1919
  633. Harvard. Core Advanced Economic Theory. Taussig (and Day), 1915-1917
  634. Harvard. Alumnus Economics Ph.D. Canadian Prime Minister, W. L. Mackenzie King. 1909
  635. Radcliffe. Economics courses offered by Harvard professors with descriptions, 1893-94
  636. Harvard. Core Economic Theory. Bullock and Carver, 1917/18 and 1918/19
  637. Harvard. Introductory Economics. Exam questions, 1959-60
  638. Princeton. Graduate Banking and Money Course Outlines. F.W. Fetter, 1931-32
  639. Policy Debates. 109 book titles and links from the “Questions of the Day” series 1880-1910
  640. Harvard. Undergraduate Fields of Distribution. Economics Second, 1920
  641. Wisconsin. Richard Ely’s Series editor of Social Science Textbooks for Macmillan
  642. Harvard. Graduate Core Economic Theory Examinations. Mostly Taussig, some Young, 1920-22
  643. Harvard. Report on the Tutorial System in History, Government and Economics. Burbank, 1922
  644. Columbia. Pay raise for Barnard lecturer Clara Eliot supported, 1941
  645. Columbia. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, 1905. Enoch M. Banks, Academic Freedom Poster Child, 1911
  646. Chicago. Chester Wright recounts J. Laurence Laughlin to Alfred Bornmann in 1939
  647. Chicago. Marschak on potential hires for department, 1946
  648. Harvard. Theory of Monopolistic Competition, Final Examinations. Chamberlin, 1936-37
  649. M.I.T. Christmas skit “God and Keynes at M.I.T.”, 1951
  650. Harvard. International Trade and Commerical Policy. Haberler, Harris, Leontief 1940
  651. Harvard. International Economic Relations Seminar. Haberler and Harris, 1940-45
  652. Johns Hopkins. Reading list and exam for Economic Fluctuations and Growth. Domar, 1957
  653. Harvard. Graduate Core Economic Theory Exams and Enrollments. Taussig, 1923-1925
  654. Chicago. Price Theory (Econ 300A and B). Friedman, Winter Quarter, 1947
  655. Harvard. Ph.D. Economics Alumnus, Arthur Harrison Cole
  656. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus Homer Bews Vanderblue, 1915
  657. M.I.T. Graduate Economics Program Brochure, 1961
  658. Harvard. Debate Briefs on International Trade Policy, ca. 1886-96
  659. Harvard. Three generations of Economics Ph.D.’s. The Ruggles Dynasty
  660. Chicago economics department on possible candidate for permanent employment 1950
  661. Radcliffe. Economics Course Offerings, 1894-1900
  662. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus and Harvard Business School Professor, Copeland, 1910
  663. Oxford. Exams for Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE), 1931
  664. Harvard. Graduate core economic theory exams and enrollments. Taussig, 1926-30
  665. Harvard. Critical Spirit in Economics, Grad student symposium, 1968
  666. Harvard. Introductory Economics. Supplementary Readings, 1938-39
  667. Harvard. Introductory Economics. Mid-Year and Final Exams, 1938-39
  668. Harvard. Exams from Principles of Economics. Day, Davis, Burbank et al., 1917-18
  669. Harvard. Principles of Economics. James Tobin’s Student Reading Assignments, 1936-37
  670. Chicago. Econometrics sequence (2 quarters). Christ, 1957
  671. Johns Hopkins. Memories of Chicago Economics Ph.D. Alumnus and JHU professor Carl Christ, 2017
  672. Harvard. Junior political economy final examination. Bowen, 1870
  673. Chicago. Report of the Bailey-Christ-Griliches Committee, 1957
  674. Barnard B.A. and Columbia M.A. Labor economist Louise C. Odencrantz, 1907-1912
  675. Barnard. Exam for one-semester outlines of economics course. Moore and Johnson, 1903
  676. Cambridge. Guide to the Moral Sciences Tripos. James Ward, editor, 1891
  677. Harvard. Undergraduate reading list for Industrial Organization and Public Policy. Bishop, 1955-56
  678. Chicago. Price Theory Exams. Albert Rees (Chicago PhD Alum 1950), 1962
  679. M.I.T. General Exams in Economic Fluctuations: 1950, -52, -54, -56
  680. M.I.T. Course Descriptions for Economics and Statistics, 1930-31
  681. Yale. James Tobin on Freedom to Friedman in 1964
  682. Oxford. “Another Shot at Welfare Economics,” Two lectures by Hicks, ca. 1954
  683. M.I.T. Economics skit from about 1971
  684. Marxian economics. Letter exchange of Konüs and Bronfenbrenner, 1966
  685. Harvard. Graduate economic theory exams. Taussig, 1930-35
  686. Columbia. Excerpts from annual faculty meeting. GRE’s, Math, Salaries discussed, 1951
  687. Chicago. French/German/Italian Public Finance Bibliography. Bloch, ca. 1944
  688. Harvard. Galbraith’s Special Tuesday Evening Seminar, 1973
  689. Harvard. Report on Graduate Economics Instruction, 1945
  690. Columbia School of Business Opens. Seligman’s Thoughts, 1916
  691. Johns Hopkins. Economic Seminary, 1922-23
  692. Johns Hopkins. Income Distribution Theory, Readings and Exams. Machlup, 1950’s
  693. Harvard. Money And Banking. Readings and Exams. Williams and Hansen, 1947-48
  694. Cambridge. Economics Tripos Papers, 1931.
  695. Harvard. Ph.D. Alumna (1951). Michigan Professor Eva Mueller. 1920-2006
  696. Chicago. Memo to Dean from Chair of Economics. Strengths & Weaknesses, 1955
  697. Chicago. Policies on faculty paid leave, trips to conferences, 1917
  698. Harvard. Exams and reading period assignment for Programs of Social Reconstruction (Socialism). Mason, 1933.
  699. Pennsylvania. Memos from Ando and Dhrymes to the curriculum committee, 1965
  700. Yale. John Christopher Schwab. Taught Political Economy 1890-1905
  701. Harvard. Final exam for Economic Aspects of War, Harris et al., 1940
  702. Harvard. Martha P. Robinson, secretary of tutorial office, ca. 1935-?
  703. Harvard. Four graduate student budgets, early 20th century
  704. Harvard. Course readings for undergrad and graduate labor economics, mid-1920s
  705. Harvard. Trade-unionism and allied problems. Exams, 1913-32
  706. Harvard. Report on the Recitation Sections of Principles of Economics, 1913-14
  707. Chicago. Graduate money reading list. Friedman, 1970
  708. M.I.T. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus Michael R. Dohan, 1969
  709. M.I.T. General exam questions, fiscal economics, 1963
  710. Austrian economist mugshots. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
  711. Columbia. Appointment of Marcus Fleming as Visiting Professor, Spring 1951
  712. M.I.T. Casablank, graduate economics skit, 1978
  713. Harvard. Report of Economics Visiting Committee, 1915
  714. Harvard. The German language in higher education, 1894
  715. Columbia. Memo on Doctoral Exams in the Faculty of Political Science, 1946
  716. Columbia. Requirements for M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in economics, 1946-47
  717. Toronto. Five Annual Examinations in Economics. Ashley and McEvoy, 1891
  718. Pennsylvania. Short encyclopaedia article on Simon Patten, 1903
  719. Johns Hopkins. Political Economy Seminar. Presenters and Topics, 1923-24
  720. Chicago. Henry Simons’ classic problem set, 1933.
  721. Columbia. Statistician Robert Chaddock and his Statistical Laboratory, 1912
  722. Harvard, Boston University & Berlin. Career of alumnus Edward Everett Ayers
  723. Harvard. Final Examination for topics in statistical theory. E.B. Wilson, 1938
  724. Chicago. Zvi Griliches asking Frank Fisher for junior appointment leads, 1961
  725. Princeton. Syllabus for International Economic Policies. F.W. Fetter and C.R. Whittlesey, 1934
  726. Chicago. Friedman memo regarding Karl Bode and Moses Abramovitz, 1947
  727. Radcliffe. Economics Course Offerings, 1900-1905
  728. Chicago. Nominal duties of a Department Head (Chairperson), 1891-1910
  729. Harvard. Business cycle theory. Reading list and exam. Hansen and Haberler, 1938
  730. Pennsylvania. Ph.D. Alumnus, William H.S. Stevens, 1912
  731. M.I.T. Final exam for second term core economic theory, Samuelson 1956
  732. M.I.T. Imperfect competition and capital theory reading lists. Samuelson, 1948
  733. Harvard. Principles of Money and Banking. Reading lists and mid-year exam. Williams and Hansen, 1949-50
  734. Toronto. Political economy examinations on Smith, Whately, Senior and Mill. 1858
  735. Pennsylvania. Economics Course Offerings, 1897-98
  736. Pennsylvania. Rules for graduate degrees, 1897-98
  737. Chicago. Jacob Marschak seeks job application advice, his c.v. and list of publications, 1939
  738. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus (1929), later Chicago professor, E.J. Hamilton.
  739. Harvard. Principles of Economics, Summer School. Syllabus and Exams, 1942.
  740. Harvard. International Trade and Finance. Final Exam. Leontief, 1933
  741. M.I.T. Advanced Economic Theory. Uncertainty and Capital Theory. Readings and Exam. Solow, 1965
  742. Johns Hopkins. Mid-year and End-year final exams for business cycles. Domar, 1948-49
  743. M.I.T. Student evaluations for core microeconomics course taught by Samuelson, 1970
  744. M.I.T. Student evaluations of first term core macroeconomics. Domar, 1967-69
  745. M.I.T. Student evaluations for first term core micro theory. Bishop, 1966-69
  746. M.I.T. Student evaluations of second term core macroeconomics. Solow, Foley. 1967-70
  747. Chicago. Undergraduate International Monetary Affairs. Metzler, 1962
  748. Chicago. Reading list for Price Theory (Econ 300 A&B). Friedman 1958
  749. Economics Faculty Salaries for 15 U.S. universities. Hart Memo, April 1961
  750. Columbia. Proposed plan to review economics curriculum, 1944
  751. Columbia. Economics graduate students’ memo of suggestions, 1939
  752. Chicago. Graduate prelim exam questions for price theory, 1969
  753. Chicago. Graduate economics prelim. Theory of income, employment and price level, 1969
  754. Chicago. Money and banking prelim exam questions, 1969
  755. Oxford. Five Economics Exams. Intro, Intermediate, History, International, Money & Banking, 1902
  756. Johns Hopkins. Economic Seminary, presenters and topics. 1924-25
  757. M.I.T. Core Micro Theory. Resource Allocation/Price System. Weitzman, 1974
  758. Harvard. Economic History to 1450. Readings and paper topics, Usher. 1934
  759. M.I.T. Core Micro Theory. Exam Questions for Resource Allocation/Price System. Weitzman, 1973
  760. Harvard. Year-end exams. Money, Banking, Commercial Crises. Young, 1921-27
  761. Chicago. Henry Simons argues for an undergraduate sequence of mathematics/statistics for economists, 1937
  762. Yale. American Economic History. Topics and final exam. Parker and Joskow, 1972
  763. Chicago. Ph.D. Alumna, 1927. Mabel Agnes Magee. Professor at Wells College.
  764. Harvard. Wolfgang Stolper describes his training in letter to Hobart College, 1941
  765. Harvard. Final exams for analytical sociology. Anderson, 1916-17
  766. Harvard. Final exams for historical sociology. Anderson, 1917-18
  767. Harvard. Exams on Adam Smith, J.S. Mill and Modern Writers. Taussig, 1915, 1916.
  768. Harvard. Exams for History and Literature of Economics. Schumpeter, 1942-48.
  769. Radcliffe. Economics Course Offerings, 1906-1910
  770. Columbia. Memorial minute for Professor Henry Seager, 1930
  771. Columbia. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus, David Durand. Obituary, 1996
  772. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Alumna Alice Bourneuf, 1955
  773. Cornell. Home Economics. Radcliffe economic history A.M. (1913), Blanche Hazard
  774. Harvard. Methods of teaching political economy. J. L. Laughlin, 1885
  775. Harvard. Rich economics course descriptions, 1884-85
  776. Johns Hopkins. Richard T. Ely on Teaching Political Economy, 1885
  777. Harvard. Final exam questions for commercial crises. Persons, 1925
  778. Columbia. Exam questions for prospective PhD candidates, Jan 1949
  779. Chicago. Price Theory. Reading Assignments, Problems, Exam. Friedman, 1951-52
  780. Farewell lecture of Irwin Collier, FU-Berlin. July 4, 2018
  781. Harvard. Second year graduate economic theory. Leontief, 1956-57
  782. Johns Hopkins. H.B. Adams invites Walter Willcox to enroll as PhD student, 1890
  783. Harvard. Final Exams for International Economic Relations. Haberler and Harris, 1936-37
  784. MIT. The Wizard of E52-383C. Grad Student Skit, 1976
  785. Johns Hopkins. Exams for graduate course on business cycles. Domar, 1951-54
  786. Harvard-Radcliffe. Economics Ph.D. alumna Barbara Benton Reagan, 1952
  787. Harvard. Readings and Examination Questions for Economic History Since 1860. Cole, 1936-37
  788. Italy. Terror victim, economics professor Ezio Tarantelli (1941-1985)
  789. Columbia. Course outline, Railroad Problems. Seligman, 1898-1904
  790. Harvard. Career of A.M. in economics alumnus, Arthur Morgan Day (1867-1942)
  791. Columbia. Alvin S. Johnson recounts exams with Franklin Giddings, 1951
  792. Harvard-Radcliffe. Economics Ph.D. alumna, Eleanor Dulles, c.v. early 1960s
  793. No general foreign language requirement in MIT Economics PhD program, 1969
  794. Berkeley and Yale. Short c.v. of William Fellner. Haberler’s remembrance, 1983
  795. Harvard. Undergraduate course on Money, Banking, and Crises, 1940-41
  796. Harvard. History of Tariff Legislation. Taussig, 1888
  797. Harvard. Final Exams for History of Tariff Legislation. Taussig 1883/4-1889/90
  798. Michigan. National Income Syllabus. Gardner Ackley, 1958
  799. Harvard. Curriculum vitae submitted by Albert O. Hirschman, ca. 1942
  800. Cambridge. Examination Questions of the Economics Tripos. 1932
  801. Swarthmore. Honors Economic Theory Seminar. Stolper, ca. 1944
  802. Harvard. Contemporary U.S. Economic History Seminar. Galbraith, 1973
  803. Columbia. Economics department in WWII. Excerpt from letter to President Butler, Nov. 1942
  804. Harvard. Final Examination, U.S. Economic History. Callender, 1899-1900
  805. Chicago. Economics Professor William Hill. Events leading to his leave of absence, 1894
  806. Harvard. Undergraduate economics course outline and exam for business cycles. Hansen, 1948-49
  807. Columbia. Economics and social science curriculum as of Dec. 1898
  808. Harvard. Final exam for international trade and finance. Leontief, 1934
  809. Smith College. Henry L. Moore’s teaching, 1898-99
  810. Halle (Germany). 1897 economics PhD alumnus and later Illinois professor, Ernest L. Bogart
  811. Stanford. Economic Ph.D. alumni, brothers Arthur Bruce and Donald Elliot Anthony, 1927-28
  812. Harvard. History of Commerce to 1750. Usher, 1929-30
  813. Columbia. Microeconomic theory exam. Becker, 1965.
  814. Radcliffe. Economics course offerings, 1910-1915
  815. M.I.T. Economics Christmas skit with basketball theme, 1961
  816. Columbia. Economics PhD Alumnus, Meyer Jacobstein, 1907
  817. Chicago. First detailed announcement of Political Economy program, 1892
  818. Harvard. Three economics subject exams from divisional comprehensives, 1931
  819. Princeton. Two undergraduate comprehensive exams in economics, 1929 and 1932
  820. Swarthmore. Senior comprehensive economics exam, 1931
  821. Wesleyan. Comprehensive undergraduate economics exam, 1931
  822. Chicago. The Edward W. Bemis controversy, 1895
  823. Washington University. Undergraduate economics curriculum, 1897-98
  824. Economics Graduate Programs Ranked in 1925
  825. Harvard. Graduate economic analysis and public policy. Hansen and Slichter, 1946-47
  826. Harvard. Undergraduate general examination in economics, 1953
  827. M.I.T. General exams in money and banking, 1952 and 1956
  828. Chicago. Memo to President Hutchins from Economics Chair Millis, 1937
  829. Chicago. Mary Barnett Gilson upon retirement, 1941
  830. Chicago. Paul H. Douglas for Alderman campaign, 1939
  831. M.I.T. Request for funds so Samuelson can multiply, 1941
  832. Chicago. Readings and Exam Questions for Graduate Money. Friedman, 1963
  833. Harvard. Job placements of economics PhDs. Jewish candidates, 1928-29
  834. Harvard. Economics PhD alumnus, Mandell Morton Bober, 1925
  835. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, Richard Vincent Gilbert, 1930
  836. Harvard. Economics of socialism. Outline, readings, final exam. Schumpeter, 1943-44
  837. Harvard. Economy of the U.S. Course outline, readings, exam. Leontief, 1945-46
  838. Chicago. Instructional Staff Salaries by Rank, 1919
  839. Wellesley. Outline of Economics by Emily Greene Balch, 1899
  840. Chicago. Graduate Prelim Exam for International Trade, 1970
  841. Bryn Mawr. Readings for Graduate Course in Sociology. Franklin H. Giddings, 1893
  842. Chicago. Bibliography on double-taxation. Bloch, 1940
  843. M.I.T. “The Greatest Faculty Skit Ever Written”, ca. 1974
  844. Columbia. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus, Clement Lowell Harriss, 1940.
  845. Graduate economics enrollments in the seven leading departments (U.S.), 1909
  846. Harvard. Course outlines and reading lists. Business Cycles and Economic Forecasting, Haberler & Hansen, 1955-56
  847. M.I.T. Midterm and Final exams. Income and Employment Theory. Domar, 1968-69
  848. Columbia. Latin and Ancient Greek are too much of a good thing. Munroe Smith, 1891
  849. Columbia. John W. Burgess charged with “anti-Negro thought” by W.E.B. Du Bois, 1935
  850. Johns Hopkins. Final exam for Fritz Machlup’s methodology course, 1956
  851. Harvard. Advanced Economic Theory. Outline and readings. Haberler, 1947
  852. Harvard. Advanced Economic Theory, Second Term. Schumpeter, 1948
  853. M.I.T. Announcement of new graduate program in economic development, 1955
  854. Columbia. Economist salaries below market. Examples of Modigliani and James W. Ford, 1956
  855. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, James W. Ford, 1954.
  856. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus. Vervon Orval Watts, 1932
  857. Chicago. Harry Johnson’s observations and reflections on teaching, 1969
  858. Harvard. Undergraduate mathematical economics. Schumpeter, Leontief, Goodwin. 1933-1950
  859. Chicago. Committee on Ph.D. Outlines & Requirements, 1949-50 (4)
  860. M.I.T. Principles of Microeconomics, course materials. 1994-2005
  861. Yale. Ruggles, Tobin, Parker, Peck, Levin, and Brainard muse about their economics department, 1999.
  862. Harvard-Radcliffe. Economics Ph.D. alumna, Mariam Kenosian Chamberlain, 1950
  863. M.I.T. Undergraduate intermediate macroeconomics. Blanchard, 1984
  864. Harvard. Memos on teaching assistants and grading in economics courses, 1911
  865. Cambridge. Economics Tripos Examinations, 1921
  866. M.I.T. Principles of Macroeconomics. Slides, problems sets, exams. Krugman, 1998
  867. Chicago. Milton Friedman nixes Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, 1965
  868. Johns Hopkins. Reading List for Macroeconomic Theory course. Carl Christ, 1963
  869. Johns Hopkins. Ten comprehensive economics PhD exams, 1965
  870. Johns Hopkins. Economics Faculty, ca. 1950-ca.2008
  871. Harvard. Marketing of agricultural commodities. John D. Black, 1947-48.
  872. Chicago. Undergraduate Money and Banking. Exams, readings. Friedman, 1946-49
  873. Chicago. Course Bibliography (books). Economics and Social Institutions. Knight, 1949
  874. Harvard. Final Exam for Scope and Method of Economics. Taussig, 1896.
  875. Michigan. Economics Faculty List from Centennial Symposium, 1980
  876. M.I.T. Open Economy Macroeconomics. Syllabus and bibliography. Dornbusch, 2000.
  877. Harvard/Radcliffe. Economics PhD alumna, Ruth Jackson Woodruff, 1931
  878. Columbia. Faculty of Political Science Not Yet Supporting Admission of Women, 1892
  879. Harvard. Principles of Economics. Course outline, readings, exam questions, 1949-50
  880. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus, W. Glenn Campbell, 1948
  881. Harvard/Radcliffe Economics Alumna, Rita Ricardo Campbell, 1946.
  882. Harvard. Syllabus for Economic Development taught by Robert Baldwin (Econ PhD 1950), 1956
  883. M.I.T. Economics faculty M*A*S*H theme skit. Robert Solow, 1977
  884. Harvard. Economics teaching responsibilities according to David Landes, 1955
  885. Harvard. Exams and Reading Lists for Latin American Economies. Bradley, 1938/1948/1949
  886. Harvard. What do to do about economic history, 1973
  887. Columbia. Memo from economics chair to department members with three recommendations, 1945
  888. M.I.T. Macroeconometric models. Reading list and final exam. Modigliani, 1973
  889. Chicago. Problems and exam. Income and Employment Theory. Friedman, 1966-67
  890. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. (1923) alumnus and Columbia Business School Dean, J. E. Orchard Memo on Galbraith, 1946.
  891. Johns Hopkins. Undergraduate economics course exams, 1923
  892. Johns Hopkins. Economic Seminary. Speakers and Topics, 1904-1905
  893. Harvard. Principles of Economics, Ec 10. Feldstein and Li, 2000
  894. Yale. Soviet Economic Development. Powell, 1974
  895. Wisconsin. Economics Courses and Faculty, 1893-94
  896. M.I.T. Theories of State and Economy. Piore and Berger, 1977
  897. Chicago. Intradepartmental discussion, graduate microtheory prerequisite. 1928.
  898. Chicago. Unions and wages problem set. Murphy, 2008
  899. Chicago. Industrial Organization Reading List. Stigler, 1973
  900. Harvard. Undergraduate concentration in economics, 1953
  901. Brown. Syllabus for History and Philosophical Context of Economic Thought. Putterman, 1995
  902. Princeton. Reading List for Money. Wallich, 1950
  903. M.I.T. Principles of Macroeconomics. 1995-2006
  904. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus, Hermann F. Arens, 1918
  905. Columbia. Report of Woodbridge Committee on Graduate Education Reform, 1936-37
  906. Chicago. Comprehensive Exams in Economics for B.A., 1941
  907. Radcliffe. Economics course offerings, 1915-1920
  908. Harvard. Principles of Accounting. Davis, 1915
  909. Harvard. Economic Aspects of Western Civilization. Cunningham, 1899
  910. Harvard. Principles of Sociology, Syllabus. Carver and Ripley, 1902
  911. M.I.T. Faculty skit. Robert Solow as the 2000 year old economist.
  912. Cambridge MA. Women and Economics. Book presentation by Charlotte Perkins Stetson (Gilman), 1899
  913. Chicago. Reading list for second core price theory. D. Gale Johnson, 1955.
  914. LSE. Literature list for Economic Analysis. Hayek, 1942.
  915. M.I.T. International Economics examinations. Kindleberger, 1950-51
  916. Fisk. Senior Year text in Political Economy was F.A. Walker’s Advanced Course, 1892-93
  917. Atlanta University. W.E.B. Dubois’ choice of economics and sociology textbooks, 1897-98
  918. Columbia. Splitting the costs. Department of Economics v. Barnard College, 1906-9
  919. Harvard. Economics course descriptions, enrollments, final exams. 1915-16.
  920. Johns Hopkins. Economic Seminary, presenters and topics. 1925-26
  921. Johns Hopkins. Portrait of undergraduate Abram Bergson (Burk), ca. 1930
  922. Harvard. Undergraduate economics syllabus. Socialism, O.H. Taylor, 1955
  923. Harvard. Development of Industrial Society. Course outline, readings, exam. Usher, 1934
  924. Columbia. Economics Ph.D. alumnus. Moses Abramovitz, 1939
  925. Chicago. Chancellor Hutchins interrogated regarding Lange’s leave of absence, 1949
  926. Stanford. Economics instructor for Social Problems. 1915-1928
  927. Attention subscribers. Announcing Economists Wearing Bowties Collection
  928. Columbia. Economics Ph.D. alumnus Charles Emerick, 1897.
  929. Smith College. Economics and Sociology Course Offerings, 1919-20
  930. Harvard. Programs of Social Reconstruction. Readings and Exam. Mason, 1929
  931. Harvard. Salary of the economics department secretary, Miss A. Pauline Ham, 1911-12
  932. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus. Not hired as a teaching assistant. W. H. Crook, 1928
  933. Columbia. Undergraduate History of Economics Syllabus, Assignments. Gregg, ca. 1951
  934. Columbia. Economics Ph.D. alumna. Dorothy Elizabeth Gregg, 1951
  935. New School for Social Research. Conference on Mathematics and Social Science, 1958
  936. Harvard. Graduate history of political economy course. Taylor, 1948-49
  937. Columbia. Seligman and Hillquit debate “Desirability of Socialism”. February, 1915
  938. Harvard. Undergraduate Departmental Examination and Essay Questions, 1942
  939. Harvard. Three Undergraduate Economic Field Exams, 1942
  940. Harvard. J.S. Mill’s Principles of Political Economy. Laughlin and Taussig, 1882-83
  941. Harvard. Syllabus and assigned readings for indisciplinary course, Social Sciences 2, 1970-71.
  942. Columbia. Due to exploding graduate economics enrollments, Stigler hired as visiting professor, 1946
  943. Harvard/Radcliffe. Economics PhD alumna and Wharton professor, Anne C. Bezanson, 1929
  944. Johns Hopkins. Comprehensive Exams on Reading List for Economics Majors, 1933-40
  945. Michigan. Henry Carter Adams and School of Applied Ethics, 1891. With Biography.
  946. Swarthmore. Honors Examinations. Economic Theory and Social Economics, 1934.
  947. Michigan. Major Expansion of Economics Department, 1892
  948. Columbia. Socialist speakers and undergraduate debates on socialism, 1910-11
  949. Harvard. Syllabus for “Consumption, Distribution and Prices” taught by PhD (1952) alumnus, Richard H. Holton, 1954-55
  950. Harvard. Reading list and final exam for course “Conflict, Coalition and Strategy”. Schelling, 1970
  951. M.I.T. Robert Solow’s Last Skit. “Dr Rudi Tells You How”, Late 1980s.
  952. Northwestern [?]. Partial reading list for labor problems. Hohman [?], 1924
  953. Harvard. Economics PhD alumnus, Elmo Paul Hohman, 1925
  954. Chicago. Economics Ph.D. Alumna, Helen Fisher Hohman, 1928
  955. Harvard. Labor Movement in Europe, Final Exams. Meriam, 1924 and 1925.
  956. Cambridge. Economics Tripos, 1933
  957. Cambridge. Intercollegiate and preliminary examinations in economics, 1931-33
  958. Pennsylvania. A protectionist professor forced to leave the Wharton School, Robert Ellis Thompson, ca 1894
  959. Duke. Career information about the first quarter century of economics Ph.D.’s, 1957
  960. Chicago. Draft memo of a program to rebuild the department of economics by T.W. Schultz, 1956
  961. Berkeley. Syllabus and exams. Regulation and Antitrust. Woroch, 1996
  962. Harvard. Consolidated undergraduate and graduate public finance syllabus. Butters and Soloway, 1954-55
  963. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus. John Keith Butters, 1941
  964. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus. Arnold M. Soloway, 1952
  965. Cambridge. Examination Papers in Political Economy, 1871-1872
  966. Economics Departments and University Rankings by Chairmen. Hughes (1925) and Keniston (1957)
  967. Pennsylvania. Share of doctoral dissertations by field that used (cited?) foreign language titles, 1954-55
  968. Chicago. Money, banking and monetary policy prelim examination, 1956
  969. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus. Edgar M. Hoover, 1932
  970. Yale. Economics Ph.D. alumnus (1939) and later high-ranking CIA official (Bay of Pigs)
  971. Michigan, Johns Hopkins and Harvard. Three Generations of Economics PhDs. Orcutt-Nakamura(s)
  972. Harvard. Economics of Transportation and Public Utilities. Exams, Readings for Public Utilities. Crum, Cunningham, C.O. Ruggles, 1940-41
  973. Harvard. Location of Economic Activity. Readings. Usher, 1942
  974. Chicago. Introduction to money and banking. Final exam. A.G. Hart, Summer 1933
  975. M.I.T. Core Economic Growth and Dynamics. Readings and Final Exam. Solow, 1968
  976. Harvard. Readings for Methods of Social Reform. Carver, 1902-03
  977. Harvard. Thomas Nixon Carver’s German Summer of 1902.
  978. Johns Hopkins. Henry Carter Adams on Socialism in Economic Thought, 1879
  979. Harvard. Exams on European labor movement and history of socialism. Rappard, 1912-13.
  980. Chicago. Industrial Organization Prelim. 1977
  981. Johns Hopkins. Mid-year and end-year exams for undergraduate money and banking. Weyforth, 1930-31
  982. Harvard/Radcliffe. Economics Ph.D. alumna, Ethelwynn Rice Beckwith, 1925
  983. Chicago. Sources of private graduate fellowship funding, 1905-1923
  984. Yale. Undergraduate European Economic History through the Industrial Revolution. Miskimin, 1971
  985. Harvard. Placement suggestions Philip G. Wright or Anne C. Bezanson for Bryn Mawr, 1916
  986. Harvard. Final exam for course on national income accounting. Crum, 1938
  987. M.I.T. History of Economic Thought. Misc. Readings and exams. Samuelson, 1973-78
  988. M.I.T. Monetary economics, reading lists. Ando and Modigliani, 1960-61
  989. Swarthmore. B.A. Honors Examination in Economic Theory. External Examiner, Lloyd Metzler, 1943-45
  990. Columbia. Economics PhD alumnus, Joseph David Coppock. 1940
  991. Chicago. Price Theory, Part II. Friedman, Spring 1951
  992. Harvard. Core graduate economic theory exams. Schumpeter, 1938
  993. M.I.T. Rewrite of 1940s blues hit “Why don’t you do right, like some other men do”. Solow.
  994. Pennsylvania. Theories of business cycles. Reading assignements and exam. Weintraub, 1954-55.
  995. Harvard. Mid-year exam. Principles of Money and Banking. Hansen and Williams, 1948-49.
  996. Columbia. First semester graduate economic analysis. First weeks’ notes. Hart, 1955.
  997. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, Richard Abel-Musgrave, 1937
  998. John Hopkins. Economics Ph.D. alumna Peggy Richman née Brewer, later Musgrave. 1962
  999. Harvard. Social Influences on Economic Actions, outline and readings. Musgrave and Spechler, 1973
  1000. Columbia. Communistic and Socialistic Theories. Course Outline. J. B. Clark, 1908
  1001. Harvard. Mathematical Economics Recognized as Subfield of Theory. E.B. Wilson, Crum, and Schumpeter, 1933
  1002. Harvard. Completion rates for economics graduate students, 1947-57
  1003. Yale. Undergraduate Economic History of Europe. Cohen, 1972
  1004. Roosevelt College. Five lectures about Labor. Abba Lerner, 1949
  1005. M.I.T. National Income and Employment Theory. Readings and Final Exam. Domar, 1960-61
  1006. M.I.T. Student survey regarding Domar’s core macro theory course, 1960
  1007. Indiana. Undergraduate coursework in economics and commerce, C.F. Zierer (A.B.), 1922
  1008. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, later collector of Soviet nonconformist art. Norton T. Dodge, 1960
  1009. Harvard/Chicago. Gottfried Haberler and Milton Friedman on Samuel Bowles, 1970
  1010. Radcliffe. Economics Course Offerings, 1920-1925
  1011. Radcliffe. Fake economics professor in the college yearbook, 1963
  1012. Harvard. General Examination in Microeconomic Theory. Spring, 1991
  1013. Harvard. General Examination in Macroeconomic Theory. Spring, 1991
  1014. Yale. Transportation economist and railroad expert. Prof. Kent T. Healy (1902-1985)
  1015. Survey of Economics Education. Colleges and Universities (Seligman), Schools (Sullivan), 1911
  1016. Columbia. On Research Seminaries, a.k.a., graduate workshops. Seligman, 1892
  1017. Harvard. Outline and final exam. Economic and Political Ideas, Taylor. 2nd term, 1947-48
  1018. Harvard. Examination questions for Political Economy I, 1884-1888.
  1019. Harvard. Report on statistics and national income courses. Crum and Frickey, 1945
  1020. Radcliffe/Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Alumna. Maxine Yaple Sweezy, 1940.
  1021. Columbia. Types of Economic Theories, Exam questions. W. C. Mitchell, 1914, 1923-37
  1022. Chicago. Recommended public finance textbooks. Viner’s list, 1924
  1023. Chicago. Economics PhD alumnus. Jens Peter Jensen, 1926
  1024. Columbia. Economic readings for the examination to receive the degree of Master of Arts, 1880
  1025. Columbia. Specific regulations for the economics Ph.D., 1954-55
  1026. Columbia. Encyclopedia article on teaching and university research in sociology. Tenney and Giddings, 1913
  1027. Three Ballads on price theory, macroeconomics, and political economy by Bruce W. Knight, Kenneth Boulding, and David Felix
  1028. Berkeley and Dartmouth. Frank Knight’s economist brothers Melvin M. Knight and Bruce Winton Knight
  1029. Harvard. Modern Schools of Economic Thought, Midyear Exam. Schumpeter, 1927-1928.
  1030. Harvard. Principles of Money and Banking, Midyear Exam. Schumpeter, 1927-1928
  1031. Harvard. Political Economy Examinations. Bowen, Green, and Dunbar, 1868-1872
  1032. Harvard. Course Outline and Readings for Economics and National Security. Schelling, 1960
  1033. Harvard. First Undergraduate General and Specific Exams in History, Government and Economics Division, 1916.
  1034. Harvard. Exams and enrollment for economics of socialism and communism. Edward Cummings, 1893-1900
  1035. Harvard. Final Examinations for Junior and Senior Political Economy. Dunbar, 1876-77
  1036. Columbia. Instructors for Economics in Columbia College. Considering Okun et al., 1951
  1037. Chicago. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus, Theodore O. Yntema, 1929
  1038. Michigan. Author of Progress of Labor Organization among Women, Belva Mary Herron, 1905
  1039. Toronto. Examination papers in political economy, 1875
  1040. Toronto. Examination papers in political economy, 1876
  1041. Chicago. Money, Prelim Exam for Banking and Monetary Policy, 1959
  1042. Harvard. Topics for the Ricardo Prize Examination, 1916
  1043. Columbia Alumnus Arthur F. Burns applies to NBER for Research Associateship, 1930
  1044. Berkeley. Graduate Macro, final exam. Akerlof, 1992 and 1993
  1045. M.I.T. International Economics Syllabus for General Exam. Bhagwati and Dornbusch, 1977
  1046. Johns Hopkins. Reading List for Economic Development. Irma Adelman, 1963
  1047. Harvard. Welfare economics and policy. Readings and exam. Bergson, 1959
  1048. Harvard. Mid-year exam for economic theory course. Haberler, 1931-32
  1049. M.I.T. Capital theory. Course outline, suggested readings. Solow, 1975
  1050. Johns Hopkins. Economic Seminary. Participants, Presenters and Topics, 1926-27
  1051. Harvard. Sociology. Syllabus, reading assignments, final exam. Carver and Joslyn, 1927-28
  1052. Harvard. Syllabus for Economic History Module in Principles Course. Ashley, 1896.
  1053. Harvard. Examinations for introductory economics. Taussig, Ashley, both Cummings, 1895-96.
  1054. M.I.T. Reading list on theory of central planning. Weitzman, 1977
  1055. Chicago. Theory of Distribution. Readings and exam questions. Metzler, 1961-64
  1056. M.I.T. Stats on women economics Ph.D.s, 1960-72
  1057. Chicago. A Mikado parody number. Probably 1949.
  1058. Cambridge. Economics Tripos Examinations, 1922.
  1059. Cambridge. Exam question from a Ricardo quote translated into German, 1922
  1060. Columbia. Syllabus and reading assignments from economic affairs course, 1931-36
  1061. Berkeley. Money Course, Topics and References. W.C. Mitchell, 1906
  1062. Harvard. Locational Economics. Readings and Exams. Isard, 1952-53
  1063. Wisconsin. Business Cycles Syllabus. Theodore Morgan, 1951
  1064. Columbia. National accounting. Course outline and readings. Barger, 1963-64
  1065. Chicago. Laughlin’s observations on state of economics department, 1924
  1066. Chicago. Empirical seminar on wages announcement. Douglas, 1926
  1067. Columbia. PhD alumnus. William J. Shultz, 1924
  1068. Princeton. Course readings for “Government and Business”. Frank Haigh Dixon, 1924-25
  1069. Harvard. Report on the General Examination for an Economics PhD, 1970
  1070. Harvard. Tobin’s notes to lecture by Alvin Hansen on Keynes’ General Theory, May 1938
  1071. Columbia. Faculty of Political Science Minute in Memory of E.R.A. Seligman, 1939
  1072. Columbia. Appointments of H. L. Moore, H. R. Seager, and A. S. Johnson, 1902
  1073. M.I.T. First core graduate macroeconomics. Syllabus, readings, exams. Domar and Harris, 1967-68
  1074. Berkeley. Topics and exam questions for advanced economics. Mitchell, 1906
  1075. Harvard. History of Economics. First semester readings and exams. O. H. Taylor, 1955-56
  1076. Harvard. Economic Aspects of War Course Organised by Harris, 1940
  1077. Harvard. Economics of Mobilization and War. Syllabus, exam questions. Harris, 1952
  1078. Columbia. Major increase in salaries for instructional staff announced, 1928
  1079. Great-Granddad of Sam Bowles who encouraged Arthur L. Perry to write an economics textbook, 1860s.
  1080. M.I.T. “Industrial Economics” Ph.D. name changed to “Economics”, Economics S.M. recognized as exit ramp, 1965
  1081. Williams. Leading Author of Political Economy Textbooks, Arthur Lathan Perry (1830-1905)
  1082. Minnesota. Parody letters of recommendation. Bronfenbrenner, ca. 1961
  1083. Harvard. Final examination for graduate mathematical economics. Goodwin, 1950-51
  1084. Harvard. European Economic History from the Industrial Revolution. Gay, 1934
  1085. Chicago. Reading list for Development of Monetary and Financial Institutions. Hamilton, 1960
  1086. Harvard. General Examinations in Micro- and Macroeconomic Theory, Fall 1992
  1087. Columbia. Memo advocating the establishment of an Industrial Relations Section. Wolman, 1944
  1088. Berkeley. References for contemporary theories of social reform. Peixotto, 1906
  1089. Harvard. Problem set from agricultural economics. Carver, ca. 1904
  1090. Harvard. Division Exams for the economics A.B., January 1917
  1091. Johns Hopkins/Wharton. Linked Reading List for History and Theory of Money. Sherwood, 1891-92
  1092. Harvard. Final exam for location of economic activity. Usher, 1943
  1093. M.I.T. Wingnut inspiration for Du Pont’s crusade against Paul Samuelson’s textbook, 1947
  1094. Columbia. New Seminar. Outline with readings, Economic Theory and Change. Mitchell and Ginzberg, 1937
  1095. Harvard. ‘Twas a Night in the Sixties. Poem by Martin Feldstein, 1980
  1096. Harvard. Syllabus and final exam for National Income and its Distribution. Conrad, 1958
  1097. Columbia. Wesley Clair Mitchell’s remarks at Conference on Methods in Philosophy and the Sciences, 1937
  1098. Women’s Suffrage. Schumpeter in the Washington Post, 1914
  1099. Johns Hopkins. Graduate Studies and Exams of Yukimasa Hattori, Ph.D. 1903
  1100. Carnegie Tech. Final Exam for Advanced Economic Analysis. Modigliani, 1959 & 1960
  1101. Chicago. Bibliography for History of Economic Thought. Frank Knight, 1933
  1102. Columbia. Bibliography on Government Debt for Fiscal Policy Course. Shoup, 1948
  1103. Harvard. Final exams for international payments and specie flows. Dunbar and Meyer, 1894,1901
  1104. M.I.T. General Examination in Advanced Economic Theory. Sept 1962 and May 1963
  1105. Harvard. Commercial crises and trade cycles, final exams. Andrew, 1903-1908
  1106. Chicago. Laughlin’s anti-bank-deposit-insurance talk, 1908
  1107. Columbia. Economics Ph.D. alumna. Mildred B. Northrop, 1938
  1108. M.I.T. Washington Post op-ed by Samuelson on Sound Debt Policy, 1963
  1109. Johns Hopkins. Undergraduate Economics Exams, 1920
  1110. Johns Hopkins. Life and career of economics Ph.D. (1901) alumnus, George Ernest Barnett
  1111. Johns Hopkins. Links to Reprints of Economic Tracts. Hollander, ed.
  1112. Harvard. Exam Questions. International Monetary Economics. Meyer and Sprague, 1901.
  1113. Harvard. Readings and Final Exam for Normative Aspects of Economic Policy. Bergson, 1960
  1114. Harvard. Final exams for European and U.S. Economic History. Gay and Klein, 1911
  1115. Chicago. Reading Assignments for Development of Monetary and Financial Institutions. Hamilton, 1952
  1116. M.I.T. Readings and exam questions for fiscal and monetary policy. Domar, 1957
  1117. Northwestern. Robert J. Gordon selling Graduate Economics Program, 1977
  1118. Chicago. Price Theory. Ph.D. Core Examination. Summer, 1975
  1119. Chicago. History of Economic Thought Ph.D Field Exam. Summer, 1974
  1120. Chicago. History of Economic Thought, Ph.D. preliminary exam. Summer, 1989
  1121. Harvard. Readings, midterm and final exams for economic growth course. Kuznets, 1960-61
  1122. Harvard. Exam questions for “The Labor Question in Europe and the U.S.” Edward Cummings, 1894
  1123. Harvard. Life and works of political economy and philosophy professor Francis Bowen (1811-1890).
  1124. Columbia. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, Brailsford Reese Brazeal, 1942
  1125. Chicago. Economics, ABD alumna, later member of U.S. Congress. Chase G. Woodhouse, 1923
  1126. Harvard. Final exams for “Modern Economic Theory and its Critics”. O.H. Taylor, 1938-39.
  1127. Johns Hopkins. General exam questions for economics Ph.D., 1954
  1128. Pennsylvania. Economics Ph.D. alumnus. Columbia professor Henry R. Seager, 1894
  1129. Columbia. Faculty of political science’s discussion of Ph.D. requirements, 1905
  1130. Harvard. Undergraduate General Examination in Economics, 1956
  1131. University College London. Lecture on the future of political economy. Jevons, 1876
  1132. M.I.T. General exams for international economics, 1959
  1133. Berlin and Vienna. A comparative guide to the two economic faculties. Seager, 1893
  1134. Harvard. Exams in money, banking and commercial crises. Guest professor, W. C. Mitchell, 1908-09
  1135. Harvard. Exam questions for Mediaeval Economic History of Europe. Ashley, 1895-96
  1136. Duke. A history of economics instruction in Durham, 1996.
  1137. M.I.T. Dystopian Faculty Skit by Solow,1969
  1138. Chicago. Selected salaries. Hayek visiting, Friedman as associate professor, 1946
  1139. Harvard. Examination for Women. Political Economy (Optional Advanced Exam), 1874
  1140. U.S. Bureau of Education. Contributions to American Educational History, Herbert B. Adams (ed.), 1887-1903
  1141. Harvard. Exams for Undergraduate and Graduate Money and Banking. Williams, 1932-33.
  1142. Harvard. Printed Graduate Economics Brochure. (First draft was by J. K. Galbraith), 1967
  1143. Minnesota. Readings and Final Exam for National Income and Wealth. Friedman, 1946
  1144. Harvard. Exams for Economic Theory and Monetary Economics. R.G. Hawtrey, 1928-29
  1145. Chicago. Economic Theory Prelim Exam for PhD and AM, 1960
  1146. Minnesota. Proposal for Seminar on Business Cycles. Friedman, 1945-46
  1147. Harvard. Mid-year and Final Exams for all three courses in Political Economy. Laughlin and Dunbar, 1879-80
  1148. Harvard. Grading system. Hard subjects: political economy and mathematics, 1886
  1149. Harvard. Semester exams for Statistics. John Cummings, 1896-1900
  1150. Princeton. Reading assignments. Graduate International Trade. F.D. Graham and C.R. Whittelsey, 1930-34
  1151. Chicago. Readings and exam for “Wage-labor and capital”, 1970
  1152. Chicago. Economics Ph.D. alumna. Helen Russell Wright, 1922
  1153. Columbia. Reading List. Economic Thought Before Adam Smith. Dorfman, ca 1947
  1154. Johns Hopkins. Reading List for Monetary Economics, William Poole, 1964
  1155. M.I.T. Graduate Economics Association’s info-welcome letter to new cohort, April 1965
  1156. Harvard. Undergraduate economics concentrators dropped over 50% in 1950s.
  1157. Harvard. Junior tutorials in economics. Smithies and Chamberlin, 1960-61
  1158. Harvard. Midyear Exam for Money, Banking and Cycles. Harris, 1934
  1159. Harvard. Graduate course on money, banking and the business cycle. Schumpeter, 1933-34
  1160. Chicago. Three things to learn when studying economics at Chicago. Harry Johnson, 1968
  1161. Harvard. Readings and Final Exam for Business Cycles. Hansen and Haberler, 1942
  1162. Harvard. Graduate Money and Banking. Williams and Hansen, 1941-42
  1163. Harvard. Readings and Exams for undergraduate money, banking, and crises. Harris and Williams, 1941-42
  1164. Cornell. Syllabus, Bibliography, Notes for Extension course “Practical Economic Questions”. Jenks, 1892
  1165. Harvard. Final exam and possible reading list for mathematical business cycle theory. Goodwin, 1944.
  1166. Harvard. Readings, exams for business cycles. Hansen and Haberler, 1942-44
  1167. Columbia. Statistics PhD alumnus. Robert E. Chaddock, 1908
  1168. Columbia. Promotions and Memorial Minute for Abraham Wald
  1169. Harvard. Economics of Social Security. Reading list and exam. Harris, 1951
  1170. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, Michael Francis McPhelin, S.J., 1951
  1171. Philadelphia. Money and Banking syllabus for six lectures. Thompson, 1894
  1172. Radcliffe. Economics Ph.D. Alumna, Ada M. Harrison, 1952
  1173. Chicago. Economic Theory Prelim Exam, Winter Quarter 1957
  1174. American Economic Association. Monographs: 1886-1896
  1175. Yale. Economics Ph.D. alumna Sarah Scovill Whittelsey, 1898
  1176. Harvard. Core economic theory. Readings and Exams. Carver, 1900/01-1902/03
  1177. American Economic Association. Economic Studies Series, 1896-1899
  1178. Harvard. Applied Economic Analysis, Readings and Exams. Duesenberry, 1955-56.
  1179. AEA Publications. Bibliography from article “Economics as a School Study”. Clow, 1899
  1180. Johns Hopkins. Reading List and Exam for Aggregate Income Theory. Machlup, 1951
  1181. M.I.T. Economics Chair’s Account of Early Efforts of Affirmative Action for Black Graduate Students. Cary Brown, 1974
  1182. John Hopkins. Economics Ph.D. completion rate, years to completion. 1956-1970
  1183. Harvard. Socialism exams. John Graham Brooks, 1890-1891
  1184. Harvard. Exams for Political Sociology and Socialism, Cummings, 1893
  1185. Harvard. Exams on socio-economic conditions of working people. Edward Cummings, 1893
  1186. Princeton. Economics course offerings 1910-11
  1187. Princeton. Syllabus and bibliography for public finance. Daniels, 1895
  1188. Chicago. Schedule of the preliminary economics exams for the Ph.D. and A.M., Summer 1951
  1189. Chicago. Graduate prelim exams in economic theory. Metzler, Friedman and Knight, 1951
  1190. League for Industrial Democracy. Updated syllabus on recent history of socialism. Laidler, 1922.
  1191. M.I.T. Economics Faculty Skit à la Rowan and Martin’s “Laugh-In”, December 1968
  1192. Columbia. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus Max Ira West, 1893.
  1193. Harvard. Syllabus and exams for Government Policy Toward Business. Kaysen, 1961
  1194. Chicago. Economics Ph.D. alumna, Anna Prichitt Youngman, 1908
  1195. Harvard. Final Exams for Railways and Other Public Works. Meyer, 1901
  1196. Chicago to Princeton. Jacob Viner’s Resignation Letter, 1946
  1197. Harvard. Principles of Economics. Reading assignments, Exams, 1928
  1198. Harvard. Members of the Economics Seminary, 1897-1898
  1199. Cowles and IMF seminars on social welfare functions. Abba Lerner, 1952
  1200. Columbia. Hiring Albert Gailord Hart as visiting professor. Bureaucracy light, 1946
  1201. Iowa State. Economics PhD alumna, Alison Comish Thorne, 1939
  1202. Melbourne. History, Constitutional Law, Political Economy, Philosophy Examination Fields. Elkington, 1899
  1203. Chicago (1907-08). Economist turned Epidemiologist, Edgar Sydenstricker
  1204. Harvard. History/Government/Economics Division A.B. Examinations, 1917-18
  1205. Harvard. Final Exam for International Trade and Tariff Policies. Taussig, 1921-22
  1206. Columbia. Economics Seminar participants. J.B. Clark, ca. 1902
  1207. Columbia. Economics Ph.D. alumnus. Social insurance pioneer Isaac M. Rubinow, 1914
  1208. Columbia. Economics Ph.D. alumnus. BLS Commissioner, Royal Meeker, 1906
  1209. Berkeley. Graduate Macroeconomics à la Akerlof, et al. 1992-2007
  1210. Harvard. Course outlines and semester exams in money and banking. Smith and Dorfman, 1958-59
  1211. Harvard. Summer School, Syllabus and Exams for Income Distribution. Bronfenbrenner, 1970
  1212. Chicago. Economic Theory Prelim Exam, Friedman (chair), 1955
  1213. Harvard. Mid-year exams for Money, Banking and Commercial Crises. Young, 1921-1927
  1214. Harvard. Exams for History of Economics up through 18th Century. Ashley, 1900.
  1215. Harvard. Final exam for Economic Trends and Fluctuations. Haberler, 1932.
  1216. Chicago. Henry Simons’ Hayek project proposal, 1945
  1217. Bryn Mawr. Undergraduate and graduate economic courses, Williamson and Parris, 1909
  1218. Bryn Mawr. Economics Ph.D. Alumna, Marion Parris, 1908
  1219. Columbia. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, later leading librarian Charles C. Williamson, 1907
  1220. Harvard. Syllabus, reading assignments, final exam for “Economies of Tropical Africa”. Berg, 1961
  1221. Chicago. Preliminary Exam for PhD, Theory of Income, Employment and Price Level, 1967
  1222. Chicago. Graduate Preliminary Examination, Money and Banking, 1967
  1223. Harvard. Economics of Socialism, Syllabus and Final Exam. O.H. Taylor, 1953
  1224. Harvard. Syllabus and Final Exam for Economic Development of China. Paauw, 1955
  1225. Johns Hopkins. Graduate economics exams, M.A. and Ph.D., 1933
  1226. MIT. Faculty Christmas Party Skit. Seven Stages of a Student, 1964
  1227. Chicago. Preliminary Examinations in Economic Theory. Friedman, chair. 1952
  1228. Columbia. Economics PhD alumnus, later first Duke grad school dean, William Henry Glasson
  1229. Harvard. Galbraith’s Proposal to Split the Economics Department, 1973
  1230. M.I.T. General Examinations in International Economics. Feb/May 1966
  1231. Chicago. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, later Cornell professor, Newman Arnold Tolles, 1932
  1232. Bryn Mawr. Economics Ph.D. Alumna. Lorinda Jane Perry, 1913.
  1233. Harvard. Exams for consolidated undergrad and graduate public finance. Butters and Soloway, 1955
  1234. Chicago, Final exam for graduate international economics (Economics 370). Metzler, Fall 1953
  1235. Harvard. General Exams in Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Theory. Spring, 1992
  1236. United States. College and University Courses on War Economics, 1942
  1237. Harvard. Exams for Elementary, Full, and Advanced Political Economy. 1880-81
  1238. Cambridge. Examinations in political economy, 1872-1873.
  1239. Cambridge. Local Examinations Syndicate’s Political Economy and Logic Exams, 1870-72
  1240. Maryland. Undergraduate History of Economic Thought Syllabus. Milton Moss, 1986
  1241. Columbia. Economics PhD alumnus. Milton Moss, 1962
  1242. Johns Hopkins. Trade and Economic Development, Course Reading List. Balassa, 1968
  1243. Columbia’s first African American Ph.D. Social Economics Ph.D. alumnus, George Edmund Haynes, 1912
  1244. Fisk University. Economics, Sociology & Social Work Courses. Haynes, 1911-13
  1245. Boston University. Mistaken racial identity. Economics Ph.D. alumnus Waight Gibbs Henry, 1918.
  1246. Harvard. Syllabus and Examination for International Trade. Haberler, 1949
  1247. M.I.T. Memo regarding potential hires to interview at AEA Dec meeting, 1965
  1248. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, later NLRB judge. Charles E. Persons, 1913
  1249. Harvard. Labor economics courses taught by Charles E. Persons, 1928-1929
  1250. Harvard. Circumstances surrounding William Z. Ripley’s nervous breakdowns, 1927 and 1932
  1251. Chicago. Friedman recommends Becker and Weiss for Earhart Fellowships, 1953
  1252. Chicago. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, “gay godfather” and mentor. Roger Weiss, 1955
  1253. New Bibliographic Resource. Links to the Swan Sonnenschein Social Science Series, 1884-1912
  1254. Johns Hopkins University. Economics Ph.D. Alumna, social economist/home economist, Helen Potter, 1942
  1255. Johns Hopkins. Doctoral exams taken by Helen Potter, 1942
  1256. Harvard. Examinations for both political economy courses. Dunbar and Laughlin, 1881-1882
  1257. Harvard. Exams for the three courses in political economy. Laughlin and Taussig, 1882-1883
  1258. CUNY, Queens College. Reviewing Minsky on Keynesian Economics, Abba Lerner, 1977
  1259. Columbia. George Stigler reviews the department of economics, 1978
  1260. M.I.T. Core Dynamic Macro Half-course. Readings and exam. Solow, 1973
  1261. Harvard. Labor Problems. Course outline, cases for discussion, exams. Slichter, 1938-1939
  1262. Cambridge. Political economy exam from the moral sciences tripos, 1856
  1263. M.I.T. Reading List for Monetary Economics II. Dornbusch, 1976
  1264. M.I.T. Reading list for graduate Monetary Economics I. Modigliani and Poole, 1977
  1265. Harvard. Political Economy Examination for Women, 1878
  1266. Chicago. Economic Price Theory Prelim Exam taken by Zvi Griliches. Winter quarter 1955.
  1267. Johns Hopkins. International Economics Reading List. Balassa, 1968
  1268. Harvard. Year-end exam on Henry George and H. C. Carey. Dunbar, 1884
  1269. Harvard. Undergraduate Public Finance, reading list and semester exams. Burbank and Musgrave, 1938-1939
  1270. Berkeley. Economics Ph.D. Alumna, Marjorie Ruth Clark, 1929.
  1271. Harvard. Economics of Socialism. Outline, Readings, Final Exam. Schumpeter, 1949
  1272. Harvard. Economy of Russia. Enrollment, Outline, Readings, Final Exam. Leontief, 1949
  1273. Harvard. Final examination for Chinese Economic Problems. Lindsay, 1947
  1274. M.I.T. Dean’s request for writing requirements for elective subjects in economics department, 1953
  1275. Johns Hopkins. Career of economics Ph.D. alumnus (plus doctoral exams), George H. Evans, 1925
  1276. Harvard. Leontief and Galbraith report on conflict within department, 1972
  1277. Bibliography from Vaughan’s Influenza, An Epidemiologic Study, 1921
  1278. Columbia. Definition of Sub-professorial Ranks, 1966
  1279. Chicago. Paul Douglas pleads for a staff position for Arnold Tolles, 1928
  1280. Harvard. Year-end exam on Practical Economic Questions. Laughlin, 1884
  1281. Harvard. History, Government, and Economics Division Exams, 1919
  1282. M.I.T. Undergraduate Finance Reading List. Kuh, 1962
  1283. Chicago. Nutter ranks Soviet economy experts in reply to Friedman, 1962
  1284. Carnegie-Mellon. Economics of the Firm reading list. Richard W. Roll, 1967
  1285. American University. Economics Ph.D. Alumna, Edith Louise Allen, 1928
  1286. Harvard. Fiscal Seminar Bibliography and Topics. Williams and Hansen, 1946-47
  1287. Harvard. Final Exam for Theories and Problems of Economic Development. Baldwin, 1956
  1288. Harvard. Exams for Economic Analysis and Public Policy. Smithies, 1949-1950
  1289. Harvard. Economic Analysis and Public Policy, Readings and Exams. Baldwin, 1955-56
  1290. Harvard. Socialism and Planning. Syllabus and final exam. Tinbergen and Tsuru, 1957
  1291. Harvard. Testimony to U.S. Senate Subcommittee Investigating Internal Security. Tsuru Shigeto, 1957
  1292. Harvard. Applied Economic Analysis, Readings and Exams. Smithies and Baldwin, 1956-57
  1293. United States. Courses of Study of Political Economy. 1876 and 1892-93.
  1294. Harvard. Economic History of Europe and America, final exam. Dunbar, 1884
  1295. Harvard. Comparative Land Tenure Systems, Final Exam. Laughlin, 1884
  1296. Harvard. Comparative Fiscal Systems. Final examination, Dunbar, 1884.
  1297. M.I.T. Comprehensive Theory Exams in Microeconomics, 1961
  1298. M.I.T. Comprehensive Theory Exams in Macroeconomics, 1961
  1299. M.I.T. Economics and Political Science, excerpt from President’s Report, 1961
  1300. Harvard. Economic Analysis and Public Policy, Readings and Exams. Smithies and Baldwin, 1956-57
  1301. Chicago. Monetary International Economics, readings and exam. Metzler, 1967
  1302. Radcliffe.Economics Ph.D. Alumna, Dorothy Carolin Bacon, 1928
  1303. Columbia. Economics Ph.D. alumnus. Frederick C. Mills, 1917
  1304. Johns Hopkins. Activities of department of political economy, 1935-1936
  1305. Columbia. Economics Ph.D. alumnus who killed his Dean and self at Syracuse. Beckwith, 1913
  1306. Chicago. Economics Ph.D. alumnus. Ernest H. Hahne, 1930
  1307. Minnesota. What are economic historians made of? Heaton, 1949
  1308. Harvard. Readings and Exams. Public Utilities and Transportation. 1935-37.
  1309. Harvard. Economics PhD Alumnus. Donald Holmes Wallace, 1931
  1310. Minnesota. Interview about banking/financial historians. Heaton, 1955
  1311. Harvard. Political Economy course enrollments and final exams, 1884-1885
  1312. Harvard. Discussed at Faculty Meeting. Computer Access and “Mathematical Economics and Econometrics” as Optional Field, 1959
  1313. Chicago. Economics PhD alumna, Leona Margaret Powell, 1924
  1314. Princeton. Oskar Morgenstern and John von Neumann as Beach Buddies
  1315. Harvard. Graduate Mathematical Economics. Syllabus and Final Exam. Chipman, 1952
  1316. Minnesota. Course outline and reading for graduate macroeconomics. Brownlee, probably 1959
  1317. Chicago. Memos discussing guests to teach during summer quarter, 1927
  1318. Wisconsin. Debate on role of federal government in the economy. Keyserling vs. Friedman, 1963
  1319. Michigan. Henry Carter Adams’ Plea on Own Behalf, 1887
  1320. Oberlin. Sociology bibliography by John R. Commons, 1891-1892
  1321. Oberlin and Syracuse. Baseball and John R. Commons, 1886 and 1898
  1322. Yale. Economics Ph.D. Alumna, Kate Holladay Claghorn, 1896
  1323. Harvard. Year-end Examinations in Political Economy, 1885-1886
  1324. Chautauqua University Extension. Three Lectures on Labor Movement. Ely, 1889
  1325. Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle. Hektographing for Dummies, 1889
  1326. Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle. Economics Readings, Topics for 1889-1890
  1327. Harvard. Examinations for Political Economy courses, Dunbar, Laughlin, and Taussig, 1886-87
  1328. M.I.T. Minutes of the Visiting Committee of Department of Economics and Social Science, 1958
  1329. Harvard. Galbraith suggests Barbara Bergmann for Women’s Studies Professorship, 1983
  1330. Johns Hopkins. Midyear and Final Exams for Five Economics Courses, 1932-1933
  1331. Columbia. List of 26 strong candidates applying for fellowships or scholarships, 1954
  1332. Boston College. Annual Economics Newsletters, 1978-2020
  1333. Harvard. Readings and Exam for Business Cycles. Schumpeter 1949-50
  1334. Harvard. Report of Economics Department Visiting Committee. Brimmer, 1974
  1335. Berkeley. Harsanyi Seminar Reading List, ca. 1976-1977
  1336. Harvard. Reading list for Mathematical Approaches to Economic Theory. Houthakker, 1960-1961
  1337. Chicago. Reading list for Money. Meiselman, 1961
  1338. MIT. Revising Economics Ph.D. General Examinations. E.C.Brown, 1975
  1339. Harvard. Semester examinations in all political economy courses, 1887-1888
  1340. Harvard. Reactions to Galbraith’s call for students to boycott professors doing classified government research, 1967
  1341. Virginia Tech. Letter from James Buchanan to Earl Hamilton, 1983
  1342. Chicago. Reading list for Economic History of Modern Europe to 1800. Hamilton, 1966
  1343. Harvard. Final exams in political economy and ethics of social reform, 1888-1889
  1344. Halle. Economics PhD Alumnus, John Henry Gray (Harvard AB, 1887), 1892
  1345. Chicago. Oscar Lange appointment as assistant professor, 1938
  1346. Paul Krugman, academic scribbles and glimpses of yore and not so yore.
  1347. Harvard. Undergraduate General Examination in Economics, 1957
  1348. Brookings. Economics PhD Alumna, Helen Everett, 1924
  1349. Harvard. Graduate Econometrics. Chipman 1953
  1350. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus, Merton Kirk Cameron, 1921
  1351. Chicago. Economics A.M. requirements amended to become “Consolation Prize”. Lewis and Schultz, 1950
  1352. Columbia. Economics Ph.D. alumna, Sydnor Harbison Walker, 1926
  1353. Harvard. Final exams in political economy and ethics of social reform, 1889-1890
  1354. Columbia. Midterm Exam for International Trade Policy. Rodrik, 1992
  1355. M.I.T. Faculty Skit, Playing Monopoly at Lunch, 1986
  1356. Chicago. H. Gregg Lewis proposes a “labor laboratory”. Ca. early 1950s.
  1357. Yale. Course Outline for Industrial Organization, Behavior, and Public Policy. Nelson, 1973
  1358. Yale. Course summary and preview, Industrial Organization, Behavior, and Public Policy. Nelson, 1973
  1359. Harvard. Political Economy à la Francis Bowen, 1870
  1360. Harvard. Argument for more political economy in a liberal education. President Eliot, 1884
  1361. Harvard. International Trade Theory and Policy. Haberler, 1952-1953
  1362. Harvard. Paul Volcker’s A.M. Transcript for Graduate School of Public Administration, 1949-1951
  1363. Columbia. Economics Ph.D. Alumna, Vera Shlakman, 1938
  1364. M.I.T. Exams from International Economics, Kindleberger, 1954-1955
  1365. Harvard. Exams for Political Economy Courses and Ethics of Social Questions, 1890-1891
  1366. Harvard. Life of accounting professor William Morse Cole, A.M. 1896
  1367. Harvard. Veritas investigating Keynesian economics, 1960
  1368. Harvard. Leontief scores five Rothko murals for Harvard, 1963
  1369. Chicago. Milton Friedman visits the Harvard Young Conservative Club, 1964
  1370. University of Massachusetts. Hiring a flock of “radical economists”, 1973
  1371. Harvard. Responses of Wassily Leontief to Questionnaire from Committee to Investigate Walsh-Sweezy Case, 1937
  1372. Columbia. Reading list for Economic Analysis (less advanced level). Hart and Wonnacott, 1959
  1373. Radcliffe. Economics Ph.D. alumna, Elizabeth Boody, 1934
  1374. Schumpeter opines on Germany’s future under Hitler, 1933
  1375. Harvard. Exams for first-year graduate economic theory. Haberler.
  1376. Harvard. Semester exams for advanced economic theory. Fellner, 1950-1951
  1377. Harvard. Exam for undergraduate history of economic thought. Fellner, 1950-1951.
  1378. M.I.T. Course outline and readings for undergraduate applied microeconomics. McFadden, 1978
  1379. George Mason. Course readings for Economic Philosophy. Buchanan and Vanberg, 1990
  1380. Johns Hopkins. Exams for Undergraduate Political Economy Courses, 1923-1924
  1381. Harvard. Final examinations in Political Economy courses, 1891-1892
  1382. Harvard. Basic graduate microeconomic theory. Chamberlin and Samuelson, 1956-1957
  1383. Chicago. Three casual letters from Cambridge, Mass. regarding young talent, 1957-59
  1384. Chicago. Final exam from Economics 301 (Price Theory), Autumn Quarter 1960
  1385. Columbia. Short biographical note on John Bates Clark at age 52
  1386. Columbia. Economics Ph.D. alumnus Henry Crosby Emery, 1896
  1387. Yale. Sheffield Scientific School, Ethics of Business Lectures for Seniors, endowed by Edward D. Page, 1908-1915
  1388. Radcliffe. Economics Ph.D. alumna. Margaret Elliott, 1924
  1389. Harvard. Short Bibliography of Economic Theory for “Serious-minded Students”, Taussig, 1910
  1390. Harvard. Short Bibliography of Taxation for “Serious-minded Students”, Bullock, 1910
  1391. Harvard. Short Bibliography of Trade Unionism for “Serious-minded Students”, Ripley, 1910
  1392. Harvard. Short Bibliography of Social Insurance for “Serious-minded Students”, Foerster, 1910
  1393. Harvard. Short Bibliography of the Economics of Socialism for “Serious-minded Students”, Carver, 1910
  1394. Columbia. Personal Narrative of the Columbia Crisis. A.G. Hart, May 1968
  1395. Harvard. Short Bibliography of Strikes and Boycotts for “Serious-minded Students”, Ripley, 1910
  1396. Harvard. Short Bibliography on Socialism and Family/Christian Ethics for “Serious-minded Students”, McConnell, 1910
  1397. Harvard. Graduate econometrics, first semester. Houthakker and Vanek, 1962
  1398. Chicago. Harry Johnson opposes major appointment to be offered to Gary Becker, 1964
  1399. Chicago. West Side Story Number from an economics skit, ca. 1962
  1400. Harvard. Ludwig von Mises visits the economics department, 1940
  1401. Harvard. Report of the Cocktail Committee. Paul Sweezy, 1941
  1402. Columbia. Eveline M. Burns parts ways with the economics department. 1941-1942
  1403. Columbia. Early Industrial Organization. Career of Arthur Robert Burns, husband of Eveline M. Burns
  1404. Columbia. Topics and readings to prepare for oral exam in economic theory, 1961
  1405. Harvard. Final Examinations in Economics courses, 1892-1893.
  1406. Harvard. Application for Admission to Economics Ph.D. Program. Edward H. Chamberlin, 1922
  1407. Harvard. Economics Transcript for Edward Hastings Chamberlin, 1922-1927
  1408. Harvard. Economics Seminary and Public Lectures. Speakers and Topics, 1913-1914
  1409. Chicago. Lyrics to “The Law (of Diminishing Disciples)”. By Anonymous, 1960’s?
  1410. Chicago. Price Theory (B). Final Exam Questions. Friedman, December 1959
  1411. Chicago. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, Edwin Ferdinand Dummeier, 1926
  1412. Harvard. Economics Chair annual reports to Dean, 1932-1941
  1413. Harvard. Economics Chairman’s Report to the Dean. Harris, 1956
  1414. Radcliffe/Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumna Eleanor Martha Hadley, 1949
  1415. Harvard. Short Bibliography on Social Statistics for “Serious-minded Students”, Ripley, 1910
  1416. Chicago. Syllabus and Final Exam, International Monetary Economics. Metzler, 1971
  1417. Chicago. Economics Christmas Skit Material, 1969
  1418. Harvard. Semester exams for all economics and one social ethics course, 1893-1894
  1419. Johns Hopkins. Graduate Theory of International Trade Exam. Machlup and Harberger, 1951
  1420. Harvard. Graduate Exam Grade Distributions, 1971-72
  1421. Harvard. Economics Department Reports to the Dean, 1941-1946
  1422. Harvard. Meeting of the Visiting Committee with the Economics Department. January 1944
  1423. Princeton. History of Economic Thought. Reading List, General Exam. Baumol, 1987-1988
  1424. Harvard. General Examination in Economic Theory, Spring 1989
  1425. Harvard. Memo to Provost supporting Galbraith appointment. Black, 1947
  1426. Harvard. Economics Seminary. Speakers and Topics, 1914-1915
  1427. Harvard. Senior year political economy. Levi Hedge, 1825-30.
  1428. United Kingdom and other countries. Methods of Economic Training. Cunningham Committee Report, 1894
  1429. Harvard. The Soviet Economy, course outline and final exam. Herbert Levine, 1963
  1430. Harvard. Course Transcript of economics Ph.D. alumnus (1922), Jacob Viner
  1431. Radcliffe. Economics Ph.D. alumna, Rosemary Coward Griffith, 1961
  1432. Columbia. Language Requirements for PhD Report, 1951
  1433. Harvard. Mid-year and Year-End Final Exams in Economics and Social Ethics, 1894-1895
  1434. Harvard. Reading lists for Aggregate Economic Theory, Dorfman. 1962
  1435. Chicago. The Education of Zvi Griliches. Through Ph.D. 1957
  1436. Radcliffe/Oxford. An economics major who got away (to history of art). 1919
  1437. UK. Chicago newspaper article, Fawcett and His Wife, 1872
  1438. Chicago. First price theory course exams. Hanoch, 1964
  1439. “Political Economy and the Civil War” by Laughlin that provoked an Economist-Bashing editorial, 1885
  1440. Chicago. Exams for second graduate price theory course. Griliches, 1965
  1441. Harvard. Division Exams for A.B., General and Economics, 1920
  1442. M.I.T. Midterm and final exam questions for first half of international economics. Kindleberger, 1961-1967
  1443. Harvard. Economics and Social Ethics Semester Examinations, 1895-96
  1444. Harvard. Examinations for empirical economics, Guy Orcutt, 1950, 1951
  1445. Harvard. Junior Honors Reading Lists. Conrad and Henderson, 1958-1959
  1446. Johns Hopkins. Undergraduate economics examinations, 1921-1922
  1447. Harvard. Graduate core economic theory, Syllabus and Exams. Chamberlin, 1941-42.
  1448. Harvard. Haberler and Chamberlin fight over last-minute course changes, 1942-43
  1449. Columbia. Plans for Graduate Classes and Creation of a School for Civil Service Preparation. Burgess, 1880
  1450. Harvard. General Examination in Microeconomic Theory. Spring, 1993
  1451. Harvard. The Data Resources Inc. connection. Galbraith asks Eckstein, Feldstein, Jorgensen. 1972
  1452. Harvard. President of Harvard responding to Economics Dept Visiting Committee Report, 1952
  1453. Harvard. Economics of population growth. Syllabus and examination. Kuznets, 1963
  1454. Harvard. Mid-year and Year-End Final Exams in Economics and Social Ethics, 1896-1897
  1455. Harvard. Visiting Committee Reports. 1895, 1901, 1903, 1906, 1908, 1914
  1456. Harvard. Economics Department Committee Assignments, 1972-73
  1457. Harvard. Promotion for Harold H. Burbank, Job Offer for Allyn Young 1919
  1458. Yale. Evsey Domar’s Letter of Support for Promotion of Thomas Schelling to Full Professorship, 1957
  1459. Radcliffe, A.B. cum laude. African-American teacher of education. 1905
  1460. Chicago. The Journal of Progressive Hedonists Against Radical Thought (P.H.A.R.T.), Rodney Smith & Roger Vaughan, 1971
  1461. Radcliffe. Paul Sweezy’s blue eyes and a summary of economics courses taken by the Class of 1942.
  1462. Harvard. Economics Course Descriptions, Enrollments, and Exams. 1897-98
  1463. Chicago. Course outline, readings, examination for introduction to econometrics. Marschak, 1949
  1464. Chicago. Final exam for Economics 301, Price Theory. Telser, 1965
  1465. Columbia. Major wave of economics appointments. Stigler, Polanyi, Hart, Nurkse, Bergson. 1947
  1466. Harvard. Short Bibliography on Thrift Institutions for “Serious-minded Students”, Sprague, 1910
  1467. Chicago. Reading List for Industrial Organization. Stigler, 1959
  1468. Harvard. Twenty years of graduate economic history exams. Gay and Usher, 1930-1949
  1469. Harvard. Economics Course Examinations, 1898-99
  1470. Radcliffe. Economics Ph.D. alumna, later pioneer health economist Mary Lee Ingbar, 1953
  1471. Harvard. Student Class Debate on Impact of Protection on Wages. Taussig, 1889
  1472. Harvard. Economics Department Reports to the Dean, 1946-47 to 1949-50
  1473. Harvard. Final exam questions for statistics and insurance/speculation. Allyn Young, 1911
  1474. Columbia. Reform of the PhD dissertation printing requirement, 1936-1940
  1475. Chicago. Governmental Price Fixing Reading List. Friedman, 1972
  1476. John Hopkins. Proposals for First and Second Year Graduate Examinations. Musgrave, 1960
  1477. Johns Hopkins. Comprehensive Exams for Economics Ph.D. 1961
  1478. Harvard. Economics department professors plan review of junior staff. 1932
  1479. Harvard. Mid-year and Final Exams for Economics courses, 1899-1900
  1480. Chicago. Lyrics from “With a Little Bit of Luck”, ca. 1962
  1481. Harvard. Introduction to Quantitative Methods. Joint Economics and Graduate School of Public Administration. Bolton, 1964
  1482. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus. Paul McCracken, 1948
  1483. Harvard. Reading List and Final Exam for Games and Strategy. Schelling, 1963
  1484. Harvard. Examinations for graduate public finance. Otto Eckstein, 1961-1962
  1485. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, Jack Hirshleifer, 1950
  1486. M.I.T. Economics department committee (re-)organization. 1976-78
  1487. Harvard. Draft memo on “Basic Mathematics for Economics”. Rothschild, ca. 1970
  1488. Pennsylvania. Rejected proposal to the Committee on Research in Economic History. Kuznets, ca. 1941
  1489. Columbia. Economics M.A. alumna, Guggenheim Fellow. Katharine Snodgrass, 1918
  1490. Harvard. Economics semester final examinations, 1900-01.
  1491. Harvard. Reading list for Economics of Socialism. Bergson, 1977
  1492. M.I.T. Reading list for Problems in Russian Economic History. Domar, 1975
  1493. Harvard. Economics Graduate Degree Requirements, 1934-1935
  1494. Harvard. Economics degree requirements, A.B./A.M./Ph.D., 1921-1922
  1495. Harvard. Observations on the organization of academic life at Harvard. Ashley, 1897
  1496. Harvard. Graduate Public Finance. Syllabus and Exams. Berkeley professor George Break. 1964-1965
  1497. Harvard. Course Outline, Reading Assignments, Semester Exams. Principles of economics. Smithies, 1951-52
  1498. Harvard. President Lowell’s motivation for undergraduate divisional general exams. 1915
  1499. Harvard. Tutorial System and Divisional General Final Examinations, 1920
  1500. Chicago. The School of Chicago 1972 by Roger Vaughan (Ph.D. 1977). IDs by Gordon and McCloskey
  1501. Harvard. Political Economy tutor, Henry Howland (Heidelberg PhD). 1873-1874
  1502. Harvard. Principles of Economics. Description, Enrollment, Exam Questions. Andrew, Mixter, and Sprague. 1901-1902
  1503. Harvard. Economic Theory. Enrollment, Readings Exams. Carver, 1901-1902.
  1504. Harvard. Principles of Sociology. Enrollment, Readings, Exam Questions. Carver, 1901-1902
  1505. Harvard. Statistics. Course description and semester exams. Ripley, 1901-1902
  1506. Harvard. Economics Honors Exams, 2002-2016
  1507. Harvard. Railroads and regulation. Exams and enrollment. Ripley and Meyer, 1901-1902
  1508. Harvard. US Economic History. Readings and Exams. Sprague and Patten, 1901-1902
  1509. Harvard. Public Finance Exams. Charles Jesse Bullock visiting from Williams College, 1901-02
  1510. Harvard. Money, Banking, and International Payments. Exams. Andrew, Sprague, Meyer 1901-1902
  1511. Harvard. Exams for labor economics and industrial organization. Durand, 1902
  1512. Harvard. Fin de siècle look at the economics department. 1896
  1513. Dartmouth. 19th century instruction in History, Law, Politics, & Political Economy. Colby, 1796-1896.
  1514. Harvard. On Francis Bowen’s Professorial Settee. Eliot, 1898
  1515. Harvard. Undergraduate courses taken by John F. Kennedy, Class of 1940
  1516. Chicago. No French, no Economics Ph.D. Case of Robert Russ Kern, 1909
  1517. Radcliffe. Schumpeter Letter Supporting Marion Crawford, 1937
  1518. Harvard. Copy of Schumpeter’s letter to Crum regarding Samuelson’s course performance, 1936
  1519. Harvard. List of Ph.D. recipients in History and Political Science, 1873-1901
  1520. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus (1969) Paul Gregory. He actually knew Lee Harvey Oswald. 1963.
  1521. Chicago. Decennial Harvard Class Report of associate professor of political economy James A. Field, ABD, 1913.
  1522. Harvard. Economics Graduate School Records of James Alfred Field, ABD. 1903-1911.
  1523. Harvard. On the organization of the Division of History, Government, and Economics. Burbank, 1934
  1524. Harvard. Final exam for graduate economics course on methods. Carver, 1902
  1525. Harvard. Final exam questions for Socialism and Communism. Carver and Bushée, 1901-1902
  1526. Vermont. Yearbook account of economics lecture by Harvard PhD Charles W. Mixter, 1904
  1527. Harvard. Final exams for history of economics up through Ricardo. Mixter, 1901-1902
  1528. Princeton. Life and writings of economic sociologist Walter A. Wyckoff, 1895-1908
  1529. Harvard. Exam questions for European countries’ resources and economies. Ripley and Meyer, 1901-02
  1530. Harvard. Principles of Accounting. Exam questions. W. M. Cole, 1901-1902
  1531. Chicago. Ph.D. Thesis Committees in Monetary Economics. Patinkin’s Research, 1968
  1532. Harvard. Law and Economics. Syllabus and Exams. Wyman, 1901-1902
  1533. Johns Hopkins. Exams for the five sections of principles of economics, 1937-1938
  1534. Johns Hopkins. Semester exams for statistics. Robert G. Deupree, 1937-1938
  1535. Johns Hopkins. Final exams for undergraduate money and banking. Weyforth, 1937-1938
  1536. Johns Hopkins. Final examinations for Corporation Finance and Investments. Evans, 1937-1938
  1537. Johns Hopkins. Exam questions for undergraduate principles of accounting. Cooper, 1937-1938
  1538. Johns Hopkins. Exam questions for undergraduate economic history. Broadus Mitchell, 1937-1938
  1539. Johns Hopkins. Exam questions for mathematics of finance and applied statistics. Evans, 1937-1938
  1540. Johns Hopkins. Examination questions for undergraduate marketing. Roy J. Bullock, 1937-1938.
  1541. USA. Joseph Schumpeter’s Roadshow. 1st Quarter 1914
  1542. Harvard. Principles of Economics. Description, Enrollment, Exam Questions. Andrew, Mixter, and Sprague. 1902-1903
  1543. Harvard. Mediaeval economic history. Final exam. Gay, 1902-1903
  1544. Harvard. Economic History of Europe since 1500. Final Exam. Gay, 1902-1903
  1545. Harvard. Exams for Organisation and Resources European Economies. Ripley and Meyer, 1902-1903
  1546. Harvard. U.S. Economic History. Enrollment and Exams. Sprague, 1902-1903
  1547. Harvard. Short Bibliography of Economic History for “Serious-minded Students”, Gay, 1910
  1548. Emily Dickinson explains the 2nd Theorem of Welfare Economics. ChatGPT, 2023
  1549. Harvard. Problems of labor and industrial organization, Student Reports, Exams. Ripley, 1902-1903
  1550. Harvard. Reading list and final exam for Survey of Currency Regulation. Andrew, 1902-1903
  1551. Chicago. Economics Ph.D. requirement. Either linear algebra or foreign language reading comprehension, 1968
  1552. Harvard. Banking and its history. Enrollment and final exam. Sprague, 1902-1903
  1553. Chicago. Report of the Committee on Mathematical Statistics. Henry Schultz, 1938
  1554. Harvard. Railways and public utility regulation. Exam questions. Meyer, 1902-1903.
  1555. Chicago. Economics Ph.D. alumna. Linked publications list. Edith Abbott, 1905
  1556. John Hopkins. Economic Fluctuations and Fiscal Policy. Course outline, reading list, exams. Domar, 1956
  1557. Harvard. Enrollment and Exam for Statistics. Ripley, 1902-1903
  1558. Harvard. Ethics of the Social Questions. Course description, enrollment, final exam. Peabody, 1902-1903
  1559. Princeton. French Reading Proficiency Exam for Economics, 1949
  1560. NBER. An Ode to Arthur F. Burns, sung to the tune of “Silver Dollar”, George Shultz, 1970
  1561. Harvard. Exam for German Economic Thought. Gay, 1903
  1562. Harvard. Enrollment and exams on Adam Smith, Ricardo and followers. Mixter, 1902-1903.
  1563. Germany. University life seen through American eyes. Tupper, 1900-1901
  1564. Harvard. Final examination and enrollment for international trade and payments. Sprague, 1902-1903
  1565. Princeton. Money and Banking exams. Wallich, 1950
  1566. Harvard. Exam and enrollment for History and Theory of Commercial Crises. Andrew, 1902-1903
  1567. M.I.T. History of Public Finance Bibliography. Dewey, 1936
  1568. Princeton. The Frank D. Graham Memorial Lecturers. 1950-2023
  1569. France. Public finance exam question. Leroy-Beaulieu, 1878
  1570. Harvard. Enrollment and Demand for Theory and Methods of Taxation. Durand, 1902-1903
  1571. M.I.T. Writings and addresses of Francis A. Walker, 1857-1897
  1572. Columbia. Economics instructor not rehired. Academic freedom vs. academic license. Henderson, 1933
  1573. United States. Links to the 19 volumes of the Industrial Commission Reports, 1900-1902
  1574. Harvard. Reading Lists for Second Semester Graduate Economic Theory. Arrow, Bewley, Oniki, 1972
  1575. Berkeley. Expansion of economics course offerings announcement. Course offerings 1904-1905.
  1576. Harvard. Principles of Accounting. Course description, enrollment, and final exam. W.M. Cole, 1902-1903
  1577. Harvard. Principles of Law for Economics. Course description, enrollment, final exams. Wyman, 1902-1903
  1578. Yale. Economics Ph.D. Alumna, 2nd wife of Richard T. Ely, Margaret Hahn Ely
  1579. Harvard. Exam questions for Principles of Economics. Taussig and Andrew, 1903-1904
  1580. Harvard. Examination Questions in Economic Theory. Taussig and Carver, 1903-1904
  1581. Harvard. Examinations for Principles of Sociology. Carver, 1903-1904
  1582. Harvard. Midyear examination in statistics. Ripley, 1903-1904
  1583. Harvard. Report assignment and exams for economics of transportation. Ripley, 1903-1904
  1584. Harvard. Class of 1894 reports of Oliver Mitchell Wentworth Sprague, 1895, 1897, 1902, 1904, 1909, 1914, 1919
  1585. M.I.T. Robert Bishop memo on importance of Woodrow Wilson funding for grad students, 1961
  1586. Harvard. Exam questions for theory and methods of taxation. Taussig, 1903-1904
  1587. Chicago. Suggestions to make University of Chicago professorships more attractive. Leland, 1945
  1588. M.I.T. Charles Kindleberger’s Ruminations on Professional Education, 1966
  1589. Harvard. Semester exams for money and banking. Andrew and Sprague, 1903-1904
  1590. Cornell. True Tale of the Dr. Vosberg Hoax, 3 Dec 1921
  1591. Harvard. A. Piatt Andrew at his home “Red Roof”. Gloucester, MA. 1910
  1592. Harvard. Semester Examinations in US Economic History. Sprague, 1903-1904
  1593. Harvard. Statute establishing the award of the Ph.D. degree, 1872
  1594. Harvard. Problems of Labor. Assignment of Reports and Final Exam. Ripley, 1903-1904
  1595. Harvard. Economics of Corporations. Case assignment and final exam. Ripley, 1903-1904
  1596. Harvard. Exams for the Modern Economic History of Europe. Gay, 1903-1904
  1597. Columbia. Alvin S. Johnson’s impressions of Dean John W. Burgess, October 1898 
  1598. Columbia. Alvin S. Johnson’s impressions of Franklin H. Giddings, 1898-1902
  1599. Columbia. Alvin S. Johnson’s impressions of Edwin R.A. Seligman, 1898-1902.
  1600. Columbia. Munroe Smith’s history of the faculty of political science as told by A.S. Johnson, 1952.
  1601. Harvard. Enrollment and final exam for international trade and payments. Sprague, 1903-1904
  1602. Harvard. Final exam questions for economic methods course. Carver, 1903-04
  1603. New York City Schools. Essay on Economics and the High School Teacher of Economics. Tildsley, 1919
  1604. Harvard. Enrollment and final exam for history of 19th century economics. Bullock, 1903-1904
  1605. Harvard. Enrollment and final exam for U.S. Financial History. Bullock, 1903-1904
  1606. Chicago. Alvin Johnson remembers Robert Hoxie and his relationship to Veblen, 1906-16
  1607. Harvard. Final exam for Principles of Accounting. Cole, 1903-1904
  1608. Johns Hopkins. International Economics Exams. Balassa, 1968-69.
  1609. Kansas. Birth of seminary of historical and political science. Blackmar, 1889
  1610. Kansas. Seminary meeting on “Status of Woman”. Blackmar, 1892
  1611. Harvard. Enrollment and semester exams in law and economics. Wyman, 1903-1904
  1612. Harvard. Enrollment and final exam for economics of agriculture. Carver, 1903-1904
  1613. Harvard. Enrollment and exam questions for agrarian history. Gay, 1903-04
  1614. Harvard. Enrollment and exams for Outlines of Economics. Taussig et al., 1904-1905
  1615. Chicago. Final exam for Price Theory (B). Friedman. Winter quarter 1964
  1616. Harvard. Course readings, final exams, and enrollment for Principles of Sociology. Carver and Field, 1904-1905
  1617. Germany. Harvard Man’s Impressions of Berlin University. Gannett, 1914
  1618. Harvard. Recitation section work described. Day, 1914
  1619. Michigan. Account of lecture on economic and sociological theory. Boulding, 1961
  1620. Harvard. Enrollment, course description, final examinations. Statistics. Ripley, 1904-1905
  1621. Harvard. Course enrollment, description, and final exam. Economics of Transportation. Ripley and Daggett, 1904-1905
  1622. Harvard. Course enrollment, description and final exams. U.S. economic history. Sprague, 1904-1905
  1623. Harvard. Course enrollment, description, final exam. Public finance. Bullock, 1904-05
  1624. Harvard. Course enrollment, description, and final exam for theory and methods of taxation. Bullock, 1904-1905
  1625. Williams College. Political Economy and Law 1794-1894. Bullock, 1904
  1626. Harvard. Course enrollment, description, and final exam for currency legislation, experience, and theory. Andrew, 1904-1905
  1627. Harvard. Historical and comparative look at banking systems. Enrollment, course description, final exam. Sprague, 1904-1905
  1628. Columbia. Trustee behind the establishment of the School of Political Science. Ruggles, 1880
  1629. Harvard. Enrollment, Course description, Final exam. Problems of Labor. Ripley and Custis, 1904-1905
  1630. Harvard. Enrollment, Course description, Final exam. Economics of Corporations. Ripley and Custis, 1904-1905
  1631. William and Mary. Claim to being the first U.S. college to have political economy in its curriculum. Textbook Tracy, 1817
  1632. Harvard. Mediaeval and Modern Economic History of Europe. Enrollments, descriptions, exam. Gay, 1904-1905
  1633. Harvard. Enrollment, course description, and final exam for international trade and payments. Sprague, 1904-1905
  1634. Michigan. On the early years of the School of Political Science, 1881-1887
  1635. Harvard. Second year economic theory. Readings and exams. Leontief, 1960-1961
  1636. South Carolina and Columbia College. Political Economy Exams. Francis Lieber, 1855, 1863
  1637. South Carolina and Columbia. Two inaugural lectures by Francis Lieber, 1835 and 1858
  1638. Harvard. Course enrollment, description, final exam. Economic Research Methods. Carver, 1904-1905
  1639. France. The Avignon-editions of L’ami des hommes. Mirabeau and Quesnay, 1761-64
  1640. Columbia. On Rev. John McVickar’s political economy. Herbert B. Adams, 1887
  1641. Harvard. Enrollment, description, final exam. Distribution of Wealth. Carver, 1904-1905
  1642. Harvard. Methods of Social Reform. Enrollment, description, linked reading list, final exam. Carver, 1904-1905
  1643. Chicago. First quarter of price theory. Midterm and final exams. Harberger, 1957
  1644. Johns Hopkins. General Written Exam for Economics PhD. 1956
  1645. Harvard. Syllabus, readings, exams for agricultural economics. Galbraith, 1938-39
  1646. Chicago. First quarter price theory exams. Rees, 1960
  1647. NBER. Oral History Interviews with 8 researchers. Goldin, 2001-2003
  1648. Queens College, NYC. Memo on Responses of Graduates about Department. Lipsey, 1974
  1649. Queens College. Reading assignments and exams for macroeconomics. Lerner 1973-1975
  1650. Harvard. Junior Year Seminar/Tutorial Reading Assignments. Caves, 1964-1965
  1651. Harvard. Course description and outline. Economic Theory. Daniere, 1963-1964.
  1652. Harvard. Ph.D. candidates examination fields. King, Bushee, Seaman. 1901-1902.
  1653. Harvard. Economics Graduate School Records of Jacob Viner. 1914-1922
  1654. Freedom School. Summer Prospectus. Robert LeFevre, 1962
  1655. Harvard. Exams for the history of economics through Adam Smith. Bullock, 1904-1905
  1656. Harvard. Course description, enrollment, exam questions for history of public finance. Bullock, 1904-1905
  1657. Columbia. Structure of the Soviet Economy, Reading assignments. Bergson, 1954-1955
  1658. Chicago. Economics skit based on Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. Friedland, Niskanen, Oi. Ca. 1960-61
  1659. Harvard. Accounting principles. Enrollment and final exam. Cole, 1904-1905
  1660. Harvard. Principles of industrial relations and commercial law, Exams. Wyman, 1904-1905
  1661. Harvard and Columbia. President of Harvard headhunting conversation regarding economists. Mitchell and Mills, 1936
  1662. Harvard. Class of 1890 reports for W.E.B. Du Bois, 1897-1920
  1663. Harvard. Application for Ph.D. candidacy. W.E.B. Du Bois, 1895
  1664. Johns Hopkins. Exam for Welfare Economics. Lerner, 1958
  1665. Johns Hopkins. Semester Exams for Monetary Economics. Musgrave, 1959-1960
  1666. Harvard. Course description and exam for Ethics of the Social Questions. Peabody, 1904-05
  1667. M.I.T. Economics in the Rear-view Mirror’s collection for Robert Solow at work and play, December 2023
  1668. Before he was Frank Samuelson, father of Paul, he was Ephraim Chodorowski from Ratzki-Russia (now Poland)
  1669. Queen’s University at Kingston. Comprehensive Economic Theory Exam in Economic Theory, 1974
  1670. Harvard. Division Exams for A.B., General and Economics, 1921
  1671. Government Statistics. Centenary History of the U.S. Survey of Current Business. Reamer, 2020
  1672. Harvard. Account of his government service during WWI. Gay, 1920
  1673. Germany. Wolfgang Stolper’s Seminarschein for a public finance seminar. Schumpeter, 1932
  1674. Harvard. Undergraduate International Economics. Book list and final exam. Caves, 1963-1964
  1675. Columbia. Fairy tale by economics PhD alumnus (1953), Thomas Mayer
  1676. Harvard. Principles of Economics Exam. Taussig et al., 1905-1906
  1677. Harvard. Graduate student teaching assistant, A.M. but no Ph.D. Frank Richardson Mason, 1906
  1678. Harvard. Final exam questions for principles of sociology. Carver, 1905-1906
  1679. Harvard. Final examination for transportation economics. Ripley, 1905-1906
  1680. Harvard. Reading list and final exam for U.S. economic and financial history. Taussig and Gay, 1905-1906
  1681. Harvard. Application for PhD candidacy. James Waterhouse Angell, 1921
  1682. Chicago. Program of Political Economy. Thick course descriptions. 1904-1905
  1683. Harvard. Exam for undergraduate public finance. Bullock, 1905-1906
  1684. Harvard. Exams for Money and Banking. Andrew, 1905-1906
  1685. Wisconsin. Programmes of Political Economy, Political Science, and History. 1904-1905.
  1686. Harvard. Report assignments and final exam for Problems of Labor. Ripley et al., 1905-1906
  1687. Harvard. Exam questions for Medieval and Modern Economic History of Europe. Gay, 1905-1906
  1688. Harvard. Application for PhD candidacy. Arthur Eli Monroe, 1915
  1689. Harvard. Final exam for distribution theory. Carver, 1905-1906
  1690. Johns Hopkins. Ten-Year Projects and Outlook for Department. 1968-1978
  1691. Harvard. Report guidelines and exam for commercial crises and trade cycles. Andrew, 1905-1906
  1692. Harvard. Exam questions for Social Reform, Socialism, Communism. Carver, 1905-1906
  1693. Harvard. Exams for Principles of Accounting. W.M. Cole, 1905-06
  1694. Harvard. Exams for the advanced course in public finance. Bullock 1905-06
  1695. Useful links. The Monographs on Education in the U.S. edited by Nicholas Murray Butler for the St. Louis World Fair. 1904
  1696. Harvard. Commercial Law and Industrial Relations Law for Economists. Wyman, 1905-1906
  1697. Chicago. Assigned Readings for Price and Income Instability. T. W. Schultz, 1956
  1698. Harvard. Short Bibliography of Social Ethics for “Serious-minded Students”, Peabody, 1910
  1699. Harvard. Application for PhD candidacy. Frank D. Graham, 1917
  1700. Chicago. Notes on conversation with U Chicago president Colwell by T.W. Schultz, 1946
  1701. Harvard. Exam questions for agricultural economics. Carver, 1905-1906
  1702. Harvard. Some biographical backstory for Evsey Domar up through 1943
  1703. Harvard. Syllabus and partial reading list for graduate time-series econometrics. Sims, 1968-1969
  1704. Harvard. Reading list for economics of education and technology. Bowles, 1967-68
  1705. Yale. Meet an assistant professor of economics. Montias, 1960
  1706. Chicago. Meet PhD alumnus Charles E. Lindblom, 1945
  1707. Harvard. Enrollments, staffing, exams for principles of economics. Taussig, Bullock, Andrew. 1906-1907
  1708. Harvard. Enrollment and exam questions for principles of sociology. J.A. Field, 1906-1907
  1709. John Hopkins. Final exam for graduate macroeconomic theory. Aschheim, Christ, Mills. 1962
  1710. Harvard. Report assignment and final exam for transportation economics. Ripley, Daggett and McLaren, 1906-1907
  1711. Harvard. Reading list and Exam for U.S. Economic History. Gay, 1906-1907
  1712. Harvard. Exam for European economic history (19th century). Gay, 1906-1907
  1713. Harvard. Exams for Money and Banking. Andrew, 1906-1907
  1714. Harvard. Enrollment and Final Exam, Labor Problems. Ripley, 1906-1907
  1715. Harvard. Economics of Corporations. Report assignments and final exam. Ripley, 1906-1907
  1716. M.I.T. Department of Economics Annual Report by E. Cary Brown, 1975-1976
  1717. Freedom School. First Newsletter, January 1964
  1718. Harvard. Seminar Bibliography on Economic Development. Mason and Galbraith, 1960-61
  1719. Chicago. Program of advanced instruction and research training in economics. 1956-57.
  1720. Chicago. Economic Development as a special field. Harberger, D. Gale Johnson, Hoselitz. ca. mid-1950s
  1721. Harvard. Modern European Economic History. Gay, 1906-1907
  1722. NBC Meet the Press. Full transcript of inflation interview with Friedrich Hayek. June 22, 1975
  1723. Harvard. Application for PhD candidacy. Edward S. Mason, 1923
  1724. Harvard. Economic Development, Theory and Problems. Hainsworth, Bell and Papanek, 1960-1961
  1725. Harvard. Theory of income distribution. Frank A. Fetter, 1906-1907
  1726. Harvard. Final exam for Methods of Social Reform. Socialism etc. Fetter, 1906-1907
  1727. Columbia. Course outline and readings for foreign banking systems. Beckhart, 1939-1940
  1728. Harvard. Semester exams for history of economics. Bullock, 1906-07
  1729. Columbia. 50th anniversary dinner of the Faculty of Political Science, 1930
  1730. Columbia. Excerpt from Dean’s Report dealing with faculty of political science. 1930-1931
  1731. Wisconsin. Economics PhD alumnus, John Giffin Thompson, 1907
  1732. Harvard. Public finance and taxation. Enrollments and final exams. Bullock, 1906-1907
  1733. Harvard. Enrollment and final exam for railroad practice. Daggett, 1906-1907
  1734. Dartmouth A.M. John Gilbert Thompson. Long-lag for interest rate effect, 1929
  1735. UCLA. First woman economics Ph.D. Gene Bunning Tipton, 1953
  1736. Harvard. Principles of accounting, final examinations. Cole, 1906-07
  1737. Berkeley. UC President, former economics professor, Clark Kerr dismissed in 1971.
  1738. Columbia. Economics Ph.D. Alumna, Margaret Good Myers (Beckhart), 1931
  1739. Harvard. Paper topics, exam questions for Industrial Relations and Commercial Law. Wyman, 1906-1907
  1740. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, Daniel Houston Buchanan. 1931
  1741. Columbia and Barnard. Essay on Economics in the College Course. Henry R. Mussey, 1910
  1742. Wellesley. Economics education of Virginia Foster Durr, ca. 1922
  1743. Columbia. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus, Henry Raymond Mussey. 1905
  1744. Columbia. Economics PhD alumnus, Leonard Stott Blakey, 1912
  1745. Harvard. Exam for 19th century French and German Economics, Gay, 1906-07
  1746. Leipzig, Germany. Professor Karl Bücher, 1847-1930.
  1747. Berlin. Germania docet. Adolph Wagner, 1896
  1748. Harvard. Readings and final exam for social ethics. Peabody, 1906-07
  1749. Johns Hopkins. Final Exams for “Econometrics”. Christ and Harberger, 1951-1952
  1750. Harvard. Exams for Introductory and Advanced Political Economy. Dunbar, 1877-1878
  1751. Harvard. Exams for Introductory and Advanced Political Economy. Dunbar and Laughlin, 1878-1879
  1752. Johns Hopkins. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus, later University of Chicago professor. Marc Nerlove, 1933-2024
  1753. Harvard. Enrollment and semester examinations for principles of economics. Taussig, Bullock and Andrew. 1907-1908
  1754. Minnesota. Economics Ph.D. Alumna. Mildred L. Hartsough, 1924
  1755. Harvard. Exam questions for principles of sociology. Carver, 1907-1908
  1756. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, Melvin Gardner de Chazeau. 1930
  1757. Roosevelt College. Abba Lerner’s draft letter to Karl Popper. 1951
  1758. Chicago. Economics Ph.D. Alumna Emily Clark Brown, 1927
  1759. Harvard. Linked References to 1st ed of Principles of Economics. Taussig, 1911
  1760. Harvard. Final examination for Ethics of the Social Questions. Peabody, 1905-1906
  1761. U.S. Economics Graduate Programs Ranked, 1957, 1964 and 1969
  1762. Stanford. Kenneth Arrow’s mini-cv at age thirty. 1951
  1763. Amherst. Economics course offerings. Crook, 1901-1902.
  1764. Amherst. 100 years of economics, 1832-1932
  1765. Chicago. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, George Rogers Taylor. 1929
  1766. Harvard. Mid-year exam for Statistics. Ripley, 1907-1908
  1767. Harvard. Department recommends promotion of James Duesenberry to associate professor with tenure, 1952
  1768. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. Alumnus William Edmund Clark, 1974
  1769. M.I.T. Graduate Program in Economics Brochure, 1974-1975
  1770. Yale. The State of Economics at Yale. Reynolds, 1951
  1771. M.I.T. Economics Department’s Chair exposition of his department’s philosophy and methods. Freeman, 1952
  1772. Harvard. Enrollment and final exam for economics of transportation. Ripley and Daggett, 1907-1908
  1773. Harvard. Exam for 19th century European Industry and Commerce. Gay, 1907-1908
  1774. Antioch College. Syllabus for principles of economics. Watts, 1935-1936
  1775. Yale. Graduate economics graduate degree requirements and curriculum brochure. 1950
  1776. New York City. Centennial Celebration for Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations. 1876
  1777. Harvard. American Economic and Financial History. Gay, 1907-08.
  1778. Harvard. Enrollment and final exam for money and banking. Andrew, 1907-1908
  1779. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, Seymour Edwin Harris. 1926
  1780. Cowles Commission. Arrow declines offer for joint appointment of research director and professor of economics. 1953
  1781. Harvard. Seminar readings for the economics of technological change. Anne P. Carter, 1967
  1782. Harvard. Suggested paper topics and references for money and banking. Williams and Harris, 1938-1939
  1783. Harvard. Exams and assigned reading for money, banking, commercial crises. Williams and Harris, 1938-1939
  1784. M.I.T. State of the Economics Department and Other Social Sciences. 1960-1961
  1785. Harvard. Exam for Problems of Labor. Ripley with Lauren Carroll assisting, 1907-08
  1786. Harvard. Final exam and enrollment. Economics of Corporations. Ripley and Daggett, 1907-1908
  1787. Johns Hopkins. Final exam for monetary economics. Poole, 1968
  1788. Harvard. Final exams for Modern Economic History of Europe. Gay, 1907-1908
  1789. Harvard. Semester Exams for Methods of Economic Investigation. Carver, 1907-1908
  1790. Columbia. Excerpt from Contemporary Civilization Syllabus. Economic History, 1921
  1791. Columbia. Excerpt from Contemporary Civilization Syllabus. Industrial Problems, 1921
  1792. Yale. On different approaches to teaching college economics. Ruggles, 1964
  1793. Harvard. Exam for Distribution of Wealth. Carver, 1907-1908
  1794. Minnesota. Address on Public Policy and the American Economy. Heller, 1986
  1795. Harvard. A Plea for Research Support for the Economics Department. Bullock, 1915
  1796. LSE. Courses in Banking and Currency. Descriptions and Readings. Gregory and Tappan, 1924-25
  1797. Harvard. Economics PhD Alumnus Howard Sylvester Ellis, 1929
  1798. Columbia. Wesley Clair Mitchell Reflects on his Personal Research Style. 1928
  1799. How Black-Lives Mattered to Wesley Clair Mitchell’s Immediate Ancestors. Mid 19th Century
  1800. Harvard. Exam questions for Social Reform, Socialism, Communism. Carver, 1907-1908
  1801. Johns Hopkins. Essay on Political Economy in America. Ely, 1887
  1802. Harvard. Public finance and taxation exams. Bullock, 1907-1908
  1803. Harvard. Railroad economics. Daggett, 1907-1908
  1804. Harvard. History of Economics through 1848. Bullock, 1905-1906
  1805. Harvard (A.M. Alum). Extension course of six lectures on distribution. William M. Cole, 1896
  1806. Yale. Appointment to Council of Economic Advisers. Merton J. Peck, 1968
  1807. Harvard. Exams for history of economics to 1848. Bullock, 1907-1908
  1808. Radcliffe/Harvard. Ph.D. economic history alumna Esther Clark Wright, 1931
  1809. Harvard. Introduction to Econometrics, Syllabus and Final Exam. Sims, 1967-68
  1810. Harvard. Renewal of Faculty Instructorship. Case of Paul Sweezy, 1940
  1811. Cambridge. Economics Tripos Examination Questions, 1923
  1812. UCLA. Monetary Economics, PhD qualifying exam. 1971
  1813. Princeton. Mathematics for Economics Grad Students Exam. 1960
  1814. Princeton. General PhD Exams in Industrial Organisation, 1975-1979
  1815. Harvard. Course Outline and Reading List for Quantitative Research on the Behavior of the Firm. John R. Meyer, 1955-56
  1816. Harvard. Exams for principles of accounting. W. M. Cole, 1907-1908
  1817. Northwestern. Reading list for advanced price theory. Mortensen, 1966
  1818. Harvard. Graduate Economic Theory Exam. April 1961
  1819. Harvard. Graduate Economic Theory Exam. November 1962
  1820. Harvard. Graduate Economic Theory Exam. April 1963
  1821. UCLA. Price theory. Course outline and reading list. Hirshleifer, 1972
  1822. UCLA. Macroeconomics PhD qualifying examination. Spring 1982
  1823. Harvard. Academic record of Vervon Orval Watts, Ph.D. 1932
  1824. Harvard. Exams for law of industrial relations and commerce. Wyman, 1907-1908
  1825. Harvard. Department of Economics Newsletter. Dunlop, Sept 1964
  1826. Harvard. University Overseer objects to hiring Alvin Hansen. 1937
  1827. Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus Harry Edward Miller, 1923
  1828. Princeton. History of Economic Thought General Exams for Ph.D. 1981, 1986
  1829. Harvard. Economics PhD alumnus, Douglass Vincent Brown, 1932
  1830. Harvard. Description, enrollment and exam for Social Ethics. Peabody, 1907-1908
  1831. Princeton. General Exams on Theory for Economics PhD Theory. 1953 through 1972
  1832. Harvard. Final exam for Adam Smith and Ricardo course. Bullock, 1907-1908
  1833. Cornell. Frank Knight’s Cornell Coursework, 1913-1917
  1834. Harvard. Graduate Records of Economics PhD Alumnus, Lauchlin Currie, 1931
  1835. Harvard. Graduate records of Economics PhD, Gardiner Coit Means. 1933
  1836. Germany. The experience of Business Schools in Munich, Berlin, Leipzig and Cologne. Moritz Bonn, 1915
  1837. Harvard. Graduate records of economics PhD alumnus, Abraham George Silverman, 1930
  1838. Harvard. Enrollment and semester examinations for principles of economics. Taussig, 1908-1909
  1839. Harvard. Enrollment and exams for Principles of Sociology. Carver, 1908-1909
  1840. Harvard. Enrollment and semester exams for Statistics. Ripley, 1908-1909
  1841. Harvard. Application for PhD candidacy. John H. Williams, PhD 1919
  1842. Harvard. Application for PhD candidacy. Arthur Smithies, PhD 1935
  1843. Harvard. Enrollment and exam for Economics of Transportation. Ripley, 1908-1909
  1844. Northwestern. Reading List and Exams for International Trade and Finance. Harwitz, 1962
  1845. Harvard. European and U.S. Economic History. Reading Lists and Exams. Gay, 1908-09
  1846. Harvard. Economics Graduate Record of Paul Samuelson. PhD 1941

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