Chicago Economists

Chicago. Memorandum on a Fiscal Stimulus, 1932

Today’s post is a jewel of fiscal policy thought in a memorandum from the University of Chicago written in 1932 at the trough of the Great Depression in the United States. Looking at the signers of the memorandum that argues for aggressive fiscal stimulus (economists covering the ideological spectrum from Aaron Director through Paul Douglas), one is reminded of Ben Bernanke’s bon mot from the last big financial crisis: “There are no atheists in foxholes or ideologues in a financial crisis”.

Note: Bernanke’s crack appears to be a minor variation on Jeffrey Frankel’s twist.


After WWI, veterans lobbied for “adjusted compensation” to partially make up the difference between their combat pay and the significantly higher wages that had been paid to workers at home during the War. Veterans preferred the term “adjusted compensation” to the term “bonus” (the latter term being construed as implying something that goes beyond full and fair compensation). In 1924 veterans were finally granted “adjusted universal compensation” in the form of certificates that credited $1.25 for each day served abroad plus $1.00 for those days served in the U.S. These certificates were essentially 20-year insurance policies equal to 125% of the service credit to be redeemed in full on the veteran’s birthday in 1945. (Exceptions for immediate cash payments were granted for amounts less than $50 and in order to settle estates of deceased veterans for payments of less than $500). More details can be found at this link

In 1932 the question arose whether an early payout of these certificates would be a prudent and effective fiscal stimulus and Congressman Samuel Barrett Pettengill (Democrat) of Indiana sent the questionnaire that follows to academic economists across the country to solicit their advice in the matter.

A month later protesting “Bonus Marchers” (ca 20,000 veterans) set up camps in Washington, D.C. that they were evicted from by regular troops of the U.S. Army let by General Douglas MacArthur. It wasn’t until 1936 that the WWI veterans were paid their adjusted compensation.

Responses to Congressman Pettengill’s inquiry were published in the Hearings of the House Committee on Ways and Means for:

Edwin Walter Kemmerer,  Princeton University
Frank Whitson Fetter, Assistant Professor of Economics, Princeton University
Thomas Nixon Carver, Professor of Economics, Harvard University
S. J. Coon, Dean of the College of Business Administration, University of Washington
Harry E. Miller, Professor of Economics, Brown University
C. W. Hasek, Head of the Department of Economics and Sociology, Pennsylvania State College
Walter W. McLaren, Department of Economics, Williams College
Harry L. Severson, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Sociology, Indiana University
Hiram L. Jome, Professor of Economics, DePauw University
Warren B. Catlin, Department of Economics and Sociology, Boudoin College
E. E. Agger, Professor of Economics and head of the Department of Economics, Rutgers University
Edwin R. A. Seligman, Columbia University
H. A. Millis et al., Department of Political Economy, University of Chicago
Jacob H. Hollander, Johns Hopkins University
William C. Schleter, University of Pennsylvania
Albert Bushnell Hart, Harvard University (historian)

 Today’s post begins with the cover statement of the memorandum found with the copy in the Papers of the President of the University of Chicago, Robert Maynard Hutchins, Box 72.  It is followed by Congressman Pettengill’s list of questions, as well as the Chicago memorandum submitted by H. A. Millis and eleven of his University of Chicago colleagues.

A cursory sweep of the web discovered that this Chicago memorandum has been reprinted as Appendix B in J. Ronnie Davis’s 1967 Virginia Ph.D. dissertation, “Pre-Keynesian economic policy proposals in the United States during the Great Depression.” A scanned version of the Congressional Hearings in which the Chicago memorandum was published can be found at I have compared the published version from the House Ways and Means Committee Hearings with the typed copy filed with the papers of President Hutchins at the University of Chicago Archives. Other than minor differences in spelling (e.g. the capitalized form “Federal” is used in the published version), the memorandum was published by the House Ways and Means Committee exactly as received.




Two members of the staff of the Department of economics, at the University of Chicago, received letters from a member of the House Committee on Military Affairs, requesting answers to certain questions. Inasmuch as the views of a large number of economists were desired, the letter was circulated among and read by twelve men of the Chicago faculty; and steps were taken to prepare a memorandum covering the points raised….The memorandum, with the names of the twelve professors participating in its formulation, is reproduced in its entirety. Because of the character of the issues raised, it seemed better to prepare the memorandum in the form it has taken than to answer the specific questions, the one after the other.

Source: University of Chicago Archives. Hutchins Box 72. Folder 6 “Economics Department, 1932-1933”.




Mr. Pettengill. Mr. Chairman, I am not on the calendar this morning and therefore in justice to those who are here I have asked for only one minute.

Some time ago, before I knew when the Ways and Means Committee was to have hearings on this matter, on my own initiative I sent a questionnaire to 50 of the leading economists of the country on the Patman and the Thomas bills; also with reference to the benefit of “reflation” and the danger of inflation.

I have a very interesting file here, including letters from Mr. Kemmerer and Mr. King who have appeared before the committee.

In order to shorten the record as much as possible, I have briefed the replies somewhat. The entire letters, of course, are available.


Mr. Pettengill. Mr. Chairman, as I have stated, I endeavored to get the benefit of the best and most disinterested economic thought of the country with reference to the advisability of either borrowing money or printing money with which to liquidate the adjusted service certificates. In the main, I sent my letters to the economics department of our leading colleges and universities. In order to make their replies more intelligible to you, as many of them answered numbered questions in my letter, I attach, first, my original letter.

(The letter referred to is as follows:)

Dear Sir: I am writing you and other leading economists in the country with reference to the problem confronting Congress with regard to the proposed payment of the soldiers’ bonus. I trust that I will be able to secure a symposium of opinion by authorities such as yourself which will be of real value to Congress.

As you know, at the end of this fiscal year we will have an accumulated deficit of some $3,000,000,000. It is, I think, the largest peace-time deficit of any country in the world. It is rapidly getting larger. We are going into the red now $7,000,000 a day. United States obligations have recently sold below 85.

On the other hand, commodity, wage, land, and security prices are slowly drifting to levels so disastrous that they threaten the most widespread repudiation of debts and tax defaults, which may wipe out, along with the debtors, classes holding the obligations of individuals, corporations, States, and municipalities now totaling some one hundred fifty to two hundred billion dollars, which is about one-half the Nation’s wealth. For example, the conservative Washington Post, April 11, said:

“The dollar increases in value every day … unless this vicious movement is checked it will result in panic. The extension of credit will not be sufficient. Heroic emergency measures that will arrest the fall of prices seem to be in order. … This economic malady has reached a point where it can not be expected to cure itself without leaving horrible scars. … Some powerful agency must be thrown into the breach to restore the value of goods and services against this exaggerated value of money. … Emergencies of this kind call for drastic action. … It is time for the leaders in Government and financial circles to focus their minds upon realignment of values. The people would not countenance the manufacture of fiat money to make prices rise, But some method of currency expansion on a sound gold basis may be necessary.”

            The question is the advisability of paying the so-called soldiers’ bonus as an antideflationary, inflationary, “reflationary” or stabilizing measure. The name, of course, is not important.

A number of different bills have been proposed. H. R. 1, introduced by Mr. Patman, of Texas, calls for borrowing the $2,400,000,000 necessary to make payment.

  1. Do you think we can, or should, borrow this?

Sentiment here, however, is crystallizing around (for or against) Mr. Patman’s substitute, H. R. 7726; I inclose copy.
This bill simply proposes to print money to pay the debt. Is this sound, advisable, or defensible, in view of the existing emergency? And in the light of present gold reserves?

 It has been suggested that it could be strengthened as follows:
Call in the outstanding adjusted-service certificates now redeemable in 1945. Collateralize them together with 40 per cent gold which is said to be now available over and above the amount necessary for circulation now outstanding. Issue currency against this hypothecation and pay the veterans off. Then set up a sinking fund to retire the currency (together with the certificates) in whole or in part in 1945, or gradually before that time.

With reference to “excess reserves” see Federal Reserve Bulletin, March, 1932, page 143: “On the basis of these excess reserves, the Federal reserve banks could issue $3,500,000,000 of credit if the demand were for currency and $4,000,000,000 if it were for deposits at the reserve banks.”

  1. What credit do you give this statement as a basis for the proposed bonus payment?

There are, of course, all sorts of social and political features around this problem, but I direct your attention to its economic and fiscal aspects. It is a problem of the most tremendous consequences and Members here who are patriotically trying to do their best to cut the present vicious circle for the good of the entire country (not the veterans alone) need, and will appreciate, the advice of men like yourself, whose life study makes your judgment so valuable.

  1. Is the suggested alternative sound?
  1. Does it in reality add any element of safety to H. R. 7726, the outright issue of nonretirable currency?
  1. Can it be improved? If so, how?
  1. It is said the Europe holds $2,000,000,000 of deposits in this country. With their experience with “printing-press” money, would they become frightened for the solvency of the dollar, and cause disastrous liquidation and withdrawals here in America? Could such liquidation of foreign-held obligations be stopped unless we “went off gold,” or had available the precautionary device of authorizing the Treasury to change the amount of gold in our dollar along the lines advocated by Irving Fisher? If foreign exchange began to go against us, would it help Europe pay us her public and private debts, as an offset against our investment and deposit obligations held by Europeans?
  1. Would the introduction of $2,400,000,000 new currency into the pockets of the people necessarily result in the rise of commodity and other levels thus causing merchants to place orders for the products of farm and factory, thus starting production and accelerating employment?
  1. The Glass-Steagall bill, as you know, for the period of one year, authorized placing 60 per cent Government bonds plus 40 per cent gold behind Federal reserve money. This, of course, as I understand it, is 60 per cent “greenbackism,” placing one promise to pay (Government bond) behind another promise to pay (currency) to the extent of 60 per cent. Assuming that the adjusted-service certificates are also promises to pay, can the Glass-Steagall bill and the suggested method of handling the payment of the bonus be distinguished, from the standpoint of soundness?

The Glass-Steagall bill, as it appears to me, does not seem to have stopped the deflationary trend, for the reason that its potential currency expansion is based upon borrowing, and banks and individuals are not borrowing (or lending).
Recently I have heard Willford I. King, professor of economics, New York University, testify before the House Banking and Currency Committee. Although not directing his particular attention to the “bonus” he was quite clear that the currency must be expanded at the present time in order to start commodity prices upward and permit debts and taxes to be paid, as well as to start buying, and employment. However, he was equally clear that for such currency something of equal value should be taken in by the Government, e. g., Government bonds, thus temporarily substituting noncirculating certificates of indebtedness (bonds) for circulating certificates (currency). Then, he said, when commodity prices reach the desired level, e. g., 1926 commodity index, the process would be reversed, the bonds resold, and the currency retired. It was his opinion that such a device is necessary in order to stop the elevator at the right floor—i. e., prevent inflation beyond a certain point.
Neither the Patman nor the suggested alternative plan seems to me to contain this safeguard. That is, the adjusted-compensation certificates when once taken in would not be available for reissue.

            I need not state that every member here is anxious to solve the problem, not from the standpoint of helping the needy veteran and his family at the expense of the rest of the community, but only from the standpoint of benefiting the entire Nation, on the theory that a distribution to the veteran would, of course, be passed on at once in the payment of taxes, interest, land contracts, doctors’ and merchants’ bills, etc., and with the expectation that this would stop and reverse the trend of values. If the plan or any other conceivable plan at this time would bring only disaster to the Nation and thus to the veteran and his family we have no alternative except to wait until the present economic storm blows over.

Your thoughtful consideration of this matter is most earnestly requested. Your prompt reply will be a distinct public service.

I desire, of course, to use the substance of your reply, but will not quote you, by name, without your permission. Please let me know if you do give this permission.

Sincerely yours,

Samuel B. Pettengill, Member of Congress.


Source:  U. S. Congress (Seventy-Second Congress, First Session). Payment of Adjusted-Compensation Certificates in Hearings before the Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives (April 11 to 29, and May 2 and 3, 1932),pp. 508, 511-513



The University of Chicago,
Department of Economics,
April 26, 1932.

Hon. Samuel. B. Pettengill,
            House Office Building, Washington, D. C.

My Dear Mr. Pettengill: The inclosed memorandum has been prepared in an attempt to answer the questions put in your letter of April 13. It has been developed in a committee of two, in conference, and in round table. It is approved by all of the University of Chicago economists who participated in the discussion and formulation; their names appear at the end of the memorandum.

It has seemed better to answer your questions in a memorandum divided into five sections rather than to answer them specifically, the one after the other. I think all of your questions, save that relating to Professor King’s testimony, are answered. No direct reference is made to King’s position because it has seemed better to take a positive stand rather than to criticize.

You ask permission to use the replies to your questions. This is, of course, granted, but our preference would be to have the whole rather than a part of the memorandum given publicity.

Trusting that the memorandum will be of some assistance to you, I am

Very truly yours,

H. A. Millis.


(The memorandum referred to follows:)


Severe depression and deflation can be checked, and recovery initiated, either by virtue of automatic adjustments, or by deliberate governmental action. The automatic process involves tremendous losses, in wastage of productive capacity, and in acute suffering. It requires drastic reduction of wage rates, rents, and other “sticky” prices, notably those in industries where readjustments are impeded by monopoly and exceeding politeness of competition. It must also involve widespread insolvency and financial reorganization, with consequent reduction of fixed charges, in order that firms may be placed in position to obtain necessary working capital when and where expansion of output becomes profitable. Given drastic deflation of costs and elimination of fixed charges, business will discover opportunities for profitably increasing employment, firms will become anxious to borrow, and banks will be more willing to lend.

As long as wage cutting is evaded by reducing employment, and as long as monopolies, including public utilities, resist pressure for lower prices, deflation may continue indefinitely. The more intractable the “sticky” prices, the further credit contraction will go, and the more drastic must be the ultimate readjustment. We have developed an economy in which the volume and velocity of credit is exceedingly flexible and sensitive, while wages and pegged prices are highly resistant to downward pressure. This is at once the explanation of our plight and the ground on which governmental action may be justified. Recovery can be brought about, either by reduction of costs to a level consistent with existing commodity prices, or by injecting enough new purchasing power so that much larger production will be profitable at existing costs. The first method is conveniently automatic but dreadfully slow; and it admits hardly at all of being facilitated by political measures. The second method, while readily amenable to abuse, only requires a courageous fiscal policy on the part of the central government.

(We agree entirely with your remarks as to the inadequacy of the Glass-Steagall bill and similar expedients. Little is to be gained merely by easing the circumstances of banks, in a situation where, by virtue of cost-price relations, everyone, including the banks, is anxious to get out of debt. Such measures may retard deflation and prepare the way for recovery; but they cannot much mitigate the fundamental maladjustments between prices and costs.)


If action is needed to raise prices (and we believe it is), it should take the form of generous Federal expenditures, financed without resort to taxes on commodities or transactions. For the effect on prices, the direction of expenditure is not crucially important. Heavy Federal contribution toward relief of distress is the most urgent and, for reflation, perhaps the most effective measure. Large appropriations for public and semipublic improvements are also an attractive expedient, provided projects are chosen which can be started quickly and opportunely stopped. Generous bonus legislation would be the most objectionable of all available devices for releasing purchasing power. Purchase of the certificates at their present value, instead of at maturity value, is perhaps relatively unobjectionable.

Bonus legislation invites comparison with a program of Federal subsidy to agencies engaged in administering emergency relief. Both measures involve a sort of outright gift, the provision of funds to individuals or for their support. One involves allocation according to need, when need is dreadfully acute; the other ignores this criterion completely. Furthermore, funds spent for relief would certainly be spent for commodities, and very promptly, while less needy veterans might only use additional cash further to increase hoarded savings. Of the possible consequences of bonus concessions for the future of pension legislation, mere reminder should suffice. Congress has already capitulated to the veterans and their votes on the grounds that the Treasury was full, and the community prosperous. It is now on the verge of capitulating again, on the grounds that the Treasury is empty, and the community impoverished.


It is impossible to estimate in advance how much Federal expenditure might be required to bring genuine revival of business. We are persuaded, however, that the automatic adjustments have already proceeded to a stage where the necessary inflationary expenditures would be handsomely rewarded, in greater production, larger employment, and higher tax revenues.

One should recognize at the outset a danger that any measures of fiscal inflation may be too meager and too short lived. Inadequate, temporary stimulation might well leave conditions worse than it found them. We might experience temporary revival and then serious relapse, followed by more drastic deflation than would otherwise have been necessary. If we indorse inflation, we should be prepared to administer heavy doses of stimulant if necessary, to continue them until recovery is firmly established, and to discontinue them when the emergency is ended. It is obvious that the bonus measures fail utterly to provide this necessary flexibility.


The question of how emergency expenditures, for whatever purposes, should be financed, is difficult and highly controversial. The wisest policy for the present, however, would seem to be one guided largely by psychological considerations. It is likely that adequate stimulus could be imparted, and recovery assured, without creating an excessive drain upon our gold reserves. Inflationary measures, in whatever form, will probably accelerate for a time the export of gold; but this strain we may well be able to endure until revival of business is assured. Domestic hoarding of gold, on the other hand, might force us to suspension of our currency laws; and this possibility dictates caution as to the technique of inflation. The problem is simply that of selecting the procedure which will be least alarming.

On other grounds, the issue of greenbacks seems most expedient; but this method must be ruled out unless one is ready to abandon gold immediately, for it would create the greatest danger of domestic drain. Large sales of Federal bonds in the open market would be much less alarming; but the probable effect upon the prices of such bonds must give us pause, especially since a marked decline might jeopardize the position of many banks. It would certainly be better for the Government to sell new issues directly to the reserve banks or, in effect, to exchange bonds for bank deposits and Federal Reserve notes. Much may be said, indeed, for issuing the bonds with the circulation privilege, thus permitting the Reserve Banks to issue Federal Reserve Bank notes in exchange; for this procedure does not much invite suspicion, has supporting precedent, and would greatly reduce the legal requirements with respect to gold.

It is well to face the possibility, though it seems remote, that adequate fiscal inflation might force us to abandon gold for a time. We must be prepared to see a sort of race between depletion of the gold holdings of the reserve banks and improvement of business. If definite business revival is attained before the gold position becomes acute, the hoarders will have missed some great investment bargains; if inflation must be carried beyond the limits tolerated by gold, the hoarders will reap a profit. Moreover, if other gold-standard countries follow our example, as is quite probable, the threat to our adherence to the gold standard will prove negligible.

But we would insist again that, once deliberate reflation is undertaken, it must be carried through, whatever that policy may mean for gold. To withdraw artificial support before genuine recovery is achieved, might create a situation worse than that which would have obtained in the absence of remedial efforts. If the time comes, as it probably will not, when we must choose between recovery and convertibility, we must then abandon gold, pending the not distant time when world recovery will permit our returning to the old standard on the old terms. The remote possibility of our being forced to this step, however, should not influence our decision now. The supposedly awful consequences of departure from gold are, as England has shown us so clearly, nothing but fantastic illusions.


It is easy to be too greatly alarmed about the possibility of extreme and uncontrolled inflation. With improvement of business, Federal revenues will automatically increase. Expenditures may then be financed to a lesser extent by borrowing, and thus with less inflationary influence. Indeed, one might maintain that temporary inflation is the most promising means to restore a balanced Budget. Moreover, with proper precautions, it should not be difficult to effect drastic reduction of expenditures at the appropriate time. The emergency character of inflationary appropriations should be emphasized in the acts themselves; and Congress should record the intention of balancing expenditures and revenues over a period of, say four or five years. Incidentally, no emergency expenditures would permit of more opportune retrenchment than those for relief of distress.

We find it difficult, at the present juncture, to give due attention to the problem of preventing or modifying the next boom. Obviously, we should attend to getting out of the present emergency first. It demands emphasis, however, that successful resort to fiscal methods for terminating deflation will present the very serious problem of keeping recovery within safe bounds. A merely salutary inflation treatment will fail to satisfy many groups. There will certainly be demand for more inflation and more “prosperity” than we can afford or sanely endure. Fiscal inflation must be regarded as a means for meeting an acute emergency for industry as a whole. It should not be viewed as a means of solving the agricultural problem, nor as a method for deflating the rentier. It is properly a most temporary expedient, to be abandoned (and reversed) long before many individual industries and classes have obtained the measure of relief which justice might prescribe.

We have suggested that for the period of the ensuing five years all Federal expenditures, including those of an emergency character, should be covered by tax revenues. To minimize the total necessary outlay, outlays should be very generous now; parsimonious inflation is an illusory economy. It would also be eminently wise to avoid now any new taxes which fall at the producer’s (or dealer’s) margin. The levies on income, however, should be advanced immediately to the maximum levels which an imperfect, but improving, administrative system can support. While such levies will be rather unproductive for a time, they will have no very deterrent effect upon business; and, having gotten them into the statutes during a period of least political resistance, we may be assured of large revenues at the appropriate time. Even after recovery, additional commodity taxes should be resorted to only if more equitable levies prove inadequate to full completion of the “5-year plan.” Indeed, by 1940, our Federal debt should stand at a figure far below that contemplated by existing legislation. We should have high income taxes when incomes are high.

Sound fiscal management during the next few years should give close attention to indexes of production, employment, and wholesale prices. We shall not undertake at this time to indicate any definite rules. There is no immediate problem of excessive inflation—rather, a danger of doing nothing or of a too modest beginning. For the not distant future, however, most careful and intelligent management will be imperative. Once there is clear evidence of revival, of increased and profitable production, the mechanism of credit expansion will begin to operate, and to carry on the task which fiscal inflation has begun. As soon as this happens, retrenchment must be started; emergency expenditures must be reduced as rapidly as is possible without undermining recovery. We should not attempt, by deliberate inflation, to bring prices to any level which we choose to regard as normal; nor should artificial stimulus be continued until production and employment attain really satisfactory levels. Fiscal measures should only be used to give to recovery a sure start. When this is done, the real task will be that of preventing the recovery from becoming a boom; and a beginning must be made in this task long before any alarming signs appear. The seeds of booms are sown by innocent expansion of credit during years of seemingly wholesome revival. The task of control is easily neglected at such times; and there is grave danger that both the Reserve Board and the Treasury will adopt inadequately deflationary tactics in this period when it is so easy to have no policy at all.

In summary, it is our unequivocal position that drastic but temporary fiscal inflation can now be productive of tremendous gains, with no possible losses of compensating magnitude; further, that after genuine revival of business has occurred, and especially if it is attained by artificial stimulation, there will soon be urgent need for prompt and decisive action of a deflationary character.

Garfield V. Cox.         Lloyd W. Mints.
Aaron Director.         Henry Schultz.
Paul H. Douglas.       Henry C. Simons.
Harry D. Gideonse.   Jacob Viner.
Frank H. Knight.       Chester W. Wright.
Harry A. Millis.          Theodore O. Yntem.[sic]


Source: U. S. Congress (Seventy-Second Congress, First Session). Payment of Adjusted-Compensation Certificates in Hearings before the Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives (April 11 to 29, and May 2 and 3, 1932), pp. 524-527.

Image Source:  Authentic History Center website: Page “Hoover & the Depression: The Bonus Army.”

Chicago Regulations

Chicago. Memo to M.A. candidates on deadline for theses, 1924



By itself such an archival artifact from 1924 is just another boring piece of paper. But it is evidence that the search for an optimal deadline to balance the interests of thesis writers with the interests (and capacities) of professors did seem to require an explicit memorandum from the University of Chicago department head to M.A. candidates regarding both deadlines and numbers of copies. This was a time when three copies meant typing with carbon paper, so having the copies due on the day of the oral examination gives us a sense perhaps of just how (ahem) deeply read the M.A. theses were, at least by the non-principal-advisor members of the committees.




  1. Theses should be in the hands of the reading committee not later than May 15. An earlier date is much to be preferred since the committee should have ample time for reading the thesis and the candidate should then have time for making any needed corrections. If three copies of the thesis are made available for the reading committee action will, of course, be expedited.
  2. Three typewritten copies of the thesis in its final form are due on the day of the oral examination.
  3. May 30 is the final date for oral examinations. Please arrange an hour with my office.
  4. The committee on your thesis is indicated below:

[blank space: to be filled in]

L. C. Marshall


Source: University of Chicago Archives. Economics Department. Records & Addenda. Box 22, Folder 8. Cf. Folder 8 (includes names for committees)


Chicago Funny Business

Chicago. Skit Party’s “Ode to an Economist”, undated

In a filed labeled “Miscellaneous” in the Milton Friedman papers at the Hoover Institution Archives, along with such skit party classics as The Cowles Commission Song and a parody from HMS Pinafore about Milton Friedman, we have the following “Ode to an Economist”. I was able to track down the exact issue of Punch from which the ode was admittedly “stolen”. There is no indication of the identity of the “thief” who purloined the parody.

The original parody appears to have been inspired by a remark attributed to George Joachim Goschen, 1st Viscount Goschen—at least he is quoted before the poem “The Passionate Statistician to His Love”.

The actual poem parodied was written by Christopher Marlowe and first published after his death in 1599.

In this posting you can read (1) the undated, abridged University of Chicago “Ode to an Economist”, (2) the actual parody published in Punch in 1885 and (3) the original love poem “The Passionate Shepherd to his Love.”


[U. of Chicago Economics, undated]

Come live with me, and be my love,
And we will all the pleasures prove
That facts and figures can supply
Unto the statistician’s ravished eye

And we will sit ‘midst faction’s shocks
And calculate the price of stocks,
The music of whose rise and fall
Beats most melodious madrigal.

Percentages shall stir our blood
Analyses as clear as mud.
Oh, if these pleasures may thee move,
Come live with me, and be my love.

The marriage rate, the price of meat,
Shall yield us raptures calm and sweet ;
And analytic Tables be
Prepared each day to give us glee.

Economists our praise shall sing,
The statesman’s eloquence we’ll wing
If these delights thy mind may move,
Then live with me, and be my love.

–stolen from an old Punch

Source: Undated. Hoover Institution Archives. Milton Friedman Papers, Box 79, Folder 6 “University of Chicago Miscellaneous”.



The Passionate Statistician to His Love.
[From Punch. March 21, 1885, p. 137]

” For my part, I am a passionate Statistician . . . Go with me into the study of statistics,
and I will make you all enthusiasts in statistics.”

Mr. Goschen at Whitechapel


Come live with me, and be my love,
And we will all the pleasures prove
That facts and figures can supply
Unto the Statist’s ravished eye.

And we will sit ‘midst faction’s shocks
And calculate the price of Stocks,
The music of whose rise and fall
Beats most melodious madrigal.

We’ll learn how the last Census closes
And the art of counting noses;
And taste the pleasures, sweetly solemn
Of abstract brief, and lengthy column.

We’ll tot the figures fair and full
Relating to the price of wool,
The annual range of heat and cold,
The death-rate, and the price of gold.

Per-centages shall stir our blood
Analyses as clear as mud.
Oh, if these pleasures may thee move,
Come live with me, and be my love.

The marriage rate, the price of meat,
Shall yield us raptures calm and sweet ;
And analytic “Tables” be
Prepared each day to give us glee.

Economists our praise shall sing,
The Statesman’s eloquence we’ll wing
If these delights thy mind may move,
Then live with me, and be my love.

Source: Parodies of the Works of English and American Authors, Vol. IV. London: Reeves & Turner, 1887, p. 38.

Note:   George Joachim Goschen (1831-1907) was President of the Royal Statistical Society (1886-88).




Christopher Marlowe.
[published posthumously, 1599]

Come live with me, and be my love,
And we will all the pleasures prove,
That valleys, groves, and hills and fields,
The woods or steepy mountains yields.

And we will sit upon the rocks,
Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks,
By shallow rivers, to whose falls,
Melodious birds sing madrigals.

And I will make thee beds of roses,
And a thousand fragrant posies;
A cap of flowers and a kirtle,
Embroidered o’er with leaves of myrtle.

A gown made of the finest wool,
Which from our pretty lambs we pull;
Fair lined slippers for the cold,
With buckles of the purest gold.

A belt of straw and ivy buds,
With coral clasps and amber studs;
And if these pleasures may thee move,
Come live with me, and be my love.

Thy silver dishes for thy meat,*
As precious as the gods do eat,
Shall on an ivory table be
Prepared each day for thee and me.

The shepherd swains shall dance and sing,
For thy delight, each May morning;
If these delights thy mind may move,
Then live with me and be my love.

*These three verses are often omitted.

Source: Parodies of the Works of English and American Authors, Vol. IV. London: Reeves & Turner, 1887, pp. 36-37.



Image: Christopher Marlowe from Wikipedia; right, George Joachim Goschen by Alexander Bassano (ca. 1883), National Portrait Gallery. London.

Chicago Economic History M.I.T.

MIT. Search for an Economic Historian. 1942

In this 1942 letter from the head of the Industrial Relations Section of the M.I.T. Department of Economics and Social Science, W. Rupert Maclaurin, to the economic historian Earl J. Hamilton of Duke University, we see that hiring a young economic historian was part of the plan “to build one of the leading departments in the country”. Professor Davis Rich Dewey retired in 1940. Courses in economic history were taught in the late 1940s by Karl Deutsch and then by Walt Rostow beginning in 1950. (See Peter Temin, The Rise and Fall of Economic History at MIT, History of Political Economy, Volume 46, Number suppl. 1: 337-350. Earlier and downloadable at MIT Economics Working Paper 13-11, June 5, 2013.)




Department of Economics and Social Science

APRIL 8, 1942

W. Rupert Maclaurin
Douglas McGregor
Barbara Klingen Hagen
Beatrice A. Rogers

Douglass V. Brown
Dwight L. Palmer
Charles A. Myers
Paul Pigors

Professor Earl J. Hamilton
Department of Economics
Duke University
Durham, North Carolina

Dear Professor Hamilton:

            At the suggestion of Dr. Arthur Cole I am writing to ask if you know a really promising young man in the field of economic history who might be eligible for an opening that we have here at M. I. T.

            Various members of our Department of Economics are initiating a series of studies which are designed to be of assistance in post-war reconstruction in the United States. These studies are being undertaken with the cooperation of industry and the government, as part of a larger program designed to analyze some of the basic, longer-range problems facing this country. Our group at M. I. T. will be concerned particularly with analyses of the opportunities for industrial development in the post-war world and some of the hindrances and restrictions which have been inhibiting development in the past.

            As part of this general research program, and also of our plans for developing this Department, we would like very much to bring in a promising young economic historian who would be interested in making some historical studies in the general field of industrial development. We should like someone who would co-operate with the “Committee on Research in Economic History” of which Dr. Cole is chairman.

            The administration at M. I. T. is anxious to build up the Departments of Economics and History. These two departments now come under Dr. Robert Caldwell, professor of history and dean of humanities. Whoever we brought in would divide his time to some extent between the Department of History and the Department of Economics.

            Our Economics Department is undergoing substantial change and expansion at the present time, and we are attempting to build one of the leading departments in the country. There should therefore be significant opportunities for professional advancement for promising young men. We started last year a graduate program leading to a Ph.D. degree in industrial economics, and by next year we shall have a group of about twenty graduate students in this Department, primarily on a fellowship basis, from all over the country.

            I know this is a hard time to find talent. We should only be interested in some young man who has an attractive personality, energy, and creative imagination. For this particular position here there is no point in our considering anybody who is not A. We are thinking of a young man under thirty-five who would come to us as an instructor or an assistant professor. The teaching load would be light, and we could arrange for travelling expenses and other research facilities.

            The whole problem of selective service is a very difficult one to deal with under present conditions. As an engineering school with a research program in economics that is closely associated with a number of the leading government agencies in Washington, there is at least a good [chance that the local*] draft boards would grant deferment to a promising instructor in economic history here.

            If you have any suggestions to make, I should greatly appreciate hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

W. Rupert Maclaurin

[*A fold in the letter here covers all but the very top (sometimes bottoms) of the first four words so that I have suggested an interpolation consistent with what I see.]


Source: Duke University, Rubenstein Library, Earl J. Hamilton Papers, Box 2, Folder “Correspondence—Misc, 1930’s-1960s and n.d.”.

Image Source: (left) W. Rupert Maclaurin, from MIT Technique, 1944.; (right) Earl J. Hamilton (1937) from John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation website.

Chicago Funny Business

Chicago. The Cowles Commission Song. Ca. 1950.

Again Economics in the Rear-View Mirror is happy to provide its readers with an undated Chicago economics department parody found in the files of Milton Friedman. While I can say with complete confidence that the Chicago lyrics were written sometime between 1942 and 1955 (when the Cowles Commission moved on to New Haven), I figure this patriotic war-time tune might have declined in popularity and familiarity starting in the late 1940’s. Thus, for the sake of argument, I’ll just say the “Cowles Commission Song” was written ca. 1950.

Thank goodness for both YouTube and and of course our old friend Google, I was able to find the original lyrics to the song “We Must Be Vigilant” and links to a movie rendition as well as this recording of the “We Must Be Vigilant” performed by Ziggy Lane and the the Chico Marx Orchestra. That’s right, Groucho’s older brother.

Perhaps someone will rise to the challenge of producing a Karaoke version of this Cowles Commission Song.  Do we historians of economics know how to party or what?



(to the tune of The American Patrol)


Adapted from F.W. Meacham’s “American Patrol”. Music adapted by Joseph A. Burke. Words by Edgar Leslie. (1942)
We must be rigorous,
We must be rigorous,
We must fulfill our role;
If we hesitate
Or equivocate,
We won’t achieve our goal.
We must investigate
Our system, complicate
To make our models whole;
brings about
Statistical control.

Our esoteric seminars
bring statisticians by the score.
But try to find economists
Who don’t think algebra a bore.
O, we must urge them all emphatically
To become inclined mathematically
So that all that we’ve developed, may
Someday be applied.

We Must be Vigilant!
We Must Be Vigilant!
American Patrol!
With arms for the army,
Ships for the navy,
Let this be our goal.
We must be diligent!
We must be diligent!
American Patrol.
Protect our shoreline
To the door line
Of ev’ry native soul.

We need this solidarity
Or else divided we will fall;
It means the popularity
Of peace and happiness for all.
Behind this cause we must keep rallying,
Let there be no dilly dallying;
Keep us free from shill-shallying
Hark to freedom’s call.

(repeat first 11 lines)

Image Source: Mikael Uhlin’s Marxology at


Chicago Economists Harvard

Harvard Alumnus. A.W. Marget. Too Jewish for Chicago? 1927.

Harvard economics Ph.D. (1927), Arthur William Marget (1899-1962), went on to teach at the University of Minnesota (ca 1927-1941) after which he began his second career as an economist at the Fed in Washington, D.C. Of particular interest in this posting is the reference letter sent by Allyn Young to the University of Chicago that is both glowing and explicit about his assistant’s handicap—“one of the chosen people”, i.e. a Jew.


From the AEA 1957 Handbook of Members

Marget, Arthur William, Bd. of Gov. Fed. Res. System, Washington 25, D.C. (1926 [began membership in AEA]) Bd. of Gov. of Fed. Res. System, dir., Div. of Int. Fin.; b. 1899; A.B., 1920, A.M., 1921, Ph.D., 1927, Harvard; 1920, Univ. of Cambridge; 1921, Univ. of London; 1921, Univ. of Berlin. Fields 7a [Money, Credit, and Banking: Monetary Theory and Policy], 9b [International Economics: Foreign Exchange, International Finance], 2c [History of Economic Thought]. Doc. dis. Loan fund: pecuniary approach to problem of determination of rate of interest. Pub. Theory of prices (Prentice-Hall, 1938, 1942); “Leon Walras and ‘Cash balance approach’ to problem of value of money,” J. P. E., 1931; “Monetary aspects of Schumpeterian system,” Rev. of Econ. and Statis., 1951. Dir. W. W. in Amer., Dir. of Amer. Schol.


Source: American Economic Review, Vol. 47, No. 4. Handbook of the American Economic Association (July, 1957), p. 189.




[undated, Either 1926 or 1927. A typed copy of an excerpt from a letter by Young]

“The man who has been my assistant for the past three years is taking his degree this year. He has written a very brilliant thesis on “The Loan Fund: A Pecuniary Theory of Interest.” In erudition and cleverness he is as good as any man I have ever had, although I do not think he strikes as deeply in his thinking as the best of them. He graduated at the head of his class at Harvard, and was Phi Beta Kappa Marshal. Harvard sent him abroad on a traveling fellowship for a year, and he has been here for five subsequent years. He writes well and teaches well. All in all he is easily the best product we are turning out this year, and with the exception of James Angell he is as good as we have turned out in years. Now you will ask, ‘What’s wrong?’ His name is A. W. Marget and he is one of the chosen people. More than that he looks it. He is brilliant, loyal, and so good a teacher that he is quite popular among the Harvard undergraduates. The only thing that stands between him and success is his race. If you don’t fill your place next year, you might do worse than to take him on for a year’s trial.”

Source: University of Chicago Archives. Department of Economics, Records. Box 38, Folder 1.



Fifty-Four Freshmen Received Benefits From Endowment Fund.

Fifty-four members of the Freshman Class have been awarded Price Greenleaf aid assignments for 1916-17. These awards represent part of an annual appropriation of $16,000 given to the University by the bequest of Ezekiel Price Greenleaf, of Quincy, who is also the founder of ten Price Greenleaf scholarships.

The income of the Price Greenleaf fund is distributed in sums from $100 to $250 a year, to undergraduates in the first year of their residence and to deserving students who have not succeeded in the competition for scholarships.

A subsequent award will be made in February to some other first year students of high standing. Following are those who have received the awards:

…Arthur William Marget…


Source: The Harvard Crimson, November 1, 1916.


Boston Latin School Leads Number With Exeter Second and St. Paul’s and Newton Third.

The Committee on Admission has issued a list of the Freshmen whose entire entrance examination records have attained an average grade of work worthy of honorable mention. This is published in accordance with a vote of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, June 2, 1914, authorizing the Committee on Admission to publish each year after the September examinations, a list of those candidates for admission who passed this examination with high grades. This list also gives the names of the students’ schools and the titles of any scholarships they may have received. Boston Latin School leads this year with nine representatives on the list. Exeter is second with seven, and St. Paul’s School, of Concord, N. H., and Newton High School come next with four apiece….

… Arthur William Marget, Boston Latin, (Price Greenleaf Aid)…


Source: The Harvard Crimson, November 25, 1916.


Marget Elected Marshal of Scholars

Arthur William Marget 1G, of Roxbury, has been elected First Marshal of the Phi Beta Kappa Society at the University, an office which each year goes to the student ranking highest in his studies. Marget completed the College course in three years, graduated with the class of 1919, and is now attending the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

Source: The Harvard Crimson, November 12, 1919.



Image Source: Arthur William Marget in Harvard Album 1928.

Business School Chicago Economists

Chicago. Problem of Faculty Turnover, 1923

The Special Collections Research Center of the University of Chicago Library is putting scans of records from the respective administrations of Presidents Harper, Judson and Burton (1869-1925)  on-line (52 boxes of 91 boxes thus far!).  For today’s posting I have transcribed the introduction and conclusions of a summary “of the most imperative needs of the Graduate School of Arts and Literature” written in October 1923 as well as the section for the Department of Political Economy. Additionally I provide c.v. data for the economists named published in the Annual Register 1921-22 for the University of Chicago and additional biographical information (obituaries/memorials) to follow their post-Chicago careers.



The University of Chicago
The Graduate School of Arts and Literature

Office of the Dean

October 30, 1923.

Dean J. H. Tufts,
The University of Chicago.

Dear Dean Tufts:

I enclose a summary of the most imperative needs of the Graduate School of Arts and Literature. I have drawn it up only after a most careful examination of the condition of the Departments. I am convinced that it is only by making the new appointments which I have listed and providing the increases I have indicated that the School can hope to make any appreciable contribution to graduate studies in America or even to hold its own with the other Graduate Schools in the country. In the case of some departments the situation is almost inconceivably bad. It is so bad that it is only by making new appointments of strong men—major appointments that would command attention—and by increasing the salaries of many members of the teaching staff who are being tempted away that we can hope to regain our prestige. I hope that this will not sound like an exaggeration. It is not. It is a lamentable fact that some of the departments that ten or fifteen years ago were famous and attracted graduate students from all parts of the continent are now deplorably weak, while some of the others, though still doing efficient work, have recently suffered serious losses in their teaching staff and are threatened with still more. Let me speak of these in detail.


I. The Weak Departments:

  1. The Department of Psychology
  2. The Department of the History of Art
  3. The Department of German….
  4. The Department of Latin
  5. Another notable example of weakness is found in Anthropology
  6. The Department of General Literature


[II.] The Other Departments:

  1. Romance Languages
  2. History
  3. Political Economy

The situation here is especially precarious. The instructional staff is an efficient one but extremely difficult to hold. Within recent years three men have gone: Moulton, Hardy and Lyon. Some of the men here now have received tempting offers of positions wither in government bureaus or in industries. The new appointment in Money and Banking is to fill the vacancy caused by Moulton’s going to Washington two years ago. Viner has had more than one call. Good men in Political Economy seem to be increasingly hard to get.

May I remind you also of the fine contribution that this Department, under Mr. Marshall’s inspiration, has made to that cooperative study of economic, social, and political conditions in Chicago that is being carried on by all the departments in the Social Science Group. This whole piece of work is, as you yourself know, a most interesting experiment, and in its detailed analysis of the characteristics of the Chicago community, will in all probability prove to be a model for the study of any large metropolitan area.

I hope you will pardon my writing at such length, but the situation seems to me to be critical. We cannot afford to delay remedial measures. The money that I am asking for is not simply for the University of Chicago, it is for Graduate Studies in the whole Middle West, which looks to Chicago for its teachers. Of all the new appointments that I have urged there is not one that would not influence higher education throughout the Mississippi Valley.


Yours very truly,

Gordon J. Laing


Source: University of Chicago. Office of the President: Harper, Judson and Burton Administrations Records 1869-1925. Box 47, Folder 6 “Graduate schools, development, 1914-1924”.




Charles Oscar Hardy, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Financial Organization in the School of Commerce and Administration. [Resigned]

A.B., Ottawa University, 1904; Professor of History and Economics, ibid., 1910-18; Dean of the College, ibid., 1916-18; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1916; Lecturer in the School of Commerce and Administration, ibid., 1918-19; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1919-22.


Harold Glenn Moulton, Ph.B., Ph.D., Professor of Political Economy. [Resigned]

Ph.B., University of Chicago, 1907; Assistant in Political Economy, ibid., 1910-11; Instructor, ibid., 1911-14; Ph.D., ibid., 1914; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1914-18; Associate Professor, ibid., 1918-1922; Professor, ibid., 1922.


Leverett Samuel Lyon, A.M., LL.B., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Commercial Organization in the School of Commerce and Administration.

Ph.B., University of Chicago, 1910; LL.B., Chicago Kent College of Law, 1915; Assistant in Commercial Organization in the School of Commerce and Administration, ibid., 1916-17; Instructor, ibid., 1917-19; A.M., ibid., 1918; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1919—; Ph.D., ibid., 1921.


Jacob Viner, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Political Economy.

B.A., McGill University, 1914; A.M., Harvard University, 1915; Instructor in Political Economy, University of Chicago, 1916-19; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1919—; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1922.


Leon Carroll Marshall, A.M., LL.D., Professor and Chairman of the Department of Political Economy; Dean of the School of Commerce and Administration and of the Graduate School of Social Service Administration.

A.B., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1900; A.B., Harvard University, 1901; A.M., ibid., 1902; Assistant, ibid., 1902-3; Professor of Economics, Ohio Wesleyan University, 1903-7; Assistant Professor of Political Economy, University of Chicago, 1907-8; Associate Professor, ibid., 1908-11; Dean of the School of Commerce and Administration, ibid., 1909—; Professor of Political Economy, ibid., 1911—; Dean of the Senior Colleges, ibid., 1911-20; LL.D., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1918; Dean of the Graduate School of Social Service Administration, University of Chicago, 1920—.



Source: University of Chicago, Annual Register, 1921-1922, pp. 38, 40, 54, 57.




Life after the University of Chicago

“In Memoriam: Charles Oscar Hardy, 1884-1948”. American Economic Review, Vol. 39, No. 3 (May, 1949), pp. 478-480.

Harold Moulton, Economist, Dead. Ex-President of Brookings Institution in the Capital,” The New York Times, December 15, 1965, p. 48.

Engle, N. H., Leverett Samuel Lyon, Journal of Marketing, Vol 24, No. 1 (July, 1959), pp. 67-69.

“Dr. Jacob Viner, Economist, Dead: Princeton Professor was U.S. Adviser 4 Decades,” The New York Times, September 13, 1970.

Marshall, Leon Carroll, 1879-1966. Biographical notes. Social Networks and Archival Context (SNAC). [Webpage].


Image Source: Leon C. Marshall. University of Chicago Photographic Archive, apf1-04113, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library.

Chicago Fields

Chicago. Economics Ph.D. program, switch to field exams. 1919.

The brief memo transcribed for today’s posting indicates at least a desire and perhaps indeed first steps to moving graduate education in economics at the University of Chicago away from a course credit orientation (i.e. “majors”) to one based upon examination in aggregates of “fields or subjects”. The memo’s author, James Alfred Field, taught courses on population and vital statistics.


James Alfred Field (1880-1927).

A.B., Harvard (1903); graduate student, Harvard (1903-6); University of Berlin, 1905-06; Assistant/Teaching Fellow in Economics, Harvard (1903-5); Instructor in Economics Harvard/Radcliffe (1906-08).

Instructor 1908-10, Assistant Professor (1910-13), Associate Professor (1913-1918), Professor (1918-1927) at University of Chicago.

Source: University of Chicago. Annual Register, 1909-1910 .p. 45.


The University of Chicago
The School of Commerce and Administration

Memorandum to Graduate Committee from J. A. Field

December 8, 1919

The Committee on Graduate Students in the Department of Political Economy will meet on Thursday, December 11, at 4:00 o’clock, in Cobb 6 B, to begin the discussion of proposed reforms in the methods of graduate instruction and in the requirements and examinations for the doctor’s degree.

It is proposed, in general, that advanced students who have shown evidence of their qualification be exempted, as far as is practicable, from the routine demands of separate courses, and be assisted and encouraged to organize their studies in significant groups or special fields, with increased opportunities for independent reading and inquiry. Accordingly, it is suggested that the requirements for the doctor’s degree be formulated in terms not of majors, but of fields or subjects, and that the method of examination be correspondingly revised.

The discussion on December 11 will deal particularly with the practical problems of defining suitable fields or groups of studies, and of guiding and testing independent individual work in these fields.


J. A. Field


Source: University of Chicago Archives. Department of Economics. Records. Box 22, Folder 7.

Image Source: University of Chicago Photographic Archive, apf1-06081, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library.


Chicago Economists

Chicago. Sociology and Political Economy. Laughlin Letter, 1894

In a handwritten letter to President William R. Harper, the head of the Department of Political Economy, Professor J. Laurence Laughlin, responds to a request for harmonizing the course offerings between his department and those of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology headed by (Sociology) Professor Albion W. Small.

Laughlin signals his interest in establishing mutually recognized borders between the disciplines and he appears to hint that because Professor Small believes “Social Science” (by which the Department of Sociology/Anthropology is apparently meant) is “the dome built on the pillars” of ethics, political science, jurisprudence, history and political economy, Small’s department imperially claims curricular turf in the named disciplines.

Laughlin wants to reassure Harper that reports that had apparently filtered to the university administration of personal animosity between Small and Laughlin have no real foundation but he remains firm about the principle of rendering to the department of political economy what is due political economy.


Newman, N. Y.,
July 17, 1894

My dear Pres. Harper,

I have your letter of the 10th inst. [instante mense] in which you say: “I hope that it will be possible for you and Mr. Small to arrange the work of the departments in such a manner as that (1) there shall be no duplication, and (2) the courses may fit into each other to the best possible advantage”.

I think you will find both Mr. Small [Albion Woodbury Small, Head Professor of Sociology] and myself quite ready to do anything we can to save the University from any criticism. Both of us, however, will probably be struck by the lack of point in what has been said. I do not quite see what is meant by “harmony of work between the two departments”, as opposed to what now exists. As I understand Mr. Small, Social Science takes its data from the existing sciences, of which Political Economy is only one, the others being Philosophy (or Ethics), Political Science, Jurisprudence, and History. Social Science is the dome built on the pillars of all these sciences. The relations of Political Economy to Social Science are not other than the relations of Political Science, or Philosophy, or History—and there is no reason for singling out Political Economy. I can see, of course, that students of Social Science should have their Political Economy before they enter Social Science—under the above relations, and I have noticed that few students in Social Science are also taking Political Economy. But this probably quite as true of Social Science and Political Science.

I am speaking, of course, not of the sub-divisions of Anthropology, or Sanitary Science. They are not in question. And as to the study of dependent classes (Dr. Henderson’s [Charles Richmond Henderson, Associate Professor of Sociology in the Divinity School and University Chaplain] work) much of it is independent of economic data. So I have spoken only of Mr. Small’s work.

If there has been any discourtesy as to personal work, I shall do my best to stop it. But if any discussion exists relating to scientific work, independent of persons, such as that of the relations of the sciences, I believe it to be healthy, and I should welcome it so far as it relates to Political Economy. The proper University spirit demands it. And it is also to be remembered that the University of Chicago is the only institution in the world—so far as my knowledge goes—in which a division is made into Political Economy, Political Science, History, Social Science, and Ethics; and there must naturally be some questions arise [sic] to boundaries.

So far as reduplication goes the only case I know of is a course by Mr. Cummings [John Cummings, Reader in Political Economy; A.B. (1891), A. M. (1892), Harvard; University of Chicago (1894), Ph.D.] on the Utopias (similar to one by Mr. Thomas [William I. Thomas, Instructor in Ethnic Psychology; A.B. (1884), A.M. (1885), Ph.D. (1886) University of Tennessee]). I was ignorant of Mr. Thomas’s course when it was agreed to allow Mr. Cummings to give his. Before leaving Chicago, it happens that I had advised Mr. Cummings to drop that course, & he assented. Hence, although it appears in our programme, it will not appear in the quarterly calendar. Even though he expected to give it an economic treatment, I felt that the could use his powers better elsewhere. As to all the other courses they have a purely economic raison d’être; and when first sent to Mr. Small he found no difficulty in seeing clearly the line of demarkation between his field and mine.

That the courses should “fit into each other” in the two departments more than they do now, it would be our wish to arrange; but I think it would be difficult to do it better.

May it not be possible that the remarks you have heard have come from people who really know very little of the actual work of the two departments? Certainly in connection with the examinations of Mr. Cummings and Mr. Learned [Learned, Henry Barrett: A. B. (1890) Harvard; A.M. (1894) University of Chicago], Mr. Small was eminently fair & candid. If there is anything more explicit than you have written me, I should be glad to hear of it.

Sincerely yours,

J. Laurence Laughlin


Source: University of Chicago Library, Department of Special Collections. Office of the President. Harper, Judson and Burton Administrations. Records. Box 57, Folder “Laughlin, J. Laurence, 1892-1917”.



Department of Political Economy

Social and Economic Ideals. Plato. Aristotle. Aquinas. Machiavelli. More. Hooker. Hobbes. Locke. Modern schemes of social reformation. Reading and Reports.

4 hrs. a week, [Double major]. Autumn Quarter.
Dr. Cummings

Department of Sociology and Anthropology

The Historical Sociologies.—Exposition of significant classical, mediaeval, and modern attempts to interpret social phenomena. Criticism of data, methods, and conclusions.

[Double major] Summer and Winter Quarters.
Dr. Thomas [Fellow in Sociology].


Lecture-Study Department (University Extension Division)

Utopias: (1) Plato, The Republic. (2) More, Utopia, (3) Hobbes, The Leviathan. (4) Swift, Gulliver’s Travels. (5) Socialistic Dreamers: St. Simon, Fourier, Robert Owen, Cabet. (6) Bellamy, Looking Backward.

Daniel Fulcomer, A.M., Lecturer in Sociology.

Source: University of Chicago. Annual Register, 1893-1894, pp. 47, 63, 246

Image Source: University of Chicago. Cap and Gown, 1895.

Business School Chicago Curriculum

Chicago. Laughlin on Establishing a Business School, 1895

Basic training in graduate education in economics has been distilled into a trinity of microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics. This tends to be taken for granted by most economics departments. However long before we ever got here, “political economy” or “economics” has coexisted with history, business, sociology and public affairs, perhaps each within a separate cubicle but all nevertheless sharing a common office space. We see in today’s posting for the University of Chicago that the branching off of business studies occurred fairly early in the development of U.S. graduate/professional education.

I think this sort of development is important to follow because once administrative walls have been built, interdisciplinarity gets reduced to Pyramus and Thisbe interactions. (Plot spoiler: it didn’t end well for that couple.)

The following interview with the head of the Chicago department of political economy, J. Laurence Laughlin, provides us with an ex ante view of business education.




Chicago Daily Tribune, May 12, 1895

University of Chicago’s Department of Business Economics and Journalism to Cover Wide Range of Practical Every-Day Training—Forecast of the Leading Courses—Railways to Receive Special Attention—Number of Instructors Required in the School of Economics.

“Is the University of Chicago to have a department of business and economics and journalism similar to the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania?” was asked Prof. J. Laurence Laughlin, head of the department of economics in the university yesterday afternoon.

“No, it is not,” he replied, “we are to have a school in business economics and journalism, but it will not be modeled after the Wharton school.”

“It seems strange,” Prof. Laughlin continued, “but the statement made by President Harper at the April convocation regarding the establishment in the university of courses in banking, transportation, insurance, consular and diplomatic service, and corporation management seems to have been entirely buried in the public mind. As a matter of fact, Dr. Harper gave utterance to a scheme the like of which has never been attempted in this country. People are familiar with schools of law, medicine, and dentistry, but the idea that a journalist, a banker, a railroad man, a diplomat, or a manager of a corporation should have special training in their particular line of employment is not readily conceived. The new work which the University of Chicago expects to undertake will, as I say, constitute a new departure in modern education. The Wharton school has an endowment of only about $100,000; the University of Chicago expects to organize its departments of business economics with no less than $1,000,000. True, these various departments of practical economic work will not deal with the arithmetic of banking or the technique of railroading or journalism. These things must be learned by practical contact with men and affairs. It is, however, necessary that a banker should be thoroughly acquainted with the principles and functions of money, that he should understand the industrial economics of his own and other countries, and that he should understand the character and extent of the changes in this own business which may be brought about by constantly arising changes in industrial economics, money legislations, etc.”

No Fear as to Results.

            “Are you not met with the objection that the training of young men to be bank Presidents, railway magnates, diplomats, etc., is in the face of present-day competition and business shifts, a rather dangerous undertaking? was asked.

“No, I do not think so. In 1880, for instance, one-fifth of those engaged in gainful pursuits in the Unite States were engaged in transportation. The business of a banker, a railroad manager, an actuary, or an expert accountant is becoming sufficiently extensive and of sufficient importance not only to warrant such training, but to make it necessary to the successful management of any one of these businesses. The fact should be emphasized that we shall not attempt the clerical part of an education in any of these lines of work. In the school of journalism we shall be satisfied if the student learns to think clearly and independently upon economic subjects and is fairly well grounded in the kind of history, law, and economics acquaintance with which every public teacher requires.”

Prof. Laughlin is Chairman of a committee, the other members of which he is not prepared to announce, which is at work upon the courses which will enter into the new curriculum. It is not known at just what time the scheme will be announced in detail, but there is no doubt that the plan will, in due time, be operated along the lines indicated. When asked whom the university would probably invite to captain the various departments of the new school Prof. Laughlin said he had nothing for publication.

The leading courses under the new scheme will undoubtedly be banking and railroading. Of the first course Prof. Laughlin will probably have charge. The course will probably deal with the comparative banking systems of the United States, England, France, Germany, Switzerland, and other countries, and special attention will be given to the manner in which each meets the problems of currency (coin, note, and deposit), reserves, discount, and exchange. The relations of the banks to the public, their influence on speculation, their management in financial crises, special dangers, and most efficient safeguards will be discussed; also relative advantages and different fields of action for national banks, State banks, deposit and trust companies, and savings banks.

Course in Railway Transportation.

            Prof. von Holst and Prof. Laughlin are thoroughly alive to the field which the railway is opening up to the student and business-man. Prof. von Holst says a competent history of the United States cannot be written until the growth and mechanism of the railway has been set forth. The course in railway transportation for the winter of 1896 suggests the character and extent of work which the new economic training will offer. The course will begin with a discussion of the economic, financial, and social influences arising from the growth of modern railway transportation, especially as concerns the United States. Then will follow an account of the means of transportation developed in Europe and America during the early part of this century, the experiments of the States in constructing and operating canals and railways; national, State, and municipal aid to private companies; the rapid and irregular extension of the Untied States railway system in recent years, with some attention to railway building in other countries.

A discussion of various theories of rates; competition, combination, discrimination, investments, speculation, abuse of fiduciary powers; State legislation and commissions and the inter-State commerce act, with decisions under it; also the various relations of the State, the public, investors, managers, and employés will form the most important part of the work. A comparison of the United States railway system with those of other countries will be made, with special attention to the problems of State ownership.

Prof. E. R. L. Gould, the statistician-elect from Johns Hopkins University, will likely be the statistician of the new school. Prof. Gould will assume his duties at the university next October. In his department Prof. Gould will trace the historical development of statistics and examine into the work of private statistical associations and of official agencies in all the leading countries. The student will be given the claims of statistics to scientific recognition, the principles of statistical judgments, and the problems of systematic statistics. Together with the necessity of uniformity of method and comparability of data, graphical methods, and cartography, attention will be drawn to the technique of statistics.

Thorough Analysis of Statistics.

            Demonstrations with actual statistical material being the most satisfactory method of statistical instruction, particular stress will be laid upon this feature of the course. Statistical returns of various sorts will be carefully analyzed and generalizations made when possible. International comparisons will also receive special attention and exposition and practical analysis will be applied in the following classes of statistics: Population, education, vital statistics, paupers, criminals and defectives, social statistics of cities, industry and labor, land and agriculture, transportation, trade and commerce, prices and public finance.

Prof. A.C. Miller will have charge of the department of finance. In this course it is intended to make a comprehensive survey of the whole field of public finance. Review will be made of the growth of and present state of the expenditures of leading modern nations, and the methods used for defraying them. Taxation, holding the place of first-importance among the resources of the modern state, will be the principal subject of the course. A critical estimate will be made of the theories of leading writers with a view to discovering a tenable basis for taxation. Special attention will be given to the comparative study of the tax systems of the principal modern states, and to the problems of State and local taxation in America. All questions will be discussed from the two-fold standpoint of justice and expediency.

The remaining pars of the course will treat of the organization and methods of financial administration, the formal control of public expenditures by means of the budget, the growth of public debts and their economic and social effect. The various problems involved in the management of public debts, such as methods of borrowing, conversion, and reduction, will be considered, and the methods practiced in our own and other countries described.

A course to be given by Dr. Thorstein B. Veblen in “Problems in American Agriculture” will be a feature of the economic work for 1895-’96. In this department special attention will be given to the extension and changes of the cultivated area of the United States; the methods of farming; the influence of railways and population and of cheapened transportation; the fall in values of Eastern farm lands; movements of prices of agricultural products; European markets; competition of other countries; intensive farming; diminishing returns; farm mortgages; and the comparison of American with European systems of culture. Systems of holdings in Great Britain, Belgium, France, and Germany will be touched upon, together with the discussion of forestry legislation.

Twenty-nine Instructors Required.

            This description of a few courses in economics announced for 1895-’96 will give some idea of the scope of work with which the new school of economics will deal. Seven instructors are registered in the department of political economy, four in political science, nine in history, and nine in sociology and anthropology—all related sciences, and each of which will probably be represented in the new school, or rather in the extension of the present school.

Besides courses in banking, railway transportation, insurance, and corporation management the new school will include courses in the consular and diplomatic service, trading and shipping, and municipal government. No attempt will be made to go into the details of these departments further than is essential to a comprehension of the mechanism and principles of the entire business.

The problem to which the University of Chicago addresses itself is the proper arrangement of the courses, the engagement of expert instructors, and the establishment of libraries and bureaus of information for the use of students.

Chicago being the greatest railway center of the United States and the home of several prominent railway managers, it is thought that certain Chicago men will be solicited for a portion of their time to be spent in university instructions, the aim being to united with a theoretical education a practical business training, unencumbered, however, with the clerical routine and forms.

“After all,” says Prof. Laughlin, “our graduated banker must begin at the bottom and work his way up like other individuals; but he will, nevertheless, have the indisputable advantage over his rival of seeing and conceiving different departments of the bank in connection with the whole. Details are, after all, easily learned. The new department will savor little of the ‘school,’ will be practical and up to date in its methods, and will give the would-be banker or railway manager or superintendent the same preparation as I now given the intending lawyer or physician in a law or medical school.”

Image Source: University of Chicago Photographic Archive, apf1-03687, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library.