Amherst Brown Bryn Mawr Columbia Cornell Harvard Indiana Johns Hopkins Michigan Nebraska Pennsylvania Princeton Smith Vassar Wellesley Williams Yale

Economics Courses at 17 U.S. Colleges and Universities 1890-91


Amherst College
Brown University
Bryn Mawr College
Columbia College
Cornell University
Harvard University
Johns Hopkins University
Indiana University
University of Michigan
University of Nebraska
College of New Jersey (Princeton)
University of Pennsylvania
Smith College
Vassar College
Wellesley College
Williams College
Yale University



Department of History and Political Science, 1890-91, includes:

History.—The first course extends through Junior year. It begins with an introductory outline of ancient history, in which the aim is acquaintance with the contributions of each period and people to general civilization. In the fuller study of mediaeval and modern history which follows the same aim is pursued. The political development of England and the United States receives particular attention. The second course extends through the first and second terms of Senior year. Its theme is the political and constitutional history of the United States. In each course the means of instruction are text-books, lectures, regular and frequent examinations, abstracts and essays upon topics assigned each student.

Political Economy.—The course extends through Senior year. The first term is devoted to theoretical political economy ; the second to the Labor Question, Socialism, and the relations of the state to transportation; the third to Finance, the Principles of Taxation, Public Credit, and Tariffs.

International Law.—This study is one of the electives of the third term of Senior year.

The methods of instruction in political economy and international law are like those in history.
Annual tuition fee, full college course, $110.
No scholarships nor prizes in department above mentioned.



Department of History and Political Science, 1890-91, includes:


(4) Political and Constitutional History of European and American States during recent years. 3 hrs., first half-year, Seniors, Prof. Jameson.
(5) History of International Law during recent years. 3 hrs., second half-year, Seniors, Prof. Jameson.
And four Honor Courses.


(1) Elementary Course. 3 hrs., first half-year, Seniors, Mr. Fisher.
(2) Advanced Course. 3 hrs., second half-year, Seniors, Mr. Fisher.
And Honor Courses.

Tuition fee, $100.
The University has about one hundred scholarships, details concerning which can be learned from the Registrar.



Programme for 1891 includes:


First Semester.—Political Economy.
Second Semester.—Political Institutions.


First Semester.—Advanced Political Economy, Administration.
Second Semester.—International Law, and in alternate years Political Theories.


Modern Theories of Sociology. Franklin H. Giddings, Associate in Political Science.

Tuition irrespective of number courses attended, $100 a year.
Five fellowships are awarded annually, none, however, in foregoing studies. They entitle the holder to free tuition, a furnished room in the college buildings, and $350 yearly.



University Faculty of Political Science, 1890-91, includes:


(1) Mediaeval History. 2 hours a week, 1st session, Prof. Dunning.
(2) Modern History to 1815. 2 hours a week, 2d session, Prof. Goodnow.
(3) Modern History since 1815. 2 hours a week, 1st session, Prof. Munroe Smith.
(4) Political and Constitutional History of Europe. 4 hours a week, 1st session. Prof. Burgess.
(5) Political and Constitutional History of England to 1688. 2 hours a week, 1st session, Prof. Osgood.
(6) Political and Constitutional History of England since 1688. 2 hours a week, 2d session, Prof. Osgood.
(7) Political and Constitutional History of the United States. 4 hours a week, 2d session, Prof. Burgess.
(8) History of New York State. 2 hours a week, 2d session, Mr. Whitridge.
(9) History of the Relations Between England and Ireland, 1 hour through the year, Prof. Dunning.
(10) Historical and Political Geography. 1 hour through the year, Prof. Goonnow
(11) Seminarium in European History. 2 hours through the year, Prof. Osgood.
(12) Seminarium in American History. 2 hours through the year. Prof. Burgess.


(1) Elements of Political Economy. 2 hours a week, 2d session, Prof. Osgood.
(2) Historical and Practical Political Economy. 3 hours per week through the year, Prof. R. M. Smith.
(3) History of Economic Theories. 2 hours through the year, Prof. Seligman.
(4) Socialism and Communism. 2 hours per week through the year, Prof. R. M. Smith.
(5) Science of Finance. 2 hours per week through the year, Prof. Seligman.
(6) Financial History of the United States. 2 hours per week through the year, Prof. Seligman.
(7) Tariff History of the United States. 2 hours per week, 2d session, Prof. Seligman.
(8) State and Local Taxation. 1 hour per week through the year, Dr. Spahr.
(9) Statistics, Methods, and Results. 2 hours per week through the year, Prof. R. M. Smith.
(10) Railroad Problems. 2 hours per week through the year, Prof. Seligman.
(11) Ethnology. 2 hours per week through the year, Prof. R. M. Smith.
(12) Seminarium in Political Economy. 2 hours per week through the year, Profs. R. M. Smith and Seligman.
(13) Seminarium in Finance. 2 hours per week through the year, Prof. Seligman.
(14) Seminarium in Social Science and Statistics. 2 hours per week through the year, Prof. R. M. Smith.


(1) Comparative Constitutional Law of Europe and the United States. 3 hours per week. Prof. Burgess.
(2) Comparative Constitutional Law of the Commonwealths of the United States. 2 hours per week, 2d session, Dr. Bernheim.
(3) Administrative Organization and the Civil Service of Europe and the United States. 3 hours per week, 1st session, Prof. Goodnow.
(4) Administrative Action: Police Power, Education, Public Charity, Transportation, etc. 3 hours a week, 2d session. Prof. Goodnow.
(5) Local Government. 2 hours a week, 1st session. Prof. Goodnow.
(6) Municipal Government. 2 hours a week, 2d session, Prof. Goodnow.
(7) Law of Taxation. 1 hour through the year, Prof. Goodnow.
(8) City and State Politics. 1 hour per week through the year, Dr. Bernheim.
(9) Seminarium in Constitutional Law. 2 hours a week through the year, Prof. Burgess.
(10) Seminarium in Administrative Law. 2 hours a week through the year, Prof. Goodnow.


(1) General History of Diplomacy. 2 hours per week, 1st session, Pi of. Burgess.
(2) Diplomatic History of the United States. 2 hours per week, 2d session, Dr. Bancroft.
(3) Principles of International Law. 2 hours per week, 2d session, Prof. Burgess.
(4) Seminarium in International Law. 2 hours per week through the year. Prof. Burgess and Dr. Bancroft.


(1) History of European Law to Justinian. 2 hours a week, 1st session, Prof. Munroe Smith.
(2) History of European Law from Justinian to the present day. 2 hours a week, 2d session, Prof. Munroe Smith.
(3) Comparative Jurisprudence. 2 hours a week through the year, Prof. Munroe Smith.
(4) International Private Law. 1 hour per week through the year. Prof. Munroe Smith.
(5) Seminarium in Comparative Legislation. 2 hours a week through the year, Prof. Munroe Smith.


(1) History of Political Theories, Ancient and Mediaeval. 3 hours a week, 1st session. Prof. Dunning.
(2) History of Modern Political Theories. 3 hours a week, 2d session, Prof. Dunning.
(3) Seminarium in Political Theories of the 19th Century. 2 hours per week through the year, Prof. Dunning.


Some of the foregoing courses are given only in alternate years. During 1891-92 several new courses will be offered in History and in Sociology.

The course of study covers three years. The degree of A. B. or Ph.B. is conferred at the end of the first year, A.M. at the end of the second, and Ph.D. at the end of the third.
Tuition fee $150 a year, reducible on application to $100. Tuition fee for special courses, $10 for each one-hour course. Twenty-four University Fellowships of $500 each with free tuition, designed to foster original research, are awarded to advanced students in the University. A proportionate number are allotted to the Faculty of Political Science. Four additional fellowships of $250 each, with free tuition, are awarded annually to advanced students of Political Science. Three prize lectureships of $500 each for three years are awarded to graduates in Political Science.

For further information address the Registrar.



Department of History and Political Science, 1890-91, includes:


(4) Political and Social History of Europe During the Middle Ages. 1 hr. thrice a week, Asst. Prof. Burr.
(5) Political and Social History of Europe from the Renaissance to the French Revolution. 1 hr. thrice a week, Asst. Prof. Burr.
(6) Political and Social History of England from the Saxon Invasion to the Close of the Napoleonic Wars. 1 hr. thrice a week, Asst. Prof. Burr.
(7) Political, Social, and Constitutional History of Europe from Beginning of French Revolution of 1789 to the Franco-German War of 1870. 1 hr. thrice a week. Several lectures in this course from ex-Pres. White and Pres. Adams.
(12) American Constitutional History and American Constitutional Law. 1 hr. thrice a week, Prof. Tyler.
(13) American Historical Seminary for Seniors and Graduates, and for Juniors and Seniors. The original investigation of subjects in American Constitutional History. 2 hrs. a week, Prof. Tyler.
(14) History of Institutions. Fall term: General principles of political organization. Winter term: Growth of the English Constitution. Spring term: Methods of municipal administration. 1 hr. thrice a week, Prof. Tuttle.
(15) International Law and History of Diplomacy. 1 hr. twice a week, Prof. Tuttle.
(16) Literature of Political Science. 1 hr. a week, Prof. Tuttle.
(17) General Seminary. Study, from the sources, of obscure political and historical questions. 2 hrs. a week, Prof. Tuttle.


(19) Elementary course. Principles of Political Economy. Banking. Financial Legislation of the United States. 1 hr. thrice a week, Prof. Laughlin.
(20) Advanced Course. Discussion of economic writers and systems. Investigation of current economic topics: Bimetallism, Shipping, Railway Transportation. 1 hr. twice a week. Prof. Laughlin.
(21) History of Tariff Legislation of the United States. 1 hr. a week, Prof. Laughlin.
(22) Economic seminary. hrs. a week, Prof. Laughlin.


(26) Social Science, including the History and Management of Charitable and Penal Institutions. 1 hr. a week, Prof. Collin.


Tuition fee, $125 a year.

Fellowships, eight in number, yielding $400 for one year, or in cases of remarkable merit for two years, are offered for high proficiency in advanced study, without special reference to foregoing departments.



Department of Political Economy, 1890-91, includes:


(1) First half-year: Mill’s Principles of Political Economy. Second half-year: Division A (Theoretical)—Mill’s Principles of Political Economy. Cairnes’ Leading Principles of Political Economy. Division B (Descriptive)—Money, Finance, Railroads; Social Questions; Laughlin’s History of Bimetallism. Dunbar’s Chapters on Banking. Hadley’s Railroad Transportation. Lectures. 1 hr. thrice a week, Asst. Prof. Taussig, assisted by Mr, Cole.

All students in Course 1 will have the same work during the first half-year, but will be required in January to make their election between Divisions A and B for the second half- year. The work in Division A is required for admission to Course 2.

(4) Economic History of Europe and America since the Seven Years’ War. Lectures and written work. 1 hr. thrice a week, Prof. Dunbar, assisted by Mr. Cole.


(2) History of Economic Theory. Examination of Selections from Leading Writers. Socialism. 1 hr. thrice a week, Asst. Prof. Taussig and Mr. Brooks.
(3) Investigation and Discussion of Practical Economic Questions. 1 hr. twice a week (first half-year), counting as a half course, Mr. Brooks.
(6) History of Tariff Legislation in the United States. Half course. 1 hr. thrice a week (second half-year). Asst. Prof. Taussig.
(8) History of Financial Legislation in the United States. 1 hr. twice a week (second half-year), counting as a half-course, Prof. Dunbar.
(7) Public Finance and Banking. Leroy-Beaulieu’s Science des Finances. 1 hr. twice a week, Prof. Dunbar.
(9) Railway Transportation. 1 hr. twice a week (second half-year), counting as a half- course, Asst. Prof. Taussig.


(20) Courses of Research.—Advanced Study and Research. Prof. Dunbar and Asst. Prof. Taussig.


Department of History, 1890-91, includes among Courses for Undergraduates:

(2) Constitutional Government (elementary course). Half course. 1 hr. thrice a week (first half-year), Prof. Macvane.
(9) Constitutional History of England to the Sixteenth Century. 1 hr. thrice a week, Dr. Gross.
(13) Constitutional and Political History of the United States (1783-1861). 1 hr. thrice a week, Asst. Prof. Hart.
(15) Elements of International Law. History of Treaties. 1 hr. thrice a week, Dr. Snow.
(22) Constitutional History of England to the Tudor Period, with attention to the sources. Dr. Gross.
(25) English Constitutional History from the Tudor Period to the Accession of George I. Mr. Bendelari.
(26) History of American Institutions to 1783. Asst. Prof. Channing.
(27) Constitutional Development of the United States. Discussion of Constitutional principles in connection with historical questions. Asst. Prof. Hart.
(29) Constitutional History of England since the Accession of George I. Second half- year. Prof. Macvane and Asst. Prof. Channing.
(30) Federal Government: historical and comparative. 1 hr. thrice a week (first half- year), Asst. Prof. Hart.
(31) Leading Principles of Constitutional Law: selected cases, American and English. 1 hr. thrice a week (second half-year), Prof. Macvane.
(32) The Historical Development of International Law. Dr. Snow.

And among Courses of Research:
(20b) The History of Local Government During the Middle Ages, especially in Great Britain: Seminary. Dr. Gross.
(20c) English History in the Period of the Long Parliament: Seminary. Mr. Bendelari.

The full annual tuition fee of a graduate student is $150. If a student has a degree in Arts, Letters, or Science, he enters the Graduate School, and finds any Courses in Political Science open to him which there is prima facie reason to suppose him prepared to take. If he has no degree he must apply for admission as a Special Student. Good cases are always favorably acted upon. The tuition fees of special students are: For any full elective course, $45; for a half course, $25 a year.

Among Fellowships are: One having income $450, for the study of Political Economy; another, income $500, for the study of Social Science; another, income $450, for the study of Ethics in its relation to Jurisprudence or to Sociology; another, income $450, assigned to students of Constitutional or International Law.



Department of History and Politics, 1890-91, includes:


(1) The Seminary of History and Politics for original investigation in American Institutional, educational, economic, and social history. Two hours weekly through the year, Dr. Herbert B. Adams.
(2) Early History of Institutions and Greek Politics. Two hours weekly, first half year. Dr. Herbert B. Adams.
(3) History of Prussia, devoting particular attention to the economic, administrative, and educational reforms instituted by Baron vom Stein. Herbert B. Adams.
(4) Lectures on Historical and Comparative Jurisprudence. Two hours weekly, through the year, Mr. Emmott.
(5) Finance and Taxation, giving special attention to taxation in American states and cities, and reviewing the tariff legislation of the United States. Two hours weekly, through the year, Dr. R. T. Ely.
(6) Economic Conference. Three out of four of these treat Adam Smith and his English and Scotch predecessors. The fourth is devoted to recent economic periodical literature. One evening each week, Dr. R. T. Ely.
(7) Dr. Woodrow Wilson gives twenty-five lectures upon Administration, beginning a new three-year series. The lectures of 1891 cover general questions of Public Law as connected with Administration, and examine the question of a professional civil service.
(8) Mr. J. M. Vincent lectures on courses of history and science of historical investigation.
(9) Dr. C. L. Smith lectures on social science.


(1) Greek and Roman History. Three hours weekly, from January until June.
(2) Outlines of European History (substitute for Course 1). Three hours weekly, from January until June, with Dr. C. L. Smith.
(3) History, Minor course: Herodotus and Thucydides, in translation. Weekly through the year, with a classical instructor.
(4) History, Minor course: Livy and Tacitus, in the original. Four times weekly, with classical instructors.
(5) History, Major course: Church History; Mediaeval and Modern Europe. Daily through the year, with Dr. Adams and Dr. C. L. Smith.
(6) Political Science, Minor course: introduction to Political Economy. Daily through the year, with Dr. Ely.
(7) Political Science, Major course: International Law and Diplomatic History; English and American Constitutional History. Daily, with Dr. Adams and Mr. Emmott.

Fee for tuition, Full University Course, $125 a year. Special students, not candidates for a degree, can follow certain courses, not exceeding five lectures weekly (of which a list may be seen in Treasurer’s office), on payment of $50 a year.

Twenty Fellowships, each yielding $500, but not exempting holder from charges for tuition, are annually awarded in the University. These are bestowed almost exclusively on young men desirous of becoming teachers of science and literature, or who propose to devote their lives to special branches of learning. There are also twenty scholarships of $200 each annually; and in addition, scholarships for candidates from Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and the District of Columbia, details concerning which are given in the University Register.



Department of History, Economics and Social Science, 1890-91, includes:


English Constitution and its History. 1st and 2d terms, daily.
History of the Constitution of the United States, 1774-1789. 1st term, daily.
American Political History, 1789-1890. Politics and Administration. 2d term, daily.


Political Economy. 3 times a week, 1st and 2d terms.
Politics, elementary. Twice a week, 1st and 2d terms.
History of Political Economy. 5 times a week, 3d term.
Introduction to Sociology. 3 times a week, 1st term.
Introductory Course in Statistics. Twice a week, 1st term.
Social Problems. 5 times a week, 2d term.
History of Political Ideas. 5 times a week, 3d term.
Comparative Politics. Daily, 1st term.
Finance. 3 times a week, 2d and 3d terms.
Economic Seminary, for advanced students. Once a week, two-hour sessions.

Tuition free. A silver medal is offered annually by the Cobden Club, London, for the best work in Political Economy, Senior Class.



Departments of Political Economy, International Law, History, and Philosophy, 1890-91, includes:

First Semester.

(1) Principles of Political Economy. 1 hr. thrice a week, Prof. Adams.
(3) Principles of the Science of Finance. 1 hr. twice a week, Prof. Adams.
(5) History of Economic Thought. 1 hr. a week, Prof. Adams.
(9) Seminary in Economics. 2 hrs. a week, Prof. Adams.
(11) Foreign Relations of the United States. 1 hr. twice a week, Mr. Hicks.

Second Semester.

(2) Unsettled Questions in Political Economy. 1 hr. thrice a week, Prof. Adams.
(4) Social and Industrial Reforms. 1 hr. twice a week, Prof. Adams.
(6) Tariff Legislation in the United States. 1 hr. a week, Mr. Hicks.
(10) Seminary in Economics. 2 hrs. a week, Prof. Adams.
(12) Foreign Relations of the United States. 2 hrs. a week, Mr. Hicks.


First Semester.

(1) Lectures on International Law. 1 hr. twice a week, Pres. Angell.

Second Semester.

(2) History of Treaties. 1 hr. twice a week, Pres. Angell.


First Semester.

(3) Constitutional History of the United States. 1 hr. twice a week, Asst. Prof. Laughlin.

(5) Constitutional Law of the United States. 1 hr. twice a week, Asst. Prof. Laughlin.

(11) Seminary. Constitutional History of the United States. 2 hrs. a week, Asst. Prof. Laughlin.

(12) Comparative Constitutional Law. 3 hrs. a week, Prof. Hudson.

Second Semester.

(1) Political and Constitutional History of England. 1 hr. thrice a week, Mr. McPherson.

(4) Constitutional History of the United States. 1 hr. twice a week, Asst. Prof. Laughlin.


Second Semester.

(13) Seminary. Studies in the History of Political Philosophy. Prof. Dewey.

The fees are: matriculation, for citizens of Michigan, $10; for others, $25. Annual fee in the Department of Literature, Science, and the Arts, in which foregoing studies are included, $20 for citizens of Michigan, $30 for others.

No scholarships. The one fellowship is for proficiency in Greek and Latin.



Department of Economic and Political Science, 1890-91, includes:

(1) Political Economy: General study of the subject, with the use of some text as Walker, Ely, or Andrews. Lectures on the character and history of the science, and on specific application of its principles to practical affairs. Topical reports from students required, and exercises assigned in the use of statistics. Junior or Senior Year; First and second terms, three hours.
(2) Taxation ; text and lectures. Junior or Senior Year: Third term, three hours.
(3) International Law: Outline study of the subject, with text. Third term, three hours.
(4) Municipal Administration: Comparative study of the City Governments of the present time, with especial reference to American practice in the administrative branches. First and second terms, two hours.
(5) Constitutional Law: A study of Cooley’s text-book, and lectures on the industrial bearings of the complex limitations imposed by our State and local constitutions. Third term, three hours.
(6) Private Corporations: First term, a comparative and historical view of corporation law in its economic aspects; second term, Railroad Problems; third term, Special reports on assigned topics involving original research. Whole year, two hours.
(7) Charities and Corrections: Lectures, study of reports of the State Boards and of the National Conference of Charities and Corrections, and visits to the charitable and penal institutions of the vicinity; third term, three hours.
(8) Methods of Legislating; A comparative view of the rules and practice of modern legislative assemblies, with special reference to the machinery of congressional and legislative action in the United States; first term, one hour,

All the above are taught by Associate Professor Warner. In the other departments Professor Kingsley offers a course in Anthropology, and many of the courses in History deal with the historical aspects of economic and industrial problems, and with the History of Institutions.

The terms of the year are respectively 14, 11, and 11 weeks. No scholarships. No fees.



Departments of History and Political Science, and Jurisprudence and Political Economy, 1890-91, include:


(7) Constitutional and Political History of England since 1688. 2 hrs. a week, 1st term. Open to Juniors and Seniors.
(8) American Political History. 2 hrs. a week, 2d term. Open to Juniors and Seniors.
(9) Comparative Politics. Origin and Theory of the State. 2 hrs. a week, 1st term. Open to Seniors.
(10) History of Political Theories. 2 hrs. a week, 2d term. Open to Seniors.
(11) Contrasts between Parliamentary and Congressional Governments. 2 hrs. a week, 1st or 2d term. Open to Graduate Students.


(1) In Public Law, its evidence as to the nature of the state and as to the character and scope of political sovereignty. 2 hrs. a week, 1st term, alternate years. Junior and Senior elective.
(3) American Constitutional Law, state and federal. 2 hrs. a week, 2d term, alternate years. Junior and Senior elective.
(5) Administration. 2 hrs. a week, 2d term, alternate years. Senior elective, and open to Graduate Students.
(7) Political Economy: Elementary course. Walker’s Elementary Political Economy, and lectures. 2 hrs. a week, 2d term. Required of Juniors.
(8) Political Economy: Advanced course. 2 his. a week, 1st term. Senior elective.


Academic tuition fee, $100 per an.

Admission to special courses on terms detailed in College Catalogue, p. 26.

A fellowship of $500 annually is offered in Social Science. Several fellowships in other departments of the academic course are also offered.

Among prizes are: Annual interest on $1000 for best examination. Senior class, Political Science; same, Political Economy; $50, American Political History; annual interest on $1000, best debater, American Politics.



Wharton School of Finance and Economy, 1890-91, includes:


(3) Constitution of the United States. 2 hrs. each week, Prof. Thompson.
(4) Political and Social History of Europe since 1760. 3 hrs., Mr. Cheyney.
(6) Economic and Social History of Europe singe 1789. 2 hrs., Mr. Cheyney.
(7) American Political and Social History, Colonial. 3 hrs., 1st term, Prof. McMaster.
(8) Church and State in America. 2 hrs., 1st term, Prof. Thompson.
(9) American Political and Social History (Washington to Jackson). 3 hrs., 2d term, Prof. McMaster.
(10) Economic History of the United States. 2 hrs., 2d term, Prof. Thompson.
(13) American Political and Social History (1825-1889). 4 hrs., 1st term, Prof. McMaster.
(14) American Constitutional History (1776-1889). 3 hrs., 2d term. Prof. McMaster.


(1) Political Economy, elementary. 3 hrs., 1st term, Prof. Patten.
(2) Currency and Banking. 3 hrs., 2d term, Prof. Patten.
(3) Social Science. 2 hrs., Prof. Thompson.
(4) Social Science, advanced. 3 hrs., 1st term. Prof. Thompson.
(5) Political Economy, advanced, 3 hrs., 1st term. Prof. Patten.
(6) Political Economy, History of. 3 hrs., 2d term, Prof. Patten.
(7) Revenue System in the United States and leading foreign countries. 2 hrs., 1st term, Prof. James.
(8) History and Theories of. Public Finance, especially of Taxation. 2 hrs., 2d term, Prof. James.
(9) Statistics. 2 hrs., 2d term, Dr. Falkner.


(1) Constitution of the United States. 3 hrs., 1st term, Prof. James.
(2) State Constitutional Law. 2 hrs., 2d term. Dr. Thorpe.
(3) History and Theory of the State. 1 hr., 2d term, Prof. James.
(4) Constitutions of leading foreign countries. 2 hrs., 2d term, Prof. James.
(5) Public Administration in the United States. 2 hrs., 1st term, Prof. James.
(6) Public Administration in leading foreign countries. 2 hrs., 2d term, Prof. Jamss.


(1) In Political Science. Prof. James.
(2) In Political Economy. Prof. Patten.


Fees, $150 a year for undergraduate work, and the same for graduate work without the fee for examination for advanced degree.

Five honorary scholarships are granted to graduates of any reputable American college; these make free all instruction in the graduate work of the University relating to subjects studied in the Wharton School.

The Wharton School is a unique endeavor to introduce a business course into the body of advanced college work, to make the college mean at least as much to the business man as to the professional classes.



Course for 1890-91 includes:


Political Economy, Lectures, with use of Laughlin’s Political Economy and Clark’s Philosophy of Wealth. Senior year, fall term.
Political Economy and Political Science, with special readings. Winter term
Political History of the United States, and Political Economy, Lectures. Summer term.


Tuition fee for all students, regular, special and graduate, $100 a year.

Annual scholarships of $50 and $100 each have been established to assist meritorious students.



The Department of History and Economics, 1890-91, includes:

In the Senior year an advanced course is offered for the critical study of the origin and development of the English and American constitutions and a comparative study of the existing political institutions of the two countries.

In American history the work includes the study of the government of the individual colonies, the different attempts, to form a union, and the adoption of the present constitution.

(1) Principles of Economics. Recitations from Walker’s Political Economy and Jevons’ Money and the Mechanism of Exchange. First semester, elect for Seniors. Associate Professor Mills.
(2) Advanced Course. Special topics. Lectures and investigation. Second semester, elective for Seniors who have had Course 1. Associate Professor Mills.


Tuition, day students, $115 a year.

Several scholarships are offered, particulars of which are given in Calendar.



The Department of History, Political Science, and Political Economy, 1889-90, includes:


(1) Political History of England and the United States: England, first semester; United States, second semester.

(4) Constitutional History of England and United States: England, first semester, Coman’s Outlines; United States, second semester. Hart’s Outlines.

(6) Political Science: lectures on Grecian and Roman methods of government, twice a week, first semester; lectures on the history of political institutions, twice a week, second semester.


(1) Economic Science, first semester. Authorities, Mill, Marshall, Walker.

(2) Economic and Social Problems, second semester. Lectures and special topics.

No text-books are used. Each class is provided with printed outlines, and adequate references to the best authorities. Lectures are given where guidance is needed, but the student is made responsible for a large amount of independent library work.

Tuition, $150 a year.

There are more than twenty scholarships, details of which are given in calendar.



Department of Political Economy and Political Science, 1890-91, includes:

Political Economy is a prescribed study, running through the 2d and 3d terms (33 weeks). 3 times a week, Prof. A. L. Perry.
Political Science is an elective study, running through all the terms beginning with the 1st of Junior Year. The basis of instruction is the text of the Constitution, interpreted in the light of decisions of the Supreme Court. Prof, A. L. Perry.
In 3d term of Senior Year two hours a week are given to Sociology. Prof. J. Bascom.

History includes principles and methods of historical study as applied to the politics and institutions of Europe.


Fee for tuition, per year, $105.

Perry prizes, $50 and $25 respectively, are awarded in History and Political Science.

The Cobden Club, of London, offers a silver medal annually for the highest proficiency in Political Economy.



Departments of Political Science and Law and History, 1890-91, include:


(10) Political Economy, its elements, recent financial history of the United States, with lectures on elementary principles. 2 hrs., both terms. Prof. Sumner.
(11) Political Economy. A one-year course planned to give a comprehensive knowledge of essentials to those whose chief interest lies in other departments of study. 3 hrs., both terms (Seniors), Prof. Sumner.

(Courses 12 to 15 are open only to those who have taken Course 10.)

(12) Advanced Political Economy. 2 hrs., both terms (Seniors), Prof. Sumner.
(13) Finance. 1 hr., both terms (Seniors), Prof. Sumner
(14) School of Political Economy, for those who make this their chief study during the year. Prof. Sumner and Dr. Schwab.
(15) Social Science, an elementary course. 1 hr., both terms (Seniors), Prof. Sumner.
(16) Industrial History of the United States since 1850. Open only to those who have already studied Political Economy. 2 hrs., first term (Seniors), Prof. Hadley.
(17) Modern Economic Theories. 2 hrs., 2d term (Seniors), Prof. Hadley.


(18) Includes constitutional and international law. Open only to those who take Course 19. 2 hrs., 2d term (Seniors), Prof. Phelps.
(19) Jurisprudence. Includes law in its relation to the origin, development and government of political society, nature and origin of legal rights, and principles of the law governing rights in land. 2 hrs., 1st term (Seniors), Prof. Robinson.


(20) History of Europe since 1789, mainly political. 2 hrs., both terms (Seniors), Prof. Wheeler.
(21) English History, political and constitutional. 3 hrs., both terms (Seniors), Prof. Wheeler.
(22) American History. In the national period special attention is given to the rise and progress of political parties. 2 hrs., both terms (Juniors), Prof. C. H. Smith.
(23) American History. Study of the Constitution and Supreme Court interpretations. 2 hrs., both terms (Seniors), Prof. C. H. Smith.
(24) Europe from 1520 to 1789. With special attention to political history. 2 hrs., both terms, Prof. Adams.

The foregoing are among the elective courses. Juniors select nine hours per week, and Seniors select fifteen. The no. of hrs. specified means hrs. per week.


The fee for graduate instruction is generally $100 per annum, but may be more or less according to the course pursued. A variety of fellowships and prizes are offered, none, however, specifically in foregoing courses.


Source: The Society for Political Education. The Reader’s guide in Economic, Social and Political Science, being a classified bibliography, American, English, French and German, with descriptive notes, author, title and subject index, courses of reading, college courses, etc., R. R. Bowker and George Iles, eds. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1891, pp. 129-137.



Chicago Columbia Cornell Harvard Johns Hopkins Statistics Wisconsin

Graduate Student Enrollments in Economics. Seligman’s Tally, 1909

Here we have a letter from the chairman of the Columbia University economics department, Edwin R. A. Seligman, to the chairman of the trustees of Columbia University, George L. Rives, boasting of the large market share of Columbia with respect to graduate education in economics and sociology. We’ve seen earlier (1900) that Seligman kept a jealous eye on Columbia’s competition.


[carbon copy of letter Seligman to Rives]

No. 324 West 86 street
New York, February 13, 1909

My dear Sir:

You may be interested in the enclosed statistics which have been compiled by me from answers to questions sent out to the various universities. It shows the relative position of Columbia compared to its six leading competitors, and it is a curious coincidence that the totals of Columbia on the one hand, and of the six universities together on the other, should be precisely the same.

Faithfully yours,

Edwin R. A. Seligman



To Mr. George L. Rives,
New York City




Economics Sociology Total of Economics and Sociology






















Total in the 6 universities








*including duplications


Source: Columbia University Archives. Central Files 1890-, Box 338. Folder: “Seligman, Edwin Robert Anderson. 1.1.110 2/5”

Image SourceUniversities and their Sons, Vol. 2 (1899), pp. 485.

Chicago Columbia Cornell Harvard Michigan Pennsylvania Research Tip Salaries

Professors’ and Instructors’ Salaries, ca. 1907

Some 103 colleges and universities in the United States and Canada provided useable answers to a survey of higher educational institutions having annual instructional salary budgets of over $45,000 (note assistant professors at the time cost about $2,000 per year) conducted by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Results were published in 1908 (the Preface is dated April 1908), so we can reasonably presume the information reported is either from budgetary data for the academic year 1907-08 or for the academic year 1906-07. The 101 page Bulletin even went on to present data for professorial incomes in Germany!

As the entire Carnegie Foundation Bulletin can be downloaded, this posting is more of a research tip/teaser. I present below an excerpt for the top ten universities (out of 103), ranked by their annual appropriations for the salaries of instructional staff.

Plucking two sentences in lieu of an executive summary, I offer the following quotes from the Bulletin:

“Good, plodding men, who attend diligently to their profession [law, medicine and engineering are meant here] but who are without unusual ability, often obtain in middle life an income considerably higher tthan a man of the greatest genius can receive in an American professor’s chair.” [p. 25]

“A German who possesses such ability that he may expect in due time to become a full professor and who prepares himself for university teaching must expect to study until the age of thirty with no financial return, to study and teach as a docent till nearly thirty-six with an annual remuneration of less than $200, and to teach from thirty-six to forty-one with an annual remuneration of from $600 to $2,000, by which time he may become a full professor and will continue to receive his salary until his death [my emphasis]…If he succeeds… he may hope for a much larger reward and be assured of security in old age.” [p. vii]


Average Salaries for Ranks, Age at Start of Rank, Student-Instructor Ratios

Columbia Harvard Chicago Michigan Yale
Total annual income
(thousands of dollars)
1.675 1.828 1.304 1.078 1.089
Annual Appropriation for Salaries of Instructing Staff
(thousands of dollars)
1.145 .842 .699 .536 .525
Average Salary of Professor $4,289 4,413 $3,600 $2,763 $3,500
Average Age at Entrance to Grade of Professor 37.5 39 35
Average Salary of Associate Professor $3,600 $2,800 $2,009
Average Age at Entrance to Grade of Associate Professor
Average Salary of Assistant Professor $2,201 $2,719 $2,200 $1,624 $2,000
Average Age at Entrance to Grade of Assistant Professor 32 33 29
Average Salary of Instructor $1,800 $1,048 $1,450 $1,114 $1,400
Average Age at Entrance to Grade of Instructor 29 28 24
Average Salary of Assistant $500 $347 $666
Average Age at Entrance to Grade of Assistant 24 26 23
Total Number of Students in University 4,087 4,012 5,070 4,282 3,306
Total Instructing Staff in University 559 573 291 285 365
Ratio 7.3 7 17.4 15 9
Total Number of Students in Undergraduate Colleges and Non-professional Graduate Schools 2,545 2,836 3,902 2,899 2,620
Total Instructing Staff in Undergraduate Colleges and Non-professional Graduate Schools 253 322 211 198 236
Ratio 10 8.8 18.4 14.6 11.1


Average Salaries for Ranks, Age at Start of Rank, Student-Instructor Ratios

Cornell Illinois Wisconsin Pennsyl-vania UC Berkeley
Total annual income
(thousands of dollars)
1.083 1.200 .999 .589 .844
Annual Appropriation for Salaries of Instructing Staff
(thousands of dollars)
.511 .492 .490 .433 .408
Average Salary of Professor $3,135 $2,851 $2,772 $3,500 $3,300
Average Age at Entrance to Grade of Professor 32.8
Average Salary of Associate Professor $2,168 $2,081 $2,200
Average Age at Entrance to Grade of Associate Professor 29.6
Average Salary of Assistant Professor $1,715 $1,851 $1,636 $1,850 $1,620
Average Age at Entrance to Grade of Assistant Professor 28.6
Average Salary of Instructor $924 $1,091 $1,065 $1,000 $1,100
Average Age at Entrance to Grade of Instructor 27.5
Average Salary of Assistant  … $660 $542 $650 $850
Average Age at Entrance to Grade of Assistant 24.5
Total Number of Students in University 3,635 3,605 3,116 3,700 2,987
Total Instructing Staff in University 507 414 297 375 350
Ratio 7.1 8.7 10.4 9.8 8.5
Total Number of Students in Undergraduate Colleges and Non-professional Graduate Schools 2,917 2,281 2,558 2,618 2,451
Total Instructing Staff in Undergraduate Colleges and Non-professional Graduate Schools 283 190 231 166 218
Ratio 10.3 12 11 15.7 11.2


[From the table notes:]

“The grade of associate professor is only given when there is also the distinct grade of assistant professor in the same institution; otherwise the associate professor is classed throughout this discussion as an assistant professor.

Professors who are heads of departments received on an average $5,800 at the University of Chicago.

Figures for Cornell do not include the medical school.


Source: Table II in The Financial Status of the Professor in America and in Germany. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Bulletin Number Two. New York City, 1908, pp. 10-11.

Image Source: Website of the Carnegie Foundation.

P.S. A list of all Carnegie Foundation Publications.

Chicago Columbia Cornell Harvard Wisconsin

Chicago Economics’ Subjective Self-Ranking in 1913

The Dean of the University of Chicago’s College of Commerce and Administration, L. C. Marshall, submitted a proposal October 30, 1913 to President Harry Pratt Judson of the University of Chicago that outlined immediate steps for a transition from temporary arrangements for the College of Commerce and Administration to a permanent policy to go into effect 1914-15. Part of Marshall’s proposal addressed the issue of “the preparation of a student constituency” which besides outreach to entering freshmen and advanced undergraduates included the item “attracting graduate students”. The appendix transcribed for this posting presents a subjective ranking of the factors involved in drawing economics graduate students to the University of Chicago.

The overall ranking was determined by adding the ranks for seven factors with two of those factors given a double-weight.

According to L. C. Marshall, the scholarly reputation of Chicago in economics in 1913 put it in fifth place behind Columbia, Harvard, Cornell and Wisconsin.


Appendix I



  1. This is an attempt to estimate how the institutions are regarded by prospective graduate students and not an attempt to estimate real merit.
  2. The estimate is based on the ranking according to the seven main items which are likely to draw students: I. Geographical location; II. Reputation for discipline given; III. General reputation of social science departments; IV. Scholarly reputation of economics department; V. Reputation for placing men; VI. Opportunities for self-support; and VII. Influence of Teachers out.
  3. Two items are weighted, viz; VI. Opportunities for self-support, and VII. Influence of teachers out.



Geographical Location

Reputation for Discipline given

1  Chicago
2  Columbia
3  Harvard
4  Wisconsin
5  Cornell
6  Illinois
1  Harvard
2  Chicago
3  Columbia
4  Wisconsin
5  Cornell
6  Illinois



General Reputation of Social Science Departments

Scholarly Reputation of Economics Department

1  Columbia
2  Harvard
3  Wisconsin
4  Chicago
5  Cornell
6  Illinois
1  Columbia
2  Harvard
3  Cornell
4  Wisconsin
5  Chicago
6  Illinois



Reputation for Placing Men

Opportunities for Self-support
(weighted by 2)

1  Columbia
2  Harvard
3  Wisconsin
4  Chicago
5  Cornell
6  Illinois
1  Harvard
2  Wisconsin
3  Columbia
4  Illinois
5  Chicago
6  Cornell



Influence of Teachers out
(weighted by 2)

Final Ranking and Points

1  Harvard
2  Columbia
3  Wisconsin
4  Cornell
5  Chicago
6  Illinois
1  Harvard              14
2  Columbia           18
3  Wisconsin          28
4  Chicago              36
5  Cornell               43
6  Illinois                50


No. I is eminently satisfactory

No. II will see Chicago at the head of the list when III, IV, and VII have been remedied

No. III and IV require (a) on the administrative side, carrying through the plans of the College of Commerce and Administration; (b) the earning of scholarly reputation by the members of the department

No. V will care for itself. Chicago will be at the top of this list in five years if we remedy III, IV, VI, and VII.

No. VI is a very serious matter, and requires consideration too detailed to be attempted here

No. VII will not be overcome for ten years.


Source: University of Chicago Archives. Department of Economics Records, Box 14, Folder 13

Image Source:  Picture of Dean Leon C. Marshall from University of Chicago Photographic Archive, apf1-04113, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library.

Chicago Columbia Cornell Curriculum Harvard Johns Hopkins Pennsylvania Princeton Wisconsin Yale

Columbia Economics’ Market Share in 1900

The School of Political Science at Columbia University was divided into three groups of subjects: History and Political Philosophy, Public Law and Comparative Jurisprudence, and Economics and Social Science.

Economics and Social Science comprised the two subject groups: Political Economy and Finance; Sociology and Statistics. 

Seligman figured that of the approximately 135 graduate students specializing in economics in 1899-1900 in the seven eastern departments (Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Pennsylvania, Princeton, and Yale), about 75 were at Columbia.



Department of Economics.—Since the recent reorganization of the work in economics, there has been a marked increase in the number, as well as in the quality of the students. Numbers, indeed, constitute no adequate test of the real work done by the various departments within a university; for the subject which attracts the fewest students may possess the highest scientific value and may be presided over by the ablest professors. But, when an institution is compared with others of about the same grade and size, the relative number of students in any one department affords a fair indication of the importance to be assigned to it. Hence, the following table is of much interest:



*By graduate student is meant a student holding a first degree.
1 Attending for three terms.
2 Including Economics and Public Law.
3 Including Economics, Politics and History.

The number of graduate students in economics and social science at Columbia is much greater than the number in any other American institution. If we compare Columbia with six Eastern universities,—Johns Hopkins, Harvard, Yale, Cornell, Pennsylvania and Princeton,—we find that Columbia has almost as many such students as all six, that is, 75 as against 89. And if it were possible to separate the students working primarily in economics at Johns Hopkins, Yale, and Cornell (where the figures include other students in political science as well), it is practically certain that Columbia would be found to possess more graduate students working primarily in economics and social science than the other six institutions together. Assuming that half of the students returned in Johns Hopkins, Yale and Cornell are working primarily in economics,—a very liberal assumption, —we should have a total of 60 in the six Eastern universities, as against 75 in Columbia. This is a remarkable showing.

In order that it may not be supposed that the basis of classification varies, it may be added that each of the students at Columbia is enrolled primarily under the Faculty of Political Science and is a candidate for the master’s or doctor’s degree, with the major subject in economics and social science. Every such student is required to attend a seminar. In addition to the seminar, 35 of the 75 students are taking 3 or more courses in economics or social science and 20 are taking 2 such courses. The remainder, who are taking one course in addition to the seminar, are chiefly students who have taken most of their lecture work in previous years.

The following figures, as to enrollment in economics and social science, will prove instructive:

Graduate students, primarily enrolled in political science, taking graduate courses (whether as a major or minor) 95
Graduate students (male) in the whole university taking graduate courses 123
Non-graduates (male), primarily registered in political science, doing chief work in economics 22
Students, graduates and non-graduates (male, but exclusive of seniors and other college students) in the whole university, taking graduate courses 149
Enrollment of students, as above (not deducting duplicates), in graduate courses in economics and social science 559
Enrollment of under-graduates in Columbia College 179
Enrollment of students of all kinds (male) pursuing these studies 738
Enrollment of Barnard students 140
Total enrollment in the University 878

The relative importance of the university work may also be seen by this comparison with Harvard:

Harvard Columbia
Total students primarily registered in non-professional (graduate) schools 341 331
Total graduates in non-professional (graduate) schools 323 292
Total graduates in political science 52 or 16% 114 or 39%
Total graduates primarily in economics and social science 8 or 2½% 17 or 26%

This showing is doubtless due in part to the system on which the work in economics and social science at Columbia is organized. The department has four full professors, one instructor and two lecturers. The work has been so apportioned that each professor devotes himself primarily to his own specialty—Professor Mayo-Smith to statistics and practical economics, Professor Clark to economic theory, Professor Giddings to social science, and Professor Seligman to economic history and finance. Another explanation of the large numbers is the facility afforded to students to combine with their studies in economics the courses in history, public law and general political science.

Among the recent graduates in economics of the School of Political Science, no less than 25 are now giving instruction in economics at other institutions, including Yale, Cornell, Amherst, Bryn Mawr, Smith, Syracuse, the Universities of Illinois, Indiana, and Colorado, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A number of graduates have become editors of important daily or weekly papers, in New York, Buffalo, Omaha and other cities, and a large number occupy administrative positions in the service of the national and state governments. Among the latter may be mentioned one of the chief statistician in the census office, a number of expert agents and chief clerks in the departments of the treasury and of agriculture in Washington; and the deputy commissioner of labor statistics and the sociology librarian in the State Library at Albany.

E. R. A. S. [Edwin R. A. Seligman]


Source: Columbia University Quarterly, Vol. 2, June, 1900, pp. 284-287.

Chicago Columbia Cornell Harvard Johns Hopkins Michigan Pennsylvania

Top Eleven Economics PhD Programs in US, 1934

A listing of 22 U.S. graduate programs in economics judged by majority vote of a jury of 54 individuals (identified by name) to be adequately staffed and equipped for work leading to the doctorate in Economics. Eleven of those programs were designated to be “distinguished”.


Excerpt from:

American Council on Education.
Report of Committee on Graduate Instruction.
Washington, D. C., April 1934.

…In preparing a list of graduate schools the following procedure was followed:

  1. A list of 50 fields of knowledge in which it seemed possible to study the graduate work was prepared. The study as concluded covered only 35 fields.
  2. A list of the 50 fields was sent to the Dean of the graduate school of every institution known to be offering work for the doctorate. The Dean was requested to check the fields in which graduate work for the doctorate was offered, to indicate the number of doctorates conferred in the last 5 years, and to submit a list of the graduate faculty in each field. The responses of the deans varied in accuracy and comprehensiveness.
  3. From the reports of the deans, supplemented by study of catalogs, lists of institutions offering graduate work for the doctorate in each field, were prepared, complete so far as our information went.
  4. The secretary of the national learned society in each field was requested to provide a list of 100 well-known scholars distributed, as far as possible, among the various special branches of the field.
  5. To each of these scholars was sent a list of all the institutions offering work for the doctorate in the field with their respective graduate staffs in the field. Each scholar was requested to check those institutions which in his judgment had an adequate staff and equipment to prepare candidates for the doctorate; and to star the departments of the highest rank, roughly the highest 20 per cent.
  6. The returns from these scholars were summarized, and those institutions accorded a star by the majority voting were placed in the starred group; those checked by a majority, but failing of a majority of stars, were placed in the group of those adequately staffed and equipped….

…Many votes on departments came in too late for inclusion in tabulations.


100 ballots sent out.
61 returns; majority, 31 votes.
535 doctorates were conferred in the period 1928-1932: 53 institutions offered work for doctorate.

Composite ratings were made from reports of the following persons: James W. Angell, George E. Barnett, J. W. Bell, A. B. Berglund, Roy G. Blakey, E. L. Bogart, O. F. Bouche, F. A. Bradford, T. N. Carver, J. M. Clark, Clive Day, F. S. Deibler, Paul Douglas, F. A. Fetter, Irving Fisher, F. B. Garver, Carter Goodrich, C. E. Griffin, M. B. Hammond, Alvin Hansen, C. D. Hardy, B. H. Hibbard, H. E. Hoagland, Grover G. Huebner, John Ise, Jens Jensen, Eliot Jones, Edwin Kemmerer, James E. LeRossingnol, H. L. Lutz, David McCabe, H. A. Millis, Broadus Mitchell, Wesley C. Mitchell, H. G. Moulton, C. T. Murchison, E. G. Nourse, E. M. Patterson, Carl Plohn, C. O. Ruggles, W. A. Scott, Horace Secrist, S. H. Slichter, T. R. Snavely, W. E. Spahr, R. A. Stevenson, G. W. Stocking, Frank P. Stockton, H. C. Taylor, Jesse Tullock, Francis Tyson, Jacob Viner, G. S. Watkins, A. B. Wolfe.

The jury named above has by a majority vote approved the following institutions as adequately staffed and equipped for work leading to the doctorate in Economics, starring which it considers most distinguished:

Brown University


University of Chicago


Columbia University University of Illinois


Cornell University University of Iowa


Harvard University—Radcliffe College


University of Michigan
Johns Hopkins University


University of Minnesota
New York University University of Missouri
Northwestern University


University of Pennsylvania
Ohio State University University of Texas


Princeton University University of Virginia
Stanford University


University of Wisconsin


University of California


Yale University



Source: Columbia University Rare Book & Manuscript Library. William Vickrey Papers, Box 35, Folder “510.7/1934/Am3”.

Chicago Columbia Cornell Curriculum Harvard Johns Hopkins Michigan Pennsylvania Yale

Cornell. Laughlin’s Scheme to Expand Economics,1891

J. Laurence Laughlin was hired away from Cornell to build the Department of Political Economy at the University of Chicago that began operation in the academic year 1892-93. This proposal to expand Cornell’s own instructional and research work in political economy and finance is interesting as Laughlin’s vision of what it would take to go from second-rate to the leading department. It is also interesting for its table comparing Laughlin’s dream department with the state of affairs at six rival universities: Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Johns Hopkins, Michigan and Pennsylvania in 1890-91.




In view of the arrangement of courses for the coming year, (1891—2,) careful consideration should be given to the opportunities afforded by this department. The subjects heated are essential parts of the civic education of every member of society. Apart from their disciplinary value, their practical character would alone make it natural that the curricula of such schools as those of Agriculture, and of Mechanic Arts, should be enriched by including in them economic courses. This policy has already been announced by the statement in the University Register that Political Economy shall be hereafter made a part of the course of Civil Engineering. When regard is had to the prevailing ignorance of economics and its effect on national legislation, the wisdom of this policy is undoubted. The question might even be raised whether it were not advisable to require Political Economy of all students in the various courses, quite as much as History, or Chemistry. I cannot think, however, it is of advantage to the influence of a study to make its pursuit obligatory; but there cannot, I suppose, be any difference of opinion as to the wisdom of providing the proper amount of instruction, when the study of it is voluntary, and when the numbers of students are too great, (as is now the case,) to be properly cared for by the single professor


In extending the reputation and prestige of Cornell University, no possible investment of its funds would, in my judgment, produce larger or earlier fruit than those spent in enlarging the work of this department. Such a policy would, at once, lend aid in educating the country where it most needs education, and bring here greater numbers of bright students who want economic training. The real University is to be found in the men it trains, and in the influence they exert on the community.

The deplorable ignorance and prejudice regarding questions of great practical importance, (such as banking and currency topics.) in the very regions from which we now draw our students, and must hereafter draw them in increasing numbers, makes the duty, as well as the opportunity, of our University, one of transcendent importance. Can it rise to the occasion? It is entirely within the truth to say that no such opportunity is open to us in any other branch of study. Furthermore, no other institution in our country is, at present, so well situated as Cornell University for doing a great and striking work in economics. If we accomplish this work, we can secure a strong hold on the people, and an enviable repute for enthusiastic, enterprising scholarship on subjects touching the immediate welfare of every individual citizen.

The mere fact of having had this exceptional opportunity for twenty years, and not having used it, (excepting one year,)—although there may be good reasons for it—has created a widespread belief elsewhere in our lack of interest and purpose in aiding economic study. To take only a second-rate position, therefore, or to do only moderately well, will not be enough to place us in a proper attitude before the public. Nor will it do to act so slowly that the growth of the department, however real, may be imperceptible to the outside world. In short, to produce the desired effect we should, if possible, draw the attention of the country to us by a striking and important movement; and it will be easy to make it striking and effective, because it is started in a subject which is occupying general attention. To indicate what form this movement should take is, in my opinion, the proper purpose of this communication. It has consequently seemed best to present a scheme of work for the department in as nearly complete a form as possible; a scheme, which shall be more thorough, more comprehensive, more scholarly than that presented by any other university. If adopted, it may then be said that greater advantages for economic study are offered at Cornell University than at any other American university. That a distinct opportunity exists for us, any member of an economic department in other institutions would be the first to admit. Our apathy in this matter has, in the past, excited some comment and surprise.

The discussion regarding the neglect by this University of liberal studies in favor of the professional and technical schools, might suggest the present as a favorable opportunity to disabuse the public of that mistaken idea, by adopting this scheme for enlarging the department of economics; for, while appealing to those who believe in an intensely practical education, economics in truth belongs, because of its disciplinary power, to the culture studies. Should the Fayerweather bequest be received, may it not be the means, by concentrating its use on one field, of making a striking movement which would command public attention?


I present herewith a list of courses which, if provided, would place this department ahead of any other in America. This is then followed by a comparison of the proposed scheme with the courses offered at Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Johns Hopkins, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. The courses run throughout the year, at the given number of hours per week :—

  1. Introductory course. Principles of Modern Economics. Elementary Banking. Descriptive economics: Money, coöperation, bimetallism, railway transportation, etc.
    3 hours a week. [At present, two sections, requiring of the instructor six hours a week.]
  1. Advanced course. History of Economic Theory. Examination of writers and systems. Critical Studies. Open only to those who have passed in course 1.
    3 hours a week.
  1. Investigation of Practical Economic Questions of the day: shipping, money, profit-sharing, social questions. Theses and Criticisms. Training for Seminary. Open only to those who have passed in course 1.
    2 hours a week.
  1. The Industrial and Economic History of Europe and the United States in the last 100 years. Lectures and selected reading. No previous economic study required.
    3 hours a week.
  1. Taxation. Public Finance. Banking. Comparative study of the Financial Methods of the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, etc. Open only to those who have passed in course 1.
    3 hours a week.
  1. History of Financial Legislation in the United States since 1789. Lectures and reports. Open to all students.
    1 hour a week.
  1. History of Tariff Legislation in the United States since 1789; Tariff Legislation of France, Germany and Great Britain. Open to all students.
    2 hours a week.
  1. Railway Transportation and Legislation in the United States and Europe. Open to all students.
    2 hours a week.
  1. Statistics. Methods. Practical Training for Statistical Work. Presentation of Results. Open only to those who have passed in course 1.
    3 hours a week.
  1. Land Tenures. Land Systems of England, Ireland, France Belgium. Germany, and the United States. Open to all students. 1 hour a week.
  1. Socialistic Theories. Marx, Lasalle, Proudhon; and modern popular theories. Open only to those who have passed in course 1.
    1 hour a week.
  1. Seminary. Special Investigations. Open only to competent students.
    2 hours a week.



Courses. Proposed for Cornell. Now Given at
Yale. Colum-
Johns Hopkins. Penna. Michi-
1 3 3 3 7 ½ 1 5 4 ½ 2
2 3 }3 3 3 1 ½ 5 (?) 6 1
3 2 1 ½ 1 2 2 ½
4 3 3 2 1 2 1[*]
5 3 3 2 3 1 1 ½
6 1 1 ½ }2 2 2
7 2 1 1 ½ 1 1
8 2 1 ½ 1 1 ½
9 3 2 1 ½
10 1
11 1 1 2
12 2 2 2(?) 2 ½ 2 2 2 2
Total. 26 9 20 22 19 12 18 ½ 11 ½
Number of In-
5 1 4 4 4 1 5 2

[* The actual entry in this cell appear to be:

This Table makes obvious, at a glance, how far Cornell is behind other universities in this department. When it is considered that man’s character is moulded by his material surroundings; that questions of livelihood and economic concern occupy his thoughts more hours in the day, possibly, than any other subject; that the great forming agencies of the world are religious and economic,—this shortcoming in our courses of instruction becomes painfully evident. Not only are we behind other institutions, but this department, with all its importance, is far behind almost every other of our departments, especially in comparison with the Historical group.

The present number of students in the department (about 160) is, moreover, too large to be properly cared for by one instructor. Nor should the present professor be expected to keep in view the larger questions of the scope and influence of the department, or the work of investigation, and yet continue the reading of routine, but necessary, exercises.

To give the courses in the proposed list above, in addition to the present professor, there would be needed at least one associate professor, at a probable salary of $2,000 (to whom it would be necessary, in order to obtain the right man, to offer some definite expectation of further promotion in the future); one assistant-professor, at the usual salary, and two capable instructors, paid probably $1,000 each. These estimates are, of course, provisional.


Of equal, or even greater importance than the increased hours of instruction, for the purpose of touching the work of students at its most vital point, is the grant of a suitable Publication Fund. The professor in charge believes this to be essential to the success of the department; that this part of the scheme is of primary importance. It is proposed to publish investigations of students and instructors in a series of bound volumes, with a distinctive cover, marking them as productions of Cornell University, and entitled “Cornell University Studies in Economics.” For this purpose at least $1,000 per annum should be granted. It would be appropriate to name this the “Fayerweather Publication Fund,” and every volume issued would bear the name of this benefactor. With the material already in sight that sum would not be sufficient; but it would, so far as it goes, send the name of the University into every centre of scholarly work in this country and in Europe. Still better, it would do more than any other one thing to stimulate the work of our students, and to produce finished and accurate scholarship; while the practical bearing of these studies would bring the University to the notice of men in business and financial circles.

The subject has been carefully examined and studied in view of past experience in other institutions. The establishment of the Quarterly Journal of Economics by Harvard University was due to the creation of a Publication Fund, and it has won the respect and attracted the attention of scholars, as well as the public, the world over. Columbia College has wielded a large influence by the Political Science Quarterly, and stimulated its work in these lines: while, in addition, the publication of a series of monographs is now announced. The University of Pennsylvania has lately taken energetic steps to increase its publications, by which the work of the Wharton School has been suddenly brought to the attention of students everywhere. Not only a journal, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, but a series of monographs, and translations of important German works, are published by this school. The Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science have been published for years, and, although not even in quality, have done more than anything else to attract attention to their facilities for investigation and study. Finally, the scheme of the new University of Chicago, following the trend of these successful movements, makes the “University Publication Work” one of the three general divisions of its work, and emphasizes the desire to publish papers, journals, and books by instructors, thereby hoping to furnish greater stimulus and incentive than now exist toward original investigation.


The fixing of a high standard of work by students; in the department; the encouragement of capable young men to carry on their studies beyond mere superficial work; a relief to poor, but able, men from subsidiary employments to earn a living while engaged in investigations; a means of drawing here from other institutions the brightest men who have distinguished themselves in economics; and, to provide for investigators, who will present their results to the public and enlarge the repute of the University for scholarly work both at home and abroad,—all these things can be effected only by the creation of fellowships and scholarships in this department. Five (5) fellowships, permitting the holders to reside either at the University, or abroad, with an annual income of $500 each; and four (4) scholarships, with an annual income of $250 each, are urgently needed.


The library is deficient in important collections and series, which are absolutely essential to economic research; and which are possessed by other institutions. In other places these deficiencies are supplemented by access to neighboring libraries (e.g., at Columbia College, by the Lenox and Astor Libraries; at Harvard University, by the Boston Public Library and the Atheneum. Our absolute isolation requires that we should own these important collections outright. We have, for example, none of the British Government Publications (the “Blue-Books”), a complete set of which is very expensive; nor those of France, or Germany, whose statistical work is exceedingly valuable. Of the various European economic journals, by which we may keep abreast of current thinking, we have almost none. It is a hindrance: which would be regarded as intolerable in Physics, Chemistry, or Philology. In short, the department needs a special annual grant of $2,000 for at least five (5) years beyond the present and expected allowance of next year for this department) to bring it to a respectable basis, as compared with other departments. Detailed accounts of these wants can be given, if needed.



The Board of Trustees is respectfully asked to grant an annual appropriation to this department of the following sums :—

Additional instruction,
One Associate Professor,

$ 2,000

One Assistant Professor,


Two Instructors at $1000 each,


$ 5,600

Five Fellowships at $500 each,


Four Scholarships at $250 each,


Publication fund,


Books (for five years),




With this grant, it is quite certain we can produce results which are not now possible in any university in this country Our department of economics will then be the first in the United States.—one of which every friend of Cornell can speak with pride. Especially will it mark an epoch in the history of economic training in this country, and bring Cornell to the front in an important subject of universal, and yet practical, concern. The University is not rich enough to permit any other institution to seize the opportunity for which she herself has so evident an advantage, and for which she so evidently occupies a strategic position.

Very respectfully presented by


Professor of Political Economy and Finance.

March 2, 1891


 Source: Laughlin, James Laurence. Papers, [Box 1, Folder 17], Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library.

Image Source: Clipped from printed speech given at the 78th meeting of The Sunset Club at the Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago, December 6, 1894 found in Laughlin, James Laurence. Papers, [Box 1, Folder 17], Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library.

Cornell Economists Johns Hopkins Michigan Research Tip

Johns Hopkins. Education of Henry Carter Adams 1870’s

With John Cummings we saw the story of a professor who left Harvard to become a Unitarian minister. Here we see an American version of the reverse story of a young person who forsakes being/becoming a man of the cloth to ultimately become an economist (cf. Thomas Robert Malthus, Alfred Marshall…). Henry Carter Adams was awarded the first Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University.

Excerpt from a memorial presented to the Senate of the University of Michigan by S. L. Bigelow, I. L. Sharfman and R. M. Wenley, published in 1922 in The Journal of Political Economy, Vol 30. pp. 201-205.

Research Tip: Henry Carter Adams Papers at the University of Michigan.

Portrait of Henry Carter Adams: Colorized by Economics in the Rear-view Mirror.


“[…] Henry Carter Adams was born at Davenport, Iowa, December 31, 1851. He came of old New England stock; his forebears had made the great adventure over sea in 1623. His mother, Elizabeth Douglass, and his father, Ephraim Adams, were a likeminded pair, representative of the soundest traditions of New England character and nurture. Ephraim Adams, one of a small band of missionaries from Andover Theological Seminary who forsook everything for Christ’s sake, arrived on the open prairies of Iowa in 1842—the goal of three weeks’ hard journey from Albany, New York. Their mission it was to kindle and tend the torch, not merely of religion, but also of education, among the far-flung pioneers. Consequently, it is impossible to understand why Henry Adams was what he was, became what he became, unless one can evoke sympathetic appreciation of the temper which determined his upbringing. For example, it may well astonish us to learn that his nineteenth birthday was but a few months off ere he received his first formal instruction. The reasons thereof may astonish us even more. The child had been sickly always, physicians informing the parents that he could not survive the age of fourteen. The “open prairies” proved his physical salvation. Given a cayuse [pony] and a gun, the boy roamed free, passing from missionary home to missionary home, sometimes bearing parental messages to the scattered preachers. In this way he outgrew debility and, better still, acquired a love for nature, and an intimacy with our average citizenry, never lost. Meanwhile, the elder Adams taught him Greek, Latin, and Hebrew as occasion permitted. At length, in 1869, he entered Denmark Academy whence, after a single year, he was able to proceed to Iowa College, Grinnell, where he graduated in 1874. During these five years, the man whom we knew started to shape himself.


“In the home and the wider circle of friends, the impressionable days of childhood had been molded by Puritanism. God’s providence, the responsibility of man, the absolute distinction between right and wrong, with all resultant duties and prohibitions, set the perspective. Fortunately, the characteristic Yankee interest in education—in intelligence rather than learning-—contributed a vital element. An active mind enlarged the atmosphere of the soul. Despite its straight limitations as some reckon them, here was a real culture, giving men inner harmony with self secure from disturbance from the baser passions. As we are aware now, disturbance came otherwise. To quote Adams’ own words, he was “plagued by doctrines” from the time he went to the Academy. The spiritual impress of the New England home never left him; it had been etched upon his very being. But, thus early, Calvinistic dogma aroused misgiving, because its sheer profundity bred high doubt. As a matter of course, Ephraim Adams expected his son to follow the Christian ministry, and Henry himself foresaw no other calling meantime. Hence, when skepticism assailed him, he was destined to a terrible, heart-searching experience, the worse that domestic affection drew him one way, mental integrity another. His first years at Grinnell were bootless; the prescribed studies held no attraction and, likely enough, sickness had left a certain lethargy. But, when he came to history, philosophy, and social questions, he felt a new appeal. His Junior and Senior years, eager interest stimulating, profited him much. Still dubious, he taught for a year after graduation at Nashua, Iowa. Then, bowing to paternal prayer and maternal hope, he entered Andover Theological Seminary, not to prepare for the ministry, however, but “to try himself out”—to discover whether preaching were possible for him. In the spring of 1876, he had decided irrevocably that it was not. Adams’ “first” education—education by the natal group—ended here. It had guaranteed him the grace which is the issue of moral habit, had wedded him to the conviction that justice is truth in action. For, although he abandoned certain theological formulas, the footfall of spiritual things ever echoed through his character. The union of winsome gentleness with stern devotion to humanitarian ideals, so distinctive of Professor Adams, rooted in the persistent influence of the New England conscience.


“Turning to the “second” education, destined to enrol our colleague among economic leaders, it is necessary to recall once again conditions almost forgotten now. When, forty-five years ago, an academy- and college-bred lad, destined for the ministry, found it necessary to desist, he was indeed “all at sea.” For facilities, offered on every hand today by the graduate schools of the great universities, did not exist. The youth might drift— into journalism, teaching, or what not. But drifting was not on Adams’ program. He wrote to his parents who, tragically enough, could not understand him, “I must obtain another cultural training.” His mind had dwelt already upon social, political, and economic problems; therefore, the “second” education must be non-theological. Whither could he look? At this crisis his course was set by one of those small accidents which, strange to tell, play a decisive part in many lives. By mere chance, he came upon a catalogue of Johns Hopkins University, so late in the day, moreover, that his application for a fellowship, with an essay inclosed as evidence of fitness, arrived just within time-limits. Adams was chosen one of ten Fellows from a list of more than three hundred candidates, and to Baltimore he went in the fall of 1876. His letters attest that the new, ampler opportunities attracted him strongly. He availed himself of concerts, for music always moved him. Here he heard the classics for the first time. Hitherto he had known only sacred music. Sometimes he played in church and, as records show, he sang in our choral union while a young professor. We find, too, that he served as assistant in the Johns Hopkins library, not for the extravagant salary, as he remarks humorously, but on account of access to books—”I am reading myself full.” His summers were spent in his native state, working in the fields. In 1878 he received the doctorate, the first conferred by the young and unique university.


“The day after graduation President Gilman sent for him, and told him, “You must go to Europe.” The reply was typical —”I can’t, I haven’t a cent.” Gilman continued, “I shall see what can be done,” with the result that the benefactor to whom Adams dedicated his first book found the requisite funds. Brief stays at Oxford and Paris, lengthier at Berlin and Heidelberg, filled the next fourteen months. The journalistic bee still buzzing in his head, Adams had visited Godkin before leaving for Europe to discuss the constructive political journalism he had in mind. Godkin received him kindly, but, as Adams dryly remarks, had a long way to travel ere he could understand. In the summer of 1878, President Andrew D. White, of Cornell, traveling in Germany, summoned Adams to discuss a vacancy in this university. To Adams’ huge disappointment, as the interview developed, it became apparent that White, with a nonchalance some of us remember well, had mistaken H. C. Adams, the budding economist, for H. B. Adams, the budding historian. The vacancy was in history, not in political science or economics. Expectation vanished in thin air. But Adams was not done with. Returning to his pension, he sat up all night to draft the outline of a course of lectures which, as he bluntly put it, “Cornell needed.” Next day he sought President White again who, being half-persuaded by Adams’ verbal exposition, kept the document, saying he would communicate with Cornell, requesting that a place be made for the course if possible. Writing from Saratoga, in September, 1879, Adams tells his mother that all is off at Cornell, that he must abandon his career and buckle down to earning a livelihood. A lapse of ten days transformed the scene. The Cornell appointment had been arranged, and he went to Ithaca forthwith. So meager were the facilities then offered in the general field of the social sciences that Adams gave one semester, at Cornell and Johns Hopkins respectively, to these subjects in the year 1879-80. The same arrangement continued till 1886, Michigan being substituted for Johns Hopkins in 1881. As older men recall, Dr. Angell taught economics, in addition to international law, till the time of his transfer to Pekin as Minister to China. At this juncture, Adams joined us, forming a life-long association. He himself says that he “gave up three careers—preaching, journalism, and reform—to devote himself to teaching” where he believed his mission lay. […]”



Image source: Henry Carter Adams Page at the NNDB website.

Columbia Cornell Economists Pennsylvania Yale

Portrait of Eight Economists. University Extension Summer Meeting. 1894

This set of pictures was found in Box 2, Folder “Photographs” of the Franklin Henry Giddings papers, 1890-1931, Columbia University, Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Judging from the college/university affiliations given (about a two year window) and the fact that the Seventh Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association was held with Columbia College, New York City, December 26-29, 1894, my first guess was that this was related to the AEA event and put together by the local organizers.

However we can be certain that this handsome collection of portraits was published instead as a supplement to the University Extension Bulletin. Exactly these eight economists are the “corps of lecturers” for the University Extension Summer Meeting held July 2-28, 1894 at the University of Pennsylvania as described in The University Extension Bulletin, Vol. I, No. 8 (May 10, 1894). Further it is announced: “We present our readers also with a supplement with portraits of the lecturers in the Economics Department.” Here at is that supplement.


Probably this collection of portraits is related to the 7th Annual AEA Meeting at Columbia Dec 26-29, 1894.

Chicago Columbia Cornell Courses Economists Harvard Johns Hopkins Michigan Pennsylvania Yale

Graduate Economics Courses. 23 US Universities. 1898-99

In this posting we have a compilation of virtually all the graduate courses in economics (and sociology) offered at the major graduate schools in the U.S. at the end of the 19th century. Source 




“ To state the numbers of Graduate Students who have taken courses in each department during 1897-8, thus giving an indication of the amount of graduate work actually going on. A Graduate Student often takes courses in two or more departments; such student counts once in each of those departments….

…The number of hours per week is put in small Roman, the number of weeks in Arabic numerals. A dash, followed by a mark of interrogation, calls attention to the absence of specific information. Unless months are given, a course usually extends from September or October to May or June (inclusive). The abbreviations for the names of the months are as follows: Ja., F., Mar., Ap., My., Jun., Jul., Au., S., O., N., D.

…[Enclosed] in brackets all courses not to be given in 1898-9. Bracketed courses usually may be expected in 1899-1900.

…[Marked] with the asterisk all courses “not designed primarily for Graduate Students.” It should be borne in mind that “Graduate work” in each institution is conditioned by local plans of administration, as well as by the previous preparation of Graduate Students. The marking of a course with an asterisk simply means that (under the conditions prevailing in his institution) the instructor does not offer the course with a primary purpose of meeting the needs of Graduate Students. But the inclusion of the course in these lists indicates that it is often useful to such students.” [p. liii]





(Including Finance and Statistics. See also 9 and 11.)


16 Graduate Students, 1897-8.

[All Graduate Courses in Columbia under 10 open to Barnard Graduate Students.]


8 Graduate Students, 1897-8.


Henry B. Gardner, Assoc. Prof. of Pol. Econ.
A.B., Brown, ’84, and A.M., ’87; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, ’90;
Instr. in Pol. Econ., Brown, ’88-’90.

Hist. of Economic Thought.* iii, 12, S.-D.
Economic Policy. iii, 12, S.-D.
Money and Banking.* iii, 11, Ja.-Mar.
Public Finance.* iii, 10, Ap.-Jun.
Practical Economic Questions.* iii, 12, S.-D.
Economic Theory (adv.) iii, 11, Ja.-Mar.


George G. Wilson, Prof. of Social and Pol. Science.
A.B., Brown, ’86, A.M., and Ph.D., ’89;
Assoc. Prof. of Social and Pol. Science, ’91-5.

Princ. of Sociol.* iii, 12, S.-D.
Social Conditions and Probs.* iii, 21, Ja.-Jun.
Current Social Theory and Practice. i, 33.
Sociology. Seminary. Fort.


James Q. Dealey, Asst. Prof. of Social and Pol. Science.
A.B. Brown, ’90, A.M., ’92, and Ph.D., ’95.

Devel. of Social Theory. iii, 12, S.-D.
Social Philos. iii, 11, Ja.-Mar.
[Segregation of Population. iii, 10, Ap.-Jun.]


Alpheus S. Packard, Prof. of Zool. and Geol.
Ph.D., Bowdoin;
Libr. and Custodian, Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., ’65; Lect., Mass. Agricult. Col. ’69-’77; Maine Agricult. Col., ’71; Bowdoin, ‘73-6.

Anthropology.* iii, 10, Ap.-Jun.




3 Graduate Students, 1897-8.
1 Fel. $525 in Hist. of Political Science.


Lindley M. Keasbey, Assoc. Prof. of Pol. Sci.
A.B., Harv., ’88; Ph.D., Columbia, ’90;
Asst. in Econ., Columbia, and Lect. on Pol. Sci., Barnard, ’92; R.P.D., Strassburg, ’92; Prof. of Hist., Econ., and Pol. Sci., State Univ. of Col., ’92-4.

Economic Institutions. i, 30.
Am. Primitive Society. i, 30.
Am. Commerce. i, 30.
Descriptive Sociology.* iii, 30.
Theoretical Sociology.* ii, 30.




1 Graduate Student, 1897-8.


Bernard Moses, Prof. of Hist. and Pol. Econ.
Ph.D., Heidelberg.

Economic Theory.* iv, 16, Ja.-My.
[Econ. Condition of Laborers in Eng. ii, 16, Au.-D.]


Carl C. Plehn, Assoc. Prof. of Hist. and Pol. Science.
A.B., Brown; Ph.D., Gottingen.

[Federal Expenditures, Revenues and Debts. ii, 32.]
Industrial and Commercial Hist. of U. S. ii, 32.
[Currency and Banking. ii, 32.]
Finance and Taxation.* iv. 16, Ja.-My.
Statistics. Hist., Theory, and Method, as applied to Econ. Investigation.* ii, 16, Au.-D
Local Govt. and Admin. —?



 40 Graduate Students, 1897-8; and 40 in Summer Quarter, ‘97, in Political Economy;55 Graduate Students, 1897-8; and 95 in Summer Quarter, ’97, in Sociology. Pol. Econ., Club and Social Science Club fortnightly. Dept. libs. of Pol. Econ., Sociol. and Anthropol. have leading magazines and 6,000 vols. In Anthropol. Dept. of Walker Museum, coll. of 3,000 pieces on Archaeol. of Mexico,valuable colls. on Cliff and Cave Dwellings, and Japan and Aleutian Islands; also complete anthropometrical apparatus. Access to the Fieid Columbian Museum. 6 Fels. in Pol. Econ. 4 in Sociol. 1 Fel. in Anthropol.


J. Laurence Laughlin, Head Prof. of Pol. Econ.
A.B., Harv., ’73; A.M., and Ph.D., ’76;
Instr. in Pol. Econ., same, ’83-8; Prof. Pol. Econ. and Finance, Cornell, ’90-2.

Money and Banking. iv, 12, Jul.-S.
Seminar. ii, 12, O.-D.
Money. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Seminar. ii, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Unsettled Problems. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
Seminar. ii, 12, Ap.-Jun.


Bernard Moses, Prof. of History and Political Economy, Univ. of Cal.
Ph.B., Univ. of Mich., ’70; Ph.D., Heidelberg, ‘73;
Prof. of History and Engl. Lit., Albion Col. ’75; Prof. of Hist. Univ. Cal. ’75-6; Prof. Hist. and Pol. Econ. Univ. Cal. ’76.

Practical Economics.* iv, 12, Jul.-S., and O.-D.
Advanced Course on Theory. iv, 12, Jul.-S., and O.-D.


Adolph C. Miller, Prof. of Finance.
A.B., California, ‘87 A.M., Harv., ‘88;
Instr., in Pol. Econ., Harv., ’89-’00; Lect. on Pol. Econ., California, ’90-1, and Asst. Prof.-elect of Hist. and Pol. Sci., same, ’91; Assoc. Prof. Pol. Econ. and Finance, Cornell, ’91-2; Assoc. Prof. Pol. Econ., Chicago, ’92-3.

[Public Finance. iv, 12, O.-D.]
[Economic and Social Hist. iv, 24, Ja.-Jun.]
Public Finance.* iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Financial Hist.* U. S. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
[Pol. Econ (adv).* iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.]
[Taxation. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.]
Seminar in Finance. ii, 12, Ja.-Mar.


William Hill, Asst. Prof. of Pol. Econ.
A.B., Kansas, ’90; A.B., Harv., ’91, and A.M., ’92;
Fellow, Harv., ‘91-3; Instr. Pol. Econ., same, ’93; Tutor Pol. Econ., Chicago, ’93-4; Instr., same, ’94-7.

Tariff Hist.* iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Railway Transportation.* iv, 12, O.-D.
Oral Debates.* ii, 24, O.-Mar. (With Messrs. Damon and Lovett.)
Comparative Railway Legislation.* iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Banking.* iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
Money and Banking. iv, 12, O.-D.


Thorstein B. Veblen, Instr. in Pol. Econ.
A.B., Carleton, ‘80; Ph.D., Yale, ‘84;
Fellow in Economics and Finance, Cornell, ’91-2; Fellow, Chicago, ’92-3; Reader in Pol. Econ., same, ’93-4; Tutor, same, ’94-6.

Hist. of Pol. Econ.* iv, 12, O.-D.
Scope and Method of Pol. Econ.* iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Socialism. iv, 24, Ja.-Jun.
American Agriculture. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
Economic Factors of Civilization. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.


Henry Rand Hatfield, Instr. in Pol. Econ.
A.B., Northwestern, ’92; Ph.D., Chicago, ’97;
Prof. of Pol. Econ. Washington Univ., ’95-7.

Railway Accounts, Exchanges, etc.* iv, 12, O.-D.
Processes of Leading Industries. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Coöperation.* iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.


A.W. Small, Head Prof. of Sociol.
A.B., Colby, ’76, and A.M.’79; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, ’89;
Prof. Hist. and Pol. Econ., Colby, ’81-8; Reader in Hist., Johns Hopkins, ’88-9; Pres., Colby, ’89-’92.

Social Teleology. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Sociol. Methodology. viii, 6, Jul.-Au., and iv, 12, O.-D.
[Philos. of Soc. iv. 12, O.-D. State and Govt., Ja.-Mar. Socialism, Ap.-Jun. Social Functions U.S. Govt. iv, 6, Jul.-Au. Contemp. Soc, Jul.-Au.]
[Sem. Probs. in Social Teleology. ii, 36, O.-Jun.]
Social Dynamics. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
[Historical Sociology. iv, 12, Ja.- Mar.]
[Outlines of Constructive Social Philos. Philos. of Society. iv, 12, O.-D. The Social Problem. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar. Philos. of State and Govt. iv, 12, Ap.-S.]
[Seminar. Problems of Social Dynamics. ii, 36, O.-Jun.]
Seminar. Problems in Methodology and Classification. ii, 36, O.-Jun.
[Am. Experience with State Control of Social Action. iv, Ja.-Mar.]
Controlling Ideas of Modern Society. iv, 12. Ap.-Jun., and iv, 6, Jul.-Au.
[Some Pending Problems in Sociology. iv, 6, Jul.-Au.]
[The Sociological Method of Stating the Social Problem and of Arranging Evidence, Applied to a Selected Hist. Period. iv, 6, Jul.-Au.]
[Comparative Study of Social Forces in Am. and French Democracy. iv, 6, O.-D.]


C. R. Henderson, Assoc. Prof. of Sociol.
A.B., Old Univ. of Chicago, ’70, and A.M., ‘73; D.B. Baptist Union Theol. Sem., ’73; D.D., same, ’83;
Assist. Prof. Sociol., Chicago, ’92-4.

Methods of Social Amelioration. Sem. ii, 36, O.-Jun.
[The Domestic Inst. iv, 12, O.-D.]
Associations for Sociability and Culture. iv, 12, O.-D.
[Social Reform. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.]
[Beneficent Forces of Cities. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.]
Social Inst. of Organized Christianity. iv, 12, O.-D.
Social Treatment of Crime. iv, 6, Au.-S.
[Bibl. and Eccles. Social Theories. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.]
[Field Work in Local Institutions of Charity and Correction. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.]
The Family.* iv, 12, O.-D.
The Labor Movement.* iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Amelioration of Rural Life. iv, 6, Jul.-Au.
Modern Cities. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Contemporary Charities. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
Philanthropy. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.


Marion Talbot, Assoc. Prof. of Sanitary Science.
A.B., Boston Univ.’80, and A.M., ’82; B.S., Mass. Inst. of Technology, ’88;
Instr. Domestic Science, Wellesley, ’90-2.

General Hygiene.* iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
Seminar. Sanitary Science.* iv, 36, O.-Jun.
House Sanitation.* iv, 12, O.-D.
Economy of Living. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
Sanitary Aspects of Water, Food, and Clothing. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.


Charles Zueblin, Assoc. Prof. of Sociol.
Ph.B., Northwestern, ’87; D.B., Yale, ’89.

Social Philos. of Eng. People in the Victorian Era. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun. and Jul.-S.
Structure of Eng. Society.* iv, 12, Ap.-Jun. and Jul.-S.


G. E. Vincent, Asst. Prof. of Sociology.
A.B., Yale, ’85; Ph.D., Chicago, ’96;
Vice-Principal, Chautauqua System, ‘88-pr; Fellow in Sociology, Chicago, ’92-4.

Course in Statistics.
[Province of Sociol. iv, 12, O.-D.]
[Social Structure. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.]
The Social Mind and Education. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
Contemporary Society in the U. S.* iv, 12, O.-D.
Am. City Life.* iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Introd. to Study of Society.* iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
Introd. to Sociology,* iv, 12, O.-D.
The Theory of the Social Mind. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.


W. I. Thomas, Asst. Prof. of Sociol.

A.B., Univ. of Tenn., ’84; A.M., ’85; Ph.D., Chicago, ’96;
Prof. of English, Oberlin, ’89—’93; Fellow in Sociol., Chicago, ’93-4; Instr. in Folk-psychology, Chicago, ’95-6.

Folk-psychol. iv, 12, O.-D., and Ap.-Jun.
[Primitive Social Control. iv, 12, O.-D. Seminar.]
[Art and Amusement in Folk-psychol. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar. Sex. Ap.-Jun.]
[Analogy and Suggestion in Folk-psychol. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar. The Child. Ap.-Jun.]
[Intro. to Study of Soc.* iv, 12, Jul.-S.]
Ethnological Æsthetic. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
The Primitive Social Mind. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Sex in Folk-psychology. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
[Hungarian and South Slavonian Ethnology and Folk-psychol. iv, 12, O.-D.]
Primitive Social Control. iv, 12, O.-D.


Lester F. Ward, Professorial Lecturer in Sociol., Smithsonian Institution.
A.B., Columbia, ‘69; LL.B., same, ‘71; A.M., ’73; LL.D., ’97.

Dynamic Sociology. iv, 4, Au.-S.
Social Mechanics. vi, 4, Au.-S.


Henry W. Thurston, Instr. in Econ. and Civics, Hyde Park High School.
A.B., Dartmouth, ’86.

A Method of Applying Sociological Pedagogy to the Teaching of Economics in Secondary Schools. iv, 6, Jul.-Au.


Frederick Starr, Assoc. Prof. of Anthropology.
S.B., Lafayette, ‘82; S.M. and Ph.D., ’85;
Prof. Biological Sciences, Coe Col., ‘84-8; in charge Dept. Ethnology, Am. Mus. of Natural Hist., ‘89-’91.

Lab. Work in Anthropology. iv, 36, O.-Jun.
Physical Anthropol. Lab. iv, 36, O.-Jun.
[Physical Anthropol. iv, 12, O.-D.]
Mexico Archaeology, Ethnology. iv, 12, Jul.-S.
General Anthropol.* iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
Ethnology American Race. iv, 12, Jul.-S.
Prehistoric Archaeology. American. iv, 12, O.-D.
[Field Work in Anthropol. Mexico. Jul.-S.]
Prehistoric Archaeol. European. iv, 12, O.-D.
General Ethnology.* v, 12, Jul.-S.
General Anthropology.* iv, 6, Jul.-Au.
Ethnology American Race. iv, 6, O.-N.
Mexico. Archaeology, Ethnology. iv, 6, Au.-S.
[Comparative Technology. iv, 36, O.-Jun.]


Merton Leland Miller, Lecturer in Anthropology.

A.B., Colby Univ., ’90; Ph.D., Chicago. ’97.
Instr. Eureka Acad., ’92; Grad. Stud. at Chicago, ’92-7; Asst. In Anthropol. Mus., ‘94-7;

The Peoples of Europe. iv, 6. O.-N.
Physical Anthropology. Laboratory Work. iv, 36, O.-Jun.


J. H. Breasted, Asst. Prof. of Egyptology and Semitic Langs.; Asst. Dir. of Haskell Museum.
A.B., Northwestern, ’88;A.M., Yale, ‘92; A.M. and Ph.D., Berlin, ’94;
non-res. Fellow, Chicago, ’92-4; Asst. in Egyptology.

Chicago-Egyptian Life and Antiquities. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.


C. H. Hastings.
A.B., Bowdoin, ’91.

Bibliography of Sociology. iv, 6, Au.-S.




63 Graduate Students, 1897-8.
[All graduate courses under 10 open to Barnard Graduate Students.]


Richmond Mayo-Smith, Prof. of Pol. Econ. and Social Science.
Ph.D. (hon.), Amherst.

Pol. Econ. (el).* iii, 14, F.-Jun. (With Mr. Day.)
Pract. Pol. Econ:
(a) Problems of Mod. Industry. iii, 16, O.-F.
(b) Problems of Exchange. iii, 14, F.-Jun.
(c) Problems of Distribution. iii, 14, F.-Jun
(d) Readings in Marshall’s “Prin. of Econ.” i, 30.
Statistics and Sociology. ii, 16, O.-F.
Statistics and Economics. ii, 14, F.- Jun.
Theory, Technique, and Hist. of Statis. Sci. ii, 14, F.-Jun.
Seminar. Statistics. i, 30.
Seminar. Pract. Econ. i, 30.


Edwin R. A. Seligman, Prof. of Pol. Econ. and Finance.
LL.B., Ph.D., Columbia, ’84.

Econ. Hist. of Europe and America. ii, 16, O.-F. (With Mr. Day.)
Sci. of Finance. ii, 30.
Fiscal and Indus. Hist. of U. S. ii, 16, O.-F.
Hist. of Economics. ii, 30.
Railroad Problems. ii, 14, F.-Jun.
[Hist. of Pol. Econ. ii, 30.]
Seminar. Pol. Econ. and Finance. i, 30.


John B. Clark, Prof. of Pol. Econ.
Ph.D., Amherst, ’75;
Prof. Hist. and Pol. Econ., Carleton, ’77-’82; Prof. of same, Smith, ’82-’93; Lect. Johns Hopkins, ‘92-5; Prof. Pol. Econ., Amherst, ’92-5.

Econ. Theory. Statics. ii, 16, O.-F.
Dynamics. ii, 14, F.-Jun.
Communistic and Socialistic Theories. ii, 16, O.-F.
Theories of Social Reform. ii, 14. F.-Jun.
Seminar. Pol. Econ. i, 30.


Franklin H. Giddings, Prof. of Sociology.
A.M., Union.

General Sociology. ii, 16, O.-F.
Progress and Democracy. ii, 14, F.-Jun.
Pauperism, Poor Laws, and Charities. ii, 16, O.-F.
Crime and Penology ii, 14, F.-Jun.
Seminar. Sociology. i, 30.


William Z. Ripley, Lect. on Anthropology.
B.S., Mass. Inst. of Tech , ’90; A.M., Columbia, ’92; Ph.D., Columbia, ’93;
Assoc. Prof. Pol. Econ. and Sociol., Mass. Inst. of Tech., 94-7; Lect., Hartford School of Sociology, ’95-6.

Physical Geog. Anthropol. and Ethnology. ii, 16, O.-F.


Livingston Farrand, Instr. in Physiolog. Psychol.
A.M., Princeton, ’91; M.D., Columbia, ’91.

General Anthropology. ii, 14, F.-Jun.
Anthropology. Primitive Culture. ii, 30.


Franz Boaz, Inst. in Anthropol.
Ph.D., Kiehl, ’81.

Phys. Anthropol. ii, 30.
Applica. of Statistical Methods to Biolog. Problems (adv). iii, 30.
North Am. Langs. Seminar. ii, 30.


George J. Bayles.
Ph.D., Columbia, ’95.

Civil Aspects of Ecclesiastical Organizations. i, 30.



14 Graduate Students, 1897-8.


J. W. Jenks, Prof. of Pol. Econ. and Civil and Social Instit.
A.B., Michigan, ’78, and A.M., ’79; Ph.D., Halle, ’85;
Prof. Pol. Econ., Knox, and Indiana State Univ.; Prof. of Polit., Municipal, and Social Institutions, ’91-2.

Economic Legislation.* ii, 32.
Economics and Politics.*


Charles H. Hull, Asst. Prof. of Pol. Econ.
Ph.B.. Cornell, ’86; Ph.B., Halle, ’92;
Instr. in Pol. and Sociol. Institutions, Cornell. ’92-3.

Money, Credit, and Banking*. iii, 32.
Railroad Transportation.* iii, 9, Ap.- Jun.
Finance, Taxation, Admin.* Public Debts. ii, 32.
Recent Econ. Theory. Am., Eng., Continental.* ii, 32.
Earlier Econ. Theory (Prior to J. S. Mill).* ii, 32.
Economic and Commercial Geography. ii, 23, O.-Mar.
Seminary. ii. 32.


Chas. J. Bullock, Instr. in Economics.
A.B., Boston, ’89; Ph.D., Wisconsin, ’95.

Industrial Hist., Eng. and Am.* ii, 32.
Internat. Trade and Tariff Hist. U. S.* ii, 32.
Labor Question.* ii, 12, S.-D.
Hist. Trades Unions.* ii, ll, Ja.-Mar.
Socialism.* ii, 9, Ap.-Jun.


Walter F. Willcox, Prof. of Social Science and Statistics.
A.B., Amherst; Ph.D., Columbia;
Instr. in Philos., Cornell, ’91-2; Asst. Prof. Social Science and Pol. Econ., ’92-4.

Social Science (el).* ii, 32.
Social Statistics.* ii, 32.
[Theoretical Social Science (adv).* ii, 32.]
Practical Social Science (adv).* ii, 32.
[Anthropology.* ii, 32.]
Philos. and Pol. Econ.* ii, 32.
Seminary. ii, 32.


Wm. E. Baldwin, Pres. Long Island R. R.
A.B., Harvard, ’85.

Pract. Railroad Management. Lects. i-ii, Ja.-Mar.


Charlton T. Lewis, Counsel Mutual Life Ins. Co.

Principles of Insurance. Lects. i, 15,

B. F. Fernow, Director of Col. of Forestry.
Grad. State Col. of Forestry, Münden, Prussia;
Chief of Dir. of Forestry, U. S. Dept. of Agric, ’86-’92, LL.D., Wisconsin.

Forestry: Econ and Pol. Aspects. ii, 21, Ja.-Jun.



21 Graduate Students, 1897-8.
(Courses marked [R] are open to Radcliffe Graduate Students.)

Fel. in Pol. Econ., $450; in Soc. Sci., $500; in Archaeol. and Ethnol., $500 and $1,050, and Schol. of $200. Prize of $150 for Essay in Pol. Sci., two of $100 each for essays on social questions. Peabody Mus., Am. Archaeol., and Ethnol., with Lib., is intended for research.


Charles F. Dunbar, Prof. of Pol. Econ.
A.B., Harv., ’51; LL.D., same, ’91.

Financial Legislation of U. S.* ii, 15, F.-Jun.
[Financial Admin. and Pub. Debts. iii, 15, F.-Jun.]
Money and Banking. v, 15, O.-Ja.
Seminary. Economics. i, 30. (With Prof. Taussig and Asst. Prof. Cummings.)


Frank W. Taussig, Prof. of Pol. Econ.
A.B., Harv., ’79; Ph.D., ’83, and LL.B., ’86.

Econ. Theory in the 19th Cent.* iii, 30. (With Prof. MacVane.)
[Theory and Methods of Taxation. Special ref. to U. S. Local Taxation.* ii-iii, 15, O.-Ja.]
Scope and Method of Economic Theory and Investigation.* ii-iii, 30.


William J. Ashley, Prof. of Econ. Hist.
A.B., Oxford, ’81, and A.M., ’85; Fel., Lincoln Col., and Lect. on Hist., Lincoln and Corpus Christi Col., Oxford, ’85-8; Prof. Pol. Econ. and Const. Hist., Toronto, ’88-, ‘92.

[Mediaeval Economic Hist. of Europe.* ii-iii, 30.]
[Hist. and Lit. of Economics to close of 18th Cent.* ii-iii, 30.]


Edward Cummings, Asst. Prof. of Sociology.
A.B., Harv., ’83; A.M., same, ’85.

Princ. of Sociology. Devel. of Modern State.* ii-iii, 30.
Socialism and Communism.* ii-iii, 30.
Labor Question in Europe and U. S.* iii, 30. (With Dr. John Cummings.)


John Cummings, Instr. in Pol. Econ.
A.B., Harv., 91; Ph.D., Chicago, ’94.

Theory and Methods of Statistics*. iii, 30.


H. R. Meyer, Instr. in Pol. Econ.
A.B., Harv. ’92; A.M., ’94.

Public Works, Railways, etc., under Corporate and Pub. Management.* iii, 15, F.-Jun.


G. S. Callender, Instr. in Pol. Econ.
A.B., Oberlin Col., ’91; A.B., Harv., ’93; A.M., ’94; Ph.D., ’97.

Economic Hist. of the U. S.*
Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th Cents.* ii-iii, 15, F.-Jun.
Western Civilization in its Economic Aspects.* ii-iii, 15, F.-Jun.


Francis G. Peabody, Prof. of Christian Morals.
A.B., Harv., ’69; A.M. and S.T.B., ’72; S.T.D., Yale, ‘87.

[Ethics of Social Questions.* iii, 30. (With Dr. Rand.)]
[Sociolog. Sem. Christian Doct. of the Social Order. ii, 30.]


Frederick W. Putnam, Prof, of Archaeology and Ethnology, and Curator of Peabody Museum.
A.M. (hon,), Williams, ’68; S.D.(hon.), Univ. of Pa., ’94;
Curator Dept. Anthropol., Am. Mus., Central Park, N. Y.

Primitive Religion. iii, 30. (With Mr. Dixon.)

[R] Am. Archaeol. and Ethnol. Research.


F. Russell, Asst. in Anthropology.
S.B., Univ., of Iowa, ’92, and S.M., ’95; Asst., same, ’94-5.

Gen. Anthropology, Archaeology, Ethnology.* iii, 30. (With an Asst.)
[R] Somatology. iii, 15, F.-Jun.
[R] Somatology (adv). Research—?



9 Graduate Students, 1897-8.


Sidney Sherwood, Assoc. Prof. of Pol. Econ.
Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, ’91.

Legal Aspects of Economics. ii, 15, O.-F.
Corporations and Economics. ii, 15, F.-My.
Econ. Conference. ii, 30.
Economic Theory. ii. 30.
Economics (adv).* ii, 15, O.-F.


Jacob H. Hollander, Assoc. in Economics.
Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, ’94.

Development of Economic Theories. ii, 15, O.-F.
Financial Hist. of U. S. ii, 15, F.-My.
Economics (adv)*. ii, 15, F.-My.
Current Congressional Happenings.* i, 30.



2 Graduate Students, 1897-8.

Hopkins Railway Library, about 10,000 vols.; Transportation, Railway History, Economics, and Law.


Amos G. Warner, Prof, of Applied Economics.
B.L., Nebraska, ’85; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, ’88;
Prof,of Pol. Econ., Nebraska, ’87-’91.

[Corporate Industry.* iii, 15, S.-D.]
[Personal Economics.* ii, 15, S.-D.]
Seminary. (With Ross and Durand.) ii, 32.


Edward A. Ross, Prof. of Sociology.
A.B., Coe Col., ’86; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, ’91;
Prof. of Econ. and Social Science, Indiana, ’91-2; Assoc. Prof. of Pol. Econ, and Finance, Cornell, ’92-3.

[Economic Theory (adv). ii, 15, S.- D.]
[Sociology.* iii, 32.]


Mary R. Smith, Asst. Prof. of Social Sci.
Ph.B., Cornell, ’80, and M.S., ’82; Ph.D., Stanford, ‘96;
Instr. in Hist. and Econ., Wellesley, ’86- ’90.

[Statistics and Sociology.* iii, 17, Ja.-My.]


Edward D. Durand, Asst. Prof. of Finance and Administration.
A.B., Oberlin, ’93; Ph.D., Cornell, ’96;
Legislative Librarian, N. Y. State Library, ’96-7; Student, Berlin, ’97.

Practical Economic Questions.* iii, 17, Ja.-My.



10 Graduate Students, 1897-8.


Henry C. Adams, Prof, of Pol. Econ. and Finance.
A.B., Iowa Col., ’74; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, ’78;
Lect., Johns Hopkins, and Cornell; Statistician to Interstate Commerce Commission: Special Expert Agent on Transportation, 11th Cens.; Director of Economics, School of Applied Ethics.

[Devel. and Significance of Eng. Pol. Econ. iii, 6, O.-N.]
Devel. and Significance of Hist. School of Econ. iii, 6, O.-N.
[Devel. and Significance of Austrian School of Econ. iii, 6, O.-N.]
Relations of the State to Industrial Action. iii, 6, F.-Mar.
[Labor Organizations and Corporations as Factors in Industrial Organization. iii, 6, F.-Mar.]
History of Industrial Society.* ii, 17, O.-F.
Transportation Problems. iii, 17, F.- Jun.
Sem. Economics. ii, 17, O.-F.


F. M. Taylor, Junior Prof. of Pol. Econ. and Finance.
A.B., Northwestern, ’76, and A.M., ‘79; Ph.D., Mich., ’88;
Prof. of Hist. and Politics, Albion, ’79-’92.

Hist. and Theory of Money and Banking.* ii, 17. O.-F.
Hist. of Pol. Econ. ii, 17, F.-Jun.
Principles of Finance.* ii, 17, F.-Jun.
Sem. Economics. ii, 17, F.-Jun.
Socialism.* ii, 17; F.-Jun.
[The Value of Money, Theory, and Statistics. iii, 6, O.-N.]
[The Standard of Value. iii, 6, N.-D.]
Paper Money. iii, 6, O.-N.
[Social Philos., with spec. ref. to Econ. Probs. iii, 6, F.-Mar.]
[Credit as a factor in Production. iii, 6, Mar.-Ap.]
The Agricult. Problem. iii, 6, Mar.-Ap.


C. H. Cooley, Instr. in Sociology.
A.B., Mich., ’87; Ph.D., same, ’94.

Principles of Sociology.* iii, 17, O.-F. Problems, F.-Jun.
Sociology (adv).* ii, 17, F.-Jun.
Histor. Devel. of Sociolog. Thought. iii, 6, Ja.-F.
Nature and Process of Social Change. iii, 6, My.-Jun.
[Aims and Methods in Study of Society. iii, 6, Ja.-F.]
Social Psychology. iii, 6, My.-Jun.
[Current Changes in Social Organization of U. S. iii, 6, My.-Jun.]
[Theory of Population. iii, 6, Ja.-F.]
Theory of Statistics.* i, 34.
Special Studies in Statistics.* ii, 17, F.-Jun.



26 Graduate Students, 1897-8.


William W. Folwell, Prof. of Pol. Science.
A.B.,Hobart, ’57; A.M., ’60; LL.D., ’80;
Prof. Math., Hobart, ’59-’61; Prof. Math. and Engineering, Kenyon Col., ‘69; Pres., Univ. of Minn., ’69-’84.

Pol. Sci. Sem. i, 36.
Individual Research. ii, 36.


Frank L. McVey, Instr. in Economics.
A.B., Ohio Wesleyan, ‘93; Ph.D., Yale, ‘95;
Instr. in Hist. Teachers’ College, N. Y., ’96.

Comparative Econ. Doctrine. ii, 36.
Economics.* iv, 13, S.-N.
Modern Industrialism.* iv, 12, Mar.-Jun.


Samuel G. Smith, Lecturer on Sociology.
A.B., Cornell Col., ’72; A.M.. and Ph.D., Syracuse, ’84; D.D., Upper Iowa Univ., ’86.

Social Sci.* iii, 12, Mar.-Jun.
Indiv. Research. i, 36.



3 Graduate Students, 1897-8.


F. C. Hicks, Prof, of Hist. and of Pol. Econ.
A.B., Univ. of Mich., ’86; Ph.D., same, ’90.

Economic History.* iii, 36.
Problems in Economics.* iii, 36.
Modern Financial Systems.* ii, 36.
Seminar. ii, 36



21 Graduate Students, 1897-8.


Frank M. Colby, Prof. of Economics.
A.B., Columbia, ’88, and A.M., ’89.

Practical Economics. ii, 24.
Economic Theory. ii, 24.
Hist. of Indust. Devel. ii, 30.


I. F. Russell, Prof. of Sociology, and of Law in N. Y. U. Law School.

A.M., N. Y. U., ‘78; LL.M., Yale, ‘79; D.C.L., Yale, ‘80; LL.D., Dickinson, ‘93;
Prof. Econ., and Const. Law, N. Y. U., ’80-’93.

[Intro. to Sociology. ii, 30.]
Principles of Sociology. ii, 30.



6 Graduate Students, 1897-8.


John H. Gray, Prof. of Political and Social Science.
A.B., Harv., ‘87; Ph.D., Halle, ‘92;
Instr. in Econ., Harv., ’87-9.

Administration. ii, 36.
[Finance.* ii, 36.]
Seminary.* ii, 36.


William Caldwell, Prof. of Moral and Social Philosophy.
A.M., Pass Degree, Edinburgh, ’84; A.M., and Honors of First Class, same, ’86;
Asst. Prof. of Philos., same, ’88-’90; Instr., Cornell, ’90-1; Instr., Chicago, ’92-4; Fellow, Edinburgh, ’86-’93, and Sc.D., ’93.

Seminary. Ethical Philos.* ii, 36.
Seminary. Sociology.* iii, 36.



12 Graduate Students, 1897-8.

Colwell Lib. of Pol. Econ., 7,000 vols. Carey Lib., valuable for economic history, including 3,000 Eng. pams. 1 Fel. $500 + tui; 1 Schol. in Hist. and Economics, $100 + tui.


Simon N. Patten, Prof. of Pol. Econ.
Ph.D., Halle.

Hist. of Pol. Econ. ii, 15, O.-F.
Recent Devel. of Pol. Econ. ii, 15, F.-My.
Relat. of Eng. Philos. to Econ. in 18th Cent. ii, 15, O.-F.
[Scope and Method of Pol. Econ. ii, 15, F.-My.]
[Pract. Applications of Econ. Theory. ii, 12, O.-F.]
Problems of Sociol. ii, 15, F.-My.
Special Topics. ii, 30.


Henry R. Seager, Asst. Prof. of Pol. Econ.
Ph.B., Mich., ‘90; Ph.D.. Univ. of Pa., ’94;
Instr. in Pol. Econ., same, ’94-6.

Econ. Conference. ii, 30.
Adv. Reading in Ger. and Fr. Economics. ii, 30.
Eng. Indust. Hist. and Devel. of Econ. Theory, 1750-1870. ii, 15, F.-My.


Emory R. Johnson, Asst. Prof. of Transportation and Commerce.
B.L., Univ. of Wis., ‘88; M.L., same, ’91; Fel. in Econ., Univ. of Pa., ’92-3; Ph.D., same, ‘93;
Lect. on Transporta., same, ’93-4; Instr., same, ’94-6; Instr. in Econ., Haverford, ’93-6.

Theory of Transportation. i, 30.
[Am. Railway Transportation. ii, 30. ]
Transportation Systems of the United Kingdom and Germany. i, 30.
Hist. of Commerce since 1500. 1, 30.


Roland P. Falkner, Assoc. Prof. of Statistics.
Ph.B., Univ. of Pa.. ’85; Ph.D., Halle, ‘88;
Instr. in Statistics, ’88-’91.

Intro. to Statistics. ii, 15, O.-F.
Statistics of Econ. Problems. ii, 15, F.-My.
Hist. and Theory of Statistics. ii, 15, O.-F.
Statistical Organization. ii, 15, F.-My.


Samuel McC. Lindsay, Asst. Prof. of Sociol.
Ph.B., Univ. of Pa., ’89; Ph.D., Halle, ’92.

Theory of Sociol. (2 yr. course). ii, 30.
Social-Debtor Classes. ii, 30.
Sociol. Field Work. ii, 30.
Seminary. ii, 30.



5 Graduate Students, 1887-8.
1 Fellowship, $500.


Winthrop M. Daniels, Prof. of Pol. Econ.
A.B., Princeton, ’88, and A.M., ’90;
Instr. Wesleyan, ’91-2.

Public Finance.* ii, 18, S.-Ja.
Hist. of Pol. Econ.* ii, 18, F.-My.


W. A. Wyckoff, Lect. on Sociology.
A.B., Princeton, ’88, and A.M., ’91.

Sociology.* ii, 18, F.-My.



4 Graduate Students, 1897-8.
[See Harvard Courses marked “[R]”.]

Seminary in Econ. (With Prof. Taussig and Asst. Prof. Cummings.)


W. J. Ashley.

[Med. Econ. Hist. of Europe.* iii,30.]


Dr. Cunningham, Trinity Col., Cam. Eng.

Industrial Revolution in Eng. in 18th and 19th Cents.* iii, 15, F.-Jun.


G. S. Callender.

Econ. Hist. of U. S.*


Edward Cummings.

Princ. of Sociol.* iii, 30.


Edward Cummings and John Cummings.

Soc. and Econ. Conditions of Workingmen.* iii, 30.


John Cummings.

Statistics, Theory, Methods, Practice.*

(Of last three courses, two only will be given in 1898-9.)


F. Russell.

Gen. Anthropol.* —?



2 Graduate Students, 1897-8.


Frederick W. Moore, Adj. Prof. of Hist. and Econ.
A.B., Yale, ’86, and Ph.D., ’90


Chas. F. Emerick, Asst. in Economics.
A.B., Wittenberg, ’89; Ph.M., Mich., ’95; Ph.D., Columbia, ’97.

Theory of Pol. Econ. Growth of Corporate Industry. iii, 32.
A Study of Socialism.* iii, 16.



o Graduate Students, 1897-8.


Katharine Coman, Prof. of Hist. and Pol. Econ.
Ph.B., Mich., ’80.

Indust. Hist. of U. S.* iii, 17, F.-Jun.
[Indust. Hist. of Eng.* iii, 17, S.-Ja.]
Statistical Study of Problems in the U.S. iii, 17, S.-Ja.


Emily Greene Balch, Instr. in Economics.
A.B., Bryn Mawr.

Socialism.* iii, 17, F.-Jun.
Evolution and Present Conditions of Wage Labor.* iii, 17, S.-Ja.
Social Economics.* iii, 17, S.-Ja.; also F.-Jun.



4 Graduate Students, 1897-8.

S. F. Weston, Assoc. Prof. of Pol. and Soc. Sci.
A.B., Antioch, ’79, and A.M., ’85; Asst. in Economics, Columbia, ’92-4.

Social Theories.* iii, 17, F.-Jun.
Pauperism and Charities.* iii, 17, F.-Jun.
Money and Banking.* iii, 17, F.-Jun.
U.S. Tariff and Revenue System. iii, 17, F.-Jun.
Economic History of England.* iii, 16, S.-Ja.
Economic History of United States.* iii, 16, S.-Ja.
The State.* iii, 16, S.-Ja.
Civil Government.* iii, 16, S.-Ja.
Social Problems.* iii, 17, F.-Jun.
Economic Theories. iii, 36.



24 Graduate Students, 1897-8.

Location at State capital gives special facilities for studying the State’s activities and methods of administration. Field work in charitable and correctional institutions in Madison and Chicago. Opportunity for continuous practical work during summer months.


Richard T. Ely, Prof. of Pol. Econ. and Director of the Sch. of Econ., Pol. Science and Hist.
A.B., Columbia, ’76; Ph.D., Heidelberg, ‘79; LL.D., Hobart, ’92;
Chair of Pol. Econ., Johns Hopkins, ’81-’92.

Distribution of Wealth. iii, 72, S.-Jun. (This course is to run through ’98- ’99, and ’99-1900.)
Public Finance. iii, 18, S.-F.
Taxation and Am. Public Finance. iii, 18, F.-Jun.
[Social Ethics. ii, 18, S.-F.]
[Socialism. ii, 18, S.-F.
Economic Seminary. Recent Devel. of Econ. Theory. ii, 36. (With Prof. Scott and Dr. Jones.)


William A. Scott, Prof. of Econ. Hist. and Theory.
A.B., Rochester, ‘86; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, ’92.
Prof. Hist. and Pol. Econ., Univ. So. Dak., ’87-’90; Instr. in Hist., Johns Hopkins, ’91-2;

[Theories of Value. ii, 18, S.-F.]
Theories of Rent, Wages, Profits, and Interest. ii, 36, S.-F.
[Theories of Production and Consumption. ii, 18, F.-Jun.]
Classical Economists. iii, 18, F.-Jun.


Edward D. Jones, Instr. in Econ. and Statistics.
B.S., Ohio Wesleyan Univ., ’92; Halle and Berlin, ’93-4; Ph.D., Univ. of Wisconsin, ’95.

Economic Geography. ii, 18, S.-F.
Statistics. iii, 18, F.-Jun.
Charity and Crime. iii, 18, S.-F.


Balthasar H. Meyer, Instr. in Sociol. and Transportation.
B.L., Univ. of Wis., ’94; Berlin, ’94-5; Fel. Univ. of Wis., ’95-7; Ph.D., Univ. of Wis., ’97.

Elements of Sociology.* iii, 18, S.-F.
Psychological Sociologists.* ii, 18, S.-F.
Modern Sociological Thought. iii, 18, F.-Jun.
Transportation. ii, 18, F.-Jun.


Frank C. Sharp, Asst. Prof. of Philos.
A.B., Amherst, ’87; Ph.D., Berlin, ’92.

Social Ethics. ii, 18, F.-Jun.
Readings in Ger. Social Philos. ii, 18, S.-F.



43 Graduate Students, 1897-8.

Pol. Science Club meets fortnightly. Club Room with Library for Graduate Students.


W. G. Sumner, Prof. of Pol. and Soc. Sci.
A.B., Yale, ’63; LL.D., Tenn., ’84.

Anthropology. ii, 32.
Systematic Societology. ii, 32.
[Indust. Rev. Renaissance Period. ii,32.]
[Begin. of Indust. Organization. ii,32.]
Science of Society.* (German.) ii, 32.


H. W. Farnam, Prof. of Pol. Econ.
A.B., Yale, ’74; R.P.D., Strassburg, ’78.

[Pauperism. ii, O.-D.]
Modern Organiza. of Labor. ii, 20, Ja.-Jun.]
Princs. Pub. Finance. ii, 32.


A. T. Hadley, Prof. of Pol. Econ.
A.B., Yale, 76, and A.M., ’87.

Econ. Problems of Corporations. i, 32.
Relat. between Econ. and Ethics. ii, 32.
Railroad Transportation.* ii, 32.


A. T. Hadley and Irving Fisher.

Economics (gen. course).* iii, 32.


W. F. Blackman, Prof. of Christian Ethics.
A.B., Oberlin, ’77; D.B., Yale, ’80; Ph.D., Cornell, ’93.

Social Science. ii, 32.
Lit. of Social. ii, 12, O.-D.
Soc. Study of Family. i, 12, O.-D.
Soc. Teach. and Influence of Christianity. i, 32.


J. C. Schwab, Asst. Prof. of Pol. Science.
A.B., Yale, ’86, and A.M., ’88; Ph. D., Göttingen, ’89.

Finance. ii, 32.
U.S. Indust. Hist. ii, 32.
U.S. Financial Hist. i, 32.
Finances of Confed. States, 1861-65. i, 32.


Irving Fisher, Asst. Prof. of Pol. Econ.
A.B. Yale, ’88, and Ph.D., ’91.

Principles of Economics (adv). ii, 32.
Statistics. ii, 20, Ja.-Jun.
Vital Statistics and Life Insurance. ii, 12, O.-D.


Source:  Graduate Courses 1898-99: A Handbook for Graduate Students. (6th edition). (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1899), pp. 80-90.