Australia Economics Programs Suggested Reading

Melbourne. History, Constitutional Law, Political Economy, Philosophy Examination Fields. Elkington, 1899


Serendipity led me to the University of Melbourne archives where there turns out to be a considerable amount of digitised material from the University’s history. I figured I’d take a quick look at turn of the century (as in 1899) economics offerings in the land down under. I’ve transcribed the lists of readings for examinations there in economics and related fields. I have even added links to all the items for our collective convenience.

The professor of history and political economy at the time was John Simon Elkington who had succeeded  William Edward Hearn, LL.D. Hearn resigned the chair of History and Political Economy in 1873 and died in 1888.

Elkington was not really an economist, even at a time when “economist” was much more inclusive a term than today. Judging from the brief biographical entry for him in the Australian Dictionary of Biography, he appears to have been less a gentleman and a scholar than a dirty old drunkard of the chair whose spectre might haunt some Victorian faculty club to this day. 


A Colorful Professor

John Simeon Elkington (b. Nov. 22, 1841 at Rye, Sussex, England; d. June 6, 1922 in Canterbury, Melbourne, Australia)

Elkington was appointed professor of history and political economy at the University of Melbourne 1879 and he retired “by agreement” March 1, 1913. His main field was constitutional history, though his teaching portfolio did include political economy.

“…he was an intense political partisan and a ‘Freetrader of Freetraders’. A gifted raconteur, he ‘interspersed the dry facts of historical research and economic argument with anecdotes and stories’ whose Rabelaisian quality had to be censored when women students entered the university… Gregarious by nature, he attracted interesting people: ‘he has known everybody and is full of anecdotes and incidents about the leading men in Victorian life’. Bankruptcies in 1892 and 1895 after speculating in land and mining, as well as his inordinate thirst, created problems for the university.”

Source: Norman Harper, ‘Elkington, John Simeon (1841–1922)’, Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, published first in hardcopy 1981, accessed online 4 June 2020.


From the University of Melbourne Calendar 1899




Books recommended in addition to the various references to other works given in the Lectures: —

Walker—Political Economy.

So far as treated in the Lectures:

Marshall—Principles of Economics.
Adam Smith—Wealth of Nations.

Additional for Honours.

Bagehot—Economic Studies.
Mill—Political Economy, Books I. and V.
Mill—Logic, Book VI.
Spencer—Principles of Sociology, Part II.
Spencer—Study of Sociology.

[p. 228]

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *


The Course will include the following subjects: —The scope and definition of Deductive (or Formal) Logic; the Primary Logical Laws; the formation and characteristics of general notions; Terms, Propositions, and Reasonings, in connection with the questions and exercises in the text-books; recent criticisms and proposed extensions of the traditional logic; Symbolic Logic; and Fallacies.


Books recommended: —

Jevons—Elementary Lessons in Logic.
Keynes—Studies and Exercises in Formal Logic, Parts I. II., and III.
Whately—Logic, Book III.

The Examination will include Exercises to test the Candidate’s skill in applying the logical rules.

Additional for Honours.

Veitch—Institutes of Logic, Part I.
Keynes—Studies and Exercises in Formal Logic, Part IV.


Mill’s Logic, critically treated with reference to the views of other logicians, will be used as the principal text-book. In considering Books I. and II., prominence will be given to the Psychology of Judgment and of Reasoning; and Book III. Will be made the basis of a full treatment of the Logic of Induction.

This subject does not presuppose a previous knowledge of Deductive Logic.

Books recommended: —

Mill—Logic. [Part I, Books I-III; Part II, Books IV-VI]
Jevons—Principles of Science [Volume I; Volume II], so far as referred to in Lectures.
(Fowler’s Inductive Logic may be read with advantage prior to the study of Mill’s Logic.)

Additional for Honours.

Venn—Empirical Logic.

[pp. 234-235]

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *


Candidates will be expected to show—

(i.) A general knowledge of the History of Moral Philosophy.

(ii.) A critical acquaintance with the following works: —

Butler—Dissertation on Virtue and Sermons on Human Nature.
Kant—Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals.
J.S. Mill—Utilitarianism; with references to Bentham.
Herbert Spencer—Data of Ethics.

[p. 236]

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *



Ancient History.
The History of the British Empire.
The Character and Method of the Social Sciences.
The Principles of Political Economy.
Constitutional and Legal History.

Books recommended: —

The books and references mentioned under Ancient History, History of the British Empire, Parts I. and II., Political Economy and Constitutional and Legal History.

Mommsen—History of Rome, Book I.; Book II., ch. 1, 2, 3, 8, 9.
Spencer—Principles of Sociology, Part V. and Part VIII.
Seebohm—The English Village Community.
Stubbs—Constitutional History [Volume I; Volume II; Volume III].
Lord Playfair—Subjects of Social Welfare, Part II., articles 1-7.
Edmund Burke—Thoughts on the cause of the present discontents, and the two speeches on America.
Cunningham—Growth of English Industry and Commerce (2nd edition). [Volume I (1890); Volume II (1892)]
Lecky—History of England in the Eighteenth Century. [Volume I; Volume II; Volume III; Volume IV; Volume V; Volume VI; Volume VII; Volume VIII]
Spencer—First Principles, Part II., ch. 12-17 (3rd edition).
The article Political Economy in the current edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica (published separately). [Vol. 19 of the 9th edition, article written by J.K.I. (John Kells Ingram)]


Papers will be set in the following subjects: —


Veitch—Institutes of Logic, Part I.
Keynes—Studies and Exercises in Formal Logic.
Venn—Symbolic Logic.

The Examination will include exercises in Formal and Symbolic Logic.


Mill—Logic. [Part I, Books I-III; Part II, Books IV-VI]
Venn—Empirical Logic.


Psychology of the senses and Intellect.
Lotze—Metaphysics, Book III. (Psychology).


Kant—Critique of Pure Reason.
E. Caird—Metaphysic (Article, Encyclopaedia Britannica. Republished in Essays on Literature and Philosophy [Vol. II]).


Aristotle—Nicomachean Ethics.
Spencer—Data of Ethics.
Green—Prolegomena to Ethics.


The History of Modern Philosophy, from Descartes to Kant inclusive.

[pp. 252-253]

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *



The History of the Middle Ages.

The Practical Applications (as stated by the principal Economic Writers) of the Principles of Political Economy.

Constitutional History and Law.

Books recommended: —

Bryce—Holy Roman Empire.
Gibbon—Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Dr. Smith’s edition), ch. 49-71 [Volume VI; Volume VII; Vol. VIII].
Hallam—Middle Ages, except ch. 8 [Volume I; Volume II; Volume III].
Mill—Political Economy, Books III., IV., V.
Cliffe Leslie—Essays in Political and Moral Philosophy.
Herbert Spencer—Principles of Ethics, Part IV., and The Man versus The State.
Giffen—Essays in Finance.
Walker—Wages Question.

Bachelors of Arts who graduated before 1st April, 1896, may substitute this work for Constitutional History and Law.

Sir H.S. Maine—Dissertations on Early Law and Custom.
The following Articles in the current edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica: —Equity, Fictions, International Law, Law, Treaties.


Any four of the Papers set for the Final Honour Examination in the same Term.

[pp. 257-258]

Source:  University of Melbourne. Library, Digitised-Collections. University of Melbourne Calendar 1899.

Image Source: Professor John Simeon Elkington. Copy in the University of Melbourne Archives from Photo N. 4. Alma Mater, Supplement (April 1, 1896).


Chicago Economics Programs Economists Fields

Chicago. Schedule of the preliminary economics exams for the Ph.D. and A.M., Summer 1951


The following schedule for preliminary examinations in economics at the University of Chicago from the summer quarter of 1951 comes from Milton Friedman’s papers at the Hoover Institution Archives. We see that he was on the two economic theory examination committees along with Lloyd Metzler and Frank Knight. Besides providing the names of the faculty members serving on the nine committees, the schedule also provides the names of the sixty students registered for the examinations during that quarter.




Summer Quarter, 1951

The schedule below shows the examinations requested for the current quarter. Will the chairman of each committee please be responsible for turning in the complete examination at least one week before the date on which it is to be given?



Examination Committee

Students Registered

Thurs., Aug. 2
Law Court

Agricultural Economics

D.G. Johnson, chr.
C. Hildreth
T.W. Schultz
Dunsing, Marilyn (A.M.)
Fox, Kirk (Ph.D)
Hughes, Rufus (Ph.D.)
Taylor, Maurice (Ph.D.)

Tues., July 31
Law Court

Economic Theory I

L. Metzler, chr.
M. Friedman
F. Knight
Baskind, Irwin (Ph.D.) in abs.
Bassett, Marjorie (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Blumberg, Lionel (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Chen, Ho-Mei (Ph.D.)
Chen, Sze-te (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Chien, Chih Chien (Ph.D.)
Cleaver, George (Ph.D.)
Dunsing, Marilyn (A.M.)
Emmer, Robert (Ph.D.)
Fox, Kirk (Ph.D.)
Frank, Andrew (Ph.D.-A.M.) in abs
Gustus, Warren (Ph.D.)
Heizer, Raymond (Ph.D.)
Herlihy, Murray (Ph.D.)
Hoch, Irving (Ph.D.)
Hughes, Rufus (Ph.D.)
Krawczyk, Richard (Ph.D.-A.M.) in abs
Lerner, Eugene (Ph.D.)
Liang, Wei K. Liang (Ph.D.)
Lininger, Charles (Ph.D.)
Lurie, Melvin (Ph.D.)
McGuire, Charles (Ph.D.)
Malhotra, Man Mohan (Ph.D.)
Malone, John (Ph.D.)
Mitcham, Clinton (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Morrison, George (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Sonley, Lorne (Ph.D.)
Taylor, Maurice (Ph.D.)
Terrell, James (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Toscano, Peter (Ph.D.)
Traeger, Gordon (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Viscasillas, Felipe (Ph.D.)
Waldorf, William (Ph.D.)
Weir, Thomas (Ph.D.)
Weiss, Roger (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Zelder, Raymond (Ph.D.)

Tues., Aug. 7
Law Court

Economic Theory II

L. Metzler, chr.
M. Friedman
F. Knight
Chen, Ho-Mei (Ph.D.)
Herlihy, Murray (Ph.D.)
Hoch, Irving (Ph.D.)
Toscano, Peter (Ph.D.)
Weir, Thomas (Ph.D.)

Thurs., Aug. 9
Law Court

Government Finance

P. Thomson, chr.
J. Marschak
D.G. Johnson
Frank, Andrew (Ph.D.-A.M.) in abs
Haskell, Max (Ph.D.) in abs
Henry, Edward L. (Ph.D.)
Horwitz, Bertrand (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Lininger, Charles (Ph.D.)
Selden, Richard (Ph.D.)

Thurs., Aug. 9
Law Court

Industrial Relations

F. Harbison, chr.
E. Hamilton
H.G. Lewis
Barghout, Saad (Ph.D.)
Bechtolt, Richard (Ph.D.)
Hoch, Irving (Ph.D.)
Liang, Wei K. (Ph.D.)
Mullady, Philomena (Ph.D.)
Ness, David (Ph.D.)

Thurs., Aug. 2
Law Court

International Economics

L. Metzler, chr.
B. Hoselitz
A. Rees
Alberts, William (Ph.D.)
Anderson, Edwin (Ph.D.) in abs
Chen, Sze-te (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Chien, Chih Chien (Ph.D.)
Cleaver, George (Ph.D.)
Frank, Andrew (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Glick, Milton (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Gustus, Warren (Ph.D.)
Lukomski, Jesse (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Mitcham, Clinton (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Morey, Donald J. (Ph.D.-A.M.)

Tues., Aug. 7
Law Court

Money, Banking, and Monetary Policy

L. Mints, chr.
E. Hamilton
J. Marschak
Alberts, William (Ph.D.)
Bauer, Milton (Ph.D.)
Blumberg, Lionel (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Chen, Sze-te (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Chien, Chih Chien (Ph.D.)
Cleaver, George (Ph.D.)
Conomikes, George (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Davis, George (Ph.D.) in abs
Emmer, Robert (Ph.D.)
Heizer, Raymond (Ph.D.)
Horwitz, Bertrand (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Hughes, Rufus (Ph.D.)
Krawczyk, Richard (Ph.D.-A.M.) in abs
Lerner, Eugene (Ph.D.)
Liang, Wei K. (Ph.D.)
Lukomski, Jesse (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Meckling, William (Ph.D.)
Mitcham, Clinton (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Morey, Donald (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Ogawa, George (Ph.D.)
Smulekoff, Suzanne (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Sonley, Lorne (Ph.D.)
Taylor, Maurice (Ph.D.)
Terrell, James (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Traeger, Gordon (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Zelder, Raymond (Ph.D.)
Zingarelli, Carla (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Rayack, Elton  (Ph.D.) in abs

Thurs., Aug. 2
Law Court


T. Koopmans, chr.
C. Hildreth
H.G. Lewis
Cagan, Phillip (Ph.D.)
Hogan, Lloyd (Ph.D.)
Katzman, Irwin (Ph.D.)
Malhotra, Man Hohan (Ph.D.)
Waldorf, William (Ph.D.)

Thurs., Aug. 2
Law Court

Economic History

E. Hamilton Mullady, Philomena (Ph.D.)
Toscano, Peter (Ph.D.)

Source: Hoover Institution Archives. Papers of Milton Friedman. Box 76, Folder “University of Chicago ‘Economic Theory’”.

Economics Programs Princeton

Princeton. Economics course offerings 1910-11


Not only were the Princeton University graduate economic course offerings in 1910/11 relatively slim, it is also interesting to note that five of the ten courses listed covered history of economics and economic history. Undergraduate courses could also be taken by graduate students in the department of history, politics, and economics. Links to the textbooks used are included in the following transcription of the economics portion of the course announcements.



The following are the undergraduate [economics] courses in the Department of History, Politics, and Economics, and, though not listed or counted as graduate courses, they are open to graduate students of the Department:

45, 46. Elements of Economics. This course will comprise the essential elements of the abstract theory of economics and some of the more essential applications and exemplifications of the theory, such as money, banking, transportation, international trade, and monopoly problems. There will be one lecture a week, and two recitations in small groups to test the student’s apprehension of the subject matter covered in the reading. [Frank A.] Fetter: Principles of Economics; [Jeremiah Whipple] Jenks: The Trust Problem; and [Frank W.] Taussig: The Tariff History of the United States. Junior course, both terms, 3 hours a week. Prerequisite course: History 22 [Mediaeval History; 400 A.D.-1494 A.D. Sophomore elective, second term, 3 hours a week.]. Prerequisite to Public Finance and Money and Banking. Professor Daniels [Winthrop More Daniels, A.M.] and [Assistant] Professor Meeker [Royal Meeker, Ph.D.].

79. Economics. Public Finance. This course will cover the theory of public finance. Lectures with weekly conferences. [Winthrop More] Daniels: Public Finance; and [David MacGregor] Means: The Methods of Taxation. Senior course, first term, 3 hours a week. Prerequisite courses: History 22 and Economics 45, 46. Professor Daniels [Winthrop More Daniels, A.M.].

80. Economics. Money and Banking. This course is designed to outline briefly the problems touching money and banking. [Joseph French] Johnson: Money and Banking; [Edwin Walter] Kemmerer: Money and Prices [Money and Credit Instruments in their Relation to General Prices]; [Amos Kidder] Fiske: Modern Bank. Senior course, second term, 3 hours a week. Prerequisite courses: History 22 and Economics 45 and 46. [Assistant] Professor Meeker [Royal Meeker, Ph.D.].

THE PRO-SEMINARY. In the Department of History, Politics, and Economics there will be a pro-seminary both terms; the pro-seminary to be divided into sections, one for history, one for politics, and one for economics. Admission to the pro-Seminary will be conditioned upon a student’s obtaining in the Junior year courses in the Department the standing prescribed for entrance upon pro-seminary work….Professor Meeker will have charge of the economics section; and Industrial Organizations of Capital and of Labor will be the subjects of study, first and second term respectively.




133. History of Economic Theory. Early economic theory through Adam Smith. A study of Mercantilist and Physiocratic thought, and the work of Adam Smith, preceded by a brief resumé of ancient and mediaeval economic ideas. Three hours a week, first term. Given 1909-10. Professor [sic] Adriance [Walter Maxwell Adriance, A.M., Preceptor in History, Politics and Economics].

134. History of Economic Theory. The classical economists through J. S. Mill and Cairnes. Beginning with Malthus, the concrete problems in which the classical English political economy arose are taken up for study. The theory of Distribution in particular is traced in the Ricardian economics and down through the Wage-Fund theory. Three hours a week, second term. Given 1909-10. Professor Daniels [Winthrop More Daniels, A.M.].

135. History of Economic Theory. The modern movement in Economics, beginning with Jevons and the Austrian school, down through the modern critical analysis of the nature of capital, interest, and the process of Distribution. Three hours a week, first term. Given 1910-11. Professor Daniels [Winthrop More Daniels, A.M.].

136. Statistics. Modern methods of statistical investigation and their results; with problems in practical statistical work. Three hours a week, second term. Give 1910-11. Professor Adriance [Walter Maxwell Adriance, A.M., Preceptor in History, Politics and Economics].

137, 138. Economic History. This course is designed to give a general account of the economic development of the United States. Beginning with the explorations and settlements that led to the colonization of the continent, will be traced the growth of industry, agriculture, commerce, transportation, population, and labor, from the simple, isolated agricultural communities of the colonies to the complex industrial and commercial society of today. The principal topics discussed will be the land policy, the westward movement, internal improvements, the factory system, slavery, the tariff, immigration, the national finances, etc. A brief survey of the economic history of the industrially most developed European nations will also be given in so far as it is necessary to a complete understanding of the economic development of the United States. The lectures will be supplemented by assigned reading, and a thesis will be prepared by each student during the year on at least one subject. Three hours a week, both terms.

139. Modern Industrial Organization. Organization of Labor. A study of the development of labor organizations, the changes in the legal concepts of labor combinations, conspiracy, strikes, monopoly, boycott, etc., and the aims and methods of trades-unions today. Three hours a week, first term. Given 1909-10. Professor Meeker [Royal Meeker, Ph.D.].

140. Modern Industrial Organization. Organization of Capital. A study of modern industrial methods, the growth of large-scale industry, culminating in the recent Trust development and the effects of this movement industrial, political, and social. Three hours a week, second term. Given 1909-10. Professor Meeker [Royal Meeker, Ph.D.].

141, 142. History and Theory of Transportation. A survey of the improvements in methods and instruments of transportation and the consequent changes in the legal and economic theories relating thereto. A reading knowledge of French and German will be desirable. Three hours a week, both terms, alternating with Courses 139, 140. Given 1910-11. Professor Meeker [Royal Meeker, Ph.D.].


Source: Department of History, Politics and Economics. Announcements for 1910-11. Official Register of Princeton University, Vol. I, No. 8 (March 15, 1910).

Image Source:   Princeton University (ca. 1909 photo). Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C.





Economics Programs Johns Hopkins

John Hopkins. Economics Ph.D. completion rate, years to completion. 1956-1970



I have a sneaking suspicion that the numbers in this table (that come from archived departmental statistics) need to be transformed to adjust for  incomplete “spells” of graduate work reported for the most recent cohorts (e.g. 1967/8 through 1969/70) that are apparently included with the completed “spells” and program drop-outs in order to get a proper estimate of the completion rate and the distribution of times to completion for the Ph.D. It has been years since I made this sort of calculation for the distribution of unemployment spells by duration, so I’ll just leave this as an exercise for readers.


Political Economy Department
Fall 1970



Year since
work at
Hopkins a
Percentage of all entering students who took the Ph.D. during that yearb
Col. (6) – Col. (5)
Cumulative percentage from
Col. (2)c
Academic years during which the represented students entered Hopkins Number of students who entered during the years in Col. (4) Number of those in
Col. (5) who took the Ph.D. during the year given in
Col. (1)


(2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
1st 56/7 thru 69/70 198



1.7% 1.7% 56/7 thru 68/9 176 3
3rd 6.8% 8.5% 56/7 thru 67/8 162



14.0% 22.5% 56/7 thru 66/7 145 20
5th 4.5% 27% 56/7 thru 65/6 132



8.0% 35% 56/7 thru 64/5 118 8
7th & more 6.0% 41% 56/7 thru 63/4 108


a Not counting any previous graduate work elsewhere

b Including those who completed requirements by October at the end of the year given in Col. (1).

c About 59% (i.e. 100% — the total of 41%) of entering students do not take the Ph.D.


Source: Johns Hopkins University. Eisenhower Library. Ferdinand Hamburger, Jr. Archives. Department of Political Economy Papers. Series 5, Box 6, Folder “Statistical Information (Dept, University National, 1927, 1956-1972”.

Berkeley Economics Programs M.I.T. Race

M.I.T. Economics Chair’s Account of Early Efforts of Affirmative Action for Black Graduate Students. Cary Brown, 1974


Starting with the 1970/71 academic year, the M.I.T. economics department launched an initiative to increase the enrollment of black students in its graduate program. E. Cary Brown, the head of the M.I.T. economics department described the first four years experience of the initiative in his response to an inquiry from the chairperson of the Berkeley economics department, Albert Fishlow.

For considerably more on this subject, see:

William Darity, Jr. and Arden Kreeger. The Desegregation of an Elite Economics Department’s PhD Program: Black Americans at MIT in MIT and the Transformation of American Economics (Annual Supplement to Volume 46 of History of Political Economy, edited by E. Roy Weintraub. Duke University, 2014) pp. 371-335.


M.I.T. Economics Department’s Experience With Expanding Graduate Enrollment of Black Students, 1970-74

September 18, 1974

Professor Albert Fishlow, Chairman
Department of Economics
University of California
Berkeley, California 94720

Dear Professor Fishlow:

This letter is in reply to your letter of August 9, 1974, requesting information on our procedures with respect to qualified minority students.

As background, you should know that we had no special programs for minority candidates (although we had a few such students) until the entering class of 1970. At that time we took seriously an experiment to see if the number in our student body could be expanded. In the admissions process we set aside criteria we had used in the past, on the assumption that they were not as relevant to minority candidates. With the help and advice of several of our Deans for Minority Students and our own contacts with minority groups, we selected three students that first year (1970-71). Subsequently we admitted 3 blacks in 1971, 4 in 1972, 2 in 1973 and 4 this year.

Initially we organized a summer tutorial program that worked on the development of their mathematical skills and gave them a serious taste of what was to come in theory and statistics. This was supervised and participated in by several faculty and graduate students. We now make this a standard offering at students’ options, and this summer, for example, only one entering student requested this special help.

The tutorial program was extended into the regular academic year when students required it. We are still prepared to carry this out, but, in general, it has diminished essentially to zero.

There has been no modification in the academic program or requirements for minority students, nor any tempering of standards. They have been urged to take a less heavy program than the ordinary student—to stretch out preparation for their examinations. Typically they added about a year to the preparations time, but that, too, seems to be less necessary.

We have had many discussions with black students to try to achieve better communication and awareness of mutual problems. What started as essentially a student-faculty committee has evolved into a Black Graduate Economics Association. This association, on its own volition, prepared a video tape presentation for the purposes of encouraging minority high school students to go on to college in economics, to encourage minority college student to go on to graduate school, and to encourage this group to come to M.I.T. There was much informal recruiting by the black students. When admitted candidates visited Cambridge to determine what graduate school to attend, the program would be essentially organized by some of our black students. They have been extremely important in establishing an environment congenial to black students, and conveying their enthusiasm about the program.

The relations have been good with the black students, especially as between faculty and black students. There have been some student problems, feelings of exclusion and the like, that existed last year. The precise source of these difficulties we have not been able to ascertain. We are also aware that black women have had special complaints that neither the black males nor the faculty could fully understand. Our keeping communications open has perhaps depended on luck, but certainly also depended heavily on particular black students here and on particular faculty and the administrative officer who have made substantial amounts of time available to them and who have helped with their social and living problems.

One problem should be pointed out to you. Much of graduate instruction is self instruction by students in study groups. The black students complained at first that they had no leader, no one they could emulate, no one who could answer their problems. This has changed as the quality of preparation has improved, but it is something that I would urge you to keep in mind. A second problem with high incidence is the difficulty of family adjustment (and most of our minority students have families) to the demands of academic life (including work for many of the wives).

We have no special departmental resources for minority students. M.I.T. has some resources, usually for new students, and there are the national minority fellowships that many of our students have won. Otherwise, they are supported by general graduate financial aid at M.I.T. or in the Department.

Finally, you might look briefly at the record of the minority students. Of the three who entered in 1970, on went to another University to get a Master’s degree (after two years here), another transferred to a Master’s program in Urban Studies at M.I.T. (after two years). The third passed his general examinations a year ago, but has made little progress on his dissertation. Of the second year admittees, two have passed generals and are at work on theses, the third is still in school after being out for a year. The 1972 group includes two who partially failed their generals, two who will be taking them this year. Of the 1973 group, one transferred to another graduate school and one will take generals this year.

I am not sure how I would describe our program. It is viable; there are enough students as a group so they do not feel they should drop out or transfer; morale seems to be high. On the other hand, we have put much time and resources into the program and do not yet have candidates who have completed the program. We have had the satisfaction of seeing the quality of preparation and the enthusiasm rise. We are also sure that we will have a half dozen Ph.D.’s from this minority group in the next three or four years.

I am sending you a copy of our current graduate brochure which contains more detailed information than the catalogue. Professor Robert L. Bishop is Chairman of the Graduate Committee on Admissions, and Professor Peter A. Diamond is Chairman of the Graduate Committee.

Sincerely yours,

E. Cary Brown, Head



Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Institute Archives and Special Collections. Department of Economics Records. Box 1, Folder “Women + Minorities”.

Image Source: “E. Cary Brown, fiscal policy expert, dies at 91“. M.I.T. News. June 27, 2007.

Chicago Economics Programs Funny Business

Chicago. Three things to learn when studying economics at Chicago. Harry Johnson, 1968


In an earlier post we found that Harry Johnson thought student course evaluations were useful when interpreted properly but of questionable utility for e.g. hiring and promotion decisions. His message to graduate students in 1968 transcribed below reveals three truths wrapped in irony. Perhaps there is an older Chicago-trained economist who can help younger, non-Chicago trained economists extract Harry Johnson’s intended signal from the satirical noise? At the bottom of this and every page of Economics in the Rear-view Mirror is space for comments.


May 17, 1968
Harry G. Johnson

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Pray silence, while you listen to and meditate upon the remarks of Chairman Harberger, as he addresses the new students in the Graduate School of Economics at the University of Chicago, I quote to you from the remarks of Chairman Harberger.

Many of you have graduated with distinction from reputable and respected undergraduate schools of economics; no doubt you expect to put in another three years or so learning those things that you had insufficient time or preparation to study as undergraduates, and acquiring the qualifications to teach in such a school, or to work for the government, or possibly—God forbid—to go into business.

The first thing you will have to learn is that you are stupid and misguided in this expectation. You have not learned what economics is about, and you will have to start all over again by unlearning what you have learnt, or think you have learnt. Real economics, as understood and applied at the University of Chicago is precisely what most of you have been taught to think of as nonsense, an archaic mythology disposed of by the pseudo-economics in which you have been trained. Real economics, the kind you are here to learn, is founded on the assumption that the price system works. This is a hard thing to believe; but after three years or so you too will come to believe it. Real economics is founded also on the assumption that the quantity of money—something most of you have never heard of—really matters. It matters not just for macroeconomics, but also for everything else from personal freedom to the poverty problem. This is an even harder thing to believe; but you will either learn to believe it, or perish in the attempt.

The second thing that you will have to learn is that nothing here is what it is called. Or, perhaps, following Humpty Dumpty, what things are called is not what they mean. Thus, you might be tempted to believe that the sequence of courses in money is designed to help you get through the money part of the Core. You have my personal assurance, publicly recorded this very afternoon, that this is not the case. Or you might expect that Course 302, described as being concerned with distribution theory, is about the theory of distribution. It is not. We offer you instead an embarrassment of riches: a choice between a 302 that is really a 303 on general equilibrium analysis, a course which we shall not be able to introduce formally until 1969; and a 302 which is a mixture of a course called 304, the pure theory of capital, that was discontinued some years ago for lack of student interest, and a course given at another time of the year under the number 371, international economic relations. After these hints, you will not I hope be surprised to learn that our econometrics sequence is not a sequence; and in the opinion of some informed people it is not properly described as econometrics either.

The third thing you will have to learn is that, if you want to learn something here, you will have to study something else. This is another example of the Humpty Dumpty approach towards words and meanings that we practice in this Department. Thus, if you want to be a regression analysis technician, you must do your thesis in labour economics. If you want to be an international trade or monetary economist, study mathematical economics. If you have a broad interest in society’s problems, and an unrepentant hankering after the social philosophizing of your undergraduate days, you must register in agricultural economics. If, by some strange chance, you are interested in agricultural economics, you must register as a specialist in economic history. If on the contrary you are interested in public finance, you must register in economic development—if you register in public finance so-called you will have to become an expert on pubic [sic] triangles. But just to confuse you, we have two specializations that mean what they say—international trade, and money and banking—though if you are interested in the monetary aspects of international trade, you will of course do your thesis in the money and banking workshop.

These are the three most important lessons a University of Chicago graduate student in economics has to learn. And you will learn them as you pass through the Department. If you do not learn them, I have one final remark to make to you. That remark is——goodbye.

Source: The Hoover Institution Archives. Milton Friedman Papers, Box 79, Folder 6 “University of Chicago Miscellaneous”.

Economics Programs Harvard Undergraduate

Harvard. Undergraduate economics concentrators dropped over 50% in 1950s.


This post provides some backstory to the next post that features the reading lists for Harvard’s junior year tutorial in macroeconomics (Arthur Smithies) and microeconomics (Edward Chamberlin) used in 1960-61. The following Harvard Crimson article describes the undergraduate program in crisis (as seen in the massive drop in economics concentrators). The fall in numbers was attributed to the observation that economics “instruction gyrates widely from verbal triviality to mathematical incomprehensibility”.  Now one might say that much economics instruction gyrates from verbal incomprehensibility to mathematical triviality.

Alfred Marshall tried to design his own Cambridge Curriculum to address two classes of students, those needing general economics training for leadership careers in business and government and those needing advanced training for research careers in economics. Integrated training of the two classes within a single program at Harvard appears to have reached its limits by the second half of the twentieth century. 

Marshall, Alfred. The New Cambridge Curriculum in EconomicsLondon: Macmillan, 1903.


Economics: Undergraduate Program Undergoes Extensive Re-Evaluation
By Michael Churchill

The Harvard Crimson, November 14, 1959

C. P. Snow, British scientist and author, recently called attention to what he termed the problem of two cultures in our society–the gap in understanding between the traditional humanities and social sciences on the one hand and modern science and technology on the other. Both exist side by side, yet remain intellectually divorced in our modern society. This dichotomy serves well in considering the difficulties surrounding the discipline of economics, for its midway position in such a scheme is indicative of its problems.

The subject matter of economics is the productive system, with all its relations to the world of technology. The concern of economics, however, is this system’s role in society and its effect on men, their livelihood, and their institutions. Not an integrator of the two cultures, nevertheless it must span the separation.

The Economics Department is currently undergoing a crisis. It has failed up to now to accommodate both elements in a coherent program. The result is strikingly demonstrated by the flight of undergraduate concentrators from the field. In less than a decade the number has declined by over half; from 709 in 1949 to 340 in 1958. Although the decline may partially reflect a nationwide tendency, it also is the result of the confusion and frustration attending the undergraduate program here, as the instruction gyrates widely from verbal triviality to mathematical incomprehensibility.

Though economics stands mid-way between two cultures, it is its similarity to the natural sciences that causes the greatest problems. Professional economics shares with the sciences an analytic technique “remote from the common experience of the layman and a language that is principally mathematical,” to use the words the Bruner Committee applied to the natural sciences. And to judge from the current trend this will become increasingly so.

Another similarity with science is that the study of economics is often cumulative, thereby necessitating an extensive introduction to provide the requisite basic knowledge. These are the same problems with which the Bruner Report was concerned in the teaching of natural sciences in a liberal arts program. That report dealt primarily with the problem of the non-concentrator in science–the General Education courses in natural sciences. The Economics Department, however, because of the interest of its concentrators, encounters the same problems throughout its program.

Some of the concentrators are presumably economists, and the Department little wishes to discourage their interests. The vast majority, however, will be lawyers, doctors, and even, despite the Department’s hostility, businessmen.

A final similarity with the sciences lies in the difficulty both areas have in getting the proper senior faculty to teach undergraduate courses. Because of the vast gap between the level of professional work and the elementary nature of undergraduate work–a gap so great that the difference is not only of degree of sophistication but of content–many professors are either reluctant to teach undergraduates or incapable of making the transition.

The combination of the inherent difficulties in teaching economics in a liberal arts college plus the almost total neglect of the undergraduate program in past years has resulted in the precipitous decline in concentrators. The hope of halting that decline lies at the bottom of the Department’s plans to re-design the undergraduate program, which are now under way.

Arthur Smithies, Chairman of the Department, met frequently this summer and again this fall with a Department Committee on Undergraduate Education appointed last spring. Headed by Professor Dunlop, members of the group are Professors Chamberlin, Duesenberry, and Meyer, Assistant Professors Gill and Lefeber, and instructors Baer and Berman.

The results of this increased attention are already apparent in changes made this year in Economics 1 and Junior tutorial, Ec. 98. Historical and topical subjects have gained emphasis at the expense of some of the more theoretical and analytical material, which is now consigned to Sophomore tutorial. In former years economic theory was presented in a historical vaccum without any consideration of the evolution of the economic system from a local medieval subsistence economy to the modern international productive system. The first month of Economics 1 is now devoted to filling this gap. Other changes include an increased emphasis upon the problem of underdeveloped countries and the substitution of a three-week study of the economy of the Soviet Union for the former week’s survey of comparative economic systems.

Along with these changes in content have come those of organization. Gone is the “parade of stars” which formerly masqueraded as lectures. Instead there are now blocs of integrated lectures covering single aspects of the course, for example the series of lectures the first month that Professor Gill gave on economic history. Another long-standing distinguishing trait of the course, its extensive use of teaching fellows, is also on the way out.

The changes are clearly tending to make the course less an introduction into the Department and more a General Education course in the social sciences. The stress, in the attempt to interest the non-concentrator through presentation of historical and topical issues, is now upon political economy rather than upon economics. In a liberal arts college such a solution to the problems affecting the discipline seems to be the most logical and rewarding for an introductory course.

Faced, however, with the task of teaching its concentrators some of the methods and techniques of the economist, the department has moved towards increasing utilization of Sophomore and Junior tutorial for this purpose. The analytic material ejected from Ec. 1 has found refuge in Sophomore tutorial, while Ec. 98 (Junior tutorial) although heavily biased towards the empirical is the only course in the Department offering an overall view of the field.

But there is this year, in addition, an increased amount of attention towards policy questions and topical economic issues in both courses, a reflection of the prevalent belief that meaningful economics on the undergraduate level should relate, as Smithies said, “to the great public issues of the day.” In practice these two elements–the analytical tools and the social framework in which they must fit–still remain divorced in these courses, but at least the attempt is being made to integrate them.

The most perplexing problems facing the Department occur in the area of the middle group courses. To some extent they are aggravated by the Department’s quantative approach to the number of concentrators, with its concern to retain the marginally interested student within the Department. And again the nature of the field, with its disparity between advanced professional techniques and an undergraduate approach, intensifies the problem that confronts many other departments in the College–that of withstanding the polar attractions of pre-professional orientation or of superficiality. Concerning the middle course group area, Dunlop’s committee has only just begun its discussions, but the major alternatives are well known.

There is general agreement, according to Dunlop, that the undergraduate program as part of a liberal arts program should not be a pre-professional training. Disagreement, however, becomes manifest quickly after that statement. Many members of the department, for instance, feel that the best concentrators, the potential future economists, should be allowed to take courses on the graduate level, and indeed should be encouraged to do so. In effect these students would be obtaining a pre-professional training, but the supporters of this proposal feel that this is the only way whereby the interest of the economics-oriented student can be prevented from obstruction by the triviality of normal undergraduate economics courses. At present many undergraduates already take graduate level courses, but the new plan would make a sharper distinction between those who do and do not.

Another group in Department, however, voices the opinion that the College student should not clutter his schedule with pre-professional courses, but rather use his time to study such fields as music, literature, and mathematics. If a student does do graduate work later in economics he will have no trouble picking up whatever advanced analytic tools he needs at that time, while if he does not intend to do so there is no sense in wasting his time with a lot of specialized technique, this bloc maintains.

One proposal, approved by nearly all and sorely needed, is to introduce a greater flexibility into the program through increased use of half-year courses. Presently over half of the seventeen courses offered run from September to June. Many of these, it is admitted, could be pared down to a half-year.

This leads to the proposal for a new type course to replace the far-flung surveys. They would probe smaller areas, but penetrate deeper. Based on the combined desire to attract more students, and the premise that the goal is a more intelligent understanding of the public issues of the past and present, the courses would be designed around the topical approach. Examples would be courses on the corporation, on the economic impact of government activity, the present course on the Soviet Union, a half-year course on underdeveloped countries. In discussing this approach, Dunlop stressed that these would not be “watered down versions of the analytic approach but a new crosscut.” It should be noted that, while not analytical, these courses would still include some quantitative analysis or even simple economic models, but these methods would not become ends or major concerns of the courses.

Another proposal is to set up a core program in the Department. There is, in fact, almost one already. Ec. 141–Money and Banking, Ec. 161–Industrial Organization, and Ec. 181–Industrial Relations, cover the major areas of the field and at least two of them are necessary to handle Generals well. A real core program where all concentrators would progress from one level of the next has many advantages; it provides a common background which the lecturer can assume, gives a common training, and insures that a student will not neglect a vital aspect of the field. But it also has disadvantages, the primary one being the difficulty of handling non-concentrators who have not had this core. Separate sections in a course might be a simple answer here. A more difficult problem is that of time. Ec. 1, 98, and 99 already constitute three-fifths of the required courses. A central core program of another three semesters would aggravate the present lack of flexibility.

For the Economics Department this is a time of discussion, but it must soon reach the hour of decision. Certainly the present situation is not tolerable. By its over-concern with theoretical models and tools, the Department has separated itself from the true materials of a liberal arts education in economics. It should not, however, allow itself to reach the other extreme, in its quest for concentrators, of reducing the content of the courses to a point where an economics student is no more qualified to discuss and solve an issue of political economy than an intelligent government concentrator.

There is little question of the importance of economics today, with its strategic position between the technological productive system and the literary tradition of the social sciences, and with its unique combination of the empirical and theoretical. It remains only to be taught well.



Economics Programs M.I.T.

M.I.T. Graduate Economics Association’s info-welcome letter to new cohort, April 1965


Sloan Building
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge 39, Massachusetts
April 21, 1965

Dear New Students:

On behalf of the Graduate Economics Association, I would like to welcome you to M.I.T. and Cambridge. This letter will try to tell you a little about your prospective surroundings at M.I.T. and in Boston, and about the GEA itself. If, after reading this letter, you have some unanswered questions, I heartily encourage your writing to me for more information. My address is on the last page of this letter.


You have probably studied the Sears-sized catalogue of the Institute and found it an impressive document, if a bit forbidding. You will find that the Institute means business, but is run to make things reasonably smooth for the large body of students and staff. This means that it pays to read the notices, check mail boxes and announcements to meet deadlines, but that rules are made to be broken, given a good and sufficient reason. The idea is to ask the right person and keep asking until you get an authoritative answer.

The Economics Department

You will find that most of the time you spend and the contacts you make at M.I.T. will be within the department, especially if you do not live in the Graduate House. The department is located in the Sloan Building at the extreme east end of the campus, on the second and third floors (the latter housing the graduate registration officer and the head of the department). In the same building are the Sloan School of Management and the Faculty Club. Dewey Library, the Political Science Department and the Center for International Studies will be moving next door to quarters in the new Hermann Building. This may cause some confusion so be prepared to ask twice to find something. To reach the Sloan Building via public transportation you may either take a Massachusetts Avenue bus to any of the stops at the Institute, then proceed east along Memorial Drive (along the Charles River) about seven minutes walk; or you may take the Harvard-Ashmont MTA line to Kendall Square, then follow Wadsworth Street south (toward the River), and you are there.

You are about to begin graduate work with some of the finest economists in the world. We also like to feel that the group of graduate students here is an unusually stimulating and interesting one. There is an Institute rule that in effect requires residence until the thesis is completed. This rule is largely for your benefit, so that you can work alongside more advanced students. They are happy to talk to new students and should prove the best sources of more-or-less reliable information on all sorts of subjects. Incidentally, while you may feel that the most highly developed science among your colleagues is baseball, do not hesitate to ask for help in clearing up a point in economics. Some of us remember back to first-year courses.

The faculty are busy, but not too busy to see you if you have a question. Your initial faculty contact will be with Professor Kindleberger on Registration Day (September 20), whom you will deal with throughout the rest of the term regarding schedules, course changes, and other departmental affairs. Shortly after the beginning of the first term, we will arrange a short session for all first-year graduate students with one of the members of the department to enter your questions about department policy on graduate study in economics at M.I.T.

Most of the economics books and journals you will need can be found in Dewey Library. On Registration Day, beginning at about 3:00 p.m., Miss Klingenhagen, the head librarian will give entering students her Grand Tour of the library. You will find that it is quite easy to make use of Dewey’s reading and research facilities. You will also find that the freedom of individual movement is relatively greater than in most large institutional libraries (including some other M.I.T libraries). This, of course, behooves students to comply with a few wishes of the library staff regarding (the relative absence of) noise and the process of checking out, caring for, and returning books. If you have questions, suggestions, or complaints, see Miss Klingenhagen, Mr. Presson, or anyone else on the library staff. Do not hesitate to ask the library to get any books relating to economics which they do not have, or of which more copies are required. Of course, the longer lead time you give on your requests for books, the better the library is able to serve you.

The huge library resources of Harvard have become less accessible recently, but they can be used on occasion given sufficient ingenuity and a modicum of determination. Widener is the most attractive and of course the most restricted library at Harvard. Littauer (economics and public administration) and Baker (business school) are both available without much trouble, at least for in-room use and certain stack privileges. The surest way to gain access to all this wealth is to take a course at Harvard. Short of this direct (and perhaps painful?) approach, more devious and less certain means must be employed.

The Graduate Economics Association

As you may have guessed, the GEA is comprised of all graduate students in economics. Its functions are to provide services involving external economies. This includes a lounge, economics seminars, social functions, student-faculty liaison, and the present opus. All this is run on the paltry sum of $2.00 per member per year, payable at the cocktail party to be held on:

Registration Day, September 20, 1965

On Registration Day, the GEA will sponsor a cocktail party to celebrate your entrance and the beginning of classes the next day. TIME: 4:00 p.m. PLACE: Faculty Club Penthouse on the 6-1/2 floor of the Sloan Building. The first two drinks will be subsidized to the amount of $0.50; anyone who thinks he can stand a third (or fourth…) will have to subsidize himself (note we said “sponsor” a cocktail party). The primary purpose of the party is to afford everyone an opportunity to meet his colleagues, both new and “old” students and faculty.

Earlier in the day, from 10-12 a.m., the GEA will provide (not sponsor) a free advisory service to clear up confusion and to give life and meaning to catalogue course descriptions. GHQ for this service will be the Economics Lounge on the second floor of the Sloan Building.



Boston, like all great metropolitan areas, is a slum-infested city surrounded by hundreds of suburbs. You will quickly find that each landlord sells the combination of housing and location, and that a good location may come dear. Yet it will also be discovered that the good locations and the popular may differ markedly, especially for you. The Sloan Building is located in an industrial district, and there is little in the way of living quarters in that part of Cambridge. On the other hand, just across the “Pepperpot” Bridge is Beacon Hill. This famous address is actually a paradoxical combination ranging from the homes of some of Boston’s venerable old families, to near-slums with various degrees in between which are acceptable to a struggling graduate student. The whole riverside area from there up to the Fenway lies within possible walking distance and abounds with possible living accommodations. Moving further back, rents become cheaper and flats more modest as we go into the Back Bay area. The adjacent suburbs such as Allston, Brighton, Brookline, Somerville, Watertown, and, for that matter, the other parts of Cambridge itself offer still more in the way of apartments, remodeled homes, and, for the single person, rooming houses. (There are some good rooming houses for singles just off Central Square.) Cambridge, especially in the Harvard Square area, tends to charge for location. Obviously you can evaluate this in terms of the time and money that the distance involves. Whether you have a car or whether you can get into a car pool with a fellow student will contribute to this decision. But don’t plan on parking privileges at M.I.T. The parking lot next to the Sloan Building is filled with construction. Even in better days students seldom qualify for “a parking sticker.” it would be wise to write the Campus Patrol for an application, but the general rule is you must live outside of Cambridge and off the MTA routes. Then available spaces are allotted by seniority (leaving Graduate Students next to last). The public transportation in Boston is probably more adequate than those who suffer with it like to think. Fares are 20 cents for the subway, and 10 cents for most surface transit.


Housing in the areas listed above is a problem for everyone, especially those who are on a tight budget (i.e., everyone). For unmarried students, the solutions are: the Graduate House, a room, or an apartment. The alternatives to the new M.I.T. housing for married students are an apartment or a house. Some sources of information on available accommodations are:

–the M.I.T. housing office in Building 7, Room 7-102. Up-to-date listings are available.

–Phillips Brooks House at Harvard (supposedly for Harvard students, but no questions are asked). Up-to-date listings are available.

–bulletin boards, at M.I.T.: Graduate House, Dewey Library (in Sloan Building), Building 10; at Harvard: ask bearded students; and at the Stop & Shop Supermarket on Memorial Drive, Cambridge.

–local newspapers, especially the Sunday Globe, Tech Talk, Harvard Crimson.

–real estate agents, pavement pounding, asking everyone, putting up notices, etc.

You will find that rents may be found in the neighborhood of $70 per month and (mostly) up for good apartments, $110 to $150 (for two persons), and that rooms may go for a little as $10 per week. If you can, come up early and spend a day or two looking. Don’t get discouraged by the places or prices, since there are good places available, particularly before the first week of September. Anyone who waits until after September first, however, will almost certainly find his choice limited. Most leases run for 12 months, expiring the end of August. As you shall probably have to pay for the entire month of September, this is an additional incentive to arrive early, whenever possible.


Here again the situation is confusing. The extra cost of a furnished apartment may be far greater than the value in use of the furniture. There are numerous ways to obtain furnishings. First, check the bulletin boards, although these are the most fruitful in May and June. Second, call the M.I.T. Dames who hold a furniture sale each fall (M.I.T. Student Furniture Exchange, Ext. 4293). Rental services can be a good value, and there are a large number of secondhand dealers. Massachusetts Avenue, in Cambridge, between Central and Harvard Squares, is lined with these places. Charitable groups such as the Salvation Army, the Morgan Memorial, and the Saint Vincent de Paul Society also sell second-hand furniture. On the other hand, judicious shopping in the legitimate new furniture stores and discount houses such as Sears or Lechmere Sales may yield better values in the long run. As might be expected, those firms specializing in the student trade raise prices come September—therefore, early arrival and use of more general sources is advisable. Last fall I became the Chippendale of amateur furniture makers and would be happy to give advice on this, if requested.

Graduate House

For unmarried students who want to avoid housekeeping, the Graduate House may be the answer. On paper the House, with its activities, dining room, and proximity to campus, seems ideal. Prices range from $160 to $235 a semester, and it is quite likely that you will be paying the higher prices, as there are many more rooms available in this range—all triples. Singles are almost impossible to obtain as a first-year student; further, the chances of rooming with a fellow economist are quite small. However, it has been possible in the past to switch roommates and/or rooms during the year if desired.

The rooms are fully furnished, which is a help, and contain lamps, beds, desks, easy chair, and bureaus. With the latest rent increase, the Institute also cut down janitorial service and stopped providing linen. There are washing machines in the basement, where the showers are also located. It is an old but well-kept-up building. Some of the rooms are on the dingy side, but they are large if nothing else (except for some of the singles, which look like converted closets).

There is a cafeteria-dining room in the Graduate House, which serves somewhat-better-than-average institutional food on a pay-as-you-eat basis; meal costs here are likely to run close to $3.00 per day (for three meals). You can contract for commons meals, arranging for these either at the Grad House or at Walker Memorial, or a combination of the two (breakfast at the Grad House, lunch and dinner at Walker, has proven convenient for Grad House residents who spend their life in the relative isolation of the Sloan Building). Walker Memorial is close to 5 minutes walk from the Grad House, but on the way to the Sloan Building, and provides a gathering spot for many economics students at lunch and dinner. For the single student, these gatherings can be a valuable aspect of life around M.I.T. The Grad House sponsors assorted dances, teas, and lectures, and is equipped with ping-pong, television, a record player, and a darkroom. There are intramural sports and you are allowed to entertain guests at any time. There is generally a long waiting list for entry into the Grad House, but students who have lived there recommend it highly, and well worth the effort of applying. A check at the House on arrival may reveal that the waiting list has shortened considerably as people changed their mind, went elsewhere, or otherwise dropped out.

Parking around the Graduate House is quite difficult, but not impossible. Parking permits to the House parking lot are next to impossible to obtain unless there is a special reason. The lot is open to all, however, on weekends, and occasional weekday parking in the lot usually leads to no difficulty.


While normally considered a personal problem, we sympathize with the desire of some incoming graduate students to make contact with other members of your class in hopes of sharing an apartment (sounds like a lonely hearts club). Therefore, for your convenience (and to satisfy your curiosity), we have included a list of students admitted for next fall. If any of you want to make contact with classmates, send your name back to me by the end of May, plus your summer address, and I will compile a short list of those desiring roommates. This will be returned to the interested parties. All further action must be initiated by you. Correspondence during the summer might more safely be addressed to Myra Strober. (See last page)

The Coop

You are entitled to be a member of the nation’s most successful consumers’ cooperative—the Harvard Cooperative Society (or Coop). Its main store in Harvard Square stocks a full line of clothing, supplies, books and other needed items, and its Technology Store—to be located on the first floor of the new M.I.T. Student Union—on Massachusetts Avenue across from the main building of M.I.T.—carries a moderate number of these items and can, if feasible, have others transferred. The big advantage is that you get a 10 per cent discount on your purchases payable the following fall. (Economists have often wondered how all the bookstores in Harvard Square meet this competition. Apparently they can survive without following the same course; but one, the Mandrake, does give a 10 per cent spot discount which is, of course, even better than the Coop’s deferred 10 per cent. However, some negotiating may prove that the practice is more widespread than that.)

Employment for Students

Summer jobs and part-time jobs are handled through the Placement Office and/or the Department of Economics. See Professor Kindleberger or Miss Tapley for this.

Employment for Wives

The search for jobs for students’ wives can be something of a struggle. As in all cities women will find:

–employers are more interested in secretarial skills than higher education

–the fields where women can use their special training are those in which there is a shortage of men—the sciences in particular

–the average Boston company has little faith in the career girl, and she is likely to get passed over in favor of the male

The large employers in Boston are the insurance companies and banks, and the schools such as M.I.T. and Harvard. They are all constantly searching for qualified people, though the emphasis is generally on secretarial and clerical rather than professional or administrative jobs. At the Institute, both the Office of Personnel Relations and the Technology Dames are particularly interested in helping students’ wives find jobs.

There are commercial employment agencies which charge a week’s salary (or more) for placement, but they tend to be fee-happy and should be a last resort. However, the Women’s Educational and Industrial Union at 264 Boylston Street, Boston, is said to combine real counseling, consideration of your interests, and wide variety of jobs. The Boston Globe has the best listing of employment opportunities of all the papers.

Another field worth exploring, as we are told, is teaching in one of the private schools which may be open to women with college degrees even if they have had no formal training in education. However, they may require experience. The public school systems are a mass of prejudices, arbitrary rules, and other impediments to hiring. As a start, on requires American citizenship and certification by the Massachusetts Department of Education. For such work you will obviously need education courses and may find bars against you due to lack of experience or because of marriage. Surprising as it may seem, the suburban public school systems, which are the more attractive from a teacher’s standpoint, seem to be more willing to hire working wives of students than do the Boston or Cambridge Systems.


Harvard and M.I.T. students put out various unofficial guides to graduate school life, full of information on the worldly temptations of the area (music, women, restaurants, etc.). These are worth reading even if you are sure you will never stray from the path of duty. A copy of M.I.T.’s guide is sent to American students only, with admissions material. We will have copies of the guide available for those who did not receive them at the desk of the registration officer’s secretary (room 52-380) on registration day.

Owning a car here is extremely expensive and inconvenient, but the alternatives do not appeal to many people. Since Massachusetts auto registration and insurance in the Cambridge-Boston area are very expensive, you will be well advised to maintain your home-state registration. Daytime parking around M.I.T. is difficult, unless you arrive by 8:00 a.m. or are prepared to pay or walk. As was noted above, Tech parking lots are for staff, employees, and those who live far away (in the past this has meant outside Cambridge and off the M.T.A. routes) or are disabled. If you get lost frequently while driving in Boston, you are normal, but otherwise traffic is no heavier than in other cities. The style of driving takes some getting used to, but you can stand up to anyone except taxis and pedestrians.

Finally, here is a way to be one-up around M.I.T. The secret is numbers. Buildings, courses (i.e. fields of study), subjects, rooms, and books carry numbers, as do students. Example: your number is 658350, as you find out from your registration card. You are in Course XIV (Economics and Social Science), you are taking 14.121 (a first-semester, graduate economics subject), which meets in room 52-143 (Sloan Building, first floor, room 43.)

If you have any questions in the meantime, I would be happy to hear from you: my address is listed below. When you arrive at M.I.T., others will be pleased to answer any questions, and I will usually be available around the Dewey Library or the Economics Department on weekdays. The place is small enough that there should be no difficulty finding me there.

In closing, let me once again encourage you to write me if you have any questions, problems—or just to say hello. In any case, I look forward to seeing you come September.

Sincerely yours,
Lovell S. Jarvis

GEA Officers

President Secretary-Treasurer Seminar Chairman
Lovell S. Jarvis
417 East Tenth Street
Winfield, Kansas
(During April and May, Room 52-371, M.I.T.)
Myra H. Strober
368 Riverway
Boston, Massachusetts
William M. Vaughn, III

Source: M.I.T. Archives. Department of Economics Records. Box 2, Folder “1969 G.E.A. 1970”

Source: Historical Working Papers on the Economic Stabilization Program …, Part 3, By United States. Department of the Treasury. Office of Economic Stabilisation, p. 1496.

Costs of education Economics Programs Harvard

Harvard. Printed Graduate Economics Brochure. (First draft was by J. K. Galbraith), 1967



Economics in the Rear-view Mirror provides transcriptions of material concerning both course content (as revealed in syllabi, reading lists, exam questions, lecture notes, etc.) as well as concerning the procedures followed in different undergraduate and graduate programs of economics.

What helps to distinguish the following graduate program brochure for Harvard that was still hot off the press in September 1967 is that the authorship of its first draft can be unambiguously attributed to John Kenneth Galbraith. Sentences like “Economics, especially in the fields of research, teaching, and the public service, is a profession of good but not munificent reward” and “There are few differences between human beings more profound than the capacity to conserve or spend money” are certainly consistent with recorded Galbraithian style.

I’ll note here that John Kenneth Galbraith was simply incapable of writing the most mundane of his administrative correspondence without turning a brilliant phrase or two. I have wondered how long he might have eluded arrest had he ever tried his hand at writing a ransom note.

It is striking that even at this relatively late date, so little effort was made to render the brochure gender-neutral. Clearly it was still a (Mad-) Man’s World.

An interesting comparison is Robert Solow’s brochure for the M.I.T. economics program in 1961.


Harvard University
Department of Economics

M-8 Littauer Center Center
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138

Office of the Chairman

September 19, 1967

Professor J. Kenneth Galbraith
207 Littauer

Dear Ken:

Sometime ago you were kind enough to do a first draft of a brochure describing our graduate program to prospective students. After a long delay, I solicited additional suggestions for this and prepared a revised manuscript. A copy of the printed version is enclosed for your perusal.

Thank you again for your help.

Sincerely yours,
Richard E. Caves



Graduate Study in Economics at Harvard



This booklet is meant to tell the student who is considering graduate work in economics some of the things he will wish to know about work in this field at Harvard University. And it also tells something of the University and larger urban community in which he will find himself.

Harvard University, which was founded in 1636, is the oldest institution of higher education in the United States. It comprises Harvard and Radcliffe colleges, which give undergraduate degrees and the graduate schools. Graduate work in economics is offered under the auspices of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Undergraduate enrollment at Harvard and Radcliffe is about 6 thousand; in all graduate schools and departments about 9 thousand. Although by no means large by present-day standards, Harvard is part of what is, without doubt, the largest and most concentrated educational center in the United States. It shares residence in Cambridge and along the Charles River with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a long-standing arrangement between the two institutions allows the graduate students of each to register for courses in the other. Boston University, Boston College, Tufts University, Northeastern University, Brandeis University and Wellesley College are all within a few miles. And there are many smaller or more specialized institutions nearby. This large academic community, together with the strong cultural, artistic and literary tradition of the Boston area, brings a steady flow of visiting scholars, artists and public figures to this community from all parts of the world. The student at Harvard is identified not only with a university but with a major intellectual and cultural center. His problem, he will soon discover, is not to seize all of his opportunities —  lectures, seminars, discussion groups, debates, conferences, concerts, plays, museums, and exhibitions — but to discriminate among them.


Economics at Harvard

Graduate work in economics at Harvard is just under a hundred years old. The first successful Ph.D. candidate, Dr. Stuart Wood of Philadelphia, later a prominent civic leader and businessmen in that city, took his degree in 1875 with a thesis on the work of the pioneer and prolific American economist, Henry C. Carey. The second doctorate was awarded a few years later to Frank William Taussig, who became a dominant figure in the field and a famous Harvard teacher for the next half century. Until the beginning of the present century, faculty, students, and courses were comparatively few in number — only five men held the rank of professor before 1900, and one of these was in sociology which was then considered a branch of economics. But in the early nineteen hundreds there was a rapid expansion in faculty, students, and course offerings which, with few interruptions, has continued to this time. The Harvard Department of Economics now has 24 full professors, listed at the end of this pamphlet. The junior staff consists of about 30 instructors and assistant professors, young scholars doing teaching and research.

Throughout the years, several traits have persisted in the Department’s collective personality. It does not run to any particular ideology or methodological disposition; its members display a wide range of attitudes toward economic policy and the advancement of economic science. By long tradition, the Department sees itself not as an organization committed to a particular method, point of view or problem, but as a gathering of individuals scholars each committed to pursue the truth in accordance with his own lights. Members teach and do research as individuals and not as members of the school. The same latitude is allowed to students.

Harvard’s is a “full-line” department, concerned both with the development of economic theory and quantitative research methods, and with their use in all of the major fields of applied economics. The Department has been active in opening up teaching and research in new fields of applied economics: early in the 1950’s it began building a strong program in economic development; now work is fast expanding in such areas as urban economics and the economics of human resources.

The close association of many members of the Harvard Department of Economics with public policy has been sufficiently featured in recent history so that it requires no further comment. It is not, however, especially new. Professors Taussig and Edwin Gay held high positions in World War I in the Wilson Administration. Just before, during, and after World War II such members as Edward S. Mason, Alvin H. Hansen, John H. Williams, and Sumner Slichter likewise occupied various positions of high responsibility. In recent times, the close association between the Department of Economics and the John F. Kennedy School of Government has reinforced this interest in public service and, as a consequence, a number of Harvard Ph.D.’s continue to go into public life.

Finally, the Department prides itself on being a major research center. For many years it has published two leading professional journals, the Quarterly Journal of Economics and the Review of Economics and Statistics. Various members have maintained large-scale research projects, such as Professor Wassily Leontief’s Harvard Economic Research Project (input-output analysis), Professor John R. Meyer’s projects in transportation and urban economics, and Professor Hollis B. Chenery’s work on development planning.

Most Harvard professors engage actively in both undergraduate and graduate teaching. (Under ordinary circumstances each professor gives two courses, a course and a seminar or their equivalent each semester.) As in all universities worthy of the name, there is a primary concern among Harvard scholars for advancing the state of knowledge in their discipline. In recent years there has been a popular myth that research is somehow in conflict with good teaching. In actual fact, good teaching at the highest level is rarely done by men who are not also engaged in advancing knowledge. But the high ratio of faculty to students is designed to ensure that all students will receive the personal attention of accomplished scholars.


General Nature of the Graduate Program in Economics

Each year between 40 and 50 graduate students are admitted for advanced work (normally toward the Ph.D.) in economics. Usually about two-thirds of them are United States citizens; the balance come from countries scattered over much of the globe. About 180 graduate students are in residence each year, and between 30 and 35 complete their Ph.D.’s. What program do they undertake? Where do they go upon its completion?

Most students apply to begin graduate study immediately after completing their undergraduate degrees, in are judged for admission on the basis of the general promise shown by their undergraduate records. More store is set by a distinguished record in general than by the extent of undergraduate specialization in economics. Nonetheless, an undergraduate major or extensive coursework in economics is definitely helpful. So are undergraduate courses in mathematics, at least through calculus, since mathematics nowadays is a standard working tool for many economists. Undergraduate work in statistics is useful but less necessary.

Students are ordinarily admitted only for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. For those without previous graduate studies, this program requires two years of coursework (and residence at the University), followed by another year or two (usually two) of work on a doctoral dissertation.

The practice at Harvard is to think of graduate studies in economics as falling into three parts. First, there must be mastery of the general body of economic theory and history which are part of the common qualification of all economists. Second, there should be competence in standard statistical research tools which are useful or necessary in handling economic problems. Finally, there are the various specialized or applied fields of economics in which, aided by his economics theory and his tools of analysis, the student extends and deepens his knowledge in accordance with his particular interests. A typical graduate program at Harvard reflects this general delineation of the subject as a field of study.

Although there is no required course program, the student ordinarily spends his first year insuring his competence in economic theory, economic history, and quantitative methods. Should he carry four courses, which for most students is a normal load, he will also have the opportunity to begin work in an area which reflects his specialized interest. During his second year, in addition to further study in economic theory and quantitative methods, he goes more deeply into his field or fields of specialization. Then, and while writing his dissertation, he takes part in working seminars that bring him into close touch with the research of the faculty and other students. On all of these matters he has the guidance of a faculty member who serves as his adviser. There is no foreign language requirement for the Ph.D. degree, except as an alternative (not particularly recommended) to showing competence in mathematics. At the end of their second year students ordinarily take their “generals” which consists of a written examination in economic theory and an oral examination which includes economic history, statistics and quantitative methods, and two specialized fields. Thereafter, under the guidance of the faculty member, the student writes his thesis, which must demonstrate capacity for original research.

Upon completion of his degree, a wide choice of career opportunities awaits the student. Just as it is the prime function of the University to continue and enlarge man’s store of knowledge, so it will always be the function of its best students to teach their discipline and to enlarge and modernize it by research. In the past a large portion of Harvard Ph.D.’s in economics have gone on to be college and university teachers and to continue investigation in the field. So, unquestionably, will it be in the future. Without ever making it a formal goal, the Department has long considered the training of the next generation of scholars and teachers to be its primary function. At the present time, these serve an especially insistent demand.

Outside of college and university teaching, the range of career opportunities is now wider than ever before. Harvard’s traditional involvement in public policy leads to a ready demand for its graduates in the U.S. and other governments. There is an insistent and increasing demand for trained economists from the business community, including, but by no means confined to, those were skilled in statistical methods and in modern techniques of data processing in the application of economic and statistical analysis to managerial problems.


Programs with Other Schools and Departments

The Ph.D. in Business Economics, administered jointly with the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, enables a student to divide his fields equally between the Department and the Business School. The Ph.D. degree in Political Economy and Government permits a student to take a substantial share of his work in fields of government and law. Separate leaflets are available specifying the requirements for these degrees.

Graduate work in economics at Harvard is enriched by the opportunities for association with scholars and students in a variety of centers and programs including the area of programs in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, the Far East, the Middle East, the Harvard Development Advisory Service, the Center for International Affairs, the International Tax Program, the Joint Center for Urban Studies, the Program in Technology and Society, the Population Center, the Programs in Decision and Control, and others.


Physical Facilities

Universities, scholars have often warned, do not consist of bricks and mortar, although, is less frequently observed, they do not usually exist without them. Pending completion in the early 1970s’s of the John F. Kennedy complex, which will house several departments, institutes, and research centers, the Department of Economics is housed principally in the Littauer Center of Public Administration, which also contains the Department of Government, the John F. Kennedy School of Government, and a library serving these departments. This library contains all the books and journals assigned in graduate courses, as well as general reading, reference and research materials in the fields of economics, government, and public affairs. Littauer Center also provides the seminar rooms where many of the graduate courses meet and a coffee bar for student use.

Nearby are excellent computer facilities, and the Department makes arrangements to provide training in computer use to its graduate students and computer time for research on dissertations and major term papers. Computation facilities will be expanded considerably in the next few years as remote console stations come into use.

Littauer Center is located just outside of Harvard Yard, which contains many other facilities of interest to graduate students. The Yard is dominated by Widener Library, the main unit of the Harvard University Library, the total holdings of which run to eight million volumes. The Baker Library at the Harvard Business School, across the Charles River from the Yard, contains extensive materials of interest to economics students, including special collections in transportation and the history of economic thought. Other important libraries are the Lamont Library, in the Yard, which is used extensively for undergraduates for course reading; and the Langdell Library of the Harvard Law School, close to Littauer Center.

Harvard undergraduate upperclassmen live in residential units called Houses, each House having a staff, dining hall, a small library, and recreational facilities. A number of more advanced graduate students who have acquired teaching responsibilities are appointed to the house staffs as tutors. Unmarried tutors frequently live in the house of which they are a member.


Graduate student finances

Economics, especially in the fields of research, teaching, and the public service, is a profession of good but not munificent reward. And many graduate students have passed the stage in life when they can continue to call heavily on their families for financial assistance. Finally, the Cambridge community is not inexpensive and Harvard, a private foundation, still draws a large share of its revenues from tuition. For all of these reasons it is recognized that many students will require financial help. The Department of Economics believes that, in recent years, no student of energy and ability has had to withdraw for purely financial reasons.

A large number of students come to the University with National Science Foundation, Danforth, and other fellowships from outside sources. The Department naturally expects all students offered such awards to except and use them.

Harvard fellowships, including “Graduate Prize Fellowships,” are the main reliance for support of graduate studies. They are designed to allow the highly qualified students to work uninterruptedly up to his degree with knowledge that his basic financial needs are assured. Up to seventeen of the “Graduate Prize Fellowships” are awarded each year, and assuming satisfactory progress, are held by the student for four years. During the first year these Fellowships pay $4,000 of which $2,000 is for tuition and $2,000 for stipend. In the second year the stipend rises to the $2,200. In the third and fourth years, while working on the dissertation, the student holds a teaching Fellowship: he gives two fifths of his time to teaching and receives a stipend of $2,400 together with tuition. Graduate students in the latter years of their training play an important and valued role in Harvard’s undergraduate instruction, and nearly 60 of them hold Teaching Fellowships each year. This enables them, in turn, to show substantial experience in seeking teaching positions after completion of their degrees.

In the award of Teaching Fellowships, as in all other aspects of its work, the Department of Economics accords equal opportunity, depending only on qualification, to women students. It does not encourage the student to assume a teaching burden that interferes with steady and substantial progress toward the completion of his coursework and dissertation; Teaching Fellowships are therefore not available to first-year students, and not usually in the second year.

There are few differences between human beings more profound than the capacity to conserve or spend money. These differences are enlarged by wives, children, travel, and other requirements. Hence, it is nearly impossible to answer the question: how much does a student in Cambridge need? In general, it is the experience of unmarried graduate students that the funds provided by a Graduate Prize Fellowship adequately cover minimum needs. Loan funds are, of course, available in case of emergency. For married students some auxiliary income, such as a wife’s earnings, is unquestionably important. (Like most universities Harvard is willing to finance students but reluctant to support a student household.) Accordingly the problem of employment opportunity, with which that of housing is closely associated, is important. To these we now turn.


Housing and Employment

For the unmarried student, housing presents few problems. There are dormitories for both men and women — old ones with large rooms and thick walls and new ones with less space and better design. Current rates for dormitory rooms and for meals — these are not excessive — are given in a special supplement to the General Catalogue which may be obtained, along with an application blank, from the Registrar, Harvard University.

In earlier times graduate students at Harvard, as at other universities, lifter rather bleak boarding house existence and saw a little of each other as a community. Harkness Commons and the Radcliffe Graduate Center, both built since World War II, provide a congenial social atmosphere for all students who are so disposed. Both have good cafeterias. The student who wants solitude for his own work can still find it at Harvard, but it is a matter of choice and not of necessity or conformity.

The problems of the married student, especially the student with a young family, are more complex. Cambridge is a comparatively old city surrounded by the numerous other cities and towns which comprise the Greater Boston area. Housing in the area as a whole can best be described as ample, expensive, and generally unsatisfactory. One exception is provided by Harvard itself, which has over nine hundred apartments available for married students in buildings which it owns. These are closely convenient to the university and residence thus have ready access to the functions and activities of the University community. They obviate the need for a car. But, like privately owned dwellings in Cambridge, this convenience has a cost — but not an out-of-line one. Dwellings at a greater distance from the University generally provide more space at a lower price period

The University Housing Office, 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts, provides listings and guidance to housing. It also receives applications for university-owned housing. Married student should get in touch with this office as soon as they are admitted and use its services on arrival in Cambridge. The Housing Office strongly urges married students who have not previously obtained Harvard or other housing to come early — if possible in August — to look for accommodations. “Usually the only way of obtaining an apartment,” it advises in its bulletin, “is by persistent personal search.”

The University community, in its varied activities, is a substantial employer, and the Boston area offers the manifold job opportunities of the large metropolitan area. The wife who has teaching, secretarial, stenographic, nursing, statistical, library, or other skills can be fairly certain of finding employment. And even the wife who is limited in her opportunities by pregnancy or young children can usually arrange some additional income by caring for the children of working parents. The chances of finding and the convenience of holding a job increase with proximity to the University and may help offset some of the higher costs of such close-in living. As in all imperfect markets time must be allowed to find employment, so, as with those must find housing, an early arrival in Cambridge is urged. A special office at Harvard, that of The Adviser for Harvard Wives, counsels on job opportunities as well as on doctors, dentists, shopping information and other practical questions facing the newly-arrived at family.

Students who are in need of assistance on any matter, academic, financial or personal, should not hesitate to appeal to the Dean of the Graduate School, the Chairman of the Department or to a senior professor for help and counsel.


Graduate Student Life

Although the Harvard community is large and urban, it seeks not to be distant and impersonal. It is certainly not dull.

Economics graduate students come into contact with each other through their courses, informal meetings in library and coffee room, in social affairs organized by the Department and the Graduate Economics Club (which undertakes to represent student interests before the Department, invites outside speakers, and otherwise looks after graduate-student well-being).

Although the rigors of graduate course work leave most people with only limited time for recreation, the cultural advantages of Harvard in the Cambridge and Boston areas generally are unmatched. The Old New England character of Harvard Square and its immediate environs is increasingly spiced by a lively “Village” atmosphere. Cambridge and Boston cater to cultural taste running from low-brow to high-brow. At the latter end of the spectrum come much local theater (both pre-Broadway and off-Broadway), the strikingly original Boston Opera Group, the Boston Symphony Orchestra (especially its bargain series of open rehearsals, populated mostly by students), and many individual concerts, art exhibitions, and the like. The years spent earning a Ph.D. at Harvard will be filled with new experiences, contacts, and horizons, as well as solid and satisfying work.


Sources of Additional Information

Courses are listed in Courses of Instruction for Harvard and Radcliffe common commonly called the Course Catalogue; it is issued in September for each academic year. Formal requirements for the Ph.D. in economics are outlined in the leaflet “Higher Degrees under the Department of Economics,” Supplement to the General Announcement. A similar leaflet describes “The Ph.D. in Business Economics.” One issued by the Committee on Higher Degrees in Political Economy and Government outlines “Requirements for the Degrees in Political Economy and Government.” A few graduate students find it useful to attend the Harvard Summer School, in which a very limited range of graduate economics courses is offered each year; a Preliminary Announcement listing all courses is available shortly after the beginning of the calendar year.


Professors and Associate Professors
Department of Economics, 1967

Abram Bergson
Richard E. Caves
Hollis B. Chenery
Robert Dorfman
James S. Duesenberry
John T. Dunlop
Otto Eckstein
J. Kenneth Galbraith
Alexander Gerschenkron
Gottfried Haberler
Albert O. Hirschman
Hendrik S. Houthakker
Simon Kuznets
Harvey Leibenstein
Wassily Leontief
John Lintner
Edward S. Mason
John R. Meyer
Richard A. Musgrave
Dwight H. Perkins
Howard Raiffa
Henry Rosovsky
Thomas C. Schelling
Arthur Smithies

Source: John F. Kennedy Presidential Library. John Kenneth Galbraith Personal Papers.  Series 5. Harvard University File, 1949-1990. Box 526, Folder “Harvard Department of Economics: Graduate Student Brochure (JKG wrote 1st draft), September 1967”.

Image Source: Littauer Center (July 1970). Harvard University Archives.

Duke Economics Programs

Duke. A history of economics instruction in Durham, 1996.

The following short history of economics instruction at Trinity College and Duke University in Durham, NC was written by the once chairperson of the Duke department (1957-74), Professor Frank T. de Vyver. [correction: This narrative was begun by Robert Smith (who died in 1969), expanded by Frank de Vyer in 1979, and updated by Forrest Smith in 1992.] From my trawling the internet archive The Wayback Machine, I was also able to preserve the iconic 1990s color bar separator found on the original webpage.

An earlier Duke-related artifact  from the pre-internet age transcribed for Economics in the Rear-view Mirror:

Career information for a quarter-century of Duke Economic PhDs, 1957.

After I completed this post I found the following expanded version of the material posted here (with a picture).




In 1899-1900 Jerome Dowd, Professor of Political Economy and Sociology, taught a two-semester course in “Economics” for juniors. Two years later Trinity College had a Department of History and Economics, and Professor John Spencer Basset gave three courses: “Principles of Political Economy,” “Principles of Finance,” and “Industrial Development of England and America.” Bassett, as everyone who ever attended Trinity knew, was the historian who aroused the wrath of many Southerners by comparing Booker T. Washington with Robert E. Lee.

William Henry Glasson, holding a Ph.D. from Columbia University, came to Durham in 1902 as Professor of Political Economy and Social Science and Head of the Department of Economics and Social Science. For many years Glasson was the Department. The number of economics courses listed in the catalogue soon jumped to ten, although it seems unlikely that all were offered every year. Juniors could take “Principles of Political Economy” and “Economic and Social History of England and the United States.” Seniors were offered “Social Science” and “Economics and Social Problems,” while “Money and Banking” and “Public Finance” were senior-graduate courses. Four courses were reserved for graduate students: “History of Political Economy,” “Development of Economic Theories,” “The State in Its Relations to Industry,” and “Socialism and Other Plans for Social Reconstruction.” In the 1903-04 curriculum the latter two courses were dropped in favor of “Modern Industrial Organization” and “Railway Transportation.”

In 1908 Glasson became head of the Department of Economics and Political Science, and “Principles of Political Science” and “Municipal Government” were added to the undergraduate curriculum. Apparently, no new staff appointment was made until Bascom W. Barnard came to Trinity in 1919 as assistant professor of economics. Four years later, when the number of courses in economics and government had increased to seventeen, the teaching staff included Professors William J. H. Cotton and Alpheus T. Mason, and Jesse T. Carpenter, a part-time instructor. In 1924 thirteen courses in the Department were listed under “Economics and Business Administration” and seven under “Political Science.”

In December, 1924, Trinity College became an undergraduate college of Duke University, and in the fall of 1926 the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences was inaugurated with Professor Glasson as Dean. A year earlier (1925) Calvin B. Hoover came to Duke as assistant professor of economics and Robert R. Wilson was appointed assistant professor of political science. In 1926 Charles E. Landon joined the Department as assistant professor of economics and John H. Shields became an instructor in accounting; in 1927 Earl J. Hamilton accepted the position of assistant professor of economics and Robert S. Ranking, assistant professor of political science. Professor Joseph J. Spengler joined the faculty in 1932. He was a central figure in developing the graduate program. Currently the Department’s graduate student association, the “Spengler Club,” honors his name.

Glasson served as Dean of the Graduate School until 1938 and as Chairman until 1939. Professor Hoover, who succeeded him in both positions, held the deanship until 1947 and the chair until 1957.

Professor Frank T. de Vyver, who came to Duke in 1935, served as chairman from 1957 to 1974. His successor, Professor Robert S. Smith, was chairman of the Department of Economics and Business Administration in 1964-67. In 1967, the University divided the Department of Economics and Business Administration into two departments, and Smith continued as chairman of the Economics Department until 1968.

Professor John O. Blackburn, following service to Duke University as its chancellor, assumed the chair of the Economics Department in 1968, serving until 1970. He was followed by Professor David G. Davies, 1970-73, Professor Allen Kelley, 1973-1980, and Professor T. Dudley Wallace, 1980-83. Following Professor Wallace as department chairperson were Professor E. Roy Weintraub, 1983-87, Professor John M. Vernon, 1987-89, and Professor Henry G. Grabowski, 1989-92. Professor Neil B. de Marchi was appointed chairperson of the Department of Economics in 1992. Professor Marjorie B. McElroy was Acting Chair from May 1995 through August 1996, while Professor de Marchi is on sabbatical; she has been appointed Chair through August 1999.


Graduate Studies in Economics

The history of graduate studies in Economics goes back to the turn of the century. The Trinity College Catalogue for 1899-1900 lists S. W. Sparger as a graduate student in Political Economy and English; and in 1900-01 Joseph P. Breedlove, for many years University Librarian, was also a graduate student in Political Economy and English. The following year Breedlove was a graduate student in Political Economy only and in 1902 was awarded the M.A. degree. Henry R. Dwire, who received his M.A. in 1903, was a graduate student in Social Science, Economics, English, and History; and A. B. Bradsher, an M.A. in 1905, was a graduate student in Political Economy, Chemistry, English, and Law. In 1911-1915 there were graduate students who combined Political Economy and Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, or (in one case) Greek, Latin, and Education.

Although Marion S. Lewis, who received his M.A. in 1921, was a graduate student in Economics, even after the opening of the Graduate School few students were enrolled in just one discipline. Jesse T. Carpenter was a graduate student in Economics, Philosophy, and English (1923-24), and Julian P. Boyd was a graduate student in Economics and Political Science (1925- 26). In 1926-27 Richard A. Harvill and Benjamin U. Ratchford were graduate students in Economics and History. Both received the M.A. degree in 1927. Harvill continued graduate work at Northwestern University, from which he received his Ph.D. in 1932. Ratchford, who retired in 1967 as Vice-President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, received his Ph.D. from Duke in 1932.

The emphasis on the level of post-graduate achievement in the department has vacillated. In the 1970s, virtually every student who matriculated did so with the intent of earning a Ph.D. Resultant class sizes then were predictably small: the entering class of 1978 consisted of only seven students. There are currently 87 students in the Ph.D. program, and 20 students working toward an M.A. Currently the graduate program offers specialized training in over a dozen fields and programs.

Since 1932, the Department has awarded over 407 doctoral and 255 Master of Arts degrees in Economics.

Frank T. de Vyver

Source: Duke University. Department of Economics History webpage (last revised, August 29, 1996). Archived at the Wayback Machine internet archive.

Image Source:  Duke University, 1938. Photographed by Frances Benjamin Johnston. From the Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C.