Economic History Exam Questions Suggested Reading Syllabus

Harvard. European and U.S. Economic History. Reading Lists and Exams. Gay, 1908-09

This post provides the double dose of economic history taught by Professor Edwin Francis Gay at Harvard in the 1908-09 academic year. I have transcribed the reading lists and final exams for the courses covering 19th century European economic history and United States economic history below.

A short bibliography for “serious students” of economic history assembled by Gay and published in 1910 was posted earlier.


Course Enrollment
19th Century European Economic History, 1908-09

Economics 6a 1hf. Professor Gay, assisted by Mr. M. T. [Melvin Thomas] Copeland — European Industry and Commerce in the Nineteenth Century.

Total 109: 11 Graduates, 28 Seniors, 48 Juniors, 19 Sophomores, 3 Others.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1908-1909, p. 67.


Reading List
19th Century European Economic History, 1908-09

ECONOMICS 6a (1908)

Required Reading is indicated by an asterisk (*)


*Smith, Colonial Policy of Europe, in Rand (4th ed.), pp. 1-30.

*Seeley, Expansion of England (ed. 1883), pp. 98-160.

Warner, Landmarks in English Industrial History, pp. 281-300.

Mantoux, La Révolution Industrielle, pp. 73-125.


*Toynbee, Industrial Revolution, pp. 32-93,

*Hobson, Evolution of Modern Capitalism, pp. 10-82.

Cunningham, Growth of English Industry and Commerce, Vol. III, pp. 609-619.

Walpole, History of England, Vol. I, pp. 50-76. (Rand, pp. 31-54.)

Wallas, Life of Francis Place, pp. 197-240.

Hutchins and Harrison, History of Factory Legislation, pp. 14-42.

Webb, History of Trade Unionism, pp. 1-101.

Mantoux, La Révolution Industrielle, pp. 349-502.


*Von Sybel, French Revolution, in Rand, pp. 55-85.

*Seeley, Life and Times of Stein, Vol. I, pp. 287-297. (Rand, pp. 86-98.)

*Morier, Agrarian Legislation of Prussia, in “Systems of Land Tenure,” pp. 267-275. (Rand, pp. 98-108.)

Colman, European Agriculture (2d ed.), Vol. I1, pp. 371-394.

Flour de St. Genis, La Propriétée Rurale, pp. 80-164.

De Foville, Le Morcellement, pp. 52-89.

Goltz, Agrarwesen und Agrarpolitik, pp. 40-50.


*Taylor, Decline of Land-Owning Farmers in England, pp. 1-61.

Brodrick, English Land and English Landlords, pp. 65-240.

Prothero, Pioneers and Progress of English Farming, pp. 64-103.

Caird, English Agriculture in 1850, pp. 473-528.

Colman, European Agriculture (2d ed.), Vol. I, pp. 10-109, 133-174


*Levi, History of British Commerce, pp. 218-227, 261-272, 292-303. (Rand, pp. 207-241.)

*Morley, Life of Cobden, Vol. I, pp. 140-172, 355-389.

Ashworth, Recollections of Cobden and the League, pp. 32-64,


Prentice, History of the Anti-Corn Law League, Vol. I, pp. 49-77.

Parker, Sir Robert Peel from his Private Letters, Vol. II, pp. 522-559; Vol. III, pp. 220-252.


*Ashley, Modern Tariff History, pp. 3-62, 301-312, [267-300]

Worms, L’Allemagne Economique, pp. 57-393.

Amé, Les Tarifs de Douanes, Vol. I, pp. 21-34, 219-316.

Perigot, Histoire de Commerce Français, pp. 77-185.


*Cunningham, Growth of English Industry and Commerce, Vol. III (ed. 1903), pp. 689-703, 822-829, 833-840.

*Hobson, Evolution of Modern Capitalism, pp. 167-219.

Tugan-Baranowsky, Studien zur Theorie und Geschichte der Handelskrisen in England, pp. 38-54, 62-121.

Giffen, Growth of Capital, pp. 115-134.

Macleod, Theory and Practice of Banking (4th ed.), Vol. I, pp. 433-540; Vol. II, pp. 1-197

Bastable, Public Finance, Bk. V, chaps. 3 and 4 (3d ed.), pp. 629-657


*Cairnes, Essays, pp. 53-108. (Rand, pp. 242-284.)

*Chevalier. On Gold (3d English ed.), pp. 1-9, 40-71, 99-106.

Jevons, Investigations in Currency and Finance, pp. 34-92.

Leroy-Beaulieu, Traité d’Economie Politique, Vol. III, pp. 192-238.

Giffen, Economic Inquiries and Studies, Vol. I, pp. 75-97.


*Hadley, Railroad Transportation, pp. 146-202, 236-258.

Ross, British Railways, pp. 1-36.

—— The Railway Clearing House, pp. 7-28.

Findlay, Working and Management of an English Railway (6th ed.), pp. 262-322.

Meyer, Governmental Regulation of Railway Rates, pp. 123-132.

Colson, Legislation des Chemins de Fer, pp. 3-20, 133-182.

Kaufmann, Die Eisenbahnpolitik Frankreichs, Vol. II, pp. 178-284.

Guillamot, L’Organisation des Chemins de Fer, pp. 82-120.

Forbes and Ashford, Our Waterways, pp. 107-137.

Colson, Transports et Tarifs, pp. 80-145.

Léon, Fleuves, Canaux, Chemins de Fer, pp. 1-70.


*Meyer, Governmental Regulation of Railway Rates, pp. 93-122, 133-188.

Hadley, Railroad Transportation, pp. 203-235.

Mayer, Geschichte und Geographie des Deutschen Eisenbahnen, pp. 3-14.

Leuschau, Deutsche Wasserstrassen, pp. 9-56, 95-162.

De Koulomzine, Le Transsibérien, pp. 1-53, 261-312.


*Meeker, History of Shipping Subsidies, pp. 1-95.

*Bowley, England’s Foreign Trade in the Nineteenth Century (ed. 1905), pp. 55-107.

Fry, History of North Atlantic Steam Navigation, pp. 55-106, 207-249.

Cornewall-Jones, British Merchant Service, pp. 252-260, 306-317.

Day, History of Commerce, pp. 373-379, 399-405.

LeRoux de Bretagne, Les Primes à la Marine Marchande, pp. 93-224.

Rossignol, Le Canal de Suez, pp. 23-148.


*Report on Agricultural Depression, 1897, pp. 6-87.

Pratt, Organization of Agriculture, pp. 1-104, 269-391.

Haggard, Rural England, Vol. I1, pp. 536-576.

Channing, Truth about the Agricultural Depression, pp. 1-59, 311-320.

Arch, Autobiography, pp. 65-144, 300-345.

Fillmore, Agricultural Laborer, pp. 12-24.

Winfrey, Progress of Small Holdings Movement, Econ. Jour., Vol. XVI, pp. 222-229.

Plunkett, Ireland in the New Century (ed. 1905), pp. 175-209.

Bastable, Some Features of the Economic Movement in Ireland, Econ. Jour., Vol. XI, pp. 31-42.

Imbart de la Tour, Le Crise Agricole, pp. 24-34, 127-223.

Bretano, Agrarian Reform in Prussia, Econ, Jour., Vol. VII, pp. 1-20, 165-184.


*Smart, Return to Protection, pp. 7-44, 136-185, 284-259.

Ashley, W. J., Tariff Problem, pp. 53-167.

Ashley, P., Modern Tariff History, pp. 78-112, 313-358.

Dawson, Protection in Germany, pp. 17-160.

Dietzel, German Tariff Controversy, Q.J.E., Vol. XVII, pp. 365-417.

Zimmermann, Deutsche Handelspolitik, pp. 218-314.

Fisher, Protectionist Reaction in France, Econ. Jour., Vol. VI, pp. 341-355.

Meredith, Protection in France, pp. 54-129.


*Macrosty, Trust Movement in British Industry, pp. 24-56, 81-84, 117-154, 284-307, 329-345.

*Report of Industrial Commission, Vol. XVIII, pp. 7-13, 75-88, 101-122, 143-165.

Report of Industrial Commission, Vol. XVIII, pp. 14-38.

Smith, New Trades Combination Movement, pp. 1-96.

Walker, Monopolistic Combinations in Europe, Pol. Sci. Quart., Vol. XX, pp. 13-41.

———, Combinations in German Coal Industry, pp. 38-111, 175-289, 322-327.

Liefmann, Kartelle und Trusts, pp. 22-32.

Baumgarten und Meszlény, Kartelle und Trusts, pp. 83-152.


*Bowley, Wages in the United Kingdom, pp. 22-57, 81-127.

*Ashley, W. J., Progress of German Working Classes, pp. 60-65, 74-141, [1-52].

Shadwell, Industrial Efficiency, Vol. II, pp. 307-350.

Giffen, Essays in Finance (2d series), pp. 372-474.

Howell, Labor Legislation, pp. 447-499.

Webb, Trade Unionism, pp. 344-478.

Willoughby, Workingmen’s Insurance, pp. 29-87.

Gide, Productive Coöperation in France, Q.J.E., Vol. XIV, pp. 30-66.

Bertrand, Le Mouvement Coopératif en Belgique, Rev. d’Econ. Pol., Vol. XIII, pp. 668-694.

Adams and Sumner, Labor Problems, pp. 394-397, 407-413.

Source: Harvard University Archives. Syllabi, course outlines and reading lists in Economics 1895-2003. Box 1, Folder “Economics, 1908-1909”.


19th Century European Economic History
Mid-year Examination, 1908-09

  1. Toynbee says concerning the English yeomanry: “It was not till about 1760 that the process of extinction became rapid. … It was the political conditions of the age, the overwhelming importance of land, which made it impossible for the yeoman to keep his grip upon the soil.”
    Von Sybel states that in France prior to the Revolution “a middle class of proprietors, substantial enough to derive from their land a sufficient livelihood, and yet humble enough to be bound to constant and diligent labor, was entirely wanting. … But what the movement of 1789 did produce is this middle class of proprietors.”
    Comment on these statements. How, furthermore, do you account for the divergence of development between French and English agrarian conditions
  2. (1) Criticise the following statements:
    “Il est évident que nous serious plus riches si nos exportations avaient été plus considérables et nos importations moines fortes.” — Méline.
    “It is a mathematical truth that if imports come into this country of manufactured goods which we can make as well as any other nation, they must displace labor.” — Mr. Chamberlain.
    (2) “What brings great changes of policy is the shifting and readjustments of interests, not the discovery of new principles.” — John Morley.
    Illustrate this from the tariff history of Germany, France, and England.
  1. “Ability to compete in the world’s market is a vital matter for Germany. …To this achievement the State railways have contributed in the past practically nothing. … Nor will the railways be able to do much more in the future than they have done in the past.” Who says this? Give the arguments for and against this view.
  2. Discuss the recent agricultural depression in England.
  3. (1) Compare concisely the trust movement in England, Germany, and France.
    (2) What were the provisions of the Austrian bill of 1897 to regulate industrial combinations?
  4. The Report of the Industrial Commission says that “France is less developed industrially than England and Germany.” What does this mean? Can such a statement be verified by the comparison of statistics? If so, what statistics would you use? What are the chief factors which have determined industrial development in the nineteenth century, and why, in your opinion, have they not operated equally in the three countries named?

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University, Examination Papers, 1873-1915. Box 8, Bound vol. Examination Papers 1908-09; Papers Set for Final Examinations in History, Government, Economics,…,Music in Harvard College (June, 1909), pp. 37-38.


Course Enrollment
United States Economic History

Economics 6b 2hf. Professor Gay, assisted by Mr. M. T. [Melvin Thomas] Copeland — Economic and Financial History of the United States.

Total 198: 15 Graduates, 41 Seniors, 87 Juniors, 41 Sophomores, 7 Freshmen, 7 Others.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1908-1909, p. 68.


Reading List
United States Economic History
ECONOMICS 6b (1909)

Required Reading is indicated by an asterisk (*)


*Ashley, Commercial Legislation of England and the American Colonies, Q.J.E., Vol. XIV, pp. 1-29; printed also in Ashley’s Surveys, pp. 309-335.

*Semple, American History and its Geographic Conditions, pp. 36-51.

McMaster, History of the People of the United States, Vol. I, pp. 1-102.

Eggleston, Transit of Civilization, pp. 273-307.

Beer, Commercial Policy of England, pp. 5-158.

Rabbeno, American Commercial Policy, pp. 3-91.

Lord, Industrial Experiments in the British Colonies of North America, pp. 56-86, 124-139.


*Taussig, Tariff History of the United States, pp. 68-154.

*Hamilton, Report on Manufactures, in Taussig’s State Papers and Speeches on the Tariff, pp. 1-79, 103-107, (79-103).

Bolles, Industrial History of the United States, Book II, pp. 403-426.

Bishop, History of American Manufactures, Vol. II, pp. 256-505.

Pitkin, Statistical View of the Commerce of the United States (ed. 1835), pp. 368-412.

Gallatin, Free Trade Memorial, in Taussig’s State Papers, pp. 108-213.

Rabbeno, American Commercial Policy, pp. 146-183.

Hill, First Stages of the Tariff Policy of the United States, Amer. Econ. Assoc. Pub., Vol. VIII, pp. 107-132.


*Callender, Early Transportation and Banking Enterprises, Q.J.E., Vol. XVII, pp. 111-162; printed also separately, pp. 3-54.

Tenth United States Census (1880), Vol. IV, Thos. C. Purdy’s Reports on History of Steam Navigation in the United States, pp. 1-62, and History of Operating Canals in the United States, pp. 1-32.

Chevalier, Society, Manners and Politics in the United States, pp. 80-87, 209-276.

Ringwalt, Development of Transportation Systems in the United States, pp. 41-54, 64-166.

Phillips, History of Transportation in the Eastern Cotton Belt, pp. 46-131.

Bishop, State Works of Pennsylvania, pp. 150-261.

Gallatin, Plan of Internal Improvements, Amer. State Papers, Misc., Vol. I, pp. 724-921 (see especially maps, pp. 744, 762, 764, 820, 830).

Pitkin, Statistical View (1835), pp. 531-581.

Chittenden, Steamboat Navigation on the Missouri River, Vol. II, pp. 417-424.


*Hart, Practical Essays on American Government, pp. 233-257 printed also in Q.J.E., Vol. I, pp. 169-183, 251-254.

*Hammond, Cotton Industry, pp. 67-119.

*Semple, American History and its Geographic Conditions, pp. 52-74.

Turner, Significance of the Frontier in American History, in Report of Amer. Hist. Assoc., 1893, pp. 199-227.

Donaldson, Public Domain, pp. 1-29, 196-239, 332-356.

Hibbard, History of Agriculture in Dane County, Wisconsin, pp. 86-90, 105-133.

Sanborn, Congressional Grants of Land in Aid of Railways, Bulletin of Univ. of Wisconsin Econ., Pol. Sci. and Hist. Series, Vol. II, No. 3, pp. 269-354.

Hart, History as Told by Contemporaries, Vol. III, pp. 459-478.


*Cairnes, The Slave Power (2d ed.), pp. 32-103, 140-178.

Hammond, Cotton Industry, pp. 34-66.

Russell, North America, its Agriculture and Climate, pp. 133-167.

De Tocqueville, Democracy in America (ed. 1838), pp. 336-361, or eds. 1841 and 1848, Vol. I, pp. 386-412.

Helper, Compendium of the Impending Crisis of the South, pp. 7-61.

Ballagh, Land System of the South, Publications of Amer. Hist. Assoc., 1897, pp. 101-129.


*Dewey, Financial History of the United States, pp. 34-59, 76-117, 224-246, 252-262.

*Catterall, The Second Bank of the United States, pp. 1-24, 68-119, 376 map, 402-403, 464-477.

Bullock, Essays on the Monetary History of the United States, pp. 60-93.

Hamilton, Reports on Public Credit, Amer. State Papers, Finance, Vol. I, pp. 15-37, 64-76.

Kinley, History of the Independent Treasury, pp. 16-39.

Sumner, Andrew Jackson (ed. 1886), pp. 224-249, 257-276, 291-342.

Ross, Sinking Funds, pp. 21-85.

Scott, Repudiation of State Debts, pp. 33-196.

Bourne, History of the Surplus Revenue of 1837, pp. 1-43, 125-135.

Conant, History of Modern Banks of Issue, pp. 310-347.


*Mitchell, History of the Greenbacks, pp. 3-43, 403-420.

*Noyes, Thirty Years of American Finance, pp. 1-72, 234-254, (73-233).

Taussig, Silver Situation in the United States, pp. 1-157.

Dunbar, National Banking System, Q.J.E., Vol. XII, pp. 1-26; printed also in Dunbar’s Economic Essays, pp. 227-247.

Howe, Taxation and Taxes in the United States under the Internal Revenue System, pp. 136-262.

Tenth United States Census (1880), Vol. VII; Bayley, History of the National Loans, pp. 369-392, 444-486.


*Hadley, Railroad Transportation, pp. 1-23, 125-145.

*Johnson, American Railway Transportation, pp. 24-68, 307-321, 367-385.

Industrial Commission, Vol. XIX, pp. 466-481.

Adams, Chapters of Erie, pp. 1-99, 333-429.

Davis, The Union Pacific Railway, Annals of the Amer. Acad., Vol. VIII, pp. 259-303.

Villard, Memoirs, Vol. II, pp. 284-312.

Dixon, Interstate Commerce Act as Amended, Q.J.E., Vol. XXI, pp. 22-51.


*Meeker, History of Shipping Subsidies, pp. 150-171.

Meeker, Shipping Subsidies, Pol. Sci. Quart., Vol. XX, pp. 594-611.

Soley, Maritime Industries of the United States, in Shaler’s United States, Vol. I, pp. 518-618.

McVey, Shipping Subsidies, J. Pol. Ec., Vol. IX, pp. 24-46.

Wells, Our Merchant Marine, pp. 1-94.

Day, History of Commerce, pp. 553-575.


*Industrial Commission, Vol. XIX, pp. 43-123, 134-167.

*Noyes, Recent Economic History of the United States, Q.J.E., Vol. XIX, pp. 167-187.

Twelfth United States Census (1900), Vol. V, pp. xvi-xlii.

Hammond, Cotton Industry, pp. 120-226.

Quaintance, Influence of Farm Machinery, pp. 1-103.

Adams, The Granger Movement, North American Review, Vol. CXX, pp. 394-424.

Bemis, Discontent of the Farmer, J. Pol. Ec., Vol. I, pp. 193-213.


*Twelfth United States Census (1900), Vol. VII, pp. clxx-clxxviii.

*Noyes, Thirty Years of American Finance, pp. 113-152, 182-233.

Industrial Commission, Vol. XIX, pp. 485-519, 544-569.

Twelfth Census, Vol. IX, pp. 1-16; Vol. X, pp. 725-748.

Wells, Recent Economic Changes, pp. 70-113.

Sparks, National Development, pp. 37-52.


*Taussig, Tariff History, pp. 155-229, 321-360.

Stanwood, American Tariff Controversies, Vol. II, pp. 243-394.

Taussig, Iron Industry, Q.J.E., Vol. XIV, pp. 143-170, 475-508.

Taussig, Wool and Woolens, Q.J.E., Vol. VIII, pp. 1-39.

Taussig, Sugar, Atlantic Monthly, Vol. CI, pp. 334-344.

Wright, Wool-growing and the Tariff since 1890, Q.J.E., Vol. XIX, p. 610-647.

Robinson, History of Two Reciprocity Treaties, pp. 9-17, 40-77, 141-156.

Laughlin and Willis, Reciprocity, pp. 311-487.


*Willoughby, Integration of Industry in the United States, Q.J.E., Vol. XVI, pp. 94-115.

*Noyes, Recent Economic History of the United States, Q.J.E., Vol. XIX, pp. 188-209.

Twelfth Census, Vol. VII, pp. cxc-ccxiv.

Industrial Commission, Vol. XIII, pp. v-xviii.

Bullock, Trust Literature, Q.J.E., Vol. XV, pp. 167-217.


*Adams and Sumner, Labor Problems, pp. 502-547.

United States Bureau of Labor Bulletins, No. 18 (Sept., 1898), pp. 665-670; No. 30 (Sept., 1900), pp. 913-915; No. 53 (July, 1904), pp. 703-728.

Levassesur, American Workman, pp. 436-509.

Mitchell, Organized Labor, pp. 391-411.

Twelfth Census, Special Report on Employees and Wages, p. xcix.

National Civic Federation, Industrial Conciliation, pp. 40-48, 141-154, 238-243, 254-266.


* United States Census Bulletin, No. 4 (1903), pp. 5-38.

*Industrial Commission, Vol. XV, pp. xix-lxiv.

Adams and Sumner, Labor Problems, pp. 68-112.

Mayo-Smith, Emigration and Immigration, pp. 33-78.

Walker, Discussions in Economies and Statistics, Vol. II, pp. 417-451.

Hoffmann, Race Traits and Tendencies of the American Negro, pp. 250-309.

Tillinghast, The Negro in Africa and America, pp. 102-228.

Twelfth Census Bulletin, No. 8.

United States Bureau of Labor Bulletins, Nos. 14, 22, 32, 35, 37, 38, 48.

Washington, Future of the American Negro, pp. 3-244.

Stone, A Plantation Experiment, Q.J.E., Vol. XIX, pp. 270-287.

Source: Harvard University Archives. Syllabi, course outlines and reading lists in Economics 1895-2003. Box 1, Folder “Economics, 1908-1909”.


United States Economic History
Year-end Examination, 1909

  1. Compare the financial history of the United States during the period 1829-1840 with that of the period 1880-1896.
  2. Trace briefly the relation between tariff legislation and the public revenue since the establishment of the Independent Treasury.
    1. Comment on the following (from President Grant’s message of 1870):—
      “Building ships and navigating them utilizes vast capital at home; it creates a home market for the farm and the shop; it diminishes the balance of trade against us precisely to the extent of freights and passage money paid to American vessels, and gives us a supremacy of the seas of inestimable value in case of foreign war.”
    2. Was the balance of trade before 1870 “favorable” or “unfavorable” to the United States? Why?
  3. Sketch the history of wheat-growing in the United States: changes in geographical location, markets, and prices.
  4. What is meant by the integration of industry? How far has it affected, and how far do you think it will affect, the following industries: Cotton; woolen; iron; sugar; tobacco; boots and shoes? Give reasons.
  5. (a) The distribution of immigrants in the different industries as shown by the Industrial Commission report. (b) The alien contract labor law.
  6. State briefly what you consider to be the most significant point brought out in your thesis for this course.

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University, Examination Papers, 1873-1915. Box 8, Bound vol. Examination Papers 1908-09; Papers Set for Final Examinations in History, Government, Economics,…,Music in Harvard College (June, 1909), p. 38.

Image Source: John George Brown, The Longshoremen’s Noon, 1879, oil on canvas, National Gallery of Art, Washington, Corcoran Collection (Museum Purchase, Gallery Fund), 2014.136.2. From the National Gallery of Art’s web-page “Industrial Revolution.”

Exam Questions International Economics Northwestern Problem Sets Syllabus

Northwestern. Reading List and Exams for International Trade and Finance. Harwitz, 1962

The following course materials were found in Robert Clower’s papers at Duke University’s Economists’ Papers Archive. Clower collaborated with Mitchell Harwitz (MIT Ph.D., 1959) on a few papers and kept some of Harwitz’s course materials from their years together at Northwestern.

The course offers us some insight into International Economics à la Charles Kindleberger as taught by one of his former M.I.T. doctoral students.


AEA Members Listing 1991

HARWITZ, MITCHELL, SUNY Buffalo, Dept. Econ, Buffalo, NY 14260.
Birth Yr: 1934.
Degrees: B.A., Brandeis U. 1954; Ph.D. M.I.T., 1959
Prin. Cur. Position: Assoc. Prof., SUNY at Buffalo, 1964
Concurrent/Past Positions: Asst. Prof., Northwestern U., 1958-64
Research: Temporal-spatial choice theory, labor coops with complex contracts.

Source: AEA Biographical Listing, 1993, p. 205


Economics Ph.D., M.I.T. 1959

Dissertation: On Some Problems in the Dynamic Theories of International Trade and Economic Growth

Advisor: Charles Poor Kindleberger

Source: Mathematics Genealogy Project.




Economics B-60
International Trade and Finance

Winter, 1962
Mr. Harwitz

There are a total of 36 class hours, of which two are devoted to mid-term examinations and three remain for reviews. The mid-term grades will constitute about 40% of the final grade.

The text is C. P. Kindleberger, International Economics, hereafter called K.

There will be a homework exercise on balance of payments accounting handed out after the January 11 lecture.

Date of Lecture




Introduction and review K, Ch. 1
Optional: Samuelson, Economics, Ch. 31, Ch. 32 and Appendix
I. Balance of Payments and FX Markets


A. Balance of Payments
1. Relation of B of P to National Income Accounts K, Ch. 2
2. Relation of items of B of P to FX markets
B. FX Markets K, Ch. 3


1. Equilibrium in FX markets K, Ch. 24


2. Dynamics of FX market adjustment K, Ch. 4
a. Fixed exchange rates
b. Fluctuating exchange rates
c. Exchange control
II. Current Account: Trade Theory


A. Supply K, Ch. 5. – handout


B. Demand K, Ch. 6


C. Trends in Supply and Demand K, Ch. 7


D. Comparative Statics of FX equilibria K, Ch. 9


E. Comparative statics of income equilibria K, Ch. 10


III. Current Account: Commercial Policy


A. Tariffs K. 12


B. Selected alternative devices Handout
IV. Capital Account


A. Short-term capital movements K, Ch. 17


B. Private and public lending K, Ch. 19


C. Direct investment K, Ch. 20


D. Capital accounts in the course of development K, Ch. 21
V. Transfers and government assistance


K, Ch. 23


VI. Disequilibria and adjustment mechanisms


A. Reprise on equilibrium K, Ch. 24

2/28, 3/1,5

B. Types of disequilibria and related adjustment K, Ch. 28




Exercise in Balance of Payments Accounting

Economics B-60

Winter, 1962
January 11, 1962

From the information that follows, construct a balance of payments statement for the U.S. for the month of January, 1962, during all these transactions take place. Write out the statement showing both debits and credits, as well as the net figures, classified in the format used in Table 2.2 of the text. In addition, provide a memorandum note justifying each of your entries.


  1. An American clothing manufacturer buys $5000 worth of English tweed for suiting, paying with a ninety-day draft on the sterling account of his own American commercial bank.
  2. An American automobile dealer buys $10,000 worth of English Ford carss from a distributor in New York, paying to the distributor’s bank in New York.
  3. An individual American buys a Rolls-Royce for delivery in England, paying in advance with a check in dollars to the English dealer, in the amount of $6,000.
  4. An American electric power producer contracts to purchase an electric generator costing $100,000 from an English engineering firm, with delivery to be made in June. A down payment of $100,000 is made in dollars to the New York account of the British firm.
  5. An English appliance dealer buys American refrigerators worth $25,000, paying with dollars purchased fron its English bank.
  6. An English film distributer rents a Hollywood film for £10,000, paying the sterling into the English account of the Holywood producer.
  7. An American sugar broker sells a ninety day future on Cuban sugar to a British importer for $15,000, taking payment in dollars from the New York account of the importer.
  8. An English steel making consortium pays its current share, $100,000, into a dollar account to help defray the expenses of a new mining venture. $50,000 is provided out of the group’s own dollar holdings, and the rest is purchased from the dollar holdings of British banks.
  9. An American investor buys 90-day British treasury bills on the London market with £5,000 bought in New York banks and £10,000 bought from London banks.
  10. The British Exchequer makes a special repayment of lend-lease debt of $100,000 by turning over earmarked gold in New York.
  11. An American bank decreases its hedged working balances in London by $50,000.
  12. An Englishman receives, in England, interest coupons worth $1,000, showing accumulated interest on part of his holding of U.S, railroad bonds. He discounts them with his bank.



Economics B-60

January 24, 1962
Mr. Harwitz

Apparently standard errors

  1. Impors and exports are recorded as they clear ports. Thus, the Rolls-Royce represents an increase in assets owned abroad by Americans, not an import. A similar remark holds for the signing of the generator contract. Such timing errors should not throw the Balance of Payments out of balance, but they should affect the accuracy of your division between the current and the capital accounts.
  2. There was a very clear correlation between working out a careful debit and credit account for each transaction and getting a consistent set of accounts. The resulting accounts might, of course, differ from mine on grounds of interpretation or timing. But they would balance.
  3. Misuse of “errors and omissions” account. This account is non-zero only because reporting in the real world does not cover both ends of every transaction. Since both ends of every transaction were given to you, it should have been clear that no balancing account was necessary.

The Balance of Payments Exercise

I shall indicate how each of the transactions should be handled, and then draw up the resulting accounts. There are no errors and omissions, so there will be no such entry in the accounts. (-) means debit and (+) means credit.

  1. The purchase of tweed is an import, and therefore a debit, and the matching credit is an increase in U.S. obligations abroad, a capital inflow. The inflow would be cancelled, and replaced by a credit arising from a decrease in U.S. assets abroad, when the draft is actually cashed at the importer’s bank.

Import: – $5000
Increase in s/t liabilities to abroad: + $5000

  1. There are two alternative ways to treat this transaction. The first is to assume that the distributor is an American firm, in which case the transaction is purely internal to the U.S. if the cars have already been brought into New York by the distributor. The second is to assume that the distributor is British, and that the American buyer is taking delivery in New York, or, equivalently, that the American buyer is placing an order that actually required an import by the distributor doing business in New York. In my own accounts, I shall use the first (lazy man’s) interpretation, but the second, if used, would lead to:

Import:  -$10,000
Increase in s/t liabilities to abroad: + $10,000

  1. Since the Rolls has not crossed the border of the U.S., the appropriate debit entry is an increase in U.S. assets abroad. The matching credit entry is an increase in s/t liabilities to abroad (the increase in British holdings of U.S. dollars).

Increase in s/t assets abroad: – $6000
Increase in s/t liabilities to abroad: + $6,000

  1. There was an error in my original typescript, and the total cost of the machinery should have read $1,000,000, not $100,000 as it did. I don’t think this affects the balance of payments very seriously, however. I would be inclined to treat this transaction as made up of an increase in a l/t assets abroad (consisting of the paid-up portion of the contract) and a matching credit arising from an increase in British holdings of U.S. dollars. Thus

Increase in l/t assete abroad: – $100,000
Increase in s/t liabilities to abroad: + $100,000

One could argue, however, that with the correct cost figure the entry should be an increase in l/t assets abroad of $1,000,000, with a matching credit entry of $1,000,000, arising 10% from an increase in British holdings of dollars and 90% from the contractual promise to pay the remaining $900,000.

  1. This transaction is perfectly simple. The export is a credit, and the matching debit is a decrease in s/t liabilities to abroad, which arises from the “repatriation” of U.S. dollars.

Export: +25,000
Decrease in s/t liabilities to abroad: -$25,000

  1. The export of sevices is a credit, and the matching debit is an increase in U.S. assets abroad (in this case an increase in American ownership of English pounds), that is, a capital outflow.

Export of services: +$28,000
Increase in s/t assets abroad: – $28,000

Here, as elsewhere in the exercise, I convert figures in pounds sterling into dollars at the official rate of $2.80/£.

  1. Here, a short-tern foreign asset of the U.S. (a claim for future delivery of non-U.S. sugar) is sold, giving rise to a credit. The matching debit is the decrease in foreign-owned U.S. government liabilities.

Decrease in s/t U.S. assets abroad: + $15,000
Decrease in s/t liabilities to abroad:  – $15,000

  1. There are two alternatives here. The first is to assume that the dollar account of the consortium or joint venture is held in the U.S. In this case, the debit entry is a decrease in dollar holdings abroad ($50,000 held by banks, $50,000 held in private banking accounts by members of the consortium), matching a $100,000 increase in U.S. liabilities to abroad. The liabilities are short-term if the joint venture is a U.S. corporation giving shares for the $100,000 payment. I take this alternative, with the second interpretation. The second alternative is to assume that the dollar account is actually held in London. The transaction then washes out of the U.S. Balance of Payments, being only a transfer of continuing U.S. obligations between foreign owners. On my interpretation, the transaction is recorded thus:

Increase in l/t liabilities to abroad: + $100,000
Decrease in s/t liabilities to abroad: – $100,000

  1. The increase ih assets abroad (a capital inflow) is a debit, valued at $42,000 at the official exchange rate. The matching credits are the decrease in U.S. holdings of pounds sterling ($14,000) and an increase in U.S. obligations to abroad ($28,000 in dollars acquried by British banks).

Increase in s/t assets abroad: – $42,000
Decrease in s/t assets abroad: + $14,000
Increase in s/t Iiabilities to abroad: +28,000

  1. The debit entry is clear: an inflow of monetary gold to the U.S. The matching credit entry is perhaps a little artificial, but the standard procedure would, I think, be a decrease in foreign l/t liabilities (Lend-Lease debts) to the U.S.

Decrease in l/t assets abroad: + $100,000
Import of Monetary Gold: – $100,000

  1. This transaction washes out, since it involves a spot sale of pounds worth $50,000, a sale that would be used to fulfill the futures contract for delivery of pounds. That is the meaning of a “decrease in hedged balances”. I chose not to record it, but if it were recorded it would give rise to a credit from the acquisition of dollars and a debit from the fulfillment of the futures contract.
  2. The interest payment is itself a debit, and enters the current account. The matching credit is the increase in dollar obligations owned abroad (in this instance by the British bank).

Interest payment_ – $1,000
Increase in s/t liabilities to abroad: +$1,000

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *


Transaction Number
A. Goods and services + $47,000
1,2. Merchandise exports + $53,000 5,6
Merchandise imports –  $ 5,000 1
6. Investment income: debits –  $ 1,000 12
C. Capital and Monetary Gold – $47,000
11,15. Long-term liabilities + $100,000
(Other + $100,000) 8
12, 16. Short-term liabilities -0- 1,3,4,5,7,8,9,12
13, 17. Long-term assets -0-
(U.S. Govt loans repaid + $100,000) 10
(Other Private and banks – $100,000) 4
14, 18. Short-term assets – $47,000
(Private and banks) – $47,000) 3,6,7,9
19. Monetary Gold – $100,000 10
Net errors and omissions -0-

Notes to the Balance of Payments Table

The lines in parenthesis are subtotals, and should not be counted in checking to see that the addition and subtraction are correct. A simple check on the accuracy of the presentation (one that will not work all the time) is to note that each transaction number appears exactly twice. In general, the transaction numbers would appear at least twice, and in any case never only once.




Economics B-60
International Trade

February 7, 1962
Mr. Harwitz

Directions, notes, and hints. Please write on every other page of your blue books, to make marking the examinations easier for me. The total time allowed is 50 minutes, and the set of True-False questions should take twelve minutes. The point count of the questions is the suggested number of minutes. Answer all the true-false questions and two of the remaining four; that is, answer five questions in all. If you answer more than two of the last four questions, I shall choose two of the answers arbitrarily and mark you on them.

If I ask you to comment In detail, I mean that you should set out an explicit theoretical model on which to base your answer. The point of the question, obviously, is to test whether you can handle the theory. In answering the true-false questions, your explanation can be kept to a couple of sentences at most. Be very careful in reading these questions!

  1. True-False. Mark true or false, and explain your choice briefly. (12 minutes)
    1. Multiple exchange rates are prevented by arbitrage because arbitrageurs take long positions in foreign currencies.
    2. Interest arbitrage between two countries (say, the U.S. and Great Britain) serves to keep short-term interest rates in New York and London from diverging.
    3. The very large size of the hedged balances of foreign exchange held by banks as working balances introduces a possible element of instability in the foreign exchange market.
  2. Answer two of the following four questions. They all weigh equally.
    1. “One trouble with the theory of international trade is that it puts too much emphasis on one blade of the Marshallian scissors — the supply side — by trying to determine the direction of trade solely in terms of comparative costs.” Comment in detail.
    2. “The idea that trade will take place between two countries because trading will benefit the countries as a whole is clearly wrong, since trade really takes place between individual firms, regardless of whether or not the countries of which the firns are residents benefit from the individual trading.” Comment in detail, using the concept of the production-possibility locus.
    3. An underdevloped country that trades on an international gold standard undertakes a development project (say, a road-building program) with the aid of an IBRD loan covering the direct foreign exchange requirements of the program. Show what is likely to happen to the balance of trade on current account and to the gold reserves of the country. (Certain assumptions have to be made. Make then explicitly!)
    4. The Phillipines have just gone on a freely-fluctuating exchange rate. Suppose a direct competitor in sales of tropical food crops to the United States (say, Panama) produces a bumper crop, which the competitor cannot store and must try to sell immediately. What happens to the balance of trade and the foreign exchange rates of the Phillipines? (Hints: you can make things easier for you and for me if you restrict your attention to the Phillipines and the United States. Again, certain assumptions need to be made explicitly.




Economics B-60
International Trade

February 28, 1962
Mr. Harwitz

Directions. Please write on every other page of the blue books.

  1. Short answer questions. Answer 6 of the following 8 questions. Each question is worth four points.
    1. Show that an import of goods on current account, taken by itself, will in fact reduce the domestic money supply of the importing country. (HINT: examine the effect of payment for the transaction on the balance sheet of the domestic banking system.)
    2. Show that an increase in the forward exchange rate between dollars and pounds, with the short-term interest rates in the U.S. and Great Britain fixed, will cause a rise in the current spot rate.
    3. “The fact that Nigeria had a large export surplus vis-a-vis Great Britain during World War II, and that the sterling proceeds of the surplus were blocked in British banks, meant that Nigeria did less domestic investing during that period than she might otherwise have done.” True or false, and why?
    4. Why would a “successful” protective tariff be a poor revenue tariff? (Please draw a picture illustrating the point.)
    5. Under what circumstances may one country in a 2-country world increase its share of the gains from trade by the imposition of an import tariff?
    6. Back in the dear dead days of the “dollar shortage” (the late 1940’s), it was suggested that Europe was justified in imposing tariffs or quotas against American goods because the United States had an advantage in every line of production as a result of the War. What’s wrong with the suggestion?
    7. Define a “beggar-thy-neighbor” tariff policy, and show the effects of such a policy on the country imposing the tariff.
    8. “The protective effect of a tariff is independent of the elasticity of domestic demand in the country imposing the tariff.” True or false, and why?
  1. Medium-long answers. Answer 2 of the following 3 questions. Each question is worth 13 points.
    1. It is not unreasonable to argue that any effect achievable by means of a tariff could equally well be achieved by means of a subsidy for import-competing industries. (a) Is this always true? (b) What in fact is the basis of the argument if and when it is true?
    2. Suppose that in 1946 the U.S. decided to lend Great Britain $50,000,000 to help the British recover from the destruction of its capital stock consequent upon World War II. What criteria should be applied for deciding whether the loan should be in the form of capital goods or in the form of dollars that could be used to finance imports of either capital goods or consumer goods? (Assume in this case a 2-country world.) What application does this kind of argument have in evaluating the usefulness of our present policy of embargoing trade in strategic materials with the Communist bloc, while allowing free trade in “non-strategic materials”?
    3. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of direct investment versus long-term lending from the point of view of the receiving country.




Economics B-60
International Trade

March 12, 1962
Mr. Harwitz

Instructions. Please write on every other page of your blue books, as usual. The point count on the questions is equal to the suggested time you should take to answer them, As before, I shall choose the appropriate number of answers and grade you on them in sections where you answer more questions than I ask you to.

I. Definitions. Answer 10 of the following 15. (3 minutes each)
Note an example or draw a picture if it seems helpful.

    1. Foreign trade multipliers.
    2. Elasticity optimism and pessimism.
    3. Hedging function of the foreign exchange market.
    4. Exchange control system.
    5. Errors and omissiors in the balance of payments accounts.
    6. Bill of exchange.
    7. Gold sterilization.
    8. Protective effect of a tariff.
    9. Revenue effect of tariff.
    10. Redistibutive effect of a tariff.
    11. Balance of trade.
    12. Multilateral exchange clearing.
    13. Interest arbitrage.
    14. Multiple cross rates.
    15. Purchasing power parity.

II. Answer one of the following two. (10 minutes.)

    1. (a) Show that the excess demand for foreign currency is exactly equal to the excess of imports over exports when there are no autonomous movements in capital or gold.
      (b) Define the excess demand for foreign currency when there may be autonomous movements on capital account. What is the effect on the domestic money supply of positive excess demand for foreign currency?
    2. In current terminology, the United States Balance of Payments is said to be in deficit condition if there are compensating outflows of gold or inflows of capital. Show that this can happen even if the balance of trade is in surplus condition on the usual definition. Relate this to the U.S. experience in the last decade.

III. Answer one of the following two. (15 minutes)

    1. F. P. Graham has argued that reciprocal demand has no influence on the relative prices of internationally traded commodities. In the context of a 2-country, 2-good, constant-opportunity-cost model, he is right in the special circumstance that one country is exceedingly large relative to the other. Show why, and show why this may be considered a rather special case.
    2. One can characterize naive comparative cost doctrine as saying that factor endowments determine the goods that a country will import and those it will export. Sophisticated doctrine, like mine, says that a country will export goods the prices of which are relatively lower before trade (in isolation) in the potential exporting country than they are in the potential importer.

IV. Answer one of the following two. (15 minutes)

    1. It has been argued that an examination of the historical evidence indicates that the 19th century adjustment mechanism under the gold standard was not the classical price-specie-flow mechanism. Indicate another mechanism under which the draining-off of gold in a deficit country and the build-up of gold reserves in a surplus country would give rise to an equilibrating counter-flow of capital items[?] in the balance of payments and/or a shift in the determinants of the balance of trade in the equilibrating direction.
    2. (a) Define the term “gold points” (or the equivalent “gold-import and gold-export points”).
      (b) What is the effect on the U.S. gold points if the Treasury imposes a charge for the conversion of goid into currency and vice-versa?
      (c) Keynes proposed, in the Treatise on Money (Vol. II, Ch. 34, Sec. iii), that it would be useful for a country that wished to isolate its domestic money market as much as possible from the repercussions of international situations to introduce a wide spread between the gold points. Precisely what do you think he meant, and in what way do you think the proposal would accomplish its purpose? What combination of adjustment mechanisms did he apparently have in mind?

V. Answer one of the following two, (15 minutes)

    1. Quote from Mr. Louis d’Or, president of the Mercantile Bank of Upper Lower: “The United States would be much healthier economically if, like Germany, she competed hard in international markets, kept inflation down, and built up a healthy surplus in the balance of trade. Right now, the country is in bad shape as an international competitor because of the spend-thrift policies of the current” Is Louis right about Germany being healthy or about the desirability of the U.S. getting like Germany (economically, that is)? Comment in detail on the logic, the definitions, the facts.
    2. Quote from T. Tock, president of the Worthless Watch Company, Waltham, Massachusetts: “I don’t approve of this Unamerican (spelling?) scheme of direct subsidies to business. All we watchmakers want and need is a chance to compete on even terms with the cheap foreign labor. A small, scientific tariff will do for us. That’s the best way.” Is it? Yes or no, why, and from who’s point of view?

VI. Answer one of the following two.
(15 minutes)

    1. A not entirely accurate description of the English international trade position of the early 1920’s would suggest that she had structural unemployment in one of her most important export industries, shipbuilding. At that time, Mr. Churchill re-established the gold standard at the pre-war par, which was in effect an appreciation of the pound relative to other currencies. Evaluate the decision in terms of the remedies appropriate to structural disequilibrium in the export industries. Justify the remedies you say are appropriate, of course.
    2. Consider a case in which there are 2 goods, 2 factors, and 2 countries. One of the countries is relatively well endowed with capital, the other relatively well endowed with labor. Furthermore, the capital-rich country is running a continuing trade surplus with the other country, which is underdeveloped (of course), and is lending to the underdeveloped country on a regular basis. Classical theory then leads to the conclusion that, eventually, trade between the two countries must cease, as the endowment of capital in the underdeveloped country is sufficiently increased. Comment in detail.

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Economists’ Papers Archive. Robert W. Clower Papers, Box 4, Folder “B-60. International Trade Exams, 1962.”

Image Source: Pierre S. DuPont High School senior portrait of Mitchell Harwitz in the yearbook Pierrian 1950.

Exam Questions Harvard Transportation

Harvard. Enrollment and exam for Economics of Transportation. Ripley, 1908-1909

Transportation was an applied field located within the intersection of industrial organization, government regulation, and corporate finance. William Zebina Ripley’s teaching portfolio at Harvard also included labor and industrial relations. 


Monographs/Books on Transportation by W. Z. Ripley

TransportationChapter from the Final report of the U.S. Industrial Commission (Vol. XIX) and privately issued by the author for the use of his students and others. Washington, D.C., 1902.

Railway Problems, edited with an introduction by William Z. Ripley (Boston: Ginn & Company, 1907).

Railroads: Rates and Regulation (New York: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1912).

Railroads: Finance & Organization (New York: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1915).


Earlier exams etc. for Economics 5 (Economics of Transportation), etc.

1900-01 (Hugo Richard Meyer alone)
1901-02 (Ripley with Hugo Richard Meyer)
1903-04 (Ripley alone)
1904-05 (Ripley with Stuart Daggett)
1905-06 (Ripley with Stuart Daggett)
1906-07 (Ripley with Stuart Daggett and Walter Wallace McLaren)
1907-08 (Ripley with Stuart Daggett)


1906-07. Ec 17. Railroad Practice (Dr. Stuart Daggett)
1907-08. Ec 17. Railroad Practice (Dr. Stuart Daggett)


Course Enrollment

Economics 5 1hf. Professor Ripley, assisted by Mr. [probably, Edmund Thorton] Miller. — Economics of Transportation.

Total 135: 1 Graduate, 34 Seniors, 57 Juniors, 32 Sophomores, 5 Freshmen, 6 Others.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1908-1909, p. 68.


Mid-year Examination, 1908-09

  1. (Counts for three questions.)
    The subjoined diagram shows the location and mileage of various places in Ohio and Michigan.

Traffic may move from A to D by several routes: viz.,
over A B D (two routes between B and D, as shown on map), over A B C D, and over A B C E D. Traffic may move from A to E likewise by several routes: viz., A B C E and A B C D E. As shown by the map, there is no direct route from B to E.
Shippers of ice at A on the diagram complain that rates from A to E by all routes are $1 per hundredweight, while the rate from A to D is only eighty cents. Formerly the rates from A to both E and D were the same: viz., $1.25.

    1. Was the former equality of rates from A to D and E any fairer than the present situation? If so, explain why.
    2. Is Springfield injured by the lower rate to D? Explain fully. Does this condition of affairs constitute a violation of the Long and Short Haul clause, as finally construed?
    3. Is there any remedy to suggest?
  1. What is the present status of the Gould system of railroads by comparison with other properties?
  2. What are the objections to issues of short-term notes by railroads? Describe recent conditions.
  3. What additions to the present Interstate Commerce Act, as amended, have been suggested? State both sides of the argument in each case.
  4. How do matters stand at present with respect to the powers of the Federal Commissions in securing testimony? Compare with condition in 1900, as described in the Report of the United States Industrial Commission.
  5. Describe the various sources of information utilized in the preparation of your report; stating what you could and could not find in each of the authorities consulted. For instance, what data are given the Statistics of Railways published by the Interstate Commerce Commission?
  6. What feature of the Annual Report of the Interstate Commerce Commission which you read seemed to you most noteworthy?

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University, Examination Papers, 1873-1915. Box 8, Bound vol. Examination Papers 1908-09; Papers Set for Final Examinations in History, Government, Economics,…,Music in Harvard College (June, 1909), pp. 35-36.

Image Source: Buster Keaton in “The General” (1926). If you want a mugshot of Professor William Z. Ripley go here.


Exam Questions Harvard Sociology

Harvard. Enrollment and exams for Principles of Sociology. Carver, 1908-1909

Artifacts from a time when Sociology roomed with Economics…at least at Harvard. But make no mistake, economics was paying the rent back in that day.

One presumes the course text was Thomas Nixon Carver’s book of course readings (over 800 pages!): Sociology and Social Progress: A Handbook for Students of Sociology. Boston: Ginn & Company, 1905.

The teaching assistant for the course was Carl William Thompson (1879-1920). After receiving an A.M. from the University of South Dakota in 1903, he added a Harvard A.M. in 1904 where he had an appointment as Assistant in Elocution. He re-entered Harvard graduate school in 1908 as a professor of economics and sociology and director of the School of Commerce at the University of South Dakota, Vermillion. He passed his general exam on June 2, 1909. In his application for candidacy for the Ph.D. he wrote “Am teaching a course in General Sociology this year, based on Carver’s ‘Sociology & Social Progress’, Ward, Spencer etc.” [Source: Harvard University Archives. Division of History, Government & Economics Division Archives. PhD. Material, Box 3, Folder “Ph.D. (illegible)”]. There is no indication that he completed the other requirements for the Ph.D. in his file. From Harvard Thompson was the director of the bureau of research in agricultural economics and associate professor of economics at the University of Minnesota. In May 1913 he accepted a position in the rural organization service of the U.S. department of agriculture. He died of influenza in 1920.


Sociology exams from earlier years.

1901-02 (taught by T. N. Carver)

1902-03 (taught by T. N. Carver and W. Z. Ripley)

1903-04 (taught by T. N. Carver)

1904-05 (taught by T. N. Carver and J. A. Field) Includes the reading list for the course and additional biographical information.

1905-06 (taught by T. N. Carver)

1906-07 (taught by J. A. Field)

1907-08 (taught by T. N. Carver)


Course Enrollment

Economics 3. Professor Carver, assisted by Mr. Thompson. — Principles of Sociology. Theories of Social Progress.

Total 42: 7 Graduates, 4 Seniors, 21 Juniors, 4 Sophomores, 6 Others.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1908-1909, p. 68.



Mid-year Examination, 1908-09
  1. Can social progress be defined in terms of human well-being and, at the same time, in terms of the universal evolutionary process? Explain.
  2. Are human interests harmonious as antagonistic, and what is the relation of this question to the problem of evil?
  3. How does military life, in different stages of social development, operate as a factor in human selection.
  4. What are some of the leading factors tending toward, (a) race improvement, (b) race deterioration, at the present time in the United States?
  5. Discuss the probable future of ceremonial institutions as described by Spencer.
  6. How does the transition from the militant to the industrial type of society affect the status of women?
  7. Trace briefly the historical relationship among the leading professions, as set forth by Spencer.
  8. Discuss briefly, territory, race, creed, and occupation, as bases of group consciousness, together with some of the results of each special form of group consciousness.

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University. Mid-year Examinations, 1852-1943. Box 8, Bound Volume: Examination Papers, Mid-Years 1908-09.


Year-end Examination, 1908-09

  1. What, according to Spencer, is the relation between the development of domestic institutions and the economizing of individual life?
  2. How do you distinguish between passive and active adaptation? Give illustrations.
  3. Discuss the views of Galton and Pearson on the social aspects of biological selection.
  4. What, according to Tarde, is the place of imitation as a social factor?
  5. Compare Kidd and Buckle on the relation of religion to progress.
  6. State, in brief, and criticize Spencer’s sociological theory of morals.
  7. State the democratic and republican theories of representation and the application of each to the conditions of modern government.
  8. Would you draw any line between those industries which are suitable for government enterprise and those which are not? If so, where? If not, why not?

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University, Examination Papers, 1873-1915. Box 8, Bound vol. Examination Papers 1908-09; Papers Set for Final Examinations in History, Government, Economics,…,Music in Harvard College (June, 1909), p. 34.

Image Source: Thomas Nixon Carver. The World’s Work. Vol. XXVI (May-October 1913) p. 127. Colorized by Economics in the Rear-view Mirror.

Exam Questions Harvard Principles

Harvard. Enrollment and semester examinations for principles of economics. Taussig, 1908-1909

Our march through the economics examinations at Harvard resumes with the academic year 1908-09. We start obviously with the Principles of Economics à la Frank W. Taussig. His team of teaching assistants turned out to have amounted to quite a bit (see the links in the course enrollment section below).

In addition to the 1908-09 exam questions for Principles of Economics taught at Harvard by Frank W. Taussig, this post includes the following links to the previously transcribed 37 years worth of examsAs you can see we have come a long way, though there is still over a century’s worth of exams to go.


Exams for principles (a.k.a. outlines)
of economics at Harvard



Course Enrollment

Economics 1. Professor [Frank William] Taussig, assisted by Messrs. [Robert Lee] Hale, [Joseph Stancliffe] Davis, [Isaiah Leo] Sharfman, Stevens, and [Abbott Payson] Usher. — Principles of Economics.

Total 503: 1 Graduate, 21 Seniors, 97 Juniors, 241 Sophomores, 100 Freshmen, 43 Others.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1908-1909, p. 67.


Mid-year Examination, 1908-09

Arrange your answers strictly in the order of the questions.

  1. Explain what determines, in the long run, the value of

free goods;
public goods;
goods produced at the margin of cultivation;
goods produced above the margin of cultivation.

  1. “Even if it were the fact that there is never any land taken into cultivation, for which rent, and that too of an amount worth taking into consideration, was not paid; it would be true, nevertheless, that there is always some agricultural capital which pays no rent, because it returns nothing beyond the ordinary rate of profit.”
    Do you think this holds good as to agricultural land? as to urban sites?
  2. Suppose land to be of uniform fertility, and suppose not all of it to be under cultivation: would there be rent? would there be interest? (Neglect differences of situation.)
    Would your answer be different, in either respect, if all the land were under cultivation?
  3. What is the effect of larger scale of production and more minute division of labor on

the irksomeness of labor;
the productiveness of labor;
the reward of labor;
the share which goes to labor as compared with other sorts of incomes.

5. What is the connection between

the “round about” or “lengthened” process of production;
the “effective desire of accumulation”;
the “discounted marginal product” of labor;
economic rent.

  1. A strike takes place in an industry whose owners are protected from competition by a patent. Its settlement is referred to an arbitrator, before whom the workmen undertake (with success) to show that the industry has been highly profitable to the owners. How far, it at all, should the arbitrator consider this fact in his decision?
    Suppose the case had been one of agricultural laborers on an unusually fertile farm, would your answer be different?
  2. Suppose a great and permanent fall to take place in the rate of interest on capital, other things remaining the same; what changes would you expect in

the general rate of wages; the values of commodities;
the prices of urban sites;
the prices of securities yielding a fixed income?

  1. “The price of a monopolized article is commonly supposed to be arbitrary: depending on the will of the monopolist, and limited only by the buyer’s extreme estimate of its worth to himself. This is in one sense true, but forms no exception, nevertheless, to the dependence of value on supply and demand.” In what sense true? and why no exception?
  2. Would you expect the organization of employees into trade unions to bring about higher wages in the case of
    domestic servants;
    motormen on street railways;
    If so, how? if not, why not?

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University. Mid-year Examinations, 1852-1943. Box 8, Bound Volume: Examination Papers, Mid-Years 1908-09.


Year-end Examination, 1908-09

Arrange your answers strictly in the order of the questions.

  1. Explain briefly: value; price; unit price; index numbers; weighted average.
  2. What determines the value of: gold dollars; gold bullion; silver dollars; silver bullion?
  3. What determined the par of exchange between (1) the United States and England in 1870; (2) the United States and England in 1880; (3) the United States and Mexico in 1890? [Mexico had a silver standard in 1890.]
  4. Is it conceivable that a country should steadily import goods which its own producers can make at less expense than foreign producers? that it should import goods which its own producers can make at less cost than foreign producers?
  5. What determines the reserve against deposits held by the Bank of England? by the Bank of France? by the First National Bank in New York City? by the Charles River National Bank in Cambridge?
  6. “There is, therefore, a rough correspondence between the movements of loans and deposits … The true connection between these movements is often forgotten, but its nature can not be mistaken by anybody who will observe the steps by which an ordinary ‘discount’ is placed at the command of the borrower.” What is the nature of the connection? What are the steps?
  7. Which among the following, if any, do you consider “unproductive” laborers: a stock-exchange broker; the promoter of a trust; a legislative agent (lobbyist) exerting himself to bring about high tariff legislation; the editor of a blackmailing newspaper?
  8. In a socialist community, what changes from existing conditions would you expect as to: the medium of exchange; economic rent; business profit; highly competent administrators?
  9. What do you understand by the principle of diminishing utility? of marginal utility? How does either principle bear on (1) the values of commodities, (2) proposals for equalizing the distribution of wealth?

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University, Examination Papers, 1873-1915. Box 8, Bound vol. Examination Papers 1908-09; Papers Set for Final Examinations in History, Government, Economics,…,Music in Harvard College (June, 1909), pp. 31-32.

Image Source: Frank W. Taussig in Harvard Class Album, 1915.

Exam Questions Harvard History of Economics

Harvard. Final exam for Adam Smith and Ricardo course. Bullock, 1907-1908


I suppose that a graduate course dedicated to the works of Smith and Ricardo between historical bookends of Physiocracy and Karl Marx should come as no surprise from that era over a century ago when the history of economic ideas was firmly embedded in the theory taught to apprentice economists. But like Gay’s attempt to bring a deep reading of French and German economics (not in translation) into the curriculum in the previous year, Bullock’s course of was not met with an overwhelming demand.


Course Enrollment

Economics 25 2hf. Professor Bullock — Adam Smith and Ricardo.

Total 6: 4 Graduates, 1 Senior, 1 Other.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1907-1908, p. 67.


Year-end Examination, 1907-07

  1. Trace the development of the doctrine of rent in the writings of the Physiocrats, Smith, and Ricardo.
  2. What were the opinions of Smith and Ricardo concerning the measure of value?
  3. Discuss the fundamental doctrines of the Physiocrats and Smith concerning capital.
  4. Compare Marx’s theory of value with the theories of Smith and Ricardo.
  5. What are the fundamental contentions of Smith in his attack upon the Mercantilists?
  6. Compare the general doctrines of the Physiocrats, Smith, and Ricardo concerning the incidence of taxation.
  7. Compare Ricardo’s doctrine of foreign trade with that of Smith.
  8. What were the views of Smith and Ricardo concerning the effect of the increase of capital upon profits?

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University, Examination Papers, 1873-1915. Box 8, Bound vol. Examination Papers 1908-09 (HUC 7000.25), p. 46.

Image Sources: Adam Smith by James Tassie in the National Galleries of Scotland. David Ricardo by William Holl Jr, after Thomas Phillips stipple engraving, published 1839 in the National Portrait Gallery.


Exam Questions Princeton Theory

Princeton. General Exams on Theory for Economics PhD. 1953 through 1972

My curating strategy generally has been to post individual artifacts one by one with each limited to a specific university, a particular point in time and a single course/field. But sometimes, just sometimes, I stumble upon a relatively complete, long-run of comparable artifacts to warrant lining them up into a single post. 

In William J. Baumol’s papers in the Economists’ Papers Archives at Duke University, we find about two decades’ worth of post-war Ph.D. general exams in economic theory at Princeton. 

But wait, there is more…

Scans of the microeconomic theory general exams for 1987-1989 and 1990-1994 at Princeton can be downloaded from the Ed Tower Collection at Duke.


May 1953

Department of Economics and Social Institutions

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy


May, 1953

Part I

Answer any three


Discuss the problem of cost calculation and pricing in a multi-product firm, touching on problems like overhead costs and technical variability and invariability of output proportions.


Is there a theory of wages? Describe what has been done in the literature on the subject and indicate why the initial question might be raised at all.


“Monopoly tends to restrict output to undesirably small levels.” Discuss.


How would you show by indifference curve analysis that out of larger incomes larger amounts will be saved. Is such a proposition empirically plausible.

Part II

Define any four

    1. Cross elasticity of demand
    2. Economic horizon
    3. Marginal efficiency of capital
    4. Average period of production
    5. Consumer’s surplus
    6. Linear programming.

Source:  Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1950-59)”.


May 1955

Department of Economics and Sociology

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
May 1955

Economic Theory

Answer any four. Try to be brief and to the point.


If a monopolist sells in two separated markets with similar costs but different demand curves, prove that it will be profitable to charge a lower price in the market where the elasticity of demand is greater.


Explain the relation between the rate of interest and the price of bonds and show how Keynes uses this in arguing that there is a floor to interest rates.


Construct a contract curve. Show that for any point on the contract curve a) the marginal rates of substitution between the two commodities will be equal for both parties,  b) no change can benefit one of the two parties without adversely affecting the other.


Keynes argues that a fall in money wages will not reduce real wages because prices will fall proportionately. Explain how this could come about considering that labor costs are only a fraction of total costs and that workers provide only a fraction of the demand for goods.


Discuss the argument that a nationalized industry ought to sell its output at a price equal to its marginal cost.


Discuss the policy implications of the monopolistic competition theory of the output and pricing by the firm.

Source:  Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1950-59)”.


October 1955

Department of Economics and Sociology

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy


Mr. George K. Chacko
October, 1955
(Time: three hours)

Answer any three


  1. On what ground has it been argued that a nationalized industry should charge a price equal to its marginal costs?
  2. Why has it sometimes been argued that this rule will produce undesirable results unless all industries are nationalized?
  3. How would the presence of external economies or diseconomies affect this rule?


  1. Define a contract curve.
  2. Show its geometric construction.
  3. Show that corresponding to any point off the contract curve there is a point on the curve which represents an improvement to both parties.
  4. Show that no move from a point on the contract curve can possibly represent an improvement to both parties.


  1. Define the acceleration principle.
  2. Show that it implies a one quarter cycle lag in consumption behind investment.
  3. How can this get the underconsumptionists out of an embarrassing position?


  1. Define price elasticity of demand.
  2. Assuming nothing but the definition prove that a fall in price will raise a consumer’s expenditures on an item if his demand for it is elastic.

Source:  Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1950-59)”.


January 1956

Department of Economics and Sociology

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

January, 1956

Economic Theory

Answer any four questions.

  1. Outline a) Keynes’ interest analysis and
    b) one classical analysis of the determination of the rate of interest.
    c) Show how a neo-classicist might accept the Keynesian position for the short and yet argue consistently that in the long run the rate of interest will be determined by “real” relationships.
  2. a) What is the marginal condition for the equilibrium of exchange of two commodities between two consumers?
    b) Show that if the conditions are not satisfied it is possible for these consumers to arrange for a mutually beneficial exchange.
    c) Show these results diagrammatically.
  3. a) Show the circumstances under which price and quantity sold on a competitive market for the product of one industry will tend toward their supply demand equilibrium values.
    b) When will they not tend toward equilibrium?
    c) What is the significance of this point for practical application of the static equilibrium analysis?
  4. a) What are external economies of scale?
    b) Show how they can prevent achievement of an ideal allocation of resources in a competitive free enterprise economy.
    c) Show how they might lead to a misallocation of resources by a competitive industry though they might have no analogous effect on a monopolistic firm which takes over that industry.
  5. a) Describe the Neumann-Morgenstern index of utility.
    b) How does it differ from utility measurement in the classical sense?
    c) What is meant by measurement unique up to a linear transformation, i.e., what does the mathematician mean by cardinal measurement?
  6. a) Define the income effect on the quantity of x of a change in the price of x.
    b) Show that in the case of the sale of a commodity out of a fixed total supply, the income effect on the amount offered by the supplier will usually be opposite in sign from the substitution effect.
    c) Show how this may be used to account for union demands for a shorter work week despite higher hourly wages.

Source:  Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1950-59)”.


October 1956

Department of Economics and Sociology

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

October, 1956

Economic Theory

Time: 3 hours
Answer any three questions.


  1. Show how in Keynesian theory an increase in money supply will have some effects in common with a fall in money wages.
  2. What difference can be expected in their effects on expectations?
  3. Why does Keynes argue for one against the other?
  4. What is the Pigou effect?


  1. In terms of indifference curves show the effects of a tariff on the terms of trade.
  2. What is the relation to the contract curve?
  3. Show why the point of competitive equilibrium in the absence of tariff is supposed to lie on the contract curve.


  1. Describe the Neumann-Morgenstern utility index.
  2. What is meant by its being cardinal?
  3. Prove the relevant properties.


Discuss the stability of equilibrium under Marshallian and Walrasian assumptions including such considerations as long run vs. short run and forward falling vs. backward rising supply curves.


Show why it is maintained that ideal output can be achieved when price is everywhere equal to marginal cost.

Source:  Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1950-59)”.


January 1957

Department of Economics and Sociology

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

January, 1957

Economic Theory

Part I

Answer any three questions.


Show that the Laspeyres index of real income for an individual will always be correct when it shows his real income has fallen but may be wrong when it indicates his real income has risen.


Describe the identification problem and indicate what can be done about it. Use the Keynesian model rather than the supply-demand diagram as an illustration.


Describe the marginal and second order conditions of equilibrium for the output of two commodities produced by a single firm under pure competition (i.e. when will the relative outputs of the two items be optimal?) Show why these conditions are valid, and illustrate in a diagram.


Describe the loanable funds and liquidity preference theories and some of the attempts to show that they amount to the same thing.

Part II

Answer any question.


What does Patinkin mean by the real balance effect? Why does he state that the price level will be indeterminate in its absence? Where does this leave the quantity theory?


What is ideal output? What price conditions are usually said to be enough to assure its achievement? Explain and criticize.


What is the point input-point output case in capital theory? Why is it particularly easy to define an average period of production in this case?

Source:  Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1950-59)”.


May 1957

Department of Economics and Sociology

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

May, 1957

Economic Theory

Time: 3 hours

(Answer all questions)

  1. (a) Explain how for close substitutes the marginal utility of X might fall as the quantity of X in increased but that of Y is increased.
    (b) Give a concrete illustration.
    (c) Explain intuitively why the consumer in not in equilibrium if the marginal rate of substitution of A for B is not equal to the ratio of their prices.
  2. (a) Explain why in the Keynesian system a fall in taxes will shift the savings curve to the right (Hint: Here the savings figure is based on income before)
    (b) Why does this result appear paradoxical?
    (c) Show diagrammatically that this shift in the savings curve will increase equilibrium national income.
  3. (a) Show diagrammatically how prices are determined in its two markets by a discriminating monopolist.
    (b) Why must equilibrium marginal revenue be the same in both markets?
    (c) Will discriminating monopoly output tend to be higher or lower than under simple monopoly? Briefly indicate an intuitive reason for your answer.

(Answer one question)

  1. Discuss the issues in the marginal cost controversy.
  2. Describe the theory of marginal pairs.
  3. Discuss the Scitovsky and Kaldor criteria.
  4. Discuss the average period of production and its use in interest theory.

Source:  Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1950-59)”.


October 1958

Department of Economics and Sociology

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

October, 1958

Economic Theory

Time: Three hours


Discuss the relationship of Say’s Law, Walras Law and the determinateness of the price level in a General Equilibrium system.


Describe and evaluate any two standard duopoly or bilateral monopoly models.


State and explain the basic assumption of the revealed preference analysis of consumer behavior. Derive at least one theorem with its aid and describe its implications for index number theory.


What is the real balance (Pigou) effect? How does it enter the analysis of effects of a general wage cut on employment? Discuss the relevant interest rate mechanism.


What are external economies and diseconomies? How do they make possible competitive equilibrium in an industry in which the average cost curve is downward sloping? What are the implications of external economies for the relationship between competitive and “ideal” resource allocation?

Source:  Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1950-59)”.


October 1959

Department of Economics and Sociology

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

October, 1959

Economic Theory

Time: 3 hours

I. (answer four questions)

1. —

    1. What is the real balance (Pigou) effect?
    2. Explain its role in the determination of the price level.
    3. What is its role in the relation between wages and employment?

2. —

    1. Define the income effect.
    2. Show that the substitution effect involves a fall in the demand for a commodity when its price increases.
    3. Draw an indifference map which corresponds to a positively sloping demand curve.

3. Describe two oligopoly models in detail.

4. —

    1. Draw a curve of marginal fixed costs and explain its shape.
    2. What does this result imply about the effect of a change in fixed costs on the price and output of a profit maximizing firm? Explain.
    3. Does the same result necessarily hold for a firm with other objectives? Explain.
    4. Derive and criticize the theorem that perfect competition yields an ideal allocation of resources.

[note: file only has this first page of the October 1959 exam. Presumably there was at least a Part II and perhaps Part III/IV….?]

Source:  Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1950-59)”.


January 1960

Department of Economics and Sociology

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

January, 1960

Economic Theory

(Answer all Questions)

  1. [Linear homogeneous production function]
    1. Define “Linear homogeneous production function.”
    2. Name two areas in economies in which such functions occur in the literature and indicate their role briefly.
  2. Keynes at some point appears to assert that a fall in money wages does not reduce real wages.
    1. How may this be explained (in your answer take account of the fact that labor cost is only a part of total cost)?
    2. Does Keynes ever indicate that a fall in money wages might increase employment? If so, how would the process work?
  3. Compare the analyses by Lange and Patinkin of the role of money in neo-classical systems.
  4. Assume a purely competitive system with only one non-produced, scarce factor—labor. Also, assume the only capital in the economy is in the form of a single type of machine.
    1. in every industry using the machine it is “productive” in the sense that for given amounts of cooperating labor and intermediate goods, more is produced with it than without it. Is this necessary for interest to be paid to owners of the machines? Is it sufficient?
    2. if machines are only labor and are sold at long-run average coat, how can their owners get more from them than the recovery of these costs?
    3. “Wicksell was misleading in his explanation of interest, because he placed so much emphasis upon the productivity of the machine in the above example, while Böhm-Bawerk was misleading because he placed so much emphasis upon consumer psychology. Both elements are necessary to an explanation of the level of the interest rate.” Do you agree? Explain.

(Answer any two questions)

  1. Discuss the welfare effects of monopoly from the point of view of resource allocation.
  2. (a) Describe and discuss the “minimum critical effort” thesis in the theory of economic development. (b) What is the role of external economies in the literature of economic growth?
  3. Compare and contrast the major theories of profits.
  4. Discuss each of the following statements:
    1. “Marx was right in stressing that labor should receive its average. If all factors are given their average, rather than their marginal products, the product will be exhausted and we need not worry about whether the production function is or is not linear and homogeneous.”
    2. “It is fundamentally impossible to determine how much of a product has been produced by the labor contained in it, how much by the capital, and how much by the land. Any distribution theory must, therefore, be fortuitous in spite of any seeming scientific quality. It cannot be based on relative contributions by factors to the product.”
    3. “To instruct me to pay every laborer his marginal product is not to tell me how much labor to hire. Suppose I am a farmer. The first man I hire at $40/per week, his marginal product. The second man I hire for $38.20, his marginal product, and so forth. But the theory of marginal productivity tells me to go on hiring in this way indefinitely.”

WJB-REK: rhm

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1960-69)”.


May 1960

Department of Economics and Sociology

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

May, 1960

Economic Theory

Answer all questions.


“Keynes’s General Theory is merely a subcase of the neoclassical theory of employment. In the latter, if the money wage-rate is inflexible downward, unemployment can result. The introduction of the rigid money wage-rate by Keynes yields such rigidity and unemployment. If one removed the assumption that the supply of labor was a function of the money wage-rate, and assumed instead it was related to the real wage-rate, no underemployment equilibrium could exist in Keynes’s model.” Discuss.


(a) Assume that capital goods are fixed in quantity, are indestructible, and non-producible. Assume, also, the existence of a stationary state. Further, abstract from all monetary phenomena,

    1. Under what conditions would capital goods receive returns? How would such returns differ from rents to natural resources?
    2. Would an interest rate exist in this economy? If so, would it be positive or negative?

(b) Assume, now, that capital goods are subject to wear and tear, must be replaced if the capital stock is not to decline, and are producible. The stationary state is again assumed, and monetary phenomena are abstracted from.

    1. Schumpeter believed the interest rate in such an economy would be zero. How could this occur?
    2. Capital goods are “productive.” If the interest rate were zero, so that their owners received no net returns, would this contradict the proposition that capital goods contribute a net product to the society?
    3. Wicksell believed the interest rate in this economy would be positive. But, since capital goods are merely land and labor in a different physical form, this would imply that amounts of land and labor in one form would be paid more than the same amounts in merely different physical form. Explain.



    1. What is the level of current United States gross national product at an annual rate?
    2. What proportion of it goes for consumption, gross investment, and all-levels-of-government usage?
    3. What is the current rediscount rate at the Federal Reserve Banks?


“Let A, B, C, and D be four baskets of goods, and Ua, Ub, Uc, and Ud be von Neumann-Morgenstern ‘utility’ measures of an individual’s preferences among them. These utility measures are ordinal for choices under conditions of certainty, but cardinal for choices under conditions of risk.”
Do you agree or disagree? Explain.


“For a firm with no effect on product or factor prices, maximization of profits requires that marginal physical products of all factors be proportionate to factor prices. Yet sometimes it is said that maximization of profits requires that marginal value products be equal to factor prices. These conditions are not equivalents and one or the other does not hold when profits are maximized.”


Answer either (a) or (b).

(a) A firm sells two products, A and B, which it may produce jointly by two linear, infinitely divisible processes whose vectors are given below:

Process 1

\left[ \begin{matrix}1{}^{x}a=1\\ {1}^{x} b=2\\ 1^{xc}=-.5\\ {1}^{x} d=-.2\\ {1}^{c} 1=-3\\ {1}^{c} 2=-4\end{matrix} \right]

Process 2

\left[ \begin{matrix}2{}^{x}a=3\\ {2}^{x} b=1\\ 2{}^{xc}=-.6\\ {2}^{x} d=-.3\\ {2}^{c} 1=-4\\ {2}^{c} 2=-2\end{matrix} \right]

where inputs are treated as negative quantities, and:

(1) jxa and jxb are outputs of A and B from process j;

(2) jxc and jxb are inputs of labor and capital into process j;

(3) jc1 and jc2 are inputs of plant and warehouse capacity into process j.

The firm has given plant capacity of 200 units per period and warehouse capacity of 1000 units per period. Prices are given at

pa = 4, pb = 6, pc = 3, pd = 1.

What are the firm’s optimal process levels?

(b) A Leontief [1 – a] matrix is given below:

\left[ \begin{matrix}.95&-.30&-.50\\ -.40&.98&-.36\\ -.50&-.60&.90\end{matrix} \right]

                  What levels of gross output are required to produce the following bill of goods:

\left[ \begin{matrix}27\\ 30\\ 15\end{matrix} \right]

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1960-69)”.


May 1961


General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

May, 1961

Economic Theory

  1. (a) State and explain the basic premise of the revealed preference theory.
    (b) Explicitly use this premise to derive the sign of the substitution effect.
    (c) Under what circumstances would you expect the premise to be violated in practice?
  2. (a) What is “Walras’ Law” and what is its rationale?
    (b) How is it related to Say’s law?
    (c) How is Walras’ law employed in the basic equilibrium model?
    (d) How is it employed in Patinkin’s central argument?
  3. (a) Explain the basic multiplier formula.
    (b) Explain the multiplier geometric series.
    (c) Discuss the balanced budget multiplier theorem.
  4. Why is marginal cost pricing sometimes recommended as a rule for nationalized industries and what are its limitations?
  5. In not more than one paragraph for each give a (necessarily) superficial characterization of
    (a) Nassau Senior’s contribution to interest theory
    (b) Marshall’s “two blades of the scissors”
    (c) The wages fund doctrine
    (d) The German academic position on economics at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1960-69)”.


May 1962

Department of Economics

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

May, 1962

Economic Theory

Time: 3 hours

Do not write your name on any of your examination papers, but identify them with a Code Letter which you obtain in the Office of the Department of Economies.

Start a new paper or book for each question so that the examinations can be assembled by question rather than by candidate. Be sure that your Code Letter appears on each sheet or book.

    1. Define Pareto optimality
    2. Given two commodities A and B and two consumers 1 and 2, prove that if both commodities are bought by both consumers the situation will not be Pareto optimal unless
      (1) MUa1 / MUb1 = MUa2 / MUb2
      where MUa1 is the marginal utility of commodity A to consumer 1, etc.
    3. What happens to condition (1) if consumer 1 purchases same of B but none of A and consumer 2 purchases some quantity of each item? (Give the new condition and explain briefly.)
    4. Show that if the prices of A and B are arbitrarily fixed at any levels, Pa and Fb respectively, and if both consumers are rational and each buys both items that condition (1) will automatically be satisfied without any direct central intervention, planning or rationing.
    5. Indicate briefly what this means, and what it does not mean, about the desirability of a price system.
    1. Assuming that the demand for money is dependent on the rate of interest and on the level of real income, show diagrammatically how a change in the quantity of money will affect the levels of investment, consumption, income and employment.
    2. State the grounds on which it is sometimes argued that a change in the rate of interest is unlikely to have a significant effect on the level of investment.
    3. Describe the process by which, according to Keynes, a fall in wages may increase the level of employment.
    4. Describe an alternative mechanism whereby a wage reduction can have this effect.
    5. How do these mechanisms conflict with the identity-form of “Say’s law”?
  1. Assume that men and women are equally efficient in a certain occupation but the conditions of supply of men and women workers are different; that it is possible for the employer to pay different wage rates to men and women; and that there are no trade unions. With the marginal net productivity curve and the two labor supply curves given, show in a graph the wage rates the employer will pay and the numbers of men and of women he will employ.
    (Exact geometric construction is essential.)
  2. Reasoning along the lines of Böhm-Bawerkian capital theory, assume that land is abundant and that there are two, and only two, alternative ways of using labor in the production of consumers goods: one without any roundabout-ways and another with an average investment period of one year. With the latter method, labor is 20 per cent more productive than with the former.
    1. that the rate of interest will be 20 per cent;
    2. that the interest rate will be zero, and wages will be determined by the productivity of labor used in the more productive way;
    3. that the rate of interest might be anything between zero and 20 per cent;
    4. that the rate of interest might be well above 20 per cent.

Discuss each of these alleged possibilities and state any additional assumptions needed for it to be realized.

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1960-69)”.


October 1962

Department of Economics

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

October, 1962

Economic Theory

3 hours

    1. Define the acceleration principle.
    2. Describe some alternative hypotheses about the determination of aggregate investment by decision makers.
    3. Prove that if fluctuations are perfectly regular and symmetrical, a constant accelerator coefficient will yield an investment cycle which anticipates fluctuations in investment output by precisely 1/4 of a cycle.
    1. Describe the determination of wages as a bilateral monopoly process.
    2. Describe the role of linear homogeneous production functions in the theory of distribution.
    3. Discuss briefly why it has been considered appropriate to develop a theory of capital which is distinct from the general theory of distribution.
    1. Argue by numerical example that if for two commodities, x and y,  MUx/Px > MUy/Py it will normally pay the consumer to purchase more of x. here Px is the price of x, MUx, is the marginal utility of x, etc.
    2. Show the same result diagrammatically.
    3. Under what circumstances does MUx/Px > MUy/Py become an equilibrium condition?
    1. Write out a two constraint three variable cost minimization linear programming problem.
    2. Give an economic interpretation of the constraints and all the variables (including slack variables).
    3. Write out the dual of your problem.
    4. Interpret all of its variables economically.

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1960-69)”.


May 1963

Department of Economics

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

May, 1963

Economic Theory

Time: 3 hours

    1. Define the “Real Balance Effect”.
    2. Explain the grounds on which Patinkin maintains that it is necessary for consistency of a classical monetary system.
    3. Describe its role in the mechanism which equilibrates the price level.
    4. Evaluate the significance of the real-balance effect in the real world. What are some of the other mechanisms which may help to stabilize the price level in practice?
    1. Outline the Lutz-Hicks analysis of the structure of interest rates.
    2. How does this analysis account for the fact that long rates are frequently higher than short rates?
    3. What does this analysis assume about expectations?
    4. On what grounds can the analysis be criticized?
    1. Explain in terms of an indifference map how one might obtain a backward-rising supply curve of labor. (You need not draw the indifference map if you do not want to).
    2. Why in the case of the supply of a commodity are the income and substitution effects more likely to work in opposite directions, than in the case of demand?
    3. Do you believe that the supply curve of labor is typically backward sloping in practice? What evidence can you muster?
  1. — Consider the following simplex matrix arising out of a problem of product line selection under profit maximization.

\begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\begin{matrix}&&Q_{1}&Q_{2}&Q_{3}&\end{matrix}\\ \begin{matrix}\Pi\\ U_{1}\\ U_{2}\end{matrix} \left\vert \overline{\begin{matrix}0&3&6&1\\ 9&-1&-3&-3\\ 12&-1&-2&-1\end{matrix}} \right\vert \begin{matrix}\\ V_{1}\\ V_{2}\end{matrix}\\ \overline{\begin{matrix}\alpha&\  L_{1}&\  L_{2}&\  L_{3}\end{matrix}}\end{gathered}\\ \end{gathered}

    1. Go through one pivoting step to find the next simplex matrix.
    2. Give the primal and dual solutions corresponding to your calculated matrix.
    3. Give an economic interpretation of each of the variable values in these solutions.
    4. State two of the duality theorems and show that they are satisfied by these solutions.
  1. — Write one paragraph about each of the following:
    1. Von Thunen
    2. Nassau Senior
    3. Friedrich Bastiat.

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1960-69)”.


Undated, 1964-66[?]

Department of Economics

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Economic Theory

    1. Demonstrate geometrically the basic characteristics of the contract curve in the box diagram representing exchange between two parties.
    2. Show that the offer curves of the two parties will intersect at some point on the contract curve.
    3. What is the welfare significance of result (b)?
    1. Define: local maximum, global maximum, corner maximum, 2nd order maximum conditions.
    2. In which of the three preceding types of maximum will the marginal (first order) equilibrium conditions normally break down (and why)?
    3. What is the relevance of the second order conditions for local and global maxima?
    4. In intuitive terms, what is the relationship, if any, between second order conditions and stability of equilibrium?
  1. — “If the high price of corn were the effect, and not the cause of rent, price would be proportionately influenced as rents were high or low, and rent would be a component part of price. But that corn which is produced by the greatest quantity of labor is the regulator of the price of corn; and rent does not and cannot enter in the least degree as a component part of its price.”
    1. Who might have written this?
    2. Does this statement imply that the author supported either the theory of “differential rent” or of “scarcity rent?” Give reasons.
    3. What qualifications, if any, of the statement will be appropriate if corn production is only one of several possible uses of land?
    1. Discuss briefly the manner in which Say’s Law decomposes a general equilibrium model into real and monetary sectors.
    2. Relate briefly the Patinkin criticism of the neoclassical Invalid Dichotomy to your answer in 4 a.
    3. Relate briefly Walras’ Law to your answers in 4 a. and 4 b.
    1. What is the acceleration principle?
    2. Derive the multiplier formula.
    3. Discuss the multiplier effects of a balanced budget.
    4. Show how the accelerator can lead to a lagged relationship between investment and consumption.
  2. — In not more than two sentences each characterize some of the work of the following:
    1. Jevons
    2. Bastiat
    3. Henry George
    4. Quesnay.

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1960-69)”.


May 1967

Department of Economics

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

May, 1967

Economic Theory

Time: 3 hours

Do not write your name on any of your examination papers, but identify them with a Code Letter which you will have obtained from Mrs. Kwok.

Start a new paper or book for each question so that the examinations can be assembled by question rather than by candidate. Be sure that your Code Letter appears on each sheet or book.

Part I.

Answer two questions. (15 points each)

  1. Why is the measured government surplus not a good indicator of government fiscal policy actions to stimulate the economy? Does the size of the government surplus that would be realized at full employment serve to indicate unambiguously the amount of fiscal policy stimulus? Discuss the reasons for your answers.
  2. One theory of investment emphasizes the importance of changes in output through the accelerator. Can this be incorporated within the view of investment as determined by the intersection of the marginal efficiency schedule and the marginal cost of funds schedule? Explain both theories in your answer.
  3. In what sense do “vintage” capital models suggest that it is easier to change the capital intensity of the economy than did earlier models? How is labor allocated over different vintages if there is substitutability ex post as well as ex ante? Only ex ante substitutability?

Part II.

  1. Discuss the following syllogism. (15 points)

Assumption. All markets are purely competitive.

Definition 1. Surpluses to factors are payments above the opportunity costs of those factors.

Definition 2. Profits are surpluses paid to entrepreneurs.

Major premise: in the long-run surpluses to factors do not tend to disappear.

Minor premise: profits are a type of surplus.

Conclusion: in the long-run profits do not tend to disappear.

  1. Answer two of the following questions. (12½ points each)
    1. How does the Hicksian static analysis of the stability of equilibrium in multiple market economies differ from a dynamic stability analysis of such an equilibrium?
    2. Describe the structure and use of a Leontief static open input-output model.
    3. Does the income effect of a price change affect the behavior of a consumer in exactly the same way that it affects the behavior of a firm? Explain.

Part III.

Answer both 1. and 2. (15 points each)

    1. Explain with the aid of a numerical example why it would pay Sam Pfapfnfnik to readjust his allocation of money between bread and ink if the ratio of their two prices were unequal to the ratio of their marginal utilities to him.
    2. The price of ink falls but Sam does not change his ink purchases. Explain what is happening in terms of Sam’s indifference map between ink and other commodities.
    3. Assume that all of the increase in Sam’s purchasing power resulting from the fall in the price of ink is taxed away and that he consequently does not change his purchase of any commodity. The following would then appear to hold; the marginal utility of no commodity would have changed;
      Pi, the price of ink has fallen, so that if in the initial equilibrium—
      Px/Pi = MUx/MUi then in the equilibrium position after the price fall it must be true that Px/Pi does not equal MUx/MUi . How do you reconcile this result with your answer to part (a) of this question?
  1. In one sentence for each, indicate something about the contribution of each of the following individuals:
    1. H. Gossen
    2. H. von Thunen
    3. Cairnes
    4. James Mill
    5. J. B. Clark
    6. E. Barone

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1960-69)”.


October 1967

Department of Economics

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

October, 1967

Economic Theory

Time: 3 hours

Do not write your name on any of your examination papers, but identify them with a Code Letter which you will have obtained from Mrs. Kwok.

Start a new paper or book for each question so that the examinations can be assembled by question rather than by candidate. Be sure that your Code Letter appears on each sheet or book.

Part I.

Answer two questions.

  1. Define:
    1. income effect
    2. corner maximum
    3. homogeneity of degree zero
    4. Cobb-Douglas function
    5. revealed preference (a is revealed preferred to b)
    6. integrability (of an indifference map)
    1. Show precisely how, in a perfect capital market, the rate of interest enters the formula for the discounted present value of a stream of payments.
    2. Explain precisely why the rate of interest enters the formula in this way.
    3. If the capital market is imperfect so that the interest rate rises with the amount obtained by a borrower, how is your previous discussion affected?
    1. The cost and demand curves are linear and the same in two industries, one operated by a monopoly and one under pure competition. Precisely how will the magnitudes of the two outputs compare? Prove your answer.
    2. Explain how external economies make possible a decreasing long-run supply curve for a competitive industry.

Part II.

Answer any two questions.

  1. What, in meant by the expressions “shocking” or “displacing the equilibrium of” a model and what can be learned by such procedures? Illustrate your answer with the standard income-substitution effect analysis of consumer theory. Discuss also the limitations of the techniques we now have for performing these displacements.
  2. The following is an input-output model of the form
    [I – a][X] = [Y] for a two-sector economy:

\left[ \begin{matrix}.8&-.3\\ -.4&.9\end{matrix} \right] \left[ \begin{matrix}X_{1}\\ X_{2}\end{matrix} \right] =\left[ \begin{matrix}Y_{1}\\ Y_{2}\end{matrix} \right] .

Suppose [Y] = [10,20]. Solve the system for [X] and interpret your answers in economic terms.
Solve the system when [I – a] is as given below:

\left[ \begin{matrix}.4&-.8\\ -.2&.4\end{matrix} \right] ,

And interpret in economic terms.

  1. Discuss the various concepts of “stability” in general economic systems analysis, including in your discussion the following comparisons:
    1. equilibrium vs. system stability
    2. global vs. local stability
    3. Hicksian vs. dynamic stability.

Part III.

Answer question No. 3 and either 1 or 2.

  1. Give possible reasons for the existence of money illusion in each of the following Keynesian functions: consumption, labor supply, demand for money. How does the presence or absence of each of these effects alter the response of the Keynesian model to an open market purchase of bonds by the Central Bank?
  2. For a non-monetary economy, what is the level of the interest rate in the classical stationary state, and why? Define carefully an analogous state for a growing economy. What factors determine the level of the interest rate? What is the “Golden Rule”, and what is its significance (if any)?
  3. Assume that the President’s proposed 10% tax surcharge would raise personal and corporate tax liabilities by $3 billion each in fiscal 1968. Using multipliers that you think are reasonable, estimate the impact of this action on GNP and describe in words the way in which this impact will work itself out. You may assume that the Federal Reserve System’s goal is to keep the rate of inflation below 3% and that in the absence of monetary or fiscal restraint money GNP would grow at an annual rate of 8% (the CEA forecast).

Part IV.

In one sentence each characterize the writings of three of the following:

  1. E. Barone
  2. H. H. Gossen
  3. F. Bastiat
  4. Henry George
  5. J. B. Clark.

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1960-69)”.


May 1968

Department of Economics

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

May, 1968

Economic Theory

Time: 3 hours

Do not write your name on any of your examination papers, but identify them with a Code Letter which you have obtained from Mrs. Kwok.

Start a new paper or book for each question so that the examinations can be assembled by question rather than by candidate. Be sure that your Code Letter appears on each sheet or book.

Part I. (25%)
Answer any two questions.

  1. Present the essential points of the theories of income distribution expounded by
    1. Karl Marx,
    2. John Bates Clark (or another neo-classical writer),
    3. Michael Kalecki, and
    4. Nicholas Kaldor.
  2. It has been said that the marginal-productivity theory of income distribution rests largely on technological facts (or assumptions), whereas aggregative theories of income distribution of the Kaldorian type rest chiefly on psychological facts (or assumptions). Attempt first to defend and then to criticize these contentions.
  3. If the physical efficiency of labor increases in some industries but not in others, how would you expect the marginal productivities of labor in the various industries to change, assuming perfect mobility of labor and pure and perfect competition in all markets? After you have answered this question and explained your answer, proceed to point to the qualifications required (a) if mobility is restricted, (b) if some wage rates are fixed on the basis of collective bargaining with strong labor unions, and (c) if some industries enjoy a high degree of monopoly.
  4. “Rent, like all prices, is a test, even though an imperfect one, of social need: its payment roughly ensures the most economical distribution of land between different uses; and its remission, by a land-owning State, to those in a position to pay it, whether private persons or public enterprises, would in general promote waste.” Explain every part of this statement.

PART II. (25%)
Answer question 1 and either 2 or 3.

  1. Analyze the combined net impact of the two following actions:
    1. In a period of full employment with rising prices, the government raises transfer payments to the poor, financing the resulting deficit by selling Treasury bills to the Federal Reserve System. The Fed keeps the discount rate above the bill rate.
    2. The government also cuts spending on space programs by the same amount as it raises transfer payments, using the resulting savings to retire debt held by little old ladies who put the money in savings accounts.
  1. While economists differ on the proportion of economic growth to attribute to investment in tangible capital, education, and research into new techniques, many would agree that these factors may be complementary with each other or complementary through time. Discuss the possible complementarities that may occur, identifying clearly the relationships and the effects such complementarities may have on the evaluation of investment policies.
  2. Consider an economy in a classical stationary state with a positive interest rate determined by the interaction of productivity and time preference. If the discovery of the key to immortality wipes out time preference, while at the same time generating positive population growth, describe the resulting time path of the economy to a new “golden age” equilibrium.

PART III. (25%)
Answer two of the following questions.

  1. Assume an economy with fixed amounts of two inputs, both of which are used in the production of each of two final goods.
    1. A necessary condition for efficient production is that the ratios of the marginal products of the inputs in the production of both goods be equal. Explain in economic terms why this must be true.
    2. Show how the production possibility frontier — the whole set of efficient output mixes — can be derived from the condition in (a) above.
  2. Discuss each of the following statements. They are meant to be discussed separately.
    1. “In a purely competitive market economy a stationary state can exist only if the interest rate is zero, for every investment opportunity must be exhausted to have stationarity.”
    2. “Land in an economy with a zero interest rate must (a) have an infinite value and (b) earn a zero rate of return. These are contradictory, and so the interest rate can never be zero in a market economy.”
    3. “Marx was right. Labor sells its services for their discounted marginal product in an economy with positive interest rate. This is less than it creates, and therefore labor is exploited.”
  3. Discuss the meaning and significance of the following concepts in general equilibrium theory:
    1. the law of conjugate pairs,
    2. the theory of second-best,
    3. the stability of a general economic system,
    4. balanced-growth equilibrium in a general system.

PART IV. (25%)
Answer question 1 and one of questions 2, 3, or 4.

    1. If demand is inelastic marginal revenue is ____________.
    2. If demand for a firm’s product is inelastic, a rise in its price
      1. will always increase profits.
      2. will always increase revenues but may not increase profits.
      3. we cannot tell from the information given.
    3. The price elasticity of a linear supply curve through the origin
      1. is unity.
      2. depends on the slope of the curve.
      3. will be higher the more firms in the industry.
      4. will be lower in the short-run.
      5. none of the above.
    4. Draw the indifference map for an item such as matches with perfectly inelastic demand for any price reduction.
    1. Make up a small linear programming problem.
    2. Write out its dual.
    3. Discuss in detail the economic interpretation of the dual.
    4. How might the values of the dual variables be used in economic planning?
  1. The imposition of any arbitrarily chosen prices will mean that as far as exchange between any two consumers is concerned the Pareto optimality condition must be satisfied. Explain, proving any theorem you need for the purpose.
  2. State three theorems on linear homogeneous production functions and prove one of them.

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1960-69)”.


May 1969

Department of Economics

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

May, 1969

Microeconomic Theory

Time: 2 hours

Do not write your name on any of your examination papers, but identify them with a Code Letter which you have obtained from Mrs. Kwok.

Start a new paper or book for each question so that the examinations can be assembled by question rather than by candidate. Be sure that your Code Letter appears on each sheet or book.

Instructions: The examination consists of two parts which will be given equal weight. Spend about one hour on each part.


  1. Define:
    1. identification
    2. saddle point
    3. gross and net complements
    4. law of diminishing returns
    5. substitution effect
    6. Walras’ law
    7. lexicographical ordering.
  2. Equilibrium of the firm under Chamberlinian monopolistic competition requires tangency between the firm’s average cost and demand curves. What do we know about the firm’s marginal cost and marginal revenue at that output? Prove your answer.
  3. Describe one of the following:
    1. Kaldor’s model of distribution
    2. Arrow’s possibility theorem
    3. Fisher’s analysis of allocation of resources between present and future.
  4. (Peak and off-peak pricing) An electric company plans for its output level x1,…x24 during each of the 24 hours of the day. Its operations are limited by its hourly generating capacity y so that its decisions are subject to the constraints

xi < y  (i = 1, … , 24)

The firm’s prices are required by regulation not to vary with output

\left( \frac{\partial \underline{p}_{\underline{i}}}{\partial \underline{x}_{\underline{i}}} =0 \right)

It seeks to maximize its profits, knowing its total operating cost function

C = f(x1, … , x24),

and the total cost of expanding its capacity

K = g(y)

    1. Prove that in any period in which the firm is not operating at capacity (an off-peak period) its profit maximizing price will be equal to its marginal operating cost. (Assume all outputs are positive: xi > 0.)
    2. Prove that for peak periods the payments over and above marginal operating costs will sum up to the marginal cost of increased capacity.
  1. In one sentence each characterize some of the work of the following economists:
    1. Henry George
    2. Thorstein Veblen
    3. H. H. Gossen
    4. F. Bastiat
    5. K. Wicksell.


  1. Give an example of an economic situation which does not satisfy the following hypotheses (using a separate example for each hypothesis):
    1. The consumption set for the ith consumer is convex.
    2. The preference relation of the ith consumer is strongly convex.
    3. The demand correspondence is upper semi-continuous.
  2. Explain concisely why stability is a desirable property of general equilibrium models.
  3. Consider a pure trade economy involving two individuals, Mr. A and Mr. B, and two commodities, 1 and 2. Assume that their initial holdings are

\left( {x}_{1A}^{o} ,{x}_{2A}^{o} \right) =\text{ and } \left( {x}_{1B}^{o} ,{x}_{2B}^{o} \right).

respectively, where

{x}_{1A}^{o} +{x}_{2B}^{o} +{x}_{2A}^{o} +{x}_{2B}^{o} =\  6.

Suppose their indifference curves are specified by the utility functions:

\begin{gathered}u_{A}\left( x_{1A},x_{2A} \right) =\text{min } \left( x_{1A},2x_{2A} \right)\\ u_{B}\left( x_{1B},x_{2B} \right) =\text{min } \left( 2x_{1B},x_{2B} \right) .\end{gathered}

    1. Show all Pareto-optimal states of the economy on an Edgeworth-box diagram.  Explain your answer.
    2. Find all initial holdings, for which

\left( \overline{x}_{1A} ,{\overline{x}}_{2A} \right) =\left( 4,2 \right) \text{ and } \left( \overline{x}_{1B} ,{\overline{x}}_{2B} \right) =\left( 2,4 \right)

constitute a competitive equilibrium at some nonnegative prices (p1, p2). Graph your answer on an Edgeworth-box diagram.

  1. Explain in concise terms the role of fixed point theorems in the theory of general economic equilibria.
  2. What are the three main sources of comparative statics theorems?
    (EXTRA CREDIT: Give one example of each type of theorem.)

Source:  Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Economics 506: History of Thought…1968-1990” [note: filed in incorrect folder].


October 1969

Department of Economics

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

October, 1969

Microeconomic Theory

Time: 2 hours

Do not write your name on any of your examination papers, but identify them with a Code Letter which you have obtained from Mrs. Kwok.

Start a new paper or book for each question so that the examinations can be assembled by question rather than by candidate. Be sure that your Code Letter appears on each sheet or book.


Answer THREE questions ONLY (20 ea)

  1. Explain (5 ea)
    1. the relationship, between cost and the supply curve of the competitive firm.
    2. the relationship between cost and the supply curve of the competitive industry.
    3. What is the role of rent in the preceding relationship?
    4. How can the competitive industry be in equilibrium if its long run average cost curve is falling?
  2. Describe one of the following:
    1. the Cournot duopoly model;
    2. the solution to a zero sum two person game;
    3. the notions of producers’ and consumers’ surplus and their graphic representation.
  3. Construct a simple general equilibrium model discussing (7 ea)
    1. the significance of the number of equations as compared to the number of unknowns;
    2. the role of inequalities;
    3. the definition of existence end uniqueness and their significance.
    1. Define and discuss the significance of stability for general equilibrium models.
    2. State two non-trivial theorems about such stability.
  4. Describe the Neumann-Morgenstern utility measure and its purpose.

PART II. (15 ea)

Answer every question.

    1. The elasticity of a straight line supply curve through the origin is __________.
    2. Prove the preceding answer.
    1. Give the formula for a Cobb-Douglas function.
    2. List two of its properties.
    3. Prove one of the two properties listed in (b).
  1. Derive one of the following:
    1. The Slutsky theorem for a firm under perfect competition;
    2. The necessary conditions for optimal distribution of two commodities between two individuals..
    1. Nassau Senior
    2. F. H. Knight.
    3. John Bates Clark
    4. J. Dupuit
    5. Karl (sic) Menger

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1960-69)”.


May 1970

Department of Economics

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

May, 1970

Microeconomic Theory

Time: 2 hours

Do not write your name on any of your examination papers, but identify them with a Code Letter which you have obtained from Mrs. Kwok.

Put PART I in one book and PART II in another. Be sure that your Code Letter appears on each sheet or book.

PART I. (50%)

  1. Answer one question.
    1. Describe briefly one real and one monetary interest theory. Show how they can be reconciled.
    2. Explain the analysis leading to the conclusion that pure competition tends to yield an optimal allocation of resources.
    3. Describe the nature of the optimal solution to a zero sum two-person game including the notion of optimal mixed strategy.
  2. Answer one question.
    1. A firm’s demand and average cost functions are linear with the general slopes usually assumed for them. Prove that the profit maximizing output will be half as large as the zero profit output, q0 , where q0 > 0.
      What are the second-order conditions here and what is their relevance?
    2. Prove that the feasible region for a linear programming problem is convex.
  3. Answer both questions.
    1. Explain briefly the grounds on which the area under a demand curve above the level representing the market price is said to represent consumers’ surplus.
    2. In one sentence each, characterize some of the best known work of each of the following:
      1. the physiocrats
      2. The Austrian school
      3. Henry Wicksteed
      4. Wesley Mitchell
      5. James Mill

PART II. (50%)

Please answer four questions out of the following. Try not to spend any more than fifteen minutes on each question. Show all of your work. If you attempt more than four questions, then the best four will count.

  1. The following assumptions are usually made in formulating a general equilibrium model. Give concise definitions of each and discuss their plausibility:
    1. nonincreasing returns-to-scale;
    2. no interdependence of decisions among economic agents;
    3. divisibility of goods and services.
  2. What relationships can you identify between (linear and nonlinear) programming and the existence proofs for general equilibrium?
  3. Illustrate graphically a case in which the competitive mechanism is not Pareto satisfactory. Describe in words how this case might occur in the real world.
  4. State two general cases of economies in which global stability is always valid.
  5. Distinguish between gross substitution and pure substitution. State a theorem in comparative statics that is a consequence of gross substitution.
  6. Discuss the value of the models of general equilibrium theory for an economist who does not believe in the capitalist system. Comment on the criticism that such models merely “justify capitalism.”

Source:  Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1970-79)”.


October 1972

Department of Economics

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

October, 1972

Microeconomic Theory

Time: 3 hours

Do not write your name on any of your examination papers, but identify them with a Code Letter which you have obtained from Mrs. Coleman.

Start a new paper or book for each question so that the examinations can be assembled by question rather than by candidate. Be sure that your Code Number appears on each sheet or book.

Answer three questions in Part I and three in Part II.


    1. Given a nonlinear demand curve illustrate graphically how the corresponding marginal revenue curve can be constructed (no verbal explanation necessary).
    2. Give a rigorous proof of the validity of your construction procedure in a).
    1. Define the substitution effect on x of a change in the price of x.
    2. Prove the Slutsky Theorem about the sign of the substitution effect.
  1. Given linear demand curves in two markets for a firm’s product, and a linear marginal cost curve for its output, show geometrically the prices and outputs in the two markets if the firm maximizes its profits and
    1. if it cannot discriminate in price between the two markets; and
    2. if it does discriminate.
    1. Explain the concept of Pareto optimality.
    2. In an Edgeworth box diagram show the locus of Pareto optimal points.
    3. What can be said about the desirability of a randomly chosen point off the locus relative to that of a randomly chosen point on the locus?
    1. Prove that if demand is inelastic a fall in price will reduce total expenditure.
    2. Describe the identification problem and show its implications for the empirical determination of a demand relationship.


    1. What is Say’s Law?
    2. What is homogeneity of degree zero in prices?
    3. Explain briefly how the two preceding assumptions cause difficulties for monetary theory.
    1. What is the issue of existence and uniqueness in a general equilibrium system?
    2. What is the relevance for this issue of the number of equations and the number of unknowns in the system? Illustrate your conclusion with concrete examples of equations, specifying their coefficients.
    1. Describe the Ricardian rent model, distinguishing between the extensive and the intensive margin.
    2. Show from this analysis why a tax on pure differential rent is not shiftable.
    1. What is the basic theorem of linear programming?
    2. Show diagrammatically why it does not hold in nonlinear programming.
    3. Explain in economic terms how the theorem is affected by the presence of diminishing returns.
    1. Define the acceleration principle.
    2. Draw a graph that assumes total output over the course of a cycle and has the form of a sine curve. Show then how investment must vary over time if it is determined by the acceleration principle.
    3. Show how your graph can mislead the unwary observer about the reasons for a downturn.

Source:  Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Economics 506: History of Thought…1968-1990” [note: filed in incorrect folder].

Image Source: John E. Sheridan, Princeton Poster, c. 1901 . Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA.

Exam Questions Harvard Philosophy Social Work

Harvard. Description, enrollment and exam for Social Ethics. Peabody, 1907-1908

Social Ethics inhabited an academic borderland between the disciplines of economics and philosophy at Harvard in the early 20th century. Professor Francis Greenwood Peabody, himself a Unitarian minister and professor of theology, governed that territory which attracted many graduate students of economics interested in social policy.

This post adds to the collection of examinations given in his courses over the course of nearly two decades.


Exams from past years

Exam questions  this course from the late 19th century have been transcribed and posted:


1902-03. Listed as Philosophy 5. Taught by Peabody and Ireland.

1904-05. Listed as Philosophy 5 and Ethics 1. Taught by Peabody and Rogers.

1906-07. Taught by Peabody and Rogers.


Francis Greenwood Peabody. The Approach to the Social Question. New York: Macmillan, 1912. “The substance of this volume was given as the Earle Lectures at the Pacific Theological Seminary in 1907.”

Peabody’s own short bibliography on the Ethics of Social Questions was published in 1910.

Another post provides the history of Harvard’s Department of Social Ethics up through 1920.


Course Description

  1. Social Ethics. — The problems of Poor-Relief, the Family, Temperance, and various phases of the Labor Question, in the light of ethical theory. Lectures, special researches, and prescribed reading. Tu., Th., Sat., at 10. Professor Peabody and Dr. Rogers.

            This course is an application of ethical theory to the social problems of the present day. It is to be distinguished from economic courses dealing with similar subjects by the emphasis laid on the moral aspects of the Social Question and on the philosophy of society involved. Its introduction discusses various theories of Ethics and the nature and relations of the Moral Ideal [required reading from Mackenzie’s Introduction to Social Philosophy, and Seth’s Study of Ethical Principles]. The course then considers the ethics of the family [required reading from Spencer’s Principles of Sociology (Volume 1; Volume 2; Volume 3)]; the ethics of poor-relief [required reading from Charles Booth’s Life and Labor of the People (links below), and Devine’s Practice of Charity]; the ethics of the labor question [required reading from Carlyle’sPast and Present”, Ruskin’s “Unto this Last”, Adams and Sumner’s, Labor Problems]; and the ethics of the drink question [required reading from The Liquor Problem; a Summary of Investigations]. In addition to lectures and required reading two special and detailed reports are made by each student, based as far as possible on personal research and observation of scientific methods in poor-relief and industrial reform. These researches are arranged in consultation with the instructor or his assistant; and an important feature of the course is the suggestion and direction of such personal investigation, and the provision to each student of special literature or opportunities for observation.

            Rooms are expressly assigned for the convenience of students of Social Ethics, on the second floor of Emerson Hall, including a large lecture room, a seminary-room, a conference-room, a library, and two rooms occupied by the Social Museum. The Library of 1800 volumes is a special collection for the use of students of Social Ethics, with conveniences for study and research. The Social Museum is a collection of graphical material, illustrating by photographs, models, diagrams, and charts, many movements of social welfare and industrial progress.

Source: Announcement of the Divinity School of Harvard University, 1907-08, p. 22.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Charles Booth’s Life and Labor of the People:

(Original) Volume I, East London;
(Original) Volume II, London;
(Original) Appendix to Volume II;
Note: the previous three original volumes were re-printed as four volumes that then were followed by
Volume V, Population Classified by Trades;
Volume VI, Population Classified by Trades (cont.);
Volume VII, Population Classified by Trades;
Volume VIII, Population Classified by Trades (cont.);
Volume IX, Comparisons, Survey and Conclusions.


Course Enrollment

Social Ethics 1. Professor Peabody and Dr. Rogers. — Social Ethics. The problems of Poor-Relief, the Family, Temperance, and various phases of the Labor Question, in the light of ethical theory.

Total 108: 3 Graduates, 13 Seniors, 44 Juniors, 38 Sophomores, 2 Freshman, 8 Others.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1907-1908, p. 69.


Year-end Examination 1907-08

This paper should be considered as a whole. The time should not be exhausted in answering a few questions, but such limits should be given to each answer as will permit the answering of all the questions in the time assigned.

  1. The economic doctrines of Carlyle and Ruskin compared and criticized.
    [cf: “Past and Present” by Thomas Carlyle; “Unto this Last” by John Ruskin]
  2. The philosophies of the anarchist and the communist compared.
  3. The political origins of the Labor Question in Great Britain.
  4. The German school of Socialism; its philosophy of history, its principles and its demands.
  5. French and English precedents in Arbitration and Conciliation, applied to the circumstances of the United States. (Lectures, and Adams & Sumner, pp. 289-305.)
  6. The progress of Labor Legislation in the United States, and its relation to the doctrines of free contract and class legislation. (Adams & Sumner, p. 466 ff.)
  7. The “third party” to industrial disputes; and the American method of safeguarding its interests.
  8. The Canadian Industrial Disputes Investigation Act; its intention, limitations, and results.
  9. The German system of Workingmen’s Insurance, its principles, methods, and applicability to the United States.
  10. Four types of Industrial Partnership; their historical sequence, and relative importance.
  11. The relation of the Drink Problem to poverty, crime and nationality, in the United States. (Summary of the Liquor Problem, ch. 4.)

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University, Examination Papers, 1873-1915. Box 8, Bound vol. Examination Papers 1908-09 (HUC 7000.25), pp. 58-59.

Image Source: Harvard University Archives.  Francis Greenwood Peabody [photographic portrait, ca. 1900], Colorized by Economics in the Rear-view Mirror.

Exam Questions History of Economics Princeton

Princeton. History of Economic Thought General Exams for Ph.D. 1981, 1986

I believe the history of economics is too important to be left exclusively in the hands of either historians or economists, but I also believe that not a whole lot would get done if we had to wait for scholars with the right blend of talents and skills, given the constraints of time and the institutional realities of modern universities. Nonetheless there has been the one or other colleague who actually contributed to the development of economics in a scientific sense and has thought long and hard about the ideas of those upon whose shoulders we all stand. William J. Baumol was one such economist. The history of economic thought was one polished arrow in his teaching quiver.

This post provides a transcript of the two Ph.D. field exams in the history of economic thought at Princeton that I found in Baumol’s papers at the Economists’ Papers Archive in Duke University’s Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library. The 1981 exam appears to have only run one page and just might be missing a few questions on a second page not seen, though I find that possibility less likely than it only was one page long.

In an earlier post you can find the field exam from January 1987 and a reading list for his course from the fall semester of 1988.


Department of Economics

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

History of Economic Thought

October 1981

3 hours

  1. Discuss Ricardo’s “93 percent Labor Theory of Value.”
    1. In what sense was the Labor Theory taken to approximate the true determination of equilibrium price relationships?
    2. How does this relate to Ricardo’s views about the relationship between wages and profits?
  2. Describe Marx’s use of the Tableau Économique.
    1. Briefly describe the working of the tableau.
    2. Describe the working of the Marxian model that emerged from the tableau.
    3. Indicate at least one use that has been made of the Marxian model.
  3. In one sentence for each, give some information about the work of the following writers:
    1. Nassau Senior
    2. Jules Dupuit
    3. John Bates Clark
    4. Enrico Barone
    5. Knut Wicksell
  4. Classical and neoclassical economists considered free trade to be superior to protectionism from the viewpoint of the general welfare.
    1. How did Pigou measure the general welfare in this sort of analysis?
    2. When the free trade issue was discussed by earlier writers did they usually discuss this measurement problem to any substantial degree?
    3. On what grounds was the Pigouvian approach criticized?
    4. What alternative was offered in the “new welfare economies2 of Hicks and Kaldor?


Department of Economics

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
History of Economic Thought

Time: 3 hours

January 1986

  1. (for Peter Rathjens) Earlier writings on rent focussed on rent payments as a reward to units of superior quality that was attributable to the heterogeniety of the resource. Thus, land was alone among inputs in the focus upon its heterogeniety. Discuss the role of this issue in later writings and the degree to which they did or did not treat land as essentially different from all other inputs which of them, if any, concluded that there is such a thing as an “absolute” rent (in contradistinction to differential rent)?
  2. (for Jai-June Kim) Validity of the infant industry argument for tariffs as a benefit to the general public required that when the industry grows up it not merely yield net benefits, but that they be more than sufficient to offset the welfare lost during the period of protection. Was this point recognized by those who wrote on the subject? If so, by whom? Discuss what other qualifications some of the writers raised in relation to the argument and how they treated the way in which the issue had been analyzed by others.
  3. Discuss the role of alienation in Marx. In which of his writings was it discussed? Does the term always refer to the same phenomenon? How might it relate to accumulation and, consequently, to the “Laws of motion of capitalism?”
  4. Ricardo’s test of the labor theory of value was whether a rise in wages will change the relative prices of commodities. Explain the logic of this test. What does Ricardo conclude from the test about the validity of the labor theory in reality? Why was this way of looking at the matter of importance to Ricardo?
  5. Describe the tasks that Adam Smith considers to constitute the proper roles of government. Was he an extreme or a moderate advocate of laissez-faire? What is the logic of his arguments for governmental economic activity? How do they compare with modern analysis of the subject?
  6. In one sentence each characterize some of the work of the following:

a) Cantillon
b) Quesnay
c) Menger
d) Wesley Mitchell
e) Kondratieff

  1. (Jeehwan Rhee) Summarize some of Malthus’ arguments on the issue of general overproduction. Indicate (giving specific examples) to what extent Malthus’ arguments anticipate those of Keynes.

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Economists’ Papers Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams 1980-89”.

Image Source:  Cropped from portrait of William J. Baumol in 1981 published in his obituary published in The New York Times, May 10, 2017.

Exam Questions Harvard Law and Economics

Harvard. Exams for law of industrial relations and commerce. Wyman, 1907-1908

Assistant Professor Bruce Wyman’s course on industrial relations and commercial law was offered as a vocational sop to Harvard economics majors that along with William Morse Cole’s principles of accounting course was intended to help prepare a young Harvard graduate planning to enter a career in business. This could help account for the popularity of the course as seen in its relatively high enrollment — that and its reputation of being something of  a “snap course”.


From earlier years

1901-02. Autobiographical note, enrollment, course description, syllabus, exams.
1902-03. Obituary, enrollment, course description, exams.
1903-04. Enrollment and exams.
1904-05. Enrollment, course description, exams.
1905-06. Enrollment, paper assignments, exams.
1906-07. Enrollment, paper topics, exams.


Course Enrollment

Economics 21. Asst. Professor Wyman, assisted by Messrs. Field and Otis. — Principles of Law governing Industrial Relations and Commercial Law.

Total 93: 3 Graduates, 56 Seniors, 21 Juniors, 10 Sophomores, 3 Others.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1907-1908, p. 67.


Mid-year Examination, 1907-08

(First give your answers clearly, then give your reasons briefly.)

  1. (a) White buys 10 gross of Mellin’s Food from the proprietors and pastes over the label on each bottle a large label reading “White’s Food—Better than Mellin’s—Higher in Price—But Double in Nutriment—White Mfgr.” Can Mellin stop White from doing this? (b) Could Mellin stop White from doing this if he could prove that White’s statements were false?
  2. (a) Ely buys prints of the Passaic works and with the undisclosed intention of offering them for sale later at 1 cent per yard less than the usual retail price, 8 cents. Can this be stopped; (b) Could it be if Ely had agreed not to sell them at less than the usual price, 8 cents, when he bought them?
  3. (a) The foreman of a street railway threatens to discharge employees who trade at a certain grocery. Can the grocer sue him? (b) Suppose the foreman were a partner in a rival grocery, would he have been liable?
  4. (a) A suburban street railway agrees with a city street railway that the first shall not extend its lines into the city and the second shall not extend its lines into the country. Can the city line be stopped by it from building into the country? (b) After it has done so, can it stop the country line from building into the city?
  5. (a) A combination of oil refiners agree to lower prices wherever competition appears, the one that loses money thereby to be made whole by the others pro rata. An outsider who is ruined by this policy sues a member of the association — what result? (b) The member of the association who lost money in the process sues the other members for contribution — what result?
  6. (a) A labor union in a building trade strikes in sympathy with a teamster’s union. Can it boycott butchers who sell to nonunion men who remain at work on the building? (b) Can it put a single man on the street corner nearest the work to persuade men from taking the places of the union men?
  7. (a) A & Co. is a partnership composed of A, B, and C; the fact that C is a partner being unknown to the public. The firm buys goods of X, who later learns of the position of C and sues him to the whole price — what result? (b) Suppose C was not a partner but had told Y that he was and X had learned of this later, could X sue C now?
  8. (a) A ownes 99% of the stock the B railroad company. X claims that he shipped some goods by this railroad which were lost in transit; the only evidence X has is an admission by A that the company is liable. What chance has X against the corporation? (b) Suppose A had promised to pay X $1000 in settlement, what chance would X then have against the corporation?
  9. (a) A corporation is formed by X, Y, and Z with a capital stock of $30,000, each taking $10,000, X paying $10,000 cash for his, Y $7,500, and Z $2,500. The corporation later sells $30,000 debenture bonds to L, who pledges them to M for a loan of $20,000. Later the corporation fails after a disasterous season having left goods worth $14,000. How does M come out? (b) How does Z come out?
  10. A is employing X as his salesman by the calendar year. In the middle of the year, B induces X by offer of a higher salary to quit and enter his employ at once. Can A sue B for damages? (b) Can X sue B for his salary when it comes due?

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University. Mid-year Examinations, 1852-1943. Box 8, Bound Volume: Examination Papers, Mid-Years 1907-08.


Year-end Examination, 1907-08

First give your answers briefly; then give your reasons concisely.

  1. A, director in a steamship company, who owns 25% of its stock, buys two steamboats for $100,000 each. He offers them to his company for $130,000 each. The directors vote to purchase one, A’s vote not being necessary to carry it, and vote to leave the question of the purchase of the other to the stockholders’ meeting. The stockholders vote to purchase the other, A’s vote being necessary to pass it. A few years later a hostile management gets control, and asks counsel what the rights of the company against A are. What should he answer?
  2. A & Co. join a combination of beef packers who agree not to bid against one another in the cattle market, but arrange distribution among themselves in advance. (1) A & Co. on one occasion do bid against another member contrary to a previous deal. Can they be sued? (2) The cattle raiser refuses to deliver the cattle. Can they sue him? (3) They sell dressed beef to a butcher, delivering part. Can he refuse to pay? (4) They refuse to deliver the remainder. Can the butcher sue them?
  3. The N.Y., N.H. & H.R.R., operating in Conn., R.I., and Mass., acquires say 66 2/3% interest in the stocks of various trolley lines operating in the same states. It also acquires say 33 1/3% interest in the stock of the B. & M.R.R. operating in Mass., N.H., Vt., and Me. Is all this a violation of the Federal Anti-Trust Law? Take one side or the other of the question.
  4. A National Steel Company (1) buys 40% of the steel plants in the United States outright, (2) buys the controlling interest in the stocks of 30% more, (3) makes agreements with 20% more for division of business, (4) refuses to deal with customers who deal with the others. What danger is it in supposing there is no anti-trust statute?
  5. A lease for twenty years is made by one railroad corporation to another. The lease is ultra vires on the part of both corporations. What rights or remedies has either corporation against the other in case of a repudiation of the lease by either at the end of five years, rent having been paid for only four years?
  6. Can a street railway corporation resist as unconstitutional legislation which so reduces fares as to leave it such gross receipts as, after providing for operation and repair, maintenance and re-placement, will leave only an average of 2% upon the securities representing the cost of the enterprise and nothing for depreciation or sinking fund, surplus account or amortization of franchise?
  7. A railroad company buys coal of various operators along its route which it transports to market and sells there. An independent operator shows that at times of press of business the railroad uses part of its cars in its own coal shipments; to which the railroad company replies that it gives him his proportion of cars. This operator also shows that the railroad will buy coal at $3.00 per ton, transport it to market and sell it at $3.75, while he shipping from the same station has to pay the published rate of $1.25 per ton; to which the railroad company replies by saying that they make themselves a trainload rate of 75 cents per ton which they are willing to give him. Must he be content with these answers?
  8. A railroad line having become blocked by an accident six trains were stopped at the city of T, in the following order: (1) a passenger train, (2) a circus train, (3) a train of coal cars, (4) a refrigerator train filled with dressed beef, (5) a trainload of peaches in closed cars, (6) a trainload of lumber on flat ears. In what order should these trains be despatched?
  9. Can a gas company make special rates (1) to its directors, or (2) to hotelkeepers, or (3) to induce a storekeeper to give up the use of electricity, or (4) to customers who buy their fixtures of its contract department?
  10. Can a street railway eject a passenger who (1) has been convicted for picking pockets, or (2) has refused to pay fare the day before, or (3) has a wrong transfer which was given him carelessly by a former conductor, or (4) tenders a ten dollar bill which the conductor cannot change?

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University, Examination Papers, 1873-1915. Box 8, Bound vol. Examination Papers 1908-09 (HUC 7000.25), pp. 44-46.

Image Source: Harvard Law School ca. 1901 from the Detroit Publishing Company photograph collection (Library of Congress).