Economists Fields Harvard

Harvard. Five Economics Ph.D. examinees, 1907-08


This posting lists the five graduate students in economics who took their subject examinations for the Ph.D. at Harvard from March 12 through May 21, 1908. The examination committee members, academic history, general and specific subjects are provided along with the doctoral thesis subject, when declared. Lists for 1903-04, 1904-05, 1905-061915-16, and 1926-27 were posted previously. In the same archival box one finds lists for the academic years 1902-03 through 1904-05, 1906-07 through 1913-14, 1915-16, 1917-18 through 1918-19, and finally 1926-27. I only include graduate students of economics (i.e. not included are the Ph.D. candidates in history and government).

Titles and dates of Harvard economic dissertations for the period 1875-1926 can be found here.




Walter Wallace McLaren.

Special Examination in Economics, Thursday, March 12, 1908.
General Examination
passed April 10, 1907.
Committee: Professors Taussig (chairman), McLean (University of Toronto), Gay, Bullock and Munro.
Academic History: Queen’s University (Canada), 1894-99; Queen’s University Theological College, 1899-1902; Harvard Graduate School, 1905-08; A.M. (Queen’s Univ.) 1899; B:D. (ibid) 1902.
Special Subject: Canadian Economic History.
Thesis Subject: “History of the Canadian Tariff.” (With Professor Taussig.)
Committee on Thesis: Professors Taussig, Gay, Munro. 

Edmund Thornton Miller.

General Examination in Economics, Wednesday, May 6, 1908.
Committee: Professors Bullock (chairman), Taussig, Hart, Ripley, Gay, and Andrew.
Academic History: University of Texas, 1897-1901; Harvard Graduate School, 1902-03, 1907-08; A.B. (University of Texas) 1900; A.M. (ibid) 1901; A.M. (Harvard) 1903.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Economic History to 1750. 3. Economic History since 1750. 4. Money, Banking and Transportation. 5. Public Finance and Financial History. 6. History of American Institutions.
Special Subject: Public Finance and the Financial History of the United States since 1789.
Thesis Subject: “The Financial History of Texas.” (With Professor Bullock.)

Melvin Thomas Copeland.

General Examination in Economics, Wednesday, May 13, 1908.
Committee: Professors Gay (chairman), Taussig, Carver, Hart, Ripley, and Andrew.
Academic History: Bowdoin College, 1902-06; Harvard Graduate School, 1906-08; A.B. (Bowdoin) 1906; A.M. (Harvard) 1907.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Economic History since 1750. 3. Sociology and Social Reform. 4. Statistics. 5. Transportation and Foreign Commerce. 6. History of American Institutions.
Special Subject: Economic History of the United States.
Thesis Subject: “Cotton Manufacturing in the United States since 1860.” (With Professor Taussig.)

Frank Richardson Mason.

Special Examination in Economics, Thursday, May 14, 1908.
General Examination
passed May 8, 1907.
Committee: Professors Taussig (chairman), Carver, Gay, Bullock and Andrew.
Academic History: Harvard College, 1901-05; Harvard Graduate School, 1905-07; A.B. (Harvard) 1905; A.M. (ibid) 1906.
Special Subject: Economic History of the United States.
Thesis Subject: “The Silk Industry in America..” (With Professor Taussig.)
Committee on Thesis: Professors Taussig, Carver, and Gay.

Robert Franz Foerster.

General Examination in Economics, Thursday, May 21, 1908.
Committee: Professors Taussig (chairman), Royce, Carver, Ripley, Gay, and Bullock.
Academic History: Harvard College, 1902-05; University of Berlin, 1905-06; A.B. (Harvard) 1906.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Economic History since 1750. 3. Sociology and Social Reform. 4. Statistics. 5. Labor Problems and Industrial Organization. 6. Philosophy.
Special Subject: Labor Problems.
Thesis Subject: “Emigration from Italy, with special reference to the United States.” (With Professor Taussig.)


Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University, Examinations for the Ph.D. (HUC 7000.70), Folder “Examinations for the Ph.D., 1907-1908”.

Image Source: Memorial Hall, ca. 1900. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540.


Courses Economists Fields Harvard

Harvard. Edward Chamberlin Lobbies to Teach a Graduate Theory Course. 1935



With the retirements of Charles J. Bullock and Frank W. Taussig in 1935 Edward H. Chamberlin saw his opportunity to start to break out of his designated field box “government and industry” and into “theory”. We have here a letter that Chamberlin wrote to the head of the economics department, Harold H. Burbank. The letter is of the putting-this-conversation-into-the-written-record variety. His deference to Burbank and recognition of the established claims of other colleagues to the theory field are complemented with a dash of false-modesty—“Perhaps I may, however,…put in my own ‘claim’ (if such it may be called) for whatever consideration it deserves.”

In any event, from the subsequent shuffle in instructional assignments for the 1935-36 academic year, we see that Chamberlin succeeded in joining Schumpeter and Leontief at the Harvard theory table.


Letter from Associate Professor Chamberlin to Chairman Burbank
Requesting to teach a graduate course in theory



14 Ash Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts
February 26, 1935

Professor H. H. Burbank, Chairman
Department of Economics,
Harvard University,
Cambridge, Mass.


Dear Burby:

This is to confirm our conversation of the other day. I should like to ask if arrangements could possibly be made at this late date for me to give a graduate half course next year on “Contemporary Value Theory.”

I have been asked by several people recently why it was that, although the theoretical problems which Mrs. Robinson and myself have raised are the subject of lively controversies in numerous other universities, one finds them very much in the background at Harvard. There does seem to be a general interest in the subject, and, since I have a strong continuing interest in it myself, the occasion seems to present itself of offering to graduate students at Harvard a better opportunity than they now have to study and discuss this set of problems and others related to it.

I realize that others than myself have claims to theory courses and that the problems of fitting the members of the Department to courses are not easy. Perhaps I may, however, even for this very reason, put in my own “claim” (if such it may be called) for whatever consideration it deserves. My work in Public Utilities and Industrial Organization could be reduced without difficulty. Donald Wallace could take my part in Economics 49 with Professors Crum and Mason, and, I am sure, would do an excellent job of it. This arrangement, together with a slight reduction in my tutorial load, would give me the time for another half course and I should continue in the undergraduate 4a and 4c. I should have, even then, only one-fifth of my time in theory, the other four fifths in the practical field of government and industry.

You have recently intimated in conversation that I might soon be given a share of the work in theory. I hope it may be next year, and also that a way can be found to arrange for it without interfering with the work which others are now doing or plan to do in the field.

Sincerely yours,
Edward H. Chamberlin


Copy of letter from Chairman Burbank to Dean Murdock
with changes to 1935-36 course announcements

April 17, 1935

Dear Dean Murdock,

Owing to the retirement of Professor Taussig, several changes in the Course Announcement for the coming year will have to be made. The Department recommends the following:

*Economics 7b1. Theories of Value and Distribution. [listed as “Modern Economic Thought” in Report of the President of Harvard College 1935-36, p. 82; ]

Half-course (first half-year). Mon., Wed., and (at the pleasure of the instructor) Fri., at 11. Associate Professor Chamberlin.
[Replacing Taussig, Schumpeter and Sweezy who taught in 1934-35]

Economics 8a2. Introduction to the Mathematical Treatment of Economics.

Half-course (second half-year). Mon., 4-5. Asst. Professor Leontief.
[Replacing Schumpeter who taught in 1934-35]

Economics 11. Economic Theory.

Mon., Wed., Fri., at 2. Professor Schumpeter.
[Replacing Taussig and Schumpeter who taught in 1934-35]

Economics 14b2. History of Economic Thought since 1776.

Half-course (second half-year). Mon., Wed., Fri., at 11. Dr. Monroe.
[Replacing “History and Literature of Economics from the Physiocrats through Ricardo” taught by Professor Bullock in 1934-35. Bullock retired from Harvard September 1, 1935.]

Sincerely yours,

H. H. Burbank

Dean Kenneth B. Murdock
20 University Hall



Source: Harvard University Archives, Department of Economics, Correspondence & Papers 1902-1950. Box 23, Folder “Course offerings 1926-1937”.

Image Source: Harvard Class Album, 1939.

Bibliography Fields Harvard Suggested Reading

Harvard. Suggested Readings for Tutorial, ca 1951



While undated, the following set of recommended books by field appears to have been put together for Harvard economics tutors in 1951. This set was found in a separate folder in Professor Alvin Hansen’s papers in the Harvard University Archives (a dozen typed pages, stapled).



These readings are intended as a guide only. If tutors would note any additional material that they find helpful, the list can be revised and kept current. The list includes books only and no periodicals as it is difficult to select the best of these; this does not mean, however, that it is considered inadvisable to assign periodical literature.


Economic AnalysisGeneral

J. E. Meade and C. J. Hitch Introduction to Economic Analysis and Public Policy
K. Boulding Economic Analysis
G. J. Stigler Production and Distribution Theories
R. G. D. Allen Mathematical Analysis for Economists
D. Ricardo Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
A. Smith The Wealth of Nations
A. Cournot Mathematical Principles of the Theory of Wealth
J. S. Mill Principles of Political Economy
K. Marx Value, Price and Profit
Wage-Labour and Capital
A. Marshall Principles of Economics
A. C. Pigou Economics of Welfare
K. Wicksell Lectures on Political Economy, v I
J. Robinson Economics of Imperfect Competition
G. H. Chamberlin Theory of Monopolistic Competition
F. H. Knight Risk, Uncertainty, and Profit
A. P. Lerner Economics of Control
O. Lange Economic Theory of Socialism
J. M. Keynes General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
J. R. Hicks Value and Capital
J. A. Schumpeter Theory of Economic Development
P. A. Samuelson Foundations of Economic Analysis
Irving Fisher The Theory of Interest
L. Robbins The Nature and Significance of Economic Science
Blakiston (pub) Readings in the Theory of Income Distribution
H. S. Ellis (Ed) A Survey of Contemporary Economics


History of Economic Thought

A. Gray The Development of Economic Doctrine
E. Roll History of Economic Thought
J. M. Keynes Essays in Biography


Socio-Economic Analysis

M. Weber The Theory of Social and Economic Organization
J. A. Schumpeter Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy
K. Marx The Communist Manifesto
J A. Hobson Imperialism
T. Veblen The Engineers and the Price System
F. H. Knight The Ethics of Competition
P. M. Sweezy The Theory of Capitalist Development
D. M. Wright Democracy and Progress
M. Levy The Family Revolution in China


Economic Policy

S. E. Harris (ed) Saving American Capitalism
W. H. Beveridge Full Employment in a Free Society
F. H. Knight Freedom and Reform
H. Simons Economic Policy in A Free Society
F. A. Hayek The Road to Serfdom
J. M. Clark Alternative to Serfdom
C. W. Mills The New Men of Power
United Nations Economic and Social Council
[Authors: J. M. Clark, A. Smithies, N. Kaldor, Pierre Uri, E. R. Walker (chairman)]
National and International Measures for Maintaining Full Employment [1949]
Reports of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers


Aggregative Analysis, Business Cycles

S. Kuznets National Income, A Summary of Findings
K. Wicksell Interest and Prices
G. Haberler Prosperity and Depression
J. M. Clark Strategic Factors in Business Cycles
A. H. Hansen Fiscal Policy and Business Cycles
L. R. Klein The Keynesian Revolution
J. Tinbergen Business Cycles in the United States, 1920-1939
J. A. Schumpeter Business Cycles (2 vol)
J. R. Hicks A Contribution to the Theory of the Trade Cycle
C. Clark The Conditions of Economic Progress
R. F. Harrod Toward a Dynamic Economics
Blakiston (pub) Readings in Business Cycle Theory
L. R. Klein Economic Fluctuations in the United States 1921-1941
D. H. Robertson Banking Policy and the Price Level


Money and Banking

R. G. Hawtrey The Art of Central Banking
R. S. Sayers Modern Banking
Federal Reserve Board Banking Studies
J. M. Keynes A Tract on Monetary Reform[;] Treatise on Money
D. M. Robertson Money
W. Fellner Monetary Policy and Full Employment
A. H. Hansen Monetary Theory and Fiscal Policy
R. Nurkse International Currency Experience
C. Bresciani-Turoni The Economics of Inflation
A. Marshall Money, Credit, and Commerce
R. J. Saulnier and N. H. Jacoby Business Finance and Banking
A. G. Hart Money, Debt and Economic Activity
L. Mints Monetary Policy for a Competitive Society
E. S. Shaw Money, Income, and Monetary Policy


International Trade

G. Haberler International Trade
B. Ohlin International and Interregional Trade
J. Viner Studies in the Theory of International Trade
R. Nurkse Conditions of International Monetary Equilibrium
E. Heckscher Mercantilism 2 Vols.
N. S. Buchanan International Investment and Domestic Welfare
F. W. Taussig Tariff History of the United States
J. Viner (League of Nations) Trade Relations between Free Markets and Controlled Economies
S. E. Harris (ed) Foreign Economic Policy for the United States
Blakiston (pub) Readings in the Theory of International Trade
Economic Commission for Europe Reports on the European Economy 1949, 1950
O.E.E.C. Reports 1948, 1949



J. D. Black, et al. Farm Management
J. D. Black and M. Kiefer Future Food and Agriculture Policy
T. W. Schultz Agriculture in an Unstable Economy
G. Shepherd Agricultural Price Analysis
T. W. Schultz Production and Welfare in Agriculture
D. G. Johnson Trade and Agriculture
J. S. Davis On Agricultural Policy


Economic History

M. Weber General Economic History
W. Sombart The Quintessence of Capitalism
R. H. Tawney Religion and the Rise of Capitalism
K. Marx Capital (vol I)
M. Dobb Studies in the Development of Capitalism
A. P. Usher History of Mechanical Inventions
P. Mantoux The Industrial Revolution of the 18th Century
H. Pirenne The Economic and Social History of Medieval Europe
J. H. Clapham The Economic Development of France and Germany
J. H. Clapham The Bank of England
T. Ashton The Industrial Revolution
A. P. Usher Industrial History of England
W. W. Rostow British Economy in the 19th Century
T. Veblen Imperial Germany and the Industrial Revolution
L. C. Gray History of Agriculture in Southern United States to 1860
F. J. Turner The Frontier in American History
M. L. Hansen The Immigrant in American History
W. Z. Ripley Main Street and Wall Street
T. Cochrane and W. Miller The Age of Enterprise
R. S. and H. M. Lynd Middletown
A. M. Carr Saunders Population Problems


Economic Measurement: Applied Economics

R. G. D. Allen and A. L. Bowley Family Expenditures
W. L. Crum Corporate Size and Earning Power
L. Rostas Comparative Productivity in British and American Industry
J. M. Gould Output and Productivity in Electric and Gas Utilities
W. H. Nicholls Labor Productivity Functions in Meat Packing
P. Neff and A. Weifenbach Business Cycles in Selected Industrial Areas
G. Haberler Consumer Installment Credit and Economic Fluctuations
J. S. Dusenberry Income, Saving, and the Theory o Consumer Behavior
A. F. Burns and W. C. Mitchell Measuring Business Cycles
T. Wilson Fluctuations in Income and Employment
E. Frickey Industrial Production in United States



J. R. Hicks The Theory of Wages
P. H. Douglas The Theory of Wages
J. T. Dunlop Wage Determination under Trade Unions
S. H. Slichter Union Policies and Industrial Management
A. M. Ross Trade Union Wage Policy
C. E. Lindblom Unions and Capitalism
S. Perlman A Theory of the Trade Union Movement
S. and B. Webb History of Trade Unionism
W. Galenson Labor in Norway
F. J. Roethlisberger and W. Dickson Management and the Worker
E. Mayo Social Problems of an Industrial Civilization
E. W. Bakke and C. Kerr (ed) Unions, Management, and the Public
Shister, J. and Lester, R. Insight into Labor Issues
Twentieth Century Fund How Collective Bargaining Works


Public Finance

U. K. Hicks Public Finance
H. Simons Personal Income Taxation
H. M. Somers Public Finance and Fiscal Policy
J. A. Maxwell The Fiscal Impact of Federalism in the United States
A. C. Pigou A Study in Public Finance
J. K. Butters and J. Lintner Effects of Federal Taxes on Growing Enterprises
W. S. Vickrey Agenda for Progressive Taxation
Hoover Commission Reports to the Congress and the Appendices of the Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government
H. M. Groves Postwar Taxation and Economic Progress
J. R. Hicks The Taxation of War Wealth
W. L. Crum, Fennelly and Seltzer Fiscal Planning for Total War


Applied Price Theory and Industrial Organization

B. H. Robertson The Control of Industry
A. E. G. Robinson The Structure of Competitive Industry; Monopoly
J. M. Clark The Economics of Overhead Costs
W. A. Lewis Overhead Costs
A. K. Berle and G. C. Means The Modern Corporation and Private Property
R. A. Gordon Business Leadership in the Large Corporation
H. Simon Administrative Behavior
D H. Wallace Market Control in the Aluminum Industry
A. A. Bright The Electric Lamp Industry
J. S. Bain The Economics of the Pacific Coast Petroleum Industry
J. M. Clark The Social Control of Business
C. D. Edwards Maintaining Competition
Blakiston (pub) Readings in the Social Control of Business


Source: Harvard University Archives. Papers of Alvin Harvey Hansen. Lecture Notes and Other Course Material, Box 2, Folder “Tutorial Readings”.

Exam Questions Fields Harvard Statistics Suggested Reading

Harvard. General Exam Preparation for Statistics, 1947




April 1, 1947


Work in the two courses, Economics 121a and 121b, is in almost all cases an essential core of the preparation of the field of Statistics for General Examinations (requirements for the Special Field differ substantially), but such work does not constitute sufficient preparation. A considerable volume of additional reading is recommended, and Sections II and III below give certain pertinent suggestions; but candidates who wish to make other selections should submit their choices for the approval of one of the undersigned.

I. Foundation Theory

For statistical theory as such, a thorough knowledge of the work—in the classroom and in reading assignments—of Economics 121a is ordinarily adequate preparation. The main reading assignments in that course are:

C. U. Yule and M. G. Kendall—An Introduction to the Theory of Statistics, 1937 edition, entire book beginning with Chapter 6;

D. C. Jones—A First Course in Statistics, specified chapters on curve fitting and sampling;

W. P. Elderton-Frequency Curves and Correlation, specified portions on curve fitting and correlation;

but candidates should be prepared as well in the other assigned readings.

II. and III. Statistics Applied to Economics

Suggestions under heads II and III aim at giving the candidate an intensive acquaintance with (a) the applied statistical work of three specific authors, and (b) the applied statistical work in some particular economic area. Candidates who, in undertaking to meet these two requirements, select books or memoirs customarily treated in Economics 121b should understand that a more complete and intensive knowledge of such items is expected in the General Field than in 121b. In respect to each of these readings the candidate will be expected to know the contributions to statistical methodology in that item of reading, to have a critical appraisal of the statistical procedure used, and to know the importance and validity of the results for economic analysis.

The items listed below are merely suggestions; candidates may offer substitute readings for the approval of one of the undersigned.

II. Authors in Applied Statistics

In this section, no elementary statistics textbook is acceptable, nor will the classic Bulletin No. 284, U.S.B.L.S., by W. C. Mitchell, be accepted. Knowledge of these is taken for granted. For any author selected below, some book or extensive memoir presenting an application of statistics to economic problems is intended; but in no case should any item here be identical with one chosen under III below. Each candidate should select three authors.

Suggested Examples:

Sir Wm. Beveridge, Wheat Prices and Rainfall in Western Europe

A. L. Bowley, Wages and income in the United Kingdom since 1860

A.F. Burns, Production Trends

A. F. Burns and Wesley C. Mitchell, Measuring Business Cycles – (certain portions may be omitted; see the note at the end of this memorandum.)

W. L. Crum, Corporate Size and Earning Power

*E. E. Day, The Physical Volume of Production

Paul Douglas, Real Wages in the United States

Ralph Epstein, Industrial Profits

Mordecai Ezekiel, Methods of Correlation Analysis

Solomon Fabricant, Output of Manufacturing Industries

Solomon Fabricant, Employment in Manufacturing, 1899 -1939

*Irving Fisher, Making of Index Numbers

Edwin Frickey, Economic Fluctuations in the United States

Ralph G. Hurlin and W. A. Berridge, Employment Statistics for the United States

Simon Kuznets, Commodity Flow and Capital Formation

Simon Kuznets, National Income and its Composition (Vol. 1)

Simon Kuznets, Secular Movements

Wassily Leontief, Quantitative Input and Output Relations

F. C. Mills, Behavior of Prices

*W. C. Mitchell, Business Cycles—1927 ed. (statistical portions)

*W. M. Persons, Construction of Index Numbers (pp. 1-44)

*W. M. Persons, Indices of General Business Condition

Henry Schultz, The Theory and Measurement of Demand (statistical portions)

*Henry Schultz, Statistical Laws of Demand and Supply (the first part, on demand)

J. A. Schumpeter, Business Cycles, Vol. 1 (with emphasis on statistical portions)

Carl Snyder, Business Cycles and Business Measurements

Woodlief Thomas, et al., The Federal Reserve Index of Industrial Production, Federal Reserve Bulletin for August 1940, pp. 753-771; September 1940, pp. 912-924; July 1942, pp. 642-644; October 1943, pp. 940-984.

III. Statistical Studies in a Single Economic Field

The object of this section is to guide the candidate in studying statistical investigations of more than one author in some one economic subject. The candidate should choose one such subject, and have and intensive knowledge of the statistical work in that subject, or two or more leading authors. Comparisons among such authors will constitute a part of the requirement.

Suggested Examples

Index Numbers: *Fisher, Making of Index Numbers; * Persons, Construction of Index Numbers; (also, look briefly at Frickey, The Theory of Index-Number Bias, Review of Economic Statistics, November 1937.)

Secular Growth of Output: Burns, Production Trends; Fabricant, Output of Manufacturing Industries

Cycles, I: *Mitchell, Business Cycles (1927); Burns and Mitchell, Measuring Business Cycles (certain portion of this book may be omitted; see the note at end of this memorandum).

Cycles, II: *Persons, Indices of Business Conditions; Schumpeter, Business Cycles, Vol. 1

Multiple Correlation: Ezekiel, Methods of Correlation Analysis; Black et al., The Short-Cut Graphic Method of Multiple Correlations, Quarterly Journal of Economics, November 1937, pp. 66-112, and February 1940, pp. 318-364.

Employment: Fabricant, Employment in Manufacturing, 1899 – 1939; Hurlin and Berridge, Employment Statistics for the United States

Profits: Epstein, Industrial Profits; Crum, Corporate Size and Earning Power

Wages: Brissenden, Earnings of Factory Workers; Douglas, Real Wages in the United States

Prices: Mills, Behavior of Prices; Warren and Pearson, Prices (or Gold and Prices).

Distribution of Income: Brookings Report, America’s Capacity to Consume; Lough, High-Level Consumption


Each candidate should submit his program, well in advance, for the approval of one of the undersigned:

L. W. Crum
Edwin Frickey


Source: Harvard University Archives. Syllabi, course outlines and reading lists in Economics, 1895-2003. Box 4, Folder “Economics, 1946-47”.

Image Source: Crum and Frickey in Harvard Class Album, 1942 and 1950.




Curriculum Fields Harvard Undergraduate

Harvard. Taussig Reports to Alumni About the Special Needs of the Economics Department, 1915


A recent post provided Harvard President Lowell’s interpretation (1916) of the results of a recently completed study on economics instruction at Harvard (subsequently published in 1917). In this post we see how Professor Frank W. Taussig spins his reception of the ongoing study for a pitch to Harvard alumni to get over their edifice complexes (i.e. their revealed preference to fund new structures) and to create more endowments to fund graduate students and post-docs who are an important link between the research and instructional missions of the University in general and the department of economics in particular.




The most striking change that has taken place during the last fifty years in the content of the College curriculum has been the dominance acquired by the political and economic subjects. What Greek, Latin, Mathematics were a half-century ago, that Economics, Government, History are now, — the backbone of the ordinary undergraduate’s studies. I will not undertake to say whether on the whole the change is or is not to be welcomed. It has its good sides and its bad sides. In one respect it is undoubtedly good. The main cause behind it is a great awakening of public spirit, — a consciousness that the country is confronted with pressing political and economical problems, and that we must gird our loins to meet them. And an assured consequence will be that the new generation of College men, who are being graduated every year by the thousands and tens of thousands, all trained in these subjects, will constitute a leavening force which must in time affect profoundly and beneficially the conduct of public affairs. At all events, so far as university teachers and administrators are concerned, the plain fact must be faced: instruction in these subjects has to be provided on a large scale.

The responsibility thus devolving on the Harvard Department of Economics among others was impressed on its members by the outcome of the new system of concentration introduced in 1910. It appeared that in some years this department had the largest number of concentrations of any; and in every year the number was very large. Its only rival was the English Department. These figures — familiar enough to Harvard men — set the economists to thinking. Under the able leadership of the chairman, Prof. C. J. Bullock, a deliberate inspection of the Department’s work was decided on. Obviously, the surest way to get at the unvarnished facts was to enlist the services of outside critics. To this end the Department of Education was asked to come to our aid. Its members were invited to attend lectures and recitations, to read examination books and theses, to learn by questionnaires what the students themselves said and thought, to suggest improvements. In addition, some members of the Visiting Committee appointed by the Board of Overseers really visited, attending systematically the exercises in some courses and preparing valuable critical reports. The Educators responded to the appeal with gratifying heartiness, and the two Departments have cooperated cordially in a course of action which is unique in the history of the University.

Already this movement has borne fruit; and it will bear still more. The introductory course Economics A (which has successively borne the names Philosophy 6, Political Economy 1, Economics 1, and now Economics A) has been systematically visited. New methods of instruction have been suggested, old methods have been tested, promising devices are on trial. It should be added that the more expensive and effective methods of instruction tried in it, and started even before the educational survey, were made possible only by generous financial support from the Visiting Committee. This is the largest elective course in College, having over 500 students; here is the most important teaching task. In the next tier of courses, two are being conducted on new lines; in these cases on the department’s own initiative rather than in consequence of advice from outside. They are the undergraduate courses on accounting and statistics, in which something closely akin to a laboratory system is being applied. That is, the assigned tasks are done, not in the student’s room and at his own (procrastinated!) hour, but in special quarters equipped for the purpose, at times appointed in advance, and under the supervision and with the aid of well-trained assistants. Other courses, especially those having considerable numbers, are now under similar inspection, and we have every hope that in them also good advice will be secured and good results obtained.

The problems of instruction in this subject, as in so many others, are far from being solved. How far lecture, how far enlist discussion, how far recite? In what way bring it about that the students shall think for themselves? In what way communicate to them the best thinking of others? Almost every department of the University, not excepting the professional schools, is asking itself these questions and is experimenting with solutions. Undoubtedly, different methods will prove advantageous for different subjects. Within the Department of Economics itself there is occasion for variety in methods. Some courses, especially those dealing with matters of general principle and of theoretic reasoning, are best conducted by discussion. Others, dealing with concrete problems, with the history of industry and of legislation, with description and fact, call for a judicious admixture of required reading, lectures, written work. In all, the great thing to be aimed at is power and mastery: training in thinking for yourself, in reaching conclusions of your own, in expressing clearly and effectively what you have learned and thought out. The courses that deal with industrial history, with the labor problems, with railways and combinations, taxation and public finance, money and banking, need something in the nature of laboratory work, such as I have just referred to; an extension and improvement, supervision and systematization, of the familiar thesis work.

Now, throughout all such endeavor and experimentation, the indispensable thing is a staff of capable and well-trained instructors. We need able men, effective personalities. We need them throughout, from top to bottom, — professors, assistant professors, instructors, assistants. The ideal man is one having a good head, good judgment, good teaching power, good presence, good training, the spirit of scholarship and research. Men who possess all these qualities are rare birds; we are in luck when we get the perfect combination. Often we have to accept men not up to the ideal. But we know what we ought to have, and we should strive to get as nearly to its height as we can.

In no subject is there greater need of good teachers and of trained thinkers than in economics. The subject is difficult, and it abounds with unsolved problems. Some things in its domain are indeed settled, — more than would be inferred from current popular controversies or from the differences in the ranks of the economists themselves. But on sundry important topics it is useless to maintain that we have reached demonstrable conclusions. There are pros and cons; conflicting arguments must be weighed; only qualified propositions can be stated. Differences of temperament, of upbringing, of environment, will cause the opinions of able and conscientious men to vary. Hence there is need above all of teachers who can think, weigh, judge; who are aware of the inevitable divergencies of opinion and of the causes that underlie them. There is abundant room for conviction, for enthusiasm, for the emphatic statement of one’s own views. But also there is need, above all in the teacher, of patience, discrimination, charity for those whose views are different.

It is thus of the utmost importance that young men of the right stamp should be drawn into the profession. I say the profession, because it has come to be such. And it is a profession with large possibilities, one that may well tempt a capable, high-spirited, and ambitious young man. Twenty-five years ago, when I was in the early stage of my teaching career, it would have been rash to encourage such a youth to train himself to be an economist. Then academic positions were but ill-paid, and were not held in assured high esteem. The situation has changed. Though salaries are still meager, they are rising; and the public regard for scientific work is increasing for all subjects, and not least for this one. Quite as important is the circumstance that the services of trained economists are now in demand for the public service, and that in this direction there are large opportunities for usefulness and for distinction. The possible range of work has come to be much wider than the academic field. And no large pecuniary bait is necessary to enlist men of the needed quality. Those who are interested primarily in money-making cannot indeed be advised to enter the profession; but they are also not of the sort to be welcomed in it. I am convinced that nowadays there are more young men than ever, in Harvard and elsewhere, to whom something nobler appeals. The spirit of service is abroad in the land, and moves students not only in their choice of college courses, but in their choice of a career. Yet a career should be in sight. There should be a reasonable prospect of promotion, a decent income according to the standards of educated men.

To enlist men of the right stamp in the service of the University there must be still another sort of inducement. There must be a stimulating atmosphere, a pervasive spirit of initiative and research. To mould the thoughts of students and so the opinions of the coming generation is an attractive task; but no less attractive, often more so, — much will depend on temperament, — is the opportunity to influence the forward march of thought, the solution of new problems. As I have just said, economics offers unsolved problems in abundance. There are high questions of theory, concerned with the very foundations of the social order and tempting to the man of severe intellectual ambition. There are intricate questions of legislation and administration, calling for elaborate investigation and pressing for prompt action; these will tempt the man of practical bent. For either sort of work, there must be something more inspiring than the opportunity for routine teaching. The advanced student needs the clash of mind on mind, the companionship of eager inquiry. It is this way that the Graduate School most serves Harvard College, and indeed is indispensable to the College. Without the opportunity and the stimulus of independent scientific work by the graduate students as well as by the teaching staff, it would be hopeless to try to enlist in the University service promising men of the desired quality.

I dwell for a moment on this aspect of the situation, because it is not understood by those among the alumni who believe that too much of the University’s money and too much of the professors’ time are given to graduate instruction. The late Professor Child, one of the most distinguished scholars as well as one of the most delightful men in the annals of Harvard, is said to have remarked that Cambridge would be a most attractive place were it not for the students. The remark reflects the weariness which in time comes over the professor whose teaching is confined to the routine instruction of undergraduates. It is astonishing how much scholarly work of high quality was achieved by Child and others of the older generation, under the untoward conditions of their day; sometimes, there is ground for suspecting, — not, by the way, in Child’s case, — because they simply slighted their routine teaching. Under the new conditions and the new competition in the academic world, we may be sure that if this were the only sort of work expected of the staff, the staff would be made up in the main of men qualified for this work only. It is the opportunity of doing creative work that tempts the highest intellectual ability; and creative work needs a creative atmosphere.

It is to be noted, further, that the source from which Harvard College and all the colleges must draw their teaching staffs is in these graduate schools. The experience of the Department of Economics convinces its members that the only way to secure a good staff of junior teachers, — instructors and assistants, — is to train them in a graduate school. The staff of the Department has been very much improved during the last ten years, and the improvement has come almost exclusively by recruiting from its own advanced students. We are confident that the training we give them is thoroughly good; we even cherish the belief that nowhere else can so good a training be secured. At all events, we try to retain the best of our advanced students in our service; if not indefinitely, at least for considerable stretches of time. And among the inducements which lead them to stay with us are the opportunities not only for teaching, but for research of their own, made possible by a moderate stint of stated work and enriched by the wealth of material in our great library.

What the Department of Economics most needs, then, and indeed what the University most needs in every department, is men. The University must have buildings, laboratories, libraries; but most of all it must have ripe scholars, inspiring teachers, forward thinkers. As it happens, external and mechanical facilities count less in economics than in many other subjects. There is no need of expensive laboratories, such as are indispensable for physics, chemistry, biology, the medical sciences. Like the Law School, we use chiefly collections of books and documents, and convenient lecture and conference rooms. The one fundamental thing is the men, and the one way to get them is to have free money, — enough money to pay good salaries to those on the ground, and to draw to the University the rare genius whenever by good fortune he is to be found. The specific way in which the generous-minded graduate can serve the needs of such a department is by the endowment of instruction and research.

The endowment of instruction ordinarily takes the form of the establishment of a professorship; and this will doubtless remain the most effective way of achieving the end. But there are other ways also. Professor Bullock has recently called attention in these columns to the possibilities of the endowment of economic research. I venture to offer a suggestion for something analogous, — something which may combine the endowment of research with that of instruction, and which has the further merit of not requiring so formidable a sum as is necessary nowadays for the foundation of a professorship. The University has at its disposal a not inconsiderable number of fellowships for training young men of promise. I believe that it could use with high advantage similar posts, more dignified and more liberally endowed, for mature men who are more than promising, — whose powers are proved, whose achievements are assured. Research fellowships they might be called, or professorial fellowships, if you please. An endowment of a moderate amount would enable the incumbent of such a post, if a young unmarried man, to give his whole time to research; if an older man, to limit his teaching hours within moderate bounds and so to give a large share of his time and energy to research and publication. The appointments would be made, I should suppose, for a specified term of years; and they would go preferably to scholars in the full vigor of early manhood. They would be highly honorable, and they would be tempting to men of high ideals and of quality coming up to our own ideals of University service. Will not some of our friends, not of the multi-millionaire class, desirous of doing what they can for our benignant mother, and perhaps of perpetuating a cherished name, reflect on this possibility?


Source: The Harvard Graduates’ Magazine. Vol. 24, No. 94 (December, 1915), pp. 274-279.


Fields Harvard

Harvard. Subjects Chosen by Economics Ph.D. Candidates for Examination, 1905


This posting lists seven graduate students in economics who took their subject examinations for the Ph.D. at Harvard between December, 1904 and June, 1905.  The examination committee members, academic history, general and specific subjects are provided along with the doctoral thesis subject, when declared. Lists for 1903-04,  1915-16, and 1926-27 were posted previously. In the same archival box one finds lists for the academic years 1902-03 through 1904-05, 1906-07 through 1913-14, 1915-16, 1917-18 through 1918-19, and finally 1926-27. I only include graduate students of economics (i.e. not included are the Ph.D. candidates in history and government).

Titles and dates of Harvard economic dissertations for the period 1875-1926 can be found here.





Stuart Daggett.

General Examination in Economics, Thursday, December 1, 1904.
Committee: Professors Taussig, Ripley, Carver, Gay, and Andrew.
Academic History: Harvard College, 1899-1903; Harvard Graduate School, 1903-05; A.B. (Harvard) 1903; A.M. (ibid.) 1904.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Sociology and Statistics. 3. Money, Banking and Commercial Crises. 4. Labor Problems and Industrial Organization. 5. History of American Institutions. 6. English Economic History to 1800.
Special Subject: Transportation.
Thesis Subject: “Railroad Reorganization.” (With Professor Ripley.)

Lincoln Hutchinson.

General Examination in Economics, Wednesday, April 12, 1905.
Committee: Professors Taussig (chairman), Emerton, Bullock, Gay, Andrew, and Sprague.
Academic History: University of California, 1882-84, 1887-89; Harvard University, 1892-Jan. 1894, 1898-99; Ph.B. (Univ. of Calif.) 1889; A.B. (Harvard) 1893; A.M. (ibid.) 1899.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Economic History to 1750. 3. Money, Banking and Commercial Crises. 4. Public Finance and Taxation. 5. Commercial Geography. 6. History of Political Institutions in Mediaeval Europe, including England.
Special Subject: International Trade: its History, Theory, and Present Position.
Thesis Subject: “Ten Years’ Competition (1894-1903) for Markets in Brazil and the River Plate.”

Lincoln Hutchinson.

Special Examination in Economics, Monday, April 24, 1905.
Committee: Professors Taussig (chairman), Ripley, Gay, Andrew, and Sprague.
(See above.)

Joseph Clarence Hemmeon.

General Examination in Economics, Friday, May 26, 1905.
Committee: Professors Carver (chairman), Macvane, Hart, Bullock, Gay, and Sprague.
Academic History: Acadia College (N.S.), 1894-98, 1902-03; Harvard Graduate School, 1903-05; A.B. (Acadia) 1898; A.M. (ibid.) 1903; A.M. (Harvard) 1904.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Modern Economic History of Europe and Economic History of the United States from 1789. 3. Sociology and Social Reform. 4. Public Finance and Financial History. 5. Modern Government. 6. History of England since 1685, and History of the United States since 1763.
Special Subject: Sociology and Social Reform.
Thesis Subject: Not yet announced.

Vanderveer Custis.

Special Examination in Economics, Wednesday, June 7, 1905.
General Examination passed May 20, 1904.
Committee: Professors Taussig (chairman), Ripley, Bullock, Sprague, and Wyman.
Academic History: Harvard College, 1897-1901; Harvard Graduate School, 1901-04; A.B. (Harvard) 1901; A.M. (ibid.) 1902.
Special Subject: Industrial Organization.
Thesis Subject: “The Theory of Industrial Consolidation.” (With Professor Ripley).

James Alfred Field.

General Examination in Economics, Monday, June 12, 1905.
Committee: Professors Taussig (chairman), Ripley, Carver, Gay, Castle, and Dr. Munro.
Academic History: Harvard College, 1899-1903; Harvard Graduate School, 1903-05; A.B. (Harvard) 1903.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Economic History. 3. Sociology. 4. Labor Problems and Industrial Organization. 5. The Sociological Aspect of the Evolution Theory. 6. International Law.
Special Subject: Sociology.
Thesis Subject: (Not yet announced.)

Albert Benedict Wolfe.

Special Examination in Economics, Monday, June 19, 10 a.m. 1905.
General Examination passed May 11, 1904.
Committee: Professors Taussig (chairman), Ripley, Carver, Bullock, and Andrew.
Academic History: Harvard College, 1899-1902; Harvard Graduate School, 1902-04; A.B. (Harvard) 1902; A.M. (ibid.) 1903.
Special Subject: Modern Economic Theory.
Thesis Subject: “The Lodging House Problem in Boston, with some Reference to Other Cities.” (With Professor Ripley).

William Hyde Price.

Special Examination in Economics, Tuesday, June 20, 1905.
General Examination passed April 13, 1904.
Committee: Professors Taussig (chairman), Ripley, Carver, Bullock, and Gay.
Academic History: Tufts College, 1897-1901; Harvard Graduate School, 1901-05; A.B. (Tufts) 1901; A.M. (ibid.) 1901; A.M. (Harvard) 1902.
Special Subject: English Economic History of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.
Thesis Subject: “The English Patents of monopoly, 1550-1650.” (With Professor Gay).



Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University, Examinations for the Ph.D. (HUC 7000.70), Folder “Examinations for the Ph.D., 1904-1905”.

Image Source:   Harvard University. Quinquennial Catalogue of the Officers and Graduates, 1636-1920Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1920. Front cover.

Columbia Curriculum Fields

Columbia. J. M. Clark on Teaching “modern tools of economic thinking”, 1942

In my examination of department archives I have been somwhat surprised at the relative scarcity of paper traffic with regard to curriculum reform. Here a short note from Maurice Clark to the executive officer of the economics department (i.e. chairman) Robert M. Haig about Columbia’s hiring strategy and whether two “math. Ec’ist[s]” aren’t enough for the task of teaching the “modern tools of economic thinking.” Looking at the faculty list for that year, I presume Clark meant Harold Hotelling and Abraham Wald. The note sounds as though Clark is looking for a way to get out of the “Current types of economic theory” course that he had taken over from Wesley Clair Mitchell and to teach instead a core theory course again.




January 9, 1942

Dear Bob [R. M. Haig]:

I heard Lange’s paper. Impressions very favorable per se: but he’s one more high-power mathematical economist, and with three, wouldn’t we be unbalanced? And if it takes a math. Ec’ist to do the job of “modern tools of economic thinking” we had in mind, aren’t two enough?

Another unmatured impression: that part of the gap we’re thinking of would be met by a development and more up-to-date and adequate treatment of the sort of thing I used to do in the course I quit giving when I took Mitchell’s “Types” course:–more specifically, the second half-year where I dealt with the concepts of demand, supply and cost curves in an attempt to relate them to actual behavior. I adumbrated the possibility of treating the distinction between competition and monopoly in terms of slopes of “individual demand schedules” (before Chamberlin’s book). Had ‘em read Foster & Catchings to get the “Income-flow” approach, before Keynes’ books appeared. (I note Neisser of Penn. still finds use for F. & C. in teaching.) Suggested the discrepancy between saving and investment (without, I freely admit, seeing the significances that Keynes developed). And of course I had played with “multipliers”.

A course in which I ruthlessly condensed what used to be my first half-year into two or three lectures, and developed the other kind of material more adequately and systematically, might be considered, while we’re considering things.


J. M. Clark



January 13, 1942

Professor John Maurice Clark,
Fayerweather Hall.

Dear Maurice:

Many thanks for your note of January 9th. I am assuming that you have no objection to my showing it to Mitchell, Angell, and Goodrich.

Faithfully yours,

[R.M. Haig]


January 13, 1942

Memorandum to Professors Angell, Goodrich and Mitchell
from Professor R. M. Haig:

You will be interested in the enclosed comments from Maurice Clark



Source: Columbia University Libraries. Manuscript Collections. Columbiana. Department of Economics Collection. Faculty. Box 2. Folder “Department of Economics—Faculty Beginning January 1, 1944 (sic)”.

Image Source:  John Maurice Clark at The History of Economic Thought Website.

Chicago Fields Regulations

Chicago. Doctoral Field Exams Schedule for the Friedmans, Stigler, Wallis. 1935

Milton Friedman, Rose Friedman née Director, George Stigler, and W. Allen Wallis all took some of their doctoral field examinations at the University of Chicago in the Spring Quarter of 1935. The names of the examiners and the other examinees can be seen from the mimeographed page I found in George Stigler’s papers at the University of Chicago Archives. I have included in this post the field examination requirements for doctoral students in economics from the annual Announcements published for the 1934-35 academic year.


 Three Field Examinations for Doctorate

“The candidate is expected to have general training in the important fields listed below and to specialize in three fields, one of which must be Economic Theory, including Monetary and Cycle Theory, and another must be the field of his thesis. The fields to be chosen (in addition to Economic Theory) may be taken from (1) Statistics; (2) Accounting; (3) Economic History; (4) Finance and Financial Administration; (5) Government Finance; (6) Labor and Personnel Administration; (7) Trusts and Public Utilities; (8) International Economic Relations; (9) some other field proposed by the candidate. A field proposed by the candidate may be in Economics or in another social science, the arrangement in either case being made with the Department of Economics. It is desired to develop that program of work which best meets the needs of the individual student. This usually involves the election of some courses in other departments and possibly the development of a field in another social science as a substitute for one of the fields in economics.

“The candidate’s grasp of his three fields of specialization is tested by preliminary written examinations which must be passed to the satisfaction of the Department before admission to candidacy. The final oral examination is on the field of concentration and on the thesis. The written examinations can be taken in one quarter or they can be divided between two quarters, not necessarily consecutive quarters, at the option of the candidate. The written examinations are given in the sixth, seventh, and eighth weeks of the Autumn, Spring, and Summer quarters. The written examination in general economic theory, including monetary and cycle theory, is in two parts and will require five hours in all. The written examination in each of the other fields requires from three to four hours. Notice of intention to take any written examination must be filed with the Department at least three weeks before the examinations begin. In written examinations for the doctorate the questions cover both the theoretical and administrative aspects of the field.”


Source: Announcements. The University of Chicago. The College and the Divisions for the Sessions of 1934-35, pp. 283-4.





Spring Quarter, 1935

The schedule below shows the preliminary examinations requested for the current quarter. Will the Chairman of each Committee please be responsible for turning in the complete examination by at least one week before the date on which it is to be given?

Dates Examinations Committees Students Enrolled
Saturday, May 11
8:30, S.S.R. 417
Economic Theory
(New Plan)
Viner, Chairman
Friedman, M.
Shohan, C.J.
Stigler, G.J. (Brookings)
Wallis, W.A.
1:30, S.S.R. 417 Monetary and Cycle Theory Mints
Saturday, May 18
8:30, S.S.R. 417
Financial System and Financial Administration Mints, Chairman
Curtis, C.H.
Shohan, C.J.
Saturday, May 18
8:30, S.S.R. 417
Government Finance Leland, Chairman
Stigler, G.J. (Brookings)
Saturday, May 18
8:30, S.S.R. 417
Statistics Schultz, Chairman
Director, R.
Friedman, M.
Jacoby, N.H. (Springfield)
Saturday, May 25
8:30, S.S.R. 417
Economic History Wright, Chairman
Ostrander, F.T. (Williams)
Shohan, C.J.


Source: University of Chicago Archives, George Stigler Papers Addenda, Box 33, Folder “1935 Univ. of Chicago, Class Notes (Gray binder)”.

Image Source: Rose and Milton Friedman. From The Prodos Blog.


Economists Fields Harvard

Harvard. Subjects Chosen by Economics Ph.D. Candidates for Examination.1904


This posting lists the seven graduate students in economics who took their subject examinations for the Ph.D. at Harvard in 1904.  The examination committee members, academic history, general and specific subjects are provided along with the doctoral thesis subject, when declared. Lists for 1915-16 and 1926-27 were posted previously. In the same archival box one finds lists for the academic years 1902-03 through 1904-05, 1906-07 through 1913-14, 1915-16, 1917-18 through 1918-19, and finally 1926-27. I only include graduate students of economics (i.e. not included are the Ph.D. candidates in history and government).

Titles and dates of the economic dissertations for the period 1875-1926 can be found here.





Charles Beardsley.

General Examination in Political Science, Wednesday, February 24, 1904.
Committee: Professors Ripley, Lowell, Haskins, Carver, Bullock, Gay and Dr. Sprague.
Academic History: Harvard College, 1888-92; Graduate School, 1893-94, 1896-97, 1902-03; Harvard, 1897[sic, he received his A.B. in 1892] (A.B.); Harvard, 1902 [sic, he received his A.M. in 1897] (A.M.)
General Subjects: 1. Constitutional History of England since the beginning of the Tudor Period. 2. Modern Government and Comparative Constitutional Law. 3. Economic Theory and its History. 4. Applied Economics: Money and Banking, International Trade, Taxation and Finance. 5. Economic History of the United States, with special reference to the Tariff, Financial Legislation, and Industrial Combinations. 6. Sociology, including the Labor Question. 7. (Special subject.).
Special Subject: Tariff Legislation and Controversy in England since the time of Adam Smith.
Thesis Subject: “Huskisson’s Tariff Reforms in England.” (With Professors Taussig and Gay.)

[Note: Charles Beardsley, Jr. was never awarded a Ph.D. from Harvard. More about Charles Beardsley’s life is found in my earlier posting taken from the Secretary’s Report of the Harvard Class of 1892 (1912).


William Hyde Price.

General Examination in Political Science, Wednesday, April 13, 1904.
Committee: Professors Carver, Macvane, Taussig, Ripley, Bullock, Gay, and Dr. Sprague.
Academic History: Tufts College, 1897-1901; Harvard Graduate School, 1901-04; Tufts, 1901(A.B.); Harvard, 1902 (A.M.).
General Subjects: 1. Constitutional History of England since 1500. 2. Modern Government and Comparative Constitutional Law. 3.(a) History of Economic Theories; (b) Statistics. 4.(a) Public Finance; (b) Transportation; (c) Labor and Industrial Organization. 5. European Economic History. 6. American Economic History. 7. Sociology.
Special Subject: English Economic History since the Sixteenth Century.
Thesis Subject: “Elizabethan Patents of Monopoly.” (With Professor Gay.)


George Randall Lewis.

General Examination in Political Science, Thursday, April 14, 1904.
Committee: Professors Ripley, Macvane, Turner, Taussig, Carver, Gay, and Dr. Sprague.
Academic History: Harvard College, 1898-1902; Harvard Graduate School, 1902-04; Harvard, 1902 (A.B.).
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Applied Economics; Labor and Railroads. 3. Economic History of the United States and Europe. 4. Economic History of the United States, with special reference to the Tariff, Financial Legislation, and Railroads. 5. Sociology. 6. History of American Institutions. 7. International law and Diplomatic History.
Special Subject: Economic History of Europe.
Thesis Subject: “Mines and Mining in Mediaeval England.” (With Professor Gay.)


David Hutton Webster.

General Examination in Political Science, Monday, May 2, 1904.
Committee: Professors Ripley, Lowell, G.F. Moore, Carver, Andrew, Bullock and Dr. Sprague.
Academic History: Stanford University, 1893-97; Assistant in Economics, Stanford University, 1899-1900; Harvard Graduate School, 1902-04; Stanford University, 1896 (A.B.); Stanford University, 1897 (A.M.); Harvard University, 1903 (A.M.).
General Subjects: 1. History of Religion. 2. Theory of the State. 3. Economic Theory and its History. 4. Applied Economics: Money and Banking, International Trade, Problems of Labor and Industrial Organization. 5. Economic History of the United States, with special reference to the Tariff, Financial Legislation, and Transportation. 6 and 7 Sociology (double subject).
Special Subject: Sociology.
Thesis Subject: “Primitive Social Control: A Study of Tribal initiation Ceremonies and Secret Societies.”

Special Examination in Political Science, Friday, May 27, 1904.
Committee: Professors Carver, Wright, Peabody, Ripley, Gay and Dr. Dixon.


Albert Benedict Wolfe.

General Examination in Economics, Wednesday, May 11, 1904.
Committee: Professors Ripley, Carver, Bullock, Gay, Hart, Andrew, and Dr. Sprague.
Academic History: Harvard College, 1899-1902; Harvard Graduate School, 1902-04; 1902 (A.B.); 1903 (A.M.); South End House Fellow, 1902-04; Final Honors at graduation in 1902.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Sociology and Social Reform. 3. Statistics. 4. Labor Problems and Industrial Organization. 5. United States History and International Law. 6. Economic History of Mediaeval Europe and of the United States.
Special Subject: Not yet announced.
Thesis Subject: “The Lodging House Problem in Boston, with some Reference to other Cities.”


Vanderveer Custis.

General Examination in Political Science, Friday, May 20, 1904.
Committee: Professors Carver, Macvane, Taussig, Ripley, Andrew, Gay, and Dr. Sprague.
Academic History: Harvard College, 1897-1901; Harvard Graduate School, 1902-04; Harvard, 1901 (A.B.); Harvard, 1902 (A.M.).
General Subjects: 1. Constitutional History of England since the beginning of the Tudor Period. 2. Modern Government and International Law. 3. Economic Theory and Statistics. 4. Applied Economics: Money and Banking, Industrial Organization, Taxation, and Finance. 5. Economic History of Europe and the United States. 6. Economic History of the United States, with special reference to the Tariff, Financial Legislation, and Transportation. 7. Sociology.
Special Subject: Industrial Organization.
Thesis Subject: “The Theory of Industrial Consolidation.”


Chester Whitney Wright.

General Examination in Political Science, Thursday, May 26, 1904.
Committee: Professors Carver, Haskins, Turner, Ripley, Andrew, and Bullock.
Academic History: Harvard College, 1897-1901; Harvard Graduate School, 1902-04; Harvard, 1901 (A.B.); Harvard, 1902 (A.M.).
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Statistics. 3. Money, Banking, Commercial Crises. 4. Transportation and Foreign Commerce. 5. The Economic History of the United States and Industrial Organization. 6. United States History since 1789.
Special Subject: The Economic History of the United States.
Thesis Subject: Not yet announced.



Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University, Examinations for the Ph.D. (HUC 7000.70), Folder “Examinations for the Ph.D., 1903-04”.

Image Source: John Harvard Statue (1904). Library of Congress. Photos, Prints and Drawings.

Chicago Fields

Chicago. Doctoral Examination Committees by Fields 1923-24


Three memos that propose the faculty members in Political Economy (and Commerce and Administration) to prepare the written doctoral examination questions by fields, 1923-1924 along with a list of the names of the examinees by fields for the summer quarter of 1925.


October 24, 1923

MEMORANDUM to the PERSONS mentioned below
SUBJECT:       Written Examinations for the Doctorate. Autumn Quarter, 1923.

  1. New questions will need to be prepared in the fields indicated below.
  2. It has been customary to have the questions cover a very broad territory and to give a considerable number of options. Each examination lasts for three and a half hours.
  3. Will Mr. Clark and Mr. Viner assume joint responsibility for the questions in “Economic Theory”.
  4. Will Mr. Wright and Mr. Clark assume joint responsibility for the questions in “Capitalistic Organization”.
  5. Will Mr. Barnes and Dr. Duddy assume joint responsibility for the question in “The Manager’ Relationship to the Market”.
  6. Will Mr. Wright prepare the questions in “The Historical Evolution of Industrial Society”.
  7. Will Mr. Millis and Mr. Douglas assume joint responsibility for the questions in “Labor”.
  8. Will Mr. Field and Mr. McKinsey assume joint responsibility for the questions in “Statistics and Accounting”.
  9. Will Mr. Viner assume responsibility for the questions in “Economics of Government Administration”, conferring with such other persons as seems to him appropriate.

W. H. Spencer, for Commerce and Administration
C. W. Wright, for Political Economy




January — 1924

Memorandum to the persons mentioned below
Subject:          Written Examination for the Doctorate. Winter Quarter, 1924.


  1. New questions will need to be prepared in the fields indicated below. Please remember that the examinations are in fields and not in courses.
  2. It has been customary to have the questions cover a very broad territory and to give a considerable number of options. Each examination lasts for three and a half hours.
  3. Will Mr. Clark prepare a paper on “Economic Theory”, consulting with Mr. Viner?
  4. Will Mr. Christ prepare a paper on “Social Direction and Control of Economic Activity”, conferring with Messrs. Wright, Spencer, and Clark?
  5. Will Mr. Marshall prepare a paper on “The Pecuniary and Financial System” and the “Manager’s Relationship to Finance”?
  6. Will Mr. Douglas assume the responsibility for the paper on “Capitalistic Organization”, consulting with Messrs. Marshall, Viner, and Wright?
  7. Will Mr. McKinsey and Mr. Field assume joint responsibility of preparing a paper in “Statistics and Accounting”?
  8. Will Mr. Millis, Chairman, and Mr. Douglas prepare a paper on “Labor and the Manager’s Relationship to Personnel”?
  9. Will Mr. Viner prepare a paper on “The Economics of Government Administration”, consulting, perhaps, with Messrs. Merriam and Millis?
  10. Will Mr. Wright prepare a paper on “Historical Evolution of Industrial Society”, conferring with such other persons as seems to him appropriate?




Memorandum to the persons mentioned below:

  1. New questions will need to be prepared in the fields indicated below. Please remember that the examinations are in fields and not in courses.
  2. It has been customary to have the questions cover a very broad territory and to give a considerable number of options. Each examination lasts for three and a half hours.
  3. Will Mr. Clark prepare a paper on “Economic Theory”, consulting with Mr. Viner?
  4. Will Mr. Christ prepare a paper on “Social Direction and Control of Economic Activity”, conferring with Messrs. Wright, Spencer, and Clark?
  5. Will Mr. Marshall prepare a paper on “The Pecuniary and Financial System” and the “Manager’s Relationship to Finance”?
  6. Will Mr. Viner prepare the paper on “Capitalistic Organization”, consulting with Messrs. Millis, Douglas, and Wright?
  7. Will Mr. McKinsey and Mr. Field assume joint responsibility of preparing a paper in “Statistics and Accounting”?
  8. Will Mr. Millis, Chairman, and Mr. Douglas prepare a paper on “Labor and the Manager’s Relationship to Personnel”?
  9. Will Mr. Viner prepare a paper on “The Economics of Government Administration”, consulting, perhaps, with Messrs. Merriam and Millis?
  10. Will Mr. Wright prepare a paper on “Historical Evolution of Industrial Society”, conferring with such other persons as seems to him appropriate?






August 1.       Economic Theory

Mr. [S. E.] Beckett
Mr. [Clifford Austin] Curtis
Mr. [Harold Amos] Logan
Mr. [Royal Ewert] Montgomery
Mr. [H. V.] Olson
Mr. [Christian] Van Riper

August 8.       Govt. Finance

Mr. [Harold Amos] Logan
Miss [Mabel] Magee

August 8.       Social Direction and Control

Mr. [Christian] Van Riper

August 15.     Labor

Mr. [S. E.] Beckett
Mrs. [Helen] Homan
Miss [Leila] Houghteling
Mr. [Harold Amos] Logan
Mr. [H. V.] Olsen

August 22.     Economic History

Mr. [S. E.] Beckett
Mrs. [Helen] Hohman
Mr. [H. V.] Olsen


Source: University of Chicago Archives. Department of Economics. Records, Box 26, Folder 9.

Image Source: University of Chicago Photographic Archive, apf4-01703, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library.