
Harvard. Business Cycles. Goodwin and Haberler, 1949

Business Cycles and Economic Forecasting was a two semester graduate course offered in 1948-49. The fall term (Economics 245a) was taught by Joseph Schumpeter and the spring term (Economics 245b) was jointly taught by Assistant Professor Richard Goodwin and Professor Gottfried Haberler.



[From the Course Catalogue]

Economics 245b (formerly Economics 145a). Business Cycles and Economic Forecasting

Half-course (spring term). Mon., Wed., and (at the pleasure of the instructor) Fri., at 9. Professor Haberler and Assistant Professor Goodwin.


Source: Harvard University. Final Announcement of the Courses of Instruction Offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences for the Academic Year 1948-49, p. 79.



[Course enrollment]

[Economics] 245b (formerly Economics 145b). Business Cycles and Economic Forecasting (Sp).

Professor Haberler and Assistant Professor Goodwin.

16 Graduates, 2 Radcliffe, 1 M.I.T., 4 Other:   Total 23.


Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College and Reports of the Departments for 1948-49, p. 78.



Economics 245b
Spring 1949

Professors Goodwin and Haberler

This course will be conducted as a Seminar with a certain amount of lecturing. The students are expected to have taken a course in Cycles in addition to having done a fair amount of work in General Theory and Money and Banking. Each student is supposed to prepare a paper and possibly present it in class. Participation in discussion is also expected. Suggestions of topics for Student papers will be made during the first meetings.

Students are expected to do some general reading outside the area of their paper in order to be able to participate in the discussion. Choose reading from the following list. Books in List A have been authorized for purchase through Veterans Administration. Books in List B have not been authorized.


List A

Beveridge, W.: Full Employment in a Free Society. (Attention is drawn to Appendices A and C.)
Burns and Mitchell: Measuring Business Cycles. (See especially Chs. 1-4, 9-12.)
Hansen, A.H.: Economic Policy and Full Employment
Harris, S.E.: The New Economics (See especially Parts VI and VIII).
Harrod: Dynamic Economics
Kuznets: National Income: Summary of Findings
Pigou: Lapses from Full Employment
Schumpeter: Business Cycles (especially Vol. I).
Readings in the Theory of Business Cycles (see especially Chs. 1, 2, 4, 16, 21).
Survey of Contemporary Economics
Income, Employment and Public Policy


List B

Ames: “The Contributions of Burns, Mitchell and Frickey to Business Cycle Theory,” in Econometrica, October 1948.
Fellner: Monetary Policies and Full Employment
Tinbergen: Statistical Testing of Business Cycle Theories, Vol. I, League of Nations, 1939
Wilson, T.: Fluctuations in Income and Employment
Wilson, T.: “A Reconsideration of the Theory of Effective Demand” in Economica, November 1947.

Additional references to the literature will be given in class in connection with topics for seminar papers.


Source: Harvard University Archives. Syllabi, course outlines and reading lists in Economics, 1895-2003 (HUC 8522.2.1), Box 4, Folder “Economics, 1948-1949. (2 of 2)”.


Image Source:  Collage from faculty pictures of Goodwin and Haberler in Harvard Album 1951.

Exam Questions Harvard Suggested Reading Syllabus

Harvard. Mathematical Economics. Leontief, 1948

There are only marginal differences to be found  from the course outline for 1941-42 and 1942-43, e.g. “Time lags and sequences” instead of “Cobweb Model” plus addition of Mosak (General Equilbrium Theory in International Trade) and Samuelson (Foundations of Economic Analysis) to the course bibliography. We also see that Marshall’s Mathematical Appendix was a “new” assignment for the reading period.  Midterm and Final exam questions are included in this posting.


[Course Outline, Leontief]

Economics 4a
Spring Term, 1948

Introduction to the Mathematical Treatment of Economic Theory

  1. Introductory remarks
    Profit function
    Maximizing profits
  2. Cost functions: Total costs, fixed costs, variable costs, average costs, marginal costs, increasing and decreasing marginal costs.
    Minimizing average total and average variable costs
  3. Revenue function
    Price and marginal revenue
    Demand function
    Elasticity and flexibility
  4. Maximizing the net revenue (profits)
    Monopolistic maximum
    Competitive maximum
    Supply function
  5. Joint costs and accounting methods of cost imputation
    Multiple plants
    Price discrimination
  6. Production function
    Marginal productivity
    Increasing and decreasing productivity
    Homogeneous and non-homogeneous production functions
  7. Maximizing net revenue, second method
    Minimizing costs for a fixed output
    Marginal costs and marginal productivity
  8. Introduction to the theory of consumers’ behavior
    Indifference curves and the utility function
  9. Introduction to the theory of the market
    Concept of market equilibrium
    Duopoly, bilateral monopoly
    Pure competition
  10. Time lag and time sequences
  11. Introduction into the theory of general equilibrium


R. G. D. Allen, Mathematical Analysis for Economists
Evans, Introduction into Mathematical Economics
Antoine Cournot, Researches into the Mathematical Principles of the Theory of Wealth
Jacob L. Mosak, General Equilibrium Theory in International Trade
Paul A. Samuelson, Foundations of Economic Analysis

Reading Period Assignment: Alfred Marshall, Principles of Economics, Mathematical Appendix


Source: Harvard University Archives. Syllabi, course outlines and reading lists in Economics, 1895-2003. HUC 8522.2.1, Box 4, Folders “Economics, 1947-1948 (1 of 2)”.  Copy also in Harvard University Archives, Wassily Leontief Papers. Course Material Box 2 (HUG 4517.45); Folder “Spring 1948-Econ. 4A”.



[Midterm Exam]

Economics 4a
Hour Examination
March 23, 1948

Answer two questions, including Question 3.

1.  Prove that the average costs tend either

(a) toward equality with the marginal costs, or
(b) toward infinity

as the output of an enterprise is reduced toward zero.

2. Describe the relationship between the cost curve and the supply curve of an enterprise.

3.  An industrial enterprise produces jointly two kinds of outputs, X and Y and uses one kind of input, Z. Given

(a)  the production function z = f(x,y), where z, x and y are quantities of Z, X and Y and
(b)  the prices Pz, Px and Py of Z, X, and Y

derive the equations the solution of which would determine the most profitable input-output combination. Don’t forget the secondary conditions.


Source: Harvard University Archives, Wassily Leontief Papers. Course Material Box 2 (HUG 4517.45); Folder “Spring 1948-Econ. 4A”.



[Final Exam]


Please write legibly

Answer four questions including question 6.

  1. Show how a change in the magnitude of the fixed costs would affect the supply curve of a profit-maximizing enterprise selling its product on a competitive market.
  2. Given:

      The production function,

x = yz2

where x is the quantity of output, and y and z represent the amounts of two different inputs purchased at the fixed prices py and pz respectively,


            The total cost curve of the enterprise. (A total cost curve represents the functional relationship between various outputs and the smallest total costs at which they can be produced.)

  1. A monopolistic producer sells his output in two separate markets. His cost curve is:

C = K + Q

where C represents the total cost, Q the total output, and K a positive constant. The demand curves in the two markets are:

p1 = A q1

p2 = Bq2,

p1, p2 and q1, q2 represent the prices charged and quantities demanded in the two markets respectively. A and B are positive constants.

What prices would the monopolist charge in the two markets in order to maximize his total net revenue?

  1. A worker maximizes his utility function:

u(c, l)

where c represents his consumption and l the number of hours worked. The hourly wage rate is w dollars.

Determine the equation showing how many hours of labor, l, the worker will supply at any given wage rate, w. Analyze the conditions under which an increase in the wage rate might reduce the number of hours worked.

  1. Discuss the problem of measurability of utility.
  2. A consumer receives a fixed income y1 in “year I” and a fixed income y2 in “year II.” He is free to augment his consumption during year I by borrowing money from the outside on condition that it be paid back with interest out of the income of year II. He can also spend during the first year less than his total income y1. The resulting savings plus the accrued interest will be added in this case to the second year’s consumption. No transfer of any savings beyond the second year and no borrowing against the income of the later years is allowed.


(a) the utility function,

u(x1, x2)

to be maximized where x1 and x2 stand for the consumption of the first and the second year, and

(b)  the rate of interest i


(1) the equations which determine the optimum amount of savings (or borrowings) s;

(2) the formula showing the effect of an infinitesimal change in the rate of interest i on the amount of savings (or borrowings) Interpret the meaning of such a formula.


Final. May, 1948.

Source: Harvard University Archives, Wassily Leontief Papers. Course Material Box 2 (HUG 4517.45); Folder “Spring 1948-Econ. 4A”.

Image Source: Harvard Album, 1947.

Harvard Suggested Reading Syllabus

Harvard. Money, Banking, and Cycles, Seymour Harris, 1933-34

The course at Harvard on Money, Banking and Commercial Crises was usually co-taught by Professor John Williams with junior people. In 1933-34 Assistant Professor Seymour Harris was solely responsible for teaching the course. Interesting to note is that Harris clearly preferred to speak of “cycles” to “crises”, at least judging by the slight change in the course title for that year alone.

The mid-year exam is posted here.

The final exam for the course in May or June of 1934 has been transcribed in a later post.

Here a link to the syllabus for the Williams/Harris 1937-38 syllabus and exam.



[From the Course Catalogue]

Economics 3. Money, Banking, and Cycles

Th., Th., at 12, and a third hour to be arranged. Asst. Professor Harris.

Source: Announcement of the Courses of Instruction Offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, 1933-34 (Second Edition). Official Register of Harvard University, Vol. 30, No. 39, Sept. 20, 1933, p. 125.



[Course Enrollment: Economics 3, 1933-34]

3. Asst. Prof. Harris.—Money, Banking, and Cycles.

2 Graduates, 40 Seniors, 73 Juniors, 9 Sophomores, 3 Others:   Total 127

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College and reports of departments for 1933-34, p. 84



Outline, 1933-1934

Important Books

Burgess: Reserve Banks and the Money Market.
Clare: The ABC of Foreign Exchanges.
Dunbar: Chapters on the Theory and History of Banking.
Fisher: The Purchasing Power of Money.
Hardy: Credit Policies of the Federal Reserve System.
Harris: Twenty Years of Federal Reserve Policy.
Hawtrey: Currency and Credit (Third edition).
Hawtrey: Trade Depression and the Way Out.
Keynes: Tract on Monetary Reform.
Keynes: Treatise on Money.
Lavington: The English Capital Market.
League of Nations: Final Report on Gold.
Pigou and Robertson: Economic Essays and Addresses.
Robertson: Money (Revised edition—Seventh). [1926 edition]
Withers: Meaning of Money.  [3rd ed. 1914]



I. The Banks and Industry (September 26—October 14)

Lecture 1. The banks and industry.
Lecture 2. The banks and the price level.
Lecture 3. Forced savings.
Lecture 4. Banks and the capital market.
Lecture 5. The banks and speculation.
Lecture 6. The movement of bank deposits and the problem of bank failures.


Dunbar: Chapters 1-5.
Keynes, Treatise on Money: Vol. I, pp. 23-43; Vol. II, pp. 49-79.
Robertson: Chapter 5 (Money and Saving), pp. 85-108.


II.  Central Banking and Banking Policy (October 17—November 18)

Lecture 7. Peculiarities of central banking
Lecture 8. Rate policy
Lecture 9. Open market policy
Lecture 10. Moral suasion
Lecture 11. Eligibility
Lecture 12. Policy in boom times
Lecture 13. Policy in war times
Lecture 14. Policy in depressed times
Lecture 15. Coöperation between central banks
Lecture 16. The Federal Reserve Act


Burgess: Chapters 3-5, 9-14.
Hardy: Pp. 74-179.
Harris: Chapters 8, 9, 42, 44.


III. Banking Abroad (November 21—December 23)

Lecture 17. English banking before 1844
Lecture 18. The Bank Act of 1844
Lecture 19. English banking, 1844-1914
Lecture 20. English banking, 1914-1928
Lecture 21. English banking, 1928-1933
Lecture 22. German banking before the War
Lecture 23. German banking since the War
Lecture 24. French money market and the Bank of France
Lecture 25. Canadian Banking


Withers: Meaning of Money.
Keynes, Treatise: Vol. II, pp. 225-262.
Lavington: Pp. 125-182.


HOUR EXAMINATION: Thursday, November 2

Reading Period:

Read ONE of the following:

Sprague: Crises.
Andreades: History of the Bank of England: Pp. 1-72, 161-407.
Hawtrey: The Art of Central Banking: Pp. 116-303.




IV. The Pure Theory of Money (February 6—March 3)

Lecture 1. What is money?
Lecture 2. How to measure the value of money.
Lecture 3. The Fisherian quantity theory.
Lecture 4. The old Cambridge quantity theory.
Lecture 5. Keynes’ theory of the value of money—the level of efficiency earnings.
Lecture 6. Keynes, continued—Savings and investments and the value of money.
Lecture 7. Keynes, continued—The price level of investment goods.


Robertson: Chapters 1-3, pp. 1-63.
Fisher: Pp. 8-73.
Keynes, Treatise: Vol. I, Pp. 53-79, 221-233.
Hawtrey, Currency and Credit: Chapters 3-4, pp. 30-60.


V. Monetary Policy (March 13—April 21)

Lecture 8. The gold standard before the War
Lecture 9. The gold standard since the War
Lecture 10. The silver standard
Lecture 11. The gold exchange standard in theory
Lecture 12. The gold exchange standard in practice
Lecture 13. Inconvertible paper money—value at home
Lecture 14. Inconvertible paper money—value abroad
Lecture 15. Inconvertible paper money—other problems
Lecture 16. Problems of stabilization
Lecture 17. Monetary and non-monetary factors in the British situation
Lecture 18. The British situation, continued, and some discussion of the French situation
Lecture 19. Monetary problems of the British Dominions
Lecture 20. Monetary and non-monetary factors in the American situation


Keynes: A Tract on Monetary Reform: Chapters 1, 3, 4.
Pigou and Robertson: Pp. 116-138.
Hawtrey, Trade Depression and the Way Out: Pp. 1-84.
League of Nations, Final Report on Gold: Pp. 1-57.


VI. The Theory of the Cycle (April 24—May 5)

Lecture 21. A monetary theory of the cycle–Hawtrey
Lecture 22. Non-monetary theories of the cycle—Schumpeter and Pigou
Lecture 23. Semi-monetary theory—Keynes.
Lecture 24. Robertson’s criticisms of the monetary theories


Clare: The ABC of the Foreign Exchanges (Discussed under V—Monetary Policy)

HOUR EXAMINATION: Thursday, March 15

Reading Period:

Read ONE of the following:

Hawtrey, Currency and Credit: Part 2.
Ackerman, Economic Progress and Economic Crises
Laughlin, History of Bimetallism.
White, Money and Banking: Pp. 60-193, 232-369.


Source: Harvard University Archives. Syllabi, course outlines and reading lists in Economics, 1895-2003. HUC 8522.2.1, Box 2, Folder “Economics, 1933-1934”.

Image Source: Seymour Harris from the Harvard Album 1935.

Exam Questions Harvard Undergraduate

Harvard. Labor Economics and Social Reform Divisional Exam, 1939

This posting offers the special examination questions for labor economics and social reform. Socialist themes can be seen to have played a much greater role in 1939 than later in the 20th century.

Concentrators in Economics will have to pass in the spring their Junior year a general examination on the department of Economics, and in the spring of their Senior year an examination correlating Economics with either History or Government (this correlating exam may be abolished by 1942), and a third one on the student’s special field, which is chosen from a list of eleven, including economic theory, economic history, money and banking, industry, public utilities, public finance, labor problems, international economics, policies and agriculture.
Courses in allied fields, including Philosophy, Mathematics, History, Government, and Sociology, are suggested by the department for each of the special fields. In addition, Geography 1 is recommended in connection with international policies or agriculture.
[SourceHarvard Crimson, May 31, 1938]

A printed copy of questions for twelve A.B. examinations in economics at Harvard for the academic year 1938-39 can be found in the Lloyd A. Metzler papers at Duke’s Economists’ Papers Project. 

Economic Theory,
Economic History Since 1750,
Money and Finance,
Market Organization and Control,
Labor Economics and Social Reform.

  • One of the Six Correlation Examinations given to Honors Candidates. (May 12, 1939; 3 hours)

Economic History of Western Europe since 1750,
American Economic History,
History of Political and Economic Thought,
Public Administration and Finance,
Government Regulation of Industry,
Mathematical Economic Theory.


If you find this posting interesting, here is the complete list of “artifacts” from the history of economics I have assembled. You can subscribe to Economics in the Rear-View Mirror below. There is also an opportunity for comment following each posting….




Labor Economics and Social Reform

(Three hours)


(About one hour)

  1. Write an essay on one of the following topics:

(a) wage theory and collective bargaining,
(b) the functions and ideal qualifications of labor-leaders in present-day America, and your appraisals of several of the men now prominent in this capacity,
(c) the rights and duties of labor and employers,
(d) mobility of labor and the national income and its distribution,
(e) the essentials of an adequate, sound, and feasible program for social security,
(f) the possibilities, methods, and probable results of several types of governmental action to lessen inequalities in the distribution of income,
(g) could a socialist society be a liberal and democratic society?
(h) is there any socialism in German National Socialism?
(i) class-struggle in the United States,
(j) the effects of differences of nationality, race, and religion among American workers on the American labor movement,
(k) the effects of capitalism, and the possible effects of socialism, on population growth,
(l) the role of Marxism in the labor movement, in Europe and in America.

Part II
(About one hour)

Answer two questions. Candidates for honors must answer one starred question.

  1. (*) “The industrial system of the ‘machine age’ can give the working population reasonably full employment and high wages only in the periods during which a high rate of technical and economic progress is maintained.”
  2. (*) Discuss the effects upon each other of phases of the business cycle and trade union policies, and the possibilities of the latter as a means of mitigating the cycle.
  3. Discuss legal limitation of hours of work by individual state with respect to (a) questions of constitutionality and (b) possible economic consequences.
  4. Discuss the merits of the proposal for a government-guaranteed “annual wage” in the building trades.
  5. (*) Explain and discuss the main economic problems created in a society by the effects of the declining birth-rate on the distribution of the population among different age-groups.
  6. (*) “The confident belief of reformers bent on equalizing incomes, that inequalities of economic success are the fault of society and not the result of differences of innate ability, cannot be justified in the face of the relevant evidence and results of common-sense reasoning.”
  7. Describe the principal features of the development of workmen’s compensation in the United States or in one European country.
  8. Discuss the achievements and effects of the P. W. A. or of the W. P. A.
  9. (*) “The organization and mechanism of the socialist economy is almost identical with that of monopolistic corporate capitalism. It is the results which would differ.”
  10. (*) If a socialist society gave all its members either equal incomes, or incomes proportioned to their needs or to their sacrifices rather than to their productive contributions, do you think that its policy in this respect would interfere with attainment of the most efficient allocation and use of all labor resources? Explain.
  11. “It is evident that mankind can neither stand pat with the aging Herbert Spencer, nor move on, except to its ruin, with the young men in colored shirts; it’s only hope lies in the creation of a liberal capitalism.”
  12. Explain and support your opinion of the view that in this country the Communists and all “agitators” on the far-left are unlikely to obtain any ends of their own and are likely, instead, to goad or frighten the business men into setting up a regime of American fascism.


Part III
(About one hour)

Answer two questions.

  1. “The trade union seems to be the only institution which can prepare us for, or aid us in, social change.”
  2. “The labor movement owes the support of the rank-and-file of the workers who join it, much less to intelligent pursuit of their own economic interests by the latter as individuals, than to their emotional capacities for blind devotion to an ideology and fighting cause which is to them a class religion.”
  3. Compare the functions of trade unions under capitalism with the functions they might have in a socialist society.
  4. In what order of importance do you rank the following objectives of social reform for the benefit of labor: higher real wages; full and steady employment and general security; “industrial democracy” or participation by the workers in the “control” of industry? – Do you think all three objectives are mutually consistent? Explain.
  5. “The goal of intelligent social reform is neither ‘freedom’ of the businessmen to do as they please, nor of government ‘control’ of them reflecting merely the opposing interests and moral sentiments of other people; but is the co-operation of all citizens under expert guidance based on scientific knowledge of economic geography, of our industrial technology and its possibilities, and of the needs and abilities of all sectors of the population.”
  6. What is to be learned from the experience of N. R. A. in the United States and of the Front Populaire in France about the possibility of increasing real wages by raising money wages?
  7. “The increasing organization of interest groups and the resurgent resurgence of mercantilist state regulation of international and domestic markets promise an end of the elaborate economic organization and division of labor and an end of political freedom as well.”
  8. “The traditional view has been that it is consumers who suffer the chief losses from monopoly, but the fact is that the principle losses fall on labor.”
  9. What should be the attitude of consistent Communists in this country at the present time toward such popular economic and monetary theories as those of the advocates of the Townsend Plan? Explain.

May 10, 1939.


Source: David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University. Lloyd A. Metzler Papers, Box 7; [Harvard University], Division of History, Government and Economics, Division Examinations for the Degree of A.B., 1938-39.


Harvard Regulations

Harvard Economics Department Votes on Course Rules, 1912

Votes 1, 2 and 3 taken by the Harvard economics department in the Spring of 1912 provide a few details how the courses designated “Group Two: For graduates and undergraduates” were to govern the admission of undergraduates and the differential course requirements for the two types of students.




Cambridge, Massachusetts
May 8, 1912

Dear Lawrence:

You may be interested in certain votes recently passed by our Department. They are part of a general movement for stiffening our instruction and discipline. With reference to the fifth vote, I may add that we have it in mind to arrange next year for some systematic visiting of our courses for undergraduates (very likely by Hanus) with a view to getting suggestions. The sixth vote (and its corollaries) was intended to give instructors a defense against being pestered by requests for postponements on the part of undergraduates.

Sincerely yours,


F. W. Taussig

President A. Lawrence Lowell.


[Brief biography of Professor Paul Henry Hanus (1855-1941), Chair of Harvard’s Division of Education, 1906-1912 ]




[Carbon copy]


Cambridge, Massachusetts


  1. That such undergraduates only as are candidates for honors in the Division, and are in their last year of undergraduate work, shall be admitted to courses primarily for graduates.
  2. That graduate students enrolled in courses of the Second Group (for graduates and undergraduates) shall be exempt from all tests except the mid-year and final examinations, but shall be expected to do additional work, as may be arranged by the several instructors.
  3. That in those courses of this Second Group which meet ordinarily but twice a week, the instructor shall hold conferences at least once a fortnight with the graduate students taking the courses.
  4. That the scope and method of instruction in courses of the First and Second Groups shall be matters for Departmental consideration.
  5. That the Department shall arrange for adequate inspection of courses of the First and Second Groups.
  6. That theses by undergraduates shall not be accepted if handed in at a date later than that set by the instructor for the course, except in case of illness, or other unavoidable reason for postponement accepted as satisfactory by the Chairman of the Department and the instructor.
  7. That the same principle (vote 6) shall apply to written exercises of all kinds, and to stated conferences. Failure to attend a conference for a thesis, unless excused on the grounds above noted, shall preclude acceptance of the thesis.


Source: Harvard University Archives. President Lowell’s Papers, 1909-1914 (UAI.5.160), Box 15, Folder 413.

Image Source: U. S. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division. Treasure room, Widener Library at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, ca. 1915.

Economists Harvard

Harvard. Taussig’s use of own text in his Principles of Economics Course, 1911

“Let those who will—write the nation’s laws—if I can write its textbooks.”
Paul A. Samuelson

In 1911 the biggest gun of the Harvard economics department, Frank W. Taussig, published the first edition of his two-volume textbook Principles of Economics. In this posting I provide first his preface that I find particularly interesting for the following two statements:

“…a suitable place for taxation was not easy to find. I concluded finally to put the chapters on this subject at the very close, even though they may have the effect of an anticlimax, coming as they do after those on socialism.”

“[I] have said little on such a topic as the subjective theory of value, which in my judgment is of less service for explaining the phenomena of the real world than is supposed by its votaries. These matters and others of the same sort are best left to the professional literature of the subject.”

The second item is a letter he wrote that fall to the President of Harvard that provides his apologia for requiring students taking his course to own (or as he wrote “at least control”) a copy of his textbook. He says he contributed a number of his textbooks to the Phillips Brooks House Loan Library so “poor fellows” would not feel compelled to buy the book. That library had some three thousand textbooks in 1921 according to the Harvard Crimson. Cf. “The Phillips Brooks House. Formal Transfer to the University. Memorial Mass Meeting in Sanders.” The Harvard Crimson January 24, 1900.



[Taussig, Frank W. Principles of Economics. (2 vols., New York, 1911). Volume I  ; Volume II.]

I have tried in this book to state the principles of economics in such form that they shall be comprehensible to an educated and intelligent person who has not before made any systematic study of the subject. Though designed in this sense for beginners, the book does not gloss over difficulties or avoid severe reasoning. So one can understand economic phenomena or prepare himself to deal with economic problems who is unwilling to follow trains of reasoning which call for sustained attention. I have done my best to be clear, and to state with care the grounds on which my conclusions rest, as well as the conclusions themselves, but have made no vain pretense of simplifying all things.

The order of the topics has been determined more by convenience for exposition than by any strict regard for system In general, a subject has been entered on only when the main conclusions relating to it could be followed to the end. Yet so close is the connection between the different parts of economics that it has been necessary sometimes to go part way in the consideration of matters on which the final word had to be reserved for a later stage. Taxation has offered, as regards its place in the arrangement, perhaps the greatest difficulties. It is so closely connected with economics that some consideration of it seemed essential; whereas public finance in the stricter sense, whose problems are political quite as much as economic, has been omitted. Yet a suitable place for taxation was not easy to find. I concluded finally to put the chapters on this subject at the very close, even though they may have the effect of an anticlimax, coming as they do after those on socialism.

The book deals chiefly with the industrial conditions of modem countries, and most of all with those of the United States. Economic history and economic development are not considered in any set chapters, being touched only as they happen to illustrate one or another of the problems of contemporary society. Some topics to which economists give much attention in discussion among themselves receive scant attention or none at all. I have omitted entirely the usual chapters or sections on definitions, methodology, and history of dogma; and have said little on such a topic as the subjective theory of value, which in my judgment is of less service for explaining the phenomena of the real world than is supposed by its votaries. These matters and others of the same sort are best left to the professional literature of the subject. I hope this book is not undeserving the attention of specialists; but it is meant to be read by others than specialists.

Though not written on the usual model of textbooks, and not planned primarily to meet the needs of teachers and students, the book will prove of service, I hope, in institutions which offer substantial courses in economics. The fact that it is addressed to mature persons, not to the immature, should be an argument in favor of such use rather than against it. Being neither an encyclopedic treatise nor a textbook of the familiar sort, it offers no voluminous footnotes and no detailed directions for collateral reading. When facts and figures not of common knowledge have been cited, my sources of information have been stated. At the close of each of the eight Books into which the whole is divided, I have given suggestions for further reading and study, mentioning the really important books and papers.

I have expressed in the text, as occasion arose, my obligations to the contemporary thinkers from whom I have derived most stimulus. For great aid in revising the manuscript and proof, on matters both of form and substance, I am indebted to my colleagues Drs. B. F. Foerster and E. E. Day of Harvard University.


Harvard University,
March, 1911.


[Letter:  Professor F. W. Taussig to Harvard President A. L. Lowell]


October 6, 1911.

Dear Lawrence:

It is due to you to explain what course I finally follow in regard to the use of my book in Economics 1.

After consultation with various colleagues, – – Haskins, Hurlbut, Channing, and others, – – I came to the conclusion not to put a large number of copies into the libraries for students’ use. The book is not a reference book, but a textbook. It is not meant for occasional consultation, but for sustained study through the year. Library reading of the book is almost of necessity somewhat hurried; this is a book the students want to read and re-read. At all events, if it is not worth sustained study, it is not worth using in the course at all. We always treated other books used in the course in the same way, never making any pretense of supplying them in the library. Moreover, there is a serious practical difficulty in turning hundreds of students into the reading room at about the same time in the course of each week. This last, however, is a minor matter. The essential consideration is that ownership, or at least control, of the book, is for the intellectual advantage of the men.

One perplexity I have avoided like putting a supply of copies, for the use of poor men, in Phillips Brooks House. I do not want to compel the poor fellows to buy my book. There is a text-book loan library in Phillips Brooks House, and this I have supplied with a sufficient number of copies for the use of the needy. Hurlbut and Arthur Beane between them will see that these copies get into the proper hands.

Sincerely yours,


F. W. Taussig

President A. Lawrence Lowell.


Source: Harvard University Archives. President Lowell’s Papers (UAI.5.160), 1909-1914 Nos. 405-436. Box 15, Folder 413.


Amherst Brown Bryn Mawr Columbia Cornell Harvard Indiana Johns Hopkins Michigan Nebraska Pennsylvania Princeton Smith Vassar Wellesley Williams Yale

Economics Courses at 17 U.S. Colleges and Universities 1890-91


Amherst College
Brown University
Bryn Mawr College
Columbia College
Cornell University
Harvard University
Johns Hopkins University
Indiana University
University of Michigan
University of Nebraska
College of New Jersey (Princeton)
University of Pennsylvania
Smith College
Vassar College
Wellesley College
Williams College
Yale University



Department of History and Political Science, 1890-91, includes:

History.—The first course extends through Junior year. It begins with an introductory outline of ancient history, in which the aim is acquaintance with the contributions of each period and people to general civilization. In the fuller study of mediaeval and modern history which follows the same aim is pursued. The political development of England and the United States receives particular attention. The second course extends through the first and second terms of Senior year. Its theme is the political and constitutional history of the United States. In each course the means of instruction are text-books, lectures, regular and frequent examinations, abstracts and essays upon topics assigned each student.

Political Economy.—The course extends through Senior year. The first term is devoted to theoretical political economy ; the second to the Labor Question, Socialism, and the relations of the state to transportation; the third to Finance, the Principles of Taxation, Public Credit, and Tariffs.

International Law.—This study is one of the electives of the third term of Senior year.

The methods of instruction in political economy and international law are like those in history.
Annual tuition fee, full college course, $110.
No scholarships nor prizes in department above mentioned.



Department of History and Political Science, 1890-91, includes:


(4) Political and Constitutional History of European and American States during recent years. 3 hrs., first half-year, Seniors, Prof. Jameson.
(5) History of International Law during recent years. 3 hrs., second half-year, Seniors, Prof. Jameson.
And four Honor Courses.


(1) Elementary Course. 3 hrs., first half-year, Seniors, Mr. Fisher.
(2) Advanced Course. 3 hrs., second half-year, Seniors, Mr. Fisher.
And Honor Courses.

Tuition fee, $100.
The University has about one hundred scholarships, details concerning which can be learned from the Registrar.



Programme for 1891 includes:


First Semester.—Political Economy.
Second Semester.—Political Institutions.


First Semester.—Advanced Political Economy, Administration.
Second Semester.—International Law, and in alternate years Political Theories.


Modern Theories of Sociology. Franklin H. Giddings, Associate in Political Science.

Tuition irrespective of number courses attended, $100 a year.
Five fellowships are awarded annually, none, however, in foregoing studies. They entitle the holder to free tuition, a furnished room in the college buildings, and $350 yearly.



University Faculty of Political Science, 1890-91, includes:


(1) Mediaeval History. 2 hours a week, 1st session, Prof. Dunning.
(2) Modern History to 1815. 2 hours a week, 2d session, Prof. Goodnow.
(3) Modern History since 1815. 2 hours a week, 1st session, Prof. Munroe Smith.
(4) Political and Constitutional History of Europe. 4 hours a week, 1st session. Prof. Burgess.
(5) Political and Constitutional History of England to 1688. 2 hours a week, 1st session, Prof. Osgood.
(6) Political and Constitutional History of England since 1688. 2 hours a week, 2d session, Prof. Osgood.
(7) Political and Constitutional History of the United States. 4 hours a week, 2d session, Prof. Burgess.
(8) History of New York State. 2 hours a week, 2d session, Mr. Whitridge.
(9) History of the Relations Between England and Ireland, 1 hour through the year, Prof. Dunning.
(10) Historical and Political Geography. 1 hour through the year, Prof. Goonnow
(11) Seminarium in European History. 2 hours through the year, Prof. Osgood.
(12) Seminarium in American History. 2 hours through the year. Prof. Burgess.


(1) Elements of Political Economy. 2 hours a week, 2d session, Prof. Osgood.
(2) Historical and Practical Political Economy. 3 hours per week through the year, Prof. R. M. Smith.
(3) History of Economic Theories. 2 hours through the year, Prof. Seligman.
(4) Socialism and Communism. 2 hours per week through the year, Prof. R. M. Smith.
(5) Science of Finance. 2 hours per week through the year, Prof. Seligman.
(6) Financial History of the United States. 2 hours per week through the year, Prof. Seligman.
(7) Tariff History of the United States. 2 hours per week, 2d session, Prof. Seligman.
(8) State and Local Taxation. 1 hour per week through the year, Dr. Spahr.
(9) Statistics, Methods, and Results. 2 hours per week through the year, Prof. R. M. Smith.
(10) Railroad Problems. 2 hours per week through the year, Prof. Seligman.
(11) Ethnology. 2 hours per week through the year, Prof. R. M. Smith.
(12) Seminarium in Political Economy. 2 hours per week through the year, Profs. R. M. Smith and Seligman.
(13) Seminarium in Finance. 2 hours per week through the year, Prof. Seligman.
(14) Seminarium in Social Science and Statistics. 2 hours per week through the year, Prof. R. M. Smith.


(1) Comparative Constitutional Law of Europe and the United States. 3 hours per week. Prof. Burgess.
(2) Comparative Constitutional Law of the Commonwealths of the United States. 2 hours per week, 2d session, Dr. Bernheim.
(3) Administrative Organization and the Civil Service of Europe and the United States. 3 hours per week, 1st session, Prof. Goodnow.
(4) Administrative Action: Police Power, Education, Public Charity, Transportation, etc. 3 hours a week, 2d session. Prof. Goodnow.
(5) Local Government. 2 hours a week, 1st session. Prof. Goodnow.
(6) Municipal Government. 2 hours a week, 2d session, Prof. Goodnow.
(7) Law of Taxation. 1 hour through the year, Prof. Goodnow.
(8) City and State Politics. 1 hour per week through the year, Dr. Bernheim.
(9) Seminarium in Constitutional Law. 2 hours a week through the year, Prof. Burgess.
(10) Seminarium in Administrative Law. 2 hours a week through the year, Prof. Goodnow.


(1) General History of Diplomacy. 2 hours per week, 1st session, Pi of. Burgess.
(2) Diplomatic History of the United States. 2 hours per week, 2d session, Dr. Bancroft.
(3) Principles of International Law. 2 hours per week, 2d session, Prof. Burgess.
(4) Seminarium in International Law. 2 hours per week through the year. Prof. Burgess and Dr. Bancroft.


(1) History of European Law to Justinian. 2 hours a week, 1st session, Prof. Munroe Smith.
(2) History of European Law from Justinian to the present day. 2 hours a week, 2d session, Prof. Munroe Smith.
(3) Comparative Jurisprudence. 2 hours a week through the year, Prof. Munroe Smith.
(4) International Private Law. 1 hour per week through the year. Prof. Munroe Smith.
(5) Seminarium in Comparative Legislation. 2 hours a week through the year, Prof. Munroe Smith.


(1) History of Political Theories, Ancient and Mediaeval. 3 hours a week, 1st session. Prof. Dunning.
(2) History of Modern Political Theories. 3 hours a week, 2d session, Prof. Dunning.
(3) Seminarium in Political Theories of the 19th Century. 2 hours per week through the year, Prof. Dunning.


Some of the foregoing courses are given only in alternate years. During 1891-92 several new courses will be offered in History and in Sociology.

The course of study covers three years. The degree of A. B. or Ph.B. is conferred at the end of the first year, A.M. at the end of the second, and Ph.D. at the end of the third.
Tuition fee $150 a year, reducible on application to $100. Tuition fee for special courses, $10 for each one-hour course. Twenty-four University Fellowships of $500 each with free tuition, designed to foster original research, are awarded to advanced students in the University. A proportionate number are allotted to the Faculty of Political Science. Four additional fellowships of $250 each, with free tuition, are awarded annually to advanced students of Political Science. Three prize lectureships of $500 each for three years are awarded to graduates in Political Science.

For further information address the Registrar.



Department of History and Political Science, 1890-91, includes:


(4) Political and Social History of Europe During the Middle Ages. 1 hr. thrice a week, Asst. Prof. Burr.
(5) Political and Social History of Europe from the Renaissance to the French Revolution. 1 hr. thrice a week, Asst. Prof. Burr.
(6) Political and Social History of England from the Saxon Invasion to the Close of the Napoleonic Wars. 1 hr. thrice a week, Asst. Prof. Burr.
(7) Political, Social, and Constitutional History of Europe from Beginning of French Revolution of 1789 to the Franco-German War of 1870. 1 hr. thrice a week. Several lectures in this course from ex-Pres. White and Pres. Adams.
(12) American Constitutional History and American Constitutional Law. 1 hr. thrice a week, Prof. Tyler.
(13) American Historical Seminary for Seniors and Graduates, and for Juniors and Seniors. The original investigation of subjects in American Constitutional History. 2 hrs. a week, Prof. Tyler.
(14) History of Institutions. Fall term: General principles of political organization. Winter term: Growth of the English Constitution. Spring term: Methods of municipal administration. 1 hr. thrice a week, Prof. Tuttle.
(15) International Law and History of Diplomacy. 1 hr. twice a week, Prof. Tuttle.
(16) Literature of Political Science. 1 hr. a week, Prof. Tuttle.
(17) General Seminary. Study, from the sources, of obscure political and historical questions. 2 hrs. a week, Prof. Tuttle.


(19) Elementary course. Principles of Political Economy. Banking. Financial Legislation of the United States. 1 hr. thrice a week, Prof. Laughlin.
(20) Advanced Course. Discussion of economic writers and systems. Investigation of current economic topics: Bimetallism, Shipping, Railway Transportation. 1 hr. twice a week. Prof. Laughlin.
(21) History of Tariff Legislation of the United States. 1 hr. a week, Prof. Laughlin.
(22) Economic seminary. hrs. a week, Prof. Laughlin.


(26) Social Science, including the History and Management of Charitable and Penal Institutions. 1 hr. a week, Prof. Collin.


Tuition fee, $125 a year.

Fellowships, eight in number, yielding $400 for one year, or in cases of remarkable merit for two years, are offered for high proficiency in advanced study, without special reference to foregoing departments.



Department of Political Economy, 1890-91, includes:


(1) First half-year: Mill’s Principles of Political Economy. Second half-year: Division A (Theoretical)—Mill’s Principles of Political Economy. Cairnes’ Leading Principles of Political Economy. Division B (Descriptive)—Money, Finance, Railroads; Social Questions; Laughlin’s History of Bimetallism. Dunbar’s Chapters on Banking. Hadley’s Railroad Transportation. Lectures. 1 hr. thrice a week, Asst. Prof. Taussig, assisted by Mr, Cole.

All students in Course 1 will have the same work during the first half-year, but will be required in January to make their election between Divisions A and B for the second half- year. The work in Division A is required for admission to Course 2.

(4) Economic History of Europe and America since the Seven Years’ War. Lectures and written work. 1 hr. thrice a week, Prof. Dunbar, assisted by Mr. Cole.


(2) History of Economic Theory. Examination of Selections from Leading Writers. Socialism. 1 hr. thrice a week, Asst. Prof. Taussig and Mr. Brooks.
(3) Investigation and Discussion of Practical Economic Questions. 1 hr. twice a week (first half-year), counting as a half course, Mr. Brooks.
(6) History of Tariff Legislation in the United States. Half course. 1 hr. thrice a week (second half-year). Asst. Prof. Taussig.
(8) History of Financial Legislation in the United States. 1 hr. twice a week (second half-year), counting as a half-course, Prof. Dunbar.
(7) Public Finance and Banking. Leroy-Beaulieu’s Science des Finances. 1 hr. twice a week, Prof. Dunbar.
(9) Railway Transportation. 1 hr. twice a week (second half-year), counting as a half- course, Asst. Prof. Taussig.


(20) Courses of Research.—Advanced Study and Research. Prof. Dunbar and Asst. Prof. Taussig.


Department of History, 1890-91, includes among Courses for Undergraduates:

(2) Constitutional Government (elementary course). Half course. 1 hr. thrice a week (first half-year), Prof. Macvane.
(9) Constitutional History of England to the Sixteenth Century. 1 hr. thrice a week, Dr. Gross.
(13) Constitutional and Political History of the United States (1783-1861). 1 hr. thrice a week, Asst. Prof. Hart.
(15) Elements of International Law. History of Treaties. 1 hr. thrice a week, Dr. Snow.
(22) Constitutional History of England to the Tudor Period, with attention to the sources. Dr. Gross.
(25) English Constitutional History from the Tudor Period to the Accession of George I. Mr. Bendelari.
(26) History of American Institutions to 1783. Asst. Prof. Channing.
(27) Constitutional Development of the United States. Discussion of Constitutional principles in connection with historical questions. Asst. Prof. Hart.
(29) Constitutional History of England since the Accession of George I. Second half- year. Prof. Macvane and Asst. Prof. Channing.
(30) Federal Government: historical and comparative. 1 hr. thrice a week (first half- year), Asst. Prof. Hart.
(31) Leading Principles of Constitutional Law: selected cases, American and English. 1 hr. thrice a week (second half-year), Prof. Macvane.
(32) The Historical Development of International Law. Dr. Snow.

And among Courses of Research:
(20b) The History of Local Government During the Middle Ages, especially in Great Britain: Seminary. Dr. Gross.
(20c) English History in the Period of the Long Parliament: Seminary. Mr. Bendelari.

The full annual tuition fee of a graduate student is $150. If a student has a degree in Arts, Letters, or Science, he enters the Graduate School, and finds any Courses in Political Science open to him which there is prima facie reason to suppose him prepared to take. If he has no degree he must apply for admission as a Special Student. Good cases are always favorably acted upon. The tuition fees of special students are: For any full elective course, $45; for a half course, $25 a year.

Among Fellowships are: One having income $450, for the study of Political Economy; another, income $500, for the study of Social Science; another, income $450, for the study of Ethics in its relation to Jurisprudence or to Sociology; another, income $450, assigned to students of Constitutional or International Law.



Department of History and Politics, 1890-91, includes:


(1) The Seminary of History and Politics for original investigation in American Institutional, educational, economic, and social history. Two hours weekly through the year, Dr. Herbert B. Adams.
(2) Early History of Institutions and Greek Politics. Two hours weekly, first half year. Dr. Herbert B. Adams.
(3) History of Prussia, devoting particular attention to the economic, administrative, and educational reforms instituted by Baron vom Stein. Herbert B. Adams.
(4) Lectures on Historical and Comparative Jurisprudence. Two hours weekly, through the year, Mr. Emmott.
(5) Finance and Taxation, giving special attention to taxation in American states and cities, and reviewing the tariff legislation of the United States. Two hours weekly, through the year, Dr. R. T. Ely.
(6) Economic Conference. Three out of four of these treat Adam Smith and his English and Scotch predecessors. The fourth is devoted to recent economic periodical literature. One evening each week, Dr. R. T. Ely.
(7) Dr. Woodrow Wilson gives twenty-five lectures upon Administration, beginning a new three-year series. The lectures of 1891 cover general questions of Public Law as connected with Administration, and examine the question of a professional civil service.
(8) Mr. J. M. Vincent lectures on courses of history and science of historical investigation.
(9) Dr. C. L. Smith lectures on social science.


(1) Greek and Roman History. Three hours weekly, from January until June.
(2) Outlines of European History (substitute for Course 1). Three hours weekly, from January until June, with Dr. C. L. Smith.
(3) History, Minor course: Herodotus and Thucydides, in translation. Weekly through the year, with a classical instructor.
(4) History, Minor course: Livy and Tacitus, in the original. Four times weekly, with classical instructors.
(5) History, Major course: Church History; Mediaeval and Modern Europe. Daily through the year, with Dr. Adams and Dr. C. L. Smith.
(6) Political Science, Minor course: introduction to Political Economy. Daily through the year, with Dr. Ely.
(7) Political Science, Major course: International Law and Diplomatic History; English and American Constitutional History. Daily, with Dr. Adams and Mr. Emmott.

Fee for tuition, Full University Course, $125 a year. Special students, not candidates for a degree, can follow certain courses, not exceeding five lectures weekly (of which a list may be seen in Treasurer’s office), on payment of $50 a year.

Twenty Fellowships, each yielding $500, but not exempting holder from charges for tuition, are annually awarded in the University. These are bestowed almost exclusively on young men desirous of becoming teachers of science and literature, or who propose to devote their lives to special branches of learning. There are also twenty scholarships of $200 each annually; and in addition, scholarships for candidates from Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and the District of Columbia, details concerning which are given in the University Register.



Department of History, Economics and Social Science, 1890-91, includes:


English Constitution and its History. 1st and 2d terms, daily.
History of the Constitution of the United States, 1774-1789. 1st term, daily.
American Political History, 1789-1890. Politics and Administration. 2d term, daily.


Political Economy. 3 times a week, 1st and 2d terms.
Politics, elementary. Twice a week, 1st and 2d terms.
History of Political Economy. 5 times a week, 3d term.
Introduction to Sociology. 3 times a week, 1st term.
Introductory Course in Statistics. Twice a week, 1st term.
Social Problems. 5 times a week, 2d term.
History of Political Ideas. 5 times a week, 3d term.
Comparative Politics. Daily, 1st term.
Finance. 3 times a week, 2d and 3d terms.
Economic Seminary, for advanced students. Once a week, two-hour sessions.

Tuition free. A silver medal is offered annually by the Cobden Club, London, for the best work in Political Economy, Senior Class.



Departments of Political Economy, International Law, History, and Philosophy, 1890-91, includes:

First Semester.

(1) Principles of Political Economy. 1 hr. thrice a week, Prof. Adams.
(3) Principles of the Science of Finance. 1 hr. twice a week, Prof. Adams.
(5) History of Economic Thought. 1 hr. a week, Prof. Adams.
(9) Seminary in Economics. 2 hrs. a week, Prof. Adams.
(11) Foreign Relations of the United States. 1 hr. twice a week, Mr. Hicks.

Second Semester.

(2) Unsettled Questions in Political Economy. 1 hr. thrice a week, Prof. Adams.
(4) Social and Industrial Reforms. 1 hr. twice a week, Prof. Adams.
(6) Tariff Legislation in the United States. 1 hr. a week, Mr. Hicks.
(10) Seminary in Economics. 2 hrs. a week, Prof. Adams.
(12) Foreign Relations of the United States. 2 hrs. a week, Mr. Hicks.


First Semester.

(1) Lectures on International Law. 1 hr. twice a week, Pres. Angell.

Second Semester.

(2) History of Treaties. 1 hr. twice a week, Pres. Angell.


First Semester.

(3) Constitutional History of the United States. 1 hr. twice a week, Asst. Prof. Laughlin.

(5) Constitutional Law of the United States. 1 hr. twice a week, Asst. Prof. Laughlin.

(11) Seminary. Constitutional History of the United States. 2 hrs. a week, Asst. Prof. Laughlin.

(12) Comparative Constitutional Law. 3 hrs. a week, Prof. Hudson.

Second Semester.

(1) Political and Constitutional History of England. 1 hr. thrice a week, Mr. McPherson.

(4) Constitutional History of the United States. 1 hr. twice a week, Asst. Prof. Laughlin.


Second Semester.

(13) Seminary. Studies in the History of Political Philosophy. Prof. Dewey.

The fees are: matriculation, for citizens of Michigan, $10; for others, $25. Annual fee in the Department of Literature, Science, and the Arts, in which foregoing studies are included, $20 for citizens of Michigan, $30 for others.

No scholarships. The one fellowship is for proficiency in Greek and Latin.



Department of Economic and Political Science, 1890-91, includes:

(1) Political Economy: General study of the subject, with the use of some text as Walker, Ely, or Andrews. Lectures on the character and history of the science, and on specific application of its principles to practical affairs. Topical reports from students required, and exercises assigned in the use of statistics. Junior or Senior Year; First and second terms, three hours.
(2) Taxation ; text and lectures. Junior or Senior Year: Third term, three hours.
(3) International Law: Outline study of the subject, with text. Third term, three hours.
(4) Municipal Administration: Comparative study of the City Governments of the present time, with especial reference to American practice in the administrative branches. First and second terms, two hours.
(5) Constitutional Law: A study of Cooley’s text-book, and lectures on the industrial bearings of the complex limitations imposed by our State and local constitutions. Third term, three hours.
(6) Private Corporations: First term, a comparative and historical view of corporation law in its economic aspects; second term, Railroad Problems; third term, Special reports on assigned topics involving original research. Whole year, two hours.
(7) Charities and Corrections: Lectures, study of reports of the State Boards and of the National Conference of Charities and Corrections, and visits to the charitable and penal institutions of the vicinity; third term, three hours.
(8) Methods of Legislating; A comparative view of the rules and practice of modern legislative assemblies, with special reference to the machinery of congressional and legislative action in the United States; first term, one hour,

All the above are taught by Associate Professor Warner. In the other departments Professor Kingsley offers a course in Anthropology, and many of the courses in History deal with the historical aspects of economic and industrial problems, and with the History of Institutions.

The terms of the year are respectively 14, 11, and 11 weeks. No scholarships. No fees.



Departments of History and Political Science, and Jurisprudence and Political Economy, 1890-91, include:


(7) Constitutional and Political History of England since 1688. 2 hrs. a week, 1st term. Open to Juniors and Seniors.
(8) American Political History. 2 hrs. a week, 2d term. Open to Juniors and Seniors.
(9) Comparative Politics. Origin and Theory of the State. 2 hrs. a week, 1st term. Open to Seniors.
(10) History of Political Theories. 2 hrs. a week, 2d term. Open to Seniors.
(11) Contrasts between Parliamentary and Congressional Governments. 2 hrs. a week, 1st or 2d term. Open to Graduate Students.


(1) In Public Law, its evidence as to the nature of the state and as to the character and scope of political sovereignty. 2 hrs. a week, 1st term, alternate years. Junior and Senior elective.
(3) American Constitutional Law, state and federal. 2 hrs. a week, 2d term, alternate years. Junior and Senior elective.
(5) Administration. 2 hrs. a week, 2d term, alternate years. Senior elective, and open to Graduate Students.
(7) Political Economy: Elementary course. Walker’s Elementary Political Economy, and lectures. 2 hrs. a week, 2d term. Required of Juniors.
(8) Political Economy: Advanced course. 2 his. a week, 1st term. Senior elective.


Academic tuition fee, $100 per an.

Admission to special courses on terms detailed in College Catalogue, p. 26.

A fellowship of $500 annually is offered in Social Science. Several fellowships in other departments of the academic course are also offered.

Among prizes are: Annual interest on $1000 for best examination. Senior class, Political Science; same, Political Economy; $50, American Political History; annual interest on $1000, best debater, American Politics.



Wharton School of Finance and Economy, 1890-91, includes:


(3) Constitution of the United States. 2 hrs. each week, Prof. Thompson.
(4) Political and Social History of Europe since 1760. 3 hrs., Mr. Cheyney.
(6) Economic and Social History of Europe singe 1789. 2 hrs., Mr. Cheyney.
(7) American Political and Social History, Colonial. 3 hrs., 1st term, Prof. McMaster.
(8) Church and State in America. 2 hrs., 1st term, Prof. Thompson.
(9) American Political and Social History (Washington to Jackson). 3 hrs., 2d term, Prof. McMaster.
(10) Economic History of the United States. 2 hrs., 2d term, Prof. Thompson.
(13) American Political and Social History (1825-1889). 4 hrs., 1st term, Prof. McMaster.
(14) American Constitutional History (1776-1889). 3 hrs., 2d term. Prof. McMaster.


(1) Political Economy, elementary. 3 hrs., 1st term, Prof. Patten.
(2) Currency and Banking. 3 hrs., 2d term, Prof. Patten.
(3) Social Science. 2 hrs., Prof. Thompson.
(4) Social Science, advanced. 3 hrs., 1st term. Prof. Thompson.
(5) Political Economy, advanced, 3 hrs., 1st term. Prof. Patten.
(6) Political Economy, History of. 3 hrs., 2d term, Prof. Patten.
(7) Revenue System in the United States and leading foreign countries. 2 hrs., 1st term, Prof. James.
(8) History and Theories of. Public Finance, especially of Taxation. 2 hrs., 2d term, Prof. James.
(9) Statistics. 2 hrs., 2d term, Dr. Falkner.


(1) Constitution of the United States. 3 hrs., 1st term, Prof. James.
(2) State Constitutional Law. 2 hrs., 2d term. Dr. Thorpe.
(3) History and Theory of the State. 1 hr., 2d term, Prof. James.
(4) Constitutions of leading foreign countries. 2 hrs., 2d term, Prof. James.
(5) Public Administration in the United States. 2 hrs., 1st term, Prof. James.
(6) Public Administration in leading foreign countries. 2 hrs., 2d term, Prof. Jamss.


(1) In Political Science. Prof. James.
(2) In Political Economy. Prof. Patten.


Fees, $150 a year for undergraduate work, and the same for graduate work without the fee for examination for advanced degree.

Five honorary scholarships are granted to graduates of any reputable American college; these make free all instruction in the graduate work of the University relating to subjects studied in the Wharton School.

The Wharton School is a unique endeavor to introduce a business course into the body of advanced college work, to make the college mean at least as much to the business man as to the professional classes.



Course for 1890-91 includes:


Political Economy, Lectures, with use of Laughlin’s Political Economy and Clark’s Philosophy of Wealth. Senior year, fall term.
Political Economy and Political Science, with special readings. Winter term
Political History of the United States, and Political Economy, Lectures. Summer term.


Tuition fee for all students, regular, special and graduate, $100 a year.

Annual scholarships of $50 and $100 each have been established to assist meritorious students.



The Department of History and Economics, 1890-91, includes:

In the Senior year an advanced course is offered for the critical study of the origin and development of the English and American constitutions and a comparative study of the existing political institutions of the two countries.

In American history the work includes the study of the government of the individual colonies, the different attempts, to form a union, and the adoption of the present constitution.

(1) Principles of Economics. Recitations from Walker’s Political Economy and Jevons’ Money and the Mechanism of Exchange. First semester, elect for Seniors. Associate Professor Mills.
(2) Advanced Course. Special topics. Lectures and investigation. Second semester, elective for Seniors who have had Course 1. Associate Professor Mills.


Tuition, day students, $115 a year.

Several scholarships are offered, particulars of which are given in Calendar.



The Department of History, Political Science, and Political Economy, 1889-90, includes:


(1) Political History of England and the United States: England, first semester; United States, second semester.

(4) Constitutional History of England and United States: England, first semester, Coman’s Outlines; United States, second semester. Hart’s Outlines.

(6) Political Science: lectures on Grecian and Roman methods of government, twice a week, first semester; lectures on the history of political institutions, twice a week, second semester.


(1) Economic Science, first semester. Authorities, Mill, Marshall, Walker.

(2) Economic and Social Problems, second semester. Lectures and special topics.

No text-books are used. Each class is provided with printed outlines, and adequate references to the best authorities. Lectures are given where guidance is needed, but the student is made responsible for a large amount of independent library work.

Tuition, $150 a year.

There are more than twenty scholarships, details of which are given in calendar.



Department of Political Economy and Political Science, 1890-91, includes:

Political Economy is a prescribed study, running through the 2d and 3d terms (33 weeks). 3 times a week, Prof. A. L. Perry.
Political Science is an elective study, running through all the terms beginning with the 1st of Junior Year. The basis of instruction is the text of the Constitution, interpreted in the light of decisions of the Supreme Court. Prof, A. L. Perry.
In 3d term of Senior Year two hours a week are given to Sociology. Prof. J. Bascom.

History includes principles and methods of historical study as applied to the politics and institutions of Europe.


Fee for tuition, per year, $105.

Perry prizes, $50 and $25 respectively, are awarded in History and Political Science.

The Cobden Club, of London, offers a silver medal annually for the highest proficiency in Political Economy.



Departments of Political Science and Law and History, 1890-91, include:


(10) Political Economy, its elements, recent financial history of the United States, with lectures on elementary principles. 2 hrs., both terms. Prof. Sumner.
(11) Political Economy. A one-year course planned to give a comprehensive knowledge of essentials to those whose chief interest lies in other departments of study. 3 hrs., both terms (Seniors), Prof. Sumner.

(Courses 12 to 15 are open only to those who have taken Course 10.)

(12) Advanced Political Economy. 2 hrs., both terms (Seniors), Prof. Sumner.
(13) Finance. 1 hr., both terms (Seniors), Prof. Sumner
(14) School of Political Economy, for those who make this their chief study during the year. Prof. Sumner and Dr. Schwab.
(15) Social Science, an elementary course. 1 hr., both terms (Seniors), Prof. Sumner.
(16) Industrial History of the United States since 1850. Open only to those who have already studied Political Economy. 2 hrs., first term (Seniors), Prof. Hadley.
(17) Modern Economic Theories. 2 hrs., 2d term (Seniors), Prof. Hadley.


(18) Includes constitutional and international law. Open only to those who take Course 19. 2 hrs., 2d term (Seniors), Prof. Phelps.
(19) Jurisprudence. Includes law in its relation to the origin, development and government of political society, nature and origin of legal rights, and principles of the law governing rights in land. 2 hrs., 1st term (Seniors), Prof. Robinson.


(20) History of Europe since 1789, mainly political. 2 hrs., both terms (Seniors), Prof. Wheeler.
(21) English History, political and constitutional. 3 hrs., both terms (Seniors), Prof. Wheeler.
(22) American History. In the national period special attention is given to the rise and progress of political parties. 2 hrs., both terms (Juniors), Prof. C. H. Smith.
(23) American History. Study of the Constitution and Supreme Court interpretations. 2 hrs., both terms (Seniors), Prof. C. H. Smith.
(24) Europe from 1520 to 1789. With special attention to political history. 2 hrs., both terms, Prof. Adams.

The foregoing are among the elective courses. Juniors select nine hours per week, and Seniors select fifteen. The no. of hrs. specified means hrs. per week.


The fee for graduate instruction is generally $100 per annum, but may be more or less according to the course pursued. A variety of fellowships and prizes are offered, none, however, specifically in foregoing courses.


Source: The Society for Political Education. The Reader’s guide in Economic, Social and Political Science, being a classified bibliography, American, English, French and German, with descriptive notes, author, title and subject index, courses of reading, college courses, etc., R. R. Bowker and George Iles, eds. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1891, pp. 129-137.



Harvard Suggested Reading Syllabus

Harvard. Honors Economic Theory, Chamberlin/Leontief/Taylor, 1939-40

In the following academic year (1940-41) this year-long course was broken into two distinct semester courses, Economics 1a (Economic Theory/Chamberlin) and Economics 1b (The Intellectual Background of Economic Thought/Taylor). From the enrollment statistics and the course catalogue we see that this was mainly a course taken in the junior year by undergraduates pursuing an A.B. with honors in economics.

Since this posting, I have included a transcription of the final examination questions for the second term of this course.


[Harvard Catalogue Course Listing]

Economics 1. Economic Theory

Mon., Wed., and (at the pleasure of the instructors) Fri., at 11. Professor Chamberlin, Dr. O. H. Taylor, and Associate Professor Leontief.

This course will be conducted mainly by discussion. It is open only to candidates for the degree with honors. The first half (but not the second) may be taken as a half-course with the consent of the instructor.

Source: Harvard University. Announcement of the Courses of Instruction Offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences During 1939-40 (2nd ed.). Official Register of Harvard University, Vol. XXXVI, No. 42 (September 22, 1939), p. 154.


[Course Enrollment]

[Economics] 1.  Professor Chamberlin, Dr. O. H. Taylor, and Associate Professor Leontief. – Economic Theory.

1 Graduate, 1 Senior, 51 Juniors, 1 Other:  Total, 54.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College and Reports of the Departments, 1939-40, p. 98.




First Semester

  1. The Law of Supply and Demand. Meaning and Generality. Relation to the Law of Cost. Cost curves and supply curves. Relation to monopoly and to competition. Pure and perfect competition. Market problem illustrating deviations from “equilibrium” as defined by perfect competition. Equilibrium vs. the equation of supply and demand.
    Mill – Principles, Book III, chapters 2, 3, 5.
    Chamberlin – Monopolistic Competition, chapters 1, 2.
    Henderson – Supply and Demand, chapters 1, 2.
    Marshall – Principles, pp. 348-50; p. 806 note.
  2. Competitive theory, illustrated by Marshall.
    Marshall – Principles, Book V, chapters 1-5; Book IV, chapter 13; Book V, chapters 8, 9, 10, 12.
  3. The effect of small numbers in the market.
    Monopolistic Competition, chapter 3.
  4. Product differentiation. Co-existence and blending of monopoly and competition. Output (sales) as a function of price, “product” and selling outlays. Price-quantity relationships examined in some detail, selling costs and products as variables more briefly.
    Monopolistic Competition, chapters 4, 5, 6, 7 (pp. 130-149); Appendices C, D, E.
    Alsberg, C.L. – “Economic Aspects of Adulteration and Imitation”, Q.J.E., Vol. 46, p. 1 (1931).
  5. Production and Distribution. Diminishing returns. Diminishing marginal productivity. The laws of cost. General effect of monopoly elements on the analysis.
    Garver & Hansen – Principles, chapter 5.
    Wicksell – Lectures on Political Economy, Vol. I, pp. 101-133 (omit all small type except on pages 111, 113, 114 and 115.) [Knut Wicksell, Vorlesungen über Nationalökonomie auf Grundlage des Marginalprinzipes, 2 vols. [1913]]
    Viner, J.  – “Cost Curves and Supply Curves,” Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, 1931.
    Monopolistic Competition, Appendix B.
  6. Theory of Wages.
    Hicks – Theory of Wages, Part I.


Economics 1
Second Semester

  1. Theory of Wages (continued). Professor Leontief.
    Hicks, J. R., Theory of Wages, Chs. 9 and 10.
    Lester, R. A., “Overtime Wage Rates,” The American Economic Review, December, 1939. (Suggested)
    Douglas, P. H., The Theory of Wages, Ch. 13.
  2. Theory of Rent.
    Ricardo, D.Principles, Ch. 3 [sic, Ch. 2 intended].
    Marshall, Principles, Book V, Chs. 10,11.
  3. Theory of Capital and Interest.
    Clark, J. B., Distribution of Wealth, Chs. 9, 20.
    Böhm-Bawerk, Positive Theory of Capital, Books II, Chs. 2 and 5, Book V.
    Fisher, Irving, The Rate of Interest, Chs. 5, 6, and 7.
  4. Production and Distribution Interrelated.
    Wicksell, Lectures on Political Economy, Vol. I, pp. 196-206 (omit small type)
    [Knut Wicksell, Vorlesungen über Nationalökonomie auf Grundlage des Marginalprinzipes, 2 vols. [1913]].
    Keynes, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, Chs. 2 and 8, paragraph B.
  5. Profits. Professor Chamberlin.
    Marshall, Book VI, chapter 5, section 7; Chs. 7, 8.
    Taussig, Principles, Vol. II, Ch. 50, section 1.
    Henderson, Supply and Demand, chapter 7.
    Berle and Means, The Modern Corporation, Book IV.
    Chamberlin, Monopolistic Competition, Ch. 5, section 6; Ch. 7, section 6: Appendices D, E; Ch. 8.
  6. Welfare Economics. Dr. O. H. Taylor.
    Pigou, A. C. Economics of Welfare (3rd ed.), Part I, Chs. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8; and Part II, Chs. 1-8 inclusive, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17. [4th edition, 1932]
  7. Criticisms of Economic Theory, its Method and Assumptions. I. Psychology and Economics.
    Mitchell, W. C., “The Rationality of Economic Activity,” Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 18, pp. 97 ff., and 197 ff. (February, March 1910).
    Mitchell, W. C., “Human Behavior and Economics,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 29, p. 1 ff. (November 1914).
    Mitchell, W. C., “The Prospects of Economics,” in The Trend of Economics, volume edited by R. G. Tugwell.
  8. Criticisms of Economic Theory, its Method and Assumptions. II. Economic Principles as “Natural Laws.”
    Tugwell, R. G. “Experimental Economics,” part on “Natural Law,” in volume The Trends of Economics.
    Taylor, O. H., “Economics and Natural Law,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 44, p. 1ff., and p. 205 ff.



Source:  Harvard University Archives. Syllabi, course outlines and Reading lists in Economics, 1895-2003 (HUC 8522.2.1), Box 2; Folder: “Syllabi, course outlines and reading lists in Economics, 1939-40”.

Chicago Columbia Cornell Harvard Johns Hopkins Statistics Wisconsin

Graduate Student Enrollments in Economics. Seligman’s Tally, 1909

Here we have a letter from the chairman of the Columbia University economics department, Edwin R. A. Seligman, to the chairman of the trustees of Columbia University, George L. Rives, boasting of the large market share of Columbia with respect to graduate education in economics and sociology. We’ve seen earlier (1900) that Seligman kept a jealous eye on Columbia’s competition.


[carbon copy of letter Seligman to Rives]

No. 324 West 86 street
New York, February 13, 1909

My dear Sir:

You may be interested in the enclosed statistics which have been compiled by me from answers to questions sent out to the various universities. It shows the relative position of Columbia compared to its six leading competitors, and it is a curious coincidence that the totals of Columbia on the one hand, and of the six universities together on the other, should be precisely the same.

Faithfully yours,

Edwin R. A. Seligman



To Mr. George L. Rives,
New York City




Economics Sociology Total of Economics and Sociology






















Total in the 6 universities








*including duplications


Source: Columbia University Archives. Central Files 1890-, Box 338. Folder: “Seligman, Edwin Robert Anderson. 1.1.110 2/5”

Image SourceUniversities and their Sons, Vol. 2 (1899), pp. 485.


Harvard. Labor Economics, Social Policy. Willoughby, 1901

When Professor Edward Cummings of Harvard resigned his post in the summer of 1900, Harvard turned to the government economist William Franklin Willoughby who had published numerous pieces on labor issues and social welfare policies (several papers in the Quarterly Journal of Economics) to cover Cummings’ labor class for second semester of 1900-01. A second social policy course (Provident Institutions) was offered by Willoughby as well.


[Willoughby’s c.v.]

William Franklin Willoughby (1867-1960), A. B. Johns Hopkins University 1888. He…

“served as statistical expert for U. S. Department of Labor; member of International Jury of Awards, Paris Exposition of 1900; instructor of economics at Harvard, 1901; treasurer, secretary, and president of Executive Council of Puerto Rico, 1901-1909; assistant director of U. S. Census, 1910; member of U. S. Commission on Economy and Efficiency in Government; McCormick professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton, 1912[-17]; deputy legal advisor to president of China, 1914-1916; director of Institute for Government Research, 1916-1932; and consultant to the Library of Congress, 1940-1944.”

Source:   Manuscripts and Rare Books Department, Swem Library, The College of William and Mary in Virginia. William F. Willoughby Papers, Finding Aid.


[Early “Brookings” connection]

“William F. Willoughby, a Johns Hopkins University graduate statistician and one of the early directors of the [Institute for Government Research in Washington, D.C., that later merged with the Institute of Economics and the Robert Brookings Graduate School of Economics and Government to form the Brookings Institution in 1927], helped the institute play an important role in the crafting of the 1921 legislation that led to the creation of the first U.S. Bureau of the Budget, the predecessor of the Office of Management and Budget.”

Source: “Brookings Institution”, Encyclopedia Britannica, and Donald E. Abelson, Capitol Ideas: Think Tanks and U.S. Foreign Policy (2006).


[Course Announcements]


Course 9 will be given in 1900-01 as a half-course only, by Mr. W. F. Willoughby, on Tu., Th., Sat., at 10 (second half-year).

There will also be given in 1900-01:—

9a. Provident Institutions—Workingmen’s Insurance, Friendly Societies, Savings Banks. Half course (second half-year). Mon., Wed., Fri. at 9. Mr. W. F. Willoughby.

In this course various institutions will be examined for providing aid to workingmen or their families in case of sickness, infirmity, old age, or death. Among the subjects covered will be the system of compulsory workingmen’s insurance in Germany, and the systems on the same principle in other countries of the Continent; the French and English legislation for compulsory insurance in case of accident; the voluntary Friendly Societies organized by workmen in various countries; Savings Banks, postal and ordinary; and People’s Banks and Building and Loan Associations. The problem of the unemployed and the efforts for its solution or mitigation will also be considered.

Source: From a note printed on a separate piece of paper included with first edition of the Announcement of the Courses of Instruction of Harvard University. The course was included in Announcement of the Courses of Instruction Provided by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences for the Academic Year 1900-01 (second edition).  Cambridge, Massachusetts: 1900, p. 42.


[Course Enrollments]

[Economics] 92 hf. Mr. W. F. WILLOUGHBY. —The Labor Question in Europe and the United States. The Social and Economic Condition of Workingmen.

3 Graduates, 53 Seniors, 40 Juniors, 35 Sophomores, 3 Freshmen , 12 Other: Total 146.


[Economics] 9a2 hf. Mr. W. F. WILLOUGHBY.—Provident Institutions. Workingmen’s Insurance, Friendly Societies, Savings Banks.

1 Graduate, 13 Seniors, 5 Juniors, 2 Sophomores, 1 Other: Total 22.


Source: Harvard University. Annual report of the President and reports of the departments, 1900-01, p. 64.





[Books marked * reading required.]


I.—Methods of Industrial Remuneration

*1. Schloss: Methods of Industrial Remuneration (to be purchased).
*2. Gilman: Profit Sharing
*3. Gilman: A Dividend to Labor, Parts I and III.
*4. Monroe: Profit Sharing in the United States. (American Journal of Sociology, May, 1896.)
*5. W. J. Ashley: Coöperative Production in England. (In Surveys, Historic and Economic.)
*6. Gide: Productive Coöperation in France. (Quarterly Journal of Economics, November, 1899)
7. Acland and Jones: Workingmen Coöperators.
8. Beatrice Potter: The Coöperative Movement in Great Britain.
9. Holyoake: The Cooperative Movement of To-day.
10. H. D. Lloyd: Labor Copartnership.
11. Benjamin Jones: Coöperative Production.
12. Gide: Has Coöperation Introduced a New Principle into Economics? (Economic Journal, December, 1898.)
13. History of Coöperation in the United States. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, VI.)
14. Reports of British Labor Department on—

(a) Profit Sharing, by D. F. Schloss.

(b) Gain Sharing, by D. F. Schloss.

(c) Standard Piece Rates and Sliding Scales, 1900.

(d) Coöperative Contracts, by D. F. Schloss.


II.—Organization of Industry

1. Hobson: Evolution of Modern Capitalism, Chaps. IV and V.
2. Wright: The Factory System. (U. S. Tenth Census.)
*3. Wright: The Factory System as an Element in Civilization. (In Rand’s Economic History.)
*4. Willoughby: The Concentration of Industry in the United States. (Yale Review, May, 1898.)
5. Willoughby: The Regulation of the Sweating System. (Economic Monographs, U.S. Commission to Paris Exposition, 1900.)
6. Jenks: The Trust Problem.
7. Ely: Trusts and Monopolies.



III.—The Organization of Employers and Employees

1. Sidney and Beatrice Webb: The History of Trade Unionism.
2. Sidney and Beatrice Webb: Industrial Democracy.
3. Howell: Conflicts of Labor and Capital.
*4. Trade Unionism, Old and New (to be purchased).
5. Hollander: A Study of Trade Unionism. (Political Science Quarterly, December, 1898.)
*6. Cummings: A Collectivist Philosophy of Trade Unionism. (Quarterly Journal of Economics, January, 1899.)
7. Wright: An Historical Sketch of the Knights of Labor. (Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. I, No. 2.)
*8. Aldrich: The American Federation of Labor. (Economic Studies, American Economic Association, August, 1898.)
9. Burke: History and Function of Central Labor Unions. (Columbia Studies, 1900.)
10. Sidney and Beatrice Webb: Trade Union Democracy. (Political Science Quarterly, September and December, 1896.)
*11. Wright: Industrial Evolution of the United States, Chaps. XVIII-XX.
12. De Rousiers: The Labor Question in Britain.
13. McNeill: The Labor Movement.
14. Great Britain Labor Department: Annual Reports on Trades Unions.


IV.—Industrial Disputes: their Prevention and Settlement

1. U. S. Department of Labor: Reports on Strikes and Lockouts.
2. U. S. Department of Labor: Bulletins. (See digests of foreign statistical reports for statistics of strikes in European countries.)
3. Great Britain Labor Department: Annual Reports on Strikes.
4. U. S. Strike Commission, 1894: Report.
*5. Industrial Evolution of the United States, Chaps. XXIV-XXVI.
6. Wright: Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration, 1881.
7. Josephine Lowell: Industrial Arbitration and Conciliation.
8. T. A. Carroll: Conciliation and Arbitration in the Boot and Shoe Industry. (Bulletin, U. S. Depart. of Labor, No. 8.)
9. J. B. McPherson: Voluntary Conciliation and Arbitration in Great Britain. (Bulletin, U. S. Depart. of Labor, No. 28.)
10. Edward Cummings: Action under Labor Arbitration Acts. (Quarterly Journal of Economics, July, 1887.)
*11. Edward Cummings: Industrial Arbitration in the United States. (Quarterly Journal of Economics, July, 1895.)
*12. S. N. D. North: Industrial Arbitration; its Methods and its Limitations. (Quarterly Journal of Economics, July, 1896.)
*13. F. J. Stimson: The National Arbitration Law. (International Journal of Ethics, July, 1898.)
14. Willoughby: Industrial Arbitration and Conciliation. (Economic Monographs, U. S. Com. to Paris Exposition, 1900.)


V.—Stability of Employment

1. Great Britain Labor Department: Report on Agencies and Methods for Dealing with the Unemployed, 1893.
2. Massachusetts Board: Report of the Massachusetts Board to Investigate the Subject of the Unemployed, 1895.
3. Geoffrey Drage: The Unemployed, 1894.
4. Hobson: The Problem of the Unemployed, 1896.
5. Great Britain Labor Depart.: Annual Reports on Trade Unions.
*6. Willoughby: Employment Bureaus. (Economic Monographs, U. S. Commission to Paris Exposition, 1900.)
*7. Bogart: Public Employment Offices in the United States and Germany. (Quarterly Journal of Economics, May, 1900.)
8. Mavor: German Labor Colonies and the Unemployed. (Journal of Political Economy, December, 1893.)
9. Peabody: The German Labor Colonies. (Forum, Feb., 1892.)
10. Gore: The Poor Colonies of Holland. (Bulletin, U. S. Department of Labor, No. 2.)


VI.—The State in Relation to Labor

*1. Jevons: The State in Relation to Labor.
2. Brentano: The Relation of Labor to the Law of To-day.
3. Stimson: Labor in its Relation to Law.
*4. Stimson: Handbook to the Labor Law of the United States.
5. Willoughby: Foreign Labor Laws. (Bulletin, U. S. Department of Labor, Nos. 25-28, 30, 33.)
*6. Willoughby: State Activities in Relation to Labor in the United States. (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 1901.)
7. Willoughby: Accidents to Labor as Regulated by Law in the United States. (Bulletin, U. S. Depart. of Labor, No. 32.)


VII.—The Coöperative Movement

*1. Beatrice Potter: The Coöperative Movement in Great Britain (to be purchased).
2. Holyoake: The Coöperative Movement of To-day.
*3. Edward Cummings: Coöperative Stores in the United States. (Quarterly Journal of Economics, April, 1897.)
*4. Edward W. Bemis: Coöperative Distribution in the United States. (Bulletin, U. S. Department of Labor, No. 6.)
5. Report of First Annual Congress of the International Coöperative Alliance, London, 1896.
6. Henry Wolff: Peoples’ Banks.
7. Dexter: Coöperative   Savings and Loan Associations.
*8. Dexter: Coöperative Savings and Loan Associations. (Quarterly Journal of Economics, April, 1889.)
9. U. S. Department of Labor: Report on Building and Loan Associations.
*10. Willoughby: Building and Loan Associations in the United States. (Economic Monographs, U. S. Commission to Paris Exposition, 1900.)


VIII.—Provident Institutions

*1. Willoughby: Workingmen’s Insurance (to be purchased).
*2. Willoughby: The French Workmen’s Compensation Act. (Quarterly Journal of Economics, July, 1898.)
*3. Willoughby: The Belgian General Savings and Old-Age Pension Bank. (Journal of Political Economy, March, 1900.)
*4. Brabrock: Provident Institutions and Industrial Welfare.
5. U. S. Department of Labor: Report on Compulsory Insurance in Germany, by J. G. Brooks.
6. New York Bureau of Labor: Annual Report, 1899, Part 2, The Compensation of Accidental Injuries to Workingmen.
7. Great Britain Labor Department: Report on Provision for Old Age by Government Action in certain European Countries, 1899.
8. Wilkinson: The Friendly Society Movement.
9. Emory Johnson: Brotherhood Relief and Insurance of Railway Employees. (Bulletin, U. S. Department of Labor, No. 17.)
10. Edward W. Bemis: Benefit Features of American Trade Unions. (Bulletin, U. S. Department of Labor, No. 22.)
11. Hoffman: History of the Prudential Insurance Company of America.


IX.—Housing of the Working Classes

1. U. S. Department of Labor: Report on the Housing of the Working Classes, by E. R. L. Gould.
2. New York Tenement House Committee: Report.
*3. Willoughby: The Modern Movement for the Housing of the Working Classes in France. (Yale Review, November, 1899.)
4. Reynolds: The Housing of the Poor in American Cities. (Pub. American Economic Association, VIII, Nos. 2,3.)


X.—Socialism and Communism

1. Kirkup: History of Socialism.
2. Rae: Socialism of To-day. [sic, Contemporary Socialism is the correct title]
3. Webb: Socialism in England.
4. Nordhoff: Communistic Societies in America.
5. François: Socialism in France. (Journal of Political Economy, December, 1898.)
6. Schmidt: The Present Condition of Social Democracy in Germany. (Journal of Political Economy, September, 1898.)
7. Russell: German Social Democracy.





  1. What is the attitude of the trade-union movement towards the wages system?
    In this respect how is it essentially different from socialism or the coöperative movement as a method of social reform?
  2. At about what date did trade unions begin to be formed in Great Britain?
    Show why, in view of existing industrial conditions, trade unions were not formed at an earlier date, and why the rise of the modern industrial system has led to the constant development of these unions.
  3. Divide the history of trade unions in Great Britain into periods, and give the characteristic features of each.
  4. What general organization or federation of trade unions are there now in Great Britain and the general character of each?
  5. Enumerate some of the principal events in the history of trade unions in the United States.
  6. Contrast the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor as regards their scheme of organization, objects and means of action.
  7. Describe the existing forms of trade union organizations: the Local Union, National Trade Union, Central Labor Union or City Trades Council, State Federation, and American Federation of Labor so as to show the relations existing between them.
    Show also why there is need for these various kinds of organizations, and why they do not conflict one with the other.
  8. Explain why the national trade union is the unit of government rather than the local union.
    Show the severe of action of the American Federation of Labor, its power over the national trade unions and the service performed by it in bringing about unity and harmony in the labor movement.
    Why does the Federation permit the affiliation of “local trade unions” and “federal unions”?
  9. Show why the primary form of organization must be by trades rather than by districts, and subsequent union be by federation rather than amalgamation.
  10. What are the essential aims of the trade unions as regards (a) the method of making the labor contract, and (b) the terms of the labor contract.
  11. What is meant by the standard rate? Show how this principle in connection with collective bargaining once determined upon must logically be extended so as to mean the fixing of a standard rate for the trade of the whole country by means of a joint bargain between the national associations of the employers and employees.
    In what trades has this condition been reached within the past year in this country?
  12. Explain how the benefit feature of trade unions is an element of strength to the unions in their strictly trade action, as well as a device for mutual assistance.
  13. Give the reasoning according to which the unionists maintain that under modern conditions collective bargaining preserves the freedom of contract better than individual bargaining.
    Give the employer’s reasons for insisting upon bargaining with his employees individually.
  14. What effect does a standard rate have upon the question of incentive to work on the part of individuals and of industrial efficiency generally?
  15. What are the means of action of trade unions in enforcing their demands?
  16. Explain the essential difference between conciliation, mediation, and arbitration.
  17. Show the importance of distinguishing between disputes involving (1) the interpretation and enforcement of labor contracts and (2) the making of new contracts. Especially show why arbitration is a principle that can properly be invoked as regards the first class, but it should only be the last resort as regards the second.
  18. In what ways has the state in Europe and the United States intervened for the prevention or adjustment of labor disputes?
    Show why its action has in all cases been productive of so little result.
  19. Show how collective bargaining in practical operation necessitates the constitution of joint boards of conciliation, and therefore offers a very effective means for avoiding and settling industrial disputes.
  20. What are some of the most important respects in which the trade union movement in Europe is different from the trade union movement in Great Britain and the United States?





[Books marked * reading required.]

1. Willoughby:

*Workingmen’s Insurance (to be purchased).
*The French Workmen’s Compensation Act. (Quarterly Journal of Economics, July, 1898.)
*The General Savings and Old-Age Pension Bank of Belgium. (Journal of Political Economy, March, 1900.)
*Building and Loan Associations. (Economic Monographs. U. S. Commission to Paris Exposition, 1900.)

*2. Brabrock: Provident Institutions and Industrial Welfare.
*3. Wolff: Peoples’ Banks.
*4. Wilkinson: The Friendly Society Movement.
*5. Dexter: Coöperative Savings and Loan Associations. (Quarterly Journal of Economics, III-3.)
*6. Bemis: Benefit Features of American Trade Unions. (Bulletin U. S. Department of Labor, No. 22.)
*7. Fiske: Industrial Insurance. (Charities Review, March, 1898.)
*8. Johnson: Brotherhood Relief and Insurance of Railway Employees. (Bulletin U. S. Department of Labor, No. 17.)
9. Transactions of Second International Actuarial Congress, London, 1898.
10. U. S. Department of Labor: Report on Compulsory Insurance in Germany, by J. G. Brooks.

Report on Building and Loan Associations.

11. National Fraternal Congress (U. S.): Reports of Annual Meetings.
12. New York Bureau of Labor: Annual Report, 1899, Part II.

The Compensation of Accidental Injuries to Workingmen.

13. Great Britain Labor Department: Report on Provision for Old Age by Government Action in certain European Countries.
14. Hoffman: History of the Prudential Insurance Company of America.
15. Baernreither: English Associations of Workingmen.
16. Dexter: Coöperative   Savings and Loan Associations.
17. Dr. Zacher: Die Arbeiter-Versicherung im Auslande.

[Other reading will be assigned later.]


Source: Harvard University Archives. Syllabi, course outlines and reading lists in Economics, 1895-2003 (HUC 8522.2.1), Box 1, Folder “Economics, 1900-1901”.

Image Source: The Washington Times, 28 March 1911.