Economists Harvard Public Finance

Harvard. Application for PhD candidacy. Arthur Smithies, PhD 1935

After having received his Philosophy, Politics and Economics B.A. from Oxford as a Tasmanian Rhodes Scholar, Arthur Smithies entered the graduate program in economics at Harvard in 1932. Between the biographical bookends of this post, you will find the records of Smithies’ graduate education kept by the Division of History, Government, and Economics.

Smithies-related posts at Economics in the Rear-view Mirror include material from his courses.


Best biographical sketch

A. J. Hagger, “Arthur Smithies (1907-1981)” in the Australian Dictionary of Biography (Vol. 18, 2012).

Good morning Vietnam

On Smithies’ work on economic development policy in South Vietnam for the Agency for International Development, CIA and Institute for Defense Analysis:

Seth M. Kupferberg, “An Academic in the War” in The Harvard Crimson (May 23, 1975).


A Memorial Statement by
Harvard President Derek C. Bok
March 1982

ARTHUR SMITHIES, Nathaniel Ropes Professor of Political Economy, Emeritus, died on September 9, 1981 at the age of 74. An early Keynesian economist and authority on fiscal policy, he came to Harvard in 1948 as Professor of Economics, having taught at the University of Michigan, Oxford, and the Australian National University. He also served the U.S. government in a number of capacities during World War II for the Bureau of the Budget and the Fiscal Analysis Branch of the Economic Cooperation Administration, among others. Later, the government bodies he assisted would include the Agency for International Development. He was elected Harvard’s Ropes Professor in 1957. A most popular faculty member and teacher, he was an influential chairman of the economics department twice in the 1950s and well-loved Master of Kirkland House from 1965 to 1974. He wrote continuously and served as editor for the Quarterly Journal of Economics and the Journal of Economic Abstracts. His 1948 book, The Federal Budget and Fiscal Policy, remained a standard text for 20 years. A colleague [John Kenneth Galbraith] said Mr. Smithies believed a sense of history made the difference between a good economist and an inferior one. His own caused him in the latter years of his career to move his major interest from federal fiscal policy to the economic problems of developing countries. A native of Tasmania, he earned degrees from its University and Oxford, and the Ph.D. from Harvard.

SourceReport of the President of Harvard College, 1980-81, pp. 40-41.



Application for Candidacy for the Degree of Ph.D.

[Note: Boldface used to indicate printed text of the application; italics used to indicate the handwritten entries]

I. Full Name, with date and place of birth.

Arthur Smithies. 12 December 1907, Hobart Tasmania.

II. Academic Career: (Mention, with dates inclusive, colleges or other higher institutions of learning attended; and teaching positions held.)

University of Tasmania 1925-1929
Magdalen College Oxford 1929-1932
Harvard 1932—

III. Degrees already attained. (Mention institutions and dates.)

L.L.B. University of Tasmania
B.A. (Philosophy Politics Economics), Oxford

IV. General Preparation. (Indicate briefly the range and character of your under-graduate studies in History, Economics, Government, and in such other fields as Ancient and Modern Languages, Philosophy, etc. In case you are a candidate for the degree in History, state the number of years you have studied preparatory and college Latin.)

[Left blank]

V. Department of Study. (Do you propose to offer yourself for the Ph.D., “History,” in “Economics,” or in “Political Science”?)


VI. Choice of Subjects for the General Examination. (State briefly the nature of your preparation in each subject, as by Harvard courses, courses taken elsewhere, private reading, teaching the subject, etc., etc.)

  1. Economic Theory.
    at Oxford & Economics 11 & 15 at Harvard
  2. Money and Banking
    at Oxford & Economics 38 at Harvard
  3. International Trade
    at Oxford & Economics 39 at Harvard
  4. Statistics
    Economics 41A & 41B at Harvard
  5. [Added later] (Jurisprudence) Satisfied by work at Univ. Tasmania. Degree LLB. Smithies first man in his class) H.H. Burbank
  6. [Added later] Economic Theory 

VII. Special Subject for the special examination.

Economic Theory

VIII. Thesis Subject. (State the subject and mention the instructor who knows most about your work upon it.)

[Added later]  Aspects of Theory of Production

IX. Examinations. (Indicate any preferences as to the time of the general and special examinations.)

[Left blank]

X. Remarks

[Added later] Economic History requirement satisfied by work at Oxford.
Smithies has a preparation sufficiently broad to warrant the acceptance of this program.

[Committee for General Examination] Profs. Taussig, Leontief, Harris, Crum
[Committee for Special Examination] Profs. Taussig, Schumpeter, Leontief

Signature of a member of the Division certifying approval of the above outline of subjects.

[signed] H. H. Burbank

*   *   *   [Last page of application] *   *   *

[Not to be filled out by the applicant]

Name: Arthur Smithies

Approved: May 28, 1933 [Added later]  Sept. 11, 1933

Ability to use French certified by Dr. A. E. Monroe, March 3, 1933.

Ability to use German certified by  Dr. A. E. Monroe, March. 3, 1933.

Date of general examination Friday, May 19, 1933. Passed. F.W.T.

Thesis received April 30, 1934.

Read by Professors Taussig and Schumpeter.

Approved May 18, 1934.

Date of special examination Friday, June 1, 1934. Passed F.W.T.

Recommended for the Doctorate February 6, 1935

Degree conferred Mid-years, 1935

Remarks.  [left blank]

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Partial transcript of Arthur Smities in the
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Economics 11 (1 course) A minus (mid-year grade)
Economics 151 (½ course) A plus
Economics 38 (1 course) A (mid-year grade)
Economics 41a1 (½ course) B
Economics 41b2 (½ course) now taking
Economics 392 (½ course) now taking

A.B. Univ. of Oxford, England, 1932.
Commonwealth Fund Fellow, 1932-33.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Proposed change in Mr. Smithies’ plan: [undated]

  1. Economic Theory
  2. Money & Banking
  3. Statistics
  4. Jurisprudence
  5. Economic History (course credit). Course taken at Oxford
  6. Economic theory.

(Professor Taussig wishes to examine him in Jurisprudence)

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

General examination,
Departmental Report

Report on Examinations for Graduate Degrees

Name of Candidate: Arthur Smithies

Date of Examination: May 19, 1933

Fields Examined: Economic Theory, Money and Banking, Statistics, Jurisprudence

The Committee certified that the General Examination of the candidate was



F. W. Taussig
W. L. Crum
S. E. Harris
W. W. Leontief

[signed] F. W. Taussig Chairman

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

General examination passed

Department of Economics

Cambridge, Massachusetts
May 22, 1933

Dear Professor Wilson:

As chairman of the committee for the general examination of Arthur Smithies I beg to report that the candidate passed the examination. The committee certifies that his showing was good, and I would add that on two of the subjects it was better than good. On no subject was it in any way unsatisfactory.

Very truly yours,
F. W. Taussig

Professor G. G. Wilson
15 Little Hall
Cambridge, Massachusetts

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Special examination,
Division Report

Report on Examinations for Graduate Degree

Name of Candidate: Arthur Smithies

Date of Examination: Friday, June 1, 1934, in 42 Holyoke House, at 4.

Department of Economics

Fields Examined: Economic Theory (special field)

The Committee certified that the General Special Examination of the candidate was

Failed, no bar to re-examination
Failed, recommended not to request re-examination

Committee: Professors Taussig (chairman), Leontief, and Schumpeter

Further comments may be made below.

Mr. Smithies’ examination confirmed the high opinion about him and his work which resulted from his thesis and his initiative in research

[signed] F. W. Taussig

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Certificate of completed thesis
apparently misplaced

Mr. Smithies’ Certificate (for the thesis) has slipped away, and will have to be put in, with the proper signatures, when recovered.

[Handwritten note by Professor Frank W. Taussig]

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Source: Harvard University Archives. Division of History, Government & Economics. PhD. Candidates Receiving Degrees in 1935-1936, Box 15.


Course Names and Instructors (1932-33)

Economics 11
Economic Theory
Prof. William F. Taussig
Economics 151
Problems in Economic Theory
Prof. Joseph A. Schumpeter
Economics 38
Principles of Money and Banking
Professors John H. Williams
and Joseph A. Schumpeter
Economics 41a1
Theory of Economic Statistics I
Prof. William L. Crum
and Asst. Prof. Edwin Frickey
Economics 41b2
Theory of Economic Statistics II
Prof. William L. Crum
and Asst. Prof. Edwin Frickey
Economics 392
International Trade and Finance
Prof. Wassily Leontief

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College 1932-33 , pp. 65-67.


Arthur Smithies
Timeline of his life and career

1907. Born December 12 at Lindisfarne, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.

Attended Hutchins School in Hobart, Tasmania

1928. Won the James Backhouse Walker prize for proficiency, University of Tasmania.

1929. LL.B. University of Tasmania

1929-32. Tasmanian Rhodes Scholar, Magdalen College, Oxford University.

1932. B.A., Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Magdalen College, Oxford University.

1932-34. Commonwealth Fund Fellow and Harkness Fellow, Harvard University.

1934-35. Economics Instructor, University of Michigan.

1935. Ph.D., Harvard University. Thesis: Aspects of the Theory of Production.
[While the dissertation and special examination had been accepted/passed in June 1934,  the Ph.D. was awarded at mid-year 1934-35.]

1935. Married Katharine Ripman, February 22. Three children.

1935-38. Assistant-economist to (Sir) Roland Wilson in the Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics, Canberra.

1938-43. Assistant, Associate Professor of Economics, University of Michigan.

1943-48. Economist, chief of economic section, U.S. Bureau of the Budget.

1948. The Federal Budget and Fiscal Policy. “…regarded as the standard work in the field for two decades” (Otto Eckstein).

1948-49. Director of Fiscal and Trade Policy Division, Economic Cooperation Administration.

1948-74. Professor of Economics, Harvard University.

1950-55. Chairman of the economics department, Harvard University.

1951-52. Economic adviser to the Office of Defense Mobilization.

1954. Hoover Commission Task Force.

1954. “Economic Welfare and Policy”, one of the Brookings Lectures published as Economics and Public Policy, 1955.

1955. The Budgetary Process in the United States.

1955-56. John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellow and visiting professor, Oxford University.

1957-78. Nathanial Ropes Professor of Political Economy, Harvard University.

1957-65. Editor of the Quarterly Journal of Economics.

1959-61. Chairman of the economics department, Harvard University.

1962. Founder of the Journal of Economic Abstracts.

1962-63. Visiting professor, Australian National University.

1963. Lecture delivered at the University of Queensland, St. Lucia on September 13, published by The English, Scottish and Australian Bank as Economic Stability in Australia.

1965-74. Master of Kirkland House, Harvard University.

1978. Retired from Harvard, Professor Emeritus.

1981. Suffering a heart attack at the Cambridge Boat Club after rowing on the Charles River, Smithies died September 9 in Mt. Auburn Hospital, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Timeline sources: A. J. Hagger, “Arthur Smithies (1907-1981)” in the Australian Dictionary of Biography (Vol. 18, 2012); Obituary in the Boston Globe, September 11, 1981 (p. 37); Obituary in the Harvard Crimson, September 14, 1981; Who’s Who in America 40th Edition, 1978-79, p. 3041.

Image Source: Arthur Smithies in the Harvard Class Album 1952.

Exam Questions Harvard Public Finance

Harvard. Public finance and taxation exams. Bullock, 1907-1908

Early twentieth century public finance and taxation courses at the Harvard economics department belonged to the domain of Charles Jesse Bullock (1869-1941). He regularly examined economics graduate students to certify that they demonstrated having a reading knowledge of French and German.


Bullock’s earlier public finance exams
at Harvard

1901-02. Economics 7a and 7b. Financial administration; taxation [undergraduate]

1903-04. Economics 16.  Financial history of the United States

1904-05. Economics 7a. Introduction to public finance [undergraduate]

1904-05. Economics 7b. Theory and methods of taxation [undergraduate]

1904-05. Economics 16. Financial history of the United States.

1905-06 Economics 7.  Public finance [undergraduate]

1905-06 Economics 16. Public finance [advanced]

1906-97 Economics 16. Public finance and taxation

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

From 1906: Selected Readings in Public Finance edited by Charles Jesse Bullock (Boston: Inn & Company).

From 1910: Short bibliography on public finance “for serious minded students” by Bullock


Course Enrollment, Public Finance

Economics 16a 1hf. Asst. Professor Bullock. — Introduction to Public Finance

Total 33: 6 Graduates, 12 Seniors, 7 Juniors, 7 Sophomores, 1 Other.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1907-1908, p. 67.


Mid-year Examination, 1907-08

  1. What were the causes of the increase of public expenditures in the nineteenth century?
  2. Compare the opinions of Adam Smith and Rau concerning public domains.
  3. Discuss the financial results of the United States Post Office.
  4. What have been the financial results of public ownership of railroads?
  5. Describe the organization of the United States Treasury Department.
  6. Describe the budgetary practice of American municipalities.
  7. For what purposes is it proper that a municipality should borrow money?
  8. Discuss the proposition that loans are drawn from the capital of a country and that taxes come from income.
  9. State and criticise Dr. Price’s theory of sinking funds.

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University, Examination Papers, 1873-1915. Box 8, Bound vol. Examination Papers 1908-09 (HUC 7000.25), p. 39.


Course Enrollment, Taxation

Economics 16b 2hf. Asst. Professor Bullock. — The Theory and Methods of Taxation

Total 59: 7 Graduates, 18 Seniors, 22 Juniors, 9 Sophomores, 3 Others.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1907-1908, p. 67.

Year-end Examination, 1907-08

  1. From a practical point of view what is to be said concerning progressive taxation?
  2. What can be said concerning the incidence of the following taxes: the property tax levied by Massachusetts upon machinery, upon merchandise, and upon livestock; and the corporate franchise tax on street railways?
  3. Discuss the experience of American states in taxing: (a) tangible personal property; (b) intangible personal property.
  4. State and discuss three cases of double taxation which often occur in the United States.
  5. What do you think of the proposition that a tax on the income of land is a tax on land, and therefore a direct tax under the provisions of the Constitution of the United States?
  6. What taxes would be paid by a French manufacturer who owned all the property, real and personal, employed in his business? What would be paid by an English manufacturer similarly situated?
  7. Compare excise taxation in Great Britain with excise taxation in France.
  8. Enumerate and discuss four constitutional limitations upon the taxing power of the legislature of Massachusetts.
  9. Compare national taxation in Great Britain with national taxation in the United States.
  10. What do you think of the expediency of employing taxation as an instrument of social reform?

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University, Examination Papers, 1873-1915. Box 8, Bound vol. Examination Papers 1908-09 (HUC 7000.25), p. 40.

Image Source: Library of Congress. Puck, 23 June 1909. “The fountain of taxation”. Published by Keppler & Schwarzmann, Puck Building.

A large fountain with four basins, at top, supported by a crown and scepters, is a basin labeled “Millionaire”, next resting on a cornucopia is “Well-To-Do”, then the “Middle Class” basin supported by an octopus, and at the bottom is the largest basin labeled the “Laboring Class”. The fountain is standing on a platform labeled “Tax System”; the water, cascading from top down is labeled “Burden of Taxation”.

Exam Questions Harvard Public Finance

Harvard. Public finance and taxation. Enrollments and final exams. Bullock, 1906-1907

As can be seen below, Economics in the Rear-view Mirror has put together a considerable time-series of public finance exams for Harvard at the start of the 20th century.


Bullock’s earlier public finance exams
at Harvard

1901-02. Economics 7a and 7b. Financial administration; taxation [undergraduate]

1903-04. Economics 16.  Financial history of the United States

1904-05. Economics 7a. Introduction to public finance [undergraduate]

1904-05. Economics 7b. Theory and methods of taxation [undergraduate]

1904-05. Economics 16. Financial history of the United States.

1905-06 Economics 7.  Public finance [undergraduate]

1905-06 Economics 16. Public finance [advanced]

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

From 1910: Short bibliography on public finance “for serious minded students” by Bullock



Course Enrollment

Economics 16a 1hf. Asst. Professor Bullock. — Introduction to Public Finance

Total 15: 4 Seniors, 7 Juniors, 3 Sophomores, 1 Other.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1906-1907, p. 71.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *



Mid-year Examination, 1906-07
  1. What classes of public expenditure increased most rapidly during the nineteenth century and what classes showed the least tendency to increase?
  2. Describe the policy pursued by the United States in regard to its public lands.
  3. What are the chief abuses of the fee system in the United States?
  4. Discuss the financial aspects of national ownership of railroads.
  5. Compare the administration of the British post office with the administration of the post office in the United States.
  6. Write an account of American State debts in the nineteenth century?
  7. Compare the history of the British debt in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries with the history of the French debt at the same period.
  8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of sinking funds?
  9. What are the essential characteristics of a good budget system?

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University. Mid-year Examinations, 1852-1943. Box 7, Bound Volume: Examination Papers, Mid-Years 1906-07.



Course Enrollment

Economics 16b 2hf. Asst. Professor Bullock. — The Theory and Methods of Taxation

Total 22: 3 Graduates, 4 Seniors, 9 Juniors, 5 Sophomores, 1 Other.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1906-1907, p. 71.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *


Year-end Examination, 1906-07

Omit one question.

  1. What are the criteria by which you would test the justice of any system of taxation?
  2. What are the chief difficulties encountered by American commonwealths in constructing their tax systems?
  3. Describe the French system of direct taxation.
  4. Compare the French system of direct taxation with that employed in Prussia.
  5. What points of difference have you observed between the British and the French systems of taxation?
  6. What lessons has European practice for the student of American taxation?
  7. Outline a system of corporation taxes which you would consider satisfactory for such a state as Massachusetts.
  8. Write a history of income taxation in the United States.
  9. Upon what class or classes of persons does the American system of state and local taxation fall with the greatest weight?

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University, Examination Papers, 1873-1915. Box 8, Bound vol. Examination Papers 1906-07 (HUC 7000.25), p. 39.

Image Source: The Tax Collector by Marinus van Reymerswaele (1542). Wikiart, Visual Art Encyclopedia.

Exam Questions Harvard Public Finance

Harvard. Exams for the advanced course in public finance. Bullock 1905-06

Say what you will, Bullock’s courses in public finance attempted to span centuries of fiscal history and had a strong international comparative scope. 

Charles Jesse Bullock also provides us a nice illustration of the ephemeral nature of academic rank and distinction. In the long-run…


Bullock’s earlier public finance exams
at Harvard

1901-02. Economics 7a and 7b. Financial administration; taxation [undergraduate]

1903-04. Economics 16.  Financial history of the United States

1904-05. Economics 7a. Introduction to public finance [undergraduate]

1904-05. Economics 7b. Theory and methods of taxation [undergraduate]

1904-05. Economics 16. Financial history of the United States.

1905-06 Economics 7.  Public finance [undergraduate]

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

From 1910: Short bibliography on public finance “for serious minded students” by Bullock


Course Enrollment
Economics 16

Economics 16. Asst. Professor Bullock. — Public Finance (advanced course).

Total 7: 5 Graduates, 2 Seniors.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1905-1906, p. 73.


Mid-year Examination, 1905-06

  1. What were the chief causes of the increase of public expenditure during the nineteenth century?
  2. Can any prediction be made concerning the probable future of any classes of public expenditures?
  3. What has been the history of revenues from domains in European states since the close of the Middle Ages?
  4. What can you say concerning the revenue now derived from domains and industries in Prussia and in England?
  5. How do Seligman and Adams classify public revenues? What are Bastable’s criticisms against Seligman’s classification?
  6. What are the arguments commonly advanced for and against alienation of domains?
  7. With what different definitions of taxes are you familiar? What do you consider a correct definition?
  8. Discuss the comparative merits or demerits of proportional and progressive taxation.

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University. Mid-year Examinations, 1852-1943. Box 7, Bound Volume: Examination Papers, Mid-Years 1905-06.


Year-end Examination, 1905-06
[Note: question 6 missing in printed exam]

  1. What is your opinion of the causes and results of the increase of public expenditures in the nineteenth century?
  2. What is your opinion of the merits of the arguments for and against municipal ownership of lighting and traction enterprises in the United States?
  3. Compare the French system of national taxation with the British.
  4. Write an account of the present financial system of the Kingdom of Prussia, considering particularly the following topics: expenditures, domain and industries, taxation, and indebtedness.
  5. What is the present status of corporation taxes in the American commonwealths?
  6. What, in your opinion, would constitute a satisfactory tax system for the State of Massachusetts?
  7. Discuss the incidence of taxes falling upon: (a) wages, (b) rent, (c) interest.
  8. Compare the British budgetary system with that of the United States.

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University, Examination Papers 1873-1915. Box 8, Bound volume: Examination Papers, 1906-07Papers Set for Final Examinations in History, Government, Economics,…,Music in Harvard College (June, 1906),  p. 41.

Image Source: John Harvard statue, ca. 1904. U.S. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

Exam Questions Harvard Public Finance

Harvard. Exam for undergraduate public finance. Bullock, 1905-1906

Charles Jesse Bullock compressed his two semester public finance sequence at Harvard that was pitched to graduates and advanced undergraduates in 1904-05 into a single semester for undergraduates in the following academic year. This compression and “dumbing down” [?] resulted in a significant increase in enrollment. Who knows, maybe he even lowered the curve for grading?


Exams from the two semester sequence in public finance (1904-05)

1904-05. Introduction to Public Finance (post includes two obituaries for Bullock)

1904-05. Theory and Methods of Taxation


Course Enrollment

Economics 7 2hf. Asst. Professor Bullock. — Public Finance considered with special reference to the Theory and Methods of Taxation.

Total 137: 13 Seniors, 54 Juniors, 55 Sophomores, 4 Freshman, 11 Others.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1905-1906, p. 72.


Year-end Examination, 1905-06

  1. Discuss the history of federal expenditures in the United States since 1860.
  2. Discuss the past and the present policy of the United States with respect to its public lands.
  3. Give an account of the present status of the municipal ownership movement in the United States.
  4. Discuss the proposition that income is the normal source of taxation.
  5. What is your opinion concerning the justice of progressive taxation?
  6. What was decided in the income tax decisions of 1895?
  7. Give a detailed account of the present method of taxing personal property in Massachusetts.
  8. Compare the general corporation tax of Massachusetts with that of Pennsylvania.
  9. Write an account of the present status of the inheritance tax in the American commonwealths.
  10. Write a history of federal taxation in the United States from 1789 to the present day.

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University, Examination Papers 1873-1915. Box 8, Bound volume: Examination Papers, 1906-07; Papers Set for Final Examinations in History, Government, Economics,…,Music in Harvard College (June, 1906), p. 32.

Image Source: Illustration by Louis M. Glackens in Puck, April 8, 1908. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C.

Economists Germany Public Finance Transcript

Germany. Wolfgang Stolper’s Seminarschein for a public finance seminar. Schumpeter, 1932

Back in the day before German universities began awarding Bachelor and Master degrees instead of their historical Diplom and Magister degrees (a process initiated in August 2002 and essentially completed by 2010), German students collected their certificates seminar-by-seminar, signed by their instructors, that together constituted their entry tickets required for degree examinations. I began teaching in a German university (Freie Universität Berlin) in 1994 and have signed such “Seminarscheine” for my students. The printed fonts had changed and typed insertions replaced hand-written ones, but the Scheine themselves were essentially identical to those used by earlier generations.

Below we have the image of the Seminarschein obtained by Wolfgang Stolper who attended Joseph Schumpeter’s advanced seminar in public finance in 1932. Official course transcripts are of considerable informational value but when it comes to antiquarian charm, I’ll take a stack of Seminarscheine any day over a registrar’s one page (stamped) transcript.


Stolper’s Seminarschein
for a Schumpeter seminar
in Bonn, 1932

Staatswissenschaftliches Seminar
der Universität Bonn

Bonn, den 26 Juli 1932

Herr Wolfgang Stolper hat im Sommer-Winterhalbjahr 1932 an meinem finanzwissenschaftlichen Vollseminar—Proseminar
Besprechungen zur
mit gutem Fleiß und gutem Erfolg teilgenommen und folgende Arbeiten geliefert:



mit Auszeichnung:
gut:  ___1___
voll befriedigend:
nicht genügend:

[signed] Schumpeter


Political Science Seminar
of the University of Bonn

Bonn, 26 July 1932

Mr. Wolfgang Stolper was enrolled in my public finance advanced/ introductory seminar during the summer/winter semester 1932.
Tutorial on
His participation demonstrated good work and good performance, completing the following assignments:

Written home assignments

Proctored written examinations

with distinction: [blank]


good:  ___1___


satisfactory: [blank]


sufficient: [blank]


insufficient: [blank]


[signed] Schumpeter

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economists’ Papers Archive. Wolfgang F. Stolper papers, 1892-2001. Add. 02/207: Box 23, Folder unlabeled (job search 1940-41 correspondence).

Image Source: Harvard University Archives, from Schumpeter’s 1932 German passport. J. Schumpeter Papers. Box 2 (Correspondence and Papers relating to death of JAS), Folder “Dept of Labor–citizenship”.


Agricultural Economics Exam Questions Fields Harvard History of Economics Industrial Organization Money and Banking Public Finance Sociology Theory Undergraduate

Harvard. Division Exams for A.B., General and Economics, 1921

The Harvard Economics department was once one of three in its Division in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. The Departments of History and Government shared a general division exam with the Department of Economics and also contributed their own specific exams for their respective departmental fields. This post provides the questions for the common, i.e. general, divisional exam, the general economics exam, and all the specific exams at the end of the academic year 1920-21 for those fields falling within the perview of the economics department.


Previously posted
Division A.B. Exams

Division Exams 1916
Division Exams, January 1917
Division Exams, April 1918
Division Exams, May 1919
Division Exams, April/May 1920

Division Exams 1931

Special Exam for Money and Government Finance, 1939
Special Exam Economic History Since 1750, 1939
Special Exam for Economic Theory, 1939
Special Exam for Labor and Social Reform, 1939






The treatment of one of the following questions will be regarded as equivalent to one-half of this examination and should therefore occupy one hour. Write on one question only. Insert before your answer to this question a sketch of your plan of treatment.

  1. Discuss the relations of civilization to climate.
  2. Does history show that the periods of a nation’s political and literary greatness tend to coincide?
  3. Was America’s entrance into the World War a consequence or a violation of her policies and traditions?
  4. Discuss the following: “One of the great difficulties, as well as one of the great fascinations of history is the constantly changing point of view; but we should beware of interpreting the past in the light of the present.”
  5. What have been and what should be the limitations upon the application of the principle of self-determination in national relations?
  6. Contrast Roman provincial, and nineteenth-century colonial relations.
  7. What should be the limits of nationalization of essential industries?
  8. What have been the marked characteristics of three great states at the time of their greatest power?
  9. “Society has departed very widely from the strict rule of non-interference with industry by the State; indeed, the policy of non-interference was never carried out logically by any State.” Comment.
  10. Discuss: “The patriotism of nations ought to be selfish.”
  11. What are the standards of social justice?


The treatment of four of the following questions in Part II is required and will be regarded as equivalent to one-half of this examination, and should therefore occupy one hour. The four questions are to be taken from the Departments in which the student is NOT CONCENTRATING; two questions from each of the two Departments.


  1. Briefly characterize, with approximate dates, five of the following: Alexander, Aristotle, Augustus, Francis Bacon, Frederick Barbarossa, Bolivar, Calvin, Chatham, Franklin, Richelieu.
  2. Give a short account of the rise of the Christian Church down to the period of the Crusades.
  3. Estimate the importance of the Netherlands in the development of Europe.
  4. Discuss the relations of England and the United States during the past one hundred years.
  5. Write a brief historical account of slavery in the Western Hemisphere.


  1. Discuss: “Not independence but interdependence is the hope of nations.”
  2. Explain the evolution and significance of trial by jury.
  3. What is the significance of the following headlines in March, 1921?
    1. “Austria in dangerous unrest.”
    2. “Briand voted confidence on reparations.”
    3. “Crown prince is plotting.”
    4. “Lenin knows his Italian friends.”
  4. What are the limits of uniform state legislation?
  5. What political unities can best control:
    1. police,
    2. water supply,
    3. roads?


  1. “The fundamental fact in history is the law of decreasing returns. It is the cause of the origin and development of civilization. . . . It is equally, and for the same reason, the source of poverty and war.”
    State, explain, and indicate the significance of the law of decreasing (diminishing) returns.
  2. What are the fundamental features of the organization of modern industrial society?
  3. Discuss one of the following statements:
    1. “Employees have the right to contract for their services in a collective capacity, but any contract that contains a stipulation that employment should be denied to men not parties to the contract is an invasion of the constitutional rights of the American workmen, is against public policy, and is in violation of the conspiracy laws.”
    2. “In the old days, America outsailed the world. . . . I want to acclaim the day when America is the most eminent of shipping nations. . . . A big navy and a big mercantile marine are necessary to the future of the country.”
  4. Why should there be a labor party in England and not in the United States?
  5. What are the economic essentials of socialism?




The treatment of two of the following questions will be regarded as equivalent to one-half of the examination and should therefore occupy one hour. Write on two questions only.

  1. Give the author, approximate date, and general character of five of the following works:
    1. National System of Political Economy.
    2. Essays in Political Arithmetick.
    3. England’s Treasure by Forraign Trade.
    4. Essay on the Principle of Population
    5. Principles of Political Economy.
    6. The Wealth of Nations.
    7. Das Kapital.
    8. Lombard Street.
    9. Capital and Interest.
  2. Explain four of the following terms:
    Abstinence; Manchester School; stationary state; iron law of wages; produit net; non-competing groups; Scholasticism; Utilitarianism.
  3. Locate on an outline map:
    1. The world’s principal sources of five of the following raw materials: cotton; copper; sugar; silk; wheat; tin; rice; nitrate; petroleum; gold.
    2. The more important routes of overseas transportation.
    3. The world’s chief regions of manufacture.


The treatment of three of the following questions will be regarded as equivalent to one-half of the examination and should therefore occupy one hour. Write on three questions only. Be concise.

  1. Define “thrift” and discuss its social significance.
  2. Analyze the determination of normal value under competitive conditions of joint cost.
  3. What is meant by “monetary inflation”? How is it to be measured and what is its importance?
  4. What has been the course of the interest rate in modern times? What probably will be the course of the rate during the next few years? Why?
  5. What are the purposes and limits of progressive taxation?
  6. Discuss the future of public utilities in the United States.
  7. To what extent and in what respects, if at all, is labor legislation of the times a corrective of the more serious defects of the existing social order?
  8. Discuss: “Perpetual prosperity would be a national calamity.”



Answer six questions


Take from this group at least two and not more than four

  1. What is the concept of “justice” in the theory of the distribution of wealth?
  2. Comment on the validity and significance of the following contention: “Labor is the source of all wealth.”
  3. “Whether capital is productive depends simply on the question: Are tools useful? It matters not how much or how little tools add to the product — if they add something, capital is productive.” Do you agree? Explain.
  4. “The forces which make for Increasing Return are not of the same order as those that make for Diminishing Return. . . . The two ‘laws’ are in no sense coordinate. . . . The two ‘laws’ hold united, not divided, sway over industry.” Comment critically.
  5. What relations exist between the accounting and economic concepts of “cost of production”?
  6. “The differences in the productive powers of men due to their heredity or social position give to certain individuals the same kind of an advantage over others that the owner of a corner lot in the center of a city has over one in the suburbs. If the income from a corner lot is a surplus and can therefore be described as unearned, the income of a man of better heredity, education or opportunity must also be regarded as a surplus income and therefore unearned.”
    Discuss this statement with reference to your general theory of distribution.


Take from this group at least one and not more than wto

  1. Give a brief historical account of the theory of population.
  2. Trace the development of the theory of international trade.
  3. In what ways have the following influenced the history of economic thought: Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, Malthus, Ricardo, J.S. Mill, Marx?
  4. Outline the evolution of the theory of economic rent.


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. “The profits of speculation on the Stock Exchange are just as unearned as the increment in the value of urban building sites; unlike the profits of speculation in produce, they represent no service to society.” Do you agree? Why, or why not?
  2. “There is a point beyond which advertising outlay is extravagant.” Explain.
  3. “I do not see how we can retain our home markets, upon which American good fortune must be founded, and at the same time maintain American standards of production and American standards of living unless we make other peoples with lower standards pay for the privilege of trading in the American markets.” Discuss.
  4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the closed shop?



Answer six questions 


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. “The opening of the Erie Canal affected both intensive and extensive agriculture in the United States.” Explain. Have there been analogous changes in later periods?
  2. Discuss the following statement: “The enactment of corporation laws by the various states is the most important step made during the past century in the development of American manufactures.”
  3. Analyze the important economic after-effects of the World War.
  4. Briefly explain the most satisfactory methods for separating the different types of variation in time series.


Take from this group at least two and not more than four

  1. Write a brief account of one of the early English trading companies.
  2. Sketch the rise of the modern factory system.
  3. Compare changes in farm ownership and tenancy during the nineteenth century in England and the United States.
  4. Outline the history of banking in the United States from 1830 to 1860.
  5. Write a brief narrative of the early development of the railroad.
  6. Give the history of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act.
  7. Trace the evolution of the middle class and forecast its future.


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. Give a critical account of the policy of the Federal Government in its regulation of industrial combinations.
  2. Discuss the history and consequences of immigration into the United States since 1840.
  3. Review the development of German foreign trade before the War with special reference to the methods of trade promotion.
  4. Analyze the causes, extent, and consequences of changes in the price level in the United States since 1914.



Answer six questions


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. A law of 1691 authorizes the municipal corporations of New York “to impose any reasonable tax upon all houses within said city, in proportion to the benefit they shall receive thereby.” How far is this a correct principle of taxation and how far has it continued to be applied?
  2. Present a classification of Federal expenditures for a national budget system.
  3. Give a brief account of the financial statistics issued currently by the Federal Government.
  4. Discuss the proposal for the cancellation of all inter-allied debts.


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. How has the Federal Constitution influenced national and state tax systems in the United States?
  2. Trace the history of an important fiscal monopoly.
  3. Give a brief account of the financial history of one of the American states.
  4. What connections have existed between currency systems and government finance? Illustrate fully.


Take from this group at least two and not more than four

  1. Compare the total expenditures in the United States in normal times for (a) national, (b) state, and (c) municipal purposes. What changes, if any, in the proportions are to be expected?
  2. To what extent is it desirable to separate state and local revenues in the United States?
  3. Indicate the nature and significance of the “grant in aid” in British public finance.
  4. What arguments have been used in European countries for and against a capital levy?
  5. Should the poll tax be abolished? Why, or why not?
  6. Discuss critically the present condition of the public debt of the United States.



Answer six questions


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. What part, if any, do commercial banks play in (a) the process of investment; (b) the increase of capital; (c) the course of industrial development; (d) leadership in the business world? In what respects, if at all, may the influence of commercial banks be economically inexpedient?
  2. Discuss the desirability of uniform bank accounting in the United States.
  3. Describe critically the more important sources of statistics of currency and credit in the United States.
  4. Analyze the successive phases of the business cycle. What are the causes of financial panics; industrial crises?


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. Give a brief account of the life and work of John Law.
  2. Trace the history of usury laws.
  3. Outline the political background of American monetary history from 1870 to 1900.
  4. Give a brief history of the Reichsbank.


Take from this group at least two and not more than four

  1. “It is quite clear that the money question no longer survives as a political issue.” Do you agree? Why, or why not?
  2. To what extent has the status of the gold standard been affected by the World War?
  3. “This little neutral country [Switzerland], surrounded by four great continental belligerents, and bordering on the two principal battle-fronts of Europe, possesses at present, curiously enough, an exceptional purchasing power. This is the consequence of the high level of Swiss currency, which is 250 per cent above the usual parity with the currency of the neighbor in the east, Austria-Hungary; 100 per cent higher than that of the neighbor in the north, Germany; 90 per cent higher than that of the neighbor in the south, Italy; and 20 per cent higher than that of the western neighbor, France. Even in overseas countries, Swiss currency has a higher buying power than the English sovereign or the American dollar.” Explain fully.
  4. What changes have been made in the original Federal Reserve System? What have been the purposes and effects of the changes? What further changes, if any, seem desirable?
  5. Compare the provisions for agricultural credit in two important countries.
  6. Comment upon the following statement: “Prosperity continued through the war, and gave the nation such a tremendous start in business activity that we would still be rejoicing in a period of great prosperity had it not been for the death-dealing blow of deflation of credit given by Mr. Wilson’s Federal Reserve Board.”



Answer six questions


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. State the theory of value under conditions of monopoly. In what ways, if at all, is monopoly price affected by (a) cost of production per unit; (b) potential competition; (c) an elastic demand for the product; (d) the existence of satisfactory substitutes for the product; (e) hostile public opinion?
  2. Formulate a statistical classification of business organizations in the United States.
  3. Discuss the apportionment of railway operating expenses between freight and passenger service.
  4. Analyze the valuation of corporate assets from the standpoint of the principles of accounting.


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. Compare the history of business corporations in England and the United States.
  2. Trace connections between railroad construction in the United States and related political and economic events.
  3. Give a brief narrative of the trust dissolutions of the Federal Government.
  4. What provisions of the Federal Constitution have been most important in determining policies of government regulation of public utilities?


Take from this group at least two and not more than four

  1. Discuss the following statement: “The enactment of corporation laws by the various states is the most important step made during the past century in the development of American manufactures.”
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of non-par stock?
  3. Discuss the probable consequences of the Supreme Court decision that stock dividends are not income under the income tax law.
  4. What is the nature and importance of good-will in corporation finance?
  5. To what extent may there be differences in the fair valuation of public utilities for the purposes of rate-making, condemnation, taxation, and capitalization?
  6. Did the Government act wisely in returning the railroads March 1, 1920 to their corporate owners for operation? Why, or why not?



Answer six questions 


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. Analyze the doctrine of economic rent from agricultural land.
  2. What are the functions of organized speculation in staple agricultural products?
  3. Describe the methods to be employed in making an annual farm inventory.
  4. What subjects are covered by the decennial Federal census of agriculture? What is the statistical value of the results of the several inquiries?


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. Trace the history of the relations between landlords and tenants in England.
  2. What have been the most important changes in American agriculture since 1890?
  3. Give a critical account of the land policies of the Federal Government.
  4. Outline the development of the beet sugar industry in Europe.


Take from this group at least two and not more than four

  1. What factors determine the most efficient size of farms?
  2. What are the advantages of diversification of crops?
  3. Discuss the future of the meat supply of the United States.
  4. Describe and estimate the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods of marketing farm produce.
  5. State and defend a forest conservation policy for the United States.
  6. Compare the provisions for agricultural credit in two important countries.
  7. What are the principal problems of rural community life in the United States?



Answer six questions


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. Discuss the proposal to restrict immigration into the United States by limiting the number of each nationality admitted each year to 3 per cent of the foreign-born of that nationality resident in this country in 1910.
  2. Describe the technique of statistical measurement of the high cost of living.
  3. What are the principal difficulties encountered in the collection of wage statistics?
  4. Analyze the relations between high money wages and high commodity prices.


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. Describe the early development of the factory system.
  2. Trace the origins of trade-unionism in the United States.
  3. Write a brief narrative of the movement for a shorter working day.
  4. Review the relations between organized labor and the steel industry in the United States.


Take from this group at least two and not more than four

  1. What is “the labor problem”?
  2. Compare American and British labor leadership. How do you account for the differences?
  3. “Employers must be free to employ their work people at wages mutually satisfactory, without interference or dictation on the part of individuals or organizations not directly parties to such contracts.” Comment.
  4. Discuss a proposed law providing that “in the establishment of salaries for school teachers in the city of—, there shall be no discrimination based on sex or otherwise, but teachers and principals rendering the same service shall receive equal pay.”
  5. “The principle that each industry shall support its own unemployed is one that must be established if a real solution of unemployment is to be made.” Do you agree? Why, or why not?
  6. Discuss the relation of shop committees to trade-unionism.



Answer six questions


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. Discuss the following contention: “The landlord is a parasite since he consumes without producing.”
  2. What is the meaning of “over-population”?
  3. “Hitherto it is questionable if all the mechanical inventions yet made have lightened the day’s toil of any human being.” Comment critically.
  4. What are the interactions of human instincts and modern factory labor?
  5. Discuss the nature and bases of economic prosperity.


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. Describe the evolution of language.
  2. Trace the history of the middle class and forecast its future.
  3. Give a brief historical account of the status of women.
  4. What have been the chief cultural consequences of the machine process?


Take from this group at least two and not more than four

  1. What is the province of sociology?
  2. Discuss the family as a necessary social unit.
  3. Describe the leading forms of conflict and their effect upon group life. Why are some forms to be preferred to others? What are the factors which determine the forms actually prevailing at any time?
  4. Analyze the sources of prestige and influence in modern society.
  5. “From the standpoint of progress, the value of the individual depends on the excess of his production over his consumption.” Discuss.
  6. What are the criteria and causes of racial superiority?


Examinations not transcribed for this post


General Examination
Special Examinations: Mediaeval History; English History; Modern European History to 1789; Modern History since 1789; American History


General Examination
Special Examinations: American Government; Municipal Government; Political Theory; International Law


Source: Harvard University Archives. Divisional and general examinations, 1915-1975 (HUC 7000.18). Box 6, Bound Volume (stamped “Private Library Arthur H. Cole”) “Divisional Examinations 1916-1927”.

Exam Questions Harvard Money and Banking Public Finance

Harvard. Course description, enrollment, exam questions for history of public finance. Bullock, 1904-1905

Step by step, inch by inch, course by course we transcribe and file away course materials from academic years gone by. Again we encounter Harvard assistant professor of economics, Charles Jesse Bullock, this time wearing his public finance hat. Note that at the turn of the twentieth century monetary and fiscal issues were taught as two sides of a single financial history.



1903-1904 enrollment and final exam questions.


Course Enrollment

Economics 16 1hf. Asst. Professor Bullock. — Financial History of the United States.

Total 6: 4 Seniors, 1 Junior, 1 Other.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1904-1905, p. 75.


Course Description

[Economics] 16 1hf. The Financial History of the United States. Half-course (first half-year). Mon., Wed., and(at the pleasure of the instructor) Fri., at 1.30. Asst. Professor Bullock.

This course will deal mainly with the history of the finances of the federal government; but will include some study of the financial experience of the colonies, and will treat of the development of the finances of the states from 1775 to 1850.
Each student will be required to prepare a thesis upon some special topic.

Source: Harvard University. Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Division of History and Political Science Comprising the Departments of History and Government and Economics, 1904-05 (May 16, 1904), p. 46.


Mid-year Examination, 1904-05

  1. Describe the development of colonial tax systems.
  2. State the main facts concerning the Continental paper money.
  3. Describe Hamilton’s funding system.
  4. Describe and criticise the sinking-fund act of 1795.
  5. What are the main facts in the history of the Second Bank of the United States?
  6. Describe the tariffs of 1828, 1838, and 1846.
  7. What are the main facts in the history of the greenbacks?
  8. Discuss the suspension of specie payments in December, 1861.
  9. Describe the refunding of the national debt after the Civil War
  10. What were the chief provisions of the resumption act? How was resumption actually accomplished?

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University, Examination Papers 1873-1915. Box 7, Bound volume: Examination Papers, 1904-05; Papers Set for Final Examinations in History, Government, Economics,…,Music in Harvard College (June, 1905), p. 36.

Source: Williams College, The Gulielmensian 1902, Vol. 45, p. 26. Colorized by Economics in the Rear-view Mirror.

Business Cycles Distribution Economic History Exam Questions History of Economics Industrial Organization International Economics Johns Hopkins Labor Money and Banking Public Finance Public Utilities Statistics Theory

Johns Hopkins. General Written Exam for Economics PhD. 1956


One is struck by the relative weight of the history of economics in this four part (12 hours total) general examination for the PhD degree at Johns Hopkins in 1956. Also interesting to note just how many different areas are touched upon. Plenty of choice, but no place to hide.


Other General Exams from Johns Hopkins



*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

June 4, 1956, 9-12 a.m.

Answer two questions, one from each group.

Group I.
  1. Write an essay on the theory of capital. It should include a discussion of the place of capital theory in economic analysis: for what purposes, if any, we need such a theory, Do not omit theories or issues which were important in the history of doctrines, even if you should regard them as irrelevant for modern analysis.
  2. Discuss and compare the capital theories of Böhm-Bawerk, Wicksell, and Hayek.
  3. Write an essay on the theory of income distribution. Organize it carefully, as if it were designed for an article in the Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Include discussions of alternative theories such as imputation theories, residual theories, surplus value theories, etc.
Group II.
  1. The following statements attempt to show that marginal productivity theory is inconsistent with factual observation. Accepting the stated facts as given, discuss whether they call for the rejection or major modification of the theory. If so, how? If not, why not?
    1. “In the most important industries in the United States wage rates are set by collective bargaining and are largely determined by the bargaining strength of the parties. Marginal productivity of labor is neither calculated nor mentioned in the process.”
    2. “In many industries competition among employers for workers is so limited that most firms are able to pay less than the marginal productivity of labor.”
    3. “Workers in some trades — say, carpenters or bricklayers — work essentially the same way as their predecessors did fifty years ago; yet their real wages have increased greatly, probably not less than in occupations where productivity has improved considerably over the years.”
  2. The determination of first-class and second-class passenger fares for transatlantic ocean transportation involves problems of (a) joint or related cost, (b) related demand, and (c) discriminatory pricing. Discuss first in what ways these three phenomena are involved here; then formulate a research project to obtain the factual information required for an evaluation of the cost relationships and demand relationships prevailing in the case of two-class passenger ships; and finally state the criteria for judging whether the actual rate differential implies conscious discrimination in favor of first-class passengers, conscious discrimination against first-class passengers, wrong calculation and faulty reasoning on the part of the shipping lines, or any other reason which you may propose.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

June 4, 1956, 2-5 p.m.

Answer three questions, at least one from each group.

Group I.
  1. There is a running debate on the question whether trade unions are labor monopolies. This debate obviously turns on the meaning of monopoly and on what effects union have had on their members’ wages, output, and conditions of work. Give both sides of the argument.
  2. Write an essay on the demand for labor.
  3. Write down everything you know about the incidence of unemployment among various classes of workers and about the fluctuations of unemployment over time. Discuss some of the problems of developing a workable concept of unemployment. Indicate whether the statistical behavior of unemployment throws any light on its causation.
Group II.
  1. What is a “public utility”? According to accepted regulatory principles, how are the “proper” net earnings of a utility company determined? And, finally, what factors are considered in setting an “appropriate” rate structure?
  2. What is the major purpose of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890? What are some of the more significant problems in determining what constitutes “restraint of trade”? What tests would you apply? Why?
  3. Analyze the economic effects of a corporate income tax. Be as comprehensive as you can.
  4. What are flexible agricultural price supports? Explain how they are determined and applied. Evaluate their use in the light of reasonable alternatives.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

June 5, 1956, 9-12 a.m.

Answer three questions, one from each group.

Group I.
  1. Describe briefly Schumpeter’s theory of economic development, and comment upon the possibility of testing it empirically.
  2. Describe briefly Keynes’ general theory of employment, interest and money; state its assumptions, structure, and conclusions; and evaluate it critically in the light of more recent theoretical and empirical findings.
Group II.
  1. What characteristics of economic cycles would you consider important in a statistical study of business cycles?
  2. In the study of long-term trends, what criteria would you use in constructing index numbers of production?
  3. What measures of economic growth of nations would you us? Consider carefully the various characteristics that you would deem indispensable in measurements of this sort.
Group III.
  1. Give a brief definition, explanation and illustration for each of the following:
    1. variance;
    2. confidence interval;
    3. coefficient of regression;
    4. coefficient of correlation;
    5. coefficient of determination;
    6. regression line.

[Note: Indicate where you have confined yourself to simple, linear correlation.]

  1. Write an essay on statistical inference by means of the following three techniques:
    1. chi square;
    2. analysis of variance;
    3. multiple regression.

Indicate the types of problem in which they are used, and how each type of problem is handled.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

June 5, 1956, 2-5 p.m.

Answer four questions, one from each group.

Group I.
  1. Political arithmetic is a term that is applied to certain writings that appeared from roughly 1675 to 1800. What gave rise to such writings? What were the contributions of the different members of the “group”? Why should Political Arithmetic be given a terminal date?
  2. Discuss Quesnay’s Tableau Économique, Do you see in it anything of significance for the subsequent development of economic theory?
  3. Present arguments for the contention that J. B. Say was far more than “a mere disciple of Adam Smith”.
Group II.
  1. Discuss the relations between the English economic literature of the first half of the 19th century and the events, conditions, and general ideas of that time.
  2. Select three episodes in American economic history, and use your knowledge of economic theory to explain them.
Group III.
  1. Analyze the economic effects of a large Federal debt. Be as comprehensive as you can.
  2. At one time or another each of the following has been proposed as the proper objective or goal of monetary policy: (1) The stabilization of the quantity of money; (2) The maintenance of a constant level of prices; (3) The maintenance of full employment.
    Explain for each policy objective (a) what it means, that is, exactly what in “operational” terms might be maintained or stabilized; (b) how the objective could be achieved, that is, what techniques could be used to achieve it; and (a) the difficulties with or objections to the proposal.
  3. Irving Fisher and others have proposed that all bank be required to hold 100% reserves against their deposits. This was designed to prevent bank failures and, more important, to eliminate the perverse tendency of money to contract in recessions and expand in booms.
    Explain whether the proposal would have the effects claimed for it, and if so, why, and discuss what other effects it might have.
Group IV.
  1. Discuss the “law of comparative advantage” in international trade.
  2. Discuss “currency convertibility”.
  3. Discuss the “transfer problem”.
  4. Discuss the “optimum tariff”.
  5. Discuss the “foreign-trade multiplier”.
  6. Discuss alternative concepts of the “terms of trade”.
  7. Discuss the “effects of devaluation upon the balance of trade”.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Source: Johns Hopkins University. Eisenhower Library. Ferdinand Hamburger, Jr. Archives. Department of Political Economy Series 5/6.  Box No. 6/1. Folder: “Comprehensive Exams for Ph.D. in Political Economy, 1947-1965”.

Image Source: Fritz Machlup in an economics seminar. Evsey Domar visible sitting third from the speaker on his right hand side. Johns Hopkins University Yearbook, Hullabaloo 1956, p. 15.

Exam Questions Harvard Public Finance

Harvard. Course enrollment, description, and final exam for theory and methods of taxation. Bullock, 1904-1905

The field of public finance was covered at Harvard in 1904-05 in two semester courses taught by Charles Jesse Bullock. The previous post contains material from the first course in the sequence, an introduction to public finance. The second semester’s focus was on the theory and methods of taxation with enrollment figures, a course description and the final exam transcribed and posted below.

A short bibliography “for serious students” on taxation published in 1910 by Bullock has been transcribed earlier (with many links to the items).


Course Enrollment

Economics 7b 2hf. Asst. Professor Bullock. — Theory and Methods of Taxation.

Total 45: 5 Graduates, 8 Seniors, 16 Juniors, 12 Sophomores, 1 Freshman, 3 Others.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1904-1905, p. 74.


Course Description

[Economics] 7b 2hf. The Theory and Methods of Taxation. Half-course (second half-year). Mon., Wed., Fri., at 10. Asst. Professor Bullock.

In this course the tax systems of England, France, and Germany are first studied. Then the theory of taxation is examined, attention being given to such subjects as the classification, the just distribution, and the incidence of taxes. Finally, the existing methods of taxation in the United States, will receive careful consideration.

Systematic reading will be required, and most of the exercises conducted by the method of informal discussion. Graduate Students and candidates for Honors will be given the opportunity of writing theses.

The course is open to students who have taken Economies 1.

Source: Harvard University. Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Division of History and Political Science Comprising the Departments of History and Government and Economics, 1904-05 (May 16, 1904), pp. 41-42.


Year-end Examination, 1904-05

  1. Make a list of the different taxes employed in the United States, and state by what governments — federal, state, or local — each tax is employed.
  2. What taxes are employed by (a) the German Empire, (b) the Kingdom of Prussia, (c) the local governing bodies of Prussia?
  3. What taxes are employed by the national government in England which our own national government does not employ? How can you account for the differences between the two systems of national taxation?
  4. Compare the British and the Prussian income taxes.
  5. Describe the taxation of inheritances in Great Britain and in France.
  6. Write a brief history of direct apportioned taxes levied by our national government.
  7. What are the chief constitutional limitations upon the taxing power of the states of the American Union?
  8. If called upon to draft a general corporation tax for an Ameri can state, what plan would you follow in order to make the tax (a) constitutional, (b) productive, (c) as just as possible?
  9. Describe the taxation of mortgages in Massachusetts and California, and describe the results secured in each state.
  10. Discuss in some detail the methods of taxing personal property in Massachusetts and the results secured.

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University, Examination Papers 1873-1915. Box 7, Bound volume: Examination Papers, 1904-05;  Papers Set for Final Examinations in History, Government, Economics,…,Music in Harvard College (June, 1905), p. 27.

Image Source: Library of Congress. Puck, 23 June 1909. “The fountain of taxation”. Published by Keppler & Schwarzmann, Puck Building.

A large fountain with four basins, at top, supported by a crown and scepters, is a basin labeled “Millionaire”, next resting on a cornucopia is “Well-To-Do”, then the “Middle Class” basin supported by an octopus, and at the bottom is the largest basin labeled the “Laboring Class”. The fountain is standing on a platform labeled “Tax System”; the water, cascading from top down is labeled “Burden of Taxation”.