Chicago Exam Questions Suggested Reading Syllabus

Chicago. Syllabus and Final Exam, International Monetary Economics. Metzler, 1971

The two items below (syllabus and final exam) were incorrectly filed in Lloyd A. Metzler’s papers at Duke. I accidentally stumbled upon both today and thought that rather than trusting my memory of the locations of the syllabus and final exam for Economics 370 in 1971, I’d just transcribe and post the two artifacts today. According to the biographical note below, Lloyd Metzler retired from the University of Chicago in 1971 so this must have indeed been the last time that he taught international monetary economics at Chicago.


Biographical Note

Lloyd Appleton Metzler was born on April 3, 1913 in Lost Springs, Kansas. He attended the University of Kansas, where he studied economics under John Ise and earned a Bachelor’s degree in 1935 and an MBA in 1938. Metzler then entered Harvard University. He served as an instructor and tutor at Harvard and completed a Ph.D. in economics in 1942. His dissertation, “Interregional Income Generation,” earned him the Wells Prize. That same year, Metzler was the recipient of a Guggenheim fellowship.

From Harvard, Metzler went on to Washington, D.C., where worked for the Office of Strategic Services and several economic policy and planning commissions between 1943 and 1946. Metzler joined the research staff of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in 1944. In 1946 he returned to academia when he accepted a teaching position at Yale University. He soon left Yale for the University of Chicago in 1947, where he remained for the rest of his career.

Dr. Metzler survived surgery for a brain tumor in 1952, and with the help of his wife Edith, managed to continue teaching and writing for the next twenty years. He served as Editor of the Journal of Political Economy from 1966 until his retirement in 1971. Metzler made numerous contributions to business cycle literature, macro-monetary theory, tariff theory, mathematical economics, and the field of international trade. The Metzler paradox, Laursen-Metzler effect, and Metzler matrix, all bear his name. He died on October 26, 1980.

Source: University of Chicago Library. Guide to the Lloyd A. Metzler Papers 1941-1948.


For Intertemporal Comparison

Syllabus and readings for Economics 370 in 1950.

Exam for Economics 370 in 1953.

Syllabus, readings and final exam for Economics 370 from Winter Quarter 1967.



Monetary Aspects of International Trade
Major Topics and Reading List
Winter, 1971

  1. Mechanism of the Foreign Exchange Market
    1. Alan R. Holmes and Francis Schott, The New York Foreign Exchange Market. New York: The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1965, Chapters 1-6.
    2. Frank A. Southard, Jr., Foreign Exchange Practice and Policy. New York: The McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1940.
    3. Norman Crump, The ABC of the Foreign Exchange. London: MacMillan and Company, Ltd., 1951.
    4. James E. Meade, The Theory of International Economic Policy: Vol. I. The Balance of Payments. London: Oxford University Press, 1951, Chapter 1.
  2. The Quantity of Money, the Rate of Interest, and the Price Level
    1. James Tobin, “The Monetary Policy and the Management of the Public Debt: The Patman Inquiry,” Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. XXXV, No. 2, May 1953, pp. 118-27.
    2. Subcommittee on General Credit Control and Debt Management of the Joint Committee on the Economic Report, Hearings on the Question, What Should our Monetary and Debt Management Policy Be? 82nd Congress of the United States 1952, pp. 688-711, 691-98. (These pages include the testimony of Milton Friedman and Paul Samuelson).
    3. Robert V. Roosa, “Interest Rates and the Central Bank,” In Money, Trade, and Economic Growth, in honor of John Henry Williams, New York: The Macmillan Company, 1951.
    4. Lloyd A. Metzler, “Wealth, Saving, and the Rate of Interest,” Journal of Political Economy, Vol. LIX, No. 2, April 1951, pp. 93-116.
    5. Robert A. Mundell, “The Public Debt, Corporate Income Taxes, and the Rate of Interest,” Journal of Political Economy, Vol. LXVIII, No. 6, December 1960, pp. 622-26.
    6. George Horwich, “Real Assets and the Theory of Interest,” Journal of Political Economy, Vol. LXX, No.2, April 1962, pp. 158-69.
    7. Don Patinkin, Money, Interest, and Prices, 1st edition, Evanston: Row, Peterson and Company, 1956, Part II.
  3. The Role of Money in International Adjustment: Full Employment and Under-Employment
    1. J. M. Keynes, Treatise on Money: Vol. 1. The Pure Theory of Money. London: Macmillan and Company, 1935, Chapter 21.
    2. Lloyd A. Metzler, “The Theory of International Trade,” from A Survey of Contemporary Economics, Howard S. Ellis, Editor, Homewood, Ill.: R.D. Irwin, Inc., 1948.
    3. Lloyd A. Metzler, “The Process of International Adjustment Under Conditions of Full Employment: A Keynesian View,” first delivered before the Econometric Society, 1960, republished in AEA, Readings in International Economics, Vol. XI, Richard Caves and Harry Johnson, editors, Homewood, Ill.: R. D. Irwin, Inc., 1968, Chapter 28.
  4. Free-Market Exchange Rates
    1. A. J. Brown, “The Foreign Exchanges,” in Oxford Studies in the Price Mechanism, T. Wilson and P.W.S. Andrews, editors, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1951, Part II.
    2. Sidney Alexander, “Effects of a Devaluation on a Trade Balance,” International Monetary Fund Staff Papers, Vol. Il, No. 2, April 1952.
    3. Milton Friedman, “The Case for Flexible Exchange Rates,” in Essays in Positive Economics, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1953, pp. 157-203.
    4. Joan Robinson, “The Foreign Exchanges,” in Essays in the Theory of Employment. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1947, Part III.
    5. Lloyd A. Metzler, “Exchange Rates and the International Monetary Fund,” in International Monetary Policies, Postwar Economic Studies, No. 7, Washington, D.C.: The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, September 1947.
    6. Rudolph R. Rhomberg. “A Model of the Canadian Economy under Fixed and Fluctuating Exchange Rates,” Journal of Political Economy, Vol. LXXII, No. 1, February 1964, pp. 1-31.
  5. Forward Exchange Rates
    1. Paul Einzig, The Theory of Forward Exchange. London: Macmillan and Company, Ltd., 1937.
    2. Paul Einzig, A Dynamic Theory of Forward Exchang. London: Macmillan and Company, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1961.
    3. Alan R. Holmes and Francis Schott, The New York Foreign Exchange Market. New York: The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1965, Chapters 7-8.
    4. Paul Einzig, “Some Recent Development in Official Forward Exchange Operations,” Economic Journal, Vol. LXXIII, No. 290, June 1963, pp. 241-53.
    5. Paul Einzig, “Some Recent Changes in Forward Exchange Practices,” Economic Journal, Vol. LXX, No. 279, September 1960, pp. 485-95.
  6. The Balance of Payments and the Concepts of Income
    1. R. F. Bennett, “Significance of International Transactions in National Income,” in Studies in Income and Wealth, Vol. VI. New York: The National Bureau of Economic Research, 1943.
    2. U. S. Department of Commerce, Income and Output, 1958 Supplement to the Survey of Current Business.
  7. The Theory of Income Transfers
    1. J. M. Keynes, “The Transfer Problem,” Economic Journal, Vol. XXXIX, No. 153, March 1929, pp. 1-7.
    2. B. Ohlin, “The Reparation Problem: A Discussion. I. Transfer Difficulties, Real and Imagined,” Economic Journal, Vol. XXXIX, No. 154, June 1929, pp. 172-78.
    3. J. M. Keynes. “The Reparation Problem: A Discussion. II. A Rejoinder,” Economic Journal, Vol. XXXIX, No. 154, June 1929, 179-82.
    4. J. Rueff, “Mr. Keynes’ Views on the Transfer Problem,” Economic Journal, Vol. XXXIX, No. 155, September 1929, pp. 388-99.
    5. B. Ohlin, “Rejoinder to J. Rueff,” Economic Journal, Vol. XXXIX, No. 155, September 1929, pp. 400-04.
    6. J. M. Keynes, “Reply to J. Rueff,” Economic Journal, Vol. XXXIX, No. 155, September 1929, pp. 404-08.
    7. L. A. Metzler, “The Transfer Problem Reconsidered,” Journal of Political Economy, Vol. L, No. 3, June 1942, pp. 397-414.
    8. H. G. Johnson, “The Transfer Problem and Exchange Stability,” Journal of Political Economy, LXIV, No. 3, June 1956, pp. 212-25, Republished in International Trade and Economic Growth. London: George Allen and Unwin, Ltd., 1958, Chapter VII.
    9. L. A. Metzler, “Flexible Exchange Rates, The Transfer Problem, and the Balanced-Budget Theorem,” Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciale, Anno XIII, No. 4, April 1966, pp. 301-18. Republished in Essays in Honor of Marco Fanno, Vol. II, Tullio Bagiotti, editor, edizioni cedam, Padova, 1966, pp. 449-76.
  8. Evolution of the International Monetary System
    1. Randall Hinshaw. Toward Currency Convertibility. Princeton University, Essays in International Finance, No. 31, 1958.
    2. Robert Triffin, Europe and the Money Muddle, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1957.
    3. Charles P. Kindleberger. The Dollar Shortage, Cambridge, Mass.: The Technology Press, New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1950.
    4. Robert Triffin, “The International Monetary Position of the United States,” in The Dollar in Crisis, Seymour E. Harris, editor, New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc., 1961.
    5. Hal B. Lary, Problems of the United States as World Trader and Banker, Princeton: Princeton University Press for the National Bureau of Economic Research, 1963.
    6. Robert Triffin, The Evolution of the International Monetary System: Historical Reappraisal and Future Perspectives. Princeton Studies in International Finance Section. Princeton University, 1964.

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Economists’ Papers Archive. Lloyd Appleton Metzler Papers, Box 9, Folder “The Dust Proof File”.


L. A. Metzler

WINTER, 1971

Answer all questions

  1. It is frequently said that forward purchases and sales have a two-fold effect upon the assets and liabilities of the bank making the forward transactions. When a bank makes a forward purchase, for example, it is entitled to receive a given amount of foreign currency some time in the future and this right to receive foreign currency constitutes an asset. On the other hand, when the bank receives the foreign currency, it is obligated to pay a given amount of its own currency, and exchange, and this obligation constitutes a liability. Conversely, when the bank makes a forward sale, it is obligated to deliver a given amount of foreign currency some time in the future and such an obligation constitutes a liability. But when the bank delivers the foreign currency, it is entitled to receive a given quantity of domestic currency to complete the transaction, and this receipt constitutes an asset.
    1. In view of the two-fold effect of both forward sales and purchases, how can you justify the inclusion of forward sales as liabilities and the inclusion of forward purchases as assets in an account of the bank’s foreign currency position?
    2. If it is actually true that both sales and purchases increase assets and liabilities by the same amount, what does this imply with respect to the bank’s ability to put itself in a closed position by means of operations on the forward exchange market?
  2. The table, below, presents the yield on 90-day Canadian treasury bills (rc), the yield on 90-day U.S. treasury bills (rus), the 90-day forward exchange rate (FR), and the spot exchange rate (SR) for Canadian currency. The yields for both Canadian and United States bills are stated on an annual basis and the exchange rates represent the price, in United States dollars, of one unit of Canadian dollars. The table covers various periods of time, from A to I.
Period of time Yield on
90-day Canadian treasury bills (rc)
Yield on
treasury bills (rus)
90-day forward exchange rate (FR) Spot exchange rate (SR)
A .05 .06 1.0100 1.000
B .06 .05 1.0050 1.000
C .06 .04 1.0025 1.000
D .07 .03 0.9975 1.000
E .05 .04 0.9900 1.000
F .04 .05 0.9950 1.000
G .02 .04 0.9975 1.000
H .02 .06 1.0025 1.000
I .01 .05 2.0050 2.000

On the basis of the information given in the table above, you are asked to:

    1. Indicate which periods are periods of short-term potential capital outflow (O), and which periods are periods of short-term capital inflow (I) from the point of view of U.S. banks.
    2. Prepare a table showing the profits or losses on security transactions, the profits or losses on currency transactions, and the net outflow or inflow margin for all time intervals from A to I.
    3. Show what transactions a U.S. bank would make in carrying out a short term covered capital outflow and what transactions the bank would make in carrying out a short term capital inflow. From this information, show that arbitrage activities of the U.S. bank always influence rc, rus, FR, and SR in such a way as to put the market values back on the interest parity line.
    4. Comment on the stabilizing effects of interest arbitrage.
  1. Professor Alexander maintains that devaluation will be ineffective unless fiscal measures are taken to control spending.
    1. Discuss Alexander’s argument.
    2. Is it also applicable against a system of flexible exchange rates? Explain.
  2. Country A and Country B are trading with each other under a system of flexible exchange rates. Country A makes a unilateral transfer of t currency units, payable in the currency of B. On the assumption that both countries balance their budgets, prove that factor income remains unchanged in both countries while net output rises in A and falls in B. Give both an algebraic and a commonsense explanation of these results. What bearing do these results have on the controversy between Keynes and Ohlin concerning German reparations?
  3. The success of the Canadian experiment with flexible exchange rates is frequently given as an argument for the introduction of flexible exchange rates as a means of eliminating the deficit in the U.S. Balance of Payments.
    1. Would Alexander’s absorption principle apply to this situation?
    2. Can you see any reason why the comparison between Canada and the United States might be inappropriate?

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Economists’ Papers Archive. Lloyd Appleton Metzler Papers, Box 9, Folder “Econ 371 [sic] Reading List.”

Source Image: Posting by Margie Metzler on the Metzler Family Tree at the genealogical website,

Harvard Statistics Suggested Reading

Harvard. Short Bibliography on Social Statistics for “Serious-minded Students”, Ripley, 1910


In 1910 Harvard published a total of 43 of short bibliographies in the collection “Social Ethics and Allied Subjects”, about half of which were dedicated to particular topics in economics and economic sociology. The project was coordinated by Plummer Professor of Christian Morals, Francis G. Peabody.

Part I, Chapter 7 “Social Statistics” was the first of economics professor William Z. Ripley’s three contributions to the collection. Most items have been conveniently linked to internet archival copies for this post.

Previously posted bibliographies from Peabody’s “Social Ethics and Allied Subjects”:

Economic Theory by Professor Frank Taussig

Taxation by Professor Charles J. Bullock

Trade Unionism by Professor William Z. Ripley

Social Insurance by Dr. Robert Franz Foerster

Economics of Socialism by Professor Thomas Nixon Carver

Strikes and Boycotts by Professor William Z. Ripley

Socialism, Family and Religion by Dr. Ray Madding McConnell



William Z. Ripley

The principal source for the United States is the Federal Census,” taken decennially since 1790. The later ones are summarized in special volumes, that for 1900 being known as the Supplementary Analysis.” A still briefer Abstract” is also published. The Supplementary Analysis” is, however, more serviceable, inasmuch as it offers in the text a critical examination of the figures, setting forth the limitations upon their use. A Statistical Atlas” also accompanies each census since 1870, offering the results in graphic form. Special reports” on a variety of topics are also issued. Among these since 1900 may be mentioned, A Century of Population Growth,” Washington, 1909; Marriage and Divorce,” 1867–1906, two parts [Part One Summary, Laws, Foreign Statistics; Part Two, General Tables], Washington,1909, and Statistics of Cities.” “Mortality Statistics” for all states having registration laws are also compiled and published annually. This is the standard reference for all states and minor subdivisions.

Several of the Commonwealths, notably Massachusetts, take censuses on the intervening quinquennial years, some of them containing more detailed information than is afforded by the federal census. The United States Statistical Abstract,” published annually [1878-2018], is often serviceable.

For foreign countries, the Statistical Abstract for Great Britain” and also “The Statistical Abstract for the Principal and other Foreign Countries,” will serve as convenient and accurate handbooks. Some of the leading newspapers, notably the New York Tribune [1856-1914] and the World, [1868-1925], publish Almanacs,” containing a wide range of material gathered from official publications. The Statesman’s Year Book” [1876-1923] is a valuable source. The most elaborate scientific collection, issued annually and covering a very wide range of social data, is, G. Sundbärg: Aperçus statistiques internationaux.” Stockholm: Imprimerie Royale. Since 1906 this has been published in French.

Among scientific serials which are invaluable to students of social statistics, not only for their separate articles, but for their reviews of current literature, should be included: Quarterly Publications of the American Statistical Association [1888-1921] and Journal of the Royal Statistical Society.

The following standard treatises are of fundamental importance, containing not only positive statistical data, but critical examination as to their value:

Mayo-Smith, Richmond. Statistics and sociology. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1895, pp. xvi, 399.

Mayo-Smith, Richmond. Statistics and economics. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1899, pp. 467.

These volumes of material up to the date of their publication are most valuable. They are, however, less ample in American material than for foreign countries.

Bailey, William B. Modern social conditions. New York: The Century Company, 1906, pp. 377.

This treatise is confined principally to the field of vital statistics and problems of population.

Bowley, Arthur Lyon. Elements of statistics. London: P. S. King & Son, 1901, pp. 328.

The most scientific treatise extant as to statistical method, but less serviceable as a collection of positive data. [First edition (1901); Second edition (1902); Third edition (1907); Fourth edition (1920); Fifth edition (1926); Sixth edition (1937)]

Wright, Carroll D. Outline of practical sociology. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899, pp. XXV, 431.

This obviously does not include data from the census of 1900.

Newsholme, A. Elements of vital statistics. Third edition. London: Swan, Sonnenschein & Co., 1899, pp. xxiv, 326.

The standard authority for this special field.

Walker, Francis A. Discussions in economics and statistics. 2 vols. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1899, pp. iv, 454, 481. [Volume 1, Finance and Taxation, Money and Bimetallism, Economic Theory; Volume 2, Statistics, National Growth, Social Economics]

Weber, Adna F. The growth of cities in the nineteenth century. New York: Columbia University Studies, 1899, pp. xiv, 497.

This work is a convenient source book for all statistics of cities.

Schnapper-Arndt, Gottlieb. Sozial-Statistik. Leipzig: W. Klinkhardt, 1908, xxii, 642 S.

This book offers a readable account of statistical data, mainly for European countries.

Mayr, Georg von. Statistik und Gesellschaftslehre. 3 Bde. Freiburg i. B.: J. C. B. Mohr, 1895-1909, 202, 486, 260 S.  [Volume 1, Theoretische Statistik; Volume 2, Bevölkerungsstatistik; Volume 3, Sozialstatistik]

The most elaborate treatise, serviceable mainly to specialists. It contains a wonderfully complete bibliography in all languages, arranged under separate headings, which may be of use in looking up special topics.

Source: A Guide to Reading in Social Ethics and Allied Subjects. Lists of books and articles selected and described for the use of general readers by teachers in Harvard University. Cambridge, Massachusetts (1910), pp. 32-34.

Image Source: Harvard University Archives. William Zebina Ripley [photographic portrait, ca. 1910], J. E. Purdy & Co., J. E. P. & C. (1910).

Columbia Suggested Reading

Columbia. Topics and readings to prepare for oral exam in economic theory, 1961


The only surprises in the following list of relevant readings for the Columbia University oral examinees in economic theory are (i) the number of introductory or intermediate level items and (ii) the overwhelming identification of economic theory with microeconomics, indeed, only 1/5 of the topics have to do with income theory (i.e. macroeconomics). Monetary economics is found under distribution theory.


[Handwritten note at top of page:] 1961

Preparation for the Oral Examination in Economic Theory:
A Communication from the Faculty to the Candidates

The following list of topics and relevant readings are recommended to the attention of students preparing for the oral examination in economic theory. The readings are in no sense “required” since, in most cases, they are merely a small sampling of a voluminous literature that contains many other works of comparable or superior merit. The readings listed below, however, are a good place to begin; and when the student has no previous acquaintance with the literature relevant to a topic, he is advised to begin with a book or article marked [.


Preface: Methodology in Economics

Boulding, The Skills of the Economist (1958)

Friedman, Essays in Positive Economics (1953)

[Knight, “The Limitations of Scientific Method in Economics,” in The Ethics of Competition (1935)

Papandreou, Economics as a Science (1958)

[Robbins, The Nature and Significance of Economic Science (2d ed., 1946)

Schoeffler, The Failures of Economics (1955)

Part I: The Theory of Demand

  1. Consumer Behavior

Hicks, Value and Capital (2d ed. 1946) Part I

[Little, A Critique of Welfare Economics (2d ed., 1957)

Robertson, Utility and All That (1952)

Vickery, “Measuring Marginal Utility by Reactions to Risk,” in 13 Econometrica 3/9 (1945)

  1. The Industry Demand Curve

Bailey, “The Marshallian Demand Curve,” in 62 J. Pol. Econ. 255 (1954)

[Friedman, “The Marshallian Demand Curve,” in 57 J. Pol. Econ. 463 (1949)

Schultz, Henry, Statistical Studies in the Theory of Demand (1938)

Working, “What Do Statistical ‘Demand Curves’ Show,” in 41 Q. J. Econ. 212 (1927); reprinted in A.E.A. Readings in Price Theory

Yeager, “Methodenstreit over Demand Curves,” in 68 J. Pol. Econ. (1960)

  1. The Firm Demand Curve

Stigler, “The Kinked Demand Curve and Rigid Prices,” in 55 J. Pol. Econ. 432 (1947)

Sweezy, Paul, “Demand Under Conditions of Oligopoly,” in 47 J. Pol. Econ. 568 (1939); reprinted in A.E.A. Readings in Price Theory

Part II: The Theory of Production

  1. Industry Cost Curves

Ellis and Fellner, “External Economies and Diseconomies,” 33 Am. Econ. Rev. 493 (1943); reprinted in A.E.A. Readings in PriceTheory

[Knight, ”Some Fallacies in the Interpretation of Social Cost,” in The Ethics of Competition (1935); also in A.E.A. Readings in Price Theory

Scitovsky, “Two Concepts of External Economies,” 62 J. Pol. Econ. 143 (1954)

Schwartzman, “The Methodology of the Theory of Returns to Scale,” 10 Oxford Economic Papers 98 (1958)

  1. Cost Curves in the Firm

Clark, J.M., Studies in the Economics of Overhead Costs (1923)

Dean, Joel, Statistical Determination of Costs (1936)

Eiteman and Guthrie, “The Shape of the Average Cost Curve,” 42 Am. Econ. Rev. 832 (1952)

Staehle, “The Measurement of Statistical Cost Functions,” 32 Am. Econ. Rev. 321 (1942); reprinted in A.E.A. Readings in Price Theory

[Viner, “Cost Curves and Supply Curves,” 3 Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie 23 (1932); reprinted in A.E.A. Readings in Price Theory

  1. Capitalization

Fisher, Irving, The Nature of Capita1 and Income (1927)

[Samuelson, Economics (3d ed. 1955) Appendix to Ch. 29

  1. Activity Analysis

[Baumol, W. J., “Activity Analysis in One Lesson,” 68 Am. Econ. Rev. 837 (1958)

Dorfman, Samuelson and Solow, Linear Programming and Economic Analysis (1958)

Makower, Activity Analysis (1957)

Spivey, Linear Programming (1960)

  1. Input-Output Analysis

Cameron, “The Construction of the Leontief System,” 19 Rev. Econ. Stud. 19 (1951)

Dorfman, Samuelson, and Solow, Linear Programming and Economic Analysis (1958)

[Leontief, The Structure of the American Economy, 1919-1939 (2d ed. 1951)

Input-Output Analysis (National Bureau, 1955)

Part III: The Theory of Markets

  1. Competition, Pure, Perfect and Workable

Clark, J. M., “Toward a Concept of Workable Competition, Am. Econ. Rev. (1940; reprinted in A.E.A. Readings in Social Control

Fetter, “The Economic Law of Market Areas,” 38 Q. J. Econ. 520 (1924); reprinted in The Masquerade of Monopoly

Knight, Risk, Uncertainty, and Profit (1922)

[Stigler, “Perfect Competition, Historically Contemplated,” 65 J. Pol.Econ. l (1957)

  1. Monopoly

Greenhut and Pfouts, “The Pricing Policies of a Spatial Monopolist,” 9 Metroeconomics 153

[Patinkin, “Multiple-Plant Firms Cartels, and Imperfect Competition,” 61 Q. J. Econ. 173 (1947)

Robinson, Joan, Economics of Imperfect Competition (1933). Books IV, V and VI

  1. Oligopoly

Baumol, Business Behavior, Value and Growth (1959), Part I

Fellner, Competition Among the Few (1949)

Hotelling, “Stability in Competition,” 39 Econ. J. 41 (1929); reprinted in A.E.A. Readings in Price Theory

Lerner and Singer, “Some Notes on Duopoly and Spatial Competition,” 45 J. Pol. Econ. 145 (1937)

[Modigliani, “New Developments on the Oligopoly Front,” 66 J. Pol. Econ. 215 (1958)

Stigler, “A Theory of Delivered Price Systems,” 39 Am. Econ. Rev. 1143 (1949)

  1. Game Theory

[Luce and Raiffa, Games and Decisions (1957)

Shubik, Strategy and Market Structure (l959)

[Stone, J. R. N., ”The Theory of Games,” 58 Econ. J. 184 (1948)

  1. Monopolistic and/or Imperfect Competition

Chamberlin, E., The Theory of Monopolistic Competition (7th ed. 1955)

Dewey, ”Imperfect Competition No Bar to Efficient Production,” 66 J. Pol. Econ. 24 (1958)

[Robinson, Joan, The Economics of Imperfect Competition (1933)

Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy (2d ed. 1947) Chapters 7 and 8

Smithies, “Equilibrium in Monopolistic Competition,” Q. J. Econ. (November, 1940)


Part IV: The Theory of Distribution

  1. Capital and Interest: Without Money

Böhm-Bawerk, The Positive Theory of Capital, (1888)

Fisher, Irving, The Nature of Capital and Income (1927)

[Knight, “Diminishing Returns from Investment,” 52 J. Pol. Econ. 26 (1944)

Knight, “’Capital, Time, and the Interest Rate,” Economica 257 (1934)

  1. Capital and Interest: With Money

[Hart, Money, Debt and Economic Activity (2d ed. 1953)

Htcks, Value and Capital (2d ed. 1946) Parts III and IV

Metzler, “Wealth, Saving, and the Rate of Interest,” 59 J. Pol. Econ. 93 (1951)

Patinkin, Money, Interest, and Prices (1956)

Wicksell, Interest and Prices (English ed. 1936)

  1. Land as Capital

Robinson, Economics of Imperfect Competition (1933) Ch. 8

Worcester, ”A Reconsideration of Rent Theory,” 36 Am. Econ. Rev. 258 (1946)

  1. Distribution According to Marginal Productivity

[Samuelson, Principles of Economics (3d ed. 1955) Appendix to Chapter 27

Stigler, Production and Distribution Theories (1946) Ch. 12

[Stonier and Hague, A Textbook of Economic Theory (1953) Ch. 16

  1. Labor and Wages

Conrad and Meyer, “The Economics of Slavery in the Ante Bellum South,” 66 J. Pol. Econ. 95 (1958)

Douglas, Paul, The Theory of Wages (1934)

[Dunlop, John, Wage Determination Under Trade Unions (1944)

Lampman, “Recent Changes in Income Inequality Reconsidered,” 64 Am. Econ. Rev. 251 (1954)

Lester, R.A., “Marginalism and Labor Markets,” 37 Am. Econ. Rev. 135 (1947); with rejoinders by Machlup and Stigler

Mincer, J. “Investment in Human Capital and Personal Income Distribution,” 66 J. Pol. Econ. 281 (1958)

  1. Profit and Uncertainty

Davis, R. M., “The Current State of Profit Theory,” 62 Am. Econ. Rev. 245 (1952)

Hart, A.G., Anticipations Uncertainty and Dynamic Planning (1940)

[Knight, Risk, Uncertainty, and Profit (1922)

Shackle, Expectation in Economics (1949)

Weston, “The Profit Concept and Theory: A Restatement,” 62 J. Pol. Econ. 152 (1954)

  1. The Problem of Optimum Efficiency

Beckwith, B.P., Economic Theory of a Socialist Economy (1949)

Lerner, The Economics of Control (1944)

Pigou, Economics of Welfare (4th ed. 1932)

[Reder, The Theory of Welfare Economics (1947)

Vickery, “Some Objections to Marginal Cost Pricing,” 56 J. Pol. Econ. 218 (1948)

Vickery, “Utility, Strategy and Social Decision Rules,” 74 Q. J. Econ. 507 (1960)

  1. General Equilibrium

Hicks, Value and Capital (2d ed. 1946)

[Stigler, Production and Distribution Theories (1946) Ch. 9

[Stigler, Theory of Price (1952) Ch. 16

Walras, Elements of Political Economy ( 1874)


Part V: The Theory of National Income

  1. Income Theory Before Keynes

Bellamy, Edward, “Parable of the Water Tanks,” in Equality (1897)

Foster, W. T. and Catchings, The Road to Plenty (1928)

[Haberler, Prosperity and Depression (2d ed. 1939)

Hobson, J. A., The Problem of the Unemployed (1896)

Mitchell, W. C., Business Cycles: The Problem and Its Setting (1927)

Robinson, Joan, An Essav on Marxian Economics (1947)

  1. The General Theory and its Reception

[Keynes, The General Theory of Interest, Employment and Money (1935)

[Klein, The Keynesian Revolution (1947)

Pigou, Keynes’ General Theory (1950)

Hansen, A Guide to Keynes (1953)

Harris, ed., The New Economics (1949)

Terborgh, The Bogey of Economic Maturity (1945)

  1. Recent Developments in Income Theory

Christ, C., “Aggregative Econometric Models” 46 Am. Econ. Rev. 385 (1956)

[Friedman and Becker, “A Statistical Illusion in Judging Keynesian Models,” 65 J. Pol. Econ. 64 (1957)

Klein and Goldberger, An Econometric Model of the United States,

1929-1952 (1955)

Weintraub, A General Theory of the Price Level, Output, Income Distribution and Economic Growth (1959)

  1. Some Problems of Economic Growth

Brems, Output, Employment, Capita1, and Economic Growth (1959)

[Domar, Essays in the Theory of Economic Growth (1957)

Harrod, Toward a Dynamic Economics (1948)

Smithies, “Economic Fluctuations and Growth,” 25 Econometrica 1 (1957)



Allen, R.G.D., Mathematical Economics

Bain, Pricing, Distribution, and Employment

Baumol, Economic Dynamics

Boulding, Economic Analysis

Chamberlain, A General Theory of Economic Process

Fellner, Modern Economic Analysis

Hansen, A Guide to Keynes

Henderson and Quandt, Microeconomic Theory

Leftwich, The Price System and Resource Allocation

Machlup, Models of Sellers’ Competition

Makower, Activity Analysis

Klein, The Keynesian Revolution

McKenna, Aggregate Economic Analysis

McKenna, Intermediate Economic Theory

Robinson, Introduction to the Theory of Employment

Samuelson, Principles of Economics

Scitovsky, Welfare and Competition

Stigler, The Theory of Price

Stonier and Hague, A Textbook of Economic Theory

Robertson, D.H., Lectures on Economic Principles


Source: Columbia University Libraries, Manuscript Collections. Department of Economics Collection, Box 1, Folder “Eco. Dept.—Qualifying Examination Committee”.

Image Source: August Rodin’s Le Penseur at Columbia University. InSapphoWeTrust from Los Angeles, California, USA, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Bibliography Gender Harvard Socialism Suggested Reading

Harvard. Short Bibliography on Socialism and Family/Christian Ethics for “Serious-minded Students”, McConnell, 1910


The Ethics of Socialism is the nominal title of the brief 1910 bibliography provided by Harvard social ethics instructor Ray Madding McConnell  and transcribed below along with links to digital copies of the items found at and A more accurate title would be “Socialism and Family/Christian Ethical Doctrine”. Dr. McConnell died the year after this bibliography was published, so I have added a dash of biographical material since it is rather unlikely that Economics in the Rear-View Mirror will encounter him again.

In 1910 Harvard published a total of 43 of short bibliographies in the collection “Social Ethics and Allied Subjects”, about half of which were dedicated to particular topics in economics and economic sociology. The project was coordinated by Plummer Professor of Christian Morals, Francis G. Peabody.

Previously posted bibliographies from Peabody’s “Social Ethics and Allied Subjects”:

Economic Theory by Professor Frank Taussig

Taxation by Professor Charles J. Bullock

Trade Unionism by Professor William Z. Ripley

Social Insurance by Dr. Robert Franz Foerster

Economics of Socialism by Professor Thomas Nixon Carver

Strikes and Boycotts by Professor William Z. Ripley


From the Prefatory Note:

The present list represents an attempt to make this connection between the teaching of the University and a need of the modern world. Each compiler has had in mind, not a superficial reader, nor yet a learned scholar, but an intelligent and serious-minded student, who is willing to read substantial literature if it be commended to him as worth his while and is neither too voluminous nor too inaccessible. To such an inquirer each editor makes suggestions concerning the contents, spirit or doctrine of a book, not attempting a complete description or a final judgment, but as though answering the preliminary question of a student, “What kind of book is this?” The plan thus depends for its usefulness on the competency of the editors concerned, and each editor assumes responsibility for the section to which his name is prefixed.

Source: Prefatory Note by Francis G. Peabody. A Guide to Reading in Social Ethics and Allied Subjects, Lists of Books and Articles Selected and Described for the Use of General Readers. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, 1910, p. vi.


The Short Life of Dr. Ray Madding McConnell (1875-1911)

Born: September 14, 1875. Union City, Tennessee.

Died: June 23, 1911. Cause of Death, Pneumonia—Septic, Tonsillitis. Contributory: Acute Rheumatic Fever. Somerville, Massachusetts. He was buried in Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, Massachusetts.


Ph.D. in Philosophy, 1908

Ray Madding McConnell, A.B. (Southern Univ.) 1899, S.T.B. (Vanderbilt Univ.) 1901, A.M. (Harvard Univ.) 1902.

Subject, Philosophy. Special Field, Ethics. Thesis, “The Ground of Moral Obligation.” Assistant in Social Ethics.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard University 1907-1908, p. 140.



Ray Madding McConnell. The Duty of Altruism. New York: Macmillan, 1910.

________________. Criminal Responsibility and Social Constraint. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1912.



Harvard Instructor in Social Ethics Had Made Long Study of Important Problems

Dr. Ray Madding McConnell long active in educational work, died early this morning at a private hospital in Cambridge [sic, the hospital was in Somerville]. Dr. McConnell who was a graduate of Harvard, class of 1802, was born in Tennessee in 1875, and had been since his college days a great student of sociological problems and recently instructor in social ethics at Harvard.

Dr. McConnell received numerous honorary degrees, including his A.B. from Southern University In Alabama, in 1899, his S.T.B. from Vanderbilt University in Tennessee in 1901, his A.M. from Harvard in 1901, and from that university his Ph. D. in 1908. He was a writer on the subject to which he had given so many years of earnest study and research, and last year his book on “The Duty of Altruism” was brought out and he had at this time another book in preparation, “Philosophy of Crime.” He had contributed frequently to the International Journal of Ethics, and at Harvard he had given courses of lectures on “Moral Obligations of the Modern State.”

Dr. McConnell was married, in 1807, to Miss Phoebe Estes Bedlow of Ithaca, N. Y. by whom he is survived, as well as by a young son, Frank McConnell.

Source: Boston Evening Transcript, 24 June 1911, page 14.




A. The Socialist Attitude

Upon questions of marriage and the family, individual socialists, like other people, have diverse opinions. It would of course be folly to try to saddle all socialism with the utterances of one or even of many socialists. The following references must be understood, therefore, not as indicative of the necessary attitude of socialists, but only as indicative of the proposals of those writers who do advocate socialization of the family.

Bebel, August. Woman in the past, present and future. Translated from the German by H. B. Adams Walther. London: William Reeves, 1894, pp. 264.

Perhaps the most important book on this subject. It is an exceedingly good exposition of socialism, both in the economic order and in the family. “The gratification of the sexual impulse is as strictly the personal affair of the individual as the gratification of every other natural instinct. No one has to give an account of him or her self, and no third person has the slightest right of intervention. Intelligence, culture and independence will direct and facilitate a right choice. Should in compatibility, disappointment and dislike ensue, morality demands the dissolution of a tie that has become unnatural and therefore immoral…. The state of society will have removed the many drawbacks and disturbing elements which influence the married life of to-day and so often prevent it from reaching its full development.”

Heinzen, Karl. The rights of women and the sexual relations. Chicago: Charles H. Kerr & Co., 1898, pp. xi, 385.

A most radical and thoroughgoing advocacy of liberty in the sexual relations and of the independence of woman. “The free common-sense conception of marriage, and with it also of divorce, is everywhere still suppressed by the theological conception of the relationship between man and woman. According to the theological conception, marriage is in itself a hallowed relationship, and this abstract relation in itself, not the real happiness and interest of those who constitute it, is the chief object. Marriage is to be upheld even if the married persons perish in it. Adherents of the official and theological morality will feel in duty bound to grow indignant over the claim that in reality there is no such thing as adultery.”

Carpenter, Edward. Love’s coming of age. A series of papers on the relations of the sexes. London: Swan, Sonnenschein & Co., 1903, pp. vi, 168.

A plea, beautiful in tone, for freedom in sex-relations. “The narrow physical passion of jealousy, the petty sense of private property in another person, social opinion, and legal enactments, have all converged to choke and suffocate wedded love in egoism, lust and meanness. The perfect union must have perfect freedom for its condition. Marriage must not be hampered by legal, conventional or economic considerations. Odious is the present law which binds people together for life, without scruple, and in the most artificial and ill-assorted unions. When mankind has solved the industrial problem so far that the products of our huge mechanical forces have become a common heritage, and no man or woman is the property slave of another, human unions will take place according to their own inner and true laws. The family will expand into the fraternity and communism of all society, losing its definition of outline, and merging with the larger social groups in which it is embedded.”

Wells, H. G. New worlds for old. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1908, pp. vii, 333.

Contains a good chapter on “Would socialism destroy the home ?” Shows the thorough failure of the present order to maintain home and social purity and to rear children. Advises strict state regulation of marriage. “Children must not be casually born; their parents must be known and worthy, that is to say, there must be deliberation in begetting children, marriage under conditions.”

Wells, H. G. A modern utopia. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1907, pp. xi, 392.

Contains a good chapter on “Women in a modern utopia.” “For the marriage contract the socialist state will define in the completest fashion what things a man or woman may be bound to do, and what they cannot be bound to do. Marriage is the union of a man and woman in a manner so intimate as to in volve the probability of offspring, and it is of primary importance to the state, first in order to secure good births, and secondly good home conditions, that these unions should not be free, nor promiscuous, nor practically universal throughout the adult population.”

Pearson, Karl. The ethic of freethought. A selection of essays and lectures. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1888, pp. 446. [Second edition, revised 1901]

The subject is well discussed in the two chapters, “The woman’s question” and “Socialism and sex.” “Such, then, seems to me the socialistic solution of the sex-problem: complete freedom in the sex-relationship left to the judgment and taste of an economically equal, physically trained and intellectually developed race of men and women; state interference if necessary in the matter of child-bearing, in order to preserve intersexual independence on the one hand, and the limit of efficient population on the other.”

Stetson, Charlotte Perkins. Women and economics. A study of the economic relation between men and women as a factor in social evolution. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co., 1898, pp. vii, 340.

Finds in the economic dependence of woman the cause of most of the evils of society. Sexuo-economic specialization has made of woman a slave, and this has reacted on man for ill. With the attainment of full economic independence by woman will come her freedom from domestic servility in its various forms.

Bax, Ernest Belfort. Outlooks from the new standpoint. London: Swan, Sonnenschein & Co., 1891, pp. x, 203. [Third edition, 1903]

“Many people take refuge in deliciously vague declamation on the nobility, on the loftiness, of the ideal which handcuffs one man and one woman together for life. We cannot see exactly where the nobility and the loftiness come in. The mere commonplace man, if left to himself, would probably think that it rested entirely upon circumstances, upon character, temperament, etc., whether the perpetual union of two persons was desirable. Socialism will strike at the root at once of compulsory monogamy and of prostitution by inaugurating an era of marriage based on free choice and intention, and characterized by the absence of external coercion. Monogamic marriage and prostitution are both based essentially on commercial considerations. The one is purchase, the other hire. The only really moral form of the marriage relation is based neither on sale nor hire.”

Bax, Ernest Belfort. Essays in socialism, new and old. London: E. Grant Richards, 1906, pp. x, 336.

Contains several able chapters on the woman question, very interesting on account of their strong denunciation of the common socialist espousal of the “Woman’s Rights” cause. Maintains that in nearly all matters there is a strong sex-prejudice against the man because he is man and in favor of the woman because she is woman. Woman is steeped in sex prerogative. Socialism demands relative economic and social equality between the sexes, but not female privilege and female domination, — the real demands of the clamorers for “Woman’s Rights.” After the class-struggle has passed away, the sex question will probably become more burning, and will be the first question that the socialist state will have to solve. “If social democrats allow themselves to be caught by the feminist fallacy, they are only injuring their own cause.”

B. Adverse Criticisms of the Socialist Attitude

The following books contain good chapters setting forth and criticising adversely socialists’ teachings concerning the family.

Barker, J. Ellis. British socialism. An examination of its doctrines, policy, aims and practical proposals. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1908, pp. vi, 522.
London Municipal Society. The case against socialism. A handbook for speakers and candidates. Second edition. London: George Allen & Sons, 1910, pp. vii, 537.
Goldstein, David. Socialism: the nation of fatherless children. Edited by Martha Moore Avery. Boston: The Union News League, 1903, pp. x, 374.



A. Books maintaining that Socialism and Religion are essentially Hostile to Each Other

Hartman, Edward Randolph. Socialism versus Christianity. New York: Cochrane Publishing Company, 1909, pp. vi, 263.

A careful comparison of the principles and promises of socialism with the teachings of Scripture and the principles of Christianity. The author always sticks closely to his subject and accomplishes the thorough contrast which he set out to make. He maintains that in many essential matters socialism is diametrically opposed to the principles of Christianity.

Barker, J. Ellis. British socialism. An examination of its doctrines, policy, aims and practical proposals. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1908, pp. vi, 522.

Contains a chapter showing the hostility of socialism towards Christianity.

London Municipal Society. The case against socialism. A handbook for speakers and candidates. Second edition. London: George Allen & Sons, 1910, pp. vii, 537.

Contains a chapter giving quotations from many socialists to show their opposition to, and contempt for, religion and the church.

Flint, Robert. Socialism. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1895, pp. vii, 512.

Devotes a long and very able chapter to a consideration of socialism and religion. Gives a thorough exposition of the attitude of the socialist leaders towards religion, and maintains that socialism and Christianity are natural opponents.

Stang, William. Socialism and Christianity. New York: Benziger Brothers, 1905, pp. 207.

An able attack on socialism by a bishop of the Roman Catholic Church. Discusses the character and aims of socialism, advocates social reform but not socialism, and portrays the Catholic movement in behalf of social reform.

Ashton, John. Socialism and religion. (Tract No. 9 in Vol. LXVIII of the “Publications of the Catholic Truth Society”). London: Catholic Truth Society, 1908, pp. 32.

“The Catholic Church sees that socialism strikes at the roots of man’s moral freedom; that it dechristianizes the working man; that it would confiscate her churches and secularize her schools; that it would destroy the Christian family and substitute a materialistic philosophy for her doctrine of the supernatural.”

Goldstein, David. Socialism: the nation of fatherless children. Edited by Martha Moore Avery. Boston: The Union News League, 1903, pp. x, 374.

Maintains that atheism is not a mere personal opinion of some socialists, but the bed rock of socialist philosophy. The author has made a thorough canvass of socialist literature, and has brought together the socialist utterances that bear on religion. He maintains that atheistic forces take political form in socialism, and necessitate a closer association of those organizations which stand for the propagation and enforcement of religious law.

Hall, Thomas C. Socialism as a rival of organized Christianity. In The North American Review, Vol. CLXXVIII, June, 1904, pp. 915-926.

“Modern Protestantism is woefully ignorant of its most formidable rival. The Catholic Church has been painfully awakened in France, Belgium and Italy. Protestantism awaits its awakening.”

B. Christian Socialism

Kaufmann, Moritz. Christian socialism. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1888, pp. xviii, 232.

A splendid discussion of Christian socialism in France, England and Germany. It desires to show that an intimate connection exists between socialism in the best sense of the word and Christian philanthropy. While maintaining that there is genuine kinship between Christianity and socialism, the author acknowledges certain lines of demarcation and devotes an interesting chapter to a consideration of “Unchristian Socialism.”

Stubbs, Charles William. Charles Kingsley and the Christian social movement. London: Blackie & Son, 1904, pp. viii, 199.

Gives a very interesting sketch of the early Christian socialist movement, in especial connection with the life of Kingsley, and shows the great influence of that theologian upon later developments of church life and thought.

Woodworth, Arthur V. Christian socialism in England. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1903, pp. viii, 208.

Traces the historical development of Christian socialism from its origin under Maurice and Kingsley to its present form in the Christian Social Union and shows the connection between the two. Contains a good bibliography of Christian socialism from earliest times to 1900.

Nitti, Francesco S. Catholic socialism. Translated from the second Italian edition by Mary Mackintosh. With an introduction by David G. Ritchie. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1908, pp. xx, 432.

A very learned statement of the theories of the Catholic socialists of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Belgium, England, Spain, Italy and America. It shows how “Catholic socialism, while unlike the other systems of socialism it seeks to reform society in the name of God, does not on that account seek to modify it any the less profoundly.” The discussion is sympathetic yet impartial.

Campbell, R. J. Christianity and the social order. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1907, pp. xiii, 284.

The author believes that the socialist movement represents a return to the primitive Christian evangel, freed from its limitations and illusions, and is destined to rescue the true Christianity from ecclesiasticism in its various forms. The main purpose of the book is to show that the practical aims which primitive Christianity set out to realize are nearly identical with those of modern socialism.

Gladden, Washington. Christianity and socialism. New York: Eaton & Mains, 1905, pp. 244.

Aims to bring Christianity and socialism “into more intelligible and more friendly relations.”

Ward, William. Religion and labour. London: Edwin Dalton, 1907, pp. 188.

An able and interesting argument, based on Christianity, for nearly all the ends desired by the socialist.

Sprague, Philo W. Christian socialism. What and why. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1891, pp. vi, 204.

Sets out to answer (1) what is socialism, (2) what are the causes of socialism, (3) what is the relation of Christianity to socialism, and (4) how can the great social and economic changes involved in socialism be gradually brought about by just and orderly methods.

Davidson, J. Morrison. The gospel of the poor. London: William Reeves, 1894, pp. viii, 162.

A powerful combination of scriptural quotations and economic statistics.

Publications of the Christian Social Union (formerly the Church Social Union). Boston: Office of the Secretary, The Diocesan House, 1 Joy Street.

Upwards of sixty pamphlets have been published. A good many of these are very valuable from the standpoint of Christian socialism. As among the best may be mentioned the following: [No. 26] “Christian Socialism,” by Frederick Denison Maurice; “The Church and Scientific Socialism,” by James T. Van Rensselaer; “The Christian Law,” by Brooke Foss Westcott; and [No. 30] “Christian Socialism and the Social Union,” by George Hodges.


Source: Teachers in Harvard University, A Guide to Reading in Social Ethics and Allied Subjects, Lists of Books and Articles Selected and Described for the Use of General Readers. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, 1910, pp. 174-182.

Bibliography Harvard Socialism Suggested Reading

Harvard. Short Bibliography of the Economics of Socialism for “Serious-minded Students”, Carver, 1910


In 1910 Harvard published 43 short bibliographies covering “Social Ethics and Allied Subjects”, about half of which were dedicated to particular topics in economics and economic sociology. The project was coordinated by Plummer Professor of Christian Morals, Francis G. Peabody.

The Economics of Socialism  is one such “allied subject” covered in the bibliography provided by Professor Thomas Nixon Carver, and transcribed below along with links to digital copies of the items found at,, as well as at other on-line archives.

Previously posted bibliographies from “Social Ethics and Allied Subjects”:

Economic Theory by Professor Frank Taussig

Taxation by Professor Charles J. Bullock

Trade Unionism by Professor William Z. Ripley

Social Insurance by Dr. Robert Franz Foerster


From the Prefatory Note:

The present list represents an attempt to make this connection between the teaching of the University and a need of the modern world. Each compiler has had in mind, not a superficial reader, nor yet a learned scholar, but an intelligent and serious-minded student, who is willing to read substantial literature if it be commended to him as worth his while and is neither too voluminous nor too inaccessible. To such an inquirer each editor makes suggestions concerning the contents, spirit or doctrine of a book, not attempting a complete description or a final judgment, but as though answering the preliminary question of a student, “What kind of book is this?” The plan thus depends for its usefulness on the competency of the editors concerned, and each editor assumes responsibility for the section to which his name is prefixed.

Source: Prefatory Note by Francis G. Peabody. A Guide to Reading in Social Ethics and Allied Subjects, Lists of Books and Articles Selected and Described for the Use of General Readers. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, 1910, p. vi.




Plato. The republic.

A dialogue on justice, in which the philosopher pictures an ideal state.


More, Sir Thomas. Utopia, 1516.

A description of an ideal commonwealth, supposed to have been discovered on the coast of South America by one of the followers of Americus Vespucius.


Bacon, Sir Francis. New Atlantis, 1629.

A fragment.


Campanella, Tommaso. The city of the sun, 1637.

A highly idealistic picture, sufficiently divorced from all appearances of reality to render it harmless.


Cabet, Étienne. Voyage en Icarie, 1840.

Of special interest to Americans because the author led a group of colonists to the United States and established there a communistic society, first at Nauvoo, Ill., and later at Icaria, near Corning, Ia.


Gronlund, Laurence. A coöperative commonwealth; an exposition of modern socialism. Fourth edition, London: Swan, Sonnenschein & Co., 1892, pp. 265. [First edition, 1884.]

The first of a large crop of recent utopian works.


Bellamy, Edward. Looking backward, 2000-1887. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1888, pp. 470.

The most widely read in America of all the utopian works.


Morris, William. News from nowhere, or an epoch of rest; being some chapters from a utopian romance. London: Reeves & Turner, 1890, pp. 238.

Probably the most hopelessly idealistic of all such works.


Wells, Herbert George. A modern utopia. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1907, pp. xi, 393.

Probably the only utopian work since Plato’s “Republic” which frankly recognizes the population problem and tries to deal with it.



Noyes, John H. History of American socialisms. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1870, pp. vi, 678.

The author was the founder of the Oneida community. He had put into his hands for editing and publication the manuscript of A. J. MacDonald, who had made a personal investigation of every communistic society then known to exist on American soil.


Nordhoff, Charles. The communistic societies of the United States from personal visit and observation; including detailed accounts of the Economists, Zoarites, Shakers, the Amana, Oneida, Bethel Aurora, Icarian and other existing societies, their religious creeds, social practices, numbers, industries and present conditions. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1875, pp. 439.


Hinds, William A. American communities. Revised edition. Chicago: Charles H. Kerr & Co., 1908, pp. 562.

The latest and most authentic account of all the known communistic societies in America.


Codman, John T. History of the Brook Farm; historic and personal memoirs. Boston: Arena Publishing Company, 1894, pp. viii, 335.


Shaw, Albert. Icaria. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1884, pp. ix, 219.

Written before the break-up of the Icarian community, from personal investigation and inspection.


Landis, George B. The society of the Separatist of Zoar, annual report of the American Historical Association, 1898. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1899, pp. 163-221.

Written just before the disintegration of the Zoar society, from personal investigation and observation.



Ely, Richard T. French and German socialism. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1883, pp. 274.

The most readable account in English of the development of socialistic thought in continental Europe since the French revolution.


Rae, John. Contemporary socialism. Third enlarged edition. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1901, pp. 568.

This work brings the subject down to a later period than does Ely’s account. It is also a more voluminous treatment.


Peixotto, Jessica. The French revolution and modern French socialism. New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., 1901, pp. XV, 409.

Perhaps the most discriminating comparison of the two schools of socialism in France, where the dominant school would scarcely be recognized as socialistic by American and German socialists.


Hillquit, Morris. History of socialism in the United States. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1903, pp. 371.

An exceedingly laudatory account, but instructive nevertheless.


Guthrie, William B. Socialism before the French revolution. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1907, pp. xviii, 339.

A review of socialistic thought from Thomas More to the radicals of the French revolution.


Stoddart, Jane T. The new socialism. New York: George H. Doran Company, 1910, pp. 271.

Rather discursive, but gives a good idea of the present tendency of socialistic thought.



Laveleye, Émile De. The socialism of to-day. Translated by Goddard H. Orpen. London: Field & Iver (1884), pp. viii, 331.

Includes under socialism a great deal which the Marxian socialist would reject.


Marx, Karl. Capital, a critical analysis of capitalist production. Translated by Samuel Moore and Edward Aveling. London: Swan, Sonnenschein & Co., 1889, pp. xxxi, 816.

The “bible of socialism.”


Marx, Karl, and Engels, Frederick. The communist manifesto. New York: Socialist Co-operative Publishing Association, 1901, pp. 46.

The beginning of the present type of socialist propaganda.


Shaw, G. Bernard, editor. Fabian essays in socialism. London: Walter Scott (1890), pp. 233.

A series of essays by such writers as G. Bernard Shaw, Annie Besant, Graham Wallas and others.


Engels, Frederick. Socialism, utopian and scientific. Translated by Edward Aveling. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1892, pp. xxxix, 117.

By scientific socialism is meant the socialism of Karl Marx and his followers.


Bernstein, Edward. Ferdinand Lassalle. Translated by Eleanor Marx Aveling. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1893, pp. xiv, 192.

The author is the leader of the “higher critics” of the socialist school in Germany, which rejects much of the Marxian theory, while adhering to the social democratic program.


Bliss, W. D. P. A handbook of socialism. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1895, pp. viii, 291.

A collection of information about socialism. Apparently intended as a “campaign book” for socialist propagandists.


Hyndman, Henry M. The economics of socialism. Second edition. London, 1896, pp. 257.

An attempt to reconstruct the economic basis of socialism. The author’s economic theories are erroneous, but they illustrate very well the kind of reasoning upon which socialists base their claims.


Vandervelde, Émile. Collectivism and industrial evolution. Chicago: Charles H. Kerr & Co., 1904, pp. 199.

An excellent presentation, by a socialist of the more rational type, of the general theory of international socialism.


Spargo, John. Socialism. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1906, pp. xvi, 257.

Probably the most authoritative statement, in popular form, of the immediate aims of American socialism.


MacKaye, James. The economy of happiness. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1906, pp. xv, 533.

Probably the only socialistic work since Marx’ “Capital” which seriously tries to lay the foundations of socialism on the recognized principles of economics. As Marx tried to build on the economics of Ricardo, Mackaye tries to build on the economics of the modern school.


MacDonald, J. Ramsay. Socialism and government. London: T. C. and E. C. Jack, 1907, pp. vi, 107. [1909 Socialist Library: volume VIII(1) and volume VIII(2)]

Probably the best presentation of the actual working theory of Fabian or English socialism.


Wells, Herbert George New worlds for old. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1908, pp. vii, 333.

A daring and ingenious form of propagandism.



Schäffle, Albert. The quintessence of socialism. Translated under supervision of Bernard Bosanquet. New: York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1902, pp. viii, 127.

Perhaps the most thorough-going criticism to be found, but not easy to read.


Schäffle, Albert. The impossibility of social democracy. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1892, pp. XX, 419.

This is a supplement to the “Quintessence of socialism.”


Ely, Richard T. Socialism: an examination of its nature, strength and weakness. New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., 1894, pp. xiii, 449.

An eminently fair and sympathetic statement of the pros and cons.


Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen von. Karl Marx and the close of his system. Translated by H. M. Macdonald. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1898, pp. 221.

Shows very clearly that Marx built on an antiquated system of economics.


Gonner, Edward C. The socialist philosophy of Rodbertus. London: Macmillan & Co., 1899, pp. 234.

A sympathetic study, contrasting Rodbertus with Marx, to the advantage of the former.


Le Rossignol, James E. Orthodox socialism: a criticism. New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., 1907, pp. vii, 147.

By “orthodox” socialism is meant the socialism of Karl Marx. The various tenets of the socialist creed are examined critically.


Source: Teachers in Harvard University, A Guide to Reading in Social Ethics and Allied Subjects, Lists of Books and Articles Selected and Described for the Use of General Readers. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, 1910, pp. 167-173.

Image Source: Thomas Nixon Carver in the Harvard Class Album 1915.

Bibliography Harvard Policy Suggested Reading

Harvard. Short Bibliography of Social Insurance for “Serious-minded Students”, Foerster, 1910


In 1910 Harvard published 43 short bibliographies covering “Social Ethics and Allied Subjects”, about half of which were dedicated to particular topics in economics and economic sociology. The project was coordinated by Plummer Professor of Christian Morals, Francis G. Peabody.

Social Insurance  is one such “allied subject” covered in the bibliography provided by Dr. Robert Franz Foerster, instructor in social ethics who had recently been awarded his Harvard economics Ph.D., and transcribed below along with links to digital copies of the items found at,, as well as at other on-line archives.

Previously posted bibliographies from “Social Ethics and Allied Subjects”:

Economic Theory by Professor Frank Taussig

Taxation by Professor Charles J. Bullock

Trade Unionism by Professor William Z. Ripley


From the Prefatory Note:

The present list represents an attempt to make this connection between the teaching of the University and a need of the modern world. Each compiler has had in mind, not a superficial reader, nor yet a learned scholar, but an intelligent and serious-minded student, who is willing to read substantial literature if it be commended to him as worth his while and is neither too voluminous nor too inaccessible. To such an inquirer each editor makes suggestions concerning the contents, spirit or doctrine of a book, not attempting a complete description or a final judgment, but as though answering the preliminary question of a student, “What kind of book is this?” The plan thus depends for its usefulness on the competency of the editors concerned, and each editor assumes responsibility for the section to which his name is prefixed.

Source: Prefatory Note by Francis G. Peabody. A Guide to Reading in Social Ethics and Allied Subjects, Lists of Books and Articles Selected and Described for the Use of General Readers. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, 1910, p. vi.



[Note: items in square brackets have been added
by the curator of Economics in the Rear-view Mirror]

In this section are comprised works upon those measures, usually public but not always technically insurance, which aim to protect the working classes from the economic consequences of sickness, accident, invalidity and old age. Ways of meeting the problem of unemployment, though in part logically finding a place here, are for special reasons treated in a separate section. The importance, in this connection, of such titles described under Thrift Institutions as Henderson’s “Industrial insurance in the United States” and the report by the United States Commissioner of Labor on “Workmen’s insurance and benefit funds in the United States” is obvious.



United States Library of Congress. Select list of references on workingmen’s insurance. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1908, pp. 28.

A helpful compilation.


Zacher, Georg, editor. Die Arbeiterversicherung im Auslande. Berlin: A. Troschel, 1898 –.

This, the most valuable work of reference on social insurance, is a collection of historical and descriptive monographs for all important countries, except Germany, published at intervals since 1898. Each volume discusses the results of laws, contains a special bibliography, and prints the texts of laws both in the original language and in German. As significant changes have occurred, supplementary volumes have been added.

[Erster Band (1900). Heft 1-12: Dänemark, Schweden, Norwegen, Frankreich, England, Italien, Oesterreich, Ungarn, Russland, Finland, Schweiz, Belgien.]

[Heft XVII. Charles Richmond Henderson, Die Arbeiterversicherung in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika (1907)]


Bellom, Maurice. Les lois d’assurance ouvrière à l’étranger. 10 vols. Paris: Arthur Rousseau, 1892-1909.

A compilation second in importance only to Zacher, but different in procedure and omitting France. Like Zacher, it supplies historical and descriptive matter and texts, but instead of treating each country independently, it discusses, in one volume, sickness insurance; in six, accident insurance; in two, invalidity and old-age insurance; and in a supplementary volume, published four years after its predecessor, describes recent changes and additions.

[I. Assurance contre maladie (1892)]

[II. Assurance contre les accidents: 1ème parti (1895); 2ème partie (1896); 3ème partie (1900); 4ème partie (1901); 5ème partie (1903)]

[III. Assurance contre l’invalidité, 1ère partie (1905)]


Congrès Internationaux [des Accidents du Travail et] des Assurances Sociales. Publications. Paris: 1890.

The international congress has usually been held triennially, since 1889, and its proceedings, including many important papers, have been published in French and German.

[Paris (1889) Volume I; Volume II; Berne (1891); Milan (1894) Volume I, Volume II; Bruxelles (1897); Paris (1900), Volume I; Düsseldorf (1902); Vienne (1905), Volume I, Volume II; Rome (1908); Washington (1915)]

The quarterly Bulletin of the Congress, published by the Comité Permanent (Paris: Arthur Rousseau), is the best current source of information on all branches of social insurance. It includes texts of bills and laws, and able discussions.


Willoughby, William Franklin. Workingmen’s insurance. New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., 1898, pp. xii, 386.

This volume, dealing mainly with European plans, can still, despite the great extension of insurance since its appearance, reliably be used for an understanding of the earlier developments.


United States. Fourth Special Report of the Commissioner of Labor. Compulsory insurance in Germany. Prepared by John Graham Brooks. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1893, pp. 370. [Revised Edition, 1895]

Although important amendments have been enacted and fresh experience gained since this volume was written, it is still one of the most useful accounts in English of the origin, nature and problems of social insurance in Germany.


Lass, Ludwig, and Zahn, Friedrich. Einrichtung und Wirkung der deutschen Arbeiterversicherung. Dritte Ausgabe. Berlin: A. Asher, 1904, ix, 274 S.

Probably the best non-technical exposition of the nature, operation and effects of the German insurance plan. Though the work is semi-official, and its tone laudatory and defensive, the arguments are skillfully chosen, well put and persuasive.


Pinkus, N. Workmen’s insurance in Germany. Yale Review, February, 1904, pp. 372-389; May, 1904, pp. 72-97; November, 1904, pp. 296-323; February, 1905, pp. 418-434.

Discusses the principles and effects of German insurance.


Farnam, Henry W. The psychology of German workmen’s insurance. Yale Review, May, 1904, pp. 98-113; February, 1905, pp. 435-438.

Argues that insurance has not made the workman better disposed to state or employer and has reduced his self-reliance.


Taussig, F. W. Workmen’s insurance in Germany: some illustrative figures. Quarterly Journal of Economics, November, 1909, pp. 191-194.

Measures the employers’ burden.


Seager, Henry Rogers. Social insurance: A program of social reform. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1910, pp. v, 175.

An attractive statement, in simple terms, of the principles of social insurance, with special reference to American needs.


Lewis, Frank. State insurance. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1909, pp. 233.

An argument for compulsory insurance; good in its exposition of the German plan, questionable in its economic logic.


Kennedy, James B. Beneficiary features of American trade unions. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1908, pp. 128.

A concise study, based on original sources. Only national and international unions are considered.


Weyl, Walter E. Benefit features of British trade unions. United States Bureau of Labor, Bulletin No. 64, May, 1906, pp. 699-848.

A history and description, with statistical results.



Hoffman, Frederick L. Industrial accidents. United States Bureau of Labor, Bulletin No. 78, September, 1908, pp. 417-465.

Discusses the frequency of accidents in the more dangerous occupations.


Oliver, Thomas, editor. Dangerous trades. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1902, pp. xxiii, 891.

Probably the best available volume in its field. The sixty chapters deal more generally with disease than accidents. Of a more popular character is the author’s later volume on “Diseases of occupations” (London: Methuen & Co., 1908, pp. vi, 427).


Andrews, John B. Phosphorus poisoning in the match industry of the United States. United States Bureau of Labor, Bulletin No. 86, January, 1910, pp. 31-146.


Sommerfeld, Th., and others. List of industrial poisons. United States Bureau of Labor, Bulletin No. 86, January, 1910, pp. 147-168.

Two good additions to the literature on industrial disease.


Foreign Workmen’s Compensation Acts, Summary of. United States Bureau of Labor, Bulletin No. 74, January, 1908, pp. 121-143.

A compendious, classified statement of the enactments of twenty-two countries, convenient at once for a rapid view of the legislation of one country and for international comparison.


McKitrick, Reuben. Accident insurance for workingmen (Comparative Legislation Bulletin No. 20). Madison: Wisconsin Library Commission, 1909, pp. 70.

The legal and financial principles of various forms of accident insurance clearly explained.


Aronson, V. R. The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1906. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1909, pp. 559.

“The object of this book is to present a complete view of the law of workmen’s compensation as contained in the Act of 1906, and in the decisions of the English and Scotch courts both prior and subsequent to that act” (preface, page 5). In this aim the book admirably succeeds; it is thorough, clear and, in its comparisons with the older acts, highly instructive.


Parker, Launcelot. The British Workmen’s Compensation Acts. United States Bureau of Labor, Bulletin No. 70, May, 1907, pp. 579-638.

A history of previous acts and an exposition, with the text, of the Act of 1906.


Clark, Lindley D. The legal liability of employers for injuries to their employees in the United States. United States Bureau of Labor, Bulletin No. 74, January, 1908, pp. 1-120.

An excellent statement of the American law.


Eastman, Crystal. Work-accidents and the law. (The Pittsburgh Survey.) New York: Charities Publication Committee, pp. xvi, 345.

An important study, by the secretary of the New York State Employers’ Liability Commission, of the causes of industrial accident in the Pittsburgh district, the operation of present liability laws, and the best method of reform. There are interesting appendices.


New York. Commission on employers’ liability. First report, March 19, 1910. Albany, 1910, pp. v, 271.

An able preliminary discussion of present difficulties and of remedies.


Wisconsin. Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics. Thirteenth biennial report. Part I: Industrial accidents and employer’s liability in Wisconsin. Madison, 1909, pp. 1-143. Fourteenth biennial report. Part II: Industrial accidents in Wisconsin. Madison, 1909, pp. 69-142.

These reports discuss conditions in Wisconsin, and foreign and American remedies, tried and proposed.


The State Coöperative Accident Insurance Fund of Maryland. United States Bureau of Labor, Bulletin No. 57, March, 1905, pp. 645-648.

History of an ill-conceived and ephemeral, but not uninstructive, American plan of state insurance. The text of the law appeared in Bulletin No. 45, pp. 406-408; the grounds of its unconstitutionality are set forth in Bulletin No. 57, pp. 689, 690.



Massachusetts. Report of the Commission on Old Age Pensions, Annuities and Insurance. Boston, 1910, pp. 409.

A comprehensive survey of existing systems, public and private, national and local. Issues are discussed with special reference to an American community; and a conclusion adverse to the institution of a state scheme for Massachusetts is reached.


Brandeis, Louis D. Massachusetts savings-bank insurance and pension system. Quarterly Publications of the American Statistical Association, March, 1909, pp. 409-416.

A brief exposition of an interesting voluntary scheme.


Sutherland, William. Old age pensions. London: Methuen & Co., 1907, pp. x, 227.

A concise critical description of the various plans proposed in England before the act of 1908, and a thoughtful discussion of the factors of the pension problem. In an appendix are reviewed the chief foreign systems. The book serves incidentally as a guide to the important Parliamentary papers on the subject.


Old Age Pensions: A collection of short papers. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1903, pp. 247.

Many of the articles are of general significance and are written by eminent students.


Source: Teachers in Harvard University, A Guide to Reading in Social Ethics and Allied Subjects, Lists of Books and Articles Selected and Described for the Use of General Readers. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, 1910, pp. 203-209.

Image Source: Assistant Professor of Social Ethics, Robert Franz Foerster in Harvard Album 1920.

Bibliography Fields Harvard Suggested Reading

Harvard. Short Bibliography of Trade Unionism for “Serious-minded Students”, Ripley, 1910



In 1910 Harvard published 43 short bibliographies covering “Social Ethics and Allied Subjects”, about half of which were dedicated to particular topics in economics and economic sociology. The project was coordinated by Plummer Professor of Christian Morals, Francis G. Peabody.

Trade Unionism is the “allied subject” covered in the bibliography provided by Professor William Z. Ripley and transcribed below along with links to digital copies of the items found at,, as well as at other on-line archives.

Previously posted bibliographies from “Social Ethics and Allied Subjects”:

Economic Theory by Professor Frank Taussig.

Taxation by Professor Charles J. Bullock.


From the Prefatory Note:

The present list represents an attempt to make this connection between the teaching of the University and a need of the modern world. Each compiler has had in mind, not a superficial reader, nor yet a learned scholar, but an intelligent and serious-minded student, who is willing to read substantial literature if it be commended to him as worth his while and is neither too voluminous nor too inaccessible. To such an inquirer each editor makes suggestions concerning the contents, spirit or doctrine of a book, not attempting a complete description or a final judgment, but as though answering the preliminary question of a student, “What kind of book is this?” The plan thus depends for its usefulness on the competency of the editors concerned, and each editor assumes responsibility for the section to which his name is prefixed.

Source: Prefatory Note by Francis G. Peabody. A Guide to Reading in Social Ethics and Allied Subjects, Lists of Books and Articles Selected and Described for the Use of General Readers. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, 1910, p. vi.



Webb, Sidney and Beatrice. Industrial democracy. New edition in one volume. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1902, pp. lxii, 929.

The most elaborate and comprehensive treatise on the subject, sympathetic and yet well reasoned. Contains no descriptive matter of American conditions.


Webb, Sidney and Beatrice. History of trade unionism. New edition. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1902, pp. xxxiv, 558.

The best account of the struggle of the working classes for industrial rights. Confined to English experience.


Commons, John R., editor. Trade unionism and labor problems. Boston: Ginn & Company, 1905, pp. xiv, 628.

A collection of the most authoritative articles by specialists on every phase of the matter. Liberal and progressive in point of view.


Adams, Thomas S., and Sumner, Helen L. Labor problems. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1905, pp. xv, 579.

A convenient summary and text-book, with good bibliographical notes and references for further reading. Sympathetic and judicial in tone.


Ely, Richard T. The labor movement in America. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1905, pp. xvi, 399.


Reports of the United States Industrial Commission. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1900-02.

In Volumes XIV [Capital and Labor Employed in Manufactures and General Business], XV [Immigration and Education], XVII [Labor Organizations, Labor Disputes, and Arbitration and on Railroad Labor] and XIX [Final Report] will be found the largest collection of original material ever made in America. The testimony of workmen and employers is critically summarized in the “Final Report” in Volume XIX. This report in itself is a comprehensive and fair treatise on the subject. In Volume XVII the history of American unionism is fully set forth.


Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1906—.

A series of monographs by specialists affords the most reliable account of various phases of the movement. Among these papers especially valuable are: J. B. Kennedy’s “The beneficiary features of American trades unions” (November — December, 1908), and A. M. [Aaron Morton] Sakolski’s “The finances of American trades unions” (March — April, 1906).


The legal aspects of trade unionism are discussed in the “Reports of the United States Industrial Commission” [e.g. Volume V Labor Legislation] and in the following special articles:

Seager, Henry R. The legal status of trade unionism in the United Kingdom, with conclusions applicable to the United States. Political Science Quarterly, Vol. XXII, 1907, pp. 611-629.

Wyman, Bruce. The maintenance of the open shop. The Green Bag (January), 1905, pp. 21-29.

Clark, Lindley D. The present legal status of organized labor in the United States. Journal of Political Economy, Chicago (March), 1905, pp. 173-200.

Collective bargaining is best treated technically in the “Reports of the United States Industrial Commission,” and in the following monographs:

Hilbert, F. W. Trade agreements in the United States. [sic, probably Trade-Union Agreements in the Iron Molders’ Union] Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1906. [Note: Frederick William Hilbert died February 17, 1906.]

Schaffner, Margaret A. The labor contract from industrial to collective bargaining. Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, No. 182 (December), 1907, pp. 182.

Ashley, Wm. James. The adjustment of wages. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1903, pp. 362.


The policy of trade unions respecting restriction of output is admirably described with a wealth of material from England and the United States in the “Eleventh special report of the United States Bureau of Labor” (Washington, 1904).

Statistics of the growth of trades unionism all over the world are currently published by the New York State Bureau of Labor. The results are summarized by W. Z. Ripley in the World’s Work for November, 1903, and brought down to date in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, May, 1910.


Source: Teachers in Harvard University, A Guide to Reading in Social Ethics and Allied Subjects, Lists of Books and Articles Selected and Described for the Use of General Readers. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, 1910, pp. 183-185.

Image Source: Harvard University Archives. William Zebina Ripley [photographic portrait, ca. 1910], J. E. Purdy & Co., J. E. P. & C. (1910). .




Bibliography Fields Harvard Suggested Reading

Harvard. Short Bibliography of Taxation for “Serious-minded Students”, Bullock, 1910



In 1910 Harvard published 43 short bibliographies covering “Social Ethics and Allied Subjects”, about half of which were dedicated to particular topics in economics and economic sociology. The project was coordinated by Plummer Professor of Christian Morals, Francis G. Peabody.

Taxation is the “allied subject” covered in the bibliography provided by Professor Charles J. Bullock and transcribed below along with links to digital copies of the items found at,, as well as at other on-line archives.

Previously posted bibliographies from “Social Ethics and Allied Subjects”:

Economic Theory by Professor Frank Taussig.


From the Prefatory Note:

The present list represents an attempt to make this connection between the teaching of the University and a need of the modern world. Each compiler has had in mind, not a superficial reader, nor yet a learned scholar, but an intelligent and serious-minded student, who is willing to read substantial literature if it be commended to him as worth his while and is neither too voluminous nor too inaccessible. To such an inquirer each editor makes suggestions concerning the contents, spirit or doctrine of a book, not attempting a complete description or a final judgment, but as though answering the preliminary question of a student, “What kind of book is this?” The plan thus depends for its usefulness on the competency of the editors concerned, and each editor assumes responsibility for the section to which his name is prefixed.

Source: Prefatory Note by Francis G. Peabody. A Guide to Reading in Social Ethics and Allied Subjects, Lists of Books and Articles Selected and Described for the Use of General Readers. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, 1910, p. vi.


Charles J. Bullock

Adams, Henry Carter.The science of finance. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1889, pp. xiii, 573.

Treats of the principles of taxation and of national and local taxation in the United States.


Addresses and Proceedings of the Annual Conferences of the International Tax Association. [Conferences on State and Local Taxation. TheAssociation changed name from “National Tax Association” to “International Tax Association” in 1907.]

The International Tax Association, Columbus, Ohio. Valuable collections of papers by recognized experts on current problems in American taxation.

[First National Conference (1907); Second International Conference (1908); Third International Conference (1909); Fourth International Conference (1910)]


Bastable, Charles Francis. Public finance. Third revised edition. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1903, pp. xxiv, 780.

Particularly valuable for its treatment of European tax systems and useful for its discussion of the principles of taxation.


Bullock, Charles J., editor. Selected readings in public finance. Boston: Ginn & Company, 1906, pp. viii, 671. [Second edition, 1920]

Contains selections from a considerable number of works on finance and taxation.


Ely, Richard T., and Finley, J. H. Taxation in American states and cities. New York: T.Y. Crowell & Co., 1888, pp. XX, 544.

A pioneer work in American taxation, based upon the author’s investigations as member of the Maryland Tax Commission.


Fillebrown, Charles Bowdoin. The A B C of taxation. New York: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1909, pp. ix, 229.

A brief and interesting presentation of single-tax doctrine by a successful man of affairs.


Howe, Frederic C. Taxation and taxes in the United States under the internal revenue system. New York: T.Y. Crowell & Co., 1896, pp. xiv, 293.

A valuable history of the internal taxes levied by our federal government.


Means, David MacGregor. The methods of taxation. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1909, pp. xi, 380.

Valuable on the critical rather than the constructive side.


Mill, John Stuart. Principles of political economy. London, 1848; [7th ed. of 1870] edited with an introduction by W. J. Ashley. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1909, pp. liii, 1013.

The chapters of the fifth book that deal with taxation are worthy of careful study.


Rowntree, Joseph, and Sherwell, Arthur. The taxation of the liquor trade. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1906, pp. xxii, 537. [Second edition, 1908]

Has special reference to English conditions, but treats of the taxation of the liquor trade in the United States.


Seligman, E. R. A. Essays in taxation. Third edition. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1900, pp. 434. [Ninth edition, 1921]

Contains important essays upon the general property tax, corporation taxes, the inheritance tax, betterment taxes, etc.


Seligman, E. R. A. Progressive taxation in theory and practice. Second revised edition. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1909, pp. v, 334.

A valuable critical survey of theories, ancient and modern; considers also the legislation of various countries.


Shearman, T. G. Natural taxation. New edition. New York: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1898, pp. 268. [Third edition, 1915]

An able and authoritative exposition of single-tax doctrine by a disciple of Henry George.


Smith, Adam. The wealth of nations. (1776.) Edited with notes by Edwin Cannan. 2 vols. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1904, pp. xlviii, 462; vii, 506.

The second chapter of the fifth book of the “Wealth of Nations” should be read by every student of taxation.


Walker, Francis A. Double taxation in the United States. New York: The Columbia University Press, 1895, pp. 132.

A careful study of a vexed problem of great importance in the United States.


Wells, David A. The theory and practice of taxation. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1900, pp. 648.

Important for its discussion of federal taxation and the working of the general property tax in the United States.


West, Max. The inheritance tax. Second revised edition. New York: The Columbia University Press (The Macmillan Company, agents), 1908, pp. 249.

An exhaustive study of inheritance taxation in both its theoretical and practical aspects.


Weston, Stephen F. Principles of justice in taxation. New York: The Columbia University Press (The Macmillan Company, agents), 1903, pp. 299.

Useful for its discussion of the different theories of just taxation.


Source: Teachers in Harvard University, A Guide to Reading in Social Ethics and Allied Subjects, Lists of Books and Articles Selected and Described for the Use of General Readers. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, 1910, pp. 54-56.

Image Source: Charles J. Bullock in Harvard Album 1915.

Exam Questions Harvard M.I.T. Suggested Reading Syllabus

Harvard. Basic graduate microeconomic theory. Chamberlin and Samuelson, 1956-1957


For some reason, Paul Samuelson was asked to help out with the teaching of Edward H. Chamberlin’s graduate theory course during the 1956-57 academic year. In Paul Samuelson’s papers at Duke I was able to find a letter from the Harvard economics chair, Seymour Harris, confirming his appointment as “Visiting Professor” for co-teaching Economics 201. The actual “allocation of subject matter” between Chamberlin and Samuelson is not clear from Samuelson’s papers, nor from the course outlines. Since the second semester reading list only has Chamberlin’s name on it, it seems likely that Samuelson’s participation was limited to the first semester of the course. Because Robert Bishop’s manuscript on Economic Theory (taught to generations of M.I.T. graduate students) was included in the first section of the fall semester reading list and we find questions for a one hour mid-term exam in Samuelson’s folder for the course, I am led to conjecture that Samuelson taught most or all of the first half of the fall semester of the course. As we can see from the internal M.I.T. department teaching records included below, Paul Samuelson continued teaching his courses at “Tech” that year.

Perhaps a future trip to Duke University’s David M. Rubenstein Rare Book Manuscript Library  to consult the Edward H. Chamberlin papers that were donated in 2019 will help to establish why Samuelson was needed at Harvard that year.


Letter from Chairman Seymour Harris to Paul Samuelson
May 25, 1956


Office of the Chairman

M-8 Littauer Center
Cambridge 38, Massachusetts

May 25, 1956

Professor Paul A. Samuelson
Department of Economics and Social Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge 39, Massachusetts

Dear Paul:

Economics 201 meets Tuesday, Thursday, and at the pleasure of the instructor Saturday at 10. It would be hard to change that hour because of the arrangement of other courses, and also because we must have the same hour for the second semester.

I hope that you would get together with Ed and discuss the allocation of subject matter. You can have [Richard] Gill as an assistant, and he would, I am sure, be willing to meet the class once a week when you think it necessary. You will find him a most adequate assistant.

I may add that the Dean has agreed to recommend your appointment as a Visiting Professor, which is an unusual appointment, for most appointments of this kind, inclusive of Tech, are Visiting Lecturers. This suggests the high regard in which we hold you.

Sincerely yours,

[signed] Sey
Seymour E. Harris

cc: Professor Chamberlin

P.S. I hope you will remember to bring my article on Saturday and any comments.


Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Economists’ Papers Archive. Papers of Paul Samuelson, Box 33, Folder “Ec201 Harvard Course, 1955-1956 [sic]”.


From the M.I.T. economics department records for 1955-56

Paul Samuelson was teaching full time 1956-57. He taught Economics and Industrial Management (14.117) and Mathematical Approach to Economics (14.151) in the fall semester and Economic Analysis (14.122) and Economics Seminar (14.192) in the Spring semester.

Source:  M.I.T. Archives. M.I.T. Department of Economics Records, 1947—. Box 3, Folder “Teaching Responsibility”.


Enrollment figures from Harvard President’s Report

[Economics] 201. Economic Theory. Professor Chamberlin and Professor Samuelson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Full course.

(F) Total 38: 26 Graduates, 2 Seniors, 1 Junior, 4 Radcliffe, 5 Others.
(S) Total 39: 27 Graduates, 2 Seniors, 1 Junior, 3 Radcliffe, 6 Others.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1956-1957, p. 70.


Economics 201
Economic Theory
Fall 1956

I. Supply, Demand, Revenue and Cost

Marshall, Principles (4th edition or later), Book III, Ch. 3, 4, 6

Mill, Principles, Book III, Ch. 1-6

Chamberlin, Theory of Monopolistic Competition, Ch. 2

Schultz, H., Theory and Measurement of Demand, pp. 5-12

Bishop, Economic Theory Ms., Book II, Ch. 1, 2, 3

Viner, Cost Curves and Supply Curves (1930), AFA or Clemence Readings

Robinson, Economics of Imperfect Competition, Ch. 2


Ricardo, Political Economy (Gonner Edition or Sraffa Edition), Chapter I

Mills’ Autobiography or the Introduction to the Ashley edition of the Principles

Jevons, Theory of Political Economy, Chapters 3, 4

Keynes, “Alfred Marshall,” Economic Journal, September 1924 (Also in Keynes, Essays in Biography)

II. Production and Consumption Analysis

A. Production and Cost

Chamberlin, Theory of Monopolistic Competition, Ch. 8, Appendix B

Knight, Risk, Uncertainty and Profit, pp. 94-109.

Stigler, Production and Distribution Theories, Introduction

Stigler, Theory of Price, Chs. 7, 8


Douglas, P. Theory of Wages

Hicks, Value and Capital, Chs. 6, 7

Carlson, Sune, Theory of Production

Cassels, J. H, “On the Law of Variable Proportions,” in Explorations in Economics, essays in honor of Taussig

Schneider, E., Pricing and Equilibrium

B. Utility and Consumption Theory

Hicks, Value and Capital, Chs. 1, 2, 3

Stigler, Theory of Price, Chs. 5, 6

III. Welfare Economics

Boulding, K., “Welfare Economics,” Survey of Contemporary Economics, Vol. II

Hicks, J.R., “Foundations of Welfare Economics,” Economic Journal, 1939

Pigou, A.C., Economics of Welfare, Preface, Part I., Chs. 3, 7, 8; Part II, Introductory, Ch. 9

Lerner, A. P., Economics of Control, Chs. 3, 5, 6, 7, 9

Source: Harvard University Archives, Syllabi, course outlines and reading lists in Economics, 1895-2003”, Box 6, Folder “Economics, 1956-1957 (2 of 2)”.


Economics 201
Hour Exam
November 3, 1956

  1. Define “external” and “internal” economies. What do we mean when we say these economies are (a) “pecuniary,” (b) technological”? (10 min.)
  2. What are the conditions of stable equilibrium of supply and demand as analyzed by (a) Walras and (b) Marshall? Explain the “apparent contradiction” between the Walrasian and Marshallian stability conditions. (20 min.)
  3. In the “Ricardian increasing cost” case, as described by Viner, what would be the effect on price, output, and rent to the fixed factor, of a tax of “x” cents per unit of output? Illustrate graphically. (20 min.)

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Economists’ Papers Archive. Papers of Paul Samuelson, Box 33, Folder “Ec201 Harvard Course, 1955-1956 [sic]”.


Economics 201
Midyear examination. January, 1957.

Answer the first two (2) questions and any three (3) of the others. Be sure to allocate your time approximately as indicated.

  1. (Forty-five minutes). Assume two individuals (who act as pure competitors) and two commodities. Given the “production-possibility” or “transformation” curve for each individual and also his indifference map, indicate graphically: a) the equilibrium price; b) the equilibrium quantities of each good produced by each individual; and c) the quantity of each good exchanged.
  2. (Forty-five minutes). Discuss the scope and limitations of “Welfare Economics.” Illustrate your discussion with reference to one or two specific theoretical problems (e.g., the box-diagram).
  3. (One-half hour). A production function relates product (Q) to two factors, labor (L) and capital (C). Distinguish the “three stages” for each factor, and give an interrelations among them in a) the case of constant returns to scale (homogeneous production function) and b) the general case.
  4. (One-half hour). Distinguish “internal” and “external” economies and analyze the possibility of equilibrium under pure competition in each case.
  5. (One-half hour). A monopolistic firm can buy labor and land at fixed prices but sells its output in an impurely-competitive market. Now let it be subject to a tax of $X per unit of its output. On the oversimplified assumption that the tax leaves its factor prices, the consumer demand for its product, and its production function unchanged, compare the new equilibrium of output, price, and factor hirings with the old.
  6. (One-half hour). Define the “income” effect and “substitution” effect of a price change. Indicate, in terms of these effects, the likelihood of a) a backward-bending supply curve, and b) a positively-sloping demand curve.

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University Final Examinations, 1853-2001. Box 25. Papers Printed for Final Examinations [in] History, History of Religions, …, Economics, …, Naval Science, Air Science. January, 1957.


A twitter prayer.


Economics 201
Spring Term, 1956-57
Economic Theory—Professor Chamberlin

I. Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition

Chamberlin, Monopolistic Competition, Chapters 1, 4,5, 9.

_________, “Monopolistic Competition Revisited,” Economica, November 1951.

Robinson, J., Imperfect Competition, Foreword, Introduction, Chapter 1.

Monopolistic Competition, Chapter 3, Appendix A.

Triffin, Monopolistic Competition and General Equilibrium T-heory, pp. 78-108.

Hall and Hitch, “Price Theory and Business Behavior,” Oxford Economic Papers, No. 2 (1939). (Also in Oxford Studies in the Price Mechanism, T. Wilson, Editor).

Chamberlin, “‘Full Cost’ and Monopolistic Competition,” Economic Journal, May 1952.

_________, “The Product as an Economic Variable,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 1953.

Monopolistic Competition, Appendix C, Chapters 6, 7.

Chamberlin, “Product Heterogeneity and Public Policy,” American Economic Review, May 1950.


Robinson, J., Imperfect Competition, Chapters 3-7.

Fellner, Competition Among the Few, Chapters 1-7.

Holton, Richard H., “Marketing Structure and Economic Development,” Q.J.E., August 1953.

Alsberg, C. L., “The Economic Aspects of Adulteration and Imitation,” Q.J.E., 46:1 (1931)

Brems, “The Interdependence of Quality Variations, Selling Effort, and Price,” Q.J.E., May 1948.

II. Income Distribution—General; Wages.

Readings in the Theory of Income Distribution, 3.

Marshall, Principles, Book VI, Chapters 1-2.

Hicks, Theory of Wages, Chapters 1-4.

Readings, 12.

Monopolistic Competition, Review Chapter 8 and pp. 215-18, 249-52, (5th or later edition).

Hicks, Chapters 5, 6.

Marshall, Book VI, Chapters 3-5.

Taussig, Principles, 4th edition, Chapter 52 (or 3rd revised edition, Chapter 47).

E.H.C., “The Monopoly Power of Labor,” in The Impact of the Union.

Readings, 19.

Hicks, pp. 170-185.


1. Douglas, Theory of Wages, Chapter 2.

2. J.B. Clark, Distribution of Wealth, Chapters 7, 8, 12, 13.

III. Interest

Böhm-Bawerk, Positive Theory, Book I, Chapter 2; Book II; Book V.

Marshall, Principles, Book IV, Chapter 7; Book VI, Chapter 6.

Wicksell, Lectures, Vol. I, pp. 144-171, 185-195, 207-218.

Clark, J.B., Distribution of Wealth, Chapters 9, 20.


Fisher, I., Theory of Interest, Chapters 5, 6.

Readings, Chapters 20, 21.

IV. Rent

Ricardo, Chapter 2.

Marshall, Book V, Chapters 8-11.

Robinson, Imperfect Competition, Chapter 8.

V. Profits

Marshall, Book VI, Chapter 5, Section 7; Chapters 7,8.

Taussig, Principles  (4th edition), Vol. II, Chapter 49, Section 1 (3rd revised edition, Chapter 50, Section 1)

Veblen, Theory of Business Enterprise, Chapter 3.

Henderson, Supply and Demand Chapter 7.

Bernstein, P., “Profit Theory—Where Do We Go From Here?” Q.J.E., August 1953

Monopolistic Competition, Chapter 5, Section 6; Chapter 7, Section 6; Appendices D, E.

Schumpeter, Theory of Economic Development, Chapters 1-4.


1. Readings, 27, 29.

Source: Harvard University Archives, Syllabi, course outlines and reading lists in Economics, 1895-2003”, Box 6, Folder “Economics, 1956-1957 (2 of 2)”.


Department of Economics
Economics 201
Final Examination
May, 1957

A. Choose two of the following questions, allowing one-half hour for each.

  1. Write a brief article on the subject of “oligopoly” designed for an encyclopedia of the social sciences, and therefore to be consulted and used mainly by non-specialists in the subject. (Consider well your objective before you begin.)
  2. Discuss excess capacity in the economy, its meaning and its compatibility with “equilibrium.” What are the chief forces tending (a) to bring about, and (b) to eliminate, excess capacity?
  3. (a) Discuss the issues involved in distinguishing between production costs and selling costs, and defend your own conclusions. (b) Are selling outlays, like production outlays, subject to the law of diminishing returns? Discuss, and illustrate your conclusion graphically.

B. Choose four of the following questions, allowing one-half hour for each.

  1. “It is inappropriate to say that the marginal productivity of a certain type of labor determines its wage; wages, like the prices of all economic goods, are determined by both supply and demand.” Discuss with particular reference to the role of supply factors in an adequate theory of wages.
  2. Develop the role which you would give to either (a) monopoly, or (b) rent, in your own theory of wages.
  3. “Waiting is certainly not an element of the economic process in a static state, because the circular flow, once established, leaves no gaps between outlay or productive effort and the satisfaction of wants. Both are, following Professor Clark’s conclusive expression, automatically synchronized.” Discuss the several aspects of this quotation.
  4. Outline your own theory of land rent, with some critical discussion of writers with whom you are familiar. (Restrict your discussion to the problem of land income, without extending the analysis to other factors.)
  5. Write on risk as an element in the theory of profits, choosing such subdivisions or aspects of the problem as seem to you most significant. In what respects, if at all, would you regard a risk theory of profits as inadequate?

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University Final Examinations, 1853-2001. Papers Printed for Final Examinations [in] History, History of Religions, …, Economics, …, Naval Science, Air Science. June, 1957. In bound volume Final Exams—Social Sciences—June 1957 (HUL 7000.28, 113 of 284).

Image Sources:

John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, Edward H. Chamberlin, Fellow 1958.

M.I.T., Paul Samuelson Memorial Information Page/Photos from Memorial Service.  Accessed via the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.


George Mason Methodology Suggested Reading Syllabus

George Mason. Course readings for Economic Philosophy. Buchanan and Vanberg, 1990


This post is an experiment in transcription. The HOPE Center at Duke University has started recently to provide pdf scans of syllabi from Ed Tower’s Eno River Press collection and I wondered how easy it would be to use the text-recognition software in Adobe Acrobat Pro to extract digital versions of the syllabi. It turns out that at least for this initial attempt, tweaking and correction of the OCR text required considerably less blood, sweat and tears than a standard typed transcription would have. 

Like other members of the greater community of historians of economics, I eagerly await further scans from the Tower volumes by the HOPE Center. From time to time, I’ll convert a scanned syllabus to add to the collection of digital material posted at Economics in the Rear-view Mirror. Links to the original scans will be provided whenever available. 


George Mason University

James M. Buchanan, Viktor J. Vanberg

Purpose and theme:

The purpose of this course is to discuss some of the issues at the foundations of economics as a social science. It will cover topics like the following (the numbers behind the titles refer to the reading list):

— Economics as moral philosophy (1, 13, 15, 20).

— Welfare economics and political economy (2, 3, 4).

— Methodological and normative individualism (14, 22).

— Subjectivism and opportunity costs (9, 12, 30).

— Utilitarianism and contractarianism (5, 16, 18, 19, 24).

— Agreement in exchange, in politics and in science (10, 29).

— Liberty, voluntariness and efficiency (7, 26).

— Justice as fairness and distributive justice (6, 11, 21, 23, 24).

— Homo economicus, rational choice and rule-following (8, 25, 27).

— Economics and morality (17, 19, 28).


The constituting meeting for this course will be held on January 23, 7:20 p.m., in room R 2600. The core part of this course will be taught during the two-weeks period February 19 through March 2 in the library of the center for Study of Public Choice, George’s Hall, from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (daily Mon. through Fri.).


Grades will be determined on daily (one page) protocols during the ‘core-period’ and a longer (15-20 pages) paper on a subject to be chosen between student and instructor.

Reading List:

(A set of xerox-copies of the following titles will be available from Kinko’s Copies, University Mall).

  1. Albert, Hans “Knowledge and Decision” chpt. 3 in H. Albert Treatise in Critical Reason Princeton University Press 1985, 71-101.
  2. Buchanan, James M. “Social Choice, Democracy, and Free Markets” in Fiscal Theory and Political Economy Chapel Hill 1960, 75-89.
  3. — , — “Positive Economics, Welfare Economics, and Political Economy” in Fiscal Theory and Political Economy Chapel Hill 1960, 105-124.
  4. — , — “The Relevance of Pareto Optimality” in The Journal of Conflict Resolution 6, 1962, 341-354.
  5. — , — “Marginal Notes on Reading Political Philosophy” in J. M. Buchanan and G. Tullock The Calculus of Consent Ann Arbor 1965, 307-322.
  6. — , -— “Notes on Justice in Contract” in Freedom in Constitutional Contract Texas A&M University Press 1977, 123-134.
  7. — , — “Criteria for a Free Society: Definition, Diagnosis, and Prescription” in Freedom in Constitutional Contract Texas A&M University Press 1977, 287-299.
  8. — , — “ls Economics the Science of Choice?” in What Should Economists Do? Liberty Press 1979, 39-63.
  9. — , — “General Implications of Subjectivism in Economics” in What Should Economists Do?” Liberty Press 1979, 81-91.
  10. — , — “The Potential for Tyranny in Politics as Science” in Liberty, Market and State New York University Press 1985, 40-54.
  11. — , — “Rules for a Fair Game: Contractarian Notes on Distributive Justice” in Liberty, Market and State New York University Press 1985, 123-139.
  12. — , — “L.S.E. Cost Theory in Retrospect” in Economics Between Predictive Science and Moral Philosophy Texas A&M University Press 1987, 141-151.
  13. — , — “Political Economy and Social Philosophy” in P. Koslowski, ed., Economics and Philosophy, Tuebingen 1985.
  14. — , — “The Foundations for Normative Individualism” mimeographed, Center for Study of Public Choice.
  15. Buchanan, James and Gordon Tullock “The Politics of the Good Society,” Chpt. 20 in The Calculus of Consent Ann Arbor 1965, 297-306.
  16. Gauthier, David “On the Refutation of Utilitarianism” in H B. Miller and W. H. Williams (eds.) The Limits of Utilitarianism University of Minnesota Press 1982, 144-163.
  17. — , — “Maximization Constrained: The Rationality of Cooperation” in R. Campbell and L. Sowden (eds.) Paradoxes of Rationality and Cooperation Vancouver 1985, 75-93.
  18. Hahn, Frank “On Some Difficulties of the Utilitarian Economist” in A. Sen and B. Williams (eds.) Utilitarianism and Beyond Cambridge University Press 1982, 187-198.
  19. Harsanyi John C. ”Morality and Social Welfare” chpt. 4 in J. C. Harsanyi Rational Behavior and Bargaining Equilibrium in Games and Social Situations Cambridge University Press 1977, 48-64.
  20. Hayek, Friedrich A. “Kinds of Rationalism” in F. A. Hayek Studies in Philosophy, Politics and Economics The University of Chicago Press 1967, 82-95.
  21. — , — “The Atavism of Social Justice” in F. A. Hayek New Studies in Philosophy, Politics, Economics and the History of Ideas The University of Chicago Press 1978, 57-68.
  22. Lachmann, Ludwig M. “Methodological Individualism and the Market Economy” in L. M. Lachmann Capital, Expectations, and the Market Process Kansas City 1977, 149-165.
  23. Nozick, Robert “Distributive Justice” chpt. 7 in R. Nozick Anarchy, State, and Utopia New York 1974, 149-164 + 183-189.
  24. Rawls, John “Justice as Fairness” chpt. 1 in J. Rawls A Theory of Justice Harvard University Press 1971, 3-27.
  25. Sen, Amartya “Behaviour and the Concept of Preference” in J. Elster (ed.) Rational Choice Basil Blackwell 1986, 60-81.
  26. Vanberg, Viktor “Individual Choice and Institutional Constraints – TheNormative Element in Classical and Contractarian Liberalism” in Analyse & Kritik Vol. 8, 1986, 113-149.
  27. — , — “Rational Choice, Rule-Following and Institutions” mimeographed, Center for Study of Public Choice, 1989, 49pp.
  28. Vanberg, Viktor and James M. Buchanan “Rational Choice and Moral Order” in Analyse & Kritik 10, 1988, 138-160.
  29. Vanberg, Viktor and James M. Buchanan “Interests and Theories in Constitutional Choice” in Journal of Theoretical Politics 1, 1989, 49-62.
  30. Wiseman, Jack “General Equilibrium or Market Process: An Evaluation” in J. Wiseman Cost, Choice and Political Economy Edward Elgar 1989, 213-233.

Readings suggested for further study:

Buchanan, James M. Cost and Choice — An Inquiry in Economic Theory Chicago 1969.

— , — Freedom in Constitutional Contract Texas A&M University Press 1977.

— , — Economics — Between Predictive Science and Moral Philosophy Texas A&M University Press 1987.

Gauthier, David Morals By Agreement Oxford: Clarendon Press 1986.

Gray, John Liberalism Open University Press 1986.

Hayek, Friedrich A. Law, Legislation and Liberty University of Chicago Press 1974, 1976, 1979 (three volumes).

— , — The Fatal Conceit — The Errors of Socialism London: Routledge 1988 (Vol. 1 of The Collected Works of Friedrich August Hayek).

Nozick, Robert Anarchy, State, and Utopia New York: Basic Books 1974.

Rawls, John A Theory of Justice Harvard University Press 1971.

Vanberg, Viktor Morality and Economics — De Moribus Est Disputandum, New Brunswick: Transaction Books 1988 (Social Philosophy and Policy Center, Original Papers No. 7).

Source: Transcribed from the images scanned from the Eno River Press volumes of syllabuses of economics coursescompiled and published by Ed Tower that he donated to the History of Political Economy (HOPE) Center at Duke University.

Image Sources: Buchanan portrait from the Nobel prize website. Vanberg portrait from the Walter Eucken Institut website.