Exam Questions Princeton Theory

Princeton. General Exams on Theory for Economics PhD. 1953 through 1972

My curating strategy generally has been to post individual artifacts one by one with each limited to a specific university, a particular point in time and a single course/field. But sometimes, just sometimes, I stumble upon a relatively complete, long-run of comparable artifacts to warrant lining them up into a single post. 

In William J. Baumol’s papers in the Economists’ Papers Archives at Duke University, we find about two decades’ worth of post-war Ph.D. general exams in economic theory at Princeton. 

But wait, there is more…

Scans of the microeconomic theory general exams for 1987-1989 and 1990-1994 at Princeton can be downloaded from the Ed Tower Collection at Duke.


May 1953

Department of Economics and Social Institutions

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy


May, 1953

Part I

Answer any three


Discuss the problem of cost calculation and pricing in a multi-product firm, touching on problems like overhead costs and technical variability and invariability of output proportions.


Is there a theory of wages? Describe what has been done in the literature on the subject and indicate why the initial question might be raised at all.


“Monopoly tends to restrict output to undesirably small levels.” Discuss.


How would you show by indifference curve analysis that out of larger incomes larger amounts will be saved. Is such a proposition empirically plausible.

Part II

Define any four

    1. Cross elasticity of demand
    2. Economic horizon
    3. Marginal efficiency of capital
    4. Average period of production
    5. Consumer’s surplus
    6. Linear programming.

Source:  Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1950-59)”.


May 1955

Department of Economics and Sociology

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
May 1955

Economic Theory

Answer any four. Try to be brief and to the point.


If a monopolist sells in two separated markets with similar costs but different demand curves, prove that it will be profitable to charge a lower price in the market where the elasticity of demand is greater.


Explain the relation between the rate of interest and the price of bonds and show how Keynes uses this in arguing that there is a floor to interest rates.


Construct a contract curve. Show that for any point on the contract curve a) the marginal rates of substitution between the two commodities will be equal for both parties,  b) no change can benefit one of the two parties without adversely affecting the other.


Keynes argues that a fall in money wages will not reduce real wages because prices will fall proportionately. Explain how this could come about considering that labor costs are only a fraction of total costs and that workers provide only a fraction of the demand for goods.


Discuss the argument that a nationalized industry ought to sell its output at a price equal to its marginal cost.


Discuss the policy implications of the monopolistic competition theory of the output and pricing by the firm.

Source:  Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1950-59)”.


October 1955

Department of Economics and Sociology

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy


Mr. George K. Chacko
October, 1955
(Time: three hours)

Answer any three


  1. On what ground has it been argued that a nationalized industry should charge a price equal to its marginal costs?
  2. Why has it sometimes been argued that this rule will produce undesirable results unless all industries are nationalized?
  3. How would the presence of external economies or diseconomies affect this rule?


  1. Define a contract curve.
  2. Show its geometric construction.
  3. Show that corresponding to any point off the contract curve there is a point on the curve which represents an improvement to both parties.
  4. Show that no move from a point on the contract curve can possibly represent an improvement to both parties.


  1. Define the acceleration principle.
  2. Show that it implies a one quarter cycle lag in consumption behind investment.
  3. How can this get the underconsumptionists out of an embarrassing position?


  1. Define price elasticity of demand.
  2. Assuming nothing but the definition prove that a fall in price will raise a consumer’s expenditures on an item if his demand for it is elastic.

Source:  Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1950-59)”.


January 1956

Department of Economics and Sociology

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

January, 1956

Economic Theory

Answer any four questions.

  1. Outline a) Keynes’ interest analysis and
    b) one classical analysis of the determination of the rate of interest.
    c) Show how a neo-classicist might accept the Keynesian position for the short and yet argue consistently that in the long run the rate of interest will be determined by “real” relationships.
  2. a) What is the marginal condition for the equilibrium of exchange of two commodities between two consumers?
    b) Show that if the conditions are not satisfied it is possible for these consumers to arrange for a mutually beneficial exchange.
    c) Show these results diagrammatically.
  3. a) Show the circumstances under which price and quantity sold on a competitive market for the product of one industry will tend toward their supply demand equilibrium values.
    b) When will they not tend toward equilibrium?
    c) What is the significance of this point for practical application of the static equilibrium analysis?
  4. a) What are external economies of scale?
    b) Show how they can prevent achievement of an ideal allocation of resources in a competitive free enterprise economy.
    c) Show how they might lead to a misallocation of resources by a competitive industry though they might have no analogous effect on a monopolistic firm which takes over that industry.
  5. a) Describe the Neumann-Morgenstern index of utility.
    b) How does it differ from utility measurement in the classical sense?
    c) What is meant by measurement unique up to a linear transformation, i.e., what does the mathematician mean by cardinal measurement?
  6. a) Define the income effect on the quantity of x of a change in the price of x.
    b) Show that in the case of the sale of a commodity out of a fixed total supply, the income effect on the amount offered by the supplier will usually be opposite in sign from the substitution effect.
    c) Show how this may be used to account for union demands for a shorter work week despite higher hourly wages.

Source:  Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1950-59)”.


October 1956

Department of Economics and Sociology

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

October, 1956

Economic Theory

Time: 3 hours
Answer any three questions.


  1. Show how in Keynesian theory an increase in money supply will have some effects in common with a fall in money wages.
  2. What difference can be expected in their effects on expectations?
  3. Why does Keynes argue for one against the other?
  4. What is the Pigou effect?


  1. In terms of indifference curves show the effects of a tariff on the terms of trade.
  2. What is the relation to the contract curve?
  3. Show why the point of competitive equilibrium in the absence of tariff is supposed to lie on the contract curve.


  1. Describe the Neumann-Morgenstern utility index.
  2. What is meant by its being cardinal?
  3. Prove the relevant properties.


Discuss the stability of equilibrium under Marshallian and Walrasian assumptions including such considerations as long run vs. short run and forward falling vs. backward rising supply curves.


Show why it is maintained that ideal output can be achieved when price is everywhere equal to marginal cost.

Source:  Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1950-59)”.


January 1957

Department of Economics and Sociology

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

January, 1957

Economic Theory

Part I

Answer any three questions.


Show that the Laspeyres index of real income for an individual will always be correct when it shows his real income has fallen but may be wrong when it indicates his real income has risen.


Describe the identification problem and indicate what can be done about it. Use the Keynesian model rather than the supply-demand diagram as an illustration.


Describe the marginal and second order conditions of equilibrium for the output of two commodities produced by a single firm under pure competition (i.e. when will the relative outputs of the two items be optimal?) Show why these conditions are valid, and illustrate in a diagram.


Describe the loanable funds and liquidity preference theories and some of the attempts to show that they amount to the same thing.

Part II

Answer any question.


What does Patinkin mean by the real balance effect? Why does he state that the price level will be indeterminate in its absence? Where does this leave the quantity theory?


What is ideal output? What price conditions are usually said to be enough to assure its achievement? Explain and criticize.


What is the point input-point output case in capital theory? Why is it particularly easy to define an average period of production in this case?

Source:  Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1950-59)”.


May 1957

Department of Economics and Sociology

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

May, 1957

Economic Theory

Time: 3 hours

(Answer all questions)

  1. (a) Explain how for close substitutes the marginal utility of X might fall as the quantity of X in increased but that of Y is increased.
    (b) Give a concrete illustration.
    (c) Explain intuitively why the consumer in not in equilibrium if the marginal rate of substitution of A for B is not equal to the ratio of their prices.
  2. (a) Explain why in the Keynesian system a fall in taxes will shift the savings curve to the right (Hint: Here the savings figure is based on income before)
    (b) Why does this result appear paradoxical?
    (c) Show diagrammatically that this shift in the savings curve will increase equilibrium national income.
  3. (a) Show diagrammatically how prices are determined in its two markets by a discriminating monopolist.
    (b) Why must equilibrium marginal revenue be the same in both markets?
    (c) Will discriminating monopoly output tend to be higher or lower than under simple monopoly? Briefly indicate an intuitive reason for your answer.

(Answer one question)

  1. Discuss the issues in the marginal cost controversy.
  2. Describe the theory of marginal pairs.
  3. Discuss the Scitovsky and Kaldor criteria.
  4. Discuss the average period of production and its use in interest theory.

Source:  Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1950-59)”.


October 1958

Department of Economics and Sociology

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

October, 1958

Economic Theory

Time: Three hours


Discuss the relationship of Say’s Law, Walras Law and the determinateness of the price level in a General Equilibrium system.


Describe and evaluate any two standard duopoly or bilateral monopoly models.


State and explain the basic assumption of the revealed preference analysis of consumer behavior. Derive at least one theorem with its aid and describe its implications for index number theory.


What is the real balance (Pigou) effect? How does it enter the analysis of effects of a general wage cut on employment? Discuss the relevant interest rate mechanism.


What are external economies and diseconomies? How do they make possible competitive equilibrium in an industry in which the average cost curve is downward sloping? What are the implications of external economies for the relationship between competitive and “ideal” resource allocation?

Source:  Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1950-59)”.


October 1959

Department of Economics and Sociology

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

October, 1959

Economic Theory

Time: 3 hours

I. (answer four questions)

1. —

    1. What is the real balance (Pigou) effect?
    2. Explain its role in the determination of the price level.
    3. What is its role in the relation between wages and employment?

2. —

    1. Define the income effect.
    2. Show that the substitution effect involves a fall in the demand for a commodity when its price increases.
    3. Draw an indifference map which corresponds to a positively sloping demand curve.

3. Describe two oligopoly models in detail.

4. —

    1. Draw a curve of marginal fixed costs and explain its shape.
    2. What does this result imply about the effect of a change in fixed costs on the price and output of a profit maximizing firm? Explain.
    3. Does the same result necessarily hold for a firm with other objectives? Explain.
    4. Derive and criticize the theorem that perfect competition yields an ideal allocation of resources.

[note: file only has this first page of the October 1959 exam. Presumably there was at least a Part II and perhaps Part III/IV….?]

Source:  Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1950-59)”.


January 1960

Department of Economics and Sociology

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

January, 1960

Economic Theory

(Answer all Questions)

  1. [Linear homogeneous production function]
    1. Define “Linear homogeneous production function.”
    2. Name two areas in economies in which such functions occur in the literature and indicate their role briefly.
  2. Keynes at some point appears to assert that a fall in money wages does not reduce real wages.
    1. How may this be explained (in your answer take account of the fact that labor cost is only a part of total cost)?
    2. Does Keynes ever indicate that a fall in money wages might increase employment? If so, how would the process work?
  3. Compare the analyses by Lange and Patinkin of the role of money in neo-classical systems.
  4. Assume a purely competitive system with only one non-produced, scarce factor—labor. Also, assume the only capital in the economy is in the form of a single type of machine.
    1. in every industry using the machine it is “productive” in the sense that for given amounts of cooperating labor and intermediate goods, more is produced with it than without it. Is this necessary for interest to be paid to owners of the machines? Is it sufficient?
    2. if machines are only labor and are sold at long-run average coat, how can their owners get more from them than the recovery of these costs?
    3. “Wicksell was misleading in his explanation of interest, because he placed so much emphasis upon the productivity of the machine in the above example, while Böhm-Bawerk was misleading because he placed so much emphasis upon consumer psychology. Both elements are necessary to an explanation of the level of the interest rate.” Do you agree? Explain.

(Answer any two questions)

  1. Discuss the welfare effects of monopoly from the point of view of resource allocation.
  2. (a) Describe and discuss the “minimum critical effort” thesis in the theory of economic development. (b) What is the role of external economies in the literature of economic growth?
  3. Compare and contrast the major theories of profits.
  4. Discuss each of the following statements:
    1. “Marx was right in stressing that labor should receive its average. If all factors are given their average, rather than their marginal products, the product will be exhausted and we need not worry about whether the production function is or is not linear and homogeneous.”
    2. “It is fundamentally impossible to determine how much of a product has been produced by the labor contained in it, how much by the capital, and how much by the land. Any distribution theory must, therefore, be fortuitous in spite of any seeming scientific quality. It cannot be based on relative contributions by factors to the product.”
    3. “To instruct me to pay every laborer his marginal product is not to tell me how much labor to hire. Suppose I am a farmer. The first man I hire at $40/per week, his marginal product. The second man I hire for $38.20, his marginal product, and so forth. But the theory of marginal productivity tells me to go on hiring in this way indefinitely.”

WJB-REK: rhm

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1960-69)”.


May 1960

Department of Economics and Sociology

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

May, 1960

Economic Theory

Answer all questions.


“Keynes’s General Theory is merely a subcase of the neoclassical theory of employment. In the latter, if the money wage-rate is inflexible downward, unemployment can result. The introduction of the rigid money wage-rate by Keynes yields such rigidity and unemployment. If one removed the assumption that the supply of labor was a function of the money wage-rate, and assumed instead it was related to the real wage-rate, no underemployment equilibrium could exist in Keynes’s model.” Discuss.


(a) Assume that capital goods are fixed in quantity, are indestructible, and non-producible. Assume, also, the existence of a stationary state. Further, abstract from all monetary phenomena,

    1. Under what conditions would capital goods receive returns? How would such returns differ from rents to natural resources?
    2. Would an interest rate exist in this economy? If so, would it be positive or negative?

(b) Assume, now, that capital goods are subject to wear and tear, must be replaced if the capital stock is not to decline, and are producible. The stationary state is again assumed, and monetary phenomena are abstracted from.

    1. Schumpeter believed the interest rate in such an economy would be zero. How could this occur?
    2. Capital goods are “productive.” If the interest rate were zero, so that their owners received no net returns, would this contradict the proposition that capital goods contribute a net product to the society?
    3. Wicksell believed the interest rate in this economy would be positive. But, since capital goods are merely land and labor in a different physical form, this would imply that amounts of land and labor in one form would be paid more than the same amounts in merely different physical form. Explain.



    1. What is the level of current United States gross national product at an annual rate?
    2. What proportion of it goes for consumption, gross investment, and all-levels-of-government usage?
    3. What is the current rediscount rate at the Federal Reserve Banks?


“Let A, B, C, and D be four baskets of goods, and Ua, Ub, Uc, and Ud be von Neumann-Morgenstern ‘utility’ measures of an individual’s preferences among them. These utility measures are ordinal for choices under conditions of certainty, but cardinal for choices under conditions of risk.”
Do you agree or disagree? Explain.


“For a firm with no effect on product or factor prices, maximization of profits requires that marginal physical products of all factors be proportionate to factor prices. Yet sometimes it is said that maximization of profits requires that marginal value products be equal to factor prices. These conditions are not equivalents and one or the other does not hold when profits are maximized.”


Answer either (a) or (b).

(a) A firm sells two products, A and B, which it may produce jointly by two linear, infinitely divisible processes whose vectors are given below:

Process 1

\left[ \begin{matrix}1{}^{x}a=1\\ {1}^{x} b=2\\ 1^{xc}=-.5\\ {1}^{x} d=-.2\\ {1}^{c} 1=-3\\ {1}^{c} 2=-4\end{matrix} \right]

Process 2

\left[ \begin{matrix}2{}^{x}a=3\\ {2}^{x} b=1\\ 2{}^{xc}=-.6\\ {2}^{x} d=-.3\\ {2}^{c} 1=-4\\ {2}^{c} 2=-2\end{matrix} \right]

where inputs are treated as negative quantities, and:

(1) jxa and jxb are outputs of A and B from process j;

(2) jxc and jxb are inputs of labor and capital into process j;

(3) jc1 and jc2 are inputs of plant and warehouse capacity into process j.

The firm has given plant capacity of 200 units per period and warehouse capacity of 1000 units per period. Prices are given at

pa = 4, pb = 6, pc = 3, pd = 1.

What are the firm’s optimal process levels?

(b) A Leontief [1 – a] matrix is given below:

\left[ \begin{matrix}.95&-.30&-.50\\ -.40&.98&-.36\\ -.50&-.60&.90\end{matrix} \right]

                  What levels of gross output are required to produce the following bill of goods:

\left[ \begin{matrix}27\\ 30\\ 15\end{matrix} \right]

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1960-69)”.


May 1961


General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

May, 1961

Economic Theory

  1. (a) State and explain the basic premise of the revealed preference theory.
    (b) Explicitly use this premise to derive the sign of the substitution effect.
    (c) Under what circumstances would you expect the premise to be violated in practice?
  2. (a) What is “Walras’ Law” and what is its rationale?
    (b) How is it related to Say’s law?
    (c) How is Walras’ law employed in the basic equilibrium model?
    (d) How is it employed in Patinkin’s central argument?
  3. (a) Explain the basic multiplier formula.
    (b) Explain the multiplier geometric series.
    (c) Discuss the balanced budget multiplier theorem.
  4. Why is marginal cost pricing sometimes recommended as a rule for nationalized industries and what are its limitations?
  5. In not more than one paragraph for each give a (necessarily) superficial characterization of
    (a) Nassau Senior’s contribution to interest theory
    (b) Marshall’s “two blades of the scissors”
    (c) The wages fund doctrine
    (d) The German academic position on economics at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1960-69)”.


May 1962

Department of Economics

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

May, 1962

Economic Theory

Time: 3 hours

Do not write your name on any of your examination papers, but identify them with a Code Letter which you obtain in the Office of the Department of Economies.

Start a new paper or book for each question so that the examinations can be assembled by question rather than by candidate. Be sure that your Code Letter appears on each sheet or book.

    1. Define Pareto optimality
    2. Given two commodities A and B and two consumers 1 and 2, prove that if both commodities are bought by both consumers the situation will not be Pareto optimal unless
      (1) MUa1 / MUb1 = MUa2 / MUb2
      where MUa1 is the marginal utility of commodity A to consumer 1, etc.
    3. What happens to condition (1) if consumer 1 purchases same of B but none of A and consumer 2 purchases some quantity of each item? (Give the new condition and explain briefly.)
    4. Show that if the prices of A and B are arbitrarily fixed at any levels, Pa and Fb respectively, and if both consumers are rational and each buys both items that condition (1) will automatically be satisfied without any direct central intervention, planning or rationing.
    5. Indicate briefly what this means, and what it does not mean, about the desirability of a price system.
    1. Assuming that the demand for money is dependent on the rate of interest and on the level of real income, show diagrammatically how a change in the quantity of money will affect the levels of investment, consumption, income and employment.
    2. State the grounds on which it is sometimes argued that a change in the rate of interest is unlikely to have a significant effect on the level of investment.
    3. Describe the process by which, according to Keynes, a fall in wages may increase the level of employment.
    4. Describe an alternative mechanism whereby a wage reduction can have this effect.
    5. How do these mechanisms conflict with the identity-form of “Say’s law”?
  1. Assume that men and women are equally efficient in a certain occupation but the conditions of supply of men and women workers are different; that it is possible for the employer to pay different wage rates to men and women; and that there are no trade unions. With the marginal net productivity curve and the two labor supply curves given, show in a graph the wage rates the employer will pay and the numbers of men and of women he will employ.
    (Exact geometric construction is essential.)
  2. Reasoning along the lines of Böhm-Bawerkian capital theory, assume that land is abundant and that there are two, and only two, alternative ways of using labor in the production of consumers goods: one without any roundabout-ways and another with an average investment period of one year. With the latter method, labor is 20 per cent more productive than with the former.
    1. that the rate of interest will be 20 per cent;
    2. that the interest rate will be zero, and wages will be determined by the productivity of labor used in the more productive way;
    3. that the rate of interest might be anything between zero and 20 per cent;
    4. that the rate of interest might be well above 20 per cent.

Discuss each of these alleged possibilities and state any additional assumptions needed for it to be realized.

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1960-69)”.


October 1962

Department of Economics

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

October, 1962

Economic Theory

3 hours

    1. Define the acceleration principle.
    2. Describe some alternative hypotheses about the determination of aggregate investment by decision makers.
    3. Prove that if fluctuations are perfectly regular and symmetrical, a constant accelerator coefficient will yield an investment cycle which anticipates fluctuations in investment output by precisely 1/4 of a cycle.
    1. Describe the determination of wages as a bilateral monopoly process.
    2. Describe the role of linear homogeneous production functions in the theory of distribution.
    3. Discuss briefly why it has been considered appropriate to develop a theory of capital which is distinct from the general theory of distribution.
    1. Argue by numerical example that if for two commodities, x and y,  MUx/Px > MUy/Py it will normally pay the consumer to purchase more of x. here Px is the price of x, MUx, is the marginal utility of x, etc.
    2. Show the same result diagrammatically.
    3. Under what circumstances does MUx/Px > MUy/Py become an equilibrium condition?
    1. Write out a two constraint three variable cost minimization linear programming problem.
    2. Give an economic interpretation of the constraints and all the variables (including slack variables).
    3. Write out the dual of your problem.
    4. Interpret all of its variables economically.

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1960-69)”.


May 1963

Department of Economics

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

May, 1963

Economic Theory

Time: 3 hours

    1. Define the “Real Balance Effect”.
    2. Explain the grounds on which Patinkin maintains that it is necessary for consistency of a classical monetary system.
    3. Describe its role in the mechanism which equilibrates the price level.
    4. Evaluate the significance of the real-balance effect in the real world. What are some of the other mechanisms which may help to stabilize the price level in practice?
    1. Outline the Lutz-Hicks analysis of the structure of interest rates.
    2. How does this analysis account for the fact that long rates are frequently higher than short rates?
    3. What does this analysis assume about expectations?
    4. On what grounds can the analysis be criticized?
    1. Explain in terms of an indifference map how one might obtain a backward-rising supply curve of labor. (You need not draw the indifference map if you do not want to).
    2. Why in the case of the supply of a commodity are the income and substitution effects more likely to work in opposite directions, than in the case of demand?
    3. Do you believe that the supply curve of labor is typically backward sloping in practice? What evidence can you muster?
  1. — Consider the following simplex matrix arising out of a problem of product line selection under profit maximization.

\begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\begin{matrix}&&Q_{1}&Q_{2}&Q_{3}&\end{matrix}\\ \begin{matrix}\Pi\\ U_{1}\\ U_{2}\end{matrix} \left\vert \overline{\begin{matrix}0&3&6&1\\ 9&-1&-3&-3\\ 12&-1&-2&-1\end{matrix}} \right\vert \begin{matrix}\\ V_{1}\\ V_{2}\end{matrix}\\ \overline{\begin{matrix}\alpha&\  L_{1}&\  L_{2}&\  L_{3}\end{matrix}}\end{gathered}\\ \end{gathered}

    1. Go through one pivoting step to find the next simplex matrix.
    2. Give the primal and dual solutions corresponding to your calculated matrix.
    3. Give an economic interpretation of each of the variable values in these solutions.
    4. State two of the duality theorems and show that they are satisfied by these solutions.
  1. — Write one paragraph about each of the following:
    1. Von Thunen
    2. Nassau Senior
    3. Friedrich Bastiat.

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1960-69)”.


Undated, 1964-66[?]

Department of Economics

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Economic Theory

    1. Demonstrate geometrically the basic characteristics of the contract curve in the box diagram representing exchange between two parties.
    2. Show that the offer curves of the two parties will intersect at some point on the contract curve.
    3. What is the welfare significance of result (b)?
    1. Define: local maximum, global maximum, corner maximum, 2nd order maximum conditions.
    2. In which of the three preceding types of maximum will the marginal (first order) equilibrium conditions normally break down (and why)?
    3. What is the relevance of the second order conditions for local and global maxima?
    4. In intuitive terms, what is the relationship, if any, between second order conditions and stability of equilibrium?
  1. — “If the high price of corn were the effect, and not the cause of rent, price would be proportionately influenced as rents were high or low, and rent would be a component part of price. But that corn which is produced by the greatest quantity of labor is the regulator of the price of corn; and rent does not and cannot enter in the least degree as a component part of its price.”
    1. Who might have written this?
    2. Does this statement imply that the author supported either the theory of “differential rent” or of “scarcity rent?” Give reasons.
    3. What qualifications, if any, of the statement will be appropriate if corn production is only one of several possible uses of land?
    1. Discuss briefly the manner in which Say’s Law decomposes a general equilibrium model into real and monetary sectors.
    2. Relate briefly the Patinkin criticism of the neoclassical Invalid Dichotomy to your answer in 4 a.
    3. Relate briefly Walras’ Law to your answers in 4 a. and 4 b.
    1. What is the acceleration principle?
    2. Derive the multiplier formula.
    3. Discuss the multiplier effects of a balanced budget.
    4. Show how the accelerator can lead to a lagged relationship between investment and consumption.
  2. — In not more than two sentences each characterize some of the work of the following:
    1. Jevons
    2. Bastiat
    3. Henry George
    4. Quesnay.

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1960-69)”.


May 1967

Department of Economics

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

May, 1967

Economic Theory

Time: 3 hours

Do not write your name on any of your examination papers, but identify them with a Code Letter which you will have obtained from Mrs. Kwok.

Start a new paper or book for each question so that the examinations can be assembled by question rather than by candidate. Be sure that your Code Letter appears on each sheet or book.

Part I.

Answer two questions. (15 points each)

  1. Why is the measured government surplus not a good indicator of government fiscal policy actions to stimulate the economy? Does the size of the government surplus that would be realized at full employment serve to indicate unambiguously the amount of fiscal policy stimulus? Discuss the reasons for your answers.
  2. One theory of investment emphasizes the importance of changes in output through the accelerator. Can this be incorporated within the view of investment as determined by the intersection of the marginal efficiency schedule and the marginal cost of funds schedule? Explain both theories in your answer.
  3. In what sense do “vintage” capital models suggest that it is easier to change the capital intensity of the economy than did earlier models? How is labor allocated over different vintages if there is substitutability ex post as well as ex ante? Only ex ante substitutability?

Part II.

  1. Discuss the following syllogism. (15 points)

Assumption. All markets are purely competitive.

Definition 1. Surpluses to factors are payments above the opportunity costs of those factors.

Definition 2. Profits are surpluses paid to entrepreneurs.

Major premise: in the long-run surpluses to factors do not tend to disappear.

Minor premise: profits are a type of surplus.

Conclusion: in the long-run profits do not tend to disappear.

  1. Answer two of the following questions. (12½ points each)
    1. How does the Hicksian static analysis of the stability of equilibrium in multiple market economies differ from a dynamic stability analysis of such an equilibrium?
    2. Describe the structure and use of a Leontief static open input-output model.
    3. Does the income effect of a price change affect the behavior of a consumer in exactly the same way that it affects the behavior of a firm? Explain.

Part III.

Answer both 1. and 2. (15 points each)

    1. Explain with the aid of a numerical example why it would pay Sam Pfapfnfnik to readjust his allocation of money between bread and ink if the ratio of their two prices were unequal to the ratio of their marginal utilities to him.
    2. The price of ink falls but Sam does not change his ink purchases. Explain what is happening in terms of Sam’s indifference map between ink and other commodities.
    3. Assume that all of the increase in Sam’s purchasing power resulting from the fall in the price of ink is taxed away and that he consequently does not change his purchase of any commodity. The following would then appear to hold; the marginal utility of no commodity would have changed;
      Pi, the price of ink has fallen, so that if in the initial equilibrium—
      Px/Pi = MUx/MUi then in the equilibrium position after the price fall it must be true that Px/Pi does not equal MUx/MUi . How do you reconcile this result with your answer to part (a) of this question?
  1. In one sentence for each, indicate something about the contribution of each of the following individuals:
    1. H. Gossen
    2. H. von Thunen
    3. Cairnes
    4. James Mill
    5. J. B. Clark
    6. E. Barone

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1960-69)”.


October 1967

Department of Economics

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

October, 1967

Economic Theory

Time: 3 hours

Do not write your name on any of your examination papers, but identify them with a Code Letter which you will have obtained from Mrs. Kwok.

Start a new paper or book for each question so that the examinations can be assembled by question rather than by candidate. Be sure that your Code Letter appears on each sheet or book.

Part I.

Answer two questions.

  1. Define:
    1. income effect
    2. corner maximum
    3. homogeneity of degree zero
    4. Cobb-Douglas function
    5. revealed preference (a is revealed preferred to b)
    6. integrability (of an indifference map)
    1. Show precisely how, in a perfect capital market, the rate of interest enters the formula for the discounted present value of a stream of payments.
    2. Explain precisely why the rate of interest enters the formula in this way.
    3. If the capital market is imperfect so that the interest rate rises with the amount obtained by a borrower, how is your previous discussion affected?
    1. The cost and demand curves are linear and the same in two industries, one operated by a monopoly and one under pure competition. Precisely how will the magnitudes of the two outputs compare? Prove your answer.
    2. Explain how external economies make possible a decreasing long-run supply curve for a competitive industry.

Part II.

Answer any two questions.

  1. What, in meant by the expressions “shocking” or “displacing the equilibrium of” a model and what can be learned by such procedures? Illustrate your answer with the standard income-substitution effect analysis of consumer theory. Discuss also the limitations of the techniques we now have for performing these displacements.
  2. The following is an input-output model of the form
    [I – a][X] = [Y] for a two-sector economy:

\left[ \begin{matrix}.8&-.3\\ -.4&.9\end{matrix} \right] \left[ \begin{matrix}X_{1}\\ X_{2}\end{matrix} \right] =\left[ \begin{matrix}Y_{1}\\ Y_{2}\end{matrix} \right] .

Suppose [Y] = [10,20]. Solve the system for [X] and interpret your answers in economic terms.
Solve the system when [I – a] is as given below:

\left[ \begin{matrix}.4&-.8\\ -.2&.4\end{matrix} \right] ,

And interpret in economic terms.

  1. Discuss the various concepts of “stability” in general economic systems analysis, including in your discussion the following comparisons:
    1. equilibrium vs. system stability
    2. global vs. local stability
    3. Hicksian vs. dynamic stability.

Part III.

Answer question No. 3 and either 1 or 2.

  1. Give possible reasons for the existence of money illusion in each of the following Keynesian functions: consumption, labor supply, demand for money. How does the presence or absence of each of these effects alter the response of the Keynesian model to an open market purchase of bonds by the Central Bank?
  2. For a non-monetary economy, what is the level of the interest rate in the classical stationary state, and why? Define carefully an analogous state for a growing economy. What factors determine the level of the interest rate? What is the “Golden Rule”, and what is its significance (if any)?
  3. Assume that the President’s proposed 10% tax surcharge would raise personal and corporate tax liabilities by $3 billion each in fiscal 1968. Using multipliers that you think are reasonable, estimate the impact of this action on GNP and describe in words the way in which this impact will work itself out. You may assume that the Federal Reserve System’s goal is to keep the rate of inflation below 3% and that in the absence of monetary or fiscal restraint money GNP would grow at an annual rate of 8% (the CEA forecast).

Part IV.

In one sentence each characterize the writings of three of the following:

  1. E. Barone
  2. H. H. Gossen
  3. F. Bastiat
  4. Henry George
  5. J. B. Clark.

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1960-69)”.


May 1968

Department of Economics

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

May, 1968

Economic Theory

Time: 3 hours

Do not write your name on any of your examination papers, but identify them with a Code Letter which you have obtained from Mrs. Kwok.

Start a new paper or book for each question so that the examinations can be assembled by question rather than by candidate. Be sure that your Code Letter appears on each sheet or book.

Part I. (25%)
Answer any two questions.

  1. Present the essential points of the theories of income distribution expounded by
    1. Karl Marx,
    2. John Bates Clark (or another neo-classical writer),
    3. Michael Kalecki, and
    4. Nicholas Kaldor.
  2. It has been said that the marginal-productivity theory of income distribution rests largely on technological facts (or assumptions), whereas aggregative theories of income distribution of the Kaldorian type rest chiefly on psychological facts (or assumptions). Attempt first to defend and then to criticize these contentions.
  3. If the physical efficiency of labor increases in some industries but not in others, how would you expect the marginal productivities of labor in the various industries to change, assuming perfect mobility of labor and pure and perfect competition in all markets? After you have answered this question and explained your answer, proceed to point to the qualifications required (a) if mobility is restricted, (b) if some wage rates are fixed on the basis of collective bargaining with strong labor unions, and (c) if some industries enjoy a high degree of monopoly.
  4. “Rent, like all prices, is a test, even though an imperfect one, of social need: its payment roughly ensures the most economical distribution of land between different uses; and its remission, by a land-owning State, to those in a position to pay it, whether private persons or public enterprises, would in general promote waste.” Explain every part of this statement.

PART II. (25%)
Answer question 1 and either 2 or 3.

  1. Analyze the combined net impact of the two following actions:
    1. In a period of full employment with rising prices, the government raises transfer payments to the poor, financing the resulting deficit by selling Treasury bills to the Federal Reserve System. The Fed keeps the discount rate above the bill rate.
    2. The government also cuts spending on space programs by the same amount as it raises transfer payments, using the resulting savings to retire debt held by little old ladies who put the money in savings accounts.
  1. While economists differ on the proportion of economic growth to attribute to investment in tangible capital, education, and research into new techniques, many would agree that these factors may be complementary with each other or complementary through time. Discuss the possible complementarities that may occur, identifying clearly the relationships and the effects such complementarities may have on the evaluation of investment policies.
  2. Consider an economy in a classical stationary state with a positive interest rate determined by the interaction of productivity and time preference. If the discovery of the key to immortality wipes out time preference, while at the same time generating positive population growth, describe the resulting time path of the economy to a new “golden age” equilibrium.

PART III. (25%)
Answer two of the following questions.

  1. Assume an economy with fixed amounts of two inputs, both of which are used in the production of each of two final goods.
    1. A necessary condition for efficient production is that the ratios of the marginal products of the inputs in the production of both goods be equal. Explain in economic terms why this must be true.
    2. Show how the production possibility frontier — the whole set of efficient output mixes — can be derived from the condition in (a) above.
  2. Discuss each of the following statements. They are meant to be discussed separately.
    1. “In a purely competitive market economy a stationary state can exist only if the interest rate is zero, for every investment opportunity must be exhausted to have stationarity.”
    2. “Land in an economy with a zero interest rate must (a) have an infinite value and (b) earn a zero rate of return. These are contradictory, and so the interest rate can never be zero in a market economy.”
    3. “Marx was right. Labor sells its services for their discounted marginal product in an economy with positive interest rate. This is less than it creates, and therefore labor is exploited.”
  3. Discuss the meaning and significance of the following concepts in general equilibrium theory:
    1. the law of conjugate pairs,
    2. the theory of second-best,
    3. the stability of a general economic system,
    4. balanced-growth equilibrium in a general system.

PART IV. (25%)
Answer question 1 and one of questions 2, 3, or 4.

    1. If demand is inelastic marginal revenue is ____________.
    2. If demand for a firm’s product is inelastic, a rise in its price
      1. will always increase profits.
      2. will always increase revenues but may not increase profits.
      3. we cannot tell from the information given.
    3. The price elasticity of a linear supply curve through the origin
      1. is unity.
      2. depends on the slope of the curve.
      3. will be higher the more firms in the industry.
      4. will be lower in the short-run.
      5. none of the above.
    4. Draw the indifference map for an item such as matches with perfectly inelastic demand for any price reduction.
    1. Make up a small linear programming problem.
    2. Write out its dual.
    3. Discuss in detail the economic interpretation of the dual.
    4. How might the values of the dual variables be used in economic planning?
  1. The imposition of any arbitrarily chosen prices will mean that as far as exchange between any two consumers is concerned the Pareto optimality condition must be satisfied. Explain, proving any theorem you need for the purpose.
  2. State three theorems on linear homogeneous production functions and prove one of them.

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1960-69)”.


May 1969

Department of Economics

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

May, 1969

Microeconomic Theory

Time: 2 hours

Do not write your name on any of your examination papers, but identify them with a Code Letter which you have obtained from Mrs. Kwok.

Start a new paper or book for each question so that the examinations can be assembled by question rather than by candidate. Be sure that your Code Letter appears on each sheet or book.

Instructions: The examination consists of two parts which will be given equal weight. Spend about one hour on each part.


  1. Define:
    1. identification
    2. saddle point
    3. gross and net complements
    4. law of diminishing returns
    5. substitution effect
    6. Walras’ law
    7. lexicographical ordering.
  2. Equilibrium of the firm under Chamberlinian monopolistic competition requires tangency between the firm’s average cost and demand curves. What do we know about the firm’s marginal cost and marginal revenue at that output? Prove your answer.
  3. Describe one of the following:
    1. Kaldor’s model of distribution
    2. Arrow’s possibility theorem
    3. Fisher’s analysis of allocation of resources between present and future.
  4. (Peak and off-peak pricing) An electric company plans for its output level x1,…x24 during each of the 24 hours of the day. Its operations are limited by its hourly generating capacity y so that its decisions are subject to the constraints

xi < y  (i = 1, … , 24)

The firm’s prices are required by regulation not to vary with output

\left( \frac{\partial \underline{p}_{\underline{i}}}{\partial \underline{x}_{\underline{i}}} =0 \right)

It seeks to maximize its profits, knowing its total operating cost function

C = f(x1, … , x24),

and the total cost of expanding its capacity

K = g(y)

    1. Prove that in any period in which the firm is not operating at capacity (an off-peak period) its profit maximizing price will be equal to its marginal operating cost. (Assume all outputs are positive: xi > 0.)
    2. Prove that for peak periods the payments over and above marginal operating costs will sum up to the marginal cost of increased capacity.
  1. In one sentence each characterize some of the work of the following economists:
    1. Henry George
    2. Thorstein Veblen
    3. H. H. Gossen
    4. F. Bastiat
    5. K. Wicksell.


  1. Give an example of an economic situation which does not satisfy the following hypotheses (using a separate example for each hypothesis):
    1. The consumption set for the ith consumer is convex.
    2. The preference relation of the ith consumer is strongly convex.
    3. The demand correspondence is upper semi-continuous.
  2. Explain concisely why stability is a desirable property of general equilibrium models.
  3. Consider a pure trade economy involving two individuals, Mr. A and Mr. B, and two commodities, 1 and 2. Assume that their initial holdings are

\left( {x}_{1A}^{o} ,{x}_{2A}^{o} \right) =\text{ and } \left( {x}_{1B}^{o} ,{x}_{2B}^{o} \right).

respectively, where

{x}_{1A}^{o} +{x}_{2B}^{o} +{x}_{2A}^{o} +{x}_{2B}^{o} =\  6.

Suppose their indifference curves are specified by the utility functions:

\begin{gathered}u_{A}\left( x_{1A},x_{2A} \right) =\text{min } \left( x_{1A},2x_{2A} \right)\\ u_{B}\left( x_{1B},x_{2B} \right) =\text{min } \left( 2x_{1B},x_{2B} \right) .\end{gathered}

    1. Show all Pareto-optimal states of the economy on an Edgeworth-box diagram.  Explain your answer.
    2. Find all initial holdings, for which

\left( \overline{x}_{1A} ,{\overline{x}}_{2A} \right) =\left( 4,2 \right) \text{ and } \left( \overline{x}_{1B} ,{\overline{x}}_{2B} \right) =\left( 2,4 \right)

constitute a competitive equilibrium at some nonnegative prices (p1, p2). Graph your answer on an Edgeworth-box diagram.

  1. Explain in concise terms the role of fixed point theorems in the theory of general economic equilibria.
  2. What are the three main sources of comparative statics theorems?
    (EXTRA CREDIT: Give one example of each type of theorem.)

Source:  Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Economics 506: History of Thought…1968-1990” [note: filed in incorrect folder].


October 1969

Department of Economics

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

October, 1969

Microeconomic Theory

Time: 2 hours

Do not write your name on any of your examination papers, but identify them with a Code Letter which you have obtained from Mrs. Kwok.

Start a new paper or book for each question so that the examinations can be assembled by question rather than by candidate. Be sure that your Code Letter appears on each sheet or book.


Answer THREE questions ONLY (20 ea)

  1. Explain (5 ea)
    1. the relationship, between cost and the supply curve of the competitive firm.
    2. the relationship between cost and the supply curve of the competitive industry.
    3. What is the role of rent in the preceding relationship?
    4. How can the competitive industry be in equilibrium if its long run average cost curve is falling?
  2. Describe one of the following:
    1. the Cournot duopoly model;
    2. the solution to a zero sum two person game;
    3. the notions of producers’ and consumers’ surplus and their graphic representation.
  3. Construct a simple general equilibrium model discussing (7 ea)
    1. the significance of the number of equations as compared to the number of unknowns;
    2. the role of inequalities;
    3. the definition of existence end uniqueness and their significance.
    1. Define and discuss the significance of stability for general equilibrium models.
    2. State two non-trivial theorems about such stability.
  4. Describe the Neumann-Morgenstern utility measure and its purpose.

PART II. (15 ea)

Answer every question.

    1. The elasticity of a straight line supply curve through the origin is __________.
    2. Prove the preceding answer.
    1. Give the formula for a Cobb-Douglas function.
    2. List two of its properties.
    3. Prove one of the two properties listed in (b).
  1. Derive one of the following:
    1. The Slutsky theorem for a firm under perfect competition;
    2. The necessary conditions for optimal distribution of two commodities between two individuals..
    1. Nassau Senior
    2. F. H. Knight.
    3. John Bates Clark
    4. J. Dupuit
    5. Karl (sic) Menger

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1960-69)”.


May 1970

Department of Economics

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

May, 1970

Microeconomic Theory

Time: 2 hours

Do not write your name on any of your examination papers, but identify them with a Code Letter which you have obtained from Mrs. Kwok.

Put PART I in one book and PART II in another. Be sure that your Code Letter appears on each sheet or book.

PART I. (50%)

  1. Answer one question.
    1. Describe briefly one real and one monetary interest theory. Show how they can be reconciled.
    2. Explain the analysis leading to the conclusion that pure competition tends to yield an optimal allocation of resources.
    3. Describe the nature of the optimal solution to a zero sum two-person game including the notion of optimal mixed strategy.
  2. Answer one question.
    1. A firm’s demand and average cost functions are linear with the general slopes usually assumed for them. Prove that the profit maximizing output will be half as large as the zero profit output, q0 , where q0 > 0.
      What are the second-order conditions here and what is their relevance?
    2. Prove that the feasible region for a linear programming problem is convex.
  3. Answer both questions.
    1. Explain briefly the grounds on which the area under a demand curve above the level representing the market price is said to represent consumers’ surplus.
    2. In one sentence each, characterize some of the best known work of each of the following:
      1. the physiocrats
      2. The Austrian school
      3. Henry Wicksteed
      4. Wesley Mitchell
      5. James Mill

PART II. (50%)

Please answer four questions out of the following. Try not to spend any more than fifteen minutes on each question. Show all of your work. If you attempt more than four questions, then the best four will count.

  1. The following assumptions are usually made in formulating a general equilibrium model. Give concise definitions of each and discuss their plausibility:
    1. nonincreasing returns-to-scale;
    2. no interdependence of decisions among economic agents;
    3. divisibility of goods and services.
  2. What relationships can you identify between (linear and nonlinear) programming and the existence proofs for general equilibrium?
  3. Illustrate graphically a case in which the competitive mechanism is not Pareto satisfactory. Describe in words how this case might occur in the real world.
  4. State two general cases of economies in which global stability is always valid.
  5. Distinguish between gross substitution and pure substitution. State a theorem in comparative statics that is a consequence of gross substitution.
  6. Discuss the value of the models of general equilibrium theory for an economist who does not believe in the capitalist system. Comment on the criticism that such models merely “justify capitalism.”

Source:  Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Exams (1970-79)”.


October 1972

Department of Economics

General Examination
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

October, 1972

Microeconomic Theory

Time: 3 hours

Do not write your name on any of your examination papers, but identify them with a Code Letter which you have obtained from Mrs. Coleman.

Start a new paper or book for each question so that the examinations can be assembled by question rather than by candidate. Be sure that your Code Number appears on each sheet or book.

Answer three questions in Part I and three in Part II.


    1. Given a nonlinear demand curve illustrate graphically how the corresponding marginal revenue curve can be constructed (no verbal explanation necessary).
    2. Give a rigorous proof of the validity of your construction procedure in a).
    1. Define the substitution effect on x of a change in the price of x.
    2. Prove the Slutsky Theorem about the sign of the substitution effect.
  1. Given linear demand curves in two markets for a firm’s product, and a linear marginal cost curve for its output, show geometrically the prices and outputs in the two markets if the firm maximizes its profits and
    1. if it cannot discriminate in price between the two markets; and
    2. if it does discriminate.
    1. Explain the concept of Pareto optimality.
    2. In an Edgeworth box diagram show the locus of Pareto optimal points.
    3. What can be said about the desirability of a randomly chosen point off the locus relative to that of a randomly chosen point on the locus?
    1. Prove that if demand is inelastic a fall in price will reduce total expenditure.
    2. Describe the identification problem and show its implications for the empirical determination of a demand relationship.


    1. What is Say’s Law?
    2. What is homogeneity of degree zero in prices?
    3. Explain briefly how the two preceding assumptions cause difficulties for monetary theory.
    1. What is the issue of existence and uniqueness in a general equilibrium system?
    2. What is the relevance for this issue of the number of equations and the number of unknowns in the system? Illustrate your conclusion with concrete examples of equations, specifying their coefficients.
    1. Describe the Ricardian rent model, distinguishing between the extensive and the intensive margin.
    2. Show from this analysis why a tax on pure differential rent is not shiftable.
    1. What is the basic theorem of linear programming?
    2. Show diagrammatically why it does not hold in nonlinear programming.
    3. Explain in economic terms how the theorem is affected by the presence of diminishing returns.
    1. Define the acceleration principle.
    2. Draw a graph that assumes total output over the course of a cycle and has the form of a sine curve. Show then how investment must vary over time if it is determined by the acceleration principle.
    3. Show how your graph can mislead the unwary observer about the reasons for a downturn.

Source:  Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economist Papers’ Archive. William J. Baumol Papers, Box 20, Folder “Economics 506: History of Thought…1968-1990” [note: filed in incorrect folder].

Image Source: John E. Sheridan, Princeton Poster, c. 1901 . Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA.

Exam Questions Microeconomics Suggested Reading Syllabus Theory UCLA

UCLA. Price theory. Course outline and reading list. Hirshleifer, 1972

A copy of the syllabus for Jack Hirshleifer’s UCLA price theory course taught in 1972 comes as a serendipitous find in the papers of Robert Clower at Duke’s Economist Papers Archive. 


Posted Earlier

Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, Jack Hirshleifer, 1950


Winter 1972

Econ 201B
Mr. Hirshleifer


Pre-requisite: The student is presumed to have completed Econ 201A prior to undertaking this course; only in exceptional circumstances will this requirement be waived. Acquaintance with the elements of calculus remains a practical necessity.

Procedures: As in 201A, we will have lectures, class discussions, and problems. Students are reminded that classroom contributions and homework performances enter into the final grade.

Readings: The officially required texts are Stigler, THEORY OF PRICE (3rd ed.), Friedman, PRICE THEORY, and Lerner, ECONOMICS OF CONTROL. However, substantial readings are assigned in a number of other books that would make useful additions to one’s library. These include: (1) Baumol, ECONOMIC THEORY AND OPERATIONS ANALYSIS. (But note that while chapters assigned refer to 2nd edition, a new 3rd edition is expected shortly.) (2) Becker, ECONOMIC THEORY. (3) Bronfenbrenner, INCOME DISTRIBUTION THEORY. And there are also a number of books of collected readings that are advantageous to own.

The Graduate Library has been asked to place all assigned materials on reserve. Insofar as possible, readings should be studied in order as listed. The fundamental readings for our purposes are starred below; unstarred items may provide basis for lectures and discussions.


*Stigler, THEORY OF PRICE, Ch. 6-9, 14.

*Hirshleifer, “Exposition of the Equilibrium of the Firm,” ECONOMICA, August 1962. [Reprinted in Kamerschen, READINGS IN MICROECONOMICS.]

*Allen, MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS FOR ECONOMICS, pp. 284-289, 315-322, 340-343.

*Lerner, ECONOMICS OF CONTROL, Ch. 11-17.

*Friedman, PRICE THEORY, Ch. 6-9.

*Becker, ECONOMIC THEORY, Ch. 7-8.

Hicks, VALUE AND CAPITAL, Ch. 6-7.

Marshall, PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS (8th ed.) Book V, Ch. 6.

V. L. Smith, INVESTMENT AND PRODUCTION, Ch. 2, Appendix on Kuhn-Tucker Conditions.

*Dorfman, “Mathematical or Linear Programming,” AER v. 43 (Dec., 1953)

*Baumol, ECONOMIC THEORY AND OPERATIONS ANALYSIS (2nd ed.), Ch. 5-6 (omit appendix), 11-12.

Douglas, “Are There Laws of Production?”, AER v. 38 (March, 1948).

*Arrow, Chenery, Minhas, Solow, “Capital-Labor Substitution and Economic Efficiency”, Rev. Ec. and Stat., August 1961 (to p. 234).


*J. Robinson, “Rising Supply Price” in AEA READINGS IN PRICE THEORY, Ch. 11.

Marshall, Book VI, Ch. 1-11.

*Stigler, THEORY OF PRICE, Ch. 15-16.

*Chiswick, “The Economic Value of Time and the Wage Rate”, WEJ (June, 1967).


*Friedman, PRICE THEORY, Ch. 10-11.

*Becker, ECONOMIC THEORY, Ch. 9.

*Bronfenbrenner, INCOME DISTRIBUTION THEORY, Ch. 9-10.

Hilton, “The British Truck System,” JPE v. 65 (June 1957).

*Alchian and Allen, UNIVERSITY ECONOMICS, Ch. 20.

Schumpeter, THEORY OF DEVELOPMENT, Ch. 1, 2, 4.

*AEA READINGS IN PRICE THEORY, Ch. 16, 17 (Coase, Scitovsky).


*Cheung, “Private Property Rights and Sharecropping,” JPE (Nov./Dec., 1968).

*Lindsay, “Measuring Human Capital Returns” (on reserve).


Bronfenbrenner, INCOME DISTRIBUTION THEORY, Ch. 1-5.

*Lerner, ECONOMICS OF CONTROL, Ch. 6, 9.




*Bator, “The Simple Analytics of Welfare Maximization,” AER, March 1957
[Reprinted in Kamerschen, READINGS IN MICROECONOMICS, also in Breit and Hochman, READINGS IN MICROECONOMICS.]

*Arrow, “The Organization of Economic Activity,” in Haveman and Margolis, PUBLIC EXPENDITURES AND POLICY ANALYSIS.

Houthakker, “Economics and Biology: Specialization and Speciation,” KYKLOS, v. 9 (1956).

*Vickrey, “Some Objections to Marginal-Cost Pricing,” JPE, (June 1948).

Demsetz, “Why Regulate Utilities?”, JLE (1968).

*Coase, “The Problem of Social Cost,” JLE (Oct., 1960) [Reprinted in Breit and Hochman, READINGS].

Gordon, “The Economic Theory of a Common-Property Resource: The Fishery,” JPE (April, 1954).

*Worcester, “Pecuniary and Technological Externalities”, AER (Dec., 1969).

*Mishan, “The Postwar Literature on Externalities,” JEL (March, 1971).

*Demsetz, “The Private Production of Public Goods,” JLE (Oct., 1970).

Hochman and Rodgers, “Pareto Optimal Redistribution,” AER (Sept., 1969).

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Economists’ Papers Archive. Robert W. Clower Papers, Box 4, Folder “Econ 170-171: Org. of Enterprise + Industry”.

Image Source: Seal of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) at the Wikimedia Commons.

Exam Questions Harvard Theory Uncategorized

Harvard. Graduate Economic Theory Exam. April 1963

Edward Chamberlin was a member of the graduate examination committee of the Harvard economics department in the early 1960s and in his files I have found copies of the theory exams from 1961, 1962, and 1963 along with a few memos that  circulated among members of the committee that together provide a description of the procedures used for grading.

Of related interest is the following report that was transcribed and posted earlier:

Report on the General Examination for an Economics PhD, 1970


Other Written Exams
in Economic Theory

April 11, 1961
November 13, 1962


Department of Economics

Written Economic Theory Examination
April 8, 1963

You are to answer a total of 6 questions.

All three questions in Part A.
One question each in Parts B, C, and D.

Use a separate book for each question.

PART A: Answer all THREE

  1. Explain the phenomena of “external economies” and “external diseconomies.” Describe how they affect the efficiency of the competitive pricing mechanism, and discuss measures which have been proposed to improve welfare when external economies or diseconomies are present.
  2. State and explain several leading principles from the field of “non-price competition.” Comment on the problems that arise in combining this type of theory with the more orthodox “price competition.”
  3. Interpret the Marshallian concept of Consumers’ Surplus in terms of a theory of utility based solely on Indifference Lines.

PART B: Answer ONE of the two.

  1. Contrast the “liquidity preference” and the “loanable-funds” theories of interest. Discuss the implications of these two theories for monetary policies intended to maintain full employment.
  2. Discuss the purely theoretical proposition that if all prices everywhere were sufficiently responsive in both directions to supply and demand there would, in a free market economy, be no persistent unemployment. Be equally interested in pointing out what may be right and what may be wrong about the statement. State what assumptions you would want explicitly stated if you had to support the proposition.

PART C: Answer ONE of the two.

  1. Compare the main ideas of Adam Smith and David Ricardo about economic growth — its mechanism and its consequences.
  2. Formulate a simple, highly aggregated model of economic growth. Incorporate technological change in it by including an industry called Research with a production function of a specified shape. Its inputs are capital (stock) and labor (flow). It is up to you to give a definition of its output that is appropriate to your model.

PART D: Answer ONE of the two.

  1. Explain and compare some of the conclusions that economists have reached about the interest rate in a static or stationary state.
  2. Discuss the similarities and differences among the principles of economic choice that are applicable to the three following:
    1. an individual consumer;
    2. a trade union, producers’ cartel, or other interest group;
    3. society as a whole.

You may keep this question sheet when you hand in your exam books.



Robert R. Bowie, Director
Alex Inkeles
Henry A. Kissinger
Edward S. Mason
Thomas C. Schelling
Raymond Vernon

6 Divinity Avenue
Cambridge 38

April 23, 1963

From: T. C. Schelling
To: Messrs. Chamberlin, Leontief, Vanek

I enclose a sheet with the names and grades for your information.

The outcome of our regrading was as follows. You will recall that there were five students for whom we were rereading one or more books. You will also recall that we were to count the third reading as equal in weight to the other two. The results were:

Book 3, down from 1.4 to 1.2, Fail
Book 5, down from 1.4 to 1.1, Fail
Book 6, up from 1.5 to 1.6, Fair
Book 7, up from 1.25 to 1.4, Fair –
Book 10, down from 1.5 to 1.0, Fail

To recapitulate, three of these failed, and we had five clean failures, making a total of eight failures. On the rereading, three Fair minuses went down to Fail, one Fail went up to Fair -, one Fair – went up to Fair. I think this is about what we could have expected, and I am glad we did the rereading. Incidentally, two of the three who failed after the rereading had three books reread with two different readers involved, so I think we can feel they got fair treatment.

Next week I shall circulate to you my thoughts about a report to the Department and, if you wish, we can get together or alternatively you can add your comments. If it is convenient I should prefer to get together, but not until I have given you at least my thoughts on what we should report.

TCS: ac



Robert R. Bowie, Director
Alex Inkeles
Henry A. Kissinger
Edward S. Mason
Thomas C. Schelling
Raymond Vernon

6 Divinity Avenue
Cambridge 38

June 4, 1963

From: T. C. Schelling
To: Messrs. Chamberlin, Leontief, Vanek
Subject:  Report to the Department on the Graduate Theory Examination

We promised the Department a report. And we had some things we wanted to report.

Some of our experiences we can communicate to next year’s committee over the lunch  table. Some really require the Department’s cognizance. I am listing below some of the points I think we should like to report. This is not a draft, but just a chance to check with you. If you agree, disagree, or want to add anything, I suggest you do so in writing with copies to each other. There is no great hurry, but next year’s committee will want some Departmental instruction by the time of the second Department meeting next fall. I would like to get this done before my memory fades, and submit it if possible to the Department as soon as everybody is back from the summer.

  1. I would propose that individual questions be graded not Excellent, Good, Fair, and Fail, but either numerically on the base one-hundred or with letter grades A, B, C, with the committee to decide — subject to any advice the Department wishes to make explicit — what kind of average or combination of grades should qualify a person as a “pass.” The Department should either make clear that the committee may do as it pleases or express itself on such things as how many failures on individual questions make a failing exam in spite of the average. The Department might also express itself on how large or how small the failing fraction might be without being considered “abnormal.” Just to get a proposal in the works, I would propose that questions be graded A, B, C, and Fail, with a B- required for passing, but with the committee empowered to make individual exceptions in either direction on the basis of the whole exam, and that the committee expect to fail somewhere from one-tenth to one-fourth without considering a “policy issue” being involved.
  2. I would strongly recommend that we experiment next fall with typewritten examinations. This raises a number of technical questions, ranging from who provides the typewriter to how noisy the room is, and it surely discriminates somewhat according to typing skill. The present scheme also discriminates according to longhand skill. Students who cannot type, or choose not to type, should have their examinations transcribed, either at their own expense or at the Department’s expense. This seems to me the one exam that, because it is for graduates and because it interferes with no individual’s course, lends itself to the experiment. I feel quite sure that the reading of examinations will be much more reliable if the material is typed, and that disputed grades could be discussed more readily if the exams can be easily and quickly read. The number of students taking the exam in the fall is usually small, and that is therefore a good time to try it out.
  3. I am surely persuaded that anonymous examination books make a real difference and the difference is a good one. I think the committee should avoid as far as possible putting students in special categories like the few who this year were offered the option of presenting to the oral exam with a re-examination in theory. At the same time, the committee cannot avoid having an opinion (or opinions) about the success of its own examinations; and the committee may, as I think we did, have some doubts after the examination about its reliability. If these are strong doubts, they should, as we did, consider special treatment of a few individual cases.
  4. Especially if we go in for typed exams, the Department should consider making this a six-hour exam rather than a three-hour exam, just to increase its reliability. Reading time, I believe, would be sufficiently cut by having a typed examination to make the six-hour exam feasible for the committee.
  5. The questions are also up to the committee but I would pass along the advice that the questions be as concrete and as problem-oriented as possible in contrast to general essay or discussions of what economists have said, proposed, etc. I think I say this not out of a priori prejudice but because I have felt more confident of the grade I gave when the student was responding to a very direct question or problem with little scope for inadvertent or deliberate evasion and with the obligation to give his own answer and not to repeat [what]others have [said]. This kind of advice surely is not suitable for Departmental action, but, if we share some experience we might try to articulate it for the next committee.

TCS: ac


Schelling’s Memo to Dunlop
and the Exam Committee






Last year’s committee, consisting of Chamberlin, Leontief, Vanek, and me, reached several conclusions we would like to report for the benefit of the new committee that follows us. Most of the observations we want to pass along arose out of our dissatisfaction, not our contentment, with the examination process. We would like this report to go to the whole Department, or the Executive Committee, or whatever part of the Department is appropriate; if you want to postpone this a month while your new committee decides what it would like to do, if anything, about these recommendations, that is agreeable to us.

  1. Our grading scheme, which we accepted without much thought, was to grade each question excellent, good, fair, or fail, with plus and minus, then to convert these to a numerical scale to facilitate averaging, and then to grade the whole examination. This procedure led to an anomaly that in turn produced some real misunderstanding among the graders. The anomaly was that, after collecting all of the books together and looking at the distribution of grades, the committee might wish to fail people whose average grade was “fair” or to give an “excellent” to a man whose average grade was “good.” This can lead to disputed interpretations of what the grades meant as well as what the grading standards should be. I doubt whether any committee would want, either in principle or in practice, to rely on a straight forward averaging to determine good, fair, fail, etc. I strongly recommend — and this may sound trivial but it is not — that the initial grading be on some arbitrary numerical scale with the final determination of over-all grades from fair to excellent being determined afterward. My committee agrees with this. I personally do not see that a matter of principle is involved here that ought to go to the Department, but I foresee that some eventual controversy may be forestalled if the Department is apprised of this problem and of the new committee’s intentions.
  2. The committee is bound to have some notion of what proportion of those taking the examination might normally be expected to fail it. Different members of the committee may have very different notions. I believe this is meant to be a hard examination, and that the fraction failing it might be comparable to Written Theory Examination the fraction of students who fail their Generals. It is, I believe, also meant to weed out students who would likely fail their Generals. And it is an examination in which the committee ought to feel that anywhere from one-tenth to one-quarter of the candidates might be failed without the result seeming to be abnormal. It might be helpful if the Department would at least discuss the matter briefly so the committee would have a pretty good idea how much leeway it had in grading. It is not quite enough to say that this is completely within the committee’s competence; the philosophy of the examination derives somewhat from the Department’s notion of how strict this examination ought to be and how great a variation in outcomes needs to be expected.
  3. We recommend that the committee experiment in the fall term with typewritten examinations. There are some practical questions here, such as who provides the typewriter, how noisy the room will be, and so forth. Typewritten exams will discriminate according to typing skill; but the present exam discriminates according to long-hand skill. Students who cannot type, or who choose not to type, should have their examinations transcribed, either at their expense or at the Department’s expense. Because this exam is for graduates, and because it interferes with no individual course, it lends itself to experiment; in particular, the small group in the fall term presents an opportunity on a small scale. All of us on the committee believe that the grading will be more reliable if the material is typed, and that disputed grades can be discussed better, and reread more easily, if they are typed. We, therefore, strongly urge that the experiment be made this year.
  4. We are quite persuaded that anonymous examination books (books from which student names have been removed) make a real difference and that the difference is a good one. In case of borderline grades, it is hard to resist the temptation, after the exam has been graded, to get out the student’s record and see whether or not he deserves the benefit of the doubt. We did this, and we believed it was right to do so, but maybe as a matter of principle it should not be done. Let me point out that an awful lot hinges on a single examination if one does not fall back on the student’s theory record in borderline cases. In the oral examination I think it is fair to say that the student’s course background does count in the examiner’s evaluation of him. If the Department really does not want the written theory exam to be anything but an anonymous exam graded solely on its merits, a flat rule would relieve the committee of a philosophical problem that can be quite a nuisance. If the Department wishes the committee to use its own judgment, it will probably help the committee to have it understood in advance that the committee may decide this one. We recommend that the committee be free to use the additional information after the books have once been graded but that the committee avoid this expedient if possible.
  5. If the typed examination is adopted, there is much to be said for making this a six-hour examination to increase its reliability. Reading time will be cut by the typing enough to compensate the greater number of books read.
  6. Our final recommendation involves something that cannot be legislated. It is that the questions be as concrete and as problem-oriented as possible, in contrast to general essays or discussions of what economists have written about a subject. Our impression was that grading was much more reliable on the more direct questions and problems. There was both deliberate and inadvertent evasion on the more general questions, as well as more ambiguity on the committee itself as to what the question called for. The common occurrence of a bluebook that was a decent essay on a question that wasn’t asked might be averted by using questions that are fairly direct and unambiguous. Another common occurrence was the bluebook that indiscriminately gave the positions of various writers without the student’s accepting responsibility for his own analysis or evaluation. Our feeling was that these rather indirect questions provided quite unreliable evidence on which to grade students.


Chamberlin’s Memo
to the Exam Committee

This letter was “in the works” when Tom’s report to John Dunlop of September 18, 1963, came in the mail. It is now sent as a supplement to Tom’s report.



                  First I should admit that I was against the written theory examination when it was first proposed, but without any question the experience this year has made me more opposed than ever. In my letter to the other members of this committee on April twenty-fourth (?), I urged that the attempt to shake some more failures out of the group of eight between the figures of 1.2 and 1.5 had been a “fiasco” and that we should simply allow all of them (i.e., everyone excepting [name deleted], [name deleted], and [name deleted]) to take the orals, with the decision whether to pass or fail to be made at that time. As a compromise, we finally settled on three students: [name deleted], [name deleted], and [name deleted], and offered them the opportunity of taking the oral examination, in which  they might do well enough to pass, even though they had “failed” theory. (The fact that no one of them accepted was certainly not surprising, since they had all been told already that they had failed theory and therefore had two strikes against them if they risked the orals.)

Although we all concurred in the decisions, I feel that I was mainly responsible for the matter coming up at all. As certainly evident in my letter of April twenty-fourth, I was extremely critical of the attempt to fail people who had already been graded at or near the good- to fair+ line merely because we “needed” more failures. In this respect especially I think the policy worked badly this year. The whole matter is probably one for the Executive Committee, rather than for this one. I hope it is understood that from many years of examining in economic theory I have the matter very much at heart. Certainly the treatment of our graduate students at the end of the second year is of the first importance, and I think the Executive Committee should devote some time to reconsidering the whole problem.

I still hope that this group may issue a unanimous report to the Department although as will be seen from the following comments there are son important differences between Tom and me. Perhaps we ought to have a meeting. Comments:

  1. Questions of grading.
    1. The approach of failing a certain percentage of those who take the exam (“one-tenth” to “one fourth”) must absolutely be dropped. It is contrary to the practice , both of this Department and of Harvard University, for as far back as I can remember. One only needs to recall the recent principle that “all (undergraduate) students are potential honors candidates” and to consider the grading processes with respect to these latter, to realise how far astray the concept of “failing or passing a certain percentage” is from the general practice at Harvard, and, in the past, in this Department. In any event, it is clearly unjustifiable with a group as small as we normally expect in the written theory examination — this year 37, of whom we failed, by a great effort, 8, or more than 20 per cent. I think it was the obsession that 3 was not enough failures and that we ought to increase the number, that led to a compounding of arbitrary decisions at the “margin”, and to results which, as I think I demonstrated in my earlier letter, made passing or failure for the group of 8 to which it was applied, almost a matter of pure chance. It was a witch’s brew if there ever was one. However, it was described in some detail in my earlier letter, and I refrain from another lengthy demonstration here.

Only one example from later developments: there were three books at the same grade of 1.25, (a Fair+ by the first reading). Two of them, having no questions eligible for re-reading by our rules, were below the new line of 1.4, and left as “failures”; a third, however, qualified for having two questions re-read (the intervals of discrepancy being 4 and 5 in the two cases), was converted into a pass and finished with a “Good” in the Generals. Why should he have had the opportunity to take Generals while two at the same grade had to wait six months? The conclusions: 1. I think we should admit that the methods we used to make distinctions within this “marginal” group were at fault (to put it mildly) and were future committees against them. 2. We should revert to an “absolute”, not a “relative”” or percentage, standard of quality for passing, and for the several grades of Excellent, Good and Fair, rather than trying to fail a particular number or percentage of people. 3. We should recommend to the Executive Committee that they reconsider whether we really want to “raise standards” in the Economic Theory part of the General examination as much as we appear to have done.

As for the second point, my own conviction is that only those conspicuously deficient in Theory should be failed. It should be not only possible, but a goal of the Department that all who take the examination should be well enough prepared to pass. After all, this only means that the Admissions Committee has done its work well, that the student has been well-advised as to courses, and that he has not outrageously neglected his work. Realistically, of course, there will usually be a few failures, either in the Theory exam or in the Generals. But in my opinion, failures should be voted by the Executive Committee upon recommendation of the Committee on the examination. In all cases of recommended failures, the members of this latter committee should each read the entire book with full knowledge of the identity of the persons involved and decide upon the fate of the student only in consultation, (as at present after the general oral examination).

    1. As for grading terminology, this year it was Excellent, Good, Fair, and Fail, as we all know, and when numerical values were given to these categories later, the space between then was assumed to be equal: 6, 3, 0 (=Fair!) and -3. Tom has made another proposal in his letter (of June fourth). The important thing, it seems to me, is to put more space between Fair, which has always been a passing grade, and Failure. Indeed, one could easily explain the fact that 23 out of 37 books, approximately two-thirds, received a good- (2) in the first reading by the fact that 2 is mid-point between 6 and -3! Although these (good-) books were later broken down and distributed between the levels of “good” and “fair-”, this merely disguises the fact that the grades given actually had very little difference between them. In fact, with the exception of only four books, 33 of the 37 lay between the limits of 2.8 and 1.2, the former .2 below the good average, and the latter .2 above the fair+ average. Clearly the method of grading used this year, in spite of later adjustments, did a poor job of revealing the differences which must exist among the candidates who took the examination.

However, using the same figures, I experimented with breaking up the concentration at good- by introducing mechanically several considerations which ought to enter in anyway. Since this was actually done (out of the sheer fascination of the problem) I attach copies of the result for what they may be worth, perhaps only in suggesting the other ways in which the objective might be achieved. The 6, 3, 0, were kept for Excellent, Good, and Fair, but Fail became -9 (i.e., -6 more in every case of a -3). A more normal scale would evidently be: six questions with a value of 15 each; highest possible total grade a 90. Each question graded 15 = Excellent, 12 = Good, 9 = Fair, 0 a total failure. Also +3 whenever two different readers agreedthat an answer was a Good or better, and -3 whenever two readers both gave 0 (=Fair) or less. These several devices spread out the grades, [name deleted] actually got his Excellent, [name deleted] and [name deleted] showed up as clear failures instead of getting fairs, with [name deleted] such a low Fair that he might easily be added in, the number of Good’s was reduced to 15, etc., etc. (The applause is accepted). No re-readings, either.

To return to Tom’s letter:

  1. I do not think it is fair to require students to type-write their examinations or pay to have it done (I think it is optional now). But they should be warned to write legibly and told that if they do not, they will have to pay to have their written examinations transcribed.
  2. I agree that anonymous examination books are desirable up to a point. But no one should ever be failed without knowing the candidate’s identity and all we can about him.
  3. A three hour examination seems to me long enough, or four at the very most. We should not forget that each student has already been examined for three hours per semester in his courses.
  4. I think the questions should be of all kinds. Just as I refuse assent to the proposition that the scope of Economic theory should be limited to what can be treated in mathematical symbols, as I should not want an examination in theory to be cast in one particular mold.


Leontief Letter to Schelling

September 23, 1963

TO: T. C. Schelling

FROM: W. Leontief.

cc: B. H. Chamberlin, J. Vanek

I heartily approve of all recommendations contained in your memorandum on Written Theory Examinations dated September 18th.

The typing of all examinations — which, incidentally, I proposed at the very beginning before we started them — might not be easy to arrange since the secretaries in the Department offices have no less difficulty in reading the handwritten bluebooks than we do.

A six-hour examination might be rather hard on the students unless it is made quite clear that the additional two hours are allotted for preparing a clear typescript or readable long-hand.

WL: kd

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Economists’ Papers Archive. Edward H. Chamberlin Papers, Box 18, Folder “Written Theory Committee, 1963-64”.

Exam Questions Harvard Theory

Harvard. Graduate Economic Theory Exam. November 1962

Edward Chamberlin was a member of the graduate examination committee of the Harvard economics department in the early 1960s and in his files I have found copies of the theory exams from 1961, 1962, and 1963 along with a few memos that  circulated among members of the committee that together provide a description of the procedures used for grading.

Of related interest is the following report that was transcribed and posted earlier:

Report on the General Examination for an Economics PhD, 1970


Other Written Exams
in Economic Theory

April 11, 1961
April 8, 1963


Department of Economics

Written Exam in Economic Theory
November 13, 1962


Questions are all of equal weight.

Use a separate book for each question.

(Please write legibly. Please write, on your first exam book, a phone number or address where you can be reached quickly in the event your exam book, because of handwriting, has to be transcribed and the typist cannot decipher some of your writing.)

  1. Compare the views and arguments of Ricardo, the Austrians, and Marshall, on the question of the roles of utility and demand, and of cost of production and supply, in determining the prices of the goods produced in a competitive economy.
  2. Construct a simple (static) general equilibrium model of a closed national economy, and show how it can be used to explain employment, prices, wage rates and the distribution of national income between capital and labor.
  3. Indifference surfaces of an individual’s ordinal utility function are defined by

U = x1/3 y1/3 z1/3

where U is utility and x, y, and z express quantities of three different products consumed. The individual himself produces 1 unit of x, 2 units of y, and 3 units of z.

    1. Derive the equilibrium levels of consumption of the three products as a function of relative prices;
    2. Derive the demand (supply) curves for the three products, and show as an application the quantities of x, y, and z demanded or supplied in the case where all money prices are equal;
    3. Derive the relative prices that would have to prevail in a competitive market to keep the individual at autarky.
  1. Compare and evaluate critically the solutions of duopoly proposed by at least 3 of the following: Cournot, Bertrand, Stackelberg, and Fellner.
  2. Keynes maintained that an economy could be in equilibrium with a substantial amount of involuntary unemployment, but many other economists feel that an equilibrium in which an important market is not cleared is a contradiction in terms. Explain the concept of macro-economic equilibrium and in the light of this explanation sketch Keynes’ justification of his position and the Pigou-Patinkin refutation of it.
  3. Present the argument according to which indirect taxes reduce the efficiency of the economic system, while a direct income tax does not, and show how the validity of this argument is affected by the existence of consumers’ choice between work and leisure.
  4. Write on “increasing returns” with respect to (a) the firm; (b) the industry; and (c) the whole economy. In each case you should discuss at least: explanations of the phenomenon, how it affects the efficiency of the competitive pricing mechanism, and the question of stability or instability of equilibrium.
  5. Point out and discuss what seem to you the most important similarities and difference between (a) Marx’s, and Schumpeter’s, theories of economic development under capitalism.
  6. Discuss the problem of excess capacity in firms or in groups of firms. What different meanings may the phrase have? To what extent and way would you expect to find excess capacity in (a) static equilibrium; (b) a fluctuating economy; (c) a growing economy.
  7. “Comparative advantage” is typically elaborated in the context of international or interregional trade. Generalize the concept as an economic principle and discuss the reasons you think account for its conspicuous association with international economics.
  8. Discuss the theoretical significance of the distinction between net and gross investment in models of economic growth incorporating technological change.

You may keep this question sheet when you hand in your exam books.



Robert R. Bowie, Director
Alex Inkeles
Henry A. Kissinger
Edward S. Mason
Thomas C. Schelling

6 Divinity Avenue
Cambridge 38

November 19, 1962

From: T. C. Schelling

To: Messrs. E. H. Chamberlin, W. W. Leontief, and J. Vanek

Subject: Written Examination in Economic Theory

Seven students took the exam, and we have a total of forty-two questions, each in a separate book. I had managed to allot the questions so that each of us grades either ten or eleven books. I am asking Chamberlin to grade questions 1 and 9, Leontief 2, 7, and 11, Vanek questions 3, 4, 8, and 10, Schelling questions 5 and 6. Wassily and I get eleven a-piece, Ed and Jaroslav get ten a-piece.

If you are interested in what the students chose, it is follows:

Question     1 — 6 7 — 5
2 — 4 8 — 5
3 — 1 9 — 4
4 — 4 10 — 1
5 — 5 11 — 2
6 — 6

Enclosed, for each of you, are the books you should grade.

Each book will have a second reader. I will redistribute them as they come back. Some may need a third reader.

As we agreed, let’s grade them “excellent,” “good,” “fair,” and “fail,” with plus and minus as appropriate, and for averaging we will treat the intervals between grades as numerically equivalent. For borderlines between pass and fail, if any, we can reconsider the scaling system.

The immediate urgency is only in letting students know whether they are still preparing for orals. When I asked, none were scheduled for before Christmas. But I would like to finish the grading by the middle of next week if we can. If you can read your books before Thanksgiving, so I can redistribute them next Monday, it would help.

[After a] quick check I did not notice any with an impossible handwriting, [and] if you wish you may ask Joyce to get your books transcribed. That will slow us down, but I believe it is worthwhile. If you lose any books, we all hang together.

P.S. I suggest you not write your grade on the book. Each of us is then free to do a second reading unconstrained. Instead, turn in a sheet for each question with a grade corresponding to each student number; the number in red pencil is the code for the individual student. Please return your books and grade sheets to Joyce.

TCS: ac




Robert R. Bowie, Director
Alex Inkeles
Henry A. Kissinger
Edward S. Mason
Thomas C. Schelling

6 Divinity Avenue
Cambridge 38

December 7, 1962

From: T. C. Schelling

To: Messrs. Chamberlin, Leontief, and Vanek

Subject: Theory Exam Grades

I have communicated to the Departmental office that all six who took the exam have passed. Wassily and I agreed on the phone that we should add to the dosier of the two poorest ones our scepticism that they are qualified for a Ph.D, and urging the oral examining committee to take very seriously the unsatisfactory quality of their theory exam. I shall set up a meeting this week at which we can settle on the grades for these students and work out language to meet Wassily’s point.

In preparing some statistics for you I discovered some minor errors in my tabulation; these raised the lowest grades by about one point in total, or 1/14th of a point for the grade average.

Attached is a tabulation that gives the two grades by student, by question, and by grader — the capital letters are the initials of the four graders.

I will call you to set up a meeting. At that time we can also discuss what we want to report to the Department, if anything.

The names of the students, with their scores, are as follows:

Book Student Score
6  [name deleted] 30.0
3  [name deleted] 23.3
5  [name deleted] 22.0
1  [name deleted] 18.0
2  [name deleted] 16.3
4  [name deleted] 14.3


Theory Exam Grades*

Question Student
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 C 2- 1 2- 1 2+ 2
V 2+ 2 2+ 2- 3- 2+
2 S 2- 2- 2+
L 0 0 0+
3 V 2+
L 0+
4 C 2 1 2 3
V 2 2+ 3- 3-
5 S 2- 1 3 2 1
V 2- 1+ 3- 2 3-
6 S 0+ 0 2- 1 1 2-
L 1- 0 2 0 1- 3
7 C 2 1 2- 1- 0+
L 2 1 1 0 1
8 S 2- 1 1- 2- 3
V 2- 2- 2- 2 3-
9 C 1 1+ 1+ 1+
L 1 1 1 2
10 S 0-
V 1-
11 V 1+ 2-
L 1 1
Total points** 18.0 16.3 23.3 14.3 22.0 30.0
Average 1.28 1.17 1.66 1.02 1.57 2.15
No. of excellents** 0 0 2 0 2 6
No. of fails** 2 2 1 3 2 1

*Scoring: Excellent = 3, Good = 2, Fair = 1, Fail = 0, with 1/3 point for (+) and (-).

**For fourteen grades, two on each question.

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Economists’ Papers Archive. Edward H. Chamberlin Papers, Box 18, Folder “Written Theory Committee, 1963-64”.

Exam Questions Harvard Theory

Harvard. Graduate Economic Theory Exam. April 1961

Edward Chamberlin was a member of the graduate examination committee of the Harvard economics department in the early 1960s and in his files I have found copies of the theory exams from 1961, 1962, and 1963 along with a few memos that  circulated among members of the committee that together provide a description of the procedures used for grading.

Of related interest is the following report that was transcribed and posted earlier:

Report on the General Examination for an Economics PhD, 1970


Other Written Exams
in Economic Theory

November 13, 1962
April 8, 1963


Department of Economics

Written Exam in Economic Theory
April 11, 1961

Answer six questions. All questions count equally. Please write legibly.


Set out Ricardo’s formal model of economic growth, so far as he has a complete system. Compare Ricardo’s diagnosis and prognosis with those of Adam Smith and Marx.


Discuss the rationale and limitations of measures of national income as indicators of social welfare.


Answer one of the following

Explain the concept of a “shadow price” in linear programming. Compare it with the role of the price concept in marginal analysis.


Give examples of “corner solutions”

    1. in the analysis of production
    2. in the analysis of consumers’ demand
    3. in the analysis of exchange

and show in what respect they differ from the corresponding marginal solutions.


Answer one of the following

What were the basic theoretical issues between Keynes and non-Keynesians at the time the General Theory was published? To what extent has a synthesis since been achieved?


Discuss the effect of changes in the general level of money wages on the level of real wages.


“In contrast to the propositions of positive economic theory, the propositions of welfare economics cannot be subject to empirical verification. Hance the latter discipline can hardly be useful.” Discuss this observation using specific examples.


The homogeneous Cobb-Douglas production function is usually defined for two factors of production. Construct a Cobb-Douglas function for three factors and for one factor and show that their basic formal properties are analogous to those of a two-factor function.


Note: the following list of ten undated and unattributed questions was found in Chamberlin’s papers immediately following the above examination. 


Answer six questions; all questions have equal weight.

  1. Describe and discuss Ricardo’s theory of economic growth; and discuss its relevance to problems now confronting ‘underdeveloped’ countries, or economies.
  2. What are the chief differences in the conclusion reached by analysing an area of the economy (say, an “industry”) under the assumptions of (a) pure competition, on the one hand, and (b) monopolistic competition on the other. Elaborate the explanation of one of the differences mentioned.
  3. To what extent may the concept of economic rent be generalized beyond its original application to land? Discuss fully, making clear what you mean by “rent” in each case.
  4. Identify and illustrate the main kinds of uncertainty that arise in economic decisions; and relate the different kinds of “decisions”. Can problems of choice involving uncertainty be analysed in terms of ordinal utility?
  5. Give an economic appraisal of the effects of comparative resource allocation in the case of “indivisibility”.
  6. Set up an example of a simple static general equilibrium system with three goods and two factors of production, for example, land and labor.
  7. How can technological change cause unemployment? What market forces tend to eliminate the unemployment? What factors may impede the operation of those forces?
  8. What is the theoretical justification of the “competitive ideal”? How is the validity of the argument that competition produces ideal results affected by recognition of the phenomenon of product differentiation?
  9. Describe the Neumann Model, and the principal results concerning it. Discuss the relevance of these results to real economies.
  10. Outline and criticize the theory of economic growth, of one of the following authors:

Solow, Joan Robinson, Kaldor, Tobin.


Excerpt from the minutes of the Department of Economics meeting held on Tuesday, May 16, 1961

Copies of the Written Theory Examination were distributed. Professor Chamberlin had three comments to make on the examination:

  1. There is not sufficient choice
  2. The questions are overly specific
  3. There were no questions on Economics 201 yet 35 of the students take this course as one half of their preparation for economic theory.

He concluded that the examination results must be capricious.

Professor Smithies defended the examinations by saying that the questions were varied from one examination to another and you had to look at all examinations in order to generalize, and the results of the examination showed a close correspondence with those of course grades.

There were some things suggested as a result of the discussion. The whole Department should be asked to submit questions. There were, a number of people who felt that there should be a number of specific questions. Professor Duesenberry suggested that the student should have a better idea of what the coverage would be. It was also decided that the grading of these examinations should be on the same basis as the General Oral Examinations rather than A, B, or C.

Professor Duesenberry suggested that there should be a theory syllabus including topics which are not covered in courses but which are nevertheless important and the topics should be divided into optional subjects and required subjects with the understanding that students would be examined on required subjects and on some optional fields.

Professor Dunlop contemplated no action tonight and that this should be referred to a committee.

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Economists’ Papers Archive. Edward H. Chamberlin Papers, Box 18, Folder “Theory, 1952-1962”.

Carnegie Mellon Northwestern Suggested Reading Syllabus Theory

Northwestern. Reading list for advanced price theory. Mortensen, 1966

One of the 2010 Nobel prize laureates in economics, Dale T. Mortensen, was still a year short of his Ph.D. degree from Carnegie-Mellon University when he taught advanced price theory at Northwestern University. I recently found a copy of his course reading list in the Robert Clower papers at Duke’s Economists’ Papers archive.


Department of Economies

Economics D-10
Advanced Price Theory
Mr. Mortensen

Fall, 1966
MW 3-5 P. M.


Cohen and Cyert: Theory of the Firm
Hicks: Value and Capital
Samuelson: Foundations of Economic Analysis
Henderson and Quandt: Microeconomic Theory

  1. Introduction: The Role of Economic Theory

Lipsey and Steiner: Economics, Chaps. 2-4

*Cohen and Cyert: Chaps. 1-4

*Henderson and Quandt: Chap. 1 and Appendix

Samuelson: Chaps. 1-3 and Mathematical App. A

Allen: Mathematical Analysis for Economists, Chaps. 8, 10, 14

Yamane: Mathematics for Economists, Chaps. 3 and 5.

  1. Theory of Consumer Behavior

Stigler: The Theory of Price, Chap. 5

*Cohen and Cyert: Chap 5

*Hicks: Chaps. 1-3 [and/or] Samuelson: Chap. 5 [and/or] Henderson and Quandt: Chap. 2, pp. 6-32

Houthakker: “The Present State of Consumption Theory,” Ec. (Oct., 1961)

Becker: “Irrational Behavior and Economic Theory,” JPE (Feb., 1962)

  1. Theory of the Firm

Leftwich, The Price System and Resource Allocation, Chaps. 7-9

*Cohen and Cyert: Chaps. 6-8

*Hicks: Chaps. 6-7 [and/or] Henderson and Quandt: Chap. 3 [and/or] Samuelson: Chap. 4

Kurz and Manne: “Capital-Labor Substitution in Metal Machinery,” AER (September, 1963)

Dhrymes and Kurz: “Technology and Scale in Electrical Generation,” Ec. (Aug., 1964)

Walters: “Production and Cost Functions: An Econometric Survey,” Ec., (1963)

  1. Market Structure

*Cohen and Cyert: Chaps. 10-13

Henderson and Quandt: Chap. 6

Joan Robinson: The Economics of Imperfect Competition

E. H. Chamberlain: The Theory of Monopolistic Competition

William Fellner: Competition Among the Few

Martin Shubik: Strategy and Market Structure

Smith: “Effect of Market Structure on Competitive Equilibrium,” QJE (1964)

  1. Economic Efficiency

*Cohen and Cyert: Chap. 14 [and/or]  Henderson and Quandt: Chap. 7

*Samuelson: Chap. 8

Bator: “The Simple Analytics of Welfare Maximization,” AER (March, 1957)

Lipsey and Lancaster: “The General Theory of Second Best,” RES (1956)

  1. Special Topics

Cohen and Cyert: Chaps. 15-17

Henderson and Quandt: Chap. 8

Baumol: Business Behavior, Value and Growth, Chaps. 6-8

Simon: “Theories of Decision Making in Economics and Behavior Sciences,” AER (June, 1956)

Modigliani: “New Developments on the Oligopoly Front,” JPE (June, 1958)

Simon: “New Developments in the Theory of the Firm,” AER (May, 1962)

Source: Duke University, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economists’ Papers Archive. Robert W. Clower papers, Box 4, Folder “Econ D-10, Exams, Outline”.

Image Source: Dale Mortensen’s senior year portrait from the 1961 Willamette University yearbook.

Exam Questions Harvard Theory

Harvard. Theory of income distribution. Frank A. Fetter, 1906-1907

With Thomas Nixon Carver off to Europe for a sabbatical year in 1906-07, the Harvard economics department brought in Frank A. Fetter from Cornell to cover two of Carver’s standard courses: one on the economic theory of income distribution and the other that surveyed methods of social reform (socialism, communism, etc.). The artifact for today is Fetter’s final exam for the fall semester course on “The Distribution of Wealth” [still a time when most economists, like everyone else, confounded income and wealth].

Frank A. Fetter is revered today as an early 20th century American pioneer of Austrian economics. A 2019 discussion of Matthew McCaffrey’s “Frank Fetter and the Austrian Tradition in the United States” can be found at the Online Library of Liberty.


Course Enrollment

Economics 14a 1hf. Professor [Frank Albert] Fetter (Cornell University). — The Distribution of Wealth.

Total 33: 5 Graduates, 12 Seniors, 9 Juniors, 4 Sophomores, 3 Others.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1906-1907, p. 71.


Mid-year Examination, 1906-07

Answer ten.

  1. Indicate in regard to each of the following writers: Turgot, Ricardo, Mill, Cairnes, Marshall, Carver, first, what was the main idea we studied? second, what was his place in the progress of economic thought on this subject?
  2. Define Ricardo’s capital concept and the one developed in this course. Give three examples of practical problems where the capital concept is used in business, and show how each definition applies.
  3. [Value theory]
    1. “It remains to be considered whether the creation of rent will occasion any variation in the relative value of commodities, independently of the quantity of labor necessary to production.”
    2. “If the quantity of labour realized in commodities, regulate their exchangeable value, every increase of the quantity of labour must augment the value of that commodity on which it is exercised, as every diminution must lower it.”
    3. “Rent invariably proceeds from the employment of an additional quantity of labour with a proportionately less return.”
    4. “The exchangeable value of all commodities … is always regulated … by the greater quantity of labour necessarily bestowed on their production … by those who continue to produce them under the most unfavorable circumstances.”
    5. “The original rule which regulated the exchangeable value of commodities … can not be at all altered by the payment of rent.” Who wrote this?

Comment on these passages showing clearly what question is proposed, and how far the conclusion is based upon the argument advanced

  1. [and] 5. “Demand and supply govern the value of all things which can not be indefinitely increased; except that even for them, when produced by industry, there is a minimum value, determined by the cost of production … Demand and supply, while thus ruling the oscillations of value, themselves obey a superior force, which makes them gravitate towards Cost of Production.”
    “What the production of a thing costs to its producer is the labour expended in producing it. If we consider as the producer the capitalist who makes the advances, the word Labour may be replaced by the word Wages; what the produce costs to him, is the wages which he has had to pay.”
    “Wages do enter into value. The relative wages … affect value just as much as the relative quantities of labour.”
    “There are commodities of which the value never depends upon anything but demand and supply. This is the case in particular with the commodity Labour.”

    1. How does this doctrine differ from Ricardo’s quantity-of-labor theory?
    2. What conclusion may be drawn from a combination of paragraphs one and four?
    3. Criticise the cost-of-production theory contained in the quotations. Whose theory is it?
  1. Give the substance of Cairnes’ argument (the part read) and show how it differs from Mill’s.
  2. Show what kinds of income and stages of income there are. What is the ultimate form taken by income, and why?
  3. Explain the simplest problem of valuation by an individual, and the psychological data that must be taken account of.
  4. Define and explain capitalization as presented in the course and show its relation to property and wealth.
  5. Discuss the following distinctions:
    1. The subjective and the objective methods of classifying incomes.
    2. Utility and subjective values.
  6. Outline briefly the positive theory of distribution here presented.

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University. Mid-year Examinations, 1852-1943. Box 7, Bound Volume: Examination Papers, Mid-Years 1906-07.

Image Source: 1902 Classbook, Cornell University, p. 21.

Distribution Exam Questions Harvard Theory

Harvard. Final exam for distribution theory. Carver, 1905-1906


Thomas Nixon Carver was hired by Harvard based on his work in economic theory. As it turned out theory would only constitute a minor share of his portfolio of courses at Harvard. Here we have the exam for a theoretical course offered in 1905-06 dedicated to the functional distribution of income. This is the second time Thomas Nixon Carver taught this one-semester course at Harvard. (Exam from its initial run in 1904-05).

The course content is undoubtedly captured in Carver’s 1904 book The Distribution of Wealth which was reprinted several times during his lifetime.


Course Enrollment
Distribution of Wealth

Economics 14a 1hf. Professor Carver. — The Distribution of Wealth.

Total 46: 7 Graduates, 25 Seniors, 9 Juniors, 2 Sophomores, 3 Others.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1905-1906, p. 73.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Distribution of Wealth
Year-end Examination, 1904-05

  1. Why does the value of a consumable commodity fall when its supply increases, — other things remaining the same?
  2. Ditto of a productive factor?
  3. What limits or checks the supply of labor?
  4. Ditto of land?
  5. Ditto of capital?
  6. Fill out the blank columns in the [following] table.

Total Crop, Marginal Product of Labor, Total Wages, and Rent (All in Bushels) from Four Farms of Different Productivity when cultivated by Varying Numbers of Laborers, Capital being left out of account.

Farm A

Total crop Marginal product Total wages Total rent

Rent per acre

1 500
2 900
3 1200
4 1400
5 1500

Farm B

Total crop Marginal product Total wages Total rent

Rent per acre

1 400
2 700
3 900
4 1000

Farm C

Total crop Marginal product Total wages Total rent

Rent per acre

1 300
2 500
3 600

Farm D

Total crop Marginal product Total wages Total rent

Rent per acre

1 200
2 300
  1. In what proportion could six laborers be most advantageously distributed among these farms? Ten laborers? Fourteen laborers?
  2. When there are six laborers employed, how much, in bushels, would the product of the whole group of farms and laborers be reduced by the removal of one laborer, assuming the laborers all to be of the same efficiency? Ditto when there are ten laborers?
  3. When there are fourteen laborers employed on these farms, how much, in bushels, would the product of the whole group be increased by the opening up of a new farm of the same grade as farm A, and the transfer to it of four of the laborers?
  4. Compare Clark’s theory of business profits with Walker’s.
  5. State Hollander’s position on the question. Does rent enter into price?
  6. Compare Clark’s definition of capital with Taussig’s.

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University. Mid-year Examinations, 1852-1943. Box 7, Bound Volume: Examination Papers, Mid-Years 1905-06.

Image Source: Portrait of Thomas Nixon Carver from the Harvard Class Album 1913. Colorized by Economics in the Rear-view Mirror.


Agricultural Economics Exam Questions Fields Harvard History of Economics Industrial Organization Money and Banking Public Finance Sociology Theory Undergraduate

Harvard. Division Exams for A.B., General and Economics, 1921

The Harvard Economics department was once one of three in its Division in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. The Departments of History and Government shared a general division exam with the Department of Economics and also contributed their own specific exams for their respective departmental fields. This post provides the questions for the common, i.e. general, divisional exam, the general economics exam, and all the specific exams at the end of the academic year 1920-21 for those fields falling within the perview of the economics department.


Previously posted
Division A.B. Exams

Division Exams 1916
Division Exams, January 1917
Division Exams, April 1918
Division Exams, May 1919
Division Exams, April/May 1920

Division Exams 1931

Special Exam for Money and Government Finance, 1939
Special Exam Economic History Since 1750, 1939
Special Exam for Economic Theory, 1939
Special Exam for Labor and Social Reform, 1939






The treatment of one of the following questions will be regarded as equivalent to one-half of this examination and should therefore occupy one hour. Write on one question only. Insert before your answer to this question a sketch of your plan of treatment.

  1. Discuss the relations of civilization to climate.
  2. Does history show that the periods of a nation’s political and literary greatness tend to coincide?
  3. Was America’s entrance into the World War a consequence or a violation of her policies and traditions?
  4. Discuss the following: “One of the great difficulties, as well as one of the great fascinations of history is the constantly changing point of view; but we should beware of interpreting the past in the light of the present.”
  5. What have been and what should be the limitations upon the application of the principle of self-determination in national relations?
  6. Contrast Roman provincial, and nineteenth-century colonial relations.
  7. What should be the limits of nationalization of essential industries?
  8. What have been the marked characteristics of three great states at the time of their greatest power?
  9. “Society has departed very widely from the strict rule of non-interference with industry by the State; indeed, the policy of non-interference was never carried out logically by any State.” Comment.
  10. Discuss: “The patriotism of nations ought to be selfish.”
  11. What are the standards of social justice?


The treatment of four of the following questions in Part II is required and will be regarded as equivalent to one-half of this examination, and should therefore occupy one hour. The four questions are to be taken from the Departments in which the student is NOT CONCENTRATING; two questions from each of the two Departments.


  1. Briefly characterize, with approximate dates, five of the following: Alexander, Aristotle, Augustus, Francis Bacon, Frederick Barbarossa, Bolivar, Calvin, Chatham, Franklin, Richelieu.
  2. Give a short account of the rise of the Christian Church down to the period of the Crusades.
  3. Estimate the importance of the Netherlands in the development of Europe.
  4. Discuss the relations of England and the United States during the past one hundred years.
  5. Write a brief historical account of slavery in the Western Hemisphere.


  1. Discuss: “Not independence but interdependence is the hope of nations.”
  2. Explain the evolution and significance of trial by jury.
  3. What is the significance of the following headlines in March, 1921?
    1. “Austria in dangerous unrest.”
    2. “Briand voted confidence on reparations.”
    3. “Crown prince is plotting.”
    4. “Lenin knows his Italian friends.”
  4. What are the limits of uniform state legislation?
  5. What political unities can best control:
    1. police,
    2. water supply,
    3. roads?


  1. “The fundamental fact in history is the law of decreasing returns. It is the cause of the origin and development of civilization. . . . It is equally, and for the same reason, the source of poverty and war.”
    State, explain, and indicate the significance of the law of decreasing (diminishing) returns.
  2. What are the fundamental features of the organization of modern industrial society?
  3. Discuss one of the following statements:
    1. “Employees have the right to contract for their services in a collective capacity, but any contract that contains a stipulation that employment should be denied to men not parties to the contract is an invasion of the constitutional rights of the American workmen, is against public policy, and is in violation of the conspiracy laws.”
    2. “In the old days, America outsailed the world. . . . I want to acclaim the day when America is the most eminent of shipping nations. . . . A big navy and a big mercantile marine are necessary to the future of the country.”
  4. Why should there be a labor party in England and not in the United States?
  5. What are the economic essentials of socialism?




The treatment of two of the following questions will be regarded as equivalent to one-half of the examination and should therefore occupy one hour. Write on two questions only.

  1. Give the author, approximate date, and general character of five of the following works:
    1. National System of Political Economy.
    2. Essays in Political Arithmetick.
    3. England’s Treasure by Forraign Trade.
    4. Essay on the Principle of Population
    5. Principles of Political Economy.
    6. The Wealth of Nations.
    7. Das Kapital.
    8. Lombard Street.
    9. Capital and Interest.
  2. Explain four of the following terms:
    Abstinence; Manchester School; stationary state; iron law of wages; produit net; non-competing groups; Scholasticism; Utilitarianism.
  3. Locate on an outline map:
    1. The world’s principal sources of five of the following raw materials: cotton; copper; sugar; silk; wheat; tin; rice; nitrate; petroleum; gold.
    2. The more important routes of overseas transportation.
    3. The world’s chief regions of manufacture.


The treatment of three of the following questions will be regarded as equivalent to one-half of the examination and should therefore occupy one hour. Write on three questions only. Be concise.

  1. Define “thrift” and discuss its social significance.
  2. Analyze the determination of normal value under competitive conditions of joint cost.
  3. What is meant by “monetary inflation”? How is it to be measured and what is its importance?
  4. What has been the course of the interest rate in modern times? What probably will be the course of the rate during the next few years? Why?
  5. What are the purposes and limits of progressive taxation?
  6. Discuss the future of public utilities in the United States.
  7. To what extent and in what respects, if at all, is labor legislation of the times a corrective of the more serious defects of the existing social order?
  8. Discuss: “Perpetual prosperity would be a national calamity.”



Answer six questions


Take from this group at least two and not more than four

  1. What is the concept of “justice” in the theory of the distribution of wealth?
  2. Comment on the validity and significance of the following contention: “Labor is the source of all wealth.”
  3. “Whether capital is productive depends simply on the question: Are tools useful? It matters not how much or how little tools add to the product — if they add something, capital is productive.” Do you agree? Explain.
  4. “The forces which make for Increasing Return are not of the same order as those that make for Diminishing Return. . . . The two ‘laws’ are in no sense coordinate. . . . The two ‘laws’ hold united, not divided, sway over industry.” Comment critically.
  5. What relations exist between the accounting and economic concepts of “cost of production”?
  6. “The differences in the productive powers of men due to their heredity or social position give to certain individuals the same kind of an advantage over others that the owner of a corner lot in the center of a city has over one in the suburbs. If the income from a corner lot is a surplus and can therefore be described as unearned, the income of a man of better heredity, education or opportunity must also be regarded as a surplus income and therefore unearned.”
    Discuss this statement with reference to your general theory of distribution.


Take from this group at least one and not more than wto

  1. Give a brief historical account of the theory of population.
  2. Trace the development of the theory of international trade.
  3. In what ways have the following influenced the history of economic thought: Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, Malthus, Ricardo, J.S. Mill, Marx?
  4. Outline the evolution of the theory of economic rent.


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. “The profits of speculation on the Stock Exchange are just as unearned as the increment in the value of urban building sites; unlike the profits of speculation in produce, they represent no service to society.” Do you agree? Why, or why not?
  2. “There is a point beyond which advertising outlay is extravagant.” Explain.
  3. “I do not see how we can retain our home markets, upon which American good fortune must be founded, and at the same time maintain American standards of production and American standards of living unless we make other peoples with lower standards pay for the privilege of trading in the American markets.” Discuss.
  4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the closed shop?



Answer six questions 


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. “The opening of the Erie Canal affected both intensive and extensive agriculture in the United States.” Explain. Have there been analogous changes in later periods?
  2. Discuss the following statement: “The enactment of corporation laws by the various states is the most important step made during the past century in the development of American manufactures.”
  3. Analyze the important economic after-effects of the World War.
  4. Briefly explain the most satisfactory methods for separating the different types of variation in time series.


Take from this group at least two and not more than four

  1. Write a brief account of one of the early English trading companies.
  2. Sketch the rise of the modern factory system.
  3. Compare changes in farm ownership and tenancy during the nineteenth century in England and the United States.
  4. Outline the history of banking in the United States from 1830 to 1860.
  5. Write a brief narrative of the early development of the railroad.
  6. Give the history of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act.
  7. Trace the evolution of the middle class and forecast its future.


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. Give a critical account of the policy of the Federal Government in its regulation of industrial combinations.
  2. Discuss the history and consequences of immigration into the United States since 1840.
  3. Review the development of German foreign trade before the War with special reference to the methods of trade promotion.
  4. Analyze the causes, extent, and consequences of changes in the price level in the United States since 1914.



Answer six questions


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. A law of 1691 authorizes the municipal corporations of New York “to impose any reasonable tax upon all houses within said city, in proportion to the benefit they shall receive thereby.” How far is this a correct principle of taxation and how far has it continued to be applied?
  2. Present a classification of Federal expenditures for a national budget system.
  3. Give a brief account of the financial statistics issued currently by the Federal Government.
  4. Discuss the proposal for the cancellation of all inter-allied debts.


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. How has the Federal Constitution influenced national and state tax systems in the United States?
  2. Trace the history of an important fiscal monopoly.
  3. Give a brief account of the financial history of one of the American states.
  4. What connections have existed between currency systems and government finance? Illustrate fully.


Take from this group at least two and not more than four

  1. Compare the total expenditures in the United States in normal times for (a) national, (b) state, and (c) municipal purposes. What changes, if any, in the proportions are to be expected?
  2. To what extent is it desirable to separate state and local revenues in the United States?
  3. Indicate the nature and significance of the “grant in aid” in British public finance.
  4. What arguments have been used in European countries for and against a capital levy?
  5. Should the poll tax be abolished? Why, or why not?
  6. Discuss critically the present condition of the public debt of the United States.



Answer six questions


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. What part, if any, do commercial banks play in (a) the process of investment; (b) the increase of capital; (c) the course of industrial development; (d) leadership in the business world? In what respects, if at all, may the influence of commercial banks be economically inexpedient?
  2. Discuss the desirability of uniform bank accounting in the United States.
  3. Describe critically the more important sources of statistics of currency and credit in the United States.
  4. Analyze the successive phases of the business cycle. What are the causes of financial panics; industrial crises?


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. Give a brief account of the life and work of John Law.
  2. Trace the history of usury laws.
  3. Outline the political background of American monetary history from 1870 to 1900.
  4. Give a brief history of the Reichsbank.


Take from this group at least two and not more than four

  1. “It is quite clear that the money question no longer survives as a political issue.” Do you agree? Why, or why not?
  2. To what extent has the status of the gold standard been affected by the World War?
  3. “This little neutral country [Switzerland], surrounded by four great continental belligerents, and bordering on the two principal battle-fronts of Europe, possesses at present, curiously enough, an exceptional purchasing power. This is the consequence of the high level of Swiss currency, which is 250 per cent above the usual parity with the currency of the neighbor in the east, Austria-Hungary; 100 per cent higher than that of the neighbor in the north, Germany; 90 per cent higher than that of the neighbor in the south, Italy; and 20 per cent higher than that of the western neighbor, France. Even in overseas countries, Swiss currency has a higher buying power than the English sovereign or the American dollar.” Explain fully.
  4. What changes have been made in the original Federal Reserve System? What have been the purposes and effects of the changes? What further changes, if any, seem desirable?
  5. Compare the provisions for agricultural credit in two important countries.
  6. Comment upon the following statement: “Prosperity continued through the war, and gave the nation such a tremendous start in business activity that we would still be rejoicing in a period of great prosperity had it not been for the death-dealing blow of deflation of credit given by Mr. Wilson’s Federal Reserve Board.”



Answer six questions


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. State the theory of value under conditions of monopoly. In what ways, if at all, is monopoly price affected by (a) cost of production per unit; (b) potential competition; (c) an elastic demand for the product; (d) the existence of satisfactory substitutes for the product; (e) hostile public opinion?
  2. Formulate a statistical classification of business organizations in the United States.
  3. Discuss the apportionment of railway operating expenses between freight and passenger service.
  4. Analyze the valuation of corporate assets from the standpoint of the principles of accounting.


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. Compare the history of business corporations in England and the United States.
  2. Trace connections between railroad construction in the United States and related political and economic events.
  3. Give a brief narrative of the trust dissolutions of the Federal Government.
  4. What provisions of the Federal Constitution have been most important in determining policies of government regulation of public utilities?


Take from this group at least two and not more than four

  1. Discuss the following statement: “The enactment of corporation laws by the various states is the most important step made during the past century in the development of American manufactures.”
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of non-par stock?
  3. Discuss the probable consequences of the Supreme Court decision that stock dividends are not income under the income tax law.
  4. What is the nature and importance of good-will in corporation finance?
  5. To what extent may there be differences in the fair valuation of public utilities for the purposes of rate-making, condemnation, taxation, and capitalization?
  6. Did the Government act wisely in returning the railroads March 1, 1920 to their corporate owners for operation? Why, or why not?



Answer six questions 


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. Analyze the doctrine of economic rent from agricultural land.
  2. What are the functions of organized speculation in staple agricultural products?
  3. Describe the methods to be employed in making an annual farm inventory.
  4. What subjects are covered by the decennial Federal census of agriculture? What is the statistical value of the results of the several inquiries?


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. Trace the history of the relations between landlords and tenants in England.
  2. What have been the most important changes in American agriculture since 1890?
  3. Give a critical account of the land policies of the Federal Government.
  4. Outline the development of the beet sugar industry in Europe.


Take from this group at least two and not more than four

  1. What factors determine the most efficient size of farms?
  2. What are the advantages of diversification of crops?
  3. Discuss the future of the meat supply of the United States.
  4. Describe and estimate the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods of marketing farm produce.
  5. State and defend a forest conservation policy for the United States.
  6. Compare the provisions for agricultural credit in two important countries.
  7. What are the principal problems of rural community life in the United States?



Answer six questions


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. Discuss the proposal to restrict immigration into the United States by limiting the number of each nationality admitted each year to 3 per cent of the foreign-born of that nationality resident in this country in 1910.
  2. Describe the technique of statistical measurement of the high cost of living.
  3. What are the principal difficulties encountered in the collection of wage statistics?
  4. Analyze the relations between high money wages and high commodity prices.


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. Describe the early development of the factory system.
  2. Trace the origins of trade-unionism in the United States.
  3. Write a brief narrative of the movement for a shorter working day.
  4. Review the relations between organized labor and the steel industry in the United States.


Take from this group at least two and not more than four

  1. What is “the labor problem”?
  2. Compare American and British labor leadership. How do you account for the differences?
  3. “Employers must be free to employ their work people at wages mutually satisfactory, without interference or dictation on the part of individuals or organizations not directly parties to such contracts.” Comment.
  4. Discuss a proposed law providing that “in the establishment of salaries for school teachers in the city of—, there shall be no discrimination based on sex or otherwise, but teachers and principals rendering the same service shall receive equal pay.”
  5. “The principle that each industry shall support its own unemployed is one that must be established if a real solution of unemployment is to be made.” Do you agree? Why, or why not?
  6. Discuss the relation of shop committees to trade-unionism.



Answer six questions


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. Discuss the following contention: “The landlord is a parasite since he consumes without producing.”
  2. What is the meaning of “over-population”?
  3. “Hitherto it is questionable if all the mechanical inventions yet made have lightened the day’s toil of any human being.” Comment critically.
  4. What are the interactions of human instincts and modern factory labor?
  5. Discuss the nature and bases of economic prosperity.


Take from this group at least one and not more than two

  1. Describe the evolution of language.
  2. Trace the history of the middle class and forecast its future.
  3. Give a brief historical account of the status of women.
  4. What have been the chief cultural consequences of the machine process?


Take from this group at least two and not more than four

  1. What is the province of sociology?
  2. Discuss the family as a necessary social unit.
  3. Describe the leading forms of conflict and their effect upon group life. Why are some forms to be preferred to others? What are the factors which determine the forms actually prevailing at any time?
  4. Analyze the sources of prestige and influence in modern society.
  5. “From the standpoint of progress, the value of the individual depends on the excess of his production over his consumption.” Discuss.
  6. What are the criteria and causes of racial superiority?


Examinations not transcribed for this post


General Examination
Special Examinations: Mediaeval History; English History; Modern European History to 1789; Modern History since 1789; American History


General Examination
Special Examinations: American Government; Municipal Government; Political Theory; International Law


Source: Harvard University Archives. Divisional and general examinations, 1915-1975 (HUC 7000.18). Box 6, Bound Volume (stamped “Private Library Arthur H. Cole”) “Divisional Examinations 1916-1927”.

Exam Questions Queen's University Theory

Queen’s University at Kingston. Comprehensive Economic Theory Exam in Economic Theory, 1974

Your curator of the economic artifacts so lovingly transcribed here for future digital generations of historians of economics, human or artificially intelligent, has a weakness for orphaned examinations that he discovers upon riffling through the archival papers of defunct professors of economics. While I have no illusions about being able to give each worthy artifact I stumble upon a warm post in this collection, perhaps others will be inspired by my efforts to join in. Transcribe and upload!

About a dozen years ago I found a folder of University of Chicago economics exams in George Stigler’s papers in which rested a forlorn ten-page Ph.D. comprehensive examination in economic theory from Queen’s University at Kingston, Ontario, Canada (May 1974). I found no clue to the backstory of how this exam happened to have found its way to George Stigler’s papers. Was it from Stigler demand (“Could you send me a copy of your most recent Ph.D. exam in economic theory”) or was it a Queen’s colleague’s pride of workmanship that resulted in the supply? My maximum-likelihood-gut-instinct estimate is that the source was Richard Lipsey, then Sir Edward Peacock Professor of Economics, but it would come as no surprise if there was some Chicago Ph.D. alum on the faculty then at Queen’s who shared the examination with Stigler out of fealty. But the backstory is unimportant for our purposes here, below you will find an excellent comprehensive exam that expands our international cross-section of economic theory questions. Economics in the Rear-view Mirror hereby raises the following artifact from literal archival obscurity to virtual visibility. 


Department of Economics

Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination
May, 1974

Answer FOUR (4) questions — one from each of the four parts of the examination. All questions are of equal value.


  1. Consider a world in which there are two commodities, beer and whisky and four individuals described by the following utility functions:

Tom: UT = 2B + W
Sally: US = B + W
Dick: UD = min (B, W)
Jane: UJ = min (B/2 , W)

where utility (U) is measured in utils, beer (B) in bottles and whisky (W) in shots. Bottles of beer and shots of whisky are perfectly divisible.

    1. Draw the one-util indifference curve for each of these individuals.
    2. Construct Tom’s and Dick’s uncompensated demand curves for beer under the assumption that each has a money income of $10 and the price of whisky is 50¢ a shot.
    3. How much beer would Tom and Dick each consume if their money incomes were each $10 and a bottle of beer and a shot of whisky cost 25¢ and 50¢ respectively? Construct each of their compensated demand curves for beer through this point.
    4. Suppose that Tom and Sally are stranded on an island with 15 shots of whisky and 10 bottles of beer. Use an Edgeworth box diagram to derive the set of efficient (Pareto optimal) allocations of beer and whisky between them.
    5. Suppose that Tom had been stranded with Jane rather than Sally in Part (d). Derive the set of efficient allocations of the 15 shots of whisky and 10 bottles of beer between Tom and Jane.
    6. Suppose finally that Dick and Jane had been caught in the predicament described in Part (d). Derive the set of efficient allocations of the beer and whisky in this case.
    7. Suppose that Dick and Jane had decided to use a price system to sustain one of the efficient allocations in Part (f). What would be the effect on the price of whisky of a decrease in the endowment of whisky from 15 to 12 shots?
  1. Assume a simple Keynesian type model in equilibrium with unemployed resources. Consider the effects on the velocity of circulation of money of (a) an upward shift in the consumption function, and (b) an open market purchase by the central bank. Answer the question under each of the following alternative assumptions.
      1. The money supply is fully exogenous.
      2. The money supply is partly exogenous and partly endogenous, the endogenous part being a function of national income and “the” rate of interest.
      3. The money supply is wholly endogenous because the monetary authorities are stabilizing domestic interest rates.

In answering this question assume a general demand for money function of the form

MD = L(Y,r)

in which the only restrictions are LY > 0, Lr  ≤ 0.

You should also pay attention to the following two special cases:

a) Lr = 0, LY > 0 and b) Lr > 0, (Y/M)LY = 1.

In so far as you have time, give explanations of your results.

  1. Make the following assumptions about the market for cloth and yarn in a small country:
    1. One spool of yarn is required for the manufacture of one bolt of cloth.
    2. The world price of yarn is $1 per spool and the world price of cloth is $3 per bolt.
    3. The domestic demand curve for cloth, the domestic supply curve of yarn, and the domestic supply curve of factors of production (other than yarn) in the manufacture of cloth have constant elasticities, and these elasticities are -1, 1 and 2 respectively.
    4. In free trade, domestic consumption of cloth is 1,000,000 bolts, domestic production of yarn is 100,000 spools, and domestic production of cloth is 200,000 bolts.
      1. What tariff on cloth would just compensate factors of production in the manufacture of cloth for the imposition of a 15 percent tariff on yarn?
      2. What is the total welfare loss of imposing both tariffs?
      3. What would be your answer to (ii) above if the 15 percent tariff on yarn were imposed without the compensating tariff on cloth?
      4. In general, if there is to be a tariff on yarn, how does one determine the welfare implications of imposing a tariff on cloth, too?
      5. How would your answers to Parts (i) and (ii) above be affected if the elasticity of substitution between yarn and other factors in the manufacture of cloth were greater than zero?


  1. Consider an economy producing two goods, X1 and X2, according to constant returns to scale production functions of the following form:

(1)        X1 = F1(L1)
(2)        X2 = F2(L2, X12)

where Xi is the gross output of the i-th good, X12 is the amount of X1 used as an input in the production of X2, Li is the amount of labour used in the production of Xi and the total supply of labour is fixed


Tastes in this economy can be represented by the utility function

U = AXi.25 X2.75

A) Suppose that equations (1) and (2) are of the particular form:

(1′)       X1 = 2L1
(2′)       X2 = L2

and the total labour supply is 200 units.

    1. Construct the economy’s production possibilities set.
    2. What will be the effect on the equilibrium relative price of X1 of:
      1. an increase of the labour force to 225 units,
      2. a doubling of the efficiency of labour in the X1 sector?

B) Suppose now that equations (1) and (2) are of the particular form:

(1”)      X1 = 2L1
(2”)      X2 = min (L2, 4X12)

Answer Questions A(a) and A(b) under these circumstances.

C) Answer the same questions in the case where a second production process is made available to the X2 sector so that the production functions are of the form:

(1”’)     X1 = 2L1
(2”’)      X2 = (min (L2, 4X12)   or   min (.75L2, 8X12)

D) What would be the general shape of the production possibility curve if X2 could be produced according to a differentiable concave constant returns to scale production function of the general form of (2) (e.g., Cobb-Douglas) while the production function for X1 remained X1 = 2L1?

  1. Standard demand theory predicts that if a man buys more apples when his income goes up he buys less apples when their price goes up. Say whether this prediction continues to follow, and why or why not, under each of the following circumstances.
      1. The quality of apples is judged by their price.
      2. The man is upset by his neighbour’s discarded apple cores.
      3. The man owns an apple orchard.
      4. The man loves the scent of apple blossoms.
      5. Apples are storable cheaply enough that one can speculate in them.
      6. The man drinks cider, the market price of which is positively related to the price of apples.
      7. Apples are a heavily advertised good.
      8. Apples and flour are only consumed in fixed proportions, in the form of apple pies.
      9. The price of apples divided by the price of pears is not equal to the man’s marginal rate of substitution between apples and pears.
      10. All goods are rationed, in such a way that they must be paid for not only with money but also with ration coupons, each consumer having a fixed total coupon allowance. (Coupons may not be bought and sold.)

6. [Capital theory and functional income distribution]

    1. You are dealing with an economy in which there is only one product which is used either as a consumption good or as a capital good. Each period’s output is divided in some proportion between consumption use and additions to the capital stock. Capital goods do not depreciate. There are two factors of production, labour and capital goods, available in fixed supply in the short period. There is no unemployment of any factor that has a positive price.
      1. In what circumstances will the functional distribution of income be determined by conditions in the factor market only?
      2. Given that investment is exogenously determined and consumption is functionally related to incomes, in what circumstances might the functional distribution of income be determined from conditions in the product market?
      3. In what circumstances would the distribution of income be indeterminate?
      4. In what circumstances might conditions in the factor and product markets be inconsistent with a determinate distribution of income?
    2. Now consider an economy with two consumer goods, one of which can also be used as the single capital good, both products being produced by labour and capital goods. Again there can be positive investment in each period and there is no depreciation.
      What would your answers to questions (i), (ii), (iii), and (iv) of part (a) be now?


  1. An economy producing only one commodity, which may be used either as a consumer good or as a capital good, has a production function of the form

{Y_{t}=e^{\lambda t}K^{\alpha }_{t}L^{1-\alpha }_{t}}

and we are given that


where Yt is the quantity of output; Kt  is the capital stock; Lt the number of units of labour; g is the rate of growth of the labour force; {\lambda}  is the rate of Hicks neutral technological change; and {\alpha} takes the values 0 < {\alpha} < 1.

a) [“Golden-rule”]

      1. Derive the general formula that determines the golden rule capital-labour ratio when there is no technical change.
      2. Let g = 0.02, {\lambda} = 0, {\alpha} = 0.25. Calculate the golden rule level of the capital-labour ratio. (Carry your calculation to the last stage in which the solution is set up in the form of logs or as a power of a number.)
      3. Now let the growth rate of the labour force rise to .03. Find the ratio of the new golden rule capital-labour ratio, k1, to the old golden rule capital-labour ratio, k0.
      4. Maintain the growth rate of the labour force, g1 at .03 and make {\lambda} = .0225. Obtain the golden rule values of the path of the capital-labour ratio, labour being measured in natural units.

b) [Optimal steady state growth]

      1. Derive the rule that determines the capital-labour ratio of the optimal steady state growth path when there is positive subjective discounting of future per capita utilities at the rate, {\rho}.
      2. Assume that g = .02, {\lambda} = 0, {\alpha} = 0.25 and {\rho} = .04. Calculate the capital-labour ratio of the optimal steady state growth path.

8. [Keynesian macroeconomic theory]

    1. Investigate the consequences for fiscal and monetary policy in a simple Keynesian model of assuming that consumption expenditure is unrelated to current income (because it is related to permanent income which is assumed constant over the time period in which we are interested). Would it matter whether or not there were some other element of aggregate expenditure that was related to current national income?
    2. Explain how the permanent income hypothesis reconciles the observations drawn from long and short period time series and cross section studies that appeared inconsistent with the Keynesian consumption function. Is the weight of evidence such that we can have substantial confidence in the truth of the general concept that consumption relates to permanent rather than current income?
    3. Briefly discuss the significance for the efficacy of short-term fiscal policy of establishing that consumption is a function of permanent income rather than current income.
  1. Examine the validity of the following statements: a) when wages are only flexible upwards and b) when wages are fully flexible.
      1. Government spending in excess of tax revenue is inflationary in the long run.
      2. Union wage pressure can reduce unemployment due to the stimulating effects of higher wages on aggregate demand.
      3. Sooner or later automation will cause unemployment.
  1. “Thinking about saving and investment from this technocratic point of view has convinced me that the central concept in capital theory should be the rate of return on investment. In short we really want a theory of interest rates, not a theory of capital.” (Solow: Capital Theory and the Rate of Return, p. 16. Italics in the original.)
    1. What is the relationship between the two sentences in Solow’s quotation that makes the second sentence follow from the first? In your answer elaborate on the concept of the rate of return.
    2. Can stocks of capital goods (or the aggregate of asset values) be more or less excluded from capital theory, which among other things must include a theory of intertemporal choice?


  1. Various officials and ministers of the Canadian government have expressed concern and implemented or at least suggested policies in response to recent increases in the world prices of certain commodities. One instance has been the imposition of a tax on exports of Canadian oil. This move has been hailed by members of the government on various grounds: its “anti-inflationary consequences”, its “benefit to the poor and to fixed income classes to whom cheap energy is so vital” and “the stimulus it will provide to the Canadian manufacturing sector”. Some observers have been obviously impressed with the success of this policy and have suggested a similar two-price system for certain Canadian agricultural exports because “there is no reason the Canadian consumer should suffer due to a world scarcity of these commodities when there is an abundant supply in Canada.”
    1. Attempt to give a precise formulation to the exact policy goals which might be implied by each of the above quotations.
    2. How would an export tax help to achieve each of these goals?
    3. What would be the nature of the economic costs resulting from the use of an export tax to achieve these goals and what would determine the magnitude of these costs?
  1. A certain country, previously without an unemployment insurance system, sets one up. Its rules are as follows:
      1. A minimum of 10 weeks work must be done before any benefits can be drawn.
      2. For each week worked above 10, a person is entitled to two-thirds of a week on unemployment benefits, except that no more than 12 weeks of benefit can be received in a year.
      3. While on benefit the weekly payment is three-quarters of the weekly wage previously earned.

To simplify the problem, the following assumptions may be made: how the system is financed is irrelevant; each year is self-contained, in the sense that benefits earned must be used up in the year or lost; one can draw benefit even if one quits voluntarily; no time is ever lost in finding a job if one wants one; a year is 50 weeks long.

    1. Establish that a person’s income-leisure opportunity locus consists of four line segments, and draw them on the accompanying graph paper.
    2. Will anyone ever work exactly 10 weeks under the new unemployment insurance system? Explain.
    3. If leisure is a superior good, prove that those who used to work between 28 and 38 weeks a year (before the new unemployment insurance system) will now work less.
    4. Define a “full-time worker” as one who works more than 38 weeks a year. Would you expect such a worker to work less after the scheme is introduced?
    5. Demonstrate the possibility that people who did not work before will now work. Could they conceivably become “full-time” workers? Why or why not?
  1. Consider a country with the following attributes:
      1. It has a floating exchange rate.
      2. It has a substantial rate of inflation which it is trying to lower.
      3. It has recently taken monetary action that has raised interest rates relative to those of other countries.
      4. It is buying quite large amounts of foreign exchange, apparently to have a dampening effect on the rise in the exchange value of its currency.
      5. This foreign exchange is acquired by use of government cash which requires extra government borrowing to the extent that the exchange accumulation was not foreseen (the country has been lucky in its foreign exchange receipts and disbursements for oil roughly matching).
      6. The country has outstanding large amounts of non-negotiable savings bonds which are redeemable on demand at face value, which have coupon rates considerably lower than rates of comparable securities, and which are being cashed in substantial quantities.
    1. Are the objectives implied by the above actions mutually consistent? Always? In some circumstances? Never? In your answer elaborate on the relevance of some of the parameters of the system to it.
    2. The federal government of this country will be bringing down its annual budget soon. What policies would you recommend (i) to alleviate inconsistencies in the implied objectives noted above, and (ii) to reinforce the impact of the actions described above?

Source: University of Chicago Archives. George Stigler Papers, Addenda. Box 33. Folder “Exams & Prelim Questions.”

Image Source: “Coat of Arms” in the on-line Queen’s Encyclopedia.