Columbia Economists Harvard Industrial Organization Transcript

Harvard. Graduate records of Economics PhD, Gardiner Coit Means. 1933

Gardiner C. Means was awarded his Harvard  Ph.D. in economics  in no small part due to the department’s willingness to relax a binding constraint with respect to a residency requirement for the Ph.D. Professor Harold Burbank’s plea for an exception to the rule is an example of a blind-eye getting turned for the right reason. 

I recommend that Gardiner Coit Means be forgiven whatever deficiencies for residence that may appear on his record.

Means has had a checkered career, characterized by work neglected, I am afraid, and brilliant performances. He is the sort of student who cannot, or should not, be held to the usual formal requirements…

His greatest hit, The Modern Corporation and Private Property  (with Adolf A. Berle, Jr.) scored a Hoover Institution conference on the 50th anniversary of its publication. Not bad for an early “checkered career”.

Fun fact: Gardiner C. Means was an “old bunkmate” of Adolf A. Berle, Jr. at the Army’s officer candidate school at Plattsburg, New York during World War I. Their respective spouses were undergraduate friends at Vassar.


Much More Background and Context

William W. Bratton. The Modern Corporation and Private Property Revisited: Gardiner Means and the Administered Price,” Law Working Paper 443/2019 (January 2020). Published in Seattle University Law Review, Vo. 42, 2019.

Gardiner C. Means, Remarks upon the Receipt of Veblen-Commons Award,  Journal of Economic Issues Vol. 9, No. 2 (June 1975).

Warren J. Samuels & Steven G. Medema, Gardiner C. Means’ Institutionalist and Post Keynesian Economics (1991).

Theodore Rosenof, Chapter 3 “Gardiner C. Means and the Corporate Revolution” in his Economics in the Long Run: New Deal Theorists & Their Legacies, 1933-1993, (1997).



Application for Candidacy for the Degree of Ph.D.

[Note: Boldface used to indicate printed text of the application; italics used to indicate the handwritten entries]

I. Full Name, with date and place of birth.

Gardiner Coit Means, June 8, 1896. Windham, Conn.

II. Academic Career: (Mention, with dates inclusive, colleges or other higher institutions of learning attended; and teaching positions held.)

Harvard College 1913-18
Harvard University 1925-27
Columbia University 1930-31

III. Degrees already attained. (Mention institutions and dates.)

Harvard College AB 1918
Harvard University MA 1927

IV. General Preparation. (Indicate briefly the range and character of your under-graduate studies in History, Economics, Government, and in such other fields as Ancient and Modern Languages, Philosophy, etc. In case you are a candidate for the degree in History, state the number of years you have studied preparatory and college Latin.)

History I, Economics A, — Specialized in Chemistry.

V. Department of Study. (Do you propose to offer yourself for the Ph.D., “History,” in “Economics,” or in “Political Science”?)


VI. Choice of Subjects for the General Examination. (State briefly the nature of your preparation in each subject, as by Harvard courses, courses taken elsewhere, private reading, teaching the subject, etc., etc.)

  1. Economic Theory and its History.
    Ec 11 & Ec 15.
  2. [Economic History since 1750]
    Ec 2 offered for course credit
    Supplementary Reading.
    [NOTE: Brackets added in red pencil later, “offered for course credit” written in pencil and added sometime later]
  3. Money Banking & Crises
    Ec 38
    Ec 37
  4. Economics of Corporations
    Ec 4b
    2 years special study of corporate relationships
  5. International Trade & Tariff Policies
    Ec 33 & Ec 39 offered for course credit
  6. Special Problems in Valuation – Judicial, Commercial, & Accounting.
    Special work with Professor Bonbright of Columbia Univ.
    Ec 36

VII. Special Subject for the special examination.

Special Problems in Valuation

VIII. Thesis Subject. (State the subject and mention the instructor who knows most about your work upon it.)

The Corporate Revolution
[NOTE: added in pencil as substitution for earlier subject]

Accounting Theory and Practice in Relation to Problems of Valuation. — Prof. Bonbright

IX. Examinations. (Indicate any preferences as to the time of the general and special examinations.)

General Examination — Late Fall of 1931 Jan 13/32 [ADDED]
Special Examination — Spring of 1932

X. Remarks


Professor Williams, chairman
[Professor] Bullock
Dr. O. H. Taylor
[Dr.] A. H. Cole

  Special examination — Professors Mason, Monroe, Chamberlin

Signature of a member of the Division certifying approval of the above outline of subjects.

[signed] H. H. Burbank

*   *   *   [Last page of application] *   *   *

[Not to be filled out by the applicant]

Name: Gardner [sic] Coit Means.

Approved: June 2, 1931.

Ability to use French certified by Dr. A. E. Monroe. March 23, 1927

Ability to use German certified by Dr. A. E. Monroe. March 23, 1927.

Date of general examination Wednesday, January 13, 1932. Passed J.H.W.

Thesis received January 6, 1933 (accepted for Jan. 3 by W.S.F.)

Read by Professor Chamberlin and Mason and Dr. Monroe

Approved January 30, 1933 (with reservations)

Date of special examination January 31, 1931. Passed – E.S.M.

Recommended for the Doctorate Jan. 31, 1933.

Degree conferred Feb. 1933

Remarks.  [left blank]



*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Certification of reading knowledge
of French and German for Ph.D.

Department of Economics

Cambridge, Massachusetts
March 23, 1927

Mr. Gardiner C. Means has this day passed a satisfactory examination in the reading of French and German as required of candidates for the doctors degree.

A. E. Monroe

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Failed General Examination, first try

Department of Economics

Cambridge, Massachusetts
May 23, 1927

To the Chairman of the Division of
History, Government, and Economics

Dear Sir:

As Chairman of the Committee for the examination of G. C. Means, I have to report that Mr. Means failed to pass his general examination. But the Committee was unanimous in the opinion that he ought to be encouraged to try again. He did better than the average in his theoretical subjects, but was singularly weak in history.

Very truly yours,
John H. Williams

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Request to Amend Program
of the General Examinations

Department of Economics

H.H. Burbank
41 Holyoke House
Cambridge, Massachusetts
December 10, 1931.

Dear Professor Carver:

Gardner C. Means has requested that he be allowed to change his program somewhat. He plans to stand for the General Examinations in January. He wishes to amend his program so that he will be examined on International Trade rather than Economic History and will satisfy the Economic History requirement by offering credit in Economics 2. This course was taken in 1925-26 before our new regulations went into effect and before Economics 25 was offered.

Very sincerely,
H. H. Burbank


*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Request to substitute a field for credit

Dec. 15, 1931

Dear Mr. Means:

This is to inform you that at a meeting of the Committee of Seven, Division of History, Government, and Economics, held on December 14, your petition to change your plan of study to offer course credit in Economic History instead of in International Trade and Tariff Problems, was granted.

Very truly yours,
[unsigned copy]

Mr. Gardner [sic] Coit Means

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Scheduling 2nd try
General Examination

Columbia University
in the City of New York

School of Law

December 22, 1931

Professor T. N. Carver,
Harvard University,
Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Dear Professor Carver,

I should like very much to present myself for the General Examination required of candidates for the Degree of Doctor of
Philosophy. I will appear at any time after the first of the year which you indicate though my own convenience would be better served if I were to appear on or about the 13th of January. However, any date within a week of the middle of January would be almost equally convenient.

Very sincerely,
Gardiner C. Means.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Scheduling General Examination,
first iteration for second try

Dec. 28, 1931

Mr. Gardiner C. Means
Columbia University
New York

Dear Mr. Means:
Your letter has cone during Dr. Carver’s absence from Cambridge.

I am scheduling your general examination for Wednesday, January 15, at 4 p.m. Your committee will probably consist of
Professors Williams (chairman), A. H. Cole, and Ripley, and Dr.
Haberler. If there is any change in the personnel, I will let you know.

Very truly yours,
[unsigned copy]

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Bullock to Substitute for Ripley
in the General Examination Committee

Jan. 8, 1932

Dear Mr. Means:

I find that Professor Ripley will be in Mexico on the date of your examination, January 13. However, Professor Bullock can take his place on the board. As the committee now stands, it consists of Professors Williams (chairman), A. H. Cole, Bullock, and Dr. O. H. Taylor. If anything further develops, I will let you know.

Very sincerely yours,
[unsigned copy]

Mr. Gardner [sic] C. Means

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Time and Place of the
General Examination (2nd try)

Jan. 11, 1932

Dear Professor Williams:

You are chairman of the committee for the general examination of Mr. Gardiner C. Means to be held on Wednesday, January 13, in 42 Holyoke House, at 4 p.m.

The other members of the committee are Professors Bullock and A. H. Cole, and Dr. O. H. Taylor. I enclose Mr. Means’ papers.

In writing the report of the examination, will you please make it somewhat detailed?

Very sincerely yours,
[unsigned copy]

Professor John H. Williams

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Passed General Examination, second try

Department of Economics

Cambridge, Massachusetts
January 15, 1932

Dear Professor Carver:

Mr. Gardiner C. Means passed his general examination in Economics on January 13. It was the unanimous opinion of the committee that the examination itself was rather poor, but that in view of his good course record he ought to be passed. Apparently Mr. Means is constitutionally unable to answer simple questions directly, and tends to run off at length on tangents of his own, so that it is peculiarly difficult in so short a time as two hours to find out what he really knows and thinks in four subjects. The result was that none of us felt sure whether he did or did not have an adequate grasp of the subjects. We felt that in view of the course record he should have the benefit of the doubt.

Very sincerely yours,
John H. Williams

[Handwritten] P.S. Next day, in private conversation, I discovered Means has an intimate knowledge of recent writings in monetary theory, which I was entirely unable to uncover in the exam. J.H.W.

Professor T. N. Carver
772 Widener Library
Cambridge, Massachusetts

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Request to Amend Program
of the General Examinations

Department of Economics

H.H. Burbank
41 Holyoke House
Cambridge, Massachusetts
December 7, 1932

Dear Dean Mayo,

I recommend that Gardiner Coit Means be forgiven whatever deficiencies for residence that may appear on his record.

Means has had a checkered career, characterized by work neglected, I am afraid, and brilliant performances. He is the sort of student who cannot, or should not, be held to the usual formal requirements. As a matter of record, I could secure a grade for him in the research work he did with Professor Williams in 1926-27, but I believe that such details are better left unfulfilled and that Means be allowed his residence credit on the basis of general accomplishment.

He passed his General Examination in January last year.

Sincerely yours,
H. H. Burbank

Dean Lawrence S. Mayo
24 University Hall


*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Division Head Requested to Back the Department Head…please…

The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

24 University Hall, Cambridge, Massachusetts
December 20, 1932

Dear Professor Ferguson:

At its meeting last evening the Administrative Board considered the application of Gardiner C. Means to become a candidate for the doctorate at the end of the current half-year and took no action because Means has had only one and three-quarters years of resident graduate work. At my suggestion Professor Burbank had recommended that Means be forgiven whatever deficiencies for residence might appear in his record. I had thought that this would suffice, but the Board quite properly felt that a recommendation of this kind should come from you as Chairman of the Division instead of from the Chairman of the Department. I enclose Professor Burbank’s letter for your information. All of Means’s graduate study was done in actual residence at Harvard. Under the circumstances do you feel like making a recommendation in his case?

Yours very truly,
Lawrence S. Mayo
Assistant Dean

Professor W. S. Ferguson

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Jan. 4, 1933

Dear Mr. Mayo:

On general principles I feel like upholding the recommendation of the Department of Economics. They have the personal
knowledge of Mr. Means which I lack. Though his record is one course short of the requirement for residence, he has, none
the less, taken two full years of work in the Harvard Graduate School and has passed his general examination for the Doctorate.
Speaking for the Division, I should say that the passing of this
examination is our test. It is, I think, for you to decide whether this compensates for a deficiency in his record of courses completed.

Yours sincerely,

Dean Lawrence S. Mayo

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Summary of Thesis Submitted

Columbia University
in the City of New York

School of Law

January 6, 1933.

Chairman of the Division Committee on Graduate Degrees, Division of History, Government and Economics,
Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.

Dear Sir:

In sending my thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the doctors degree in Economics, I failed to enclose the summary descriptive of the thesis. I am enclosing it herewith and I would very much appreciate it if you would have the summary placed with the thesis.

Very sincerely,
Gardiner C. Means


*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Thesis submitted

Jan. 9, 1933

Dear Mr. Means:

Your thesis came to my office Friday afternoon, and although it was three days late, the postmark indicated that it had been mailed in time and should have been delivered before; therefore it is accepted as of January 3rd.

I do not find any summary, which should accompany every thesis. It should not exceed 1200 words in length. If you have not already prepared one, you had better attend to it at once.

Professor Williams, who would ordinarily read the thesis and be on the committee, is in Europe, to be gone until some time in February. In view of this fact, and also that the summary has not been completed, I wonder if you would not be willing to postpone your examination until after February 1st. Of course this would mean waiting for your degree until Commencement, and you may prefer to go ahead with the examination as planned. Please let me know your thought in regard to this suggestion.

Sincerely yours,
[unsigned copy]

Mr. Gardiner C. Means

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

John Williams not available for the special examination

Jan. 11, 1933

Dear Mr. Means:

I find that Professor Williams may be abroad indefinitely, so the wisest thing seems to be to go ahead with your examination on January 31st as planned. I will let you know the verdict on the thesis as soon as it is returned to me. I am sorry if I caused you any confusion by my letter of the 9th.

Sincerely yours,
[unsigned copy]

Mr. Gardiner C. Means

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Chamberlin asked to read thesis
[carbon copy]

Jan. 12, 1933

Dear Professor Chamberlin:

Will you serve as a member of the committee to read Mr. Gardiner C. Means’ Ph.D. thesis entitled “The Corporate Revolution”?

Professor Mason is the other member of the committee. He has the thesis now, and will hand it to you when he has finished reading it.

The date for Mr. Means’ special examination is Tuesday, January 31. I hope that this time is satisfactory to you. It will be at 4 p.m.

Sincerely yours,
[unsigned copy]

Professor E. H. Chamberlin

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Thesis Reports Not Yet Submitted,
Stay Tuned

January 27, 1933

Dear Mr. Means:

The report on your thesis has not yet been returned, and I shall probably not have it before Monday. I will wire you then in time for you to arrange to come on for your special examination on Tuesday afternoon.

Very truly yours,
[unsigned copy]

Mr. Gardner C. Means

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Handwritten Draft for Telegram [?]
to Means from Mason

Gardiner C. Means

Thesis acceptable with omission of Part II [NOTE: Means’ theoretical discussion]. Examination tomorrow if you consent; otherwise revise Part II and take examination later.

(signed) E. S. Mason

Jan. 30 / 33

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

When and Where
of the Special Examination

Special examination of Mr. Gardner [sic] C. Means
Tuesday, January 31, in 42 Holyoke House
at 4 p.m.
Professor Mason (chairman) and Chamberlin,
and Dr. Monroe

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Passed Special Examination

Department of Economics

Cambridge, Massachusetts
Feb. 1, 1933.

Professor W.S. Ferguson, Chairman, Division of History, Government and Economics.

Dear Professor Ferguson–

As Chairman of the Committee for the special examination of Gardiner C. Means I should like to report that the examiners were satisfied with his performance. In view of the difficulty with his thesis the examination was somewhat more extensive than usual and the Committee were unanimously agreed that Mr Means should be passed.

Sincerely yours,
Edward S. Mason

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

24 University Hall, Cambridge, Massachusetts
February 4, 1933

Dear Wilson:

Would you bring the following matter up for formal action by the Division of History, Government, and Economics?

Mr. Gardner [sic] Coit Means was a member of the Graduate School from 1925-27, and his record on the books stands as follows:

(2nd half)

Economics 4b2

A minus

Economics 6b2


Economics 322


Economics 392

A minus



Economics 2

B plus

Economics 11


Economics 331


Economics 362


Economics 38

A minus



Economics 151

B plus

Economics 20 (J.H.W. )(2nd hf.)


Economics 371


History 391

B minus

A.M. February 1927.

The Department of Economics recommended that in spite of the fact that this record totals only seven courses Mr. Means be regarded as having satisfied our requirement of two years of work for the Doctor’s degree. Professor Ferguson, as Chairman of the Division, when I consulted him, wrote me as follows:

“On general principles I feel like upholding the recommendation of the Department of Economics. They have the personal knowledge of Mr. Means which I lack. Though his record is one course short of the requirement for residence, he has, none the less, taken two full years of work in the Harvard Graduate School and has passed his general examination for the Doctorate. Speaking for the Division, I should say that the passing of this examination is our test. It is, I think, for you to decide whether this compensates for a deficiency in his record of courses completed.”

When I presented the letter to the Board the members felt that me should have formal action of the Division, not simply recommendation of a Department and more or less informal approval by the Chairman of the Division.

I am afraid this seems like a good deal of letter writing for
a rather simple matter, but I believe it is important to have Division action on the case. If I could have the vote before February 20 I can present the matter at the next meeting of the Board.

Sincerely yours,
George H. Chase

Professor G. G. Wilson

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Columbia University
in the City of New York

School of Law

August 10, 1933

Department of Goverment, History and Economics
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Dear Sir:

Though I took and passed the final examination and had a thesis accepted as a prerequisite to the receipt of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, I have never received an official notice indicating that the degree has been granted to me. I have been told that my name was listed among those receiving the degree some time in February or March and I assume that it has been granted. For my records I would appreciate having a letter from an official source indicating my present status.

Very truly yours,
Gardiner C. Means


Source: Harvard University Archives. Division of History, Government & Economics, PhD. Degrees Conferred, Box 12.


Harvard Course Names and Instructors

1924-25 (2d hf)

Economics 4b2Professor Ripley. – Trade Unionism and Allied Problems.

Economics 6b2Asst. Professor Meriam. – The Labor Movement in Europe.

Economics 322Professor Carver. – Economics of Agriculture.

Economics 392. Asst. Professor Williams. – International Finance.


Economics 2Professor Gay. – Economic History from the Industrial Revolution.

Economics 11. Professor Taussig. – Economic Theory.

Economics 331. Professor Taussig. – International Trade.

Economics 362. Professor Bonbright (Columbia University). – Regulation of Public Utilities.

Economics 38. Professor Young. – Principles of Money and of Banking.


Economics 151. Professor Young. – Modern Schools of Economic Thought.

Economics 20. J. H. Williams (2d hf.). Course of Research in Economics.

Economics 371Professor Persons. – Commercial Crises.

History 391. Professor Channing. – History of the United States, 1865 to 1920.

Source: Harvard University. Reports of the President of Harvard College for 1924-25, 1925-26 and 1926-27.


Gardiner Coit Means
Timeline of his education and career

1896. Born June 8 in Windham, Connecticut.

1912-13. College preparation at the Phillips Exeter Academy.

1913-18. Harvard College, chemistry major.

1917. Enlisted in the Army. Served as 2nd lieutenant in the infantry.

1918-19 Transferred to the Signal Corps, becoming an Army pilot. Survived a plain crash in 1918 while practicing manoeuvres over Long Island.

1918. A.B. awarded by Harvard College.

1919-20. Near East Relief to aid Armenians in Turkey. Supervised a village of 1,000 orphans.

1920-22. Two years sat the Lowell Textile School in Massachusetts.

1922-29. Started and managed a factory that manufactured hand woven fine blankets.

1925-27. Graduate coursework in economics at Harvard University. Commuted to Lowell on classless days to attend to his business.

1927. A.M. in economics awarded by Harvard University.

1927. Married Caroline F. Ware (economist and college professor), June 2.

1927. Adolf A. Berle, Jr., professor at the Columbia University Law School, asks Means to join a Social Science Research Council funded project.

1932. Publication of The Holding Company – Its Public Significance and Its Regulation (with J. C. Bonbright).

1932. Publication of The Modern Corporation and Private Property with Adolf A. Berle, Jr.

1933. Ph.D. degree, Harvard University.

1933-. Adviser to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, Henry A. Wallace.

1935. Became a member of the Consumers’ Advisory Board of the National Rescovery Administration.

1935. Published paper, “Price Inflexibility and the Requirements of a Stabilizing Monetary Policy,” Journal of the American Statistical Association.

1935-39. Means moves to the Industrial Section of the National Resources Committee. Alvin H. Hansen displaces Means.

1938. Published Patterns of Resource Use. With statistical assistance of Dr. Louis Pardiso. National Resources Committee.

1935. Gardiner C. Means and his wife Caroline Ware bought a 74 acre farm near Vienna, Virginia.

1936. Published The Modern Economy in Action together with his wife, Caroline F. Ware.

1940-41. Fiscal Analysis in the U.S. Bureau of the Budget.

1943-58. Research Associate at the Committee for Economic Development.

1951-63. Starts up and then runs a private business raising and selling zoysia grass.

1957-1959. Research at the Fund for the Republic.

1959. Published Administrative Inflation and Public Policy. Anderson Kramer Associates, Washington, D.C.

1962. Publication of Pricing Power and the Public Interest.

1975. Published Roots of Inflation. New York: Lennox Hill Publishers.

1980. Over two thirds of their farm land given to the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority, with the house being donated after his death. Now known as Meadowlark Gardens.

1982. Hoover Institution conference on the fiftieth anniversary of Berle and Means.

1988. Died following a stroke February 15 in Vienna, Virginia.

Image Source: Second page of passport application (January 1919) by Gardiner Coit Means  in the “Uniteds States, Passports Applications, 1795-1925” at Family Search.

Economists Harvard M.I.T. Transcript Undergraduate

Harvard. Economics PhD alumnus, Douglass Vincent Brown, 1932

The lifespan of the sub-field of labor economics, industrial relations (collective bargaining and arbitration), very neatly coincided with the career of Douglass Vincent Brown (1904-1986). He was educated at Harvard College (A.B., 1925) and trained in the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (A.M., 1926; Ph.D., 1932). After a few years of teaching at the Harvard Medical School, Brown was hired by M.I.T. in 1938 as an assistant professor of industrial relations and there rose through the ranks to become its first Sloan Professor of Management in 1946. He became professor emeritus in 1969.

What makes this post relatively unique is that it provides a complete picture of Brown’s educational progress from his college preparation through Harvard undergraduate years and graduate school as seen in his transcripts. Names of courses and professors have been added. A timeline of Douglass Vincent Brown’s life has also been appended to the post.


On Industrial Relations

Issues in Labor Policy. Essays in Honor of Douglass Vincent Brown. Edited by Stanley M. Jacks, M.I.T. Press, 1971. Publications and papers listed pp. xii-xiii.

Chapter 7. John G. Turnbull, “Reflections on a Generation of Work in the Field of Labor Economics”, pp. 165-177.

Chapter 1. Douglas Vincent Brown and Charles Myers, “Historical Evolution”,  in Public Policy and Collective Bargaining, ed. by Joseph Shister, Benjamin Aaron, and Clyde W. Summers,  Industrial Relations Research Association, Publication No. 27, 1962, pp. 1-27.

Fun fact: Douglas Vincent Brown was George Shultz’s thesis advisor.



Application for Candidacy for the Degree of Ph.D.

[Note: Boldface used to indicate printed text of the application; italics used to indicate the handwritten entries]

I. Full Name, with date and place of birth.

Douglass Vincent Brown, Wilkes-Barre, Penn. May 16, 1904.

II. Academic Career: (Mention, with dates inclusive, colleges or other higher institutions of learning attended; and teaching positions held.)

Harvard University, 1921-27

III. Degrees already attained. (Mention institutions and dates.)

A.B., Harvard 1925
A.M., Harvard 1926

IV. General Preparation. (Indicate briefly the range and character of your under-graduate studies in History, Economics, Government, and in such other fields as Ancient and Modern Languages, Philosophy, etc. In case you are a candidate for the degree in History, state the number of years you have studied preparatory and college Latin.)

Economics A, Economics B, Economics C, Ec. 6a, Economics 2a, Economics 3, Economics 5, Economics 6b, Economics 8.
History 1,  History 32b, Gov’t 1.
English A, English 31, English 41.
Social Ethics 4, German A, Philosophy 1a, Anthropology 1.

V. Department of Study. (Do you propose to offer yourself for the Ph.D., “History,” in “Economics,” or in “Political Science”?)


VI. Choice of Subjects for the General Examination. (State briefly the nature of your preparation in each subject, as by Harvard courses, courses taken elsewhere, private reading, teaching the subject, etc., etc.)

  1. Economic Theory & Its History. Ec. 11, Ec. 14, Ec. 15. Private Reading.
  2. Statistics. Ecc. 1a, Ec. 41. Private Reading.
  3. Sociology. Ec. 8, Ec. 12a. Private Reading.
  4. Money and Banking. Ec. 3, Ec. 38. Private Reading.
  5. American History, since 1789. History 32b, History 55. Private Reading.
  6. (Labor Problems.) Ec. 6a, Ec. 6b, Ec. 34

VII. Special Subject for the special examination.

Labor Problems

VIII. Thesis Subject. (State the subject and mention the instructor who knows most about your work upon it.)

Restriction of Output. Family Allowances. Professors Taussig and Ripley.

IX. Examinations. (Indicate any preferences as to the time of the general and special examinations.)

Early in the second half-year, 1926-7. [Added later:] Wednesday, March 2, 1927. Thurs. April. 28/32.

X. Remarks

[Added later:]

Taussig, chairman
Ford (James)

Signature of a member of the Division certifying approval of the above outline of subjects.

[signed] F. W. Taussig

*   *   *   [Last page of application] *   *   *

[Not to be filled out by the applicant]

Name: Douglass Vincent Brown.

Approved: January 21, 1927.

Ability to use French certified by Professor A. E. Monroe. February 7, 1927.

Ability to use German certified by Professor A. E. Monroe. February 7, 1927.

Date of general examination March 2, 1927, Passed – F.W.T.

Thesis received April 1, 1932

Read by Professors Taussig and Ripley

Approved April 25, 1932

Date of special examination Thursday, April 28. Passed – F.W.T.

Recommended for the Doctorate June 9, 1932

Degree conferred June 23, 1932

Remarks.  [left blank]

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Certification of reading knowledge
of French and German for Ph.D.

Department of Economics

Cambridge, Massachusetts
Feb. 7, 1927

Mr. D. V. Brown has this day passed a satisfactory examination in the reading of French and German as required of candidates for the doctors degree.

A. E. Monroe

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Passed General Examination

Department of Economics

Cambridge, Massachusetts
March 4, 1927

To the Chairman of the
Division of History, Government, and Economics,

As chairman of the committee for the general examination in economics of Mr. Douglass V. Brown, I have to report that the committee unanimously voted to accept the examination as satisfactory. Mr. Brown’s showing was in every respect creditable.

Very truly yours,
F. W. Taussig

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Passed Special Examination

Department of Economics

Cambridge, Massachusetts
April 30, 1932

Dear Professor Carver,

As chairman of the committee appointed for the examination in the special field of Douglass V. Brown, candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, I have to report that Mr. Brown passed the examination to the entire satisfaction of the committee. His showing was excellent. The committee also agreed that his thesis was of high quality.

Very truly yours,
F. W. Taussig

Professor T. N. Carver
772 Widener Library
Cambridge, Massachusetts

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Undergraduate Transcript
of Douglass V. Brown

Record of Douglas V. Brown
for the years 1921-25

(Date) February 28, 1927

English. Part A, II




Latin (1.2.4)





2 74


History (anc.)





2 92


Plane Geometry



Solid Geometry
Plane Trig.









Admission Conditions:— [left blank]

YEAR 1921-22

English A


Chemistry A


German A


History 1


Mathematics C



YEAR 1922-23

Anthropology 1


Economics A


English 31


Government 1


Mathematics 2



YEAR 1923-24

Economics 3


Economics 8


Economics 6a1


Economics 6b2


English 41


Philosophy 1a2


Social Ethics 4a1



YEAR 1924-25

Economics B1


Economics C hf


Economics 2a1


Economics 52


Economics 12a1


History 32b2


Concentration Subject:— Economics

Passed General Examinations in:— History, Government, and Economics


Received A.B. Degree:— magna cum laude at Commencement 1925


The standing of every student in each of his courses is expressed, on the completion of the course, by one of five grades, designated respectively by the letters A,B,C,D, and E; A and B are honor grades; C is passing; D passing but unsatisfactory; E failure. “Abs” indicates failure to obtain credit for the course, owing to absence from the final examination.


(   ) indicates the quality of the work in the course up to the time of the final examination, from which the student was excused.

Sixteen full courses, in addition to the prescribed English Composition, are required for the degree of Bachelor of Arts, or Bachelor of Science. From four to six full courses (or their equivalent in half-courses) constitute a full year’s work. An average of nine hours each week (normally three hours of classroom work and six hours of preparation) for thirty-six weeks is the approved amount of work for the ordinary student in a single full course.

By [signed] G. G. Benedict

Harvard University Archives. Division of History, Government & Economics, Ph.D. Degrees Conferred 1929-30. (UA V 453.270), Box 12.


Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Record of Douglass Vincent Brown

First Registration: 25 September 1925


First Year

Economics 1a


Economics 11


Economics 38


Economics 412


History 55

A minus



Second Year

Economics 14


Economics 151


Economics 20 (F.W.T.)(2 co.)


Economics 34 (1st half)


Henry Lee Memorial Fellowship


Third Year

Economics 20 (F.W.T.)


Inst. in Economics and Tutor in the Div. of H., G & E.

1928-29. Sheldon Fellow.

Source: Harvard University Archives. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Record Cards of Students 1895-1930. (UA V 161.272.5), Box 2, Belding-Burton.


Harvard Course Names and Instructors


English ARhetoric and English Composition, Oral and Written. Professor Murray, general direction of Course A.

Chemistry AElementary Chemistry. Professor Lamb and others.

German A.Elementary Course. Professor Bierwirth and others.

History 1European History from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the Present Time. Professor Haskins and others.

Mathematics CAnalytic Geometry; Introduction to the Calculus. Section I: Associate Professor Bouton and Mr. LaPaz; Section II: Associate Professor Kellogg and Dr. Walsh.


Economics A. Principles of Economics. Asst. Professor Burbank, and Messrs. Masson, Blackett, Fagg, Heath, and Chamberlin, with lectures on selected subjects by Professor Taussig.

Anthropology 1. General Anthropology. Professors Dixon and Tozzer, and Asst. Professor Hooton, assisted by Mr. Ghua.

English 31. English Composition. Professor Hurlbut.

Government 1. Constitutional Government. Professors Munro and Holcombe, assisted by Messrs. Wells, McClintock, McKaughan, and Pollock.

Mathematics 2. Differential and Integral Calculus; Analytic Geometry. Professors Huntington, Birkhoff, and Asst. Professor Graustein..


Economics 3. Money, Banking, and Commercial Crises. Professor Young.

Economics 8. Principles of Sociology. Professor Carver.

Economics 6a1. Trade-Unionism and Allied Problems. Professor Ripley.

Economics 6b2. The Labor Movement in Europe. Dr. Meriam.

English 41. English Literature from the Elizabethan times to the present. Professor Bliss Perry, assisted by Mr. Bacon and Taeusch.

Philosophy 1a2. Introduction to Philosophy. Asst. Professor Lewis.

Social Ethics 4a1. Problems of Race and Immigration in America: Americanisation. Dr. Carpenter.


Economics B1. Economic Thought and Institutions. Asst. Professor A. E. Monroe.

Economics C hf. Theses for Distinction. Members of the Department.

Economics 2a1. European Industry and Commerce since 1750. Professor Gay, assisted by Mr. Gilbert.

Economics 52. Public Finance. Associate Professor Bullock.

Economics 12a1. Problems in Sociology and Social Reform. Professor Carver.

History 32b2. American History: The Development of the Nation, 1840 to the Present Time. Professor Schlesinger (University of Iowa).


Economics 1a. Statistics. Asst. Professor Crum.

Economics 11. Economic Theory. Professor Taussig.

Economics 38. Principles of Money and Banking. Professor Young.

Economics 412. Statistical Theory and Analysis. Asst. Professor Crum.

History 55. Social and Intellectual History of the United States. Professor Schlesinger.


Economics 14. History and Literature of Economics to the year 1848. Professor Bullock.

Economics 151. Modern Schools of Economic Thought. Professor Young.

Economics 20. Two Research Seminars with Frank William Taussig.

Economics 34. (First half) Problems of Labor. Professor Ripley.


Economics 20. Research Seminar with Frank William Taussig.

Source: Harvard University. Courses of Instruction of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, 1921-22 and Report of the President of Harvard College for 1922-23 through 1926-27.


Douglass Vincent Brown
Timeline of his education and career

1904. Born May 16 in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.

1918-21. Wyoming Seminary college preparatory school, Kingston, Pennsylvania.

1925. A.B. magna cum laude, Harvard.

1926. A.M. in economics, Harvard.

1926-27. Henry Lee Memorial Fellow, Harvard.

1927-33. Instructor and tutor of economics, Harvard University.

1932. Ph.D. in economics, Harvard University. Thesis: “Family Allowances.”

1933-38. Assistant professor of medical economics, Harvard Medical School.

1938-40. Assistant professor of industrial relations, M.I.T.

1940-43. Associate professor of industrial relations, M.I.T.

1941. Member of presidential mission sent to Moscow under W. Averell Harriman to organise Lend-Lease deliveries.

1942-45. Consultant to Departments of Labor and War. Advisory posts for the Council of National Defence and Office of  Production Management.

1943-46. Professor of industrial relations, M.I.T.

1944-45. Public member of the New England Regional War Board.

1944. Named as Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

1946-. Named first Albert P. Sloan Professor of Management at M.I.T. Switched from “Economics and Social Science” to “Business and Engineering Administration.”

1947. Member of the Slichter Commission that issued a report leading to the 1948 “Slichter Law” which had the goal of reducing industrial disputes. It would have allowed the governor of Massachusetts to seize an industry if after 15 days there was ­“a menace to public health or safety” due to a strike.

1947. Charter member of National Academy of Arbitrators.

1948. Appointed by the governor of Massachusetts as a moderator to resolve a major trucking strike in New England. Application of the “Slichter Law” was avoided when the truckers agreed to continue moving food and fuel.

1959-60. Ford Foundation visiting professorship of industrial relations at the University of Chicago School of Business.

1969-. Professor emeritus, M.I.T.

1970. President of the Industrial Relations Research Association.

1986. Died March 21 in Brookline, Massachusetts. Obituary in The Boston Globe, 23 March 1986, p. 87.

Image Source: MIT Museum. Portrait photo of Douglass Vincent Brown from  1946.

Biography Economists Harvard Transcript

Harvard. Economics Ph.D. alumnus, Daniel Houston Buchanan. 1931


Harvard economics Ph.D. (1931), Daniel Houston Buchanan (1883-1959) taught economics in Japan for eleven years after getting his Harvard A.M. before returning to Harvard to complete his doctorate. Over the years he also taught at Ohio State University, Harvard College, George Washington University, Fisk University, University of North Carolina and Lambuth College. The University of North Carolina (1935-54) constituted his longest academic tour of duty by far

Incidentally, Professor Daniel Buchanan was not mentioned at all in “One Hundred Years of Economics at Carolina” (1901-2001). 

This post has two parts, beginning with Buchanan’s Harvard transcript and followed by the timeline of his life. 


Fun fact (for me): my old professor of American economic history, Bill Parker (then still a young economic historian), was hired as the successor to Daniel Houston at the University of North Carolina.

Dr. William Nelson Parker appointed as associate professor of economics in the University of North Carolina to replace Dr. Daniel H. Buchanan, professor of economics emeritus. Parker taught at Williams College for the last five years.
The Daily Tar Heel (October 25, 1956), p. 3.


Record of
Daniel Houston Buchanan

Years: 1911-12, 1928-29, 1929-30 (2 hf)

[Previous] Degrees received.

Litt.B. Cooper Coll. 1909
A.B. Colorado Coll. 1911
S.D. Keiogijuku Univ., Japan, 1928.

First Registration: 28 Sept. 1911



First Year Course


Economics 2


Economics 6a1


Economics 6b2


Economics 9a1


Economics 9b2


Social Ethics 6b2


Economics 291


Summer of 1925

Economics S7a


Economics S9b


Sept. 1911

Elementary French


Division: History, Government, & Economics
Scholarship, Fellowship: University
Austin Teaching Fellowship:
Degree attained at close of year: A.M.




Second Year Course


Economics 20 (res)


Economics 38


Scholarship, Fellowship:
Austin Teaching Fellowship:
Instructorship: + Tut. in H.G.&E. $1650
Degree attained at close of year: 


1929-30 (2hf)


Third Year Course


History 182


Economics 202 (E.F.G.)


Scholarship, Fellowship:
Austin Teaching Fellowship:
Degree attained at close of year: 



Fourth Year

Degree attained at close of year:  Ph.D. June 1931


Source: Harvard University Archives. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Record Cards of Students, 1895-1930, Belding—Burton (UAV 161.2722.5). File I, Box 2, Record Card of Daniel Houston Buchanan.


Course Names and Instructors


Economics 2. Economic Theory. Professor Taussig.

Economics 6a1. European Industry and Commerce in the Nineteenth Century. Professor Gay, assisted by Mr. Klein.

Economics 6b2. Economic and Financial History of the United States. Professor Gay, assisted by Mr. Klein.

Economics 9a1. Problems of Labor. Professor Ripley, assisted by Mr. Hess.

Economics 9b2. Economics of Corporations. Professor Ripley, assisted by Dr. Dewing.

Social Ethics 6b2. Social Amelioration in Europe. Dr. Foerster.

Economics 291. Socialism and the Social Movement in Europe. Dr. Rappard.

1925 (Summer)

Economics S7a. Theories of Value and Distribution. Asst. Prof. John H. Williams.

Economics S9b. International Trade and Tariff Policies. [A. H. Cole or Asst. Prof. John H. Williams].


Economics 20. (Research Seminar)

Economics 38. The Principles of Money and Banking. Mr. R. G. Hawtrey

1929-30 (2 hf)

History 182. History of the Far East since 1793. Professor Hung (Yenching University)

Economics 202. (E.F.G.) [(?) sic]

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College for 1911-12, 1924-25, 1928-29, and 1929-30.


Daniel Houston Buchanan
Timeline of his life and career

1883. Born in Beloit, Kansas, November 29.

Father Thomas Ramsey Buchanan (1849-1933)
Mother: Alda Jane Leslie Buchanan (1855-1928)

1900. U.S. Census. Working on the family farm in Jackson Township, Madison County, Iowa.

1909. Litt.B. (Cooper Coll.)

Cooper College Commencement Announcement for June 6, 1909. Graduating class of sixteen.
Sterling Kansas Bulletin (June 4, 1909), p. 1.

1910. U.S. Census. Teaching in a public school in Valley Brook township, Lyndon City, Kansas.

1911. A.B. Colorado College.

1912. A.M. Harvard University.

1913. Marriage announcement for Daniel Houston Buchanan and Miss Eula Anderson Spencer, at the home of Dr. F. M. Spencer, on Thursday, August 21. Dr. Spencer will perform the marriage ceremony. Dr. Spencer was the president of Cooper College.
The Sterling Kansas Bulletin (August 14, 1913), p. 5.

1914. Taussig’s recommendation turns out to be Buchanan’s ticket to Tokyo.


D. H. Buchanan has accepted the offer as an instructor in a university at Tokyo, Japan.

A vacancy in the chair of economics resulted in an appeal to Harvard for someone to be sent from their school to fill the vacancy. On the recommendation of Prof. Taussig, Mr. Buchanan has secured the place and will commence work the first of April. For the past two years Mr. Buchanan has been teaching geometry in the Wichita high school and will close his work there soon. He is a graduate of Cooper college, going later to Harvard, where he secured his Master’s degree.

His wife was formerly Miss Eula Spencer of this city.

The cablegram announcing he had been chosen to fill the vacancy was received at Wichita Friday morning. The position is at the same university in which Robert Ray of Sterling, is a teacher.

Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan expect to start abroad the first week in March.

The Bulletin joins in congratulations, and wishes the young people much success and happiness in the new surroundings.

The Sterling Kansas Bulletin (Feb. 19, 1914), p. 1.

1914-1925. Buchanan first went to Japan in 1914 to join the economics staff of Keio University. He lived there eleven years.

1915.A Modification of the Ricardian Theory of Rent. A Criticism” published in Mita Gakkai, Tokyo (May, 1915).  In his March 1921 paper Buchanan begins with the footnote “The paper offered here is sufficient proof that [the author] now considers the position taken at that time as inadequate.”

Keio Journal of Economics, Vol. 9, No. 5 (May 1915),
pp. 506(30)-513(37). Link to download.

1918. Sept. 12. WWI Draft Registration of Daniel Houston Buchanan gives address as: 5 Enokigaka, Akasaka, Tokyo, Japan. Occupation: Professor of economics, Keiogijuku University in Mita, Shiba, Tokyo.

1919. Daniel Houston Buchanan arrived on the S.S. Persia Maru from Yokohama, Japan (June 27, 1919) to San Francisco (July 16, 1919). Returned from the U.S. to Japan from San Francisco on the Siberia Maru, Sept. 5, 1919.

1921.Economic Rent and the Marginal Expenses of Production” published in Mita Gakkai, Tokyo (March, 1921).

Keio Journal of Economics, Vol. 15, No. 3 (March 1921),
pp. 402(92)-432(122). Link to download.

1921.Professor Alfred Marshall on the Relation between Economic Rent and the Marginal Expenses of Production”published in Mita Gakkai, Tokyo (May, 1921).

Keio Journal of Economics, Vol. 15, No. 5 (May 1921), pp. 661(69)-690(98). Link to download.

1922.The Influence of So-called Marginal Rent upon the Marginal Expenses of Production”, Mita Gakkai, Tokyo (March, 1922).

Keio Journal of Economics, Vol. 16, No. 3 (March 1922), pp. 291(1)-308(18). Link to download.

1923. Buchanan, Daniel H. “The Rural Economy of Japan.” The Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 37, no. 4 (August 1923), pp. 545–78.

1925. Arrives in Seattle, Washington (March 24, 1925) on S.S. Arizona Maru from Yokohama, Japan (March 10, 1925)

1925-26. Assistant professor of economics at the Ohio State University.

1926. “Became connected with the Harvard Bureau of International Research” according to a note in the Harvard Alumni Bulletin.

1927. Research trip to study industrialization in India.

A.M. ’12—Daniel H. Buchanan, A.B. (Colorado Coll.) ’11, who is now in Japan in the interests of the Harvard Bureau of International Research, has received the degree of Keizai Gaku Hakushi, or Doctor of Science in Economics, from Keio University, Tokyo. He is the first foreigner to receive this distinction, and there are less than a dozen Japanese who have received a similar degree. The degree is awarded for outstanding written contributions in the field of economics, and has been awarded to Buchanan for his critical history of the doctrine of rent and the marginal expenses of production, covering the period from Adam Smith, 1776, to the present time, together with a study of Japanese rural economy, published a few years ago in the Quarterly Journal of Economics. Buchanan first went to Japan in 1914 to join the economics staff of Keio University. He remained there eleven years, returning to the United States in 1925 to become a member of the Faculty of Ohio State University. He became connected with the Harvard Bureau of International Research in 1926, spent the past year in India in economic research with special emphasis on industrialization, and returned to Japan last January.

Source: Harvard Alumni Bulletin (June 14, 1928), p. 1080.

1928. D.Sc. (Economics) Keiogijuku (Japan).

1928-30. Research associate of Prof. Edwin F. Gay at Harvard

1929. Buchanan, Daniel H. “Historical Approach to Rent and Price Theory,” Economica, no. 26 (June 1929), pp. 123–55.

1930. U.S. Census gives occupation as College Professor. Address  in Cambridge, Massachusetts (192 Larch Road).

1930-31. Instructor for Principles of Economics at Harvard.

1931. Ph.D. (Harvard University).

Daniel Houston Buchanan, Litt.B. (Cooper Coll.) 1909, A.B. (Colorado Coll.) 1911, A.M. (Harvard Univ.) 1912, S.D. (Keiogijuku Univ., Japan) 1928. Subject, Economics. Special Field, Economic History since 1750. Thesis, “Chapters on the Development of Modern Industry in India.” Associate Professor of Economics, George Washington University.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1930-31, p. 114.

1931-34. Associate Professor (1931 President of Harvard report) George Washington University.

1932. Evening Star (February 10, 1932), p. 23. Meeting of Delta Phi Epsilon, foreign service fraternity at George Washington. Included guest: Dr. Daniel H. Buchanan, professor of economic thought at George Washington.

1934. Buchanan, Daniel H. The Development of Capitalist Enterprise in India. New York: Macmillan.

1934-35. Chairman of the department of economics, Fisk University.

1935. Joins the faculty at North Carolina.

“Dr. D. H. Buchanan, who is to be professor of economic history, was graduated at Colorado College in 1911 and took his M.A., at Harvard in 1912 and his Ph.D. there in 1931. He taught at Keiogijukee University in Tokyo from 1914 to 1925, was assistant professor at Ohio State in 1925-26, was research associate of Prof. Edwin F. Gay at Harvard in 1928-30 and instructor there in 1931. He taught at George Washington University from 1931-34 and was professor of economics and chairman of the departments (sic) at Fisk University last year.
The News and Observer (August 4, 1935), p. 3.

1937. AP report of his son, Daniel H. Buchanan, Jr., suffering a severe head injury from a thrown hammer in practice at a Colorado College v. Greeley State track meet. Buchanan, Jr. ran the half-mile. Daniel H. Buchanan Jr. survived to live to the age of 82.

1944. The Charlotte Observer (September 22, 1944), p. 7. UNC professor of economics Dr. Daniel H. Buchanan given extension of his leave of absence (presumably war-related)

1946. The News and Observer, Raleigh, North Carolina (January 27, 1946), p. 22. Announcement: February 25, Dr. Daniel H. Buchanan, professor of Economics at UNC, will discuss “Far Eastern Problems.” Dr. Buchanan has just returned from the Far East where he served as an advisor of the U.S. State Department.

1951. Buchanan, Daniel H. “Japan Versus ‘Asia.’” The American Economic Review, vol. 41, no. 2, 1951, pp. 359–66.

1954. One of five faculty retirements announced, Daniel H. Buchanan, Professor, School of Business Administration.
The News and Observer (June 2, 1954), p. 6.

1954. Last academic stop. Lambuth College.

Dr. Daniel H. Buchanan, of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, until recently a member of the faculty of the University of N.C., is joining the faculty of Lambuth College in September, Dr. Luther L. Gobbel, president, announced today. Dr. Buchanan will teach courses in economics and serve as head of the department.
A native of Kansas, Dr. Buchanan received the A.B. degree from Colorado College and the A.M. and Ph.D. degrees from Harvard University. He also holds the degree of Doctor of Science in economics from Keiogijuku University in Japan. At Harvard he was holder of the rare Sheldon Scholarship.
Dr. Buchanan is the author of three books: “Rural Economy of Japan”, “Historical Approach to Rent and Price Theory”, and “Development of Capitalist Enterprise in India.” [sic, the first two are more likely references to his published articles]
The Jackson Sun (August 5, 1954) Jackson, Tennessee, p. 1.

1956. Dr. Robert L. Conrod succeeds Dr. D.H. Buchanan, who is retiring from teaching at his own request. Effective beginning of the second semester January 30. He and his wife retire to their home in Chapel Hill.
The Jackson Sun (January 22, 1956), p. 5.

1959.  Died February 16, 1959 in Denver, Colorado.

Daniel Houston Buchanan, 76, retired professor of economics of the University of North Carolina died at a sanatorium in Denver, Colo., yesterday after an illness of three years. He was a member of the faculty at Chapel Hill from 1935 until his retirement in 1954.
AP story from Winston-Salem Journal (Feb. 17, 1959),
p. 6.

Image Source: Daniel Houston Buchanan. Harvard 1932 Classbook. Page 24

Economists Harvard Transcript

Harvard. Application for PhD candidacy. Arthur Eli Monroe, 1915


The graduate school records of Arthur Eli Monroe (A.B., 1908; A.M., 1914; Ph.D., 1918) are reasonably complete, allowing us to follow the course of his graduate studies and learn some details regarding his satisfaction of the Ph.D. requirements at Harvard. He did stay at his alma mater for his entire career, with his academic high-water mark attained at the rank of assistant professor of economics from 1922-28. He was able to occupy an instructional niche as lecturer-tutor, which is pretty good considering he entered graduate school in economics after doing what he could to avoid the subject during his college years.

Tutor, 1915-1923
Instructor in Economics, 1916-22
Assistant Professor of Economics, 1922-28
Lecturer on and tutor (Kirkland House) in economics beginning in 1928 through his retirement sometime in the 1950’s.

For historians of economics Monroe’s 1924 edited volume Early Economic Thought: Selections from Economic Literature Prior to Adam Smith is a useful collection of bite-sized chunks of original texts, though current students of economics might possibly choke on Monroe’s servings.


From Reports of the Harvard College Class of 1908


After spending half a year in looking for a job, and four years and a half in working at it, I withdrew from the teaching profession, which had occupied me continuously, and strenuously at Kent School, Kent, Conn., to enter the Harvard Graduate School. Since leaving college, I had become interested in Economics. This has been the subject of my work this year, and I hope to continue it at Harvard next year. Member: Phi Beta Kappa.

Source: Harvard College, Class of 1908. Secretary’s Second Report, Sexennial Celebration, June 1914, p. 233.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *


Born: West Brookfield, Mass., Aug. 2, 1885.
Parents: Eli Monroe, Louise Octavia Arsino.
School: High School, Brookfield, Mass.
Degrees: A.B., 1908; A.M., 1914; Ph.D., 1918.
Occupation: Teacher.
Address: 56 Thayer Hall, Cambridge, Mass.

After graduation I taught Latin and German in a boys boarding school (Kent School, Kent, Conn.), until June, 1913, when I returned to Harvard for graduate work in economics, a subject I had carefully avoided in college. The next year I was appointed assistant in economics in Harvard College, to which was later added a tutorship. In January, 1916, I went to Williams College, to substitute for Professor McLaren, remaining until the end of the college year. I have been at Harvard since then, as instructor and tutor.

Source: Harvard College, Class of 1908. Secretary’s Third Report, Decennial Report, April 1920, p. 334.



Application for Candidacy for the Degree of Ph.D.

[Note: Boldface used to indicate printed text of the application; italics used to indicate the handwritten entries]

I. Full Name, with date and place of birth.

Arthur Eli Monroe. West Brookfield, Mass. Aug. 2, 1885.

II. Academic Career: (Mention, with dates inclusive, colleges or other higher institutions of learning attended; and teaching positions held.)

Harvard College, Sept. 1904 – June 1908
Harvard Graduate 
School. Arts & Sciences, Sept. 1913 –
Teacher, Latin and German, Kent School. 1909 – 1913

III. Degrees already attained. (Mention institutions and dates.)

A.B. [magna cum laude] (Harvard) 1908
A.M. (Harvard) 1914

IV. General Preparation. (Indicate briefly the range and character of your undergraduate studies in History, Economics, Government, and in such other fields as Ancient and Modern Languages, Philosophy, etc.)

French 2c, 6, 9
German A, 1a, 4, 6, H, 32b, 9
Latin B, 1, E
Greek B, E

V. Department of Study. (Do you propose to offer yourself for the Ph.D., “History,” in “Economics,” or in “Political Science”?)


VI. Choice of Subjects for the General Examination. (State briefly the nature of your preparation in each subject, as by Harvard courses, courses taken elsewhere, private reading, teaching the subject, etc., etc.)

  1. Economic Theory & Its History.
    Economics 11, 7, 14, Reading
    Assistant in Economics A
  2. Economic History since 1750.
    Economics 2a, 2b, Reading
  3. Public Finance.
    Economics 31
  4. Statistical Method & its Application.
    Economics 13
  5. History of Political Theory.
    Private Reading
  6. Special field to be a suitable portion of the field of the History of Economic Thought

VII. Special Subject for the special examination.

Some topic in the History of American Economic Thought

VIII. Thesis Subject. (State the subject and mention the instructor who knows most about your work upon it.)

Professor Bullock

IX. Examinations. (Indicate any preferences as to the time of the general and special examinations.)

General Examination, Autumn, 1915

X. Remarks

[Left blank]

Signature of a member of the Division certifying approval of the above outline of subjects.

[signed] Charles J. Bullock

*   *   *   [Last page of application] *   *   *

[Not to be filled out by the applicant]

Name: A. E. Monroe

Approved: May 28, 1915

Ability to use French certified by F. W. Taussig

Ability to use German certified by F. W. Taussig

Date of general examination 13 October 1915. Passed [per W.C.W.]

Thesis received [Left blank]

Read by [Left blank]

Approved [Left blank]

Date of special examination 20 May 1918. Passed 

Recommended for the Doctorate[left blank]

Degree conferred  [left blank]

Remarks.  [left blank]

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Record of ARTHUR ELI MONROE in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of Harvard University



Economics 2a1 [half course]
[European Industry and Commerce in the Nineteenth Century, Prof. Gay]
Economics 2b2 [half course]
[Economic and Financial History of the United States, Prof. Gay]
B minus
Economics 7
[Theories of Distribution and Distributive Justice, Asst. Prof. Anderson]
Economics 11
[Economic Theory, Prof. Taussig]
Economics 31
[Public Finance, Prof. Bullock]
Economics 13
[Statistics: Theory, Method, and Practice, Asst. Prof. Day]
Economics 14
[History and Literature of Economics to the year 1848, Prof. Bullock]
Economics 20e (2 co. [courses?])
[Economic Research (American Taxation and Finance; History of Economic Thought, Prof. Bullock]
Economics 20e (2 co.) [courses?])
[Economic Research (American Taxation and Finance; History of Economic Thought, Prof. Bullock]
Economics 20
[Economic Research (for Ph.D. candidates)]

Note: A transcript can also be found in Harvard University Archives, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Record Cards of Students, 1895-1930, Marks—Neville (UAV 161.2722.5). File I, Box 10, Record Card of Arthur Eli Monroe.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Certification of reading knowledge of French and German

Department of Economics

F. W. Taussig
T. N. Carver
W. Z. Ripley
C. J. Bullock
E. F. Gay
W. M. Cole
O. M. W. Sprague
E. E. Day
B. M. Anderson, Jr.
H. L. Gray

Cambridge, Massachusetts
April 28, 1915.

Dear Haskins:

I hereby certify that A. E. Monroe has reading knowledge of French and German such as is required for the Ph.D. degree.

Sincerely yours,
[signed] F. W. Taussig

Dean C. H. Haskins

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Approval of Ph.D. Plan of Study
[Carbon copy]

4 June 1915

Dear Mr. Monroe:

At a meeting on May 28 the Division of History, Government, and Economics voted to approve your plan of study for your degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Very truly yours,

Mr. A. E. Monroe

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Committee named for the General Exam
[Carbon copy]

[Note: identical copies were sent to Professors Gay, Taussig, Day, Holcombe]

4 October 1915.

Dear Professor Bullock:

Will you kindly serve as one of the committee for the General Examination in Economics of Arthur E. Munroe, Wednesday, October 13, at 4 P. M.? The committee consists of Professors Bullock (Chairman), Taussig, Gay, Day, and Holcombe.

Mr. Muroe’s subjects are: Economic Theory and Its History, Economic History since 1750, Public Finance, Statistical Method and its Application, History of Political Theory, and a special field to be a suitable portion of the field of the History of Economic Thought.

Mr. Munroe has decided upon Public Finance and Statistics. Will you kindly see that the papers are set and the written examination held a reasonable time in advance of the oral?

Very sincerely yours,

Professor C. J. Bullock.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Time and Place of General Exam
[Carbon copy]

9 October 1915

My dear Mr. Monroe:

Your examination, Wednesday, October 13, will be held in Widener U at 4 P.M.

Yours very truly,
[initials of Dean Haskins added]
C. H. H.

Mr. A. E. Monroe

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Passed General Exam

Department of Economics

F. W. Taussig
T. N. Carver
W. Z. Ripley
C. J. Bullock
E. F. Gay
W. M. Cole
O. M. W. Sprague
E. E. Day
B. M. Anderson, Jr.

Cambridge, Massachusetts
October 14, 1915.

My dear Haskins:

Mr. A. E. Monroe passed his general examination for the doctor’s degree in Economics on October 18th. He passed creditably in all subjects except History of Political Theory, in which his examination was not satisfactory; but the instructor thought should not stand in his way if the other subjects were good.
His written examinations in Public Finance and Statistics were of A quality, and his oral examination in the other economic subjects was thoroly satisfactory.

Sincerely yours,
[signed] Charles J. Bullock

Dean C. H. Haskins.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Special Exam Field
[carbon copy]

25 January 1917

Dear Mr. Monroe:
At its meeting last Tuesday the Division of History, Government, and Economics voted to approve, as your special field, the History of Economic Thought to 1776, with special reference to the period subsequent to 1500.

Sincerely yours,
[unsigned copy]

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Passed Special Exam

Department of Economics

F. W. Taussig
T. N. Carver
W. Z. Ripley
C. J. Bullock
E. F. Gay
W. M. Cole
O. M. W. Sprague
E. E. Day
B. M. Anderson, Jr.
J. S. Davis
H. H. Burbank

Cambridge, Massachusetts
May 21, 1918.

My dear Haskins:

I wish to report that yesterday Mr. A. E. Monroe passed his special examination for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Mr. Monroe passed an unusually good examination which was from every point of view thoroly satisfactory.

Sincerely yours,
[signed] Charles J. Bullock

Dean C. H. Haskins

Source: Harvard University Archives. Division of History, Government, and Economics. Ph.D. exams and records of candidates, study plans, lists, etc. pre-1911-1942. Box 3. Folder “Ph.D. Applications.”


Ph.D. Dissertation

Arthur Eli Monroe’s 1918 Ph.D. thesis “The Theory of Money before 1776” was revised and published as Monetary theory before Adam Smith as number 25 of the Harvard Economic Studies (1923).

Image Source: At least as early as 1923, this portrait of Arthur Eli Monroe is found in the Harvard Class Albums. This portrait clipped from the 1925 Class Album and colorized by Economics in the Rear-view Mirror.

Economists Harvard Transcript

Harvard. Application for PhD candidacy. James Waterhouse Angell, 1921

The empirical questions behind most of the collection of archival artifacts found here at Economics in the Rear-view Mirror can be reduced to i) what was being taught ii) who was teaching it, and iii) what was the pattern of the courses actually taken by young economists. These artifacts can be thought of as occupying cell(s) in a matrix of year by academic institution, e.g. this post deals with question (iii) and will be filed in the Harvard, early 1920’s cell.

James Waterhouse Angell (1898-1986) was a Harvard and Chicago trained economist who joined the Columbia faculty upon receiving his Ph.D. from Harvard in 1924. He was a member of Columbia’s faculty for over forty years, interrupted by government service during World War II at the War Production Board and the Foreign Economics Administration.  More about his life and career can be read in his New York Times obituary (April 1, 1986)

With this post we have the record for Angell in Harvard’s Division of History, Government, and Economics. It provides us with a wealth of information about his academic training. There will be a flow of such records for other graduate students that promises to match the flow of syllabi and exams, the stock of which constitute the core of archival material.

 You  should subscribe to Economics in the Rear-view Mirror if you are working on the history of economics. To do so scroll down (or search “Subscribe” on this page from your web browser).


Autobiographical snippet

Angell’s personal statement in the 25th year anniversary report of the Harvard Class of 1918



Application for Candidacy for the Degree of Ph.D.

[Note: Boldface used to indicate printed text of the application; italics used to indicate the handwritten entries]

I. Full Name, with date and place of birth.

James Waterhouse Angell. May 20, 1898. Chicago.

II. Academic Career: (Mention, with dates inclusive, colleges or other higher institutions of learning attended; and teaching positions held.)

Undergraduate: Harvard 1914-18. Graduate: University of Chicago, March 1919-June 1920; Harvard, September 1920-date. Teaching: Assistant in Economics, Univ. of Chicago, October 1919-June 1920.

III. Degrees already attained. (Mention institutions and dates.)

A.B. Harvard, 1918. [magna cum laude]

IV. General Preparation. (Indicate briefly the range and character of your undergraduate studies in History, Economics, Government, and in such other fields as Ancient and Modern Languages, Philosophy, etc.) In case you are a candidate for the degree in History, state the number of years you have studied preparatory and college Latin.)

History. Harvard: Hist. A, 30a. Government. Univ. of Chicago: Elementary Comp. Govt. Economics. Harvard: Economics A, 2a, 2b, 4b, 5a, 5b. Univ. of Chicago: Labor Problems, Money and Banking, Statistics.

Greek: Harvard: Greek G, A, 2, 8. Latin. Harvard: Latin B, 8. French. Harvard: French 2. Philosophy. Univ. of Chicago: Social and Political Philosophy. Psychology. Harvard: Psychology A, Univ. of Chicago: Social Psychology.

V. Department of Study. (Do you propose to offer yourself for the Ph.D., “History,” in “Economics,” or in “Political Science”?)


VI. Choice of Subjects for the General Examination. (State briefly the nature of your preparation in each subject, as by Harvard courses, courses taken elsewhere, private reading, teaching the subject, etc., etc.)

  1. Economic Theory and Its History. Harvard: Economics A, 11, 14; Univ. of Chicago: History of Econ. Thought. Teaching: Univ. of Chicago: 2 quarters of elementary theory, 1920.
  2. Economic History since 1750. Harvard: Economics 2a and 2b.
  3. Public FinanceHarvard: Economics 5a, 5b, 31
  4. Money and Banking. Harvard: Economics 38. Univ. of Chicago: Elementary Money & Banking. Also private reading.
  5. International Trade and Tariff Policy. Harvard: Economics 33; and private reading.
  6. [Constitutional] History of the U.S., 1789-1914Univ. of Chicago. 3 quarters of graduate study. (A. D. Mr. Laughlin)

VII. Special Subject for the special examination.

Special subject either Economic Theory or Public Finance; to be specified later. Money and Banking

VIII. Thesis Subject. (State the subject and mention the instructor who knows most about your work upon it.)

International Price Levels (With Professors Taussig and Young)

IX. Examinations. (Indicate any preferences as to the time of the general and special examinations.)

General: Last week in October, 1921.

X. Remarks

[Left blank]

Signature of a member of the Division certifying approval of the above outline of subjects.

[signed] Edmund E. Day

*   *   *   [Last page of application] *   *   *

[Not to be filled out by the applicant]

Name: James W. Angell

Approved: April 29, 1921

Ability to use French certified by Charles J. Bullock. 10 March, 1922 B.S.M.

Ability to use German certified by Charles J. Bullock, 10 March, 1922 B.S.M.

Date of general examination June 2, 1922 Passed A.A.Y.

Thesis received Oct. 15, 1923

Read by Professors Taussig, Young, and Persons

Approved October 29, 1921

Date of special examination Thursday, March 6, 1924. Passed A.A. Young 

Recommended for the Doctorate[left blank]

Degree conferred  [left blank]

Remarks.  [left blank]

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Record of James Waterhouse Angell in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of Harvard University

Economics 11.
[Economic Theory, Prof. Taussig]
Economics 14
[History and Literature of Economics to the year 1848, Prof. Bullock]
A minus
Economics 31
[Public Finance, Prof. Bullock]
Economics 331 [half course]
[International Trade and Tariff Problems, Prof. Taussig]
Economics 382 [half course]
[Selected Monetary Problems, Prof. Young]
Attained the degree of Master of Arts.
Economics 20 (F.W.T.)
[Economic Research (for Ph.D. candidates)]

Note: A transcript can also be found in Harvard University Archives, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Record Cards of Students, 1895-1930, Aab—Belcher (UAV 161.2722.5). File I, Box 1, Record Card of James Waterhouse Angell.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Committee on Economic Research
Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Charles J. Bullock, Chairman

Charles F. Adams
Nicholas Biddle
Frederic H. Curtiss
Wallace B. Donham
Ogden L. Mills
Eugene V. R. Thayer

W.M. Persons, Editor
Review of Economic Statistics

J.B. Hubbard, Editor
Harvard Economic Service

F.Y. Presley
General Manager

March 10, 1922.

Professor Charles H. Haskins,
23 University Hall,
Cambridge, Mass.

This is to certify that I have examined Mr. J. W. Angell and find that he has such a knowledge of French and German as we require of candidates for the doctor’s degree.

[signed] Charles J. Bullock


*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *


Cambridge, Massachusetts
6 June 1922

I beg to report that Mr. James W. Angell passed the General Examination in Economics held on Friday, 2 June. Mr. Angell’s examination clearly earned a pass, but it is proper to say that the examination was not as distinguished and the margin was not as large as Mr. Angell’s brilliant course record indicated it would be.

[signed by D.C. for] Allyn A. Young

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

[Carbon copy]

26 February 1924

My dear Professor Young:

We are arranging J.W. Angell’s special examination for Thursday, 6 March, at 4 p.m. I will let you know the place later. The committee will consist of Professors Taussig, Williams, Sprague, and yourself as chairman.

Very truly yours,
Secretary of the Division.

Professor A. A. Young

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *


Cambridge, Massachusetts
March 7, 1924

Dear Haskins:

On behalf of the committee appointed to conduct the special examination of Mr. J. W. Angell, I beg to report that Mr. Angell successfully passed the examination. I may add that the examination as a whole was unusually satisfactory.

Very truly yours,
[signed by k. for] Allyn A. Young

Dean C. H. Haskins

Source: Harvard University Archives. Division of History, Government, and Economics. Ph.D. exams and records of candidates, study plans, lists, etc. pre-1911-1942. Box 5. Folder “J. W. Angell.”


Annotated Typescript for
Division of History, Government, and Economics
Examinations for the Degree of Ph.D. 1923-1924

SPECIAL EXAMINATION in Economics, passed. Thursday, March 6, 1924.

GENERAL EXAMINATION passed June 2, 1922.

ACADEMIC HISTORY: Harvard College, 1914-18; University of Chicago, March, 1919, to June, 1920; Harvard Graduate School, 1920-23. A.B., 1918; A.M., 1921. Assistant in Economics, University of Chicago, 1919-20; Tutor in the Division of History, Government, and Economics, Harvard, 1921-22; Frederick Sheldon Travelling Fellow, Harvard, 1922-23; Instructor in Economics and Tutor in the Division of History, Government, and Economics, Harvard, 1923-4.

GENERAL SUBJECTS: 1. Economic Theory and Its History. 2. Economic History since 1750. 3. Public Finance. 4. Money and Banking. 5. International Trade and Tariff Policy. 6. American History since 1789.

SPECIAL SUBJECT: Money and Banking.

COMMITTEE: Professors Young (chairman), Taussig, Williams,
and Sprague.

THESIS SUBJECT: The Theory of International Prices and its History.

COMMITTEE ON THESIS: Professors Taussig, Young, and Persons.

Source: Harvard University Archives. Division of History, Government, and Economics. Ph.D. exams and records of candidates, study plans, lists, etc. pre-1911-1942. Box 5. Unmarked Envelope/Folder


Image Source:  James Waterhouse Angell’s July 18, 1922 U.S. passport application. National Archives.


Economists Germany Public Finance Transcript

Germany. Wolfgang Stolper’s Seminarschein for a public finance seminar. Schumpeter, 1932

Back in the day before German universities began awarding Bachelor and Master degrees instead of their historical Diplom and Magister degrees (a process initiated in August 2002 and essentially completed by 2010), German students collected their certificates seminar-by-seminar, signed by their instructors, that together constituted their entry tickets required for degree examinations. I began teaching in a German university (Freie Universität Berlin) in 1994 and have signed such “Seminarscheine” for my students. The printed fonts had changed and typed insertions replaced hand-written ones, but the Scheine themselves were essentially identical to those used by earlier generations.

Below we have the image of the Seminarschein obtained by Wolfgang Stolper who attended Joseph Schumpeter’s advanced seminar in public finance in 1932. Official course transcripts are of considerable informational value but when it comes to antiquarian charm, I’ll take a stack of Seminarscheine any day over a registrar’s one page (stamped) transcript.


Stolper’s Seminarschein
for a Schumpeter seminar
in Bonn, 1932

Staatswissenschaftliches Seminar
der Universität Bonn

Bonn, den 26 Juli 1932

Herr Wolfgang Stolper hat im Sommer-Winterhalbjahr 1932 an meinem finanzwissenschaftlichen Vollseminar—Proseminar
Besprechungen zur
mit gutem Fleiß und gutem Erfolg teilgenommen und folgende Arbeiten geliefert:



mit Auszeichnung:
gut:  ___1___
voll befriedigend:
nicht genügend:

[signed] Schumpeter


Political Science Seminar
of the University of Bonn

Bonn, 26 July 1932

Mr. Wolfgang Stolper was enrolled in my public finance advanced/ introductory seminar during the summer/winter semester 1932.
Tutorial on
His participation demonstrated good work and good performance, completing the following assignments:

Written home assignments

Proctored written examinations

with distinction: [blank]


good:  ___1___


satisfactory: [blank]


sufficient: [blank]


insufficient: [blank]


[signed] Schumpeter

Source: Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Economists’ Papers Archive. Wolfgang F. Stolper papers, 1892-2001. Add. 02/207: Box 23, Folder unlabeled (job search 1940-41 correspondence).

Image Source: Harvard University Archives, from Schumpeter’s 1932 German passport. J. Schumpeter Papers. Box 2 (Correspondence and Papers relating to death of JAS), Folder “Dept of Labor–citizenship”.


Economists Gender Harvard Transcript

Harvard/Radcliffe. Economics PhD alumna and Wharton professor, Anne C. Bezanson, 1929


The materials in this post are presented in the opposite order that they were actually assembled. I began with three pieces of correspondence and a transcript of economics courses for a Radcliffe graduate who was ABD (= “all but dissertation”) and still interested in submitting a thesis more than a decade after her last course work at Harvard. The economics department chairman, Harold H. Burbank, made no fuss and we can see from the record that Annie Catherine Bezanson was indeed awarded an economics Ph.D. in 1929.

After I filled in the course titles and professors for her transcript, I then proceeded to gather biographical/career information for Bezanson. It of course did not take very long to discover that shortly after being awarded her Ph.D. she was promoted to a  professorship with tenure, the first woman to have cleared that professional hurdle at the University of Pennsylvania. What turned out to be more challenging was to find any photo whatsoever. Fortunately I stumbled upon a genealogical site that posted a picture of Anne Catherine Bezanson along with the obituary that begins the content portion of the post…


Obituary from Bezansons of Nova Scotia

Died, Feb. 4, 1980, Dr. Anne Bezanson bur. Riverside Cemetery, Upper Stewiacke. Professor Emeritus, Wharton School of Finance & Commerce, U. of Pennsylvania, d… Hanover, Mass.

Born Mt. Dalhousie, N.S. daughter of the late John and Sarah (Creighton) Bezanson. Dr. Bezanson went to the United States in 1901, where she received her A.B. degree, A.M. & PhD. from Radcliffe…member of the Phi Beta Kappa…awarded an honourary doctor of science degree from University of British Columbia and from the University of Pennsylvania…served as Director of the Industrial Research Dept., Wharton School of Finance and Commerce; was professor at the Graduate School of the University of Pennsylvania…served on the staff of the U.S. Coal Commission..member of Conference of Price Research, advisor to the Social Services Research Project, Rockefeller Foundation…wrote numerous articles in various professional economic journals …member American Economic Associationn; Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Economic History Association., serving as President from 1946-1948; American Statistical Association; Econometrics Society; Vice-President Delta Chapter Phi Beta Kappa, University of Pennsylvania.

Source: From the Website: Bezansons in North America



ANNE BEZANSON had not yet completed her PhD in economic history in 1921, yet she was about to make history herself. At Wharton, the young Canadian helped establish the first business school research center, the Industrial Research Unit (later known as Industrial Research Department or IRD), with Professor Joseph Willits. The founding marked Wharton’s shift toward becoming an academic business research hub — defining a new role for business schools that continues today.

Bezanson’s 1921 article on promotion practices became the first product of the IRD. Bezanson continued her practical research in the early 1920s, writing a series on personnel issues, focusing on turnover, worker amenities, and accident prevention.

Willits and Bezanson designed an ambitious research program to explore and help civilize industrial working conditions, with the goal of social change. In 1922, Bezanson and Willits spent a year studying the earnings of coal miners at the U.S. Coal Commission. Employer associations, government agencies, and international organizations continued to look to the IRD for timely and practical knowledge.

In 1929, Bezanson finished her Harvard PhD and became the first female faculty member of Penn’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Under her leadership as co-director (which continued until 1945), the IRD had many women on its team and pursued research into the economic status of workers, revealing for the first time hard proof of the disparities in salaries and promotions for women and minorities across many industries.

Bezanson became the first woman to get full tenure at Penn, and in the 1930s sat on the National Bureau of Economic Research Price Conference. From 1939 to 1950 Bezanson was a part-time consultant at the Rockefeller Foundation, where she organized the first-ever roundtable on economic history in 1940. As a result of this involvement, Bezanson played a crucial role in the creation of the Economic History Association in the early 1940s, serving as president between 1946–1947. She died in 1980.

Source:  University of Pennsylvania. The Wharton School.Wharton Alumni Magazine, 125th Anniversary Issue (Spring 2007).


Harvard/Radcliffe Academic Record

A.B. magna cum laude in economics.

 Source:  Report of the President of Radcliffe College for 1914-1915, pp. 10,13.


A.M. Annie Bezanson….Southvale, N.S. [Nova Scotia]

Source:   Report of the President of Radcliffe College for 1915-1916, p. 12.


June 1929 Doctor of Philosophy

Annie Catherine Bezanson, A.B. (Radcliffe College), 1915; A.M. (ibid.), 1916. Subject, Economics. Special Field, Labor Problems. Dissertation, Earnings and Working Opportunity in the Upholstery Weavers’ Trade.

Source: Report of the President of Radcliffe College 1928-29, p. 321.


Economics Coursework

(Inter-Departmental Correspondence Sheet)

Cambridge, Massachusetts

Miss Anne Bezanson, A.B., Radcliffe 1915; A.M., 1916.


Ec 1….B [Principles of Economics, Prof. Taussig et al.]
Ec 5….B, A- [Economics of Transportation, half course. Prof. Ripley]


Ec 23….A- [Economic History of Europe to the Middle of the Eighteenth Century. Dr. Gray]


Ec 11….B [Economic Theory. Prof. Taussig]
Ec 24….A [Topics in the Economic History of the Nineteenth CenturyProf. Gay]


Ec 7….. [Theories of Distribution. Prof. Carver, Excused for Generals.]


Ec 13….A [Statistics: Theory, Method and Practice. Asst. Prof. Day]
Ec 34….A [Problems of Labor. Prof. Ripley]
Ec 12….B+ [Scope and Methods of Economic Investigation. Half-course. Prof. Carver]
Ec 33….B [International Trade and Tariff Problems in the United States. Half-course. Prof. Taussig]
Ec 20….A- [Course of Research. Probably Economic History with Prof. Gay]
Ec 14….A [History and Literature of Economics to the year 1848. Prof. Bullock]

Source: Harvard University Archives. Department of Economics. Correspondence & Papers 1902-1950. Box 3.


Handwritten letter from Bezanson to Burbank

January 2, 1928 [sic]

My Dear Prof. Burbank:

A long time ago, I talked with Professor Young, as well as Professors Carver and Gay about submitting one of my studies in part fulfillment of the requirement for a doctor’s thesis. This request is the result of the difficulty of leaving my present work to complete the study upon which I was at work from 1915 to 1918 on the Industrial Revolution in France. This month when I completed the first analysis of the Earnings of Tapestry Weavers, I sent it to Professor Gay with the hope that it would be, or could be, made acceptable to the Department of Economics.

All this discussion has been informal and, of course, unofficial. I am now writing to you for advice about the official steps: should I apply to the Dean of the Graduate School for permission to change the thesis subject? or should this request go from you? Do you advise such a request and if so can it be made without changing my field of concentration?

Briefly my difficulty is that though I passed the General Examination in October, 1916, I have since not completed the thesis and final examination requirements. A degree seems to have some value in promotion here. Yet, I am engaged on studies which I cannot drop and go back to a subject as remote as French conditions. Dean Gay has been in touch with the progress of Tapestry Earnings and I am acting upon his suggestion in asking for an opinion upon the possibility of offering that study as a thesis.

Very sincerely yours
Anne Bezanson

Industrial Research Department
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pa.

Source: Harvard University Archives. Department of Economics. Correspondence & Papers 1902-1950. Box 3.


Copies of responses by H.H. Burbank to Bezanson


January 7, 1929

Miss Anne Bezanson,
Index Research Department,
University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pa.

Dear Miss Bezanson:

I see no reason why the program which you have offered for the Ph.D. cannot be changed to allow you to present your study on “Earnings in the Upholstery Weavers Trade”.

There will be some red tape about it. I expect I shall have to secure the consent of the Dean of the Graduate School and of the Department, but I foresee no difficulties in either direction.

I will write you as soon as there is a definite decision.

One question that is certain to be raised is whether or not the research is entirely your own work or whether it was carried on by an organization. I should like to have your reply to this as soon as possible. Your preface throws some light on this. I note that you say: “All analysis and interpretation of material has been made by the Index Research Department”. Does this mean that your own work was strictly limited to the writing of the report in the preparation of the material on which the investigation was based?

Very sincerely,
[H.H. Burbank]


*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

January 9, 1929

Miss Anne Bezanson,
Index Research Department,
University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pa.

Dear Miss Bezanson:

This is more or less a continuation of the note I sent to you yesterday. Last evening I talked to the members of the Department regarding your request. I think something can be worked out for you without very much trouble.

For your General Examination you presented Theory, Statistics, International Trade, Labor, and American History, reserving Economic History as your special field. It is my guess that you have done very little indeed with the literature of the field of Economic History during the last ten years, and that to prepare this field for a special examination would involve an inordinate amount of work. Further, it would require quite a stretch of the imagination to include your study of “The Upholstery Weavers” as Economic History.

Would it not be more within your general field of interest to present Labor problems as the subject for intensive examination. In spite of the fact that you presented this subject in your General Examinations it could be included as a special field. By a stroke of good fortune the Department put into effect this fall a ruling whereby candidates for the PhD may present an honor grade in an approved course in lieu of an oral examination in a subject. Ordinarily you would be required to stand for examination in Economic History as well as in Labor Problems, but under this new ruling we are able to accept the grade of A in Economics 24 taken in 1915.

Briefly then, it is my suggestion that your special field be Labor Problems, within which the dissertation which you are now presenting naturally would fall.

Please let me know if this meets with your approval.

Very sincerely,
H. H. Burbank.



Source: Harvard University Archives. Department of Economics. Correspondence & Papers 1902-1950. Box 3.

Image Source: Website Bezansons in North America.




Chicago Curriculum Economists Transcript

Chicago. Don Patinkin’s undergraduate and graduate coursework 1940s

A few years before there was an Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) to provide a research grant that allowed me to begin my archival project, I happened to visit my sister’s family living in Cary, North Carolina. I had somehow stumbled across a reference to the Patinkin papers archived at the Economists’ Papers Project at Duke University and figured it would might be worth a “look-see” and so I took a day trip to Duke with no specific plan. I probably saw Patinkin’s personally annotated undergraduate and graduate transcripts and then (mistakenly) presumed that many archives would have such a complete documentation of the actual coursework taken by individual economists. What I did not appreciate was that the university records with respect to student transcripts except for early in the 20th century and before are not easily accessible for research because of privacy concerns. This means the historian needs to stumble upon copies of transcripts in random collections as was the case here. Thank you serendipity.

From Patinkin’s annotated transcripts at the University of Chicago (he added the names of course instructors as well as identified other courses that he presumably audited), we can see just how many different economists were involved in the economics education of one Don Patinkin. His student notes for most of these economics courses are also to be found in his papers and deserve to be transcribed.

On a minor note: As a pupil, I never thought twice about why a “Report Card” happened to be called a “Report Card”. From this University of Chicago transcript we can see that report is used as short-hand for “reported grade”. The instructor is clearly seen to report to the university registrar’s office.


The University of Chicago
Office of the Registrar
Social Sciences

[Copy of transcript dated Jan 25, 1979]


Name: Don Patinkin
Home Address: 1426 S. Hamlin Ave., Chicago
Matriculation No.: 202316
Date of Birth: 1-8-22
Place: Chicago

 Entered: October 7, 1941
Attendance at other institutions: Central Y.M.C.A. Coll., Chicago, 1939-41


Entrance Units: From Marshall H.S., Chicago, 1939

English 3 ½
French 4
History 2
Civics ½
Drawing ½
Pl. Geom. 1
Sol. Geom. ½
Gen. Biol. 1
Gen Science
Physiol. ½



Econ. (L.W.M. & J.D.R.) 10.28.41
ECON. 209, 210, 2[illegible], 220 or 222, 230, 2 from 240, 260


1½ C’s by adv. stg. + 4½ at Divis’l Level
Econ. 311, 301, 360, Stat. 330, Bus. 323


Advanced Standing Oct. 30 1941
Central Y.M.C.A. College


Zool. 101
Biol. Sci. Surv. (1)


Eng. 101, 103, Adv. Writing (1/2)
Philos.- Introd. (1), 203,
Hist of Philos. (1)
Hist of Europ. Civil. (1)
Apprec. Art & Music (1)


Math. 101, 102, 103, 218, 219, 220
Phy. Sci. Surv. (1).


Econ.-Elem. (1 ½)
Soc. Sci. Surv. (1)


Bus.-Bus. Law (1/2)

Total: 19 ½ courses


[University of Chicago] Course Report
Exam by Home Study 1-12-42
[illegible, “Yntema” according to course catalogue for 1942]


ANTH. 201, EDUC. 201, POL.SCI.201, PSYCH. 201, SOC. 201


Honor Scholar in the Division

Autumn Qr. 1942
PHYS.EDUC. (non-credit) ½ c. B

Full Quarter’s Residence



Elected to Phi Beta Kappa
Degree of A. B. Conferred MAR 26 1943


The University of Chicago
Office of the Registrar
Social Sciences

[Copy of transcript dated Jan 25, 1979]

Name: Don Patinkin
Home Address: 1426 S. Hamlin Ave., Chicago
Matriculation No.: 202316
Date of Birth: 1-8-22
Place: Chicago

Entered: Undergraduate 10-7-41
Trans. to Divis. Grad. 1-3-44


A.B. (U. of Chicago) 3-26-43
A.M. (U. of Chicago) DEC 21 1945
Ph.D. (U. of Chicago) AUG 29 1947


REC. BY S.E. Leland DATE 10-5-45


REC. BY T.W. Schultz DATE 5-24-46


[University of Chicago] Course Report
ECON. 222-INTRO. EUROP.EC.HIST., 1540-1940


[Viner]* Allowed an extension of time, until end of Aut. Q. 1944, in which to complete Econ. 371. (Dean Russell) 7-8-44


[Leonard White]
[311 Lange]
[312 Hurwicz]


[305 Economics & Social Institutions Knight & Perry]


French Examination Passed NOV 5 1945
Final Examination Passed for A.M. in Economics—Summer & Autumn 1945 (Simeon E. Leland)
Degree of A.M. conferred DEC 21 1945
Without Thesis
[WINTER QR. 1946]
[Econ. 255 Introd. to Agricultural Economics
[Pol. Sci 327 Social and Political Philosophy
Perry & Knight]
[Econ 358   Agricultural Markets and Prices
[Soc. 324 Hist. of Soc. Theory

Final Examination Passed
For Ph.D. in Economics—July 29, 1947
(J. Marschak)

Degree of Ph.D. Conferred
Aug 29 1947
Thesis: On the Consistency of Economic Models:
A Theory of Involuntary Unemployment


Source: Duke University. David M. Rubinstein Library. Don Patinkin Papers. University of Chicago School of Economics Raw Materials. Box 1. Folder “Essays on & in Chicago Tradition from binder of same name, folder 1 of 2”.

Image Source:  Marshall High School Yearbook, 1939 (Chicago).



Economists Harvard Transcript

Harvard. Coursework of Frank W. Fetter for A.M., 1923-24

Frank Whitson Fetter (born May 22, 1899 in San Francisco, CA; died July 7, 1991 in Hanover, NH). A.B. from Swarthmore College (1920), A.M. from Princeton (1922), also A.M. from Harvard (1924). Ph.D. from Princeton (1926). His father was Princeton economics professor Frank Albert Fetter.

During the course of his career Fetter taught at Princeton, Haverford, Johns Hopkins, Wisconsin, Northwestern and Dartmouth.

The 1942 copy of his A.M. course transcript below matches an undated transcript (or report card) from the Harvard University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences for the academic year 1923-24 found in the same folder at the Duke Economists’ Papers Project.



[Course titles and instructors]

From Economics Group I, Economic Theory and Method

11 Professor Taussig — Economic Theory.


From Economics Group III: Applied Economics

37 1hf. Professor Persons — Commercial Crises

39 2hf. Asst. Professor Williams — International Finance


From Economics Group V: Course of Research in Economics

20 Professors Taussig, Carver, Ripley, Bullock, Young, and Persons — Economic Research


From History, Group IV. American History

17a 1hf. Professor Turner—The History of the West.

39 2hf. Professor Turner—History of the United States, 1880-1920.

Source: Harvard University Reports of the President and the Treasurer of Harvard College for 1923-24. History, p. 103; Economics, p. 107.


Harvard University
The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

24 University Hall, Cambridge, Massachusetts
November 30, 1942

Transcript of the record of Mr. Frank Whitson Fetter


Economics 11 (1 course)


Economics 20 (1 course)


Economics371 ( ½ course)


Economics 392( ½ course)

A minus

History 17a1 ( ½ course)

A minus

History 392 ( ½ course)


Mr. Fetter received the degree of Master of Arts in June, 1924.

The established grades are A, B, C, D, and E.

A grade of A, B, Credit, Satisfactory, or Excused indicates that the course was passed with distinction. Only courses passed with distinction may be counted toward a higher degree.


[signed] Lawrence S. Mayo
Associate Dean


Source: Duke University, Rubenstein Library. Frank Whitson Fetter Papers. Box 50, Folder “Student Papers, Transcripts, grades, Harvard University (1923-1924).

Image Source: (ca. 1937) John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation.


Economists Harvard Transcript

Harvard. Graduate Course Record. Thomas Schelling, 1946-49

Included in the materials from the 1949-50 hiring search for someone to teach in Columbia College was a mimeographed fact-sheet/transcript for 28 year old Thomas Schelling together with a departmental statement provided by the Chairman of the Harvard Department of Economics, Harold Burbank. I think we can be pretty sure that both items were attached to a letter Burbank sent to Angell dated December 14, 1949 in which Tobin and Schelling were discussed with supporting data (cf. Appendix C in the Hiring Committee’s Report of January 9, 1950 that clearly provides information on Tobin from the same letter).

Interesting to note perhaps is (i) the future Nobel laureate did not get short-listed by the search committee and (ii) “his interest is mainly in the national income, fiscal policy approach” might have been a contemporary euphemism or dog-whistle for “Keynesian economist”.

In any event, I am delighted whenever I find the complete graduate course records of Ph.D.’s. I have filled in the names of the instructors for the respective courses based on the Harvard President’s Reports.


Thomas Crombie Schelling

Address: Program Division, ECA-OSR [Economic Cooperation Administration, Office of the Special Representative (Administration of the Marshall Plan)], 2 Rue Saint Florentin, Paris, France

Born: April 14, 1921, U.S.

Married: Yes


A.B., 1944, University of California (Highest honors)

A.M., 1948, Harvard University


1941-43         American Embassy, Santiago, Chile

1945-46         U. S. Bureau of Budget, Fiscal Division

1946-48         Teaching Fellow, Harvard

1948               Elected to Society of Fellows, resigned September, 1949

1948-              ECA, Copenhagen Paris



Summer 1946

Ec. 201 (Reading)                 Satis.

Fall 1946-47

Ec. 103a (Adv. theory [Schumpeter])         A+

Ec. 104b (Math. Ec. [Leontief])                    A+

Ec. 148a (Int. Tr. Sem. [sic, 148a was Fiscal Policy Seminar with Williams and Hansen])        A-

Spring 1946-47

Ec. 103b (Adv. Theory [Schumpeter]))      A+

Ec. 121b (Statistics [Frickey]))                     A-

Ec 148b (Int. Tr. Sem. [sic, 148a was Fiscal Policy Seminar with Williams and Hansen]))       A-

Summer 1947

Ec. 201 (Reading)     Satis.

Fall 1947-48

Ec. 102a (Adv. Theory [Leontief])   A+

Ec. 133a (History [Usher])               A-

Ec. 161a (Ind. Org. [Alexander and Crum])           A+

Spring 1947-48

Ec. 102b (Adv. Theory [Leontief])   Exc.

Ec. 133b (Ec. History[Usher])          A

Ec. 162b (Ind. Org. [Mason])           Exc.

Fields of study: Economic Theory, Industrial Organization, Money and Banking, Statistics, write-off, Economic History; special field, Business Cycles

Generals: Passed April 7, 1948 with a grade of Excellent Minus


[Supporting Statement
by Chairman of the Harvard Economics Department,
14 Dec. 1949(?)]

Schelling came to us immediately after the war with a quite extraordinary record in his undergraduate work at Berkeley and an outstanding war accomplishment in the Bureau of the Budget. His intellectual work with us was of the highest order, so high indeed that he was recommended for the Society of Fellows and accepted by them. However, Schelling saw fit to accept a position with the E.C.A. and at the end of the first year elected to stay with that organization even at the expense of resigning his fellowship. I have not heard from him directly but I understand that he intends to take his degree this spring and will be available.

The members of the staff most familiar with Schelling’s work—Hansen, Harris, and Smithies—regard him as one of the very top students we have had at least in the last ten years. I believe those mentioned will recommend him without qualification. It is true that his interest is mainly in the national income, fiscal policy approach, which I believe is one of the areas in which you are least interested, but he certainly is capable of working in theory and perhaps in other areas as well.

Very sincerely,


H. H. Burbank


Professor James W. Angell
Columbia University
New York 27, New York


Source: Department of Economics Collection, Columbia University Archive. Box 6, Folder: “Columbia College”.

Image Source: Harvard Kennedy School Magazine, Summer 2012.