Chicago Courses Syllabus

Chicago Economics. Math Econ (Econ 402). Henry Schultz References. 1932



Albert G. Hart was a graduate student at the University of Chicago 1931-34. Among the courses he took was that of Henry Schultz in mathematical economics. In his papers are three sets of reading lists for the course along with Hart’s handwritten notes.

Course Description Econ 402
References for Econ. 402
References for Cost Theory
References for Monopolistic Competition

The same core reading list was used in the autumn quarter of 1935. The reading list for that quarter has been transcribed in a later post, with the added attraction of having many links to the individual items on the list!



  1. Mathematical Economics.—A study of economic theory from the point of view of assumptions, range of problems, methods and tools, and validity and utility of results under present conditions. Consideration is given to the problem of “circular reasoning” in price theory, to the advantages and limitations of the mathematical approach, and to the possibility of developing a “statistical complement” to pure theory. Special attention is paid to the problem of price determination and to the mathematical theory of production. Readings will be assigned on special topics in the works of Cournot, Jevons, Walras, Pareto, Marshall, Moore, and others; and the class meetings will be devoted chiefly to discussion. Opportunity for investigation of particular problems is offered the student. Prerequisite: Economics 301 [Price and Distribution Theory], a reading knowledge of French, and consent of the instructor. Registration may be made for one or more courses each quarter. Summer, Spring, SCHULTZ.


Source: University of Chicago. Announcements, Social Sciences for the sessions of 1931-32. Vol. XXI, January 15, 1931, no. 11, p. 26


[Spring Quarter 1932]


Mathematical Economics
Henry Schultz
University of Chicago


Amoroso, Luigi Lezioni di Economia Matematica
Le Equazioni Differenziali della Dinamica Economica—in Giornale degli Economisti, February, 1929.
La Curva Statica di Offerta—Giornale degli Economisti, January, 1930.
Annals of the American Academy of Political & Social Science July, 1892 (Paper by Walras)
Auspitz, Rudolf
Lieben, Richard
Recherches sur la théorie du prix
Bentham, Jeremy Principles of Morals and Legislation
Bertolasi, Ellen Quittner Die Stellung der Lausanner Schule in der Grenznutzenlehre—in Arch. f. Sozialw. u. Sozialpol., 64. Band, Heft 1, August, 1930, pp. 16-44.
Black, J. O. Production Economics
Bonar, James Philosophy and Political Economy
Bousquet, G. H. Essai sur l’évolution de la Pensée économique
Précis de sociologie d’àpres Vilfredo Pareto
Vilfredo Pareto: Sa vie et son oeuvre
Boven, Pierre Les applications mathématiques à l’économie politique
Bowley, A. L. Mathematical Groundwork of Economics
Bridgman, P. W. The Logic of Modern Physics
Cassel, Gustav Theory of Social Economy
Fundamental Thoughts on Economics
Cournot, A. A. The Mathematical Theory of Wealth
Théorie des richesses
Cunynghame, H. Geometrical Political Economy
Del Vecchio, Gustavo La Dinamica Economica Di H. L. Moore—in Giornale degli Economisti, Anno XLV, Giugno, 1930, VIII, No. 6, pp. 545-554.
Dicey Law and Opinion in England
Edgeworth, F. Y. Mathematical Psychics
Papers relating to Political Economy
Evans, G. C. Mathematical Introduction to Economics
Fisher, Irving Mathematical Investigations in the Theory of Value and Prices,—in Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts & Sciences (9-10) pp. 1-125.
Giornale degli Economisti Aug. & Oct., 1924
Halévy, Élie La formation du radicalism philosophique
Hobson, E. W. The Domain of Natural Science
Jevons, W. S. Theory of Political Economy
Journal of the American Statistical Association Dec. 1923; March & Dec. 1924; Dec. 1926 (Papers by H. L. Moore)
Journal of Political Economy Oct. & Dec. 1925; April 1927
Marshall, Alfred Principles of Economics
Industry and Trade
Money, Credit and Commerce
Moore, Henry L. Laws of Wages
Economic Cycles
Forecasting the Yield & the Price of Cotton
Generating Economic Cycles
Synthetic Economics
Moret, Jacques L’emploi des mathématiques en économie politique
Nicol, A. J. Partial Monopoly and Price Leadership (Privately published)
Pantaleoni, M. Pure Economics
Pareto, Vilfredo Manuel d’économie politique
Cours d’économie politique
Anwendung der Mathematik auf National Ökonomie, —in Encycl. Mathematisch, Wissenschaft, I G 2, pp. 1094-1170
Économie mathématique, —in Encyclopédie des sciences mathématique, Tome I, vol. 4 (Fascicule 4, pp. 590-640)
The New Theories of Economics, —in Journ. Polit.Econ., Sept. 1897
Traité de sociologie générale
Pearson, Karl Grammar of Science
Pietri-Tonelli, Alfonso Traité d’économie rationelle
Pigou, Alfred [sic, Arthur] Economics of Welfare
Planck, Max A Survey of Physics
Poincaré, Henri Foundations of Science
Political Science Quarterly Vol. XXXIII, June, 1918, No. 2, pp. 164-5 (Paper by Mitchell)
Quarterly Journal of Economics Jan. 1898; Aug. 1925; Nov. 1926; March 1927
Revue d’histoire des doctrines économique et sociales 1910 (Article by Antonelli on Léon Walras)
Revue d’histoire économique et sociale 1924, pp. 225-43
Revue de metaphysique et de morale (13) 1905 (Section on Cournot)
Ricci, Umberto Die statistischen Gesetze des Gleichgewichtes nach Henry Schultz—in Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, January, 1931
Schultz, Henry Statistical Laws of Demand and Supply
Marginal Productivity and the General Pricing Process, —Journ. Polit. Econ., Oct. 1929
Der Sinn der statistischen Nachfragekurven
Vinci, Felice “Sui Fondamenti della Dinamica Economica”, Rivista Italiana di Statistica, Anno II, No. 3, Luglio-Settembre, 1930—VIII, pp. 222-268
Walras, Léon Économie politique appliquée
Économie sociale
Élèments d’économie politique
Wicksteed, Philip The Alphabet of Economic Science
Common Sense of Political Economy
Stephen, Leslie The Utilitarians
Zawadzki, Wl. Les mathématiques appliquées à l’économie politique
Zeuthen, F. L. Problems of Monopoly and Economic Welfare
[handwritten addition] Weinberger, Otto Mathematische Sozialwissenschaft



Economics 402
Prof. Henry Schultz


Marshall, A.—Principles of Economics, 8th ed., Book V, Chap. V.

Ricci, Umberto—“Curve piane di offerta dei prodotti”, Giornale degli Economisti, Vol. 33, September, 1906, pp. 223ff.

————- “Elasticita dei Bisogni delli Domanda e dell’ offerta,” Giornale degli Economisti, August and October, 1924.

Edgeworth, F. Y.—“The Laws of Increasing and Diminishing Returns”, in Papers Relating to Political Economy, Vol. I, pp. 61-99.

Young, Allyn A.—“Pigou’s Wealth and Welfare”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. XXVII, 1913, pp. 672ff.

Fanno, Marco—Contributo alla Teoria dell’offerta a costi conqiunti, Rome, 1914.

Clapham, J. H.—“On Empty Economic Boxes”, Economic Journal, Vol. 32, September, 1922, pp. 304-314.

Pigou, Prof. A. C.—“Empty Economic Boxes: A Reply”, Economic Journal, Vol 32, December 1922, pp. 458 ff.

Clapham, J. H.—“The EconomiC Boxes—a Rejoinder”, Ibid.

Knight, F. H.—“Some Fallacies in the Interpretation of Social Costs”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 38, 1924, pp. 582ff.

Sraffa, P.—“Sulle relazioni fra costo e quantità prodotta,” Annali di Economia, Bd. II, 1925.

————- “The Laws of Return under Competitive Conditions”, Economic Journal, Vol. 36, December, 1926, p. 535.

Papi, G. U.—Sul costo di produzione nei cicli economica, Rome, 1926.

Del Vecchio, G.—“Il costo quale element della theoria economica,” Giornale degli Economisti, Vol. 67, March, 1926, p. 167.

Robertson, D. H.—“Those Empty Boxes,” Economic Journal, Vol. 34, 1927.

Barone—Grunzüge der theoretischen Nationalökonomie, Bonn, 1927. (Translated by H. Staehle)

Cabiati—“Per riempire alcune ‘empty boxes’ finanziarie,” Giornale degli Economisti, 1928.

Pigou, A. C.—“An Analysis of Supply”, Economic Journal, Vol. 38, June, 1928, p. 238.

Shove, G. F.—“Varying Costs and Marginal Net Products,” Economic Journal, Vol. 38, June, 1928, p. 258.

Robbins, Lionel,–“The Representative Firm”, Economic Journal, Vol. 38, September, 1928, p. 387.

Young, Allyn A.—“Increasing Returns and Economic Progress”, Economic Journal, December, 1928.

Schultz, Henry—Statistical Laws of Demand and Supply, 1928, Chap. IV.

————- “Marginal Productivity and the General Pricing Process”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 27, October, 1929, p. 505.

Amoroso, Luigi—“La Curva Statica di offerta”, Giornale degli Economisti, January, 1930.

Robertson, D. H., Shove, G.F., and Sraffa, P.—“Increasing Returns and the Representative Firm: a Symposium”, Economic Journal, Vol. 40, March, 1930, pp. 79ff.

Morgenstern, Oskar—“Offene Problem der Kosten- und Ertragstheorie”, Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, Band II, Heft 4, March, 1931, pp. 481ff.

Harrod, R. F.—“Notes on Supply, Economic Journal, Vol. 40, June, 1930, pp. 232 ff.



Economics 402

Prof. Henry Schultz


Cournot, A. A.—Mathematical Principles of the Theory of Wealth, (1838) Bacon’s Translation, Chaps. V-VIII.

Edgeworth, F. Y.—Mathematical Psychics, London, 1881, pp. 20 ff.

————- “Teoria pura del monoplio”, Giornale degli Economisti, November, 1897, pp. 13-31.

————- “The Pure Theory of Monopoly” and

————- “Professor Seligman on the Theory of Monopoly”, in Papers Relating to Political Economy, Vol. I, pp. 111-171.

Bertrand, Joseph—“Review of Walras and Cournot”, Journal des Savants, Paris, September, 1883, pp. 499-508.

Marshall, Alfred—Principles of Economics, 8th edition, Chap. XIV.

Pareto, Vilfredo—Cours d’économie politique, 1909, pp. 595-602.

————- Manuel d’économie politique, 1909, pp. 595-602.

————- “Économie mathématique”, Encyclopédie de Sciences mathématiques, Tome I, Vol 4, Fascicule 4 (1911), paragraph 14, pp. 604-608.

Fisher, Irving—“Cournot and Mathematical Economics”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, January, 1898, p. 126.

Moore, Henry L.—“Paradoxes of Competition”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. XX, 1906, pp. 211 ff.

Zawadski, Wl.—Les mathématiques appliquées à l’économie politique, Paris, 1914, pp. 68-75.

Amoroso, Luigi—Lezioni di Economia mathematica, 1921, pp. 254-272.

————- “La Curva Statica di offerta”, Giornale degli Economisti, January, 1930, especially pp. 11-20.

Edgeworth, F. Y.—Review of Amoroso’s Lezioni, Economie Journal, September, 1922, p. 400.

Clark, J. M.—Economics of Overhead Costs, 1923.

Bowley, Arthur L.—The Mathematical Groundwork of Economics, 1924, p. 38.

Young, Allyn A.—Review of Bowley, Journ. Amer. Stat. Assn., Vol. XX, March, 1925, p. 134.

Myrdal, Gunnar—“Prisbildnings Problemet och Föränderligheten”, Uppsala, 1927.

Wicksell, Knut—“Mathematische Nationalökonomie”, Arch. f. Sozialwiss. u. Sozialpol., 1927, pp. 252 ff.

Schumpeter, Joseph—“Zur Einführung der folgenden Arbeit Knut Wicksells”, Arch. f. Sozialwiss. u. Sozialpol., 1927.

Bowley, A. L.—“Bilateral Monopoly,” Economic Journal, Vol. 38, Dec., 1928, pp. 651 ff.

Schumpeter—“The Instability of Capitalism”, Economic Journal, 1928, pp. 369-70.

Hotelling, Harold—“Stability in Competition”, Economic Journal, Vol. 39, March, 1929, pp. 41-57.

Chamberlin, E. H.—“Duopoly: Value Where Sellers Are Few”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. XLIV, No. 1, Nov., 1929.

Pigou, Alfred [sic, Arthur]—Economics of Welfare, 3d edition, 1929, Chaps. XIV-XVII.

Evans, G. C.—Mathematical Introduction to Economics, 1930, Chaps. I and III [handwritten note “add solutions (Duopoly)”]

Nichol, Archibald Jamieson—“Partial Monopoly and Price Leadership,” 1930. (Published by the author.)

Schneider, Erich—“Zur Theorie des mehrfachen Monopols, insbesondere der des Duopols”, Archiv. f. Sozialwiss. u. Sozialpol., Vol. 63, Heft 3, 1930, pp. 539-555.

————- “Drei Probleme der Monopoltheorie”, Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, Band II, Heft 3, January, 1931, pp. 376-386.

Zeuthen, F.—Problems of Monopoly and Economic Warfare, London, 1930.



Source: Albert G. Hart Papers. Box 60, Folder “H. Schultz. Math Ec”. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Columbia University.

2 replies on “Chicago Economics. Math Econ (Econ 402). Henry Schultz References. 1932”

Incidentally copies of virtually identical reading lists for Cost Theory and Monopolistic Competition can be found in the Hoover Institution Archives, Milton Friedman Papers, Box 5, Folder 12 (Student years). Friedman’s lists of courses he took with Schultz do not include the course in mathematical economics however.

Identical References for Econ 40 found in University of Chicago Archives. George Stigler Papers, Addenda, Box 33, Folder “1935 Univ. of Chicago Class Notes”.
Handwritten additions to the Henry Schultz papers in the Reference list: Interrelations of Demand, Price and Income, JPE Aug. 1935 and Interrelations of Demand JPE Aug. 1933.

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