Cornell Exam Questions Statistics

Cornell. Final Examination for Economic Statistics. Willcox, 1921



While I was unable to retrieve very much at all at the Library of Congress relevant to Walter F. Willcox’s teaching at Cornell, I did come across the following final examination in economic statistics from 1921. As can be seen from the questions, “statistics” was limited to meaning the tables of economic data compiled and published, especially by government agencies. 


Course Announcement

[Economics] 76b. Second term. Credit three hours. Prerequisite, course 51 [Elementary Economics]. Professor Willcox.


Source: Cornell University Official Publication, Vol. XII, No. 17 (1921), The Register 1920-21, p. 93.



Economic Statistics 76b

Final Examination June 7, 1921.
(Answer any ten questions)

  1. Describe the nature and scope (a) of economic statistics, (b) of business statistics. Explain the differences between them.
  2. What are the main economic uses of water as a natural resource in the United States?
  3. Describe briefly the coal resources of the United States in comparison with those of other countries.
  4. What effects have been produced on the distribution and growth of population by the location of the world’s coal fields?
  5. Explain the discrepancy between the statistical results reached by the Department of Agriculture and the Bureau of the Census. Which set of figures is preferable? Why?
  6. How is the line drawn between (a) agricultural products and manufactured products? (b) mineral products and manufactured products? Why is it drawn in that place?
  7. Is the yield of agricultural products per acre in the United States increasing or decreasing? Give the evidence in support of your reply.
  8. How are manufactured products classified? Why is their classification a matter of importance?
  9. How are hand trades and their products distinguished from manufactured products? how are the former treated at a census? Why?
  10. What are the main sources of information regarding American wage statistics? How may the apparent discrepancy in their results for the period 1890-1900 be reconciled.
  11. How is the wealth of a country or state estimated? If you were asked to estimate the wealth of New York State what method would you follow? Why?
  12. Describe the general nature of German university statistics. Sketch the history of its development.


Source: Library of Congress, Manuscript Division. The Papers of Walter Willcox, Box 39, Folder “Introduction to Social Philosophy”.

Image Source: Cornell North Campus from a photomechanical print from 1903 in the Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.