Exam Questions Harvard Suggested Reading

Harvard. Business cycle theory. Reading list and exam. Hansen and Haberler, 1938


This is one of those instances where I really would like to try to dig deeper to see what the actual course content was. From the 1940-41 Division announcements we have the following description of the Business Cycle course at Harvard:

The broad facts about the business cycle will be discussed first. The distinction between trend movements, seasonal fluctuations, long waves and the business cycle in various time series will be analyzed. Then various theories of the cycle will be reviewed and the principles of cycle policy and possibilities of mitigating or avoiding depressions considered.

For now we at least have a bibliographic list for the subject and the exam questions from the first time that Alvin Hansen and Gottfried Haberler co-taught the course together.


Course Enrollment

[Economics] 452hf. Professor Hansen and Associate professor Haberler.— Business Cycles.

Total 37: 2 Graduates, 25 Seniors, 7 Juniors, 2 Sophomores, 1 Other.


Source:  Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1937-1938, p. 85.


[Penciled Note: 1937-38]

[Penciled Note: Ec. 45a]



Haberler, Gottfried: Prosperity and Depression, League of Nations, Geneva, 1937
Hansen, Alvin H.: Business Cycle Theory, Ginn and Co., 1927
Röpke, Wilhelm: Crises and Cycles, William Hodge and Co., London, 1936.



Selected List of Books, Articles and Forecasting Services

A. Books

Adams, A. B. 1. Economics of Business Cycles

2. Profits, Progress and Prosperity

Ayres, L. P. Economics of Recovery
Bellerly Control of Credit
Brookings Institution The Recovery Problem in the United States
Cassel, G. The Theory of Social Economy, Book IV.
Clark, J. M. 1. Strategic Factors in Business Cycles

2. Economics of Planning Public Works, (Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.)

Copeland, Douglas Australia in the World Crises
Dickinson, F. G. Public Construction and Cyclical Unemployment
Douglas, Paul H. Controlling Depressions
Durbin, E. M. F. 1. Purchasing Power and Trade Depressions

2. The Problem of Credit Policy

Economic Reconstruction (Report of Columbia University Commission)
Economic Essays in Honour of Gustav Cassel
Fisher, Irving 1. Booms and Depressions

2. 100% Money

Foster and Catchings 1. Profits, Part V.

2. Business Without a Buyer

3. Road to Plenty

Gayer, Arthur D. 1. Monetary Policy and Economic Stabilization

2. Public Works in Prosperity and Depression

Haney, L. H. Business Forecasting
Hansen, A. H. 1. Economic Stabilization in an Unbalanced World

2. The Problem of Unemployment Insurance and Relief in the U.S., Part IV.

Hardy, C. O. and Cox, G. V. Forecasting Business Conditions
Harrod The Trade Cycle
Hawtrey 1. Good and Bad Taste [sic, “Trade”]

2. Trade Depression and the Way Out

3. Capital and Employment

Hayek, F. A. Prices and Production
Hobson, J. A. Economics of Unemployment
Hull Industrial Depressions
Keynes, J. M. 1. A Treatise on Money

2. The Means to Prosperity

3. General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money

4. Unemployment as a World Problem, pp. 1-42

Kuznets, S. S. Cyclical Fluctuations
Lavington Trade Cycle
Lundberg Economic Expansion
McCracken, H. L. Value Theory and Business Cycles
Meade  Economic Analysis and Policy
Mitchell, Wesley Business Cycles, the Problem and its Setting
Moore, Henry L. 1. Economic Cycles

2. Generating Economic Cycles

Moulton, H. G. 1. The Formation of Capital

2. Income and Economic Progress

Newman, William H. The Building Industry and Business Cycles
Ohlin, Bertil Course and Phases of the Depression (League of Nations)
Persons, Warren Forecasting Business Cycles
Persons, Foster and Hettinger The Problem of Business Forecasting
Pigou, A. C. Industrial Fluctuations
Robbins, Lionel The Great Depression
Robertson, D. H. 1. Money

2. Industrial Fluctuations

3. Banking Policy and the Price Level

Schmidt, C. T. German Business Cycles, 1924-1933
Schumpeter, Joseph A. The Theory of Economic Development
Slichter, S. H. Towards Stability
Smith, W. B. and  Cole, A.H. Fluctuations in American Business, 1790-1860
Snyder, Carl Business Cycles and Business Measurements
Timoshenko, V. 1. World Agriculture and the Depression

2. The Role of Agriculture Fluctuations

Tintner, Gerhard Prices in the Trade Cycle
Warren and Pearson Gold and Prices
World Prices and the Building Industry
Veblen, T. [1.] Theory of Business Enterprise

[2.] The Engineers and the Price System

Wagemann Economic Rhythm
Wicksell Interest and Prices


B. Articles

Aftalion, Albert in Review of Economic Statistics, October 1927

Haberler, Gottfried, “Some Reflections on the Present Situation of Business Cycle Theory,” Review of Economic Statistics, February, 1936

Hansen, Boddy and Langum, “Recent Trends in Business Cycle Literature,” Review of Economic Studies, May, 1936

Hansen and Tout, “Investment and Saving in the Business Cycle,” Econometrica, April 1933

Hansen, A. H., “Mr. Keynes in Under-employment Equilibrium,” Journal of Political Economy, October, 1936

Hansen, A. H., Harrod on the Trade Cycle,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, May, 1937

Hansen, A. H., “The Consequences of Reducing Expenditures,” Proceedings, Academy of Political Science, January, 1938

Kondratieff, M. D., “The Long Waves in Economic Life,” Review of Economic Statistics, November, 1935

Robertson, D. H., “The Trade Cycle—An Academic View,” Lloyds Bank Review, September, 1937

Schumpeter, Joseph, “An Analysis of Economic Change,” Review of Economic Statistics, May, 1935


C. Forecasting Services

  1. Annalist (Weekly)
  2. Brookmire Economic Service (Weekly and Special)
    Councillor; Annalist; Investor; Technician; Forecaster; Purchaser (outlook for commodity prices); Executive; Income Map; Special Reports on Industries.
  3. London and Cambridge Economic Service (Quarterly)
  4. Moody’s Investors Service (Weekly and Bi-weekly)
  5. Review of Economic Statistics; Harvard (Quarterly)
  6. Standard Statistics (Weekly, Bi-weekly, Monthly and Special)
    Business Prospects; Outlook for Security Market; Industry Reports A, B, C, etc.; Basic Statistics.
  7. United Business Service (Weekly)


Source: Harvard University Archives. Syllabi, course outlines and reading lists in Economics, 1895-2003 (HUC 8522.2.1). Box 2, Folder “Economics, 1937-38”.




[Final Exam]

(Write on THREE questions)

  1. Write briefly on each of the following:
    1. Summarize and evaluate the analyses of “the long waves” made by (1) Schumpeter, and (2) Kondratieff.
    2. Compare Robertson and Aftalion with respect to the role of fixed capital in the business cycle.
  2. Show the significance and implications of (a) the “principle of accelerations” and (b) the “multiplier” with respect to the “pump-priming” theory.
  3. “The turning point from prosperity to depression is caused not by a shortage of capital but by inadequate consumption expenditures.”
    (In answering this question discuss, among other items, the following: (1) Is saving deflationary? (2) What is the effect of an increase in savings (a) upon the value of real investment? (b) upon consumption? (3) Is over-investment a cause of recession?
  4. Discuss the part played by monetary factors in the trade cycle, drawing particularly upon the analyses of Hawtrey and Hayek.


Source:  Harvard University Archives. Harvard University Final Examinations, 1853-2001. Box 4. Papers Printed for Final Examinations. History, History of Religions,…, Economics,…, Military Science, Naval Science. June, 1938.

Image Source: Alvin Hansen (left) and Gottfried Haberler (right) from Harvard Class Album 1942.