Distribution Exam Questions Harvard

Harvard. Exam for Distribution of Wealth. Carver, 1907-1908


Thomas Nixon Carver was originally hired by Harvard for his work in economic theory. His course portfolio expanded to cover agricultural economics, sociology, economic reform schemes, and methodology, but his course on distribution probably is the best single reflection of his core economic understanding (beliefs?) regarding economic theory. 


From earlier semesters


The course content is undoubtedly captured in Carver’s 1904 book The Distribution of Wealth which was reprinted several times during his lifetime.


Course Enrollment

Economics 14a 1hf. Professor Carver. — The Distribution of Wealth.

Total 19: 5 Graduates, 4 Seniors, 5 Juniors, 2 Sophomores, 3 Others.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1907-1908, p. 67.


Mid-year Examination, 1907-08

  1. Assuming that the labor of a man and team, with the appropriate tools costs the farmer the equivalent of 5 bushels a day, how many days could he most profitably devote to the cultivation of each of the four fields described in the following table:—
Number of days’ labor of a man and team with the appropriate tools. Total product, in bushels, of each of four fields under
varying applications of labor.

Field A

Field B Field C

Field D


50 45 40 35
10 150 140 130



270 255 240 220
20 380 360 300



450 420 350 310
30 510 470 390



560 510 420 360
40 600 540 440



630 560 450 385
50 650 575 455


  1. Assuming that the relation of the labor supply to the land supply is such that for four fields like those assumed in the table there are 130 days labor of the kind assumed, what, in bushels, would be the normal rate of wages — i.e., what is the highest rate of wages at which the farmers could find it more to their advantage to employ all the labor than to leave some of it unemployed.
  2. Under the conditions assumed in Problem 2, how much, approximately, would the total product of the community be reduced if field A were withdrawn from cultivation.
  3. Exactly what do you understand by capital and how does it come into existence.
  4. How, if at all, is the supply of capital related to the rate of wages? What authors have you read upon this point and how does your opinion compare with theirs?
  5. What do you understand by the standard of living, and how does it affect wages?
  6. How is the productivity of an instrument of production determined? How is its value determined? How and where, in the process of valuation, does interest arise?
  7. What is the risk theory of profits? What writers, among those whom you have read, hold to this theory, and how do their views compare?
  8. What classes of incomes do you regard as earned, and what as unearned? Justify your position.
  9. What are the leading theories, so far as you have studied, as to how wealth ought to be distributed? Which do you prefer? Why?

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University. Mid-year Examinations, 1852-1943. Box 8, Bound Volume: Examination Papers, Mid-Years 1907-08.

Image Source: Portrait of Thomas Nixon Carver from the Harvard Class Album 1913. Colorized and enhanced by Economics in the Rear-view Mirror.