Exam Questions Harvard Public Finance

Harvard. Public finance and taxation exams. Bullock, 1907-1908

Early twentieth century public finance and taxation courses at the Harvard economics department belonged to the domain of Charles Jesse Bullock (1869-1941). He regularly examined economics graduate students to certify that they demonstrated having a reading knowledge of French and German.


Bullock’s earlier public finance exams
at Harvard

1901-02. Economics 7a and 7b. Financial administration; taxation [undergraduate]

1903-04. Economics 16.  Financial history of the United States

1904-05. Economics 7a. Introduction to public finance [undergraduate]

1904-05. Economics 7b. Theory and methods of taxation [undergraduate]

1904-05. Economics 16. Financial history of the United States.

1905-06 Economics 7.  Public finance [undergraduate]

1905-06 Economics 16. Public finance [advanced]

1906-97 Economics 16. Public finance and taxation

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From 1906: Selected Readings in Public Finance edited by Charles Jesse Bullock (Boston: Inn & Company).

From 1910: Short bibliography on public finance “for serious minded students” by Bullock


Course Enrollment, Public Finance

Economics 16a 1hf. Asst. Professor Bullock. — Introduction to Public Finance

Total 33: 6 Graduates, 12 Seniors, 7 Juniors, 7 Sophomores, 1 Other.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1907-1908, p. 67.


Mid-year Examination, 1907-08

  1. What were the causes of the increase of public expenditures in the nineteenth century?
  2. Compare the opinions of Adam Smith and Rau concerning public domains.
  3. Discuss the financial results of the United States Post Office.
  4. What have been the financial results of public ownership of railroads?
  5. Describe the organization of the United States Treasury Department.
  6. Describe the budgetary practice of American municipalities.
  7. For what purposes is it proper that a municipality should borrow money?
  8. Discuss the proposition that loans are drawn from the capital of a country and that taxes come from income.
  9. State and criticise Dr. Price’s theory of sinking funds.

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University, Examination Papers, 1873-1915. Box 8, Bound vol. Examination Papers 1908-09 (HUC 7000.25), p. 39.


Course Enrollment, Taxation

Economics 16b 2hf. Asst. Professor Bullock. — The Theory and Methods of Taxation

Total 59: 7 Graduates, 18 Seniors, 22 Juniors, 9 Sophomores, 3 Others.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1907-1908, p. 67.

Year-end Examination, 1907-08

  1. From a practical point of view what is to be said concerning progressive taxation?
  2. What can be said concerning the incidence of the following taxes: the property tax levied by Massachusetts upon machinery, upon merchandise, and upon livestock; and the corporate franchise tax on street railways?
  3. Discuss the experience of American states in taxing: (a) tangible personal property; (b) intangible personal property.
  4. State and discuss three cases of double taxation which often occur in the United States.
  5. What do you think of the proposition that a tax on the income of land is a tax on land, and therefore a direct tax under the provisions of the Constitution of the United States?
  6. What taxes would be paid by a French manufacturer who owned all the property, real and personal, employed in his business? What would be paid by an English manufacturer similarly situated?
  7. Compare excise taxation in Great Britain with excise taxation in France.
  8. Enumerate and discuss four constitutional limitations upon the taxing power of the legislature of Massachusetts.
  9. Compare national taxation in Great Britain with national taxation in the United States.
  10. What do you think of the expediency of employing taxation as an instrument of social reform?

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University, Examination Papers, 1873-1915. Box 8, Bound vol. Examination Papers 1908-09 (HUC 7000.25), p. 40.

Image Source: Library of Congress. Puck, 23 June 1909. “The fountain of taxation”. Published by Keppler & Schwarzmann, Puck Building.

A large fountain with four basins, at top, supported by a crown and scepters, is a basin labeled “Millionaire”, next resting on a cornucopia is “Well-To-Do”, then the “Middle Class” basin supported by an octopus, and at the bottom is the largest basin labeled the “Laboring Class”. The fountain is standing on a platform labeled “Tax System”; the water, cascading from top down is labeled “Burden of Taxation”.

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