Bibliography Fields Harvard

Harvard. Short Bibliography of Strikes and Boycotts for “Serious-minded Students”, Ripley, 1910


Strikes and Boycotts are the subjects  covered in the brief 1910 bibliography provided by Professor William Z. Ripley, and transcribed below along with links to digital copies of the items found at,, as well as at other on-line archives.

In 1910 Harvard published 43 short bibliographies covering “Social Ethics and Allied Subjects”, about half of which were dedicated to particular topics in economics and economic sociology. The project was coordinated by Plummer Professor of Christian Morals, Francis G. Peabody.

Previously posted bibliographies from Peabody’s “Social Ethics and Allied Subjects”:

Economic Theory by Professor Frank Taussig

Taxation by Professor Charles J. Bullock

Trade Unionism by Professor William Z. Ripley

Social Insurance by Dr. Robert Franz Foerster

Economics of Socialism by Professor Thomas Nixon Carver


From the Prefatory Note:

The present list represents an attempt to make this connection between the teaching of the University and a need of the modern world. Each compiler has had in mind, not a superficial reader, nor yet a learned scholar, but an intelligent and serious-minded student, who is willing to read substantial literature if it be commended to him as worth his while and is neither too voluminous nor too inaccessible. To such an inquirer each editor makes suggestions concerning the contents, spirit or doctrine of a book, not attempting a complete description or a final judgment, but as though answering the preliminary question of a student, “What kind of book is this?” The plan thus depends for its usefulness on the competency of the editors concerned, and each editor assumes responsibility for the section to which his name is prefixed.

Source: Prefatory Note by Francis G. Peabody. A Guide to Reading in Social Ethics and Allied Subjects, Lists of Books and Articles Selected and Described for the Use of General Readers. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, 1910, p. vi.



Most of the general treatises on trades unions (q. v.) devote much attention to the subject of strikes. There are few books devoted solely to the subject. Among the best references, including some of those already in the list of references under Trade Unionism, are the following:

Adams, Thomas S., and Sumner, Helen L. Labor problems. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1905, pp. 175-212, with bibliographical notes.
Commons, John R., editor. Trade unionism and labor problems. Boston: Ginn & Company, 1905, pp. xiv, 628.
Gilman, Nicholas Paine. Methods of industrial peace. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1904, pp. x, 436.
Nicholson, Joseph Shield. Strikes and social problems. London: A. & C. Black, 1896, pp. viii, 238.
Hall, Fred S. Sympathetic strikes and sympathetic lock-outs. Columbia University Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, 1898, pp. 118.

A valuable study of a perplexing sort of conflict. Also bibliography.

Howell, George. The conflicts of labor and capital. Second and revised edition. London: Macmillan & Co., 1890, pp. xxxvi, 536.
Adams, Thomas S. Violence in labor disputes. Publications of the American Economic Association (February), 1906, pp. 176-218.

Strike statistics are now compiled by all the leading countries of the world. The official reports are currently reported and reviewed in the Bulletins of the United States Bureau of Labor.
The best discussion of the facts is found in the following references:

Hanger, G. W. W. Strikes and lockouts in the United States, 1881-1900. Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor, No. 54.
Farnam, Henry W. The quantitative study of the labor movement. Publications of the American Economic Association (February), 1906, pp. 160-175.
Cross, Ira. Strike statistics. Publications of the American Statistical Association, No. 82, 1908, pp. 169-194.

The law relating to industrial conflicts is fully discussed in the “Final report of the United States Industrial Commission” (Washington, 1902). The development of the law of conspiracy is discussed in the “Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science” (1909). Other references will be found [in the other Ripley bibliography] under the legal aspects of Trade Unionism.

The use of injunctions in labor disputes is technically discussed in John R. Commons’ “Trade unionism and labor problems” (p. 156), with many further references. A special issue of the “Studies of the American Economic Association” in 1893 gives a fair account. Consult also the “Final report of the United States Industrial Commission” and the “Report of the Massachusetts Commission on Relations of Employer and Employed,” 1904, p. 58.

The illuminating Australian experience is best treated by Dr. Victor S. Clark in his “Labour Movement in Australasia” (New York, 1906); as also by D. Knoop, “Industrial conciliation and arbitration” (London, 1905).

Canadian experience under the new Industrial Disputes Act is described by Dr. Victor S. Clark in Bulletins Nos. 76 and 86, United States Bureau of Labor, 1908 and 1910; and by Dr. Adam Shortt in Publications of the American Economic Association, Proceedings of the Twenty-first Annual Meeting, 1908, pp. 158-177.


Source: Teachers in Harvard University, A Guide to Reading in Social Ethics and Allied Subjects, Lists of Books and Articles Selected and Described for the Use of General Readers. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, 1910, pp. 186-187.

Image Source: Harvard University Archives. William Zebina Ripley [photographic portrait, ca. 1910], J. E. Purdy & Co., J. E. P. & C. (1910).