Economics in the Rear-view Mirror is extremely proud to provide a comprehensive, granular set of references suggested for 137 possible topics for papers to be written in the undergraduate course βMoney, Banking, and Commercial Crisesβ jointly taught by Professor John Henry Williams and Associate Professor Seymour Edwin Harris during the 1938-39 academic year at Harvard College. We have before us the vista of the breaking dawn of Keynesian macroeconomics as experienced by Harvard undergraduates(!).
Warning: I have encountered numerous misprints and I have corrected/edited when noticed. I have tried to transcribe accurately but the devil of typos is unlikely to be contained over 30 pages. Nonetheless I believe the value of the material transcribed below is hardly diminished by cooking and serving this document on the rare side. Certain items are included in many topics, giving an indication of their scope but also an indication of their importance in the eyes of the instructors.
Course Material from the Other Years
Source: Harvard University Archives.
Suggested Topics for Theses
in Economics 41
- Creation of Bank Deposits
- Growth of Bank Deposits since the War
- Guarantee of Bank Deposits
- Principles of Bank Note Regulation
- Role of Bank Notes in the U.S.
- Systems of Note Issue
- Velocity of Circulation
- Bank Assets from a Bankerβs Viewpoint
- Bank Expenses
- Bank Failures
- Excess Reserves
- Member Bank Reserve Requirements
- 100% Reserve Plan
- The Banking Principle vs. the Currency Principle
- Competition of State and National Banks
- New York as International Financial Center
- Money Market in some one Year
- American Discount Market
- Agricultural Credit
- Eligible Paper
- Brokersβ Loans
- Collateral Loans vs. One Name Paper
- Interrelation of Rates of Interest
- Causes of Stock Market Crash
- Causes and Results of Bank Holiday
- Causes of Decline of Commercial Loans
- Banks and the Public Debt
- Federal Credit Agencies
- Bank Reform
- Nationalization of Banking
- Branch and Chain Banking
- Branch Banking in Britain
- Branch Banking in Canada
- Branch Banking in Russia
- Cunliffe Report on British Currency
- Monetary Developments in Some Countries Since the War
II. CENTRAL BANKING [General References]
- Development of Central Banking Functions
- Organization of Federal Reserve System
- Bank Act of 1933
- Bank Act of 1935
- Review of Federal Reserve Policy for Some Period
- Open Market Operations
- Varying Reserve Requirements
- Acceptance Market and the Federal Reserve System
- Industrial Advances of the Federal Reserve Banks
- Criteria of Monetary Policy
- Criteria of Federal Reserve Policy
- Neutral Money
- Price Stabilization: The Strong Bills
- Price vs. Economic Stabilization
- Qualitative vs. Quantitative Credit Control
- Central Bank Policy and Speculation
- Central Bank Policy and Agriculture
- Fiscal Function of Federal Reserve Board
- Bank Correspondent Relationship under Federal Reserve System
- Effectiveness of Central Bank Control
- Treasury Control of Monetary Policy
- Bank of England and London Money Market
- Central Banking in France
- Central Banking in Canada
- Cooperation of Central Banks
III. THE BUSINESS CYCLE β Analysis and Policy [General References]
- Causes of the Depression
- Critical Discussion of One Theory of the Business Cycle: Pigou / Robertson / Keynes / Hayek / Hawtrey / Mitchell
Foster and Catchings / Schumpeter / Harrod - Monetary Theory of the Trade Cycle
- Review of Warren and Person: Prices
- Period of Production and the Trade Cycle
- Review of Hayek: Prices and Production
- Theory of Forced Savings
- Theory of Bank Rates
- Installment Selling and the Business Cycle
- Underconsumption Theory of the Trade Cycle
- The Dilemma of Thrift
- Major Douglasβ Social Credit
- Fisherβs Compensated Dollar (Commodity Dollar)
- 100% Reserve Plan
- Public Expenditure and Prices
- The Theory of Public Works
- The Multiplier
78a Durable Consumer Goods and the Business Cycle
79b Construction and the Business Cycle
78c The Acceleration Principle
78d The Theory of the Long Waves
IV. MONETARY THEORY [General References]
- English Monetary Theory during the Napoleonic Wars
- Nominalistic vs. Metallistic Conception of Money
- Transaction vs. Cash Balances Approach to the Quantity Theory of Money
- Keynesβ Theory of Money
- Marshall as a Monetary Theorist
- Cannan as a Monetary Theorist
- Robertsonβs Theory of Money
- Hawtreyβs Theory of Money
- Knappβs Theory of Money
- Fisherβs Theory of Money
- Nature of Credit
- Pre-War and Post-War Gold Standards
- Great Britainβs Return to the Gold Standard in 1925
- Stabilization of the Lira
- France and the Gold Standard
- The Gold Bloc
- Causes and Consequences of Englandβs Departure from Gold
- Methods of Return to the Gold Standard
- Present Outlook for the Gold Standard
- Gold Exchange Standard
- Gold Movements since the War
- Gold Distribution and the Depression
- Is there a Gold Shortage?
- Methods to economize Gold
- Exchange Depreciation and World Recovery
- Exchange Depreciation Experience of Japan
- Exchange Depreciation Experience of Sweden
- Exchange Depreciation Experience of Britain
- Exchange Depreciation Experience of Australia
- Exchange Depreciation Experience of U.S.
- Exchange Central
- Sterling-Dollar-Franc Triangle
- The βGentlemenβs Agreementβ
- British Equalization Fund
- Gold Buying Policy and Devaluation
- Recent Silver Policy of the United States
- Monetary Consequences of the Fall in the Price of Silver
- Flexible Parities
- Hot Money
- Exchange Rates Under Incontrovertible Paper
- Purchasing Power Parity vs. Balance of Payment Theory of the Determination of Exchange Rates
- International vs. National Objectives of Monetary Policy
- Measures of Over-valuation
- The International Transfer of Purchasing Power
- The Forward Exchange Market
- Spreading the Gold Points and Short Term Capital Movements
- American Export of Capital since the War
- International Short Term Balances and the Depression
- Tariff Policy and the Depression
- Bank of International Settlement
VI. MISCELLANEOUS [No General References]
- War Finance
- The Reparations Controversy
- War Debts
- Fall of Prices: 1873-96
- Rise of Prices: 1896-1913
- Price Movement since the War
- Probable Future Trend of Prices
- Changes in the Value of Money and the Distribution of Wealth
- Monetary and Financial Questions Raised by the Social Security Program
* Β * Β * Β * Β * Β * Β * Β * Β * Β * Β * Β * Β * Β * Β *
General References [Return]
Allen, A. M., et al. β Commercial Banking Legislation and Control
Westerfield, R. B. β Money, Credit and Banking
Thomas, R. G. β Modern Banking
Willis, H.P. and Chapman, J.M. β the Banking Situation: American Post-War Problems
Willis, H.P., Chapman, J.M., and Robey, R.W. β Contemporary Banking
Bogin, J.I., Foster, M.B., Nadler, M. β Money and Banking
- Creation of Bank Deposits [Return]
Phillips, C.A. β Bank Credit
- Growth of Bank Deposits since the War [Return]
Mills, F. C. β Economic Tendencies
β Memoranda on Commercial Banks
β Annual Publications
Goldschmidt, R.W. β The Changing Structure of American Banking
Phillips, C.A., McManus, T.F., β Banking and the Business Cycle
Currie, L. β The Economic Distribution of Demand Deposits β Journ. Amer. Stat. Assn., June 1938
Hartzel, E. β Time Deposits β Harvard Bus. Rev., October 1934
- Guarantee of Bank Deposits [Return]
Robb, T. B. β Guarantee of Bank Deposits (1921)
Blocker, J.G. β Guarantee of State Bank Deposits β Univ. of Kansas, Bur. of Bus. Research, Bull. 11, July 1929.
Emerson, Guy β Guarantee of Deposits under Banking Act of 1933, Quart. Journ. Econ., Feb. 1934
Association of Reserve City Bankers β Guarantee of Bank Deposits, 1933
American Bankerβs Assn. β Economic Policy Committee β Guarantee or Bank Deposits 1933
Federal Reserve Bulletin β Oct., 1933
Business Week β April 1933
Bankers Magazine β June 1933
Hodgson, J. G. β Federal Control of Banking
Faust, M. L. β The Security of Public Deposits
Crowley, L. T. β Has Federal Deposit Insurance Strengthened the Banking System? β Bankerβs Mag., Jan. 1938
Wilcox, V. β Vast Powers of the FDIC β Annalist Nov. 8,1935
Bradford, F. A. β Angell, The Behavior of Money, Quart. Journ. Econ., Feb. 1937
FDIC β Federal Reserve Bulletin β Oct., 1936
Woolsey, J. B. β The Permanent Plan for the Insurance of Bank Deposits, South. Econ. Jour. Apr. 1936
Fox, M.J. β Deposit Insurance as an Influence for Stabilizing the Banking Structure β Jour. Amer. Stat. Assn., Mar. 1936
Hoffman, C. W. β Federal Insurance of Deposits: The New Law and How it Works β Jour. of Ann. Ins. Assn., Nov. 1934
Kimmel, L.H. β Federal Deposit Insurance β Conf. Board Bull, July 10, 1934
Smith, A. A. β Guaranty of Bank Deposits β Social Science Quarterly, July 1934
Toggert, J.H. and Jennings, L.D. β The Insurance of Bank Deposits β Jour. Pol. Econ. August 1934
Emerson, G.β Guaranty of Deposits Under the Banking Act of 1933 β Quart. Journl. Econ., Feb.1934
- Principles of Bank Note Regulation [Return]
Simmons, E.C. β The Concept of Lawful Money β Journ. Pol. Econ. Feb. 1938
- Role of Bank Notes in the U. S. [Return]
Steiner, W. H. β Money and Banking
Conant, C. A. β History of Modern Banks of Issue
Dunbar, C. F. β History of National Bank Currency
Folwell, W.W. β Evolution of Paper Money in U.S.
Hepburn, A. B. β History of Currency in U.S.
Rawie, H. L. β Fed. Res. Notes
Sumner, A. B. β History of American Currency
Simmons, E. C. β Elasticity of Fed. Res. Note β Amer. Econ. Rev., Dec. 1936
Simmons, E. C. β The Concept of Lawful Money β Jour. Pol. Econ. Feb. 1938
Brinton, C. β History of Paper Money to the War β Journ. of Modern History, Sept. 1934
- Systems of Note Issue [Return]
Simmons, E.C. β The Concept of Lawful Money β Journ. Pol.Econ. Feb. 1938
- Velocity of Circulation [Return]
Steinar, W. H. β Money and Banking
Keynes, J.M β Treatise on Money
Hawtrey, R. G. β Art of Central Banking
Hawtrey, R. G. β Currency and Credit
Anderson, β Value of Money
Laughlin, J. L. β Principles of Money
Fisher, I. β Purchasing Power of Money
Robertson, D. H. β Money
Foster, W.F. and Catchings, W., β Money
Foster, W.F. and Catchings, W., β Profits
Marshall, A. β Money, Credit and Commerce
Burgess, W. R. β Jour. Am. Statis. Ass., Vol. 18, #2
Lounsbery, A. W. β Quart. Jour. Econ., Nov. 1931
Lounsbery, A. W. β Quart. Jour. Econ., May 1933
Marget, A. W. β Jour. Pol. Econ., June and Aug. 1932
Marget, A. W. β Quart. Jour. Econ., Nov. 1932
Marget, A. W. β Theory of Prices
Marget, A. W. β The Velocity of Circulation β Quart. Journ. Econ. May 1934
Working, H. β Quart. Jour. Econ., 1923
Ellis, H. S. β German Monetary Theory
Ellis, H. S. β Some Fundamentals in the Theory of Velocity β Quart. Jour. Econ., May 1938
Dahlberg, Arthur β When Capital Goes on Strike: How to Speed up Spending
Angell, J. W. β The Behavior of Money
Angell, J. W. β Components of the Circular Velocity of Money, Quart. Journ. Econ., Feb. 1937
Bradford, F. A. β Angell, The Behavior of Money β Quart. Jour. Econ., Feb. 1937
King, W. I. β Recent Monetary Experiments and Their Effect on the Theory of Money and Prices β Jour. Amer. Stat. Assn., Aug. 1935
Gilbert, J. C. β A Note in Banking Policy and the Income-Velocity of Circulation of Money β Economica, May 1934
- Bank Assets from a Bankerβs Viewpoint [Return]
Natl. Indus. Conf. Board β Banking Situation in the U.S.
Mitchell, W. F. β Uses of Bank Funds
Ostrolenk, B. and Massie β How Banks Buy Bonds
Atkins, P. M. β Banksβ Secondary Reserves and Investment Policies
Bradford, F. A. β Banking
Moulton, H. G. β Financial Organization of Society
Langston and Whitney β Banking Practice
Goldschmidt, R. W. β The Changing Structure of American Banking
Foulke, R. A. β Commercial Paper in the Banking System β Banking, Feb. 1935
Carson, W. J. β Trends of Principal Earning Assets β Amer. Stat. Assn., June 1938
- Bank Expenses [Return]
Bradford, F. A. β Banking
Fed. Res. Bank β Annual Reports
Secrist, H. β Banking Ratios
Powlison, K. β Profits of Natl. Banks
Natl. Indus. Conf. Board β Banking Situation in the U.S.
Stark, W. L. β Bank Expenses
Thompson, D. S. β Trends of Bank Earnings and Expenses β Am Stat. Assn., June 1938
- Bank Failures [Return]
Steiner, W. H. β Money and Banking
Spahr, W. β Bank Failures in U.S.β Am. Econ. Rev. Suppl. 1932
Tebbutt, A. R. β Bank Failures in Natl. Banking System
Annals of Amer. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Science β Jan. 1933 β Bank Failures
Industrial Arts Index, 1935 and 1934
Goldschmidt, R. M. β The Changing Structure of American Banking
Anderson, T. J. β Federal and State Control of Banking
- Excess Reserves [Return]
Edie, L. D. β Easy Money
Guaranty Survey, Jan. 1936 β Problem of Excess Reserves and Business Recovery
- Member Bank Reserve Requirements [Return]
Report of Committee on Bank Reserves of Fed. Res. System
Currie, L. B. β Supply and Control of Money
Rodkey, R. G. β Legal Reserves in American Banking β Michigan Bus. Studies, Vol. VI, No. 5
Watkins, L. L. β The Variable Reserve Ratio β Journ. Pol. Econ., June 1936
- 100% Reserve Plan [Return]
Fisher, I. β 100% Money
Fisher, I. β 100% Money and Branch Banking β Northwestern Banker, March 1937
Fisher, I. β The Bankerβs Interest in 100% Money β Bankerβs Mag., Oct. 1936
Fisher, I. β 100% Money and the Public Debt β Econ. Forum, Apr., June, 1936
Robinson, G. B. β 100% Bank Reserves β Harv. Bus. Rev. Summer 1937
Neuman, A. M. β 100% Money β Manchester School, Vol. VIII, No. 1, 1937
Angell, J. W. β The 100% Reserve Plan β Quart. Jour. Ec. Nov. 1935.
Spahr, W.E. β Fallacies of Professor Irving Fisherβs 100% Money Proposal
Graham, F. D. β Reserve Money and the 100% Proposal β Amer. Econ. Rev., Sept. 1936
Lehmann, F. β 100% Money β Social Research, Feb. 1936
- The Banking Principle vs. the Currency Principle [Return]
Andreades, A. M. β History of Bank of England
Feaveryear, A. E. β The British Pound
Steiner, W. H. β Money and Banking, pp. 706-10
Keynes, J.M. β Treatise on Money p. 195
Laughlin, J.L.β Principles of Money
Levinsky, Money, Credit, and Prices
Viner, Jacob β Studies in the Theory of International Trade
Harris, S. E. β The Commercial Theory of Credit β Journ. Pol. Econ. Feb.1936
- Competition of State and National Banks [Return]
Hilderman, L. C. β National and State Banks
Tippetts, C. S. β State Banks and Federal Reserve System
Federal Reserve Bulletin β 1933, pp. 166-86
Pole, J. W. β Barrons, Sept. 19, 1932
Pole, J. W. β Proposed Unification of Banking, Bankers Mag. May 1932
Pole, J. W. β Washington Looks at State Banks, Am. Bankerβs Assn. Journ., May 1932
Pole, J. W. β Symposium on Proposed Unification of Banking under Fed. Supervision: Trust Companies, Apr. and May 1932
Natl. Indus. Conf. Board β The Banking Situation in the U.S.
Barnett, β State Banks and Trust Companies since Natl. Banking Act β Nat. Monetary Comm.
Hammond, E. β Banks, States and Fed. Govt. β Am. Econ. Rev., Dec. 1933
- New York as International Financial Center [Return]
Steiner, W. H. β Money und Banking
Einzig, P. β Fight for Financial Supremacy
Harris, B.D.β Branch Banks und Foreign Trade
Madden, J. T. und Nadler, M. β International Money Markets
Phelps, C. W. β Foreign Expansion of American Banks
- Money Market in some one Year [Return]
Statistical Sources β Reserve Bank and Board Bulletins
- American Discount Market [Return]
Foulke, R. A. β Commercial Paper Market
Reade, L. M. β Story of Commercial Paper Market
Steiner, W. H. β Money and Banking
Phillips, C. A. β Bank Credit
Balubanis, H. P. β The American Discount Market
- Agricultural Credit [Return]
Steiner, W. H. β Money and Banking
Sparks, E. S. β History and Theory of Agricultural Credit in the U.S.
Holt, W. S. β Federal Farm Loan Bureau
Stockdyke, E. A. and West, C. H. β The Farm Board
Norman, J. B. β Farm Credits in U.S. and Canada
Benner, O. L. β Federal Intermediate Credit System
- Eligible Paper [Return]
Hardy, C. O. β Credit Policies of Federal Reserve System
Dowrie, G. W. β American Monetary and Banking Policies
Harris, S. E. β Twenty Years of Federal Reserve Policy
Steiner, W. H. β Money and Banking
Warburg, P. M. β Federal Res. System, Vol. I, p. 465
Goldenweisser, E. A. β Significance of the Lending Function of the Fed. Res. System β Journ. Amer. Stat. Assn. Mar. 1936
- Brokersβ Loans [Return]
Flynn, J. T. β Security Speculation
Hovey, L. H., Logan, L. S., and Gavens, H. S. β Brokersβ Loans
Rogers, J. H. β Stock Speculation and Money Market, Quart. Journ. Econ., May 1926
Eiteman, β Economics of Brokersβ Loans, Amer. Econ. Rev. March 1932
Eiteman, β Economic Significance of Brokersβ Loans and Bank Credit, Journ. Pol. Econ., Oct. 1932
Eiteman, β Regulation of Brokersβ Loans β Amer. Econ. Rev. Sept. 1933
Eiteman, β Speculation, Bank Liquidity, and Price β Amer. Econ. Rev., Dec. 1934
Hoover, C. B. β Bank Deposit and Brokersβ Loans, Jour. Pol. Econ. 1929
Anderson, B. M. β Brokersβ Loans and Bank Credit, Chase Econ. Bulletin, Oct. 1928
Thomas, W. β Credit in Security Speculation, Amer. Econ. Rev. Mar. 1933 and 1935
Harris, S. E. β Twenty Years of Federal Reserve Policy
Ellis, H. S. β German Monetary Theory
20th Century Fund β The Security Markets
- Collateral Loans vs. One Name Paper [Return]
Westerfield, R. B. β Trend of Secured Loans β Journ. of Bus., 1932
Steiner, W. H. β Money and Banking, pp. 212-19 (ref. & biblio.)
Greef, A. O. β The Commercial Paper House in the U.S.
- Interrelation of Rates of Interest [Return]
Riefler, W. β Money Rates and Money Markets
Beckhart, B. H. β The New York Money Market
Keynes, J. M. β Treatise on Money
Macauley, F. R. β Theoretical Problems Suggested by Movements of Interest Rates in U.S.
- Causes of Stock Market Crash [Return]
Fisher, I. β Stock Market Crash and After
Hawtrey, R. G.β Art of Central Banking
Cassel, (Univ. of Chicago, 1928)
Keynes, J.M. β Treatise on Money
Reed, H. L.β Fed. Res. Policy, 1921-1931
Hardy, C. O.β Credit Policy of the Fed. Res. System
Harris, S. E.β Twenty Years of Fed. Res. Policy
Ohlin, B. β Course and Phases of the World Econ. Depression
Robbins, L.β The Great Depression
Hayek, F. β Prices and Production
Hirst, T.M.β Wall St. and Lombard St.
McGregor, A. G. β Basic Cause of World Depression and Sound Remedy
Salter, Sir Arthur β Recovery, the Second Effort
- Causes and Results of Bank Holiday [Return]
Colt, C. O. and Keith β Twenty-eight Days, A History of Banking Crisis
Amer. Bankersβ Assn. β Econ. Pol. Assn. β Banking after the Crisis
Ayres β Lessons of Banking Disaster, Com. and Fin. Chronicle Mar. 15,1933
Economist, Mar. 4, 11, and 19, 1933, American Banking Crisis
- Causes of Decline of Commercial Loans [Return]
Currie, L. β Decline of Commercial Loan β Quart. Journ. Econ. Aug. 1931
Natl. Indus. Conf. Board β Availability of Bank Credit β 1933
Commercial Borrowing under Recovery Act β Am. Bankersβ Assn. Journal, Sept. 1933
Present Sources of Bank Income β Amer. Bankersβ Assn. Journ. May 1934
Why Banks Donβt Lend β Bankersβ Magazine, Feb. 1934
New Banking Problems β Amer. Bankerβs Assn. Journ. Aug. 1934
What is a Sound Loan β Bankersβ Magazine, Nov. 1934
Stone, L. β Commercial Loans and Recovers β Barronβs Dec. 30, 1935
- Banks and the Public Debt [Return]
Willis, H. P. and Chapman, J. M. β The Banking Situation: American Post-War Problems
Cole, G. D. H. β What Everybody Wants to Know about Money
Smith, D. T. β Deficits and Depressions
Angell, J. W. β Fed. Finances and the Banking System, Amer. Stat. Suppl., March 1935
- Federal Credit Agencies [Return]
The Postal Savings System of the U.S. β Amer. Bankersβ Assn.
Survey of Government Banks β Banking, Jan. 1936
McDiarmid, J. β Govt. Corps and Federal Funds
Anderson, G. E. β Government Banking β Banking, Feb. 1936
- Bank Reform [Return]
Goldschmidt, R. W. β The Changing Structure of American Banking
Vanderlip, Frank A. β Tomorrowβs Money
Gephart, W. F. β Our Commercial Banking System β Am. Ec. Rev. Suppl. Mar. 1935
Hammond, R. β Long and Short Term Credit in Early Amer. Banking β Quart. Journ. Econ., Nov. 1934
Alling, N. D. β A Scientific Banking System β Bankersβ Mag. April 1935
Manuel, R. W. β Eliminating Bank Induced Inflation β Bankersβ Mag. Oct. 1937
Heilperin, M. A. β Economics of Banking Reform β Pol. Science Quarterly, Sept. 1935
- Nationalization of Banking [Return]
Currie, L. β Supply and Control of Money in the U.S.
Clark β Central Banking under Fed. Res. System
Sachse, O. β Socialization of Banking
White, A. B. β Nationalization of Banking (Eng.)
Proposal for Central Banking and Significance β Guaranty Survey, Sept. 1934
And Next β A Government Bank? β Rand McNally Bankersβ monthly, Nov. 1934
History Marks Boundary Between Govt. and Banking β Amer. Bankersβ Assn. Jour. May 1934
Essentials of American Banking Reform, etc. β Am. Bankersβ Assn. Journ., May 1933
Dodwell, D. W. β Treasuries and Central Banks
Goldschmidt, R. W. β Changing Structure of Amer. Banking
Moley, R. β Must Government Take over Banks? β Today, Feb. 3, 1934
Simons, H. C. β Positive Program for Laissez-Faire
Cole, G. D. H. β What Everybody Wants to Know about Money
Hubbard, Jos. B. β The Banks, The Budget, and Business
Govt. Ownership of the 12 Fed. Res. Banks β Ownership of the 12 Fed. Res. Banks β Hearings before the House Committee on Banking and Currency
Taylor, G. W. β The Case against the Nationalization of Banks β Journ. Canadian Bankersβ Assn., Oct. 1935
Rau, B. R. β The Nationalization of Money β Indian Jour. Econ., Oct. 1936
Paine, W. W. β Nationalizing the Bank β Bankersβ Ins. Manag. Mag., Sept. 1935
Socialization of the Banks β Bankersβ Ins. Manag. Mag., July 1934
Theodore, E. G. β Nationalization of Credit β Econ. Record, Dec. 1933
- Branch and Chain Banking [Return]
Annals of Am. Acad. Pol. And Soc. Science β Jan. 1934
Collins, C. W. β Branch Banking Question
Cartinhour, G. T. β Branch, Group and Chain Banking
Harr, L. A. β Branch Banking in England
Ostrolenk, B. β Economics of Branch Banking
Southworth, S. D. β Branch Banking in U.S.
Am. Bankersβ Assn. β A Study of Group and Chain Banking β Ec. Policy Com. 1929
Hearings on Branch, Group and Chain Banking β HR 141 β 1930
Chapman, J. M. β Concentration of Banking
Goldschmidt, R. W. β The Changing Structure of Am. Banking
Dowrie, G. W. β The Branch Banking Situation and Outlook β Harv. Bus. Rev., Summer 1938
Simpson, J. H. β Branch Banking in U.S. β Canadian Banker, Apr. 1938
Fisher, I. β 100% Money and Branch Banking β Northwestern Banker, Mar. 1937
Bradford, F. A. βAngell, The Behavior of Money β Quart. Jour. Econ. Feb. 1937
Galbraith, J. K. β Branch Banking and its Bearing on Agricultural Credit, Journ. Farm. Econ., April 1934
- Branch Banking in Britain [Return]
Steiner, W. H. β Money and Banking β 614-15 ref.
Sykes, J. β Amalgamation Movement in English Banking
Harr, L. A. β Branch Banking in England
Willis, H. P. and Beckhart β Foreign Banking Systems
Collins, C. W. β Branch Banking Question
- Branch Banking in Canada [Return]
Steiner, W. H. β Money and Banking, 614-15 ref.
Willis, H. P. and Beckhart, B. H. β Foreign Banking Systems
Collins, C. W. β Branch Banking Question
Holladay, J. β The Canadian Banking System
Dodds, J. β Banking in Canada β Jour. Canadian Bankersβ Assn., Jan. 1936
Addis, C. β Canada and Its Banks β Quart. Rev., July 1934
- Branch Banking in Russia [Return]
Arnold, A. Z. β Banks, Credit and Money in Modern Russia
Reddaway, W. B. β The Russian Financial System
Hubbard, L. E. β Soviet Money and Finance
Kellman, L. β Money and Banking in Russia β Harperβs Dec. 1936
Gourvitch, A. β Problem of Prices and Valuation in the Soviet System β Am. Econ. Rev. Suppl. [1936]
Nehru, S. S. β Controlled Currency and Credit β Some Russian Results β Indian Inst. Bankersβ Journ., Jan. 1935
- Cunliffe Report on British Currency [Return]
Cunliffe Report
War Period Literature
- Monetary Developments in Some Countries Since the War [Return]
Northrop, M. B. β Control Policies of the Reichsbank β 1924-33
Monetary Policy in the British Empire β Banker, Oct. 1935
League of Nations Reports
General References [Return]
Westerfield, R. B. β Money, Credit and Banking
Thomas, R. G. β Modern Banking
Willis, H. P. and Chapman, J. H. β The Banking Situation: American Post-War Problems
Willis, H. P., Chapman, J. H. and Robey, R. W. β Contemporary Banking
Bogen, J. I., Foster, M. B., Nadler, M. β Money and Banking
- Development of Central Banking Functions [Return]
Smith, V. C. β The Rationale of Central Banking
Weyforth, W. O. β The Fed. Res. Board: A Study of Fed. Res. Structure and Credit Control
Dodwell, D. W. β Treasuries and Central Banks, Especially in England and the U.S.
Anderson, J. β The Philosophy of the Fed. Res. Act. β Bankersβ Mag. Sept. 1935
- Organization of Federal Reserve System [Return]
Willis, H. P. and Edwards β Banking and Business
Steiner, W. H. β Money and Banking
Clark β Central Banking under Fed. Res. System
Warburg, P. M. β Fed. Res. System, Vol. I
Harding β Formative Period of Fed. Res. System
Strong, Benj. β Addresses and Speeches
Nat. Ind. Conf. Board β Banking Situation in U.S.
Willis, H. P. β Federal Reserve System
Weissman, R. L. β The New Federal Reserve System: The Board Assumes Control
Bopp, K. βThe Agencies of Federal Reserve Policy
Weyforth, W. O. β The Fed. Res. Board: A Study of Fed. Res. Structure and Credit Control
- Bank Act of 1933 [Return]
Fed. Res. Bulletin β June 1933
Brody β Act of 1933 and Emergency Act β Bankersβ Law Jour. 1933
Natl. City Bank Letter β July 1933
Steiner, W. H. β Money and Banking
Harris, S. E. β Twenty Years of Fed. Res. Policy
Goodbar, J. E. β Managing Peopleβs Money
Willis, H. P. β Federal Reserve System
Preston, J. J. β The New Federal Reserve System: The Board Assumes Control
Westerfield, R. B. β The Fed. Res. Board: A Study of Fed. Res. Structure and Credit Control
- Bank Act of 1935 [Return]
Amer. Inst. of Banking β Banking Act of 1935
Goodbar, J. E. β Managing Peopleβs Money
Bradford, F. A. β Banking Act of 1935 β Am. Ec. Rev., Dec. 1935
Gayer, A. D. β The Banking Act of 1935 β Quart. Jour. Econ., Nov. 1935
Gayer, A. D. β The U.S. Banking Act 1935 β Econ. Jour., Dec. 1935
Kress, H. J. β The Banking Act of 1935 β Michigan Law Rev. Dec. 1935
Preston, H. H. β Banking Act of 1935 β Jour. Pol. Econ. Dec. 1935
Crowder, W. F. β Evolution and Analysis of the Banking Act of 1935 β Journ. Bus. Univ. Chi., Jan 1936
Williams, J. H. β The Banking Act of 1935 β Am. Ec. Rev. Suppl. March 1936
Eccles, M. S. β The Banking Bill of 1935 β Barronβs May 27, 1935
- Review of Federal Reserve Policy for Some Period [Return]
Harris, S. E. β Twenty Years of Fed. Res. Policy
Hardy, C. O. β Credit Policies of Fed. Res. System
Dowrie, G. W. β American Monetary and Banking Policies
Goldenweiser, E. A. β Fed. Res. System in Operation
Reed, H. L. βDevelopment of Fed. Res. Policy
Reed, H. L. β Fed. Res. Policy, 1921-1930
Currie, L. B. β Supply and Control of Money in U.S.
Annual Reports of Fed. Res. Board
Fed. Res. Bulletins
Paris, J. D. β Monetary Policies of the U.S. 1932-38
Willis, H. P. β The Theory and Practice of Central Banking
Clark, L. E. β Central Banking under the Fed. Res. System with special reference to the New York Fed. Res. Bank
Weyforth, W. O. β The Fed. Res. Board: A Study of Fed. Res. Structure and Credit Control
Fisher, I. and Cohrssen, H. R. L. β Stable Money: A History of the Movement
Cole, G. D. H. β What Everybody Wants to Know About Money
Whitney, Caroline β Experiment in Credit Control: The Fed. Res. Sys.
Weissman, R. L. β The New Fed. Res. System: The Board Assumes Control.
Villard, H. H. β The Fed. Res. Systemβs Monetary Policy in 1931 and 1932 β Jour. Pol. Econ., Dec. 1937
Fed. Res. Policy βEconomist β London, Jan. 16, 1937
Miller, A. C. β Fed. Res. Policies, 1927-29, Am. Ec. Rev., Sept. 1935
- Open Market Operations [Return]
Weyforth, W. O. β The Fed. Res. Board: A Study of Fed. Res. Structure and Credit Control
Weissman, R. L. β The New Res. System: The Board Assumes Control
- Varying Reserve Requirements [Return]
[no references given for this item]
- Acceptance Market and the Federal Reserve System [Return]
Steiner, W. H. β Money and Banking, p. 309
Beckhart, B. H. β New York Money Market, Vol. III
Meech, S. P. β Journal of Business, Vol. II 1929
Riefler, W. β Money Rates and Money Markets
Hardy, C. O. β Credit Policies of the Fed. Res. System
Harris, S. E. β Twenty Years of Fed. Res. Policy
Jacobs β Bank Acceptances β Nat. Monetary Comm.
Whitney, Caroline β Experiment in Credit Control
- Industrial Advances of the Federal Reserve Banks [Return]
Hardy, C. O. and Viner, J. β Report on Availability of Bank Credit in 7th Fed. Res. District
Anderson, G. E. β Govt. Banking β Banking, Feb. 1936
Industrial Advances by Fed. Res. Banks β Fed. Res. Bull. April 1935
- Criteria of Monetary Policy [Return]
Gayer, A. D. β Monetary Policy and Econ. Stabilization. A Study of the Gold Standard
Slichter, S. H. β Towards Stability
Mills, R. C. and Walker, E. R. β Money
- Criteria of Federal Reserve Policy [Return]
Steiner, W. H. β Money and Banking
Harris, S. E. β Twenty Years of Fed. Res. Policy
Hardy, C. O. β Credit Policies of the Fed. Res. System
Willis, H. P. β The Theory and Practice of Central Banking
Fisher, I. and Cohrssen, H. R. L. β Stable Money: A History of the Movement
Whitney, Caroline βExperiments in Credit Control
Weissman, R. L. β The New Fed. Res. System: The Board Assumes Control
Cassel, G. β Guiding Principles of Monetary Policy β Mysore Econ. Journ., July 1938
Eccles, M. S. β Credit and Monetary Policies of the Fed. Res. β Bankersβ Magazine, April 1937
- Neutral Money [Return]
Gayer, A. D. β Monetary Policy and Econ. Stabilization: A Study of the Gold Standard
Armstrong, W. E. β Savings and Investment
Slichter, S. H. β Towards Stability
Barger, H. β Neutral Money and the Trade Cycle β Economica, Nov. 1935
Hayek, F. β Prices and Production
Hayek, F. β Monetary Theory and the Trade Cycle
Adarkar, B. P. β Hayekβs Neutral Money Doctrine β Ind. Jour. Econ. Jan. 1937
- Price Stabilization: The Strong Bills [Return]
Lawrence, β Stabilization of Prices
Keynes, J. M. β Monetary Reform
Keynes, J. M. β Treatise on Money
Robertson, D. H. β Banking Policy and Price Level
Hayek, F. β Prices and Production
Haberler, G. β Essay in Gold and Monetary Stabilization
Hardy, C. O. β Credit Policies of Fed. Res. System
Cassel, G. β Rate of Interest, Bank Rate, and Stabilization of Prices, Quart. Jour. Econ., Aug. 1928
Phillips, G. A., McManus, T. F., Nelson, W. β Banking and the Business Cycle
Commodity Prices and Stability β Economist, (London) Dec. 4, 1937
- Price vs. Economic Stabilization [Return]
Gayer, A. D. β Monetary Policy and Econ. Stabilization: A Study of the Gold Standard
Phillips, C. A., McManus, T. F., Nelson, R. W. β Banking and the Business Cycle
Harrod, R. F. β The Expansion of Credit in an Advancing Community β Economica, Aug. 1934
Ohlin, B. β The Inadequacy of Price Stabilization-Index Dec. 1933
Egle, W. β Monetary Conditions of Economic Stability β Am. Ec. Rev. Sept. 1938
- Qualitative vs. Quantitative Credit Control [Return]
Robey, R. W. β Purchasing Power: An Introduction to Qualitative Credit Control
Dunkman, W. E. β Qualitative Credit Control
- Central Bank Policy and Speculation [Return]
Hardy, C. O. β Credit Policies of the Fed. Res. System
Harris, S. E. β Twenty Years of Fed. Res. Policy, Vol. II
Currie, L. β Supply and Control of Money in the U.S.
Williams, J. H. β Review of Keynes, Quart. Journ. Econ., Aug. 1931
Keynes, J. M. β Treatise, Ch. 15
Reed, H. L. β Fed. Res. Policy 1921-1930, pg. 168
Annual Report of Fed. Res. Board (especially 1929 and 1930)
Rogers, J. H. β Stock Speculation and Money Market, Quart. Journ. Ec. 1926
Hearings on Strong Bills (Cassel)
Anderson, B. M. β Chase Ec. Bulletin, May 1929 and Oct. 1928
Balogh, β Am. Ec. Rev., 1930
Hawtrey, R. G. β Stock Speculation and Wall St., Art of Central Banking
Machlup, F. β Boersenkredit, Industrielle Kredit und Kapitalbildung
Ohlin B. β Index #31, July 1928, Central Banking Policy and Prices
Burgess, W. R. β R.E.S. 1930
Hayek, F. β Economica, 1932, p. 38
Hoover, C. B. β Journ. Pol. Econ. 1929 β Brokersβ Loans and Bank Deposits
Eiteman, W. J. β Economics of Brokersβ Loans β Am. Ec. Rev., 1932, pp. 69-71
Hearings, β Β Operation of Banking Systems 1931, p. 1024
Goodbar, J. E. β Managing Peopleβs Money
Whitney, Caroline β Experiments in Credit Control: The Fed. Res. Sys.
Smith, D. T. β Deficits and Depressions
Thomas, W. β Credit in Security Speculation β Am. Ec. Rev. β Mar. 1935
The Banks and the Stock Market, Journ. Pol. Econ. β Dec. 1935
- Central Bank Policy and Agriculture [Return]
Black, J. β Provision of Agricultural Credit in the U.S. β Quart. Journ. Econ. 1928
Annual Reports of Fed. Farm Board
Lee, V. P β Principles of Agricultural Credit
James, F. C. β Economics of Money, Credit and Banking, ch. 25
Sparks, E. S. β History and Theory of Agricultural Credit in U.S.
- Fiscal Function of Federal Reserve Board [Return]
Chapman, J. M. β Fiscal Functions of Fed. Res. Banks
Harris, S. E. β Twenty Years of Fed. Res. Policy
Clark, L. E. β Central Banking Function under the Fed. Res. System
Smith, D. T. β Deficits and Depressions
- Bank Correspondent Relationship under Federal Reserve System [Return]
Clark, L. E. β Central Banking under fed. Res. System
Watkins, L. R. β Β Bankersβ Balances
Steiner, W. H. β Money and Banking β p. 660
Hearings on Branch, Group and Chain Banking β 71st Congress
- Effectiveness of Central Bank Control [Return]
Hardy, D. O. β Credit Policy of Fed. Res. System
Harris, S. E. β Twenty Years of Fed. Res. Policy
Hawtrey, R. G. β Art of Central Banking
Keynes, J. M. β Treatise on Money β Book VII
Robertson, D. H. β Banking Policy and Price Level
Currie, L. β Supply and Control of Money in the U.S.
Reed, H. L. β Fed. Res. Policy 1921-1931
Zorn, E. C. β Why our Easy Money Policy has Failed β Bankersβ Mag. July 1938
Alling, N. D. β Fed. Res. Sys. And Low Int. Rates β Bankersβ Mag. May 1937
Burgess, W. R. β Limitations of Fed. Res. Policy β Bankersβ Mag. Nov. 1936
Platt, E. β Β The Limitations of Central Banking β Bankersβ Mag. Nov. 1936
Collins, E. H. β The Reserve Board Tests the Brakes β Banking Dec. 1935
Currie, L. β The Failure of Monetary Policy to Prevent the Depression of 1929-33, Jour. Pol. Econ., April 1934
Holladay, J. A. β Can Credit be Controlled? β Bankers Mag., May 1936
- Treasury Control of Monetary Policy [Return]
Harris, S. E. β Twenty Years of Fed. Res. Policy
Harding, W. P. G. β Formative Period of Fed. Res. System
Reed, H. L. β Fed. Res. Policy 1921-31
U.S. Chamber of Commerce β Banking and Currency Comm. Report & Suppl.
Dodwell, D.W. β Treasuries and Central Banks, Especially in England and the U.S.
Govts. And Central Banks β Economist, London, Mar. 28, 1936
Anderson, T. J. β Currency Powers of Congress β Bankers Mag., Jan. 1935
Powers of Congress over Banking β Bankers Mag., Feb. 1935
Bradford, F. A. β Political Banking Destroying the Reserve System β Annalist, Jan. 11, 1935
Ebersole, J. F. β The Money Management Powers of the Treas. and Fed. Res. Banks β Harv. Bus. Rev. Autumn 1936
Einzig, P. β Govt. Interference in Banking β Barronβs Nov. 18, 1935
- Bank of England and London Money Market [Return]
Andreades, A. M. β History of Bank of England
Spalding, β London Money Market
Strakes, β Money Market
Bagehot, W. β Lombard Street
Harris, S. E. β Monetary Problems of British Empire
Bisschop, β Rise of London Money Market
Thomas, S. E. β Β British Banks and Finance of Industry
Sagers, R. S. β Bank of England Operations, 1890-1914
Truptil, R. J. β British Banks and the London Money Market
Madden, J. T. and Nadler, M. β The International Money Markets
Beach, W. E. β British International Gold Movements and Banking Policy
Biddulph, G. β The Bank of Englandβs Monetary Policy β Econ. Forum, Sept. β Oct. 1934
- Central Banking in France [Return]
Peel, G. β Economic Policy of France
Madden, J. T. and Nadler, M. β The International Money Markets
Boris, G. β Reforming the Bank of France β Foreign Affairs, Oct. 1936
- Central Banking in Canada [Return]
Holladay, J. β The Canadian Banking System
Cohen, J. C. β The Govt. and the Central Bank in Canada β Banker, London, Apr. 1934
Rhodes, E. N. β Canadaβs Central Bank β Banking, Nov. 1934
Rogers, A. W. β The Bank of Canada β Journ. Canadian Bankersβ Assn. Oct. 1934
- Cooperation of Central Banks [Return]
Mlynarski, F. J. β Gold and Central Banks
Royal Inst. of Int. Affairs β International Gold Problem
Royal Inst. of Int. Affairs β Monetary Policy and Depression
League of Nations β Gold Report
MacMillan Report (Report of the Committee on Finance and Industry)
Hawtrey, H. G. β Art of Central Banking
Keynes, J. M. β Treatise on Money
Goldstein, A. β Fed. Res. Aid to Foreign Central Banks, Rev. Econ. Stud., Feb. 1935
Goldstein, A. β International Aspects of Fed. Res. Policy β Rev. Ec. Stat., Aug. 1935
III. THE BUSINESS CYCLE β Analysis and Policy
General References [Return]
Gordon, R. A. β Bibliography on Business Cycles, Rev. of Econ. Statistics, Special Number, Feb. 1937
- Causes of the Depression [Return]
Robbins, L. β The Great Depression
Bratt, E. C. β Business Cycles and Forecasting
Haberler, G. β Prosperity and Depression
Dulles, E. L. β Depression and Reconstruction: A Study of Causes and Controls
- Critical Discussion of One Theory of the Business Cycle:
Pigou / Robertson / Keynes / Hayek / Hawtrey / Mitchell
Foster and Catchings / Schumpeter / Harrod [Return]
Bresciani-Turroni β Rev. of Money theory and Trade Cycle β Economica, Aug. 1934
Ellis, H. β German Monetary Theory
Hanson, H. H. β Rev. of Prices and Production, Am. Ec. Rev., June 1933
Hawtrey β Rev. of Prices and Production, Economica, Feb. 1932
Hawtrey β Capital and Employment
Hawtrey β Prof. Haberler on the Trade Cycle β Economica, Feb. 1938
Hayek, F. β Paradox of Saving, Economica, May 1931
Hayek, F. β Money and Capital, Ec. Journ. β June 1932
Hayek, F. β Capital and Industrial Fluctuations, Econometrica, April 1934
Hayek, F. β On Relationship between Investment and Output β Ec. Journ., June 1934
Hayek, F. β Monetary Theory and the Trade Cycle
Hayek, F. β The Fallacy of Artificial Price Raising β Barronβs March 12, 1934
Keynes, J. M. β On Hayekβs Review β Ec. Journ., Nov. 1931
Knight, F. H. β Hayekβs Theory of Investment, Ec. Journ. Mar. 1935
Sraffa, P. β Hayek on Money and Capital β Ec. Journ., March 1932
Marget, A. W. β Theory of Prices
Hansen, A. H. β Full Recovery or Stagnation
Shackle, G. L. S. βExpectations, Investments and Income
Munro, H. β Principles of Monetary Industrial Stability
Haberler, G. β Prosperity and Depression
Harrod, R. F. β The Trade Cycle
Durbin, E. F. M. β Problem of Credit Policy
Hayek, F. β Investment that Raises the Demand for Capital β Rev. Am. Stat., Nov. 1937
Neisser, H. β Investment Fluctuation as Cause of the Bus. Cycle β Social Research, Nov. 1937
Chand, G. β Keynes and the Trade Cycle β Indian Jour. Econ. Apr. 1938
Muniswamy, M. K. βRecent Trends in Trade Cycle Theory β Indian Jour. Ec. β April 1938
Mr. Keynes and Finance β Ec. Jour. June 1935
Mukherjee, B. β Trade Cycle and Its Remedies β Nature and Causes of Trade Cycles β Indian Jour. Econ. Apr. 1931
Robertson, D. H. β Trade Cycle β An Academic View β Lloydβs Bank Monthly Rev., Sept. 1937
Population Cycles: A Cause of the Business Cycle β Quart. Journ. Ec., Jan. 1937
Adarkar, B. P. β Prof. Hayekβs Neutral Money Doctrine β Ind. Journ. Ec., Jan. 1937
- Monetary Theory of the Trade Cycle [Return]
Hayek, F. β Monetary Theory and the Trade Cycle
Haberler, G. β Prosperity and Depression
Weyforth, W. O. β The Fed. Res. Board: A Study of Fed. Res. Structure and Credit Control
Fisher, A. G. B. β Volume of Produce and Volume of Money β Am. Ec. Rev., June 1935
Shackle, G. L. S. β Some Notes on Monetary Theories of the Trade Cycle β Rev. Ec. Stud., Oct. 1933
Snyder, C. β Problem of Monetary and Econ. Stability β Quart. Journ. Econ., Feb. 1935
- Review of Warren and Person: Prices [Return]
Warren, G. and Pearson, F. A. β Prices
Warren, G. and Pearson, F. A. β World Prices and the Building Industry
Warren, G. and Pearson, F. A. β Monetary Policy and Prices β Journ. Farm. Econ., May 1935
Warren, G. β Some Statistics on the Gold Situation β Am. Ec. Rev. Suppl. March 1934
Spahr, W. β Monetary Theory of Warren and Pearson
Ransome and Mann β Future of Prices, Home and Abroad
Laughlin, J. L. β Principles of Money
Scott, β Money and Banking
Hardy, C. O. β The Warren-Pearson Price Theory
- Period of Production and the Trade Cycle [Return]
Hawtrey, R. G. β Capital and Employment
- Review of Hayek: βPrices and Productionβ [Return]
Hawtrey, R. G. β Capital and Employment
- Theory of Forced Savings [Return]
Robertson, D. H. β Money
Robertson, D. H. β Banking Policy and the Price Level
Economics of Saving β Amer. Econ. Rev., 1913
Egle, W. β Money and Production β Journ. Pol. Econ., June 1935
Durbin, E. F. M. β Purchasing Power and Trade Depression
- Theory of Bank Rates [Return]
Keynes, J. M. β Treatise on Money
Keynes, J. M. β General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
Harris, S. E. β Twenty Years of Fed. Res. Policy
Steiner, W. H. β Money and Banking
Hawtrey, R. G. β Art of Central Banking
Hawtrey, R. G. β Currency and Credit
Hayek, F. β Prices and Production
Hayek, F. β Monetary Theory of the Trade Cycle
Wicksell, K. β Natural Rate of Interest, Quart. Journ. Ec., 1907
Macaulay, F. R. β Theoretical Problems Suggested by Movements of Interest Rates in the U.S.
Adarkar, B. P. β Theory of Monetary Policy
Edie, L. D. β Easy Money
Wicksell, K. β Interest and Price
Fleming, J. M. β Determination of the Rate of Interest, Economica, Aug. 1938
Melville, R. G. β The Theory of Interest β Econ. Record, June 1938
Bissell, R. M. β The Rate of Interest β Suppl. Am. Ec. Rev., Mar. 1938
Conning, J. B. β The Rate of Interest β Suppl. Am. Ec. Rev., Mar. 1938
Lange, O. β Rate of Interest and the Optimum Propensity to Consume, Economica, March 1938
Lange, O. β The Place of Interest in the Theory of Production, Rev. Econ. Stud., June 1936
Keynes, J. M. β The βEx Anteβ Theory of Interest Rate β Ec. Journ. Dec. 1937
Tahata, Y. β Determination of Rate of Interest β Kyoto Univ. Ec. Rev. β July 1937
Lerner, A. P. β Alternative Formulations of the Theory of Interest, Ec. Journ., June 1938
Millikan, M. β Liquidity Preference Theory of Interest β Am. Ec. Rev., June 1938
Riley, R. H. β Note on βA Break in Keynes Theory of Interestβ β Am. Ec. Rev., June 1928
Ohlin, B., Robertson, D. H., and Hawtrey, R. G. β Alternative Theories of the Rate of Interest β Ec. Journ. September 1937
Keynes, J. M. β Alternative Theories of the Rate of Interest β Econ. Journ., June 1937
Ellsworth, P. T. β Mr. Keynes on the Rate of Interest β Journ. Pol. Ec., Dec. 1936
Jones, H. L. β Should Interest be Abolished? β Bankers Mag., May 1936
Hutton, D. G. β Recovery and the Rate of Interest β Lloydβs Bank Rev., Feb., 1937
- Installment Selling and the Business Cycle [Return]
Currie, L. β Supply and Control of Money in U.S.
Moulton, H. G. β Financial Organization of Society
Steiner, W. H. β Money and Banking
Clark, Evans β Financing the Consumer
Seligman, E. R. A. β Economics of Installment Selling
Ayres, M. V. and Plummer, C. W. β Social and Economical Consequences of Buying on the Installment Plan β Annals of the Amer. Acad. of Pol. and Soc. Science, 1927 Suppl.
Phelps, C. W. β Controlled Installment Credit β Household Fin. Corp.
Babson, R. W. β Folly of Installment Buying
Cover, J. H. β Financing the Consumer
Douglas, P. F. β Consumer Credit
Goldman, J. β Prosperity and Consumer Credit
Foster, L. B. R. β Credit for Consumers
Zweig, F. β The Economics of Consumer Credit
Silberling, N. J. β Consumer Goods Financing and Investment Fluctuations β Amer. Ec. Rev., Sept. 1938
Schwartz, G. L. β Installment Finance β Economica β May 1936
Installment Finance β βIndexβ, N.Y. Trust Co., April 1937
Consumer Credit β Annals Amer. Acad. Pol. Science, March 1938
- Underconsumption Theory of the Trade Cycle [Return]
Munro, H. β Principles of Monetary-Industrial Stability
Haberler, G. β Prosperity and Depression
Phillips, C. A., et al. β Banking and the Business Cycle
Adams, A. B. β Analysis of Business Cycles
Foster, W. T. and Catchings, W. β Profits
Slichter, S. H. β Towards Stability
Durbin, E. F. M. β Purchasing Power and the Trade Depression
Hayek, F. β Prices and Production
Hobson, J. A. and Durbin, E. F. M. β Underconsumption β Economica, November 1933
- The Dilemma of Thrift [Return]
Foster, W. T. and Catchings, W. β Profits
Pigou and Robertson β Β Review of Foster and Catchings
Hayek, F. β Paradox of Saving β Economica, May 1931
Mitchell, W. C. β Business Cycles
Keynes, J. M. β Treatise on Money
- Major Douglasβ Social Credit [Return]
Douglas, C. H. β Social Credit
Holter, E. S. β The ABC of Social Credit
Meade, J. E. β Consumersβ Credit and Unemployment
Hansen, A. H. β Full Recovery or Stagnation
Hawtrey R. G. β Capital and Employment
Dobb, M. β Social Credit Discredited
Strachey, J. β Social Credit
Larkin, J. C. β From Debt to Prosperity
Chase, H. S. β Fallacies of Social Credit β Am. Ec. Rev. Dec. 1935
Chase, H. S. β Social Credit: A Study of the New Economics β Bankers Magazine, April 1935
Robinson, G. B. β Where Social Credit Has Led Us β Annalist, Dec. 27, 1935
The Social Credit Doctrine β Barronβs Weekly, Oct. 28, 1935
Cordell, W. and K. β Alberta and Social Credit β No. Am. Rev. March 1936
- Fisherβs Compensated Dollar (Commodity Dollar) [Return]
Fisher, I. β Stabilizing the Dollar
U.S. House of Representatives β Committee on Banking and Currency β Hearings on Goldsborough Bill, H. R., 11788 β 1923
U.S. House of Representatives β Committee on Banking and Currency β Hearings on Goldsborough Bill, H. R., 424 β 1929J
Report on Fisherβs Plan to Stabilize the Dollar β Journ. Am. Bankersβ Assn, 1920
Anderson, B. M. β Fallacy oft he Stabilized Dollar, Journ. Am. Bankersβ Assn, 1929
Taussig, F. W. β Plan for Compensated Dollar β Quart. Journ. Ec. 1913
Lawrence, β Stabilization of Prices
Gideonse, H. D. β The Commodity Dollar
Kemmerer, E. W. β Money
Slichter, S. H. β Towards Stability
Reed, H. L. β The Commodity Dollar
Rorty, M. C. β The Commodity Dollar β Harv. Bus. Rev., Winter, 1936
- 100% Reserve Plan [Return]
(See Title Number 13)
- Public Expenditure and Prices [Return]
Gayer, A. D. β Public Works in Prosperity and Depression
Gayer, A. D. β Monetary Policy and Econ. Stabilization
Clark, J. M. β Economics of Planning Public Works
Pigou, A. C. β Public Finance (or any standard text)
Pigou, A. C. β Theory of Unemployment
Keynes, J. M. β Means to Prosperity
Hawtrey, R. G. β Trade Depression and the Way Out
Foster, W. T. and Catchings β Profits
Harris, S. E. β Public Expenditure and Prices β Rev. Ec. Stat., Feb. 1935
Kahn, R. F. β Home Investment β Ec. Journ. 1931
Worming, J. β Financing of Public Works β Ec. Journ. 1932
Bowley, A. β Is Unemployment Inevitable?
Wolman, L. β Public Works
Hubbard, J. B. β Economics of Public Works
Boynton, P. H., et al. β Economics of Pump Priming
Slichter, S. H. β The Economics of Public Works β Am. Ec. Rev. Suppl. March 1934
Cole, G. D. H. β Economic Planning
Douglas, Paul β Controlling Depressions
- The Theory of Public Works [Return]
(See above Title and References)
- The Multiplier [Return]
Harrod, R. F. β Trade Cycle
Kahn, R. F. β Home Investment, Econ. Journ. 1931
Clark, Colin β Determination of the Multiplier from Natl. Income Statistics β Rev. Econ. Stat., May 1938
Bresciani-Turroni, C. β The Multiplier in Practice β Rev. Econ. Stat., May 1938
General References
Gordon, R. A. β Bibliography on Business Cycles, Review of Economic Statistics, Special Number, Feb. 1937
- English Monetary Theory during the Napoleonic Wars [Return]
MacLeod, H. D. β Theory of Credit
Cannan, E. β Paper Pound
Thornton β Paper Credit of Great Britain
Report of Bullion Committee
Tracts on Bullion Committee Report
Ricardo, D. β Price of Gold
Keynes, J. M. β Essays in Biography, on Malthus
Andreades, A. M. β History of the Bank of England
Angell, J. β International Prices
Fisher, I. and Cohrsson, H. R. L. β Stable Money: A History of the Movement
- Nominalistic vs. Metallistic Conception of Money [Return]
Encyclopedia of Social Sciences
Knapp, β The State Theory of Money
Ellis, β German Monetary Theory
- Transaction vs. Cash Balances Approach to the Quantity Theory of Money [Return]
Marget, A. W. β
Ellis, β German Monetary Theory
- Keynesβ Theory of Money [Return]
Keynes, J. M. β Treatise on Money
Keynes, J. M. β Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
Williams, J. H. β Review of Keynes β Quart. Journ. Ec., Aug. 1931
Robertson, D. H. β Review of Keynes β Ec. Journ. Sept. 1931
Robertson, D. H. β Mr. Keynes and βFinanceβ β Ec. Journ. Sept. 1938
Hayek F. β Review of Keynes β Economica, Aug. 1931, Feb. 1931 (see also Keynesβ rejoinders in Economica, Nov. 1931 and FF)
Hawtrey, R. G. β Art of Central Banking
Marget, A. W. β Theory of Prices
Curtis, Myra and Townsend, Hugh β Modern Money
Joy, D. β Keynes on Money β Banker (London) April 1936
- Marshall as a Monetary Theorist [Return]
Marshall, Alfred β Money, Credit and Commerce
Marshall, Alfred β Official Papers
Keynes, J. M. β Treatise on Money
Angell, J. W. β Theory of International Prices
Memorial to Alfred Marshall, especially Keynes Essay
Robertson, D. H. β Economic Fragments
Pigou, A. C. and Robertson, D. H. β Economic Essay and Addresses
- Cannan as a Monetary Theorist [Return]
Cannan, E. β Modern Currency and Regulation of its Value
Cannan, E. β Economic Scares
Cannan, E. β Money (trace through 3rd to 6th editions)
Gregory, T. E β Professor Cannanβs Contemporary Monetary Theory β βLondon Essays on Economicsβ.
- Robertsonβs Theory of Money [Return]
Robertson, D. H. β Money
Robertson, D. H. β Banking Policy and Price Level
Robertson, D. H. β Economic Fragments
Robertson, D. H. and Pigou, A. C. β Economic Essay and Addresses
- Hawtreyβs Theory of Money [Return]
Hawtrey, R. G. β Currency and Credit
Hawtrey, R. G. β Trade Depressions
Hawtrey, R. G. β Art of Central Banking
Cannan, E. β Rev. of Hawtrey, Gold Standard, Ec. Journ., Dec. 1927
Cannan, E. β Rev. of Hawtrey, Trade Depression, etc., Ec. Journ. Mar. 1932
Hardy, C. O. β Rev. of Hawtrey, Art of Central Banking, Am. Ec. Rev. June 1933
Harrod, R. F. β Rev. of Hawtrey, Currency and Credit, Ec. Journ., June 1929
Harrod, R. F. β Rev. of Trade Depression, etc., Ec. Journ. June, 1934
Keynes, J. M. β Rev. of Hawtrey, Currency and Credit, Ec. Journ., Sept. 1920
Marget, A. W. β Rev. of Hawtrey, Gold Standard, Quart. Journ. Ec. Nov. 1927
Pigou, A. C. β Rev. of Hawtrey, Trade and Credit, β Ec. Journ., June 1929
Robertson, D. H. β Rev. of Hawtrey, Monetary Reconstruction β Ec. Journ., June 1923
Young, A. A. β Rev. of Hawtrey, Currency and Credit, Quart. Journ. Ec. May 1920
- Knappβs Theory of Money [Return]
(Consult Library Card Catalog)
- Fisherβs Theory of Money [Return]
(Consult Library Card Catalog)
- Nature of Credit [Return]
MacLeod, H. D. β Theory of Credit
Mill, J. S. β Chapters on Credit
Steiner, W. H. β Money and Banking
Prendergast and Steiner β Credit and its Uses
Robertson, D. H. β Money
Keynes, J. M. β Treatise on Money
Hawtrey, R. G. β Art of Central Banking
Phillips, C. A. β Bank Credit
Currie, L. β Supply and Control of Money in the U.S.
General References [Return]
Young, J. P. β International Trade and Finance
Westerfield, R. B. β Money, Credit and Banking
Thomas, R. G. β Modern Banking
Madden, J. T. and Nadler, M. β The International Money Market
Einzig, Paul β World Finance, 1914-35
- Pre-War and Post-War Gold Standards [Return]
Irons, W. H. β A Study of the Causes Underlying the International Gold Crisis
Gayer, A. D. β Monetary Policy and Economic Stabilization: A Study of the Gold Standard
Cassel, G. β Downfall of the Gold Standard
Morgan-Webb, Charles β The Rise and Fall of the Gold Standard
Puxley, H. L. β A Critique of the Gold Standard
- Great Britainβs Return to the Gold Standard in 1925 [Return]
Keynes, J. M. β Monetary Reform
Keynes, J. M. β Treatise on Money
Report of the Committee on Finance and Industry (MacMillan)
Cunliffe Report on British Currency
Hawtrey, R. G. β Gold Standard and Monetary Reconstruction
Gregory, T. E. β Gold Standard
Brown, W. A. β England and New Gold Standard
McVey, F. L. β Financial History of Great Britain, 1914-20
Bogart, E. L. β Direct and Indirect Costs of World War
Litman, S. β Prices and Price Control in Great Britain and the United States during the World War
Fraser, H. F. β Great Britain and Gold Standard
Benham, F. β British Monetary Policy
Harris, S. E. β Monetary Problems of the British Empire
Pethick-Lawrence, F. W. β This Gold Crisis
- Stabilization of the Lira [Return]
[No references given]
- France and the Gold Standard [Return]
Hawtrey, R. G. β French Monetary Policy
Hawtrey, R. G. β Art of Central Banking
Rogers, J. H. R. β Process of Inflation in France
Rogers, J. H. R. β America Weighs Her Gold
Final Gold Report of the League of Nations
Sollohub, W. A. β Depression in France β Harv. Bus. Rev., July 1933
Miller, H. E. β The Franc in War and Reconstruction β Quart. Journ. Ec. 1929
Dulles, E. β The French Franc, 1914-1929
Vineberg, P. F β The French Franc and the Gold Standard, 1926-36
The Franc in 1926 and 1927 β Economist (London) Oct. 8, 1937
Wynne, W. H. β France and the Franc β Canadian Banker, Oct. 1936
Readjustment of the Franc β Lloydβs Bank Rev., Oct. 1936
- The Gold Bloc [Return]
[No references given]
- Causes and Consequences of Englandβs Departure from Gold [Return]
Harris, S. E. β Monetary Problems of the British Empire
Fraser, H. F. β Great Britain and the Gold Standard
League of Nations β Gold Reports
Royal Institute of International Affairs β Monetary Policy
Irons, W. H. β A Study of the Causes Underlying the International Gold Crisis
Cassel, G. β Downfall of the Gold Standard
- Methods of Return to the Gold Standard [Return]
Cassel, G. β Post-War Monetary Stabilization
Hawtrey, R. G. β Monetary Reconstruction
League of Nations β Genoa Conference and other annual publications
Gregory, T. E. β Gold Standard and Future
Fraser, H. F. β Great Britain and Gold Standard
International Labor Review β Great Britain and Gold Standard
Gregory β Barronβs Weekly, Aug. 28, 1933
Gold Reports of League of Nations
Sprague, O. M. W. β Pre-requisites to Monetary Stabilization β Foreign Affairs 1937
- Present Outlook for the Gold Standard [Return]
Einzig, P. β Will Gold Depreciate?
Einzig, P. β The Future of Gold
Gregory, T. E. β The Gold Standard and Its Future
Hansen, A. H. β Situation of Gold Today in Relation to World Currencies β American Ec. Rev., Suppl., Mar. 1937
Jones, J. H. β The Gold Standard β Econ. Journ., Dec. 1933
- Gold Exchange Standard [Return]
Edie, L. D. β Money, Bank Credit and Prices
Gold Reports of League of Nations
McMillan Report
Hawtrey, R. G. β Gold Standard
Hawtrey, R. G. β Monetary Reconstruction
Hawtrey, R. G. β Currency and Credit
Gregory, T. E. β First Year of Gold Standard
Robertson, D. H. β Money
Kemmerer, E. W. β Money
- Gold Movements Since the War [Return]
Royal Institute of Int. Affairs β Int. Gold Problems (bibliog)
League of Nations β Final Gold Report; other publications
Brown, W. A. β England and the Gold Standard
Reports of Director of Mint β U.S.
Federal Reserve Bulletins
Cassel, G. β Crisis in Worldβs Monetary System, 1932
Young, J. P. β European Currency and Finance, Commission of Gold and Silver Inquiry, U.S. Senate
Warren, G. F. β Some Statistics on the Gold Situation β Am. Ec. Rev. Suppl., Mar. 1934
- Gold Distribution and the Depression [Return]
Gayer, A. D. β Monetary Policy and Economic Stabilization
Phillips, C. A. β Banking and the Business Cycle
Bowen, H. β Gold Maldistribution β Am.Econ.Rev., Dec. 1936
- Is there a Gold Shortage? [Return]
Royal Institute of International Affairs β Monetary Policy and Depression
Gregory, T. E. β Gold Standard and its Future
League of Nations β Gold Reports
Mlynarski, F. J. β Gold and Central Banks
Rist β In βCurrent Economic Policiesβ
Warren and Pearson β Prices
Hardy, C. O. β Is There Enough Gold
Keynes, J. M. β The Supply of Gold β Econ. Journ., Sept. 1936
- Methods to Economize Gold [Return]
Niemeyer, O. β International Gold Problem (How to Economize Gold)
Gold Reports of League of Nations β Final and Interim
Keynes, J. M. β Treatise on Money
Hawtrey, R. G. β Monetary Reconstruction β Genoa Conference
Gayer, A. D. β Monetary Policy and Economic Stabilization
- Exchange Depreciation and World Recovery [Return]
Harris, S. E. β Exchange Depreciation
Eder, G. J. β Effect of Gold Price Changes on Prices for Other Commodities β Journ. Royal Stat. Assn., p. I, 1938
Malenbaum, W. β Power of Undervalued Currency β Rev. Ec.Stud., Feb. 1938
Edelberg, V. β Measuring Power of Under-valued Currency to Stimulate Exports β Rev.Ec.Studies, Oct. 1937
- Exchange Depreciation Experience of Japan [Return]
[No references given]
- Exchange Depreciation Experience of Sweden [Return]
[No references given]
- Exchange Depreciation Experience of Britain [Return]
Harris, S. E. β Exchange Depreciation
- Exchange Depreciation Experience of Australia [Return]
Copland, D. β Australia and the World Crisis, 1929-33
- Exchange Depreciation Experience of U.S. [Return]
Harris, S. E. β Exchange Depreciation
- Exchange Central [Return]
Exchange Restrictions in European Countries β circ. #421, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce
Einzig, P. β Exchange Control
Ohlin, B. β Mechanisms and Objectives of Exchange Control β Am. Ec. Rev. Suppl., March 1937
Williams, J. H. β Adequacy of Existing Currency Mechanisms β Am.Econ.Rev. Suppl., March 1937
- Sterling-Dollar-Franc Triangle [Return]
New York Times
Current Articles
- The βGentlemenβs Agreementβ [Return]
Spahr, W. E. β Tripartite Agreement β Annalist, Nov. 13, 1936
Warren, R. B. β The Gentlemenβs Agreement β Annalist, Nov. 13, 1936
- British Equalization Fund [Return]
Hall, N. F. β The Exchange Equalization Account
Harris, S. E. β Exchange Depreciation
The British Exchange Equalization Fund β 1935-7 β Economica, Aug. 1937
Crump, N. β Development of Exchange Funds β Lloydβs Rank Monthly Rev., Jan. 1937
Paish, F. W. β The British Exchange Equalization Fund β Economica, Feb. 1935
Paish, F. W. β The British Exchange Equalization Fund β Economica, Feb. 1936
Comstock, A. β British Exchange Equalization Account β Am. Ec. Rev. Dec. 1933
- Gold Buying Policy and Devaluation [Return]
Fifty-cent dollars, etc. β Commercial and Finan. Chronicle, June 1, 1932
Incidence of Devaluation β Commercial and Finan. Chronicle, June 8, 1932
Hacker, L. M. β Short History of New Deal
Brown, et al. β Ec. of Recovery Program
Hubbard, J. B. β Current Economic Policy
Hardy, C. O. β Devaluation of the Dollar
Harris, S. E. β British and American Exchange Policy β Quart. Journ. Ec., May & Aug., 1934
Graham, F. O. β Journ. Amer. Statis. Assn., Sup. 1935, March
Edie, L. D. β Easy Money
Harris, S. E. β Exchange Depreciation
Eder, G. J. β Effect of Gold Price Change on Prices of Other Commodities, Jour. Royal Stat. Soc., part I, 1938
Woolfson, A. P. β Our Gold Policy and the Commodity Price Outlook β Bankers Mag., Aug. 1937
Whittlesey, C. R. β The Gold Dilemma β Quart. Journ. Ec., Aug. 1937
Silverstein, A. L. β American Devaluation: Prices and Export Trade β Am. Econ. Rev., June 1937
- Recent Silver Policy of the United States [Return]
Gregory, T. E. β Silver Situation, etc.
London Monetary and Economic Conference β agreements
Foreign Policy Assn. β Silver, its International Aspects (1931)
Deterding, H. W. A. β Silver and Foreign Debt Payments
Smith, G. A., Jr. β On Silver β Harv. Bus. Review 1934
Kreps β Silver and Chinese Purchasing Power
Leong, Y. S. β Silver (Brookings β 1934)
Elliston, H. β The Silver Problem β Foreign Affairs, April 1931
Willis, H. P. β Silver β New Republic, March 11, 1931
Westerfield, R. B. β Our Silver Debacle
Barbour, P. E. β Americaβs Silver Policy β Annalist Dec. 13, 1935
Berridge, W. A. β Some Facts Bearing on the Silver Program β Rev. Econ. Stat., Nov. 1934
Smith, G. A. β Silver: Its Status and Outlook β Harv. Bus. Rev., Oct. 1934
- Monetary Consequences of the Fall in the Price of Silver [Return]
Seyd β Fall in the Price of Silver
Nogaro β Modern Monetary Systems
Westerfield, R. B. β Our Silver Debacle
Leavens, D. H. β American Silver Policy in China β Harv. Bus. Rev. Autumn, 1935
Leavens, D. H. β Distribution of the Worldβs Silver β Rev. Ec. Stat. Nov. 1935
Wu, L. T. K. β Chinaβs Monetary Dilemma β Far East Survey, Dec. 4, 1935
Spalding, W. F. β The Silver Problem as it Affects Mexico β Bankersβ Ins. Manag. Mag., June 1935
Berridge, W. A. β Some Facts Bearing on the Silver Program, Rev. Ec. Stat., Nov. 1934
Deterding, H. W. A. β Silver: Its International Position β Econ. Forum, June-July 1934
Kreps, T. J. β The Price of Silver and Chinese Purchasing Power β Quart. Journ. Ec. β Feb. 1934
- Flexible Parities [Return]
Meade, J. E. β Introduction to Economic Analysis and Policy
Hayek, F. β Monetary Nationalism and International Stability
British Monetary Policy β Economist (London) Oct. 24, 1936
Henderson, H. D. β Case Against Returning to Gold β Lloydβs Bank Monthly Review β June 1935
Graham, F. D. and Whittlesey, C. R. β Fluctuating Exchange Rates, Foreign Trade and the Price Level β Am. Econ. Rev. β Sept. 1934
Whale, P. B. β Theory of International Trade β Economica β Feb. 1936
Williams, J. H. β Adequacy of Existing Currency Mechanisms, Am. Ec. Rev. Suppl. β March 1937
- Hot Money [Return]
Kindleberger, C. P. β International Short Term Capital Movements
Feiler, A. β International Movement of Capital β Amer. Econ. Rev. Suppl., Mar. 1935
- Exchange Rates Under Incontrovertible Paper [Return]
Cassel, G. β Money and Foreign Exchange After 1914
Angell, J. β Theory of International Prices
Nogaro β Modern Monetary Systems
Taussig, F. W. β International Trade
Whitaker β Foreign Exchange
Viner, J. β Studies in the Theory of International Trade
- Purchasing Power Parity vs. Balance of Payment Theory of the Determination of Exchange Rates [Return]
Cassel, G. β Econ. Journ., March 1916
Cassel, G. β Econ. Journ., Sept. 1916
Cassel, G. β Econ. Journ., Dec. 1918
Cassel, G. β Annals of Amer. Acad. Of Pol. And Soc. Science, Vol. 89, May 1920
Cassel, G. β Money and Foreign Exchange after 1914
Ellis β German Monetary Theory
Keynes, J. M. β Monetary Reform, p. 87 ff
Keynes, J. M. β Treatise on Money, ch. 5
Keilhau β Econ. Journ., 1925, pp. 221 ff
Angell, J. β Theory of International Prices
Nogaro β Modern Monetary System
Taussig, F. W. β International Trade
Bogen, J. I. β Money and Banking
Viner, J. β Studies in the Theory of International Trade
Kindleberger, C. P. β International Short Term Capital Movements
Graham, F. D. β Recent Movements in International Price Levels, and the Doctrine of Purchasing Power Parity β Journ. Am. Stat. Assn., Suppl., Mar. 1935
- International vs. National Objectives of Monetary Policy [Return]
Gayer, A. D. β Monetary Policy and Economic Stabilization
Hayek, F. β Monetary Nationalism and International Stability
- Measures of Over-valuation [Return]
Kindleberger, C. P. β International Short-Term Capital Movements
Whale, P. B. β Theory of International Trade β Economica, Feb. 1936
- The International Transfer of Purchasing Power [Return]
Einzig, P. β Foreign Balances
Kindleberger, C. P. β International Short-Term Capital Movements
Ohlin, B. β International and Interregional Trade
Taussig, F. W. β International Trade
Feiler, A. β International Movement of Capital β Am. Ec. Rev. Suppl. March 1935
Cassel, G. β International Payments under a System of Paper Currencies β Skon Kredit Quart. Rept., Oct. 1934
- The Forward Exchange Market [Return]
Einzig, P. β The Theory of Forward Exchange
Einzig, P. β Some Theoretico-Technical Aspects of Official Forward Exchange Operations β Econ. Journ. June 1938
Kindleberger, C. P. β International Short-Term Capital Movements
Keynes, J. M. β Tract of Monetary Reform
- Spreading the Gold Points and Short Term Capital Movements [Return]
[No references given]
- American Export of Capital since the War [Return]
League of Nations β Course and Phases of World Econ. Depression
Hansen, A. H. β Econ. Stabilization in Unbalanced World
Young, J. P. β International Financial Position of U.S.
Moon, P. T. β America as a Creditor Nation
Angell, J. β Financial Foreign Policies of U.S.
Angell, J. β Balance of Payments in U.S.
Taussig, F. W. β International Trade
League of Nations βReport of Gold Delegation
League of Nations β Stat. Yearbook
U.S. Dept. of Commerce β American Underwriting of Foreign Securities in 1929
Haberler, G. β International Trade
Kindleberger, C. P. β International Short-Term Capital Movements
Feiler, A. β International Movement of Capital β Am. Ec. Rev. Suppl. March 1935
- International Short Term Balances and the Depression [Return]
Einzig, P. β Foreign Balance
Kindleberger, C. P. β International Short-Term Capital Movements
- Tariff Policy and the Depression [Return]
Report of Committee of Inquiry into National Policy in International Economic Relations
- Bank of International Settlements [Return]
Dulles, E. L. β B. I. S. at work (1932)
Einzig, P. β Bank of International Settlement
Gideonse, H. R. β The International Bank
Steiner, W. H. β Money and Banking
Bank of International Settlement β Annual Reports
Traylor, M. β Bank of International Settlement Documents β First Natl. Bank, Chicago
Dulles, E. L. β Bank of International Settlement β Am. Ec. Rev. June 1938
Fraser, L. β The International Bank and Its Future β Foreign Affairs, April 1936
Keynes, J. M. β Report of the Bank of International Settlement β Econ. Journ., Sept. 1934
De Clery, A. R. β The Bank of International Settlement and the World Economic Crisis, Interparliamentary Bulletin, Nov. 1934
- War Finance [Return]
American Econ. Assn. β Report of Committee on War Finance
League of Nations βCurrencies after the War
U.S. Senate β Comm. of Gold and Silver β Inquiry β European Currencies and Exchange
Grady, H. F. β British War Finance, 1914-1919
Nicholson, J. S. β War Finance
Harris, S. E. β Monetary Problems of British Empire
Graham, F. D. β Exchange, Prices and Production in Hyperinflation in Germany, 1920-23
Steiner, W. H. β Money and Banking
Hollander, J. B. β War Borrowing
Bogart, E. L. β War Costs and their Financing
Pigou, A. C. β Political Econom. of War
Smith, D. T. β Treasury Operations and Money Market
Hawtrey, R. G. β Currency and Credit
- The Reparations Controversy [Return]
Moulton, H. G. and Pasvolsky β War Debts and World Prosperity
Myers, D. P. β The Reparation Settlement
Steiner, W. H. β Money and Banking β 902 ff
Young, J. P. β International Trade and Finance
- War Debts [Return]
(same as No. 130)
- Fall of Prices: 1873-96 [Return]
Layton β Intro. To Study of Prices
Price, L. L. βMoney and its Relation to Prices
Ransome and Mann β Future of Prices at Home and Abroad
Warren and Pearson β Prices
Kuznets, S. β Secular Movements in Production and Prices
League of Nations β Gold Reports
Peterson, J. and Peterson, O. S. β An Analysis of Price Behavior During Period 1855-1913
Mills, F. C. β Prices in Recession and Recovery
- Rise of Prices: 1896-1913 [Return]
(see no. 132)
Ashley, Gold and Prices (1912)
- Price Movement since the War [Return]
Mills, F. C. β Prices in Recession and Recovery
- Probable Future Trend of Prices [Return]
Ransome and Mann β Future of Prices at Home and Abroad
Warren and Pearson β Prices
Hayek, F. β Prod. and Prices
League of Nations β Gold Reports
Journal of Farm Econ., Jan. 1932 β Future of General Price Level
- Changes in the Value of Money and the Distribution of Wealth [Return]
Keynes, J. M. β Monetary Reform
Edie, L. D. β Money, Bank Credit and Prices
Fisher, I. β Stabilizing the Dollar
Robertson, D. H. β Money
Steiner, W. H. β Money and Banking (786-795)
Willis, H. P. β The Economics of Inflation
- Monetary and Financial Questions Raised by the Social Security Program [Return]
Hansen, A. H. and Murray, H. G. β A New Plan for Unemployment Reserves
Hansen, A. H. β Full Recovery or Stagnation
Hansen, A. H. et al. β Program for Unemployment Insurance Relief in U.S.
Beveridge, W. H. β Causes and Cures of Unemployment
Wolfenden, H. H. β Unemployment Funds: A Survey and Proposal
Woll, M. β Labor, Industry and Govt.
Achsner, E. H. β Social Ins. And Econ. Security
Heyman [?], E. β Unemployment Preventions and Relief
Douglas, P. H. and Director, A. β Problem of Unemployment
Slichter, S. H. β Making Booms Bear the Burden of Relief
* Β * Β * Β * Β * Β * Β * Β * Β * Β *
Additional Thesis Subjects β Economics 41
- Monetary policy of neutral countries in war.
- War finance in Germany (Great Britain, France).
- Problems of war finance.
- Exchange rates and war.
- The international money proposal.
- Business cycle policy under the National Banking System.
- The Peel Banking Act of 1844.
- The crisis of 1837 (1857, 1873, 1897, 1907).
- War debts and reparations.
- Monetary aspects of the demand for colonies.
- Monetary aspects of recovery policy in Australia.
- Monetary controls in Germany (Sweden, Canada, Great Britain).
Image Source: Portraits of John Henry Williams and Seymour Edwin Harris fromΒ Harvard Class Album 1939. Enhanced by Economics in the Rear-view Mirror.