Curriculum Economists Gender

Smith College. Henry L. Moore’s teaching, 1898-99


Looking for something quite different, I stumbled upon this picture of the young Henry Ludwell Moore from 1898 when he taught at Smith College. Since I very much like to display pictures of members of the economists’ pantheon from when they were young, I decided to look for some artifact associated with Moore’s teaching at Smith to include with the picture. For those interested in the history of economics education of women, such course catalogue excerpts from the traditional women’s colleges are of considerable interest.



Professor, Henry L. Moore.

  1. General Economics. A thorough course in the elements of the science. Lectures, recitations and papers. Text-book, Walker’s Political Economy (Advanced Course). Elective for Juniors, and, together with 2, alternate with History 5 or 8 in the group-system. Three hours a week for the first semester.
  2. Applied Economics. The Tariff; Railroad Transportation; Money. Lectures, recitations and debates. Elective for Juniors, and, together with 1, alternate with History 6 or 8 in the group-system. Three hours a week for the second semester.
  3. Modern Industrial Combinations. A study of Trusts, Pools and Corners. Elective for Seniors. Two hours a week for the first semester.
  4. Socialism and Social Reformers. A critical study of theories of the French and German Socialists, the Christian Socialists in England, the Fabians and the Nationalists. Elective for Seniors. Two hours a week for the second semester.

Source:   Official Circular of Smith College.  1898-99, p. 23.

Image Source:  Henry L. Moore in Classbook of 1898, Smith College.