Chicago Economists Gender Labor Vassar Wellesley

Chicago. Economics Ph.D. Alumna Emily Clark Brown, 1927



1895. Born in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

1917. B.A. Carleton College.

1917-19. High school teacher in Delavan, Minnesota.

1919-20. Graduate study in social work at the Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy.

1920-25. Research assistant with the United Typothetae of America.

1923. M.A. University of Chicago.

1927. Ph.D. University of Chicago.

1927-28. Research Fellow of the Social Science Research Council. Study in England and in New York, Boston, and Baltimore of industrial relations in book and job printing.

1928-29. Industrial economist. Department of Labor, Women’s Bureau.

1929-32. Assistant professor, Wellesley College.

1932-33. Assistant Professor. Vassar College.

1933-39. Associate Professor. Vassar College.

1936. Trip to the Soviet Union as a tourist.

1937, 1938. Teacher at the Bryn Mawr Summer School for Women Workers.

1938. Researcher. National Resources Committee.

1939-1961. Professor. Vassar College.

1942. Teacher at the Hudson Shore Labor School (summer).

1942-44. Operating analyst. National Labor Relations Board.

1944-45. Public panel member. National War Labor Board.

1946. Member of the panel of arbitrators, American Arbitration Association.

1950-54. Chairman of the Economics Department at Vassar.

1955. Vassar faculty fellowship. November-December. 30 day visit to Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, and Kharkov to study the Soviet labor market. Five factory tours.

1959. Social Science Research Council grant. January-February. Research visit to Soviet Union. 10 weeks, 17 factory trips. Tours of Alma Ata, Tashkent, Samarkand, Rostov, and Tbilisi.

1961. Retired from Vassar College.

1962. Awarded grant from the American Council of Learned Societies and the Social Science Research Council to finance a trip to the Soviet Union to study labor relations. [newspaper account that she was a resident of Minneapolis following retirement from Vassar]

1967-1976. Volunteer librarian for the Twin Cities Opportunities Industrialization Center.

1980. Died October 13 in Minneapolis.


Joint Industrial Control in the Book and Job Printing Industry, Bureau of Labor Statistics Bul. 481, 1928.

Book and Job Printing in Chicago, 1931. (Ph.D. Dissertation 1927)

“The New Collective Bargaining in Mass Production,” J. Polit. Econ., 1939.

“The Employer Unit in NLRB Decisions,” J. Polit. Econ., 1942.

“Book and Job Printing” in How Collective Bargaining Works (ed. H. A. Millis), 1942.

“Free Collective Bargaining or Government Intervention?” Harv. Bus. Rev.,1947.

“Union Security” in N.Y.U. 2nd Ann. Conf. on Labor, 1949.

(with H. A. Millis) From the Wagner Act to Taft-Hartley, 1950.

National Labor Policy: Taft-Hartley after Three Years and the Next Steps, 1950.

“The Soviet Labor Market,” Industrial and Labor Relations Review (January 1957).

“Labor Relations in Soviet Factories” Industrial and Labor Relations Review (January 1958)

“The Local Union in Soviet Industry,” Industrial and Labor Relations Review (January 1960).

“The Current Status of the Soviet Worker: Not Good—But Better,” Problems of Communism, 1960.

Soviet Trade Unions and Labor Relations. (Harvard University Press, 1966).

[Some other titles can be found in: A Bibliography of Female Economic Thought to 1940 By Kirsten Kara Madden, Janet A. Seiz, Michèle A. Pujol p. 80.]

Sources: Fellows of the Social Science Research Council, 1925-1951. p. 49.

Vassar Miscellany News, Volume XXXXV, Number 23 (26 April 1961), p. 3.

Image Source: Vassar College, The Vassarion 1940, p. 36