Bibliography Development Harvard

Harvard. Seminar Bibliography on Economic Development. Mason and Galbraith, 1960-61

When John Kenneth Galbraith received a phone call on December 7, 1960 from President-elect John Fitzgerald Kennedy asking him to serve as the U.S. Ambassador to India, he was approaching the end of the first semester of a two semester seminar on problems of economic and political development that he led together with with his colleague, the Dean of the Graduate School of Public Administration, Edward S. Mason. The seminar was a joint production of the Department of Economics and the Graduate School of Public Administration and originally brought on line by Galbraith.

As can be seen in the official staffing/enrollment information given in the Harvard President’s Report for 1960-61, the spring semester was not offered, almost certainly as the result of Galbraith taking a leave of absence beginning in the spring semester. The handwritten date on the seminar bibliography in the Harvard archives is “October 10, 1960”. At that time both Mason and Galbraith would have presumed the seminar would run for both the fall and spring semesters. For this reason, I believe it is reasonable to assume both professors were responsible in some part for the the bibliography as transcribed below. One may also assume  that Gustav Papanek, who later headed Harvard’s Development Advisory Service from 1962-1970, probably also had a hand in drafting the bibliography.


Course Announcement

Economics 287. Seminar: Problems of Economic and Political Development (Offered jointly with the Graduate School of Public Administration)

Full course. Tu., 2-4. Professors Mason and Galbraith; Drs. Papanek and Hainsworth; Mr. Bell.

Source: Official Register of Harvard University, Vol. LVII, No. 21 (August 29, 1960), Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Courses of Instruction, 1960-1961. p. 102.


Staffing and Enrollments
in Economics 287


No enrollment figures given for that year.
Not listed in the course announcements

However in Galbraith’s papers one finds a reading list dated 1952-53 along with typed notes for the first meeting of the seminar.


[Economics] 287. Seminar on Problems of Economic and Political Development (Offered jointly with the Graduate School of Public Administration). Professor Galbraith.
Full course.


Total 12: 6 [Arts and Sciences] Graduates, 2 Other Graduates, 2 Seniors, 1 Radcliffe, 1 Other.


Total 14: 6 [Arts and Sciences] Graduates, 5 Other Graduates, 1 Senior, 1 Radcliffe, 1 Other.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1953-54, p. 103.


[Economics] 287. Seminar on Problems of Economic and Political Development (Offered jointly with the Graduate School of Public Administration). Professor Galbraith.
Half course. Fall.

Total 18: 7 [Arts and Sciences] Graduates, 8 Other Graduates, 3 Radcliffe.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1954-55, p. 94.


Not offered


[Economics] 287. Seminar on Problems of Economic and Political Development (Offered jointly with the Graduate School of Public Administration). Professor Galbraith.
Half course. Fall.

Total 14: 5 [Arts and Sciences] Graduates, 7 Other Graduates, 1 Senior, 1 Radcliffe.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1956-57, p. 73.


Economics] 287. Seminar on Problems of Economic and Political Development (Offered jointly with the Graduate School of Public Administration). Professor Galbraith and others.
Full course.


Total 21: 7 [Arts and Sciences] Graduates, 14 Other Graduates.


Total 22: 8 [Arts and Sciences] Graduates, 14 Other Graduates.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1957-58, p. 85.


Economics] 287. Seminar on Problems of Economic and Political Development (Offered jointly with the Graduate School of Public Administration). Professors Galbraith  and Kuznets (Johns Hopkins University); Drs. Hainsworth, A. J. Meyer and Papanek; Mr. Bell.
Full course.


Total 33: 5 [Arts and Sciences] Graduates, 24 Other Graduates, 1 Senior, 3 Radcliffe.


Total 36: 6 [Arts and Sciences] Graduates, 25 Other Graduates, 2 Seniors, 2 Radcliffe, 1 Other.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1958-59, p. 74.


Economics] 287. Seminar: Problems of Economic and Political Development (Offered jointly with the Graduate School of Public Administration). Professors Mason and Galbraith, Drs. A. J. Meyer, Papanek and Mr. Bell.
Full course.


Total 23: 6 [Arts and Sciences] Graduates, 13 Other Graduates, 1 Senior, 1 Radcliffe, 2 Others.


Total 23: 6 [Arts and Sciences] Graduates, 12 Other Graduates, 1 Seniors, 2 Radcliffe, 2 Other.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1959-60, p. 86.


[Economics] 287. Problems of Economic and Political Development (Offered jointly with the Graduate School of Public Administration). Professor Mason; Drs. Papanek and Hainsworth.
Half course. Fall.

Total 28: 12 [Arts and Sciences] Graduates, 14 Other Graduates, 1 Radcliffe, 1 Other.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1960-1961, p. 80.


[21 October 1960]

The following bibliography is a selected list of books and articles intended to cover most of the major theoretical and empirical studies concerned with economic growth in underdeveloped areas, that have been published in recent years. No attempt has been made to include (a) major work in the historical evolution of economic thought (Smith, Ricardo, Marx, Schumpeter, etc.); (b) modern theoretical work on economic growth in advanced countries (Harrod, Domar, Fellner, Duesenberry, etc.); or (c) empirical work dealing with the growth of the advanced countries — all of which may be very useful in the attempt to understand the problems of underdeveloped countries and what can be done to assist their economic progress.

The purpose was to produce a short list. Necessarily, many interesting and useful items have been omitted. No major contributions have been omitted intentionally, however, and the users of the bibliography are requested to bring such omissions to the notice of those in charge of the seminar.

The principle of selection has been indicated above. The limits of coverage were set largely in accord with the practice of the Seminar on Economic Development. That is, the focus is primarily on economic issues, with the word “economic” interpreted fairly broadly. In addition, some attention is given to political, social, and cultural matters insofar as they are directly related to economic development. This gives a coverage which overlaps to some extent the fields of government, sociology, and anthropology, and perhaps other disciplines. It might be well to make clear that this bibliography is not intended to cover the works in those other disciplines which are concerned with social, political, and cultural change as such, but only the relationships of such types of change to economic development.

All suggestions for improvement will be welcome.


  1. Selected Bibliography on Economic Development
    1. General
      1. Primarily Theoretical
      2. Primarily Historical and Descriptive
    2. Planning
      1. Primarily Theoretical
      2. Primarily Descriptive
    3. Mobilization of Resources
      1. Domestic Resources
      2. Foreign Private Investment
      3. Foreign Public Grants and Loans
    4. International Trade
    5. Land and Agriculture
    6. Labor
    7. Entrepreneurship
    8. Population
    9. Measurement of National Income
    10. Political, Social, and Cultural Factors in Economic Development
  2. Other Bibliographies
  3. Some Major Compilations of Statistical Information


    1. GENERAL
      1. Primarily Theoretical

Baran, Paul, “On the Political Economy of Backwardness,” The Manchester School, January 1950.

Bauer, P. T., Economic Analysis and Policy in Underdeveloped Countries, (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1957).

Borts, G. H., “Returns Equalization and Regional Growth,” American Economic Review, June 1960.

Burtle, J., “Parametric Maps of Different Types of Economic Development,” Review of Economics and Statistics, February 1960.

Dupriez, L. H. (ed.), Economic Progress, (Papers by Kuznets, Cairncross, and others), (Louvain: 1955).

Hagen, E. E., “How Economic Growth Begins: A General Theory Applied to Japan,” Public Opinion Quarterly, Fall 1958.

Higgins, Benjamin, Economic Development, (New York: Norton, 1959).

Hirschman, Albert O. The Strategy of Economic Development, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1958).

Leibenstein, Harvey, Economic Backwardness and Economic Growth, (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1957).

Lewis, W. Arthur, The Theory of Economic Growth, (Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1955).

Mason, E. S., Economic Planning in Underdeveloped Areas: Government and Business, (New York: Fordham University Press, 1958).

Myint, H., “An Interpretation of Economic Backwardness,” Oxford Economic Papers, June 1954.

Myrdal, Gunnar, An International Economy, (New York: Harpers, 1957).

North, Douglass G., “A Note on Professor Rostow’s ‘Take-off’ into Self-Sustained Economic Growth,” The Manchester School, January 1958.

Nurkse, Ragnar, Problems of Capital Formation in Underdeveloped Countries, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1953).

Oshima, H. T., “Underemployment in Backward Economies: An Empirical Comment,” Journal of Political Economy, June 1958.

Oshima, H. T., “Economic Growth and the ‘Critical Minimum Effort’,” Economic Development and Cultural Change, July 1959.

Rao, V.K.R.V., “Investment, Income and the Multiplier in an Underdeveloped Economy,” Indian Economic Review, February 1952.

Rosenstein-Rodan, P., “Problems of Industrialization of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe,” Economic Journal, June-September 1943.

Rostow, W. W., “The Take-Off into Self-Sustained Growth,” Economic Journal, March 1956.

Scitovsky, T., “Two Concepts of External Economies,” Journal of Political Economy, April 1954.

Sheahan, John, “International Specialization and the Concept of Balanced Growth,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 1958.

Singer, H. W., “The Mechanics of Economic Development, A Quantitative Model Approach,” Indian Economic Review, August 1952.

Solow, R., “A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 1956.

Stockfisch, J. A., “External Economies, Investment and Foresight,” Journal of Political Economy, October 1955.

Swan, T. W., “Economic Growth and Capital Accumulation,” Economic Record, November 1956.

Tinbergen, J., International Economic Integration, (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1954).

U. N. — Processes and Problems of Industrialization in Under-Developed Countries, (New York: 1955).

Villard, H. H., Economic Development. (New York: Rinehart, 1959).

Young, Allyn, “Increasing Returns and Economic Progress,” Economic Journal, December 1928.

      1. Primarily Historical and Descriptive

Abramovitz, Moses, Resource and Output Trends in the United States Since 1870, (National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.: Occasional Paper 52, 1956).

Bergson, A., Soviet Economic Growth: Conditions and Perspectives, (Evanston, Ill.: Row, Peterson, 1953).

Boeke, Julius H., Economics and Economic Policy of Dual Societies as Exemplified by Indonesia, (New York: International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1953).

Felix, David, “Profit Inflation and Industrial Growth. The Historic Record and Contemporary Analogue,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 1956.

Gerschenkron, Alexander, “Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective,” Hoselitz, Bert (ed.), The Progress of Underdeveloped Areas, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1952).

Griliches, Z., “Research Costs and Social Returns: Hybrid Corn and Related Innovations,” Journal of Political Economy, October 1958.

Hagen, Everett B., The Economic Development of Burma, (Washington: National Planning Association, 1956).

Higgins, B., Indonesia’s Economic Stabilization and Development, (New York: Institute of Pacific Relations, 1957).

Hoeffding, Oleg, “Soviet State Planning and Forced Industrialization as a Model for Asia,” (RAND Corporation, August 1958).

Houthakker, H. S., “An International Comparison of Household Expenditure Patterns,” Econometrica, October 1957.

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, The Economic Development of Mexico, (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1953).

Kuznets, Simon, “Underdeveloped Countries and the Pre-Industrial Phase in the Advanced Countries: An Attempt at Comparison,” Proceedings of the World Population Conference, 1954, (Papers, Volume V, United Nations, New York).

Kuznets, Simon, “Toward a Theory of Economic Growth,” in Lekachman (ed.), National Policy for Economic Welfare at Home and Abroad, (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1955).

Kuznets, Simon, “Economic Growth and Income Inequality,” American Economic Review, March 1955.

Kuznets, Simon, Six Lectures on Economic Growth, (Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1959).

Kuznets, Simon, “Quantitative Aspects of the Economic Growth of Nations,” Economic Development and Cultural Change: “I. Levels and Variability of Rates of Growth,” October 1956; “II. Industrial Distribution of National Product and Labor Force,” July 1957; “III. Industrial Distribution of Income and Labor Force by States, United States, 1919-21 to 1955,” July 1958; “IV. Distribution of National Income by Factor Shares,” April 1959; “V. Capital Formation Proportions: International Comparisons for Recent Years,” July 1960.

Li, Choh Ming, Economic Development of Communist China, (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1959).

Lockwood, W. W., The Economic Development of Japan: Growth, and Structural Change, 1868-1938, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1954).

Malenbaum, Wilfred, “India and China: Contrasts in Development,” American Economic Review, June 1959.

Ranis, Gustav, “Factor Proportions in Japanese Economic Development,” American Economic Review, September 1957.

Reubens, E. P., “Opportunities, Governments, and Economic Development in Manchuria, 1860-1940,” in H.G.J. Aitken (ed.), The State and Economic Growth, (New York: Social Science Research Council, 1959).

Rostow, W. W., The Stages of Economic Growth, (Cambridge University Press, 1960).

“The Satellites in Eastern Europe,” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, May 1958.

Schultz, T. W. “Capital Formation by Education,” to be published in the Journal of Political Economy, December 1960.

Solomon, Morton, “The Structure of the Market in Underdeveloped Economies,” in Shannon, Lyle W. (ed.), Underdeveloped Areas: a Book of Readings and Research, (New York: Harper, 1957).

Solow, R., “Technical Change and The Aggregate Production Function,” Review of Economics and Statistics, August 1957.

Thompson, C. H. and Woodraff, H. W., Economic Development in Rhodesia and Nyasaland, (London: Dennis Dobson, 1955).

U.N. — Economic Survey of Africa since 1950, (New York: 1959).

U.N. — Structure and Growth of Selected African Economies, (New York: 1957).

Zinkin, M., Development for Free Asia, (Fairlawn, New Jersey: Essential Books, Inc., 1956).

      1. Primarily Theoretical

Bator, F. F., “On Capital Productivity, Input Allocation, and Growth,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 1957.

Chenery, H. B., “The Application of Investment Criteria,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 1953.

Chenery, H. B., “Development Policies and Programmes,” Economic Bulletin for Latin America, March 1958.

Chenery, H. B., “The Interdependence of Investment Decisions,” in The Allocation of Economic Resources, Essays in Honor of B. F. Haley, (Stanford University Press, 1959).

Dobb, M., Economic Growth and Planning. (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1960).

Eckaus, R. S., “The Factor Proportions Problem in Underdeveloped Areas,” American Economic Review, September 1955.

Eckstein, O., “Investment Criteria for Economic Development and the Theory of Intertemporal Welfare Economics,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 1957.

Galenson, W. and Leibenstein, H., “Investment Criteria, Productivity and Economic Development,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 1955.

Lewis, W. A., The Principles of Economic Planning, (London: Dennis Dobson, 1952).

Lewis, W. A., “On Assessing a Development Plan,” The Economic Bulletin, (Ghana) June-July 1959.

Muranjam, S. K., “The Tools of Planning,” Indian Economic Journal, January 1957.

Sen, A. K., “Some Notes on the Choice of Capital-Intensity in Development Planning,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, November 1957.

Sen, A. K., “Choice of Capital Intensity Further Considered,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 1959.

Tinbergen, J., “The Optimum Rate of Saving,” Economic Journal, December 1956.

Tinbergen, J., The Design of Development, (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1958).

Tinbergen, J., Optimum Savings and Utility Maximization Over Time,” Econometrica, April 1960.

U. S. Department of State, Office of Intelligence Research, “Use of the Capital-Output Ratio in Programming and Analyzing Economic Development,” February 1956.

      1. Primarily Descriptive

Aubrey, Henry, “Small Industry in Economic Development,” Social Research, September 1951.

Baer, Werner, “Puerto Rico: An Evaluation of a Successful Development Program,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, November 1959.

Bicanic, Rudolph, “Economic Growth Under Centralized and Decentralized Planning — A Case Study,” Economic Development and Cultural Change, October 1957.

Gadgil, D. R., “Prospects for the Second Five-Year Plan Period,” India Quarterly, Vol. XIII, (January-March 1957), p. 5.

Government of Ceylon, National Planning Council, Papers by Visiting Economists, (Colombo: 1959).

Hsia, R., Economic Planning in Communist China, (New York: International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1955).

Government of India, Planning Commission, “Memorandum of the Panel of Economists and Note of Dissent by Prof. B. R. Shenoy,” and “The Plan Frame,” Papers Relating to the Formulation of the Second Five Year Plan, (Delhi: 1955).

Government of India, Planning Commission, “Development of the Economy,” and “Approach to the Second Five Year Plan,” Second Five Year Plan, (Delhi: 1956).

Komiya, R., “A Note on Professor Mahalanobis’ Model of Indian Economic Planning, Review of Economics and Statistics, February 1959.

Government of Pakistan, National Planning Board, “Planning the Development Programme,” and “Putting the Development Programme into Operation,” First Five Year Plan, 1955-60, (Karachi: Government of Pakistan, 1957).

      1. Domestic Resources

Bernstein, E. M. and Patel, I. G., Inflation in Relation to Economic Development (International Monetary Fund, 1952).

Bloomfield, Arthur I., “Monetary Policy in Underdeveloped Countries,” Public Policy, Vol. VII, (Cambridge, Mass.: Graduate School Public Administration, 1956).

Bronfenbrenner, M., “The Appeal of Confiscation in Economic Development,” Economic Development and Cultural Change, April 1955.

Diamond, W., Development Banks, (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1957).

Froomkin, Joseph, “A Program for Taxation and Economic Development — The Indian Case,” (Review article of Report of Indian Taxation Enquiry Commission, 1953-54), Economic Development and Cultural Change, January 1958.

Government of India, Planning Commission, “Finance and Foreign Exchange,” Second Five Year Plan, (Delhi: 1956).

Kaldor, Nicholas, Indian Tax Reform: Report of a Survey, (New Delhi: Indian Ministry of Finance, 1956).

Lewis, W. A., “Economic Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labour,” The Manchester School, May 1954.

Martin, A. M. and Lewis, W. A., “Patterns of Public Revenue and Expenditure,” The Manchester School, September 1956.

Oshima, H. T., “Share of Government in Gross National Product for Various Countries,” American Economic Review, June 1957.

Government of Pakistan, National Planning Board, “Internal Financial Resources,” and “Public Savings,” First Five Year Plan, 1955-60, (Karachi: 1957).

Sturmthal, Adolph, “Economic Development, Income Distribution, and Capital Formation in Mexico,” Journal of Political Economy, June 1955.

Wald, H. P., Taxation of Agricultural Land in Underdeveloped Economies, (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1959).

      1. Foreign Private Investment

Finnie, David H., Desert Enterprise: The Middle East Oil Industry in its Local Environment, (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1958).

Mikesell, Raymond F., Promoting U. S. Private Investment Abroad, (Washington: National Planning Association, 1957).

Wolf, Charles and Sufrin, Sidney, Capital Formation and Foreign Investment in Underdeveloped Areas, (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1955).

      1. Foreign Public Grants and Loans

The American Assembly, International Stability and Progress: United States Interests and Instruments, (New York: Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, 1957).

Cairncross, Alec, The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, (Princeton University Essays in International Finance, No. 33, March 1959).

Friedman, Milton, “Foreign Economic Aid,” Yale Review. Summer 1958.

Millikan, Max F. and Rostow, W. W., A Proposal, Key to an Effective Foreign Policy, (New York: Harper Bros., 1957).

Report of The President’s Committee to Study the United States Military Assistance Program, (Washington: August 17, 1959).

Sapir, M., The New Role of the Soviets in the World Economy, (New York: Committee for Economic Development, 1958).

Wolf, C., Foreign Aid: Theory and Practice in Southern Asia, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1960).


Bauer, Peter T., West African Trade, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1954).

Haberler, G., Campos, R., Meade, J., and Tinbergen, J., Trends in International Trade, (Geneva: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 1958).

Haberler, G., International Trade and Economic Development, (Cairo: National, Bank of Egypt, 1959).

Mikesell, R. F., Foreign Exchange in the Postwar World, (New York: Twentieth Century Fund, 1954).

Myint, H., “The Classical Theory of International Trade and the Underdeveloped Countries,” Economic Journal, June 1958.

Nurkse, R., et. al, “The Quest for a Stabilization Policy in Primary Producing Countries: A Symposium,” Kyklos, 1958

Nurkse, R., Patterns of Trade and Development, (Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell, 1959).

U. N. — Instability in Export Markets of Underdeveloped Countries, (New York: 1952).


Baldwin, K. D. S., The Niger Agricultural Project, (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1957).

Black, John D. and Stewart, H. L., Economics of Agriculture for India, (Delhi: Government of India, 1954).

Darling, Malcolm L., The Punjab Peasant in Prosperity and Debt (New York: Oxford University Press, 1925).

Gaitskell, Arthur, Gezira. A Story of Development in the Sudan, (London: Faber and Faber, 1959).

Johnston, Bruce, The Staple Food Economies of Western Tropical Africa, (Stanford University Press, 1958).

Mellor, John W. and Stevens, Robert D., “The Average and Marginal Product of Farm Labor in Underdeveloped Economies,” Journal of Farm Economics, August 1956.

Neale, Walter C., “The Limitations of Indian Village Survey Data,” Journal of Asian Studies, May 1958.

U. N. — “Productivity of Labour and Land in Latin American Agriculture,” Economic Survey of Latin America, 1956.

U. N. — Food and Agriculture Organization, Uses of Agricultural Surpluses to Finance Economic Development, (Rome: 1955).

Warriner, Doreen, Land Reform and Economic Development in the Middle East, (London: 1957).

Wickizer, V. D. and Bennett, M. K., The Rice Economy of Monsoon Asia, (Stanford University Press, 1941).

    1. LABOR

de Buey, P., “The Productivity of African Labour,” International Labour Review, August-September 1955.

Galenson, W. (ed.), Labor and Economic Development, (New York: Wiley, 1959).

Husain, A. F. A., Human and Social Impact of Technological Change in Pakistan, Vol. 1, (Pakistan: Oxford University Press, 1956).

Kerr, C., Dunlop, J. T., Harbison, F. C., Myers, C. A., Industrialism and Industrial Man, (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1960).

Moore, Wilbert Ellis, Industrialization and Labor, (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1952).

Sayigh, Yusif A., “Management-Labour Relations in Selected Arab Countries: Major Aspects and Determinants,” International Labour Review, June 1958.

Myers, Charles, Problems of Labor in the Industrialization of India, (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1958).


Aubrey, Henry G., “Industrial Investment Decisions: A Comparative Analysis,” Journal of Economic History, December 1955.

Eckstein, Alexander, “Individualism and the Role of the State in Economic Growth,” Economic Development and Cultural Change, January 1958.

Harbison, Frederick, “Entrepreneurial Organization as a Factor in Economic Development,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 1956.

Prakesh, O., “Industrial Development Corporations in India and Pakistan,” Economic Journal, March 1957.

UNESCO, “Economic Motivations and Stimulations in Underdeveloped Countries,” International Social Science Bulletin, Vol. VI, No. 3, 1954.


Coale, A. and Hoover, E. M., Population Growth and Economic Development in Low-income Countries, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1958).

Hagen, E. E., “Population and Economic Growth,” American Economic Review, June 1959.

Taeuber, Irene, The Population of Japan, (Princeton: 1958).

U. N. — Department of Social Affairs, The Determinants and Consequences of Population Trends, (New York: 1953).

U. N. — Technical Assistance Administration, Asia and the Far East: Seminar on Population, (New York: 1957).


Abramovitz, M., “The Welfare Interpretation of Secular Trends in National Income and Product,” in The Allocation of Economic Resources, Essays in Honor of B. F. Haley, (Stanford University Press, 1959).

Deane, Phyllis, Colonial Social Accounting, (Cambridge University Press, 1953).

Goldsmith, Raymond and Saunders, Christopher, (ed.), “The Measurement of National Wealth,” Income and Wealth Series VIII, (London: Bowes and Bowes, 1959).

Income and Wealth: Series III, (International Association for Research in Income and Wealth), (Cambridge: Bowes and Bowes, 1953), especially contributions by Frankel, Benham, Rao, and Creamer.

Kravis, I. B., “The Scope of Economic Activity in International Income Comparisons,” in Problems in the International Comparison of Economic Accounts, Studies in Income and Wealth, Vol. 20, (Princeton University Press, 1957).

Kuznets, Simon, Economic Change, (New York: Norton, 1953).


Almond, Gabriel A. and Coleman, James S., The Politics of the Developing Areas, (Princeton University Press, 1960).

Banfield, E. C., The Moral Basis of a Backward Society, (Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1958).

Baster, Janes, “Development and the Free Economy — Some Typical Dilemmas,” Kyklos, Vol. VII, 1954.

Brzezinski, Zbigniew, “The Politics of Underdevelopment,” World Politics, October 1956.

Dike, K. O., Trade and Polities in the Niger Delta, (Oxford: 1956).

Dube, S. C., India’s Changing Villages, (Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1958).

Farmanfarmaian, Khodadad, “Social Change and Economic Behavior in Iran,” Explorations in Entrepreneurial History, February 1957.

Hoselitz, Bert F. (ed.), The Progress of Underdeveloped Areas, (University of Chicago Press, 1952).

McClelland, David C., “Some Social Consequences of Achievement Motivation,” in Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, (University of Nebraska Press, 1955).

McKitterick, T. E. M., “Politics and Economics in the Middle East,” The Political Quarterly, January-March 1955.

Oliver, Henry M., Economic Opinion and Policy in Ceylon, (Durham: Duke University Press, 1957).

Shea, T. W., “Barriers to Economic Development in Traditional Societies: Malabar, A Case Study,” Journal of Economic History, December 1959.

Singer, Milton, “Cultural Values in India’s Economic Development,” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, May 1956.

U. N. — “Three Sociological Aspects of Economic Development,” Economic Review of Latin America, 1955.

Weiner, M., “Changing Patterns of Political Leadership in West Bengal,” Pacific Affairs, September 1959.


Hald, Marjorie, A Selected Bibliography on Economic Development and Foreign Aid, (Santa Monica, California: RAND Corporation, 1957).

Hazelwood, Arthur, The Economies of ‘Under-Developed’ Areas, (London: Oxford University Press, second edition, 1959).

Trager, Frank N. “A Selected and Annotated Bibliography on Economic Development, 1953-57,” Economic Development and Cultural Change, July 1958.


U. K. Government, Board of Trade, Overseas Economic Surveys.

International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics.

International Labour Office, International Labour Review — Statistical Supplement.

United Nations, Statistical Office, Statistical Papers (various series).

United Nations, Statistical Office, Statistical Yearbook.

United Nations, Statistical Office, Demographic Yearbook.

United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Public Finance Information Papers.

United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Economic Surveys (for various regions).

Source: Harvard University Archives. Syllabi, course outlines and reading lists in Economics, 1895-2003.Box 8, Folder “Economics 1960-61 (2 of 2)”.

Images: Portrait of Edward S. Mason (ca. 1960) from the Harry S. Truman Library. Portrait of John Kenneth Galbraith from the Harvard Class Album 1959.