Economists Harvard

Harvard. Six Economics Ph.D. examinees, 1906-07



This posting lists six graduate students in economics who took their subject examinations for the Ph.D. at Harvard from April 4 through May 23, 1907, apparently the entire 1906-07 Ph.D. examination cohort. The examination committee members, academic history, general and specific subjects are provided along with the doctoral thesis subject, when declared. Lists for 1903-04, 1904-051915-16, and 1926-27 were posted previously. In the same archival box one finds lists for the academic years 1902-03 through 1904-05, 1906-07 through 1913-14, 1915-16, 1917-18 through 1918-19, and finally 1926-27. I only include graduate students of economics (i.e. not included are the Ph.D. candidates in history and government).

Titles and dates of Harvard economic dissertations for the period 1875-1926 can be found here.







Arthur Norman Holcombe.

General Examination in Economics, Thursday, April 4, 1907.
Committee: Professors Taussig (chairman), Lowell, Bullock, Gay, Ripley, and Andrew.
Academic History: Harvard College, 1902-06; Harvard Graduate School, 1906-07; A.B. (Harvard) 1906.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. [2. Economic History to 1750.] 3. Economic History since 1750. [4. Sociology and Social Reform.] 5. Public Finance. [6. Modern Government and Comparative Constitutional Law.] Excused from further examination in subjects 2, 4, and 6 on account of having taken Highest Final Honors.
Special Subject:
Thesis Subject: “The Telephone Situation.” (With Professor Taussig.)


Walter Wallace McLaren.

General Examination in Economics, Wednesday, April 10, 1907.
Committee: Professors Taussig (chairman), Hart, Bullock, Munro, and Andrew.
Academic History: Queen’s University (Canada), 1894-99; Queen’s University Theological College, 1899-1902; Harvard Graduate School, 1905-07; A.M. (Queen’s Univ.) 1899; B.D. (ibid.) 1902.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Sociology and Social Reform. 3. Transportation and Foreign Commerce. 4. Labor Problems and Industrial Organization. 5. The History of Canada. 6. Municipal and Local Government.
Special Subject: Canadian Economic History.
Thesis Subject: “History of the Canadian Tariff.” (With Professor Taussig.)

Frank Richardson Mason.

General Examination in Economics, Wednesday, May 8, 1907.
Committee: Professors Taussig (chairman), Channing, Bullock, Gay, Ripley, and Andrew.
Academic History: Harvard College, 1901-05; Harvard Graduate School, 1905-07; A.B. (Harvard) 1905; A.M. (ibid.) 1906.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Economic History to 1750. 3. Economic History since 1750. 4. Money, Banking and Commercial Crises. 5. Social Reform and Industrial Organization. 6. History of American Institutions.
Special Subject: United States Economic History (or Crises?).
Thesis Subject: “The Silk Industry in Europe and America.” (With Professor Taussig.)


Charles Phillips Huse.

Special Examination in Economics, Wednesday, May 15, 1907.
General Examination passed May 11, 1906.
Committee: Professors Ripley (chairman), Stimson, Taussig, Bullock, and Andrew.
Academic History: Harvard College, 1900-03; Harvard Graduate School, 1904-07; A.B. (Harvard) 1904; A.M. (ibid.) 1906.
Special Subject: Public Finance and Financial History.
Thesis Subject: “Financial History of Boston, 1822-1859, with a Preliminary Chapter.” (With Professor Bullock.)
Committee on Thesis: Professors Bullock, Taussig, Ripley.


William Jackman.

General Examination in Economics, Wednesday, May 22, 1907.
Committee: Professors Gay (chairman), Macvane, Taussig, Bullock, Ripley, and Andrew.
Academic History: University of Toronto, 1892-96; University of Pennsylvania, 1899-1900; Harvard Graduate School, 1905-07; A.B. (Univ. of Toronto) 1896; A.M. (ibid.) 1900.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Economic History to 1750. 3. Statistics. 4. Sociology and Social Reform. 5. Labor Problems and Industrial Organization. 6. English History since 1500.
Special Subject: Modern Economic History of England.
Thesis Subject: “The Development of Transportation in Modern England before the Steam Railway Era.” (With Professor Gay.)


Edmund Ezra Day.

General Examination in Economics, Thursday, May 23, 1907.
Committee: Professors Ripley (chairman), Channing, Taussig, Bullock, Andrew, and Wyman.
Academic History: Dartmouth College, 1901-06; Harvard Graduate School, 1906-07; S.B. (Dartmouth) 1905; A.M. (ibid.) 1906.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Statistics. 3. Money, Banking and Crises. 4. Public Finance and Financial History. 5. Industrial Organization and Corporation Finance. 6. American Institutions and Constitutional Law.
Special Subject: Taxation.
Thesis Subject: “Taxation of Corporations in Connecticut and Maine.”(?) (With Professor Bullock.)


Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University, Examinations for the Ph.D. (HUC 7000.70), Folder “Examinations for the Ph.D., 1906-1907”.

Image Source: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 .

Fields Harvard

Harvard. Subjects Chosen by Economics Ph.D. Candidates for Examination, 1905


This posting lists seven graduate students in economics who took their subject examinations for the Ph.D. at Harvard between December, 1904 and June, 1905.  The examination committee members, academic history, general and specific subjects are provided along with the doctoral thesis subject, when declared. Lists for 1903-04,  1915-16, and 1926-27 were posted previously. In the same archival box one finds lists for the academic years 1902-03 through 1904-05, 1906-07 through 1913-14, 1915-16, 1917-18 through 1918-19, and finally 1926-27. I only include graduate students of economics (i.e. not included are the Ph.D. candidates in history and government).

Titles and dates of Harvard economic dissertations for the period 1875-1926 can be found here.





Stuart Daggett.

General Examination in Economics, Thursday, December 1, 1904.
Committee: Professors Taussig, Ripley, Carver, Gay, and Andrew.
Academic History: Harvard College, 1899-1903; Harvard Graduate School, 1903-05; A.B. (Harvard) 1903; A.M. (ibid.) 1904.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Sociology and Statistics. 3. Money, Banking and Commercial Crises. 4. Labor Problems and Industrial Organization. 5. History of American Institutions. 6. English Economic History to 1800.
Special Subject: Transportation.
Thesis Subject: “Railroad Reorganization.” (With Professor Ripley.)

Lincoln Hutchinson.

General Examination in Economics, Wednesday, April 12, 1905.
Committee: Professors Taussig (chairman), Emerton, Bullock, Gay, Andrew, and Sprague.
Academic History: University of California, 1882-84, 1887-89; Harvard University, 1892-Jan. 1894, 1898-99; Ph.B. (Univ. of Calif.) 1889; A.B. (Harvard) 1893; A.M. (ibid.) 1899.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Economic History to 1750. 3. Money, Banking and Commercial Crises. 4. Public Finance and Taxation. 5. Commercial Geography. 6. History of Political Institutions in Mediaeval Europe, including England.
Special Subject: International Trade: its History, Theory, and Present Position.
Thesis Subject: “Ten Years’ Competition (1894-1903) for Markets in Brazil and the River Plate.”

Lincoln Hutchinson.

Special Examination in Economics, Monday, April 24, 1905.
Committee: Professors Taussig (chairman), Ripley, Gay, Andrew, and Sprague.
(See above.)

Joseph Clarence Hemmeon.

General Examination in Economics, Friday, May 26, 1905.
Committee: Professors Carver (chairman), Macvane, Hart, Bullock, Gay, and Sprague.
Academic History: Acadia College (N.S.), 1894-98, 1902-03; Harvard Graduate School, 1903-05; A.B. (Acadia) 1898; A.M. (ibid.) 1903; A.M. (Harvard) 1904.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Modern Economic History of Europe and Economic History of the United States from 1789. 3. Sociology and Social Reform. 4. Public Finance and Financial History. 5. Modern Government. 6. History of England since 1685, and History of the United States since 1763.
Special Subject: Sociology and Social Reform.
Thesis Subject: Not yet announced.

Vanderveer Custis.

Special Examination in Economics, Wednesday, June 7, 1905.
General Examination passed May 20, 1904.
Committee: Professors Taussig (chairman), Ripley, Bullock, Sprague, and Wyman.
Academic History: Harvard College, 1897-1901; Harvard Graduate School, 1901-04; A.B. (Harvard) 1901; A.M. (ibid.) 1902.
Special Subject: Industrial Organization.
Thesis Subject: “The Theory of Industrial Consolidation.” (With Professor Ripley).

James Alfred Field.

General Examination in Economics, Monday, June 12, 1905.
Committee: Professors Taussig (chairman), Ripley, Carver, Gay, Castle, and Dr. Munro.
Academic History: Harvard College, 1899-1903; Harvard Graduate School, 1903-05; A.B. (Harvard) 1903.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Economic History. 3. Sociology. 4. Labor Problems and Industrial Organization. 5. The Sociological Aspect of the Evolution Theory. 6. International Law.
Special Subject: Sociology.
Thesis Subject: (Not yet announced.)

Albert Benedict Wolfe.

Special Examination in Economics, Monday, June 19, 10 a.m. 1905.
General Examination passed May 11, 1904.
Committee: Professors Taussig (chairman), Ripley, Carver, Bullock, and Andrew.
Academic History: Harvard College, 1899-1902; Harvard Graduate School, 1902-04; A.B. (Harvard) 1902; A.M. (ibid.) 1903.
Special Subject: Modern Economic Theory.
Thesis Subject: “The Lodging House Problem in Boston, with some Reference to Other Cities.” (With Professor Ripley).

William Hyde Price.

Special Examination in Economics, Tuesday, June 20, 1905.
General Examination passed April 13, 1904.
Committee: Professors Taussig (chairman), Ripley, Carver, Bullock, and Gay.
Academic History: Tufts College, 1897-1901; Harvard Graduate School, 1901-05; A.B. (Tufts) 1901; A.M. (ibid.) 1901; A.M. (Harvard) 1902.
Special Subject: English Economic History of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.
Thesis Subject: “The English Patents of monopoly, 1550-1650.” (With Professor Gay).



Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University, Examinations for the Ph.D. (HUC 7000.70), Folder “Examinations for the Ph.D., 1904-1905”.

Image Source:   Harvard University. Quinquennial Catalogue of the Officers and Graduates, 1636-1920Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1920. Front cover.

Courses Harvard Undergraduate

Harvard. Principles of Economics. Taussig, Andrew and Bullock. 1906-07

The popularity of the introductory course in economics at Harvard led Frank Taussig to establish a structure of two one-hour lectures per week with ca. 15 sections (of about 25 students) taught by four teaching assistants who administered (and presumably then graded) a 20 minute quiz on a week’s reading assignment that would be followed up with a 35-40 minute class discussion. 

Apparently Taussig’s Columbia University colleague, E.R.A. Seligman, asked Taussig how Harvard ran its principles of economics course. Maybe he was just curious to hear whether Harvard was about to adopt his Principles of Economics With Special Reference to American Conditions. In his answer, Taussig clearly stakes his claim to have invented the large lecture with small recitation sections format. 



[Copy of letter from Frank W. Taussig (Harvard)
to E.R.A. Seligman (Columbia)]

Cotuit, Mass.
Aug. 8, 1906

Dear Seligman:-

Our present system in Economics 1, is as follows. There are three exercises a week, of which two are lectures, and the third is for section work, something like what you call a quiz. The lectures are given to all the men in a large lecture hall. During the first half year I give all the lectures; during the second half year it will be given (1906-7) by Andrew and Bullock. For the section work the men are divided into sections of about 30 men each, and meet weekly in separate rooms, and at various hours, in the charge of younger instructors. Each instructor has three to four sections, there are four or five instructors. The first thing at the section meetings is a sort of examination. The question is put on the board and answered in writing during the first twenty minutes; these papers are read and a record kept of the results. The rest of the hour, thirty-five or forty minutes, is given to oral discussion.

Last year we used three text-books, Mill, Walker, and Seager. Specific assignments of reading are made for each week. The lectures cover the same topics as the reading, and the question of the week is on both reading and lectures.

To ensure consistency, the lecturer in charge (for instance myself) meets the younger instructors weekly at a stated hour. Then the questions to be asked by the instructors are submitted for approval, and the work of the week talked over.

This system is of my devising, and has worked better than anything we have tried. It has now been adopted into other large courses, History 1, and Government 1. Any other information I can give you are very welcome to.

I was extremely sorry to hear of your bereavement, and sympathize with you very fully [Seligman’s daughter, Mabel Henrietta died October 30, 1905 at age eleven]. Ripley has returned from Europe. His present address is New London, N. H. I have written a review of your book for our Journal, in which I have said some things that may not please you. But I take it you agree with me that the only object of reviews is to elicit frank statement of opinion. [Taussig’s review of Seligman’s Principles of Economics, Seligman’s Reply and Taussig’s Rejoinder]

Sincerely yours,
F. W. Taussig.

Prof. E.R.A. Seligman,
Lake Placid, N.Y.


Course Announcement 1906 (no description)

Primarily for Undergraduates

  1. Principles of Economics. Tu., Th., Sat. at 11. Professor Taussig, Asst. Professors Bullock and Andrew, assisted by Messrs. Howland, Lewis, Huse, and Mason.


Source: “Announcement of the Course of Instruction offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences 1906-07, 2nd edition”. Official Register of Harvard University, Vol. III, No. 15, Aug. 1, 1906. P. 47.


Course Announcement 1910-11 with Description

Primarily for Undergraduates

  1. Principles of Economics. Tu., Th., Sat., at 11. Professor Taussig, assisted by Drs. Huse, Day, and Foerster, and Messrs. Sharfman and Balcom.

Course 1 gives a general introduction to economic study, and a general view of Economics for those who have not further time to give to the subject. It undertakes a consideration of the principles of production, distribution, exchange, money, banking, international trade, and taxation. The relations of labor and capital, the present organization of industry, and the recent currency legislation of the United States will be treated in outline.

The course will be conducted partly by lectures, partly by oral discussion in sections. A course of reading will be laid down, and weekly written exercises will test the work of students in following systematically and continuously the lectures and the prescribed reading.


Source: History and Political Science, Comprising the Departments of History and Government and Economics, 1910-11. Official Register of Harvard University, Vol. VII, No. 23, June 21, 1910, p. 52.

Note: The course description is almost a verbatim copy of that for 1902-03, so we can presume the same description for 1906-07.


Course Enrollment 1906-07

  1. Professor Taussig and Asst. Professors Bullock and Andrew, assisted by Messrs. Martin, Mason, G.R. Lewis, Huse, and Holcombe,–Principles of Economics.

Total 392: 1 Graduate, 15 Seniors, 43 Juniors, 252 Sophomores, 50 Freshmen, 31 Other.


Source: Harvard University. Reports of the President and the Treasurer of Harvard College, 1906-07, p. 70.

Image Source: Harvard Class Album, 1906.


Harvard Syllabus

Harvard. Economics of Transportation. Chamberlin, 1931


Every year from 1927/28 through 1931/32, Edward Chamberlin taught a semester-long course on the economics of transportation. He took over the course that had been previously taught by Professor William Zebina Ripley, who continued teaching the next semester course in the sequence on the economics of corporations. In the following year these two courses morphed into the full-year course “Monopolistic Industries and their Regulation” co-taught by Chamberlin and Edward S. Mason.

The final examination questions for 1932 have been transcribed for this course.



Course Enrollment

[Economics] 4a 1hf. Asst. Professor Chamberlin.—Economics of Transportation.

Total: 149. 5 Graduates, 46 Seniors, 85 Juniors, 7 Sophomores, 6 Other.


Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College and Reports of Departments, 1931-1932. p. 71.




Lectures: Section Meetings:
Oct. 1-17 inclusive

Nov. 3-19 inclusive

Dec. 8-15 inclusive

Oct. 19-27 inclusive.

Nov. 20-Dec. 1 incl.

Dec. 16-22 inclusive


Before Oct. 20


Historical Sketch

Taussig—Principles of Economics

62, 63

Ripley—Railroads, Rates and Regulation


Ripley—Railroad Problems 



Jones—Principles of Railroad Transportation

4-9 inclusive

Jones and Vanderblue—Railroads, Cases & Selections


Traffic Geography

Jones and Vanderblue—Railroads, Cases & Selections


Daggett—Principles of Inland Transportation

8-14 inclusive



2, 16, 18

Jones and Vanderblue

XX, Section 1

Hour Examination October 29

Before Nov. 21

History of Regulation to 1917

Ripley—Railroads, Rates and Regulation

13-17 inclusive



Sharfman—American Railroad Problem

pp. 51-64

Federal Operation During the War


3, 4, 5





The Act of 1920


pp. 347-357






Jones and Vanderblue


Motor Truck Transport


6, 34

Peterson—“Motor Carrier Regulation and Its Economic Basis”—Quarterly Journal of Economics—Aug. 1929

Inland Water Transport


2, 33

Hour Examination December 3

Before Dec. 17





22, 23, 24

Jones and Vanderblue

XXIV Sections 1 and 2

Foreign Experience

30, 31


Reading Period

Read one of the following:

  1. Rates

Vanderblue and Burgess—Railroads, Rates, Service, Management. Chs. 5-12 inclusive.
Clark—Economics of Overhead Costs. Chs. 13, 14

  1. Valuation

Glaeser—Outlines of Public Utility Economics. Chs. 14, 19, 21. 
I.C.C. Finance Docket #3908 (O’Fallon Case)
Sup. Ct. Opinion #131, 132. October, 1928.

  1. Waterways

Moulton—St. Lawrence Navigation and Power Project. pp. 1-240
Journal of Political Economy—Feb. 1930, pp. 86-107; June 1930, pp. 345-353
Moulton—Waterways vs. Railways. Chs. 2, 3, 20.


Source: Harvard University Archives. Syllabi, course outlines and reading lists in Economics, 1895-2003. Box 2, Folder “Economics, 1931-1932”.

Image Source:  Edward Chamberlin, Harvard Class Album 1932.

Economists Fields Harvard

Harvard. Subjects Chosen by Economics Ph.D. Candidates for Examination.1904


This posting lists the seven graduate students in economics who took their subject examinations for the Ph.D. at Harvard in 1904.  The examination committee members, academic history, general and specific subjects are provided along with the doctoral thesis subject, when declared. Lists for 1915-16 and 1926-27 were posted previously. In the same archival box one finds lists for the academic years 1902-03 through 1904-05, 1906-07 through 1913-14, 1915-16, 1917-18 through 1918-19, and finally 1926-27. I only include graduate students of economics (i.e. not included are the Ph.D. candidates in history and government).

Titles and dates of the economic dissertations for the period 1875-1926 can be found here.





Charles Beardsley.

General Examination in Political Science, Wednesday, February 24, 1904.
Committee: Professors Ripley, Lowell, Haskins, Carver, Bullock, Gay and Dr. Sprague.
Academic History: Harvard College, 1888-92; Graduate School, 1893-94, 1896-97, 1902-03; Harvard, 1897[sic, he received his A.B. in 1892] (A.B.); Harvard, 1902 [sic, he received his A.M. in 1897] (A.M.)
General Subjects: 1. Constitutional History of England since the beginning of the Tudor Period. 2. Modern Government and Comparative Constitutional Law. 3. Economic Theory and its History. 4. Applied Economics: Money and Banking, International Trade, Taxation and Finance. 5. Economic History of the United States, with special reference to the Tariff, Financial Legislation, and Industrial Combinations. 6. Sociology, including the Labor Question. 7. (Special subject.).
Special Subject: Tariff Legislation and Controversy in England since the time of Adam Smith.
Thesis Subject: “Huskisson’s Tariff Reforms in England.” (With Professors Taussig and Gay.)

[Note: Charles Beardsley, Jr. was never awarded a Ph.D. from Harvard. More about Charles Beardsley’s life is found in my earlier posting taken from the Secretary’s Report of the Harvard Class of 1892 (1912).


William Hyde Price.

General Examination in Political Science, Wednesday, April 13, 1904.
Committee: Professors Carver, Macvane, Taussig, Ripley, Bullock, Gay, and Dr. Sprague.
Academic History: Tufts College, 1897-1901; Harvard Graduate School, 1901-04; Tufts, 1901(A.B.); Harvard, 1902 (A.M.).
General Subjects: 1. Constitutional History of England since 1500. 2. Modern Government and Comparative Constitutional Law. 3.(a) History of Economic Theories; (b) Statistics. 4.(a) Public Finance; (b) Transportation; (c) Labor and Industrial Organization. 5. European Economic History. 6. American Economic History. 7. Sociology.
Special Subject: English Economic History since the Sixteenth Century.
Thesis Subject: “Elizabethan Patents of Monopoly.” (With Professor Gay.)


George Randall Lewis.

General Examination in Political Science, Thursday, April 14, 1904.
Committee: Professors Ripley, Macvane, Turner, Taussig, Carver, Gay, and Dr. Sprague.
Academic History: Harvard College, 1898-1902; Harvard Graduate School, 1902-04; Harvard, 1902 (A.B.).
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Applied Economics; Labor and Railroads. 3. Economic History of the United States and Europe. 4. Economic History of the United States, with special reference to the Tariff, Financial Legislation, and Railroads. 5. Sociology. 6. History of American Institutions. 7. International law and Diplomatic History.
Special Subject: Economic History of Europe.
Thesis Subject: “Mines and Mining in Mediaeval England.” (With Professor Gay.)


David Hutton Webster.

General Examination in Political Science, Monday, May 2, 1904.
Committee: Professors Ripley, Lowell, G.F. Moore, Carver, Andrew, Bullock and Dr. Sprague.
Academic History: Stanford University, 1893-97; Assistant in Economics, Stanford University, 1899-1900; Harvard Graduate School, 1902-04; Stanford University, 1896 (A.B.); Stanford University, 1897 (A.M.); Harvard University, 1903 (A.M.).
General Subjects: 1. History of Religion. 2. Theory of the State. 3. Economic Theory and its History. 4. Applied Economics: Money and Banking, International Trade, Problems of Labor and Industrial Organization. 5. Economic History of the United States, with special reference to the Tariff, Financial Legislation, and Transportation. 6 and 7 Sociology (double subject).
Special Subject: Sociology.
Thesis Subject: “Primitive Social Control: A Study of Tribal initiation Ceremonies and Secret Societies.”

Special Examination in Political Science, Friday, May 27, 1904.
Committee: Professors Carver, Wright, Peabody, Ripley, Gay and Dr. Dixon.


Albert Benedict Wolfe.

General Examination in Economics, Wednesday, May 11, 1904.
Committee: Professors Ripley, Carver, Bullock, Gay, Hart, Andrew, and Dr. Sprague.
Academic History: Harvard College, 1899-1902; Harvard Graduate School, 1902-04; 1902 (A.B.); 1903 (A.M.); South End House Fellow, 1902-04; Final Honors at graduation in 1902.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Sociology and Social Reform. 3. Statistics. 4. Labor Problems and Industrial Organization. 5. United States History and International Law. 6. Economic History of Mediaeval Europe and of the United States.
Special Subject: Not yet announced.
Thesis Subject: “The Lodging House Problem in Boston, with some Reference to other Cities.”


Vanderveer Custis.

General Examination in Political Science, Friday, May 20, 1904.
Committee: Professors Carver, Macvane, Taussig, Ripley, Andrew, Gay, and Dr. Sprague.
Academic History: Harvard College, 1897-1901; Harvard Graduate School, 1902-04; Harvard, 1901 (A.B.); Harvard, 1902 (A.M.).
General Subjects: 1. Constitutional History of England since the beginning of the Tudor Period. 2. Modern Government and International Law. 3. Economic Theory and Statistics. 4. Applied Economics: Money and Banking, Industrial Organization, Taxation, and Finance. 5. Economic History of Europe and the United States. 6. Economic History of the United States, with special reference to the Tariff, Financial Legislation, and Transportation. 7. Sociology.
Special Subject: Industrial Organization.
Thesis Subject: “The Theory of Industrial Consolidation.”


Chester Whitney Wright.

General Examination in Political Science, Thursday, May 26, 1904.
Committee: Professors Carver, Haskins, Turner, Ripley, Andrew, and Bullock.
Academic History: Harvard College, 1897-1901; Harvard Graduate School, 1902-04; Harvard, 1901 (A.B.); Harvard, 1902 (A.M.).
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Statistics. 3. Money, Banking, Commercial Crises. 4. Transportation and Foreign Commerce. 5. The Economic History of the United States and Industrial Organization. 6. United States History since 1789.
Special Subject: The Economic History of the United States.
Thesis Subject: Not yet announced.



Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University, Examinations for the Ph.D. (HUC 7000.70), Folder “Examinations for the Ph.D., 1903-04”.

Image Source: John Harvard Statue (1904). Library of Congress. Photos, Prints and Drawings.

Courses Harvard Suggested Reading Syllabus

Harvard. Problems of Labor. William Z. Ripley, 1931



William Zebina Ripley (1867-1941) was awarded a B.S. in civil engineering from M.I.T. in 1890. With his dissertation “The Financial History of Virginia, 1607-1776”  he earned a doctorate in political economy at Columbia University in 1893. His initial reputation was based on his work The Races of Europe: A Sociological Study (1899)  that ascribed civic and moral characteristics of peoples to their racial characteristics. Like many in the populist right today who worry about the impact of immigrants on the existing domestic culture, Ripley too saw social behaviors as essentially hard-wired. He moved on from his racist social anthropology to become an expert on railroad affairs, labor market institutions and the regulation of financial markets (Main Street and Wall Street (1927)).  He ended policy-wise closer to the Occupy Wall Street movement than one might have expected from his early scholarship.

A brief biographical entry for Ripley written by Paul J. Miranti Jr.’s was published in History of Accounting: An International Encyclopedia. 1996, pp. 502-505.

The reading list in today’s post comes from a folder of economics reading lists for the Harvard economics department from the academic year 1931-32. While penciled in at the top of the page is “Econ 34”, the typed header reads “Assignments for Economics 10”. As seen from the enrollment report for Economics 34, William Z. Ripley was credited with teaching that class. The reading assignments are clearly for a course in labor economics (as opposed to the Economics 10a and 10b, economic history courses taught by Usher that year). There was no previous course numbering system in which Economics 10 was a labor economics course either. Thus, I am puzzled about the origin of this reading list. Maybe “Economics 10” was simply a secretarial typo.



Course Enrollment

[Economics] 34. Professor Ripley.—Problems of Labor.

3 Graduates, 1 Radcliffe, 1 Other: Total 5


Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College and Reports of Departments, 1931-32, p. 72.



Econ 34

Assignments for Economics 10 [sic]


Final Report of the Commission on Industrial Relations, 1915, pp. 22-91; pp. 407-439. [pencil note: “either of these the 1st day; the other the 2nd day.”]
Bogart, Economic History of the United States, ch. 4.
Mill, Principles of Political Economy, book II, chs. 5,11.
Marshall, Principles of Economics, book VI, chs. 1-5.


  1. Collective Bargaining; Employers’ Associations.

Webb, Industrial Democracy, part II, ch. 2.
Hoxie, Trade Unionism in the United States, chs. 8, 10.
Commons, Trade Unionism and Labor Problems, ch. 39.

  1. Trade Union Policies and Activities

Hoxie, ch. 11.
Furniss, Labor Problems, ch. 10
Watkins, Labor Problems, ch. 20.
Estey, The Labor Problem, ch. 3.

(a) The Closed Shop.

Estey, ch. 5.
Catlin, ch. 12.

(b) The Standard Rate; Opposition to Piece Rates.

Webb, Part II, ch. 5.
Hoxie, ch. 13.

(c) The Normal Day

Webb, part II, ch. 6.

(d) Restriction of Output

Catlin, ch. 13.

(e) Union Attitude toward Machinery; Technological Unemployment.

Webb, part II, ch. 8.
Watkins, ch. 5.

(f) Mutual Assistance (Benefits)

Catlin, ch. 14.

(g) Labor Banks.

Hardman, American Labor Dynamics, ch. 28.

(h) The Closed Union.

Webb, part II, ch. 10, section (a) and part III, ch. 3, section (a).

  1. Historical Background

Webb, History of Trade Unionism.
Furniss, ch. 8.
Hoxie, ch. 4.
Wolman, Growth of American Trade Unions.
Ware, The Labor Movement in the United States, 1860-1895.
Perlman, History of Trade Unionism in the United States.
Mary Beard, A Short History of the American Labor Movement.

(a) The Early Years.

(b) The Knights of Labor.

(c) The Development of Craft Unionism.

  1. Trade Unionism vs. Industrial Unionism

Hoxie, ch. 6.
American Mercury, March, 1929, Earl W. Shimmons, “The Twilight of the A. F. of L.”

  1. Trade-union Problems.

(a) Organization of the A. F. of L.

Hoxie, ch. 5.
Furniss, ch. 9.
Matthew Woll, The American Federation of Labor.

(b) The Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America and the Railroad Brotherhoods.

(c) Trade Union Organization Abroad. (Great Britain, Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Australasia, Canada, Latin America).

Catlin, The Labor Problem, ch. 10.
Raynor, Trade Unionism.
Dunn, Soviet Trade Unions.
Beals, Rome or Death, ch. 10.
Logan, Trade-union Organization in Canada, ch. 4.
Journal of Political Economy, June 1930, M. R. Clark, “French Syndicalism of the Present.”

(d) Problems of Organization.

Hoxie, ch. 7.
Hardman, American Labor Dynamics, chs. 6,7.

(e) Unionism in the South.

Hardman, ch. 18.
Wm. Green, Labor’s Message to the South.
American Mercury, Feb. 1930, W. J. Cash, “The War in the South.”

(f) Violence in Labor Disputes.

United States Commission on Industrial Relations, 1915.
Helen Marot, American Labor Unions.

  1. Organized Labor and the Courts.

Hoxie, ch. 9.
Furniss, ch. 12.
Commons and Andrews, Principles of Labor Legislation, ch. 3, section 1.
Blum, Labor Economics, chs. 4, 5.
Sayre, Cases on Labor Law.

(a) The Strike and the Boycott.

Catlin, ch. 15.
Groat, Organized Labor in America, chs. 10, 11, 14, 15.

(b) Picketing

(c) The Injunction.

(d) Legal Status of Trade Unions.

  1. Labor and Politics: Policy of the A. F. of L.

Furniss, ch. 11.
Hardman, ch. 22.
Samuel Gompers, Should a Political Labor Party be Formed?

  1. Conciliation, Mediation, and Arbitration.

Webb, part II, ch. 3.
Furniss, ch. 13.
Blum, pp. 248-291.
Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 31, M. B. Hammond, “The Regulation of Wages in New Zealand.”

(a) Compulsory Mediation; The Lemieux Act (Canada).

(b) Compulsory Arbitration in New Zealand and Germany.

[handwritten addition in pen: Pol. Sci. Quarterly, Sept. ’29, H. B. Davis, “The German Labor Courts”)]

  1. Industrial Relations.

Gemmill, Present Day Labor Relations.
Furniss, chs. 14, 15.
Hardman, chs. 19, 20, 21.

(a) The Company Union; Employee Representation; Attitude of Organized Labor.

(b) Trade-union Management.

(c) Profit-sharing and Ownership-sharing.


  1. The Problem of Unemployment

Fairchild, Furniss, and Buck, Elementary Economics, ch. 48.
Furniss, Labor Problems, ch. 2.
Blum, Labor Economics, ch. 8.
Cassel, Theory of Social Economy, ch. 15.

  1. Remedies for Unemployment.

Furniss, ch. 3.
Blum, chs. 9, 10.


Webb, part II, ch. 4.
Sayre, Cases on Labor Law.

  1. Industrial Accidents; Workmen’s Compensation Acts.

Furniss, ch. 7.
Commons and Andrews, pp. 434-453.

  1. The Minimum Wage.

Furniss, ch. 4.
Journal of Political Economy, Dec. 1912, Webb, “Theory of the Legal Minimum Wage.”
Commons, Trade Unionism and Labor Problems. ch. 42.

  1. Hours of Labor.

Furniss, ch. 5.

  1. Unemployment and Sickness Insurance.

Commons, Trade Unionism and Labor Problems, chs. 3, 4.

  1. Old-age Pensions.

  2. Child and Woman Labor.

Furniss, ch. 6.


Hoxie, ch. 14.
Manifesto of the Communist Party.
Lindsay, Karl Marx’s Capital.

  1. The Co-operative Movement.

Catlin, ch. 22.

  1. Communism, Anarchism and Socialism.

Lorwin, Labor and Internationalism, chs. 16, 17, 21, 22

  1. The Single Tax.

  2. Socialist Parties in the United States.


  1. The International Labor Organization of the League of Nations.

  2. The Labor Turnover.

Estey, ch. 10.
Commons, Trade Unionism and Labor Problems, ch. 12.

  1. Immigration.

Watkins, ch. 35.

  1. Credit Unions as a Factor in Improving Living Conditions among the Working Classes.

American Federationist, Jan. 1930, Roy F. Bergengren, “The Credit Union.”
Edson L. Whitney, Co-operative Credit Societies (Credit Unions) in America and in Foreign Countries.

  1. Recent Trend of Real Wages.


Hamilton and May, Control of Wages



Source: Harvard University Archives. Syllabi, course outlines and reading lists in Economics, 1895-2003. Box 2, Folder “Economics, 1931-1932”.




Economists Harvard

Harvard. 24 Ph.D. candidates examined 1926-27

In one box at the Harvard Archives (Harvard University/Examinations for the Ph.D. [HUC7000.70]), I found an incomplete run of published Ph.D. examination announcements for the Division of History and Political Science [later Division of History, Government, and Economics] from 1903-04 through 1926-27. Earlier I transcribed the announcement for 1915-16. Today’s posting gives us (1) the date of the scheduled general or special Ph.D. examinations (2) the names of the examination committee (3) the subjects of the general examination, and (4) the academic history of the examinees for two dozen economics Ph.D. candidates examined during the academic year 1926-27.

The largest shadows cast by members of this cohort belong to the (later) Harvard economics professor Edward H. Chamberlin and the co-author of The Modern Corporation and Private Property, Gardiner C. MeansLaughlin Currie and Harry Dexter White also belonged to this cohort of examinees.

Fun fact: Richard Vincent Gilbert was the father of Walter Myron Gilbert, Nobel laureate in Chemistry, 1980.





Notice of hour and place will be sent out three days in advance of each examination.
The hour will ordinarily be 4 p.m.

James Ackley Maxwell.

Special Examination in Economics, Monday, October 25, 1926.
General Examination passed, October 30, 1923.
Academic History: Dalhousie University, 1919-21; Harvard College, 1921-23; Harvard Graduate School, 1923-27. B.A., Dalhousie, 1921; A.M., Harvard, 1923. Assistant Professor of Economics, Clark University, 1925-.
General Subjects: 1. Money and Banking. 2. Economic Theory and its History. 3. Economic History to 1750. 4. Statistics. 5. History of Political Theory. 6. Public Finance.
Special Subject: Public Finance.
Committee: Professors Bullock (chairman), Burbank, A. H. Cole, and Usher.
Thesis Subject: A Financial History of Nova Scotia, 1848-99. (With Professor Bullock.)
Committee on Thesis: Professors Bullock, Burbank, and Usher.

Kan Lee.

Special Examination in Economics, Thursday, October 28, 1926.
General Examination passed, January 6, 1926.
Academic History: Tsing Hua College, China, 1917-20; University of Missouri, 1920-22; University of Chicago, summer of 1921; Harvard Graduate School, 1922-27. B.J., Missouri, 1922; A.B., ibid., 1922; A.M., Harvard, 1924
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory. 2. Money, Banking, and Crises. 3. Public Finance. 4. International Trade and Tariff Problems. 5. History of the Far East. 6. Socialism and Social Reconstruction.
Special Subject: Socialism and Social Reconstruction.
Committee: Professors Carver (chairman), James Ford, Mason, and Young.
Thesis Subject: British Socialists: Their Concept of Capital. (With Professor Carver.)
Committee on Thesis: Professors Carver, Mason, and Young.

Donald Wood Gilbert.

General Examination in Economics, Friday, October 29, 1926.
Committee: Professors Young (chairman), Crum, Gay, McIlwain, and Williams.
Academic History: University of Rochester, 1917-21; Harvard Graduate School, 1923-25. A.B., Rochester, 1921; M.A., ibid., 1923. Assistant in Economics, Harvard, 1924-25; Instructor in Economics, Rochester, 1925-.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Economic History since 1750. 3. Statistical Method and its Application. 4. History of Political Theory. 5. International Trade and Tariff Policy. 6. Commercial Crises.
Special Subject: Commercial Crises.
Thesis Subject: Undecided.

Arthur William Marget.

Special Examination in Economics, Thursday, January 20, 1927.
General Examination passed, May 24, 1923..
Academic History: Harvard College, 1916-20; Cambridge University, England, fall term, 1920; London School of Economics, winter term 1920-21, University of Berlin, summer term 1921; Harvard Graduate School, 1921-27 A.B., Harvard, 1920; A.M., ibid., 1921. Assistant in Economics, Harvard, 1923-27.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Socialism and Social Reform. 3. Public Finance. 4. Statistical Method and its Application. 5. American History since 1789. 6. Money, Banking, and Crises.
Special Subject: Money and Banking.
Committee: Professors Young (chairman), A.H. Cole, Taussig, and Williams.
Thesis Subject: The Loan Fund: A pecuniary approach to the problem of the determination of the rate of interest.. (With Professor Young.)
Committee on Thesis: Professors Young, Taussig, and Williams.

Richard Vincent Gilbert.

General Examination in Economics, Wednesday, February 9, 1927.
Committee: Professors Young (chairman), Crum, Monroe, Usher, and Woods.
Academic History: University of Pennsylvania, 1919-20; Harvard College, 1920-23; Harvard Graduate School, 1923-. B.S., Harvard, 1923; M.A., Harvard, 1925. Assistant in Economics, Harvard, 1923-.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Money and Banking. 3. Statistics. 4. Economic History since 1776. 5. History of Ancient Philosophy. 6. Theory of International Trade.
Special Subject: Theory of International Trade.
Thesis Subject: Theory of International Trade. (With Professor Taussig.)

Melvin Gardner deChazeau.

General Examination in Economics, Monday, February 21, 1927.
Committee: Professors Taussig (chairman), A.H. Cole, Crum, Demos, and Young.
Academic History: University of Washington, 1921-25; Harvard Graduate School, 1925-. A.B., Washington, 1924; M.A., ibid., 1925. Instructor and Tutor, Harvard, 1926-27.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Economic History since 1750. 3. Statistics. 4. Money and Banking. 5. Ethics. 6. Regulation of Public Utilities.
Special Subject: Regulation of Public Utilities.
Thesis Subject: Undecided.

Donald Milton Erb.

General Examination in Economics, Friday, February 25, 1927.
Committee: Professors Carver (chairman), Burbank, Gay, Morison, and Williams.
Academic History: University of Illinois, 1918-22, 1923-25; Harvard Graduate School. 1925-. S.B., Illinois, 1922; S.M., ibid., 1924. Assistant in Economics, Illinois, 1923-25.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory. 2. Economic History since 1750. 3. Sociology. 4. Public Finance. 5. American History since 1789. 6. Transportation.
Special Subject: Transportation.
Thesis Subject: Railroad Abandonments and Additions in the United States since 1920. (With Professor Ripley.)

Douglass Vincent Brown.

General Examination in Economics, Wednesday, March 2, 1927.
Committee: Professors Taussig (chairman), Bullock, Ford, Persons and Schlesinger.
Academic History: Harvard College, 1921-25; Harvard Graduate School, 1925-. A.B., Harvard, 1925; A.M., ibid., 1926.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Statistics. 3. Sociology. 4. Money, Banking, and Crises. 5. American History since 1789. 6. Labor Problems.
Special Subject: Labor Problems.
Thesis Subject: Restriction of Output. (With Professors Taussig and Ripley.)

Mark Anson Smith.

Special Examination in Economics, Friday, April 8, 1927.
General Examination passed, May 11, 1916.
Academic History: Dartmouth College, 1906-10; University of Wisconsin, 1911-14; Harvard Graduate School, 1915-17. A.B., Dartmouth, 1910; A.M., Wisconsin, 1913. Instructor in Economics at Simmons College, 1916-17.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Economic History since 1750. 3. Money, Banking, and Crises. 4. Economics of Corporations. 5. American Government and Constitutional Law.
Special Subject: Public Finance.
Committee: Professors Taussig (chairman), Bullock, Usher, and Williams.
Thesis Subject: Economic Aspects of the Duties on Wool, with special reference to the period, 1912-1924. (With Professor Bullock.)
Committee on Thesis: Professors Taussig, A. H. Cole, and Usher.

Lauchlin Bernard Currie.

General Examination in Economics, Monday, April 11, 1927.
Committee: Professors Young (chairman), Burbank, A.H. Cole, Usher, and Wright.
Academic History: St. Francis Zavier College, 1921-22; London School of Economics, 1922-25; Harvard Graduate School, 1925-. B.Sc., London, 1925.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory. 2. Economic History since 1750. 3. Public Finance. 4. International Trade and Tariff Policy. 5. History of Political Theory. 6. Money, Banking, and Crises.
Special Subject: Money, Banking, and Crises.
Thesis Subject: Monetary History of Canada, 1914-26. (With Professor Young.)

Harry Dexter White.

General Examination in Economics, Thursday, April 14, 1927.
Committee: Professors Taussig (chairman), Dewing, Elliott, Monroe, and Usher.
Academic History: Columbia University, 1921-23; Stanford University, 1924-25; Harvard Graduate School, 1925-. A.B., Stanford, 1924; A.M., ibid., 1925. Instructor in Economics, Harvard, 1926-.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Money, Banking, and Crises. 3. Economic History since 1750. 4. Economics of Corporations. 5. History of Political Theory. 6. International Trade .
Special Subject: International Trade.
Thesis Subject: Foreign Trade of France. (With Professor Taussig.)

Margaret Randolph Gay.

General Examination in Economics, Friday, April 15, 1927.
Committee: Professors Usher (chairman), A.H. Cole, McIlwain, Taussig, and Young.
Academic History: Radcliffe College, 1918-22, 1922-23, 1925-. A.B., Radcliffe, 1922; A.M., ibid., 1923.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory. 2. Money, Banking, and Crises. 3. International Trade. 4. Economic History after 1750. 5. Political Theory. 6. English Economic History before 1750.
Special Subject: English Economic History, 1485-1750.
Thesis Subject: The Statute of Artificers, 1563-1811. (With Professor Gay.)

(Mary) Gertrude Brown.

General Examination in Economics, Thursday, April 28, 1927.
Committee: Professors Gay (chairman), Elliott, Taussig, Williams, and Young.
Academic History: Mount Holyoke College, 1920-24; Columbia University, summer of 1924; Radcliffe College, 1924-. A.B., Mount Holyoke, 1924; A.M., Radcliffe, 1926. Assistant in Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1924-26. Tutor, Bryn Mawr Summer School, 1926.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory. 2. International Trade and Tariff Policy. 3. Money, Banking, and Crises. 4. Comparative Modern Government. 5. Labor Problems. 6. Economic History since 1750.
Special Subject: Economic History since 1750.
Thesis Subject: The History of the American Silk Industry. (With Professor Gay.)

Eric Englund.

General Examination in Economics, Monday, May 2, 1927.
Committee: Professors Bullock (chairman), Black, Dickinson, Usher, and Young.
Academic History: Oregon Agricultural College, 1914-18; University of Oregon, summers of 1915, 1916, and 1917; University of Wisconsin, 1919-21; University of Chicago, summer of 1920; Harvard Graduate School, 1926-. B.S., Oregon Agricultural College, 1918; A.B., University of Oregon, 1919; M.S., Wisconsin, 1920. Professor of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State Agricultural College, 1921-26.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Money, Banking, and Crises. 3. Economics of Agriculture. 4. Economic History since 1750. 5. History of Political Theory. 6. Public Finance.
Special Subject: Public Finance.
Thesis Subject: Studies in Taxation in Kansas. (With Professor Bullock.)

Walter Edwards Beach.

General Examination in Economics, Wednesday, May 4, 1927.
Committee: Professors Young (chairman), Baxter, A.H. Cole, Dewing, and Williams.
Academic History: State College of Washington, 1919-20; Stanford University, 1920-22; 1923-24, Harvard Graduate School, 1925-26. A.B., Stanford, 1922; A.M., Harvard, 1926. Instructor in Economics, Bowdoin, 1926-.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Economics of Corporations. 3. International Trade and Tariff Policy. 4. Economic History since 1750. 5. American History since 1789. 6. Money, Banking, and Crises.
Special Subject: Money, Banking, and Crises.
Thesis Subject: International Gold Movements in Relation to Business Cycles. (With Professor Young.)

Ram Ganesh Deshmukh.

Special Examination in Economics, Thursday, May 5, 1927.
General Examination passed, May 13, 1926.
Academic History: Wilson College, India, 1912-17; Bombay University Law School, 1917-20; Harvard Graduate School, 1922-27. B.A., Bombay University, 1917; LL.B., ibid., 1920; A.M., Harvard, 1924.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Economic History since 1750. 3. Economics of Agriculture. 4. Sociology. 5. History of Political Theory. 6. Public Finance.
Special Subject: Public Finance.
Committee: Professors Bullock (chairman), Burbank, A.H. Cole, and Williams.
Thesis Subject: State Highways in Massachusetts. (With Professor Bullock.)
Committee on Thesis: Professors Bullock (chairman), Burbank, and A.H. Cole.

Charles Donald Jackson.

General Examination in Economics, Thursday, May 5, 1927.
Committee: Professors Young (chairman), Black, Crum, Merk, and Taussig.
Academic History: Leland Stanford Junior University, 1915-16; Northwestern University, 1916-17, 1919-21; University of Wisconsin, summer of 1920 and 1921; Harvard Graduate School, 1921-22, 1924-. S.B., Northwestern, 1920; M.B.A., ibid., 1921; A.M., Harvard, 1925.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Agricultural Economics. 3. International Trade and Tariff Policy. 4. Statistics. 5. American History since 1789. 6. Money, Banking, and Crises.
Special Subject: Money, Banking, and Crises.
Thesis Subject: Agricultural Credit. (With Professor Young.)

Elmer Joseph Working.

General Examination in Economics, Friday, May 6, 1927.
Committee: Professors Carver (chairman), Crum, Morison, Williams, and Young.
Academic History: University of Denver, 1916-17, 1918-19; George Washington University, 1917-18; University of Arizona, 1919-21; Iowa State College, 1921-23; University of Minnesota, 1922-23, second half-year; Brookings Graduate School, 1924-25; Harvard Graduate School, 1925-26. B.S., Arizona, 1921; M.S., Iowa, 1922. Assistant professor of Economics, University of Minnesota, 1926-27.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Statistical Method and its Application. 3. Money, Banking, and Crises. 4. International Trade and Tariff Policy. 5. American History since 1789. 6. Economics of Agriculture.
Special Subject: Economics of Agriculture.
Thesis Subject: The Orderly Marketing of Grain. (With Professor Taussig.)

Gardiner Coit Means.

General Examination in Economics, Thursday, May 12, 1927.
Committee: Professors Williams (chairman), Baxter, A.H. Cole, Dewing, and Gay.
Academic History: Harvard College, 1914-18; Harvard Graduate School, 1925-. A.B., Harvard, 1918.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory. 2. International Trade and Tariff Policy. 3. Economics of Corporations. 4. Economic History since 1750. 5. American History since 1789. 6. Money, Banking, and Crises.
Special Subject: Money, Banking, and Crises.
Thesis Subject: Fluctuations in New England’s Balance of Trade. (With Professor Williams.)

Bishop Carleton Hunt.

Special Examination in Economics, Friday, May 13, 1927.
Committee: Professors Young (chairman), W.M. Cole, Gay, McIlwain, and Williams.
Academic History: Boston University, 1916-20; Harvard Graduate School, 1925-27, summers of 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, and 1925. B.B.A., Boston University, 1920; A.M., Harvard, 1926. Professor of Commerce, Dalhousie University, 1920-; Lecturer in Economics, Nova Scotia Technical College, 1920-23.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory. 2. Economic History since 1750. 3. International Trade. 4. Accounting. 5. History of Political Theory. 6. Money and Banking.
Special Subject: Money and Banking.
Thesis Subject: Underwriting Syndicates and the Supply of Capital. (With Professor Young.)

Edward Hastings Chamberlin.

Special Examination in Economics, Friday, May 20, 1927.
General Examination passed, May 22, 1924.
Academic History: State University of Iowa, 1916-20; University of Michigan, 1920-22; Harvard Graduate School, 1922-27. B.S., Iowa, 1920; M.A., Michigan, 1922. Instructor in Economics, Iowa, summer of 1921. Assistant in economics, Harvard, 1922-. Tutor in Economics, ibid., 1924-27.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Statistics. 3. Accounting. 4. Economic History. 5. History of Political Theory. 6. Modern Theories of Value and Distribution.
Special Subject: Modern Theories of Value and Distribution.
Committee: Professors Young (chairman), Monroe, Taussig, and Williams.
Thesis Subject: The Theory of Monopolistic Competition. (With Professor Young.)
Committee on Thesis: Professors Young, Carver, and Taussig.

Christopher Roberts.

Special Examination in Economics, Monday, May 23, 1927.
General Examination passed, April 3, 1925.
Academic History: Haverford College, 1916-18, 1919-21; Harvard Graduate School, 1921-27. S.B., Haverford, 1921; A.M., Harvard, 1922. Assistant in Economics, Harvard 1922-25; Tutor in Economics, ibid., 1925-27.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. International Trade and Finance. 3. Statistics. 4. International Law. 5. Public Finance. 6. Economic History since 1750.
Special Subject: Economic History since 1750.
Committee: Professors Gay (chairman), Burbank, A.H. Cole, and Usher.
Thesis Subject: The History of the Middlesex Canal. (With Professor Gay.)
Committee on Thesis: Professors Gay, A.H. Cole, and Cunningham.

Clayton Crowell Bayard.

General Examination in Economics, Wednesday, May 25, 1927.
Committee: Professors Carver (chairman), James Ford, Hanford, Taussig, and Usher.
Academic History: University of Maine, 1918-22; Harvard Graduate School, 1924-. A.B., Maine, 1922; A.M., Harvard, 1925. Assistant in Social Ethics, Harvard, 1925-26; Tutor in Social Ethics, ibid., 1926-27.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory and its History. 2. Economic History before 1750. 3. Socialism and Social Reform. 4. American Labor Problems. 5. Municipal Government. 6. Sociology.
Special Subject: Sociology and Social Problems.
Thesis Subject: Undecided.

Dorothy Carolin Bacon.

General Examination in Economics, Thursday, May 26, 1927.
Committee: Professors Persons (chairman), Carver, Crum, Gay and Holcombe.
Academic History: Simmons College, 1918-19; Radcliffe College, 1919-22, 1923-24, 1926-. A.B., Radcliffe, 1922; A.M., ibid., 1924. Assistant in Economics, Vassar College, 1924-25. Instructor in Economics, ibid., 1925-26.
General Subjects: 1. Economic Theory. 2. Sociology. 3. History of Political Theory. 4. Statistics. 5. Economic History. 6., Money, Banking and Crises.
Special Subject: Money, Banking and Crises.
Thesis Subject: A Study of the Dispersion of Wholesale Commodity Prices, 1890-1896.  (With Professor Persons.)


Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University, Examinations for the Ph.D. (HUC 7000.70), Folder “Examinations for the Ph.D., 1926-1927”.

Image Source:  Photo of Emerson Hall (1905). Harvard Album, 1920. 

Columbia Economists

Columbia. History of Economics Department. Luncheon Talk by Arthur R. Burns, 1954

The main entry of this posting is a transcription of the historical overview of economics at Columbia provided by Professor Arthur R. Burns at a reunion luncheon for Columbia economics Ph.D. graduates [Note: Arthur Robert Burns was the “other” Arthur Burns of the Columbia University economics department, as opposed to Arthur F. Burns, who was the mentor/friend of Milton Friedman, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, chairman of the Board of Governors of the Fed, etc.]. He acknowledges his reliance on the definitive research of his colleague, Joseph Dorfman, that was published in the following year:

Joseph Dorfman, “The Department of Economics”, Chapt IX in R. Gordon Hoxie et al., A History of the Faculty of Political Science, Columbia University. New York: Columbia University Press, 1955.

The cost of the luncheon was $2.15 per person. 36 members of the economics faculty attended, who paid for themselves, and some 144 attending guests (includes about one hundred Columbia economics Ph.D.’s) had their lunches paid for by the university.



Columbia University
in the City of New York
[New York 27, N.Y.]

March 25, 1954


Dear Doctor _________________

On behalf of the Department of Economics, I am writing to invite you to attend a Homecoming Luncheon of Columbia Ph.D.’s in Economics. This will be held on Saturday, May 29, at 12:30 sharp, in the Men’s Faculty Club, Morningside Drive and West 117th Street.

This Luncheon is planned as a part of Columbia University’s Bicentennial Celebration, of which, as you know, the theme is “Man’s Right to Knowledge and the free Use Thereof”. The date of May 29 is chosen in relation to the Bicentennial Conference on “National Policy for Economic Welfare at Home and Abroad” in which distinguished scholars and men of affairs from the United States and other countries will take part. The final session of this Conference, to be held at three p.m. on May 29 in McMillin Academic Theater, will have as its principal speaker our own Professor John Maurice Clark. The guests at the Luncheon are cordially invited to attend the afternoon meeting.

The Luncheon itself and brief after-luncheon speeches will be devoted to reunion, reminiscence and reacquaintance with the continuing work of the Department. At the close President Grayson Kirk will present medals on behalf of the University to the principal participants in the Bicentennial Conference.

We shall be happy to welcome to the Luncheon as guests of the University all of our Ph.D.’s, wherever their homes may be, who can arrange to be in New York on May 29. We very much hope you can be with us on that day. Please reply on the form below.

Cordially yours,

Carter Goodrich
Chairman of the Committee

*   *   *   *   *   *

Professor Carter Goodrich
Box #22, Fayerweather Hall
Columbia University
New York 27, New York

I shall be glad…
I shall be unable… to attend the Homecoming Luncheon on May 29.

(signed) ___________

Note: Please reply promptly, not later than April 20 in the case of Ph.D.’s residing in the United States, and not later than May 5 in the case of others.



Columbia University
in the City of New York
[New York 27, N.Y.]

May 6, 1954


TO:                 Departments of History, Math. Stat., Public and Sociology
FROM:            Helen Harwell, secretary, Graduate Department of Economics


Will you please bring the following notice to the attention of the students in your Department:

            A feature of Columbia’s Bicentennial celebration will be a Conference on National Policy for Economic Welfare at Home and Abroad, to be held May 27, 28 and 29.

            The final session of the Conference will take place in McMillin Theatre at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 29. The session topic is “Economic Welfare in a Free Society”. The program is:

Session paper.

John M. Clark, John Bates Clark Professor. Emeritus of Economics, Columbia University.


Frank H. Knight, Professor of Economics, University of Chicago
David E. Lilienthal, Industrial Consultant and Executive
Wilhelm Roepke, Professor of International Economics, Graduate Institute of International Studies, University of Geneva


Students in the Faculty of Political Science are cordially invited to attend this session and to bring their wives or husbands and friends who may be interested.

Tickets can be secured from Miss Helen Harwell, 505 Fayer.



Department of Economics Bicentennial Luncheon
May 29th, 1954

President Kirk, Ladies and Gentlemen: On behalf of the Department of Economics I welcome you all to celebrate Columbia’s completion of its first two hundred years as one of the great universities. We are gratified that so many distinguished guests have come, some from afar, to participate in the Conference on National Policy for Economic Welfare at Home and Abroad. We accept their presence as testimony of their esteem for the place of Columbia in the world of scholarship. Also, we welcome among us again many of the intellectual offspring of the department. We like to believe that the department is among their warmer memories. We also greet most pleasurably some past members of the department, namely Professors Vladimir G. Simkhovitch, Eugene Agger, Eveline M. Burns and Rexford Tugwell. Finally, but not least, we are pleased to have with us the administrative staff of the department who are ceaselessly ground between the oddity and irascibility of the faculty and the personal and academic tribulations of the students. Gertrude D. Stewart who is here is evidence that this burden can be graciously carried for thirty-five years without loss of charm or cheer.

We are today concerned with the place of economics within the larger scope of Columbia University. When the bell tolls the passing of so long a period of intellectual endeavor one casts an appraising eye over the past, and I am impelled to say a few retrospective words about the faculty and the students. I have been greatly assisted in this direction by the researches of our colleague, Professor Dorfman, who has been probing into our past.

On the side of the faculty, there have been many changes, but there are also many continuities. First let me note some of the changes. As in Europe, economics made its way into the university through moral philosophy, and our College students were reading the works of Frances Hutcheson in 1763. But at the end of the 18th century, there seems to have been an atmosphere of unhurried certainty and comprehensiveness of view that has now passed away. For instance, it is difficult to imagine a colleague of today launching a work entitled “Natural Principles of Rectitude for the Conduct of Man in All States and Situations in Life Demonstrated and Explained in a Systematic Treatise on Moral Philosophy”. But one of early predecessors, Professor Gross, published such a work in 1795.

The field of professorial vision has also change. The professor Gross whom I have just mentioned occupied no narrow chair but what might better be called a sofa—that of “Moral Philosophy, German Language and Geography”. Professor McVickar, early in the nineteenth century, reclined on the even more generous sofa of “Moral and Intellectual Philosophy, Rhetoric, Belles Lettres and Political Economy”. By now, however, political economy at least existed officially and, in 1821, the College gave its undergraduates a parting touch of materialist sophistication in some twenty lectures on political economy during the last two months of their senior year.

But by the middle of the century, integration was giving way to specialization. McVickar’s sofa was cut into three parts, one of which was a still spacious chair of “History and Political Science”, into which Francis Lieber sank for a brief uneasy period. His successor, John W. Burgess, pushed specialization further. He asked for an assistant to take over the work in political economy. Moreover, his request was granted and Richmond Mayo Smith, then appointed, later became Professor of Political Economy, which, however, included Economics, Anthropology and Sociology. The staff of the department was doubled in 1885 by the appointment of E. R. A. Seligman to a three-year lectureship, and by 1891 he had become a professor of Political Economy and Finance. Subsequent fission has separated Sociology and Anthropology and now we are professors of economics, and the days when political economy was covered in twenty lectures seem long ago.

Other changes stand out in our history. The speed of promotion of the faculty has markedly slowed down. Richmond Mayo Smith started as an instructor in 1877 but was a professor after seven years of teaching at the age of 27. E. R. A. Seligman even speeded matters a little and became a professor after six years of teaching. But the University has since turned from this headlong progression to a more stately gait. One last change I mention for the benefit of President Kirk, although without expectation of warm appreciation from him. President Low paid J. B. Clark’s salary out of his own pocket for the first three years of the appointment.

I turn now to some of the continuities in the history of the department. Professor McVickar displayed a concern for public affairs that has continued since his time early in the nineteenth century. He was interested in the tariff and banking but, notably, also in what he called “economic convulsions”, a term aptly suggesting an economy afflicted with the “falling sickness”. Somewhat less than a century later the subject had been rechristened “business cycles” to remove some of the nastiness of the earlier name, and professor Wesley Mitchell was focusing attention on this same subject.

The Columbia department has also shown a persistent interest in economic measurement. Professor Lieber campaigned for a government statistical bureau in the middle of the 19th century and Richmond Mayo Smith continued this interest in statistics and in the Census. Henry L. Moore, who came to the department in 1902, promoted with great devotion Mathematical Economics and Statistics with particular reference to the statistical verification of theory. This interest in quantification remains vigorous among us.

There is also a long continuity in the department’s interest in the historical and institutional setting of economic problems and in their public policy aspect. E. R. A. Seligman did not introduce, but he emphasized this approach. He began teaching the History of Theory and proceeded to Railroad Problems and the Financial and Tariff History of the United States, and of course, Public Finance. John Bates Clark, who joined the department in 1895 to provide advanced training in economics to women who were excluded from the faculty of Political Science, became keenly interested in government policy towards monopolies and in the problem of war. Henry R. Seager, in 1902, brought his warm and genial personality to add to the empirical work in the department in labor and trust problems. Vladimir G. Simkhovitch began to teach economic history in 1905 at the same time pursuing many and varied other interests, and we greet him here today. And our lately deceased colleague, Robert Murray Haig, continued the work in Public Finance both as teacher and advisor to governments.

Lastly, among these continuities is an interest in theory. E. R. A. Seligman focused attention on the history of theory. John Bates Clark was an outstanding figure in the field too well known to all of us for it to be necessary to particularize as to his work. Wesley C. Mitchell developed his course on “Current Types of Economic Theory” after 1913 and continued to give it almost continuously until 1945. The Clark dynasty was continued when John Maurice Clark joined the department as research professor in 1926. He became emeritus in 1952, but fortunately he still teaches, and neither students nor faculty are denied the stimulation of his gentle inquiring mind. He was the first appointee to the John Bates Clark professorship in 1952 and succeeded Wesley Mitchell as the second recipient of the Francis A. Walker medal of the American Economic Association in the same year.

Much of this development of the department was guided by that gracious patriarch E. R. A. Seligman who was Executive Officer of the Department for about 30 years from 1901. With benign affection and pride he smiled upon his growing academic family creating a high standard of leadership for his successors. But the period of his tenure set too high a standard and executive Officers now come and go like fireflies emitting as many gleams of light as they can in but three years of service. Seligman and J. B. Clark actively participated in the formation of the American Economic Association in which J. B. Clark hoped to include “younger men who do not believe implicitly in laisser faire doctrines nor the use of the deductive method exclusively”.

Among other members of the department I must mention Eugene Agger, Edward Van Dyke Robinson, William E. Weld, and Rexford Tugwell, who were active in College teaching, and Alvin Johnson, Benjamin Anderson and Joseph Schumpeter, who were with the department for short periods. Discretion dictates that I list none of my contemporaries, but I leave them for such mention as subsequent speakers may care to make.

When one turns to the students who are responsible for so much of the history of the department, one is faced by an embarrassment of riches. Alexander Hamilton is one of the most distinguished political economists among the alumni of the College. Richard T. Ely was the first to achieve academic reputation. In the 1880’s, he was giving economics a more humane and historical flavor. Walter F. Wilcox, a student of Mayo Smith, obtained his Ph.D. in 1891 and contributed notably to statistical measurement after he became Chief Statistician of the Census in 1891, and we extend a special welcome to him here today. Herman Hollerith (Ph.D. 1890) contributed in another way to statistics by his development of tabulating machinery. Alvin Johnson was a student as well as teacher. It is recorded that he opened his paper on rent at J. B. Clark’s seminar with the characteristically wry comment that all the things worth saying about rent had been said by J. B. Clark and his own paper was concerned with “some of the other things”. Among other past students are W. Z. Ripley, B. M. Anderson, Willard Thorp, John Maurice Clark, Senator Paul Douglas, Henry Schultz and Simon Kuznets. The last of these we greet as the present President of the American Economic Association. But the list grows too long. It should include many more of those here present as well as many who are absent, but I am going to invite two past students and one present student to fill some of the gaps in my story of the department.

I have heard that a notorious American educator some years ago told the students at Commencement that he hoped he would never see them again. They were going out into the world with the clear minds and lofty ideals which were the gift of university life. Thenceforward they would be distorted by economic interest, political pressure, and family concerns and would never again be the same pellucid and beautiful beings as at that time. I confess that the thought is troubling. But in inviting our students back we have overcome our doubts and we now confidently call upon a few of them. The first of these is George W. Stocking who, after successfully defending a dissertation on “The Oil Industry and the Competitive System” in 1925, has continued to pursue his interest in competition and monopoly as you all know. He is now at Vanderbilt University.

The second of our offspring whom I will call upon is Paul Strayer. He is one of the best pre-war vintages—full bodied, if I may borrow from the jargon of the vintner without offense to our speaker. Or I might say fruity, but again not without danger of misunderstanding. Perhaps I had better leave him to speak for himself. Paul Strayer, now of Princeton University, graduated in 1939, having completed a dissertation on the painful topic of “The Taxation of Small Incomes”.

The third speaker is Rodney H. Mills, a contemporary student and past president of the Graduate Economics Students Association. He has not yet decided on his future presidencies, but we shall watch his career with warm interest. He has a past, not a pluperfect, but certainly a future. Just now, however, no distance lends enchantment to his view of the department. And I now call upon him to share his view with us.

So far we have been egocentric and appropriately so. But many other centres of economic learning are represented here, and among them the London School of Economics of which I am proud as my own Alma Mater. I now call upon Professor Lionel Robbins of Polecon (as it used sometimes to be known) to respond briefly on behalf of our guests at the Conference. His nature and significance are or shall I say, is, too well known to you to need elaboration.

[in pencil]
A.R. Burns

Source: Columbia University Libraries, Manuscript Collections, Columbiana. Department of Economics Collection, Box 9, Folder “Bicentennial Celebration”.




BURNS, Arthur Robert, Columbia Univ., New York 27, N.Y. (1938) Columbia Univ., prof. of econ., teach., res.; b. 1895; B.Sc. (Econ.), 1920, Ph.D. (Econ.), 1926, London Sch. of Econ. Fields 5a, 3bc, 12b. Doc. dis. Money and monetary policy in early times (Kegan Paul Trench Trubner & Co., London, 1926). Pub. Decline of competition (McGraw-Hill 1936); Comparative economic organization (Prentice-Hall, 1955); Electric power and government policy (dir. of res.) (Twentieth Century Fund, 1948) . Res. General studies in economic development. Dir. Amer. Men of Sci., III, Dir. of Amer. Schol.

Source: Handbook of the American Economic Association, American Economic Review, Vol. 47, No. 4 (July, 1957), p. 40.


Obituary: “Arthur Robert Burns dies at 85; economics teacher at Columbia“, New York Times, January 22, 1981.

Image: Arthur Robert Burns.  Detail from a departmental photo dated “early 1930’s” in Columbia University Libraries, Manuscript Collections, Columbiana. Department of Economics Collection, Box 9, Folder “Photos”.

Courses Harvard

Harvard. Harvard Crimson Economics Course Guides, 1927-1938

The Harvard Crimson regularly published “Confidential Guides” to classes. The Crimson on-line archive is easy to search and I’ve selected some of the economics courses that were reviewed. I have added enrollment figures and staffing from the annual reports of the Presidents of Harvard. The coverage is spotty, but maybe I get lucky and find other course guides later.


 Harvard Crimson, December 6, 1927.

Economics 7b
Second semester, 1926-27
[Dr. Mason.—Programs of Social Reconstruction]

This course, originally intended as a small, intimate course on the socialist economists, when given for the first time last year, proved too popular to be labelled as small. Its intimate nature however was retained through Mr. Mason.

One of the youthful prodigies of the Economics department, with an Oxford education behind him, Mr. Mason conducts the course along lines that are wholly enjoyable. Informal lectures—you may interrupt any time you wish—are the backbone of the course, but there are also occasional sessions devoted to a general class room discussion, with the conservative students standing off their more radical colleagues and with Mr. Mason holding the scales.

Examinations are few and far between, and when given display a broadness not displeasing to the student who is taking the course as a study of history rather than as a study of economics.

Enrollment: Economics 7b
Second semester, 1926-27

Total 81: 4 Graduates, 44 Seniors, 23 Juniors, 6 Sophomores, 4 Other.

Source: Harvard University. Reports of the President and the Treasurer of Harvard College, 1926-27, p. 75.


Harvard Crimson, December 11, 1929.

Economics 4b
Second semester, 1928-29
[Professor A. S. Dewing and Dr. Opie. Economics of Corporations]

Professor Dewing has written a book on the Financial Policy of Corporations which is so formidable that it may scare off the average undergraduate who does not know that Professor Dewing’s lecture delivery is one of the least puzzling in the College. Most undergraduates on the first day of the course look wildly around for the nearest exit, convinced that they have wandered into a philosophy lecture. Bailing his trap with a summary of the corporation from Rome to the present day. Professor Dewing has the class following him, at a distance of several sea leagues, by the third lecture. Then he hops briskly to the present time, and proceeds to probe into the motives of the business man. The wheels of the large corporation, the relative advantages of the various forms of business enterprise, the actions of the stock market and the types of securities, in rapid-fire succession. Even future professors of Sanskrit, now undergraduates, would do well to take this course in order to learn where their breakfast bacon comes from, and why Bacon, Preferred sells around 30 these days. Dr. Opie will alternate with Professor Dewing, and what Professor Dewing does for the corporation’s past, Dr. Opie may be expected to do for its future, showing how modern trends to consolidation have not yet run their course.

Enrollment: Economics 4b
Second semester, 1928-29

Total 187: 12 Graduates, 56 Seniors, 104 Juniors, 12 Sophomores, 3 Other.

Source: Harvard University. Reports of the President and the Treasurer of Harvard College, 1928-29, p. 72.


Economics 6a
Second semester, 1928-29
[Dr. C. E. Persons. Trade Unionism and Allied Problems]

For those who are interested in the ever present problems arising from the conflict between capital and labor, Economics 6a presents an admirable summary of the most vital issues. This course, given by Professor Ripley for many years, was taken over by Professor Persons of Boston University last year. The latter instructor, however, was called to Washington this fall to take up a government position as an expert on the question of unemployment, and to date no successor has been announced for the course.

Regardless of whom the instructor may be, the subject matter of the course dealing with strikes, governmental control of labor policies, arbitration, unemployment, and other problems closely associated with the labor question should prove valuable to all who have any interest in current problems. For those who think courses in Economics too theoretical, Economics 6a is an excellent corrective, for throughout the half year, one is constantly finding instances in the daily newspapers with which the week’s work is directly concerned. For those concentrating in labor problems, the course is indispensable, since it takes in a wide field which would take many hours to cover in tutorial conferences.

Enrollment: Economics 6a
Second semester, 1928-29

Total 50: 1 Graduates, 22 Seniors, 21 Juniors, 3 Sophomores, 3 Other.

Source: Harvard University. Reports of the President and the Treasurer of Harvard College, 1928-29, p. 72.


Economics 7b
Second semester, 1928-29
[Asst. Professor Mason. Programs of Social Reconstruction]

This course on the various programs for social reconstruction limits itself to fairly modern times. No undergraduate alive, whether he was born a little Lib-e-ral or a little Conserve-a-tive, can afford to be ignorant of the social ferment which goes on in the world around him, and threatens to involve him as employer or employee, taxpayer or taxpayer in our time. This course will not introduce him to the manifestations of these doctrines now current in Harbin or in Gastonia, but it will enable him to learn something of the ideas held by anarchists, social-[incomplete]

Enrollment: Economics 7b
Second semester, 1928-29

Total 77: 6 Graduates, 38 Seniors, 27 Juniors, 1 Freshman, 5 Other.

Source: Harvard University. Reports of the President and the Treasurer of Harvard College, 1928-29, p. 72.


Harvard Crimson, September 22, 1930.

Economics A
[Prof. Burbank and Asst. Prof. Chamberlin, & Assistants. Principles of Economics]

The problem of how to introduce students to the subject of economics is admirably met in ec A. Of all the large survey courses in the undergraduate curriculum, ec A is perhaps the best organized and the most ably conducted.

Facts as such play a very small part in this course; it is much more a systematic method of thinking that the student must master; reasoning power, not memory, is necessary in order to understand and succeed in ec A. By this one should not understand that no work is required, that all one needs to do to get a good grade, is to go to quizzes once a month and exercise his reasoning power. Not at all; reasoning power and concentration are quite as necessary in studying the principles of economics as they are in answering questions on examinations.

The one really serious criticism of the course, in this reviewer’s opinion, lies in its failure to impress upon the student that Professor Taussig’s book which serves as the text book and foundation of all the work done, is not an economic bible. The general opinion of most students after taking ec A is that the last word on questions economic has been spoken, that the final truth is known and that Professor Taussig is the interpreter thereof. If they continue with the study of economics and learn that Taussig’s “Principles” is only a comparatively minor product of a particular school of though, they will probably be more than a little surprised and their view of economics as a study will undergo considerable revision.

Enrollment: Economics A

Total 498: 2 Graduates, 41 Seniors, 123 Juniors, 270 Sophomores, 24 Freshmen, 38 Other.

Source: Harvard University. Reports of the President and the Treasurer of Harvard College, 1929-30, p. 77.


Economics 3
[Professor Williams. Money, Banking, and Commercial Crises]

This is a course which will be taken sooner or later by practically all men concentrating in economics. Money, banking, and financial crises are all subjects which despite their complexity necessarily demand some consideration from all who aspire to have anything approaching a working knowledge of economics.

It may be gathered from what has been said above that (1) Economics 3 is a large course with students of all degrees of ability enrolled in it, and (2) that it deals with subjects which are far from satisfactorily solved and which are difficult even for advanced students of economics. Corrolary: Economics 3 is conducted in a very slow and deliberate fashion; it tends toward oversimplification; and the lectures remind one of one’s preparatory school days in their careful topical organization and their constant repetition.

Professor Williams, however, has chosen the only practicable method of getting the subjects over and is to be congratulated on the general success of his system.

A parting word to embryonic bankers might not be out of place here. Economics 3 deals with theory almost exclusively and will be of very little assistance in getting a job as a clerk next summer.

Enrollment: Economics 3

Total 176: 2 Graduates, 67 Seniors, 88 Juniors, 12 Sophomores, 7 Other.

Source: Harvard University. Reports of the President and the Treasurer of Harvard College, 1929-30, p. 77.


Harvard Crimson, April 18, 1933.

Economics A
[Professor Burbank, Asst. Prof. Chamberlin, Frickey, and Ham & Assistants, Principles of Economics]

Economics A is the whole field of Economics in microcosm; it is a study of the economic problem. So much land, labor, and instruments are available. Men must eat. But they want to do more than that. How can they use the available tools to produce the largest amount of what they most want? The problem requires much thought and discussion, and there are many different solutions. Capitalism, Socialism, Communism are but attempts to solve it.

The facts treated in Economics A are closely related to the business world. But while the business man is mainly concerned with particular costs, selling methods, and profits, the economist tries to put all the general facts in the proper sequence and order of importance. He talks about prices in general, the national income, and the distribution of that income among individuals. The student gains more than the ability to talk glibly about tariffs, money standards, and the business cycle. In seeking the essence of economic life he has developed a method of thought.

The textbook used in the course, Taussig’s Principles, is in many places out of date and seems unduly simple in the light of conflicting theories. Wherever possible, the Department is trying to supplement it with other reading. The course is conducted wholly in sections, probably the best method in a subject of this kind. Obviously everything depends on the instructors, and for the most part they are among the best in the University. Their task is made difficult by the necessity of trying to satisfy both those men who are content with the broad outlines of the work and those who desire a more detailed discussion. It has been suggested that more honor sections be formed; and that they be organized after November hours. If this were done and if more Freshmen were admitted to the course, men concentrating in Economics could get an early and thorough start in the subject, other men would be better satisfied, and tutors might start their work more effectively in the sophomore year.

In general it may be said that Economics. A is not a difficult course for the student endowed with ordinary intelligence. The value of the subject is undisputed. As an instructor in another course remarked during the Hoover administration, “The great trouble with Congress is that it is composed of men who have never taken History 1 or Economics A.”

Enrollment: Economics A

Total 390: 18 Seniors, 109 Juniors, 224 Sophomores, 23 Freshmen, 16 Other.

Source: Harvard University. Reports of the President and the Treasurer of Harvard College, 1932-33, p. 65.


Economics 3
[Prof. Williams and Schumpeter, and Dr. Currie. Money, Banking and Commercial Crises]

In Economics 3 the instructors are faced with the uniquely difficult task of explaining the intricacies of “Money and Banking” with not a few words on foreign trade. The course requires a thesis although certain Seniors are exempt.

Professor Williams is undoubtedly not only an authority of world reputation and an excellent lecturer, but a sympathetic teacher. There is, however, the chance that he may be called away next year. Although his absence would be a serious blow to the course, indication is that the course would still be in capable hands.

It is fortunate that, in such a difficult course, the sections conducted by Dr. Currie should be such as to clear up the problems of the individual student, add to the knowledge of the group as a whole, and attain timeliness and interest throughout.

Enrollment: Economics 3

Total 151: 32 Seniors, 103 Juniors, 8 Sophomores, 1 Freshman, 7 Other.

Source: Harvard University. Reports of the President and the Treasurer of Harvard College, 1932-33, p. 65.


Economics 4
[Assoc. Prof. Mason, Asst. Prof. Chamberlin, Dr. Wallace. Monopolistic Industries and their Regulation]

Economics 4, run on the plan of two lectures and one section a week, deals with railroads, corporations, and government control of industry. The course is conducted by Associate Professor E. S. Mason, Assistant Professor E. H. Chamberlin, and Mr. D. H. Wallace.

The subject matter of the course has a contemporary and living significance that has as much primary interest as it is possible to find in the Economics Department. This timeliness has been intelligently capitalized with out sacrificing scholarship.

The reading, while it seems extensive, has great variety and has been excellently chosen. The lectures are well coordinated with it and at the same time avoid repetition. The lectures themselves vary, but on the whole, are fair enough. They can be expected to show considerable improvement, as this is the first year they have been delivered by the men in charge. One gets the impression that Chamberlin and Mason are more interesting than some of their presentations would indicate.

Enrollment: Economics 4

Total 155: 5 Graduates, 30 Seniors, 104 Juniors, 14 Sophomores, 2 Other.

Source: Harvard University. Reports of the President and the Treasurer of Harvard College, 1932-33, p. 65.


Economics 50 [sic, Economics 38]
[Prof. Williams and Schumpeter. Principles of Money and of Banking]

Very much the same general remarks apply to Economics 50 as to Economics 3, also reviewed in this Confidential Guide. The course is more advanced and goes considerably deeper into the fundamental aspects of money and business cycles as well as international trade. Professor Williams is always stimulating and clear-headed, while in this course he has opportunities for exercising his extraordinary critical ability to a far greater degree than in the elementary course.

Such controversial subjects as the monetary and cycle theories of Hawtrey, Keynes, Hayes and Foster and Catchings are treated at length; while much light is also thrown on the mechanism and control of credit, and international trade in general. It would be rash to go further into the subject matter of the course for monetary theory and practice are in such a state of rapid development that next year may find a new set of problems which will call for new treatment. It can, however, be confidently concluded that if such changes do occur Professor Williams, to a greater degree than most economists, will not be restrained by dogma and tradition from treating the new conditions in a spirit both open-minded and critical [incomplete]

Enrollment: Economics 38

Total 61: 36 Graduates, 16 Seniors, 1 Junior, 8 Other.

Source: Harvard University. Reports of the President and the Treasurer of Harvard College, 1932-33, p. 66.


Harvard Crimson, April 23, 1934.

Economics A
[Prof. Burbank, Asst. Profs. Chamberlin, Frickey, and Ham, and Assistants. Principles of Economics]

Since the purposes of Economics A is to teach the beginner the economic way of thinking, economic questions of the day are considered in a purely subsidiary light. It is the general outlines of economic theory, rather than the details of its structure, which are presented the student. Although he may develop during the year the desired line of attack, he is apt to feel that he has learned less about economics than he wished.

That Economics A is an introductory course, and a difficult one to administer, should be kept in mind. Nevertheless, it would seem that the economic way of thinking might be brought home more vividly by applying it directly to the questions facing the country today.

Long experiment has determined that the course shall consist of three section meetings a week. Since it is the section man who guides the discussions, a great deal depends on his calibre. The reading, though rather difficult for a beginner, is of reasonable length and easily handled.

Enrollment: Economics A

Total 498: 38 Seniors, 174 Juniors, 262 Sophomores, 21 Freshmen, 3 Other.

Source: Harvard University. Reports of the President and the Treasurer of Harvard College, 1934-35, p. 80.


Harvard Crimson, May 31, 1938

Economics [as Field of Concentration]

Economics is the center around which our present civilization revolves; some even claim that all human history has been determined fundamentally by economic forces. Almost every occupation fits into the economic structure, and for certain ones like government and business, a knowledge of the economic structure is essential. The field of Economics increased 20 per cent from 1935-36 to 1937-38 and is now the largest in College with 477 concentrators.

From the nature and aims of the field it is obvious that it might better be entitled Political Economy, for every course tends to emphasize the fact that economics cannot be separated from politics. Through full courses on various special subjects like Public Finance and Utilities a broad survey of the subject is attempted, and although each course is designed to include the major problems existent today, it is of course impossible for them to provide the answers. Thus, the field does not intend to offer practical value–in the narrow vocational sense, since it feels that practical training should be obtained after College in places like the Business School. Instead, it offers a thorough theoretical background of economics useful in any business career.

A student who does not want to concentrate in Economics but desires an auxiliary foothold in the subject would do best to combine the theory of Economics A [Principles of Economics] with the more specific material in Economics 41, on Money and Banking.

Concentrators in Economics will have to pass in the spring of their Junior year a general examination in the department of Economics, and in the spring of their Senior year an examination correlating Economics with either History or Government (this correlating exam may be abolished by 1942), and a third one on the student’s special field, which is chosen from a list of eleven, including economic theory, economic history, money and banking, industry, public utilities, public finance, labor problems, international economics, policies and agriculture.

Courses in allied fields, including Philosophy, Mathematics, History, Government, and Sociology, are suggested by the department for each of the special fields. In addition, Geography 1 is recommended in connection with international policies or agriculture.

According to members, there has not been enough organization of tutorial work. In preparing men for their Junior divisionals the tutors have each gone off on independent tacks, often haphazardly. A list of books drawn up by the Board of Tutors for each special field, large enough to allow the student a reasonable amount of choice and yet limited enough to assure both student and tutor that he is working in some prescribed direction, would remedy this situation. The tutors themselves are good, on the whole, and willing to give time to those students whose interest and ability warrant it.

Economics A is required for admittance into every advanced course, although there are a few which allow it to be taken at the same time. It is by no means too difficult for Freshmen, may be taken by them with the consent of the instructor, and concentrators urge all Freshmen who think they may go into the field to take this course during their first year. This will enable them to begin taking advanced courses their Sophomore year, as History and Government concentrators do, and thereby allow a much wider range of study during their last two years, both in courses and in tutorial. History 1 and Government 1 are both required for concentration in Economics. The former should be taken Freshman year.

Of the two basic courses in theory Economics 1 [Economic Theory] is much better than the half year course 2a [Economic Theory (shorter course)], but it is open only to honors candidates. Professor Chamberlin lectures excellently in course 1, but there is still need for a half course such as 2a. Nearly all the advanced courses will be found worth while, but they cannot all be taken and must be chosen with the interests and the special field of the concentrator in mind. Course 21a [Introduction to Economic Statistics]was blamed for wasting the effort of Professor Frickey, for students claimed the material could be covered in less than a mouth. It is necessary for graduate work, and cannot be expected to be very interesting. Mason’s Economics 11a and b, on the history and economics of Socialism, while they are not well organized, represent–especially the history–a field which has been practically ignored in the social sciences, although it is listed as a special topic for the correlation exam–the History of Political and Economic Thought. A course on the History of Economic Theory is notably lacking, and the History of Socialism could well be matched with a History of Capitalism, Sociology 3 comes nearest to filling this gap now, but it leans less towards economics than towards social progress. Economics 36, on Economic History [1750-1914], is concerned with the material development of industry, railroads, etc. Hansen was liked in course 45a on Business Cycles, and the material covered in 43a and b [International Economic Relations] is valuable.

Expanding its labor instruction, the department will make Economics 81, on Labor Problems, a full course, to be given by Professor Slichter, Dr. Reynolds, and Mr. Pollard. Social security, as well as the economics of labor, will be taught.




Economists Harvard

Harvard. Graduates’ Magazine reports on Economics Dept. 1892-1904.

The Harvard Graduates’ Magazine. Vol. 1, October, 1892, pp. 116-117.


Ten years ago, the Department of Political Economy had one professor and one instructor, neither giving all of his time to the subject. At present, the Department of Economics has three professors and two instructors. The change in name, from Political Economy to Economics, indicates of itself an enlargement of the range of subjects. The number of courses offered has grown from two to a dozen, with a corresponding development in the variety of topics treated. The increase in the number of students is indicated by the fact that the first course, introductory to the rest, which was taken ten years ago by perhaps fifty students, now has over three hundred. This striking development is significant of the rapid increase in the attention given to economic problems by the public and by our institutions of learning. The staff now consists of Professors Dunbar, Taussig, and Ashley, and Messrs. Cummings and Cole. Professor Ashley enters upon his duties for the first time this autumn, his chair being a newly created one of Economic History. Professor Dunbar continues to edit the Quarterly Journal of Economics, which was established by the University in 1886 with the aid of a fund contributed by John Eliot Thayer, ’85, and which has an established position among the important periodicals on economic subjects. The Department has recently done service to economic students by a reprint, under Professor Dunbar’s care, of Cantillon’s Essai sur le Commerce, a rare volume of importance in the history of economic theory; and it has now in press a volume of State Papers and Speeches on the Tariff, meant to aid students of the tariff history of the United States. For its growth in the past the Department has depended wholly on the expenditure by the Corporation of unpledged resources. No doubt the increasing sense of the importance of economic study will in time change the situation in this regard, and will make this department as attractive for benefactors as those which are older and more familiar.

F. W. Taussig, 79.



The Harvard Graduates’ Magazine. Vol. 1, July, 1893, p. 576.

[Birth of a semester system, emphasis added]

The elective pamphlet announcing the courses to be offered in 1893-94 by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences contains few striking changes. There is a tendency manifested in it to increase the number of half-courses beginning or ending in February, at the time of the mid-year examinations. Thus History 12 is split into two halves, the first half being on the recent history of Continental Europe, and the second half on the recent constitutional history of England; Economics 7 is cut in two, and Economics 12 is established as two half-courses, one on International Payments and the Flow of Precious Metals, and the other on Banking and the History of the Banking Systems. Other examples might be given to emphasize the drift towards something akin to a division of the year into two semesters, particularly for the convenience of graduate students. 


The Harvard Graduates’ Magazine. Vol. 1, July, 1893, p. 590.


In the department of Economics several new courses are offered for 1893-94. Professor Dunbar offers two half-courses, one on international payments and the flow of the precious metals from country to country, the other on banks and the leading banking systems. The two half-courses come at the same hours in the first and second half-years, and, when taken together, form a convenient full course running through the year. This new course will alternate with Course 7, on taxation and finance, which is to be omitted in 1893-94, and will be resumed in 1894-95. — Professor Ashley offers a course on Economic History, from the Middle Ages to modern times, which will take the place of the former Course 4, on the economic history of Europe and America since the middle of the eighteenth century. The new course covers a longer period than was covered in Course 4, and will supplement effectively the instruction in history as well as in economics. Professor Ashley also offers a new half-course, intended mainly for advanced and graduate students, on land tenure and agrarian conditions in Europe. — Professor Cummings offers a half-course, also intended for advanced students, on schemes for social reconstruction from Plato’s Republic to the present time, including the proposals of Bellamy and Hertzka. The course is meant to give opportunity for the discussion of social and political institutions and of socialist theories. — Economics 1, the introductory course in the department, will be remodeled in part in the coming year. A somewhat larger proportion of the exercises will take the form of lectures to all members of the course. Professor Taussig will lecture on distribution and on financial subjects, Professor Ashley on economic development, Professor Cummings on social questions.

F. W. Taussig, ’79.


The Harvard Graduates’ Magazine. Vol. 3, March, 1895, pp. 383-384.


The matter that has of late most engaged the attention of the Department has been the welcome and yet embarrassing growth in the number of students taking the introductory course known as Economics 1. This has risen from 179 in 1889-90 to 201 in ’90-91, 288 in ’91-92, 322 in ’92-93, 340 in ’93-94, until in the present year it is 398. Such an increase necessarily raises grave questions both of educational method and of academic discipline. Those professors to whose labors in past years the success of the course has been due are still of opinion that the recitation method, in its best form, — the discussion day after day and chapter by chapter of some great treatise like the work of John Stuart Mill, — furnishes a mental training such as no other plan can provide. But for its successful practice it is necessary either that the class should be quite small, or that, if divided, the sections should be few and small. Accordingly it became evident that some modification of plan was necessary; and last year the arrangement was hit upon of retaining the section work for the greater part of the year, but diversifying it with three months of set lectures at different periods by Professors Taussig, Ashley, and Cummings. The experiment was so satisfactory that it has been repeated this year; and, in the absence of Professor Taussig, Professors Ashley and Cummings have each lectured for six weeks. If the numbers continue to grow, it may seem advisable in the future to take further steps in the same direction. But Upper Massachusetts, in spite of its historical associations, has abominable acoustic properties; the room in Boylston, which was suggested as an alternative, is redolent of Chemistry; and it may ultimately become necessary to invade the sacred precincts of Sanders Theatre. — In the absence of Professor Taussig upon his sabbatical, before referred to, his course on Economic Theory (Econ. 2) has been divided into two half-courses, and undertaken by Professor Ashley and Professor Macvane. Professor Macvane’s action will do something to break down that middle wall of partition between departments which is sometimes so curiously high and strong in this University of free electives. It need scarcely be added that to those who know how considerable have been Professor Macvane’s contributions to economic theory, and how great his reputation is with foreign economists, he seems altogether in place when he takes part in the economic instruction of Harvard University. — Professor Taussig’s course on Railway Transportation (Econ. 5) has been assigned for the present year to Mr. G. O. Virtue, ’92; his other courses have been suspended. — Mr. John Cummings, ’91, has returned, with a year’s experience as instructor and his doctorate, from the University of Chicago, and is now an Assistant in Econ. 1; he is also offering a new course on Comparative Poor Law and Administration. — The instructors in this, as in other Departments, find themselves increasingly hampered by the difficulty of providing the necessary books for the use of students. Oxford and Cambridge Universities, with hardly more students than Harvard, have libraries in every college, together with the Union libraries and the University libraries; here in Harvard, if an instructor in class mentions any but the best known of books, the chances are that there is only one copy in the place,— that in the University Library; and unless he has been provident enough to have that book “reserved,” some undergraduate promptly takes it out, and nobody else can see it. It is true that undergraduates ought to buy more books; but frequently there is not a copy to be had even in the Boston bookstores. It would certainly be a great relief if the societies could see their way to create, each for itself, a modest working library of a few hundred books. Meanwhile something may be done by strengthening the Departmental Library in University Hall. This, which owes its creation to the generosity of some of the members of the Class of 1879, is in urgent need of enlargement; and the professors in the Department will be glad to hear from any graduate whose eye this happens to catch. — Finally, it may be advisable to mention that, as the result of careful deliberation on the part of the members of the Division Committee, a detailed statement of requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science was drawn up last spring, and will now be found at the end of the Division pamphlet This Statement is noteworthy in that it defines for the first time the “general” examination, and the examination on “a special field;” and also for the stress it lays upon “a broad basis of general culture ” as the foundation of specialist work. “A command of good English, spoken and written, the ability to make free use of French and German books, and a fair acquaintance with general history ” are mentioned as “of special importance.”

W. J. Ashley.


The Harvard Graduates’ Magazine. Vol. 4, December, 1895, pp. 242-243.


The Department of Economics began its work for the year under unfortunate circumstances. Professor Dunbar, its honored head, was compelled by ill-health to withdraw from academic work for the year, and was given leave of absence by the Corporation. His withdrawal rendered necessary changes in the courses of instruction. Of those announced to be given by Professor Dunbar, course 7, on Financial Administration and Public Debts, was undertaken by Dr. John Cummings, and course 12, on Banking and the History of the Leading Banking Systems, by Professor Taussig. The additional work thus assumed by Professor Taussig was made possible through the aid of Professor Macvane, who will conduct during the second half-year that part of Economics 2 which had been announced to be given by Professor Taussig. Course 8, on the History of Financial Legislation in the United States, has been shifted to the second half-year, and will then be given by Dr. Joseph A. Hill, A. B. ’86, Ph. D. ’92. By this rearrangement all the courses originally announced will be given, and no diminution in the Department’s offering results from Professor Dunbar’s absence. — Another change has taken place, affecting course 1. The numbers in this introductory course have grown steadily of late years, and it is now taken annually by about 400 men. It had been the policy of the Department to conduct it not by lectures, but mainly by face to face discussion, in rooms of moderate size, the men being divided into sections for this purpose. As the numbers grew, however, it became more and more difficult to keep the sections at a manageable size, to find convenient rooms for them, and to secure efficient instructors. The alternative of lecturing to the men in one large room had long presented itself, but the probable educational advantages of instruction in smaller rooms by sections caused this alternative to be avoided. For the present year, however, the withdrawal of Professor Dunbar rendered some economizing of the force of the Department necessary, and it has been accordingly determined to try the lecture plan for the current year. All the members of the course meet in Upper Massachusetts, — a room which, by the way, proves reasonably well adapted for this use, — and there are given lectures by the various instructors who take part in the course. By way of testing their reading and securing for the instructors some evidence as to their attainments, a system of weekly written papers has been introduced. On a given day of each week the students write answers to questions bearing upon the work of that week and of previous weeks. These answers are examined and corrected, and serve as a means of estimating the diligence and attainments of the students. Whether this radical change of plan will prove to be advantageous remains to be decided by the year’s experience; but it indicates a change in the methods of college work which is making its way in all directions, and which presents new and difficult problems to instructors. — The Seminary in Economics opens the year with sixteen advanced students of good quality, and promises well. Two are Seniors in Harvard College; the remainder are members of the Graduate School. Four are candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the close of the current year. The growth of the Seminary in numbers and the better organization of its work are part of the general advance of the Graduate School, which is now reaping the fruits of the marked gains it has made in recent years.

F. W. Taussig, 79.


The Harvard Graduates’ Magazine. Vol. 7, March, 1899, pp. 427-8.


Like other departments, that of Economics finds itself confronted with the problem of the best mode of dealing with large numbers of students in the courses much sought for, and especially in the general introductory course. Economics 1 is now regularly chosen by from 450 to 500 students. Well-nigh every undergraduate takes it at some stage of his college career, and the question of its numbers seems to be simply a question of the number of students in the College and Scientific School. This great demand for general training in the subject has imposed on the Department an obligation to make its instruction as stimulating and efficient as may be, and yet has made this task more difficult than ever before. Inevitably, the old method of dividing the course into sections for all of the instruction has been abandoned. Its place has been taken by a mixed method of lectures and oral exercises. Twice a week, lectures are given to the whole course in one large room. Upper Massachusetts, remodeled, reheated, and reseated, serves for these lectures, — not well, but not unendurably ill; there is great need, for the use of the large courses, of a new and well-equipped building. The lectures are largely in the nature of comment on assigned reading. The third hour in the week is then given to meetings in sections of moderate size, in which the lectures and the reading are subject to test and discussion. The course is divided into some fifteen sections, each of which meets its instructor once a week. At these exercises, a question is first answered in writing by each student, twenty minutes being allowed for this test; the remainder of the hour is used in oral discussion. Some continuous oversight of the work of students is thus secured, and opportunity is given for questions to them and from them. A not inconsiderable staff of instructors is necessary for the conduct of the sections, and a not inconsiderable expenditure by the Corporation for salaries; but some such counter-weight on the lecture system pure and simple is felt to be necessary. The Department has been fortunate in securing trained and competent instructors for this part of the work; and the new method, if not definitively adopted, is at least in the stage of promising experiment. — During the second half year of 1898-99, the place of Professor Ashley, who is absent on leave, is taken by Dr. Wm. Cunningham, of Trinity College (Cambridge, England). Dr. Cunningham and Professor Ashley are easily the leaders among English-speaking scholars on their subject, economic history; and the Department has cordially welcomed the arrangement by which the scholar from the Cambridge of England fills the place, for the time being, of the scholar of the American Cambridge. Dr. Cunningham gives two courses in the current half year, — one on Western Civilization in its Economic Aspects, Mediaeval and Modern, the other on the Industrial Revolution in England.

F. W. Taussig, ‘79.


The Harvard Graduates’ Magazine. Vol. 8, December, 1899, p. 223.


The Department finds, as usual, large numbers of students to deal with during the current year. In the introductory course, Economics 1, nearly 500 students are enrolled, and once again it appears that the University has no good lecture room adequate for the accommodation of such numbers. The system of instruction which has been in use in this course for several years is continued. For part of the time, lectures are given to all members of the course; for the remainder of the time, it is split into small sections for question and discussion. So long as lectures are given at all, there is little gain from splitting the course into two or more parallel courses, as has sometimes been proposed; but the absence of a good lecture room for the whole number makes the present situation trying. In its advanced courses, the Department has again the services of Prof. Ashley, who returns after a year’s leave of absence, and finds large numbers enrolled in his course on modern economic history. His advanced course, on the history and literature of economics to the close of the 18th century, also attracts a satisfactory number of mature students. Prof. Cummings omits for the year his course on the labor question; but compensation for this is found in Philosophy 5, a course having a similar range of subjects, which is again given by Prof. Peabody, who has returned from his year’s leave of absence. Professors Dunbar and Taussig give, without material change, the courses usually assigned to them. — The Department assumes some additional burden through a change in its plans for the publication of the Quarterly Journal of Economics. That journal, whose 14th volume begins with the opening issue of this year, is hereafter to appear in more ambitious form. Its size will be somewhat increased, the departments varied, and the elaborate bibliography of current publication will be strengthened. At the same time the price goes up from $2 to $3 a year, — a change which, it is hoped, can be carried out without a loss of subscribers.

F. W. Taussig, 79.


The Harvard Graduates’ Magazine. Vol. 10, December, 1901, pp. 261-2.


An unusual number of changes have to be noted in this Department. Prof. Taussig’s leave of absence, and Prof. Ashley’s recent resignation, have made it necessary to call in several men from the outside to give instruction during the present year. Prof. Taussig’s work is provided for in part by Prof. C. J. Bullock, of Williams College, who is giving the courses on finance and taxation, — and in part by a redistribution of the work among the members of the regular teaching staff. Dr. Andrew has charge of Economics 1, and Dr. Sprague of Economics 6, on the Economic History of the United States. Prof. Ashley’s courses, as announced for the year, have been provided for as follows: Prof. Wm. Z. Ripley, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is giving course 5 on Statistics, and is to give the latter half of course 17 on the Economic Organization and Resources of European Countries, Mr. Meyer having charge of it during the first half year. Dr. C. W. Mixter is giving course 15 on the History and Literature of Economics to the opening of the 19th century. In addition, Prof. Ripley is giving course 5a on Railway Economics. In the second half year, Mr. W. F. Willoughby is to give courses 9 and 9a on Problems of Labor. — The courses preparing for a business career have been extended somewhat. Mr. W. M. Cole continues his course on the Principles of Accounting, and Prof. Wambaugh his course on Insurance. In addition to these, Mr. Bruce Wyman is conducting a new course on the Principles of Law in their Application to Industrial Problems, using the case method as it has been developed in the Law School. The popularity of these courses, in spite of the unusual severity of the examinations, is some indication of their success, and suggests, at least, the practicability of still further extensions. While there is a tendency in some quarters to carry the idea of commercial education to extremes, it is to be noted that these courses neither pretend to take the place of business experience, nor to teach those things which can be learned better in a business office than in any institution of learning. Moreover the work is confined to a mastery of principles and not to the gaining of general information. — The number of students in the Department continues large, there being upward of 480 in course 1, and about 1100 in the Department as a whole, not excluding those counted more than once. The housing of Economics 1 continues to be a problem, as Upper Massachusetts is uncomfortably packed at each meeting. More difficult, however, is the problem of finding small rooms for the 11 sections into which this class is divided for discussion and consultation once each week. — The Board of Overseers have confirmed the appointment of Dr. A. P. Andrew, Dr. O. M. W. Sprague, and Mr. H. R. Meyer as instructors without limit of time. — The change from two dollars to three dollars per year in the subscription price of the Quarterly Journal of Economics has been followed by no diminution in the number of subscribers, and the hope of the editors that the Journal might be conducted on a somewhat more ambitious scale is being realized.

T. N. Carver.


The Harvard Graduates’ Magazine. Vol. 11, December, 1902, pp. 247-248.


Prof. Taussig’s continued absence has occasioned some readjustment of work within the Department during the present year. Dr. A. P. Andrew has full charge of Course I, Dr. O. M. W. Sprague of Course 6, and Prof. T. N. Carver of Course 2, while Prof. Taussig’s course on Adam Smith and Ricardo has been combined with Dr. C. W. Mixter’s course on Selected Topics in the History of Economic Thought since Adam Smith. Prof. W. Z. Ripley, formerly of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has accepted a professorship in our Department, and is giving Course 9 on Problems of Labor and Industrial Organization, the first half of Course 3, on the Principles of Sociology, the second half of Course 17, on the Economic Organization and Resources of European Countries, and Course 4, on the Theory and Method of Statistics. Dr. E. F. Gay, who has spent several years in Europe investigating in the field of economic history, has accepted an instructorship here, and is giving Courses 10 and 11, on the Economic History of Mediaeval and Modern Europe.

The interest in the work of the Department continues to grow. Economics I has 542 students, as compared with about 480 at this time last year. Mr. Wyman’s course (21), on The Principles of Law in their Application to Economic Problems, now contains over 60 students, as compared with 38 last year. Other courses show no great variation one way or the other, except Prof. Ripley’s course in Statistics. The interest which is being revived in this too much neglected field promises well for the future of economic studies in Harvard.

The change in the hour of Economics I from Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 9, to Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 11, was necessary in order to find a suitable room. This makes it possible for a larger number of Freshmen to elect the course, since it no longer conflicts with History I. Whether this is going to prove advantageous or not remains to be seen. At present the policy is to discourage Freshmen from electing this course. If there should be a considerable increase in the number of men who complete the college course in three years, it may be advisable to allow some of the more mature members of the Freshman Class to take Economics I. In that case it will be necessary to increase the number of courses which are somewhat general in their scope. Thus the course on Economic Theory (2) might be made somewhat less special than it now is, and a new course covering the general field of Practical Economics might be started. In this way the evils of too early specialization might be avoided. However, no definite policy has as yet been decided upon.

The Department has secured the use of Room 24, University Hall, as headquarters. In this room the mail of the Department and of the Quarterly Journal of Economics will be received, and the exchanges will be available for immediate inspection. This room has also been fitted up with drawing tables and other apparatus necessary for practical work in statistics. It is the purpose to make it a statistical laboratory.

The accounts of the Quarterly Journal of Economics are satisfactory, and the subscription list is making slow but substantial gains.

T. N. Carver.


The Harvard Graduates’ Magazine. Vol. 11, June, 1903, pp. 560-562.


An interesting comparison between the allied departments of History and Economics is shown below on the basis of the number of students electing such courses. Some of the novel problems entailed by the rapid growth of the very large courses are now being considered by both departments. This rapid growth in large courses, coupled with the increase in the number of highly specialized courses, is bound to make necessary a constant increase in the instructing staff, if full justice to the work is to be done. Among the new courses offered for next year are the following: Economics of Agriculture, by Prof. Carver; Corporation Finance, by Prof. Ripley; Outlines of Agrarian History, by Prof. Gay; and American Competition in Europe since 1873 and The Indirect Activities of the State in Australasia and in Europe, by Mr. Meyer. A general revision of the methods of the Seminary is also under consideration, although plans in that direction are not as yet completed,





1st half year 1st half year


5 60 Hist. 12a 93

7b 21 16a 151 244


2d half year

12a 10 Hist. 12b 79

10 16 16b


18 45 252 29 86


2d half year ½ course thro yr.


8b 152 Hist. 17 4




Whole courses.

12b 43 Hist. 1


16 29 243 3


½ course thro yr.




4 15 15 6


Whole courses.




1 519 9 36

2 26 10 188

3 45 11 67
6 122 13


9 111 15 13
14 15 20d


17 9 20e 12
20 11 21


20a 5   25


21 60 26 11

22 6(?) Hist. of Relig. 2 50


Deduct 50 given by another Faculty



Whole courses


Whole courses




5 ½




16 ½


Including 5 courses of over 100 students, of which 2 are half courses. Including 5 courses of over 100 students, of which 2 are half courses.

A prompt response to suggestions made to the committee on instruction in economics of the Board of Overseers, as to the needs of the Department, has been made by Mr. Arthur T. Lyman in the shape of a gift of $500, to be expended in the preparation of charts, maps, and other illustrative material. The courses in general descriptive economics, it was felt, can be very greatly improved by the use of such material. Chart cases had already been installed in the new department headquarters, but this will enable the services of an expert draftsman for commencing the preparation of a suitable collection.

Among the other needs of the Department expressed at this meeting was that of an adding and computing machine for use in connection with the courses in Finance and Statistics. It was felt that the so-called “Burroughs Adder,” so generally in use in banking houses and statistical offices, could be utilized to great advantage in the prosecution of original work. The cost of such a machine is approximately $350. It is also to be hoped in the course of time that a collection of illustrative material other than maps may be commenced. This would include, for example, samples of the leading raw materials whose classification enters into tariff discussions and debates, photographs of social and industrial establishments, and other material of this sort. Such a collection, within moderate limits, along the lines of the Philadelphia Commercial Museums, has already been begun at Dartmouth, Ann Arbor, and other places. It should be kept in mind as a possible department at Cambridge.



The Harvard Graduates’ Magazine. Vol. 12, December, 1903, p. 246.


Prof. Taussig has returned after an absence of two years, entirely restored in health. His resumption of work completes the working corps in the department, enabling it to offer its full list of announced courses. The number of graduate students is considerably increased over the preceding years, and there is every prospect of a successful resumption of the regular work in all lines.

The November number of The World’s Work contains the first of a noteworthy series of articles by Prof. Carver upon agricultural conditions in the West. Prof. Carver made a tour of some hundreds of miles on horseback during the summer, principally in the corn belt. It is his intention to supplement this tour by similar observations in other parts of the country in the coming years. This issue of The World’s Work forms distinctively a Harvard number, containing also an article on The Progress of Labor Organizations, by Prof. Ripley.

Among the new courses announced for this year are several by Prof. Bullock, one upon “The History and Literature of Economics,” with an additional research course entitled “Studies in American Finance.” Prof. Gay’s course upon ” The German Economists” last year met with so cordial a response that it has been expanded to a full course, covering the French as well as the German authorities. Mr. H. R. Meyer, having re- signed as an instructor, will continue as a lecturer, giving two courses upon “American Competition in Europe since 1873” and “The Industrial Activities of the State in Australasia and in Europe.”

W. Z. Ripley.


The Harvard Graduates’ Magazine. Vol. 13, December, 1904, p. 278.


Economics 1 opens with an enrolment of 491 students, and is again the largest elective course in College. Government 1 is a close second, with 481 students; History 1 has 436. The numbers in Economics 1 are distinctly less than last year, which doubtless reflects the decline in attendance in the College at large. More than half of the total are Sophomores (255) ; the Juniors number 102, and the Freshmen 73. The resort to these three courses shows how strong is the trend to ward instruction in subjects connected with political life, and how great is the need for careful teaching and careful organization. Economics 1 continues to be conducted on the system which has been in use for some years past, and has been followed also in Government 1 and History 1. Two hours of lectures are given each week; for the third hour the course is divided into sections, in which there is a weekly examination, coupled with oral discussion of the subjects taken up during the week. Five assistant instructors conduct these sections, and the system seems to solve the problem of large courses satisfactorily.

In line with the policy adopted last year in the Department of paralleling the various undergraduate courses with advanced courses for graduate students, involving more or less research in each special field, Prof. Andrew is this year giving an advanced course upon the theories of crises, as a continuation of his larger course upon crises and cycles of trade.

An experiment intended to deal with the increasing difficulty of giving required reading to constantly enlarging classes will be tried in Economics 9b, through the publication of a casebook in economics similar to those in use in the Law School. The plan is to reprint official documents and detailed descriptions of particular phases of corporate economics, leaving to the lectures the task of supplying the connecting links and of tracing the development of the subject as an organic whole.

A valuable collection of charts of railway mortgages has recently been acquired through the generosity of graduates. These charts, prepared for the different railway systems, illustrate the exact character and situs of the securities. The collection of other charts and diagrams, made possible through the generosity of Mr. Arthur T. Lyman, is also making progress.

Source:  See the listings for the Harvard Graduates’ Magazine at Hathitrust. These are some of the items found using the index for the first twenty volumes.