Cornell Curriculum Economists

Cornell. Frank Knight’s Cornell Coursework, 1913-1917

Almost fourteen years ago I was in the University of Chicago archives where I came across three boxes in Frank H. Knight’s papers containing his hand-written, three-by-five inch index card notes that covered presumably most, if not all, of his coursework at Cornell for the academic years 1914-15, 1915-16, and 1916-17. For some reason, I presume a time-constraint for that archival visit was involved, I did not copy the notes from his first year at Cornell (1913-14) to have a complete record of his graduate studies. This post provides an overview of the courses taken by Frank Knight and those professors who taught him. For his first year, we are all quite fortunate to have the story of Knight’s ex ante oeconomica life as told by Ross B. Emmett (2015) in his excellent, Frank H. Knight Before He Entered Economics (1885-1914).

The official Cornell course announcements were published in the Spring before the academic year began. This means there are a few discrepencies between the actual instructors identified by Knight and those found in the printed announcements. For example, Alvin Saunders Johnson left the Cornell faculty and was replaced by Thomas Sewell Adams and Herbert J. Davenport during the academic years 1915-16 and 1916-17.

Hopefully there will be time and energy later to provide summaries of course content from Knight’s detailed notes. Visitors are encouraged to sign up to receive future postings via email (see below).



Source: Announcement of the College of Arts and Sciences, 1913-14. Official Publications of Cornell University. Volume IV (May 15, 1913) Number 11.

Philosophy 11. Philosophical Results and Applications. First term, credit one hour. Prerequisite at least one course in philosophy. Professor [James Edwin] Creighton. S, 12, Goldwin Smith 225.

Professor James Edwin Creighton

The purpose of the course is to show how philosophical ideas enter into other departments of thought and have a bearing on concrete problems of life and society. This will be illustrated by a consideration of certain aspects of the movement of thought and civilization in the nineteenth century.

Philosophy 19. The Development of Modern Philosophical Problems. First term, credit two hours. Prerequisite either course 1, 3, 5, 7, 17, 20, or 21. Professor [James Edwin] Creighton. T Th, 12, Goldwin Smith 225.

A review and an interpretation of the leading philosophical ideas of modern schools and systems, with the purpose of tracing the evolution of philosophical conceptions, especially during the nineteenth century, in the light of the various scientific, social, and religious problems with which they are connected.

Philosophy 20. History of Ethics, Ancient, Medieval, and Renaissance. First term, credit two hours. Professor [William Alexander] Hammond. M W, 11, Goldwin Smith 220.

Professor William Alexander Hammond

Lectures and assigned readings. A history of moral ideals and reflection in antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance, treated in connection with social and political institutions. Primarily for seniors and graduates.

Philosophy 21. History of Modem Ethics. Second term, credit two hours. Professor [Ernest] Albee. M W, 11, Goldwin Smith 220.

Professor Ernest Albee

The history of modern ethics with special reference to the development of the commonly recognized methods of ethics. The history of British ethics will receive particular attention, as illustrating the gradual differentiation of ethics as an independent science of philosophical discipline. Primarily for graduates.

Philosophy 30. Empiricism and Rationalism. First term, credit three hours. Professor [Ernest] Albee. T Th S, 11, Goldwin Smith 220.

Lectures, discussions, and essays. The empirical movement as represented by Locke, Berkeley, and Hume, and the rationalistic movement as represented especially by Descartes, Spinoza, and Leibniz, with reference to their distinctive methods. Locke’s Essay (Bohn edition, 2 vols.), Hume’s Treatise of Human Nature (Clarendon Press), and Leibniz’s Philosophical Works (Duncan’s translation, Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, New Haven). Primarily for graduates.

Political Science 87. The History of Economic Theory. Throughout the year, credit three hours a term. Professor [Alvin Saunders] Johnson. T Th S, 9, Goldwin Smith 264.

Professor Alvin Saunders Johnson

It is the purpose of this course to trace the main currents of economic theory from the mercantilists writers to the present day. Chief emphasis will be laid upon the development of the individualistic economic doctrines in 18th century France and England; the conditions, economic and social, upon which they were based; the consolidation of the doctrines in classical economics; and the modifications they have undergone through the influence of historical and social political criticism.

Political Science 88. Value and Distribution. Throughout the year, credit two hours a term. Professor [Alvin Saunders] Johnson. Th, 2.30, Political Science Seminary.

This course is devoted to a study of the chief problems of current economic theory, including the nature, the value, and the laws of its growth, valuation of capital and capitalization, the interest problem, wages, profits, competition, and monopoly. The works of the chief contemporary authorities will be critically studied with a view to disclosing the basis of existing divergencies in point of view.
It is desirable that students registering for this course should have a reading knowledge of German and French.

“The course description for Value and Distribution dated back several years, to the period when Frank Albert Fetter had taught the course. Fetter had completed his doctorate at the University of Halle, and was deeply engaged with economic ideas emerging from the Austrian School of Economics. Carl Menger, often considered the founder of Austrian economics, had initiated a Methodenstreit with the historicist orientation of the German Historical School, whose work had deeply influenced American economists of the late 19th century (many of whom, like Fetter, had completed Ph.Ds. in Germany). When Fetter joined Cornell’s faculty in 1901, there was an existing course on distribution, but not one on price theory generally. There had been, however, a course in reading German economic literature from the Historical School. The course was designed to enable economics students to meet the foreign language requirements Cornell had established for doctoral candidates. Fetter introduced a course in economic theory (eventually called Value and Distribution) that required students to read significant texts by French, German, and Austrian economists such as Leon Walras, Werner Sombart, Eugene Böhm-Bawerk, and Friedrich Wieser in their original language, thereby satisfying simultaneously the Graduate School’s foreign language requirement. When Alvin Johnson arrived at Cornell in 1913 (at the same time as Frank did), he inherited Fetter’s course. But Johnson, a mid-westerner educated at Columbia by John Bates Clark, was aligned more with the Anglo-American tradition of economic theorizing than he was with either the German Historical School or the Austrian School. Thus, he ignored the language requirement. Frank’s notes from Johnson’s course on the History of Economic Theory (which did not have a foreign language requirement) tell us that, one day in class, Johnson said, ‘American and English books [on economics] may contain logical fallacies, but their facts are reliable. Facts and fiction [are] indistinguishable in books like Sombart’s.’ Johnson then suggested that the doctoral requirements for economics at Cornell (and elsewhere, presumably) should state ‘that student[s] should not read German’ (from the Frank Knight Papers, Box 2, Folder 1, quoted in Howey 1983, 169, emphasis in the original).

Source: Ross B. Emmett,Frank H. Knight Before He Entered Eonomics (1885-1914). 2015.

Not registered, but audited.

Philosophy 26. Advanced Ethics. Throughout the year, credit three hours a term. Professor [Frank] Thilly. Lectures, reading, discussion, and essays. M W F, 10, Goldwin Smith 220. Primarily for graduates.  [Knight’s notes end in February]

Professor Frank Thilly

Political Science 54b. State Administration. Second term, credit three hours. Prerequisite courses 53a, 53b. Professor [Samuel Peter Orth]. M W F, 11, Goldwin Smith 256.

A study of the American state; the county and the township; the powers and functions of administrative organs, boards, and commissions; judicial control. Lectures, readings, and reports. Each student will be required to make a detailed study of some particular state. [Ross Emmett believes this course corresponds to Knight’s notes that he examined]

Professor Samuel Peter Orth


Source: Announcement of the College of Arts and Sciences, 1914-15. Official Publications of Cornell University. Volume V (May 1, 1914) Number 10.

Philosophy 40. Seminary in Logic and Metaphysics. T, 3-5, Goldwin Smith 231. Professor [James Edwin] CREIGHTON and Dr. [William Kelley] WRIGHT.

Dr. William Kelley Wright

[Portrait of William Kelley Wright from the 1926 Darmouth yearbook “Aegis”.]

The subject for 1914-15 will be a study of certain leading metaphysical problems in the light of recent investigations.

Philosophy 37. Seminary in Ethics. Investigation of special problems. Throughout the year, credit two hours a term, Professor [Frank] THILLY. Hours and room to be arranged.

Political Science 66a. The Labor Problem. First term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 51. Professor [Alvin Saunders] JOHNSON. T Th S, 11. Goldwin Smith 264.

This course will present a systematic view of the progress and present condition of the working class in the United States and in other industrial countries; sketch the history and analyze the aims and methods of labor organizations; study the evolution of institutions designed to improve the condition of the working class; and compare the labor legislation of the United States with that of European countries.

Political Science 66b. Socialism. Second term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 51, Professor [Alvin Saunders] JOHNSON. T Th S, 11, Goldwin Smith 264.

Due attention will be given in this course to the various forms of socialistic theory. Its main object, however, is to describe the evolution of the socialist movement and the organization of socialistic parties, to measure the present strength of the movement, and to examine in the concrete its methods and aims.

Political Science 76a. Elementary Statistics. First term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 51. Professor [Walter Francis] WILLCOX. T Th S, 9, Goldwin Smith 256. Laboratory, W, 2-4, Goldwin Smith 259.

Professor Walter Francis Willcox

An introduction to census statistics with especial reference to the federal census of 1910, and to registration statistics with especial reference to those of New York State and its cities. The course gives an introduction to the methods and results of statistics in these, its best developed branches.

Political Science 76b. Economic Statistics. Second term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 51. Professor [Walter Francis] WILLCOX. T Th S, 9. Goldwin Smith 256. Laboratory, W, 2-4, Goldwin Smith 259.

A continuation of course 76a, dealing mainly with the agricultural and industrial statistics of the United States. Mature students that have not already had course 76a or its equivalent may be admitted by special permission. The course is an introduction to statistics in its application to more difficult fields, such as production. wages, prices, and index numbers.

Political Science 90. Research in Statistics. Throughout the year, credit to be arranged. Professor [Walter Francis] WILLCOX.

[Knight describes this as “afternoon session for Grad studs.”

Political Science 65a. The Industrial Revolution in England, 1700 to 1850. First term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 51, previously or concurrently, or work in European history. Assistant Professor [Abbott Payson] USHER. M W F, 12. Goldwin Smith 264.

Assistant Professor Abbott Payson Usher

The topography and resources of England, the Industrial Revolution, commercial expansion in the 18th century. the history of the Bank of England, the rise of London as a world metropolis.

Political Science 65b. Social and Economic Problems of the 19th Century in England. Second term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 51, previously or concurrently. Professor [Abbott Payson] USHER. M W F, 12. Goldwin Smith 264.

The course can be followed most profitably by students who have taken course 65a, but it may be elected independently. The history of English agriculture, 1700 to 1907; the poor laws, 1834 and 1909; the coming of free trade. 1776 to 1846; railroads and rate-making; Germany and the industrial supremacy of England.


Source: Announcement of the College of Arts and Sciences, 1915-16. Official Publications of Cornell University. Volume VI (May 1, 1915) Number 10.

Political Science 87. Principles of Economics. Throughout the year, credit three hours a term. Professor [Alvin Saunders] JOHNSON [Apparently taught by Thomas Sewall Adams]. M W F, 11, Goldwin Smith 264. Prerequisite course 51 or its equivalent.

Professor Thomas Sewall Adams

[Photo of T. S. Adams from the University of Wisconsin Badger of 1916]

An advanced course in general economics, based upon Marshall’s Principles of Economics as a text. Especial attention will be given in this course to the laws of value and price, of wages, interest, and profit.

Political Science 64. Money and Banking. Throughout the year, credit three hours a term. Prerequisite course 51. Professor [Allyn Abbott] Young. T Th S, 10, Goldwin Smith 142.

Professor Allyn Abbott Young

A discussion of the more important phases of the theory of money and credit is followed by a consideration of selected practical problems, including the revision of the American banking system. Practical work is required in the analysis of the controlling conditions of the money market, of organized speculation in securities, and of foreign exchange.

Political Science 55a. Elementary Social Science. First term, credit three hours. Course 51 should precede or be taken with this course. Professor [Walter Francis] WILLCOX. T Th S, 9, Goldwin Smith 256.

An introductory course upon social science or sociology, its field and methods, with special reference to the human family as a social unit, to be studied by the comparative, the historical, and the statistical methods.

Political Science 55b. Elementary Social Science. Second term, credit three hours. Course 51 should precede or be taken with this course. Professor [Walter Francis] WILLCOX. T Th S, 9, Goldwin Smith 256.

A continuation of the preceding course but with especial reference to the dependent, defective, and delinquent classes. Open to all who have taken 55a and by special permission to others.

Knight’s note cards for lectures on “Valuation” are dated for either Monday or Tuesday meetings, but no more than one meeting per week. Notes for 21 meetings twelve on Mondays, nine on Tuesdays. So presumably his notes on valuation come from the following scheduled seminar courses.

Political Science 92. Research in Finance. Throughout the year, credit two or three hours a term. Professor [Allyn Abbott] YOUNG [and Thomas Sewall Adams]. T, 2.30. Goldwin Smith 269.

Individual or coöperative investigations of selected problems in money, banking, and corporation finance, in connection with lectures upon the sources of information and upon the use of appropriate methods of investigation.

Political Science 99. General Seminary. Throughout the year, credit two hours a term. Conducted by members of the department. M., 2.30-4.30, Political Science Seminary. Open only to graduate students


Source: Announcement of the College of Arts and Sciences, 1916-17. Official Publications of Cornell University. Volume VII (April 15, 1916) Number 10.

[1916-17 announcement] Political Science 51. Elementary Economics. Throughout the year, credit three hours a term. One lecture and two recitations each week Lectures, M, 9; repeated M, 11. Barnes Auditorium. Assistant Professor TURNER. Recitations, T Th, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; W F, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Assistant Professor [Abbott Payson] USHER, Mr. CAMPBELL, Dr. WOODBURY, Mr. [Charles Roland] HUGINS and Mr. [Clarence Cameron] KOCHENDERFER. Section assignments made at the first lecture.

From the Proceedings of the Cornell Board of Trustees Meeting of May 20, 1916 “J.R. Turner, Assistant Professor of Economics resigned effective June 30”. Also note resignations of Mr. Campbell and Dr. Woodbury. So they are struck out above. Comparing this to the announcement for the staffing of the course in 1917-1918. We see that Davenport was named as lecturers with assistant professor Reed, instructor Knight, and assistant Working appearing as well. Knight’s notes for the 1916-1917 lectures explicitly mention Davenport.

[1917-18 announcement] Political Science 51. Elementary Economics. Throughout the year, credit three hours a term. One lecture and two recitations each week. M, 9; M, 11. Barnes Auditorium. Professor [Herbert Joseph] DAVENPORT. Recitations, T Th, 8, 9, 10,11, 12; W F, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Assistant Professors [Abbott Payson] USHER and [Harold Lyle] REED, Dr. [Frank Hyneman] KNIGHT, Mr. [Charles Roland] HUGINS, Mr. [Clarence Cameron] KOCHENDERFER, and Mr. [Holbrook] WORKING. Section assignments made at the first lecture.

Professor Herbert Joseph Davenport

An introduction to economics including a survey of the principles of value, money, banking, and prices; international trade; free trade and protection, wages and labor conditions; the control of railroads and trusts; socialism, principles and problems of taxation.

Political Science 57b. Lectures on Citizenship. Second term, credit two hours. M W, 12, Goldwin Smith B.

A lecture each Monday by a non-resident lecturer and each Wednesday by a member of the Department. The course has been arranged by a committee of Alumni who are actively engaged in civic and social work and who are coöperating in this way with the Department. It will follow the same general plan as last year, but the speakers and most of the subjects treated will be changed.
The course will be under the general charge of Professor Orth. Reading, reports, and essays will be required.

Political Science 88. Value and Distribution. Throughout the year, credit two hours a term. Professor [Alvin Saunders] JOHNSON. F, 2.30, Political Science Seminary.
[Johnson had resigned from the faculty, notes indicate that Davenport led the seminary that Knight has notes from October 21, 1916 through February 3, 1917.]

A study of the chief problems of current economic theory. The works of the chief contemporary authorities will be critically studied with a view to disclosing the basis of existing divergencies in point of view. It is desirable that students registering for this course should have a reading knowledge of German and French.

Political Science 89. Mathematical Economics. Throughout the year, credit two hours a term. Professor [Allyn Abbott] YOUNG. Hours to be arranged.

The use of mathematics in economic analysis, with special reference to the work of Cournot, Jevons, Edgeworth, Walras, Pareto, Auspitz and Lieben, and Fisher. Primarily for graduates.

Political Science 63a. Corporation Finance. First term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 51. Professor [Allyn Abbott] YOUNG. T Th S, 11, Goldwin Smith 256.

A study of the business corporation, with special reference to its economic significance and effects and to the problems of its legal control, including an  analysis of the financial operations of railroads, public utilities, and industrial corporations.

History 54. Economic History of the Colonies, 1600 to 1800. First term, credit three hours. Professor [Charles Henry] HULL. T Th S, 9, Goldwin Smith 234.

Professor Charles Henry Hull

Colonization and settlement as business enterprises: the agricultural conquest of the coast: the competition between slave, indentured, and free labor; the commerce of the British Empire and its relation to the American Revolution. Textbooks, reading. reports, and lectures.

History 55. Economic History of the United States, since 1800. Second term, credit three hours. Professor [Charles Henry] HULL. T Th S, 9, Goldwin Smith 234.

Commerce during the European wars; the introduction of manufactures; the westward movement; industrial differentiation of the sections; agriculture for export; the amalgamation of railways and the combination of industries. Textbooks, reading, reports, and lectures.

Philosophy ??. Seminary of Professor [James Edwin] Creighton.

[Note cards for eight sessions in April and May 1917]

Image Source: Portrait of Frank Knight (1930 Fellow) at the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation website. Most of the professors’ portraits were found in the Cornell Classbook (various years). Many of the portraits have been digitally enhanced by Economics in the Rear-view Mirror.

Exam Questions Harvard Sociology Suggested Reading Syllabus

Harvard. Course readings, final exams, and enrollment for Principles of Sociology. Carver and Field, 1904-1905


The post begins with excerpts from Thomas Nixon Carver’s autobiography dealing with his own training and teaching of sociology. He was an economist back when most sociology courses were taught within economics departments as was the case at Harvard up through the early 1930’s. Carver’s recollections are followed by the enrollment figures, the reading list, and the semester examinations for his Principles of Sociology course from the 1904-05 academic year.

Likely readings for this course can be found in Sociology and Social Progress, compiled by Thomas Nixon Carver (Boston: Ginn and Company, 1905).


Carver’s background and institutional legacy in sociology
(From his autobiography)

Graduate Coursework at Cornell

[p. 105] The economics faculty consisted of Jeremiah W. Jenks, chairman, Walter F. Willcox, Charles H. Hull, and young  [Lucius S.] Merriam. The history department was very strong but I did not take any history courses, to my later regret. My fellowship was officially a teaching fellowship, but I was told that the holders had never been called upon to teach. It paid $550 which proved sufficient for my needs. I took courses under all three of the older men in the department of economics, but none under Merriam. Jenks conducted the seminar and gave a course on economic legislation, both of which I took. Hull gave a course on the history of economic thought, which I took, and another on industrial history. Willcox gave a course in statistics and another on sociology, both of which I took….

[p.111] … Johns Hopkins at that time was known principally because of its graduate school. Cornell had a growing graduate school but it was an appendage rather than the main part of the university. At Johns Hopkins, graduate students were segregated and had relatively few contacts with undergraduates. At Cornell, on the other hand, they were pretty well mixed.

Cornell had a larger faculty than Johns Hopkins and probably as many distinguished scholars, but the average was perhaps not so high, most of them being concerned with undergraduate teaching.

In the Department of Economics, Jenks was the oldest member and chairman of the department. He was more interested in the practical than in the theoretical side of economics. Merriam was a brilliant theorist and, had he lived, would have strengthened that side of their work. Jenks was a wide awake and interesting teacher, a man of the world who could meet on equal terms men prominent in government and business and might have done well in the diplomatic service.

Hull had an encyclopedic knowledge of American industrial history and should have written books on the subject, but he was so afraid that he might overlook something that he never got quite ready to write.

Probably the most brilliant of the three was Walter F. Willcox. Before the rise of the mathematical school of statisticians he was the leading statistician of the country. He also took us through Spencer’s Principles of Sociology and added a good many original ideas of his own. He was one of the few teachers of sociology whom I have known who were capable of taking a realistic and rational view of things.

Teaching at Oberlin

[pp. 122-123] Professor Hull had returned from his sojourn at Johns Hopkins. This relieved me of the classes in English and American history which I had carried the year before [1894-1895]. I added a course [in 1895-1896] in anthropology and one in sociology to my offering.

Teaching at Harvard
(Carver joined the faculty 1900-01)

[p. 132] There was no Department of Sociology at Harvard, but Edward Cummings had given a course on principles of sociology in the Department of Economics. Since I had been giving a course in that subject at Oberlin it was suggested that I continue it at Harvard. [1901-02; 1902-03 (taught by Ripley  and Carver); 1903-04] In addition I gave a course on economic theory and a half course on methods of economic investigation.

[p. 172] The course on the principles of sociology developed into a study of the Darwinian theory as applied to social groups. Variation among the forms of social organization and of moral systems, and the selection or survival of those systems and forms that make for group strength, were considered to constitute the method of social evolution.

The Harvard Illustrated, a student publication, at that time conducted a poll of the senior class, asking the students to name the best courses they had taken. For a number of

years Professor Palmer’s course in ethics ranked highest. My course on principles of sociology began to climb until it finally achieved first place. Then the poll was discontinued.

[pp. 210-212] I have mentioned several times the courses which I had developed at Harvard: principles of agricultural economics, principles of sociology, methods of social reform, and the distribution of wealth. I was, all those years, covering more ground than any other member of the department…
…Up to this time there had been no department of sociology at Harvard. There was a Department of Anthropology and a Department of Social Ethics, but the only course in sociological principles was the one which I gave in the Department of Economics. At one of the meetings of the American Sociological Society I heard Sorokin of the University of Minnesota read a paper. I was impressed by his prodigious learning and general sanity. I began to cultivate his acquaintance and finally was instrumental in bringing him to Harvard….The Department of Economics, on my motion, invited him to give a course of three lectures at Harvard. While he was in Cambridge, I introduced him to President Lowell. Later, on my motion, the department voted to recommend to the Corporation that Sorokin be offered a professorship in the Department of Economics to give courses in sociology at Harvard. The offer was made, he accepted, and a beginning was made toward starting a department of sociology.

Source: Thomas Nixon Carver. Recollections of an Unplanned Life. Los Angeles: Ward Ritchie Press, 1949.


Course Enrollment

Economics 3. Professor Carver and Mr. J. A. Field. — Principles of Sociology. Theories of Social Progress.

Total 47: 10 Graduates, 7 Seniors, 18 Juniors, 7 Sophomores, 5 Others.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1904-1905, p. 74.


Prescribed Reading and Collateral References. 1904-05

  1. Herbert Spencer. Principles of Sociology.
  2. Walter Bagehot. Physics and Politics.
  3. Benjamin Kidd. Social Evolution.
  4. F. H. Giddings. Principles of Sociology.


  1. Auguste Comte. Positive Philosophy. Book VI. Chs.2-4.
  2. Herbert Spencer. Classification of the Sciences, in Essays: Scientific, Political, and Speculative. Vol. II.
  3. *Herbert Spencer. The Study of Sociology. Chs. 1-3.
  4. J. S. Mill. System of Logic. Book VI.
  5. W. S. Jevons. Principles of Science. Ch. 31. Sec. 11.
  6. Lester F. Ward. Outlines of Sociology. I.
  7. W. H. Stuckenberg. Introduction to the Study of Sociology. Chs. 2 and 3.
  8. Émile Durkheim. Les Regles de la Méthode Sociologique.
  9. Guillaume de Greef. Les Lois Sociologiques.
  10. Arthur Fairbanks. Introduction to Sociology. Introduction.


A. Physical and Biological Factors

  1. Herbert Spencer. The Factors of Organic Evolution, in Essays: Scientific, Political, and Speculative. Vol. I.
  2. Herbert Spencer. Progress, its Law and Cause, in Essays: Scientific, Political, and Speculative. Vol. I.
  3. Auguste Comte. Positive Philosophy. Book VI. Ch. 6.
  4. Lester F. Ward. Dynamical Sociology. Ch. 7.
  5. Simon N. Patten. The Theory of Social Forces. Ch. 1.
  6. Geddes and Thompson. The Evolution of Sex. Chs. 1, 2, 19, 21.
  7. Robert Mackintosh. From Comte to Benjamin Kidd.
  8. *G. de LaPouge. Les Sélections Sociales. Chs. 1-6.
  9. August Weismann. The Germ Plasm: a Theory of Heredity.
  10. George Job Romanes. An Examination of Weismannism.
  11. Alfred Russell Wallace. Studies: Scientific and Social.
  12. *R. L. Dugdale. The Jukes.
  13. Oscar C. McCulloh. The Tribe of Ishmael.
  14. *Francis Galton. Hereditary Genius.
  15. Arthur Fairbanks. Introduction to Sociology. Pt. III.
  16. H. W. Conn. The Method of Evolution.

B. Psychic

  1. Auguste Comte. Positive Philosophy. Book VI. Ch. 5.
  2. *Jeremy Bentham. Principles of Morals and Legislation. Chs. 1 and 2.
  3. Lester F. Ward. The Psychic Factors of Civilization.
  4. Tarde. Social Laws.
  5. [G. Tarde]. The Laws of Imitation.
  6. [G. Tarde]. La Logique Sociale.
  7. Gustar Le Bon. The Crowd.
  8. The Psychology of Peoples.
  9. Mark Baldwin. Social and Ethical Interpretations.
  10. [J. Mark Baldwin]. Mental Development in the Child and the Race.
  11. John Fisk. The Destiny of Man.
  12. Henry Drummond. The Ascent of Man.
  13. Simon N. Patten. The Theory of Social Forces. Chs. 2-5.
  14. *E. A. Ross. Social Control.

C. Social and Economic

  1. Lester F. Ward. Outlines of Sociology. Pt. II.
  2. *[Lester F. Ward]. Dynamical Sociology. Ch. 10.
  3. Brooks Adams. The Law of Civilization and Decay.
  4. D. G. Ritchie. Darwinism and Politics.
  5. *A. G. Warner. American Charities. Pt. I. Ch. 5.
  6. *G. de LaPouge. Les Sélections Sociales. Chs. 7-15.
  7. T. R. Malthus. Principle of Population.
  8. H. Bosanquet. The Standard of Life.
  9. W. H. Mallock. Aristocracy and Evolution.
  10. T. V. Veblen. The Theory of the Leisure Class.
  11. W. S. Jevons. Methods of Social Reform.
  12. Jane Addams and Others. Philanthropy and Social Progress.
  13. Demolins. Anglo-Saxon Superiority.
  14. *Thomas H. Huxley. Evolution and Ethics.
  15. Georg Simmel. Ueber Sociale Differencierung.
  16. Émile Durkheim. De la Division du Travail social.
  17. J. H. W. Stuckenberg. Introduction to the Study of Sociology. Ch. 6.
  18. Achille Loria. The Economic Foundations of Society.
  19. [Achille Loria]. Problems Sociaux Contemporains. Ch. 6.
  20. William Z. Ripley. The Races of Europe.

D. Political and Legal

  1. Jeremy Bentham. Principles of Morals and Legislation. Chs. 12-17.
  2. F. M. Taylor. The Right of the State to Be.
  3. *W. W. Willoughby. Social Justice. Chs. 5-9.
  4. *D. G. Ritchie. Principles of State Interference.
  5. W. S. Jevons. The State in Relation to Labor.
  6. Henry C. Adams. The Relation of the State to Industrial Action, in Publications Am. Econ. Assoc. Vol. I. No. 6.

Source: Harvard University Archives. Syllabi, course outlines and readings in economics, 1895-2003. Box 1. Folder “Economics, 1904-1905.”


Mid-year Examination, 1904-05

  1. What is meant by a rational sanction for conduct? How is it distinguished from the rationalization of religion and law?
  2. Has resentment, or the desire for vengeance, any place as a factor in producing social order? Explain your answer.
  3. Describe Spencer’s conception of the Industrial Type of Society and give your opinion of its validity.
    (a) as representing an actual stage in social progress;
    (b) as an ideal social type.
  4. What accounts for the force of the religious sanction for conduct among primitive peoples? What does Spencer believe will be the place of ethics in the religion of the future, and what are his reasons? Are the two explanations in harmony?
  5. Describe the principal forms of the family relation, and the type of society in which each form prevails.
  6. Comment briefly but specifically upon any five of the following topics:—
    (a) Exogamy.
    (b) The domestic relations of the Veddahs.
    (c) The domestic relations of the Thibetans.
    (d) The Ynca political system.
    (e) Political organization among the Eskimos.
    (f) The political system of the Dahomans.
    (g) The industrial attainments of the Fuegians.
  7. What is Spencer’s explanation of the origin of ceremonial in general; and how does he account for particular forms? According to this theory what does the formality of our social relations indicate concerning the original social or anti-social traits of mankind?
  8. By what stages has the medical profession been evolved, and how does it perform the general social function which according to Spencer characterizes the professions?
  9. “The salvation of every society, as of every species, depends on the maintenance of an absolute opposition between the regime of the family and the regime of the State.” Spencer, Vol. I, p. 719.
    What opposition is referred to? Does it appear more conspicuously in the militant or in the industrial type of society?
  10. “From war has been gained all that it has to give.” Spencer, Vol. II, p. 664.
    What has war done to develop society? Why is its work done? Why, if war is now intolerable, is it improper to check the conflicts of classes and individuals within the state?

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University. Mid-year Examinations, 1852-1943. Box 7, Bound Volume: Examination Papers, Mid-Years 1904-05.


Year-end Examination, 1904-05

Omit one question.

  1. “Can we then allege special connexions between the different types of family and the different social types classed as militant and industrial?” (Spencer, Principles of Sociology, I, p. 675.) Explain.
  2. In what particulars is society fundamentally unlike a biological organism?
  3. Can you define social progress in terms of human well-being and at the same time make it consistent with a general theory of evolution? Explain.
  4. What is meant by the storing of social energy and what are the agencies by which it is accomplished?
  5. What is meant by the power of idealization and how does it affect social progress?
  6. Under what conditions and on what grounds would you justify the interference of the state with the liberty of the individual?
  7. Give the titles and authors of such books as you have read of sociological topics, including those prescribed in the course, and write your impression of one which is not prescribed.

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University, Examination Papers 1873-1915. Box 7, Bound volume: Examination Papers, 1904-05;  Papers Set for Final Examinations in History, Government, Economics,…,Music in Harvard College (June, 1905), p. 24.

Image Source: “Thomas Nixon Carver, 1865-1961” link at the History of Economic Thought Website. “Portrait of Carver (as a young man)“.
Detail in the Oberlin College Yearbook 1901 Hi-o-hi (no. 16)


American Economic Association. Economic Studies, 1896-1899


A few posts ago I put together a list of links to the contents of eleven volumes of monographs published by the American Economic Association from 1886 through 1896.

Those eleven published volumes were briefly followed (1896-1899) by two series of AEA publications, viz.: the bi-monthly Economic Studies, and an extremely short “new series” of larger monographs that would be printed at irregular intervals. In 1900 the American Economic Association reverted to the policy of issuing its monographs, called the “third series” of the publications, at quarterly intervals.

This post provides links to the 1896-1899 intermezzo of AEA publications.


American Economic Association

Price of the Economic Studies $2.50 per volume in paper, $3.00 in cloth. The set of four volumes, in cloth, $10.00.

VOLUME I, 1896
[prices in paper]

No. 1 (Apr., Supplement) Eighth Annual Meeting: Hand-Book and Report. Pp. 178. Price 50 cents.

No. 1 (Apr.). The Theory of Economic Progress, by John B. Clark, Ph.D.; The Relation of Changes in the Volume of the Currency to Prosperity, by Francis A. Walker, LL.D. Pp. 46. Price 50 cents.

No. 2 (Jun.). The Adjustment of Wages to Efficiency. Three papers: Gain Sharing, by Henry R. Towne; The Premium Plan of Paying for Labor, by F.A. Halsey; A Piece-Rate System, by F.W. Taylor. Pp. 83 Price 50 cents.

No. 3 (Aug.). The Populist Movement. By Frank L. McVey, Ph.D. Pp. 81 Price 50 cents.

No. 4 (Oct.). The Present Monetary Situation. An address by Dr. W. Lexis, University of Göttingen translated by Professor John Cummings. Pp. 72. Price 75 cents.

Nos. 5-6 (Dec.). The Street Railway Problem in Cleveland. By W.R. Hopkins. Pp. 94. Price 50 cents.



No. 1 (Feb., Supplement). Ninth Annual Meeting: Hand-Book and Report. Pp. 162. Price 50 cents.

No. 1 (Feb.). Economics and Jurisprudence. By Henry C. Adams, Ph.D. Pp. 48. Price 50 cents.

No. 2 (Apr.). The Saloon Question in Chicago. By John E. George, Ph.B. Pp. 62. Price 50 cents.

No. 3 (Jun.). The General Property Tax in California. By Carl C. Plehn, Ph.D. Pp. 88. Price 50 cents.

No. 4 (Aug.). Area and Population of U. S. at Eleventh Census. By Walter F. Willcox, Ph.D. Pp. 60. Price 50 cents.

No. 5 (Oct.). A Discourse Concerning the Currencies of the British Plantations in America, etc. By William Douglass. Edited by Charles J. Bullock, Ph.D. Pp. 228. Price 50 cents.

No. 6 (Dec.). Density and Distribution of Population in U.S. at Eleventh Census. By Walter F. Wilcox, Ph.D. Pp. 79.Price 50 cents.



No. 1 (Feb., Supplement). Tenth Annual Meeting: Hand-Book and Report. Pp. 136. Price 50 cents.

No. 1 (Feb.). Government by Injunction. By William H. Dunbar, A.M., LL.B. Pp. 44. Price 50 cents.

No. 2 (Apr.). Economic Aspects of Railroad Receiverships. By Henry H. Swain, Ph.D. Pp. 118. Price 50 cents.

No. 3 (Jun.). The Ohio Tax Inquisitor Law. By T. N. Carver, Ph.D. Pp. 50. Price 50 cents.

No. 4 (Aug.). The American Federation of Labor. By Morton A. Aldrich, Ph.D. Pp. 54. Price 50 cents.

No. 5 (Oct.). Housing of the Working People in Yonkers. By Ernest Ludlow Bogart, Ph.D. Pp. 82. Price 50 cents.

No. 6 (Dec.). The State Purchase of Railways in Switzerland. By Horace Micheli; translated by John Cummings, Ph.D. Pp. 72. Price 50 cents.



No. 1 (Feb.). I. Economics and Politics. By Arthur T. Hadley, A.M.; II. Report on Currency Reform. By F. M. Taylor, F.W. Taussig, J.W. Jenks, Sidney Sherwood, David Kinley; III. Report on the Twelfth Census. By Richmond Mayo-Smith, Walter F. Willcox, Carroll D. Wright, Roland P. Falkner, Davis R. Dewey. Pp.70. Price 50 cents.

No. 2 (Apr.). Eleventh Annual Meeting: Hand-Book and Report. Pp. 126. Price 50 cents.

No. 2 (Apr.). Personal Competition: Its Place in the Social Order and Effect upon Individuals; with some Consideration upon Success. By Charles H. Cooley, Ph.D. Pp. 104. Price 50 cents.

No. 3 (Jun.). Economics as a School Study. By Frederick R. Clow, A.M. Pp. 72. Price 50 cents.

Nos. 4-5 (Aug.-Oct.). The English Income Tax, with Special Reference to Administration and Method of Assessment. By Joseph A. Hill, Ph.D. Pp. 162. Price $1.00.

No. 6. (Dec.) The Effects of Recent Changes in Monetary Standards upon the Distribution of Wealth. By Francis Shanor Kinder, A.M. Pp.91. Price 50 cents.



No. 1 (Dec., 1897). The Cotton Industry. By M. B. Hammond. Pp. 382. (In cloth $2.00.) Price $1.50.

No. 2 (Mar., 1899). Scope and Method of the Twelfth Census. Critical discussion by over twenty statistical experts. Pp. 625. (In cloth $2.50.) Price $2.00.



Chicago Economists Johns Hopkins

Chicago. The Edward W. Bemis controversy, 1895




This post turns out to include nearly twenty pages worth of artifacts bearing on the so-called Bemis controversy at the University of Chicago in 1895. Edward W. Bemis was a student of Richard T. Ely at Johns Hopkins University where he earned a Ph.D. in 1885 with the thesis “Local Government in Michigan and the Northwest.” Bemis was an early hire for the University Extension division at the University of Chicago, teaching courses in economics and sociology. I originally intended only posting three newspaper articles that presented claims and counterclaims regarding the grounds for his controversial dismissal. This academic affair was framed by the press as one of academic freedom being attacked by money-interests. The closer I looked at the case, the more complicated it seemed. 

Once I gathered most of the artifacts transcribed below, I looked for secondary literature and found Harold E. Bergquist Jr.’s “The Edward W. Bemis Controversy at the University of Chicago” published in the AAUP Bulletin, Vol. 58, No. 4 (Dec., 1972), pp. 384-393. Looking at essentially the same material, Bergquist concluded that Bemis’s views on labor and municipal gas monopolies attracted so much negative attention that Chicago president William R. Harper chose to sacrifice the lone-scholar Bemis in the interests of the university. Compared to other attacks on academic freedom from about the same time at Stanford (Ross) and Wisconsin (Ely), the Bemis incident appears to me to be far-more of an in-house affair where the merit assessments of an individual professor and the institutional powers have significantly diverged.

Following a few biographical items, I present a roughly chronological set of artifacts that reveal the complexity of this one man’s academic fate. For what it is worth, I see the tale to be ultimately one of rejection of a Richard T. Ely transplant into the Chicago host departments. The university department heads of political economy (J. Laurence Laughlin) and sociology (AlbionW.  Small) thought well enough of Bemis for the adult-education and outreach Extension program but didn’t really want him in their own departmental backyards. Bemis’ positions on labor disputes and municipal gas monopolies certainly attracted the displeasure of the actual and potential donors to the University of Chicago, but their displeasure appears much less important than the fact that Bemis had not been particularly successful in generating income for the infant university extension program as originally hoped.

For background a convenient first-stop: Edward W. Bemis, 1860-1930 at the History of Economic Thought Website. Includes a list of major works.

RESEARCH TIP:   The Guide to the University of Chicago Office of the President, Harper, Judson and Burton Administrations Records 1869-1925  includes links to scans of the documents.


Biographical Notes on Edward W. Bemis
Western Reserve Historical Society

BEMIS, EDWARD W. (7 Apr. 1860-25 Sept. 1930), a college professor, expert on public taxation, and proponent of municipal ownership, was a political ally of TOM L. JOHNSON, serving as superintendent of the Cleveland Water Works from 1901-09. Born in Springfield, Mass., Bemis, son of Daniel W. and Mary W. Tinker Bemis, was educated at Amherst College (A.B., 1880; A.M., 1884) and Johns Hopkins (Ph.D., 1885), studying history and economics. He reportedly taught the first university extension course in America, at Buffalo, N.Y., in 1885, then taught economics at Amherst (1885-86); Vanderbilt (1888-92); the University of Chicago (1892-95), which he had to leave because of his “radical” views; and Kansas State Agricultural College (1897-99). Bemis prolifically wrote about local government, tax policy, municipal ownership of utilities, working conditions, labor strikes, trade unions, socialism, and religion and social problems.

Tom Johnson gave Bemis an opportunity to enact his reforms as head of the municipal waterworks, a department described as “a nest of party hacks.” Bemis replaced the spoils system with the merit system, unleashing protests from both the department and the local Democratic organization. Bemis ran the department in a businesslike manner, installing a record 70,000 meters and reducing rates. The elimination of graft and incompetent workers enabled completion of the water-intake tunnel. Bemis also crusaded for higher tax evaluations on properties owned by utilities and railroads. After 1909, Bemis moved to New York City, where he served in similar capacities and worked as a consultant.

Married on 28 Oct. 1889 to Annie L. Sargent, Bemis had three children: Walter S., Alice L., and Lloyde E. Bemis died in Springfield, MO and was buried in New York City.

Source:  Bemis, Edward W. in Encyclopedia of Cleveland History.

*  *  *  *  *

From the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica

BEMIS, EDWARD WEBSTER (1860-[1930]), American economist, was born at Springfield, Massachusetts, on the 7th of April 1860. He was educated at Amherst and Johns Hopkins University. He held the professorship of history and political economy in Vanderbilt University from 1887 to 1892, was associate professor of political economy in the university of Chicago from 1892 to 1895, and assistant statistician to the Illinois bureau of labour statistics, 1896. In 1901 he became superintendent of the Cleveland water works. He wrote much on municipal government, his more important works being some chapters in History of Co-operation in the United States (1888); Municipal Ownership of Gas in the U.S. (1891); Municipal Monopolies (1899).

Source: 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica Vol. 3, p. 714.


A handwritten letter from J. Laurence Laughlin to President William R. Harper, August 1893


Beaver River Station,
via Herkimer, N.Y.
Aug. 31, 1893

My dear President Harper,

Yours of 29that hand.

The real difficulty in re Bemis, is that (1) he was acquiesced in solely for University Extension work, and I never for a moment thought of him as holding a permanent position in the regular officers of instruction. And (2) at that time also you emphasized the clear line of demarcation between the Extension Dep’ts & the University—proper. Now, nothing has occurred to change these two things. But from a desire for “uniformity” simply, a move is made which, in the judgment of a Head-Professor seriously impairs the morale of his department. It is my duty to enter my protest, both as a matter of policy & principle. (1) I do not believe Bemis is a man of such value to you that he is worth the injuring of a department. Consequently I suggest that he be transferred to another department. Would it not be perfectly easy to put both his courses into Social Science? Bemis really wishes to lecture on Labor etc rather than on Trades Unions etc., & the Labor course might go under Soc. Sci.—if Small does not object. Then, I have no objection to his remaining in charge of the Extension work in Economics; although I do not believe he is competent to treat a difficult economic problem. (2) Is it fair to hold a head-professor responsible for the working of his department if action is taken contrary to his judgment? In this case, I think your are unwittingly doing us harm; and consequently, I must ask to be relieved of settling questions arising from it, or of responsibility for the efficiency of the work. Of course, if it is your policy to take on yourself a large part of the responsibility hitherto laid on the head-professor, and yourself to watch many of the details, that is another matter; no doubt, you can do it far better than I. Only we should clearly understand what you expect me to do. I need not say it would be a great relief to have these matters taken off my mind; then I could occupy myself entirely with my own economic studies.

I am very sorry indeed to trouble you with this matter; but I should be disloyal to you and to the University if I did not point out the dangers inherent in this case. It is no easy matter to keep in harmonious adjustment the work and careers of six or seven men in a new department, as you will be the first to appreciate.

Very sincerely yours,

Laurence Laughlin


Source:   University of Chicago. Office of the President. Harper, Judson and Burton Administrations. Records, Box 57, Folder #13 “Laughlin, J. Laurence, 1892-1917”, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago.


Bad news from Harper to Bemis
January 1894

Office of the President

The University of Chicago
Founded by John D. Rockefeller

Chicago January 1894


My dear Prof. Bemis:-

I write you this letter because I think I can state what is in my mind more easily in writing than in conversation. You will remember that I was very anxious to have you take hold of the work with us in the University, and you will recall the battle I had with some of our gentlemen in reference to it, a battle fought and won. I counted upon great results from the Extension work, and I hoped that as time passed there would be opportunities for your doing a larger amount of work in the University Proper. As matters now stand the Extension work has been this year largely a failure so far as you are concerned, and instead of the opportunity becoming better on your part for work in the University Proper, the doors seem to be closing. You will perhaps be surprised, but it is necessary for me to say that it does not seem best for us to look forward to your coming more definitely into the work of the University Proper. After a long consideration of the matter, and a study of all circumstances; looking at it too from your point of view and with a view to your interests, I am persuaded that in the long run you can do in another institution because of the peculiar circumstances here, a better and more satisfactory work to yourself than you can do here. I am very sorry to say this, for as I need not assure you, I am personally very much attached both to you and to Mrs. Bemis. You are, however, man of the world enough to know that unless one is in the best environment, he cannot work to the best advantage. You are so well known and your ability so widely recognized that there will surely be no difficulty in securing for you a good position, one in which you will be monarch, and one in which you will be above all things else independent. I wish to say that I will do all I can, and I think I can do much to help you in this matter, and I beg you to understand that I have come to this conclusion after much study and with greatest reluctance. If you will accept this and allow me to help you, I am sure that we can arrange matters in a first rate way. The interests of all I think would be conserved if the new arrangement could be made for the year beginning July 1stor Oct 1st. I shall be very glad to meet you, not to discuss this, for I think it best to call it settled, but to discuss the question of your future work, in which I wish to express the deepest interest. You will, I am confident, distinguish in your mind between the official act which I am compelled to perform, and the personal attitude which I wish now and always to assume toward you. I should be glad to see you at your earliest convenience.

Yours very truly,

Source:   University of Chicago. Office of the President. Harper, Judson and Burton Administrations. Records, Box 11, Folder #4 “Bemis, Edward W., 1892-1895”, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago.


Handwritten letter from Bemis to Harper
July 1994

5835 Drexel St.

July 23-94

My dear President Harper!

Having been informed today on second hand but apparently trustworthy authority that some of the authorities (trustees I assume) of our University are displeased with what they suppose has been my attitude in this great RR strike, I write to correct any possible false reports.

I wrote a letter to Mr. Debs just before the strike urging him, for I knew him slightly, not to have the strike.

Then when all the trades were considering the propriety of a general strike in the city I spent several hours in trying to dissuade the leaders of some of the unions. Later when the officers of many national unions came here to consider the further extension of the strike I feel sure I contributed to strengthening the resolution of Pres’t Gompers & Sec’y Evans of the American Federation of Labor not to participate.

In every way have I tried to calm the troubled waters, while making use of the opportunity to urge upon large employers a conciliatory Christ-like attitude & the recognition of the trusteeship of wealth as suggested in the parable of the ten talents, and endorsed by modern philosophy.

I realize how easily in times of ferment one’s views may be misquoted as were yours last winter & trust you will believe me ever determined to be both scientific and judicial though earnest in treating these great problems & that you will always wait to hear both sides before judging.

Very sincerely yours

Edward W. Bemis


Source:   University of Chicago. Office of the President. Harper, Judson and Burton Administrations. Records, Box 11, Folder #4 “Bemis, Edward W., 1892-1895”, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago.


From handwritten letter from J. Laurence Laughlin to President William R. Harper, Aug 1894

Newman, N. Y.
Aug. 6, 1894

Dear Pres. Harper,


This recalls Bemis. I fear the affair in Dr. Barrows’ church has been a last straw to some good friends of the University, like A. A. Sprague. And in antagonizing Pres. Hughitt he is quaking very hard the establishment of a great railway interest in the University. And Bemis is wholly one-sided on this railway question. I have looked into it, but I could do nothing without throwing out all his railway lectures. This was sometime ago. At every turn in Chicago, in July, I heard indignant remarks about Bemis, & I had nothing whatever to do in introducing the subject. I know you have done what seemed best to stop him; and Small has told me regretfully how he somewhat spoiled your arrangement; but in my opinion, the duty to the good name of the University now transcends any soft-heartedness to an individual. I do not now see how we can escape saving ourselves except by letting the public know that he goes because we do not regard him as up to the standards of the University in ability and scientific methods. It would have been better for him to have gone quietly. You probably know he told Small that his hold on the working classes was so strong that the University dare not drop him—or something to that purpose. I believe you will find the Extension men of my opinion—certainly Mr. Butler.

At any rate, I see Bemis is no longer in my department: and I understand that his economic lectures will not be announced next year by the Extension Division. The labor subjects will be covered by Brooks. As regards the money lectures, I have a suggestion. How would it do to tie to us in this way Prof. Kinley, of the University of Illinois? Is it feasible? Could he not be asked to give 6 or 12 lectures on money, appear in our list as an Extension lectures, & yet hold his position at Champaign? His work is of a radically different kind from Bemis’, & yet he was one of Ely’s men. You can also get Miller’s idea of Kinley. I quite like him; & he would, I think, welcome getting closer to us. His book on the “Independent Treasury” is quite good. This is only a suggestion. If it is worthless—then better no lectures at all on money than those Bemis gives.


Sincerely yours,
Laurence Laughlin

Source:   University of Chicago. Office of the President. Harper, Judson and Burton Administrations. Records, Box 57, Folder #13 “Laughlin, J. Laurence, 1892-1917”, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago.


From “Prof. Bemis’ Secret Out.”
Chicago, Ill., Aug. 17 [1895]
(Special Correspondence to The Voice]

… “President Harper and certain wealthy trustees of the university have at sundry times indicated to Professor Bemis that while his work was not radical nor inappropriate for universities in general, there were inflections of truth which the University of Chicago could utter more gracefully and sincerely than the principles of practical economics. It was not desirable, they intimated, for this institution, with its own particular way of being born and nurtured, to be in close touch either with the labor question or with municipal and monopoly problems.

In the presence of Professor Bemis’ success as a member of the university faculty, and in the absence of any enlightenment as to the cause of his “resignation,” people generally have had the effrontery to imagine that the fact that the president of the big Standard Oil Combine has been a heavy benefactor of the university, has in some way had something to do with the peculiar pedagogical disability hinted at from time to time by President Harper.

But members, attachés of the University of Chicago, are not the only persons who have been unable to appreciate the naïve and reckless manner in which Professor Bemis has neglected to obscure the facts of the new political economy. The manager of the consolidated gas companies of this city refused, a short time ago, to allow to the university the customary reduction in gas rates, because Professor Bemis was a member of the faculty. A prominent officer of the largest gas trust in this country—a trust controlling the gas supply in over 40 cities—said to Professor Bemis not long ago: “Professor Bemis, we can’t and don’t intend to tolerate your work any longer. It means millions to us. And if we can’t convert you, we’re going to down you.” Such intellectual discharges, considered in connection with President Harper’s eloquent silence and capital’s fraternal relations to the university, are not absolutely meaningless…”


Source:   University of Chicago. Office of the President. Harper, Judson and Burton Administrations. Records, Box 11, Folder #4 “Bemis, Edward W., 1892-1895”, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago.



President Harper’s Statement
From a Convocation Address at the University of Chicago, Oct. 1 [1895]

From the beginning the university has believed in the policy of appointing to positions in the same department men who represent different points of view. No instructor in the university has been or will be asked to separate himself from the university because his views upon a particular question differ from those of another member of the same department, even though that member be the head.

From the beginning of the university, there has never been an occasion for condemning the utterances of any professor upon any subject, nor has any objection been taken in any case to the teachings of a professor, and in reference to the particular teachings of an instructor no interference has ever taken place.

The university has been, in a conspicuous way, the recipient of large gifts of money from wealthy men. To these men it owes a debt of sincere gratitude. This debt is all the greater, moreover, because in absolutely no single case has any man, who has given as much as one dollar to the university, sought by word or act, either directly or indirectly, to control, or even to influence, the policy of the university in reference to the teachings of its professors, in the departments of political economy, history, political science or sociology. To be still more explicit, neither John D. Rockefeller, Charles T. Yerkes, Martin A Reyerson, Marshall Field, Silas B. Cobb, Sidney Kent, George C. Walker, nor any other benefactor of the university, has ever uttered a syllable or written a word in criticism of any theory advocated by any professor in any department of the university.

This public statement is made because the counter statement has been published, far and wide, and because it is clear that a serious injury will be done the cause of higher education if the impression should prevail that in a university, as distinguished from a college, there is not the largest possible freedom of expression—a freedom entirely unhampered by either theological or monetary considerations.


Source:   University of Chicago. Office of the President. Harper, Judson and Burton Administrations. Records, Box 11, Folder #4 “Bemis, Edward W., 1892-1895”, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago.



Bemis sends three clippings to Walter F. Willcox of Cornell

477 Dearborn St.
Oct. 25 [1895]

Dear Professor Willcox:

Please show the enclosed, which I send at your request to Prof. Jenks & write me what you both think.

Very sincerely
Edward W. Bemis

*  *  *  *  *

Chicago Chronicle
Oct 9, 1895

The controversy between Professor E. W. Bemis and the University of Chicago faculty and officials have led the dismissed instructor to issue a public statement giving his side of the matter. It is the first direct expression he has made since the trouble arose. Professor Bemis is to lecture at the University of Illinois four days next week, when it is expected that he may give public utterance to his views. The statement is as follows:

“Despite the urgent advice of many and the demand for the facts from the greater portion of hundreds of editorials in newspapers which have been sent me I have hitherto refused to publish the reasons for my leaving the University of Chicago. To injure the university or to have newspaper notoriety is as distasteful to me as to dwell on my personal relations with a great institution.

“The University of Chicago is doing an important work, and throughout the country there is sympathy with all our great universities which I would not wish in any way to disturb.

“During my three years’ connection with the university my personal relations with the president and my colleagues in the sociological department, where I have done all my work the past year and more, were always pleasant. But President Harper’s emphatic denial at convocation, Oct. 1, of any interference with college independence by Mr. Rockefeller, Mr. Yerkes and other donors is producing the natural and apparently intended inference that the university had other and justifiable grounds for my dismissal.


“I have also since Oct. 1 had conclusive evidence that the president is privately stating that I leave because incompetent. Silence is no longer possible, not alone from personal considerations, but because the vital principle of college freedom is also at stake.

“It has been stated by some influential papers on the authority of the president himself, as I am reliably informed, that I was engaged at the University of Chicago for a period of three or five years, and that period having expired the university simply did no renew the appointment.

“I desire to deny emphatically the truth of this statement. In none of the negotiations between the university and myself respecting my coming to the university was there a single word as to any limit of time.

“I was to devote at first two-thirds of the college year to university extension. But I insisted, as a condition of leaving what all assured me was practically a life position at Vanderbilt university to go to Chicago in 1892, that I should not only have one-third of the year for inside or class teaching, but that I should have a gradual increase of it. Both the presidents and the heads of the departments of economics and sociology gave me this assurance, as has often been admitted. Jan. 5, 1894, President Harper wrote me: ‘I hoped that as time passed there would be opportunity for your doing a larger amount of work in the university proper.’


“Now what I wish the president to do is not to give a general denial of Mr. Rockefeller’s having criticized ‘any theory advanced by any professor,’ but to explain why the above ‘hope’ and understanding were not carried out, and what he meant by the following in the letter above quoted: ‘Instead of the opportunity becoming better for work on your part in the university proper, the doors seem to be closing. * * * I am persuaded that in the long run you can do in another institution, because of the peculiar circumstances here, a better and more satisfactory work to yourself than you can do here. I am personally very much attached to you. You are, however, man of the world enough to know that, unless one is in the best environment, he cannot work to the best advantage. You are so well known and your ability so widely recognized that there will be surely no difficulty in securing for you a good position, one in which you will be monarch, and one in which you will be, above all things else, independent.’

“I have never had occasion to doubt the president’s implication above that ‘the peculiar circumstances,’ and the ‘environment’ at the university were the true explanation of its action.

“On receipt of this letter I should have resigned had I not very soon been led to believe, erroneously as it proved, that the situation was improving.

“I very much regret the necessity of publishing this and other letters and conversations which, while not considered confidential, would not under any ordinary circumstances, be made public by me.


“I cannot have been dropped because of dissatisfaction on the part of my associates, for on Aug. 7, 1895, President Harper emphatically declared that the head of the economic department was not responsible for my going, and that the head of the sociological department had, almost to the very end, ‘pleaded for’ my retention.

“I cannot have been dismissed because personally not agreeable to the president, for his letter above quoted states: ‘I am personally very much attached to you.’

“Neither can the university’s action have been due to failure in my university extension work, which was done with constantly growing and, with the exception of a few places the first year, with almost uniform success. In judging of the success of extension courses designed to be educational in character, in economics and sociology, due regard must be had to the fact that the subjects do not appeal to so many of the usual supporters of extension courses, chiefly women, as do literature and history.

“In November and December, 1894, my extension work kept me busy nearly every night, and at least one long engagement had to be refused on this account. Yet in the face of my most popular and really most successful university extension season, my name was dropped from the budget or salary list by the trustees Christmas week, 1894, to take effect the following summer. The singular fact that I was not informed of the above action until March 7, 1895, more than two months afterward, I pass without comment.


“President Harper’s reasons for dropping me could not have been lack of ability or personal character, for Sept. 29, 1894, after observing my work for two years, he wrote me: ‘I have great respect for you and your work.’ In view of this written statement, I cannot understand his recent private declaration that I was dropped for incompetency.

“March 7, 1895, speaking of the reason for my going he said: ‘It is not a question of competency; simply, the general situation is against you here. Of course you are an A No. 1 man, just as much as when we got you, but you are a misfit here.’

“I cannot have been dropped because of dissatisfaction with my classroom work, for Professor Small, under whom I carried on all my extension work and my spring and summer courses of class work in 1894 and 1895, to constantly growing classes of seniors and graduate students, has repeatedly declared to others and to myself that there was no fault or criticism of my class work.

“A considerable portion of my students have taken a second course with me, and I invite the fullest inquiry among them all as to my work. Their attitude was shown in an editorial in their organ, the University of Chicago Weekly, Aug. 1, 1895: ‘His work here has been of the best.’ The president’s comment to me on Aug. 7 last was: ‘Students don’t count. Anybody that knows how can get around students.’ Yet many of my pupils were graduate students and even teachers elsewhere. Again, I repeat, that only the most extreme provocation has overcome my great reluctance to publish such conversations.


“In this connection, I am permitted to quote the following letter to Dr. Charles B. Spahr of the Outlook, written Aug. 27, 1895, by the chancellor of Vanderbilt university, Dr. James H. Kirkland:

“It affords me greatest pleasure to testify to the high character of Professor Bemis’ work at Vanderbilt university. He had a strong hold upon his Students and was regarded by them as an unusually able and strong instructor. I give this communication cheerfully and without reserve. You may make whatever use of it you wish.’

“I am not a socialist, but I am a believer in the wisdom of a gradual taking over of some of our local monopolies by cities, as in Glasgow and Birmingham, but have never urged that it should be done at once in all places, and have held that many cities cannot be urged to go further at present than the leasing for moderate periods, as has been done with the street car lines in Toronto, Canada, with ample provision for city ownership on easy terms at the close of the lease, if then desired by the citizens. Yet the then president of the so-called gas trust of Chicago refused in 1893 to render a financial favor to the university because I was on the faculty. President Harper has since denied that he was influenced thereby.

“The manager of the largest aggregation of gas capital in America, outside of Chicago, referring to my monograph in the publications of the American Economic association, and to other writing on municipal gas works, such as in the February, 1893, issue of the Review of Reviews, declared to me in the summer of 1893: ‘If we can’t convert you we are going to down you. We can’t stand your writing. It means millions to us.’


“As illustrative of how my work is regarded by many prominent businessmen acquainted with it, I may add that some weeks ago so conservative a magazine as the Bibliothecra Sacra, whose sociological department is edited by a conservative businessman of Chicago, asked me to become an associate editor.

“In an interview March 13, 1895, as at other times before and since, President Harper fully agreed with my assertion that I was not radical, and that it was true conservatism to favor moderate social changes; but when I asserted that the university ought to be in close touch with the labor question and with municipal and monopoly problems in the way I had been trying in a moderate spirit, in the Civic Federation and elsewhere, to effect, he replied: ‘Yes, it is valuable work, and you are a good man to do it, but this may not be—this is not the institution where such work can be done.’

“I spoke in the First Presbyterian church of Chicago July 15, 1894, in condemnation of the great railway strike, but ventured to suggest that the railroads had also been law-breakers in the past and should set a better example. Realizing the gravity of the situation and my position in the university, I spoke from carefully prepared manuscript, and can publish it, if any doubt the general verdict of very prominent men in the congregation who have commended its moderate tone. The only sentences afterward criticized were these:

“’If the railroads would expect their men to be law-abiding they must set the example. Let their open violation of the interstate commerce law and their relations to corrupt legislatures and assessors testify as to their part in this regard. I do not attempt to justify the strikers in their boycott of the railroads; but the railroads themselves not long ago placed an offending road under the ban and refused to honor its tickets. Such boycotts on the part of the railroads are no more to be justified than is a boycott of the railroads by the strikers. Let there be some equality in the treatment of these things.’ The rest of the address criticized the strikers more than their employers.


“A prominent railroad president, immediately after the dismissal of the congregation, challenged me for proof of boycotting and I replied that not only were the newspapers full of such things, but I had proof in my study which I would send him in writing. He said: ‘It is an outrage. That a man in your position should dare to come here and imply that the railroads cannot come into court with clean hands is infamous.’ He complained to one or more trustees and to President Harper. The latter then wrote me, July 28, 1894: ‘Your speech at the First Presbyterian church has caused me a great deal of annoyance. It is hardly safe for me to venture into any of the Chicago clubs. I am pounced upon from all sides. I propose that during the remainder of your connection with the university you exercise great care in public utterances about questions that are agitating the minds of the people.’

“In view of this letter of President Harper, I am at a loss to understand the statement he made at convocation: ‘From the beginning of the university there never has been an occasion for condemning the utterance of any professor upon any subject.’


“The benumbing influence of a certain class of actual or hoped-for endowments, whether this influence is directly exerted by donors or only instinctively felt by university authorities and instructors, is a grave danger now confronting some of the best institutions.

“A wealthy and leading trustee of the university spoke to me in 1893 of ‘our side’ in some club discussion of a noted strike. By ‘our side’ you mean–?’ I asked. ‘Why, the capitalists’ side, of course,’ was the quick reply.

“To a gentleman of unquestioned veracity the president, when referring to me, said in substance: ‘It is all very well to sympathize with the workingmen, but we get our money from those on the other side and we can’t afford to offend them.’

“The name of the last gentleman quoted cannot be given to the public or to the university, but he is ready to assert the truth of the above to any disinterested and honorable gentleman the president may name.

“President Harper, as the press has intimated, has privately claimed that by speaking he can ruin me, and that he is keeping quiet on my account. It is time that these innuendoes ceased.

“Altogether aside from my personal interest in the question is the far larger issue of the subjection of college teaching to any lower aims than the pursuit of truth.”

*  *  *  *  *

Chicago Record, Oct. 18, 1895.

Says the Lecturer’s Financial Failure Was Alone Responsible for His Retirement from the University of Chicago—Letter in Full

President William R. Harper of the University of Chicago has written a reply to the statement made by Prof. Edward W. Bemis which was published in The Record Oct. 9.

The following is Dr. Harper’s reply in full, exactly as the president of the university, with the assistance of Prof. Albion W. Small, head professor of sociology, and Prof. Nathaniel Butler, director of the university extension department, prepared it:

“In view of the desire of the public as manifested in various ways to know the facts in reference to the work of Mr. Bemis as a university extension associate professor in the University of Chicago, and in order to remove certain impressions which his letter of a recent date occasions, we, who have been from the beginning most thoroughly conversant with the facts, and, indeed, connected officially with his work, desire to make the following statement:

“1. Mr. Bemis’ position in the university from the beginning has been that of a university extension associate professor, the understanding being that his work should be largely in this department, since his services were not needed in the class work of the university proper, in view of the large number of professors there employed.

Attendance at Lectures Decreased.

“2. During the first year (’92-’93) of his connection with the university he delivered fifteen courses of extension lectures. During the second year (’93-’94) he gave seven courses. During the third year (’94-’95) he gave six courses of lectures. It was a striking fact that, except in one instance, Mr. Bemis never returned to an extension center for a second course. In his course given during ’94-’95 in Joliet on ‘Questions of Labor and Social Reform’ the attendance at the first lecture was 124; second, 108; third, 76; fourth, 79; fifth, 75, and sixth, 44. The actual earnings of Mr. Bemis in university extension work were about $1,000 a year, his salary being $2,500 a year. A portion of this salary, it is true, was paid him for courses offered in the university proper, but he was permitted to offer a larger number of courses in the university than he would otherwise have done, because the administrative officers of the extension division were unable to persuade university extension centers to avail themselves of his lectures. It should be added that no man who has ever given a dollar to the university has ever directly or indirectly entered objection to the views taught by Mr. Bemis in his lectures; and that so far as the university knows, his teaching upon subjects of municipal reform, trusts, etc., are teachings to which the authorities would not think of interposing objection.

“3. In no discussion of Mr. Bemis’ relations to the university, between ourselves as officers of the university or with the president of the university, has the question of Mr. Bemis’ views on questions of political economy or sociology been raised. Mr. Bemis himself acknowledged in our presence early in August, 1895, that he was then convinced that no outside pressure had been brought to bear in reference to his resignation.

Dependent on the Fees.

“4. The simple fact is that the university extension division, which at present has no regular endowment to pay the salaries of professors engaged in this particular work, is dependent upon the fees received from the lecturers for the money with which to pay the salaries of such lecturers. Inasmuch as the officers of the department were not able to make arrangements with extension centers for Mr. Bemis to lecture before them it was evident from a business point of view that the work of Mr. Bemis in this division of the university must cease.

“5. The president’s letter to Mr. Bemis, in which he expressed cordial good will and appreciation of his ability represented the feelings of all who were associated with Mr.

Bemis at that time. It was, however, the opinion of the head of the university department in which Mr. Bemis worked, and of the director of the university extension division as well as the president, that Mr. Bemis could find a better field for his work in a smaller institution, in which he could be free to confine his teaching to the class-room, and not be dependent upon the general public through university extension centers.

“6. The letter of President Harper to Mr. Bemis in reference to his remarks in the First Presbyterian church was written at a time when the citizens of Chicago were in great anxiety because of the disturbed condition of affairs. It should be noted that President Harper’s request that Mr. Bemis should exercise care in his statements was not made with reference to any utterances which Mr. Bemis was making in university work or in a university extension lecture, but in an outside capacity before a promiscuous audience. This was, as already intimated, at a time when agitation of any kind was universally regarded as imprudent. It should not even then take issue with Mr. Bemis on any ‘doctrine,’ but that he requested him to be careful about making untimely and immature statements.

“7. Mr. Bemis was more than a year ago given to understand that it seemed desirable for the reasons recited above, that he should seek another field of usefulness. This intimation was made and was apparently received by him in the kindest spirit, and efforts were made on the part of the University of Chicago to secure him a position better adapted to his abilities. One of several such positions might have been secured had not Mr. Bemis himself by his public attitude rendered it out of the question that these positions should be offered him. We refer later to influences which may account for the unfortunate light in which Mr. Bemis allowed his personal affairs to be presented. The whole case is one in which a university instructor is found to be not well adapted to the position which he holds. Such cases arise almost continually in universities. In almost any other department of instruction than the one in which Mr. Bemis occupied a position such a case would attract no general comment, nor would it be regarded as involving injustice to the instructor. It was perhaps inevitable that Mr. Bemis’ department of teaching, and the fact that the University of Chicago has been generously endowed by private munificence, would occasion the construction which has been put upon this matter. That construction, however, is absolutely without foundation in truth.

As to Another Position.

“8. Mr. Bemis’ real complaint was not that he was asked to resign from the university extension staff, but that he was not transferred to a corresponding position on the staff of instructors inside the university. We state now only our opinion when we say that, so far as we are able to judge, every member of the faculty who is acquainted with Mr. Bemis would indorse the president’s conclusion that such transfer would have placed Mr. Bemis in a position which he is not strong enough to fill. Mr. Bemis dissents from this opinion and repeatedly urged the head of the department of sociology to recommend his appointment as a member of the sociological staff. The answer had to be made that if the trustees would appropriate money without limit to the sociological department, work might be assigned to Mr. Bemis which would be important and valuable in itself, but that the money which would be available for some time to come was much more needed for kinds of instruction which he was not competent to give.

“Some of the elements which entered into the failure of his extension work would be fatal objections to a university instructor. In attempting to be judicial he succeeded in being indefinite. Instead of erring by teaching offensive views the head and front of his offending was that he did not seem to present any distinct views whatever.

“9. We have urged President Harper, throughout the campaign of abuse which has been waged during the last summer, not to depart from his purpose of silence respecting the reasons which led him to call for Mr. Bemis’ resignation. We know that President Harper was more considerate of Mr. Bemis than the latter knew how to be for himself. We had and still have the most friendly feelings for our former associate and agreed with President Harper that the university could afford to suffer rather than cause needless injury to an individual by publication of facts which a discreet person would wish to suppress.

Believes Bemis Was Influenced.

“10. We have changed our view of what is just to all interests concerned, because we are obliged to believe that the prominence which this case has attained through the press is not the result of misunderstanding, but that it is the carrying out of a deliberate design to misrepresent the facts. We believe that Mr. Bemis has received advice which has made him the tool of private animosity toward the university, under the mistaken notion that he is vindicating his violated rights. Our reasons for this view are in part as follows:

“Soon after Mr. Bemis was informed, more than a year ago, that his services were no longer desired by the university, one of the signers of this paper was notified by a friend of Mr. Bemis, first by letter and afterward verbally, that ‘If Prof. Bemis is not retained a newspaper agitation will be begun from which the university will not recover in a generation.’ The reply was that if this was intended as a threat, no more direct means could be taken to hasten the termination of Mr. Bemis’ connection with the university. That it was intended as a threat was evident from the response that ‘the newspapers are all ready to begin the attack if Bemis is sent away, and the University will drop him at its peril.”

“The name of the person who made the threat has repeatedly crept into the published statements for which Mr. Bemis has been directly or indirectly responsible. Both Mr. Bemis and his mentor have refused to act in accordance with the positive testimony of those who knew the facts and have persisted in misconstruction of indirect evidence to suit their purpose of detraction. We therefore think it our duty to the university to add these things to previous official statement in behalf of the university.

Compelled to Discuss the Case.

“11. To summarize, Mr. Bemis has compelled us to advertise both his incompetency as a university extension lecturer and also the opinion of those most closely associated with him that he is not qualified to fill a university position. We wish to make the most emphatic and unreserved assertion which words can convey that the ‘freedom of teaching’ has never been involved in the case. The case of Mr. Bemis would have been precisely the same if his subject had been Sanskrit or psychology or mathematics.

“12. As final evidence that the university had no quarrel with Mr. Bemis’ ‘doctrines’ we add that the university offered to continue to announce Prof. Bemis’ extension courses in the university lists to give him all possible assistance to make lecture engagements, Mr. Bemis to retain all the fees, without the customary deduction for office expenses. This offer was to hold good until Jan. 1, 1896, and Mr. Bemis did not decline it until August 1895. Had he not chosen to represent himself as a martyr he might have been lecturing today under the auspices of the university, although on his own financial responsibility.

Albion W. Small,
“Head Professor of Sociology.
Nathaniel Butler,
“Director the University Extension Division.”

Concurred in by President Harper.

“The above has my concurrence and approval. I think that this recital of facts will be sufficient to assure all candid persons who have become interested in the case, first, that no principle has been involved about which there was occasion ro public solicitude; second, that the university was guarding Prof. Bemis’ interest in attempting to avoid the necessity of publishing an official judgment about the value of his services.

William R. Harper, President”

Chicago, October 16, 1895.

Source:  U. S. Library of Congress, Manuscript Division. The Papers of Walter Willcox, Box 3, Folder “General Correspondence A-C”.

*  *  *  *  *

The above statement was prepared and put in type for the purpose of submitting it to the trustees and leaving the question of its publication to their decision. The proofs of the statement were stolen from the University printing office and given to the public. The employé who committed the theft has been discovered and discharged. If it had been decided to publish the statement, the phraseology would probably have been somewhat changed, and certain additions would have been made. The statement, however, as it was published, is correct. Under the circumstances it seems proper to add the following:

  1. The statement placed in my mouth: “It is all very well to sympathize with the workingmen, but we get our money from those on the other side, and we cannot afford to offend them,” I absolutely deny. I have never even entertained the thought implied in the statement. The University has received contributions from hundreds of workingmen. One, however, can feel no sympathy with those agitators who draw lines between the rich and the poor and seek to array them against each other. It is, of course, true that the president of a university could have no wish to offend the patrons of his institution. But the patrons of the University embrace all classes in the community. The issue raised is an entirely false one, and based on charges without the shadow of a foundation.
  2. Mr. Bemis, recognizing that there was no longer a work for him to do in ordinaryUniversity Extension, proposed that the University pay his salary and allow him to work in the city in connection with the Civic Federation and other public and charity organizations, this work being, as he suggested, University Extension work in a broad sense. To thisproposition it was, of course, necessary to reply that it was a valuable work, and he a good man to do it, but that it was a kind of work which the University could not undertake.
  3. It is understood that when an instructor withdraws at the request of the University, his case shall, in no instance, be prejudiced before the public. The University will assist him in every possible way. The real facts in the case of Mr. Bemis would, under ordinary circumstances, never have been given to the public. In the convocation statement care was taken to utter no word which would in the slightest degree injure him. His recent publication of abstracts of letters, in which the facts were grossly misrepresented, has made this statement necessary.
  4. Once more it is desired to say that neither the expressed nor the supposed wishes and views of the patrons of the University have had anything to do with the case in hand. It has been merely a question of finance, in the effort to bring the expenditures of the division of University Extension within its income. There is not an institution of learning in the country in which freedom of teaching is more absolutely untrammeled than in The University of Chicago. The history of the University during its first three years is sufficient guarantee to those who will examine into it that the policy of the Trustees of the University in reference to this whole subject will not be changed.

William R. Harper.
October 21 [1895]


Source:   University of Chicago. Office of the President. Harper, Judson and Burton Administrations. Records, Box 11, Folder #4 “Bemis, Edward W., 1892-1895”, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago.

*  *  *  *  *

Chicago Record, Oct 19, 1895

The Professor of Sociology Makes Vigorous Rejoinder to the Head of the University of Chicago—Chance for Harper to Explain.

The celebrated case of Harper vs. Bemis was given an interesting airing exclusively in the columns of The Record yesterday, the plaintiff filing his brief, as it were in reply to the statement of the defense which appeared in The Record Wednesday, Oct. 9. Now comes Prof. Bemis, the defendant, with a vigorous rejoinder, which he prepared for The Record last evening and which is reproduced in full.

“When I issued my first statement, Oct. 9, I realized the limits to which the university might go in seeking to reply, for on Aug. 7 President Harper said to me: ‘If I speak you will be damned forever. If we say we did not like you here you can’t get another college place in America.’ He then made some such denial of monopoly influence as at convocation and, having held up a sufficiently frightful fate in store for me, said: ‘I have a stenographer waiting in the next room. I desire to call him in have you make a statement to the public at once that proof has been shown you (for I have said so, and you don’t believe me a liar) that you were entirely mistaken in supposing that monopoly influence had anything to do with your leaving here.’

“It is possible that in the excitement of the moment I admitted a general belief in the truthfulness of the president, but I declined to sign such a statement, saying, however, that I was willing to state that he then denied monopoly influence.

“’Oh, that will do no good,’ he replied; ‘people won’t believe it. They would say that of course I would deny it.’

“But, while I realize the seriousness of the situation, I cannot rest under such unfounded charges of incompetency as are publicly made, with the president’s indorsement, this morning, and which I first learned of on my return to Chicago this afternoon.

Charges Answered Seriatim.

“Time at my disposal does not admit of an adequate reply, but a few things must be said:

“1. With regard to my university extension work. In order to make up a case against me the attendance at Joliet is given, showing a marked falling off the last night as compared with the first. Now, as I have repeatedly stated, this is the one and only center among all the ten where I gave twelve courses in 1894 where there was want of enthusiasm in my work. On the first night at Joliet, if I remember correctly, many complimentary tickets were issued, while the last lecture was suddenly and without due notice changed to another evening in the week to enable courses to begin elsewhere.

“That was the place, too, which complained that I too much avoided making positive statements. It was the first place where I lectured after receiving that letter from President Harper quoted in my previous statement and ending with ‘I propose that during the remainder of your connection with the university you exercise great care in public utterances about questions that are agitating the minds of the people.’ From even Joliet, however, business men have come to me unsolicited to tell me how much they valued my course.

Opinions of the Lectures.

“Relative to a course in Washington, Iowa, early in 1894, the secretary of the center, the Rev. Arthur Fowler, wrote, Feb. 24, 1894, to the head of the university-extension department of the University of Chicago: ‘Nothing but favorable reports have been given of Prof. Bemis’ lectures. He is well liked here.’ To another he wrote, June 8, 1895: ‘Our engagement with Mr. Bemis was entirely satisfactory. The audience increased with each successive lecture. He did us much good.’

“Relative to a course given in Quincy, Ill., early in 1894, the secretary of the center, Edwin A. Clarke, wrote the head of the University of Chicago extension department, March 19, 1894: ‘The course given us by Dr. Bemis has been to those few who attended the lectures the most interesting and valuable of any we have had so far.’

“Relative to a course at Mason City, Iowa, in the fall of 1894, the Rev. C. C. Smith wrote a gentleman in Montana:

“ ‘In the beginning we had considerable fears as to the result, because of the difficulty we have had in making anything in the line of lectures succeed in this town. Now, however, the success of another course is insured, the enthusiasm is great, and this is due wholly to Prof. Bemis as a man and to the excellency of his lectures. He is a teacher, clear, concise, conclusive. His lectures bristle with facts and figures up to date and each has a point and pertinency to the present pressing problems. His patriotism is free from party prejudice, so far, at least, as his lectures are concerned.’

More Words of Praise.

“Relative to two courses at Burlington, Iowa, in the fall and early winter of 1894, the secretary, E. M. Neally, wrote the University of Chicago:

“ ‘We believe Prof. Bemis to be unusually qualified for this sort of work and the desire has even been expressed that we may arrange for a further course by the same lecturer at some future date.’

“In a letter in August, 1895, to a large newspaper Mr. Neally wrote:

“ ‘Having had occasion, as secretary of the Burlington center, to look into the record of Prof. Bemis’ work at various centers, I find it almost invariably described by the secretaries as very successful. No adverse criticism from any local secretary has ever come to my notice.’

“The secretary of the Waterloo (Iowa) center wrote to an inquirer relative to my course there in 1894:

“ ‘His audiences were attentive and the numbers kept up. Prof. Bemis, in my individual opinion, has the right idea of the extension lecture and carried it out.’

“Relative to a course at Osage, Iowa, in the fall of 1894, the Rev. W. W. Gist, secretary of the center, wrote the university Jan. 2, 1895: ‘Dr. Bemis gave us a good, strong course of lectures here.’

“In short, I can quote favorable letters from the secretaries of at least eight of my ten centers in 1894 and from a good proportion of those in the preceding years.

An Error Corrected.

“It is claimed that I never returned to an extension center for a second course, save one. In fact, I did so three times, for I gave twelve lectures at Burlington and two courses to the wage-workers of Chicago. To be sure, the Burlington center engaged the two courses at the start, but they did not manifest the slightest regret over this when the first six lectures were finished. One of the other extension lecturers, who is retained in full favor, was only recalled a second time to three centers prior to this fall, and two prominent officials in the office tell me that it is customary to advise a place not to recall the same lecturer for some time, but to try variety.

“The university has always claimed that its extension work was scientific and worthy of indorsement by a great university because of its strictly educational features. Yet the university now attempts to apply rigid financial tests, as though the extension lecturers must return to the university in fees all their salary, as in a girls’ ‘finishing’ school. March 7 last President Harper told me that every lecturer must earn his own salary in this work. Such conditions were never mentioned to me when I agreed to take hold of the work.

The Financial Account.

“Yet, as a matter of fact, prior to Christmas week, 1894, when the trustees dropped me from the salary list, to take effect this last summer, the university had paid me only $5,625 and had received from my extension fees about $3,600, and the salary for my two and one-half quarters of inside work equaled the entire balance of the $5,625. Though the university now states that some of my inside work was given simply to atone for some lack of extension courses, it certainly was not true of any of the above, however true it may have been of my work in July and August of this year. During 1894 the university received in fees for my work $1,335 or more than my salary for that part of the year devoted to extension work, and as given in my previous statement my last two months of work before the action of the trustees Christmas week, 1894, were crowded with courses, and these the most successful I had ever given.

A Breach of Agreement.

“2. The university does not deny that the understanding under which I came was that I should have a gradual increase of inside or class teaching. Neither does the president explain what he meant in his letter of Jan. 15, 1894, when he intimated that I had better leave and could not have more inside work ‘because of the peculiar circumstances here,’ adding:

“ ‘You are man of the word enough to know that, unless one is in the best environments, he cannot work to the best advantage. You are so well known and your ability so well recognized that there will be surely no difficulty in securing for you a good position, one in which you will be monarch and one in which, you will be, above all things else, independent.’

“3. As to my inside work—does Prof. Small deny having repeatedly told myself and others, as late even as last August, that he had never had any fault or criticism to find with my class work and scientific writing?

“4. On March 9, 1895, Prof. Small told me: ‘When President Harper claims that I stand in your way he is joking, and you know it.’ I replied: ‘Do you mean that the president is speaking in a Pickwickian sense?’ ‘Certainly I do, and you can see it all the time,’ was Prof. Small’s rejoinder.

“On Aug. 7 last he admitted using that exact language, but said he was joking when he said it! Perhaps a similar humorous interpretation is to be put upon the statement in The Record this morning.

“5. My classes at the university averaged about four students to a class the first year and over ten the last quarter, while I know of other men conducting similar graduate work without criticism at the university to-day, and even in sociology, to classes of one. Although my classes averaged as large in size as did most of the others, they would probably have been larger had not Prof. Laughlin, head of the department of political economy and of my work the first two years, advised students not to elect my courses.

As to Prof. Bemis’ Qualifications.

“6. Since the university has seen fit in a most unjust and unwarranted way to attack my class work, I will quote the following from a letter of one of the most famous economic and sociological teachers and writers of the world, Prof. John B. Clark. He thus wrote to a college president April 27 last:

“ ‘I should like to say that Dr. Bemis has unusual qualifications for giving instruction in sociology in an institution where this branch of science is to be taught in a scientific way. His range of learning is very extensive and his training in economics has been very thorough. He has clear insight and sound judgment. His views are conservatively progressive, and he seems to me to be a safe guide for students.’

“The chancellor of Vanderbilt university, where I was professor for the third year preceding my call to Chicago, wrote April 27 to the same president:

“ ‘I have a very high regard for Prof. Bemis both as a scholar and as a teacher. His work with us was very successful in both respects, and it was a source of great regret that we could not keep him. I wish we were able to call him back again.’

Questions for the President.

“7. Does President Harper deny having told me Aug. 7 that he had decided as he had, despite the fact that the head professor of sociology had ‘pleaded for’ my retention and had used an almost convincing argument therefor?

“I do not find in the statement by the university this morning any denial of the president’s remark to me, March 13 last, that for the university to be in close touch with the labor question and with municipal and monopoly problems in a moderate spirit was ‘valuable work and you are a good man to do it; but this may not be, this is not the institution where such work can be done.’ Indeed, I hardly find a denial of anything in my previous statement except in the implication that what was there quoted of the letters and words of the president relative to the excellence of my class work was not to be taken seriously.

“Too Close to Social Movements.”

“8. On Jan. 15, 1895, Prof. Small told me that I was too much identified with modern social movements, while the necessities of the case forced him in his own lectures to go off more and more into ‘transcendental philosophy.’

“9. Since the university tries to make out my incompetency for inside or class work at so large a university, perhaps an explanation will be given of the statement of Prof. Small, March 7, in the presence of the president, that I was the best man in the country to write books on many of the following—immigration, population, cooperation, profit-sharing, building and loan associations, life insurance, labor organizations, arbitration, factory and other labor legislation, but these subjects were ‘too specialized for university instruction.’

“10. In the university’s statement this morning there is no denial of the absolute contradiction between a letter of the president’s July 28, 1894, and his convocation address. In the former he declares that because of my address at the First Presbyterian church (which was very moderate and wholly true ‘it is hardly safe for me to venture into any of the Chicago clubs,’ and ‘proposes’ that I exercise ‘great care in public utterances’ henceforth. In the latter he states: ‘From the beginning of the university there never has been an occasion for condemning the utterance of any professor upon any subject.’

Peculiar Use of Language.

“11. The president’s peculiar use of language was illustrated by his statement to me March 7, that a signed resignation, which at his request I soon gave, was no resignation, and we could both so state, until he chose to date it, the date being left blank by me at his suggestion.

“12. I desire to deny that my action in making my previous statement was due to the ‘mentor’ that the university seems to have in mind. I had not seen the one I suppose to be referred to for some time and acted contrary to his advice anyway, but in conformity to the advice of all but two of the many prominent friends heard from since Oct. 1.

An Unmade Denial.

“13. It will be noticed that President Harper does not deny having told a gentleman of unquestioned veracity, when referring to me: ‘It is all very well to sympathize with the workingmen, but we get our money from those on the other side and we can’t afford to offend them.’

“14. Another gentleman—one of national and very high reputation—is prepared to assert to any honorable and disinterested third party the president may name that the latter stated to him: ‘I am on the capitalist side. There is where I get my money.’

“In conclusion, and I wish to speak judicially and fairly, I must say that the statement of certain professors, as indorsed by the president, seems to me evasive and disingenuous and not at all worthy of a great institution of learning. I regret, exceedingly, that the unfounded and injust attacks of the university upon my work have compelled me to make the above statement. Edward W. Bemis.”

Source:  U. S. Library of Congress, Manuscript Division. The Papers of Walter Willcox, Box 3, Folder “General Correspondence A-C”.

*  *  *  *  *

Chicago Record, Oct 19, 1895

Says That the Statement Signed by Him Was Meant to Be Kept Secret.

Dr. Harper was asked yesterday why he had made answer to Prof. Bemis at this late day, after having declared that he would not notice the professor’s letter.

“I have made no statement,” said the doctor, “and the publication in The Record this morning was embarrassing to me. The matter was prepared for submission to the board of trustees this afternoon, and if they had desired to make it public they could, of course, have done so. But it is unfair to say I have made any public statement concerning the matter.”

“The document published was the one prepared with your knowledge and consent, was it not?”

“Yes, I do not intend to assert that there is anything wrong with the document, but if it had been prepared for the public no doubt many things it does not contain would have been incorporated.”

“In the printed statement it is said that the extension lectures of Prof. Bemis were a failure financially. Does this mean that the extension work is languishing?”

“Not at all. It only means that Prof. Bemis did not succeed, and there was no sense in our keeping him when we could get men who would put money in our treasury instead of being a drag upon us.”

Source: U. S. Library of Congress, Manuscript Division. The Papers of Walter Willcox, Box 3, Folder “General Correspondence A-C”.



  1. Bemis agrees to give Mr. Harper his resignation as University Extension Associate Professor in the University of Chicago, the date to be left blank and to be filled out by Mr. Harper, but not before Mr. Bemis has secured a position in another institution, provided that the date shall in no case be later than July 1, 1896.
  2. Bemis agrees to receive as compensation for his services in the University after July 1, 1895, in case service is rendered, the receipts from such lecture courses as he may give in the Extension Division and the sum of Six Hundred and Twenty-five ($625.00) dollars, for six weeks of instruction during the summer quarter of 1895.
  3. Bemis agrees, in case the above arrangement is carried out by Mr. Harper, to release the University from any obligation to pay him a fixed salary for the year beginning July 1, 1895, should he remain connected with the University during that year.
  4. Harper agrees to carry out the above arrangements in connection with University Extension work and in connection with University work during the summer quarter of 1895.

[Signed by both]
Edward W. Bemis
William R. Harper


Source:   University of Chicago. Office of the President. Harper, Judson and Burton Administrations. Records, Box 11, Folder #4 “Bemis, Edward W., 1892-1895”, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago.


Image Source:  Chauncey L. Moore (Springfield, MA) photograph of Edward Webster Bemis from Johns Hopkins Sheridan Libraries, Graphic and Pictorial Collection.


Economist Market Johns Hopkins Statistics

Johns Hopkins. H.B. Adams invites Walter Willcox to enroll as PhD student, 1890


The Cornell statistician Walter Willcox received his Ph.D. from Columbia University for his dissertation on the statistics of divorce. What I find interesting in the following two letters from Professor Herbert B. Adams at Johns Hopkins University were the modest formal requirements to be awarded a Ph.D. at Johns Hopkins in 1890.

Willcox’s advanced coursework elsewhere would have been given full transfer credit (in today’s terms) so that a single year residence, dissertation, and presumably a final doctoral examination would have been necessary for him to receive the degree.

Also interesting is to read that all the Hopkins’ Ph.D.’s from the Department of History and Politics (included political economy) graduated in June had “good positions before the summer was over”.


Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, Md., December 4, 1890.

My dear Mr. Willcox,

I have your letter of December 2 regarding your possible residence in Baltimore during the remainder of this year. Would it not be a good plan for you to secure our degree of Doctor of Philosophy? You have studied so long and under such good conditions that I should think you might easily obtain our degree by one year’s residence. You would then be in a much better position to obtain a good academic chair. Hopkins men are in constant request, at least in my Department of History and Politics. All of our eight doctors graduated last June obtained good positions before the summer was over. One of our former students who went to Heidelberg and took his degree has now returned to Baltimore and is waiting for a job. Only day before yesterday I was able to put two wandering trustees into communication with this young candidate and I hope the interview will result in his appointment to a professorship of history in a Western college.

You ought to make a combination of history, philosophy, and political science. Our requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy embrace three years of strictly university work. The last of the three must be spent in residence. Perhaps you have already taken a doctor’s degree and I am talking into the air. In any case I think residence here for a few months would very much help your academic prospects.

Very sincerely yours,
H. B. Adams


Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, Md., December 13, 1890.

Walter F. Willcox, Esq.,
Walden, Mass.

My dear Mr. Willcox:

I have your letter of December 10, and note what you say regarding your thesis. Probably the best place for original investigation in this line of study is in the Department of Labor in Washington, D.C. I presume Col. Wright, the Commissioner of Labor would willingly afford you facilities for your work. I do not know that our library is especially rich in materials on the divorce question. You must apply to the head centre of information on that subject, Mr. Samuel Dike, Secretary of the Divorce Reform League. I presume you know him already.

Our second term begins in February. The cost of living here is about $35 a month. If you are going to take your doctor’s degree at Columbia it would hardly be expedient to enter as a regular student in our department. You had better come as a free lance and spend a good deal of your time in Washington. Enclosed please find a programme of the next meeting of the American Historical Association in the Federal City.

We have a recess at the Hopkins from the 24thof December to the 5thof January. It would be a very good thing for you to come to Washington, if you can afford it and attend the meetings of the Economic Association as well as the Historical and settle down in this part of the country for the rest of the year. I enclose a programme of the Economic Association.

Very cordially yours,

Source:  U.S. Library of Congress, Manuscript Division. The Papers of Walter Willcox, Box 3, Folder: General Correspondence A-C

Image Source:Walter F. Willcox, ca. 1900-1910  . Cornell University Library. Digital Collections.

Cornell Exam Questions Statistics

Cornell. Final Examination for Economic Statistics. Willcox, 1921



While I was unable to retrieve very much at all at the Library of Congress relevant to Walter F. Willcox’s teaching at Cornell, I did come across the following final examination in economic statistics from 1921. As can be seen from the questions, “statistics” was limited to meaning the tables of economic data compiled and published, especially by government agencies. 


Course Announcement

[Economics] 76b. Second term. Credit three hours. Prerequisite, course 51 [Elementary Economics]. Professor Willcox.


Source: Cornell University Official Publication, Vol. XII, No. 17 (1921), The Register 1920-21, p. 93.



Economic Statistics 76b

Final Examination June 7, 1921.
(Answer any ten questions)

  1. Describe the nature and scope (a) of economic statistics, (b) of business statistics. Explain the differences between them.
  2. What are the main economic uses of water as a natural resource in the United States?
  3. Describe briefly the coal resources of the United States in comparison with those of other countries.
  4. What effects have been produced on the distribution and growth of population by the location of the world’s coal fields?
  5. Explain the discrepancy between the statistical results reached by the Department of Agriculture and the Bureau of the Census. Which set of figures is preferable? Why?
  6. How is the line drawn between (a) agricultural products and manufactured products? (b) mineral products and manufactured products? Why is it drawn in that place?
  7. Is the yield of agricultural products per acre in the United States increasing or decreasing? Give the evidence in support of your reply.
  8. How are manufactured products classified? Why is their classification a matter of importance?
  9. How are hand trades and their products distinguished from manufactured products? how are the former treated at a census? Why?
  10. What are the main sources of information regarding American wage statistics? How may the apparent discrepancy in their results for the period 1890-1900 be reconciled.
  11. How is the wealth of a country or state estimated? If you were asked to estimate the wealth of New York State what method would you follow? Why?
  12. Describe the general nature of German university statistics. Sketch the history of its development.


Source: Library of Congress, Manuscript Division. The Papers of Walter Willcox, Box 39, Folder “Introduction to Social Philosophy”.

Image Source: Cornell North Campus from a photomechanical print from 1903 in the Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.


Cornell Economists Statistics

Cornell. Life of Walter F. Willcox, economic statistician


Following up the previous posting about the department of political science at Cornell University in 1900, now I add two items of interest relating to the professor of economic statistics at that time, Walter F. Willcox, who lived to the ripe old age of 103(!). At the tender age of 93 Willcox was asked to read a short statement about his personal creed for a radio show hosted by the legendary Edward R. Murrow. That statement is included below, followed by the Cornell’s Faculty Memorial Statement issued after his death in 1964.

Available on line is an excerpt from the article “Walter F. Willcox: Statist” from The American Statistician (February, 1961).


Research Hint: From Anderson through Zellner, over 70 short biographies at the American Statistical Association website’s “Statisticians in History” webpage.



This I Believe
Walter F. Willcox

In his 93rd year, i.e. most likely in 1956, Walter F. Willcox read the following statement in the “This I Believe” radio program hosted by Edward R. Murrow.

I have been asked to state what I believe, or in other words, my creed. It consists mainly of selections from the writings of others woven into a loose fabric on which I have come to stand. Seventy years ago, a college teacher told us “a man’s creed is a monument set up to show where he stopped thinking.” He might have gone on to add: you are supposed to be scholars and a scholar never stops thinking, so you can set up no such a monument as a destination, but only as a temporary camp carrying, perhaps, a date to show when you tarried a while at that point.

I believe that each person is born into what seems to him a chaos and given his share in mankind’s task of transforming that chaos into a cosmos. I believe that modern science is beginning to reveal the skeleton of the cosmos but that emotion and action are needed to give it flesh and life. I believe that the aim of all life is “life more abundant,” that life on this planet has steadily become richer, and that in this tiny corner of the cosmos and this bit of unending time there has been irregular progress towards a more abundant life.

I believe with John Dewey, that “Humanity cherishes ideals which are neither rootless nor completely embodied in existence,” and that these cherished ideals form the basis for man’s conception of a God. I believe with Goldwin Smith, that “Above all nations is humanity.” I believe that man receives, through heredity and environment, influences which his own efforts modify, and passes them on to uncounted future generations. Or, as Browning words it, “All that is at all/ lasts ever past recall/ Earth changes/ but thy soul and God stand sure/ What entered into thee/ that was, is, and shall be/ time’s wheel runs back or stops/ Potter and clay endure.”

I believe that human freedom to experiment and to initiate is the most potent of all the forces working for the progress of mankind. I believe that the spread of human freedom and the resultant decrease of fear, at least until 1914, form the best evidence of man’s advance in civilization. I believe with Becker, that “All values are inseparable from the love of truth and the search for it,” and that truth can be discovered only if the mind is free; and with Justice Holmes, that “Truth is best discovered and defended in the marketplace of ideas.”

I believe with Johnson, that “A man should keep his friendships in constant repair.” I believe with Becker, that “Knowledge and the power it gives should be used for the relief of man’s estate,” and that the best form of government yet devised is one which seeks to be “a government of the people, by the people, for the people.” I believe with Sherrington, that “We have, because human, an inalienable prerogative of responsibility which we cannot devolve, as once was thought even upon the stars. We can share it only with each other.”

Source: The actual recording of Walter F. Willcox reading his statement can also be found at the website: “This I Believe: A public dialogue about belief—one essay at a time.”.



Cornell University Faculty Memorial Statement
Walter Francis Willcox
March 22, 1861 — October 30, 1964

Walter Francis Willcox died at his home, after a brief illness, October 30, 1964. On March 22 he had celebrated his one hundred and third birthday. At the time of his death he was the oldest living alumnus of Phillips Andover Academy, of Amherst College, from which he received degrees of A.B., A.M. and LL.D., and (it was believed) of Columbia University, from which he received the LL.B. and Ph.D. He was also the oldest Professor Emeritus of Cornell and the only one known to have a son also a Professor Emeritus of the same institution.

Born in Reading, Massachusetts, in 1861, he was the son of a Congregational clergyman. Both his mother and father hoped that he, too, would enter the ministry but, after a passing interest in Greek, he turned instead to philosophy. Even before completing his graduate work, however, he found his attention drawn to those human and social problems that were to be his principal concern for the rest of his life. Although he came to Cornell in 1891 on a temporary appointment as an instructor of philosophy, the following year he accepted a position in the Department of Economics, rapidly making statistics his special field and himself a recognized authority and important innovator in that subject.

In 1899 he was asked to serve as chief statistician of the Twelfth Census of the United States, a post that took him to Washington until 1901. Part of his assignment consisted in preparing the new apportionment tables for the Congress; this brought to his attention the alarming rate at which the House had been growing as new seats were added to provide representation for the country’s expanding population, and the unsound method by which seats were apportioned. The House, he felt, could never realize its potentialities as a constructive political institution unless it were reduced to a manageable size—he considered three hundred the optimum number; but he also recognized the virtually insuperable obstacles in the way of any revision that would require incumbent representatives to vote some of their own seats out of existence. He did think, however, that it should be feasible to stem the previously unchecked growth of the body by a law fixing its existing size and providing for automatic reapportionment following each census. He even hoped that this technique might be used to reduce the size of the House by ten seats with each successive census. That proved too Utopian but in 1931, after a very long campaign, Congress finally did fix the size of the House at its existing 435 seats and also provided for regular reapportionment according to a plan Dr. Willcox himself had derived from the principle of “major fractions” originally formulated by Daniel Webster. Walter Willcox’ contribution to this achievement received unprecedented tribute from Senator Arthur Vandenberg, the sponsor of the bill, in a letter to Cornell President Jacob Gould Schurman. Some of Dr. Willcox’ personal satisfaction in this accomplishment was diminished, however, when a group of Harvard mathematicians persuaded Congress to adopt a rival statistical formula for reapportionment. Never convinced of the validity of the “Harvard method,” he continued throughout the remainder of his life to perfect and advocate his own system, and to urge to apparently hopeless cause of reducing the size of the House. His last appearance before a Senate judiciary subcommittee hearing on this subject was in 1959 when he was ninety-eight.

The role Walter Willcox played in national and international organizations can only suggest the nature and extent of his influence in the developing field of statistics. In 1892 he joined the American Statistical Association, becoming its president in 1912 and a fellow in 1917. In addition, he was instrumental in bringing the United States into effective membership in the International Statistical Institute, which he himself had joined in 1899. He served as the United States delegate to its session in Berlin in 1903, and to most of its subsequent biennial meetings in various capitals throughout the world until his final appearance at Paris in 1961. Having been a vice president of the Institute since 1923, he took the lead in reviving it after World War II, and served as its president at the first post war meeting, held in Washington, D.C., in 1947. From that time until his death he held the title of honorary president. In addition, he was a fellow of the Royal Statistical Society and an honorary member of the Statistical Society of Hungary, the Czechoslovakian Statistical Society, and the Mexican Society for Geography and Statistics. He served as a member or adviser of innumerable statistical commissions and boards, the Census Advisory Commission, the New York State Board of Health, the International Congress of Hygiene and Demography (1912), and the World Statistical Congress.

Although each of his four books—The Divorce Problem, A Study in Statistics, 1897, Supplementary Analysis and Derivative Tables, Twelfth Census, 1906; Introduction to the Vital Statistics of the United States 1900-1930, 1933; and Studies in American Demography, 1940—made a significant contribution, it was through his innumerable articles, letters to the editor, and personal written and oral communications that he exerted his surprising influence, not only in the fields of statistics and economics but in the general affairs of the nation. If his attention was habitually attracted by the “facts,” he had an extraordinary instinct for the right facts and great persistence in calling them and the problems and injustices they represented to the attention of his fellow citizens. Characteristically he was one of the very first to study the economic and social conditions of our Negro citizens; and it has been widely recognized that the recent Supreme Court decision establishing the principle of equal representation in state as well as national government reflects his efforts and influence. Both the problems of world government and the United Nations and the affairs of Ithaca and New York State were for him serious preoccupations. When on the occasion of his one hundredth birthday he was asked to comment on his life, he astonished his audience by saying, “If I were to start all over again I think I would go into politics. I don’t think I would have been so successful at that profession, but I would have enjoyed it more.”

In spite of his extensive professional interests and accomplishments and wide travels, the focus of his life, at least next to his family, was surely the University. Having come early enough to know most of the great personalities in Cornell’s early history and notably, all of its presidents from Andrew D. White to James A. Perkins, he had an insatiable interest in anything that pertained to the history, growth, or welfare of Cornell. From 1902-1907 he was Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, from 1916 to 1920 faculty representative on the Board of Trustees, and from 1931 Professor Emeritus.

An inveterate attender of faculty meetings, he also sought and made informal occasions for faculty discussion. He took a major part in reviving the Faculty Club after World War II, serving as its first president and making a substantial donation to its library. It was in one of the club’s small dining rooms, most fittingly named the Willcox Room, that he met regularly twice a week with luncheon groups. He himself had founded one of these groups nearly forty years ago, and modeled it after a “round table” which he had been invited to attend at the Library of Congress during his stay in Washington at the turn of the century. Although he always referred to it as the Becker luncheon group because, as he explained, he had begun it to serve as an occasion for Carl Becker’s conversation, it has long since been known to others as the Willcox group. Its members have included many of Cornell’s most distinguished citizens from Carl Becker to Liberty Hyde Bailey, Dexter Kimball, and Miss Francis Perkins, to mention a very few. We all, guests and new members, came to appreciate the unobtrusive skill with which the quiet figure of Walter Willcox drew out and directed the conversation.

Walter Willcox was throughout his long life not merely a distinguished economist and citizen; he was a model of a nineteenth-century gentleman and scholar concerned with the fate of his fellow man. He managed the rare feat of keeping his interest up to date without relinquishing his hold on his original values. As nearly as any one man could, he seemed to embody the ideal around which Ezra Cornell and Andrew White had established the University.

Mario Einaudi, Felix Reichmann, Edward W. Fox


Source: Cornell University eCommonsCornell University Faculty Memorial Statement.

Image Source: Cornellian 1919, p. 128.

Cornell Courses Curriculum

Cornell. Economics Courses and Faculty, 1914-15

Welcome to my blog, Economics in the Rear-View Mirror. If you find this posting interesting, here is the complete list of “artifacts” from the history of economics I have assembled for you to sample or click on the search icon in the upper right to explore by name, university, or category. You can subscribe to my blog below.  There is also an opportunity to comment following each posting….


In 1914 Frank H. Knight switched from graduate work in Philosophy to Economics at Cornell where he studied under (among others) Alvin S. Johnson and Allyn A. Young. His handwritten notes (on index cards) for his courses then can be found in his papers at the University of Chicago archives. These note-cards provide a fairly complete record of the economics training available provided at Cornell at that time. We will have occasion in future postings to refer to those notes, so that I thought it would be useful to post here (i) a transcription of the Cornell economics program as of 1914/1915 (embedded within “Political Science”) along with (ii) a list of the courses offered and (iii) nano-c.v.’s for the faculty.



[Cornell 1914-15]

Professors: W.F. WILLCOX, Economics and Statistics; A. S. JOHNSON, Economics and Distribution; A. A. YOUNG, Economics and Finance; S. P. ORTH, Economics and Politics; G. N. LAUMAN, Rural Economy; JOHN BAUER, Economics; J. R. TURNER, Economics; R. S. SABY, Political Science; R. G. BLAKEY, Economics; A. P. USHER, Economics.

Instructors: F. H. GILMAN, Economics; H. E. SMITH, Economics.


A graduate student in economics should have studied at least the equivalent of elementary courses in economics, economic history, politics, and social science. If he has not done this, he should take such elementary courses as early as possible; he will not ordinarily be allowed to present any of them as partial fulfillment of the requirement for a major or minor in any branch of political science. He should also have sufficient knowledge of French and German to be able to read necessary works in either language.

The work in political science in the President White School of History and Political Science falls into five divisions: economics, politics, statistics and social science, finance and distribution. These divisions aim to bring their work into close relationship with social, political, and business life. The members of the Faculty seek to keep in touch with the practical as well as the with purely scientific aspects of the problems treated, and have among their interests the preparation of students for positions in business and in public service. In statistics and social science, work is offered mainly in statistics, but to some degree also in the less definite field of social science. The statistical method has been found of especial service both in developing a scientific and judicial attitude and in bringing out many facts about social life not discoverable in any other way. After the introductory course in social science, an advanced course is open which deals with the dependent or semi-dependent classes and the care for them exercised by society, in part through governmental agencies and in part through private philanthropy.

In economics and distribution, a graduate course is offered in the theory of value and distribution, which is designed to familiarize the student with the main currents of contemporary economic thought. For undergraduates are offered courses covering the history of economics, the more general economic aspects of the labor problem, the history and theory of socialism, and the organization and methods of socialistic parties.

In economics and finance, a research course is offered to graduate students which is designed to afford training in the appropriate methods of investigation and to give familiarity with the fundamental sources of information. Other courses in this field open to graduates cover the more important economic aspects of both public and private finance.

This group uses two laboratories and several class rooms in proximity to each other and to the four division offices and one general office, an arrangement which has greatly facilitated intercourse between teachers and graduate students as well as among graduate students themselves. In the political science seminary room at the University Library and in the various offices and laboratories occupied by these departments, numerous publications in politics and in economics, such as market letters of leading brokers and technical business journals, are accessible to advanced students. The laboratories for classes in statistics and finance are supplied with standard and current books dealing with these subjects and with various mechanical devices for simple statistical processes and for securing a graphic and effective presentation of results. In the closely related subject of rural economy or agricultural economics, courses are offered dealing with the general economic and social problems of the open country arising from the growing complexity and intensity of agriculture and its relation with commerce, manufacturing, and transportation.

One teaching assistantship yielding $500 and tuition; three fellowships, two yielding $500 and one yielding $600; and two assistantships, each yielding $150 are filled each spring.


Source: Cornell University, Announcement of the Graduate School 1914-15, Official Publications of Cornell University Vol. V, No. 3 (January 15, 1914), pp. 34-36.


[Courses offered 1914-15]

51. Elementary Economics. Throughout the year, credit three hours a term. One lecture and two recitations each week. Lectures, Barnes Auditorium, M, 9; repeated M, 11; Assistant Professor BAUER. Recitations T Th, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; W F, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Assistant Professors BLAKEY, and USHER, Dr. SMITH, and Mr. GILMAN.

An introduction to economics including a survey of business organization and corporation finance; principles of value, money, banking, and prices; international trade; free trade and protection; wages and labor conditions; the control of railroads and trusts; socialism; principles and problems of taxation. Section assignments made at the first lecture.

52. Elements of Economics. Throughout the year, credit two hours a term. Assistant Professor TURNER. Lectures M, 9, repeated T, 9, Goldwin Smith A. Recitations to be arranged.

A special course for seniors in mechanical engineering. Not open to students in other colleges. Production and distribution of wealth, emphasizing particularly the financial or practical view instead of the theoretical. Lectures, textbooks, readings, and class discussions.

 53a. American Government. First term, credit three hours. Assistant Professor SABY. M W, 10, Goldwin Smith 142. Recitation hour to be arranged.

A general introduction to the study of political science with special reference to American government and politics. Lectures, textbook, class discussions.

53b. Comparative Politics. Second term, credit three hours. Assistant Professor SABY. M W, 10, Goldwin Smith 142. Recitation hour to be arranged.

A study of the political institutions of the leading European countries with special reference to their relations to present political problems in the United States. Lectures, textbook, class discussions.

54a. Municipal Administration. First term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 53a. Assistant Professor SABY. M W F, 11, Goldwin Smith 264.

A study of the functions and problems of city government; the administration of public health and safety; charities and corrections; public works and finance; commission form of government. Lectures, textbook, and reports.

54b. State Administration. Second term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 53a. Professor ORTH. M W F, 12, Goldwin Smith 256.

A study of the government of the American State; its relation to local government; the powers and functions of administrative boards and commissions; judicial control.
Lectures, readings, and reports. Each student will be required to make a somewhat detailed study of some particular state.

55a. Elementary Social Science. First term, credit three hours. Course 51 should precede or be taken with this course. Professor WILLCOX. M W F, 9, Goldwin Smith 256.

An introductory course upon social science or sociology, its field and methods, with special reference to the human family as a social unit, to be studied by the comparative, the historical, and the statistical methods.

55b. Elementary Social Science. Second term, credit three hours. Course 51 should precede or be taken with this course. Professor WILLCOX. M W F, 9, Goldwin Smith 256.

A continuation of the preceding course but with especial reference to the dependent, defective, and delinquent classes. Open to all who have taken 55a and by special permission to others.

56a. Elements of Business Law. First term, credit two hours. Professor ORTH. T Th, 11, Goldwin Smith B. Lectures, textbook, quizzes.

A brief survey of that portion of private law which deals especially with contracts, negotiable instruments, agency, and sales.
Courses 56a and 56b are designed primarily to meet the needs of students who contemplate entering business and not the profession of law, and credit will not be given to law students for these courses.

56b. Government Control of Industry. Second term, credit two hours. Prerequisite course 56a. Professor ORTH. T Th, 11, Goldwin Smith B. Lectures, reports, quizzes.

A scrutiny of the policy of governmental control of industry from the legal and political point of view, emphasis being laid on the development of the police power and its application to the regulation of private enterprise.

57a. Lectures on Citizenship. Second term, credit two hours. M W, 12 Goldwin Smith B.

A lecture each Wednesday by a non-resident lecturer and each Monday by a member of the department. The course has been arranged by a committee of Alumni who are actively engaged in civic and social work and who are cooperating in this way with the department. It will follow the same general plan as last year, but the speakers and most of the subjects treated will be changed. Among the subjects presented in 1914-15 will be the Citizen and the Immigrant in America, the Citizen and his Neighborhood, the Citizen and Commercial Organizations, the Citizen and the City Plan.
The course will be under the general charge of Professor WILLCOX. Readings, reports, and essays will be required.

58. Accounting. Throughout the year, credit four hours first term, three hours second term. Courses 51 and 56a must precede or accompany this course. Assistant Professor BAUER. T Th S, 8, Goldwin Smith 264.

59. Financial History of the United States. Second term, credit two hours. Prerequisite course 51. Assistant Professor BLAKEY. T Th, 11, Goldwin Smith 269.

A study of public and quasi-public finance from colonial times to the present. Special attention will be paid to money, currency, banking, tariffs, taxes, expenditures, panics, and war financiering.

60. The American Party System. First term, credit two hours. Prerequisite 53a. Professor ORTH. T Th, 12, Goldwin Smith 256.

A study of the evolution of the American political party; its relations to the machinery of government; election laws; the development of state control over the machinery of party. Lectures, readings, and reports.

[61. Jurisprudence. Second term, credit three hours. Prerequisite 53a, excepting for law students, to whom the course is open. Professor ORTH. Lectures, textbook, and reports.

A study of the classification and development of the principles of law, dwelling especially upon the growth of English and American legal institutions.
This course alternates with 78b.] Not given in 1914-15.

62. Business Management. Repeated in second term, credit one hour. Prerequisite courses 51 and 58; or 58 may be taken at the same time. Professor KIMBALL. T Th, 12, Sibley 4.

Seniors and graduates; others by permission. See S, 20, Sibley College.

63. Corporations and Trusts. First term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 51. Professor YOUNG. T Th S, 11, Goldwin Smith 256.

Deals primarily with the business corporation, with special reference to its economic significance and effects and to the problems of its legal control, concluding with a discussion of industrial combinations.

64. Money and Banking. Throughout the year, credit three hours a term. Prerequisite course 51. Professor YOUNG. T Th S, 10, Goldwin Smith 142.

A discussion of the more important phases of the theory of money and credit is followed by a consideration of selected practical problems, including the revision of the American banking system. Practical work is required in the analysis of the controlling conditions of the money market, of organized speculations in securities, and of foreign exchange.

65a. The Industrial Revolution in England, 1700 to 1850. First term credit three hours. Prerequisite course 51, previously or concurrently, or work in European history. Assistant Professor USHER. M W F, 12, Goldwin Smith 264.

The topography and resources of England, the Industrial Revolution, commercial expansion in the 18th century, the history of the Bank of England, the rise of London as a world metropolis.

65b. Social and Economic Problems of the 19th Century in England. Second term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 51, previously or concurrently. Assistant Professor USHER. M W F, 12, Goldwin Smith 264.

The course can be followed most profitably by students who have taken course 65a, but it may be elected independently. The history of English agriculture, 1700 to 1907; the poor laws, 1834 and 1909; the coming of free trade, 1776 to 1846; railroads and rate-making; Germany and the industrial supremacy of England.

66a. The Labor Problem. First term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 51. Professor JOHNSON. T Th S, 11, Goldwin Smith 264.

This course will present a systematic view of the progress and present condition of the working class in the United States and in other industrial countries; sketch the history and analyze the aims and methods of labor organizations; study the evolution of institutions designed to improve the condition of the working class; and compare the labor legislation of the United States with that of European countries.

66b. Socialism. Second term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 51. Professor JOHNSON. T Th S, 11, Goldwin Smith 264.

Due attention will be given in this course to the various forms of socialistic theory. Its main object, however, is to describe the evolution of the socialist movement and the organization of socialistic parties, to measure the present strength of the movement, and to examine in the concrete its methods and aims.

67. Problems in Market Distribution. Throughout the year, credit two hours a term. W F, 11, Goldwin Smith 245. Assistant Professor TURNER.

First term: lectures, discussions and assigned readings on the origin, growth and change of middlemen and other intermediaries between the producer and the consumer.
Second term: merchandising, selling, and advertising.

68. Railway Transportation. Second term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 51. Professor YOUNG. T Th S, 11, Goldwin Smith 256.

The present American railway system, railway finance, theory of rates, methods of public control in Europe, Australia, and America. Some attention is given to the related problem of the control of public service companies.

70. Public Finance. Throughout the year, credit two hours a term. Prerequisite course 51. Assistant Professor BLAKEY. T Th, 12, Goldwin Smith 264.

A study of the principles of government revenue, expenditure and debt, with particular reference to problems of American taxation.

71. Investments. Throughout the year, credit two hours a term. Prerequisite course 51; course 58 should precede or may accompany this course. Dr. SMITH. T Th, 9, Goldwin Smith 245.

[73. Insurance. Second term, credit three hours. Prerequisite courses 51 and 58; or 58 may be taken at the same time. Assistant Professor BAUER.] Not given in 1914-15.

76a. Elementary Statistics. First term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 51. Professor WILLCOX. T Th S, 9, Goldwin Smith 256. Laboratory, W, 2-4, Goldwin Smith 259.

An introduction to census statistics with especial reference to the federal census of 1910, and to registration statistics with especial reference to those of New York State and its cities. The course gives an introduction to the methods and results of statistics in these, its best developed branches.

76b. Economic Statistics. Second term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 51. Professor WILLCOX. T Th S, 9, Goldwin Smith 256. Laboratory, W, 2-4, Goldwin Smith 259.

A continuation of course 76a, dealing mainly with the agricultural and industrial statistics of the United States. Mature students that have not already had course 76a or its equivalent may be admitted by special permission. The course is an introduction to statistics in its application to more difficult fields, such as production, wages, prices, and index numbers.

78a. International Law and Diplomacy. First term, credit three hours. President SCHURMAN and Assistant Professor SABY. M W F, 11, Goldwin Smith 256. Lectures, textbook, and reports. Open to juniors and seniors in Arts and Sciences, to students in Law, and to approved upperclassmen in other colleges.

While this course aims to present a systematic view of the rights and obligations of nations in times of peace and war, it particularly emphasizes our contemporary international problems and the participation of the United States in the development of international law.

78b. Constitutional Government. Second term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 53a. Professor ORTH. M W F, 11, Goldwin Smith 256. Lectures, textbook, and reports.

A study of the development of the American constitutional system.

[79a. History of Political Thought. First term, credit two hours. Assistant Professor SABY.

A study in the development of political thought from the Greeks to modern times in its relation to the history and development of political institutions. Lectures, textbook, and assigned readings.] Not given in 1914-15.

79b. Modern Political Thought. Second term, credit three hours. Assistant Professor SABY. T Th S, 10, Goldwin Smith 256.

A general survey of the more important modern political movements. Ideas and ideals underlying the present political unrest. The different political ideas that have at different times striven for supremacy in American political life. Lectures, textbook, and assigned readings.

[80. The History of Protection and of Free Trade in Europe since 1660. First term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 51; or open by special permission to those who have had courses in European history. Assistant Professor USHER.] Not given in 1914-15.

[81. The History of Price Making and the Growth of Produce Exchanges. Second term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 51; open by special permission to those who have had courses in European history. Assistant Professor USHER.] Not given in 1914-15.

82. Public Utilities: Problems of Accounting, Valuation and Control. Second term, credit three hours. Assistant Professor BAUER. F, 2.30, Goldwin Smith 269.

This course will center about the accounting problems connected with the regulation of public service corporations, considering especially, with critical analysis, the systems of uniform accounting prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission and the New York and other state Public Service Commissions, and the principles of valuation adopted for rate making purposes. Open to graduates and by permission to especially qualified seniors.


87. The History of Economic Theory. Throughout the year, credit three hours a term. Professor JOHNSON. T Th S, 9, Goldwin Smith 264.

The main currents of economic theory from the mercantilistic writers to the present day. Chief emphasis will be laid upon the development of the individualistic economic doctrines in 18th century France and England; the conditions, economic and social, upon which they were based; the consolidation of the doctrines in classical economics, and the modifications they have undergone.

88. Value and Distribution. Throughout the year credit, two hours a term. Professor JOHNSON. Th, 2.30, Political Science Seminary Room.

A study of the chief problems of current economic theory. The works of the chief contemporary authorities will be critically studied with a view to disclosing the basis of existing divergences in point of view.
It is desirable that students registering for this course should have a reading knowledge of German and French.

90. Research in Statistics. Throughout the year, credit to be arranged. Professor WILLCOX.

92. Research in Finance. Throughout the year, credit two or three hours a term. Professor YOUNG. T, 2.30, Political Science Seminary.

Individual or cooperative investigations of selected problems in money, banking, and corporation finance, in connection with lectures upon the bibliography of the sources and upon the use of the statistical method in such investigations.

93. Research in Accounting. Throughout the year, credit two to three hours a term. Prerequisite course 58. Assistant Professor BAUER. Hours to be arranged.

For especially qualified students interested in particular accounting problems.

94. Research in Politics. Throughout the year, credit one to three hours a term. Professor ORTH. Hours and room to be arranged.

A research course for advanced students in public law and political science.

95. Seminary in Political Science and Public Law. Throughout the year, credit two hours a term. Professor ORTH. W, 2.30, Political Science Seminary.

An advanced course for the study of some special topic to be announced. Open to especially qualified students by permission of the professor in charge.

99. General Seminary. Throughout the year, credit two hours a term. Conducted by members of the department. M, 2.30-4.30, Goldwin Smith 269.

For research in the field of political sciences. Open only to graduate students.


Source: Official Publications of Cornell University, Vol. V, No. 10: Announcement of the College of Arts and Sciences, 1915-15, pp. 29-34.


[Cornell Faculty offering courses in Political Science 1914-15]


Bauer, John, A. B., Yale, 1906; Ph.D.,1908; Leave of Absence, 1914-15.

Instructor, 1908; Assistant Professor of Economics, 1910.

Blakey, Roy Gillespie, A.B., Drake, 1905; A.M., Colorado, 1910; Ph.D., Columbia, 1912.

Assistant Professor of Economics, 1912.

English, Donald, B.S., University of California; M.B.A., Harvard, 1914.

Acting Assistant Professor of Economics, 1914.

Gilman, Frederick Hubert, A.B., Wesleyan, 1909; A.M., Cornell, 1910.

Instructor of Economics.

Johnson, Alvin Saunders, A.B., Nebraska; A.M., 1898; Ph.D., Columbia, 1902.

Professor of Economics, 1912.

Kimball, Dexter Simpson, A.B., Leland Stanford, 1896; M.E., Leland Stanford.

Assistant Professor, 1898-1901; Acting Director of Sibley College, second term, 1911-12; Professor of Machine Design and Construction, 1904.

Lauman, George Nieman, B.S.A., Cornell, 1897.

Assistant in Horticulture, 1897; Instructor, 1899; Instructor in Rural Economy, 1903; Assistant Professor, 1905; Professor of Rural Economy, 1909.

Orth, Samuel Peter, A.B., Oberlin, 1896; Ph.D., Columbia, 1902.

Acting Professor, 1912, Professor of Political Science, 1913.

Saby, Rasmus S., A.B. Minnesota, 1907; A.M. 1907; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 1910.

Assistant, 1909; Instructor in Economics. 1910, Assistant Professor of Political Science, 1912.

Schurman, Jacob Gould, A.B., University of London, 1877; A.M., 1878; D.Sc., University of Edinburgh, 1878; LL.D., Columbia, 1892; Yale, 1901; Edinburgh, 1902; Williams, 1908; Dartmouth, 1909; Harvard, 1909.

Professor of Philosophy, 1886. President of the University, 1892.

Smith, Harry Edwin, A.B., De Pauw, 1906; A.M., 1906; Ph.D., Cornell, 1912.

Instructor of Economics.

Turner, John Roscoe, M.S., Ohio Northern, 1903; Ph.D., Princeton, 1913.

Assistant, 1908; Instructor, 1909; Lecturer, 1911, Assistant Professor of Economics, 1913.

Usher, Abbott Payson, A.B., Harvard, 1904; A.M., 1905; Ph.D., Ph.D., 1910.

Instructor, 1910. Assistant Professor of Economics, 1914.

Willcox, Walter Francis, A.B., Amherst, 1884; LL.B., A.M., Amherst, 1888; LL.D., Amherst, 1906; Ph.D., Columbia, 1907.

Instructor in Logic, 1891; Assistant Professor of Social Science and Statistics and Political Economy, 1892; Assistant Professor of Social Science and Statistics, 1893; Associate Professor, 1894; Professor, 1898; Professor of Political Economy and Statistics, 1901; Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. 1901-07; Professor of Economics and Statistics, 1910.

Young, Allyn Abbott, Ph.B., Hiram College, 1894; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 1902.

Professor of Economics and Finance, 1913.


Sources: Official Publications of Cornell University, Vol. V, No. 10: Announcement of the College of Arts and Sciences, 1914-15, pp. 29-34. Supplementary information from The Cornellian, The Year Book of Cornell University. Vol. XLVII.

Image Source: Goldwin Smith Hall, illustration between pages 36 and 37. Guide to the Campus: Cornell University (1920).


Economists Harvard

Harvard. Seminary in Economics. Topics and Speakers, 1891/2-1907/8

 The inspiration for the research workshop goes back to the German tradition of the research seminar for which the English word “seminary” was used. A sole economics seminary was announced at Harvard for the period 1892-1933 according to the annual Announcement of Courses of Instructions. One presumes the division of workshops is limited by the extent of the graduate program and that, by the early 1930s, the scale and scope of the Harvard department supported greater differentiation of its research seminars. The later Hansen-Williams Fiscal Seminar is an example of the kind of specialized workshop that was to develop. 

This posting provides the names and topics of presenters at the seminary in economics as published in the Harvard University Catalogues up through the academic year 1907/08 after which time we need to draw on other sources, e.g. announcements of individual seminars published in the Harvard University Gazette or the Harvard Crimson. Where invited guest lecturers for the public were announced, e.g. John Commons and Thorstein Veblen, I have included the information for the corresponding year.


[First announcement of the Seminary in Economics, 1892-93]

Economics 20. Seminary in Political Economy.

Professors Dunbar and Taussig, and Mr. Cummings, will guide competent students in research on topics assigned after consolation. The Seminary will hold weekly meetings; and in addition each student will confer individually, once a week, with the instructor under whose guidance he carries on his investigations.

Source:  Harvard University, Announcement of Courses of Instruction provided by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences for the Academic Year 1892-93, p. 32.


[Last announcement of the Seminary in Economics, 1932-33]

The Seminary in Economics. Mon., at 7.45 P.M.

Meetings are held by instructors and advanced students for the presentation of the results of investigation.

Source: Harvard University, Announcement of Courses of Instruction provided by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences for the Academic Year 1932-33 (second edition), p. 130.



At the Seminaries of Political Economy and American History (Joint Meetings):

Colonial Tariffs. Mr. William Hill.
Periodical Literature and Collections. Professor Taussig.
Suppression of the African Slave Trade. Mr. W. E. B. DuBois.
The Episcopal Church and Slavery. Mr. W. L. Tenney.
The Pacific Railways. Mr. H. K. White.
The Central Pacific Railway. Mr. W. Olney.
Impeachment Trials. Mr. Melville E. Ingals, Jr.
Some Early Anti-Immigration Laws. Mr. E. E. Proper.
Reconstruction in South Carolina. Mr. D. F. Houston.

Source: Harvard University Catalogue 1892-93, p. 122.



At the Seminary in Economics:

The economic periodicals of France and England. Prof. C. F. Dunbar.
The economic periodicals of Germany and the United States. Professor F. W. Taussig.
Georgia’s experiment in state railway management. Mr. G. Walcott.
The theory of gluts, with special reference to earlier discussions. Mr. C. W. Mister.
Public works in Pennsylvania. Mr. A. M. Day.
Postal subsidies in Great Britain. Mr. H. C. Emery.
Internal improvement in Indiana. Mr. H. H. Cook.
Railway Pools in the United States. Mr. G. L. Sheldon.
The earlier history of the anthracite coal industry. Mr. G. O. Virtue.
The construction of the Union Pacific Railway. Mr. H. K. White.
The organization of Poor Relief in Massachusetts. Mr. H. K. White.

At the Seminaries of American History and Institutions and of Economics. (Joint Meetings):

Study of History and Economics in English Universities. Professor W. J. Ashley.
The Mark theory. President E. A. Bryan.
Tariff legislation in the United States from 1783-1789. Mr. William Hill.
The federal import and the tariff act of 1879. Mr. William Hill.
The currency situation in the United States. Professor F. W. Taussig.
Legislation by the states on the issue of bank notes. Mr. D. F. Houston.


Source: Harvard University Catalogue 1893-94, pp. 129-130.



At the Seminary of Economics:

The economic congresses and meetings at Chicago. Professors Cummings and Taussig.
The economic and statistical meetings at Chicago. Professor Taussig.
Combinations among anthracite coal producers since 1873. Mr. Virtue.
Results of recent investigations on prices in the United States. Professor Taussig.
Some phases of public management of railways in Victoria (Australia). Mr. H. R. Meyer.
Local rivalry in the earlier development of internal improvements in the United States. Mr. A. M. Day.
Forestry legislation in the United States. Mr. C. C. Closson.
The Trunk Line Pool, and its effects on railway rates. Mr. G. L. Sheldon.
Sismondi and the theory of gluts. Mr. C. W. Mixter.
The earlier stages of the operation of the Erie canal. Mr. W. R. Buckminster.
The income tax of the civil war. Mr. J. A. Hill.
Internal improvements in Illinois. Mr. G. S. Callender.
Changes in the factory population of the United States. Mr. E. H. Vickers.
The Canadian Pacific Railway. Mr. G. W. Cox.
Public railway management in New South Wales. Mr. H. R. Meyer.
The development of the theory of gluts and over-accumulation. Mr. C. W. Mixter.
Compulsory insurance in Germany. Mr. J. G. Brooks.
The Erie canal. Mr. W. R. Buckminster.
The factory system in the United States. Mr. E. H. Vickers.

Source: Harvard University Catalogue 1894-95, p. 136.



At the Seminary of Economics:

Wilhelm Roscher. Professor Ashley.
The factory operatives in the United States. Mr. E. H. Vickers.
The classification of the Political Sciences. Professor Ashley.
The English Budget of 1894. Mr. F. R. Clow.
The antecedents of J. S. Mill’s “Principles.” Messrs. Aldrich, Estabrook, and Harper.
The theory of “House-Industry.” Mr. O. M. W. Sprague.
Definition and history of statistics. Mr. H. H. Cook.
The distribution of mediaeval fairs. Mr. J. Sullivan.
The United States and its mineral lands Mr. G. O. Virtue.
Child labor in the early factories. Mr. Hisa.
The economic condition of the South. Dr. E. von Halle.
The Chicago strike. Professor Ashley.
Legislation on arbitration in the United States. Rev. T. P. Berle.
The taxation of sugar in Germany. Mr. G. E. Chipman.
State railroads in New South Wales. Mr. H. R. Meyer.
Economic teaching in Germany. Rev. W. L. Bevan.
English industrial organization in the 17th and 18th centuries. Mr. O. M. W. Sprague.
Mediaeval fairs and the law merchant. Mr. J. Sullivan.
The antecedents of Mill’s “Doctrine of Value.” Mr. E. H. Harper.
The financing of internal improvements in the Northwest. Mr. G. S. Callender.
The antecedents of Mill’s chapters on Property and Land-Tenure. Mr. H. K. Estabrook.
Technical education in England. Mr. G. W. Cox.

Source: Harvard University Catalogue, 1895-96, p. 139.



Eight lectures by Francis A. Walker, LL.D., on Bimetallism since the Discovery of America.

Lecture. The Present Condition of the Currency of the United States. Professor F. W. Taussig.

At the Seminary of Economics: —

Economics in Italy. Professor Taussig.
The study of economics in German universities. Mr. C. W. Mixter.
The theory of the standard of living, from Adam Smith to J. S. Mill. Mr. R. Ware.
Financial operations by the loyal states during the Civil War (1861-1865). Mr. H. H. Cook.
International borrowing in its early stages, with special reference to England and the United States, 1820-1840. Mr. G. S. Callender.
The workman in the textile industries of England and the United States. Mr. S. N. D. North.
Attainment of the income tax in England. Mr. A. M. Chase.
Public management of railways in Victoria. Mr. H. R. Meyer.
The organization and regulation of certain domestic industries in England in the 18th century. Mr. O. M. W. Sprague.
The taxation of personal property in Massachusetts. Mr. E. W. Hooper.
The annual appropriation bill of the city of Boston. Mr. W. H. King.
The legal tender acts of 1862. Mr. D. C Barrett.
Fundamental errors in sociology. Dr. Frederick H. Wines.
International borrowing before 1850. Mr. G. S. Callender.
The tonnage laws and the shipping policy of the United States. Mr. P. D. Phair.
The internal revenue act of 1862. Mr. G. Thomas.
The beginning of liquor legislation. Mr. A. P. Andrew.
The international trade of the United States in its relation to recent currency legislation. Mr. A. Sweezey.
Beginnings of trade and industry in Scotland, with some account of the early Guilds. Mr. T. Allison.
The bimetallic situation. President Francis A. Walker.
The Intercolonial Railway of Canada. Mr. C. E. Seaman.
The railway situation in California. Mr. H. C. Marshall and Dr. F. E. Haynes.
The taxation of sugar in the United States since 1860. Mr. C. S. Griffin.
The economic basis of Irish emigration 1650-1850. Mr. H. H. Cook.

Source: Harvard University Catalogue 1896-97, pp. 138-9, 141-42.



Eight lectures on the Income Taxes in Germany, Switzerland, and England, by Dr. J. A. Hill. Subjects as follows: —

Income Taxes in Germany: Historical Development. The Taxpayers, the Taxable Income, and the Rates.
The Methods of Assessment. Income and Property Taxes in Switzerland: Their Development. The Rate and Exemptions. The Methods of Assessment.
The English Income Tax: Its History. The Assessment.

At the joint meetings of the Seminary of American History and Institutions and the Seminary of Economics: 

Methods and experience of historical investigation. Mr. J. F. Rhodes.
The financial procedure of a state legislature. Mr. F. C. Lowell.

At the Seminary of Economics:

French economic periodicals and other aids to economic study. Professor Dunbar.
Periodicals and other aids to economic study, in France. Professor Dunbar.
Periodicals and other aids to economic study, in England and the United States. Professor Ashley.
John Rae: A neglected economist. Mr. C. W. Mixter.
Some impressions of reformatories. Mr. W. H. Gratwick.
Sir Robert Giffen on prices in relation to material progress in England. Mr. F. Atherton.
The woolen manufacturer and the tariff. Mr. A. T. Lyman.
British capital and American resources, 1815-1850. Mr. G. S. Callender.
The taxation of sugar in the United States, 1789-1861. Mr. C. S. Griffin.
Recent immigration into the United States. Mr. E. H. Warren.
Apportionments of national bank currency. Mr. T. Cooke.
Some phases of the history of the Union Pacific Railway. Mr. S. P. West.
Some recent phases of economic thought in the United States. Mr. J. A. Tirrell.
The condition of coal-miners in the bituminous districts. Mr. H. E. George.
Certain phases of the history and literature of industrial depression from 1873 to 1886. Mr. C. Beardsley, Jr.
The financial history of the Pennsylvania Railway. Mr. R. D. Jenks.
Some aspects of the financial history of the Union Pacific Railway. Mr. S. P. West.

Source: Harvard University Catalogue 1897-98, p. 387-388, 391-392.




At the joint meetings of the Seminary of American History and Institutions and the Seminary of Economics:

Some results of an inquiry on taxation in Massachusetts. Professor F. W. Taussig.
The Making of a Tariff. Mr. S. N. D. North.
The currency reform plan of the Indianapolis convention. Professor Dunbar.

At the Seminary of Economics:

Trade-unions in Australia. Dr. M. A. Aldrich.
The coal miners’ strike of 1897. Mr. J. E. George.
An analysis of the law of diminishing returns. Dr. C. W. Mixter.
The Secretary of the Treasury and the currency, 1865-1879. Mr. H. C. Marshall.
An inquiry on government contract work in Canada. Mr. W. L. M. King.
The sugar industry in Europe as affected by taxes and bounties. Mr. C. S. Griffin.
The security of bank notes based on general assets, as indicated by experience under the national bank system. Mr. A. O. Eliason.
The inter-colonial railway. Mr. C. E. Seaman.
Some results of the new method of assessing the income tax in Prussia. Dr. J. A. Hill.
Antonio Serra and the beginnings of political economy in Italy. Mr. D. F. Grass.
The American Federation of Labor. Dr. M. A. Aldrich.
The earlier stages of the silver movement in the United States. Mr. Randolph Paine.
The land grant to the Union Pacific Railroad. Mr. R. W. Cone.

Source: Harvard University Catalogue 1898-99, pp. 400-1.



Fifteen lectures on Life Insurance by Charlton T. Lewis, of New York City.

At the Seminary of Economics: 

Aids in economic investigation. Professor Taussig.
Economic study in England. Dr. O. M. W. Sprague.
The growth and the constituent elements of the population of Boston. Mr. F. A. Bushée (2).
Some operations of the United States Treasury in 1894-96. Professor Taussig.
The Interstate Commerce Act as interpreted by the courts. Mr. F. Hendrick.
The English industrial crisis of 1622. Dr. O. M. W. Sprague.
The earlier history of the English income tax. Dr. J. A. Hill.
The theory of savers’ rent and some of its applications. Dr. C. W. Mixter.
The working of the French Railway Conventions of 1883. Mr. F. Hendrick.
The adoption of the gold standard by England in 1816. Mr. D. F. Grass.


Source: Harvard University Catalogue 1899-1900, pp. 412, 417.



Lecture. The United States census. Professor W. F. Willcox, of the Census Office.

At the Seminary of Economics:

Aids in Economic study: (1) Specialized publications in Germany. Professor F. W. Taussig.
(2) English and American literature. Professor Ashley.
(3) American publications. Professor Taussig.
The conference on trusts at Chicago. Mr. John Graham Brooks.
Legislation on combinations and trusts in the United States. Mr. R. C. Davis.
Judicial decisions on statutes relating to combinations and trusts. Mr. R. C. Davis.
The tenement house exhibition, and tenement conditions in Boston. Mr. F. A. Bushée.
The influence of the tariff on the iron and steel industry. Mr. D. S. Bobb.
The duties on wool and their effects, 1870-1899. Mr. F. W. Wose.
The duty on copper and its effects. Mr. W. D. Shue.
The duties on sugar and their effects. Mr. G. H. Johnston.
The economic aspects of close commercial relations with Hawaii. Mr. U. S. Parker.
The discussion of value at the hands of English writers before Adam Smith. Mr. C. Bowker.
The silk manufacture and the tariff. Mr. S. S. Fitzgerald.
The commercial crisis of 1857. Mr. C. Hobbs.
The economic significance of the Hebrew year of jubilee. Mr. R. J. Sprague.

Source: Harvard University Catalogue 1900-1, pp. 429, 432.



Six lectures on Statistics of Wages, by the Hon. Carroll D. Wright:—

Methods and Difficulties in Collecting Statistics of Wages.
Difficulties and Fallacies in Presentations of Wages.
Chief Sources of Statistical Information on Wages.
Value of the Various Collections of Wages Statistics.
Money Wages as shown by Statistics during last Half Century.
Real Wages for the same period.

At the Seminary of Economics:

The trusts and the tariff. Mr. Charles Beardsley.
Civil service reform in Australia: its successes and its failures. I. Victoria; II. New South Wales. Mr. H. R. Meyer.
The early history of the Standard Oil Combination. Mr. G. H. Montague.
Manufacturing industries in the South End of Boston. Mr. R. F. Phelps .
Notes on a transcontinental journey. Professor Taussig.
Relations of employers and workmen in the Boston building trades. Mr. W. H. Sayward.
Changes in the geographical distribution of the Southern negroes since the Civil War. Mr. R. J. Sprague.
Changes in the tenure and ownership of land in the South since the Civil War. Mr. R. J. Sprague.
The early history of the Erie Railway. Mr. A. J. Boynton.
The early history of banking in Massachusetts. Mr. F. L. Bugbee.
The work of the United States Industrial Commission. Professor E. D. Durand, of Stanford University.
The cotton-seed oil industry. Mr. W. D. Shue.
Combinations in the German iron trade. Mr. E. B. Stackpole.
Are the English payments to mail steamships subsidies? Mr. W. E. Stilwell.

Source: Harvard University Catalogue 1901-02, pp. 414, 419-420.




Seminary in EconomicsMon., at 4.30. Professor Ashley and Asst. Professor Carver.

In the Seminary, the instructors undertake the guidance of students in independent investigation, and give opportunity for the presentation and discussion of the result of investigation. Members of the Graduate School who propose to conduct inquiries having in view the preparation of theses to be presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, may select subjects agreed upon after conference with the instructors, and may carry on investigations on such subjects, as part of the work in the Seminary.
The general meetings of the Seminary are held on the first and third Mondays of each month. The members of the Seminary confer individually, at stated times arranged after consultation, with the instructors under whose special guidance they are conducting their researches.
At the regular meetings, the results of the investigations of members are presented and discussed. The instructors also at times present the results of their own work, and give accounts of the specialized literature of Economics. At intervals, other persons are invited to address the Seminary on subjects of theoretic or practical interest, giving opportunity for contact and discussion with the non-academic world.

Source: Harvard University Archives. Official Register of Harvard University 1901-1902. Box 1. Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Division of History and Political Science (June 21, 1901), University Publications, New Series, No. 16, p. 48.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Four lectures by Professor Edward A. Ross, on “The Growth and present Stage of the Literature of Sociology”:—

The Building of Sociology.
The Recent Tendencies of Sociology.
The Moot Points of Sociology.
The Desiderata of Sociology.

At the Seminary of Economics:

The Rise of the Oil Monopoly. Mr. G. H. Montague.
The Conditions of Employment and Housing of South End (Boston) Factory Operatives. Mr. R. Morris.
Principles Underlying the Demarcation between Public and Private Industries. Mr. R. Morris.
Restriction of Municipal Gas and Electric Plants in Massachusetts. Mr. A. D. Adams.
Economic Conditions in Nicaragua. Dr. C. W. Mixter.
Some Theoretical Possibilities of Protective Tariffs. Professor Carver.
A Study of some Records of the Associated Charities of Boston. Mr. H. R. Meyer.
The Rise and Regulation of Municipal Gas and Electric Plants in Massachusetts. Mr. A. D. Adams.
Le Solidarisme social de M. Leon Bourgeois. Professor Léopold Mabilleau.
A Review of the French and Italian Economic Journals. Professor Ripley, Dr. A. P. Andrew, Mr. C. W. Doten, and Mr. R. F. Phelps.
National Corporation Laws for Industrial Organizations. Mr. James B. Dill.
The Budgetary System of Canada. Mr. R. C. Matthews.
The Elements of Labor and Relief Departments in Railway Expenditure. Mr. A. L. Horst.
The Economics of Colonization. Professor E. A. Ross.
Elizabethan Mercantilism as seen in the Corn Trade. Mr. R. G. Usher.
The Present Position of Economics in Japan. Mr. Nobushiro Sakurai.
The Economic Theories of Josiah Tucker. Mr. Robert Morris.
Urban and Suburban Residence of South End (Boston)
Factory Employés. Mr. R. F. Phelps.
The Recent History of the Standard Oil Monopoly. Mr. G. H. Montague.
State v. Local Control of the Boston Police. Mr. F. R. Cope.
The Laws regulating Muncipal Gas and Electric Plants in Massachusetts. Mr. A. D. Adams.

Source: Harvard University Catalogue 1902-03, pp. 431, 434-435.



Eight lectures on “Some Leading Principles of Political Economy and Statistics,” by Professor F. Y. Edgeworth, of Oxford University, as follows: —

The Theory of Value applied to International Trade.
The Exceptions to the Rule of Free Trade.
Value in a Regime of Monopoly.
The Value of Land and other Factors of Production.
The Taxation of Urban Site Values.
The Higher Theory of Statistics.
Index Numbers.

At the Seminary of Economics:

Reports on Current American and English Economic Periodicals, respectively by Messrs. R. W. Magrane and H. M. Kallen.
Gas Profits in Massachusetts. Mr. Alton D. Adams.
Economic Problems and Conditions in the Far Northwest. Professor C. Beardsley.
Report on Economics in Italy. Mr. D. H. Webster.
Reforms in Economic Teaching in the English Universities. Professor F. Y. Edgeworth.
Reports on Current German Periodicals and Literature. Messrs. W. H. Price and G. R. Lewis.
Recent Changes in the Rate of Wages. Dr. E. D. Durand.
Classification of Occupations in Relation to the Tariff. Mr. Edward Atkinson.
A Study of the Boston Ghetto. Mr. H. M. Kallen.
Report on Current French Literature. Mr. A. B. Wolfe.
The Anatomy of a Tenement Street. Mr. H. M. Kallen.
Railroad Reorganization in the United States. Mr. S. Daggett.
The Inclosure Movement and the English Rebellions of the Sixteenth Century. Dr. E. F. Gay.
A Stock Exchange Day. Mr. Sumner B. Pearmain.
The Lodging House Problem in Boston. Mr. A. B. Wolfe.
Jewish Trade Unions in Boston. Mr. Philip Davis.
Economics of the American Corn Belt. Mr. A. J. Boynton.
Movement of Real Estate Values in American Cities. Mr. Henry Whitmore.
Report on Labor Journals and Trades Union Publications. Mr. V. Custis.
Some Phases of the American Copper Mining Industry. Mr. G. R. Lewis.
The Determination of Franchise Values. Mr. C. W. Wright.
Initiation Ceremonies among Primitive Peoples. Mr. D. H. Webster.
The Indebtedness of English Mercantilism to Holland. Mr. E. T. Miller.

Source: Harvard University Catalogue 1903-04, pp. 466, 469.



At the Seminary of Economics:

A Trip through the Corn Country of the West. Professor Carver.
Early History of Economic Studies in American Colleges. Professor Bullock.
The Growth of Labor Organization in the United States. Professor Ripley.
Industrial Combinations in Germany, with special reference to Coal. Dr. F. Walker.
Our Trade Relations with Canada. Mr. Osborne Howes.
Supervision of National Banks, solvent and insolvent, by the Comptroller of the Currency. Mr. William A. Lamson (H. U. ’81), National Bank Examiner.
The Effect of Trade Unions upon Industrial Efficiency. Mr. Henry White, Secretary of the United Garment Workers of America.
The Financing of Corporations. Hon. Charles S. Fairchild.
A Remedy for Some Industrial Troubles. Hon. William B. Rice.
The Elizabethan Patents of Monopoly. Mr. W. H. Price.
The English Miner in the Middle Ages. Mr. G. R. Lewis.
The Northern Securities Case and the Supreme Court Decision. Mr. E. B. Whitney.
Progress in Manufactures in the United States. Hon. S. N. D. North, Director United States Census Bureau.
The Expansion Periods of 1878-85 and 1897-02 compared. Mr. Sumner B. Pearmain, ’83.

Source: Harvard University Catalogue 1904-05, p. 457.



Under the auspices of the Department of Economics, Professor W. F. Willcox, of Cornell University, gave three lectures on some results of the United States census enumeration of 1900: —

1. The Population of the United States.
2. Some Statistical Aspects of the Negro Problem.
3. The Birth Rate and Death Rate of the United States.

Three lectures on the “Relations between Trade Unions and Employers’ Organizations,” by Professor John R. Commons, of the University of Wisconsin: —

1. The Teamsters’ Organizations in Chicago.
2. Industrial Organizations in the Window-glass Manufacture.
3. Industrial Organizations in the Stove Manufacture.

At the Seminary of Economics:

The Forces in Industrial Consolidation. Mr. V. Custis.
Railroad Reorganization. Mr. S. Daggett.
The Specialized Literature of Economics: Periodicals, Dictionaries, and the Like. I. German Publications. Professor Taussig.
II. English and American. Professor T. N. Carver.
The French Corn Laws from 1515 to 1660. Mr. A. P. Usher.
The Meeting of the American Economic Association at Chicago. Professor Taussig.
Trade Unionism and Politics. Mr. Ray Stannard Baker.
Social Problems of American Farmers. President Kenyon L. Butterfield, of Rhode Island College of Agriculture.
Wool-growing in the United States. Mr. C. W. Wright.
Public Opinion as a Factor in Industrial Consolidation. Mr. V. Custis.
Marx’s Theory of Value. Mr. F. W. Johnston.
The Atchison System. Mr. S. Daggett.
Wool-growing in the United States since 1860. Mr. C. W. Wright.
The Negro in Boston. Mr. J. Daniels.

Source: Harvard University Catalogue 1905-06, pp. 456-457, 460-1.



Lecture. Followers of Karl Marx. Professor T. B. Veblen, of the University of Chicago.

Lecture. The Diffusion of Economic Knowledge. Professor Simon Newcomb.

At the Seminary of Economics:

Railroad Reorganization, The Philadelphia and Reading R. R. Mr. Stuart Daggett.
The Railway Rate Situation. Mr. C. A. Legg.
Stages of Economic Growth. Professor E. F. Gay.
The Finances of Boston, 1820-1860. Mr. C. P. Huse.
The Intendants and the Organization of the Corn Trade in France, 1683-1715.
Mr. A. P. Usher. Collateral Bond Issues. Mr. Thomas Warner Mitchell.
The Earlier History of the English Post-office. Mr. J. C. Hemmeon.
The Meeting of the American Economic Association at Baltimore. Professor Taussig.
The Organization of a Cooperative Business. Mr. E. A. Filene.
The Development of English Trade to the Levant. Miss G. F. Ward.
The Telephone Situation in Great Britain. Mr. A. N. Holcombe.
Characteristics of Railroad Reorganizations. Mr. Stuart Daggett.
The Distribution of Socialistic Sentiment. Professor T. B. Veblen, of the University of Chicago.
Transportation in Modern England, to 1830. Mr. W. Jackman.
The Dutch-English Rivalry, with Special Reference to Fisheries. Mr. H. L. Drury.
Recent History of the Glass Manufacture in the United States. Mr. D. F. Edwards.
A Discussion of Distribution. Mr. F. W. Johnston.

Source: Harvard University Catalogue 1906-07, pp. 536-7, 540.



Lectures on Municipal Ownership. Major Leonard Darwin, of London, England, gave a series of lectures on Municipal Ownership: —

1. The Main Issues connected with Municipal Ownership. The Regulation of Private Trade. Municipal Ownership and Local Taxation.
2. English Municipal Statistics. The Probability of Profit-Making by Municipal Ownership. Municipal Management.
3. Municipal Corruption. Wages under Municipal Ownership. The Direct Employment of Labour by Municipalities.
4. Municipal Ownership without Direct Employment. Municipal Ownership and Socialistic Ideals.

Through the courtesy of the National Civic Federation, a series of five public lectures on Socialism and the Allied Social and Economic Questions was given by W. H. Mallock, A.M.

Lecture. The New Interstate Commerce Act. Professor F. H. Dixon.

At the Seminary of Economics:

Impressions of Sociological Study in Foreign Countries. Mr. J. A. Field.
Field Observations on the Tobacco Industry. Mr. S. O. Martin.
The Financial Policy of Massachusetts from 1780 to 1800. Professor Bullock.
The Financial Policy of Alabama from 1819 to 1860. Mr. W. O. Scroggs.
The Finances of Boston, 1820-1860. Mr. C. P. Huse.
Some Aspects of the History of the English Mining Classes. Dr. G. R. Lewis.
Some Aspects of the Early Railway Era in Great Britain. Mr. William Jackman.
Land and Capital. Professor Fetter.
The Theory of Interest. Professor Fetter.
The Beet-Sugar Industry in the United States. Mr. M. H. Salz.
The Recent Tariff History of Canada. Mr. W. W. McLaren.
Commercial Education in American Universities. Mr. F. V. Thompson.
The English Board of Trade during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, and its Records. Mr. J. R. H. Moore.
The Cotton Manufacture in the United States since 1860. Mr. M. T. Copeland.
Some Discoveries in Economic History. M. le vicomte Georges d’Avenel.
A Course of Instruction in Business Management. Mr. H. S. Person.
Bank Reserves in England, Canada, and the United States. Mr. F. S. Mead.
A Journey into the Tobacco-raising Districts of the West and South. Mr. S. O. Martin.
Sketch of the Legislative History of Massachusetts Business Corporations. Mr. W. E. Rappard.
The English Fisheries, 1500-1800. Mr. H. L. Drury.
Municipal Ownership of Telephones in Great Britain. Mr. A. N. Holcombe.
Researches in a Manufacturing Suburb. Mr. E. L. Sheldon.

Source: Harvard University Catalogue 1907-08, pp. 431, 437-438.




Under the auspices of the Department of Economics, Dr. Victor S. Clark gave two lectures on Australian Economic Problems: —

1. Railways: History and Administration.
2. Railways: Description and Statistics.

Dr. Clark also gave two public lectures: —

1. State and Federal Finance in Australia.
2. The Tariff Policy of Australia.

At the Seminary of Economics:

General Principles of Railroad Reorganization. Dr. Stuart Daggett.
The Silk Manufacture. Mr. F. R. Mason.
The Silk Manufacture and the Tariff. Mr. F. R. Mason.
Certain Phases of the Theory of Population since Malthus. Mr. J. A. Field.
The Commercial Use of Credit Instruments previous to 1724. Mr. A. P. Usher.
The Conduct of Public Works in English Towns in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries. Miss S. L. Hadley.
The Growth of the Knit Goods Industry. Mr. M. T. Copeland.
The Foreign Trade of England during the Thirteenth Century, especially with regard to the Italian. Miss G. F. Ward.
A Statistical Survey of Italian Emigration. Mr. R. F. Foerster.
The Meetings of the Economic and Sociological Associations at Madison. Professor Carver and Mr. J. A. Field.
The Canadian Reciprocity Treaty of 1854. Mr. W. W. McLaren.
Factory Labor in Massachusetts: Legislation and Economic Condition, 1810-1880. Mr. C. E. Persons.
Tax Administration in New York City. Mr. Lawson Purdy.
The Recent History of the Standard Oil Company. Mr. H. B. Platt.
The Wool and Woolens Act of 1867. Mr. P. W. Saxton.
The Causes of the Rise in Prices since 1898. Mr. H. L. Lutz.
The Corn Law Policy in England up to 1689. Mr. N. S. B. Gras.
Agrarian Conditions in Southwest Germany from the Thirteenth to the Sixteenth Century. Mr. H. C. Dale.
The Land Policy of Australia. Dr. Victor S. Clark.
Proposed Old Age Pension Legislation in England. Mr. R. M. Davis.
The Anthracite Coal Roads and the Coal Companies. Mr. E. Jones.
The Greenback Movement, with Special Reference to Iowa and Wisconsin. Mr. C. O. Ruggles.
Fibres and Fibre Products. Mr. B. S. Foss.
A Study of the Population of Cambridgeport. Mr. A. J. Kennedy.

Source: Harvard University Catalogue 1908-09, pp. 450, 455-6.



Chicago Columbia Cornell Courses Economists Harvard Johns Hopkins Michigan Pennsylvania Yale

Graduate Economics Courses. 23 US Universities. 1898-99

In this posting we have a compilation of virtually all the graduate courses in economics (and sociology) offered at the major graduate schools in the U.S. at the end of the 19th century. Source 




“ To state the numbers of Graduate Students who have taken courses in each department during 1897-8, thus giving an indication of the amount of graduate work actually going on. A Graduate Student often takes courses in two or more departments; such student counts once in each of those departments….

…The number of hours per week is put in small Roman, the number of weeks in Arabic numerals. A dash, followed by a mark of interrogation, calls attention to the absence of specific information. Unless months are given, a course usually extends from September or October to May or June (inclusive). The abbreviations for the names of the months are as follows: Ja., F., Mar., Ap., My., Jun., Jul., Au., S., O., N., D.

…[Enclosed] in brackets all courses not to be given in 1898-9. Bracketed courses usually may be expected in 1899-1900.

…[Marked] with the asterisk all courses “not designed primarily for Graduate Students.” It should be borne in mind that “Graduate work” in each institution is conditioned by local plans of administration, as well as by the previous preparation of Graduate Students. The marking of a course with an asterisk simply means that (under the conditions prevailing in his institution) the instructor does not offer the course with a primary purpose of meeting the needs of Graduate Students. But the inclusion of the course in these lists indicates that it is often useful to such students.” [p. liii]





(Including Finance and Statistics. See also 9 and 11.)


16 Graduate Students, 1897-8.

[All Graduate Courses in Columbia under 10 open to Barnard Graduate Students.]


8 Graduate Students, 1897-8.


Henry B. Gardner, Assoc. Prof. of Pol. Econ.
A.B., Brown, ’84, and A.M., ’87; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, ’90;
Instr. in Pol. Econ., Brown, ’88-’90.

Hist. of Economic Thought.* iii, 12, S.-D.
Economic Policy. iii, 12, S.-D.
Money and Banking.* iii, 11, Ja.-Mar.
Public Finance.* iii, 10, Ap.-Jun.
Practical Economic Questions.* iii, 12, S.-D.
Economic Theory (adv.) iii, 11, Ja.-Mar.


George G. Wilson, Prof. of Social and Pol. Science.
A.B., Brown, ’86, A.M., and Ph.D., ’89;
Assoc. Prof. of Social and Pol. Science, ’91-5.

Princ. of Sociol.* iii, 12, S.-D.
Social Conditions and Probs.* iii, 21, Ja.-Jun.
Current Social Theory and Practice. i, 33.
Sociology. Seminary. Fort.


James Q. Dealey, Asst. Prof. of Social and Pol. Science.
A.B. Brown, ’90, A.M., ’92, and Ph.D., ’95.

Devel. of Social Theory. iii, 12, S.-D.
Social Philos. iii, 11, Ja.-Mar.
[Segregation of Population. iii, 10, Ap.-Jun.]


Alpheus S. Packard, Prof. of Zool. and Geol.
Ph.D., Bowdoin;
Libr. and Custodian, Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., ’65; Lect., Mass. Agricult. Col. ’69-’77; Maine Agricult. Col., ’71; Bowdoin, ‘73-6.

Anthropology.* iii, 10, Ap.-Jun.




3 Graduate Students, 1897-8.
1 Fel. $525 in Hist. of Political Science.


Lindley M. Keasbey, Assoc. Prof. of Pol. Sci.
A.B., Harv., ’88; Ph.D., Columbia, ’90;
Asst. in Econ., Columbia, and Lect. on Pol. Sci., Barnard, ’92; R.P.D., Strassburg, ’92; Prof. of Hist., Econ., and Pol. Sci., State Univ. of Col., ’92-4.

Economic Institutions. i, 30.
Am. Primitive Society. i, 30.
Am. Commerce. i, 30.
Descriptive Sociology.* iii, 30.
Theoretical Sociology.* ii, 30.




1 Graduate Student, 1897-8.


Bernard Moses, Prof. of Hist. and Pol. Econ.
Ph.D., Heidelberg.

Economic Theory.* iv, 16, Ja.-My.
[Econ. Condition of Laborers in Eng. ii, 16, Au.-D.]


Carl C. Plehn, Assoc. Prof. of Hist. and Pol. Science.
A.B., Brown; Ph.D., Gottingen.

[Federal Expenditures, Revenues and Debts. ii, 32.]
Industrial and Commercial Hist. of U. S. ii, 32.
[Currency and Banking. ii, 32.]
Finance and Taxation.* iv. 16, Ja.-My.
Statistics. Hist., Theory, and Method, as applied to Econ. Investigation.* ii, 16, Au.-D
Local Govt. and Admin. —?



 40 Graduate Students, 1897-8; and 40 in Summer Quarter, ‘97, in Political Economy;55 Graduate Students, 1897-8; and 95 in Summer Quarter, ’97, in Sociology. Pol. Econ., Club and Social Science Club fortnightly. Dept. libs. of Pol. Econ., Sociol. and Anthropol. have leading magazines and 6,000 vols. In Anthropol. Dept. of Walker Museum, coll. of 3,000 pieces on Archaeol. of Mexico,valuable colls. on Cliff and Cave Dwellings, and Japan and Aleutian Islands; also complete anthropometrical apparatus. Access to the Fieid Columbian Museum. 6 Fels. in Pol. Econ. 4 in Sociol. 1 Fel. in Anthropol.


J. Laurence Laughlin, Head Prof. of Pol. Econ.
A.B., Harv., ’73; A.M., and Ph.D., ’76;
Instr. in Pol. Econ., same, ’83-8; Prof. Pol. Econ. and Finance, Cornell, ’90-2.

Money and Banking. iv, 12, Jul.-S.
Seminar. ii, 12, O.-D.
Money. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Seminar. ii, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Unsettled Problems. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
Seminar. ii, 12, Ap.-Jun.


Bernard Moses, Prof. of History and Political Economy, Univ. of Cal.
Ph.B., Univ. of Mich., ’70; Ph.D., Heidelberg, ‘73;
Prof. of History and Engl. Lit., Albion Col. ’75; Prof. of Hist. Univ. Cal. ’75-6; Prof. Hist. and Pol. Econ. Univ. Cal. ’76.

Practical Economics.* iv, 12, Jul.-S., and O.-D.
Advanced Course on Theory. iv, 12, Jul.-S., and O.-D.


Adolph C. Miller, Prof. of Finance.
A.B., California, ‘87 A.M., Harv., ‘88;
Instr., in Pol. Econ., Harv., ’89-’00; Lect. on Pol. Econ., California, ’90-1, and Asst. Prof.-elect of Hist. and Pol. Sci., same, ’91; Assoc. Prof. Pol. Econ. and Finance, Cornell, ’91-2; Assoc. Prof. Pol. Econ., Chicago, ’92-3.

[Public Finance. iv, 12, O.-D.]
[Economic and Social Hist. iv, 24, Ja.-Jun.]
Public Finance.* iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Financial Hist.* U. S. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
[Pol. Econ (adv).* iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.]
[Taxation. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.]
Seminar in Finance. ii, 12, Ja.-Mar.


William Hill, Asst. Prof. of Pol. Econ.
A.B., Kansas, ’90; A.B., Harv., ’91, and A.M., ’92;
Fellow, Harv., ‘91-3; Instr. Pol. Econ., same, ’93; Tutor Pol. Econ., Chicago, ’93-4; Instr., same, ’94-7.

Tariff Hist.* iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Railway Transportation.* iv, 12, O.-D.
Oral Debates.* ii, 24, O.-Mar. (With Messrs. Damon and Lovett.)
Comparative Railway Legislation.* iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Banking.* iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
Money and Banking. iv, 12, O.-D.


Thorstein B. Veblen, Instr. in Pol. Econ.
A.B., Carleton, ‘80; Ph.D., Yale, ‘84;
Fellow in Economics and Finance, Cornell, ’91-2; Fellow, Chicago, ’92-3; Reader in Pol. Econ., same, ’93-4; Tutor, same, ’94-6.

Hist. of Pol. Econ.* iv, 12, O.-D.
Scope and Method of Pol. Econ.* iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Socialism. iv, 24, Ja.-Jun.
American Agriculture. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
Economic Factors of Civilization. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.


Henry Rand Hatfield, Instr. in Pol. Econ.
A.B., Northwestern, ’92; Ph.D., Chicago, ’97;
Prof. of Pol. Econ. Washington Univ., ’95-7.

Railway Accounts, Exchanges, etc.* iv, 12, O.-D.
Processes of Leading Industries. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Coöperation.* iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.


A.W. Small, Head Prof. of Sociol.
A.B., Colby, ’76, and A.M.’79; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, ’89;
Prof. Hist. and Pol. Econ., Colby, ’81-8; Reader in Hist., Johns Hopkins, ’88-9; Pres., Colby, ’89-’92.

Social Teleology. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Sociol. Methodology. viii, 6, Jul.-Au., and iv, 12, O.-D.
[Philos. of Soc. iv. 12, O.-D. State and Govt., Ja.-Mar. Socialism, Ap.-Jun. Social Functions U.S. Govt. iv, 6, Jul.-Au. Contemp. Soc, Jul.-Au.]
[Sem. Probs. in Social Teleology. ii, 36, O.-Jun.]
Social Dynamics. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
[Historical Sociology. iv, 12, Ja.- Mar.]
[Outlines of Constructive Social Philos. Philos. of Society. iv, 12, O.-D. The Social Problem. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar. Philos. of State and Govt. iv, 12, Ap.-S.]
[Seminar. Problems of Social Dynamics. ii, 36, O.-Jun.]
Seminar. Problems in Methodology and Classification. ii, 36, O.-Jun.
[Am. Experience with State Control of Social Action. iv, Ja.-Mar.]
Controlling Ideas of Modern Society. iv, 12. Ap.-Jun., and iv, 6, Jul.-Au.
[Some Pending Problems in Sociology. iv, 6, Jul.-Au.]
[The Sociological Method of Stating the Social Problem and of Arranging Evidence, Applied to a Selected Hist. Period. iv, 6, Jul.-Au.]
[Comparative Study of Social Forces in Am. and French Democracy. iv, 6, O.-D.]


C. R. Henderson, Assoc. Prof. of Sociol.
A.B., Old Univ. of Chicago, ’70, and A.M., ‘73; D.B. Baptist Union Theol. Sem., ’73; D.D., same, ’83;
Assist. Prof. Sociol., Chicago, ’92-4.

Methods of Social Amelioration. Sem. ii, 36, O.-Jun.
[The Domestic Inst. iv, 12, O.-D.]
Associations for Sociability and Culture. iv, 12, O.-D.
[Social Reform. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.]
[Beneficent Forces of Cities. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.]
Social Inst. of Organized Christianity. iv, 12, O.-D.
Social Treatment of Crime. iv, 6, Au.-S.
[Bibl. and Eccles. Social Theories. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.]
[Field Work in Local Institutions of Charity and Correction. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.]
The Family.* iv, 12, O.-D.
The Labor Movement.* iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Amelioration of Rural Life. iv, 6, Jul.-Au.
Modern Cities. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Contemporary Charities. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
Philanthropy. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.


Marion Talbot, Assoc. Prof. of Sanitary Science.
A.B., Boston Univ.’80, and A.M., ’82; B.S., Mass. Inst. of Technology, ’88;
Instr. Domestic Science, Wellesley, ’90-2.

General Hygiene.* iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
Seminar. Sanitary Science.* iv, 36, O.-Jun.
House Sanitation.* iv, 12, O.-D.
Economy of Living. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
Sanitary Aspects of Water, Food, and Clothing. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.


Charles Zueblin, Assoc. Prof. of Sociol.
Ph.B., Northwestern, ’87; D.B., Yale, ’89.

Social Philos. of Eng. People in the Victorian Era. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun. and Jul.-S.
Structure of Eng. Society.* iv, 12, Ap.-Jun. and Jul.-S.


G. E. Vincent, Asst. Prof. of Sociology.
A.B., Yale, ’85; Ph.D., Chicago, ’96;
Vice-Principal, Chautauqua System, ‘88-pr; Fellow in Sociology, Chicago, ’92-4.

Course in Statistics.
[Province of Sociol. iv, 12, O.-D.]
[Social Structure. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.]
The Social Mind and Education. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
Contemporary Society in the U. S.* iv, 12, O.-D.
Am. City Life.* iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Introd. to Study of Society.* iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
Introd. to Sociology,* iv, 12, O.-D.
The Theory of the Social Mind. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.


W. I. Thomas, Asst. Prof. of Sociol.

A.B., Univ. of Tenn., ’84; A.M., ’85; Ph.D., Chicago, ’96;
Prof. of English, Oberlin, ’89—’93; Fellow in Sociol., Chicago, ’93-4; Instr. in Folk-psychology, Chicago, ’95-6.

Folk-psychol. iv, 12, O.-D., and Ap.-Jun.
[Primitive Social Control. iv, 12, O.-D. Seminar.]
[Art and Amusement in Folk-psychol. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar. Sex. Ap.-Jun.]
[Analogy and Suggestion in Folk-psychol. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar. The Child. Ap.-Jun.]
[Intro. to Study of Soc.* iv, 12, Jul.-S.]
Ethnological Æsthetic. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
The Primitive Social Mind. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Sex in Folk-psychology. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
[Hungarian and South Slavonian Ethnology and Folk-psychol. iv, 12, O.-D.]
Primitive Social Control. iv, 12, O.-D.


Lester F. Ward, Professorial Lecturer in Sociol., Smithsonian Institution.
A.B., Columbia, ‘69; LL.B., same, ‘71; A.M., ’73; LL.D., ’97.

Dynamic Sociology. iv, 4, Au.-S.
Social Mechanics. vi, 4, Au.-S.


Henry W. Thurston, Instr. in Econ. and Civics, Hyde Park High School.
A.B., Dartmouth, ’86.

A Method of Applying Sociological Pedagogy to the Teaching of Economics in Secondary Schools. iv, 6, Jul.-Au.


Frederick Starr, Assoc. Prof. of Anthropology.
S.B., Lafayette, ‘82; S.M. and Ph.D., ’85;
Prof. Biological Sciences, Coe Col., ‘84-8; in charge Dept. Ethnology, Am. Mus. of Natural Hist., ‘89-’91.

Lab. Work in Anthropology. iv, 36, O.-Jun.
Physical Anthropol. Lab. iv, 36, O.-Jun.
[Physical Anthropol. iv, 12, O.-D.]
Mexico Archaeology, Ethnology. iv, 12, Jul.-S.
General Anthropol.* iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
Ethnology American Race. iv, 12, Jul.-S.
Prehistoric Archaeology. American. iv, 12, O.-D.
[Field Work in Anthropol. Mexico. Jul.-S.]
Prehistoric Archaeol. European. iv, 12, O.-D.
General Ethnology.* v, 12, Jul.-S.
General Anthropology.* iv, 6, Jul.-Au.
Ethnology American Race. iv, 6, O.-N.
Mexico. Archaeology, Ethnology. iv, 6, Au.-S.
[Comparative Technology. iv, 36, O.-Jun.]


Merton Leland Miller, Lecturer in Anthropology.

A.B., Colby Univ., ’90; Ph.D., Chicago. ’97.
Instr. Eureka Acad., ’92; Grad. Stud. at Chicago, ’92-7; Asst. In Anthropol. Mus., ‘94-7;

The Peoples of Europe. iv, 6. O.-N.
Physical Anthropology. Laboratory Work. iv, 36, O.-Jun.


J. H. Breasted, Asst. Prof. of Egyptology and Semitic Langs.; Asst. Dir. of Haskell Museum.
A.B., Northwestern, ’88;A.M., Yale, ‘92; A.M. and Ph.D., Berlin, ’94;
non-res. Fellow, Chicago, ’92-4; Asst. in Egyptology.

Chicago-Egyptian Life and Antiquities. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.


C. H. Hastings.
A.B., Bowdoin, ’91.

Bibliography of Sociology. iv, 6, Au.-S.




63 Graduate Students, 1897-8.
[All graduate courses under 10 open to Barnard Graduate Students.]


Richmond Mayo-Smith, Prof. of Pol. Econ. and Social Science.
Ph.D. (hon.), Amherst.

Pol. Econ. (el).* iii, 14, F.-Jun. (With Mr. Day.)
Pract. Pol. Econ:
(a) Problems of Mod. Industry. iii, 16, O.-F.
(b) Problems of Exchange. iii, 14, F.-Jun.
(c) Problems of Distribution. iii, 14, F.-Jun
(d) Readings in Marshall’s “Prin. of Econ.” i, 30.
Statistics and Sociology. ii, 16, O.-F.
Statistics and Economics. ii, 14, F.- Jun.
Theory, Technique, and Hist. of Statis. Sci. ii, 14, F.-Jun.
Seminar. Statistics. i, 30.
Seminar. Pract. Econ. i, 30.


Edwin R. A. Seligman, Prof. of Pol. Econ. and Finance.
LL.B., Ph.D., Columbia, ’84.

Econ. Hist. of Europe and America. ii, 16, O.-F. (With Mr. Day.)
Sci. of Finance. ii, 30.
Fiscal and Indus. Hist. of U. S. ii, 16, O.-F.
Hist. of Economics. ii, 30.
Railroad Problems. ii, 14, F.-Jun.
[Hist. of Pol. Econ. ii, 30.]
Seminar. Pol. Econ. and Finance. i, 30.


John B. Clark, Prof. of Pol. Econ.
Ph.D., Amherst, ’75;
Prof. Hist. and Pol. Econ., Carleton, ’77-’82; Prof. of same, Smith, ’82-’93; Lect. Johns Hopkins, ‘92-5; Prof. Pol. Econ., Amherst, ’92-5.

Econ. Theory. Statics. ii, 16, O.-F.
Dynamics. ii, 14, F.-Jun.
Communistic and Socialistic Theories. ii, 16, O.-F.
Theories of Social Reform. ii, 14. F.-Jun.
Seminar. Pol. Econ. i, 30.


Franklin H. Giddings, Prof. of Sociology.
A.M., Union.

General Sociology. ii, 16, O.-F.
Progress and Democracy. ii, 14, F.-Jun.
Pauperism, Poor Laws, and Charities. ii, 16, O.-F.
Crime and Penology ii, 14, F.-Jun.
Seminar. Sociology. i, 30.


William Z. Ripley, Lect. on Anthropology.
B.S., Mass. Inst. of Tech , ’90; A.M., Columbia, ’92; Ph.D., Columbia, ’93;
Assoc. Prof. Pol. Econ. and Sociol., Mass. Inst. of Tech., 94-7; Lect., Hartford School of Sociology, ’95-6.

Physical Geog. Anthropol. and Ethnology. ii, 16, O.-F.


Livingston Farrand, Instr. in Physiolog. Psychol.
A.M., Princeton, ’91; M.D., Columbia, ’91.

General Anthropology. ii, 14, F.-Jun.
Anthropology. Primitive Culture. ii, 30.


Franz Boaz, Inst. in Anthropol.
Ph.D., Kiehl, ’81.

Phys. Anthropol. ii, 30.
Applica. of Statistical Methods to Biolog. Problems (adv). iii, 30.
North Am. Langs. Seminar. ii, 30.


George J. Bayles.
Ph.D., Columbia, ’95.

Civil Aspects of Ecclesiastical Organizations. i, 30.



14 Graduate Students, 1897-8.


J. W. Jenks, Prof. of Pol. Econ. and Civil and Social Instit.
A.B., Michigan, ’78, and A.M., ’79; Ph.D., Halle, ’85;
Prof. Pol. Econ., Knox, and Indiana State Univ.; Prof. of Polit., Municipal, and Social Institutions, ’91-2.

Economic Legislation.* ii, 32.
Economics and Politics.*


Charles H. Hull, Asst. Prof. of Pol. Econ.
Ph.B.. Cornell, ’86; Ph.B., Halle, ’92;
Instr. in Pol. and Sociol. Institutions, Cornell. ’92-3.

Money, Credit, and Banking*. iii, 32.
Railroad Transportation.* iii, 9, Ap.- Jun.
Finance, Taxation, Admin.* Public Debts. ii, 32.
Recent Econ. Theory. Am., Eng., Continental.* ii, 32.
Earlier Econ. Theory (Prior to J. S. Mill).* ii, 32.
Economic and Commercial Geography. ii, 23, O.-Mar.
Seminary. ii. 32.


Chas. J. Bullock, Instr. in Economics.
A.B., Boston, ’89; Ph.D., Wisconsin, ’95.

Industrial Hist., Eng. and Am.* ii, 32.
Internat. Trade and Tariff Hist. U. S.* ii, 32.
Labor Question.* ii, 12, S.-D.
Hist. Trades Unions.* ii, ll, Ja.-Mar.
Socialism.* ii, 9, Ap.-Jun.


Walter F. Willcox, Prof. of Social Science and Statistics.
A.B., Amherst; Ph.D., Columbia;
Instr. in Philos., Cornell, ’91-2; Asst. Prof. Social Science and Pol. Econ., ’92-4.

Social Science (el).* ii, 32.
Social Statistics.* ii, 32.
[Theoretical Social Science (adv).* ii, 32.]
Practical Social Science (adv).* ii, 32.
[Anthropology.* ii, 32.]
Philos. and Pol. Econ.* ii, 32.
Seminary. ii, 32.


Wm. E. Baldwin, Pres. Long Island R. R.
A.B., Harvard, ’85.

Pract. Railroad Management. Lects. i-ii, Ja.-Mar.


Charlton T. Lewis, Counsel Mutual Life Ins. Co.

Principles of Insurance. Lects. i, 15,

B. F. Fernow, Director of Col. of Forestry.
Grad. State Col. of Forestry, Münden, Prussia;
Chief of Dir. of Forestry, U. S. Dept. of Agric, ’86-’92, LL.D., Wisconsin.

Forestry: Econ and Pol. Aspects. ii, 21, Ja.-Jun.



21 Graduate Students, 1897-8.
(Courses marked [R] are open to Radcliffe Graduate Students.)

Fel. in Pol. Econ., $450; in Soc. Sci., $500; in Archaeol. and Ethnol., $500 and $1,050, and Schol. of $200. Prize of $150 for Essay in Pol. Sci., two of $100 each for essays on social questions. Peabody Mus., Am. Archaeol., and Ethnol., with Lib., is intended for research.


Charles F. Dunbar, Prof. of Pol. Econ.
A.B., Harv., ’51; LL.D., same, ’91.

Financial Legislation of U. S.* ii, 15, F.-Jun.
[Financial Admin. and Pub. Debts. iii, 15, F.-Jun.]
Money and Banking. v, 15, O.-Ja.
Seminary. Economics. i, 30. (With Prof. Taussig and Asst. Prof. Cummings.)


Frank W. Taussig, Prof. of Pol. Econ.
A.B., Harv., ’79; Ph.D., ’83, and LL.B., ’86.

Econ. Theory in the 19th Cent.* iii, 30. (With Prof. MacVane.)
[Theory and Methods of Taxation. Special ref. to U. S. Local Taxation.* ii-iii, 15, O.-Ja.]
Scope and Method of Economic Theory and Investigation.* ii-iii, 30.


William J. Ashley, Prof. of Econ. Hist.
A.B., Oxford, ’81, and A.M., ’85; Fel., Lincoln Col., and Lect. on Hist., Lincoln and Corpus Christi Col., Oxford, ’85-8; Prof. Pol. Econ. and Const. Hist., Toronto, ’88-, ‘92.

[Mediaeval Economic Hist. of Europe.* ii-iii, 30.]
[Hist. and Lit. of Economics to close of 18th Cent.* ii-iii, 30.]


Edward Cummings, Asst. Prof. of Sociology.
A.B., Harv., ’83; A.M., same, ’85.

Princ. of Sociology. Devel. of Modern State.* ii-iii, 30.
Socialism and Communism.* ii-iii, 30.
Labor Question in Europe and U. S.* iii, 30. (With Dr. John Cummings.)


John Cummings, Instr. in Pol. Econ.
A.B., Harv., 91; Ph.D., Chicago, ’94.

Theory and Methods of Statistics*. iii, 30.


H. R. Meyer, Instr. in Pol. Econ.
A.B., Harv. ’92; A.M., ’94.

Public Works, Railways, etc., under Corporate and Pub. Management.* iii, 15, F.-Jun.


G. S. Callender, Instr. in Pol. Econ.
A.B., Oberlin Col., ’91; A.B., Harv., ’93; A.M., ’94; Ph.D., ’97.

Economic Hist. of the U. S.*
Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th Cents.* ii-iii, 15, F.-Jun.
Western Civilization in its Economic Aspects.* ii-iii, 15, F.-Jun.


Francis G. Peabody, Prof. of Christian Morals.
A.B., Harv., ’69; A.M. and S.T.B., ’72; S.T.D., Yale, ‘87.

[Ethics of Social Questions.* iii, 30. (With Dr. Rand.)]
[Sociolog. Sem. Christian Doct. of the Social Order. ii, 30.]


Frederick W. Putnam, Prof, of Archaeology and Ethnology, and Curator of Peabody Museum.
A.M. (hon,), Williams, ’68; S.D.(hon.), Univ. of Pa., ’94;
Curator Dept. Anthropol., Am. Mus., Central Park, N. Y.

Primitive Religion. iii, 30. (With Mr. Dixon.)

[R] Am. Archaeol. and Ethnol. Research.


F. Russell, Asst. in Anthropology.
S.B., Univ., of Iowa, ’92, and S.M., ’95; Asst., same, ’94-5.

Gen. Anthropology, Archaeology, Ethnology.* iii, 30. (With an Asst.)
[R] Somatology. iii, 15, F.-Jun.
[R] Somatology (adv). Research—?



9 Graduate Students, 1897-8.


Sidney Sherwood, Assoc. Prof. of Pol. Econ.
Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, ’91.

Legal Aspects of Economics. ii, 15, O.-F.
Corporations and Economics. ii, 15, F.-My.
Econ. Conference. ii, 30.
Economic Theory. ii. 30.
Economics (adv).* ii, 15, O.-F.


Jacob H. Hollander, Assoc. in Economics.
Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, ’94.

Development of Economic Theories. ii, 15, O.-F.
Financial Hist. of U. S. ii, 15, F.-My.
Economics (adv)*. ii, 15, F.-My.
Current Congressional Happenings.* i, 30.



2 Graduate Students, 1897-8.

Hopkins Railway Library, about 10,000 vols.; Transportation, Railway History, Economics, and Law.


Amos G. Warner, Prof, of Applied Economics.
B.L., Nebraska, ’85; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, ’88;
Prof,of Pol. Econ., Nebraska, ’87-’91.

[Corporate Industry.* iii, 15, S.-D.]
[Personal Economics.* ii, 15, S.-D.]
Seminary. (With Ross and Durand.) ii, 32.


Edward A. Ross, Prof. of Sociology.
A.B., Coe Col., ’86; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, ’91;
Prof. of Econ. and Social Science, Indiana, ’91-2; Assoc. Prof. of Pol. Econ, and Finance, Cornell, ’92-3.

[Economic Theory (adv). ii, 15, S.- D.]
[Sociology.* iii, 32.]


Mary R. Smith, Asst. Prof. of Social Sci.
Ph.B., Cornell, ’80, and M.S., ’82; Ph.D., Stanford, ‘96;
Instr. in Hist. and Econ., Wellesley, ’86- ’90.

[Statistics and Sociology.* iii, 17, Ja.-My.]


Edward D. Durand, Asst. Prof. of Finance and Administration.
A.B., Oberlin, ’93; Ph.D., Cornell, ’96;
Legislative Librarian, N. Y. State Library, ’96-7; Student, Berlin, ’97.

Practical Economic Questions.* iii, 17, Ja.-My.



10 Graduate Students, 1897-8.


Henry C. Adams, Prof, of Pol. Econ. and Finance.
A.B., Iowa Col., ’74; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, ’78;
Lect., Johns Hopkins, and Cornell; Statistician to Interstate Commerce Commission: Special Expert Agent on Transportation, 11th Cens.; Director of Economics, School of Applied Ethics.

[Devel. and Significance of Eng. Pol. Econ. iii, 6, O.-N.]
Devel. and Significance of Hist. School of Econ. iii, 6, O.-N.
[Devel. and Significance of Austrian School of Econ. iii, 6, O.-N.]
Relations of the State to Industrial Action. iii, 6, F.-Mar.
[Labor Organizations and Corporations as Factors in Industrial Organization. iii, 6, F.-Mar.]
History of Industrial Society.* ii, 17, O.-F.
Transportation Problems. iii, 17, F.- Jun.
Sem. Economics. ii, 17, O.-F.


F. M. Taylor, Junior Prof. of Pol. Econ. and Finance.
A.B., Northwestern, ’76, and A.M., ‘79; Ph.D., Mich., ’88;
Prof. of Hist. and Politics, Albion, ’79-’92.

Hist. and Theory of Money and Banking.* ii, 17. O.-F.
Hist. of Pol. Econ. ii, 17, F.-Jun.
Principles of Finance.* ii, 17, F.-Jun.
Sem. Economics. ii, 17, F.-Jun.
Socialism.* ii, 17; F.-Jun.
[The Value of Money, Theory, and Statistics. iii, 6, O.-N.]
[The Standard of Value. iii, 6, N.-D.]
Paper Money. iii, 6, O.-N.
[Social Philos., with spec. ref. to Econ. Probs. iii, 6, F.-Mar.]
[Credit as a factor in Production. iii, 6, Mar.-Ap.]
The Agricult. Problem. iii, 6, Mar.-Ap.


C. H. Cooley, Instr. in Sociology.
A.B., Mich., ’87; Ph.D., same, ’94.

Principles of Sociology.* iii, 17, O.-F. Problems, F.-Jun.
Sociology (adv).* ii, 17, F.-Jun.
Histor. Devel. of Sociolog. Thought. iii, 6, Ja.-F.
Nature and Process of Social Change. iii, 6, My.-Jun.
[Aims and Methods in Study of Society. iii, 6, Ja.-F.]
Social Psychology. iii, 6, My.-Jun.
[Current Changes in Social Organization of U. S. iii, 6, My.-Jun.]
[Theory of Population. iii, 6, Ja.-F.]
Theory of Statistics.* i, 34.
Special Studies in Statistics.* ii, 17, F.-Jun.



26 Graduate Students, 1897-8.


William W. Folwell, Prof. of Pol. Science.
A.B.,Hobart, ’57; A.M., ’60; LL.D., ’80;
Prof. Math., Hobart, ’59-’61; Prof. Math. and Engineering, Kenyon Col., ‘69; Pres., Univ. of Minn., ’69-’84.

Pol. Sci. Sem. i, 36.
Individual Research. ii, 36.


Frank L. McVey, Instr. in Economics.
A.B., Ohio Wesleyan, ‘93; Ph.D., Yale, ‘95;
Instr. in Hist. Teachers’ College, N. Y., ’96.

Comparative Econ. Doctrine. ii, 36.
Economics.* iv, 13, S.-N.
Modern Industrialism.* iv, 12, Mar.-Jun.


Samuel G. Smith, Lecturer on Sociology.
A.B., Cornell Col., ’72; A.M.. and Ph.D., Syracuse, ’84; D.D., Upper Iowa Univ., ’86.

Social Sci.* iii, 12, Mar.-Jun.
Indiv. Research. i, 36.



3 Graduate Students, 1897-8.


F. C. Hicks, Prof, of Hist. and of Pol. Econ.
A.B., Univ. of Mich., ’86; Ph.D., same, ’90.

Economic History.* iii, 36.
Problems in Economics.* iii, 36.
Modern Financial Systems.* ii, 36.
Seminar. ii, 36



21 Graduate Students, 1897-8.


Frank M. Colby, Prof. of Economics.
A.B., Columbia, ’88, and A.M., ’89.

Practical Economics. ii, 24.
Economic Theory. ii, 24.
Hist. of Indust. Devel. ii, 30.


I. F. Russell, Prof. of Sociology, and of Law in N. Y. U. Law School.

A.M., N. Y. U., ‘78; LL.M., Yale, ‘79; D.C.L., Yale, ‘80; LL.D., Dickinson, ‘93;
Prof. Econ., and Const. Law, N. Y. U., ’80-’93.

[Intro. to Sociology. ii, 30.]
Principles of Sociology. ii, 30.



6 Graduate Students, 1897-8.


John H. Gray, Prof. of Political and Social Science.
A.B., Harv., ‘87; Ph.D., Halle, ‘92;
Instr. in Econ., Harv., ’87-9.

Administration. ii, 36.
[Finance.* ii, 36.]
Seminary.* ii, 36.


William Caldwell, Prof. of Moral and Social Philosophy.
A.M., Pass Degree, Edinburgh, ’84; A.M., and Honors of First Class, same, ’86;
Asst. Prof. of Philos., same, ’88-’90; Instr., Cornell, ’90-1; Instr., Chicago, ’92-4; Fellow, Edinburgh, ’86-’93, and Sc.D., ’93.

Seminary. Ethical Philos.* ii, 36.
Seminary. Sociology.* iii, 36.



12 Graduate Students, 1897-8.

Colwell Lib. of Pol. Econ., 7,000 vols. Carey Lib., valuable for economic history, including 3,000 Eng. pams. 1 Fel. $500 + tui; 1 Schol. in Hist. and Economics, $100 + tui.


Simon N. Patten, Prof. of Pol. Econ.
Ph.D., Halle.

Hist. of Pol. Econ. ii, 15, O.-F.
Recent Devel. of Pol. Econ. ii, 15, F.-My.
Relat. of Eng. Philos. to Econ. in 18th Cent. ii, 15, O.-F.
[Scope and Method of Pol. Econ. ii, 15, F.-My.]
[Pract. Applications of Econ. Theory. ii, 12, O.-F.]
Problems of Sociol. ii, 15, F.-My.
Special Topics. ii, 30.


Henry R. Seager, Asst. Prof. of Pol. Econ.
Ph.B., Mich., ‘90; Ph.D.. Univ. of Pa., ’94;
Instr. in Pol. Econ., same, ’94-6.

Econ. Conference. ii, 30.
Adv. Reading in Ger. and Fr. Economics. ii, 30.
Eng. Indust. Hist. and Devel. of Econ. Theory, 1750-1870. ii, 15, F.-My.


Emory R. Johnson, Asst. Prof. of Transportation and Commerce.
B.L., Univ. of Wis., ‘88; M.L., same, ’91; Fel. in Econ., Univ. of Pa., ’92-3; Ph.D., same, ‘93;
Lect. on Transporta., same, ’93-4; Instr., same, ’94-6; Instr. in Econ., Haverford, ’93-6.

Theory of Transportation. i, 30.
[Am. Railway Transportation. ii, 30. ]
Transportation Systems of the United Kingdom and Germany. i, 30.
Hist. of Commerce since 1500. 1, 30.


Roland P. Falkner, Assoc. Prof. of Statistics.
Ph.B., Univ. of Pa.. ’85; Ph.D., Halle, ‘88;
Instr. in Statistics, ’88-’91.

Intro. to Statistics. ii, 15, O.-F.
Statistics of Econ. Problems. ii, 15, F.-My.
Hist. and Theory of Statistics. ii, 15, O.-F.
Statistical Organization. ii, 15, F.-My.


Samuel McC. Lindsay, Asst. Prof. of Sociol.
Ph.B., Univ. of Pa., ’89; Ph.D., Halle, ’92.

Theory of Sociol. (2 yr. course). ii, 30.
Social-Debtor Classes. ii, 30.
Sociol. Field Work. ii, 30.
Seminary. ii, 30.



5 Graduate Students, 1887-8.
1 Fellowship, $500.


Winthrop M. Daniels, Prof. of Pol. Econ.
A.B., Princeton, ’88, and A.M., ’90;
Instr. Wesleyan, ’91-2.

Public Finance.* ii, 18, S.-Ja.
Hist. of Pol. Econ.* ii, 18, F.-My.


W. A. Wyckoff, Lect. on Sociology.
A.B., Princeton, ’88, and A.M., ’91.

Sociology.* ii, 18, F.-My.



4 Graduate Students, 1897-8.
[See Harvard Courses marked “[R]”.]

Seminary in Econ. (With Prof. Taussig and Asst. Prof. Cummings.)


W. J. Ashley.

[Med. Econ. Hist. of Europe.* iii,30.]


Dr. Cunningham, Trinity Col., Cam. Eng.

Industrial Revolution in Eng. in 18th and 19th Cents.* iii, 15, F.-Jun.


G. S. Callender.

Econ. Hist. of U. S.*


Edward Cummings.

Princ. of Sociol.* iii, 30.


Edward Cummings and John Cummings.

Soc. and Econ. Conditions of Workingmen.* iii, 30.


John Cummings.

Statistics, Theory, Methods, Practice.*

(Of last three courses, two only will be given in 1898-9.)


F. Russell.

Gen. Anthropol.* —?



2 Graduate Students, 1897-8.


Frederick W. Moore, Adj. Prof. of Hist. and Econ.
A.B., Yale, ’86, and Ph.D., ’90


Chas. F. Emerick, Asst. in Economics.
A.B., Wittenberg, ’89; Ph.M., Mich., ’95; Ph.D., Columbia, ’97.

Theory of Pol. Econ. Growth of Corporate Industry. iii, 32.
A Study of Socialism.* iii, 16.



o Graduate Students, 1897-8.


Katharine Coman, Prof. of Hist. and Pol. Econ.
Ph.B., Mich., ’80.

Indust. Hist. of U. S.* iii, 17, F.-Jun.
[Indust. Hist. of Eng.* iii, 17, S.-Ja.]
Statistical Study of Problems in the U.S. iii, 17, S.-Ja.


Emily Greene Balch, Instr. in Economics.
A.B., Bryn Mawr.

Socialism.* iii, 17, F.-Jun.
Evolution and Present Conditions of Wage Labor.* iii, 17, S.-Ja.
Social Economics.* iii, 17, S.-Ja.; also F.-Jun.



4 Graduate Students, 1897-8.

S. F. Weston, Assoc. Prof. of Pol. and Soc. Sci.
A.B., Antioch, ’79, and A.M., ’85; Asst. in Economics, Columbia, ’92-4.

Social Theories.* iii, 17, F.-Jun.
Pauperism and Charities.* iii, 17, F.-Jun.
Money and Banking.* iii, 17, F.-Jun.
U.S. Tariff and Revenue System. iii, 17, F.-Jun.
Economic History of England.* iii, 16, S.-Ja.
Economic History of United States.* iii, 16, S.-Ja.
The State.* iii, 16, S.-Ja.
Civil Government.* iii, 16, S.-Ja.
Social Problems.* iii, 17, F.-Jun.
Economic Theories. iii, 36.



24 Graduate Students, 1897-8.

Location at State capital gives special facilities for studying the State’s activities and methods of administration. Field work in charitable and correctional institutions in Madison and Chicago. Opportunity for continuous practical work during summer months.


Richard T. Ely, Prof. of Pol. Econ. and Director of the Sch. of Econ., Pol. Science and Hist.
A.B., Columbia, ’76; Ph.D., Heidelberg, ‘79; LL.D., Hobart, ’92;
Chair of Pol. Econ., Johns Hopkins, ’81-’92.

Distribution of Wealth. iii, 72, S.-Jun. (This course is to run through ’98- ’99, and ’99-1900.)
Public Finance. iii, 18, S.-F.
Taxation and Am. Public Finance. iii, 18, F.-Jun.
[Social Ethics. ii, 18, S.-F.]
[Socialism. ii, 18, S.-F.
Economic Seminary. Recent Devel. of Econ. Theory. ii, 36. (With Prof. Scott and Dr. Jones.)


William A. Scott, Prof. of Econ. Hist. and Theory.
A.B., Rochester, ‘86; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, ’92.
Prof. Hist. and Pol. Econ., Univ. So. Dak., ’87-’90; Instr. in Hist., Johns Hopkins, ’91-2;

[Theories of Value. ii, 18, S.-F.]
Theories of Rent, Wages, Profits, and Interest. ii, 36, S.-F.
[Theories of Production and Consumption. ii, 18, F.-Jun.]
Classical Economists. iii, 18, F.-Jun.


Edward D. Jones, Instr. in Econ. and Statistics.
B.S., Ohio Wesleyan Univ., ’92; Halle and Berlin, ’93-4; Ph.D., Univ. of Wisconsin, ’95.

Economic Geography. ii, 18, S.-F.
Statistics. iii, 18, F.-Jun.
Charity and Crime. iii, 18, S.-F.


Balthasar H. Meyer, Instr. in Sociol. and Transportation.
B.L., Univ. of Wis., ’94; Berlin, ’94-5; Fel. Univ. of Wis., ’95-7; Ph.D., Univ. of Wis., ’97.

Elements of Sociology.* iii, 18, S.-F.
Psychological Sociologists.* ii, 18, S.-F.
Modern Sociological Thought. iii, 18, F.-Jun.
Transportation. ii, 18, F.-Jun.


Frank C. Sharp, Asst. Prof. of Philos.
A.B., Amherst, ’87; Ph.D., Berlin, ’92.

Social Ethics. ii, 18, F.-Jun.
Readings in Ger. Social Philos. ii, 18, S.-F.



43 Graduate Students, 1897-8.

Pol. Science Club meets fortnightly. Club Room with Library for Graduate Students.


W. G. Sumner, Prof. of Pol. and Soc. Sci.
A.B., Yale, ’63; LL.D., Tenn., ’84.

Anthropology. ii, 32.
Systematic Societology. ii, 32.
[Indust. Rev. Renaissance Period. ii,32.]
[Begin. of Indust. Organization. ii,32.]
Science of Society.* (German.) ii, 32.


H. W. Farnam, Prof. of Pol. Econ.
A.B., Yale, ’74; R.P.D., Strassburg, ’78.

[Pauperism. ii, O.-D.]
Modern Organiza. of Labor. ii, 20, Ja.-Jun.]
Princs. Pub. Finance. ii, 32.


A. T. Hadley, Prof. of Pol. Econ.
A.B., Yale, 76, and A.M., ’87.

Econ. Problems of Corporations. i, 32.
Relat. between Econ. and Ethics. ii, 32.
Railroad Transportation.* ii, 32.


A. T. Hadley and Irving Fisher.

Economics (gen. course).* iii, 32.


W. F. Blackman, Prof. of Christian Ethics.
A.B., Oberlin, ’77; D.B., Yale, ’80; Ph.D., Cornell, ’93.

Social Science. ii, 32.
Lit. of Social. ii, 12, O.-D.
Soc. Study of Family. i, 12, O.-D.
Soc. Teach. and Influence of Christianity. i, 32.


J. C. Schwab, Asst. Prof. of Pol. Science.
A.B., Yale, ’86, and A.M., ’88; Ph. D., Göttingen, ’89.

Finance. ii, 32.
U.S. Indust. Hist. ii, 32.
U.S. Financial Hist. i, 32.
Finances of Confed. States, 1861-65. i, 32.


Irving Fisher, Asst. Prof. of Pol. Econ.
A.B. Yale, ’88, and Ph.D., ’91.

Principles of Economics (adv). ii, 32.
Statistics. ii, 20, Ja.-Jun.
Vital Statistics and Life Insurance. ii, 12, O.-D.


Source:  Graduate Courses 1898-99: A Handbook for Graduate Students. (6th edition). (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1899), pp. 80-90.